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Class No.

OW1 Unit 2 Lesson 1

Date 2023.08.02 Class Time 18:00-18:45 Teacher Greta

Teaching Contents:

1. Greeting&General Conversation.
2. Warm-up theme song: < Nature>
3. Lead in-Unit Opener:
➢ Build background: introduce “My World” with a world map:
Where are we? We are here (point to China).
What else are in our world?
➢ Discuss the photo with students by asking questions such as the following:
What do you see? (I see a boy.)
What color are these (goggles)? (They are blue.)
What is this? (This is a finger.)
What is on the boy’s finger? (It’s a bug on the boy’s finger.)
What color is the bug? (The bug is black.)
4.Vocabulary 1:

a bird, a rock, a tree, a river, a mountain, a butterfly


the sky, the sun, the ocean

➢ Explain that:
1)A comes before singular nouns: a bird, a tree, a rock, a butterfly, a river, a mountain
A/an 用在单数可数名词前:a bird, a tree, a rock, a butterfly, a river, a mountain
2)The is used for nouns that are one and only: the sun, the sky, the ocean.
The 用在只有独一无二的事物前: the sun, the sky, the ocean.
3)不可数名词前不加 a/an
5. Wrap up 总结:
➢ Summarize the content learned today.
6. Closure and good bye.
Homework (课后作业):

1. 抄写单词 5 遍/个:bird rock tree river mountain butterfly grass sky sun ocean

2. 完成第 2 单元练习册 P16-17 【建议 P16(1)题可让孩子跟读,无需录音或拍视频】TR2.1

3. 完成字母描写 Ff

4. 指读学生用书 P28-29 单词(注意 the 发音,拍视频上传)TR2.1/2.2


注:所有作业提交日期需在 8 月 4 日中午 12 点前

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