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LDIC IMP QUESTIONS and Assignment in Mid-1

1 Define the following op-amp parameters:

i) CMRR ii)PSRR iii)slew rate
2 Draw the functional diagram of 723 voltage regulator.
3 Explain the operation of Instrumentation Amplifier
4 Explain the operation of OP-AMP in Inverting & Non-Inverting modes and derive the
voltage gain.
5 Draw the circuit of Practical Integrator and derive the frequency response
6 Draw the first order low pass butterworth filter and analyze the same by deriving the
gain equation.
7 Draw the first order High pass butterworth filter and analyze the same by deriving the
gain equation
8 Draw the block diagram for PLL and explain in detail its operation
9 Explain the operation of op-amp used as a square generator, and also derive the
expression for frequency of oscillations.
10 Discuss, with relevant circuits and waveforms, the working of monostable
multivibrator using 555 timer. Derive the expression of time delay of monostable
multivibrator using 555 timer.
11 Discuss, with relevant circuits and waveforms, the working of astable multivibrator
using 555 timer. Derive the expression of time delay of monostable multivibrator
using 555 timer
12 Draw the circuit diagram of weighted resistor digital to analog converter and find the
expression of its output analog voltage
13 Problems UNIT-I, UNIT-II

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