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Student faith and piety is a national education goal where school education
institutions are a very effective vehicle for achieving educational goals, on the
grounds that through the educational process in schools students will acquire not
only aspects of knowledge and skills, but also attitudes. However, the problem in
research is the implementation of moral education through faith and piety (imtaq)
by teachers to shape the character of students at SMA Negeri 1 Dedai. Based on
the results of observations made at SMA Negeri 1 Dedai, the condition of the
moral behavior and personality of students is very concerned, this is indicated by
the existence of various cases such as students being late when class starts, noisy
in class when the teacher delivers material and lots of students skipping classes. or
running away during school hours. The aim of the study was to describe the
implementation of moral education through Imtaq by teachers to shape the
character of students at SMA Negeri 1 Dedai. The researcher used a qualitative
method, the subjects and objects of research were eye teachers, Islamic religious
subjects, Catholic religious students and Islamic religious students and Catholic
religious students. The data analysis technique used is a qualitative approach in
this study, data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and
documentation. The results showed that the implementation of moral education
through imtaq by the teacher to shape the character of students at SMA Negeri 1
Dedai, after the data was obtained from observations, interviews and
documentation, then the author can analyze in a qualitative form, namely the
search for facts from the formulation of the problem by looking at the existing
theoretical basis. 1. The purpose of the Imtaq program at Dedai 1 Public High
School Based on the results of the researchers that the school made this Imtaq
program with the aim of instilling good character values in students while also
familiarizing students so that students have faith and piety to Allah SWT. 2. The
implementation of Imtaq by the teacher to shape the character of students at Dedai
1 Public High School, the implementation of the Imtaq program in instilling
student character at Dedai 1 Public High School has gone well and with this Imtaq
program students have reflected good character. Conclusions Implementation of
Moral Education through imtaq is very good for forming character, This can be
seen by the Imtaq activities once a week which are held every Friday morning
which are attended by all students, teachers and administrative staff. Then the
Imtaq program has also been well structured, this can be seen from the schedule of
Imtaq officers and supervisors.

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