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My father is someone I look up to. He is my hero .

He has been there for me at every step in life and

supported me in all my decisions. He is my mentor in life. He has taught me a lot of lessons that helps in
shaping my life .He is a good father and a good husband .

My father is just a simple man. He is a hardworking farmer who work hard everyday just provide
our family needs, despite the hardship of being a farmer he never complain instead he do better for us .
My father is a loving father towards us his children he makes sure that there is food to serve in the table
so we never get starve. My father is a loving husband to my mother it melts my heart seeing how he
cares for my mother .

What I admire the most about my father is that he is an industrious and passionate person .He don’t
like to sit idle as it is uncomfortable for him to do nothing even on holidays sometimes I wonder if he
ever gets tired for he has always something to do I never saw him relaxing and chilling even once .My
father is a serious person he is not a communicative type but he knows and takes a good responsibility to
our family

My father is the most special person in life as soon as I arrived into this world he has been there
protecting me ,guiding me in life. As his daughter I’m very proud to have a father like him and so I’m also
working hard so someday I can repay all the sacrifices that he has done for us. My father is my hero

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