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Contemporary Project Management 3rd

Edition Timothy Kloppenborg Test

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Chapter 8 - Resourcing Projects


1. The process of estimating the types and quantities of material, human resources, equipment, or
supplies required to perform each activity is called a “project staffing analysis.”

ANS: F DIF: Moderate REF: P. 211 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 MSC: Bloom's: Comprehension

2. Even when a project team does not identify individual activities, it will still need to determine how
many resources are needed to complete the project

ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: P. 211 - 212 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

3. The project resource allocation plan is a component of the human resource management plan that
describes when and how project team members will be acquired and how long they will be needed.

ANS: F DIF: Challenging REF: P. 212 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

4. When identifying people to work on the project, it is helpful to consider their professional disciplines,
skill levels and their physical location.

ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: P. 213 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

5. Estimate Activity Resources focuses exclusively upon the identification of the number of human
resources required to perform each scheduled activity.

ANS: F DIF: Moderate REF: P. 211 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

6. When constructing a responsibility matrix or “RACI” chart, it is important to ensure that only one
person has primary accountability for any activity.

ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: P. 216 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 MSC: Bloom's: Comprehension

7. When determining resource availability, project managers need only consider full-time, internal

ANS: F DIF: Easy REF: P. 213 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

8. While a “RACI” chart may be very useful for assigning activities to core team members and project
managers, the sheer number of subject matter experts on many projects renders the RACI chart
impractical for large projects.

ANS: F DIF: Challenging REF: P. 216 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

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in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
9. RACI (Responsible, Approve, Consult, Inform) charts go beyond a communication plan in that they
identify every project activity and specify the exact involvement of each stakeholder.

ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: P. 216 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

10. When recruiting resources to support a project, it is helpful to bring core team members and key
subject matter experts on board as early as possible, to help plan the project and develop the project

ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: P. 213 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

11. When project managers include diverse perspectives in making decisions, they can often avoid major
risks that a single perspective would not uncover.

ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: P. 213 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

12. One approach to identify which activities contribute to work overload for a particular resource is to
compare the resource histogram to the Gantt chart schedule.

ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: P. 219 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.03

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

13. When resource overloads are extreme, project managers may need to consider the acquisition of
additional resources, reductions in scope or extensions to the project schedule.

ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: P. 220 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.03

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

14. Resource leveling is a network scheduling technique that seeks to assign nearly equivalent work units
to each member of the project team.

ANS: F DIF: Challenging REF: P. 220 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.03

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

15. In order to avoid project delays, project managers confronted with resource overloads will naturally
seek to exploit the slack associated with non-critical activities.

ANS: T DIF: Challenging REF: P. 220 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.03

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

16. The critical chain method is a schedule method that modifies the critical path to account for limited

ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: P. 228 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.05

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

17. Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) attempts to keep the most highly demanded resource busy
on critical chain activities.

ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: P. 228 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.05

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in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

18. If a project resource is excessively overloaded, it may be necessary to reduce the project scope.

ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: P. 220 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.03

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

19. Crashing is a project schedule compression technique that relies extensively on overlapping activities
and a high degree of concurrency.

ANS: F DIF: Challenging REF: P. 222 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.04

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

20. Fast Tracking is a project schedule compression technique in which activities or phases normally done
in sequence are performed in parallel for at least a portion of their duration.

ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: P. 222 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.04

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

21. Crashing almost always accelerates the schedule while increasing project risk, whereas fast tracking
almost always accelerates the schedule while increasing project cost.

ANS: F DIF: Challenging REF: P. 223 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.04

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension


1. When estimating resource needs, project teams should consider all the following EXCEPT:

a. support needs such as information systems.

b. the time required to communicate between activities.
c. specific knowledge or skills that are required.
d. scoring models.
ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: P. 211-212 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

2. The staffing management plan addresses all of the following except:

a. how to identify internal and external human resources for the project.
b. how to create RACI charts.
c. how to handle timing issues in building, developing, and releasing the project team.
d. how to determine the availability of human resources for the project
ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: P. 212 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

3. A common tool project teams use is a responsibility assignment matrix (RAM). Typically, this chart
will depict:

a. the date each activity will begin.

b. the duration of each activity.
c. the roles key members of the team will play on each activity.
d. organizational reporting structure

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in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
ANS: C DIF: Challenging REF: P. 216 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

Figure 8-1 RACI Chart

4. Consider the RACI chart presented in Figure 8-1 (RACI stands for Responsible, Approve, Consult,
Inform). Who is responsible for development of the specification?

a. the project manager

b. the project engineer
c. the contract officer
d. the data manager
ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: P. 216 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

5. Consider the RACI chart presented in Figure 8-1. Who is accountable for the data requirements?

a. the project manager

b. the project engineer
c. the contract officer
d. the logistics manager
ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: P. 216 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

6. Consider the RACI chart presented in Figure 8-1. What responsibility should the contract officer
assume with respect to the statement of work?

a. develop
b. approve
c. consult

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d. inform
ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: P. 216 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

Figure 8-2 Software Programmer Loading Chart

7. Consider the software programmer loading chart presented in Figure 8-2. Which of the following
statements most accurately describes the loading of the software programmer?

a. The programmer is never overloaded.

b. The programmer is overloaded on Wednesday only.
c. The programmer is overloaded on Thursday only.
d. The programmer is overloaded on both Wednesday and Thursday.
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: P. 218 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

8. Consider the software programmer loading chart presented in Figure 8-2. What percent of available
time is the software programmer assigned to work activities on Thursday?

a. 80 percent
b. 100 percent
c. 150 percent
d. 200 percent
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: P. 218 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

9. Project managers often confront the challenge of reducing excessive time commitments and overloads
among project resources. All of the following methods represent a potentially viable strategy to
reduce work overloads EXCEPT:

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in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
a. Require all project resources to work overtime
b. Split an activity into two activities and delay the second part.
c. Reorder activities when logically feasible.
d. Reassign certain activities to other workers.
ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: P. 219 - 220 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.03
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

Figure 8-3 Programmers Resource Histogram

10. Consider the programmers resource histogram presented in Figure 8-3. How many programmers are
required during the fifth week of this project?

a. 2 programmers
b. 4 programmers
c. 6 programmers
d. 7 programmers
ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: P. 218 - 219 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

11. Consider the programmers resource histogram presented in Figure 8-3. If only six programmers are
available to support this project, which of the following conclusions is valid?

a. The current schedule is feasible.

b. The demand for programmers during weeks five and six exceeds the number available.
c. The demand for programmers during weeks six through ten exceeds the number available.
d. There is an excess capacity of programmers throughout the duration of this project.
ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: P. 218 - 219 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

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12. Consider the programmers resource histogram presented in Figure 8-3. Which activity is an ideal
candidate to delay in order to achieve a feasible schedule?

a. Activity A - Define Requirements

b. Activity B - Design Application
c. Activity C - Draft User Manual
d. Activity F - Correct Defects
ANS: C DIF: Challenging REF: P. 220 - 221 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.03
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 MSC: Bloom's: Application

13. Critical Chain method was developed to address several problems that are common in organizations
that use traditional project scheduling. Which of the following describes a common problem
addressed by the critical chain method?
a. Many team members render overly optimistic estimates of the time it will take them to
complete project activities.
b. Many team members work solely on a single task until it is complete - impeding work on
other related activities.
c. Many team members tend to use all of the time available for an activity rather than
completing it early.
d. Many team members work best when multi-tasking
ANS: C DIF: Challenging REF: P. 227 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.05
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

14. The components (principles) of Critical Chain Project Management include which of the following?

a. Estimate activity durations generously

b. Avoid multi-tasking.
c. Adhere strictly to completion deadlines - rather than finishing early or late.
d. Add a comfortable buffer to every activity
ANS: B DIF: Challenging REF: P. 228 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.05
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

15. Project managers must often face the challenge of compressing the project schedule. All of the
following actions can be taken to reduce the duration of the critical path EXCEPT:

a. Reduce the project scope and /or quality.

b. Overlap sequential activities using finish-to-finish, start-to-start, or start-to-finish
c. Use the float in critical path activities
d. Partially overlap sequential activities by using time leads.
ANS: C DIF: Challenging REF: P. 222 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.04
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

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in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
Figure 8-4 Project Crashing Information

16. Consider the project crashing information presented in Figure 8-4. What is the cost to complete this
project in the normal time?

a. $ 40
b. $ 120
c. $ 145
d. $ 405
ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: P. 226 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.05
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

17. Consider the project crashing information presented in Figure 8-4. What is the normal (un-crashed)
duration of this project?

a. 6 days
b. 7 days
c. 8 days
d. 9 days
ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: P. 226 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.05
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

18. Consider the project crashing information presented in Figure 8-4. Which activity should you crash to
reduce this project by one day with the least incremental cost?

a. Activity A
b. Activity C
c. Activity E
d. Activity F
ANS: C DIF: Challenging REF: P. 223 - 226 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.05

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NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

19. Consider the project crashing information presented in Figure 8-4. What is the incremental cost to
achieve a one-day reduction in the duration of this project in the most cost efficient manner?

a. $ 30
b. $ 35
c. $ 40
d. $ 60
ANS: B DIF: Challenging REF: P. 223 - 226 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.05
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

20. Consider the project crashing information presented in Figure 8-4. What is the total cost to complete
this project in 7 days if crashed in the most cost efficient manner?

a. $ 180
b. $ 220
c. $ 240
d. $ 270
ANS: B DIF: Challenging REF: P. 223 - 226 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.05
NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application


1. What methods could a project manager use to resolve resource overloads?

Key concepts to be covered in the response could include, but are not limited to:

A project manager could use a variety of methods to ensure that workers are not too overloaded.
Some of these methods include:

Assign certain activities to other workers.

Split an activity into two activities, with the first part performed as scheduled and the last part delayed.

Question the logic that was used when creating the schedule, and reorder the activities.

Acquire or borrow additional resources.

Inform the sponsor if there is a severe overload.

DIF: Challenging REF: P. 219 - 220 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.05

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

2. Describe how crashing and fast tracking can be used to compress a project schedule. What limitations
could there be with each of these methods?

Key concepts to be covered in the response could include, but are not limited to:

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in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
Crashing: When crashing a project schedule, certain activities are performed at a faster-than-normal
pace. This could require additional expenses such as overtime pay, more expensive machinery, etc.
Crashing almost always costs more money in order to speed up the schedule.

Fast Tracking: In fast tracking, activities that are normally performed in a series (one after another)
are performed at the same time. This speeds things up but can add risk.

DIF: Challenging REF: P. 223, 226 - 227 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.04

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

3. What should a project manager’s considerations be when resourcing projects?

Key concepts to be covered in the response could include, but are not limited to:

A project manager should be prepared to help key team members develop the necessary skills, if they
do not have the requisite skills for the project.

Project managers need to understand the tradeoffs between various project constraints - human
resources versus other costs versus scope.

Project managers need to be aware of resource limitations, to avoid over promising.

Finally, project managers should be aware that people are a large portion of project cost, especially
when the project requires special knowledge.

DIF: Challenging REF: P. 210 - 211 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.01

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

4. What is a responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)? Describe how you might use a responsibility
assignment matrix to manage the resources assigned to your project.

Key concepts to be covered in the response could include, but are not limited to:

A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) is a grid that shows the project resources assigned to each
work package.

A RACI is a type of RAM that shows responsible, accountable, consult, and inform to define the
involvement of stakeholders in the project activities.

RACI charts are useful for assigning activities to project team members, SMEs and the project
manager. They go further than the original communications plan because they identify every project
activity and specify the exact involvement of each project stakeholder.

DIF: Challenging REF: P. 215 - 216 OBJ: CPMT.KLOP.15.08.02

NAT: BUSPROG.CPMT.KLOP.15.03 KEY: Bloom's: Application

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in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.

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