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Top Three Variables Contributing to Lead Conversion Probability:

- Total Visits

- Total Time Spent on the Website

- Potential Customer New Form

2. Top Three Categorical/Dummy Variables to Focus on for Lead Conversion:

- Don't Send Email Yes

- Latest Activity Email Back

- Olark Chat Conversations

3. Strategy to Make Lead Conversion More Aggressive During Intern Hiring Period:

During the intern hiring period, when X Education wants to maximize lead conversion, they should
consider the following strategy:

- Increase Contact Attempts: Make multiple phone call attempts to potential leads who have been
predicted as 1 by the model. Ensure that all such leads are contacted multiple times to increase the
chances of conversion.

- Personalization: Customize phone call scripts and communication to cater to the specific needs
and interests of potential leads. Personalization can significantly increase conversion rates.

- Follow-Up Emails: Send follow-up emails after phone calls to reinforce the communication and
provide additional information.

- Monitor and Optimize: Continuously monitor the performance and conversion rates during this
period, and optimize the strategy based on real-time data and feedback.

4. Strategy to Minimize Useless Phone Calls After Reaching Quarterly Targets:

During the period when X Education wants to minimize the rate of useless phone calls, they should
employ the following strategy:

- Lead Scoring: Implement lead scoring to prioritize potential leads based on their likelihood of
conversion. Focus phone calls on leads with the highest scores.

- Trigger-Based Calls: Only make phone calls when certain trigger events occur, such as a potential
lead showing strong interest or engagement (e.g., multiple website visits, downloading resources, or
filling out contact forms).

- Email and Nurturing Campaigns: Shift the focus to email marketing and lead nurturing campaigns.
Send relevant content and information to keep potential leads engaged without direct phone calls.

- Reduce Call Frequency: Decrease the frequency of phone calls and prioritize them for situations
where there is a clear indication of interest.
These strategies should help X Education tailor their approach to lead conversion during different
periods and maximize their chances of success.

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