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Operating Manual
Mod. 6706 Rev.2
Doc.: IY21073-12816
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Issue/rev.: 1

Operator's Manual

Object: Supervision and control system for the VETICLAL-LADLE oven

Written by:
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Name/First name Title/Qualification Signature/Signature At your place/Date Company/Society

Checked by:
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User/Final user
Contractor/Customer Saldotecnica Europe Srl
Vendor/Supplier Eurotherm Srl
Jobs/Clerk IY21073
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Operating Manual
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Doc.: IY21073-12816
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Issue/rev.: 1

1 Content
1 Content................................................. .................................................. ........................................... Index of
2 revisions .................... .................................................. .................................................. ..................
3 Introduction............................... .................................................. .................................................. ...... System
4 description ........................................... .................................................. ........................... Operator
5 interface .................................... .................................................. .................................................. ..

User/Final user
Contractor/Customer Saldotecnica Europe Srl
Vendor/Supplier Eurotherm Srl
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2 Index of revisions

Issue Description At your place Approved

Revision Description Date Approved

1 First issue 09/14/2023

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Contractor/Customer Saldotecnica Europe Srl
Vendor/Supplier Eurotherm Srl
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Issue/rev.: 1

3 Introduction
This document is the operator's manual for the Eurotherm control system for the control and
management of the VETICLAL-LADLE oven created for Saldotecnica Europe Srl.

This document describes the operator interface developed by Eurotherm and its use. Aspects
related to the process and the way it is conducted are excluded from this document.

4 System description
The unit is controlled through the following functions:
• Control loop;
• Setpoint Programmer;
• Data acquisition;
• Operator interface.

These functions are achieved through control tools (hardware and software).

In particular, the system includes:

- A Eurotherm PLC Model EPLC400 16 SLOT I/0, with the relevant I/O cards;
- AI2-TC/AI3-mA/AO2/D I16/DI16/DO16/RLY8/NONE;
- One Pro-Face Model HMI panel;
- the hardware necessary for the operation of the system (power supplies, network switches, electrical

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Issue/rev.: 1

5 Operator interface

The main operator interface consists of the Pro-Face HMI panel

All the graphic pages occupy the central part of the monitor, while the upper part (Header) and the
lower part (Footer) are fixed and contain some information and some general use commands.

5.1 Graphic page headers

This part is present on all pages.

The top of the screen has the following structure.

Saldotecnica logo Alarms Banner Date and time

Alarm Summary

Saldotecnica logo Pressing the logo brings up the main page

Alarms Banner The Banner area shows the latest active and/or unacknowledged alarms
present in the system.
In addition to the description of the alarm, the date and time are reported,

Date and time During online operation of the system, the date and time of the
panel PC are indicated.

Alarm summary Button for calling up the general alarm summary page.

This page shows all the alarms of all the groups, active or not
recognized, present in the system.

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Contractor/Customer Saldotecnica Europe Srl
Vendor/Supplier Eurotherm Srl
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5.2 Graphic page footer

The bottom of the screen has the following structure.

The function of the various keys is indicated in the following tables.

5.3 Function keys

This form displays the user currently logged into the system.

Pressing the word user opens the form to log in again.

Button that calls up the system homepage.

This button is used to acknowledge alarms in the banner.

This button is used to open the temperature profile/curve creation

page, and can only be viewed at admin level.

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Contractor/Customer Saldotecnica Europe Srl
Vendor/Supplier Eurotherm Srl
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This button opens the setpoint programming page, where it is possible

to select and load a previously created temperature profile/curve and
monitor the trend over time.

This key opens the page with the PID control parameter settings.

This button opens the burner settings page.

This button is a diagnostic page of the PLC cards.

This button opens the page with the temperature graph.

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Contractor/Customer Saldotecnica Europe Srl
Vendor/Supplier Eurotherm Srl
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5.4 Homepage

All the indications of the state the system is in, temperature, setpoint, process sequence are
displayed on the Homepage. The status of the 5 burners, the result of the leak test and the loaded
temperature profile.

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5.5 Alarm Summary

Alarm summary, can be accessed at any time by pressing the alarm bell on the panel header. The
summary shows the active alarms in the system, together with the date and time they occurred.

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Contractor/Customer Saldotecnica Europe Srl
Vendor/Supplier Eurotherm Srl
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5.6 Login Page

By pressing on the word "USER" at the bottom left of the page, the Login page opens. To have full
access to the pages and functions of the system it is necessary to log in at administrator level.

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Contractor/Customer Saldotecnica Europe Srl
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5.7 Homepage

By pressing the blue “LOG IN” button, a popup will appear where you can enter your credentials and log
in at admin level.

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5.8 Login Successful

If the login was successful, this page will be displayed.

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5.9 Homepage

By returning to the homepage it is possible to reset the leak test.

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5.10 Homepage Enable

On the Homepage it is possible to view whether all the necessary conditions are met for the oven
heating to be turned on, by pressing the "ENABLE" button at the top left. The verified conditions
are highlighted in green.

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5.10 Interlock Homepage

On the Homepage it is possible to view whether all the interlock conditions of the oven heating
logics have been verified by pressing the "ITCK" button at the top left. Active conditions are
highlighted in red with IN to the right of the line.

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5.4 Setpoint Programmer

If the logged in user has Admin privileges, then it is possible to access the temperature profile
creation page.
Up to 20 configurable segments are available in Step/ramp/soak mode (RAMP/DWELL) Using the
Insert buttons. The segment is created, to which it is then necessary to assign the type
(Temperature_Type) which can be of 4 types:
- RAMP_TIME time ramp, by setting this type of segment it is possible to set the time needed to
reach the indicated setpoint.
- RAMP_RATE ramp with gradient, it is possible to set the °C gradient per second with which the
temperature set point will vary until the set point is reached.
- DWELL by setting this type of segment the temperature set point remains firm and therefore in
stasis at the value set in the previous segment for the time set in temperature duration.
- STEP this type of segment it is possible to vary the set point compared to the previous segment
without any gradient.

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Contractor/Customer Saldotecnica Europe Srl
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5.4 Setpoint Programmer Creation

For all types of segments, it is possible to activate Holdback; this function freezes the segment
chronometer if the temperature value goes outside the set limits. It is possible to set three types of
holdback, the HIGH type freezes the time of the segment if the PV of the temperature exceeds the
set point of the set holback value, the LOW type freezes the time in the same way if the PV is below
the set point, the BAND type considers the threshold both above and below the setpoint.

Once you have finished creating the temperature profile, it can be saved with a name using the
SAVE (Floppy disk) button at the bottom left and subsequently recalled.

You can create multiple different temperature profiles and then decide which one to run.

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5.4 Load Setpoint

Through this page, it is possible to select a previously created temperature profile from the drop-
down menu at the top, and subsequently execute it (LOAD button), terminate it (UNLOAD) or even
delete it DELETE.

Once a profile is launched, the cycle time is activated and the temperature graph begins to be
generated runtime.

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Using this page you need to set the proportional band, integral and derivative time PID
parameters. It is possible to perform an autotune during the heating cycle, it may take several
minutes after which the PLC automatically assigns the parameters calculated by an algorithm.

It is possible to view and modify the operating mode of the temperature loop, Automatic Manual,
when the temperature profile is in LOAD, the PID is put in REMOTE mode, in this mode the setpoint
cannot be modified manually but is set automatically by the PLC in based on the set temperature
it is also possible to set the maximum and minimum setpoint thresholds and the cutback.

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There are four settings pages from which it is possible to set burner adjustment parameters.
Specifically, the minimum and maximum opening and closing percentages of the valves of each

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From this page it is possible to set the opening percentage of the burner valves during the ignition
phase, the maximum number of burner restart attempts following faults, after which the burner
must be reset manually.
The discrepancy time between the valve opening percentage set by the PLC and that detected by
the positioners, after which the alarm is generated. feature that can be disabled.

And enabling manual fan or burner start.

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From this page you can set in order: the maximum

number of LeakTest attempts,
the minimum number of burners needed to start the cycle,
the washing time,
the warm up time,
the time within which the flame must be detected,
the duration of the leak test within which the acceptable pressure delta must be reached,
the time within which the combustion air fan must provide feedback, the maximum error
percentage of the modulating valve positioner,
the maximum combustion chamber temperature alarm,
the maximum duration of the leak test,
the delay filter for minimum air pressure switch, the
delay filter for minimum gas pressure switch.

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From this page it is possible to set the delay when turning on the recuperator fans, if enabled, and
the duration of the maintenance mode if activated.

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The system has six maintenance pages, on each page the number of the I/O module is indicated
which identifies the position of the module in the rack (e.g. Card 1 identifies module 1 of the PLC).

Under each module there is an indication of the channels and instruments connected to it, furthermore the
indication of the channel status. If no faults are detected, a green dot is displayed, which turns red in the event
of an electrical fault on the channel.

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From this page it is possible to view the temperature graph, it is possible to view the historical data
stored in the memory by moving with the cursors and arrows at the bottom of the page.

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From this page it is possible to view runtime temperature graphs, but without the possibility of
viewing data back in time.

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By pressing the "USB" button at the bottom right of the trend page, you can access this page
where you can manually activate or deactivate the storage of temperature graphs on a USB device
inserted into the PLC port.

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