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Class No.

OW1 Unit 1 Lesson 5

Date 2023.07.26 Class Time 18:00-18:45 Teacher Greta

Teaching Contents (教学内容):

1. Greeting&General Conversation. 打招呼&日常对话

2. Warm-up theme song: < What’s your name?>

3. Writing- Make a name badge. 写作- 制作姓名贴

➢ Have students practice the following dialogue with each other.
Hello, my name is _____. What’s your name?
My name is ______.
➢ Hello, my name is_______. This is __________. What’s your name?
➢ Have students make their own name badge.

➢ Writing goals: 书写目标

-Read a writing model. 阅读范文。
- Explain that capital, or big letters are used at the beginning
of a sentence and with the first letter of a name.

4. Value:work hard in school.


I listen. I talk. I read. I write

➢ Value 价值观:Have students read the statement on p.23。让学生用书读第 23 页的句子:

Work hard in school. I listen. I talk. I read. I write.
Explain the work hard means to do the best you can. The boy in the photo is working hard. Do you
work hard? 向学生解释说明:work hard 意为:尽最努力做某件事。照片中的男孩正在努力学
➢ Think 思考:What do you do in school?
5. Wrap up 总结:
➢ Summarize the content learned today. 总结今天所学的全部知识
6. Closure and good bye. 结束语和再见

Homework (课后作业):

1. 四线格抄写单词 5 遍/个:listen talk read write

2. 完成练习册: P14/15 (TR:1.12)

3. 完成字母书写 Dd

4. 复习 Unit1,准备下次课的单元检测,提前打印好测试卷。

5. 手工(学生用书上第 24&25 页)

制作一个“数数本”, 无需上传,下次上课带到课堂上。

Steps 步骤:

1)Cut out the pictures on page 167. 剪下学生用书第 167 页的图片。

2)Decide how many. 确定总共物品的数量。

3)Color and glue the pictures. 给图片涂颜色,粘贴图片到“数数本”上。

4)Draw more pictures and write the number. 在“数数本”上将每个物品多画几个。

注:所有作业提交日期需在 7 月 28 日中午 12 点前

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