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10/31/23, 2:19 PM Have the right workplace facilities - Overview - HSE

Health and Safety


Have the right workplace facilities

1. Overview

2. Welfare issues[1]

3. Toilets and washing facilities[2]

1. Overview
Employers must provide welfare facilities and a working environment that's healthy and safe for everyone in the
workplace, including those with disabilities.

You must have:

welfare facilities – the right number of toilets and washbasins, drinking water and having somewhere to
rest and eat meals

a healthy working environment – a clean workplace with a reasonable working temperature, good
ventilation, suitable lighting and the right amount of space and seating

a safe workplace – well-maintained equipment, with no obstructions in floors and traffic routes, and
windows that can be easily opened and cleaned

What you must provide for a safe and healthy workplace

Welfare at work[4]
Related content
The basics for your business: Health and safety basics for your business [5]

First aid in work[6]

Link URLs in this page

1. Welfare issues
2. Toilets and washing facilities
3. Next page What you must provide for a safe and healthy workplace
4. Welfare at work
5. The basics for your business: Health and safety basics for your business 1/2
10/31/23, 2:19 PM Have the right workplace facilities - Overview - HSE

6. First aid in work

HSE aims to reduce work-related death, injury and ill health.

Information in other languages 2/2

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