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Article 562

Usufruct gives a right to enjoy the property of another

 with the obligation of preserving its form and
 unless the title constituting it or the law
otherwise provides.

USUFRUCT is the combination of jus utendi and jus


Jus disponendi is the essence of NAKED OWNERSHIP.

Recall Formula:

Usufruct = Full ownership – Naked ownership.

Object of usufruct:

1. May be real or personal property

2. May be sterile or productive
3. May be created over a right as long as it is –
a. not strictly personal or intransmissible
b. has an independent existence

Article 613

REAL EASEMENT (or predial easement)

An easement or servitude is an encumbrance imposed

upon an immovable for the benefit of another immovable
belonging to a different owner.

Article 614


Servitudes established for the benefit of a community, or

of one or more persons to whom the encumbered estate
does not belong.

Kind of estate:

Servient estate – one which is burdened by an easement.

Dominant estate – one which is benefitted as a result of an


If the easement is a personal easement, there is no dominant

estate because the dominant estate only exists if it is a real
easement, wherein the benefit is for a different owner.

Borbalo vs. Hidden View Homeowners

A co-owner of the common areas

CO-OWNERSHIP A co-owner may bring such an action, without the necessity
of joining all the other co-owners as co-plaintiffs because the
suit is deemed to be instituted for the benefit of all.
Article 484
If the action is for the benefit of the plaintiff alone, such that
There is co-ownership whenever the ownership of an he claims possession for himself and not for the co-
undivided thing or right belongs to different persons. ownership, the action will not prosper.

Share in benefits and charges Repairs for preservation and taxes

Article 485 Article 488

The share of the co-owners, in the benefits as well as in the Each co-owner shall have a right to compel the other co-
charges, shall be proportional to their respective interests. owners to contribute to the expenses of preservation of the
thing or right owned in common and to the taxes.
Each co-owner shares proportionately in the accretion or
alluvium of the property. A co-owner may exempt himself from payment of expenses
and taxes by renouncing so much of his undivided interest as
may be equivalent to his share of the expenses and taxes.
Any stipulation in a contract to the contrary shall be void.
No such waiver shall be made if it is prejudicial to the co-
The portions belonging to the co-owners in the co- ownership.
ownership shall be presumed equal, unless the contrary is
When repairs are made

Use of co-owned property Article 489

Article 486 Repairs for preservation may be made at the will of one of
the co-owners, BUT he must, if practicable, first notify his co-
Each co-owner may use the thing owned in common. owners of the necessity for such repairs.

Conditions: Expenses to improve or embellish the thing shall be decided

by a financial majority.
1. he can only use it in accordance with the purpose
for which it is intended
2. the interest of the co-ownership must not be injured Alteration
or prejudiced
3. the other co-owners must not be prevented from Article 491
using it according to their rights
None of the co-owners shall, without the consent of the
The purpose of the co-ownership may be changed by others, make alterations in the thing owned in common, even
agreement, express or implied. though benefits for all would result therefrom.

However, if the withholding of the consent by one or more of

Actions the co-owners is clearly prejudicial to the common interest,
the courts may afford adequate relief.
Article 487

Any one of the co-owners may bring an action in ejectment. Administration and better enjoyment

Wee vs. De Castro For the administration and better enjoyment of the thing
owned in common, the resolutions of the majority of the co-
Article 487 covers all kinds of action for the recovery or owner shall be binding.
possession, such as:
Replevin Should there be no majority, or should the resolution of the
Forcible entry majority be seriously prejudicial to those interested in the
Unlawful detainer (accion interdictal) property owned in common, the court, at the instance of an
Recovery of possession (accion publiciana) interested party, shall order such measures as it may deem
Recovery of ownership (accion de reivindicacion) proper, including the appointment of an administrator.

4. when physical partition would render the property
Number of co- unserviceable
owners who 5. when the legal nature of the common property
must give does not allow partition
One For repairs, Prescription in favor of co-owner against the other co-
Action for ejectment owners
All For alterations,
Act of ownership No prescription shall run in favor of a co-owner or co-heir
Financial Useful improvements, against a co-owner or co-heirs as long as he expressly or
majority Luxurious embellishments, impliedly recognizes the co-ownership.
Acts of administration and better
enjoyment Exception:

A co-owner may become the exclusive owner of the co-

Rights of co-owner on ideal share owned property through prescription if the following are
Article 493
1. he must make known to the other co-owners that
Each co-owner has full ownership of his part and the fruits he is definitely repudiating the co-ownership and
and benefits pertaining thereto claiming complete ownership of the entire property
2. there must be clear and convincing evidence of such
He may alienate, assign, or mortgage his ideal share repudiation and knowledge on the part of the other
He may substitute another person in its enjoyment, except 3. the other requirements of OCEAN possession and
when personal rights are involved the required period are present
4. the prescriptive period will only start to run from
The effect of the alienation or the mortgage, with respect to such repudiation
the co-owners, shall be limited to the portion which may be
allotted to him in the division upon the termination of the Article 495. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding
co-ownership. article, the co-owners cannot demand a physical division of
the thing owned in common, when to do so would render it
unserviceable for the use for which it is intended. But the co-
Partition ownership may be terminated in accordance with article 498.

Article 494 Article 496. Partition may be made by agreement between

the parties or by judicial proceedings. Partition shall be
No co-owner shall be obliged to remain in the co-ownership. governed by the Rules of Court insofar as they are consistent
with this Code.
Each co-owner may demand at any time the partition of the
thing owned in common, insofar as his share is concerned. Article 497. The creditors or assignees of the co-owners may
take part in the division of the thing owned in common and
An agreement to keep the thing undivided for a certain object to its being effected without their concurrence. But
period of time, not exceeding 10 years, shall be valid. This they cannot impugn any partition already executed, unless
term may be extended by a new agreement. there has been fraud, or in case it was made notwithstanding
a formal opposition presented to prevent it, without
A donor or testator may prohibit partition for a period which prejudice to the right of the debtor or assignor to maintain
shall not exceed 20 years. its validity.

Neither shall there be partition when it is prohibited by law. Article 498. Whenever the thing is essentially indivisible and
the co-owners cannot agree that it be allotted to one of
No prescription shall run in favor of a co-owner or co-heir them who shall indemnify the others, it shall be sold and its
against a co-owner or co-heirs as long as he expressly or proceeds distributed.
impliedly recognizes the co-ownership.
Article 499. The partition of a thing owned in common shall
not prejudice third persons, who shall retain the rights of
Exception: mortgage, servitude or any other real rights belonging to
them before the division was made. Personal rights
A co-owner may not successfully demand partition: pertaining to third persons against the co-ownership shall
also remain in force, notwithstanding the partition.
1. if by agreement, for a period not exceeding 10
years, partition is prohibited Article 500. Upon partition, there shall be a mutual
2. when partition is prohibited by a donor or testator accounting for benefits received and reimbursements for
3. when partition is prohibited by law
expenses made. Likewise, each co-owner shall pay for STAIRS FROM ENTRANCE all owners except owner of
damages caused by reason of his negligence or fraud. TO THE FIRST STORY ground floor
STAIRS FROM ENTRANCE all owners except owner of
Article 501. Every co-owner shall, after partition, be liable for OF SECOND STORY ground and first floor
defects of title and quality of the portion assigned to each of
the other co-owners.

Spouses Rol vs. Racho

Right of legal redemption G.R. No. 246096, January 13, 2021

A co-owner of a thing may exercise the right of redemption Sale of a definite portion of a co-owned property requires
in case the shares of all the other co-owners or of any of the consent of all the co-owners. Without such unanimous
them, are sold to a third person. consent, a co-owner can only convey his undivided, aliquot
interest over a co-owned property; he/she has no right to
Should two or more co-owners desire to exercise the right of divide, and thereafter, convey definite portions thereof, viz.:
redemption, they may only do so in proportion to the share
they may respectively have in the thing owned in common. If the alienation precedes the partition, the co-owner cannot
sell a definite portion of the land without consent from his or
Exercise within 30 days from the notice in writing of the her co-owners. He or she could only sell the undivided
vendor. interest of the co-owned property.

As summarized in Lopez v. Illustre, "if he is the owner of an

Right of legal pre-emption undivided half of a tract of land, he has a right to sell and
convey an undivided half, but he has no right to divide the
The right of legal pre-emption shall not be exercised except lot into two parts, and convey the whole of one part by
within 30 days from the notice in writing of prospective metes and bounds."
The undivided interest of a co-owner is also referred to as the
"ideal or abstract quota" or "proportionate share." On the
other hand, the definite portion of the land refers to specific
Perpendicular co-ownership metes and bounds of a co-owned property.

Situation: Clemente vs. Republic

G.R. No. 220008, February 20, 2019
One house/building has different storeys or floors. Each
storey belongs to different owners. The titles of ownership do It has been settled that a co-heir or co-owner may bring suit
not specify the terms and conditions for contribution with without impleading all the other co-owners if the suit is for
respect to necessary expenses. There exists no agreement on the benefit of all. In Spouses Mendoza v. Coronel,22 we held:
the subject.
[T]he law now allows a co-owner to bring an action for
Rules: ejectment, which covers all kinds of actions for the recovery
of possession, including forcible entry and unlawful detainer,
1. each owner must bear the expenses for his own unit without the necessity of joining all the other co-owners as
2. proportionate contribution is required for the co-plaintiffs, because the suit is deemed to be instituted for
preservation of the main walls, party walls, roof and the benefit of all.23
other things used in common
3. each floor owner must bear the expenses of his In subsequent cases, this Court has consistently held that as
floor long as the co-owner recognizes the co-ownership, there is
4. stairs are to be maintained from storey to storey, by no need to implead all the co-owners in all kinds of action
the users for recovery of possession.

In sum, in suits to recover properties, all co-owners are real

parties in interest. However, pursuant to Article 487 of the
whenever the different terms under the agreement Civil Code and the relevant jurisprudence, any one of them
stories of a house belong to may bring an action, any kind of action for the recovery of
different owners co-owned properties. Therefore, only one of the co-owners,
if no agreement, then: namely the co-owner who filed the suit for the recovery of
MAIN AND PARTY WALLS, all owners in proportion to the co-owned property, is an indispensable party thereto.
ROOF AND OTHER THINGS value of the story The other co-owners are not indispensable parties. They are
USED IN COMMON belonging to them not even necessary parties, for a complete relief can be
INDIVIDUAL FLOOR individual owner afforded in the suit even without their participation, since the
FLOOR OF THE ENTRANCE, all owners pro rata suit is presumed to have been filed for the benefit of all co-
In this case, although petitioner alone filed the complaint for owners. 4 What a co owner may dispose of is only
unlawful detainer, he stated in the complaint that he is one of his undivided aliquot share, which shall be limited to the
the heirs of the late Lilia Castigador, his mother, who portion that may be allotted to him upon partition. 5 Before
inherited the subject lot, from her parents. Petitioner did not partition, a co-heir can only sell his successional rights. 6
claim exclusive ownership of the subject lot, but he filed the In the case at bar, the fact that the sale executed by Evaristo
complaint for the purpose of recovering its possession which G. qqqEspique in favor of respondents and the sale executed
would redound to the benefit of the co-owners. Since by Estefanio Espique in favor of petitioner were made before
petitioner recognized the existence of a co-ownership, he, as the partition of the property among the co-heirs does not
a co-owner, can bring the action without the necessity of annul or invalidate the deeds of sale and both sales are valid.
joining all the other co-owners as co-plaintiffs. However, the interests thereby acquired by petitioner and
respondents are limited only to the parts that may be
Moreover, there is no need for the settlement of the estate ultimately assigned to Estefanio and Evaristo, respectively,
before one of the heirs can institute an action on behalf of upon the partition of the estate 7 subject to provisions on
the other co-heirs. Although an heir's right in the estate of subrogation of the other co-heirs to the rights of the
the decedent which has not been fully settled and stranger-purchaser provided in Article 1088 of the Civil
partitioned is merely inchoate, Article 493 of the Civil Code27 Code. 8 Respondent court's ruling that the sale by Estefanio
gives the heir the right to exercise acts of ownership.28 Thus, in favor of petitioner is not valid because of lack of notice to
even before the settlement of the estate, an heir may file an his co-heirs is erroneous. Such notice in writing is not a
action for reconveyance of possession as a co-owner thereof, requisite for the validity of the sale. Its purpose is merely to
provided that such heir recognizes and acknowledges the apprise the co-heirs of the sale of a portion of the estate, for
other co-heirs as co-owners of the property as it will be them to exercise their preferential right of subrogation under
assumed that the heir is acting on behalf of all the co-heirs Article 1088 of the New Civil Code, that is, the right to
for the benefit of the co-ownership. redeem the property sold within one month from the time
they were notified in writing of the sale by a co-heir. (There is
nothing in the record to indicate that such right of
Carvajal vs. CA subrogation was in effect sought to be exercised upon the
G.R. No. L-44426 February 25, 1982 co-heirs' having learned of the sale, which is not in issue
Both sales were made while the petition for partition filed by Thus, respondents have no right to eject petitioners nor
Evaristo Espique was still pending before the Court of First demand payment of rentals for the use of the property in
Instance of Pangasinan. dispute. Until the partition of the estate is ordered by the
Court of First Instance of Pangasinan in the pending partition
The action for ejectment and recovery of possession proceedings and the share of each co-heir is determined by
instituted by herein respondents in the lower court is metes and bounds, neither petitioner nor respondents can
premature, for what must be settled frist is the action for rightfully claim that what they bought is the part in dispute.
partition. Unless a project of partition is effected, each heir
cannot claim ownership over a definite portion of the Dr. Treyes vs. Larlar et al
inheritance. Without partition, either by agreement between G.R. No. 232579, September 08, 2020
the parties of by judicial proceeding, a co-heir cannot
dispose of a specific portion of the estate. For where there This Court has stated that no judicial declaration of heirship
are two or more heirs, the whole estate such heirs. 1 Upon is necessary in order that an heir may assert his or her right
the death of a person, each of his heirs becomes the to the property of the deceased.
undivided owner of the whole estate left wtih respect to the
part of portion which might be adjudicated to him, a Under the Civil Code, when the brothers and sisters of a
community of ownership being thus formed among the co- deceased married sister survive with her widower, the latter
owners of the estate or co-heirs while it remains undivided. 2 shall be entitled by law to one-half of the inheritance and the
While under Article 493 of the New Civil Code, each co- brothers and sisters to the other half. The Civil Code likewise
owner shall have the full ownership of his part and of the states that this successional right of the legal heirs is vested
fruits and benefits pertaining thereto and he may alienate, in them from the very moment of the decedent's death.
assign or mortgage it, and even substitute another person in
its enjoyment, the effect of the alienation or the mortgage "[F]rom the moment of the death of the decedent, the heirs
with respect to the co-owners, shall be limited, by mandate become the absolute owners of his property, subject to the
of the same article, to the portion which may be allotted to rights and obligations of the decedent, x x x [t]he right of the
him in the division upon the termination of the co- heirs to the property of the deceased vests in them even
ownership. He has no right to sell or alienate a concrete, before judicial declaration of their being heirs in the testate
specific, or determinate part of the thing in common to the or intestate proceedings."81
exclusion of the other co-owners because his right over the In fact, in partition cases, even before the property is
thing is represented by an abstract or Ideal portion without judicially partitioned, the heirs are already deemed co-
any physical adjudication. 3 An individual co- owner cannot owners of the property. Thus, in partition cases, the heirs are
adjudicate to himself or claim title to any definite portion of deemed real parties in interest without a prior separate
the land or thing owned in common until its actual partition judicial determination of their heirship.82 Similarly, in the
by agreement or judicial decree. Prior to that time all that the summary settlement of estates, the heirs may undertake the
co-owner has is an Ideal or abstract quota or proportionate extrajudicial settlement of the estate of the decedent
share in the entire thing owned in common by all the co- amongst themselves through the execution of a public
instrument even without a prior declaration in a separate settlements, or unless the surviving spouse or the heirs of the
judicial proceeding that they are the heirs of the deceased renounce their shares, and the presumptive
decedent.83 If there is only one legal heir, the document legitimes of the common children shall be then delivered, to
usually executed is an affidavit of self-adjudication even be taken from the total properties (the share in the conjugal
without a prior judicial declaration of heirship. properties and the balance of separate properties) pertaining
to each spouse in proper cases in accordance with Article 51
Jurisprudential Support on the Institution of of the Family Code.36 In the case, however, of the dissolution
an Ordinary Civil Action by Legal Heirs of the marriage due to the death of a spouse, the common
arising out of a Right based on Succession children are entitled to their respective shares as legal heirs
without the Necessity of a Previous Judicial in the estate of the deceased spouse.
Declaration of Heirship In many instances, however, the surviving spouse and the
heirs of the deceased spouse do not liquidate the conjugal
properties and they keep them undivided. In such case, a co-
ownership is deemed established for the management,
Adolfo vs. Cruz control and enjoyment of the common property. Since the
G.R. No. 259061. August 15, 2022 conjugal partnership no longer subsists, the fruits of the
common property are divided according to the law on co-
[w]here there are two or more heirs, the whole estate of the ownership; that is, in proportion to the share or interest of
decedent is, before its partition, owned in common by such each party.37 That share or part of the co-heir in the co-
heirs, subject to the payment of debts of the deceased. ownership prior to partition is pro indiviso, undivided or
abstract, not specific, delineated or demarcated by metes
Being a co-owner, petitioner cannot be ordered to vacate the and bounds.
house As far as the conjugal partnership property of Teodulo and
Perpetua, subject matter of the conflict herein, 1/2 undivided
Being a co-owner of the property as heir of Carolina, interest therein pertained to Teodulo as his conjugal share
petitioner cannot be ejected from the subject property. In a and the other half, which was Perpetua's conjugal share,
co-ownership, the undivided thing or right belong to pertained to her legal heirs. Based on the facts, there is no
different persons, with each of them holding the property mention of conjugal debts at the time of Perpetua's death.
pro indiviso and exercising [his] rights over the whole There is likewise no mention of any conjugal property other
property. Each co-owner may use and enjoy the property than the subject property. Thus, the subject property became
with no other limitation than that he shall not injure the co-owned property of Teodulo and the heirs of Perpetua
interests of his co-owners. The underlying rationale is that upon Perpetua's death.
until a division is actually made, the respective share of each Pending liquidation of the conjugal partnership, the
cannot be determined, and every co-owner exercises, alienations and encumbrances of the parties or co-owners
together with his co-participants, joint ownership of the pro must be considered limited to their respective undivided
indiviso property, in addition to his use and enjoyment of it. interests, and cannot involve any particular or specific
property or physical part of it. This means that the alienation
Ultimately, respondents do not have a cause of action to or encumbrance may be valid as to the undivided interest of
eject petitioner based on tolerance because the latter is also the vendor but not as to the corpus or body or physical
entitled to possess and enjoy the subject property. Corollarily, portion of the property; and the vendee will get the property
neither of the parties can assert exclusive ownership and that may be adjudicated in the partition to the vendor, but
possession of the same prior to any partition. If at all. the not any portion of what may be allotted to the other co-
action for unlawful detainer only resulted in the recognition owners
of co-ownership between the parties over the residential Aside from the dissolution of the marriage between Perpetua
house. and Teodulo and their conjugal partnership, Perpetua's death
triggered the transfer of her inheritance or hereditary estate
to her legal heirs pursuant to Article 777 of the Civil Code,
which provides: "The rights to the succession are transmitted
from the moment of the death of the decedent." Since there
is no mention of any will that she left, Perpetua died
When Perpetua died on July 19, 1989,34 the conjugal intestate.
partnership between her and Teodulo was terminated Perpetua was survived by her husband, Teodulo, and their
pursuant to Article 126(1) of the Family Code.35 The rule was seven legitimate children, namely, respondents Teodulo, Jr.,
the same under Article 175(1) of the Civil Code: "The conjugal Rosario, Ofelia, Blesilda, Armida, Jesus and Cynthia, all
partnership of gains terminates x x x upon the death of either surnamed Sison. Article 996 of the Civil Code states: "If a
spouse x x x." widow or widower and legitimate children or descendants
With Perpetua's death, the liquidation of the conjugal are left, the surviving spouse has in the succession the same
partnership between her and Teodulo should have ensued. share as that of each of the children." Since there are two or
Pursuant to Article 129 of the Family Code, after inventory, more heirs, the whole estate of the decedent is, before its
mutual restitution and payment of debts, the net remainder partition, owned in common by such heirs, subject to the
of the conjugal properties, constituting the profits of the payment of debts of the deceased, as provided in Article
conjugal partnership, shall be divided equally between the 1078 of the Civil Code.
spouses and/or their respective heirs, unless a different Upon Perpetua's death, her one-half pro indiviso conjugal
proportion has been agreed upon in their marriage share in the subject property was inherited by her widower,
Teodulo, and their seven legitimate children equally, with
each legal heir entitled to 1/8 pro indiviso share therein, or
1/16 undivided interest in the subject property. In totality,
Teodulo became co-owner of the subject property to the
extent of 9/16, consisting of his 1/2 conjugal share and 1/16
of the conjugal share of Perpetua. Thus, at the time of
Perpetua's death, the subject property became co-owned by
Teodulo (to the extent of 9/16) and each of the seven
children (to the extent of 1/16 each).

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