OW1 U1 L3 学员课堂报告表

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Class No.

OW1 Unit 1 Lesson 3

Date 2023.07.19 Class Time 18:00-18:45 Teacher Greta

Teaching Contents (教学内容): What is 特殊疑问句以及 How many 句型

1. Greeting&General Conversation. 问候&日常对话

2. Lead in-Unit Opener: 导入-单元开篇
➢ Review words:
computer table desk chair eraser picture book

➢ Review sentence structure:

Is it a pencil?
Yes, it is.
No, it isn’t.

⚫ What color is it?
It is blue. (it is=it’s)

⚫ How many books?


⚫ How many books are there?

There are three books.
There is one book.
there are=there’re
( there be 句型不是本单元的授课重点,鼓励孩子整句输出)



学会 What color is it?特殊疑问句及回答。How many+复数名词? 特殊疑问句


例句:What color is it?

It's blue.

⚫ How many...? 特殊疑问句

例句:How many pencils?


5.Wrap up:总结
➢ Summarize the content learned today. 总结今天所学的全部内容
➢ Assign homework. 布置作业。
6.Closure and good bye. 结束语和说再见

Homework (课后作业):

1. 四线格抄写单词 5 遍/个 (拍照上传)

blue orange black green red yellow purple white brown grey
2. 完成 Workbook:P6/10/11 (练习册音频 T.R 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.8/1.9)

3. 完成 Grammar workbook:P4

4. 孩子们指图片并用 What color is it? It’s________. 做自问自答,至少 5 组对话 (录制视频上传)。

书本 P19

5. 完成字母书写 Bb

注:所有作业提交日期需在 7 月 21 日中午 12 点前

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