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Time, Speed & Distance

The terms ‘Time’ and ‘Distance are related to the speed of a moving object.
Speed: We define the speed of an object as the distance covered by it a unit interval. It is obtained
by dividing the distance covered by the the objected, by the time it takes to cover that distance.

Distance travelled
Thus, Speed = .
Time taken

(i) If the time taken is constant, the distance travelled is proportional to the speed, that is, more the
speed; more the distance travelled in the same time.
(ii) If the speed is contant, the distance travelled is proportional to the time taken; that is, more the
distance travelled; more the time taken at the same speed.
(iii) If the distance travelled is constant, the speed is inversely proportional to the time taken, that is,
more the speed; less the time taken for the same distance travelled.

Calculate the speed of a train which covers a distance of 150 km in 3 hrs.


Distance covered 150

Speed = Time taken = = 50 km/hr..

Generally, if the distance is measured in kilometre, we measure time in hours and speed in kilometre
per hour and is written as km/hr and if the distance is measured in per second and is written as m/s.
Conversion of Units

1000 m 5
One kilometre/hr = = m/s.
60 × 60 s 18

\ One metre/s = km/hr..

æ 5 ö
Thus, x km/hr = ç x × m/s.
è 18 ÷ø

æ 18 ö
and, x m/s = ç x × km/hr..
è 5 ÷ø
1. How long does a train 100 m long running at the rate of 40 km/hr take to cross a telegraphic pole?
In crossing the pole, the train must travel its own length.
\ Distance travelled is 100 m.

40 ´ 1000 100
Speed = 40 km/hr = = m/s
60 ´ 60 9

\ Time taken to cross the pole = =9s
100/ 9
2. A train running at a speed of 90 km/hr passes a pole on the platform in 20 s. Find the length of the train in
Speed of the train = 90 km/hr

= 90 ´ = 25 m/s.
\ Length of the train = speed of the train ´ time taken in crossing the pole = 25 ´ 20 = 500 m.

(i) If A covers a distance d1 km at s1 km/hr and then d2 km at s2 km/hr, then the average speed
during the whole journey is given by

s1s2 (d1 + d2 )
Average speed = km/hr
s1d2 + s2 d1

(ii) If A goes from X to Y at s1 km/hr and comes back from Y to X at s2 km/hr, then the average speed
during the whole journey is given by

Average speed =
s1 + s2

A ship sails to a certain city at the speed of 15 knots/hr and sails back to the same point at the rate of 30
knots/hr. What is the average speed for the whole journey?
Here s1 = 15 and s2 = 30.

2s1s2 2 ´ 15 ´ 30
\ Average speed = s + s =
1 2 15 + 30
= 20 knots/hr

A person goes certain distance (A to B) at a speed of s1 km/hr and returns back (B to A) at a speed
of s2 km hr. If he takes T hrs in all, the distance between A and B is.

æ s s ö
Tç 1 2 ÷
è s1 + s2 ø
1. A boy goes to school with the speed of 3 km and hour and returns with a speed of 2 km/hr. If he takes 5 hrs
in all, find the distance in km between the village and the school.
Here s1 = 3, s2 = 2 and T = 5.
\ The distance between the village and the shcool
æ ss ö
= T ç 1 2 ÷ = 5 æç 3 ´ 2 ö÷ = 6 km.
è s1 + s2 ø è 3 + 2ø

If two persons A and B start at the same time from two points P and Q towards each other and
after crossing they take T1 and T2 hrs in reaching Q and P, respectively, then

A's speed T2
B's speed T1

Nikita starts her journey from Delhi to Bhopal and simultaneously Nishita starts from Bhopal to Delhi. After
crossing each other they finish their remaining journey in 5 hrs and 9 hrs, respectively. What is Nishita’s
speed if Nikita’s speed is 36 km/hr?

9 9
Nikita' s speed T2 =
= = 4 49
Nishita' s speed T1 5
9 9

= 81 = .

\ Nishita’s speed = Nikita’s speed
= ´ 36 = 28 km/hr..

If a body travels d1, d2, d3, ...., dn metres with different speeds s1, s2, s3, ...., sn m/s in time T1, T2,
T3, ... Tn s, respectively, then the average speed of the body throughout the journey is given by
Total distance travelled
Va =
Total time taken

d1 + d2 + d 3 + ... + d n
T1 + T2 + T3 + ... + Tn
(If d1, d2, ...., dn and T1, T2, ...., Tn are known)
s1T1 + s2 T2 + s3 T3 + ... + s n Tn
and Va = T1 + T2 + T3 + ... + Tn
(If d1 d2, ...., dn and s1, s2, ...., sn are known)
A car during its journey travels 40 min at a speed of 30 km/hr, another 50 min at a speed of 60 km/hr and
1 hr at a speed of 30 km/hr. Find the average speed of the car.
40 50
Here T1 = ,T = , T = 1, s1 = 30,
60 2 60 3
s2 = 60, s3 = 30.
\ Average speed of the car

40 50
30 ´ + 60 ´ + 30 ´ 1
s T +s T +s T 60 60
= 1 1 2 2 3 3 = 40 50
T1 + T2 + T3 + +1
60 60

= 40 km/hr.

If the new speed is of this original speed, then the change in time taken to cover the same
distance is given by

Change in thime = æç – 1 ö÷ ´ original time.
èa ø

By walking at four-fifths of his usual speed, Mohan is 6 min late to his office. Find his usual time to cover the
a 4
Here change in time = 6 and = .
b 5
æb ö
We have change in time = ç - 1÷ ´ original time
èa ø

Change in time
Þ Original time =
æb ö
ç - 1÷
èa ø
= æç 5 - 1ö÷ = 24 min
è4 ø

A body covers a distance d in time T1 with speed s1, but when it travels with speed s2 covers the
same distance in time T2. The following relations hold

Product of speed s1 s2 Difference of speed

= T =T =
d 2 1 Difference of time

Equating any two of the above, we can find the unkowns as per given question.
Two bicylists do the same journey by travelling respectively, at the rates of 9 and 10 km an hour. Find the
length of the journey when one takes 32 min longer than the other.
Here change in speed = 10 – 9 = 1; product of speed = 9 ´ 10 = 90 and difference of time = .

Pr oduct of speed Difference of speed

We have = Difference of time

æ Difference of time ö
Þ d = Product of speed ´ ç Difference of speed ÷
è ø

= 90 ´ = 48 km.

A train travels a certain distance at a speed of s1 km/hr without stoppages and with stoppages. it
covers the same distance at a speed of s2 km/hr. The stoppage time per hour is given by

æ s1 – s 2 ö æ Difference of speed ö
ç ÷ hr or, ç ÷
è s1 ø è Speed without stoppages ø

Without stoppages, a train travels certain distance with an average speed of 80 km/hr and with stoppages, it
covers the same distance with an average speed of 60 km/hr. How many minutes per hour the train stops?
Here s1 = 80 and s2 = 60

s1 - s2 80 - 60 1
\ Stoppage time/hr = s1 = = hr
80 4
= 15 mins

(i) If a train overtakes a pole or a man or a milestone, the distance covered in overtaking is equal to
the length of the train.
(ii) If a train overtakes a bridge or a tunnel or a platform or another train, then the distance covered
is equal to the sum of the two lengths.

1. A 600 m long train crosses a pole in 9 s. What is the speed of the train in km/hr?
Speed of the train
Length of the train
time taken in croosing the pole

600 600 18
= m/s = ´ = 240 km/hr..
9 9 5
2. A train 130 m long passes a bridge in 21 s moving with a speed of 90 km/hr. Find the length of the bridge.
We have speed of the train
length of the train + length of the bridge
= time taken in crossing the bridge

5 130 + length of the bridge

Þ 90 =
18 21
\ Length of the bridge = 525 – 130 = 395 m.

6.11 Relative speed

(a) If two trains of lengths L1 km and L2 km, respectively, are travelling in the same direction at s1
km/hr and s2 km/hr, respectively, such that s1 > s2, then s1 – s2 is called their relative speed and

æ L1 + L 2 ö
the time taken by the faster train to cross the slower train is given by ç s – s ÷ hr
è 1 2 ø

(b) If two trains of length L1 km and L2 km, respectively, are travelling in the opposite directions at s1
km/hr and s2 km/hr, respectively, then s1 + s2 is called their relative speed and the time taken by

æ L + L2 ö
the trains to cross each other is given by ç 1 ÷ hr
è s1 + s 2 ø

A train 135 m long is running with a speed of 49 km/hr. In what time will it pass a man who is walking at
5 km/hr in the direction opposite to that of the train?
Here L1 = 135, L2 = 0, s1 = 49 km/hr, s2 = 5 km/hr.
\ s1 + s2 = 49 + 5 = 54 km/hr = 54 ´ m/s

L1 + L2
\ The time taken = s + s = 54 ´ 5
1 2 18

135 ´ 18
= = 9 s.
54 ´ 5
2. Two trains of length 110 metres and 90 m are running on parallel lines in the same direction with a speed of
35 km/hr and 40 km/hr, respectively. In what time will they pass each other.
Here L1 = 110 m, L2 = 90 m, s1 = 35 km/hr and s2 = 40 km/hr
\ s2 – s1 = 40 – 35 = 5 km/hr = 5 ´ m/s

L1 + L2
\ Time taken =
s2 - s1

110 + 90 200 ´ 18
= =
5 5´ 5

= 144 s.
Two trains of lengths L1 m and L2 m run on parallel tracks. When running in the same direction,
the faster train passes the slower on in T1 s, but when they are running in opposite directions with
the same speeds as earlier, they pass each other in T2 s.
Then, the speed of the faster train

L1 + L 2 æ 1 1 ö
= ç + ÷ m/s
2 T
è 1 T2 ø

and the speed of the slower train

L1 + L 2 æ 1 1 ö
= ç – ÷ m/s.
2 T
è 1 T2 ø

Two trains of lengths 200 m and 175 m run on parallel tracks. When running in the same direction the faster

train crosses the slower one in 37 s. When running in opposite directions at speeds same as their earlier

speeds, they pass each other completely in 7 s. Find the speed of each train.


We have L1 = 200, L2 = 175, T1 = and

T2 = .

Therefore, speed of the faster train

æ 75 15 ö
æ L1 + L2 ö æ T1 + T2 ö +
æ 200 + 175 ö ç 2 2 ÷
= ç 2 ÷ç T T ÷ = ç ÷ ç 75 15 ÷
è øè 1 2 ø è 2 øç ÷
è 2 2 ø

375 45 ´ 4
= ´ = 30 m/s.
2 75 ´ 15

Speed of slower train

æ 75 15 ö
L + L æ T - T ö æ 200 + 175 ö ç 2 - 2 ÷
æ 1 2ö 1 2 ÷ ç 75 15 ÷ = 375 ´ 30 ´ 4
= ç 2 ÷ ç T T ÷ = çè 2 øç
è øè 1 2 ø ´ ÷ 2 75 ´ 15
è 2 2 ø

= 20 m/s.
(i) A train starts from a place at s1 km/hr and another fast train starts from the same place after T
hrs at s2 km/hr in the same direction. Then, the distance from the distance from the starting
place at which both the trains will meet is given by

æ s1 ×s2 ×T ö
ç ÷ km.
è s2 – s1 ø

Also, the time after which the two trains will meet is given by

æ s1T ö
ç ÷ hr..
è s2 – s1 ø

(ii) The distance between two stations A and B is d km. A train starts from A to B at s1 km/hr. T hrs
later another train starts from B to A at s2 km/hr. Then, the distance from A, at which both the
trains will meet is given by

æ d+ s2T ö
s1 ç ÷ km.
è s1 +s2 ø

Also, the time after which the two trains will meet is given by

æ d+ s2T ö
ç ÷ hr..
è s1 + s2 ø

1. A train starts from Mumbai at 10 a.m. with a speed of 25 km/hr and another train starts from there on the
same day at 3 p.m. in the same direction with a speed of 35 km/hr. Find at what distance from Mumbai both
the trains will meet and find also the time of their meeting.
Time from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. = 5 hr.
Distance of meeting point from Mumbai

æ s1 ´ s2 ´ T ö
= ç s - s ÷ km.
è 2 1 ø

æ 25 ´ 35 ´ 5 ö 1
= ç ÷ km = 437 km.
è 35 - 25 ø 2

Also, time of their meeting

æ s1 T ö æ 25 ´ 5 ö
= ç s - s ÷ hr. = ç ÷ hr..
è 2 1ø è 35 - 25 ø

125 1
= = 12 hr. after 3 P.M.
10 2
That is , 3.30 a.m. next day
2. Chennai is at a distance of 560 km from Mumbai. A train starts from Mumbai to Chennai at 6 a.m. with a
speed of 40 km/hr. Another train starts from Chennai to Mumbai at 7 a.m. with a speed of 60 km/hr. At what
distance from Mumbai and at what time will the two trains be at the point of crossing?
Time from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. = 1 hr.
Therefore, distance of meeting point from Mumbai

æ d + s2 T ö
= s1 ç s + s ÷ km.
è 1 2ø

æ 560 + 60 ´ 1 ö
= 40 ç ÷ = 248 km.
è 40 + 60 ø

Also, time of their meeting

æ d + s2 T ö
= ç s + s ÷ hr
è 1 2 ø

æ 560 + 60 ´ 1 ö 31
= ç ÷ = hr
è 40 + 60 ø 5

= 6 hr 12 min. after 6 a.m.

That is, at 12.12 noon.

Two trains start simultaneously from the stations A and B towards each other with speeds s1 km/
hr and s2 km/hr, respectively. When they meet it is found that the second train had travelled d km

æ s +s ö
more than the first. Then the distance between the two stations is given by d ç 1 2 ÷ km.
è s2 – s1 ø

Two trains start at the same time from Delhi and Rohtak and proceed towards each other at the rate of 75 km
and 65 km/hr, respectively. When they meet, it is found that one train has travelled 10 km more than the
other. Find the distance between Delhi and Rohtak.
Distance between Delhi and Rohtak

æ s1 + s2 ö
= d ç s - s ÷ km.
è 2 1ø

æ 75 + 65 ö
= 10ç ÷ km.
è 75 - 65 ø

= 140 km.
If the speed of a boat (or a swimmer) be x km/hr and the speed of the stream or the current be y km/hr, then
(a) speed of the boat (or swimmer) downstream = (x + y) km/hr.
(b) speed of the boat (or swimmer) upstream = (x – y) km/hr.

The speed of a boat in still water is 20 km/hr. If the speed of the stream be 4 km/hr, find its downstream and
upstream speeds.
Speed of the boat (x) = 20 km/hr
Speed of the stream (y) = 4 km/hr
\ Downstream speed = x + y = (20 + 4) = 24 km/hr and upstream speed = x – y = (20 – 4) = 16 = km/hr.

(i) Speed of the boat (or swimmer) in still water = (Downstream Speed + Upstream Speed)
(i) Speed of the stream = (Downstream Speed – Upstream Speed)

A boat is rowed down a river 40 km in 5 hr and up a river 21 km in 7 hr. Find the speed of the boat and the
Speed of the boat downstream = = 8 km/hr..
Speed of the boat upstream = = 3 km/hr..
\ Speed of the boat
= (Downstream Speed + Upstream Speed)
1 11
= (8 + 3) = = or 5 ´ 5 km/hr..
2 2
and speed of the river
= (Downstream Speed – Upstream Speed)

1 5
= (8 – 3) = = or 2.5 km/hr..
2 2

If a man capable of rowing at the speed of x km/hr in still water, rows the same distance up and down a
stream which flows at a rate of y km/hr, then his average speed throughout the journey is
Upstream ´ Downstream
= Man' s rate in still water

(x - y)(x + y)
A man rows at a speed of 8 km/hr in still water to a certain distance upstream and back to the starting point
in a river which flows at 4 km/hr. Find his average speed for total journey.
Average speed

Upstream ´ Downstream
= Man' s rate in still water

(8 - 4)(8 + 4)
= = 6 km/hr..

A man can row a boat in still water at x km/hr. In a stream flowing at y km/hr, if it takes t hrs more in
upstream than to go down together stream for the same distance, then the distance is given by

(x2 - y2 )t

A man can row 7 km/hr in still water. If the river is running at 3 km/hr, it takes 6 hrs more in upstream than
to go downstream for the same distance. How far is the place?
The required distance

(x2 - y2 )t

(49 - 9)6
= = 40 km.
2´ 3

A man rows a certain distance downstream in t1 hrs and returns the same distance upstream in t 2 hrs. If the
speed of the stream be y km/hr, then the speed of the man in still water is given by

æt +t ö
y ç 2 1 ÷ km/hr..
è t2 - t1 ø

A motorboat covers a certain distance downstream in 6 hrs but takes 8 hrs to return upstream of the starting
point. If the speed of the stream be 6 km/hr, find the speed of the motor boat in still water.
Speed of the motorboat in still water

æ t 2 + t1 ö
= y ç t - t ÷ km/hr
è 2 1ø

æ 8+ 6ö
= 6ç ÷ = 42 km/hr..
è 8- 6ø
A man can row a boat in still water at x km/hr. In a stream flowing at y km/hr if it takes him t hrs to row to a
place and come back, then the distance between the two places is

t(x2 - y2 )


A man can row 6 km/hr in the still water. If the river is running at 2 km/hr, it takes him 3 hrs to row to a place
and block. How far is the place?
The required distance

t(x2 - y2 )
= km.

3(36 - 4)
= = 8 km.
2´ 6

A boat (or a swimmer) takes n times as long to row upstream as to row downstream the river. If the speed of
boat (or swimmer) be x km/hr and the speed of stream be y km/hr, then

æ n + 1ö
x=y ç ÷
è n - 1ø


A man can row at the rate of 4 km/hr. in still water. If the time taken to row a cetain distance upstream is 3
times as much as to row the same distance downstream, find the speed of the current.
We have,

æ n + 1ö
Speed of the man = ç ÷ speed of the current
è n - 1ø

æ 3 + 1ö
Þ 4= ç ÷ speed of the current.
è 3 - 1ø

\ Speed of the current = 2 km/hr.

1. Udai travels half of his journey by train at the speed Note: For the constant distance covered, the ratio of
of 120 km/h and rest half by car at 80 km/h. What time taken by each person is the ratio of the recipro-
is the average speed cal of their speeds and vice-versa.
Sol. Let the total distance be 2D km, then If the ratio of speeds of A, B, C , D be a : b : c : d,
then the ratio of time taken by A, B, C and D to
Total time = Time taken by train + Time taken by car
cover the same distance
= + 1 1 1 1
120 80 = : : :
a b c d
2D and if the time taken by A, B, C and D be p : q : r :
\ Average speed =
D D s, then the ratio of their speeds
120 80
1 1 1 1
= : : :
p q r s
2D 2
= = 96 km/h
æ 1 1 ö æ2+ 3ö 3. The distance of the college and the home of Rajeev
Dç + ÷ ç ÷
è 120 80 ø è 240 ø is 80 km. One day he was late by 1 hour than the
normal time to leave for the college, so he increased
Alternatively: Consider the distance in numbers his speed by 4 km/h and thus he reached to col-
(since it dependent of the distance) as the LCM of lege at the normal time. What is the changed (or
the speeds. Then, the total distance = LCM of 120 increased) speed of Rajeev ?
and 80 = 240
Sol. Let the normal speed be x km/h, then
Thererfore, time taken by train = = 1h 80 80
120 - =1
x (x + 4)
120 3
and time taken by car = - h Þ x2 + 4x – 320 = 0
80 2
Þ x(x + 20) – 16(x + 20) = 0
Total distance (x + 20) (x – 16) = 0
\ Average speed = Total time taken x = 16 km/h
\ (x + 4) = 20 km/h
240 Therefore increased speed = 20 km/h
Alternatively : If t1 and t2 be the original and changed
= 1 + 3 = 96 km/h
2 time and S1 and S2 be the original and changed
speeds, then
Alternatively: Average speed = Distance´ (S1 : S2 )
(x + y) S1 ´ S2 = (t1 : t2 )
where x and y are the speeds.
2 ´ 120 ´ 80
Distance ´ (t1 : t2 )
\ Average speed = = 96 km/h Also, t1 ´ t2 = (S1 : S2 )
120 + 80
2. Speed of karan is 40 km/h and speed of Arjun is 80
60 km/h. What is the ratio of time taken by each \ S1 ´ S2 = ´ 4 = 320
to cover the same distance ?
\ S1 ´ S2 = 320
Sol. Karan Arjun or S1 ´ (S1+ 4) = 320
Speed 40 : 60 Þ S1 16 and S2 = 20
Note: Here you need not to solve necessarily quadratic
Þ 2 : 3
equation. You can just try and find two factors of 320
\ Time 3 : 2 in such a way that (in this particular problem) one
1 1 factor must be greater than the other factor by 4.
Alternatively: Time taken = : =3:2
40 60
Alternatively: Go through options. Consider 20 Sol. Increase in speed = 5 km/h
80 Decrease in time = 6 min(4 + 2)
t2 = =4 By product constancy :
Speed Time
t1 = 4 + 1 = 5
1 1
80 ­ ¯ = 6 min
S1 = = 16 4 5
Since, S1 is 4 km/h less than S2. Hence, option (d) is æ x ö
together. It means original time = 30 min çQ = 6 Þ x = 30 ÷
è 5 ø
4. Shweta when increase her speed from 24 km/h to \ Total distance = Original speed ´ Original time
30 km/h she takes one hour less than the usual time
to cover a certain distance. What is the distance 30
= 20 ´ = 10 km
usually covered by shweta? 60

Sol. Let the original time be t hours, then 6. Amit covers a certain distance with his own speed,
24t = 30 ´ (t – t) = D (Distance) but he when reduces his speed by 10 km/h his time
then t=5 duration for the journey increase by 40 hours, while
\ Distance = 24 ´ 5 = 120 km if he increases his speed by 5 km/h form his origi-
Alternatively: Go through options. nal speed he takes 10 hours less than the original
time taken. Find the distance covered by him.

1 hour le ss Sol. 40S – 10T = |–400| ... (i)
– 10 +40

Hence, the option (c) is correct. –10S + 5T = |–50| ... (ii)
+5 – 10
Alternatively: Since distance (D) is constant.
Therefore, D = S1 ´ t1 = S2 ´ t2 Solving eq. (i) and (ii), we get
It means here we can apply product constancy S = 25 and T = 60
Speed Time \ Distance (D) = S ´ T
= 25 ´ 60 = 1500 km
1 1
­ ¯ = 1 hour where D ® Distance, S ® speed, T ® Time
4 5 ‘+’ means increase in value.
\ Original time taken = 5 ´ 1 = 5 hours and ‘–’ means decrease in value.
Therefore, Distance = Original speed ´ Original time Alternatively: Let distance be x km and usual speed
= 24 ´ 5 = 120 km y km/h.
Note: In the given exercise or in the whole chapter
x x
you have to solve maximum problems through prod- - = 40
(y - 10) y
uct constancy concept described in the chapter of
ratio proportion and variation.
é 10 ù
Solving through product constancy gives faster Þ xê ú = 40
resultes. ë y(y - 10) û
Alternatively: Let the distance be D, then Þ x = 4y(y – 10)
D D x x
- =1 and - = 10
24 30 y (y + 5)
D = 120 km. Þ x = 2y(y + 5)
5. Kriplani goes to school at 20 km/h and reaches the from equation (i) and (ii
school 4 minutes late. Next time, she goes at 25 4y (y –10) = 2y (y + 5)
km/h and reaches the school 2 minutes earlier than 2y – 20 = y + 5
the scheduled time. What is the distance of her y = 25 km/h
school ? x = 1500 km.
7. A train met with an accident 60 km away from A B
Anantpur station. It completed the remaining jour- Sol.
5 (i) Since, they are coming towards each other from op-
ney at th of the previous speed and reached the
6 posite ends, therefore the relative speed will be the
Baramula station I hour 12 min late. Had the acci- sum of their speeds = 30 + 40 + 70 km/h.
dent taken place 60 km further, it would have been Thus, the required time to meet at M
only 1 hour late. = Time required to cover 700 km (combined)
(a) What is the normal speed of the train? 700
= = 10 h
(b) What is the distance between Anantpur and 70
Baramula ? Thus in 10 hours they will meet each other at M.
1 (ii) The ratio of their distance covered to meet at M
Sol. Case I. Since the speed is decreased by . So, = Ratio of their speeds 3 : 4
that time will be increased by 1/5, which is equal (Since, time is constant i.e., same for each)
to 1 hour 12 minutes. Thus PM : MQ = 3 : 4
It means the normal time required for this remaining
part (x) of the journey is 5 ´ 72 min = 360 min = 6 h. (iii) MQ = ´ 700 = 400 km
(Q 1 h 12 min = 72 min)
700 70
A P x B (iv) Time required by A to reach at Q = = h
1h 30 3

P is the place of accident. 700 70

Time required by B to reach at P = = h
Case II. When accident is supposed to be happened 40 4
at Q.
x 70 70
\ Extra time required by A = -
3 4
1h 60
(x– 60) 1
= 70 ´ = 5h 50 min
1 12
Since, the speed is decreased by , hence, the time
1 (v) Time required by A to cover MQ =
will be increased by , which is equal to 1 hour,, 30
hence the normal time required for this remaining 300
part (x – 60) of journey = 5 ´ 1 = 5 hours. and time required by B to cover MP =
8. The distance between two placess P and Q is 700
km. Two persons A and B started towards Q and P 400/ 30 16
\ Required ratio = =
from P and Q simultaneously. The speed of A is 30 300/ 40 9
km/h and speed of B is 40 km/h. They meet at a Remember: It speed of A is SA and speed of B is SB
point M which lies on the way from P to Q. and A takes tA time to cover MQ and B takes t B time
(i) How long will they rake to meet each other at M? to cover MP, then
(ii) What is the ratio of PM : MQ? SA t
= B
(iii) What is the disatance MQ? SB tA
(iv) What is the extra time needed by A reach at Q (vi) It means they that have to cover (700 – 560) = 140
than to reach at P by B? km. Thus, the required time to cover 140 km dis-
(v) What is the ratio of time taken by A and B to tance
reach their respective destinations after meet- 140
ing at M? = = 2h
(vi) In how many hours will they be separated by only (vii) Since in each hour they separate by 70 km from
560 from each other when they cross M (time each other. Hence, to separate by 280 km, time
to be considered after their meeting)? required
(vii) How long will it take is separate then by 280
280 km. = = 4h
9. A boat can move at 5 km/h in still water (i.e., when 11. A train, 110 m long, travels at 60 kmph. How long
water is not flowing). The speed of river is 1 km/h. does it take to cross
A beat takes 80 minutes to go from a point A to (a) a telegraph post?
another point B and return to the same point. (b) a man running at 6 kmph in the same direction ?
(i) What is the distance between the two points? (c) a man running at 6 kmph in the opposite di-
(ii) What is the ratio of downstream speed and up- rection?
stream speed? (d) a platform 240 m long?
(iii) Whati is the ratio of time taken in downstream (e) another train 170 m long, standing on another
speed to the upstream speed? parallel track?
Sol. Downstream speed of boat = (5 + 1) = 6 km/h (f) another train 170 m long, running at 54 kmph
in same direction?
Upstream speed of boat = (5 – 1) = 4 km/h
(g) another train 170 metre long, running at
80 kmph in opposite direction?
Downstream speed Downstream time
Upstream speed = Upstream time Sol. Since 1 kmph = m/s

6 3 Time taken in upstream direction 5

= = \ Speed of train = 60 kmph = 60 ´ m/s.
4 2 Time taken in downstream direction 18
(a) The telegraph post is a stationary object, so, the
2 time taken by the train is the same as the time
\ Time taken in downstream = ´ 80 = 32 min and
5 taken by the train to cover a distance equal to
its own length.
time taken in upstream direction = ´ 80 = 48 min
5 110 + 0
Required time = = 6.6 seconds.
\ Distance between two points = DS speed ´ DS time 60 ´
= US speed ´ US time
(b) The man is moving in same direction, so length
where DS ® Downstream and US ® upstream
to be covered = Length of the train and relative
6 ´ 32 speed = speed of train – speed of man.
D= = 3.2 km
60 So, required time

48 110 110
= = 7.33 seconds.
or D=4´ = 3.2 km 5 15
60 (60 - 6) ´
(i) 3.2 km (ii) 3 : 2 (iii) 2 : 3
(c) The man is moving, in opposite direction, so
10. A man can row 9 km/h in still water. It takes him length to be covered = Length of the train and
twice as long as row up as to row down. Find the relative speed = speed of train + speed of man.
rate of stream of the river. So, required time
Time taken in upstream 2
Sol. = 110 110 ´ 18
Time taken in downstream 1 = = 6 seconds.
5 330
(60 + 6) ´
Downstream speed 2 where B + R = 2 18
\ =
Upstream speed 1 B- R 1 (d) The platform is stationary of length 240 m.
Length to be covered
B ® speed of boat in still water
= Length of the train + Length of the platform
R ® speed of current = 110 + 240 = 350 m and relative speed =
speed of train. So, required time
Þ B=3 (By componendo and dividendo)
R 1
= 350 350 ´ 18
= = 21 seconds.
9 3 5 300
Þ = Þ R = 3 km/h 60 ´
R 1 18
(e) Another train is stationary. 13. A man who can swim 48 m/min in still water swims
200 m against the current and 200 m with the cur-
Length to be covered
rent. If the difference between these two times is
= Length of the train + Length of the other train 10 min, then find the speed of the current in m per
= 110 + 170 = 280 m and relative speed = 60 min.
kmph. Sol. Let the speed of stream be x kmph. The equation
So, required time
200 200
- = 10
280 280 ´ 18 48 - x 48 + x
= = = 16.8 seconds.
5 300 Þ 200(48 + x) – 200(48 – x) = 10[482 – x2]
60 ´
18 Þ x2 + 40x – 2304 = 0.
On solving it we get x = 32 and x = –72 (not ac-
(f) Another train is moving in same direction. Length ceptable) i.e. speed of stream is 32 m/min.
to be covered = Length of the train + Length of 14. The metro trains which travel at a uniform speed
the other train = 110 + 170 = 280 m and rela- between stations A and B run at a regular interval
tive speed = 60 – 54 = 6 kmph. So, required of 12 min. If Ajay, walking along the railway track
at uniform speed, observes that every 10 min there
time = 280 = 280 ´ 3 = 168 seconds. is a train coming from the opposite direction and
5 5 passes him, then what is the time-gap between one

18 train that overtakes him from behind and the im-
mediately next train overtaking him?
(g) Here, another train is moving in opposite direction. (1) 15 min (2) 16 mins
Length to be covered (3) 13.5 mins (4) None of these
= Length of the train + Length of the other train Sol. Let the speed of train be V and speed of Ajay be v.
= 110 + 170 = 280m and relative speed Then, by relative speed
= 60 + 80 = 140 kmph. So, required time 10(V + V) = 12V ...(i)
280 280 ´ 18 T(V – v) = 12V ...(ii)
= = = 7.2 seconds.
5 140 ´ 5 From Eqs. (i) and (ii),
140 ´
18 V + v V - v 12 12
+ = +
V V 10 T
12. A man rows 10 km upstream and back again to the
starting point in 55. If the speed of stream is 2 Þ T = 12 ´ = 15 min
kmph, then find the speed of rowing in still water.
15. In covering a distance of 30 km, Amit takes 2 hrs more
Sol. Let x be the speed of rowing in still water. than Suresh. If Amit doubles his speed, then the would
take 1 hour less than Suresh. Amit’s speed is
55 (1) 5 km/hr (2) 7.5 km/hr
y = speed of stream = 2 kmph. Total time T = h.
60 (3) 6 km/hr (4) 6.25 km/hr
Hence, Total time Sol. Let Amit’s speed = x km/hr
Let Suresh’s speed = y km/hr
Speed in still water ´ Total distance
= Upstream rate ´ Downstream rate 30 30
\ = +2 ....(i)
x y

55 x ´ 2 ´ 10 55 2 If Amit’s speed becomes 2x km/hr, then

Þ = Þ (x – 22) = 2 ´ x ´ 10
60 (x + 2)(x - 2) 60 30 30
= –1 ....(ii)
2x y
Þ 11x – 240x – 44 = 0 Þ (x – 22)(11x +2) = 0
From Eqs. (i) and (ii)
\ x = 22, since (–)ve value of x is not admissible. 30 30
Þ –2= +1
Total Distance = Downstream distance + Upstream x 2x
distance = 2 ´ any one side distance. Þ x = 5, y = 7.5
16. Two persons A and B are at two places P and Q. Sol. A covers 3.5 km before meeting B in (18 ´ 3.5)
respectively. A walks at v km/hr and B is 2 km/hr + 3 = 66 mins
faster than A, starting simultaneously from where B covers a distance of 5.5 km in 66 mins, i.e.
they stand. If they walk towards each other, they
66 11
meet in 72 min. It they walk in the same direction, hrs, i.e. hrs.
60 10
the faster overtakes the slower in 6 hrs. Find their
respective speeds (in km/hr). 11 10
\ B’s speed = ´ = 5 km/hr..
Sol. Let d kilometres be the distance between A and B. 2 11

d 18. Two champion swimmings start a two-length swim-

When A and B walk towards each other ming face at the same time but from opposite ends
v + (v + 2)
of the pool. They swim in line and at constant but
72 different speeds. They first pass at a point 18.5 m
= and if they walk in the same direction from the deep end and having completed one
length, each swimmer is allowed to rest on the edge
d of the pool for 45 s. After setting off on the return
= 6, length, the swimmers pass for the second time just
(v + 2) - v
10.5 m from the shallow end. Thus, the length of
d the pool is
i.e. = 6 or d = 12 km
2 Sol. When they pass for the first time, the combined dis-
tance = Length of the pool. When they meet for
d 72 second time, the combined distance = 3 ´ length
So, = and v = 4 km/hr Ratio of speeds pool. As both have constant speeds, hence at the
2v + 2 60
second meeting each swimmer had covered 3 times
as much distance as at the first meeting. Since the
17. A starts 3 min after B are for a place 4.5 km dis- swimmer starting at the deep end had covered 18.5
tant B, on reaching his destination, immediately m when they first met, he covered 18.5 ´ 3 = 55.5
returns and after walking a km meets A. If A can m when they next met. It is clear then this distance
walk 1 km in 18 mins, then what is B’s speed ? is 10.5 m more than the length of the pool which is
hence, 55.5 – 10.5 = 45 m.
1. A 125 meters long train overtakes a man walking 11. Rohit can row 18 km in 4 hrs down stream but
at the rate of 4 km/hr, parallel to the line in the same while returning he takes 12 hours. The speed of
direction, in 9 seconds. The speed of the train is the water current is
(1) 48 km/hr (2) 54 km/hr (1) 1.5 km/hr (2) 4 km/hr
(3) 80 km/hr (4) 100 km/hr (3) 2 km/hr (4) 3 km/hr
2. A clerk walks from his house at 4 km/hr and reaches
12. Two persons move towards each other from two
his office 5 minutes late. If his speed is 5 km/hr, he
places 55 km apart. One moves at a speed of
will reach his office 10 minutes early. How far is his
12 km/hr and other at 10 km/hr. They will be first
from home?
11 km apart after moving for
5 5
(1) 5 km. (2) km. (3) km (4) 15 km (1) 3 hrs (2) 2hrs (3) 6hrs (4) 4hrs
12 2
3. Ravi rows a distance of 1 km down the stream in 13. Kishan cycles at a speed of 8 km/hr. After every
10 minutes and takes 30 minutes to cover the same 10 km, he rests for 20 minutes. How long will he
distance up stream. The speed of the stream is take to travel a distance 40 km?
(1) 5 km per hour (2) 3 km per hour (1) 6 hrs 20 min (2) 8 hrs
(3) 2 km per hour (4) 4 km per hour (3) 6 hrs (4) 5 hrs
4. It takes an hour for a saree to dry in the sun.
14. The length of a running train A is 30 percent more
25 such sarees will dry in
than the length of another train B running in the
(1) 50 hrs (2) 20 hrs opposite direction. To find out the speed of the
(3) 1 hr (4) 625 hours train B, which of the following informations given in
5. A monkey ascends a greased pole 21 m high. In the statements P and Q is/are required?
the first minute he ascends 5 m and in the next
P. The speed of train A is 80 km/hr
minute he descends 3 m. If he continues this process,
in how many minutes will he reach the top? Q. They take 90 seconds to cross each other
(1) 17 minutes (2) 10.5 minutes (1) Either P or Q is sufficient
(3) 21 minutes (4) 40 minutes (2) Both P and Q together are not sufficient
6. A train running at a speed of 54 km/hour passes a (3) Only P is sufficient
signal post in it 8 seconds. The length of train is (4) Only Q is sufficient
(1) 432 m. (2) 150 m.
15. A train 220 metres long is moving at a speed of 90
(3) 120 m. (4) Data inadequate km/hr. The time taken by the train to cross a platform
7. A car is 25 km ahead of a scooter. The car is travelling 440 m long is
at 40 km/hr and the scooter at 50 km/hr. The
(1) 21.6 second (2) 23.88 second
scooter will overtake the car after
(3) 26.4 second (4) 28.88 second
1 1 1
(1) 1 hrs (2) 2 hrs (3) 3 hrs (4) 3 hrs 16. A train 150 m long is moving at a speed of 30 km/
2 2 2
8. Hari singh can cover a circular path of radius 21 hr. It will cross a cyclist coming from the opposite
m. in 44 sec. He will cover a distance of 3 km in direction at a speed of 10 km/hr in
(1) 16 min. 20 secs. (2) 16 min. 40 secs. (1) 11.5 second (2) 13.5 second
(3) 18 min. 00 secs. (4) 18 min. 30 secs. (3) 14.25 second (4) 15.75 second
9. Two cars start from one point and move along two 17. What is the speed of a 75 m long train which passes
roads at right angles to each other. Their speeds a 150 m long platform in 10 second?
are 36 km/hr and 48 km/hr respectively. After
15 sec. the distance between them will be (1) 63 km/hr (2) 72 km/hr
(1) 400 m. (2) 150 m. (3) 76.75 km/hr (4) 81 km/hr
(3) 300 m. (4) 250 m. 18. A train takes 40 minutes for a journey if it runs at
10. Javed walks at the rate of 3 km/hr for 2 hours and 0.05 km/sec. The rate at which the train must run
then at the rate of 2 km/hr for 3 hours. His average to reduce the time to 28 minutes will be nearly
speed is .... km/hr. (1) 257 km/hr (2) 212 km/hr
(1) 4 (2) 2.4 (3) 2.5 (4) 5 (3) 188 km/hr (4) 88 km/hr
19. A man takes 6 hours 15 minutes to walk a certain 30. What is the speed of a train which overtakes a man
distance and riding back. He could walk both ways walking at a speed of 5 km/h in 30 seconds, if
in 7 hours 45 minutes. He can ride both ways in the train is 274 metres long ?
(1) 4 hrs 30 min. (2) 6 hrs 30 min. (1) 51.88 km/h (2) 47.88 km/h
(3) 4 hrs 45 min. (4) None of above (3) 37.88 km/h (4) 21.67 km/h
20. A thief steals a scooter at 1 P.M. and drives at the 31. Two persons, 27 km apart, starting out at the same
speed of 45 Km/hr. The theft is discovered at 2 time are together in 9 hrs if they walk in the same
P.M. and the owner chases him at 54 km/hr. He direction, but in 3 hrs. if they walk in opposite directions.
will be caught at What are their rates of walking (in km/h) ?
(1) 7 P.M. (2) 6 P.M. (1) 5, 2 (2) 4, 3 (3) 6, 3 (4) 8, 7
(3) 8 P.M. (4) 6.30 P.M. 32. A train starts from station X at the rate of 60 km/
21. A man rows upstream for 13 km and downstream h and reaches station Y in 45 minutes. If the speed
for a distance of 28 km in 5 hrs each time. The is reduced by 6 km/h. how much more time will the
speed of the water current is train take to return from station Y to station X ?
(1) 2 km/hr (2) 1.5 km/hr 1
(3) 2.5 km/hr (4) 3 km/hr (1) 5 min (2) 7 min (3) 6 min (4) 4 min
22. A train with stoppages, covers a distance at 60 33. In one hour a boat goes 11 km along the stream
km/hr and without stoppages at 90 km/hr. The and 5 km against the stream. The speed of the
train stops for ... minutes per hour. boat in still water (in km/h) is :
(1) 20 (2) 15 (3) 30 (4) 25 (1) 5 (2) 6 (3) 8 (4) 9
23. Anuva takes 20 minutes less to reach her office 34. A boat has to run upstream to reach point Y from
if her speed increase by 5 km/h and takes 30 a point X, 20 kms away. The boat starts from point
minutes more if her speed decreases by 5 km/h. X for point Y and comes back to point X in a total
What is her original speed ? time of 41 minutes and 40 seconds. What is the
(1) 20 km/h (2) 30 km/h speed of the boat ?
(3) 35 km/h (4) None of these (1) 166 km/h (2) 7.2 km/h
24. A boat takes 20 minutes and 30 minutes to cover (3) 148 km/h (4) data inadequate
a particular distance downstream and upstream 35. Two trains for Bombay leave Delhi at 6 a.m. and
respectively. If the speed of the boat in still water 6 : 45 am and travel at 100 km/h and 136 km/
is 20 m/s, find the speed of the stream ? h respectively. How many kilometres from Delhi
(1) 6 m/s (2) 8 m/s (3) 12 m/s (4) 4 m/s will the two trains be together ?
25. A 100 m long train crosses a stationary man in (1) 262.4 km (2) 260 km
10 seconds. What is the speed of the train ?
(3) 283.33 km (4) 272.2 km
(1) 18 km/h (2) 27 km/h
36. In a 500 m race, the ratio of speed of two runners
(3) 36 km/h (4) 45 km/h Vinay and Shyam is 3 : 4. If Vinay has a start of
26. The speed of boat in still water is 12 km/h. If it 140 m then Vinay wins by
takes 1 hour to go upstream 6 kms; in what time
(1) 15 m (2) 20 m (3) 25 m (4) 30 m
will it return same distance downstream ?
37. A motorboat whose speed in still water is 15 km/h
(1) 20 min (2) 30 min (3) 5 min (4) 10 min
goes 30 km down stream and comes back in a
27. Two trains A and B, travelling in opposite directions,
total 4 hours 30 min. Determine the speed of the
cross each other in six seconds. The speed of train
A is 126 km/h, while that of train B is 90 km/h.
(1) 2 km/h (2) 3 km/h
If the length of train A is 160 metres, what is the
length of train B ? (3) 4 km/h (4) 5 km/h
(1) 100 m (2) 80 m (3) 180 m (4) 200 m 38. Sujit covers a distance in 40 minutes if he drives
28. A train crosses a stationary person in 3 seconds at a speed of 60 km/h on an average. Find the
while it takes 10 seconds to cross a platform, speed at which he must drive at to reduce the time
travelling at same speed. If the length of the platform of the journey by 25% ?
is 210 metres, what is the length of the train ? (1) 60 km/h (2) 70 km/h
(1) 180 m (2) 135 m (3) 90 m (4) 45 m (3) 75 km/h (4) 80 km/h
29. A 225 m long train crosses another 150 m long 39. Salil walks a certain distance at 2.5 km/h for 2 hours
train travelling in opposite direction in 12.5 sec. and then runs 10 km at a certain speed for 3 hours.
If one of the trains travels @ 72 km/h, what is the Salil’s average speed for the whole journey is ____.
speed of the other?
(1) 2 km/h (2) 3 km/h
(1) 54 km/h (2) 27 km/h
(3) 36 km/h (4) 45 km/h (3) 5 km/h (4) 6 km/h
40. A train 150 meters long completely passes a boy 49. Two trains 150 m long and 250 m long are trav-
walking in the opposite direction at 6 kmph in 9 elling at the speeds of 30 kmph and
seconds and a car travelling in the opposite direc- 33 kmph respectively on parallel tracks in oppo-
tion in 6 seconds. Find the speed of the car. site directions. What is the time taken by these trains
(1) 18 kmph (2) 36 kmph to cross each other completely from the moment
(3) 48 kmph (4) 60 kmph they meet ?
41. Rakesh travelled from Hyderabad to mumbai in his 6 3
car at a certain speed. He would have reached (1) 22 sec (2) 21 sec
7 7
Mumbai 2 hours early if he had driven his car at 1
(3) 22 sec
2 (4) 21 sec
75 km/h. If the distance between Hyderabad and 7 7
Mumbai is 750 km, then the speed at which Rakesh 50. A person takes 1 h more than that of his friend to
travelled is reach a party. The distance travelled by the person
(1) 60 km/h (2) 50 km/h is 20 km more than that of his friend. Also given
(3) 80 km/h (4) 90 km/h that the speed of the person is 16 km/h while that
42. A train 100 meters long completely passes a man of his friend is 15 km/h, find the distance travelled
walking in the same direction at 6 kmph in 5 sec- by his friend to reach the party.
onds and a car travelling in the same direction in (1) 60 km (2) 40 km (3) 80 km (4) 30 km
6 sec. Find the speed of the car. 51. The average of the speed of the boat upstream and
(1) 30 kmph (2) 24 kmph the speed of the boat downstream is equal to the :-
(3) 48 kmph (4) 18 kmph (1) speed of the boat in still water
43. If a 300 m long train is travelling at a constant speed,
(2) speed of the stream
then find the ratio of the time it takes to cross a pole
and a 500 m long bridge. (3) speed of the boat upstream
(1) 3 : 8 (2) 3 : 5 (4) speed of the boat downstream.
(3) 5 : 6 (4) 5 : 12 52. A man can swim downstream at 10 km/h and
44. A car traveles x km at 60 kmph and then travels upstream at 4 km/h. Find the speed of the man in
another 2x km at 40 kmph. Find its average speed still water and the speed of the current respectively.
for the entire distance. (1) 7 kmph; 2 kmph
(1) 45 kmph (2) 48 kmph (2) 7.5 kmph; 2.5 kmph
(3) 50 kmph (4) 56 kmph (3) 7 kmph; 3 kmph
45. A policeman, travelling at 75 km/h, chases a thief (4) 8 kmph; 2 kmph
1500 m away from him and travelling at 60 km/ 53. A car covers 300 km at a constant speed. If its speed
h. What is the time taken by the policeman to catch was 10 kmph more, it would have taken one hours less
the thief ? to travel the same distance. Find the speed of the car.
(1) 6 min (2) 16 min (3) 12 min (4) 8 min (1) 60 kmph (2) 50 kmph
46. The ratio of the speeds of Amar and Akbar is (3) 40 kmph (4) 75 kmph
8 : 5. If Akbar takes 15 minutes more than Amar 54. The sum of the time taken by train P and train Q
to cover a certain distance, then find the time taken
to cross their own lengths is twice the time taken
by Akbar to cover the same distance.
by them to cross each other when they are travel-
(1) 25 minutes (2) 15 minutes ling in opposite direction to each other. If P takes
(3) 20 minutes (4) 40 minutes 20 seconds to cross a stationary pole, find the time
47. A cat sights a rat at a distance of 200 m away from taken by Q to do the same. (in seconds)
it and starts running towards it at 20m/sec. At this
(1) 25 (2) 30 (3) 20 (4) 15
moment, the rat notices the cat and moves away
55. A man can row 20 kmph in still water. It takes him
from it at a speed of 15 m/sec. After what time
thrice as long to row up as to row down the river.
will the cat be able to catch the rat ?
Find the speed of the stream.
(1) 20 sec. (2) 40 sec.
(1) 8 kmph (2) 10 kmph
(3) 60 sec. (4) 80 sec.
(3) 12 kmph (4) 15 kmph
48. Two persons A and B move towards each other
56. A person saves 5 minutes in covering a certain
from P and Q respectively. They meet 50 kms away distance by increasing his speed by 20%. What is
from Q. If the ratio of the speeds of A and B is the time taken to cover the distance at his usual
4 : 1, find the distance between P and Q. speed ?
(1) 200 km (2) 175 km (1) 25 minutes (2) 30 minutes
(3) 125 km (4) 250 km (3) 45 minutes (4) 50 minutes
57. A train leaves Hyderabad at 5 a.m. and reaches 65. A train 100 meters long, crosses a telegraphic post
Bangalore at 3 p.m. Another train leaves Banglore in 10 seconds. Another train of the same length crosses
at 7 a.m. and reaches Hyderabad at 5 p.m. When a platform 125 meters long, in 15 seconds. What is
do the two trains meet ? the difference of the distance covered by the two trains
(1) 10 a.m. (2) 11 a.m. (3) 12 noon (4) 1 p.m. in 3 hours?
58. Two trains are travelling in opposite directions with (1) 54 km (2) 60 km (3) 72 km (4) 90 km
speeds 25 m/sec and 30 m/sec respectively. If the 66. In an 1800 m race, Girish beats Harish by 50
length of one train is 300 m and that of the other train seconds. In the same race, Harish beats Suresh by
is 250 m, then find the time taken by the trains to cross 40 seconds. If Girish beats Suresh by 450 m, by
each other. what distance does Girish beat Harish ? (in m)
(1) 8 sec. (2) 10 sec. (3) 12 sec. (4) 14 sec. (1) 225 (2) 175.75
59. Shiva walks at 3 km/h from his house and reaches (3) 150 (4) 281.25
his office 17 minutes late. If he walks at 5 km/h he 67. A man misses a train by 1 hour if he travels at a speed
is early to the office by 15 minutes. Find the dis- of 4 km/h. If he increase his speed to 5 km/h he
tance between his office and house. still misses the train by 24 minutes. At what speed
(1) 3 km (2) 5 km (3) 4 km (4) 2 km should he travel so that he reaches the station
60. In a 900 meters race, Sreenivas beats Vishnu by exactly on time ?
270 meters and Ven kat by 340 meter s. (1) 12 kmph (2) 8 kmph
By how many meters does Vishnu beat Venkat in (3) 6 kmph (4) 10 kmph
the same race ? 68. A train P takes 40 seconds to cross a train 800 m
(1) 70 (2) 200 (3) 100 (4) 140 long, and having a speed of 30 m/sec, in the
61. Ashok ran around a square plot ABCD once in the opposite direction. It takes 120 seconds to cross
following manner. He ran the distance AB and BC another train twice its length and having the same
at 4 kmph and 6 kmph respectively. He ran the speed and moving in the opposite direction to it.
distance CD and DA at 4 kmph and 6 kmph respec- Find the length of the train P in metres.
tively. His average speed for running from A to C (1) 600 (2) 800 (3) 1000 (4) 1200
was 4.8 kmph. Find his average speed for running 69. Subodh and Hari run a race. Subodh gives Hari a
around the square plot once. (in kmph) start of 10 meters and is beaten by atmost
(1) 3.6 (2) 4 (3) 4.8 (4) 5.4 10 metres. Who has a higher speed between the
62. In a 100 m race, A beats B by 20 m or 5 seconds, two ?
Find the speed of A. (1) Subodh
(1) 2 m/sec (2) 4 m/sec (2) Hari
(3) 5 m/sec (4) 8 m/sec (3) Both have equal speeds
63. Ravi travels at the speed of 20 kmph and after 5 hours, (4) Subodh's speed is greater than or equal to Hari
Pradeep starts from the same point and travels in the 70. A boat covers a round trip journey in a river in a
direction as Ravi at 25 kmph. What distance does certain time. If its speed in still water is doubled and
Pradeep travel before he catches up with Ravi ? the speed of the stream tripled, it would take the
(1) 200 km (2) 300 km same time for the round trip journey. Find the ratio
(3) 500 km (4) 150 km of the speed of boat in still water to the speed of
64. Ravi is 1 1 3 times as fast as Pradeep. If Pradeep the stream.
has a head start of 50 meters, what should be the (1) 3 2 : 3 (2) 2 2 : 3
length of the racecourse such that both of them
reach the finishing point at the same time? (3) 4 2 : 7 (4) None of these
(1) 250 m (2) 100 m (3) 150 m (4) 200 m

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 4 1 3 1
Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. 2 1 4 4 3 1 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 4 3 2 4 4 2 2
Que. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. 1 4 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3
Que. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans. 3 3 3 4 1 4 3 2 4 4

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