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Timing and subtitles brought to you by The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

Hot Girl

- Episode 1 -

Our Youth Union has been established for nearly a year.

Today, we must determine a leader.

- Do you agree?
- Yes!

Liang Dawei,

you really want to compete with our Guan Xiaodi?

How is this Guan Xiaodi better than me?

The "undefeatable goddess." She's better than you at everything.

We can only confirm that after competing.

Undefeatable Goddess? That's because she hasn't met me yet.

- How many times have you challenged me before?

- It's my fifth time.

If you like fighting so much, join our Youth Union Club.

Not interested.

Then, why are you challenging me?

To defeat you.

I'll only give you ten minutes. I have another challenger afterwards.

You talk too much.

Is Guan Xiaodi coming or not?

Look at the time. Is she afraid?

Xiaodi wouldn't fear you. You just wait.

- Why is Xiaodi still not here?

- I don't know.

She's not responding to any of my texts.

Why are you texting her at this time? Call her!

Give it to me.

I'll give you five more minutes.

The victor is not decided yet.


What did Guan Xiaodi say?

Did she pick up the phone?

- No.
- What's wrong? She's afraid to come?

You can't wait to lose?

In five more minutes, it'll be past our competition time frame.

If she's still not here by then,

it means she forfeits. I will be the leader of the Youth Union.

You want our Xiaodi to give up? No way!

It's fine if you compete in her place, too.

Riding a jet ski?

I don't know how.

Then, there's no other solution.

Emma, haven't you ridden those before?

I can only play around with them. If it's a competition, I...

Counting down from five minutes.

Xiaodi, where are you?

Liang Dawei's only giving you five minutes.

If you don't come, he'll become the leader!


I still have other plans today.

No. A winner hasn't been determined yet.

Looks like you won't let me leave if I don't defeat you today.

Then, bring it on.

Enough, enough.

Emma, go on.

I'll take the picture for you. Come to this side.

Hey, is Guan Xiaodi coming or not?

Is the time up yet?


That means no.

You'll lose, anyway. What's the hurt in waiting a little longer?

All you girls do everyday is take selfies and pictures.

You won't understand our universe.

I'm posting something on Weibo. Remember to like my post.

I'm sorry, time's up.

Wait a little longer. Soon. She'll be here soon.

I won't wait past the time.

Xiaodi's call.

Hello, Xiaodi? Where are you?

I'm still at AK. We've finished. I'm coming now.

Hurry up. I can't drag this out much longer.

I'll be there in fifteen minutes. No, ten minutes will be enough.

Tell Liang Dawei to wait.

Okay. I got it.

- What did she say?

- She'll be here soon.

Wait a little longer. Xiaodi is coming very soon.


Then, I'll make an exception and give her three more minutes. After that,

if she doesn't come,

I'll be the leader of the Youth Union.

No way.

Give me the keys.


If it wasn't because of you, I wouldn't have wasted this much time.


A winner hasn't been decided yet. When will we compete again?

We'll determine that after I defeat Liang Dawei.


♫ Fighting day. ♫

Hello? Where are you?

I just passed Zhonghai Road.

Liang Dawei said if you don't come, he'll be the leader of the Youth Union.

Should I help you hold him off for a while?

You're no match for him. Drag it out for five more minutes.

♫ If you have dreams, don’t hesitate ♫

♫ Bravely facing challenges is your attitude ♫

♫ Bid farewell to yesterday’s blankness. Paint today full of color ♫

♫ Welcome a new, beautiful future ♫

♫ Don’t waste your wonderful youth ♫

♫ Don’t be sad. Stand up. While you’re young, don’t fear failure ♫

What are you looking at?

♫ Fighting day, fighting day. Today is a chance ♫

♫ We decided to never speak of failure ♫

- I want ice cream.

- Okay.

♫ Fighting day ♫

♫ Charge forward together ♫


Thank you, sister.

You're welcome.

♫ Loudly yell out. If you have dreams, don’t hesitate ♫

♫ Bravely facing challenges is your attitude ♫

♫ Bid farewell to yesterday’s blankness. Paint today full of color ♫

♫ Welcome a new, beautiful future ♫

♫ Don’t waste your wonderful youth ♫

♫ Don’t be sad. Stand up. While you’re young, don’t fear failure ♫

♫ We should bask under the bright sun together ♫

♫ Fighting day, fighting day. Today is a chance ♫

That's so impressive!
♫ We decided to never speak of failure ♫

- So impressive!
- So great!

So beautiful!

♫ Bravely facing challenges is your attitude ♫

♫ Bid farewell to yesterday’s blankness. Paint today full of color ♫

♫ Welcome a new, beautiful future ♫

♫ Don’t waste your wonderful youth. ♫

- Liang Dawei.
- If you leave, it means you're afraid.

If Xiaodi said she'd be here, she will.

- That's right.
- Where is she?

Starting now, the leader of the Youth Union is me.

With me, Guan Xiaodi, here, don't even think about it.

I put a bottle of beer up ahead.

Whoever gets the beer will be the winner.

It's not too late to admit defeat now.

So immature.

Let's go.



Why does my neck hurt so much?


Okay, let's go.

- Ready...
- Wait, wait.

Is the life jacket strapped on correctly? Safety first.

Okay, let's go.


Will you stop it?

I wanted to ask if you're ready.

I've been ready for a long time!

Then, begin! What are you waiting for?

- Let's go. Hurry.

- I—



Timing and subtitles brought to you by The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki


So? Is the water cool, buddy?

Guan Xiaodi, you cheated!

There are no excuses for success. People who find excuses are destined to fail.

Stay here. I'm leaving. Bye bye!


Guan Xiaodi, female, 19 years old

Personal information

Xiaodi! Look!



I knew you'd win!

Of course. When have I ever lost before? I'm not the Undefeatable Goddess for

Undefeatable Goddess! Yay!

Guan Xiaodi, this competition didn't count.

- Why?
- She cheated!

- Did you create this contest?

- Yes.

- Did you set the time and location?

- Yes.
- Did you set the contest rules?
- Yes.

You decided everything, but you blame me for your loss. Are you even a man?

- I—
- What about you? Don't stutter, okay?

If you're not satisfied, come find me later.

Here. Have some beer to calm yourself down.

- Bye bye.
- Bye bye!

You— Guan Xiaodi, you just wait!

What are you looking at? Let's go!

Why are you doing this?

So sentimental.

It smells pretty good.

You're very happy to see me, right?

Little Di,

open your mouth.

- Hello?
- I don't have time.

I didn't even say what I wanted yet.

I don't have time for anything. I already said, I'm secluding myself and not
welcoming any guests.

Pink Panther, how many days have you been in your house?

401 days.

401 days?

Are you trying to break the Guinness World Record? Can you come out for some fresh

I don't need it.

You're losing touch with real life society.

Losing touch with what? What's the use of real life society?

If I have the internet, I can do anything. I don't need real life.

Your current condition is called Internet Addiction Disorder.

This is a disorder, so it needs treatment. I have the medication. Want some?

You're the sick one! I'm fine; don't worry.

I really don't know what you do at home all day.

I'm currently leading the Chinese internet-addicted youth

to defeat those foreign unethical dealers.

I have to manage 88 unions alone. While I'm chatting with you,

I've sent out 400,005,000 gold coins.

I don't believe that I can't defeat them.

I don't know what you're talking about.

These days, you've always been robbing the rich to help the poor. Do you really
think this is the Matrix?

We still need to fight to the end, right?

What's wrong? Are you bored today?

Kind of.

Miss, I already said,

you need to face many things alone.

Beautiful girl, good luck.

You, too. Good luck with your battles. Goodbye.

Is your friend okay?

She's fine. She's always like this.

It's called, "No Zuo, No Die." (Chinese internet meme)

Those looks. That body shape.

You like her?

Am I that shallow?

What's her profession?

Her name is Ma Li, a model.

Nanqing's number one model?!

- Introduce me to her.
- Why?

Don't overthink it.

I want to drag her into our Youth Union.

No way.


Guan Xiaodi can invite pretty girls, but I can't?

Then, why do you hang out with me?

Because we have a common enemy.

That's still Guan Xiaodi.

I heard you competed with her in a jet ski race today. You lost, right?

That's because she cheated and knocked me into the ocean.

You lost even in jet ski-riding? What can you even do?

I won't lose next time. I plan to challenge her again tomorrow.

If you lose again, you'll be totally ruined.


Little kid, scram.

Get lost!


Liang Dawei.

Hey, tomboy.

Ju Liang,

why are you always with them?

They're Guan Xiaodi's friends. Who else would I be hanging out with?

Why are you always following Guan Xiaodi?

Liang Dawei, you just lost to Guan Xiaodi today. Now that she's not here,

you're openly stealing her follower. Is this a good idea?

Ju Liang,

join us.

- Not interested.
- You—

Do you think you can steal Ju Liang away from Guan Xiaodi?

Sooner or later, I will defeat her.

Are there more opening spots in that L.H.S.D. selection event?

Yes! Of course.

When's the specific time?

I'm not sure yet.

Are you really interested?

Of course. I've been looking for a job lately. I need to earn money for the family.

But L.H.S.D. is the nation's top bodyguard program.

It's not easy to make it in.

If it's as great as you claim, of course, I must try.

I heard the selection will be in the form of a training camp.

You can join L.H.S.D. only after passing the training camp.

What L.H.S.D.? What training camp? Is it fun?

It's more than fun! It's exhilarating!

Miss, just focus on being a model.

I also want in.


Then, we're going home now. If you have any news, tell me immediately.

Don't worry.

- Stop messing around. Let's leave.

- I also want to join!

- Let's go!
- Okay.

My defeated opponent, did you miss me?

I'm wanting to vanquish you.

Then, that's a rather daunting task.

Do you dare to compete against me again?

Even if we compete ten more times, the result will be the same. Why find pain for

If you win again,

I'll admit you're the Undefeatable Goddess, and I'll obey your every word.

You said that yourself, okay?

What if you lose?


If you lose, I'll be the leader of Youth Union.

Okay. That's a promise.

What do you want to compete in?

Same rules apply: You decide the time, location, and event.

Don't regret your decision.

Don't worry. You'll definitely lose.

When have I not won before?

Father calling

Okay, I can't speak with you anymore. I must video chat with my dad.

Send me the location and event after you've decided.


Daughter, did you receive the flowers?


Look at what you bought me. What flowers are these?

Do you think they suit me? They're so old-fashioned.

Remember that your mom's death anniversary is in two days.

Remember to deliver the flowers to her.

Daughter, what are you thinking about?

It's nothing. I got it.

Then, rest early. It's so late. Come back soon!

Miss you!

Bye bye!




Hey, I thought you were afraid to come.

Me, afraid?

I'm afraid you'd lose too miserably. People haven't dueled with me for over a year.
You're quite bold.
Then, I'm honored to be the first.

You'll only be my next defeated opponent.

- Slow down!
- Wait for me!

Thank you.

Why did you run?

Yang Yang, you can't run around like that again.

What if that elevator door had closed?

Then, we'll wait for the next elevator to come.

Wrong. What if the door had closed on you? That's very dangerous.

It won't happen. Brother protected me and helped hold open the door.

Thank you. See? Brother was able to protect you just now.

What should you say to him?

Thank you, brother!

Yang Yang, you must listen to your mom.

Protect yourself, okay?


Thank you.

- Say goodbye to that brother.

- Goodbye, brother!

Kuohai, long time no see.

It's very important to me that you came today.

You set up such a large program in Nanqing. How could I not come help?

Without the superiors' support, I wouldn't dare to do this.

Nanqing is our nation's gateway to the South China Sea.

It frequently makes exchanges with the economics, technology, and business


It's true that we need an organization like your L.H.S.D.

We want to establish L.H.S.D. in Nanqing.

We need newcomers.

Since they will become the security guards of the security system,
when picking newbies, you must be careful.

That's right. The L.H.S.D. selection isn't my only reason for coming to Nanqing
this time.

Do you remember the Seed Project I once mentioned to you?

You wanted to use L.H.S.D. to launch a training camp

to professionally train new talent for the country, didn't you?

You want to try that plan?

I want to recruit a batch of aspiring,

potential, and capable youth

born after 1990 or even 1995. I'll gather them together

and professionally train them into useful people for our country and society.

Very well. When do you intend to begin?

It's already begun.

That means, your training camp has been built at the location?

This time is different from before. This training camp is not surrounded by walls.

Training and selection can take place anytime and anywhere.

Not surrounded by walls?

That's a great idea.

Society is a large training field for us to pick from.

That's right.

But your standards must be high. Put quality before quantity.

Even if you produce even one, it'll be a great gain.

If this succeeds, it'll be greatly beneficial to Nanqing.

Don't worry. I'll be careful,

but I need your support in many aspects.

Don't worry about that.

Timing and subtitles brought to you by The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

I finished the game in one go. Do you admit defeat?

Stand there and watch.

Did you have fun today?

Yang Yang, look at this store. Let's go.

We'll go inside to see.

Sit here for a while.

Do you like it?

We've played eight rounds already. Whoever begins the game is the winner. Boring.

Whoever misses first will be the loser.

This was a sport of skill, but now it's become tiring.

Then, you're admitting defeat?

Admitting defeat?

Are you trying to blackmail me? What's the point?

That's true. There's no point in this.


You want to leave?

You're a man, yet you're always picking fights with a woman.

How about we compete in rock climbing?

Congratulations. You found another one of my specialties.

Continue bragging.

Do you know the Daofeng Rock Climbing Gym?

Nanqing's number one rock climbing gym? Of course, I do.

In that gym, there are tracks built according to the YDS difficulty system.

I know that. The lowest difficulty is 5.1, and medium is 5.6.

The highest difficulty is 5.9.

I hold the record for the 5.9 track. Three minutes and 45 seconds.

Brother, where are you taking me to play?

- We'll go to the amusement park, okay?

- Okay!

Hurry and get in the car!

Can you explain what's going on? Is he your enemy?

Have you seen, "Dearest?"

I'm not your "dear."

I'm talking about the movie.

Its main actors are Zhao Wei and Huang Bo.

Why are you mentioning this?

That guy up ahead is a human trafficker.

He's kidnapping a child.

How do you know he's a human trafficker?

Brother, where are you taking me to play?

These people are outrageous.

He dares to steal a child in broad daylight?

Of course, kidnapping is done in daylight.

The children are all asleep at night.

You think you're such an expert? Can you drive faster?

You want to escape from my grasp?

Sit tight.

Guan Xiaodi, hurry and come out! It's on fire!

I can't! Both the doors are locked! We can't get out!

Hurry and wake up!

- Protect the child!

- Wait.

Give her to me.

- Hurry.
- Take her away.

Come out!

Liang Dawei!

My foot is stuck, Liang Dawei!

Guan Xiaodi!

Liang Dawei!

I'm okay now.

Hurry and leave.

Why are you standing there?


- Are you two okay?

- We're fine.

I'm fine.

- Let's hurry and report it to the police.

- I already did.

Where's that child? Is she okay?

She should be fine.

Then, let's go check on her.

Thank you, uncle.

Oh. You're welcome.

Timing and subtitles brought to you by The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

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