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Web Marketing &


Website Paper

Our Team:
Ana Orfão r20201513
Inês Tacanho r20201531
Mafalda Antunes r20201565
Patrícia Torres r20201518
Rodrigo Henriques r20201583

About us 03
Of the website 05
Plugins and themes 10
In the last years, the number of people adopting alternative diets has been increasing,
depriving themselves of various types of food that they find daily on the plates of
regular restaurants.

Consequently, with this kind of market in great growth, we decided to create an e-

commerce platform where we sell various types of healthy dishes according to various
types of diets, such as dairy free, gluten free, nut free, vegetarian and vegan.

All dishes are prepared daily by our fantastic chefs who specialize in these types of
diets. The main products are glazed chicken, fish pie, fried rice, coconut bars, etc.

Through our website, users can choose from a variety of

dishes they like and have them delivered directly to their desired location.

We also have two types of subscriptions, the weekly subscription, and the monthly
subscription, where the customer can choose the dish, they want for each day of the
week and have it delivered daily to their desired location, which is a very practical and
economical option.

Our business model is quite simple and effective: we offer high quality meals at a
competitive price, with easy ordering access and efficient service. What is more, our
products are fresh and delivered wherever you want them in the country.

For a better understanding of our business model, we present our canvas model:
Functionalities of the website
The homepage is quite simple. When the customer opens the website, he/she is
present with a banner related to our business, for an easy navigation on top right
conner we have the menu section with four options the first one being shop that is
subdivided in to two options the Restriction Options that shows all of our meal based
diets and then the Subscription Options, right after that we have the Cart, Join us and
the About Us. If the customer scrolls down they can see a show case of our product
follow directly with some abouts of our business, right below that we show some of
our Subscription plans the weekly and the monthly, to wrap up the homepage we
show some customer review of our satisfied customers.

Image 1. HomePage
When you enter the shop, the customer is presented with all our available products
form brownies to pork to the Subscriptions plans. For an easy navigation on the shop,
we added a sorting system that sorts by popularity, the average rating, the latest
added meals, and the price sorting from high to low or low to high. If the customer
decides that they want a Weekly Subscription plan they are taken to the weekly
subscriptions page, were they can use form a vary of meals that are available at our
shop up to only five meals, the same goes for the Monthly Subscription plan and the
customer can choose up to eighteen meals, in case of any question or doubts about
the plans we left a box where we take replies and answers any question as fast as

Image 2. Shop
The cart page is simple the customer chooses the products that they desire and the
updates, if any coupons are available, they can simply add them in the coupon box the
page show the subtotal of the products with the shipment included, then we proceed
with the checkout, the customer puts the delivery information after that right at the
bottom they can see if everything cheeks out and choose the payment process. We
accept direct bank transfer, check payments, cash on delivery or PayPal.

Image 3. Cart

This page is where the customer can register or login.
Image 4. Join Us

About Us
The about us is the page where the customer can learn more about what we do and
why we do it.
Contact us
To conclude and demonstrate the importance that we give to our customers, we
would like to highlight that, or website was thought out in a way that the client would
not hesitate to put any question that comes up to mind. We have provided a line of
communication between ourselves and the client.

Image 6. Contact Us
Plugins and themes
We chose this theme because of great customization options that it offers, also the
design is simple and clean, in which it offers the customer and easy experience on the
website and because it pared up excellently with the Elementor plugin.

Plugin that simplifies and makes the process of creating the pages much faster because
of its interface that is very intuitive and organized.

This plugin is the one that manages all the online shop, WooCommerce takes care of
the processes of offer and search from the listing of product to the checkout done by
the clients. It allows to sell both physical products and virtual. Also, this plugin
possesses the KPI a tool that manages sales and evaluates the performance of the

Product Suggestion for WooCommerce

This plugin pairs up nicely with our business because when the customer is on the cart
page the plugin shows some additional products which can spark some interest in the
customer and potentially making the customer come back or buy more in the process.

Simple WordPress Membership

Plugin that allows a flexible, well-supported, and easy-to-use WordPress membership
for offering free and premium content on our web site.

Starter Templates
Easy to use plugin that offers templates for the website creation.

Tidio Chat
Tidio Live Chat - live chat boosted with chatbots for your online business. Used for
customer support.

WooCommerce Menu Cart

Extension for your e-commerce plugin (WooCommerce, WP-Ecommerce, Easy Digital
Downloads, Eshop or Jigoshop) that places a cart icon with number of items and total
cost in the menu bar. This plugin helps a lot of the customer to keep track of what he
chose and own many products are in his/her Cart.

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