Booklet 3 - Vla RD - Nueva Actualizacion Oct.

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Page Lesson Language Grammar Vocabulary

Lesson 1A What is your daily routine? Simple present and Daily Activities
Pages Meeting you What is your family doing present Family
6- 13 and your family in a common day? progressive Prepositions of
Adverbs of
Pages Lesson 1B Did something funny Past simple and Irregular past
14-21 Tell a fun happened to you? continuous verbs
anecdote! What were you doing When and while Past expressions
when that episode
Did you learn something
from that anecdote?
Pages Lesson 1C She usually wears jeans. Simple present and Clothing and
22-27 In fashion! I am wearing a black suit. present accessories
She is wearing a pink skirt. progressive Adjectives for


Page Lesson Language Grammar Vocabulary

Lesson 2A Lima is cleaner than Piura Comparative + Adjectives for
Pages My city is Quito is more modern than than cities/countries
1–6 more Vinces
than yours
Pages Lesson 2B Tokyo is the most crowded Superlative Adjectives for
7 - 11 It was my best city in the world. city life – country
day in that I am the tallest person in my life
city? family
Pages Lesson 2C She is as tall as her brother. Comparative Adjectives for
12 - 17 Ecuador is as He is as good a cook as his places
big as Burkina wife is!

Page Lesson Language Grammar Vocabulary
Lesson 3A The book, which is online, Relative Pronouns
Pages Electronics has all the information you who, that, which,
Devices need. whose, where and
Pages Lesson 3B Should people ask for Should - Advice or
I don’t know advice? Suggestion get
what to do
Pages Lesson 3C What should I be doing at Should + be +
Holidays my 20s? v(ing) Life issues


Page Lesson Language Grammar Vocabulary

Lesson 4A Describing an invention Will – Won’t Technology
Pages The future of that will change the world. Devices
6- 13 technology Inventions

Pages Lesson 4B Next year, I am going to Be going to – All Irregular past

14-21 Talking about lose weight. the forms. verbs
resolutions My New Year’s resolutions Past expressions
are …
Pages Lesson 4C Predicting the ending of Will vs Be going to Clothing and
22-27 Fortune telling stories – Mary and Gary accessories
will get married and have Adjectives for
two children. clothing


Page Lesson Language Grammar Vocabulary

Lesson 5A We are visiting the Empire Present Itinerary
Pages Trip to New state building tomorrow progressive for Plans
6- 13 York morning future Trips and
arrangement Holidays

Pages Lesson 5B I dream that one day people Future Continuous Dreams and
14-21 I have a dream will be talking with freedom ambitions
In 10 years, I will be studying At this time in 10
abroad years.

Pages Lesson 5c Let’s plan our trip A mix of future Traveling

22-27 A week in my Are you going to Galapagos tenses Plans
country! first?


The purpose of this project is to provide to learners of the English language, especially
at college level, a booklet to study and practice the four skills: listening, speaking,
reading, and writing in an online environment.

Truly all learners can study this booklet by themselves. Attending the classes online will
only mean the checkup (correction, reinforcement, or expansion) of the exercises given
especially by the instructor or English teacher.

This project is aimed at the community of the Technical University of Babahoyo,

especially its Languages Center (CENID).


All about you


Look at the pictures.

What does the first picture show?
What are the people in the second
picture doing? Do you like outfits in
picture 3? What topics do you think is the
unit about?


• To talk about a common day,

daily routine.

• To tell actions happening in the


• To difference present simple and


• To tell real stories in the past.

• To difference past simple and

• To describe clothing
LESSON 1A Meeting you and your family
Present simple vs Present Continuous

READING Adele’s life - daily activities


A. Match the pictures with the phrases from the box.

brush teeth, get dressed, wake up, get up, take a shower, have breakfast, work, study, go to sleep

1._________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. ______________________

4. _________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. _______________________

7. _________________________ 8. ___________________________ 9. _______________________

Read the text twice or
WORK WITH THE READING more. The first time to
get the main ideas.
Then, read it again for
Adele’s life - daily activities details.

B. Read the text carefully and answer the statements, true or false.

By Rosa Contreras

1. Adele gets up immediately after waking up. True False

2. Adele´s mother cooks breakfast. True False
3. Adele´s family are six people including her. True False
4. Adele brushes her teeth before breakfast. True False
5. Adele´s father drives the car to take everyone. True False
6. Adele and her sister have 6 hours of classes. True False
7. Adele and her sister work at the cinema. True False
8. Adele has a full-time job. True False
9. Adele´s sister is getting married. True False
10. According to the text, today is Friday. True False

GRAMMAR – Simple Present and Present Continuous

Simple Present Present Continuous

Routines, truth facts, scheduled
Use: Actions happening now

I am working very well

I/you/we/they work very well He/She/It is working very well
He/She/It works very well We/You/They are working very

I am not working very well

I/you/we/they don´t (do not)
He/She/It is not working very
work very well
Negative well
He/She/It doesn´t (does not)
We/You/They are not working
work very well
very well

Am I working very well?

Do I/you/we/they work well? Is he/she/it working very well?
Yes/No Question
Does he/she/it work very well? Are we/you/they working very
Where do you work? Where are you working?
Informative Question
Why does she work everyday? When is she working?
s-es /third person (he, she, it) ing
General: run -runs General: cook-cooking
ss/sh/ch/o/x -es
Spelling rules: kisses-washes-watches-goes-
Lie -Lying
Play - plays Study - studies
Every day, every week, always,
sometimes, often, seldom, rarely, Now, right now, at the moment,
Time expressions generally, never, occasionaly, this week, today, tonight,
once a day, twice a day, three currently, nowadays
times a day

GRAMMAR – Prepositions of time AT – ON – IN

C. Complete with prepositions of time in – on – at.

1. Mary wore a witch costume …….. Halloween.

2. I have English classes …….. Tuesdays.
3. My dad comes home …….. lunchtime.
4. The children like to go to the park …….. the morning.
5. Henry's birthday is ……... November.
6. Lots of people go shopping …….. Christmastime.
7. Justin Bieber was born …….. March 1, 1994.
8. Leaves turn red, gold and brown …….. Autumn.
9. My friends like to go the movies …….. Saturdays.
10.The pilgrims arrived in America …….. 1620.
11. My sister likes to watch TV …….. the evening.
12. Mum always reads stories …….. bedtime.
13. I like to watch the parade …….. Independence Day.
14. Hippies protested against the war …….. the 1960s.
15. We finished the marathon …….. the same time.


D. Make the present simple; positive, negative or question.

1) (Dave / drive to work every day)

2) (I / not / think you're right)

3) (Alan and I / have enough time)?

4) (Ana and Carl / write e-mails every day)?

5) (Peter / not / read the newspaper)

6) (where / I / come on Mondays)?

7) (what / you / do at the weekend)?

8) (you / not / drink much tea)

9) (how / John / travel to work)?

10) (The Simpsons / not / like vegetables)

11) (Mellissa / catch a cold every winter)

12) (you / speak English)?

13) (my nieces / take the bus / often)

14) (my nephew / not / walk to school)

15) (what / you / buy in the supermarket)?

16) (how / Mary / carry such a heavy bag)?

E. Make the present continuous; positive, negative or question.
1) (I / study at the moment)

2) (I / not / sleep well)

3) (you / play badminton tonight)?

4) (My dad and I / watch TV)

5) (Melany / not / work in Spain)

6) (Raul / not / wait for the bus)

7) (My aunt and I / not / go to the cinema tonight)

8) (you / read the newspaper)?

9) (I / not / live in Paris)

10) (Cecilia and Laura / study French)

11) (My grandparents / leave now)?

12) (my cousins / live in London)

13) (Danny / work / in a restaurant now)?

14) (I / not / meet my father at four)

15) (Gabriela / not / drink tea now)

16) (Henry / walk to school now)

Mike´s routine
F. Listen to Mike´s routine and complete the following text with the words in the box.

usually do go get up I´m not using

work I´m speaking don´t eat

Hi, I'm Mike and this is my daily routine. I 1…………….….. early every day, around 6:30 and I 2……………….… to
the gym for a work-out before I go to work. I 3………………… aerobic exercise for a while and then do some
weightlifting for maybe half an hour at the gym, then I'll return home, and as I 4…………..…….. from my home,
I turn on my computer and start working on what needs to be done. I usually skip breakfast and I'll work until
about 12:00 then I'll prepare lunch and have a fairly big lunch because I 5…………..…….. breakfast. Then after
lunch, I'll go back, continue working on Internet or whatever I have to do for work, until about 6:00 when I
usually start getting phone calls from friends of mine who live abroad and then in the evenings if
6……………………... my time doing things with the Internet or surfing the web, then 7……………………… to
people on the Internet or on my phone and that pretty much sums up my usual daily routine.

G. Write your daily routine using present simple, adverbs of frequency and prepositions
of time in – on – at.

H. Talk through an online session about:
o What are you doing tonight?
o What is your family doing in this moment?
o What are your friends doing this week?
Self-reflection questions:
• When an action is repeated at the present what tense do you use?
• When the action is done in the moment or near future what tense do you use?
• Do you think you can difference between present simple and present continuous?
LESSON 1B Tell a fun anecdote!
Past simple vs Past Continuous

READING No easy path to success


A. Label the pictures with the phrases from the box.

B. Match to make sentences

1. Today my son feels good,
2. That man climbed a. Robert cracked a rib.
3. Hard-work and effort is b. he was ill yesterday
4. The doctors of this area c. the path to success.
were trying to help d. of college to be an artist.
5. My son asked me how to e. a great businessman.
become f. drug-addicted guys that live in the
6. Leonardo DiCaprio got the street.
7. Because of an accident, g. upward for over two hours.
8. Cameron dropped out h. lead role in Titanic.

C. Read and answer the following question. According to the blue words, what tenses can
you recognize in this text?

D. Complete the following chart according to the verbs in blue color.

E. According to the reading, circle T for true or F for false.
1. Matt Damon was famous in the early 1990s. T F
2. He had to gain 40 pounds for his role as a drug-addicted soldier. T F
3. He got sick while making diet. T F
4. He broke a bone while filming. T F
5. He lost 30 pounds to play a businessman in The Informant. T F
6. Matt lived in the United States. T F
7. He left Harvard after getting a part in a film. T F
8. He won an Oscar for Good Will Hunting. T F
9. He had an excellent performance in Ocean’s 11. T F
10. Since his role in The Bourne Identity, his career went down. T F

Irregular past tense verbs

F. Write the past or infinitive form of the verbs. Memorize these verbs.
Infinitive form Past simple form 28 left
1 be was / were 29 lend
2 began 30 lost
3 blow 31 make
4 broke 32 met
5 bring 33 pay
6 built 34 rode
7 buy 35 run
8 caught 36 said
9 choose 37 see
10 came 38 sent
11 cut 39 steal
12 did 40 sang
13 draw 41 sit
14 drank 42 slept
15 drive 43 speak
16 ate 44 spent
17 fall 45 swim
18 felt 46 took
19 fight 47 teach
20 found 48 told
21 fly 49 think
22 forgot 50 throw
23 get 51 understood
24 had 52 wake
25 hide 53 wore
26 kept 54 win
27 know 55 wrote
GRAMMAR – Simple Past and Past Continuous

Simple Past Past Continuous

Finished actions in Actions in progress in
the past the past
I / He/She/It was
I/you/we/they / he
working very well
Affirmative / she / it worked
We/You/They were
very well
working very well
I / He/She/It was not
I/you/we/they / he
working very well
Negative / she / it didn´t (did
We/You/They were
not) work very well
not working very well
Was I / he/she/it
Did I/you/we/they
Yes/No working very well?
/ he / she / it work
Question Were we/you/they
working very well?
Where did you Where were you
Informative work? working?
Question Why did she work When was she
late? working?
ed-regular verbs ing
General: walk -
walked General: cook-cooking
like - liked
move - moved Sit-sitting
rip - ripped Begin-beginning
prefer - preferred
play - played Lie -Lying
study - studied Live-living
yesterday, last week, at that time, at that
ago, then, when moment, while, when,
Time (most of the time not as, meanwhile,
expressions always), just now, in
yesterday at 6 p.m., last
1999 Monday at 3 a.m.

G. Make the past simple; positive, negative or question.

1) I (not/drink) any beer last night.

2) What time (my son/get up) yesterday?

3) I (not/change) trains at Victoria.

4) My friends and I (wake up) very late.

5) What (David/give) his mother for Christmas?

6) I (receive) $1000 when my uncle died.

7) The children (not/use) the computer last night.

8) (Sarah/make) good coffee?

H. Make the past continuous; positive, negative or question.

1) Luis and Pablo (eat) chocolate at three o'clock.

2) John (play) tennis at three o'clock

3) Marissa (watch) TV at three o'clock.

4) My neighbor (use) the internet at three o'clock?

5) You (cook) lunch at three o'clock.

6) Erika and I (travel) to London at three o'clock.

7) The Browns (not/walk) in the garden when the murder happened.

8) Mr. Black (not/work) in his study when the murder happened.

GRAMMAR – Three different scenarios about Past simple and Past continuous

Scenario 1. An action in progress interrupted by another action in past


Scenario 2. Several actions in past simple, happening one after another.

I ate breakfast and then went to school

Scenario 3. Several actions in past continuous, happening at the same time.

I was doing homework while my mother was cooking

Past Future


I. Fill in the with the past simple or the past continuous to complete the story.

The Cabin in the Forest

One day, not long age, an old man ……………….. (walk) in the forest. Just as it ………………. (get
dark), he found himself in an unfamiliar part of the forest. He ……………….. (walk) for hours, but
he couldn´t find his way home.
Eventually, he ………………. (arrive) at a small old cabin. He ………………. (feel) very tired, so he
………………. (decide) to stay there for the night.
When he ………………. (get) closer to the cabin, he ………………. (see) that the door was opened.
Putting his head inside, he could see that the little cabin ………………. (be) completely empty,
but there was a bed that ………………. (look) comfortable, and a fire ………………. (burn) in the
fire place. The hunter ………………. (fall) onto the bed and decided to sleep there for the night.
When he ………………. (lie) on the bed, half-asleep, he ………………. (look) around and was
surprised to see that the walls were covered with paintings. They seemed to be family
portraits, all framed and painted in incredible detail. They seemed very realistic, and were all
extremely ugly. They ………………. (make) him feel extremely uncomfortable – it seem that
they ………………. (stare) straight at him. So he turned on his side so that he ………………. (face)
the wall, ………………. (pull) the blanket over his head and ………………. (go) to sleep.
When the hunter ………………. (wake up) in the morning, the forest birds ………………. (sing) and
the morning light ………………. (come) in through the windows. Then, as he ……………….(look)
at the cabin in the bright light, he ………………. (discover) something strange: there ……………….
(be)no family portraits on the walls of the cabin … only windows.

J. Watch and listen to the video about Eva´s story of survival. Circle the correct answer.

1. Eva got onto the Titanic with her grandparents. True False
2. The Titanic was very luxurious. True False
3. Eva's father didn't make any effort to get into a lifeboat. True False
4. There were enough lifeboats. True False
5. It was a cold night but the sea was peaceful. True False
6. The Titanic got broken into three pieces. True False
7. There was a lot of noise while people were drowning. True False
8. Eva separated from her mother until the next day. True False
9. The crew of the ship was rude while rescuing. True False
10. Eva still has nightmares about the Titanic. True False

K. Write a fun real anecdote using past simple and past continuous, try to use time
expressions to clarify your story.

L. Let’s interact in our online blackboard!
o Post your writing in Padlet or Moodle forum.
o Comment on your classmates’ stories and make questions
o Remember to use past simple and past continuous as much as you can.
o Interact with at least 2 classmates

Self-reflection questions:
• Do you know to tell a story in the past?
• Do you think you can difference between past simple and past continuous?

LESSON 1C In fashion!
Adjectives for describing clothing style

Clothing Verbs
Wear – carry
A. Write the correct letter in each picture. You wear clothes but you
carry things.
Put your clothes on / take
your clothes off.

A tights
B blouse
C pajamas
D sweater
E swimsuit
F pants
G t-shirt
H dress
I coat
J shorts
K suit
L skirt
M jeans
N bracelet
O earrings
P glasses
Q handbag
R sunglasses
S belt
T hat
U cap

Types of shoes
V boots
W trainers
X sandals
21 Y flip flops
Z high heels
B. Read the text carefully and complete the chart with the words in bold. Check the table
in detail for learning more clothing adjectives vocabulary.

By Rosa Contreras

Shape / Color/ Origin /

Opinion Size Age Material Purpose
temperature pattern style / fit
old-fashioned short warm new patterned tight denim sports
full-lenght long old pink hooded fur
extra large round white long sleeved lace
large heavy red sleeveless linen
big narrow brown V-neck lycra
tiny American silk
straight suede


General rule: Adjectives go before the noun we are describing.

This chart shows clearly the types of adjectives and the order they should be used: These
types of verbs follow this order:

1. Opinion
2. Size / length
3. Shape
4. Age
5. Color / pattern
6. Origin / style / fit
7. Material
8. Purpose

Some examples with clothes:

• Ana is wearing an ugly long white wool scarf.

• Pablo is wearing a wonderful new black leather jacket.
• Peter is wearing a lovely striped long sleeve cotton shirt.

1. He was wearing a ________ shirt. 11. Andrea had a ________ in her hair
dirty old flannel yesterday.
flannel old dirty nice yellow bow
old dirty flannel yellow nice bow
bow nice yellow
2. Pass me the ________ cups.
plastic big blue 12. She lost a ________ .
big blue plastic small white cat
big plastic blue cat small white
white small cat
3. All the girls fell in love with the ________
teacher. 13. I bought ________ oranges.
handsome new American great some big
American new handsome big great some
new handsome American some great big

4. I used to drive ________ car. 14. We met ________ people at the

a blue old German conference.
an old German blue very smart two
an old blue German two very smart
very two smart
5. He recently married a ________ woman.
young beautiful Greek 15. The clown was wearing a ________ hat.
beautiful young Greek big green-yellow
beautiful Greek young big green and yellow
yellow and green big
6. This is a ________ movie.
new Italian wonderful 16. The cookies that you ________ .
wonderful Italian new smell delicious baked
wonderful new Italian baked smell delicious
delicious smell baked
7. She is a ________ supermodel.
beautiful slim Brazilian 17. Is it ________ ?
Brazilian beautiful slim cold getting outside
slim Brazilian beautiful getting cold outside
getting outside cold
8. It's in the ________ container.
large blue metal 18. The course you are ________ .
blue large metal taking sounds interesting
blue metal large sounds interesting taking
interesting sounds taking
9. He sat behind a ________ desk.
big wooden brown 19. My uncle wore a ________ to the
big brown wooden wedding.
wooden big brown silk blue tie
tie blue silk
10. She gave him a ________ vase. blue silk tie
small Egyptian black
24 20. Have you met that _____ next door?
black Egyptian small
small black Egyptian cute boy new
cute new boy
new boy cute
D. Choose the right option.

1) A ________ coat.
a. long brown leather b. brown leather long c. brown long leather
2) A pair of ________ trousers.
a. blue denim expensive b. denim blue expensive c. expensive blue denim
3) A ________ jumper.
a. woolen green baggy b. baggy green woolen c. green baggy woolen
4) A ________ scarf.
a. white silk lovely b. lovely white silk c. silk lovely white
5) A ________ shirt.
a. horrible black nylon b. black horrible nylon c. black nylon horrible
6) A ________ skirt
a. loose cotton pink b. pink loose cotton c. loose pink cotton
7) A ________ jacket.
a. trendy brown suede b. brown suede trendy c. suede brown trendy

E. Complete the sentences below by putting the words in the correct order. Remember to
use commas where necessary.

1) I saw a (jacket/brown/suede/lovely) in town today.

2) The children have bought their Mum a (skirt/white/nice/cotton)

3) Jackie was telling me about a (dress/fantastic/yellow/linen) she wants to buy.

4) Our teacher was wearing a (jumper/awful/red/woolen) in class today.

F. Reorder the words to make sentences.

1) very isn't This big house. a

2) They're cheap bags.

3) good-looking very man. Pete's a

4) glasses? my Where new are

5) dictionary. It's French a

6) very mobiles Their expensive. Are

7) dog's old. Our very

8) orange It's an umbrella.

G. Listen to the “Shopping for clothes” audio and circle the correct answer.

1. What does the customer want to buy?

a. T-shirt b. shirt c. sweater
2. What size does the customer want?
a. Small b. medium c. large
3. The customer has many color options according to her size:
a. Black and red b. purple c. white, black, red and purple
4. The customer tries on:
a. Black T-shirt b. red T-shirt c. purple T-shirt
5. What T-shirt does the customer decide to buy?
a. Black T-shirt b. red T-shirt c. purple T-shirt
6. How much does it cost?
a. 10.95 b. 10.85 c. 20
7. How does the customer pay?
a. Credit card b. debit card c. cash

H. Reporting a fashion show in a video. Follow these steps:
1. Choose two models (women or men), people who you live with or from the net.
2. Each model should show one outfit. There will be two different and very variable outfits
in total.
3. While they are modelling you will describe their outfits using present or past continuous tenses,
clothing vocabulary and adjectives: Ex. Mary is wearing a beautiful long red silk skirt …
4. Upload the video.

The video should have one or two minutes without empty spaces of speaking.
o Prepare the outfits and write your report based on them.
o Practice before filming the final video.

Self-reflection questions:
• Do you know the correct order of the different types of adjectives for
• Can you describe different clothing styles?


Ecuador is the most

• Look at the photos. How much
do you know about your city?

• Which is the city in the first

• Which are the other cities?

• Can you make comparisons

about your city and the capital
of your country?


• To make comparisons
between people, places or

• To write an analysis of the pros

and cons of Living in a city and
a countryside.

• To establish a comparison
where all the parts are equal.

• To make a composition
27 describing, making
comparative and superlative
sentences about different cities
or countries.
LESSON 2A my city is more exciting than
yours! Adjectives for describing places

Vocabulary Describing a city

A. Match the adjectives with the definitions.

1. – Very full of people A. – Ancient
2. – Charming or interesting in a unique or unusual way B. – Contemporary
3. – A place that has a long history. C. – Cosmopolitan
4. – Very big. D. – Crowded
5. – Fun, thrilling, with lots of enjoyable things to do. E. – Exciting
6. – Somewhere with a rich and varied mix of cultures. F. – Famous
7. – Very well known, celebrated, notable. G. – Huge
8. – Dirty, contaminated. H. – Picturesque
9. – Liked by a lot of people. I. – Popular
10. – Modern, very up to date. J. - Polluted

B. Write an antonym of some adjectives in exercise A.

a) Ancient ________________________

b) Cosmopolitan ________________________

c) Exciting ________________________

d) Huge ________________________

e) Popular ________________________

C. Read the text Advantages of living in a big city. Choose the correct answer

Follow the link
1) Why do many people like living in big cities?
A) It is more expensive. B) It is more modern.
C) It is more crowded. D) It offers more entertainment.
2) What is the advantage of a good public transportation system?
A) People do not need to buy bus tickets. B) People do not need to drive their car everywhere.
C) People can use public transport for free. D) People have to pay for parking charges.
3) Why is it easier to get medical treatment in big cities?
A) Because is more affordable. B) Because hospital facilities are more complete.
C) Because ambulances are provided for free. D) Because medical centers open 24 hours.
4) What can people in big cities do in the early hours but people in rural areas cannot?
A) Eat out. B) Sleep
C) Go jogging D) Travel
5) What is the benefit of attending social events?
A) You can treat your friends. B) You can be a social person.
C) You can learn about cultural diversity. D) You can be more open about yourself.

GRAMMAR – Comparatives (revision)

We use a comparative adjective + than to compare two people,
animals or things. Irregular adjectives
→ We form the comparative by adding – er - to short adjectives and Good- better
– more- to long adjectives. Bad – worse
Rules: Far – farther/further

All one One One-syllable One and two- Adj. with two or Some two-
syllable and syllable adj. ending in syllable Adj. more syllable, syllable
most two adjective one vowel + ending in a take –more+ adjectives
syllable ending in – one consonant, consonant + adj. are used
adjectives e- take –r- double the y, drop the – e.g.: with either -
take – er- e.g.: consonant y- and take – er or more.
e.g.: before the – er. ier- e.g.:
e.g.: e.g.:

Smaller Larger bigger Happier More famous quieter –

more quiet
Lower Nicer hotter Easier More expensive
bitterer –
more bitter
Examples: Boston is more modern than Bogota.
Lima is cleaner than Piura.
This coffee shop is noisier than the old one.

Grammar practice

D. – Underline the correct form of the adjectives

1. Spain is hoter / hotter than Russia.

2. The Italian restaurant is more expensive / expensiver than the Indian restaurant.

3. This film is more long / longer than the one we watched last night.

4. It’s cloudier / cloudyer today than yesterday.

5. The weather today is worse / badder than it was yesterday.

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. My brother is ______ than me.

A. taler B. more tall C. taller

2. The Amazon is _____ the Nile.

A. longer than B. long than C. more long

3. Today the weather is _____ than yesterday.

A. dryer B. more dry C. drier

4. Tom’s new car is ______ than his old car.

A. expensive B. expensiver C. more expensive

5. The people here are _____ than in a big city.

A. friendlier B. friendlyer C. more friendlier

F. Complete the sentences. Use the appropriate comparative form.

1. New cars are ____________________ (quiet) than old cars.

2. Do you think money is _________________________ (important) than

good health?

3. This coat is ____________________ (nice) than that one.

4. My old laptop was a lot ____________________ (big)than my new one.

5. Gas is so expensive! I want a ____________________ (efficient) car.

6. Many people think modern life is ____________________ (good) than life in the past.

7. Communication is a lot ____________________ (easy) than it was 50 years ago.

8. The pollution in my city is ____________________ (bad) than it used to be.

9. I prefer ____________________ (hot) temperatures. That’s why I love summer.

10. My new school is a little ____________________ (far) than my old one.

G. – Use the information in the boxes to make 10 comparative sentences with the adjectives


Population: 140.534 Population: 1’619.388

Foundation: May 27, 1869 Foundation: Dec 06, 1534
Area: 174, 58 Km2 Area: 372,4 Km2
Temperature: 24oC Temperature: 10o
Urban Parrish: 4 Parrish: 32
Sights: 8 Sights: 36
Universities: 2 Universities: 21

a. ________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________________________

e. _________________________________________________________________

f. _________________________________________________________________

g. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

h. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

i. ________________________________________________________________

j. ________________________________________________________________

Comparative Adjective

H. Listen and complete the blanks

1. This is _______________ _______________ that one.
2. Their house is _______________ _______________ _______________ ours.
3. He's _______________ _______________ you are.
4. A Mercedes is _______________ _______________ _______________ a Honda.
5. Our teacher is _______________ _______________ yours.
6. The weather today is _______________ _______________ what it was yesterday.
7. The house looks _______________ _______________ after the housekeepers did their work.
8. We're looking for a _______________ _______________ neighborhood.
9. Compared to our last experience, this was _______________ _______________.
10. It's a lot _______________ today _______________ it was yesterday.


I. Choose two cities and analyze the following questions.

▪ What are some of the popular tourist attractions of the cities?
▪ Where are they?
▪ Why are they so popular?
▪ Do people need to pay for it?
▪ Do people visit those places a lot?
I. Write a comparative composition of two cities (your city/town and any
other). Use the comparative forms and the questions above as.
II. Talk about your composition, you can use different materials to support you.


1. Can I describe my city using comparatives?

2. Do I really know how to compare?
3. Can I difference the comparatives adjectives rules?

LESSON 2B It was my best day in that city!
Superlative form – city vs country life

Vocabulary City life – Country life

A. For you, what adjectives describe city life, and which ones country life.

GRAMMAR – Superlatives (revision)
→ We use the superlative form when we compare one person, animal or Irregular adjectives
thing with a group of the same kind. Good- the best
Bad – the worst
→ We form the comparative by adding –the- est- to short adjectives and
Far – the farthest/
– the - most- to long adjectives.
the furthest
All one One One-syllable One and two- Adj. with two or Some two-
syllable and syllable adj. ending in syllable Adj. more syllable, syllable
most two adjectives one vowel + ending in a take –the most+ adjectives are
syllable ending in – one consonant, consonant + adj. used with
adjectives e- take the double the y, drop the – e.g.: either the -est
take the -est -est consonant y- and take – or the most.
e.g.: e.g.: before the – est. the -iest e.g.:
and add the e.g.:
the smallest the largest the biggest the happiest the most famous the quietest –
the most quiet

the lowest the nicest the hottest the easiest the most crowded the bitterest –
the most bitter

Examples: Tokyo is the most crowded city in the world.

I am the tallest person in my family.
The Chimborazo volcano is the highest mountain.

Grammar practice
B. - Add some more adjectives to the box with a superlative form. See the
grammar box.

– the – est- The -st- Double cons Cons+” y”– the - most+ adj.
the –est- the - iest-
The cleanest The closest The biggest The happiest The most famous

C. – Complete the exercises with a superlative adjective.

1. _____________________(big) piles of trash on Mount Everest are on the lower areas.

2. Trash is one of __________________ (bad) problem on Mount Everest now.
3. Many climbers consider K2, a mountain between Pakistan and China, to
be___________________________________ (difficult) mountain to climb, not Mount Everest.
4. Ted was_________________________________ (experienced) climber on the expedition.
5. Which climber is ________________________ (far) from the top?
6. That was_________________________ (easy) mountain I’ve ever climbed.
7. Danny climbs____________________________________(quickly) of all of us.
8. Mount Everest is_______________________________ (high) mountain on Earth.
9. That company has _____________________________ (good) guides.
10. Climbing Mount Everest in a snowstorm is one of_______________________ (stupid) thing
you can do. It’s extremely dangerous!

D- Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives.

The biggest and most popular market in
London takes place every day in Camden, but
it is busiest and best at the weekend. Camden
is famous all over the world for its fashion,
artists, clubs, and music, but it is 1
(famous) for its market. It is the 2
(large) street market in the UK. More than
400,000 people come every weekend to look, shop, eat, and meet friends. There is music
everywhere. The street food is delicious, and it is the
3___________________________________ (cheap) in north London. In every part of the
market you find something interesting. It has the
4___________________________________ (amazing) clothes, beautiful jewelry, music, and
tattoo shops. The Electric Ballroom is the 5___________________________________ (old)
nightclub in Camden. You can hear the 6___________________________________ (late)
rock bands before they become famous. There are hundreds of clubs, but Proud is one of the
7___________________________________ (cool). Camden Market rocks!

Reading – Mount Everest!
E. Read an article about a problem on Mount Everest, and
answer the questions.

Mount Everest:
The Highest Garbage Dump in the World

Most people know that Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. However, there
is another fact that many people don’t know: it has become one of the dirtiest mountains
in the world.
Mount Everest is one of the toughest and most exciting mountains to climb on Earth. It is
not the coldest or the windiest place on Earth, but it comes close! These challenges make
it one of the most attractive mountains for serious climbers. Since 1952, over 3500 climbers
have reached the top. Unfortunately, most of them have left equipment and trash on the
In fact, trash is now one of the biggest threats to the environment on Mount Everest. Local
organizations have brought tons of trash down from the mountain. One of the most
interesting projects handed over more than a ton of tin cans, glass bottles, and old climbing
tools to artists in Nepal. The artists used the trash to create works of art. Then, they sold
the art to raise money for local charities.1 The least expensive work of art cost $17, and the
most expensive one cost $2400.

1. Why the Mount Everest have become one of the dirtiest mountains in the world?

2. Is the Mount Everest the coldest and the windiest place in the world?


3. Can anybody climb the Everest?

4. What is the problem on Mount Everest?


5. What is the most interesting project?


Favorite country
F. Listen to the audio and underline the correct answer (AUDIO: 2B my favorite country). My
favorite country.

1. Penny has worked in one country.

a. True b. false
2. Food is not very important to Penny.
a. True b. false
3. She likes the weather in Japan and Mexico.
a. True b. false
4. She doesn't think that there are many types of food in Britain.
a. True b. false
5. She ate lots of sushi in Japan.
a. True b. false
6. She didn't learn any Japanese.
a. True b. false
7. Mexico is her favorite country because of the food.
a. True b. false

Speaking – Google meet Session time

G. Complete each question with the superlative form. Then practice asking and answering

1. Who is ____________________person in your family?

2. Who is ____________________ person in the world?
3. What is _________________________thing to do in a
4. What is______________________________ to watch?
5. What is ___________________ place to have lunch?
6. What is ________________________city in your country?

Writing and Speaking
City life vs Country life
• Which do you prefer, country life or city life? Post which one you prefer in the
corresponding column and also mention why (to support your idea write two
advantages of the one you chose). Also, you should use the words from the
vocabulary section. Finally, post a voice memo saying which one you do not prefer
and why (mention two reasons). Don’t forget to use Comparative and Superlative
sentences. Look at the following examples.
• The teacher will provide you the link of the collaborative wall in padlet.

I prefer the city life because living in a

city is more convenient than living in
the country life. Also, city live is the
best to have fun.

On the other hand, I don’t prefer the
country life since the country is the
most boring place to live in. In addition,
education in the country is worse than
in the city.

1. Can I describe a place?
2. Do I really know how to form superlative sentences?
3. Can I compare and contrast lifestyles using comparative and superlative adjectives?

LESSON 2C Ecuador is as big as Burkina Faso!
Equality comparatives (as …as)

Argentina vs Brazil
A. Watch the following video. Go to the Forum in Moodle and answer the
following questions.

• What do you Know about

Argentina and Brazil?
• Can you describe them?

B. What did you learn? Could you tell three similar and different things in both

Similar Different

__________________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________

C. Answer this Questions

1. What is the most Famous food in Argentina?


2. How is the people in Brazil?


3. Are Argentines and Brazilians proud of their countries? ____________________

– Describing a city

D. Write the adjective which best describe the pictures in the box.

modern - crowded - clean - old fashioned - quiet - noisy

E. Complete the sentences with a word from exercise A.


F. Match the words with the given images.



……………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………. .

………………………………… ………………………………………. ………………………………………

………………………………… ……………………………………….. ………………………………………

Look at the picture, title and
WORK WITH THE READING first sentence to have a general
idea of the text.
G. Look at the picture and read quickly. What is the main idea?
• A comparison between China vs Russia
• The country China
• One of the wonders of the world

An adaptation of

H. Read the text again. Mark the following sentences True or False.
1. China is as populated as Russia is.

a. True b. False
2. The size of China is the same as Russia’s.
a. True b. False
3. The Great Wall of China was first built as a single wall.
a. True b. False
4. The wall can be seen from moon with the naked eye.
a.True. b. False

I. Now, choose the right option.

1. The Great Wall of China.

a. was built in a single dynasty.

b. was refurbished during its history.

2. The Great Wall was first designed

a. to protect the Empire from invasion.
b. to help trade between different provinces.
GRAMMAR – As … as (revision)
→We use as…as to compare two people, animals or things that are of similar
→ In this case the first as acts as an adverb modifying the adjective or adverb that
goes after it. The second as can act as a preposition or conjunction. If it is used
as a preposition, it will be followed by a noun or pronoun. If it is used as a
conjunction, it will be followed by a clause.
→ When we use the comparative as…as the adjectives do not change.
→ In negative form the comparative as…as express a difference.
She is as tall as her brother.
She is not as tall as her brother.
negativewe wecan
use not
Is She as tall as her brother? as…as or not so…as.
as…as or not so…as.
Examples: E.g.:
He is as good a cook as his wife is! I am
I amnot
smart asas
smart Andrew.
She is not as successful as her brother. I am not so smart as Andrew.
I am not so smart as Andrew.

Grammar practice
J. Complete with as…as and the adjective in the bracket.

1. The blue car is _____________ the red car. (fast)

2. Peter is _____________ Fred. (not/tall)
3. The violin is _____________ the cello. (not/low)
4. This copy is _____________ the other one. (bad)
5. Oliver is _____________ Peter. (optimistic)
K. Complete the sentences using as…as or not as…as.

e.g.: Italy has excellent wines. France has excellent wines. (excellent)

Italy wines are as excellent as France wines.

1. Bob is 183 cm, Mary is 183. (tall).

2. Paul is not very handsome. William is very handsome. (handsome)

3. The maple tree is 21 meters high. The ficus tree is 15 meters high. (high)
4. The cobra snake is eight meters long. The viper snake is eight meters long. (long)

L. Make 5 sentences with as…as or not as…as according to the information


Loja Milagro

Big (more than 200km2)




M. Write a composition about two countries. Use comparative forms (adj.

+ than, and as…as) and superlatives form. You can describe all you
know about these countries, establish similarities and differences. Your
composition has to have at least 120 words.

N. Make a video talking about your composition, you can use pictures, slides,

cards, or the resources than you can to illustrate what you are describing. The
video has to have between 90 to 120 seconds.

1. Can I make descriptions of cities?
2. Can I establish similarities and differences between two places?
3. Do I have a good vocabulary of adjectives about places?


Look at the photos.
What is the people doing in the first
What kind of electronic devices do
you use?
What is happening in the third

• To describe essential
information about the person or
thing mentioned using relative
• To give advice or suggestion
using should
• To express obligations or acting
that is not being fulfilled.
Relative pronouns who, that, which, whose, where, when,

READING Electronics Devices

A. Look at pictures and words in the box. Choose the correct word for each
picture and write the letter.

A. tablet
B. computer
C. laptop
D. text message
E. mobile
F. games
G. mouse
H. Wi-Fi
I. keyboard
J. webpage
K. e-mail
L. headphones

B. Match the vocabulary words with the correct definition. See the box in
Exercise A.

1……. An electronic machine. You use it for going on the internet, storing information and
playing games.
2……. An electronic letter
3……. You can play this on the computer for fun.
4……. You use this to write on a computer. It has letters or characters on.
5……. A computer that you can travel with.
6……. Your personal telephone.
7……. You use this to move and click on a computer.
8……. Internet connection without wires or cables.
9……. Google, YouTube and Wikipedia are types of …


C. Read and answer the following questions. Underline the most important
information in a reading text.
A. Do you know what is an apple watch? Then, study the parts you
underlined. This helps you
B. What do you prefer laptops or tablets? remember the information in
C. How often do you use text message? the text.

D. Read again. Are these sentences true or false?

Followthe link

1. The cost of the new Apple device is $250 T/F

2. Tablets offer touchscreen input T/F
3. Most tablets weigh more than the average laptop T/F
4. Text message include ideograms T/F
5. Governmental organizations use text messaging T/F

GRAMMAR – relative pronouns; who, that, which, whose, where and when

→ A relative pronoun is used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun.

The clause modifies, or describes, the noun.
→ The relative pronouns are who, that, which, whose, where and when
→ Relative pronouns are placed directly after the noun or pronoun they modify.

→ For Example:
▪ The driver who use the mobile phone while driving is careless.
▪ The book, which is online, has all the information you need.
▪ This is the iPad that everyone is talking about

→ One of the most common mistakes in writing is to use the wrong relative
pronoun, particularly when it comes to mixing up "who" and "that". "Who" is
always used to set up a relative clause that describes a person, while "that" is
used to describe an object or another non-human being.
→ For example:
▪ I like the girl who plays videogames.
▪ This is agenda that you can connect to your phone.

D. Complete each sentence using the correct relative pronoun.

Example: The webpage which I read last week is very interesting.
Yesterday I met the girl ___________ sister has the new apple watch.
1. Last night I met someone________ works for GM as a computer programmer.
3. The woman ____________ works at my office is very efficient
4. I knew the guy ______________ headphones you bought
5. That was just the moment ___________ we arrived
6. The hotel _______________ we stayed had Wi-Fi.
7. I bought that scarf the summer _______________ I went cycling in Italy.
8. When was the moment _______________ you realized you were in love with her?
9. I’d like to talk to the person _______________ it was to call the president.
10. The website had a lot of information _______________ was really useful.

E. Circle the correct words. Note Ø means no relative pronouns

1. Millennials believe America is a place where / when anyone can be successful.

2. Millennials were born at a time in which / where technology was part of everyday life.

3. Millennials came into the workplace during a period when / that the economy was bad.

4. Millennials expect a work environment Ø / where people collaborate and work together.

F. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate relative pronoun.

1. This is the town ...................... I spent my childhood.

where that which

2. This is the house .................... I was born in.

where that whose

3. I was impressed by the way ............................ she did it.

which how whose

4. They got divorced a few months later ............................ surprised nobody.

where what which

G. Combine the sentences using a relative clause.

1. We spent our holiday in Scotland last year. Scotland is in the north of Great Britain.

Last year we spent our holidays in Scotland, which is in the north of Great Britain.

2. People live in Scotland. They are called Scots.

The people ______________________________________________________________

3. Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh. He wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories.

Arthur Conan Doyle________________________________________________________

4. Then we visited a lake. It is in the Highlands.

The lake _________________________________________________________________

5. Loch Ness is 37 km long. People know it for its friendly monster.

Loch Ness ________________________________________________________________

H. Correct the error in each of the sentences.

1. The boy which sits next to me in class is very clever.
2. Our cat, that we all loved very much, died last week.
3. The man who car was stolen was very upset.
4. The school which I had studied as a child was destroyed in a fire.
5. At the weekend, that my family is at home, we have breakfast together.


I. Listen and choose T for true and F for false about Mobile Phones

In the 1980s there were mobile phones T/F

There were not public telephones in the 1980s. T/F

According to the audio there was a telephone box on every street corner T/F

The speaker has seen one-person chats on the phone for 30 minutes T/F

J. Imagine what kind of features the smartphone companies will add to the upgraded
versions of your phones and explain them.

For example:
- Camera with 9.000 mega pixels that allow us to take pictures so clear.
- Special program where it recognizes only a voice command

K. Look at the smartphone that your family has. Write 10 sentences about the features
it has and what you can do with it.
For example:
o The iPhone that Maggie has can create stickers for funny message.
Ps: Don’t forget to use relative pronouns

Should / shouldn/t / get

Too Macho to talk?

A. Read and answer the questions

1. If you have a problem that you need to talk about, do you talk to a friend or to a member of
your family? Why?
2. Do you think men find it more difficult them women to talk about their problems? Why?

B. Read three problems from a weekly article in the newspaper. Match two
pieces of advice to each problem.


C. Look at three sentences for the lesson. Match the examples of get with the meaning a-

a buy/ obtain b receive c become

1. Send us your problem, and you will get advice……….

2. If you star booking restaurants and getting clothes for the big day…….
3. I’m getting really stressed about it………

D. Answer the questions with get….

When was the last time you got a present? What was it? Who was it from?
Would you like to get fit? What do you think you should do?

GRAMMAR – Should /shouldn’t

→ Should is a modal verb most commonly used to make suggestion or give advice.
→ It can also be used to express obligation as well as expectation
→ It is also used to refer to events that may occur by chance.
→ The negative form of should is shouldn't.

→ For Example:
▪ You should wear your seat belt.
▪ He should be more careful.

▪ I should not be at work now.

▪ John should not bother this guy.

▪ What should I wear?

▪ Should you be driving so fast?


E. Find and underline examples of should / shouldn’t in the problems and advice in
the exercise. Then, answer the following questions.

What do we use should for?
How do you make negative and questions with should?

F. Complete the sentences with should/shouldn’t.

1. You have a great job; you ____________________ (change) it.

2. You ______________ (drink) so much coffee; it's bad for your blood pressure.

3. The government _____________________ (help) people.

4. It's an incredible film. You _______________________ (watch) it.

5. It's a very dangerous area. Tourists ______________ (go) there.

6. Do you think ______________ (I/apply) for a new job?

G. Complete with should or shouldn’t

You should stop smoking

1. You ___________ work really long hours every day
2. You _______________ lose a little bit of weight
3. You ____________ eat more fruit and vegetables
4. You ___________ put so much sugar in your coffee
5. You __________________ start exercising

H. Antonio is in the kitchen preparing a new recipe. Give advice using the
information in the table and should or shouldn't.

Don’t leave the meat in the oven for more than one hour.
Cut the onions as small as possible.
Use fresh herbs and fresh vegetables.
Don’t put too much salt and pepper.
Wait until the water boils before you put the vegetables
into it.

1. You shouldn’t leave the meat in the oven for more than one hour.__
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________
Listening - Advices
I. Listen to the following audio and answer the questions.
Why can it be great to listen to advice? ____________________________________________
Who gave him the best advice in his life? ___________________________________________
What kind of advice is he needing right now? ________________________________________
What was the advice of his financial advisors? _______________________________________

J. Read four problems on a website. Write a response to two of them giving advice. For
this activity, you have to go to the Moodle and click in SHOULD- PADLET activity.

IN MY 20S?
Should / shouldn/t / My 20s

A. Look at the following pictures and order the things you should be doing in
your 20s according to the level of importance (1 the most important – 7 the
least important)
B. What is the video about?

- Love yourself and be

- Don’t be afraid to ask
- Travel lots
- Chase your dream job
- Buy that incred piece of
- Make time for your best
- Get rid yourself off bad

A. Use your dictionary and look for the meaning of these words. Then, write an
example per word.

Blame adviser business string of regret

luxury troubled fear outside

1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________


What should I be doing in my 20s?

According to some advisers, the way you spend your 20s deeply affects your later years.
Here are the best tips on how to spend your 20s so you don't live in regret later.
1. Learn to accept and love yourself first.

Show some self-compassion. Scientists say it can make

you more successful because you're learning from your
missteps. You shouldn’t be blaming yourself for

You should be treating yourself as you would treat a

friend or a colleague who has failed. You might say to
yourself: "This is really hard right now," or, "I'm sorry
you are struggling."

2. Take more risks.

"Don't talk yourself out of doing things you want to do.
You shouldn’t be waiting for opportunities to appear.
You can go for them. Don’t let fear win. If you want to
vacation in Europe, do it. If you want to talk to that hot
girl/guy at the bar, do it. If you want to start your own
business, do it (and do the research first). Getting to your
30s and having a string of regrets is going to haunt you."

3. Don't compare yourself to others.

"In the social media age, it is tempting to beat yourself

up if your friends are getting married, having kids, and
living a life of luxury. We each live our own lives. The
only thing you're going to do is hurt yourself. You
shouldn’t be worried about what others achieved,
but you should be considering yourself as someone
who has potential to succeed in life at your own
pace. Don’t forget that from the outside, people can
seem a lot happier and less troubled than they really
When you skim a text,
remember to read the title,
WORK WITH THE READING headings, and first and last
Scanning sentence of each
E. Read the text and mark the sentences True or False.
a. People do not really need to be worried about how they should spend their
b. According to the reading text, you should be blaming for your mistakes.
c. In one of the tips, the advisers used an example which stated that people
shouldn’t be shy to talk to someone they like
F. Answer the following questions.

a. Mention one example of self-compassion in relation to what the first tip said.


b. According to the advisers, why shouldn’t people at their 20s shouldn’t be

comparing themselves to others?
GRAMMAR – Should /shouldn’t - be + verb (ing)


→The subject is not fulfilling their obligation now.

You should be studying right now
You should be wearing your seatbelt.

→ The subject is not acting sensibly.

You shouldn’t be blaming yourself.



Andrew should be helping his mother at work.


Andrew shouldn’t be helping his mother at work.


Should Andrew be helping his mother at work

Yes, he should.
No, he souldn’t.


B. Write the sentences according to the pictures. What should they doing?

They should



2. 4.

C. Complete the sentences with should + be + v(ing)

Treat engage cheer up respect trust
1. You ……………………………..……. Him. He is a liar.
2. We ……………………………... women, giving them honest and realistic information to
make decisions about how they want to give birth.
3. Children …………………………. Adults, especially old people.
4. People ……………………………………………………. animals as human beings.
5. Friends ………………………………. themselves …... in difficult situations.

G. Listen to Doctor Anderson talking about three things you should
do in your 20s. Then, mark the sentences True or False.

a. Doctor Anderson explained the consequences of being selfish T F

b. She stated that mental health is something people in their 20s should be care T F

c. She recommends people to be creative and to challenge themselves. T F

d. She encouraged young people to always travel around the world with
their friends T F

Imagine you are world traveller, adventurer, travel writer and blogger and you
planned to write about three things people should be doing in their 20s in your
blog. Come up with some tips and start writing your blog. Don’t forget to use
should + be + v(ing) and the vocabulary learned.

H. Show your blog during on line sessions and share a few of your tips.


understand the role and usage of relative pronouns

give advices or suggestions using should

express situation in te present using should


What does the future


Look at the photos.

• What role will robots play in our

society in 10 years?
(companions, workers,
computers, etc...)

• Are New year’s resolutions

important for you?
• Are you superstitious?


• To describe an invention
that will change the world.

• To organize and report

orally their New Year’s

• To use critical thinking to

make predictions about the
ending of a story.
LESSON 4A The future inventions.
Will – won’t, technology

C. Watch the video and answer the following questions.

What is the video about?

- Distant future
- Nowadays technology
- Near Future technology
- Past technology
What invention do you like the
most? And why?
- Microsoft holograms
- OLED organic light
emitting display
Follow the link: - Future bus

– Crazy Inventions


D. Match the words with the given images.

1. brain biometrics 2. dropped 3. goals 4. achieve

5. implant 6. feelings 7. origami 8. bricks
9. Unlock 10. device 11. move aside 12. Pod

13.share 14. Dreamed about 15. High speed 16. Sealed

a b c d

e g h

i j k l

m n o p


Read the first time to get the
main ideas. Then, read it again
Skimming for details.

C. Look at the pictures and read, and answer the following questions:
a) What do you think of these inventions?
b) Which of these inventions could (not) you imagine using and why?

D. Match the given images in exercise a with the corresponding descriptions.

The Hyperloop is the mean of transportation where people and objects will travel by a pod
through a sealed tube at high speed. When we say high speed, we mean at 1,200 km/h. If you think
the Flash is fast, the Hyperloop will be faster.

This magic pillow will let you share with another person what you’re dreaming about. You
will move Instagram stories and Facebook posts aside; dream sharing is the future.

Imagine being Professor X, pretty cool huh? soon we will see a computer system that can
recognize brain biometrics, so you will be able to unlock your devices with your brain.

No brick-like smartphones anymore. Instead, they’ll be replaced with flexible ones that won't
break if you drop it. You will be able to do some origami with your flexible smartphone.

Apparently, you will know your partner's feeling with “the mind-reading brain implant".
#RelationshipGoals is going to be so much easier to achieve with this.

Scanning To help you answer a question
by scanning, underline
important words in the
E. Read the text again and answer the following questions. question. Scanning for those
words makes it easy to find
the information.
1. How will the hyperloop system transport people and things?
2. Look at the paragraph B. What does move aside mean in this context?
F. Mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE.

1. The brain biometrics system will be used to lock the users’ smartphones. ( )

2. The new smartphone will be flexible enough to do origami with them. ( )

3. According to the article, one can deduce that people who use "the mind-reading brain
implant" will know what his or her partner feels for him or her. ( )

G. Look at the bold words in exercise B. Use them to complete the examples
Sometimes you can find the
meaning of a new word by
understanding the meaning of
the other words around it.
These ate called context clues.
Look at the grammar and
punctuation, too.
1. He _____________ his keys on the floor.
2. You need to work hard to __________ your goals.
3. A _____________ box will arrive at home tomorrow morning.
4. My cousin plans to visit me. I think, I will___________ my bedroom with her.
5. Thanks to Netflix, people will totally ________________ from buying pirated DVD copies
of the movies.
6. Last night, Margarita _________________ a big hamburger trying to eat her.
7. Dave and Arnie buried a time _______________ when they were young.
8. A ____________________ is a modality that will recognize individuals.
9. Japanese people know how to make _____________.
10. You cannot ____________ my cellphone without my password.
11. One way to know your boyfriend’s ______________ is a good communication.
12. A mobile phone is a _________ that allows users to make and receive calls and to send
text messages.
13. You will need to buy some _________ to construct your house.
14. The patient’s _________ will work perfectly.
15. One of my _________ is to become a doctor.
16. John will have an accident one day. He always drives at _________________________.

GRAMMAR – Future will/won’t

Subject +will/won´t+ basic form verb+ complement.

I will have a sandwich

I won’t have a sandwich

Will + Subject + basic form verb+ complement?

Will you have a sandwich?

Short answers:

Follow the link:

H. Complete the sentences with the future tense will of the verbs in

1. I believe that team ________________________ (not win) the match. They play really
2. I’m sure he ______________ (not like) that concert. He hates rock.
3. I promise, I _______________________ (never forget) you.
4. A. What’s the menu of today?”
B. It’s crab ceviche.
A. Sounds good! I _________________ (have) it.
5. Dave ______________ (not go) to school tomorrow. He feels sick.

I. Change the sentences into the future tense will/won’t.

1. You find the love of your life.


2. Robots help the human.


3. Rachel knows his real feelings


4. I can rest well with this pillow


5. Holograms allow a complete 3D visualization.


J. Write sentences using the key words, use and the picture given to inspire


USE: Spontaneous decision

KEY WORDS: hamburger and French fries.

USE: Certainty of the future
KEY WORDS: achieve / goal

USE: Offer
KEY WORDS: share

USE: Refusal
KEY WORDS: device / unlock

– Technology and predictions


K. Here are some words from the audio. Read the sentences. Circle the
answer that best matches the meaning of each bold word or phrase

1. He will travel worldwide and have friends everywhere. Tip
In exercise C, you have
a. international b. local c. restricted to choose the best word
with a synonym or
words with the same
2. The fossil is from an extinct species of reptile. meaning.
This is one way to define
a. Extant b. exterminated c. living a new word.

3. An expert helped me to hook up my computer to the office network.

a. Connect b. disconnect c. dissociate

4. I hope all my dreams will come true in a near future.

a. Not be a fact b. be unreal to happen c. Become a fact

Comprehension check

L. Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks.

The clock struck twelve and people worldwide wondered what the new decade has in store for
us. Many hope the 2020s 1 ______ _____ _______ for them and the Earth. The 2010s were
little chaotic. Global warming put our existence in danger; wars continue around the world;
millions still lack clean water and education; and thousands of species became extinct.
Technology and more cooperation between nations 2_____ hopefully _______________ the
2020s better.

A technology website predicted our lives 3 _____ _____more like science fiction. It wrote: "The
decade4 _____ _______ us even further toward a world were far-out ideas like hooking brains
up to computers, and even immortality, become topics of serious conversation." A futurologist
wrote about 5 ________ _________ and unlimited clean 6________. He said: "The 2020s will be
when the incredible 7____________ of 8 ___________ finally happen." Let's talk in 2030 to see
if this comes true.

Retrieved from

SPEAKING In the Future!

M. What would you like to see invented in the future?

Write down ideas for future inventions. Consider these questions to complete the
chart below: “What's an invention for _______ that you'd like to see in the future?
An What? Why?

N. Your Best Idea - What's the best idea?

Choose one invention that you consider most relevant for the improvement of the
society and talk about it more. Then explain your idea to the class.


1. Can I difference the uses of will?

2. Can I construct sentences using will?
3. Can I talk about an invention that will contribute to the world and support why?

LESSON 4BTalking about resolutions.
Be going to - resolutions

A. Look at the photos and answer the following What are the New year’s resolutions?
questions. ________________________________
Order the following resolutions according
to the grade of importance for you. (1 the
most important – 8 the least)
______ Exercise more
______ Lose weight
______ Get organized
______ Learn a new skill
______ Live life to the fullest
______ Save money
______ Spend more time with family
and friends
______ Travel more

READING Celebrating the New Year!


B. Match the words with the given images.

1. successful 2. Scotland 3. skills 4. Voluntary work

5. lose weight 6. midnight. 7. freezing 8. save money
9. New Year’s Eve 10. Sweets 11. Way 12. crowd
13. Xmas 14. Improve 15. Noise 16. Strike midnight

C. Here are some words from the reading “Celebrating the new year”. Read the
following sentences. Then, write each underlined word next to the correct
Tip – Parts of speech.
1. When the clock strikes midnight, people usually eat twelve grapes. Pay attention to the part of
speech information in each
2. A successful teacher is one who can get the kids to feel passionate definition. As you do Activity
A, think about which part of
about what they are learning and enjoy it. speech is needed in each
3. Roxana is a little chubby. Her new year’s resolution is to lose weight. sentence.
Does the sentence need a verb,
4. New Year’s Eve is celebrated at evening parties. a noun, or an adjective?
5. I heard a noise at the door.
6. Next year, I am going to be part of a team of a voluntary work.
7. Xmas is celebrated on December 25.
8. The weather is freezing here in February.
9. They visited Scotland to see where their ancestors lived.
10. The bell rang at midnight.
11. We don’t keep any sweets in the house.
12. There is more than one way to make a cup of tea.
13. I am going to work hard to improve this website.
14. He has a special skill with the football.
15. I am going to find an effective way to save money.
16. As a performer, I am going to attract a huge crowd in 2021.

a. ________________ (verb) economize.

b. ________________ (verb) get better.
c. ________________ (noun) many people.
d. ________________ (noun) It is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.
e. ________________ (adjective) be good at something.
f. ________________ (noun) time: 12 at night.
g. ________________ (noun) piece of candy.
h. ________________ (noun) loud sound.
i. ________________ (noun) period or just time before.
j. ________________ (verb) become slimmer.
k. ________________ (noun) manner
l. ________________ (verb) A clock ringing a bell at exactly midnight.
m. ________________ (noun) aptitude, ability.
n. ________________ (noun) is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ.
o. ________________ (noun) unpaid employment for a cause.
p. ________________ (adjective) weather, water: very cold.

The start of the New Year on January 1st is a popular time for celebrating all across the UK.
Celebrations can start early on New Year’s Eve, December 31st, as people meet up with friends
and family members.

Everyone hopes to start the New Year with good intentions so they make some resolutions to
help them have a successful year. We asked young people around the UK about their plans are
for New Year’s Eve and about their New Year’s resolution.

My Plans
New Year, or Hogmanay, is more important than Xmas to some
people in Scotland.
I am invited to two Hogmanay parties and I am going to both! As
every year, we are going to sing together "Auld Lang Syne" at
Regarding my resolutions, I am going to eat fewer sweets, be nicer
to my little brother. Also, I am going to improve my computer skills

My plans
I am going to join my parents in a New Year’s Day swim this year.
It’s freezing cold in the water but it is a fun way to start the year.
Quite a lot of people meet on Brighton beach for this first swim of
the year. I hope it doesn’t snow. I am not going to be out partying the
night before because I don’t like all the noise and drinking!

Next year, I am going to do some voluntary work in my area, save

money and improve my tennis. Maybe be nicer to my girlfriend!!

My plans
I am going to the center of Newcastle with my cousins and friends
to celebrate the New Year. I love being in a crowd when the clocks
strike midnight. Everyone kisses each other, sings and drinks
champagne. We are going to get back home at four or five in the

Regarding my resolutions, I am going to lose weight, learn how to

play the guitar and talk less in class! I am also going to study hard
to get good grades for university.


Retrieved from
Read the text two times
or more. The first time to
get the main ideas.
Then, read it again for
D. According to the reading text, what are the five traditional ways of welcoming
the New Year?

Meet with friends and family.

Watch the news on tv

Sing traditional songs.

Swim in frozen water.

Meet on the beach.

Meet in the center of the town.

Stay at home.

Kiss each other.

Drink tequila

Drink coffee and eat cake

E. Read the sentences and Mark the sentences True or False. Then, correct each false
statement to make it true.

1. Next year, Mary is going to get better in math skills. True False


2. Next year, Ben is going to work and save money. True False

3. Next year, Sophie is not going to gain weight. True False


4. Mary is going to study hard and be nicer to her little True False

LISTENING – Anne’s New Year´s resolution!

F. Here are some words from the audio. Read the sentences. Which explanation is correct?
Circle a or b.

1. She always complains about her lazy, useless husband.

a. She expresses how unhappy she is because of her husband. Tip

b. She expresses how happy and satisfied she is with her husband. Examples make your ideas
clearer. In activity G, you
have to choose the best
2. Leonor tries to be positive during difficult times. sentence. This is one way
to define a new word. It
shows you know the
a. Leonor is sad during difficult days. meaning.
b. Leonor is optimistic when she has difficult situations.

3. Ben is going to get fit for the beach season.

a. Ben is going to exercise to stay in shape.

b. Ben is going to eat junky food for the beach season.

4. We'll get there earlier because we could avoid the traffic.

a. We are going to arrive on time.

b. We are going to arrive sooner than we expected.

Comprehension check

G. Listen to the audio. Anne talks about her New Year’s Resolutions. The language focus is
the use of “going to” to talk about future plans. Choose the correct option.

1. How many New Year's Resolutions has Anne made? Tip

In activity G, you answer
a. Two multiple-choice questions.
b. Three Always read the questions
and all possible answers
c. Four before you listen. This
helps you focus on the
2. How often does Anne usually go swimming? important information.
a. Once a week
b. Twice a week
c. Everyday

3. How often does she plan to go swimming in the future?

a. Once a week
b. Twice a week
c. Everyday
4. In the future what time is Anne going to bed?
a. Earlier
b. Later
c. At the same time
5. Which one is her most important New Year's Resolution?
a. The first
b. The second
c. The last
H. Listen to the audio again and fill in the missing words in each sentence.

1. I’m going ______ swimming more often.

2. I’m not going __________ about everything.
3. I’m going ___________ more positive.
4. I’m going __________ to bed earlier.

GRAMMAR – Be going to

Follow the link

J. Complete each conversation with “be going to” form.
1. A: ____________________ you ___________________(be) here on Saturday?
B: Yes, __________________. I’m not going to go anywhere.
A: Great!

2. A. My boyfriend______________________________(study) abroad next year. That is one

of his New year’s resolution.
B. Oh, I hope he enjoys and learns a lot.

3. A. Mark ____________________________(not spend money) because ____________

(travel) to Mexico next year.
B. Really? Sound good!

K. Make questions with the verbs in brackets. Use "going to".

Example: Why do you need your driving license? (you | drive)

Are you going to drive?

1. What are your New Years' resolutions? (you | work more)

2. Doctor, is it serious? (he | die)
3. Why are you taking your gloves? (it | be cold)
4. You stopped the project. (you | continue in future)
Retrieved from
L. What are Jim, Susan and Eve going to do as New Year’s resolution? And what aren't
they going to do?
+ watch a film
- eat lunch
Jim is going to watch a film. He isn't going to eat lunch.

Jim Susan and Eve
+ visit his friends more + read two books per month.
+ be a better child. + learn to cook
- give up junk food - spend much money

.................................................................... ...........................................................................
.................................................................... ...........................................................................
.................................................................... ...........................................................................

New Year’s Resolutions
M. Here are some common New Year’s resolutions (personal plans for the
coming year).

Underline the resolutions you would like to make. I’m going to…..

• Exercise: do more / join a gym / take up a sport

• Health: lose some weight / go on a diet / eat less chocolate / stop smoking/ give up junk food
• Hobbies: start a new hobby/ join a club/ learn a new skill (how to cook, paint, play an
• Friends: make new friends / write to friends more / be kinder to friends/ spend more or less
time with friends
• Studies: study more / do more homework / listen more in class/ get books from the library /
read more
• Money: get a Saturday or holiday job / save more money / spend less / be careful with pocket
• Stress: worry less / work less / relax more at the weekends / go to bed earlier - Do people
make resolutions at New Year in your country?

N. Then, organize your ideas and complete the following planner with your
resolutions and goals. Then, share them orally during the “Google meets”


1. Can I difference the uses of be going to?

2. Can I construct sentences using be going to?
3. Can I organize my goals and achievement and then plan my New Year’s resolutions?

LESSON 4C Visiting the fortune teller.
Be going to / Will – won’t, predictions and goals.



A. Watch the video (0:20 to 1:45) and answer the following questions.

Who is a fortune teller?


Are you superstitious?


Follow the link

B. Listen to the video (0:20 to 1:45). Circle the correct answers.

1. She called the physic line because

a. she wants to know if she will find her real love.
b. She wants to know when she will get married.

2. She is going to meet

a. A not tall dark handsome man.
b. A very tall dark handsome man.
c. A very short handsome man.

C. Listen to the video (0:20 to 1:45). Write T (true) or F (false) for each statement. Then,
correct each false statement to make it true.

1. _______ The fortune teller wants her to pay first.

2. ________ The woman is in a relationship.
Visiting the fortune teller


D. Match the words with the given images.

1. appointment 2. Knock on 3. wedding 4. Walk out

5. narrow 6. Glass ball 7. Fiancée 8. Outside
9. stairs 10. wife 11. shake 12. Rush out
13. candles 14. church 15. Road 16. dead

G. Here are some words from the reading “the fortune teller”. Read the definitions. Then,
circle the correct word to complete each conversation.

1. appointment. (noun) an agreement for a meeting arranged in advance:

2. Knock on. (verb) to give one or more hits to the door.
3. Wedding. (noun) the act or ceremony of marrying; marriage, nuptials.
4. Walk out. (verb) to leave a place without explanation
5. Narrow. (adjective) not wide or broad
6. Glass ball. (noun) a common fortune-telling object
7. Fiancée. (noun) a woman who is engaged to be married.
8. Outside. (noun) the outer side, the exterior:
9. Stair. (noun) One of a flight or series of steps for going from one level to another, as in a
10. Wife. (noun) a married woman.
11. Shake. (verb) to (cause to) move with short, quick movements:
12. Rush out. (verb) to (cause to) move with great or too much speed:
13. Candles. (noun) a long, usually slender piece of wax with a wick in the middle, burned to
give light.
14. Church. (noun) a building for public Christian worship.
15. Road. (noun) a long, narrow stretch or way of land with a leveled surface, made for
traveling by motor vehicle, etc.
16. Dead. (adjective) no longer living.

1. A: Will you have a date with Susan?
B: Yes, we made an (appointment / date) to meet again.
2. A: Marco’s (wife / fiancée) is going to buy a beautiful wedding dress for the ceremony.
B: I know, she will be the most beautiful bride.
3. A: How is Karen going to decorate her house?
B: Karen’s apartment will be decorated with (candles/stairs) and artwork.
4. A: The band is going to be on the (road/narrow) for almost two months.
B: Wow, the will be very tired.
5. A: The student is so nervous. Her hands are (shaking/ rushing out).
B: She has to keep calm and relax.
6. A: Why is Alex still here?
B: He will be late. He has to (rush out/ outside).
7. A: What happened last night?
B: At midnight, my brother (knocked on/walk out) the back door.
8. A: How will she predict your future?
B: She is going to see it in her (crystal ball/ dead).
9. A: The (road/ stairs are very dirty). Why do you always forget to clean them)?
B: Mom, I promise, I will clean them today.
10. A: Where is Eduardo?
B: After watching her, he (walked out/shake) immediately.
11. A: What are you worried about?
B: I will have to walk through that (narrow/ knock on) street tonight. I am a little scared.
12. A: The couple is going to get married in a beautiful (wedding /church).
B: Oh know, that will be great.
13. A: The victim was (candles /dead) next to the road.
B: I know, that is terrible.
14. A: Tomorrow, I am going to paint the (church/ outside) of the house.
B: I will help you!
15. A: Why is Peter in the kitchen?
B: because his (wife / appointment) won’t cook tonight.
16. A: They invited famous guests to their (wedding/ candles).
B: I know, that will spectacular.

When you skim a text,
remember to read the title,
WORK WITH THE READING headings, and first and last
Skimming sentence of each
H. Read the text and gather information about the fortune teller.

I. Circle the main idea of the reading text.

a. Gerald was not sure if his fiancée will be a good wife so he decided to visit Madame Rebecca.
b. Lady Agatha convinced her son, Gerald to visit Madame Rebecca to know if Gerald’s fiancé
will be a good wife.
c. Lady Agatha recommended Gerald to visit Madame Rebecca because he wants to know his
Scanning To help you answer a
question by scanning,
underline important words in
J. Read the text again and answer the following questions. the question. Scanning for
those words makes it easy to
find the information.
1. Why did Gerald go to see Ms. Rebecca?

2. When is Gerald going to get married?


3. Mention two things that will happen in Gerald’s weeding before 5pm?

GRAMMAR – Be going to vs Will

See it bigger

Future Tense with “Going To”

K. Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the following sentences. Use
the correct form of the future tense with “going to”.

hang / wear / knock on / practice / use / write / clean /quit / visit

My brother sent me a letter last week. I’m going to write him back tomorrow.

1. My house is very dirty. I __________________it tomorrow.

2. The future teller _______________________ the crystal ball to see the future.

3. Miriam is going to a party next Saturday. She _______________her new red dress.

4. Robert bought a new painting at the art show. He __________________it over the sofa in
his living room.
5. Look! Someone ______________________ the door.

Future Tense with “will”

L. Complete the following sentences with will (I’ll) and the correct verb from the
list below.
call / have / be / water / walk / mail / go / buy
1. Would you like tea or coffee?
___________________________ tea, please.

2. Did you buy your wife’s birthday present?

Yes, I did. Look
Wow, she __________ very happy.

3. Would you like a ride home?

No thanks. It’s a beautiful today. I think _________________home.

4. We’re out of milk and I need some for the children.

Okay. _____________________to the store and get some.
5. Is everything ready for the party?
Oh no, I forgot the candles. I ______________ them.

The fortune teller
K. Go to reading section and read the story again. Can you predict what will happen
next? Write an ending to the story using will and be going to. Then, share it in the
“Google meets” sessions.

L. Compare you ending with the real story.

1. Was your story similar? Explain.


2. According to Madame Rebecca, what will happen in the future after five o’ clock?


4. Do I know in what cases I have to use will and what be going to?
5. Can I construct sentences using both future tenses?
6. Can I predict the end of a story?





Look at the photos.

• Is New York a perfect destiny?

• Look at the picture 2. Would you
like to visit Antarctica? Will
animals still be living there in 50

• Would you recommend people to

visit Ecuador?


• To plan and write about your

dream trip you are about to

• To write a composition of how

you see yourself and your loved
ones in 10 years.

• To write an itinerary of the

arrangements of a trip in
94 Ecuador.
LESSON 5A Trip to New York!
Present progressive, trips

A. Watch a video (0:42 to 1:49) and answer the following question.

What is the video about?


Follow the link

New York sightseeing
B. Label the following pictures with the following words.

Theater Neon screens Ads buildings Pedestrian

______________________ ______________________ ____________________

______________________ _____________________ ____________________

Comprehension check

C. Listen again to the video (0:42 to 1:45). Check (✔) the attractions that make Time
Square very famous:

o Theatres
o Shopping
o Relaxing natural atmosphere
o Dining
o Electrified ads of neon atmosphere
o Beautiful parks
o Wildlife attractions

D. Listen again to the video (0:42 to 1:45). Write T (true) or F (false) for each statement.
Then, correct each false statement to make it true.

1. _______ Time Square attracts over 5 million people every day.


2. ________ 1984 was the year when neon ads were used in the square.

E. Now, just listen to the video (0:42 to 1:45). Circle the correct answers.

1. Time Square got its name for

A. A news television channel called New York Times.
B. A newspaper building called New York Times

2. Ball Drop is
A. A New Year’s Eve celebration in all the United States.
B. A New Year’s Eve celebration just hold in Time Square.

Peter’s plans
F. According to the audio decide if the following sentences are True (T) or False (F).


Before listen to the audio,
do not forget to read the
statements given. Also, you
can underline the key



G. Watch the video and answer the following questions?

What is people celebrating?


Can you recognize this place?

Where is people celebrating?

See the link

Language Builder

H. Label the words with the given images.

1. bright 2. performance 3. Push the button 4. Ring in

5. Noise makers 6. Marriage proposal 7. host 8. Reach
9. Bottom 10. Balloon 11. Guest 12. Engraved
13. Delight

a. b. c. d.

e. f. g. h.

i. j. k. l.


I. Complete the sentences with the words from the Vocabulary part.

1. The sun is _________ today.

2. His ___________ on stage will be fantastic
3. Tomorrow, Rosy and I are buying some things for my son’s party, including _________
4. The _________ welcomed his guests.
5. All the guests had _________________ and party hats.
6. People are going to New York to ________ the New Year
7. I’m visiting my uncle. He is going to help me how to write a ______________ speech.
8. I’m trying to ___________ my goals.
9. All the __________ will enjoy the party.
10. Someone will _______________ to activate the alarm.
11. He found the toy at the ____________ of the box
12. Sarah's ____________at seeing her old friend was obvious from the big smile on her face
13. Danielle ____________the bracelet with tiny flowers

Underline the most important information
in a reading text. After you read the text,
study the pasts you underlined. This helps
WORK WITH THE READING you remember the information in the text.

Read the text and gather information about New Year’s Eve in Times Square.

Follow the link

J. The purpose of this passage is to…. Tip

To help you answer a question
a. persuade c. entertain by scanning, underline
b. inform d. none of the above important words in the
question. Scanning for those
words makes it easy to find
the information.
K. Name 3 activities that take place on New Year’s Eve in Times Square.
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
L. Which of the following statements IS true?
a. The New Year’s Celebration is held in Central Park in New York City.
b. More people attend the celebration than watch it on television.
c. The mayor of New York City always pushes the button to lower the ball.
d. none of the above.
M. The 2002 Crystal Ball…
a. was the only one created by Waterford Crystal.
b. had the names of all the governors of New York engraved on it.
c. had the names of the people lost in the World Trade Center engraved on it.
d. weighed over 2000 pounds.

N. How long does it take for the ball to drop?


GRAMMAR – Present Progressive

Follow the link

O. Put in the correct verb forms.
1) We _______ making sandwiches for tomorrow.
a) am b) are c) is
2) I _______ sending an invitation for all you to ring in the New Year.
a) am b) are c) is
3) Tom _______ meeting the guest next Monday.
a) am b) are c) is
4) They _______ doing an exercise tomorrow evening.
a) am b) are c) is
5) My friends _______ checking the ball drop schedule.
a) am b) are c) is
P. Use these words to write sentences. Use the present progressive.

a. I – not – go out – tonight. I’m not going out tonight.

b. I – meet – my friends – this evening. ________________________________
c. Tom – not – come – to the party on Thursday. ________________________________
d. My sister – get married – next December. ________________________________
e. I – not – go to London – tomorrow. ________________________________

Q. Make questions using the prompts. Use the present progressive.

1 When / Ben and Pedro / leave the hotel?

2What / they / do / between 11am and 1pm?

3 What time / they / have lunch?
R. Negate the sentences.
1) The girls are riding their bikes.
2) He is taking out a book.
3) I am leaving the city.

Trip to New York
S. Imagine you are going to have a vacation and you are planning a trip. These are the
arrangements for a trip to the city of New York that you and your friend George are
taking next week.

Now, use the itinerary to write sentences in the

Present continuous. You will have to write for
each day of travel three sentences: affirmative,
negative and interrogative
Day 1
Affirmative. _______________________
Negative. ________________________
Interrogative ______________________

Day 2
Affirmative. _______________________
Negative. ________________________
Interrogative ______________________
Day 3
Affirmative. _______________________
Negative. ________________________
Interrogative ______________________

Day 4
Affirmative. _______________________
Negative. ________________________
Interrogative ______________________

Day 5
Affirmative. _______________________
Negative. ________________________
Interrogative ______________________

Day 6
Affirmative. _______________________
Negative. ________________________
Interrogative ______________________

Day 7
Affirmative. _______________________
Negative. ________________________
Interrogative ______________________

T. As you see the present continuous tense serves to express the arrangements that are
planned to do soon but not yet succeeded.

In this activity you will have to pretend that you are going to take your ideal vacation next
summer. You have made all your plans and you have your itinerary. Write a short paragraph
expressing your plans.

Look at the example

I can’t wait for this coming vacation, my boyfriend and I are going to Merida, and we are staying at
Dreams Hotel. The first day we are having dinner at La Chaya Maya which is one of the best
restaurants in Merida, we are planning to taste all typical dishes. The next day, we are visiting
Celestin where we are expecting to see pink flamingos. I hope we are lucky to see those beautiful
species. We are taking our professional camera to capture all wonderful moments!

My ideal vacation

You can begin your composition like this:

This coming summer I am beginning my ‘Ideal Vacation’…


1. Did I learn in what situations I have to use Present Progressive for future?
2. Can I construct sentences using Present Progressive?
3. Can I plan and write about the ideal vacation I am about to have?

Future continuous, life dreams.

A. Watch a video (0:42 to 1:49) and answer the following question. Go to the
forum on the Moodle and share your opinion.

Do you think dreams can come


Mention two dreams you wish.


Language Builder

B. Match the words with the given images.

1. faith 2. Slaves 3. Swelter 4. Brotherhood

5. Hills 6. together 7. heat 8. Freedom
9. Judge 10. Skin 11. Hope 12. Stone
13. Despair 14. Struggling 15. Former

C. Complete the sentences with the words from the Vocabulary part.

1. His …………………is so red from too much sun.

2. Rose is a ………………… to balance work and studies. At this time next year, she will be getting
recognition for her effort.
3. Monica …………… despite the air conditioner.
4. You could feel the ………………. of the fire.
5. As an only child, I didn’t experience what ……………………………. Is.
6. The …………. president doesn’t agree with the new decision.
7. People will be having the ………………. to go everywhere they want.
8. The garden path is covered with small white …………………
9. His ………. in God will be letting him to be a good man.
10. In my dream vacation, I will be standing on a beautiful ……… and enjoying the view.
11. People will ………… you for your bad behavior.
12. I want a world where people won't be feeling as ……………. of technology.
13. Don’t worry, we will do it ……………
14. You never have to lose the ……………
15. Don’t feel …………. At this time next year you will be working in a better place.

Read the text two times or more. The first
time, read for the main ideas. Then, read it
WORK WITH THE READING again for details.
D. Read the text quickly and choose the best title.
1-Rebellion Speech
2-Freedom Dream
3-Thoughts about War
I have a dream that
one day this nation will be announcing its faith: "All men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves
will be sitting down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with
the heat of injustice and oppression, will be a place of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will be living one day in a nation
where nobody will judge them by the color of their skin but by the content of their

I have a dream today!

This is our hope, and this is the faith.

With this faith, one day, we will create a stone of hope from the mountain of
despair. With this faith, we will be working together, struggling together, standing up
for freedom together.

We know that we will be free one day.

Retrieved from


E. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1) Were the people equal at the time of this speech? Why?
2) What will the sons of former slaves be doing in the future?
3) How will the state of Mississippi be?
4) How will his children be living?

LISTENING Life in 100 years


F. Label the following pictures with the following words.

Get around Freaky countryside Grow doubt Aircraft

______________________ ______________________ ____________________

______________________ _____________________ ____________________

Comprehension check
G. Listen to two people talk about what life might be like in 100 years.
1. Do they agree if people will be driving cars? Before listen to the audio, do
not forget to read the
a) Yes statements given. Also, you
b) No can underline the key words.

2) Do you they agree about how people will be living.

a) Yes
b) No

3) What will people be using instead of books?

a) Glasses
b) Chips
4) What do they say people will people stop doing?

a) Getting married
b) Having weddings

GRAMMAR – Future continuous

Retrieved from

H. Make the positive future continuous:
At three o’clock tomorrow...

1.I ……………………………………. (work) in my office.

2.You ………………………………… (lie) on the beach.
3.He _.................................................... (wait) for the train.
4.She ……………………………….... (shop) in New York.
5.It ……………………………………. (rain).
6.We ……………………………………(get) ready to go out.
7.They …………………………………. (meet) their parents.

I. It's Sunday, 10 o'clock in the morning and the Scott family are enjoying their free time.
Use the verbs in brackets to write what they will be doing this time on Monday.


Peter is playing games on his new laptop.

This time on Monday he will be writing an English test.

1. Mr. Scott is cleaning his car in the garage.

This time on Monday he ………………………………………….to the airport. (drive)
2. Mrs. Scott is reading a fashion magazine.
This time on Monday she ................. meals at the restaurant. (cook)
3. Marion, their daughter, is playing with a ball in the garden. And her grandma is watching
This time on Monday Marion............ ……….……………. a geography lesson. (have)
And her grandma ................ ……………………. a doctor. (see)

My life in 10 years.

J. Write a composition about how you see yourself and your loved ones in 10 years. Also,
how you wish the world will be in 10 years. Mention the dreams you wish come true and
the hope for the future. Use the example of the booklet as a model.

K. During Google meets sessions, students choose one change of a list of changes that they could
make to their life and then predict their future life at certain points in time until their partner
guesses which change, they chose. This can be a good way of contrasting the tense with Going
to for future plans.


“I’m going to quit my job and become an artist”

At this time tomorrow, in a year and in ten years…………….

I’m going to get married with my lovely boyfriend.

I’m going to work hard and save a lot of money

I’m going to learn a new language.

I’m going to get a PhD.

I’m going to skip the exam.

I’m going to effort and reach my goal

1. Did I learn in what situations I have to use Present Progressive for future?
2. Can I construct sentences using Present Progressive?
3. Can I plan and write about the ideal vacation I am about to have?

Will, be going to, Present Progressive, Future continuous, trips, schedules, plans.

A. Watch a video (0:42 to 1:49) and answer the following question. Go to the forum on

What is the video about?


Would you recommend people to visit

What is the message of this video ad?

Follow the link



Language Builder
B. Label the pictures with the given words.

1. Amazing 2. Sand 3. Lifetime 4. Guinea pig 13. Rainforest

5. Andean 6. Myriad 7. Join 8. Landscapes 14. devil’s nose
9. Peaks 10. Choose 11. Head off 12. Heights

C. Complete the paragraph with the vocabulary of the exercise B.

There is a ___________ of things we are doing in Ecuador. we are going to the amazing
beaches and lay on the sand, we are going to climb to the ___________ of a mountain,
or enjoy the view of the landscapes of the ______________zone. Also, we will definitely
take the __________________ train and take pictures. You know I love the
______________. Then, we will eat a traditional meal. I will probably _______________
a delicious roasted ___________. Then, we will ___________ to the ___________. In
brief, we will have a nice ____________ experience. Would you like to __________ us?

Before you read, preview a text to get a general idea
of the content. Read the title and look at any
WORK WITH THE READING pictures and captions. If there are section titles, read
them. Then make a prediction. Ask yourself, “What
will the text be about?”
D. Look at the pictures and read the title. What is this text about?

Follow the link:

E. Read the text quickly and choose the main idea of the dialogue

o They are planning a summer trip to Ecuador

o They are planning to invite a friend to a trip to Ecuador.
o They are planning to take a Spanish course in Ecuador.

F. Write what they are planning to do in their trip.


Guayaquil Edward Take Spanish classes




devil’s nose

G. Use the information of the chart to write sentences.

1. In Guayaquil, Edward is going to take Spanish classes.
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________
LISTENING 1 Holiday plans.
Bake ham fudge workcation chores take it easy

H. Label the following pictures with the following words.

______________________ ______________________ ____________________

______________________ _____________________ ____________________

Before listen to the audio, do not
forget to read the statements
given. Also, you can underline
the key words.
Comprehension check
I. Sarah and Todd share what they will do and won't do over the holiday break. (Until
1) She says she will _____.
a) go shopping b) bake food c) visit her grandparents

2) What is she going to have for the Christmas dinner?

a) ham, French fries, ice cream b) ham, cake, fudge, potatoes c) fudge, ham, rice, cake.
3) She says she will _____with the kids.
a) make cookies b) play in the snow c) sing songs

4) Why will he go to Thailand?

a) To relax at the beach b) To make friends c) To do some work
More practice
ELLLO. Retrieved from
ELLLO. Retrieved from
Follow the link


J. Read the dialogue “A visit to my country” again and classify the sentences in bold in the right column.



WRITING A week in my country!

K. Work in groups of five. You invited some friends to come and spend a week in your
country this summer. This will be the first time they have visited your country, so you
want to give them a good time and show them as much as possible. You have to write
an itinerary of one-week trip. You also have to consider the following questions.
Remember to use the future tenses.
Where you will go? What you will do? Where you will stay?
What food you will eat? What you will show your friends?
What souvenirs you will buy? Etc.

Morning Afternoon Evening

We are going to pick up

Monday our friends from the
airport at 9 a.m.






We are going to drop
Sunday our friends off at the
airport at 9 p.m.
Retrieved from

SPEAKING A week in my country!

L. Now that you have your itinerary ready. Share the information that you have using LOOM
or any resource. Make a presentation of 3 minutes. You can use power-point slides or other
resource to present your itinerary. Do not forget to use all the future tenses. All the members
of the group should present a part of the trip plan.


4. Did I learn in what situations I have to use the future tenses?

5. Can I plan and make an itinerary?
6. Can I present my itinerary?

• Abc teach. Retrieved from
• Auto English. Retrieved from
• Balldrop. Retrieved from
▪ BBC. (2020). Eva´s story of survival. Retrieved from
▪ BBC. Retrieved from
▪ Boost up your speech skills. Retrieved from
▪ British Council. Shopping for clothes listening. Retrieved from
▪ Cambridge English (2020). Order of adjectives exercises. Retrieved from https://www.flo-
▪ CAEL (2015). Daily routine listening. Retrieved from:
▪ Crystal clear education. Retrieved from
▪ Currikicdn. Retrieved from https://currikicdn.s3-us-west-
• Domínguez, P. C., & Matas, M. (2005). Gramática Oxford: Para Estudiantes de Inglés: ESO.
Oxford University Press.
• E-grammar. Retrieved from
• E-grammar. Retrieved from
• E-grammar. Retrieved from
• E-grammar. Retrieved from
• E-grammar. Retrieved from
• E-grammar. Retrieved from
• E-grammar. Retrieved from
• ELTNGL. Retrieved from
▪ ELLO. ORG. (2016). Daily routine. Retrieved from:
• English Grammar (2020). Retrieved from
• Excellentesl4u. (2020). Retrieved from
▪ English Exercises Org. Prepositions of time. Retrieved from
▪ ESL Worksheets (2013). The cabin in the forest reading. Retrieved from

▪ ESL Games. Retrieved from
• ESOL. (2020). Adjectives that describe places. Retrieved from
• Eventbrite. Retrieved from

• Grammar. Retrieved from

▪ 5 Minute English. (2013). Simple past vs past progressive. Retrieved from
• ISLCOLLECTIVE. (2020). Comparative adjectives. Retrieved from
• ISLCOLLECTIVE. (2020). Worksheet of the day. Retrieved from
• ISLCOLLECTIVE. Retrieved from
• Kimkim. Retrieved from
• Learn English. Retrieved from
• Listen a minute. Retrieved from (
▪ McCarthy, Chris (2008). EC English Language Centres. Retrieved from
▪ My English pages. Retrieved from
▪ OUPE. (2020). New head way. Retrieved from
▪ Out &About. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/AS/Downloads/OA1_4_speaking.pdf
▪ OXFORD University Press (2020). Order of adjectives exercises. Retrieved from
▪ Perfect English Grammar. Past continuous exercises. Retrieved from https://www.perfect-
▪ Perfect English Grammar. Past simple exercises. Retrieved from https://www.perfect-english-
▪ Perfect English Grammar. Retrieved from
▪ Perfect English Grammar. Present simple exercises. Retrieved from https://www.perfect-english-

▪ Perfect English Grammar. Present continuous exercises. Retrieved from https://www.perfect-
▪ Perfect English Grammar. Present simple and continuous exercises. Retrieved from
▪ Pearson unit book. Past simple and continuous. Retrieved from
▪ 7 ESL. (2020). Order of adjectives. Retrieved from
Learn English feel good (2020). Order of adjectives exercises. Retrieved from
Quasarex. Retrieved from
• Sherton English. Retrieved from
▪ Speakspeak. (2020). Irregular past verbs. Retrieved from
▪ Teaching English. Retrieved from
▪ Teaching English. Retrieved from
▪ TEFL. Retrieved from
• Tim tennis player ( Name of the page: Hacking Hot potatoe
• Universidad Laboral de Malaga. (2020). Retrieved from
• Viajandox. Retrieved from
• Visit panama city beach. Retrieved from
▪ Woodward English (2020). Prepositions of time. Retrieved from:

LESSON 1A. In folder
LESSON 1B. Eva's story of survival – in folder
LESSON 1C. In folder

LESSON 2A. Comparative adjectives – in folder
LESSON 2B. My favorite country – in folder
LESSON 2C. Argentina vs Brazil

LESSON 3A. In folder
LESSON 3B. In folder
LESSON 3C. In folder

LESSON 4A – in folder
LESSON 4B – in folder
LESSON 4C – in folder
LESSON 5A – in folder
LISTENING 2 – in folder

LESSON 5B – in folder

LISTENING 2 – in folder

LESSON 5C – in folder


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