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The Acamarians are governed by a representative government, the aacamarian Ruling

Council headed by by a Sovereign. Since 2266, Acamarian Gatherers have chosen the
life of nomadic interstellar raiders, refusing to be part of the peace effort on their
homeworld. The Acamarian government has tried to make peace with the Gatherers,
succeeding only in 2366 after Federation intervention. Some Gatherers, however, have
chosen to remain as nomadic raiders.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Commit Crimes To Survive If Necessary.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Acamarian. Acamarians have a formed indentation in their foreheads.

Many have facial tattoos, and their blood is iron and copper based. Clan
membership is important, which often leads to clan feuds.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents.

REQUIREMENT: Acamarian, with a Gatherer background.
Whenever you are using multiple Minor Actions during a Turn, the use of Draw Item
has an effective cost of zero.

Acamarians are very loyal to their clans. If you belong to an Acamarian Clan, when you
assist another member of your clan, you may re-roll the d20 from the assist.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

Acamarian culture places much importance on clan membership, both in
society and politics. For much of their history, this resulted in clan rivalries
and blood feuds that lasted for generations. One such feud, between the
Lornak and the Tralesta clans, lasted almost three centuries and ended only
after the (presumed) annihilation of the Tralesta clan. At some time in the
23rd century, the Acamarians overcame the cycle of ghting, after which
they had relative peace.
Around 2266, however, a signi cant population of the Acamarians refused
to be a part of the peace settlement and left the homeworld, living as
nomadic interstellar marauders for the next hundred years. Calling
themselves the Gatherers, they raid outposts and ships in the Acamar
system, its sector and neighboring sectors for equipment.
Despite many Acamarian’s opinion of the Gatherers as
barbarians and thieves, the Acamarian government occasionally
made attempts to reconcile with the Gatherers and o er
amnesty. The Gatherers rejected the o er each time.

EXAMPLE VALUE: My Clan Means Everything

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Acamarian. Distinguishing external physical traits of

the Acamarians included a formed indentation on their
foreheads. The hemoglobin in their blood comprised an iron
and copper base, a rarity among species in that area of the
galaxy. This may change how poisons, radiation or blood
disorders a ect the character. Most Acamarians have
traditional facial tattoos as well. Acamarian are ercely loyal
to their clan, which translates to their fellow crew members
of their starship.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Absolute Conviction (Argrathi)

Communal (Grazerite)
Strength and Cunning (Dosi)
Acamarian names consist of a given name and a family name, although the
family name is only added in married couples. While clan a liation has
become less important in recent years, many Acamarians still show great
conviction towards their clan and use it as part of their full name, e.g. ’Yuta
of clan Tralesta’.
Feminine Names: Emi, Marouk, Mesabb, Yuta
Masculine Names: Brull, Chorgan, Mallon, Penthor-Mul, Temarek, Volnoth
Gender-Neutral Names: Bhigbout, Dongren, Kikimor, Romybur, Tograf, Wor
Family Names: Aen, Feighn, Kohnr, Lor
Clans: Lornak, Mambun, Tralesta


The Aenar subspecies of the Andorians is native to the Northern Wastes of

Andoria. Their population never rose above a few thousand. Prior to the 23rd-
Century, Aenar lived in an underground compound shielded by a dampening
field, and had become a myth to other Andorians. They have a communal
society with no formal leader, but when the situation calls for a single voice
they appoint a delegate known as “The Speaker.” Aenar possess a strictly
pacifist ideology and deplore violence of all forms, both physical and mental.
Physiologically, Aenar are almost identical to Andorians save an absence
of skin and hair pigmentation and their highly evolved telepathic abilities,
but the Aenar had a strict law against reading the minds of other people
without prior consent. Aenar and Andorians were genetically compatible,
and following their discovery in 2140, there were increasing marriages
between the subspecies. By the early 24th-Century, few Aenar remained,
having become fully integrated into Andorian society. However, it was not
unknown for families with many Aenar progenitors to produce children with
empathy talents.

EXAMPLE VALUE: There is Never a Need for Hostility

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Andorian, Aenar. These traits may reduce the Difficulty of Tasks to
resist extreme cold, or Tasks impacted by extremely low temperatures. Their
antennae aids in both balance and spatial awareness, and a lost or injured
antenna causes dizziness until it regrows. Andorians have a high metabolism
that means they tire quickly and are more vulnerable to infection from
certain types of injury. Many Aenar are born blind yet have the ability to
“see” people and objects via their innate telepathy. However, operating
terminals or using view screens is more challenging.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents. In

addition, you have access to the Empath and Telepath Betazoid talents:

REQUIREMENT: Aenar, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Your skills at telepathy can interfere with the ability of others to read minds,
send telepathic signals, or sense thoughts and emotions. As a Minor Action,
you can shield the minds of others, preventing the detection of surface
thoughts and emotions, as well as blocking telepathic communication.
Attempts to push past your block is an Opposed Task. Additionally, you can
assist other creatures in resisting having their mind read.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
The Aenar subspecies of the Andorians native to the Northern Wastes of
Andoria. Their population seldom rose above a few thousand.
Physiologically, Aenar are almost identical to Andorians save an absence of
skin and hair pigmentation and their highly evolved telepathic abilities. Prior
to the 23rd- Century, Aenar lived in an underground compound shielded by
a dampening eld, and were considered a myth by other Andorians. They
have a communal society with no formal leader, but when the situation calls
for a single voice they appoint a delegate known as “The Speaker”. Aenar
possess a strictly paci st ideology and deplore violence of all forms, both
physical and mental. The Aenar had a strict law against reading the minds
of other people without prior consent. Aenar and Andorians were genetically
compatible, and following their discovery in 2140, there were
increasing marriages between the subspecies. By the early 24th-
Century, few Aenar remained, having become fully integrated into
Andorian society. However, it was not unknown for families with
many Aenar progenitors to produce children with empathy

EXAMPLE VALUE: There Is Never A Need For Hostility

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Andorian, Aenar. These traits may reduce the

Di culty of Tasks to resist extreme cold, or Tasks impacted
by extremely low temperatures. Aenar are born blind yet
have the ability to “see” people and objects via their innate
telepathy. However, operating terminals or using view
screens is more challenging. Their antennae aids in both
balance and spatial awareness, and a lost or injured antenna
causes dizziness until it regrows. Andorians have a high
metabolism that means they tire quickly and are more
vulnerable to infection from certain types of injury.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Canonic Law (Sikarian)

Peaceful Existence (Risian)
Telepath (Betazoid)
Generally, Aenar names are similar to Andorian names. A few examples for
Aenar rst names are given below:
Feminine Names: Jhamel, Lissan, Nalel, Talla
Masculine Names: Gareb, Hemmer, Jemer, Thelin

Stamina test. On a failure or complete they are covered with cataracts. Their physiology is
failure, the character receives -1 Vitality but nearly identical to their Andorian cousins, save for
can continue working (uncomfortably!), a larger brain with a higher level of intercon-
though it now takes twice as long as normal nection, making the species psionic.
(12 hours); on a disastrous failure, the
character receives -2 Vitality and the resin is Homeworld
ruined, resulting in the need to vomit the Andoria, a frigid world that circles a Type J gas
spoiled mass. The Vitality is healed normally. giant. The Aenar live underground in the Northern
The second stomach is roughly half a liter in Wastes.
volume, so most objects will require either an
extended Craft test or series of Craft tests to
History and Culture
• Bonus Skill: Craft (Clothing): Aaamazzarites The Aenar retreated into seclusion early in
gain Craft (Clothing) skill at level 1, and can Andorian history, and were considered a myth until
advance that skill as a professional skill. the 22nd century when they were “rediscovered.”
• Bonus Skill: Craft (Shelter or Furniture):
Aaamazarites gain Craft (Shelter or Furniture) Language and Names
skill at level 1, and can advance that skill as a Names are similar to those of Andorians. They
professional skill. speak a form of Graalen (Andorian).

Picks Favored Profession

7 ([+3] Biochemical Construction, [+2] Craft Mystic.
(Clothing), [+2] Craft (Shelter or Furniture)).
ST: TMP Species Adjustments
+1 Vitality.

Species Abilities
• Antennae: The constantly waving pair of
antennae atop an Aenar’s head provides a
wealth of information about their surrounding
environment. Aenar gain a +2 species bonus
to tests involving sensation of their immediate
surroundings (anything within 3 meters), such
as finding secret doors, reacting to surprises,
Observe (Listen) tests, and similar occur-
rences. Aenar who lose an antenna become
disoriented and suffer painful migraine
headaches (-2 penalty to most tests).
• Blindsense: Though the Aenar are blind, their
antennae and psionic ability allow them to
function almost as though they had “normal”
sight. They do, however, receive a +5 TN to
all Spot tests.
• Bonus Edge: High Pain Threshold: The rigors
of Andoria’s climate suffer few weaklings.

Aenar characters receive the High Pain
Threshold edge for free.
Bonus Edge: Skill Focus (Compassionate):
The Aenar are, well, a compassionate people.
Personality • Bonus Flaw: Pacifist 2: The Aenar are
strongly pacifistic.
An offshoot of the Andorian race, the Aenar are a
• Bonus Skill: Telepathy: Aenar gain Telepathy
peaceful and reserved group, the polar opposites of
skill at level 2, and can advance that skill as a
the Andorians.
professional skill.
• Redundant Circulation: With a twin-layered
Physiology and Appearance
circulatory system, Aenar are less vulnerable
The Aenar have a skin color of whitish-blue. to cold (ignore TN modifiers for uncom-
They are blind, and their eyes appear as though fortable and extreme cold; see Table 6.3, Star

Physiology and Appearance
OPTIONAL AENAR TRAITS These icthyohumanoids are aquatic, with scale
The following species traits can be added to the Aenar tones from blue-white to purplish-silver. They have
species profile, depending on the circumstances of a particular
series. a fin on their head which aids in swimming, and
o Bonus Edge: Increased Range (Telepathy): The character
they possess a pair of feelers under their mouth that
can reach farther than most species with his psionic aid in finding the shellfish and bottom-dwelling
abilities. (+2 picks) invertebrates that comprise their main food source.
o Lesser Status: The character is thought of as belonging to an They have webbed hands and feet.
inferior species and begins all social tests with unfamiliar
Andorians with a hostile stance (as opposed to indifferent).
Social modifiers for other species begin at indifferent.
Antedeans find space travel disorienting and
(NOTE: This trait should only be used in a series populated travel in a catatonic state, a trait that once was used
almost solely by Andorians, and only during the 22nd or 23rd to avoid starvation in times of food shortage or
centuries.) (-2 picks)
climatic disturbance. Awakening from this catato-
nia takes several hours, after which they must eat
large amounts of food to recover. When traveling
Trek RPG PG). They are, unfortunately, more out of water, they require environmental suits to
vulnerable to toxins, which spread through cover the gills in their shoulder areas.
their bodies more quickly (-1 to Stamina tests
against poisons). Homeworld
• Strong Psionic: Aenar receive the Psi attribute
with a starting level of 8, and can advance it Antede III, a large world possessing vast oceans.
as a favored attribute. The Antedeans live on the wide continental
shelves, where their homes are created in reefs
Picks made by coral-like creatures.
22 ([+5] +1 Vitality, [+3] Antennae, [-2] History and Culture
Blindsense, [+2] High Pain Threshold, [+2] Skill
Focus (Compassionate), [-4] Pacifist 2, [+4] Antedeans have a rich oral history, but written
Telepathy 2, [+0] Redundant Circulation, [+12] language is still new to them. They have a mostly
Strong Psionic). contemporary understanding of the sciences, but
their technology lags behind due to a societal
ENT “The Aenar” distrust of change as well as the consideration that
mechanical advancement is “unnecessary.” Their
contact with galactic civilization has been intermit-
tent over the course of the mid-24th century.
The primary endeavors of the Antedeans are
fishing and undersea agriculture. Their political
structure is based on representation of their local
settlements, which rarely have populations above
the tens of thousands.

Language and Names

Antedean, a language filled with a variety of
sounds, many of which are infrasonic and can only
be heard in aquatic environments.

Favored Profession
Rogue or Scientist. Most Antedeans encountered
will either be highly curious or suspiciously advent-

ANTEDEANS Species Adjustments

+1 Vitality, +1 Perception.

Personality Species Abilities

Practical and conservative, Antedeans tend to be • Aquatic: Antedeans require water to breathe,
introverted and focused on their own particular and special environmental suits for land
interests. travel. They can survive for up to fifteen

A sentient humanoid species indigenous to the planet Setu within the Shackleton Expanse, the Akaru are
relative newcomers in developing warp technology and are only just starting to explore nearby systems and the
interior of the Expanse. They are a highly competent and curious species, and are eager to meet and trade with
beings from other cultures and worlds. Their global leader and religious icon, Iryax Nedaon, actively encourages
technological development oriented toward space travel and stellar exploration, and regional universities have
increased the number of degree programs in related elds of study.

While a population of 1.3 billion generally should not be described by one word, a common note through all
Akaru society is that of e ciency. Their cities, vessels, farms, and processes are all designed toward maximizing
resources, space, and personnel. That dedication to communal e ciency permeates Akaru relationships as
well, sometimes to a given relationship’s potential detriment. If a family determines that the whole would be
rendered more e cient by adding or removing speci c individuals, adjustments are carried out, often with
the assistance of trained counselors, in order to mitigate potential complications and ensure a successful and
e cient family unit.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Never Knowingly Engage in Ine ciency

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Akaru. The Akaru are a bipedal, mammalian species that resembles
Romulans and Vulcans to some extent – possessing copper-based blood and
slightly pointed ears – but as a whole have more widely-set eyes, more robust
physical frames, and generational instances of digital fusion or vestigial webbing
between ngers and toes. Their mindset is something of a blend of Romulan and Vulcan
perspectives – Akaru are an enthusiastic and passionate species who embrace e ciency of
thought and operation, with a keen focus on the betterment of all,
be it the individual, the family, or the entire Akaru culture.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Akaru, or gamemaster’s permission.

Akaru value e ciency in all things, including when working on problems or tasks. Whenever you succeed at a
task during an extended task, add 1 to your dice pool to determine Work completed.

REQUIREMENT: Akaru, or gamemaster’s permission.

Akaru are a robust and passionate people, and readily build relationships with others. Whenever you engage in
a social interaction or social con ict with another character, you may re-roll a single d20 in your dice pool. In
addition, if you succeed in that task, you gain 1 bonus Momentum.

Akaru tend to have a proper name and a secondary name that represents one of their parents or a beloved
member of their extended family; the individual’s profession; or perhaps a location relevant to the individual,
whether it is a speci c continent, region, island, or city.

SAMPLE NAMES: Curate Belar, Dajala of the Mallan Valley, Postulant Herikhet, Gravek ir’Loval, Mediator
Ruia, First Engineer Wallea
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME One of the reasons for this cautious approach could be
explained by the fact that for many generations, areas of the Al-
SPECIES PROFILE Leyan landmasses were uninhabitable as a result of toxic,
gaseous emissions from volcanic strata beneath the surface.
While plant-life and some insects were able to evolve in these

locations, some of which are exotic in appearance, it was not
possible for humanoids to colonize the areas concerned until
the gases naturally dissipated.

Al-Leyans have a class based society but it is based on skill-set

rather than social or economic fortune. Each class is called a
branch. People from one class will talk to, interact with and
even mate with others of another class. All classes are
considered to have equal merit.

Each person is assigned a class at around the age of 10. Up

until that point teaching is geared towards determining which
class each individual will flourish in most. Once a class has
been assigned the individual receives further education more
tailored to the class they are in.

Once a person has been placed in a class, they are expected to

stay there. They must live by their branch, in other words be
dedicated to it for their whole life. There is room for movement
within a branch so it’s not quite as restrictive as it first appears.
For example someone of the science branch can choose any
number of specializations and science related careers. They
may be a biologist, geologist, mathematician, chemical analyst.
Each branch has a huge and varied set of options to suit almost
every interest. Someone of the science branch could not be a
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS builder, pilot, or professional artist, though they would be
+4 Strength, +1 Agility, +2 Presence permitted to pursue art as a form of expression. This would
allow them to pursue artistic activities and offer paintings,
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION sculptures of the like to close family or friends but they could
not have it displayed in a gallery or sold for profit. There is a
Al-Leyans physically resemble Humans in many ways, specific branch for people whose primary talent is in the arts
the two biggest differences being that their ears curve to a and they may make their living through it.
slight point, and their eyes glow in dim or gloomy
conditions when reflecting light rays. People who talk about, or try to move into a different branch
are looked upon as wayward souls and frowned upon. Efforts
Their skin ranges from alabaster, through sun kissed, to would be made by friends, family and advisors or mentors to
olive and light brown depending on climate. Al-Leyans make such a person see reason. If they refuse to mend their
living in polar regions have lighter skin, as opposed to way of thinking then they would have to have attitude
those living in tropical climes having darker skin. readjustment therapy (or reconditioning) to correct the
The Al-Leyans are a somewhat conservative race, and When an Al-Leyan is born, the mother does not look after her
have deliberately slowed the rate of technical progression child until the child is 10 years of age. The children are taken
on their world to ensure maximum safety. In the approach into care by an organization named Haemachuo, which looks
to their current technology level, they did not go through after the people's children for 10 years, bringing them up in a
a stage of burning fossil fuels, as studies showed the level secure, peaceful environment.
of damage that it would do to their ecology to be
unacceptable. Instead they worked on developing Haemachuo was founded in 1728 when the Yul'shan party
hydroelectric, tidal and solar power plants, which they came into power in one of Leya-I's more prominent provinces.
fine-tuned to peak efficiency. This meant that they were The institution was set up to mold the future of all Al-Leyans,
able to depend solely on these forms of eco-friendly, beginning by molding infants into model members of society.
emission-free energies to power their planet for centuries. The public agreed and voted for the idea, due to the
However, the demands of modern technology have Haemachuo manifesto, which offered “a better and brighter
necessitated further development of power-sources, and a future” and equality for all infants, whether rich or poor. In
slight pollution of the planet's atmosphere was 1973 Haemachuo was adopted by both ruling Al-Leyan demi-
unavoidable. Scientists continually research ways to global governments and took its place planet wide.
maximise power-production efficiency, and this has
become a major branch of Al-Leyan science. Workers of the institution are trained to notice any certain
developmental difficulties a child may have, and act upon it,
before it can reach a stage where it may cause problems studying, grow in self-sufficiency and decide where in their
in adult life. At the present time, there is customarily one branch they wish to go. Many will take on a job to gain some
Haemachuo carer to 4 children. work experience and it is a time to settle into the real world.
Their options are limited in many ways but they do have
Haemachuo have certain requisites that workers have to enough autonomy and choice to live happy lives. It’s one of
meet. One such requirement is that they may not have the things that allows this way of living and being to work for
children of their own. The pay at the institution is one of them.
the highest salaries available on the planet, and is
generally popular among young female Al-Leyans that are Al-Leyan architecture is striking by design, and is reminiscent
studying at university. A Haemachuo carer is trained for a of the brutalist movement on Earth, although more decorative
full Al-Leyan year before they are ready to care for a and much less plain. Glass and stone are the most common
group of children. materials for Al-Leyan buildings. Most buildings now do not
exceed 15 storeys, although there are some that reach as high
Children naturally form stronger bonds with the carers as 28 stories that were erected before the implementation of the
and their Haemmachuo siblings than with their parents current building regulations. The main spaceport is a
and blood siblings. At 10 a child is still young and will, memorable landmark, as it reaches a height of 720 metres, and
over time, develop a bond of some sort with their has several helipads.
biological family but they wouldn’t be as close as family
groups of other species. A child is raised to show the There are, however, some small areas of the planet where the
appropriate level of respect towards their family and to architecture is more decorative and has an older appearance.
maintain a civilized level of contact with blood family as For example, the buildings on the Uz Sabahnuor archipelago
they continue their education. conform to a much more dated style, and the region is famous
for its Beaux-Arts. Residences here are highly sought after by
The point of having this method of education is to allow those who can afford them.
every child the same opportunities to flourish and to
mould the children into what they consider model Much of the plant life on Leya-I is bland to the taste, which
citizens. Every child is raised the same way and they all provides a strong reason for the Al-Leyans having never
subscribe to the same ideals, it’s a very controlled evolved a strong sense of taste or smell. Al-Leyan cuisine tends
environment. They all have the same philosophical and to be either strongly sweet or strongly spicy, which can prove
cultural beliefs, they all adhere to the same behavioral to be quite unpalatable for some other humanoid species.
codes. To some outsiders it may even be seen as
conditioning. There are many festivals that are practiced in different areas
around Leya-I, in many of its different regions. One of the most
They grow up knowing how they are expected to live and notable festivals takes place on an island slightly south of the
that if they stray from this - or fall from the branch - that equator, where the Al-Leyan New Year is celebrated by a
efforts will be made to help them understand where they fireworks display in each of nine cities built around a large bay.
have gone wrong. Should the individual fail to change Each city also serves as host to a large street party, attended by
their way of thinking, they will have to be treated the majority of the local residents.
professionally at an attitude readjustment center. They
accept this and are taught not to fear it, that it is good, Qu'cha is the Al-Leyan's most popular sport, and favorite past-
that it could happen to anyone. Due to the careful way in time. It has been played for centuries, and games were played
which this is handle it is not unusual for Al-Leyans competitively. Recently since “Federationism” The league has
struggling with certain cultural or philosophical norms to been reformed and become slightly more commercial to appeal
come forward and request attitude readjustment therapy to off-worlders.
to help them achieve the correct way of thinking on the
subject and end their turmoil. Qu'cha is a team sport played by two teams of 14 players. The
goal is to score points by throwing two tennis-sized balls, and
However the upbringing is in many ways highly tailored touching a series of 5 bases arranged in a pentagon. Players on
to the individual because at every stage they make great the throwing team take turns throwing the two balls against the
efforts to identify each child’s strengths, weaknesses and fielding team which tries to stop them from scoring points by
talents. To this end they would keep detailed information getting the throwers out in any of the several ways. A player on
about each child and use it to determine which branch the throwing team can stop at any of the bases and later
each child goes into. The thinking behind this that it advance via a teammate's throw. The teams switch between
benefits society to bring out the best in every child. batting and fielding whenever the fielding team records ten
People feel good when they are successful, which is what outs, or has thrown their overs. One turn at throwing for each
happens when you do something you’re good at. So by team constitutes an inning; four innings make up a professional
digging into each person’s personality and putting them game. The team with the most points at the end of the game
where they will shine the most they will have a happy wins.
and productive workforce.
Game play starts with a thrower standing at home plate,
After they finish high-school level education they holding both balls. The thrower throws both balls out into the
typically take a fall year. They can move straight onto a field of play. Once the balls are in the field of play, the thrower
career or further education if they choose but most take must begin running toward first base, at which point the player
the fall year. It is a time where they take a break from is referred to as a runner. A thrower-runner who reaches first
base without being out is said to be safe and is now on instead. In return for valuable improvements to power
base. A thrower-runner may choose to remain at first base efficiency and computer systems, they agreed to allow the Al-
or attempt to advance to second base or even beyond — Leyans to take blueprints for the D-5 and Bird-of-Prey classes of
however far the player believes can be reached safely. ship. As a result, modified versions of these vessels can be
Each base a runner reaches scores ¼ of a point, and a full found within the Al-Leyan fleet.
point once he reaches back the home base. A runner can
score a maximum of 2 points. Any runners already on Years later, after the death of the Klingon governor, the colonies
base may attempt to advance on thrown balls before or rescinded their peace treaty with the Al-Leyans, believing that
after the ball lands; a runner on first base must attempt to their system rightfully belonged to the Klingon Empire.
advance. If the ball is thrown in the air and caught before
it lands, the thrower is out and any runners on base may Naturally the Al-Leyans resisted, and the cold war between the
attempt to advance. Al-Leyans and the Klingon colonial power has resumed.

While the team at throw is trying to score points, the LANGUAGES

team in the field is attempting to record outs. Among the The Al-Leyan language is Leyan. It is a beautiful, musical
various ways a member of the throwing team may be put language. Many Al-Leyans also speak Federation Standard, and
out, five are most common: several Al-Leyan people speak Klingon.
When a runner who is touched by a ball thrown by the fielder, or
tagged by the fielder holding the ball. Al-Leyans use two names; the first name is a proper name that
When one of the balls thrown is caught in the field before touching emphasizes the individual. The latter is a surname handed
the ground.
When both balls are returned to home in the basket and the runners
down from person to person through a patriarchal family-line.
haven't reached their bases.
When a fielder has the ball and reaches the base before the runner. Male Names: Halca, Z'yer, A'ern
When two runners reach a base the one that was there first is out.
Female Names: Amira, Lael, Loleh, Luran, Rune
Common Surnames: Rosek, Rejock, Sorani, Pachuayo, Jolara,
The Al-Leyans are a meticulous people, whose Zerxes
perfectionist outlook had an impact on the way they
explored their own world, as well as space. Up until the HOMEWORLD
1930s (Earth Standard), they were preoccupied with
Name: Leya-I
charting their own planet, including the vast depths of
Diameter: 11,340 km (7,087 miles)
ocean that covered a large area of its surface. As a result,
Gravity: 1.65 standard gravity with a density of 5.9
by the time they took to physically exploring their solar
Axial Tilt: 12%, minor seasonal effects (less than Earth)
system (which they had already pre-examined using
Orbital Period: 360 Al-leyan days (465 days)
telescopes and other scientific means) they had already
Rotational Period: 31 Al-Leyan hours (40 hours)
charted every corner of their planet, unlike Humans, who
Classification: K
took to space with mysteries on their homeworld still
Surface Water: 43%
Atmosphere: 1.93 is a standard pressure with 79% nitrogen,
20.5% oxygen, 0.5% industrial pollutants
Once Al-Leyans had discovered warp technology and
Climate: Tropical, and sub tropical lands, with two large
were exploring the galaxy peacefully, one of the first
mountain ranges.
alien species that the Al-Leyans encountered was the
Population: 700 million
Klingons. The Klingons warned and threatened the Al-
Leyans, who stayed out of harm's way, until the Klingons
The Al-Leyans operate under a world unitary government.
began plundering their resources.
While many of the different nation states on Leya-I have their
own councils which may govern local policies, each of these
When diplomatic channels were explored and rejected by
nations subscribes to the global government through the
the governor of the Klingon colonies who had been
attendance of representatives from each region. The united
stealing from the Al-Leyans, a period of hostilities erupted
world government was instated in 1988.
between the two peoples. Armed Al-Leyan patrols orbited
their planet and colonies within their space, and with the
Al-Leyan technology is advanced, and considered to be on a
Klingons seeming to send in wave after wave of attack
par with comparable Federation worlds. However, their
squadrons, neither side could get the upper hand. After
rigorous attitude to safety has led to some important regulations
months of conflict, and a heavy toll on the resources of
on the use of technology on their homeworld. MAGLEV trains
both sides, the factions lapsed into an uneasy truce,
are used as the primary form of transportation, despite the
during which a technological trade was agreed.
development of the transporter. This is due to initial problems
with transporter systems and the risk of accident through
Sitting across the negotiation table, the reason for the
transporter malfunction. Having conducted a detailed analysis,
Klingons' accession became apparent. The Governor of
the Al-Leyans have ruled that MAGLEV is the safest method of
their forces ruled over three colonies, and did not have
transport, and thus transporters were declared illegal.
the political influence to gain access to the full resources
of the Empire. He dared not report his inability to
In addition to this, as a measure of ecological control, four
conquer the Al-Leyan people to the High Council, and so
large space stations orbit the planet to serve as quarantine
wished to take them news of acquired technology
sectors. No items that may cause harm, even if inadvertent, to
the planet's ecosystem are permitted to be taken to the
planet's surface. There are many Al-Leyans serving in Starfleet, in many different
crew-positions. But they seem to be most comfortable in
While research is still conducted into technological Tactical and Command positions.
development by some companies on Leya-I, the period of
technological boom has come to a close. Progress made Civilian Al-Leyans are often found as Soldiers, or Rogues.
is steady, but directed into certain areas, such as the
construction of shuttlecraft, and research into artificial SPECIES ABILITIES
intelligence. During the initial technological boom, Al- The Al-Leyan people are lovely to behold, they are elegant
Leyans made significant strides in many different areas, people. And they have a very regal bearing.
including power management (Solar and Geothermal),
multimedia devices (cameras, headphones and speakers), They are a very lithe, agile people. And they are very strong.
transport (MAGLEV trains), chronometers, robotics and Even stronger than Vulcans or Klingons. Due to the heightened
space vehicles (culminating in the Warp 4 engine). They gravity of Leya-I, Al-Leyans have denser muscle fiber than some
also developed an extremely sophisticated coffee-maker other aliens, allowing for greater than average humanoid
as a response to demand for their trademark coffee bean, strength.
and designed it to brew the best possible cup of coffee
that they could market. They have a +1 species-bonus to their Agility scores, a +2 to
Presence, and a bonus of +4 to their Strength attributes as a
While Al-Leyans are not widely renowned for their result.
Engineering this is not due to a lack of competence - they
have reached a technological stage with which they are Al-Leyans also have several Species Traits, as well.
comfortable, and most now prefer to direct their time and
effort towards less pressured pursuits. Competitive: (bonus edge) Al-Leyan people are natural
competitors. Whenever their abilities are set against an
Al-Leyan coffee is much sweeter than its Human and opponent, the desire to win rises to the surface and surges an
Klingon counterparts. While the Al-Leyans themselves Al-Leyan on to victory. Al-Leyans gain a species-based +1
find their coffee to be somewhat bitter, they have found bonus to all opposed tests.
that its sweetness to other races has made it highly
marketable. A Human coffee connoisseur once referred to Arrogant: (species flaw) All Al-Leyans exhibit arrogance. And
the Al-Leyan blend as "sweeter and smoother than a often they do not even realize it at the time. Al-Leyans are a
Honduras blend, and highly likeable. Even more so than little too confident in themselves, their social groups, and the
Guatemalan." As such, Al-Leyan coffee beans are a Al-Leyan culture as a whole. This can come off as grating and
valuable export. unpleasant unless an Al-Leyan takes extra effort to mollify their
“inferiors”. Because of an Al-Leyan’s arrogance, they cannot
The Al-Leyan monetary system can be confusing to off- spend Courage on Social tests.
worlders as it operates on a nonary system.
Able-Bodied: As a rule, Al-Leyans are usually in very good
The Al-Leyan fleet is characterised by divergent shape, physically. They excel at sports, and athletics. Al-Leyans
classifications of the Klingon D-5 and Bird-of-Prey gain a +4 to all Athletics skill-tests, as well as a +2 to all Sport
models. While these ships are outwardly recognised as tests.
their Klingon ancestors, many upgrades and/or divergent
developments have been made by the Al-Leyan Al-Leyan Senses: The Al-Leyan people have the same five
companies responsible for the upkeep of the military. For senses as most humanoids, but with the exception of the sense
example, the interiors of these ships are markedly of Touch; each of these senses function differently compared to
different than their Klingon counterparts, as they are humans or, in most cases, other humanoid species.
better lit and much more luxurious. Compared to the
Klingon D-5, Al-Leyan models have less powerful
weapons in upgraded models, although their shielding Taste – Al-Leyan taste-buds are not as well-developed as
other species. The suffer a -1 to all Observe (Taste) tests.
and cloaking technologies are greatly enhanced. One
class of D-5 upgrade, larger than most, has been
Smell – They also have some olfactory difficulty compared
developed to serve as a diplomatic vessel. It is roughly
to humans, Klingons, or especially Vulcans. Al-Leyans
1.3 times larger than other D-5 variant classes. suffer a -2 penalty with all Observe (Smell) tests.
Al-Leyan shielding technology incorporates a failsafe Hearing – Al-Leyans have ears similar to Vulcans. This
second shielding layer, a backup shield generator that helps amplify some of the sounds they hear in the higher
kicks in when a ship's shields are reduced to 10% or less. frequencies. Al-Leyan hearing is so good they are able to
This has proved to be valuable in the occasional border hear great detail, from quite far distances. Al-Leyans binfit
skirmish with Klingon colonists, as despite their from a +4 species-bonus to all Observe (Listen) tests.
adversaries' enhanced firepower they are able to
withstand attack long enough to escape, or reach help. Sight – Al-Leyans' vision in the day is not as good as it is
in the night. Al-Leyans are used to dimmer lighting than
FAVORED PROFESSION humans are used to on Earth. During the daytime their
eyesight is as good as a Human's, although their visual
Al-Leyans run the gamut of available professions.
acuity isn't as good. Most Al-Leyans wear glasses
during the daytime to help correct this problem.

As a result, Al-Leyans suffer a -2 penalty to all

Observe (Spot) tests during the day. This does not
effect an Al-Leyan’s ability to see aboard ship, or

At night however an Al-Leyan's eyesight is six times

better than a Human's. This is because Al-Leyans
have a larger anterior chamber and lens, as well as a
wider pupil. The Al-Leyan eye's retina has mostly
rod receptors, which are sensitive to low light levels
and movement.

Al-Leyans enjoy a +6 bonus to all Observe (Spot)

tests after night-fall, or in darkness.
Child rearing is typically split between the parents
and extended family.

Aaamazzara. The planet is the fifth of seven
orbiting a Type A giant, and the only M-class planet
in the system. It is shrouded in clouds and has a
high average humidity due to its large ocean
The locals call their star Aaamazzara – also the
name of a god of antiquity – and their world
Therbia, but have accepted that offworlders use the
two interchangeably. There are settlements on the
fourth world (K-class) for mining and penal pur-

History and Culture

The Aaamazzarites have a long history that is
only recently separable from their mythology. They
have a rich pantheon of gods and heroes that are
quasi-historical. Only in the last 500 years or so has
history become less of a “literary” subject.
Aaamazzarite culture revolves around storytelling
and art. Their sciences lagged far behind similar
races until first contact with humans in 2240, when
they were contacted by Captain Garth of Izar,

commanding the U.S.S. Constitution.

Language and Names

Orna or Federation Standard. The local
Personality languages – there are twelve major tongues – have
been superceded by Orna (a trade language) and
Aaamazzarites (or Therbians, as they call
Federation Standard, into which most of the great
themselves) are an industrious and artistic race.
Aaamazzarite works have been translated.
Many of their works are created with a
biochemically created resin which is exuded from Aaamazzarite names tend to be long, expressing
their mouths and then worked, much like Terran a concept, and are often filled with drawn out
bees. Their creations are considered very personal, vowels.
and Aaamazzarites take great pride in their
workmanship. Favored Profession
Artist (Sculptor) or Scientist. Many also pursue
Physiology and Appearance engineering.
Aaamazzarites are humanoids of about the same
general size as humans. They have a waxy, Species Adjustments
yellowish skin tone. The cranial area is bald and None.
slightly bifurcated between the cerebral lobes.
Their eyes are shielded by heavy brow ridges. The Species Abilities
Aaamazzarites possess a second stomach where
enzymes create a carbonic resin which is then used • Biochemical Construction: Using a secreted
to make clothing, everyday objects, even building resin, Aaamazzarites can make anything from
materials. cloth to a building material similar to drywall.
This requires an intake of fibrous materials
The species has a standard male/female gender over the course of their work equal to roughly
breakdown, but does not reproduce through live twice the mass of the final product. The time
birth. Instead the females lay several eggs in required to convert the mass to resin is usually
protective chambers, which the males then fertilize. 6 hours, but can be reduced to 4 hours with a
The typical incubation period is eight months. complete success or better on a TN 10

Stamina test. On a failure or complete they are covered with cataracts. Their physiology is
failure, the character receives -1 Vitality but nearly identical to their Andorian cousins, save for
can continue working (uncomfortably!), a larger brain with a higher level of intercon-
though it now takes twice as long as normal nection, making the species psionic.
(12 hours); on a disastrous failure, the
character receives -2 Vitality and the resin is Homeworld
ruined, resulting in the need to vomit the Andoria, a frigid world that circles a Type J gas
spoiled mass. The Vitality is healed normally. giant. The Aenar live underground in the Northern
The second stomach is roughly half a liter in Wastes.
volume, so most objects will require either an
extended Craft test or series of Craft tests to
History and Culture
• Bonus Skill: Craft (Clothing): Aaamazzarites The Aenar retreated into seclusion early in
gain Craft (Clothing) skill at level 1, and can Andorian history, and were considered a myth until
advance that skill as a professional skill. the 22nd century when they were “rediscovered.”
• Bonus Skill: Craft (Shelter or Furniture):
Aaamazarites gain Craft (Shelter or Furniture) Language and Names
skill at level 1, and can advance that skill as a Names are similar to those of Andorians. They
professional skill. speak a form of Graalen (Andorian).

Picks Favored Profession

7 ([+3] Biochemical Construction, [+2] Craft Mystic.
(Clothing), [+2] Craft (Shelter or Furniture)).
ST: TMP Species Adjustments
+1 Vitality.

Species Abilities
• Antennae: The constantly waving pair of
antennae atop an Aenar’s head provides a
wealth of information about their surrounding
environment. Aenar gain a +2 species bonus
to tests involving sensation of their immediate
surroundings (anything within 3 meters), such
as finding secret doors, reacting to surprises,
Observe (Listen) tests, and similar occur-
rences. Aenar who lose an antenna become
disoriented and suffer painful migraine
headaches (-2 penalty to most tests).
• Blindsense: Though the Aenar are blind, their
antennae and psionic ability allow them to
function almost as though they had “normal”
sight. They do, however, receive a +5 TN to
all Spot tests.
• Bonus Edge: High Pain Threshold: The rigors
of Andoria’s climate suffer few weaklings.

Aenar characters receive the High Pain
Threshold edge for free.
Bonus Edge: Skill Focus (Compassionate):
The Aenar are, well, a compassionate people.
Personality • Bonus Flaw: Pacifist 2: The Aenar are
strongly pacifistic.
An offshoot of the Andorian race, the Aenar are a
• Bonus Skill: Telepathy: Aenar gain Telepathy
peaceful and reserved group, the polar opposites of
skill at level 2, and can advance that skill as a
the Andorians.
professional skill.
• Redundant Circulation: With a twin-layered
Physiology and Appearance
circulatory system, Aenar are less vulnerable
The Aenar have a skin color of whitish-blue. to cold (ignore TN modifiers for uncom-
They are blind, and their eyes appear as though fortable and extreme cold; see Table 6.3, Star

Embed Egg: As an
action, a female Anabaj
may embed its eggs in
another humanoid’s throat.
This lizard-like species has reptilian eyes and a frilled This action may only be
membrane that pops up from around its neck. It also has performed if the humanoid
pointy teeth and a forked tongue which allows them to smell is unconscious. The
with a modi ed Jacobson organ. eggs require a Di culty 3
Control + Medicine task
Anabaj often seek humanoid hosts to lay their eggs in and to be removed safely.
can make people think that they look humanoid in order to Allurin Vision: The Anabaj
gain their trust. Some Anabaj have even developed telepathic looks like a humanoid
abilities which makes them dangerous enemies for a weak- species that the person
minded individual. observing it feels
comforting. The observer
TRAIT: Anabaj may attempt a Di culty
2 Presence + Command
task to ignore this e ect.

Most Anabaj are considered dangerous to Star eet, though there
ATTACKS: may be some instances where they have joined the Academy or
Curved Fangs (Melee, 4 , Piercing 2) have been invited onto ships for other reasons. With their telepathic
abilities and the ability to climb on walls, Anabaj make great spies.
Telepathy: The Anabaj can sense the surface thoughts and ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight
emotions of most living beings nearby and can communicate
telepathically with other empaths and telepaths. TRAIT: Anabaj. Anabaj have sticky pads on their feet and hands that
allow them to climb vertical surfaces without needing a task to do so.
This trait only works if the Anabaj isn’t wearing hand and feet coverings.

The Andorians and Vulcans had long fought over their borders but never quite
descending into open warfare. This changed in the early 22nd Century, when a
Vulcan ship entered Andorian territory while attempting to avoid an encounter
with hostile ships from the Terran Empire. This action set in motion a chain of
events culminating in open warfare between Vulcan and Andor. At the apex
of this short war, the Vulcans’ homeworld was occupied by the Terran Empire,
forcing their withdrawal from the conflict. The Andorians welcomed the Terrans
as allies against the Vulcans, and signed a nonaggression pact. However, the
Terran Empire soon betrayed the Andorians without warning, violently subduing
the warrior people. After a few decades of rule, the Andorians accepted their
place in the Empire, acquiescing to the superior strength and warrior instincts
of the Terrans. The Andorians became willing vassals, willingly serving in the
vanguard of fleets of conquest. For a century, Andorians were the shock troops
of the Terran Empire, dispatched to quell insurrection or pacify populations.
This changed when the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance began its assault of the
Empire. Initially, the Terrans kept the Andorians at the front lines, sacrificing
them by the thousands. Many Andorians resisted, deriding their people as
becoming “the attack dogs of the Terrans.” A large percentage of the anti-
Terran resistance was Andorian. Numerous rebellions against the empire
were instigated by the Andorians, and Spock’s coup d’etat was supported by
Andorian forces who witnessed Captain Kirk’s brutal treatment of the Halkans.
Despite this time weakening the Empire, when the military forces of the
Klingon-Cardassian Alliance broke through the Empire’s lines a few decades
later, the Klingons brutally punishing the Andorians for their collaboration. By
the middle of the 24th Century, the Andorians had been reduced in number to
a few hundred thousand.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Andorian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
When you sense victory, you press the attack to better land a decisive and
crippling blow. When you use the Re-Roll Damage Momentum spend, add an
extra 2 A to the re-roll.

REQUIREMENT: Andorian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Your personal sense of honour makes you reluctant to owe someone a favour
or debt, pushing you to repay obligations large and small. After someone
assists you with a Task, the next time you assist them before the end of the
mission you can re-roll one d20.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios

Um povo agressivo e passional da lua

congelada de Andoria, os Andorianos fazem
parte da Federação Unida dos Planetas desde
sua fundação, tendo sido rmes aliados da Hu-
manidade por vários anos antes. Sua pele azul,
cabelos claros e antenas lhes dão uma aparência
distinta, e embora a Guarda Imperial Andoriana tenha
sido desmobilizada quando a Federação foi fundada, eles
ainda mantêm fortes tradições militares e uma tradição de
duelos de honra ritualizados conhecidos como Ushaan, utilizando
ferramentas de mineração de gelo bastante a adas.

EXEMPLO DE VALOR: Filho/Filha Orgulhoso de Andoria


TRAÇO: Andoriano. Este traço pode reduzir a Di culdade de Tarefas para

resistir a frio extremo ou Tarefas impactadas por temperaturas extremamen-
te baixas. Suas antenas ajudam no equilíbrio e alerta especial; uma antena
perdida pode ser debilitante até crescer novamente. Andorianos também
possuem um metabolismo alto, signi cando, entre outras coisas, que eles
se cansam mais rapidamente que Humanos. Isso também os torna mais
vulneráveis à infecção de certos tipos de ferimentos. Antes da Federação,
Andorianos e Vulcanos tiveram várias disputas, e embora estes problemas
sejam amplamente considerados história antigas, Andorianos e Vulcanos
nem sempre se dão bem.

TALENTOS: O personagem recebe acesso aos seguintes talentos:

REQUISITOS: Andoriano, ou permissão do Mestre de Jogo.

Sua integridade pessoal é impecável, e você não quebrará uma promessa feita
por vontade própria. Sempre que zer uma Tarefa para resistir ser coagido a
quebrar uma promessa, trair seus aliados ou agir desonrosamente de alguma
forma, você reduz a Di culdade em 1.

REQUISITOS: Andoriano, ou permissão do Mestre de Jogo.

Você é experiente na tradição de duelos honrados conhecidos como

Ushaan, tendo derramado muito sangue no gelo. Quando zer um
Ataque corporal ou for alvo de um Ataque corporal e comprar um ou
mais d20s ao gerar pontos de Ameaça, você pode rejogar a parada de
dados da Tarefa. Além disso, você tem uma Ushaan-tor, uma ferramenta
a ada para minerar gelo e que é usada nestes duelos. A Ushaan-tor é uma
arma corporal com o seguinte per l: Corporal, 2 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -


An Android is an advanced form of robot designed to imitate humanoids, typically

Humans. Most Androids are self-aware and possess artificial intelligence. Numerous alien
species created Androids in the galaxy, such as those discovered by Harry Mudd in the
23rd Century (which originated in the Andromeda Galaxy) as well as the dead species
of planet Exo III, who created a process to transfer memories of an individual to an
Android but not the associated emotions. The probe, V’Ger, was also able to create a
highly advanced construct mimicking the Deltan officer, Lt. lllia, which proved capable
of replicating both memories and emotions. Any number of other advanced aliens were
also likely capable of designing and creating advanced humanoid robotics. The first
successful Androids created by Federation scientists were the creations of Noonien
Soong in the 24th-Century. Soong-type Androids make use of a positronic brain,
which is complex enough for sentient thought. Soong’s first few androids proved
imperfect, but his later models—including those created by his son Altan Soong—
were less flawed and fully capable of being mistaken for Human. Paired with
technology derived from that recovered on Exo III, this could create a golem that
could theoretically house the consciousness of an individual.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Be Self Aware Rather than a Repetitious Robot

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Android. While Androids mimic the Human form they are stronger than
Humans, and immune to virtually all diseases and toxins, including many forms
of radiation. Androids are typically functionally immortal, being unaging, but do
require regular maintenance to maintain their parts. However, it’s possible to
design Androids that mimic human aging, and even die after a random period.
Furthermore, as an artificial being, treating one with the First Aid task or removing
Injuries requires the Engineering Discipline rather than Medicine.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Android, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Your internal memory contains a wealth of knowledge of a variety of subjects,
When you succeed at a Task using Insight or Reason, you gain one bonus
Momentum, which may only be used for the Obtain Information Momentum

REQUIREMENT: Android, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You either lack emotions, or your emotions are an imperfect copy of
humanities’. You reduce the Difficulty of all Tasks to resist coercion, mental
intrusion, pain, and other mental attacks by 2.

You have automated repair protocols that can reactivate your
systems after you have received damage. Once per mission,
while Injured, you can attempt a Control + Engineering Task, with a
Difficulty of 2. On a success, you recover, removing that Injury, but
must still undergo repairs to fully remove the damage. You can perform this Task despite
being Injured.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:

Originally designed by Dr. Noonian Soong the Soong-type Android is a

exceptionally advanced arti cial intelligence life-form. These android are
capable of incredible feats of reason due to their positronic brain but are
normally emotionless and may nd it di cult to relate to organic beings. Certain
advanced versions o set this problem by use of an emotion chip that allows
them to experience a full gamut of emotions. Unfortunately it is possible for
negative emotions like anger and megalomania to become dominant and cause
the android to harm others.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Ethical Programming De nes My Thinking

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Soong-type Android. The physical and mental capabilities of a

Soong-type android are superior to that of most organic or cybernetic
life-forms, allowing them to ignore or resist e ects like hard vacuum,
disease, radiation, oxygen deprivation, telepathy, or biochemical imbalance.
However, some environmental conditions, such as highly-ionized
atmospheres, and electromagnetic elds, can have a severe e ect. Further,
Soong-type androids do not naturally have the capacity for emotions,
requiring additional hardware to process and experience any feelings. The
legal personhood of Soong-type androids is somewhat disputed, though a
landmark case involving Lieutenant Commander Data establishes their right
to self-determination.

Talents: The character receives access to the following Talents. These

Talents are mandatory, and must be selected during character creation:

REQUIREMENTS: Soong-type Android.

While appearing extremely lifelike – even simulating breathing, blinking,
and other autonomic processes – a Soong-type android is not organic life.
They are highly resistant to environmental conditions, reducing the Di culty
of Tasks to resist extremes of heat and cold by 2, and they are immune to
the e ects of su ocation, hard vacuum, starvation, and thirst. Further, their
sturdy construction grants them Resistance 1. Further, while they can detect
damage and dangerous conditions, they do not experience real pain, gaining
+3 Resistance against non-lethal attacks, and being entirely immune to any
penalties or hindrances caused by pain.

REQUIREMENTS: Soong-type Android.

A Soong –type android is normally created with a positronic brain that allows
it to process information made available to them considerably quicker than a
Human. The character gains one automatic success on all Tasks using Reason,
in addition to any generated by rolling.
Coppelius Android
PIC sub-era of TNG era only

The theft a single positronic neuron, recovered from

the remains of the Soong-type Android, Data, became
part of the creation of a whole new kind of android.
The neuron was taken to planet Coppelius, where a
process of fractal neuronic cloning was developed to
generate a whole series of new androids, building on
the foundations of the positronic neural net of the
Soong-type, in a new type of body.

Example Value: Trying to understand the logic of


Attributes: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

Trait: Coppelius Android. Since they are derived from Noonien Soong’s android designs, the Coppelius
Androids share some of the same properties, especially those related to their positronic brains. However,
reaching closer to the Human ideal form that Soong always intended for his creations, the new Coppelius
Androids trade constructed body components of metal and plastic, for systems made of artificial living tissue,
carrying out all the usual Human metabolic processes. This makes them appear as normal Humans, to all
but the most invasive procedures. Some obvious differences between Humans and Coppelius Androids
remain: The androids’ minds cannot be sensed at all by telepaths and empaths; they have superior strength
and speed; and their brains remain susceptible to certain strong electromagnetic fields and highly ionized
atmospheres. Additionally, for purely cultural reasons, many Coppelius Androids have what Humans would
consider unnatural skin and eye colouration, in tribute to their Soong-type predecessors. In principle, a
Coppelius Android body could be made (that is, grown) to look like any humanoid species, but their cultural
norm seems to be to mimic their original Human creators. Finally, the symmetrical nature of the fractal
neuronic cloning process that generates new positronic brains from previous ones, always creates these new
brains in identical pairs, and so it has become normal to place these two matching positronic brains into twin
bodies. Each Coppelius Android has (or had) an identical twin. While they are created identical, they can
begin to mentally develop in separate directions from the moment they are first activated, and their
personalities can differ more over time.

Talents: The character receives access to the following talents:

Positronic Brain
Requirements: Soong-type or Coppelius Android. Character creation only.
A Coppelius Android is normally created with a positronic brain that allows it to process information made
available to them considerably quicker than a Human. The character gains one automatic success on all
Tasks using Reason, in addition to any generated by rolling.

Fractal Recollection
Requirements: Coppelius Android. Character creation only.
Fractal neuronic cloning gives each Coppelius Android a new positronic brain that is “grown” from a neuron
of a predecessor android’s positronic brain. This can give the new android partial recollection of memories
and skills from their predecessor. Once per mission, you may declare that your predecessor android had
expertise in a relevant skill or field of study; you gain a single Focus for the remainder of the scene, as you
draw upon those memories. Additionally, you gain a Trait with the name of your immediate predecessor
android; this reflects potential Advantages and Complications of the fractal neuronic cloning process,

SPECIES PROFILE Angosians have their own language, which is remarkable
similar to the native Betazoid language. Angosians
prefer to use Federation Standard to communicate with
off-worlders, however.
VISUAL REPRESENTATION Angosian names are also very similar to Betazoid
names. Both male and female names have an exotic
sound to most humans. Roga Danar (male) and Beata
Leyoro (female) are well-known Angosians.

Angosia is a highly industrialized Class-M planet on a
technological par with most Federation member-worlds.
A member of the Federation it's self, as of 2369, Angosia
is a prominent exporter of machines and manufacturing

The flora and fauna of Angosia is very similar, once

again, to that of Betazed. Although there is not as much
of an abundance of wild life on Angosia, and most
Angosians do not take to keeping pets.

The average Angosian will be virtually anything but a

Scientists, Explorers, Diplomats, and Starship Engineers

are preferred professions for non-augmented Angosian

SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS There are a few Angosians in Starfleet, including some

Augments, serving as security officers.
-2 Presence, +1 Intellect
Since the Angosian society does not have, or recognize
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION a religion, they do not produce any Mystics.
Angosians are physically indistinguishable from Terran
humans, and may have genetic ties to Earth humans SPECIES ABILITIES
similar to the people of Alpha Centauri.
Non-augmented Angosians have heightened Intellect
due to their common pursuit of academic skills and
Their body-types and skin, eyes, and hair coloring run
knowledge. In this way they are an enlightened species.
the full range of a standard human; from platinum hair to
black. From dark skin, to a pale Caucasoid complexion.
They do suffer a penalty to their Presence, however, due
Asian-type features are rare, but some Angosians
to their stolid, and often “stuffy” behavior.
originating from one of their smaller southern continents
do exhibit some traits common in Terran Asian features.
Bonus Edges: Innovative, Multitasking
Species Flaws: Pacifist 2, Intolerant (Tarsians), Proud
CULTURE (optional)
A race of inherently non-violent, passive people.
Angosians prefer intellectual, artistic, and scientific
As a result, their government decided to genetically alter
their soldiers to enable the Angosian people to end their
conflict with the Tarsians in their own favor. The genetically engineered “super soldiers” used by the
Angosians during their military conflict with the
This resulted in what could be considered a separate Tarsians.
race, or sub-species of Angosian people known as the
Angosian Augment (see below). Due to their pacifist nature, the Angosian people were
unable to achieve the type of natural aggression
Some Angosians seem stolid, and it is not uncommon necessary to defeat their Tarsian enemies.
for an Angosian to have an air of arrogance, or a
snobbish manner. Especially among the males, or those The Angosian senate ordered all soldiers who
in positions of social power and influence. volunteered for service during the Tarsian wars to
undergo extensive genetic manipulations, as well as since the world was admitted into the Federation in 2369.
chemical alterations to enhance their strength, their
reflexes, and their ability to endure physical pain and Angosian Augments cannot conceive children. Nor can
damages. an Augment male impregnate a non-augmented female,
or a member of another species.
These augmentations also improved the Angosian
soldier's memories, and their ability to think quickly, and Angosian Augments who spent time in one of the
improvise actions in the battlefield. “camps” such as the Lunar V settlement where Roga
Danar was incarcerated will often have a small tattoo at
And, of course, the soldiers were made more aggressive their left temple, from the corner of their eye back to
by these treatments. And they would often lose control their ear.
of themselves resulting in dangerous aggressive
behaviour. This is an identification mark, used to tag and document
Augments sent tot he internment camps, and it consists
After the end of the Tarsian war, rather than try to help of a series of numbers and letters in Angosian. Most
deprogram their soldiers, the Angosian government Augments will refuse to have this removed, as it serves
simply exiled these men and women to various penal as a reminder of how they were treated.
Augments will treat this mark as a mark of solidarity.
This treatment of the Augments ended when one soldier,
Roga Danar, escaped and staged a revolt. And the CULTURE
Angosian Augments were officially declared equal in
The sub-culture of the Angosian Augment is a lonely
Angosian society, and allowed to petition the
one. Still ostracized in many ways by their own society,
government for a redress of grievances.
they have been some basic freedoms and social
equalities since the Danar Rebellion in 2366.
Angosian Augment) And they are recognized as citizens by the Angosian

But, for many Augments life off-world is preferable. And

this has led to several Augments leaving Angosia, and
even joining Starfleet.

Augments will speak the same languages as their non-
Augmented counterparts. However, due to their
improved memories, Augments find it easier to learn
languages. It is not uncommon for an Augment traveling
off-world to quickly pick up, if not the language, a great
deal of any local dialect they encounter.
Augment names are in the same style as non-Augments.
Although, some Augments will call each other by their
designation numbers, as displayed on their identification
tattoos, as a way of recognizing and identifying with
fellow augments.

Roga Danar's DN was 824.

Angosia, for the Augments, is the same world it was
before the Tarsian war. But often they feel as if the world
it's self is rejecting them.
+2 Strength, +3 Vitality, +1 Perception, -2 Presence
Angosian Augments living off-world will be most
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION comfortable on planets with a lot of plant-life, few
Angosian augmented soldiers appear as other animals, and a reasonably advanced technological level.
Angosians – essentially identical to humans. But they
are all almost unnaturally physically fit and in excellent FAVORED PROFESSION
medical health. Angosian Augments are Soldiers. And they will choose
this profession over all others.
Despite over nearly 2 decades of research, no method of
reversing the manipulations done to these soldiers has Some serve in Starfleet, as Security or Tactical officers.
been found by Angosian scientists, or Federation Others make their way as Mercenaries; freelance
medical personnel who have worked with the Angosians
soldiers fighting for the highest bidder. And the bidding
can be quite high for a soldier as strong and virtually
indestructible as an Angosian Augment.

A few Augments will find the life of a Rogue appealing.

But even these men and women seem to find themselves
getting into more than most people's share of fights.

Military Conditioning: The crux of what makes these
people who they are. Angosian Augments gained several
physical and mental advantages from the chemical and
genetic alterations done to them to prepare them for
military service.

Angosian Augments receive +2 to all Combat tests. They

receive one extra action, per round. They gain +2 on
their initiative rolls, +1 Health, 2 levels of Healthy, as well
as +2 to Quickness, Stamina, and Willpower reactions.

All sensors trying to scan or track them do so at a -5 to

-10 penalty, depending on the conditions under which
the scan is attempted.

Augments start at 3 levels in Armed, Unarmed, and

Energy Weapon combat skills. And they can
automatically advance all personal combat skills as
professional skills.

Augments also have the species ability, Skilled, as


Bonus Edges: Eidetic Memory, Fit, Dodge, Lightning

Reflexes, Rapid Healing (x2)

Species Flaws: Bloodlust, Dark Secret (Angosian

Soldier), Infamy (Violence)
Angosians eschew violence, preferring to focus on intellectual development.
In the mid-24th century, the Angosians were involved in a protracted con ict
called the Tarsian War. Being inherently non-violent, the Angosian
authorities ordered their soldiers subjected to genetic engineering and
chemical manipulation in order to make them superior soldiers and survive.
This treatment meant that their behavior radically became violent when they
sensed danger to themselves. This treatment was successful and the
con ict ended soon after.
However, it was discovered that the process was irreversible, and, when the
"super soldiers" returned to normal Angosian society, they were unable to
function within or co-exist alongside them. No attempt was made to give
them even a partial recovery as the government decided they may
need to use them again. After a referendum by the larger
population, the soldiers were relocated inde nitely to a penal
settlement on Lunar V, and considered to be outcasts and

EXAMPLE VALUE: Peace Can Be Attained Through


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Reason (civilian) or

+1 Daring (soldier)

TRAIT: Angosian Civilian or Soldier. Outwardly

indistinguishable from Humans, Angosian civilians prefer to
avoid violence and focus on intellectual pursuits. Angosian
soldiers on the other hand are prone to violence, especially
when provoked or when they feel they are in danger.
Soldiers also have enhanced memory and toughness. They
also have the ability to shield themselves from sensors,
somewhat similar to the Jem’Hadar Shroud.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Above the Clouds (Ardanan)

Angosian Civilian only.

Genetic Mastery (Drai)

Regimented Mind (Cardassian)
Super-soldier Conditioning (Original: Exosex) (Rigellian Jelna)
Angosian Soldier only. This Talent is mandatory and must be selected by a
Angosian Soldier character during character creation.

Feminine Names: Baeta, Erbrun, Marjmacl, Marvhild
Masculine Names: Chritezbr, Cragweis, Nayrok, Wagnor, Roga, Zayner
Gender-Neutral Names: Davgrant, Derwarn
Family Names: Danar, Leyoro

The Ankari are a reptilian-humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant. While warp capable, they
prefer to use a form of FTL drive, believed to phase their craft into a parallel realm – similar to, but
distinct from, subspace. This realm is also home to a unique nucleogenic lifeform, whose bodies contain
signi cant amounts of nucleogenic energy. Much like traditional subspace/warp-based civilizations,
most forms of Ankari technology interface with this nucleogenic realm. As this technology is so rare, few
species can accurately detect or track Ankari vessels.

Despite this strategic advantage, the Ankari are not a warlike people. Their relationship with the
interdimensional beings, whom the Ankari consider heralds of good fortune, has created a unique cultural
dynamic. While technologically and scienti cally advanced, the Ankari are traditionally a deeply spiritual
people and the interdimensional beings factor heavily in that belief system. The Ankari
are welcoming of strangers and are open to trade, often celebrating the conclusion
of successful endeavors with a summoning to bid their new allies good fortune.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Fortune Favors the Faithful

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Ankari. Ankari are reptilian humanoids and possess many of the
biological attributes common to those species. Their skin is coarse and thick,
with light to dark brown coloring. Like most reptilian species, the Ankari do not
possess body hair – though they do have soft spines that run along the back of
their skulls. These, along with their brows, provide the Ankari with the ability to
detect faint vibrations and act as a form of sixth sense. Their native, harmonic
language likely developed due to this additional sense

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Ankari, or Gamemaster’s permission.

If the character is successful on a Task, the next Task performed during that scene gains one bonus
Momentum if successful.

REQUIREMENT: Ankari, or Gamemaster’s permission.

The character has learned to use their unique physiology to allow them to detect vibrations,
enhancing their ability to see and hear, even in darkness. Characters with this Talent reduce the
Di culty of perception-related Tasks by 1 (Star Trek Adventures core rulebook, p. 170).

Ankari names are generally single syllable and typically combinations of soft and hard sounds.
Ankari do not use surnames or family names and instead trace their genetic lineage to a particularly
important ancestor, usually one believed to be favored by the nucleogenic lifeforms called “spirits of
good fortune.” There is no cultural requirement for o spring to assume the Ancestor name of their
parents, though most tend to do so until they come into adulthood, at which point they can choose
a new Ancestor to identify with, which is given after their personal name.

Masculine: Rhal, Jrek, Mait, Kast, Hurn, Tolk, Byst, Lurr, Vurt, Pulc, Yrul
Feminine: Lalri, Ghama, Yruki, Demre, Whagi, Sahme, Clema, Pulre, Tili, Ulua
Gender-Neutral: Atla, Fela, Nahl, Bole, Whet, Fila, Koste, Hirfa, Valit, Mal, Nulna
Ancestor: Ohnyt, Amkut, Efna, Ursuk, Ahzur, Etol, Ofmat, Skaa, Ratka, Vulin
The Antarans are a humanoid species native to the Alpha Quadrant. During
their history they were subjects of several particularly brutal military
campaigns that were initiated by the Denobulans that nally ended during
the mid-19th century. At the time, the Denobulans demonized the Antarans,
turning them into a faceless enemy that fell victim to a series of battle
tactics which resulted in the deaths of twenty million Antarans. It was also
during this time that Denobulan doctors were accused of alleged war crimes
that would have allowed them to “know a great deal about” the Antarans
These series of wars established a complicated history with particularly
bitter disputes remaining between the two species which fueled prejudices
that lasted well into the mid-22nd century. Much of this was due to the fact
that neither side had tried to reconcile with the other, and, in fact, it
was believed that every Antaran, from childhood on, was taught
that Denobulans were enemies to be feared and reviled.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Don’t Let Prejudice In uence Your


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Antaran. Antarans have an elongated nasal canal

that splits up in four secondary canals. Two of these canals
continue above the eyes and the other two continue above
their forehead. This gives Antarans a highly developed sense
of smell. They are more susceptible to certain types of
radiation than other species.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Absolute Conviction (ARgrathi)

Parent Figure (Denobulan)
Strength Through Struggle (Skrreea)
Feminine Names: Eveli, Loolooa, Maleena, Telana
Masculine Names: His, Hudak, Raanto, Peldor
Gender-Neutral Names: Oolar, Wundar
Family Names: Baltin, Kashim, Tereshini, Yanshi

Fitness 1 [4]
Strength (-1)
Vitality (-2)
Coordination 1 [5]
Intellect 2 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Psi 0 [5]

Artistic Expression (choose) 2 (3) OR Craft (choose) 2 (3)
Athletics (Diving) 2 (3)
(Swimming) (4)
Culture (Antedean) 2 (3)
History (Antedean) 1 (2)
Antedean (2)
Persuasion (Storytelling) 1 (2)
Planetary Survival (Ocean) 1 (2)
Science, Planetary (Hydrology) 1 (3)
(Oceanography) (3)
World Knowledge (Antede III) 1 (2)

Typical Traits
Intolerant (Non-Icthyohumans) (-3)

Appearance and Physiology

An icthyohumanoid (fish-like) species, scale tones range from bluish-white to purplish-silver.
Antedeans have no body hair but have head-fins. On their chin grow two long tentacles. They
have large eyes and webbed hands.

Although the Antedeans are capable of spaceflight, they find space travel disorienting and
extremely unpleasant, and survive the ordeal by entering a self-induced catatonic state. Their
half-shut eyes fully open upon awakening, a process that takes several hours. Upon revival at
the end of the voyage, Antedeans require large amounts of food to replenish their bodies.

Seen by very few Terrans, Antedeans are introverted with little outside interests, very few ever
leave their homeworld. Living in cities beneath the wide oceans of their nearly landless planet,
their level of technology is surprising considering their limited resources and barely
amphibious lifestyle.

Antedean culture centers on their environment and communities. Practical and conservative
they are a pragmatic people, unwilling to trust or embrace new ideas or lofty concepts. Despite
their high level of technology they prefer simpler ways over mechanically based advancements,
which they believe conflict with the balance of nature.

Living much as they did a thousand years ago, simple fish farming and kelp cultivation are the
planets major industry, universal material for tools is stone, supplemented by bone and shell.

The visual arts are practiced with great vigor by all people of Antede, but little evidence of their
prehistory has survived, as the materials used謡ood, ochers, shells, feathers, and clay預re
short-lived. Nevertheless, Antede is enormously rich in the arts of sculpture, and architecture,
as well as in such highly refined crafts of pottery, weaving, and matting.

There is no marriage, and reproduction is decided based upon the needs of the community and
resources available to support an addition to the population. The community raises the children
and as a result no Antedean knows who their relatives really are.
Political Structure
Ruled by a senate (the leader of which is the planetary Prime Minister), communities of no
more than ten thousand individuals are scattered over Antede. Elected representatives are
chosen every year to govern these communities in accordance with ecological law.A small
group of progressive government leaders were able to gain enough support to petition for
Federation membership, but a resistance movement disrupted the negotiations and eventually
re-established conservative leadership within the government.

Submitted by Unknown

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Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
Physiology and Appearance
OPTIONAL AENAR TRAITS These icthyohumanoids are aquatic, with scale
The following species traits can be added to the Aenar tones from blue-white to purplish-silver. They have
species profile, depending on the circumstances of a particular
series. a fin on their head which aids in swimming, and
o Bonus Edge: Increased Range (Telepathy): The character
they possess a pair of feelers under their mouth that
can reach farther than most species with his psionic aid in finding the shellfish and bottom-dwelling
abilities. (+2 picks) invertebrates that comprise their main food source.
o Lesser Status: The character is thought of as belonging to an They have webbed hands and feet.
inferior species and begins all social tests with unfamiliar
Andorians with a hostile stance (as opposed to indifferent).
Social modifiers for other species begin at indifferent.
Antedeans find space travel disorienting and
(NOTE: This trait should only be used in a series populated travel in a catatonic state, a trait that once was used
almost solely by Andorians, and only during the 22nd or 23rd to avoid starvation in times of food shortage or
centuries.) (-2 picks)
climatic disturbance. Awakening from this catato-
nia takes several hours, after which they must eat
large amounts of food to recover. When traveling
Trek RPG PG). They are, unfortunately, more out of water, they require environmental suits to
vulnerable to toxins, which spread through cover the gills in their shoulder areas.
their bodies more quickly (-1 to Stamina tests
against poisons). Homeworld
• Strong Psionic: Aenar receive the Psi attribute
with a starting level of 8, and can advance it Antede III, a large world possessing vast oceans.
as a favored attribute. The Antedeans live on the wide continental
shelves, where their homes are created in reefs
Picks made by coral-like creatures.
22 ([+5] +1 Vitality, [+3] Antennae, [-2] History and Culture
Blindsense, [+2] High Pain Threshold, [+2] Skill
Focus (Compassionate), [-4] Pacifist 2, [+4] Antedeans have a rich oral history, but written
Telepathy 2, [+0] Redundant Circulation, [+12] language is still new to them. They have a mostly
Strong Psionic). contemporary understanding of the sciences, but
their technology lags behind due to a societal
ENT “The Aenar” distrust of change as well as the consideration that
mechanical advancement is “unnecessary.” Their
contact with galactic civilization has been intermit-
tent over the course of the mid-24th century.
The primary endeavors of the Antedeans are
fishing and undersea agriculture. Their political
structure is based on representation of their local
settlements, which rarely have populations above
the tens of thousands.

Language and Names

Antedean, a language filled with a variety of
sounds, many of which are infrasonic and can only
be heard in aquatic environments.

Favored Profession
Rogue or Scientist. Most Antedeans encountered
will either be highly curious or suspiciously advent-

ANTEDEANS Species Adjustments

+1 Vitality, +1 Perception.

Personality Species Abilities

Practical and conservative, Antedeans tend to be • Aquatic: Antedeans require water to breathe,
introverted and focused on their own particular and special environmental suits for land
interests. travel. They can survive for up to fifteen

minutes in open air before testing for are considered ‘open source’ by human standards.
asphyxiation. On their world, everyone hears you when you
• Bonus Skill: Athletics (Swimming): Antede- speak. They are, however, very protective of their
ans receive Athletics (Swimming) skill at level private space – touch is a privilege rarely given.
2, and can advance that skill as a professional
skill. Physiology and Appearance
• Fish Out of Water: When on land, Antedeans Arcadians are a cetaceous species who can
suffer from -2 Agility, cannot sprint, and must survive on land for short periods of time. They have
make an Athletics (Run) test when running pale white rubbery skin, large flipper-like hands,
whether or not they’re engaged in other human-like faces, and some have hair that grows
activity. from head to tail along their dorsal side. While on
• Natural Swimmer: When swimming, land they move slowly, balancing on their strong
Antedeans move at the same speed land- tail (which they can use to ‘stand’), and ‘walking’
dwelling species normally do (‘Walk’ 6m, by using their arms and tail. Being cetaceans, they
‘Jog’ 12m…). They don’t normally need to breathe air, requiring that they surface every 20
make Swim tests, only doing so under the minutes or so while in the water.
same circumstances that land-dwelling spe-
cies make movement tests (e.g., running Homeworld
during combat).
Arcadia, a world of warm seas and lush jungles.
Picks Arcadian cities are a new invention, primarily built
to facilitate interaction with land-dwelling off-
9 ([+5] +1 Vitality, [+5] +1 Perception, [-5] worlders.
Aquatic, [+4] Athletics (Swimming), [-5] Fish Out of
Water, [+5] Natural Swimmer). History and Culture
TNG “Manhunt” Arcadians live on their own or in small pods,
coming together to breed. They have a long history
of complex intellectual and philosophical inquiry,
but little technological advancement. First contact
with the Arcadians showed them to be more than
capable of handling the idea of alien cultures, and
their understanding of the sciences was sufficiently
advanced that they were made a Federation
protectorate in 2250.

Language and Names

Arcadian, Cetacean, Federation Standard. Arca-
dian names are concepts that translate into phrases
like “Dives Deep” or “One Who Swims Alone.”

Favored Profession
Diplomat or Scientist.

Species Adjustments
+1 Vitality, +1 Strength.

ARCADIANS Species Abilities

• Beached: When on land, Arcadians suffer
from -4 Agility, and can only crawl/step or
Personality • Cetaceous: As cetaceans, Arcadians live in
The Arcadians are a thoughtful race, given to the ocean, but need air to breathe. They can
contemplation. Although they frequently swim remain submerged for a base time of 20
alone on their homeworld, they are constantly minutes, with a Stamina test required for each
speaking with each other across vast distances. 20 minutes thereafter. A failed test indicates
Their conception of privacy is strange to most they must begin testing for asphyxiation
creatures: conversations and discussion of ideas (though the tests are made every minute,

Antedians are a reclusive aquatic species from Antede III. While they are
capable of interstellar space ight, they usually nd the experience
traumatic. Because of this, they limited their space exploration to unmanned
and remote-controlled drones. After making contact with the United
Federation of Planets, it became necessary on occasion to travel on
starships. The Antedians survived the ordeal by entering a self-induced
catatonic state. Upon arrival at the end of a voyage, they would however
require great quantities of food to replenish their bodies.
Because of their magnetosensitivity, it is di cult for Antedians to exist in
environments with di erent magnetic elds than their homeworld. However,
with su cient training, it is possible to overcome this discomfort. After
being o ered Federation membership, progressive factions on Antede III
began training for exactly that.
Antede III is known for its large aquatic harvesting complexes.
Both the technology and the produce are popular export goods,
making Antedians a sought-after trading partner not only by the
Federation but also the Ferengi Alliance and even the Klingon

EXAMPLE VALUE: Make Yourself Indispensable

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Antedian. Antedians have gills that are used to lter

oxygen out of water. They can also lter it out of the air but
not for extended periods of time as this dries out their gills.
Antedians have to breath water at least every 14 hours to
avoid damage to their gills and other organs. They are also
sensitive to magnetic elds. Their large eyes are perfectly
adapted for hunting in deep oceans, giving them clear sight
even under minimal lighting conditions. While they are swift
and graceful under water, they tend to be somewhat slow on

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Agricultural Specialist (Skreeaa)

Multispectrum Vision (Zaranite)
Submariner (Monean)
Antedians don’t have families. Socially, they are organized in schools which
is a permanent group of individuals which live together.
Feminine Names: Colteiv, Ejoit, Tririm
Masculine Names: Eltoc, Oibtif, Sunjug
Gender-Neutral Names: Jotuiz, Naduk, Zenthoz
School Names: Kurrnoirna, Qakaodan, Traozmubem

The Antican society is based on a "pack" concept. They do not posses
large cities but rather live and move around as some type of tribal pack. A
central pack was the closest know thing to a government gure, as a leader
from each pack would join and form this central pack, though they would
not possess any real power they served as information clearing house.
Although they have established several very small cities, these were the
focal point of their science and technology. They live mostly for the hunt and
ceremonial consumption of their prey.
Despite the fact they are mostly a nomadic society, they have achieved
some technology, such as laser knives. Their scientists are fairly advanced
by the 24th century and they seem to adapt quickly to new technology.
They never yearned for space travel until engaging in the war with
the Selay.
Their home planet’s climate is rather cold, with an average
temperature of under 15° Celsius.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Live For The Hunt

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Antican. Anticans are mammals that possessed long

incisor teeth, fur, sharp claws and an elongated cranium.
Their eyesight is highly developed and they can see in near-
darkness. Anticans average between 1.5 and 2.5 meters in
height. Though their species is mainly bipedal, Anticans can
move at much greater speeds when using all four of their
limbs. The average Antican life span is about 50 years. They
choose not to eat fruits or vegetables and have a dislike for
frozen meat, preferring fresh raw meat. They prefer the cold
over heat.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Communal (Grazerite)
Keen Senses (Aurelian)
Nomadic Heritage (Monean)
Every Antican had two names, a social name and a private name. Typically
social names could include Badar, Bagar, Graden and more. Typical private
names can include Gor, Rar, Raag and more. Antican surnames consist of a
series of single capital letters, which are combined with an apostrophe.
These symbolize past pack a liations or accomplishments. For example,
Badar is an accomplished hunter and diplomat, so he is known as Badar
N’D’D. These additional letter usually only appear in written form, as their
pronunciation is often too di cult for conventional Federation languages.
Social Names: Badar, Bagar, Graden
Private Names: Gor, Rar, Raag

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME usually lasts for 3 days. This will include the entire family,
extended family, friends and anyone else who can find time to
SPECIES PROFILE join them. The baby and his mother are the guests of honour
and everything is done for them.

A wedding celebration will continue until the bride and groom
finally collapse from exhaustion. This can normally take from 3
to 7 days. When they do collapse they are carried to the bridal
suit by what ever guests are still capable of performing the feat.
At this point they will be left alone for 10 days to make the
wedding legal in the eye's of their families.

During a funeral, the guest of honour is the deceased. They

will be placed in a chair at the head of the main table. Guests
will celebrate the deeds and life of the deceased. On the 3rd
day the chair will be lifted and carried to an outdoor location
where it will be placed on a funeral pyre. The flames will be lit
and the guests will dance and rejoice that the spirit has been
freed to return when it is ready. The ash's will be eventually
scattered over the closest large body of water.

They have no true formal religion, however they do believe

that those that have passed on are reborn. As a result both
funerals and birthing are times of great celebrations.

No true myths although various heroes of the Egan Rebellion

have gained certain aspects of worship with statues and
memorials to their deeds.

Everyone is friendly and helpful to any and all other members

of their race. This aspect of their society is also extended in a
limited way to outsiders. A true co-operative species who can
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS and will overcome any difficulty because they know that
+2 Strength, +2 Intellect, +1 Vitality, +1 Presence together they can achieve any goal.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION During medical school, they use a very unusual teaching
method. In order to show how various illnesses affects their
The Antosian people are tall slim humanoids who stand species, they inject one of the med students with a highly
on average 5'10" to 6'6". The one feature that everyone aggressive virus, and quarantine all the students to the same
notices first about them is their hair. It is past shoulder area so they can tell the difference between directly affected
length on men and women and ranges in color from blue (injected) and those infected by exposure (which was a weaker
and green to purple. While the color range covers all infection). Since they have such aggressive white blood cells
possible shades or combinations of these colors they tend and a highly adaptive immune system this normally fatal and
to be mostly bright in nature verging on neon. Strangely cavalier method of instruction tends to be a safe teaching
enough the individuals eye color will always match their method.
hair color exactly.
They have pointed ears like Vulcans but tend to smile and
laugh a lot. Their clothing style is wide and varied and Antosians learn languages easily. And they usually manage to
may include just about any style worn by any race they speak any lanuage with an appealing inflection. Ofcourse they
have ever encountered. speak their native tongue. And most Antosians will speak
Federation Standard, and at least a few phrases in Vulcan.
Pleasure in all it's forms are the driving force behind their
race. They enjoy art, music, dance, social gatherings, Antosians have beautiful, lyrical names befitting their language
celebrations, wine, food, thrill seeking and trying new and culture. Antosians have both a proper name, and a
things. Almost any thing can be an excuse for a party, as surname traced from the patriarchal or matriarchal line.
long as it includes most of the above items.
Male names: Anjar, Eoghan, Shelther, Tarsii
Ba'vira - This is the term given to that one special Female names: Alosia, Solara, Devenis, Selene, Sundassa,
Antosian who is the perfect soul mate. All Antosians Earlina
dream of finding their Ba'vira. Common surnames: Freymott, Androsia, Thoran, Faranfey,
Faranster, Taaveti, Asmara
The birth of a new life results in a large celebration that
HOMEWORLD The Antosians military vessels are a wonder to look upon. They
Proper Name: Antosia have been designed to look aesthetically pleasing with gentle
Diameter: 11,973 km (7,483 miles) flowing lines that seem to convey the image of great speed and
Gravity: 0.98 standard gravity with a density of 5.7 power. The most common ships are frigates, destroyers and
Axial Tilt: 11%, minor seasonal effects (less than Earth) cruisers. They have 1 dreadnaught which serves as the flagship
Orbital Period: 537 days of their small fleet.
Rotational Period: 31 hours
Classification: M Antosians can be found wandering just about anywhere within
Surface Water: 47% the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
Atmosphere: 0.96 is a standard pressure with 77%
nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 2% argon FAVORED PROFESSION
Climate: Tropical with temperatures being on average 38 Antosian will follow any profession that interests them, and in
Celsius (100 fahrenheit) at the 30th parallel with a night which they believe they can make a difference as a member of.
time low of 27 (80) and a mid-day high of 49 (120)
Population: Just over 2 billion Many Antosians have joined Starfleet over the years. And most
of these serve as Medical, or Command officers. Antosians also
The Antosian people have never engaged in any hostility make excellent Counselors.
with any other member of their own race. In fact a search
of all their records show that there is no record of any Civilian Antosians are usually found in the Scientist, or
violent crimes or confrontations anywhere within the Merchant profession, with Explorer, Inventor, or Free Trader as
recorded history of their people. common elite professions.
However about 480 years ago they were invaded by the
Egans. They did not resist at this time. They suffered
under a military dictatorship for close to 50 years before Antosian are tall, strong, and beguiling people.
they rose up and fought back. It took them 5 years but in
that time they not only drove the invaders off their home They enjoy a +2 to both their Strength and Intellect attributes,
world but pushed them back to their own home world. and a +1 to their Vitality, and Presence scores.
The war ended when they had destroyed every ship,
production facility and major city on the Egans home Excellent Metabolism: (bonus edge) Due to their innate
world. resistance to sickness, and disease receive this edge as a
species trait. Antosians gain a +4 bonus to Stamina reactions
Since then they have worked hard to remove every made to resist the effects of disease or poison.
physical reminder of that period in their history.
Friendly: (bonus edge) Antosians are a people that are easy to
The world is divided up into various regions. Each region like. Hay have a very easy-going style about them. They
has a representative on the central council. This council acquire this edge as a species trait. Antosians gain a +1 bonus
has 11 members and will debate and then vote on any to all Social tests.
and all issues. These deliberations are broadcast and can
be viewed by anyone on world. Also any citizen may Skilled: Antosians undergo an extensive training program.
bring an issue to the attention of the council or speak on During the Personal Development step when creating an
any issue in front of the council. Antosian character’s background, they gain extra skill picks.
After choosing the package and picking skills, Antosians can
They have warp drive technology that is close to that add +2 skill-levels to any one skill or +1 to two skills.
employed by the Federation. Any of their vessels that
have been seen are always well designed. They seem to Hedonist: (species flaw) Antosians enjoy luxuries and pleasures
be designed both for visual enjoyment but also for of all sorts, from fine food and drink to more earthy delights.
comfort. They do not have transporter or replicator Whenever presented with an opportunity to enjoy herself, have
technology. Some interest has been shown in transporter fun, or take pleasure in something, the character must make a
tech but none for replicator tech. In fact they prefer real Willpower reaction roll, or be unable to resist and indulge
food to anything materialized out of a replicator as they herself for 1d6 rounds.
claim it ruins the taste.

They are totally self sufficient and import very little. What
they do import tends to be luxury items like exotic foods,
rare wines, expensive cloths and unique novelty items or
devices that they have taken an interest in.

They export very little except for high quality foods,

wines, clothes and cloth. Technology does not really
interest them but they may trade for it if it is something
new that has some kind of enjoyment or entertainment
quality or application.
TALENTS: The character receives access to
Apergosians are bipedal humanoids with orange the following talents:
skin and hair. They also have rectangular pupils
that grant them greater depth perception and
focus with their peripheral vision. REQUIREMENT: Apergosian or gamemaster’s
The species treats numbers with reverence and The Ancient Ones’ strange energies that have
respect, always looking to nd perfect numbers permeated the planet have morphed your
that future generations could be proud of. This genetics, giving you the ability to change objects
passion for numbers leads many Apergosians into other things. Once per mission, you may
to pursue mathematics and the philosophical turn one non-living, simple object into another.
impact of number sense. Both objects must be able to be held in your
Before the Apergosians inherited their planet,
it was inhabited by a people they refer to
as the Ancient Ones. These dei c creatures REQUIREMENT: Apergosian or gamemaster’s
used something the Apergosians refer to as permission.
“strange energies” to build cities, create art, You have a mastery of what numbers mean,
and manipulate physics. Some Apergosians not just mathematically, but philosophically
have combined the idea of the Ancient Ones too. Whenever you attempt a task without
and the concept of numbers into a faith many using a computer that involves analyzing
Apergosians prescribe to. numbers, you may reduce the Di culty
by 1.
EXAMPLE VALUE: Numbers are More than a
All Apergosians use names similar
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, to those found on Earth, with rst
+1 Reason names identifying an individual
and surnames representing their
TRAIT: Apergosians. Apergosians have great family.
peripheral vision due to their rectangular
pupils. Because of this trait, Apergosians SAMPLE NAMES: Jenza Furth,
reduce the Di culty of opposed tasks that rely Mighal Lamtur, Ezzery Vath,
on sight by 1. Borba Grondo

It took a third and fourth contact before

the Apergosians nally settled on a
subspace communication number with
su cient gravitas. Rather boringly,
there were no further reports of heads
detaching and ying into space. Maybe
next time…

The Aquans are a piscine humanoid species native to of the planet Argo.
Centuries ago, the Aquans were a highly developed people known for their
engineering and biological sciences. Aquan medicine remains particularly
refined, and they are capable of altering memories and physiology. The
residents of Argo lived on the surface of their world until a cataclysmic seismic
disturbances shifted the majority of landmasses to lie beneath their planet’s
oceans. To survive, the majority of the Argo people converted their biology
to be aquatic. This unfortunately led to conflict with the few who did not
become water breathers, and after many years of warfare the remaining
land dwellers died out. Following an encounter with a Starfleet exploratory
vessel in 2270, the Aquans returned to the surface, reclaiming and
restoring their ancestral cities. Following this, Aquans chose to be water
breathing, air breathing, or amphibious ambassadors between the two
groups. Currently, the Aquans are governed by a Ruling Tribunal of the
Aquans, which was made up of a Water Tribune and a Surface Tribune.
After centuries of peace, Aquans are adverse to killing, even when
confronted by presumed enemies and favoured non-lethal weaponry
such as nets.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Ordainments are Useless in Times of Turbulence

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Aquan. Accustomed to extreme pressures, Aquans are

stronger than Humans, and possess excellent night vision. After
centuries underwater, Aquan physiology has adapted to oceanic life
and their skin is prone to becoming uncomfortably dry in arid
conditions. Through surgo-ops, Aquans can choose to breath air,
water, or both. Because of the added flexibility, Aquans typically
choose to be amphibious.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Aquan, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are adept at maneuvering and shifting in multiple dimensions. When you
succeed on the Evasive Action Task, you can spend 1 Momentum to increase
the Difficulty of attacks against you by 1.

REQUIREMENT: Aquan, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You have received specialized training in Aquan forms of combat, allowing
you to effectively use weapons designed for killing in a non-lethal manner.
When you attack with a Deadly weapon, the Difficulty does not increase
when using it to make non-lethal attacks.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
TRAIT: Arbazan. Arbazan have been Federation members
since shortly after its founding and are found throughout
Federation space, often serving as ambassadors,
ALL ERAS OF PLAY attaches, advisors, and negotiators – though there have
The Arbazan were one of the earliest civilizations also been several well-known scienti c discoveries and
encountered during Star eet’s early ventures into deep engineering advancements by dedicated Arbazan.
space. Within a short time, the stoic Arbazan were welcomed
into the newly-formed Federation and are considered by TALENTS: The character receives access to the following
many to be one of its founding members, a fact the Arbazan Talents:
take great pride in. Like many humanoid species within the
Federation, the Arbazan are physically similar to Humans,
though the forward portion of their skulls have slightly raised REQUIREMENT: Arbazan, or Gamemaster’s permission.
plates that reinforce their brows. The Arbazan are known Strong self-discipline and conservative cultural values
for their conservative values, infallible self-con dence, and prevent Arbazan from being susceptible to their baser
devotion to social protocol. Some, however, nd the cultural desires. Any character attempting to use their physical
focus on proper social etiquette to be sti ing, and rebellious attractiveness or seductive nature against an Arbazan during
young Arbazan can often be found at Star eet Academy a Social Con ict increases their Di culty by 1.
pursuing security or ship operation roles.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Propriety First and Always REQUIREMENT: Arbazan, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Arbazan are naturally adept at the subtleties of social
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence protocol, and often come to rely on it heavily during social
interactions. To many other species, the Arbazan’s focus
on such rules and guidelines is often viewed as obsessive,
but to the Arbazan, it is simply the natural way to engage in
interactions. Whenever a character with this Talent attempts
a test during Social Con ict, they may re-roll a d20 so long as
they succeeded at an earlier Test relating to the recollection or
research of appropriate social graces, protocols, or faux pas.

Many Star eet o cers have parents from di erent species. To

create characters of mixed heritage, choose two species, one of Arbazan names re ect their traditional natures and adherence
which will be the primary species. The character is treated as a to social protocols. They are never shortened or familiarized,
member of the primary species for Attribute bonuses; most mixed- favor hard syllables, but oddly do not make use of surnames.
heritage characters take more after one parent than another. The The Arbazan, of course, consider discussion of the topic to
character gains the species Traits of both parent species, and may be socially unacceptable.
select Talents from both parent species.
Female names: Galez, Krata, Dortas, Taxco, Kezik, Kimod
Male names: Warik, Rotes. Apocec, Berton, Tuvmil, Valbu
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME through the female. Arbazan names seem to have no gender
SPECIES PROFILE specifics. Taxco is a famous Arbazan Federation diplomat.

SPECIES NAME: ARBAZAN Located in the Kzinti Patriarchy, Arbazan is a lovely planet,
and a popular vacation spot despite the reserved social
VISUAL REPRESENTATION structure of the locals.

Arbazan's industry is it's people: talented artists,

flamboyant entertainers, and skilled administrators.

And despite their outward disregard for sexual behavior and

open displays of sexuality, Arbazans are a passionate
people. They also seem to hold no prejudices in regard to
sexual orientation. 30% of the Arbazan male population are

An Arbazan can succeed in any profession they put their
mind to. But they prefer to work as Diplomats, or in some
administrative position.

Arbazans do not prefer military careers.

And despite their reserved nature they practice a very

subdued religion of nature and ancestor reverence. Arbazan
Mystics are often compared to the Buddhist Monks of Earth.

All Arbazans do prefer to be in charge of their workspace.

And they are not likely to work in a situation, away from
their homeworld, or their own people where they do not
command at least some from of authority over their
+1 Intellect, +1 Perception surroundings.


Arbazans are basic humanoids. Bipedal, with Sexually Repressed: Arbazan society is very sexually
essentially the same range of skin, hair, and eye reserved. Arbazans receive a -1 to all Social tests as a
coloring as a Terran human. Although they do tend result. They also have a +2 Willpower bonus to opposed
towards pale complexions, and lighter hair. tests to resist Influence (Charm) and a +3 against Influence
(Seduce) tests.
Their most distinctive physical feature is an enlarged
cranium, with a broad central ridge, and two less Skilled: Arbazans are skilled (Aliens, p. 152). They are know
pronounced ridges over each eye. to teach, and train their children as rigorously as the Trill.

CULTURE Bonus Edges: Psionic (some Arbazans can become

Arbazan culture is a rich and diverse culture. Many powerful Psions, but it is rare. And if an Arbazan does take
famous athletes, artists, and entertainers have come the Psionic edge, they will perform all Psionic skills at a +4
from Arbazan. TN within 4 hours of having sexual relations). Arbazans also
have the Meticulous edge.
Their culture is reserved, and old fashioned by some
standards. And some Arbazans behave in an openly Optional Species Flaw: Arrogant (some Arbazans tend to
prudish manner, seeming judgmental of anyone with become arrogant as they become more experienced, and
an outgoing, overtly sexual personality. more powerful in their careers. Chose this flaw for 2 extra
edge picks, after at least five advances)
Arbazans are passive as a rule, not given to war or

They speak their native language of Arbazanic. And
Arbazans who have dealings with off-worlders, or
spend a great deal of time off of their home planet will
learn the languages and dialects of the people they
deal with commonly.
Arbazans use a single name and trace their family line
minutes in open air before testing for are considered ‘open source’ by human standards.
asphyxiation. On their world, everyone hears you when you
• Bonus Skill: Athletics (Swimming): Antede- speak. They are, however, very protective of their
ans receive Athletics (Swimming) skill at level private space – touch is a privilege rarely given.
2, and can advance that skill as a professional
skill. Physiology and Appearance
• Fish Out of Water: When on land, Antedeans Arcadians are a cetaceous species who can
suffer from -2 Agility, cannot sprint, and must survive on land for short periods of time. They have
make an Athletics (Run) test when running pale white rubbery skin, large flipper-like hands,
whether or not they’re engaged in other human-like faces, and some have hair that grows
activity. from head to tail along their dorsal side. While on
• Natural Swimmer: When swimming, land they move slowly, balancing on their strong
Antedeans move at the same speed land- tail (which they can use to ‘stand’), and ‘walking’
dwelling species normally do (‘Walk’ 6m, by using their arms and tail. Being cetaceans, they
‘Jog’ 12m…). They don’t normally need to breathe air, requiring that they surface every 20
make Swim tests, only doing so under the minutes or so while in the water.
same circumstances that land-dwelling spe-
cies make movement tests (e.g., running Homeworld
during combat).
Arcadia, a world of warm seas and lush jungles.
Picks Arcadian cities are a new invention, primarily built
to facilitate interaction with land-dwelling off-
9 ([+5] +1 Vitality, [+5] +1 Perception, [-5] worlders.
Aquatic, [+4] Athletics (Swimming), [-5] Fish Out of
Water, [+5] Natural Swimmer). History and Culture
TNG “Manhunt” Arcadians live on their own or in small pods,
coming together to breed. They have a long history
of complex intellectual and philosophical inquiry,
but little technological advancement. First contact
with the Arcadians showed them to be more than
capable of handling the idea of alien cultures, and
their understanding of the sciences was sufficiently
advanced that they were made a Federation
protectorate in 2250.

Language and Names

Arcadian, Cetacean, Federation Standard. Arca-
dian names are concepts that translate into phrases
like “Dives Deep” or “One Who Swims Alone.”

Favored Profession
Diplomat or Scientist.

Species Adjustments
+1 Vitality, +1 Strength.

ARCADIANS Species Abilities

• Beached: When on land, Arcadians suffer
from -4 Agility, and can only crawl/step or
Personality • Cetaceous: As cetaceans, Arcadians live in
The Arcadians are a thoughtful race, given to the ocean, but need air to breathe. They can
contemplation. Although they frequently swim remain submerged for a base time of 20
alone on their homeworld, they are constantly minutes, with a Stamina test required for each
speaking with each other across vast distances. 20 minutes thereafter. A failed test indicates
Their conception of privacy is strange to most they must begin testing for asphyxiation
creatures: conversations and discussion of ideas (though the tests are made every minute,

rather than every round). They must also
keep their skin wet, and most wear special
moisturizing robes while on land. An
Arcadian without any way to stay wet must
make a Stamina test every 4 hours; a failure
causes a loss of -1 Vitality (cumulative).
• Natural Swimmer: When swimming,
Arcadians move at the same speed land-
dwelling species normally do (‘Walk’ 6m,
‘Jog’ 12m…). They don’t normally need to
make Swim tests, only doing so under the
same circumstances that land-dwelling spe-
cies make movement tests (e.g., running
during combat).
• Resistance: Arcadians are highly resistant to
cold and pressure. They make Stamina
checks versus cold and higher pressure at -5
• Sonar: Arcadians have sensitive nerve end-
ings that allow them to ‘see’ using sound. As
a result they gain +2 Perception in water, +1
Perception in air.
• Subsonic Communication: Arcadians have
the ability to hear (and speak) in the ultra-low
frequency range. In open air, close range for

this ability is equal to Perception x 10m;
medium range is Perception x 100m; long
range is Perception x 1km; extended range
increments are equivalent to medium range.
In water, these ranges are 100 times greater
(so x 1km, x 10km, x 100km). Arcadians use Personality
this sense like other humanoids use “normal” A dour and practical race, the Arcturans reject
speech and hearing, thus making Observe the notion of individuality, instead prizing com-
(Listen) checks in the subsonic range as for munity. They prefer strong hierarchies and feel
normal hearing. most comfortable in structured environments. They
are militant, and combat and survival skills are
Picks taught from early childhood.
17 ([+5] +1 Vitality, [+5] +1 Strength, [-7]
Beached, [-5] Cetaceous, [+5] Natural Swimmer, Physiology and Appearance
[+2] Resistance, [+7] Sonar, [+5] Subsonic Arcturans display the standard deviation in
Communication). height, mass, and muscular development of most
humanoids. They are hairless, and have loose,
ST IV: The Voyage Home rubbery skin which is generally of a grey to bluish-
gray color.
They also have a standard male/female gender
breakdown, but viewing sexual reproduction as a
distraction, have cast it off in favor of cloning.

Hega (meaning “Earth”), or Arcturus II, a harsh
M-class desert planet orbiting a Type K1 giant. The
Arcturans have constructed massive cities in recent
history – some that span entire coastlines.

History and Culture

Arcturans survived by conquering their
environment, not adapting to it. They are rabid
technophiles, who rapidly developed their sciences


Arcadians are a peaceful species from the planet Arcadia, the fifth planet in the Vellun
Gamma system. They are aquatic, and lived both underwater and on islands, some
artificial. They were the first species to discover protomatter. They have a communal
society. Rare individuals who have dorsal spines are treated with respect and

EXAMPLE VALUE: Strength In Community.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Arcadian. Arcadians have large, broad heads with two distinctive lines of
hair and pointed ears. Their noses are small, their eyes wide-set, and no eyebrows.
They are an aquatic species that live on plankton, but are also able to use
photosynthesis to obtain nourishment. They have a lifespan of 40-60 years, and
raise their newborn in marsupial-like pouches for the first three to six months of life.
Arcadian skin colour ranges from pale yellow to light blue. Their eyes have a thin
membrane that protects them from solar radiation. Their skin protects them
against sudden temperature changes.

Ø TALENTS: The character must take the following talent at character creation.

REQUIREMENT: Arcadian. Character creation only.

Your skin has a smoothness to it that allows you to move through water easily, and it
makes you resistant to rapid changes in temperature. When not burdened by an
environmental suit, you may lower the difficulty of Tasks underwater by 1. Also,
Complications from heat or cold do not affect you until the end of your next Turn.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

rather than every round). They must also
keep their skin wet, and most wear special
moisturizing robes while on land. An
Arcadian without any way to stay wet must
make a Stamina test every 4 hours; a failure
causes a loss of -1 Vitality (cumulative).
• Natural Swimmer: When swimming,
Arcadians move at the same speed land-
dwelling species normally do (‘Walk’ 6m,
‘Jog’ 12m…). They don’t normally need to
make Swim tests, only doing so under the
same circumstances that land-dwelling spe-
cies make movement tests (e.g., running
during combat).
• Resistance: Arcadians are highly resistant to
cold and pressure. They make Stamina
checks versus cold and higher pressure at -5
• Sonar: Arcadians have sensitive nerve end-
ings that allow them to ‘see’ using sound. As
a result they gain +2 Perception in water, +1
Perception in air.
• Subsonic Communication: Arcadians have
the ability to hear (and speak) in the ultra-low
frequency range. In open air, close range for

this ability is equal to Perception x 10m;
medium range is Perception x 100m; long
range is Perception x 1km; extended range
increments are equivalent to medium range.
In water, these ranges are 100 times greater
(so x 1km, x 10km, x 100km). Arcadians use Personality
this sense like other humanoids use “normal” A dour and practical race, the Arcturans reject
speech and hearing, thus making Observe the notion of individuality, instead prizing com-
(Listen) checks in the subsonic range as for munity. They prefer strong hierarchies and feel
normal hearing. most comfortable in structured environments. They
are militant, and combat and survival skills are
Picks taught from early childhood.
17 ([+5] +1 Vitality, [+5] +1 Strength, [-7]
Beached, [-5] Cetaceous, [+5] Natural Swimmer, Physiology and Appearance
[+2] Resistance, [+7] Sonar, [+5] Subsonic Arcturans display the standard deviation in
Communication). height, mass, and muscular development of most
humanoids. They are hairless, and have loose,
ST IV: The Voyage Home rubbery skin which is generally of a grey to bluish-
gray color.
They also have a standard male/female gender
breakdown, but viewing sexual reproduction as a
distraction, have cast it off in favor of cloning.

Hega (meaning “Earth”), or Arcturus II, a harsh
M-class desert planet orbiting a Type K1 giant. The
Arcturans have constructed massive cities in recent
history – some that span entire coastlines.

History and Culture

Arcturans survived by conquering their
environment, not adapting to it. They are rabid
technophiles, who rapidly developed their sciences

and industry. A young race, the Arcturans never-
theless reached a galactic-mean level of technology
in only a few centuries. They developed massive
megalopoli, cloning and advanced genetic engi-
neering, computer and materials sciences to rival
any of the local species.
The Arcturans encountered humans in the late
22nd century and were one of the first members of
the United Federation of Planets, providing many
ground troops in times of conflict – they can clone
thousands of their people in days. They are fixated
on efficiency in a way the Benzites could never
hope to match: technology, economy, and eugen-
ics are their watch words. They were the last
Federation race to give up monetary systems of


Language and Names

Federation Standard. Following their admission
into the UFP, the Arcturan Oligarchy made Personality
Federation Standard the official language for pur-
Hedonistic and highly social, the average Ariolo
poses of efficiency.
is interested in pleasure in all forms. They love art,
food, and life.
Favored Profession
Soldier or Starfleet Security Officer. Physiology and Appearance
Ariolo are mammalian, with four legs and two
Species Adjustments
arms. They are large creatures, about the size of a
+1 Strength, +2 Vitality, -2 Presence. Acturans Terran horse, and are covered with fine hair of
are strong and resilient, but lack basic social skills. varying color. They have a slow metabolism, but
are fleet of foot.
Species Abilities
• Able Warrior: Arcturans can acquire and Homeworld
advance all Armed Combat, Ranged Combat, Browder IV (or Taloo), a large M-class world.
and Unarmed Combat skills as professional
skills. History and Culture
• Bonus Edge: Healthy: Arcturans are bred to
Ariolo society is fairly young. They were
be physically resiliant.
encountered in the mid-23rd century by the U.S.S.
• Bonus Skill (any Combat): Arcturans receive
Lexington while they were in a late industrial, pre-
any one Armed Combat, Ranged Combat or
space era. They have a rich artistic and culinary
Unarmed Combat skill at level 2.
culture based on the aferio (loosely translated
• Clone: Acturans come from only a few
bloodlines, and their genetic structure is
continually monitored for imperfections. Food is one of the greatest art forms of the Ariolo
Medical and first aid tests are performed with people and their contribution to culinary arts is
a +3 bonus on an Arcturan. They heal at renowned throughout the Federation.
twice the normal rate, and replacement of lost
body parts is performed with a +2 bonus to Language and Names
Surgery tests. Federation Standard or Ariol. Ariolo names are
long and musical sounding.
23 ([+5] +1 Strength, [+10] +2 Vitality, [-10] -2 Favored Profession
Presence, [+5] Able Warrior, [+2] Healthy, [+4] Artist.
Combat skill, [+7] Clone).
ST: TMP Species Adjustments
+1 Strength (Large), +2 Vitality (+1 Large, +1
species), +1 Presence.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Nothing Is More Beautiful Than a
City in the Sky
ERAS ONLY ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ardanan citizens have a long history of societal division. The TRAIT: Ardanan. Ardana natives from either caste are
two castes that still hold sway over an Ardanian’s potential hardy individuals, whose duality of art and culture,
are the city-dwellers of the oating city, Stratos, and the and resource mining and management, make them
surface dwelling Troglytes. While anatomically no di erent, excellent all-rounders. Without the exposure to zenite
for years the Troglytes su ered from conditions and mental gas many Troglytes reach a level of academic and
di culties that reduced their higher brain functions. This artistic ability on par with the city-dwellers, making
was due to exposure to the zenite mines where they labored the Ardanans both a people of stout endurance and
and, once the Federation Bureau of Industrialization got cultural excellence.
involved, breathing apparatus was quickly made mandatory.
In contrast the beautiful City of Stratos, oating in the lower TALENTS: The character receives access to the
atmosphere of Ardana, is home to a people entirely devoted following talents:
to art, government and culture.

REQUIREMENT: Ardanan, or Gamemaster’s permission.

While engaged in Social con ict in a lavish environment (or
one of excess), you reduce the Di culty of any Persuade
Tasks by 1 to a minimum of 1.

REQUIREMENT: Ardanan, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Many Star eet O cers have parents from Your ancestry is steeped in toil in the mines on Ardana’s
di erent species. To create characters of surface and, you roll one additional d20 whenever using
mixed-heritage, choose two species, one Engineering or Science in relation to geology, mining or
of which will be the primary species. The mine equipment.
character is treated as a member of the
primary species for attribute bonuses; most SAMPLE NAMES:
mixed-heritage characters take more after one Male names: Anka, Midro, Plasus
parent than another. The character gains the Female names: Droxine, Vanna
species Traits of both parent species, and may
select Talents from both parent species.
SPECIES PROFILE Argelians each have a single name, and male and female
names are difficult to distinguish from one another. Some
examples include Jaris, Sybo, Kara, Morla, and Tark.
VISUAL REPRESENTATION Argelius II. A well-known pleasure planet in the Alpha
Quadrant, and a popular shore leave resort among Starfleet

Argelius has a climate similar to that of Great Britain on

Earth. And their culture is very open. The people are friendly
and tactile. An the planet has a general look befitting the
setting of a classic film of the1940s.

Technologically, the Argelians are on a par with the

Betazoids. And like the Betazoids, they do not have an
independent space navy, preferring to rely on Starfleet for

More active in Federation affairs in the late 23rd century
than the 24th; most Argelians preferred positions as
Merchants or Explorers. Some served in Starfleet, usually
as Communications Officers. And by the late 24th century,
several Argelians hold positions as Ship's Counselors.

Argelians are not cut out for military careers, beyond those
that allow a pacifistic individual to perform their duty
without much risk of being forced to take a life or harm
+1 Agility, +2 Presence Argelians serving outside the Counseling, or
Communications elite professions will most often be found
in Operations, or Science Officer positions.
Argelians are outwardly indistinguishable from SPECIES ABILITIES
humans. Their physiques, coloring, and physical
characteristics are almost identical to Terran humans. Some Argelians have limited Psionic abilities. These rare
individuals receive the Psionic edge for free, but can only
There are some slight internal differences, most develop one Psionic skill; usually Empathy, or Telepathy.
notably in the configuration of their brains. This is Psionic Argelians begin with 2 levels of their chosen
what makes even non-Psionic Argelians so receptive Psionic skill.
to emotional stimuli, and so often prone to
nightmares, and vivid dreams. All Argelians will have the Pacifist flaw at level 2.

Female Argelians will have the Sexy edge (APOTA, p 13), as

CULTURE well as +2 to Influence (Seduce). Males have the Skill Focus
The Argelian culture is one of peace and hedonistic (Eloquent) edge.
All Argelians have the species ability, Centered (+2
Since their Great Awakening, there has not been a Willpower. See the Starfleet Operations Manual, p. 47)
murder or other act of violence perpetrated by one
Argelian upon another.

Argelians are capable of defending themselves, but

they are some of the least aggressive people in the
galaxy. And as such they make excellent hosts and
hostesses. Their homeworld is a popular vacation
spot and resort.

The Argelians speak their own language, Argelian.
Most Argelians also learn Federation Standard. Some
Argelians speak it with a slight accent that sounds
vaguely Arabic.
EXAMPLE VALUE: The Law is Blind But Also Fair

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

The Argrathi consider themselves to have the most civilized TRAIT: Argrathi. The Argrathi are blunt and direct, with
and orderly culture in the Gamma Quadrant. Decades an emphasis on seeing that punishments are carried out
ago they eliminated their penal system by developing a quickly and that the Argrathi legal system knows best.
series of easy to understand laws and by changing the Although some might claim that mistakes are made, the
punishment for most crimes from imprisonment to having Argrathi’s desire to promote peace and justice has led to
false memories implanted in the o ender’s mind so that them being seen as one of the more reasonable races in
they can serve out their sentence instantaneously but the Gamma Quadrant. The Argrathi hope that one day all
feel like they have been in prison for years. The Argrathi other cultures, including the Dominion, will acknowledge
consider their society to be an orderly one, and this has the superiority of their legal system. Until that day, they
freed them to pursue other interests such as literature will follow the rules as best they can and work to insure
and developing defensive technology. The Argrathi see law and order across the quadrant.
upholding the law as one of the most sacred things they
can do in their life, and Argrathi police o cers frequently TALENTS: The character receives access to the
cooperate with other planets to maintain peace across the following talents:
Gamma Quadrant. The only time they will refuse to follow
a law is if it con icts with the Argrathi’s established laws,
which they view as sacrosanct and superior to all other REQUIREMENT: Argrathi, or Gamemaster’s permission.
legal systems. The Argrathi come from a culture where crime has been
systematically eliminated and therefore they view themselves
as the true arbiters of justice across the Gamma Quadrant.
They view criminals with disdain, and they live to show others
the true greatness of their beliefs. An Argrathi gains +1 to all
rolls when dealing with someone they know to be a criminal
or who engages in criminal behavior.

Many Star eet o cers have parents from di erent species. To

create characters of mixed heritage, choose two species, one of REQUIREMENT: Argrathi.
which will be the primary species. The character is treated as a The Argrathi’s memory technology is used in more ways than
member of the primary species for attribute bonuses; most mixed- just their penal system. From education to entertainment, the
heritage characters take more after one parent than another. The average Argrathi is exposed to the e ects of this technology
character gains the species Traits of both parent species, and may at a very young age and learns how to tell when their memory
select Talents from both parent species. has been altered or when they are under the e ect of mind-
altering abilities or powers. An Argrathi receives a +1 bonus
Gamemaster Note: Players interested in playing mixed-heritage to all rolls when attempting to resist these e ects or uncover
characters of any of the species presented in this sourcebook whether they have been a ected at all.
should discuss options with you, as these species may not be
available as mixed-heritage candidates in campaigns set prior SAMPLE NAMES:
to 2369, when the Bajoran wormhole was discovered and travel Masculine names: Ee’char, V’gda Ruu
between the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants became feasible. Feminine names: K’Par Rinn, M’kethi Enu
Gender-neutral names: N’Mi Char, S’Geda Yuu
and industry. A young race, the Arcturans never-
theless reached a galactic-mean level of technology
in only a few centuries. They developed massive
megalopoli, cloning and advanced genetic engi-
neering, computer and materials sciences to rival
any of the local species.
The Arcturans encountered humans in the late
22nd century and were one of the first members of
the United Federation of Planets, providing many
ground troops in times of conflict – they can clone
thousands of their people in days. They are fixated
on efficiency in a way the Benzites could never
hope to match: technology, economy, and eugen-
ics are their watch words. They were the last
Federation race to give up monetary systems of


Language and Names

Federation Standard. Following their admission
into the UFP, the Arcturan Oligarchy made Personality
Federation Standard the official language for pur-
Hedonistic and highly social, the average Ariolo
poses of efficiency.
is interested in pleasure in all forms. They love art,
food, and life.
Favored Profession
Soldier or Starfleet Security Officer. Physiology and Appearance
Ariolo are mammalian, with four legs and two
Species Adjustments
arms. They are large creatures, about the size of a
+1 Strength, +2 Vitality, -2 Presence. Acturans Terran horse, and are covered with fine hair of
are strong and resilient, but lack basic social skills. varying color. They have a slow metabolism, but
are fleet of foot.
Species Abilities
• Able Warrior: Arcturans can acquire and Homeworld
advance all Armed Combat, Ranged Combat, Browder IV (or Taloo), a large M-class world.
and Unarmed Combat skills as professional
skills. History and Culture
• Bonus Edge: Healthy: Arcturans are bred to
Ariolo society is fairly young. They were
be physically resiliant.
encountered in the mid-23rd century by the U.S.S.
• Bonus Skill (any Combat): Arcturans receive
Lexington while they were in a late industrial, pre-
any one Armed Combat, Ranged Combat or
space era. They have a rich artistic and culinary
Unarmed Combat skill at level 2.
culture based on the aferio (loosely translated
• Clone: Acturans come from only a few
bloodlines, and their genetic structure is
continually monitored for imperfections. Food is one of the greatest art forms of the Ariolo
Medical and first aid tests are performed with people and their contribution to culinary arts is
a +3 bonus on an Arcturan. They heal at renowned throughout the Federation.
twice the normal rate, and replacement of lost
body parts is performed with a +2 bonus to Language and Names
Surgery tests. Federation Standard or Ariol. Ariolo names are
long and musical sounding.
23 ([+5] +1 Strength, [+10] +2 Vitality, [-10] -2 Favored Profession
Presence, [+5] Able Warrior, [+2] Healthy, [+4] Artist.
Combat skill, [+7] Clone).
ST: TMP Species Adjustments
+1 Strength (Large), +2 Vitality (+1 Large, +1
species), +1 Presence.

Species Abilities
• Bonus Edge: Sherpa: As quadrupeds, Ariolo
can carry a great deal of weight, and receive
the Sherpa edge for free.
• Bonus Skill: Craft (Cooking): All Ariolo love
food and the preparation of the same. They
receive Craft (Cooking) skill at level 2, and
can advance that skill as a professional skill.
• Large size: As large creatures all Ariolo have
the following characteristics: +1 Strength; +1
Vitality; 1 extra level of Healthy; movement
speeds as follows: Walk 9m, Jog 18m, Run
36m, Sprint 60m, Travel 15 km/hr.

31 ([+5] +1 Vitality (species), [+5] +1 Presence,
[+2] Sherpa, [+4] Craft (Cooking), [+15] Large
ST IV: The Voyage Home

History and Culture

Arkenite society is old, with several thousand
years of history and mythology. Their civilization
has cultures as varied as that of humanity.

Language and Names

Arkenite and Federation Standard. Names are just
as varied sounding as humans.

Favored Profession

Species Adjustments
-2 Agility, +2 Perception

ARKENITES Species Abilities

• Bonus Edge: Skill Focus (Keen Hearing): Ar-
kenites receve this edge for free.
Personality • Magnetic Sense: Arkenites live on a world
Arkenites are mostly a peaceful, contemplative with a peculiar magnetic field. As a result,
people. they are not only capable of feeling magnetic
fields, but also use the field of their
Physiology and Appearance homeworld to maintain their balance. Away
from their world, they suffer from vertigo and
Arkenites are humanoid with elongated ears and
loss of balance unless wearing the anlec’ven.
a distinctively lobed head. They have eye color
Without it, they suffer a -5 penalty to Agility
ranging from white-gold, to green-blue. Most wear
tests. They can distinguish magnetic fields and
the anlec’ven, a headpiece that allows them to
flows at a TN 10.
maintain equilibrium while off their homeworld.
• Poor Sight: Arkenites receive a -2 penalty to
their Observe (Spot) tests.
• Skilled: Arkenites seem to have a broad range
Arken, an Earth-like world with striking skies that of experiences which they can draw upon.
are often colored by aurora, a popular tourist During the personal development step when
attraction even though Arken’s strong magnetic field creating the character’s background (see PG,
causes some visitors to become disoriented. Ch.5: Development), Arkenites gain extra

Ariolo are a mammalian species resembling the centaurs of Earth legend, with four legs and
two arms. They are large beings, massing nearly a half-tonne, and are covered in fine hair
ranging in colour from mottled grey through brown and black. They have a slow metabolism,
but when necessary can move extremely swiftly.

Ariolo are hedonistic, and very social. Pleasure is the central goal of individual Ariolo, and they
love to throw and attend aferio, or parties, although the word "party" is a very weak translation.
Ariolo have discriminating palates, and expend much energy both eating and cooking.

Fitness 2 [5]
Intellect 2 [5]
Coordination 1 [5]
Presence 1 [5]
Empathy +2
Psi 0 [5]

Artistic Expression (Cooking) AND (Music) 2 (3) (3)
Culture (Ariolo) 2 (3)
History (Ariolo) 1 (2)
Language (Ariolo) 2
Material Engineering (choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Physical Science (choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Fillandia) 1 (2)

Typical Traits:
Artistic Ability (Cooking) +2, Engineering Aptitude +5, Excellent Chemoreception +2,
Hedonist -1, Phobia (Claustrophobia) -3

Ariolo appeared in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home in the Federation Council Chamber. This
writeup is a conversion of the FASA statistics published in the Star Trek IV Sourcebook.

Submitted by Owen E. Oulton

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
Arkarians are native to the Class-M world of Arkaria, home to
the Remmler Array – an orbital facility that removes built-up STEP ONE: SPECIES
baryon particles (a by-product of warp travel) – and Arkaria This chapter adds eleven new species available as character
Base. Arkaria is a member world of the Federation and Lifepaths. They represent only a few of the Alpha Quadrant species
Arkarians serve throughout Star eet and other Federation eager to adapt their particular talents to the United Federation of
organizations. Arkaria is known for its abnormal weather Planets’ vision of alliance and exploration. Academy graduates
patterns, resulting in extremely colorful sunrises and sunsets come not only from formal members of the Federation, but also
of every shade of green, pink, and purple as well as higher- from a wide variety of other worlds. In addition to the new Alpha
than-normal average temperatures. The nature trails that run Quadrant species detailed here, Players and Gamemasters may
throughout the sweeping plains located near Arkaria Base like to introduce species of their own creation never before seen
are a common attraction for those visiting the Array or Base, on-screen. More details on unusual and unique characters can be
especially for those wanting to see the nesting sites for horn found in the Core Rulebook, page 111.
fowls. Arkarians are physically very similar to Humans and
other humanoid species – save for distinctive brow and nasal Gamemaster Note: Players interested in playing a Cardassian or
ridges. Their society has recently begun to shift away from Ferengi Star eet o cer should discuss options with you, as those
its traditional authoritarian nobility toward the more common two species should generally not be available as playable species in
egalitarian systems found throughout the Federation. This Star eet campaigns set prior to 2376.
is largely believed to be due to the increasing interactions
between Arkarians and other Federation member worlds, STEP TWO: ENVIRONMENT
though a conservative minority continues to maintain their The Arkarian homeworld serves as an installation for Star eet.
noble holdings and social expectations. Arkarians may come from either the Isolated Colony or Starbase
Environments. Aurelians enjoy an isolated and quiet life on their
EXAMPLE VALUE: Dedication and Diligence world and the Isolated and Frontier Colony environments are
both tting. The Arbazan and Ktarians were traveling the stars
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Reason a century before Humans and have a long history of interstellar
colonization. The Busy Colony and Starship or Starbase
TRAIT: Arkarian. Direct and hardworking, Arkarians Environments are equally appropriate for both species. The
have a reputation for detail-oriented work practices and Caitians, Edosians, Grazerites, and Haliians come from worlds
high expectations. Due to their historical authoritarian known for their natural beauty. The Isolated Colony can be used
nobility, Arkarians tend to be more socially reserved to represent this kind of Environment. Zaranites hail from a harsh
than many other Federation member species and world, incapable of supporting many humanoids. The hard life
tend to be inwardly uncomfortable in social gatherings described in the Frontier Colony is an excellent representation of
where ‘mingling’ and ‘small talk’ are expected. In this kind of Environment.
addition, Arkarians are accustomed to slightly warmer
climates than other humanoids and can endure higher
temperatures than many other species without di culty.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following Talents: They gain 2 additional Resistance against any attack made
with blunt weapons.

REQUIREMENT: Arkarian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Demands of Arkarian society place strict requirements Arkarian names are usually two to three syllables, and most
on social interactions. You are able to keep your outward often feature a prominent vowel which reoccurs in each
expressions neutral, revealing as little as possible. Whenever syllable. Arkarians do not use a surname to denote family
you are engaged in a Social Con ict, you are considered to lineage, and instead include a portion of the mother’s name
have an Advantage until you fail a Composure Test. into the child’s.

REQUIREMENT: Arkarian, or Gamemaster’s permission. Female names: Bracha, Achan, Teres, Arat, Sibinis, Urus,
The increased bone density of the brow and nasal areas are Latash, Saksah, Hannah, Kamala
also found throughout the rest of their physical frame and Male names: Pemten, Vivik, Kopnon, Raksab, Navanat,
provide Arkarians with superior protection from blunt trauma. Natsan, Imis, Anat, Hagan, Vilim, Sachan, Feder.
Species Abilities
• Bonus Edge: Sherpa: As quadrupeds, Ariolo
can carry a great deal of weight, and receive
the Sherpa edge for free.
• Bonus Skill: Craft (Cooking): All Ariolo love
food and the preparation of the same. They
receive Craft (Cooking) skill at level 2, and
can advance that skill as a professional skill.
• Large size: As large creatures all Ariolo have
the following characteristics: +1 Strength; +1
Vitality; 1 extra level of Healthy; movement
speeds as follows: Walk 9m, Jog 18m, Run
36m, Sprint 60m, Travel 15 km/hr.

31 ([+5] +1 Vitality (species), [+5] +1 Presence,
[+2] Sherpa, [+4] Craft (Cooking), [+15] Large
ST IV: The Voyage Home

History and Culture

Arkenite society is old, with several thousand
years of history and mythology. Their civilization
has cultures as varied as that of humanity.

Language and Names

Arkenite and Federation Standard. Names are just
as varied sounding as humans.

Favored Profession

Species Adjustments
-2 Agility, +2 Perception

ARKENITES Species Abilities

• Bonus Edge: Skill Focus (Keen Hearing): Ar-
kenites receve this edge for free.
Personality • Magnetic Sense: Arkenites live on a world
Arkenites are mostly a peaceful, contemplative with a peculiar magnetic field. As a result,
people. they are not only capable of feeling magnetic
fields, but also use the field of their
Physiology and Appearance homeworld to maintain their balance. Away
from their world, they suffer from vertigo and
Arkenites are humanoid with elongated ears and
loss of balance unless wearing the anlec’ven.
a distinctively lobed head. They have eye color
Without it, they suffer a -5 penalty to Agility
ranging from white-gold, to green-blue. Most wear
tests. They can distinguish magnetic fields and
the anlec’ven, a headpiece that allows them to
flows at a TN 10.
maintain equilibrium while off their homeworld.
• Poor Sight: Arkenites receive a -2 penalty to
their Observe (Spot) tests.
• Skilled: Arkenites seem to have a broad range
Arken, an Earth-like world with striking skies that of experiences which they can draw upon.
are often colored by aurora, a popular tourist During the personal development step when
attraction even though Arken’s strong magnetic field creating the character’s background (see PG,
causes some visitors to become disoriented. Ch.5: Development), Arkenites gain extra

skill picks. After choosing a package and Homeworld
picking skills, Arkenites can add +2 skill Bosala II, an M-class world on the edge of the
levels to any one skill, or +1 to two skills. Cardassian Union.
Picks History and Culture
7 ([-10] -2 Agility, [+10] +2 Perception, [+2] Skill Boslic society is comparable in age to that of
Focus (Keen Hearing), [+2] Magnetic Sense, humans. They have had two distinct eras: pre-Fall
[-1] Poor Sight, [+4] Skilled). and Reconstruction. The pre-Fall era, ending
ST IV: The Voyage Home roughly 2000 years ago, saw Bosala rise to a level
of industrialization comparable to pre-World War
III Earth. A collapse of civilization followed a global
war that nearly destroyed the ecosphere. The
Reconstruction era saw a rapid recovery of
technology and an interest in space travel.
The Boslics were contacted by Ferengi traders in
the 22nd century and quickly rose to a stellar-level
society. They have warred with both the Ferengi
and Cardassians – intermittently with the Ferengi
over trade disputes, and once with the Cardassians
who sought to conquer them, but were stretched
too thin in their war with the Federation.
Boslics are capitalists and individualists who
view freedom and civilization as intrinsically
connected to personal property.

Language and Names

Boslic and Ferengi.

Favored Profession
Merchant or Rogue.

Species Adjustments
+1 Presence. Most Boslic cultivate their social
skills because it’s good for business.

BOSLICS Species Abilities

• Enlightened Self-Interest: Boslics believe in
the idea of enlightened self-interest almost to
the point of religion. As a result they gain +1
Personality Savvy, as well as a +1 bonus to Inquire,
Boslics are a species of traders and explorers. Enterprise (Business), and Enterprise (Street-
Though sometimes curious, their temperament usu- wise) tests.
ally tends toward the mercantile. They are often • Skilled: Boslics seem to have a broad range
greedy or deceitful. of experiences which they can draw upon.
During the personal development step when
Physiology and Appearance creating the character’s background (see PG,
Ch.5: Development), Boslics gain extra skill
Boslics are thought to be a “Preserver” species.
picks. After choosing a package and picking
They are similar in structure and size to most
skills, Boslics can add +2 skill levels to any
humanoids. The main differences are a strong brow
one skill, or +1 to two skills.
ridge that runs back to just above the ears, and an
indented ridge in the forehead area. Their skin tone
is mostly similar to that of human caucasians, but
hair can range across the spectrum. They reproduce 13 ([+9] Enlightened Self-Interest, [+4] Skilled).
sexually in the same fashion as most humanoids. DS9 “Broken Link”


Arkenites are a humanoid species native to Arken II, members of the Federation. They
are an aquatic race with the ability to function outside of a marine environment. They
have complex sensory organs that are able to detect magnetic fields and changes in
pressure and temperature. Their culture is based around a group mentality called the
Sia Lenthar. The more diverse their Sia Lenthar group, the more pride an Arkenite pack
member feels. Arkenites are gifted in the fields of geology, astronomy, and physics.

EXAMPLE VALUE: No One Is A Strong Swimmer When Lashed To A Heavy Stone.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Arkenite. Arkenites are aquatic humanoids that can also breathe air and
function out of water. They have three cranial lobes and pointed ears. Their
sensory organs permit them to detect changes in pressure, temperature, and
magnetic fields. Arkenite eyes are green in hue and lack an iris. When in a non-
aquatic environment, Arkenites wear an Anlac’ven device that helps them keep
their balance. The repayment of debt is a concept ingrained in Arkenite culture.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Arkenite, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Your sensory organs allow you to detect more about your environment than other
species. When you succeed at a Task to perceive or analyze your immediate
environment, you will gain one bonus Momentum, which may only be spent on the
Obtain Information Momentum Spend.

REQUIREMENT: Arkenite, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Your efforts are bolstered by pride when you work in tandem with a diverse group.
When attempting or assisting a Task, and two or more other characters are involved in
the Task, you may re-roll one d20.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME colony on Tau Cygna V, and they demanded its removal.
SPECIES PROFILE The Federation was completely unaware of this fact, and
asked for a chance to confirm this claim; only the Treaty
had stopped the Sheliak from destroying the colony when
they discovered it. It turns out that the colony was the
SPECIES NAME: ARTEMISIANS survivors of the colonization expedition of nearly a century
before. In spite of the lethal radiation, they had not only
VISUAL REPRESENTATION survived, but had thrived, and the population was now at
15,263. The Sheliak demanded that they be removed, or they
would destroy it. The Enterprise-D was sent to evacuate the
colony, but because of the radiation, they couldn’t use
transporters, and using shuttles would take over a month,
which was problematic as the Sheliak had given them only
weeks to do the job. Picard sent down Lt. Cmdr. Data, his
Operations Officer and an android, who was immune to the
radiation’s effects, to arrange for the evacuation. They
initially resisted the order, as they had spent all these years
building the colony. Data convinced them to move, or the
Sheliak would destroy them and their colony from orbit.
Picard had, in the interim, also convinced the Sheliak to
give him the 6 weeks he needed for the necessary vessels
to arrive and remove the colonists. They were then
transplanted to another planet and left alone, to determine
whether they wanted to join the Federation or not.

What had happened is in the past, over a third of the initial

population had died from radiation-induced maladies before
they found a way to deal with it. They used hyronalin and
similar compounds to reduce the damage the radiation was
doing. They were suffering from temporary sterility,
reddening skin, and even cataracts. The less resistant
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS members were suffering from the effects of radiation
+1 Perception, +1 Vitality, -1 Presence poisoning and were dying as a result of it. They then came
upon another option, but to use it meant breaking a
longstanding Federation law. They could genetically alter
themselves by incorporating a bacteria’s DNA code into
The Artemisians is the name given to the survivors of their own. This bacterium, Deinococcus radiodurans, was
the S.S. Artemis, a Federation colony vessel launched found on Earth in the 20th Century living in the cooling
from Mars in 2274. Initially slated to colonize a planet water of nuclear reactors. It could survive radiation doses of
in the Septimus Minor system, a major navigational 500,000 rads without damage, and it would require over 1.5
malfunction sent them off-course and they ended up million rads to destroy it. It had repair capabilities that fixed
on Tau Cygna V, a Class-H planet that happened to be the damage from the radiation.
in the deLaure Belt, a region suffused with hyperonic
radiation. What they also didn’t know at the time was They had 2 choices: either follow the law and die of
that the planet, and other similar planets, had been radiation poisoning, or alter themselves with the DNA
ceded to the Sheliak Corporate in the Treaty of Armens infusion and live. As they had no hope of ever being
nearly 20 years earlier. It had been ceded to them discovered, they went with the latter choice. The initial
because they were unaffected by hyperonic radiation. generation did this with gene therapy, but it wouldn’t fix the
No one knew that the vessel had arrived there, and damage already done to their physiology. Future
they had been considered lost. Their colonizing generations would be immune to the effects of the
expedition carried roughly 2,500 people and enough background radiation, which was over 250 rads. Their
equipment to establish a colony. radiation tolerance was increased by over 30 times, making
them capable of dealing with radiation of at least 3,200 rads
The Artemisians are physically human, the before the effects of radiation started to affect them. They
descendants of a human colony from Earth. They have aren’t completely immune to radiation itself; they just have
the exact same anatomical proportions as Earth a higher tolerance to it than most other humanoid species.
humans; including the same range of hair, eye, and
skin colors. Without a tricorder scan, capable of Their technology hadn’t improved much in the interim,
detecting the Aremisians unique genetic structure and being comparable to what had been in use when they had
resistance to radiation, it is impossible to tell them left Mars. As it gave them a standard of living they could live
apart from a standard Terran. with comfortably, they did little to upgrade it, as they
initially had to worry about living. Their phasers and similar
CULTURE weapons were virtually useless due to the defocusing
In 2366, the Federation was contacted by the Sheliak effects of the radiation, so they had to fall back on 22nd
for the first time since the signing of the treaty over 11 Century EM weapons and projectile weapons, which were
decades earlier, as they considered Humans and less affected.
humanoids a lower form of life. There was a Human
There have been a number of side effects of their prefer to cremate the remains. This effect also applies to
alterations. One of them is that they seem to be body part dismemberment. Should some part of them be
completely immune to any known form of cancer, amputated, either accidentally or surgically, it will rapidly
most likely due to the repair capabilities of the gene disintegrate, making some forms of transplant impossible. It
sequences they added. Their cells are also more is possible to keep them alive, but they have to be put into
resistant to mutation, also probably for the same stasis or into a nutrient solution immediately.
reason. It has had the effect of also repairing their
DNA so well that they heal genetic damage and There is still debate in the Federation Council as to their
degradation much more quickly than normal, and that future disposition should they choose to apply for
it seems to have a similar effect on their degradation membership. Although they technically never stopped being
as they age. Theoretical predictions are that they Federation citizens, they did willfully alter their genome in
won’t start showing the effects of aging until they contravention of the ban on genetic alteration that had been
approach the century mark, and that their upper age in place since the Eugenics Wars. It has been pointed out
limit could be over 150, but there is no way to know as that they had no other choice, because if they hadn’t, they’d
of yet, as enough time hasn’t passed, and they are be dead and the argument would be moot. There have been
only the 4th generation at this point. other instances of species doing genetic alteration to
survive, including the Benzites. It has also been pointed out
Research by Federation scientists are trying to that they never crossed the line into Augment levels, which
replicate the effects without resorting to genetic would have guaranteed that they would not be allowed to
engineering. It could also be a supplement to standard become members. The only alteration was to enhance their
radiation treatments, making them much more radiation resistance and would live with the other side
effective. It is unknown how well this resistance would effects.
be transmitted to non-natives, through transfusions,
or even intermarriage, and how long it would take to There are those that would zealously uphold the ban on
be recessive enough that their resistance would genetic alteration, while most of the Council realizes that
approach Human levels. It is also unknown if their they had no choice, as they would have died otherwise.
resistance and repair abilities could be given to other They can’t undo the changes made in the past, and they
species that have suffered genetic damage over can’t be held accountable for the actions of their ancestors,
generations due to radiation or something similar and a ruling dating back to Earth and the post-WWIII ruling by
if it could restore their genome to normal levels. It is the New United Nations that people can’t be held
unknown if their resistance to hyperonic radiation accountable for the actions of their ancestors. As long as
would give them equivalent resistance to other forms they undertake no further alterations to their genome in the
of radiation, such as Berthold radiation, x-rays, or future, the Council has no problem with them, and should
other kinds of radiation. Further research is required they choose to apply for membership in the future, it will be
to confirm or refute this. It is believed that it would given all due consideration.
take a dose of over 64,000 rads to be 100% fatal to
them, while the value for non-natives is closer to 2,000 2367: The Artemisians have been transplanted to their new
rads. They were also able to alter the genes of the homeworld, and after a year spent helping them set up the
lifeforms they brought with them to survive the colony, the Federation leaves them to their own devices, to
radiation fields, so that might be an option for future choose their own path. That includes whether or not they
export. want to join the Federation or not.

Because of their higher radiation resistance, they are 2374: The Artemisians contact the Federation. They have
slightly more resistant to phasers and similar chosen to apply for membership, and would like a ship to
weapons on lower settings. They are still affected by be sent to finalize the necessary negotiations. Final
them, but they recover more quickly. negotiations have to be done in person, by Federation law,
so that they can determine in person as to whether what
By necessity, their medical people have become they have been told is true or not. They have been deceived
experts on the effects of radiation on Human in the past by others, so this law was enacted to minimize
physiology, and have even found ways to improve the the possibility of the Federation from becoming allied with a
effectiveness of hyronalin and its derivatives. They are species that doesn’t uphold the ideals of the Federation.
still affected by other damage, such as chemicals or The Federation is in the middle of the Dominion War, and
biological infections. they don’t have many ships to spare. But they also can’t
deny that they need allies at this point in time, and are
Because of their higher resistance to radiation, they approaching a number of species to help bolster their
have been sensitized to radiation, and as a result, they numbers. Although the Artemisians can’t supply much in
can detect decay products from it, and with training, the way of manpower, as their population is just over
they can even determine what kind it is, be it fission, 16,000, they are in a strategic location that would serve as
fusion, antimatter annihilation, or even ordinary an excellent staging area against Dominion forces.
nuclear decay. It has to be above a certain level and in
a certain concentration for them to do this. LANGUAGES
Artemisians do not have a “native language” per se. As a
When they die, their enhanced healing ability also
colony of Earth, they brought with them, to Tau Cygna V,
causes their cellular necrosis rate to increase
their own languages. And there are several languages that
exponentially, so unless they are put into stasis
were in use on the colony.
immediately upon death, their body will disintegrate
within hours. As a result, they don’t have burials, and
Among them were English, French, German, Gaelic,
Spanish, and some Native American dialects. Most Civilian Artemisians are likely to be found as Merchants,
Artemisians will speak Federation Standard (basically Diplomats, or Scientists. Few Rogues, and fewer Soldiers.
American English), although some speak it with a
more archaic dialect. Artemisians also speak There are a few Artemisians who have applied to join
distinctly, and this distinct style of speech could be Starfleet in the 20+ years since first contact with the colony
considered an “Artemisian accent”. on Tau Cygna V.
Artemisians will gravitate towards the Elite Professions of
Artemisian names come from a variety of Earth
Free Trader, Inventor, and Explorer.
cultures. Some Artemisians have both aersonal name
and a surname, and some only have one name. Of the
Artemisians interacted with most closely by Lt. SPECIES ABILITIES
Commander Data in 2367, three were mononymous Artemisians are a naturally curious, and very hardy people.
and one – Ard'rian McKenzie – had both a first and last But, due to the isolation of their colony they did not develop
name. as a people with the most personable of social skills.

Other Artemisians mentioned in Data's logs of the Some Artemisians, such as Gosheven, are stolid and vert
incident include Gosheven, the leader of the colony, set in their ways, while others, such as Ard'rian McKenzie
and two other males – Haritath, and Kentor. are curious and outgoing, almost to a fault.

It may be significant within Artemisian culture that Artemisian character receive a +1 species bonus to both
Ard'rian McKenzie, the only female interacted with Perception, and Vitality scores, but suffer a -1 species-
directly by Data, is also the only Artemisians with a based penalty to their Presence attributes.
surname. All the prominent males seem to use the
mononymous forms. In addition to attribute modifiers, Artemisians have the
following traits inherent to their species.

Radiation Resistance: Due to the genetic manipulation that

allowed them to survive in the presence of hyperonic
radiation, modern-day Artemisians are highly resistant to all
forms of radiation. They are immune to hyperonic radiation,
as well as most radiation forms that are less “potent” than
hyperonic radiation. For forms of radiation with a more
potent effect, Artemisians receive a +4 to their Stamina rolls
to resist the effects.

Curious: Artemisians are insatiably curious, whether it be

about a person they have just met, or a new planet they
have just discovered. They receive the Curious edge (p. 133
of the Player's Guide) as a species trait.

Stubborn: Once convinced a course of action is the right

Data meets Haritath & Kentor one, an Artemisians seldom changes his mind. They receive
a +2 species-based bonus to their Willpower reactions when
resisting being persuaded from a chosen course.
Furthermore, anyone trying to persuade an Artemisian does
Tau Cygna V is the fifth planet in the Tau Cygna so at a -4 penalty to the appropriate Attribute, Reaction, or
planetary system. This system is located within the de Skill test. Usually an Influence test.
Laure belt. This planet is a class H planet. It has an
atmosphere capable of supporting humanoid Skilled: Having human backgrounds, Artemisians have a
lifeforms. This planet was annexed from the broad range of experiences in their personal and family
Federation by the Sheliak Corporate in the 2255 Treaty histories to draw upon. During the Personal Development
of Armens. phase, Artemisians gain extra skill picks. After choosing a
package and picking skills, Artemisians can add +2 skill
In 2274, the SS Artemis crash-landed on the planet's levels to any one skill, or +1 to two skills.
surface. One third of the crew died of the hyperonic
radiation. The survivors established a new colony. In
2366, the population reached 15,253 people, which,
however, had to be evacuated, due to the Sheliak
claim on the planet.

As with Earth humans, Artemisians are suited for just
about any kind of work. They enjoy challenges, and
will usually chose a profession likely to offer them

Species Adjustments: +1 Agility, +1 Intellect, -1 Vitality

Species Abilities:

·Racial Ability:Flying*

·Racial Ability: Skill Focus(Keen Eyesight)

·Talons add +1 damage to HTH


*On worlds of 0.7 G or less the Aurelians have the ability to fly. On worlds up to 1.1 G
they may glide for some distance. This ability varies with atmospheric conditions.

Aurelians are roughly humanoid in shape, with bird like features. They have large wings
that provide flight. Feathering has been observed in a variety of colors, from solid yellow
to a black-and-grey pattern. They shared a strong physical resemblance with the
Skorr(see below). They have a lifespan of more than a hundred Earth years.

Aurelians make their homes in the high peaks of their planet's mountain ranges.
Aurelians are excellent stone crafters, thier natural, flowing architecture is known across
the Federation.

Aurelians are noted historians and mathmaticians. As of 2269 the Aurelian Academy of
Science is examing the Guardian of Forever on the Time Planet.

Aurelia is the second planet of three planets of the Xi Herculis system, a giant red star. It
has a slightly lower gravity than Earth (0.7 G), allowing the Aurelians true flight there and
on worlds with similar light gravities.

The Aurelians became members of the UFP in 2244. The Aurelians also claim the third
planet in their system as theirs. This planet is a ringed gas giant with 12 moons, two of
which provides mineral ores the Aurelians use in their industry.

Notable Aurelians: Loom Aleek-Om, Ngaer, Repha'zoh

AURELIAN [Alternate]
Species Adjustments: +1 Agility, +1 Intellect, -1 Vitality
Species Abilities:
·Racial Ability:Flying*
·Racial Ability: Skill Focus (Keen Eyesight)
·Talons add +1 damage to HTH
· Pacifist
*On worlds of 0.7G or less the Aurelians have the ability to fly. On worlds up to 1.1G
they may glide for some distance. This ability varies with atmospheric conditions.

The planet of Aurelia is home to a bipedal, avian race known as the Aurelian. Although
resembling birds, the Aurelians do have humanoid arms and legs, and are perfectly
capable of using devices like a tricorder.

They live in mountainous regions of their world, building their homes in caves that they
excavate themselves. They are excellent workers in stone, and some have become
famous throughout the Federation for their finely executed sculptures. They are very
interested in history, especially Federation history, and make excellent additions to any
corps of scientists and/or historians.

They shared a strong physical resemblance with the Skorr(see below). They have a
lifespan of more than a hundred Earth years.

The Aurelian females are larger and the males were noted as being 8 foot tall. The
females grow to 9 foot and the males between 7 and 8 foot. Note, that the height of an
Aurelian can be deceptive because they normally walk in a slight slump. They reserve
their fully upright stance for conditions when they are thinking of standing up straight
(like being at attention) or when they are attempting to intimidate or frighten.

A mated pair of Aurelains will lay 2 or 3 eggs in a single brood. The volume of the egg is
like the Earth bound Ostrich, around one and a half liquid gallons.

Most Aurelians are a solid yellow-gold in coloration (known simply as the golden
Aurelians) however another species has been encountered as well. These are brightly
colored in a series of gray, black, orange and white. It appears that the two species have
developed on separate continents of their homeworld but are otherwise the same.

Aurelia is the second planet of three planets of the Xi Herculis system, a giant red star. It
has a slightly lower gravity than Earth (0.7G), allowing the Aurelians true flight there and
on worlds with similar light gravities.

The Aurelians became members of the UFP in 2244. The Aurelians also claim the third
planet in their system as theirs. This planet is a ringed gas giant with 12 moons, two of
which provides mineral ores the Aurelians use in their industry.

Notable Aurelians: Loom Aleek-Om, Ngaer, Repha'zoh

One of the few avian species to be represented within the Federation, the Aurelians are renowned for
their study of history and service within the Federation Science Council. While not unheard of, there
are a few Aurelians serving in Star eet, and those that do most commonly work as science o cers.
Aurelians dislike enclosed spaces and many su er from a mild form of claustrophobia, which makes
long-term service aboard a starship that much more di cult. Most Aurelians that pursue a career in
Star eet request assignments at planetary installations, allowing them to spend their o -duty time
outdoors. Their homeworld of Aurelia is an abnormally large Class-M planet
covered by large expanses of scrub lands and mild deserts. Aurelians
on Aurelia make their homes in natural mesa formations. Though they
did not join the Federation until several decades after its formation,
Aurelians were known to early Human deep space explorers.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Soar High and Achieve Greatness

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Aurelian. Aurelians are capable of ight, thanks to large

and muscular wings. This allows them to quickly traverse
distances and avoid obstacles on the ground. They also
possess keen sight and a natural directional sense based on
the magnetic poles of planetary bodies. Nearly all Aurelians
su er from claustrophobia, though the severity of the
a iction di ers from individual to individual.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Aurelian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

While most Aurelians avoid confrontation, they understand
that sometimes it is necessary for survival. Some Aurelians
have learned to take advantage of their natural ying ability.
Characters with this Talent may use a Minor Action to move
to any Zone within Long Range instead of Medium, and ignore
any Di culty increases associated with terrestrial terrain – however,
they increase the Di culty of any weather-related hazards by
1. Characters with this Talent are also considered to have the
Advantage when making an attack against ground-based Targets.

REQUIREMENT: Aurelian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Aurelians are known for their keen vision, hearing, and directional sense.
Characters with this Talent reduce the Di culty due to Distance of Perception Tasks by 1.

Aurelian names usually comprise song-like syllables with the individual’s name rst and the
familial or clan name second. The familial name, however, is included for tradition’s sake
only – as clan divisions have long since been abolished on Aurelia.

Female names: Manika-Esp, Sutrial-Jon, Loisma-Ne, Pipadi-Par, Inroha-Fe, Evaasa-Al
Male names: Jorenber-Le, Aleek-Om, Pealo-Dix, Tarieel-Er, Lovalga-Li, Dueyyit-Ne
Automated Personnel Unit
Automated Personnel Units are a type of android constructed by both the
Pralor and Cravic around the early 23rd century.
Programmed to ght in a war being waged between the two groups, both
types of units were of a virtually identical design.
Eventually the Pralor-Cravic war came to an end and both sides
agreed to deactivate their Automated Personnel Units. The units
on both sides, sensing a threat to their existence, turned on
both the Pralor and Cravic, exterminating both races, and
resumed the war.
In 2372, the USS Voyager discovered a non-functioning Pralor
unit. B'Elanna Torres reactivated the unit, and was able to
determine a means to reproduce the chromodynamic power
module such that other androids could be powered. When she
realized that allowing the Pralor units to procreate would vastly
alter the balance of power in the con ict (and possibly the
quadrant), she destroyed her work and allowed the remaining
automated personnel units to continue their war.

EXAMPLE VALUE: We Must Defeat Our Opponent

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Automated Personnel Unit. APUs appear humanoid in Cravic APU

form with “faces" having only the most basic of features. The
primary external di erence was that the Pralor units had a
silver colored metallic covering while Cravic units had gold
colored ones. Both Pralor and Cravic APUs are designed
with chromodynamic power modules – power sources
intended to be non-reproducible as a safeguard against the
androids becoming self-reproductive. Some units displayed
the ability to discharge chromodynamic energy through his
hand as an o ensive weapon.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


chromodynamic Energy Blast

You can discharge some chromodynamic energy from your
power core through your hand as an o ensive weapon. The
Parlor APU
discharge has the following pro le: Ranged, 2A, Charge, Non-
lethal. When attacking, you may choose to roll up to 2 additional
Challenge Dice and receive twice that amount in Stress, ignoring your

Maximized Efficiency (Jye)

Polyallow Construction (Soong-type Android)
APUs don’t have traditional names. They identify themselves with a serial
number that includes special functions that they are programmed to ful ll.
Serial Numbers: Automated Commander 122, Automated Unit 3947,
Automated Unit 6263


The Axanar (or sometimes called Axanarri) are one of the first alien species
encountered by Earth Starfleet. They are androgynous. Some hostile species forcibly
harvest trigobulin from the Axanar. They are long-lived, with some living to 400 years
old. They eventually joined the Federation.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Not All Aliens Are To Be Trusted.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Axanar. The Axanar are androgynous. Their blood is green. They produce
triglobulin from their zymuth gland, and the substance is an aphrodisiac for some
species, and also has medicinal uses. They prefer a nitrogen-methane atmosphere.
They have a long lifespan, with the average being 400 years.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Axanar, or Gamemaster’s permission.
You have lived centuries already, and your knowledge of the past reflects that. For
each century you lived through (up to 4 centuries), you may declare you were there at a
pivotal historical event during that century. You are considered to have a Focus for
knowledge related to that historical event. You may leave these undeclared until you
need them, but once chosen, it is a permanent decision for your character.

You were taught early on about the uniqueness of your Axanar physiology, and also
how triglobulin affects other species. Once per mission, if you are able to use a sickbay,
you may create an Advantage for free, related to a medical use of triglobulin.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

TNG and Beyond

Axanari are hardy, energetic humanoids that inhabit the planet Axanar III
(Beta quadrant). They are the only species to have joined the Federation after
going to war with it. They are an androgynous humanoid species with an
average lifespan of 400 years. Their eyes are reptilian in appearance & their
grayish skin is wrinkled. They have 2 narrow ridges that run down the center
of their heads to split at the nose & finish on both sides of their mouth. They
resemble tall humans with a varying degree of complexions. Many have an
overly developed chip on their shoulders & a propensity to act before
thinking. When asked a question, an Axanari will always have a definite
answer, even when there is insufficient evidence, & will be absolutely certain
that he is correct.
Names: They have a given name & a surname that they inherit through the
paternal line. Male: Meyas, Neroun, Davak, Harklos. Female: Kelisa, Nerisar,
Sevahin, Yelgara. Surname: Kagim, Kuyan, Sozenn, Bayli.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I am certain I see a pattern.

Attributes: Fitness +1, Insight +2, Presence -1, Reason +1.

The Axanari prefer a nitrogen-methane atmosphere. They have green
blood. Their body produces Triglobulin from its Zymuth gland. This
substance has medical & aphrodisiac properties. Their skin is covered
with a fine dust-like secretion that helps protect them from high radiation
levels. They are highly resistant to all forms of radiation. You gain 1d20 to
your rolls. You gain a Resistance +1 vs Energy & Energy weapons.

Axanari, or with GM's permission.

Pattern Recognition [Required]

Axanari perceptions allow them to be adept in identifying and
understanding complex patterns & systems. You lower the Difficulty of
rolls by 2, minimum of 1, & you gain 1d20 to your rolls. You use your Insight
Skill plus whatever Discipline applies for these tasks [GM's discretion].

Danger Sense & Heightened Senses

The Axanari evolved in a predator-rich environment, where they had to
constantly be on their guard. You lower the difficulty of being ambushed
or surprised by 2, minimum of 1. Also. you gain the benefits of an
Advantage, if successful.

I Lived Through That

For each century you have lived (Max: 4), you may declare you were at a
historical event during that century. You are considered to have a Focus
for knowledge related to that event. You may leave these undeclared
until needed, but once chosen, it is permanent for your PC.


Once a warp-capable species, the Ba’ku left their war-torn planet and found a planet
within the Briar Patch where they could settle and live a life of peace. They abandoned
technology and created an agrarian society. The planet’s rings gave off metaphasic
radiation that allowed them to stay young and live for centuries. A group of their
youngsters left the planet and became the Son’a. They refuse to use weapons even in
self-defense. They will not use any but the simplest machinery. Some are also able to
slow down the passage of time in a small area around them.

EXAMPLE VALUE: A Single Moment In Time Can Be A Universe In Itself.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Ba’ku. The Ba’ku are physically similar to humans. Due to the metaphasic
radiation, they may live for a very long time and resist aging once they reach
maturity. They heal quickly and have clarity of the mind. This protection will
diminish the longer they are away from their planet. They prefer a slow pace of life.
They are genetically identical to the Son’a.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Ba’ku, or Gamemaster’s permission.

The cost for you to Avoid Injury is reduced by 1, and attempts to heal you reduce in
Difficulty by 1. This ability is always active if you are on your home planet, but off-
planet it will only work a number of times equal to your Fitness. To regain the ability,
you must return to your home planet and spend one week there.

REQUIREMENT: Ba’ku, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You are able to slow time in an area around you (and allow one other person within
Reach to share the benefits of slow time). Spend one Determination to activate this
ability. You both regain your ability to Avoid Injury. Also, until the end of your next Turn,
Swift Tasks (for you and the person in the Perfect Moment) cost one less Momentum.

REQUIREMENT: Ba’ku, or Gamemaster’s permission.

When you attempt a Task without using any technology, and receive no assistance
from technology (or assistance from someone using tech), gain one bonus Momentum
if you succeed. The bonus Momentum may not be saved in the group pool.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


In the middle years of the 23rd Century, the Terran Empire reached the
planet of Bajor. Seeing the world’s rich resources and strategic location near
the Cardassian Union, the Empire quickly occupied the world. The Imperial
Starfleet easily defeated Bajor’s forces, and all Bajorans who fought back
were rounded up and publicly executed. Over the next half-century, over a
hundred million Bajorans would be killed. The Bajoran religion was heavily
suppressed, with all suspected priests killed and all icons and relics seized
and destroyed, including all known Orbs of the Prophets. Eventually, the
Klingon-Cardassian Alliance freed Bajor from its occupation. Grateful for their
liberation, Bajor immediately joined the alliance, enslaving any remaining
Terrans and putting them to work rebuilding their world. With the aid of
the Cardassians, the Bajorans constructed a space station around their
world to aid in mining and the restoration of their world. Terrans from
adjacent sectors were relocated to the station, Terok Nor, to perform
hard labour in its uridium processing facilities. Many Bajorans relished
the opportunity to repay the Terrans for generations of suffering. In
2372, the station was seized by Terran rebels, who threatened to
irradiate the planet’s surface if Bajor took any aggressive action. After
Alliance attempts to retake the station failed, Bajor reluctantly accepted
the rebel’s presence.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Bajoran, or Gamemaster’s Permission
When things look their worst, you can fall back on your belief in the
Prophets. Once per mission, you can re-roll all the dice in a Task. However,
you cannot apply Focuses to this re-roll.

REQUIREMENT: Bajoran, or Gamemaster’s Permission
After your world’s occupation, you have lost your faith in the Prophets
and hold few things sacred, being either highly rational or deeply
cynical. You may challenge a Value to gain a point of Determination
twice during a mission rather than just once.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios

Um povo espiritual e destemido do planeta Bajor, os Bajoranos perderam muito

após décadas de ocupação pela União Cardassiana. Muitos Bajoranos foram
espalhados pelo Quadrante Alfa durante a ocupação, enquanto aqueles que
permaneceram em Bajor frequentemente agem como insurgentes ou labutaram
em campos de trabalho sob o governo cardassiano. A ocupação acabou alguns
anos atrás, mas as cicatrizes deixadas levarão gerações para curar. Bajor não é
membro da Federação, mas muitos Bajoranos espalhados pela diáspora encon-
traram seu caminho na Frota Estelar. A cultura bajorana possui uma forte
crença nos Profetas, seres celestiais que dizem ter observado Bajor
por milênios; a doutrina da religião moderna a rma que o Buraco de
Minha Bajorano é o Templo Celestial dos Profetas.

EXEMPLO DE VALOR: Fé nos Profetas

ATRIBUTOS: +1 de Audácia, +1 de Controle, +1 de Intuição.

TRAÇO: Bajorano. Por razões óbvias, Bajoranos tendem a ser

hostis em relação aos Cardassianos, e ressentidos com aqueles
que são desdenhosos ou que fecharam os olhos para o sofrimento
do povo Bajorano. Embora nem todos os Bajoranos sejam espiritu-
alizados ou religiosos no mesmo grau, a maioria tem uma compre-
ensão cultural do lugar dos Profetas na sociedade bajorana.

TALENTOS: O personagem recebe acesso aos seguintes talentos:

REQUISITOS: Bajorano, ou permissão do Mestre de Jogo.

Você recebeu uma visão dos Profetas Bajoranos através de um dos
Orbes. Essa rara experiência, embora inicialmente confusa, moldou
sua vida e visão de mundo. Você possui um Valor adicional, re etindo
as intuições recebidas da experiência. Na primeira vez que este Valor
for Desa ado, jogue 1 ; se obter um Efeito, então algum elemento
pressagiado da Experiência com Orbe ocorre e o Valor não é risca-
do como normalmente seria.

REQUISITOS: Você acredita profundamente nos Profetas, e

con a nessa fé para superar di culdades. Sempre que zer
uma Tarefa para resistir ser coagido ou ameaçado, você
reduz a Di culdade em 1.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME Not yet a part of the Federation, the Bandi government has
SPECIES PROFILE made at least applications for membership. The first, in
2363, was rejected after an incident in which the Bandi head
of state – one Groppler Zorn – tried to convince Enterprise
Captain Jean-Luc Picard the Bandi had constructed a
SPECIES NAME: BANDI massive space-station for Federation use.

VISUAL REPRESENTATION This station was actually an abducted alien known,

colloquially, as a “space-jelly” because of its physical
resemblance to a Terran jelly-fish.

The creature had the ability to transmute matter, but was

being held captive by the Bandi and used to create not only
the station, but almost any form of matter, including food-
stuffs, with which Zorn felt he could impress Picard and can
membership in the Federation for his world.

The second request for Federation membership came within

two years. And when that application was put on a status of
“pending approval” it was withdrawn.

The third application for Federation membership came in

2377, after the hostilities of the Dominion War had faded
from the Quadrant. And the Bandi, who had remained
relatively uninvolved in the War, suddenly took an interest
in a more active role in the social, and economic
development of their region of the quadrant.

The Bandi are a generally easygoing people. They can be

ambitious, but are usually very competent at any task they
set about trying to accomplish. They are a generally friendly
people. And they get along well with most other intelligent
Vitality -1, Presence -1, Perception +1
The Bandi have not been involved in any stellar conflicts.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION And they do not have any space-faring vesses of their own
The Bandi are a humanoid race who strongly resemble construction. Some Bandi do undertake interplanetary
Terran humans. They tend to be of average human travel for the sake of exploration, commerce, or scientific
height, with males growing to between 167-195cm, curiosity. And these journeys are usually made using
with females slightly smaller. spacecraft constructed by other peoples.

Most Bandi are of slightly leaner build than the The Bandi have a steady trade agreement with both the
average human, causing them to appear taller and Talarians, and the member-worlds of the Coalition of
more gaunt. A tall Bandi male can even have a Madena.
deceptively intimidating appearance, by appearing to
be taller or more imposing than their actual size.

Bandi have tanned skin, of the human Caucasian tone. FARPOINT STATION
And they usually have dark hair that turns silver, to
gray or white in old age. Farpoint Station was a station built in extremely short
time on Deneb IV. The Bandi, a species inhabiting
Bandi usually have dark eyes, although some will have Deneb IV, offered this station to Starfleet. The Bandi
gray, or even blue eyes. were not a very advanced civilization and Starfleet was
intrigued by this engineering performance.
In civilian Bandi society, most males ware their hair
long, but will often bind it into a “pony-tail”, or tuck it Groppler Zorn kept a model of Farpoint Station in his
under an elaborate head-dress that looks, ironically, office in the old Bandi City.
like a wig made of a type of coarse fabric designed to
resemble long, unkempt hair. In 2364, the crew of the USS Enterprise-D investigated
this station and found out that it was, in fact, a
CULTURE spaceborne entity enslaved by the Bandi. Following its
liberation by the Enterprise, Captain Jean-Luc Picard
The Bandi have a very artistic and intellectual culture.
worked with the Bandi to schedule the reconstruction
They enjoy learning, but do not readily embrace all
of the station.
forms of technology. This has caused their own
technological development to be somewhat slow in
catching up to that of their neighbors.
Bandi also tend to be slightly more frail than a human of the
LANGUAGES same size, age, and apparent health.
The Bandi have their own native language – Bandish –
The commonly gaunt, and often disheveled appearance of
and most Bandi encountered will also know at least a
most Bandi tends to hamper them to some degree, as far as
functional amount of Federation Standard. Well-
socializing with other species is concerned.
traveled Bandi will normally be able to communicate in
Talarian, Stralebic, and Atlecish.
But, Bandi are very astute and observant.
Bandi have short, monosyllabic names. The Bandi While they suffer a -1 penalty to both their Presence and
leader at the time of the Farpoint mission – Groppler Vitality attributes, all Bandi receive a +1 species bonus to
Zorn – has a very standard and actually quite common their Perception scores.
Bandi name.
Other abilities common to members of the Bandi species
Groppler is a title, roughly translating to “president”, include:
or “governor”. Not part of a proper name.
Psionic: Some Bandi can develop powerful Psionic abilities,
HOMEWORLD even to the level of a Betazoid. A Bandi who takes the
Deneb IV was the fourth planet in the Deneb star Psionic edge at character creation will begin with 1 free
system. This M-class planet was the homeworld of the level of Empathy skill, and 2 levels of Telepathy. A Bandi will
Bandi. also receive a +1 to their Psionic attribute. And Psionic
Bandi may advance this attribute as a Favored Attribute,
Deneb IV was visited by Starfleet personnel as early as and one of their Psionic skills as a Professional Skill – but
the 2260s, but in 2364, it was still at the edge of "the the Bandi may only chose one Psionic skill to advance in
great unexplored mass of the galaxy". this way.

Deneb IV is a planet located in the Alpha Quadrant, Curious: All Bandi receive this Edge as a Species Trait.
and is the fourth planet in the Alpha Cygni (Deneb)
system. This system is 3,230 light years from Sol, in Gullible: Bandi will also have this Flaw as a Species Trait. A
the Alpha Quadrant. This planet, with a population of Bandi may “buy off” the Gullible flaw, but only if they intend
450 million Bandi in 2378, signed a treaty with the on working, and traveling off-world. If a Bandi intended to
United Federation of Planets in 2364. This treaty join Starfleet, for example. And normal rules for buying off
stipulated that Starfleet would operate Starbase Flaws do apply.
Farpoint Station. Another attraction was the Old City,
adjacent to the station. Ambitious: A Bandi species-trait; although not definable as
a Flaw, or an Edge. Whether an individual Bandi's tendency
Aside from the Old City, and the Farpoint station, the to be ambitious is a good thing, or a bad will depend on the
planet is unremarkable in its features. It is a largely personality of that individual. Some Bandi may simply be
barren plant with a low level of surface water. Despite driven to succeed; a good quality for a Starfleet officer.
this, the Bandi have managed to develop a functional Others might be inclined to self-advancement, or selfish
agriculture, and have also developed several benefits regardless of the consequences.
industries that thrive in the planet's limited resources.
When a Bandi character is created he must chose whether
The climate of Deneb IV is generally mild, to warm; his interpretation of the ambitious nature of the species is
and dry. selfish, or laudable. If the former, the Bandi suffers a -1
penalty to either Savvy or Willpower reactions. The latter
conveys a +1 bonus to either (but not both) reaction scores.
Bandi are most comfortable in the Merchant
profession, and also make excellent Starship Officers
– several Bandi serve in Starfleet by the mid 2380s, a
decade after the end of the Dominion War.

Bandi Merchants will usually be skilled craftsmen;

and ply their trade selling their wares – clothing, or
other goods that are easy to manufacture and to

The Bandi are, in most respects, a very average
people and very similar to humans on both a physical
and intellectual level.

They are considered primitive by some standards, as

their technology is not as advanced as that of most of
their neighbors in the quadrant.
BARZAN REQUIREMENT: Barzan, or gamemaster’s permission.

The Barzan possess such great determination in

Hailing from a resource-poor world, the Barzan are a accomplishing their tasks that they refuse to let any setback
species known for their stubbornness and their ability to deter them. When a Barzan spends a point of Determination
accomplish great things despite the advantages other on a task, but the task fails, the character regains the spent
species may have. Their homeworld’s atmosphere is point of Determination.
considered toxic to other species and the Barzan require
specialized breathing apparatus to exist in di erent NAMES
environments. Despite their homeworld’s lack of resources, Barzan tend to have a given name and
the Barzan are diligent in carrying out their duties, believing surname, though often use only their
that their greatest natural resource will always be their given name.
determination. This has made them respected by some
civilizations for their hard work and their ingenuity with SAMPLE NAMES: Amma, Attis, Bhavani,
accomplishing tasks. Barzan are especially focused on their Nhan, Ryess, Servu, Tolpra
families, and believe that it is the duty of each Barzan family
to take each other’s burdens upon themselves in order for
the group to succeed. The Barzan have a keen mind toward
acquiring resources that they believe will bene t their family
and their people, and are constantly looking for lucrative
trade deals or scienti c advancements that may help uplift
their people as a whole.

EXAMPLE VALUE: My Greatest Resource Is Myself, and I

Will Use It Wisely

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness,

+1 Presence

TRAIT: Barzan. The Barzan have long struggled to

make do without some of the advantages other species
bene t from, but this has turned into one of their greatest
strengths. A Barzan takes on each task with their full
focus and determination while keeping a keen eye for not
only how to accomplish the task but to do so with as few
resources as possible. To the Barzan, any resources not
spent in this way can be used in the future to help bene t
their family or crew. The Barzan also form close bonds
with their crewmates, and are willing to sacri ce their
own needs if it bene ts the group as a whole.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Barzan, or gamemaster’s permission.

The Barzan have long had to make do with less, and this has
taught them to be especially considerate of all resources at
their command. When needing a rare element or device to
accomplish an action, a Barzan may reroll a d20 in their task
roll to determine if another element or device can be used in
its stead. The Barzan are also aware of most of the alternate
uses any piece of personal equipment they possess can
do should the need arise, such as substituting a tricorder’s
memory module to repair a terminal.


Benzite physiology gives this species’ skin a hairless

blue-to-green complexion. The Benzite skull has a thick
protrusion that extends over the brow and nose, with
two facial tendrils above the lip. Until 2370 Benzites in
Star eet had trouble breathing a standard nitrogen/oxygen
atmosphere and relied on breathing apparatus. Their
apparent change in condition, which allows the species
to go without breathing aids, is rumored to be thanks to
genetic engineering, though reports are uncon rmed. Highly
meticulous, a Benzite Star eet o cer is a valuable resource
when it comes to exploration and investigation.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Report Only What You Know

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Benzite. A Benzite’s average body temperature

is several degrees lower than an average, warm
blooded humanoid, though the Benzite themselves
are not cold blooded. Their blood being mercury and
platinum based. Benzites also have 2 apposable
thumbs on each hand, aiding their dexterity. Before
2370, Benzites also require a breathing apparatus in
Class-M atmospheres. If playing before this time, add
the Trait ‘Breathing Apparatus’.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Benzite, or Gamemaster permission.

When you encounter unidenti ed phenomena through
sensors, you may immediately make a Swift Task, without the
need to spend Momentum or an increase in Di culty. This
Task may only be used to attempt to analyze the preliminary
data you have received using Reason + Science and a
relevant Focus.

When you succeed at a Task using a computer console
(including a bridge station), you gain one bonus
Momentum. This bonus Momentum cannot be saved into
the group pool.

Male names: Mendon, Mordock
Female names: Hoya

Official version found in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook

Benzites are highly meticulous but competitive, preferring to work alone in

order to claim credit when an objective is achieved. They find failure deeply
and personally shameful, and may conceal the results of preliminary work
until they are positive they have the correct hypothesis. Reporting a problem
without a solution is especially frowned upon in Benzite society, as they
prefer to act rather than react. Most Benzites are followers of The Doctrine
of Andragov, which is equal parts philosophy and statistical calculus. Using
these teachings, they list their personal objectives—both long and short
term—and rate themselves with a scoring system that calculates their
percentages and degrees of success. Benzites respond to contests
with zeal and enthusiasm, focusing all their energies into victory, even
in friendly competition; they tend to do well with games that require
the mathematical precision with which they calculate their Andragov
scores, but are less interested in physical sports. As a general rule,
Benzite Starfleet officers crave medals, commendations, and positive
performance reviews. Successful Benzites have learned to balance these
personal ambitions with the social realities of serving in Starfleet, where
some species are critical of personal ambition and glory.

EXAMPLE VALUE: To Be Exceptional, You Must Focus on the Smallest Details

TRAIT: Benzite. Benzites have distinctive tendrils near their mouths and
skin that comes in shades of blue or teal. They have two opposable thumbs
on each hand. Benzites are unable to comfortably breathe oxygen-nitrogen
atmospheres and require a respiration device to provide additional
necessary gases, moistures, and salts. As they breathe substances fatal
to many other species, Benzites have an innate resistance to many toxins.
Similarly, they are capable of digesting a wide range of substances
inedible to most species, but when off-world most limit themselves to the
menus of the non-Benzites out of politeness.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Benzite, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You do your best work alone and without assistance. When you succeed on
a Reason, or Control Task without another character assisting, you gain an
additional Momentum that must be spent on that Task.

REQUIREMENT: Benzite, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You work slowly but methodically, careful to avoid making mistakes.
Whenever you roll one or more complications on a Science, or Engineering
Task, roll 1 A. If an Effect is rolled, you cancel out 1 complication.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:

Beta Annari
TNG era only

(Possibly the same as, or related to, the Delta

Quadrant’s Annari, but in the Beta Quadrant?)

These crocodile-like humanoids are quick-witted

and resilient, so they fit in among other
spacefaring species well enough. For some of
the Beta Annari, interstellar commerce is a
natural fit, with their natural proclivity for sizing
up and securing a good deal. For others of their
species, this same talent helps them to support
and even engage personally in less legitimate
business. For those Beta Annari who choose to live lives of crime, their ability to smell out opportunities for
success and failure, and their pure physical resilience, make them difficult opponents for rivals, victims, and
law enforcement officials to outwit or overpower. However, it must be remembered that this is a path chosen
by only a minority of the whole Beta Annari population, most of whom are content enough to live their lives
as law-abiding citizens of the Beta Quadrant.

Example Value: Let us not waste time.

Attributes: +2 Fitness, +1 Insight

Trait: Beta Annari. This reptilian, humanoid species has a naturally tough, scaly hide, strong claws on each
finger and toe, and small but sharp, carnivorous teeth. But perhaps the most notable aspect of Beta Annari
physiology is that they possess 1 253 olfactory glands, giving them an exceptionally sensitive sense of
smell. Some urban myths exist about exactly what this sense of smell allows them to sense, but they
certainly have the ability to sense things about a person that most humanoids would consider strange and
unusual. At the same time, there are definitely certain types of chemical camouflage that can be used
against the Beta Annari sense of smell, to varying degrees of success.

Talents: The character receives access to the following talents:

Nose For Trouble

Requirements: Beta Annari. Character creation only.
The Beta Annari sense of smell is legendary. You can sense the emotions of most living beings when they
are immediately adjacent to you, by their scent. It may require effort and a Task to pick out the scent of a
specific individual if several beings surround you together. Increase the Difficulty of this Task if the situation
is stressful, if there are a large number of these beings crowding you, or if a chemical camouflage is also
present. Additionally, you gain Advantage on tasks specifically to locate or identify a substance within 2
meters, when you are able to smell the substance.

Reptile Hide
Requirements: Beta Annari. Character creation only.
The skin of a typical Beta Annari is remarkably tough. It is composed of multiple layers of reptile-like scales
of varying sizes, evolved for absorbing the teeth and claws of ancient predators. While this hide is no match
for modern energy weapons or explosives, it is still useful against less energetic cutting weapons. You gain
one extra point of Resistance, but only against weapons with the Piercing Damage Effect.


O pací co povo Betazoide origina-se do idílico mundo verdejante de Betazed.

Esse planeta é um membro valoroso da Federação, e seu povo pode ser encontra-
do por todo o espaço da Federação, incluindo a Frota Estelar. Betazoides parecem
quase idênticos aos Humanos, mas diferem de uma forma importante: eles são
naturalmente telepáticos, desenvolvendo habilidades mentais durante a adolescência.
A potência dessa habilidade varia entre indivíduos, mas resultou em uma cultura onde
honestidade e franqueza são fundamentais: é difícil guardar segredos quando todo
mundo pode ler mentes.

EXEMPLO DE VALOR: Compaixão através da Compreensão

ATRIBUTOS: +1 de Intuição, +1 de Presença, +1 de Raciocínio.

TRAÇO: Betazoide. Todos os Betazoides são telepáticos em graus variados, e até

mesmo quando não estão usando suas habilidades ativamente, eles são bastante
perceptivos sobre os outros ao redor deles, mas também altamente sensíveis a
perturbações telepáticas e ataques mentais. Eles têm pouca familiaridade
com mentiras e dissimulação devido à sua cultura aberta e
habilidade de ler os pensamentos e emoções dos outros.
Como são sensitivos às mentes de outros seres vivos,
tendem a não car confortáveis perto de animais pelo
medo de se perderem nas mentes de criaturas selvagens.

TALENTOS: O personagem recebe acesso aos seguintes talentos:

REQUISITOS: Betazoide, ou permissão do Mestre de Jogo.

Somente na criação de personagem.
Você pode sentir as emoções da maioria dos seres vivos próximos e pode se comu-
nicar telepaticamente com outros empatas e telepatas, assim como com quem você
esteja extremamente familiarizado. Você não pode escolher não sentir as emoções
dos próximos, exceto por aqueles que são resistentes a telepatia. Pode ser necessá-
rio esforço e uma Tarefa para identi car as emoções de um indivíduo especí co em
uma multidão ou para bloquear as emoções das pessoas próximas. Aumente a Di -
culdade desta Tarefa se a situação for estressante, se houver muitos seres presentes,
se o alvo for resistente a telepatia e por outros fatores relevantes.

REQUISITOS: Betazoide, ou permissão do Mestre de Jogo.

Somente na criação de personagem.
Você pode sentir os pensamentos e emoções super ciais da maioria dos seres vivos
próximos e pode se comunicar telepaticamente com outros empatas e telepatas, assim
como com quem você esteja extremamente familiarizado. Pensamentos super ciais
são qualquer coisa sobre a qual uma criatura estiver pensando no momento. Você não
pode escolher não sentir as emoções ou ler os sentimentos dos próximos, exceto por
aqueles que são resistentes a telepatia. Pode ser necessário esforço e uma Tarefa para
identi car as emoções ou pensamentos de um indivíduo especí co em uma multidão,
para procurar na mente de uma criatura por pensamentos ou memórias especí cas
ou para bloquear as mentes das pessoas próximas. Alvos involuntários podem resistir
com uma Tarefa Disputada.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -


Conquered by the Terran Empire early in the 23rd Century, the subjugation
of Betazed resulted in surprisingly few casualties, but instead the Betazoids
paid a heavy cultural price, becoming corrupted by power. A largely peaceful
species unaccustomed to conflict and duplicity, the Betazoids surrendered
quickly to the initial Terran invasion. As the occupation unfolded, the Betazoids
used their psychic powers to wage a silent campaign of sabotage and
assassination. Rather than employing the usual tactics of public executions
as reprisals for rebellion, the Terran governor began employing Betazoid
collaborators to counter the insurgents, offering prestige and great wealth
to those willing to work with the Empire. The usefulness of telepaths was not
lost on the Emperor and Starfleet’s admiralty, and Betazoids who volunteered
to serve in the Imperial Starfleet were richly rewarded. Slowly, over a
generation, Betazoids ceased their resistance and embraced the values
of their occupiers, seizing chances for power and an escape from poverty
and oppression. Flush with their new prestige in the Empire, Betazoid
culture rapidly shifted from one of openness to a secretive police state that
produced some of the most feared spies and interrogators in the Empire.
Because of its remote location and important position in the empire,
Betazed was one of the first worlds targeted by Cardassian forces. The
planet was “liberated” by Alliance forces who occupied the system
until a new government could be formed, which was conveniently
subservient to the Alliance. But to civilian Betazoids, the shift in
leadership has led to few changes to daily life.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Betazoid, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Through intense mental training, you can erect psychic barriers that shield your
thoughts from being read or your mind from being influenced or controlled.
When you attempt a Task to resist unwanted telepathy, psychic attacks, or
mental influence, you reduce the Difficulty by 2.

REQUIREMENT: Betazoid, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Instead of merely emphatically reading emotions, you have learned to induce
them, instilling a creature with feelings of stress, panic, and anxiety. This is
typically an Insight + Control Task with a Difficulty of 2 that can be performed
at Medium range. Until your next Task, all Tasks made by the target increase
in Difficulty by 1.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME They still have minimal flaps beneath their arms as a result.
SPECIES PROFILE They still retain the enhanced reflexes and senses they had
from earlier in their evolution, making them superb

SPECIES NAME: BETELGEUSIAN Since they have abandoned all planets and live on colony
ships or stations, they view all life as ephemeral. They live
VISUAL REPRESENTATION life to the fullest, hoping to earn enough glory and
experience to be able to return to their clan and be
considered an adult.

At this point, if they have accrued enough, they are allowed

to mate. They epitomize the saying, ‘Live fast and die hard.’
They enjoy doing dangerous and adventurous things, as it
gives them the surge in their system equivalent to an
adrenaline rush, like they experience when they hunt.

The more exciting the activity, the more they like it. The
Earth term for their cultural choice is ‘adrenaline junkie.’
This includes most athletic activities, including such things
as free-climbing, parkour, and even an activity as strange as
bungee-jumping down a turboshaft. They enjoy challenges
and don’t back down from them.

Their bones may have the equivalent of carbon fiber

interlaced into them, making them very strong as well as
light. They have claws like a condor, a vestige from their
predatory past.

They aren’t from Betelgeuse itself, as the star hasn’t been

around long enough for them to have evolved around it, but
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS are from the Betelgeuse sector. Their star is now a red
giant, and they were forced to abandon it before it wiped out
+2 Agility, +1 Vitality, +2 Perception
their homeworld. As a result, they distrust planets.
Betelgeusians are a race of blue skinned humanoids.
Betelgeusians have their own native language – which is
Dramatically different from most humanoid races,
made up of long words, divided into distinct syllables and
except Bolians, with blue skin, nickel based blood and
pronounced with a throaty inflection. Heavy on short vowel
facial cartilage plates. They prefer to stay on their
sounds. The native Betelgeusian language can have a
homecraft, only leaving for diplomatic purposes.
guttural sound, but also lends it's self well to musical
Having evolved from a race of eagles, Betelgeusians
are a two meter tall humanoid species. Their claw and
Betelgeusians will have a broad knowledge of their own
bone structures were like that of an Earth condor, but
native tongue, and often speak at least functional bits of
Betelgeusians walk upright. Members of the species
other languages such as Federation Standard, Klingon, or
have two mouths, one for speaking, and the other for
Vulcan, as their need requires.
eating. Members of the species have a strong hunting
drive, which they needed to sublimate with both COMMON NAMES
sports and other forms of competition. Most Betelgeusian names have the same unique sound and
structure as other words in their language - Hrrii'ush
CULTURE Uuvu'it, who served as a science officer aboard the USS
Enterprise in the early 2270s, had a very traditional
The Betelgeusians evolved from leopard-like avian
Betelgeusian name.
By the late 24th century some Betelgeusians, especially
They started out as avians originally, but as they
those working with, or actively serving in Starfleet, began to
evolved, they were forced from the air as their size
adapt names that were easier to spell and pronounce;
increased, but retained many of the biological
similar to the simplified names some Andorians used when
adaptations they had evolved. They became arboreal,
interacting with humans.
leaping from branches to capture their prey.

Over time, they evolved patagia, flaps of skin between HOMEWORLD

their arms and legs, allowing them to glide and Betelgeusians once occupied all three of the Class M
pounce. As that allowed them to be successful, they planets in the Betelgeuse system. Betelgeuse lies 527 light-
became larger, and were forced to abandon the trees years from Earth, in the Orion constellation.
for the ground. Over time, the patagia became
vestigial, like the skin flaps found on Human digits. Betelgeusans knew Betelgeuse IV, where their ancestors
first evolved, as Hav'a'halar, which means "home" in anyone, including a Commanding Officer, attempts to
one of the central ancient languages of Betelgeusians. dissuade a Betelgeusian from a reckless or potentially
dangerous act, she does so at a -5 penalty to any Influence
Betelgeuse II and VI, each colonized less than a tests.
thousand years ago, were called, respectively, A'halar
and B'halar. The large planet Hav'a'halar boasted a Homeship: Betelgeusians are born, and raised aboard large
great range of climates and extreme geographical colony-ships, rather than on a home planet. Treat all
features similar to that of Earth. Four moons Betelgeusian characters as if they have both the Colony /
erratically orbited the mother world; the largest has an Frontier Upbringing and Nomadic Childhood Personal
atmosphere of its own. Development packages. (see pages 87 & 88 of the Player's
This moon's extensive coal deposits have burned
since prehistory, shrouding the Smoky Moon (as it is Physically Adept: Betelgeusians hone the required skills for
called) in thick black clouds. a predatory lifestyle from an early age. A Betelgeusian may
advance any of the following skills as Professional Skills
A'halar was tropical at high latitudes and almost regardless of his actual profession: Athletics, Gaming,
uninhabitably hot in its equatorial zones. Gymnastics, Observe, Sport, Survival, Unarmed Combat.

The once-frigid small planet B'halar was made Easily Distracted: Due to their impulsive nature almost
habitable only through extensive climactic alteration. anything can attract a Betelgeusian's attention. They have
Even after those changes, it was subject to wildly this Flaw as a Species Trait. (see p. 140 of the Player's
powerful storms; to avoid them, most B'halaran cities Guide).
were constructed underground.
Forced to abandon their homeworld, and home-
Betelgeusians will often have several of the
system long ago due to the Betelgeusian star
following Edges, and only need spend 1
morphing into a red giant; the Betelgeusians now do
Advancement Pick to acquire any of them:
not call any world or system their home. They live,
instead, on massive colony ships.
Alert, Competitive, Confident, Courageous,
Excellent Metabolism, Fit, Great Stamina, Great
FAVORED PROFESSION Vitality, Healthy, Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw,
Betelgeusians can easily function in any profession, Sense of Direction, Speed.
but do to their reckless, adventuresome natures often
choose professions that satisfy this urge for thrill- OPTIONAL FLAW
seeking and risk-taking.
The competitive nature of Betelgeusian society
Civilian Betelgeusians are most often encountered as makes all Betelgeusians potential rivals of each
Soldiers, or Scientists; with Mercenary, or Explorer other. Some Betelgeusians (especially those with
being common Elite Professions. the Competitive Edge) will have the following Flaw:

There are a few Betelgeusians serving in Starfleet by Rival (Other Betelgeusians)

the end of the 23rd century, and even more in the next
century. This flaw is even more common among
Betelgeusians with both the Competitive Edge, and
Betelgeusians in Starfleet most often serve as a Renown of 14+.
Command, or Security officers. But, Betelgeusian
Science and Medical officers have also had successful

Betelgeusians are extremely agile, and suited for an
athletic lifestyle. They also have an uncanny sense of
their own surroundings. As a result they receive a +2
Species Bonus to their Agility and Perception attribute
scores. They are also a surprisingly hardy species,
receiving a +1 bonus to their Vitality attributes as well.

Betelgeusians also have the following unique species


Audacious: Betelgeusians are naturally reckless, and

impulsive. Due to their habit of leaping into dangerous
situations, often without thinking the possible
consequences through; if a Betelgeusian spends a
courage point on any Physical test, he only receives a
+2 benefit (instead of the usual +3). Furthermore, if
Betelgeusian recorded history begins with the Age of Heroes, when their
gods walked among them. Then came the Dark Age, when the Heroes
retreated to the realm of dreams. They left behind them only mortals—the
Betelgeusian—who did not know what to do.
Without the Heroes, the Betelgeusians soon lost the taste for war.
Slowly, the Betelgeusians learned to channel the power of their
lost Heroes, in a period known as the Age of Finding. They set
about remaking their world and joined other spacefaring
civilizations when they made rst contact with the Vulcans.
Betelgeusian society has an unusual practice of embodying the
personalities of their cultural myths. This is a quasi-religious way
of life called the Path of Emulation. During childhood, each
Betelgeusian decides which of the Seven Heroes they will strive
to emulate. As they grow up, Betelgeusians study the myths of
their heroes, and undergo tests designed to encourage them to
respond as their heroes would.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Emulate The Deeds Of My Chosen Hero

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Betelgeusian. Tall, thin humanoids with apparently

delicate bone structures, Betelgeusians look fragile. In fact,
all Betelgeusians possess unusually strong skeletons. They
stand approximately 1.5 to 2 meters tall, though their slight
frames make them look taller. Their skin is bluish in color,
ranging from pale to cerulean. Their eyes are deeply set, and
they lack both hair and noses. They breathe through two nostrils
set behind their ears.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following

The Seven Heroes
Calm under Pressure (Xindi-Arboreal)
and matching careers
Communal (Grazerite)
ALTAA THE WARRIOR: Soldiers and security
Hero Worship (Original: Strong Pagh) (Bajoran) o cers
assassins, smugglers, thieves
Betelgeusians speak j'Tai, a highly stilted and symbolic
DOBAN THE RULER: Diplomats, merchants,
language. They use given names, and the name of their chosen
command o cers
Feminine Names: Hilea, Slenez, Welen, Yolen
and engineering o cers
Masculine Names: Botor, Eck, Ond, Staban
Gender-Neutral Names: Gagan, Lenen, Tel OST THE VAGABOND: Actors, artists,
Hero Names: Altaa, Cordban, Doban, F'ter, Lahile, Ost, Slichez entertainers, pilots, conn o cers
LAHILE THE MOTHER: Doctors and medical
o cers
science o cers


From the planet Bolarus IX, Bolians are well known for
their hospitality and outgoing personalities. Identi ed by a
cartilaginous ridge that extends down their head, vertically, down
the center of the face to the chest, with skin color ranging from
light blues, to dark greens and muted purples with darker banding
across the head. They are predominantly bald, though some
females are known to have hair on their heads. Bolian marriages
have more than two partners, of both sexes, but procreation
with other species isn’t all that common, given the Bolians’
incompatibility with others. Humans, in particular, have noted
several side e ects of inter-species relations, including nausea,
fatigue, and in ammation.

EXAMPLE VALUE: A Broad Smile and Warm Heart

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Bolian. Bolians are able, thanks to their cartilaginous

tongues, to consume substances unsafe to other species,
such as acids or decaying meat. Bolian hearts are on the
right side of their body, moving blue blood around their
circulatory system. Bolians are an understanding, hospitable
species, often forward-facing in their duties in customer
relations or diplomatic service.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Bolian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

A cheerful, outgoing personality is the perfect thing to put
diplomatic guests at ease. Whenever assisting another character
the Bolian may use their Presence Attribute instead of their own.
Further, both the Bolian and the character being assisted may
ignore any increases in Complication Range for the Task.

REQUIREMENT: Bolian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Bolian traditions say that a child born near an active Warp Core
has an improved, more positive, disposition. Optimism and
an upbeat attitude certainly lends credence to this tradition,
allowing the Bolian to weather misfortune. When they su er a
Complication from a Task, roll 1 ; if the result is an E ect, the
Complication is ignored. Once a Complication has been ignored
in this way, the Bolian may not ignore another Complication for
the remainder of the scene.

Male names: Ardon, Hars, Boq’ta, Brathaw, Chell, Rixx, Zim
Female names: Golwat, Lysia, Mitena
Family names: Adislo, Arlin, Brott

Official version found in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook

Typically Bolians are gregarious, hardworking, and meticulous. They enjoy

cooperation and working in groups; one can always rely on a Bolian, as their
selflessness is legendary. Individual Bolians tend to be highly outspoken,
even when their opinions are not requested. Owing to their “good natured”
personality types, Bolians often find employment in service professions: Bolian
barbers and wait-staff are commonly employed aboard Federation starships
and starbases. As Bolians excel in professions that encourage teamwork
and reward group effort, most branches of starship service fulfill their desire
for cooperation and structure. A noteworthy institution is the Bank of
Bolias, which is the primary financial institution of the Bolians and has
become well-used by many off-worlders, holding their funds and storing
valuables. Fluctuations in Bolian currency played an important role in
Alpha Quadrant markets, even those that no longer use hard currency.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Together We Are Stronger

TRAIT: Bolian. Bolians are typically bald and have skin in shades of
blue. They have a corrosive internal chemistry that allows them to
ingest many things that would be unpleasant or even deadly to other
species, including decaying meat and strong corrosives such as acid.
Because of this, intimate relations with non-Bolians can be challenging.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Bolian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You selflessly support the actions of your fellow crew members. Whenever you
assist another character with a Task outside of combat, the character you
assisted gains 1 bonus Momentum if they succeed.

REQUIREMENT: Bolian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are happy to make suggestions for how to best execute a course of
action and quick to work as part of the team. Whenever you spend the
last Momentum in the group’s Momentum pool, roll 1 A when you transfer
initiative. If you roll an Effect, add 1 Momentum back into the group’s
Momentum pool.

REQUIREMENT: Bolian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You have learned the basics of economics and trade, possibly with a
connection to the Bank of Bolias. Increase the Difficulty of all rolls in a
Social Conflict made to persuade you by 2. This Difficulty increase is
removed as soon as a fair and equitable deal is offered.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
Humanoides cibernéticos do Quadrante Delta, os Borg têm
viajado pela Galáxia assimilando mais de 10.000 espécies
diferentes para adicionar à sua Coletividade. Não existe indi-
vidualidade dentro da Coletividade; cada zangão é ligado ao Um zangão tático Borg pode ser de qualquer uma das mi-
outro por uma mente coletiva e recebe uma nova designação lhares de espécies assimiladas pela Coletividade, mas todos
de acordo com seu lugar dentro do grupo. possuem as mesmas modi cações básicas, força aprimo-
rada, um campo de força pessoal, um transceptor que o
conecta à mente coletiva e um tubo de assimilação.

Este per l representa um Klingon assimilado, cujo tamanho

e força os torna idealmente apropriados a se tornarem zan-
gões táticos. isso pode ser ajustado para representar outras
espécies ao mudar o segundo Traço de espécie.

TRAÇOS: Borg, Klingon

ESTRESSE: 14 RESISTÊNCIA: 3 (Exoblindagem)

Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 3 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Não Letal)
Agravamento Tubos de Assimilação (Corporal, 5
Intenso, Tamanho 1M, Mortal, Debilitante)


Escudo Adaptativo: ver caixa lateral

Assimilação: ver caixa lateral
Imune a Medo
Imune a Dor
Máquina 3
Visão Noturna
Protocolos de Ameaça: ver caixa lateral

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

Quase idênticos aos outros zangões, o zangão técnico Borg Um zangão médico Borg é quase indistinguível dos outros
tem a função de assimilar e modi car qualquer tecnologia os membros da Coletividade, exceto que são equipados com
Borg desejem adicionar à Coletividade. dispositivos cirúrgicos capazes de fazer modi cações ciber-
néticas nos que eles assimilaram.
Este per l representa um Vulcano assimilado, cuja força e
composição neurológica os torna apropriados às atividades Este per l representa um Cardassiano, pois suas mentes
técnicas. Ele pode ser ajustado para representar outras ordeiras e memórias precisas os tornam apropriados para fun-
espécies ao mudar o segundo Traço de espécie. ções técnicas precisas. Ele pode ser ajustado para representar
outras espécies ao mudar o segundo Traço de espécie.
TRAÇOS: Borg, Vulcano
TRAÇOS: Borg, Cardassiano

ESTRESSE: 11 RESISTÊNCIA: 2 (Exoblindagem)

ESTRESSE: 11 RESISTÊNCIA: 2 (Exoblindagem)
Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 2 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M, ATAQUES:
Não Letal) Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 2 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Cortador de Plasma (Corporal, 5 Perfurante 3, Tamanho Não Letal)
1M, Mortal, Volumoso) Agravamento Tubos de Assimilação (Corporal, 4
Agravamento Tubos de Assimilação (Corporal, 4 Intenso, Tamanho 1M, Mortal, Debilitante)
Intenso, Tamanho 1M, Mortal, Debilitante)
REGRAS ESPECIAIS: Escudo Adaptativo: ver caixa lateral
Escudo Adaptativo: ver caixa lateral Assimilação: ver caixa lateral
Assimilação: ver caixa lateral Imune a Medo
Imune a Medo Imune a Dor
Imune a Dor Máquina 2
Máquina 2 Visão Noturna
Visão Noturna Reivindicação: Um zangão médico Borg pode tentar
Protocolos de Ameaça: ver caixa lateral uma Tarefa de Raciocínio + Medicina com Di culdade 0 em
um zangão Borg Ferido Adjacente. Caso seja bem-sucedido,
o zangão Ferido morre e suas partes são recuperadas. Qual-
quer Ímpeto gerado é adicionado diretamente à Ameaça.
Protocolos de Ameaça: ver caixa lateral

“Nós somos Borg. Abaixem seus escudos e rendam suas naves.

Nós adicionaremos suas distinções biológicas e tecnológicas às
nossas. Sua cultura se adaptará para nos servir. Resistir é inútil.”

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

Borg não é algo que uma pessoa nasce sendo, mas algo que Escudo Adaptativo: Sempre que um zangão Borg na cena
são forçados a se tornar — embora infantes e crianças assi- for Ferido por uma arma à distância baseada em energia
miladas pela Coletividade possam ter pouca ou nenhuma me- (como um feiser ou disruptor), jogue 1 para cada zangão
mória de qualquer outra vida. Os Borg mesclam biologia com Ferido por aquele tipo de arma. Se um Efeito for obtido,
tecnologia, e um zangão terá incontáveis implantes, resultado então todos os zangões Borg da cena se tornam imunes
de cirurgias invasivas e nanotecnologia agressiva. Até 2371, àquele tipo de arma à distância. Ataques corporais e de
apenas um único indivíduo foi removido da Coletividade Borg projéteis não são afetados por isso.
— Jean-Luc Picard, que havia sido capturado dias antes, o que
signi ca que seus implantes eram bem menos extensos do que Assimilação: Um personagem Ferido pelos Tubos de Assimi-
os que haviam sido assimilados há anos ou décadas. Todos os lação é injetado com nanossondas Borg, iniciando o processo
PdMs Borg são personagens de espécie mista — suas espécies de assimilação. esse processo é extremamente difícil de rever-
originais e sua nova realidade como parte da Coletividade. ter — caso o personagem morra devido aquele Ferimento, ele
se torna um novo zangão. Caso o Ferimento do personagem
ATRIBUTOS: Personagens Borg não recebem qualquer seja estabilizado, ele precisa adicionar um de Ameaça no
Atributo especí co, nem usam os de suas espécies começo de cada cena para não sucumbir às nanossondas, até
originais; em vez disso, eles incrementam quaisquer três que elas sejam removidas e seu Ferimento curado (uma Tarefa
Atributos em +1 cada. de Controle + Medicina com Di culdade 4).

TRAÇO: Borg. Borg são extremamente fortes e resilientes, Protocolos de Ameaça: Zangões Borg não atacarão ou
graças a sua siologia tecnologicamente aprimorada. tomarão qualquer outra ação tática ou hostil a menos que
Eles não têm autodeterminação e intuição, dependendo sejam atacados primeiro, ou ordenados a isso pela Coletivi-
de diretivas e protocolos da Coletividade, e a consciência dade. Durante qualquer cena, custa 1 de Ameaça para per-
coletiva de incontáveis outros zangões Borg. mitir que um zangão realize ataques/faça ações hostis pelo
restante desta cena; esse custo é suprimido para todos os
zangões presentes na cena (inclusive reforços que cheguem
durante a cena) se qualquer zangão for atacado.
PdMs Borg comumente usam as seguintes regras especiais.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -



Cybernetic humanoids from the Delta Quadrant, the Borg have

traveled the Galaxy assimilating over ten thousand di erent
species to add to their Collective. There is no individuality Borg is not something that a person is born to, but rather something
within the Collective; each drone is linked by a hive mind to that they are forced to become – though for infants and children
one another and given a new designation according to their assimilated by the Collective, they may have little or no memory of any
place within the group. The Borg Collective is described in other life. The Borg meld biology with technology, and a drone will have
greater detail in the Delta Quadrant Sourcebook. countless implants, the result of both invasive surgery and aggressive
nanotechnology. Borg NPCs are all mixed-species characters – their
original species, and their new reality as part of the Collective.

X Attributes: Borg characters do not receive any speci c attribute

increases, nor do they use those of their original species; instead,
A Borg tactical drone can be any one of the thousands of they increase any three attributes by 1.
species assimilated by the Collective, but all have the same
basic modi cations: enhanced strength, a personal force X Trait: Borg. Borg are extremely strong and resilient, owing to their
eld, a neural transceiver that connects to the hive mind, and technologically-enhanced physiology. They lack self-determination
an assimilation tubule. and intuition, relying on directives and protocols from the Collective,
and the gestalt consciousness of countless other Borg drones.
This pro le represents an assimilated Klingon, whose size
and strength make them ideally suited to becoming tactical COMMON BORG SPECIAL RULES
drones. It can be adjusted to represent other species by Borg NPCs commonly use the following special rules:
changing the second species trait (examples of other species
traits may be found on pages 349, 351, 353, and 355). X Adaptive Shielding: Each time a single Borg drone within a scene is
injured by an energy-based ranged weapon (such as a disruptor or
TRAITS: Borg, Klingon phaser), roll 1 for each drone injured by that type of weapon. If an
e ect is rolled, then all Borg drones in that scene become immune
to that type of ranged weapon. Melee attacks and projectiles are
una ected by this.Assimilation: A character injured by assimilation
CONTROL 08 FITNESS 09 PRESENCE 07 tubules has been injected with Borg nanoprobes, beginning the
process of assimilation. This process is extremely di cult to reverse
DARING 09 INSIGHT 07 REASON 08 – if the character dies from that injury, they become a nascent drone.
If the character’s injury is stabilized, they must add one to Threat at
the start of each scene in order to not succumb to the nanoprobes,
until they can have the nanoprobes removed and their injury healed (a
COMMAND – SECURITY 02 SCIENCE 01 Control + Medicine task with a Di culty of 4).

CONN 01 ENGINEERING 01 MEDICINE – X Threat Protocols: Borg drones will not attack or take any other
hostile or tactical actions unless attacked rst, or directed to do
STRESS: 11 RESISTANCE: 3 (Exoplating) so by the Collective. During any scene, it costs 1 Threat to allow a
drone to make attacks or take hostile action for the remainder of
ATTACKS: this scene; this cost is waived for all drones present in the scene
X Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 , Knockdown, Size 1H, Non-lethal) (including reinforcements arriving during the scene) if any drone is
X Escalation Assimilation Tubules (Melee, 5 , Intense, attacked.
Size 1H, Deadly, Debilitating)
X Adaptive Shielding (see Borg Characters sidebar)
X Assimilation (see Borg Characters sidebar)
X Immune to Fear A Borg medical drone is almost indistinguishable from other
X Immune to Pain members of the Collective except that they are equipped
X Machine 3 with surgical devices able to make cybernetic modi cations
X Night Vision to those they have assimilated.
X Threat Protocols (see Borg Characters sidebar)
This pro le represents an assimilated Cardassian, as their
orderly minds and retentive memories make them well-
suited to precise technical roles. It can be adjusted to
represent other species by changing the second species trait
(examples of other species traits may be found on pages
Almost identical to other drones, the Borg technical drone 349, 351, 353, and 355).
is tasked with the assimilation and modi cation of any
technology the Borg wishes to add to their Collective. TRAITS: Borg, Cardassian

This pro le represents an assimilated Vulcan, whose strength

and neurological makeup make them well-suited to technical
activities. It can be adjusted to represent other species by CONTROL 09 FITNESS 08 PRESENCE 07
changing the second species trait (examples of other species
traits may be found on pages 349, 351, 353, and 355).

TRAITS: Borg, Vulcan




STRESS: 9 RESISTANCE: 2 (Exoplating)

X Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 , Knockdown, Size 1H,
X Escalation Assimilation Tubules (Melee, 4 , Intense,
Size 1H, Deadly, Debilitating)


X Adaptive Shielding (see Borg Characters sidebar)
ATTACKS: X Assimilation (see Borg Characters sidebar)
X Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 , Knockdown, Size 1H, X Immune to Fear
Non-lethal) X Immune to Pain
X Plasma Cutter (Melee, 5 , Piercing 3, Size 1H, X Machine 2
Cumbersome, Deadly) X Night Vision
X Escalation Assimilation Tubules (Melee, 4 , Intense, X Reclamation: A Borg Medical Drone may attempt a
Size 1H, Deadly, Debilitating) Reason + Medicine task with a Di culty of 0 on an
Injured Borg drone within reach. If successful, the injured
SPECIAL RULES: drone dies, and its parts are reclaimed. Any Momentum
X Adaptive Shielding (see Borg Characters sidebar) generated is added directly to Threat.
X Assimilation (see Borg Characters sidebar) X Threat Protocols (see Borg Characters sidebar)
X Immune to Fear
X Immune to Pain
X Machine 2
X Night Vision
X Threat Protocols (see Borg Characters sidebar)
While there are numerous examples of such things elsewhere in Silverbloods is a term given to a deuterium-based life-form
the Galaxy, the Delta Quadrant is home to some truly unique and found on a Y-Class “demon” world. While not sentient on its
interesting species that either absorb, adopt, or assimilate others own, the material is mimetic in nature – and can duplicate
or mimic their characteristics. These evolutionary oddities, be they anything it touches at a molecular level. This duplication
technological, biological, or chemical, do not necessarily follow copies everything about its template: physical characteristics,
the same path and qualities that traditional humanoids do. In the biological processes, even memories. This essentially
late 2360s, it was discovered that a signi cant number of known provides it with an uplifted level of consciousness. The
humanoid species, at least in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, were life-form is also capable of duplicating inorganic constructs
seeded on their worlds by a precursor race of humanoids that as well, including entire starships. As with organics, this
existed billions of years before. Given these ancients’ capabilities, recreation duplicates everything with exceptional detail. This
it is fair to assume that they visited the other corners of the Galaxy also includes the limitations of the template. A duplicated
as well. As it is in Federation space, and the territories of the Human is essentially Human in every regard and will even
Federation’s neighbors, the Delta Quadrant appears to play host to register as Human to all but the most intensive medical
innumerable humanoid peoples. Much like the Gamma Quadrant, examinations. They require food, water, and air just like
however, the humanoids in this region of space appear more exotic any other Human. Unfortunately, the deuterium life-form is
than those with which the Federation is familiar. susceptible to things that purely biological species are not.
Some forms of technology or radiation, which would be
As many of these cultures and civilizations do not possess harmless to an organic, cellular-based species, can be fatal
unique species on their own, or adapt other species into their to Silverbloods.
society, the traditional species selection used during the Lifepath
Character Creation method may not be as e ective or appropriate Silverblood characters use the normal Lifepath creation
in representing them. To that end, it may be more appropriate to options, including the template species the Silverblood
simply add a Trait to the character to represent their a liation or is duplicating. The character then also gains the species
association with the culture, civilization, or species in question. Trait: Mimetic Doppelgänger. A mimetic doppelgänger is
essentially an exact copy of the individual that was touched
by a mimetic deuterium life-form, and is even capable of
sexual reproduction. This presents an interesting opportunity
for a Player Character as the individual may not be a copy of
another individual, but instead the rst generation of unique
A Disconnected Borg Drone is still Borg, having only been recently individuals composed of the mimetic material.
disconnected from the Collective. As such, these individuals still
possess all of the statistics and characteristics of Borg Drones – Silverbloods have no unique naming conventions and simply
which can be found in the Adversaries section of the Star Trek adopt the name of whatever individual they have copied.
Adventures core rulebook. While it is possible to make these Main
Characters, it is not recommended, as these individuals, such
as they are, continue to be Borg and their motivations and goals
remain those of the Collective. While there are exceptions, these
characters will usually make every attempt to reconnect to the hive
mind should the opportunity present itself. The Kobali are an interesting and unique species native to
the Delta Quadrant. Unlike other species, the Kobali do not
procreate or breed. Instead, the Kobali collect the corpses
of other species and use an advanced from of genetic
engineering to modify these deceased individuals, converting
them into Kobali – and bringing them back to life. Culturally,
Kobali are insular, though they are not openly hostile to those
they encounter.

Official version found in the Delta Quadrant Sourcebook

Freed or “liberated” Borg are not a true species, but members of another species—
such as Human, Klingon, or Romulan—who were assimilated but have regained
their individuality. They have been removed from the Borg Collective: the gestalt
consciousness of all Borg drones. Freed Borg typically have most of their cybernetic
implants laboriously removed, but some components are so integrated with their
bodies that removal would mean death. Similarly, many are missing organs or
limbs and are forced to make due with the Borg replacements. Freed Borg do
not have a society or culture of their own, but rather a shared trauma that unites
them with other freed Borg. Some still identify them as members of the species
they were prior to assimilation, especial if they try to rejoin that culture. Sadly,
many societies and people reject freed Borg, being unable to shake their fear of
the cybernetic beings. The vast majority of the trillions of Borg drones remain a
part of the Collective, but there are a few small groups of freed Borg who have
developed their own organizations or sub-cultures, such as the Independent
Nation of Borg, the Wardens, and the Borg resistance movement of Unimatrix

EXAMPLE VALUE: Resistance is Not Futile

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness,+1 Reason,and+1 to one Attribute from your pre-

assimilation species that receives a bonus (your choice).

TRAIT: Freed Borg, pre-assimilation species. Borg are extremely strong

and resilient due to their technologically-enhanced physiology. You partially
retain the augmented metabolism of a Borg drone, giving your biologic
systems increased efficiency. However, you may need to regenerate in an
alcove, like a Borg drone. While you have been removed from the Collective,
but may still share a mental connection with the Borg, receiving Borg signals
on a concious or unconcious level.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the traits of the species prior to
assimilation as well as the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Borg, or Gamemaster’s Permission
One of your limbs has a dangerous tool that can be used as a weapon,
perhaps including a circular saw, drill, or sharpened blade. You add the
Intense effect to your Unarmed Strike and it no longer has the non-lethal

REQUIREMENT: Borg, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Borg molecular machines remain in your bloodstream, healing your wounds
and curing your illnesses, but continually attempting to reactivate dormant
Borg implants. When you avoid an Injury by adding Threat, you also regain 3 Stress.

REQUIREMENT: Borg, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You have a multi-spectrum sensory array built into your body that you can use to scan
an area as if you were using a tricorder. Using this implant is a Control + Science Task with
a base Difficulty of 0. Success generates one bonus Momentum, which must be used on
the Obtain Information Momentum spend. The question asked must be related to the scan.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
All Liberated Borg are mixed-species characters, with
their additional species being whatever they were before
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY assimilation – they receive the Traits from both species. Thus,
The true power of the Borg comes from the nearly in nite they may use the attributes of either the Liberated Borg or
number of drones that have been assimilated into the their original species, and may select Talents from both their
collective, like slaves of ancient civilizations. Thousands upon original species and the Liberated Borg Talents below.
thousands of species have been forcibly pressed into service,
their individuality stripped away in the most horri c way EXAMPLE VALUE: What Does It Mean to be an Individual?
imaginable. For centuries, these poor souls had no hope of
escape, condemned to a life of servitude aboard Borg ships, ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason
installations, and planets. Worse, once fully brought into the
hive mind, they would seek out and visit the same fate upon TRAIT: Liberated Borg, Species. As they come from many
anyone and everyone unfortunate enough to cross their path. di erent species, Liberated Borg have little physically
in common with each other, save for the remnants of
However, in recent decades, more drones have been their former lives. Each still retains at least some of the
separated from the collective – either intentionally or by some cybernetic implants so common to Borg drones, as not all
twist of fate. Once removed from the grip of the cacophony the implants can be safely removed. The characteristics
of voices speaking as one, the identity of these lucky few can of their original species slowly begin to reassert their
begin to resurface, allowing them an opportunity to regain the in uence the longer the drone remains free of the
life that was taken from them. Liberated Borg, as they have collective. Borg are highly resistant to natural diseases
become known, are as di erent and distinct from each other and other ailments, but su er a slight weakness to direct
as any other individual member of a species. Some want electrical shocks and exotic radiation. Those who still
only to return to the simplicity of existence that the collective possess a signi cant number of Borg implants can even
o ers, and will work tirelessly to become one with the Borg survive hard vacuum and other harsh environments,
again. Others, invigorated by their release, embrace life with though they may still be susceptible to in uence from
exuberant abandon. Regardless of their response to their the collective, and failing implants can be hazardous to a
new-found freedom, all must contend with the di culties Liberated Borg’s health. In addition, while Liberated Borg
that their new life brings: rehabilitation, reintegration, and do not sleep conventionally, they require routine access to
reintroduction to life as a solitary individual. a Borg regeneration alcove.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Liberated Borg, or Gamemaster’s

The Borg have existed far longer than the Federation, Star eet, or permission.
even humanity’s ventures into space. However, for nearly all of that A Liberated Borg character must select this Talent during
time, they remained far beyond Federation space. Aside from a character creation. When this Talent is chosen, pick one,
single encounter in the mid-22nd century, and scattered second- two, or three Borg Implants (see sidebar). The character
hand accounts from diaspora groups like the El-Aurians, Star eet gains the bene ts of those implants, but the Di culty of
had no known contact with (or even real awareness of) the Borg Medicine Tasks performed on them increases by the number
Collective prior to the fateful encounter, precipitated by Q, with of implants they have. The character also increases the
the U.S.S. Enterprise-D near the J-25 system. At best, they were a Complication range of all social interaction Tasks by the
rumor or legend, though some, such as exobiologists Magnus and number of implants they have. An ordinary milestone may be
Erin Hansen, sought to discover the truth behind the legends. used to remove one implant at a time, not the whole Talent;
once all implants have been removed, this Talent can be
That said, as the Borg have existed for centuries, the Borg could swapped for another.
be a terrifying adversary for games set during the Enterprise or The
Original Series eras. Such encounters could, in theory, lead to the
capture of a Borg drone and subsequent introduction of a Liberated REQUIREMENT: Liberated Borg, or Gamemaster’s
Borg character into such games. The Next Generation Era-only permission.
restriction is intended to represent when this species becomes Having existed as an extension of one of the largest and most
readily available. complex computer networks in the known Galaxy, Liberated
Borg possess a natural a nity for computers and data
processing equipment of all kinds, and are almost organic
computers themselves. When the character attempts a Task
that involves, or is assisted by, a computer (including the
ship’s Computers system), the character gains a bonus d20
for their dice pool.

Borg drones do not possess names and instead are

assigned designations which represent their numerical
place within their assigned section. Due to the limitation of
their connectivity outside of a vinculum or other supporting
network, most drones are organized into groups of about
six. Because adjunct drones can increase this number
to ten or more, sections which include them have higher
numbers. These designations are neutral to gender and are
always given as “Number-of-Number.” Liberated Borg may
choose to retain their Borg designations – often because
they feel disassociated from their former cultures and
identities – or try to reclaim the names and lives they
used to live.

The Borg have perfected the integration of arti cial components

into biological frames. More than any other culture, the Borg are Provides the character with a built-in short-range subspace
as much machine as they are organic, and drones come with a communications device that cannot be removed without
staggering amount of cybernetics to improve their e ciency and surgery. If the character also has the Ocular Sensory
capability. Despite their appearance to the contrary, Borg drones Enhancer, the character can “see” data transmissions as well
have unique functions within the collective, and as such, the as the entire EM spectrum.
implants they are equipped with can vary considerably.

The character gains the Assimilation Tubules weapon (Melee,

Each time the character is Injured by an energy-based weapon, 5 Intense, Size 1H, Deadly, Debilitation).
roll 1 . If an E ect is rolled, the character becomes immune to
that type of weapon for the remainder of the scene.
The character gains the Assimilation Tubules weapon (Melee,
5 Intense, Size 1H, Deadly, Debilitation). The character also has
The character reduces the Di culty of any Fitness Task relating built-in medical equipment, equivalent to a medkit.
to fatigue and endurance by two.

The character gains the Assimilation Tubes weapon (Melee,

The character becomes resistant to diseases and poisons, 5 Intense, Size 1H, Deadly, Debilitation). The character also
reducing the Di culty of any Task related to overcoming their has built-in engineering equipment, equivalent to an
e ects by 1. engineer’s toolkit.

The character becomes Immune to Pain and Fear, gaining Grants the character Resistance 2.
+3 Resistance to non-lethal attacks and immunity to being
intimidated or threatened.
The character can scan the environment, like a tricorder, and
Tasks do not su er an increase in Di culty due to darkness.
Allows the character to interface directly with technology. When
the character gains assistance from a ship, they may reroll the
ship’s d20.

The true power of the Borg comes from the nearly in nite number of
drones that have been assimilated into the collective, like slaves of ancient
civilizations. Thousands upon thousands of species have been forcibly
pressed into service, their individuality stripped away in the most horri c
way imaginable. For centuries, these poor souls had no hope of escape,
condemned to a life of servitude aboard Borg ships, installations, and planets.
Worse, once fully brought into the hive mind, they would seek out and visit the
same fate upon anyone and everyone unfortunate enough to cross their path.

But in the last few decades, more and more drones have been separated from
the collective – either intentionally or by some twist of fate. Once removed
from the grip of the cacophony of voices speaking as one, the identity of
these lucky few can begin to resurface, and they have the opportunity to try
and regain the life that was taken from them. Liberated Borg, as they have
become known, are as di erent and distinct from each other as any other
individual member of a species. Some want only to return to the simplicity
of existence that the collective o ers, and will work tirelessly to become one
with the Borg again. Others, invigorated by their release, embrace life with
exuberant abandon. Regardless of their response to their new-found freedom,
all must contend with the di culties that their new life brings: rehabilitation,
reintegration, and reintroduction to life as a solitary individual.

The Borg have existed far longer than the Federation, Star eet, or even
humanity’s ventures into space. However, for nearly all of that time, they
remained far beyond Federation space. Aside from a single encounter in the
mid-22nd century, Star eet had no contact with (or even real awareness of) the
Borg Collective prior to the fateful encounter, precipitated by Q, with the U.S.S.
Enterprise-D near the J-25 system.

That said, as the Borg have existed for centuries, the Borg could be a terrifying
adversary for games set during the Enterprise or The Original Series eras.
Such encounters could, in theory, lead to the capture of a Borg drone and
subsequent introduction of a Liberated Borg character into such games. The
Next Generation Era-only restriction is intended to represent when this species
becomes readily available.

All Liberated Borg are mixed-species characters, with their additional species
being whatever they were before they were assimilated – they receive the Traits
from both species. Thus, they may use the attributes of either the Liberated
Borg or their original species, and may select Talents from both their original
species and the Liberated Borg Talents that follow.

EXAMPLE VALUE: What Does It Mean To Be An Individual?

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason
REQUIREMENT: Liberated Borg, or Gamemaster’s permission.
TRAIT: Liberated Borg, Species. As they come from Having existed as an extension of one of the largest and
so many di erent species, Liberated Borg have little most complex computer networks in the known Galaxy,
physically in common with each other. They retain some Liberated Borg possess a natural a nity for computers of all
of the cybernetic implants common to Borg drones, as not kinds. When the character attempts a Task that involves, or
all of theses can be safely removed. Their original traits is assisted by, a computer (including the ship’s Computers
slowly begin to reassert their in uence the longer the drone system), the character gains a bonus d20 for their dice pool.
remains free from the collective. Borg are highly resistant
to natural diseases, but are weak to electric shocks and
exotic radiation. Those with the right implants can survive REQUIREMENT: Liberated Borg, or Gamemaster’s permission.
vacuum and other harsh environments, though they may A Liberated Borg character must select this Talent during
still be susceptible to in uence from the collective, and character creation. When this Talent is chosen, pick one, two,
failing implants can be hazardous to a Liberated Borg’s or three Borg Implants (see sidebar). The character gains
health. The Liberated Borg do not sleep conventionally, the bene ts of those implants, but the Di culty of Medicine
requiring routine access to a Borg regeneration alcove. Tasks performed on them increases by the number of implants
they have, as does the Complication range of all their social
TALENTS: The character receives access to the following interaction Tasks. An ordinary milestone may be used to
talents: remove one implant at a time; once all implants have been
removed, this Talent can be swapped for another.

The Borg have perfected the integration of arti cial When the character gains assistance from a ship, they may
components into biological frames. More than any other reroll the ship’s d20.
culture, the Borg are as much machine as they are organic,
and drones come with a staggering amount of cybernetics to CORTICAL ARRAY (NEURAL SUBSPACE TRANSCEIVER)
improve their e ciency. Borg drones have unique functions Provides the character with a built-in short-range subspace
within the collective, and as such, the implants they are communications device that cannot be removed without
equipped with can vary considerably. surgery. If the character also has the Ocular Sensory Enhancer,
the character can “see” data transmissions as well as the
ADAPTIVE SHIELDING entire EM spectrum.
Each time the character is Injured by an energy-based
weapon, roll 1 . If an E ect is rolled, the character becomes CYBERNETIC ARM (TACTICAL)
immune to that type of weapon for the remainder of the scene. The character gains the Assimilation Tubules weapon (Melee,
5 , Intense, Size 1H, Deadly, Debilitation).
The character reduces the Di culty of any Fitness Task CYBERNETIC ARM (MEDICAL)
relating to fatigue and endurance by 2. The character gains the Assimilation Tubules weapon (Melee,
5 , Intense, Size 1H, Deadly, Debilitation). The character also
CORTICAL ARRAY (BIO-SYNTHETIC GLAND) has built-in medical equipment, equivalent to a medkit.
The character becomes resistant to diseases and poisons,
reducing the Di culty of any Task related to overcoming their CYBERNETIC ARM (ENGINEERING)
e ects by 1. The character gains Assimilation Tubes (Melee, 5 , Intense,
Size 1H, Deadly, Debilitation). The character also has built-in
CORTICAL ARRAY (CORTICAL NODE) engineering equipment, simile to an engineer’s toolkit.
The character becomes Immune to Pain and Fear, gaining
+3 Resistance to non-lethal attacks and immunity to being EXO-PLATING
intimidated. Grants the character Resistance 2.


Allows the character to interface directly with technology. The character can scan the environment, like a tricorder, and
Tasks do not su er an increase in Di culty due to darkness.


nce assimilated or manufactured by the borg collective, the Liberated Borg
(Former Borg, “xBs”) of Ohniaka III are individuals that have been recovered and
rehabilitated by the Reclamation Project. Spanning a myriad of sapient species,
xBs are identified by the augments and cybernetic implants that litter their bodies, an
inherent understanding and prowess with Borg technology, and body modifications the
individual might make during their Reclamation. Although all xBs share the inherent
trauma of once belonging to the Borg Hivemind, their paths into reclaiming their
personhood are what keep xBs united, and xBs can forge longstanding, meaningful
relationships with other characters and crewmembers.

Liberated Borg rehabilitated on Ohniaka III (or through the Reclamation Project) are
immersed in a fledgling society and culture made entirely of xBs. Established by the
xB enclave that made contact with the Enterprise in 2368, this small settlement made
themselves known to the Alpha Quadrant in 2378, and allied with the Federation in
the following year thanks to signing The Ohniakan Accords of 2379. Since the signing
of these Accords, xBs who were veterans of Borg-related conflicts and escapees of the
Collective rapidly immigrated to Ohniaka III’s rich and burgeoning culture, thanks to
galaxy-wide disdain against xBs for their previous lives as Borg. While there aren’t many
Ohniakan xBs in Starfleet yet, every individual brings with them unique technical skills,
a treasuring of their personhood, and determined ambition to see and experience as
much of individual life the Collective once kept from them.

EXAMPLE VALUES: Know Thyself || Individuality’s Needs,

Community’s Many || Resistance Is Not Futile

› ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, and +1 to one Attribute of player’s choice

from xB player’s base species (unless player was created by the Borg, then +1 Reason).

› TRAIT: xB. Due to their Borg-given enhancements, xBs possess strength greater
than an average humanoid, with the possibility of some specific limbs or body parts
being cybernetically reinforced or replaced. xBs are uniquely skilled in dealing with
situations or technology relating to the Borg, thanks to their once-shared Collective
consciousness. While xB bodily functions are altered by the Collective for adaptability,
the character might need to recharge in a regeneration alcove (even if sleep and/or
eating and drinking can be overall shirked), depending on the xB’s physicality.

› TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: xB, and Gamemaster’s Permission.
All xBs retain their assimilation tubules- located in one hand on the knuckles, wrists,
or distal joints of fingers. During the Reclamation process, these tubules are converted
to serve as emergency medical reparations to comrades, or can be used to uplink with
various technologies (or between fellow xBs) in a phenomenon called “Tethering.”
The medical dosage roll can be used twice in two separate occasions until the xB’s
next regeneration: on a loss the nanoprobes might only restore +1 Stress (with critical
failures possibly adding Stress), on a hit the nanoprobes restore +4 Stress, and success-
level rolls may completely remove an injury. Connections to technology may vary on the
success of an Insight roll, GM discretion, or Complications from a Task. Be warned: some
technologies may have programs that could harm the player, other characters might
not want the player connected to them in such a way, and medical dosage Tetherings to
other non-xB characters might lead to Null Assimilations (if the Tethering lasts too long).

REQUIREMENT: xB, or Gamemaster’s Permission.
As an xB, the player possesses cranial augments that can store programs in their
matrices, allow for heightened senses regarding the immediate area, abilities to scan
and record subjects, or even be able to sense the nearby presence of the Borg Hivemind.
Depending on a Science roll’s results, the player may ask a specific question of the GM:
on a success-level roll the GM will directly answer the question (and possibly be asked
another), a hit will vaguely answer the question, and on a loss the question will be
ignored (or the Collective might look back and start to add Stress on the player).

TOS and TNG eras

Golems are android bodies, inhabited by a mind copied from a (previously)

living being. Examples are known using Exo III, Soong-type, and
Coppelius Androids, though other variations may be possible. Often, the
living mind’s factual memories can be correctly saved in the new body, but
emotions and deep personality traits prove impossible to recreate.

Example Value: Not a computer.

Golem characters can be created, with the GM’s permission, as mixed

heritage characters, combining any one android species with the original
species of the formerly living character. The android side is always the
primary species, and mental and psychological limitations imposed by the
android body always take precedence over any Traits and Talents that
come from the former living mind.

TNG era only

The xB’s (ex-Borg) are a highly varied group, drawn

from species of all quadrants of the galaxy. Before the
2380s, most Liberated Borg were freed individually or
in small groups, forcing them to adapt to whichever
non-Borg society they happened to be freed by. The
Romulan seizure of the Artifact led to something very
different: Borg freed by the thousands, almost in
production-line fashion, by dedicated teams of expert
surgeons, technicians, and counsellors. These ex-
Borg, confined together on the Artifact for years, with
nobody to interact with except each other, a few
scientists and their Romulan guards, inevitably
formed their own close society. The future of this relatively small society is unclear. Most of them can’t
reproduce together, or at all. Those few who do reproduce will not be adding to the xB’s, but to ordinary
organic populations. After a single generation, the xB population may be gone. But they have the potential to
significantly change the course of history while they are still together.

Example Value: Victim, not monster.

Use the rules for Liberated Borg (Delta Quadrant, 64-65).

skill picks. After choosing a package and Homeworld
picking skills, Arkenites can add +2 skill Bosala II, an M-class world on the edge of the
levels to any one skill, or +1 to two skills. Cardassian Union.
Picks History and Culture
7 ([-10] -2 Agility, [+10] +2 Perception, [+2] Skill Boslic society is comparable in age to that of
Focus (Keen Hearing), [+2] Magnetic Sense, humans. They have had two distinct eras: pre-Fall
[-1] Poor Sight, [+4] Skilled). and Reconstruction. The pre-Fall era, ending
ST IV: The Voyage Home roughly 2000 years ago, saw Bosala rise to a level
of industrialization comparable to pre-World War
III Earth. A collapse of civilization followed a global
war that nearly destroyed the ecosphere. The
Reconstruction era saw a rapid recovery of
technology and an interest in space travel.
The Boslics were contacted by Ferengi traders in
the 22nd century and quickly rose to a stellar-level
society. They have warred with both the Ferengi
and Cardassians – intermittently with the Ferengi
over trade disputes, and once with the Cardassians
who sought to conquer them, but were stretched
too thin in their war with the Federation.
Boslics are capitalists and individualists who
view freedom and civilization as intrinsically
connected to personal property.

Language and Names

Boslic and Ferengi.

Favored Profession
Merchant or Rogue.

Species Adjustments
+1 Presence. Most Boslic cultivate their social
skills because it’s good for business.

BOSLICS Species Abilities

• Enlightened Self-Interest: Boslics believe in
the idea of enlightened self-interest almost to
the point of religion. As a result they gain +1
Personality Savvy, as well as a +1 bonus to Inquire,
Boslics are a species of traders and explorers. Enterprise (Business), and Enterprise (Street-
Though sometimes curious, their temperament usu- wise) tests.
ally tends toward the mercantile. They are often • Skilled: Boslics seem to have a broad range
greedy or deceitful. of experiences which they can draw upon.
During the personal development step when
Physiology and Appearance creating the character’s background (see PG,
Ch.5: Development), Boslics gain extra skill
Boslics are thought to be a “Preserver” species.
picks. After choosing a package and picking
They are similar in structure and size to most
skills, Boslics can add +2 skill levels to any
humanoids. The main differences are a strong brow
one skill, or +1 to two skills.
ridge that runs back to just above the ears, and an
indented ridge in the forehead area. Their skin tone
is mostly similar to that of human caucasians, but
hair can range across the spectrum. They reproduce 13 ([+9] Enlightened Self-Interest, [+4] Skilled).
sexually in the same fashion as most humanoids. DS9 “Broken Link”


Boslics are a non-aligned spacefaring species from the planet Cort. They often serve
aboard freighters or captain them, but sometimes they also act as smugglers or even
more disreputable professions such as slave-traders. A few have joined Starfleet.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Delays are Unacceptable.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Boslic. There are two different Boslic morphologies. One has smooth
foreheads and angled brows that meet at the top of the nose. The other has ridged
foreheads, wrinkled noses, and prominent cheekbones.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents.

You mistrust others, but it is a healthy mistrust that’s an instinct has saved you time
and time again. When someone initiates an Opposed Social Task against you, you may
re-roll your dice pool.

You are an expert in getting away. When using the Sprint Task, you reduce the
Momentum cost for additional zones of movement by one, to a minimum of zero.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

Boslics are a non-aligned spacefaring species from the planet Cort. They
often serve aboard freighters or captain them, but sometimes they also act
as smugglers or even more disreputable professions such as slave-traders.
A few have joined Star eet. The Boslics were warp capable as early as the
2150s, trading with the Orions and participating in their slave auctions.
The Romulans conquered the Boslics in the 23rd century and occupied their
homeworld Cort for ten years before the Boslics could force them out.
Today, several Boslics captain and work on freighters, some more shady
than others. Some operate ships out of Deep Space 9 and also travel to the
Cardassia system and the Gamma Quadrant.
While some may nd them shady or dogged, Boslic actually take
great pride in their work. They maintain the reputation that no
cargo ever gets lost and that schedules are always kept. They
also have a talent for getting past burdensome security
measures, just don’t ask how they do it.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Better Do Things Fast Than Save

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Boslic. Boslics have smooth foreheads and angled

brows that meet at the top of the nose. Hair colors vary from
brown to purple. They are natural hagglers and merchants,
seeing pro t in nearly any venture. Even if they seem
focused on a particular task, they still keep at least one eye
open to observe what is going on around them.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Faceted Attention (HAliian)

Glorious Notoriety (Dosi)
It wasn’t Me (Orion)
Feminine Names: Ellec, Dionec, Rionoj
Masculine Names: Jaheel, Narik, Raheek
Gender-Neutral Names: Bintaka, Tilikia, Xintal
Family Names: Krotine, Linojj, Notij

TRAITS: Breen. This Trait may reduce TRAITS: Russth Gorn or Ssessekh Gorn. Gorn are large and powerfully-built,
the Di culty of Tasks to resist extreme even more so than other mighty species such as Klingons or Nausicaans. They
temperatures (as long as the Breen is in their are many times stronger than a Human, and resilient enough to ignore massive
suit) or Tasks impacted by extremely low or blunt force trauma or even short periods in hard vacuum. However, Gorn are not
high temperatures. Any Stress removed from especially agile or fast. Gorn are ectothermic – cold-blooded – with their body
a Breen character, because of attack damage, temperature varying by external factors, and thus favor warm environments
is halved (rounding up) – re ecting the Breen where they can be most active and e ective. Russth Gorn are the smaller of the
extremely resilient nature. They are also immune two Gorn species and are less commonly known outside Gorn space.
to empaths and telepaths, feeling very little to
nothing compared to other humanoid races.
Breen believe themselves ultimately superior to TRAITS: Nausicaan. Nausicaans are a tall, very strong species hailing from
all other creatures. They take what they want Nausicaa. They are generally stronger than an average Human, though often
and always take prisoners – why would they somewhat less intelligent, preferring brute force over nesse and direct
waste a valuable resource when prisoners can methods as opposed to subtlety. They have little patience for organized forms
be sold for credits to the highest bidder? of government, though they will tolerate following a captain for as long as that
captain earns their capricious loyalty. Nausicaans are somewhat resistant to
pain and injury, and almost never back down from a challenge, especially when
TRAITS: Ferengi. Ferengi possess acute it involves games that carry the potential for serious bodily harm to themselves
hearing far beyond that of other humanoid or their opponents.
races and are able to hear both higher and
lower frequencies. This allows them to hear
things that others cannot but also means that TRAITS: Tzenkethi. This Trait may reduce the Di culty of Tasks requiring
they experience severe pain at intense sound (extreme) exibility. When not in combat or stressful situations, they naturally
and any physical trauma to their enlarged ears. regenerate at extremely fast speeds as long as they have at least 1 Stress.
They also possess hardy immune systems, Tzenkethi are singularly focused on excellence and moving up the Echelons,
rendering them immune to many common therefore they will do anything they can in order to complete the task ahead of
diseases. However, their small stature makes them and succeed, even if this means dying in the process. Other Tzenkethi
them ill-suited for intense or prolonged physical authority gures are holy to them and they would never go against direct orders.
exertion and many consider them weak. To Due to a history of dealing with alien invaders the Tzenkethi are extremely
add to this, Ferengi try to avoid hard labor and mistrustful of aliens and believe they are without morals.
direct confrontation, leading to a reputation
for cowardice. The structure of Ferengi brains
renders them immune to telepathy.

where a lone Star eet vessel is placed a signi cant distance

The Player Characters are assigned to a remote stretch of from the Federation, and largely left to themselves to explore
the Federation border within the Alpha Quadrant, far from and survive.
well-known space lanes and weeks away from a Star eet
starbase or reliable network of communication relays. The Perhaps the Players nd themselves in the middle of a war
captain and the crew are e ectively the only Federation between two or more opposing species, and are forced to
representatives in this region of space, and the species take sides when some of their crew members are captured
they interact with will only know them and their actions as and used as bargaining chips. The Player Characters might
representing the Federation’s policies and ideals. end up rescuing the mortal enemy of another species and
discover they have leverage of their own to play with. Do
A mission or campaign in this remote region of space could the Player Character hold to their Star eet and Federation
take any number of directions, ideally in uenced and shaped values, or do they allow themselves to be in uenced by the
by the actions the Players take (or don’t take). In this respect, actions of the newly-encountered species?
this adventure seed is similar in tone to Star Trek: Voyager,

Few powers in the Alpha Quadrant are as secretive and reclusive as the Breen.
Shrouded in mystery, even the true appearance of the Breen is unknown,
and it is rumoured that no one has seen what they look like beneath their
sealed environment suits and lived. It’s believed these refrigerating suits are
necessary as the Breen hail from a frigid homeworld, but the truth of this is
unknown. The Breen have always displayed hostility towards other species
and powers, and had a well earned reputation as one of the most warlike
species in known space. Breen mercenaries rivalled Nausicaans and
Klingons in toughness, but were more reliable and loyal... so long as they
were paid. While the Breen responded harshly to any infringement of
their territory, they declined to respect others’ borders: Breen privateers
freely operated in neighbouring territories, indiscriminately capturing
foreign vessels and using the crew as forced labour. Small bands of Breen
marauders have been known to travel to such distant reaches as the far
side of Romulan and Klingon territory. Despite their bellicose nature, until
the mid-2370s the Breen remained content with their empire’s current
borders. This changed 2375 when the Breen allied with the Dominion,
demonstrating expansionist desire and a willingness to openly engage
the Federation.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Never Give out All the Information

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Fitness

TRAIT: Breen. Hailing from a planet with a surface temperature far

below the freezing point of water, Breen are adapted to the severe cold.
They lack a liquid circulatory system and do not bleed. This absence of
blood also renders Breen immune to most injected toxins. They cannot survive
in an environment above 0 degrees Celsius, which causes their skin to boil.
Because of their incompatible physiology, their minds cannot be read by
Betzoid or Vulcan telepathy.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Breen, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are surprisingly hard to knock unconscious and kill. When you spend
your Determination to ignore the effects of an injury, you also regain your
ability to Avoid an Injury.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
Brekkian & Ornaran
The Brekkians and Ornarans are humanoid species native to the planets
Brekka and Ornara, respectively, located in the Delos system. The Ornarans
were a relatively technologically advanced civilization until a plague crippled
their society in the 22nd century. It was found to be mitigated with the
medication felicium from the planet Brekka, which was later found to
have powerfully addictive narcotic e ects, with the result that all
Ornarans had become addicted to the drug. The Brekkians
exploited the situation, selling felicium to the Ornarans, while
concealing from them the fact that the drug was no longer
needed to control the plague.
Generations of drug addiction on Ornara resulted in loss of
intelligence and technical knowledge, and by 2364, the
Ornarans no longer had the ability to maintain their
interplanetary freighters that they needed to transport felicium
from Brekka to Ornara. Since the Federation declined to render
aid, citing Prime Directive considerations, both the Brekkians
the Ornarans were forced to reevaluate their symbiotic (or
parasitic) relationship. Since the 2370s, both civilizations
operate their own interstellar vessels. While many Ornarans
seek outside treatment for their addiction and the civilization is
in the process to recover, the drug trade from Brekka continues
to be a lucrative endeavor.
EXAMPLE VALUE: We Are Dependent On Each Other

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Brekkian/Ornaran. Both the Brekkians and Ornarans

are humanoid in appearance, only distinguished by ridges
on their nose. Both posses the natural ability to generate
electrical discharges with their bodies, possibly due to the
unusually strong magnetic eld of their sun. It could have a
mild e ect of inducing a stasis in another humanoid, or it
could kill.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Above the Clouds (Ardanan) Ornaran

Brekkian only.

Bioelectrical Discharge (Original: Toxic Claws) (Rigellian Chelon)

Instead of having claws, you can produce an electrical discharge with your
hand (same statistics). You may use the Fitness instead of Daring and
Medicine instead of Security when attacking and you may spend 1
Momentum (immediate) to ignore the nonlethal quality.

Last Breath (Tosk)

Ornaran only.

Feminine Names: Langor, Nangam, Pragor (Brekkian), Jalan, T’Maran,
Zonti (Ornaran)
Masculine Names: Asemi, Hibon, Sobi (Brekkian), Margan, Romas, T’Jon

As introduced in the Star Trek 'New Frontier' and 'Starfleet Academy' series of books with the
character of Zak Kebron. The work here is an amalgamation of information and images found
on Kurt Danhausers New Frontier encyclopaedia web pages and an adjustment of the Brikar
species template by Alan Shock and previewed on the Trekrpg website, bringing the species
more in line with the beings as I see them.

Brikarians. The Brikarians are a technologically sophisticated, roughly humanoid civilisation

from the low- gravity world of Brikar. They are a proud, warrior race and are members of the
Federation. Though not unemotional actually, the Brikar have a renowned stoicism and a
chauvinism that is equally famous. The Brikar have traditionally harboured a dislike for
Klingons stemming from intense border disputes that occurred before the Klingon Federation
Alliance of 2293. In 2358, the Brikar attempted to form an alliance of races hostile to the
Federation and made a bid to take over the Federation. The few skirmishes that were fought
over a number of weeks were later called the Brikar-Federation War.

Physically Brikarians are bipedal, roughly humanoid beings possessed of very tough hides and
dense physiques making them appear like living rock statues. Unlike most other species that
come from low-gravity worlds, the Brikar are immensely strong and heavy. Other low-gravity
species such as the Elasians are lithe, relatively frail beings who can hardly stand in gravity's
such as Earth normal. Yet the Brikar are powerfully built and quite dense. This apparent
disparity lends credence to the common belief that the Brikar have genetically altered their
physical make-up over the centuries, and have in effect bred themselves for physical strength.
In the relatively higher Earth gravity, Brikarians appear more flattened vertically than on their
home-world, and they experience some difficulty in moving. However, they retain their
incredible strength. The average Brikarian is capable of lifting several tons, even in Earth
gravity. Although fairly rigid in physique Brikarians can be capable of unexpected quickness.
They have large lung capacities, slow metabolisms and airtight mouths, allowing them to hold
their breath for 20 minutes at a stretch. They have the well- deserved reputation for being hard
to scare, owing to their size, strength, and tough hides which can withstand phaser blasts that
would kill ten humans. In appearance, Brikarians have chiselled features and the surface of
their bodies are covered in facets like rough crystals. They have small all-black eyes, two
vertical slits for a nose, a simple slit for a mouth, and have two small circular ear holes on
either side of their proportionally small and compact heads. They have three-fingered hands
featuring two fingers in a V-shape and an opposable thumb.

Fitness 4 [6]
Strength +1
Vitality +1
Co-ordination 2 [4]
Intellect 2 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Empathy -1
Psi 0 [5]

Culture (Brikar) 2 (3)
History (Brikar) 1 (2)
Brikar 2
Unarmed Combat (Wrestling) 2 (3)
World Knowledge (Brikar homeworld) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
High Pain Threshold +2,
Toughness +2,
Medical Problem: Gravity Intolerance -2,
Rapid Healing +1
Treatment: Gravity Harness +2.

Gravity Compensation Harness. A small device worn over the Zak Kebrons uniform that
allows him to function within normal gravity conditions. Created by Lt. Robin Lefler,
specifically for Lt. Kebron although a similar device would be easy to construct. If the harness
breaks down however the wearer is left floundering unable to move in a strong gravity field. It
should be noted that this device would be able to work in reverse lessening the inherent
strength and speed of individuals from a higher gravity world or increasing the strength of
standard gravity dwellers, as long as their internal bone structure would be able to withstand
the enhanced strength.

Based around the character of Zak Kebron from the 'New Frontier' series of novels. And using
information found on Kurt Danhauser's New Frontier web pages.

Submitted by Dan Gurden

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
The Brunali are an agricultural species whose homeworld lies at the mouth
of a Borg transwarp conduit in the Delta Quadrant. Once an advanced
spacefaring civilization, frequent and devastating attacks by the Borg
Collective left the planet in ruins, leaving only a few enclaves scattered in
the northern continent with populations of less than ten thousand. In order
to prevent further Borg attacks, the surviving Brunali returned to a low-tech
state – any technology they did use was kept hidden in the hope that any
passing Borg starships would not be interested and simply pass by.
The Brunali are skilled in genetics, and use this as a tool against the Borg.
They genetically engineer children with anti-Borg pathogens, and send them
in small ships towards the Borg transwarp conduit in the hopes that any
passing Borg vessel assimilates the children and spreads the virus
throughout the cube, destroying all the drones on board.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Strike Where They Least Expect It

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Brunali. The Brunali are physically similar to many

other humanoids, though the greatest distinction was the
facial ridge that bisected the forehead.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Agricultural Specialist (Skreeaa)

Genetic Mastery (Drai)
Survivor’s Luck (Tosk)
Feminine Names: Ellec, Dionec, Rionoj
Masculine Names: Jaheel, Narik, Raheek
Gender-Neutral Names: Bintaka, Tilikia, Xintal
Family Names: Krotine, Linojj, Noti


Bynars are native to the planet Bynaus, in the Beta Magellan system. Shorter than Humans,
Bynars have lilac-coloured skin, enlarged skulls, and asymmetrical ears. Their defining
characteristic is that the entire Bynar race is cyborgs connected to their master computer
on their homeworld, allowing them to near-instantaneously share information.
Bynars work and live in pairs, being genetically bonded to another for life. Pairs
of Bynars communicate using complex binary code. When they do speak
other languages, they alternate phrases and finishing each other’s sentences.
If one of the pair dies, it’s traditional for the survivor to return to Bynaus to be
paired with a new Bynar. Bynar that choose not to return are seen to have
rejected Bynar society and have their personal identification code removed
from the computer network. The Bynars’ constant exposure to computers
makes them quick to learn new operating systems and programs, and
their ability to recall data and process new information makes them
highly valued to organizations such as the Starfleet Corps of Engineers
and the Daystrom Institute. Bynars have practiced their cybernetic
augmentation for centuries: as early as the 2150s they began
replacing the parietal lobes of newborns with a synaptic processor.
Bynar workers and security forces once employed supplementary
physical augmentations, but these have become rare since Bynaus
allied with the Federation. Initially, Bynars seldom traveled far from their
homeworld, as the range of their network was limited. By the late 2200s,
subspace communication had improved enough that they could travel
throughout much of the Federation.

EXAMPLE VALUE: There Are Only Every Two Choices

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Bynar. Despite their small size, Bynars are physical robust and
durable. Their augmentations allow them to communicate
instantaneously with their twin while in the same system, sharing all
sensory input. However, they are vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses,
which can disable or destroy their implants, leaving them disoriented or
even disabled.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Bynar, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are connected to either the Bynar master system or your ship’s
mainframe. Provided the computer is in communication range and there
is no interference, that computer can assist you on Tasks where its
Communication, Computer, or Sensor Systems would apply to the Task.

You are genetically paired to another Bynar on the crew. This Bynar is a support character
that does not count against your Crew Support for the mission. Once per scene, you can
use their Disciplines on a Reason or Insight roll in place of your own.

Your genetic pair is dead or is otherwise unavailable, and can’t be replaced during your
current mission or deployment. Mentally alone, you are compulsively driven to aid others.
When you assist another character with a Task, one d20 related to that Task can be re-

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
Bzzit Khaht are an intelligent amphibious species from the planet Althos IV. They require daily
soaking to avoid painful skin problems, and their skin membranes emit an odour which most
other species find offensive.

Bzzit Khaht are a communal species and often have problems with the concepts of leadership
and hierarchical organisation.

Fitness 2 [5]
Intellect 2 [5]
Perception +1
Coordination 1 [5]
Presence 1 [5]
Empathy +1
Psi 1 [5]

Athletics (Swimming) 2 (3)
Culture (Bzzit Khaht) 2 (3)
History (Bzzit Khaht) 1 (2)
Language (Bzzit Khaht) 2
Life Sciences (Ecology) 1 (2)
Receptive Empathy 1
World Knowledge (Althos IV) 1 (2)

Typical Traits
Excellent Chemoreception +2, Excellent Hearing +2, Synergy +3, Medical Problem (Skin
requires soaking daily) -2, Medical Problem (Offensive smell) -1

Bzzit Khaht appeared in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home in the Federation Council Chamber.
This writeup is a conversion of the FASA statistics published in the Star Trek IV Sourcebook.

Submitted by Owen E. Oulton

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
Language and Names
Hhod. Bzzit Khaht names are strange
combinations of sounds that are frequently difficult
for other species to pronounce. They often take
nicknames from the societies around them.

Favored Profession
Diplomat. Bzzit Khaht are most comfortable in
some form of liaison work.

Species Adjustments
+1 Perception.

Species Abilities
• Bonus Edge: Coordinator: Bzzit Khaht work
well in groups.

• Power Jumper: Bzzit Khaht leg structure
allows for powerful jumps. Double the range
for jumping.
• Synergy: Bzzit Khaht receive a +1 bonus on
combined tests.
Bzzit Khaht are a communal species that have a Picks
hard time adjusting to hierarchical structures. They
12 ([+5] +1 Perception, [+2] Coordinator, [+3]
work well in groups where all are equal and
Power Jumper, [+2] Synergy).
leadership is more amorphous.
ST IV: The Voyage Home
Physiology and Appearance
An amphibious species, the Bzzit Khaht have a
heavy pelvic area and powerful legs that allow
them to jump impressive distances in normal or low
gravity. They have acute eyesight and the feelers
around their mouths can pick up changes in air
pressure and movement with incredible accuracy.
They must use special lotion on their skin to keep
from drying out when not in damp conditions or in
fresh water. They emit a protective scent that most Personality
species find mildly offensive. Long regarded as myth, Chameloids are a species
of shapeshifters. They are an alert, suspicious, and
Homeworld manipulative race – a result of heavy competition
Athos IV, a rainy and cool world with heavy for survival on their homeworld. They change
tectonic activity. Bzzitian cities are constructed in shape to protect themselves, not for pleasure, like
marshlands and along lake areas. the Founders of the Dominion.

History and Culture Physiology and Appearance

Amphibious foragers, the Bzzit Khaht are not A Chameloid’s true form is that of a hairless,
predators or scavengers like most humanoids. They pasty-looking humanoid with yellowish skin,
develop communal social structures and work averaging two meters in height. They developed in
together in ways that seem inefficient to most. a very competitive environment, requiring them to
These creatures simply ‘know’ that they have a goal take on excellent camouflage. They have limits to
and how best to get to it. They reject hierarchical their shapeshifting abilities – they can change
governing bodies. As a result, their culture has height only by a meter or so, and their mass does
developed advanced science, but few ways to not change. Their internal organs also remain
exploit it. Their entry into the Federation was held intact, their eyes remain a bright yellow. They can
up due to the inability of negotiators to find only mimic the appearance of something they have
someone who could make treaties and decisions. observed.

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME early development. The concept of harmful struggle
SPECIES PROFILE between Cairn had never even occurred to them.

Fourteen hundred years ago, however, a deranged

individual introduced images into society so horrible that
SPECIES NAME: CAIRN the act of receiving them was as traumatic to brain tissue as
a brutal physical beating. The ensuing wars burned
themselves out when the entire population of the planet was
VISUAL REPRESENTATION reduced to a few thousand individuals. An innovator
developed mental disciplines to protect the mind from
harmful images, whether they came from another person or
from the darkest corners of one's own subconscious. They
even learned to heal those already affected by the
disturbing images.

Cairn culture returned to progress. The population grew.

Rapid technological progress resumed. A thousand years
ago, the Cairn developed warp drive technology and began
to explore the stars. When they encountered other sentient
species, however, they were unable to communicate with
them. Invariably, these other races spoke through sounds
instead of mental images. They recorded their thoughts with
strange squiggles, rather than simply remembering them.
And Cairn vessels suffered attacks on more than one
occasion. Deciding they were truly alone in the universe,
the Cairn packed up their starships and retired to their
isolated, sparsely populated world to pronounce space
exploration a momentarily interesting, but ultimately futile,
dead end.

In 2365, the USS Okinawa initiated first contact with the

Cairn, with the help of two telepathic officers, a Betazoid
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS and a Vulcan. Intermittent and frustrating contacts
+1 Perception (+2 to normal starting PSI score) continued for five years; nonetheless, the Cairn applied for
Federation membership in 2370. It was granted shortly
thereafter, leaving the Cairn and Federation with the difficult
challenge of integrating their means of communication to
Physiologically, Cairn are unremarkable humanoids. allow each side to reap the maximum benefits from their
Bony protrusions on both temples house their larger- relationship. The Cairn use a MIC, a Mental Image
than-average brains, which contain large areas for Communicator. A rudimentary holo-emitter instantaneously
storing and transmitting visual images. projects the image sent by the user into the air about three
feet away, as if there were an invisible viewscreen, two feet
Psychologically, Cairn differ significantly from most high and two and a half feet long, hanging in midair. The
humanoids. Because they don't use language, they image is two-dimensional, but can be viewed from either
don't think in abstractions. The phrases "To be or not side. The holo-emitter supports only limited image
to be, that is the question" or "We hold these truths to movement. The MIC also takes spoken and written
be self-evident" simply wouldn't occur to a Cairn. expressions and translates them into images displayed on a
Without the ability to communicate abstract concepts, one-inch-square viewscreen for the Cairn user.
they don't understand philosophy, theology, or a host
of other -ologies. If you can't see it, experience it, or Cairn society is young and vital, hungry for knowledge and
remember it, it might as well not exist. Cairn like to act development. They value innovation over all. All young
quickly and to seize on new ideas. They have excellent Cairn are brought up with the desire to add their own
memories. deathless images to the collective memory of their people.
Although eager to take part in the interchange of ideas,
CULTURE goods, and technologies that comes with Federation
Although Cairn do not maintain a written history - or membership, the Cairn are used to being isolated. They
use any kind of writing at all for that matter - their remain leery about contact with outsiders, and many folks
collective memories are long and accurate. They can are prepared to be disappointed; a few worry about another
correctly state that they were non-sentient forest- disaster like the Viral Image Wars.
crawling apes a mere two thousand years ago. (The
comparable development in the human species took LANGUAGES
hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years.) The The Cairn are only able to communicate through the use of
Cairns' telepathic access to one another's minds not their telepathic ability and the projection of images. This is
only allowed good ideas to spread almost as close to a language as these people have.
instantaneously through the planet's entire
population, but also protected them from the violence The very few Cairn who have learned to speak using
and warfare that typically accompanies a civilization's prosthetic voice boxes speak Federation Standard; as that
is the language they were taught in and that is the Officers, while NPCs will tend towards Explorers, and
language the voice-boxes are programmed to Diplomats.
reproduce by default.
Cairn have a single name – no family name. And male The Cairn are a very perceptive people and observe things
and female names can often sound alike. This is around them in their own unique way. But, one a Cairn has
because the Cairn really do not care how their names formed a mental image of something they can communicate
sound as much as how they look – that is how the this information on a level far more detailed than simple
projected imagery with which each Cairn identifies verbal communication.
himself to other Cairn looks.
Cairn receive a +1 species bonus to their Perception scores.
Maques is one example of a male Cairn name, and
Hedril an example of a female. They also have several traits individual to their species:

HOMEWORLD Psionic: The Cairn are some of the most powerful telepaths
ever encountered by the Federation. While most Psions
The Cairn live on the world they call Vair; a mysterious
begin with a starting level of 4 for their PSI attribute, a Cairn
worl of endless forsts and woodlands, Vair is the
begins at a level of 6. Cairn can advance their Psionic
fourth planet in the Visium system.
attribute as a Favored Attribute. And their PSI score can
reach as high as 14.
None of Visium's other planets can support humanoid
life. Vairite animal life evolved psi powers early in its
Mental Imagery: Due to their advanced form of Telepathy,
evolution. Even Vair's plankton is capable of reacting
the Cairn do not project words with their minds, they
with the mental energy of organisms around it in a
communicate in mental images. All Cairn begin with a level
rudimentary way.
of 6 in the Telepathy skill, with a Mental Imagery specialty.
And they may advance this one Psionic skill as a
Only a tiny minority of Vairite species learned to
Professional Skill. This may seem unusually high, but this
communicate through sound. Instead of the calls and
skill is as basic to a Cairn as speech is to most humanoids.
cries typical of most planets' fauna, Vairite animals
When a Cairn child projects his first images it is the
send simple, mental messages to one another when
equivalent of a human baby speaking his first word.
they wish to mate, warn of approaching danger, or
signal the location of food. Vairite forests overwhelm
The Cairn can only project their images to other Cairn and
visitors with their eerie silence.
other Telepaths skilled in Receptive Telepathy. Any non-
Cairn attempting to understand a Cairn image does so with
The Cairn evolved from these silent, psi-active
a -4 penalty to their Psionic skill roll.
animals. Where sapient species of other planets took
their first steps toward intelligence when their hominid
forebears developed spoken language, stimulating the CAIRN PSIONIC SKILLS
enlargement of their brains, the proto-Cairn developed
their minds when they became the first animals to The Carin can learn Psionic skills from among the
mentally transmit complex images instead of simply full range of those available. However, they can only
instinctual cues. advance their Telepathy skill as a Professional Skill.
All other Psionic skills are advanced as non-
Staggering quantities of brainpower were required to Professional skills, at a cost of 2 advancement picks
summon up and receive detailed images. The Cairn per level.
not only evolved much more quickly than hominids
elsewhere, but experienced extremely rapid social and Ranged & Focused: Carin characters receive both the
technological development thereafter. Psionic Coverage and Psionic Focus edges as Species
Traits. (see pages 136-137 of the Player's Guide). The
FAVORED PROFESSION Psionic skill effected by both edges is Telepathy. The Cairn
Despite their shortcomings in the area of personal cannot be Ranged & Focused with any other Psionic skills.
communication the Cairn make excellent Diplomats.
Scientist, and the Explorer elite profession are also Mute: Cairn cannot speak, unless fitted with an artificial
commonly favored by the Cairn. voice-box and taught how to use it. They can only
communicate effectively using a Mental Image
Some Cairn do serve in Starfleet. And in the decade Communicator, or MIC. But they are completely physically
the Cairn have enjoyed membership in the Federation, mute. Cairn suffer a -4 species-based penalty when trying to
at least one Cairn officer has advanced in rank to use a skill that requires speech (Debate (Oratory) for
command his own Starship. example); in a situation where they are expected to speak, if
they do so without the benefit of the MIC.
The Cairn are an open and honest people, and are not
likely to be found in the role of Rogues. Also, since Intolerant (non-Telepaths): This is an optional flaw and if
they do not believe in religion, or understand theology, taken at character creation is balanced with a free edge.
mythology, or philosophy they tend to make terrible Some Cairn have had bad experiences with non-Telepaths,
Mystics despite their Psionic abilities. and attempts to communicate with them. As a result some
Cairn are wary, and even outright unfriendly to non-
Most Cairn PCs will, likely, be Scientists or Starship Telepaths. This is not the norm among these people; but a
few individuals have suffered the unfortunate
circumstances to have this flaw despite the Carin's
membership in the Federation and the galactic
community as a whole.


Specifications: 15 – 25 cm, length. 0.3 – 0.5kg
Description: These devices come in a wide variety
of sizes and shapes. But all of them function as a
hand-held portable holographic emitter tuned to
project a Carin's telepathic imagery into the air as a
hologram. Each device also has a small viewing
screen that displays an image as a translation of
spoken or written impressions directed at the Cairn
using the device.
Rules: All Cairn adults will have a skill in using this
device – Systems Operation (Mental Image
Communicator) – beginning the game with the skill
at level-6, as it is a very essential skill for Cairn to
know. Cairn children will have the same skill, at
level-4. Any use of the device is done with a +2
affinity from the Cairn's Telepathy skill.
Duration / Energy: 750 hours of intermittent use;
48 hours of continuous use.
Range: 3 / 6 / 12 / 20 +6

The Cairn are a very advanced telepathic species who have lost the ability to
communicate verbally, although they are capable of vocalization through vocal
enhancers. They send telepathic images. Other species may have difficulty learning
image telepathy. As a result of their telepathic mode, they have no concept of privacy.
They were hoping to join the Federation in 2370. They achieved membership in 2378.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Privacy Is Not A Concept I Am Familiar With.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Cairn. The Cairn have large cranial enhancements above their ears and
below the hairline. They communicate almost exclusively telepathically through
images, and only to other Cairn or other telepathic species. Unless the other
telepath has learned Cairn-style telepathy, telepathic communication in this mode
is difficult. They have difficulty with concepts of deception and privacy, although
they can detect them. They use vocal enhancers to assist with speech.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talent, and must take
Cairn Telepathy at character creation.

REQUIREMENT: Cairn. Must be taken at Character Creation.
Similar to Telepath (Core Rulebook, page 105), but usable only with other telepaths.
Difficulty goes up by one if the other user does not have Cairn Telepathy. Because they
send images, they get 1 Bonus Momentum when they use Obtain Information to gather
information telepathically. Also, if they are attempting to detect deception or omission
of information telepathically, they may re-roll a d20 in their dice pool.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Caitian are a bipedal felinoid species with a strong history of service within
Star eet. Their homeworld of Cait is a pleasant Class-M planet with extensive
grasslands that support sprawling city complexes that integrate seamlessly into the
environment, for which the Caitians have great respect. While known to be extremely
e ective and proud warriors, the Caitian culture holds artistic and philosophical
endeavors in extremely high regard. Following their acceptance into the Federation
in the late 22nd Century, Caitians have come to serve at all levels of Star eet – to
include high-ranking ag o cers as well as often being elected to serve on the
Federation Council. On average, Caitians tend to be slightly smaller than most other
humanoid species. While this often results in Caitians being somewhat weaker than
Humans, they more than make up for this in their balance, agility, and dexterity.
Caitians are one of the few species actively serving within Star eet that possess a
tail – which requires alterations to standard Star eet uniforms.

EXAMPLE VALUE: War is Instinct, Con ict an Art

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Caitian. Caitians are all slightly smaller in both height and weight than
average humanoids – with most reaching between 1.5-1.7 meters. They have
retained the retractable claws of their evolutionary ancestors along with a
exible tail. Caitians are carnivorous and prefer uncooked meat. While they
evolved from predatory felines, the Caitians are regarded as some of the
greatest poets and philosophers within the Federation.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Caitian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Despite their reputation for being erce warriors, Caitians are extremely sociable and
adept at putting others at ease. Whenever you are engaged in a Social Con ict, you
reduce the Di culty of any Test to make your target relax or to trust you by 1.

REQUIREMENT: Caitian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

While most Caitians have some functional control over their tail, characters with this
Talent have worked to increase their control over the appendage to the point of it
becoming fully functional. This provides the character with the ability to hold and
operate an additional piece of equipment, like an additional hand. In addition, the
character gains a bonus d20 to any Fitness Test to maintain balance or to climb.

Caitians derive their names from their familial units, to which they have strong
connections. Their names often have a near-musical quality, though most humanoid
species have di culty pronouncing them correctly – as the species generates
extremely low frequency vibrations that are at the far range of Human hearing.

Female names: J’Aana, M’ress, S’isha, K’irst, N’Simi, H’Lata, A’Ahia, P’Erone,
C’Nola, L’Eni
Male names: R’Than, C’horn, Ur’Barr, L’Enton, H’Sook, K’Raka, A’Outte,
V’Wilk, A’Mathi, Z’Thors

Official version found in the Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook

Descending from creatures similar to Earth felines, Caitians possess

long tails and taloned limbs. Their sleek bodies are covered with soft
fur and longer hair frames their faces like a mane. This fur ranges
greatly in hue, from light reddish tan to dark black. As their ancestors
were pack hunters, Caitians retain a sense of cooperation and
respect for authority. Loyalty is highly valued. A Caitian’s clan is
considered family, be that an actual Caitian clan or the crew of a
starship. Despite their origins as hunters, the species has moved
away from its predatory instincts, and a large percentage of Caitians
are vegetarian. Passionate and affectionate by nature, Caitians
are caring and flirtatious but can be fiercely protective of their clan
mates, and are capable of sudden bursts of violence when provoked.
Caitians appreciate beauty, especially in natural forms, but also enjoy
poetry and music. The species practices total equality of genders,
and their names have no assumed gender.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Reward Loyalty with Loyalty

TRAIT: Caitian. Owing to their origins as alpha predators,

Caitians have quick reflexes and acute senses of sight, smell,
and hearing. They also possess great dexterity. They can detect
noises in a frequency range beyond most humanoid races and
have excellent night vision. The firm pads of their feet allows
them to eschew boots or other footwear and also enables them
to move with surprising silence.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Caitian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
During the first round of any combat, if you have not acted, you can
take a Minor Action on another character’s turn by spending one
Momentum (Immediate).

REQUIREMENT: Caitian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You have skill at felling large prey with a pack. Whenever you assist
another character making a Melee Attack, the character you assisted
gains 2 A if that attack hits.

REQUIREMENT: Caitian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Whenever you attempt to detect faint sounds, listen in on
conversations, distinguish tones, recognize voices, notice patterns or
background noises in recordings, or other tasks that involve your sense
of hearing, you gain a bonus d20.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
A race of peacemakers birthed by lightning on an oceanic world, the Cal-Mirran people have evolved
to seek balance in the midst of extremes. They are crystalline, water-based life-forms held together by
a bio-electric charge, able to shift their state of matter at will. Cal-Mirrans are a deeply spiritual people
who are known for analytical theorizing, meticulous ethics, and abstract art. While unity is a core value
of Cal-Mirran society, a small minority choose to reside away from civilization in the planet’s harshest
climes. This division, and the unrest it occasionally sows, tests the equity-focused civil system on
which Cal-Mirrans pride themselves

EXAMPLE VALUE: Peaceful Persistence

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Cal-Mirran. Cal-Mirrans are graceful, adaptive, persistent, and highly analytical. They
have strong logic skills and excel at long-term problem solving. Because their bodies can shift
states, they can tolerate extremes – heat, cold, pressure, vacuum – but are sensitive to vibration
and certain types of radiation, which can disrupt the cohesion of their consciousness. Since their
physiology is crystalline, physical injuries (separation of body mass) reduce dexterity and speed.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

A Cal-mirran can learn to “glass” water on contact, i.e., harden it temporarily, similar to freezing, but
without expansion or temperature change. Glassing can create tools or be used for defense. It is a
skill that must be mastered, and requires concentration. Advanced glassers can harden anywhere
from their body volume of water, to large swaths of ocean, but the larger the volume and the longer
it is held, the greater the strain on the Cal-Mirran mind. Glassing requires a Fitness + Science
task, with a Di culty determined by the quantity of water being a ected. After a successful use
of this ability, the character is sluggish and will be unable to use this talent or change their own
body’s state for the remainder of the scene.

With training, Cal-Mirrans can absorb tachyon radiation and use it to refract space-time, bending
their surroundings slightly into the future or past. The more radiation, the further the slide, but
the greater the risk – too much refraction can result in severe physical or mental damage and
a weakening of their crystalline matrix. By spending a point of Determination and attempting an
Insight + Science task, the character can perceive a glimpse of the past or future as if they were
in that location at that time. The Di culty of this task is based on how far into the past or future
the character is looking; a glimpse of up to a minute earlier or later is Di culty 1, up to an hour is
Di culty 2, up to a day is Di culty 3, and longer durations have a higher Di culty at the gamemaster’s
discretion. Success allows the character to ask one question, plus one extra question per Momentum
spent, about events in that time and place. Glimpses of the future are subject to change, as future
events are not xed.

Cal-Mirran names tend to sound smooth and owing, like water. Hyphens are often used to splice
together imagery, as in Hal-yorith, meaning “coldest light.” Cal-Mirrans will typically adopt a color word
surname corresponding to the hue of the sky they saw when they rst awoke.

SAMPLE NAMES: Alodon Ray (awoke at the Ray), Tin-darinel Red (awoke in the Twilight Band),
Sorma-cue Prism (awoke under an aurora sky), Dal-tivoran Grey (awoke during a storm)

Caldonians are native to Caldonia, somewhere in the Alpha or Beta Quadrant. They are
a tall species with prominent heads and three-fingered hands. The coloration of their
skin is normally dark brown. They are utterly devoted to research, but dislike anything
that distracts them from doing that research, such as administration duties and
recreation. For example, they were interested in the Barzan wormhole until they were
reminded that the administration of traffic through the wormhole would be a
gargantuan task.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Research Is More Important Than Bureaucracy.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Caldonian. Caldonians are tall, have a large cranium, and three-fingered

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Caldonian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
You are among the best examples of your species’ dedication to research. Once per
mission, when you are performing a research Task (normal or Extended) or is a
Research Lead in a team applying the Scientific Method (page 157 of the Core
Rulebook), you may choose to double your Focus range for one Task (that is, rolling
equal to or less than twice your Discipline score will give you two successes).

REQUIREMENT: Caldonian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Whenever you attempt a Reason Task that does not involve paperwork, administrative
duties, or governmental red tape, add a bonus d20 to your dice pool. However,
whenever you are perform an Insight, Reason, or Command Task where paperwork,
administrative duties, or governmental red tape is involved, add 1 Threat to the Threat
pool before you roll.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Caldonians are a humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant, native to
the planet Caldonia.
Caldonians are committed to pure research and have built their reputation
around that dedication. They are wary of things which distract from their
research, such as administrative demands.
In 2366, the Caldonians were one of several species that negotiated for
rights to the Barzan wormhole. When a representative form another faction
brought up the tremendous amount of administration that would be needed
to manage the wormhole and the high amount of tra c it would experience,
the Caldonians felt they were unable to handle it.
Caldonian research is centered around various so called “think
tanks”, which concentrate on a single subject of study. Many o -
worlders attempt to gain access to those think tanks or try to
become a member, however the high demands for intellectual
capacity makes this endeavor extremely di cult.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Research Is The Only Worthy Goal

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Caldonian. The Caldonians are tall compared to

other humanoids with dark skin, ranging from brown or red.
They have three- ngered hands. A large, intricately-ridged
cranium houses their extensive neocortex which produces
superior analytical capabilities. Their size and their usual
focus on research makes them less agile than other

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


A Mind For Design (Xindi-Primate)

Instant Appraisal (Karemma)
The Long View (Edosian)
Feminine Names: Dassas, Hana, Lesser, Mada, Nalla, Zellah
Masculine Names: Bajir, Garam, Laag, Leyor, Midek, Raag, Sirid, Vegak,
Gender-Neutral Names: Harrir, Hasse, Baazad, Malis, Savir, Zane

reservations about using, extorting, and subjugating anything
or anyone if it brings prosperity to the Cardassian Union.

There are few species as disliked or mistrusted as
Cardassians. While they generate art, music, and poetry to ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason
match any other species – Cardassians are known instead
for their devotion to the State, aggressive military tactics, TRAIT: Cardassian. Cardassians are known for their
and absolute faith in their own superiority. Advancement in dedication and discipline – mentally and culturally. With an
Cardassian society is driven by capability and demonstrated emphasis on the superiority of the State, Cardassians are
success, resulting in an upper class of cunning and a xenophobic species, considering themselves superior
strategic individuals who expect complete devotion of to nearly all others. Many dislike them, viewing them as
their subordinates and families. While they may not be as arrogant, intolerant, and cruel. Physically, Cardassians are
technologically capable as the Federation, the ruthless similar to most species, save for slightly reduced hearing
e ciency of the Cardassian government and military has and a biological preference for hotter climates.
resulted in making them evenly matched with Star eet during
engagements over the last few decades. TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following Talents:
A suspicious people, the Cardassians boast one of the most
e ective intelligence agencies in the Alpha Quadrant, rivaling
even the Romulan Tal Shiar in its capabilities. To Cardassians, REQUIREMENT: Cardassian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
this suspicion is often equated to wisdom, and venerated When the character assists a superior, the superior gains a
elders ensure this value is passed on to subsequent bonus Momentum.
generations. While it may seem abhorrent to other powers in
the quadrant, Cardassians feel that any action is justi able
if it results in the desired outcome – and they have no REQUIREMENT: Cardassian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
When attempting to detect hidden enemies, traps or other
forms of danger, the character may re-roll a die.

REQUIREMENT: Cardassian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Whenever this character spends Momentum to Obtain
Information, they reduce the Di culty of their next Task
by 1 so long as that Task in some way relates to the
information gained.
Takor –

Your last payment came up short and we won’t hold Daril for REQUIREMENT: Cardassian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
another week unless you send more money. When you came to When the character challenges a Directive, they gain a bonus
us un-wed and pregnant, we took you in out of the kindness of die – in addition to any other bene ts.
our hearts and now that you’re a prominent science minister, we
expect to be paid in kind. When you foolishly asked us to hide
your Bajoran lover, we only reported him, and not you, out of the Cardassian names consist of a personal and family name.
kindness of our hearts. Nor did we report your mixed-blood baby, However, Cardassians rarely, if ever, provide their family name
the poor thing can’t help his parentage. He’s already half-Bajoran; to those they do not share a close relationship with, giving
let’s not also add son of a debtor as well. their personal name almost exclusively. Male Cardassian
personal names usually are made up of two to three syllables
Oh, one last thing – as a baby his Bajoran heritage was easy to and tend to make use of harder sounds. Female Cardassians
hide, but now it is starting to show. If you don’t get him the required however, often possess soft, nearly melodic names.
surgeries soon to make him appear fully Cardassian, we won’t be
able to hold him any longer. Think of the scandal. SAMPLE NAMES:
Female names: Mesha, Eskei, Asha, Brocai, Zarale, Marata,
Your Mother, Itea, Risha, Gaska, Kosha, Alissa, Marei, Esha, Seam, Dearei
Danax Male names: Trula, Ganem, Jolort, Setem, Dukat, Meket,
Corak, Seltan, Revok, Ekoor, Hadar, Telak, Kovat, Yaltar
Family names: Priman, Aanrad, Drat, Rin, Liat, Moset, Tain,
Lang, Pa’Dar, Dal, Ghemor, Belor, Prin, Oddat, Zenal

Official version found in the Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook

Cardassian culture is hierarchical, with the State ruling public life and parents
leading the household. A Cardassian’s family is considered one of their
greatest assets, with two or three generations living together within the same
home. This emphasis on hierarchy generates intense rivalries between families
and individuals as the Cardassians compete for a higher position. This also
causes conflict between the independently minded and the government. As
a result, Cardassians are generally suspicious and regard those who are not
paranoid as somewhat foolish or naive. Despite their inclination to follow
their superiors, Cardassians enjoy a good debate and many play the
role of “Devil’s advocate.” Cardassian males lead a life focused on
military and political service, being the only gender to be drafted; while
women can volunteer to serve, most instead focus on the sciences and
engineering. Cardassians do not fear old age, and respect the wisdom
and dignity of their elders; as Cardassians respect authority and age,
they usual equate the two.

EXAMPLE VALUE: For My Children, For All Our Children

TRAIT: Cardassian. Cardassians possess extraordinary mental

discipline, and as the result of intense training during childhood they
commonly have eidetic memories. They are somewhat intolerant of cold
environments, being comfortable in higher temperature bands.
Cardassian hearing is slightly less acute than that of Humans, and they
are uncomfortable in bright light. Cardassians have a negative
reputation amongst many Alpha Quadrant cultures, particularly
Bajorans, whose homeworld they occupied for decades.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Cardassian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You enjoy a good argument, be it for five minutes or an entire half-hour. When
engaged in Social Conflict, and given an opportunity to speak at length on a
subject, you may re-roll your dice pool if you purchases any bonus d20s.


REQUIREMENT: Cardassian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are quick to obey orders and follow commands. Whenever you receive
assistance from a superior on a Task, you may re-roll a single 20.

REQUIREMENT: Cardassian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are merciless and have few compunctions about shooting an
enemy in the back. You may re-roll any number of d20s in your dice
pool when making an attack against an enemy that is defenceless, is not
aware of your presence, or is unprepared for an attack.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:


The Cardassian Union was a once-peaceful civilization that X Loyal and Disciplined: Whenever a Cardassian Soldier
developed into a militaristic power to acquire new territories receives assistance from a superior on a task, the
to support their resource-poor world. The Cardassians Cardassian Soldier may re-roll a single d20.
have been at odds with the Klingons for decades, with the
Empire usually proving victorious in skirmishes and extended
engagements. More information about the Cardassians may
be found in the Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook.
Cardassians are tall, grey-skinned humanoids with pronounced
ridges on their bodies and faces. Their culture demands absolute
loyalty to family and to the state – with Cardassian morality plays
often depicting con icts between the two – and they prize individual
cunning, self-control, and the ability to endure hardship. Cardassians
Cardassian soldiers can be found operating in many di erent are a secretive people, even among close friends and family, and being
posts throughout the Union, such as ground troops, ship suspicious and skeptical of others is regarded as wise and prudent.
crews, or enforcing laws across their territories. They value educational attainment and knowledge, and they are fond
of conversation and lively debate. They are frequently regarded as
TRAIT: Cardassian domineering, ruthless, arrogant, and duplicitous. Cardassian characters
have the following modi ers:

X Attributes: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

CONTROL 09 FITNESS 08 PRESENCE 08 X Trait: Cardassian. Cardassians possess extraordinary mental
discipline, and commonly have photographic memories, the
DARING 07 INSIGHT 07 REASON 09 result of intense training during childhood. They are intolerant of
cold environments, but quite comfortable at higher
temperatures. Cardassian hearing is slightly less
acute than that of Klingons or Humans, and they are
COMMAND 02 SECURITY 02 SCIENCE – uncomfortable in bright light.



ATTACKS: Cardassians have a negative

X Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 , Knockdown, Size 1H, reputation among many Alpha
Non-lethal) Quadrant cultures,
X Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 , Vicious 1, Size 1H) particularly Bajorans,
X Escalation Disruptor Ri e (Ranged, 6 , Vicious 1, whose homeworld
Size 2H, Accurate) they occupied for
X Ambushes and Traps: Whenever a Cardassian Soldier
uses the Ready task to ready a ranged attack, that
ranged attack gains one bonus d20.
Os soldados cardassianos pode ser encontrado operando Um glinn Cardassiano é um o cial de posto elevado da
em muitos postos diferentes em toda a União, como em União, possuindo um posto equivalente ao de comandante
tropas de solo, tripulantes ou aplicando as leis ao longo de na Frota Estelar. A estrutura militar Cardassiana possui dois
seus territórios. glinn reportando a cada gul, com os deveres sendo partilha-
dos entre eles.
TRAÇOS: Cardassiano
TRAÇOS: Cardassiano
VALOR: Cardassianos Não Escolhem Serem Superiores, o
Destino Nos Fez Assim.

Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 3 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Não Letal) FOCO: Força de Vontade, Táticas Militares
Pistola Disruptora (Distância, 5 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M)
Agravamento Fuzil Disruptor (Distância, 6 Feroz 1, ESTRESSE: 12 RESISTÊNCIA: 1
Tamanho 2M, Preciso)
REGRAS ESPECIAIS: Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 4 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Armadilhas e Emboscadas: Sempre que um Cardas- Não Letal)
siano usa a Tarefa Preparar para preparar um ataque À Pistola Disruptora (Distância, 6 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M)
Distância, esse ganha um d20 extra. Agravamento Fuzil Disruptor (Distância, 7 Feroz 1,
Leal e Disciplinado: Sempre que um Cardassiano rece- Tamanho 2M, Preciso)
ber auxílio de um superior em uma Tarefa, o Cardassiano
pode rejogar um único d20. REGRAS ESPECIAIS:
Armadilhas e Emboscadas: Sempre que um Cardas-
siano usa a Tarefa Preparar para preparar um ataque À
Distância, esse ganha um d20 extra.
Esperar Sucesso: Sempre que um glinn usa a Tarefa Dire-
cionar ou Auxiliar para ajudar um subordinado, a Tarefa do
subordinado sempre pode ter Sucesso com um Custo.
Leal e Disciplinado: Sempre que um Cardassiano rece-
ber auxílio de um superior em uma Tarefa, o Cardassiano
pode rejogar um único d20.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

FOCO: Debates, Força de Vontade, Política, Táticas Militares


Um gul Cardassiano é o o cial comandante de uma nave ou
instalação dentro da União Cardassiana. Guls experientes ATAQUES:
podem ser designados para deveres maiores como ser o Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 4 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
governador planetário de um de seus planetas anexados. Não Letal)
Pistola Disruptora (Distância, 6 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M)
TRAÇOS: Cardassiano Agravamento Fuzil Disruptor (Distância, 7 Feroz 1,
Tamanho 2M, Preciso)
Cardássia Espera que Todos Cumpram Seu Dever REGRAS ESPECIAIS:
Conhecimento é Poder e Poder é Tudo. Armadilhas e Emboscadas: Sempre que um Cardas-
siano usa a Tarefa Preparar para preparar um ataque À
Distância, esse ganha um d20 extra.
Culto: Quando engajado em um Con ito Social e receber
a oportunidade de falar à vontade sobre um assunto,
Gul Tremak pode rejogar sua parada de dados
caso compre qualquer d20 extra.
Impiedoso: Gul Tremak pode rejogar qualquer d20 em
sua parada de dados ao atacar um inimigo que estiver
desprevenido ou despreparado para um ataque, ou
então contra um inimigo que está indefeso.
Leal e Disciplinado: Sempre que um Cardassiano rece-
ber auxílio de um superior em uma Tarefa, o Cardassiano
pode rejogar um único d20.

Cardassianos são humanoides altos, de pele cinza, com cristas ATRIBUTOS: +1 Controle, +1 Presença, +1 Raciocínio
pronunciadas em seus corpos e faces. Sua cultura demanda
lealdade absoluta à família e ao estado — com as peças sobre TRAÇO: Cardassiano. Cardassianos tem extraordinária
moralidade cardassiana frequentemente retratando os con itos disciplina mental e geralmente memória fotográ ca,
entre a lealdade familiar e a lealdade ao estado — e eles valorizam resultado do intenso treinamento durante a infância. Eles são
a astúcia individual, o autocontrole e a habilidade de suportar intolerantes com ambientes frios, mas cam bem confortáveis
di culdades. Os Cardassianos são um povo reservado, mesmo em temperaturas mais altas. A audição dos Cardassianos
entre amigos íntimos e familiares, e suspeita e ceticismo para é um pouco menos apurada do que a dos Humanos, e eles
com os outros é visto como sábio e prudente. Eles valorizam o cam desconfortáveis sob luz forte. Os Cardassianos têm
conhecimento e a conquista educacional e gostam de conversas uma reputação negativa entre muitas culturas do Quadrante
e debates acalorados. Frequentemente são retratados como Alfa, particularmente com os Bajoranos, cujo mundo natal eles
dominantes, impiedosos, arrogantes e dúbios. Personagens ocuparam por décadas.
cardassianos têm os seguintes modi cadores:

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

TOS era and beyond

Centaurans are essentially human (with very minor internal differences), with
slightly stockier builds. They are native to the 4th planet of the Alpha Centauri
system, only a few light years from Earth. Organized into city-states, They
have developed a diverse range of cultures, which originally caused strife
between governments. They united after a devastating bio-warfare
holocaust that killed hundreds of millions of them, eventually becoming a
founding member of the Federation. They have a more long-term outlook
than humans do, & tend to analyze situations to a greater extent before
making decisions. They have great pride in their differences in culture, & have
long-since used competition (athletic & otherwise) to celebrate it. There
favored professions are in the Science or Medical fields.

Name: Same as their Terran counterparts.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Are you sure I can't persuade you?

Attributes: Insight+1, Presence+2.

Centaurans are outwardly indistinguishable from Humans. One thing to
note, however, is that as a whole, they are considered by most to be a
very attractive people. They are generally artistic, & even average
citizens practice some form of artistic expression as a hobby.

Centauran or with GM's permission.

Centauran people are fiercely competitive. Whenever their abilities are
set against an opponent, the desire to win rises to the surface & surges
them on to victory. In these circumstances, you may add 1d20 to their

Peaceful & Sex Appeal

Centaurans prefer to settle differences through peaceful means & they
naturally seem to have that certain something when it comes to the
opposite sex. During social interactions/conflicts, for any rolls you gain
1d20 & vs the opposite sex you lower the Difficulty by 1, minimum of 1.

As / Betazoid talent. [E4]. A small % of the population ever present with
this ability. This talent functions only while the target is within your
Insight score in meters from you.


Takaya’s Whales serve aboard Federation starships, generally in charge of Cetacean

Operations. Cetaceans are experts in astrometrics and navigation. While they need
aquatic environments, certain starships (such as the Galaxy-class) have Cetacean Labs,
and they also work on starbases. For detailed work, they may enlist the use of
hologram assistants.

EXAMPLE VALUE: The Stars Are My Ocean.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Takaya’s Whale. Takaya’s Whales possess traits common to Earth whales,
such as size and physical capabilities.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Takaya’s Whale, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You may install aquatic cybernetics to assist you. Choose two Standard Issue (No
Cost) items to convert into aquatic cybernetic implants.

REQUIREMENT: Takaya’s Whale, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You are able to use echolocation to detect objects. When you are using echolocation
to perceive something through liquid environments, you may re-roll any number of dice.

REQUIREMENT: Takaya’s Whale, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You may substitute Instinct in place of other Attributes when performing or assisting
with Plot Course or Chart Hazard Tasks.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


Native to Earth, the cetaceans are one of circulate oxygen through their body before
numerous species indigenous to the planet. For expelling it from a nostril-like blowhole
much of the species’ history, they lacked means located on their back.
of verbal communication with land-dwelling
life-forms on the planet, a situation which may TALENTS: The character receives access to
have continued perpetually if humanity had not the following talents:
developed universal translator technology. As one
of the rst species to bene t from the advent of
extra-species communication, cetaceans were REQUIREMENT: Cetacean, or gamemaster’s
able to foster a better working relationship with the permission.
land-dwelling Humans. You possess a knack for navigating which
terrestrial species tend to lack, and can easily lend
Cetaceans are somewhat rare in the Federation, this grasp of maneuverability to starship piloting.
in no small part due to much of the Academy’s When you attempt a task utilizing your Conn
facilities still being tailored for terrestrial species, discipline, the complication range associated with
often lacking aquatic capabilities. Despite that task is always considered to be one less (2
this, cetacean species have found themselves instead of 3, 0 instead of 1 and so on).
valued contributors to starships; their sensory
capabilities and instinctive understanding of
navigating three-dimensional locations often REQUIREMENT: Cetacean, or gamemaster’s
nds their contributions to both navigation and permission.
communications vital. Despite this, few cetacean Your bio-sonar capabilities allow for communication
species ever care to leave the comfort of their across great distances. Even without technological
environmental chambers — when a cetacean lives assistance, you may freely communicate with any
their entire life in three dimensions, trying to move other species which possesses bio-sonar sensory
in two can cause excessive nausea even in the communication, even across the vacuum of space,
most adventurous-minded. up to a distance of 100 kilometers.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Our Work Can be Fun and

Rewarding if We Have the Right Attitude Cetaceans tend to possess two names; one
which is transmitted to other cetacean species
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, via sonar communication and is therefore
+1 Reason unpronounceable by most terrestrial species,
and a ‘given name’ which is typically given by
TRAIT: Cetacean. This cetacean species their closest non-cetacean friends.
possesses ns and a tail, a smooth skin
which reduces friction while swimming, and SAMPLE NAMES: Kimolu, Matt, Regis, Jogani,
a layer of blubber which regulates internal Nickie
temperature in cold liquid environments.
Although quick and agile in water, cetaceans
are generally lacking in hind legs, requiring
adaptive suits to navigate outside of liquid-
based environments. Although they typically Reminds me of my old ame, Lieutenant
dwell in water, they require air to breathe and Eko. Yeah, that relationship seemed
improbable, as I’m a hologram and she
was a Cetacean. But we just clicked.
TOS era and beyond

The Chakuun, native to Chak'Uoo (Alpha Quadrant), are a humanoid,

mammalian species. The star system is known as Chak Ahh Til'ikk. They walk
around on 4 legs much like a centaur. It is surprising, given their body
structure to find that they have a human-like facial appearance with dark
hair (often worn long), & a series of ridges across their foreheads. They do not
wear clothes but will carry a pair of saddle bags over their back like a horse.
They have 2 long, thin arms (total of 6 appendages). They have 3 fingers & an
opposable thumb on each hand. They were originally a minor but warlike
race. They were annexed by the Tholian Assembly some time around 1954
approximately. They share the Tholian understanding of a dynamic, shifting
cosmos. They are stronger than most humanoids, & even more tough &
durable. They are clever adversaries & practically nothing gets past them on
the battlefield. Extreme acts of bravery make them dangerous both on the
ground & inside their warships. Use caution when dealing with them.

EXAMPLE VALUE: We fight for the Tholians.

Attributes: Control+1, Fitness+3, Insight+1, Presence-2.

They have a slightly simpler physiology compared to most humanoids.
However they have a very high tolerance to pain & can continue to fight
even after receiving a death wound. Unfortunately, they are susceptible
to extreme heat & cold. Their preferred weapon is a long 6' metal staff
with a hooked Axe blade on both ends. Chakuun Poleaxe [Melee, 3CD,
Vicious 1]

Chakuun, or with GM's permission.

Born Soldiers [Required]

Chakuun are all warriors, on some level & they are taught combat skills
from an early age. They gain 1d20 to their rolls while using Armed Combat
(Poleaxe), Energy weapons/Chakuun Blaster, or Unarmed attacks. You
lower the Difficulty of being ambushed or surprised by 2, minimum of 1.

Chakuun Body Armor/Helmet with Blast-Visor [Bonus]

It is a bodysuit of heavy material molded to fit snugly, yet allows for
maximum maneuverability, & provides a solid protection vs all forms of
weapons & attacks. Resistance 3 vs Physical, Resistance 1 vs Energy &
Energy-based weapons.

Chakuun Blaster [Bonus]

Pistol [2CD]: Medium, 25cm long, 0.8kg mass. Rifle [3CD]: Long, 61cm long,
2.8kg mass. A deadly energy weapon of Tholian origin. The design is
well-suited for humanoid handling, & the weapon can be wielded & fired
by most humanoids. Settings; 3, 6, 10, 12, 14. Can be set to Overload.


The Chalnoth are a species of aggressive warriors from the planet Chalna. Their
society does not have a government, preferring total anarchy. Only the strong survive
among their people. They are no strangers to violence.

EXAMPLE VALUE: No One Orders Me Around!

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Chalnoth. The Chalnoth must eat raw or living food, and can only go three
or four days without food. They are hairy and have sharp, curving teeth, and are
carnivores. Their eyes are red and yellow. Many are bad-tempered. They have
cranial ridges and lion-mane hair. They are fit and sturdy.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Chalnoth, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You are quite resistant to being ordered around. Unfortunately, no one may use the
Direct action on you. However, once per Combat or Starship Combat when acting
unaided, you may assist yourself with the same Attribute and Discipline. (Ship
assistance may still be used during Starship Combat.) You must spend a Prepare
Minor Action to activate this ability.


You are a powerful warrior trained in aggressive combat techniques, and have earned
much experience on Chalna. The cost for the Disarm Momentum Spend is reduced by
one for those with this Talent. Also, if you initiated a Melee attack, and you gained one
or more d20s by adding to Threat, you may re-roll your dice pool. (You may not use
this ability when defending against a Melee attack.)

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Chalnoth are an aggressive species native to the planet Chalna. The
Chalnoth don’t believe in government so their society exists in a state of
total anarchy, where only the strong survive. While this form of “non-
government” seems unsustainable for a humanoid civilization, the apparent
anarchy consists actually of complex social structures.
Chalnoth society is loosely organized in gangs led by bosses. Bosses are
anyone who command enough respect to kill the previous boss or peel
away enough gang members to form their own. Bosses constantly appear
and disappear, consistent with the philosophy of natural selection that
underlies Chalnoth organization. In short: Leadership within the gangs is
simply a matter of outlasting or usurping one’s superiors, and most do not
get the chance to try.
The Chalnoth see their social structure as the most pure since it is
driven exclusively by Darwinism. They do in fact have laws, but
these are basic and mostly intuitive. Whatever you can keep for
yourself is yours for the taking. If you are strong, you will be able
to keep it. Another law is the basis of the entire power structure
of the Chalnoth, as all people are free to elevate their rank or
make it up, as long as they have the requisite strength to do so.
Nobody ever granted a promotion to anyone else in the history
of the Chalnoth, all of their o cers and leaders came to it that

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Will Rise To The Top

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Chalnoth. Chalnoth are wild and primal. They are not
solitary creatures and are used to roam the landscapes on
Chalna to hunt or wage war. Due to their high metabolism,
they require food at least every three days. Their diet requires
many meat or other animal products and they cannot survive on
nutritional supplements alone. Rage plays a major role in their society,
so this might cause problems when the character is part of a command
structure or when in a diplomatic setting.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Killer’s Instinct (Klingon)

Nimble (Qofuari)
Feminine Names: Goum, Kiqq, Ninuuq
Masculine Names: Bex, Esoqq, Youx
Gender-Neutral Names: Lorr, Xuraeq, Yir

Language and Names
Hhod. Bzzit Khaht names are strange
combinations of sounds that are frequently difficult
for other species to pronounce. They often take
nicknames from the societies around them.

Favored Profession
Diplomat. Bzzit Khaht are most comfortable in
some form of liaison work.

Species Adjustments
+1 Perception.

Species Abilities
• Bonus Edge: Coordinator: Bzzit Khaht work
well in groups.

• Power Jumper: Bzzit Khaht leg structure
allows for powerful jumps. Double the range
for jumping.
• Synergy: Bzzit Khaht receive a +1 bonus on
combined tests.
Bzzit Khaht are a communal species that have a Picks
hard time adjusting to hierarchical structures. They
12 ([+5] +1 Perception, [+2] Coordinator, [+3]
work well in groups where all are equal and
Power Jumper, [+2] Synergy).
leadership is more amorphous.
ST IV: The Voyage Home
Physiology and Appearance
An amphibious species, the Bzzit Khaht have a
heavy pelvic area and powerful legs that allow
them to jump impressive distances in normal or low
gravity. They have acute eyesight and the feelers
around their mouths can pick up changes in air
pressure and movement with incredible accuracy.
They must use special lotion on their skin to keep
from drying out when not in damp conditions or in
fresh water. They emit a protective scent that most Personality
species find mildly offensive. Long regarded as myth, Chameloids are a species
of shapeshifters. They are an alert, suspicious, and
Homeworld manipulative race – a result of heavy competition
Athos IV, a rainy and cool world with heavy for survival on their homeworld. They change
tectonic activity. Bzzitian cities are constructed in shape to protect themselves, not for pleasure, like
marshlands and along lake areas. the Founders of the Dominion.

History and Culture Physiology and Appearance

Amphibious foragers, the Bzzit Khaht are not A Chameloid’s true form is that of a hairless,
predators or scavengers like most humanoids. They pasty-looking humanoid with yellowish skin,
develop communal social structures and work averaging two meters in height. They developed in
together in ways that seem inefficient to most. a very competitive environment, requiring them to
These creatures simply ‘know’ that they have a goal take on excellent camouflage. They have limits to
and how best to get to it. They reject hierarchical their shapeshifting abilities – they can change
governing bodies. As a result, their culture has height only by a meter or so, and their mass does
developed advanced science, but few ways to not change. Their internal organs also remain
exploit it. Their entry into the Federation was held intact, their eyes remain a bright yellow. They can
up due to the inability of negotiators to find only mimic the appearance of something they have
someone who could make treaties and decisions. observed.

Pollux VIII, a barely M-class planet filled with

History and Culture

Most Chameloids encountered are descendants
of those taken from their world by aliens who found
use for a mimic. They were used from time to time
by agents of the Orion Syndicate, and Klingon
rogues, and other government agencies. The
majority of Chameloids live on their homeworld in
low industrial societies.

Language and Names

Chomo. Chameloid names vary in sound.

Favored Profession
Rogue or Spy.
Species Adjustments
This shy and timid species are a Cardassian
+1 Vitality
vassal species. They are quiet and generally
pacifistic, but happily turn on their oppressors given
Species Abilities a good enough opportunity.
• Exceptional Eyesight: Chameloids devoloped
good observational abilities as a survival trait Physiology and Appearance
and receive a +2 bonus to Observe (Spot)
Dopterians are a humanoid species that are
tests. They can also see well in dim lighting
distant cousins of the Ferengi. They have a four-
conditions, reducing total penalites for dark-
lobed brain that makes them immune to telepathy
ness by -2.
and empathy. They have a distinctive bony ridge
• Mimic: Chameloids can mimic any creature around the back of their head. They are usually a
they see, within limits. The creature must be dark brown or tan color.
humanoid, it must be no more nor less than
50% larger or smaller than the Chameloid. It
requires a Stamina test TN 15 (may be an
extended test) to take on the form, and a Dopteria, an M-class planet inside Cardassian
Stamina test at TN 10 to maintain it per day. space.

Picks History and Culture

18 ([+5] +1 Vitality, [+3] Exceptional Eyesight, The Dopterians were invaded by the Cardassians
[+10] Mimic). in the mid-23rd century. Due to their psionic
immunity, they became popular with the Obsidian
ST VI: The Undiscovered Country Order, as well as the Orion Syndicate, who
frequently used them as couriers. Dopterian
culture has adapted to its vassal status well. They
are subservient to their employers, but quick to turn
on them, if the need or the opportunity arises.

Language and Names

Cardassian or, less frequently, Dopterian.

Favored Profession
Rogue or Spy.

Species Adjustments


The Chandir are a species originating from Chand Aad, first encountered by the
Federation in 2327. They are frequently found near Cardassian and Federation space,
but are politically non-affiliated with either. They are a musical people. They are also
called ‘Tailheads’, meant originally by other races as a pejorative nickname, but the
Chandir have embraced the term for themselves, wearing the name as a badge of
pride. Some Chandir have joined Starfleet.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Names Will Never Hurt Me.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Chandir. The Chandir have cranial trunks that extend from the rear of their
heads, similar to tails. The trunks are muscular, and full of sinus chambers that can
be resonated to amplify their voices. The face and trunk ridges have airways that
can be opened or closed, making the trunks into musical instruments.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Your cranial trunk can amplify your voice, and allow you to create unique music. You
are an expert in this regard. When you perform an Opposed Task with Presence, to
talk over someone or to impress them, add a bonus d20 to your roll.


The Chandir are able to breathe through multiple airways throughout their cranial trunk,
and have better developed lung capacity. Some Chandir have built up their endurance
to an extraordinary level. When performing a Task that involves Fitness where you
must hold your breath or test your endurance, if you succeed, gain 1 bonus

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


The natural form of a Changeling is a viscous orange fluid. Changelings can alter their
texture and colour to adopt virtually any corporeal form, both animate and inanimate.
They did not seem to be able to exist as or change to forms of energy but they could
simulate its apperance. Once they reach maturity (or maximum mass) Changelings do not
biologically age. Changeling culture revolved around the Great Link and their
shapeshifting. While in the Link, a Changeling had little sense of time or individuality,
viewing itself as a part in a larger whole. Changelings dislike being separated from their
people, and will almost always seek out the company of other Changelings if possible
rather than remaining alone. Throughout their entire known history, no Changeling had
ever purposely harmed another. Above all else, Changelings want their people to be
safe and united in the Great Link, and renegades such as Odo were given ample
opportunities to return home with all transgressions forgiven. However, Changelings
are less tolerant of other species, whom they refer to derogatorily as "solids",
viewing all non-Changelings with suspicion.

EXAMPLE VALUE: To Become a Thing is to Know a Thing

• ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

• TRAIT: Changeling. All mature Changelings can shift into the form of objects and
creatures at will. As they only mimic humanoid biology they are immune to virtually
all diseases and poisons, and don't require food or sleep and can survive in a
vacuum. Even in humanoid form, Changelings have no sense of smell or taste.
Maintaining a solid form is taxing and Changelings had to periodically revert to their
natural gelatinous state to regenerate, roughly every eighteen hours.

• TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents.

Changeling character must select the Shapeshifting talent at some
point during character creation.

You transform a digit or an entire limb into a simple weapon, such as a club, whip, or
dagger. The chosen body part becomes a melee weapon with the following profile:
with 1 <!, Size 1 H. You can choose to add either the Deadly or non-Lethal Quality, and
also choose one of the following Damage Effects: Intense, Knockdown, or Vicious 1.

You transform into an objects or creatures. When you change into another form you
gain an additional Trait related to your new form, such as its Species Trait. During
combat and other periods of stress, rapidly transforming necessitates skill and focus,
requiring a Control + Conn Task with a Difficulty of 0. On a success, you transform
into a simple inanimate object. You can choose to spend 1 Momentum to
instead become a complex object with many moving parts or an animal,
or spend 2 Momentum to become a generic humanoid. With the
Gamemaster's permission, you can choose to spend 3 Momentum to copy the
form of a particular individual whom you have observed.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; With help and Talent suggestions from Nathan Dowdell
Art sto !en from: http://nightwing1975. d e:viantart. com/gallery/389 56551/star-tre:h-characters

A uidic, shapeshifting species from the Gamma Quadrant, Changelings are

typically reclusive, elusive beings, who try to avoid contact with other species,
referred to by Changelings as “monoforms” or “solids”. Most Changelings
are collectively the Founders of the Dominion, but Changelings encountered
beyond the Dominion are often from “The Hundred”, a group of infants sent
out to learn about the galaxy before being compelled to return home. The
Founders collectively regard themselves as The Great Link, a uid collective
that appears more like an ocean than a society, where the distinctions between
individuals disappear.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Solids Fear What They Don’t Understand, and They Don’t
Understand Me

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Changeling. A Changeling is naturally a gelatinous orange-brown

uid, which can adopt the form and structure of any solid object, including
other living creatures and di use substances like fog. While they cannot
become energy, a Changeling’s ability to assume other forms is limited
more by skill and experience than by physical capacity: it is theorized
that they transfer mass to and from subspace in order to change size and
density. Many Changelings nd themselves persecuted by “solids” for their
shapeshifting ability, and often crave a sense of order and justice in the
universe, with a rigid attitude at odds with their uid forms.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents. All

Changeling characters must take the Morphogenic Matrix talent during
character creation.

REQUIREMENT: Changeling.
This Talent is mandatory and must be selected by a Changeling character during
character creation. The character may spend 1 Momentum as a Minor Action
once per Turn to assume a di erent form, gaining an additional Trait to re ect
whatever form they have chosen, though they cannot yet mimic an individual,
and they must return to a liquid state for a few hours of rest every sixteen hours.
While in an alternate form, it is next to impossible (Di culty 5) to discern the
Changeling’s true nature, without separating some part of the Changeling’s
substance. The character also has a Resistance of 4.

REQUIREMENT: Changeling.
The Changeling may, when assuming an alternate form, assume the form of a
speci c individual, mimicking their appearance and personality su ciently that
even close friends may be unable to discern the truth. Further, the Changeling
no longer needs to revert to a liquid state in order to rest.
the secret of interstellar travel by taking on the form of
organisms that are able to enter subspace at will. Unlike other
shapeshifting species throughout the Galaxy, Changelings
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY are unique in that they can shift their molecules around and
To the people of the Gamma Quadrant, the Founders of the literally turn into the rocks around them, making it di cult for
Dominion are shadowed in myth and legend. Few realize them to be located by all but the most intensive scans.
that the mythical Changelings from the quadrant’s distant
history were in fact the same species that rules over all of Changelings are not unstoppable, however. Sensors can be
the Dominion. To the people of the Alpha Quadrant, the calibrated to try to nd their bioreadings and all Changelings
Changelings are a grave threat and one that is very di cult nd low-intensity phaser sweeps to be unbearable. A
to counter. They are an entire species composed of a Changeling can also not hold the same form inde nitely
morphogenic substance that allows them to not only take and must periodically rest in a gelatinous shape or their cell
on the appearance of what they are trying to mimic but the structure starts to decay into dark, brittle akes.
physical qualities as well. The simplest of them can assume
the forms of rocks, trees, and even simple animals like hawks EXAMPLE VALUE: The Founders Are the Will of the Dominion
and reptiles. The more experienced Changelings are able to
change their forms to completely appear like the species they ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence
are mimicking, whether it is a Star eet o cer working in a top
secret space station or as a shower of light that oats gently TRAIT: Changeling. A Changeling is naturally a gelatinous
through a room. Some Changelings have even discovered orange-brown uid, which can adopt the form and
structure of any solid object, including other living
creatures and di use substances like fog. While they
cannot become energy, a Changeling’s ability to assume
other forms is limited more by skill and experience than
by physical capacity: it is theorized that they transfer
A Changeling has the potential to be a very powerful character mass to and from subspace in order to change size and
in Star Trek Adventures if the Gamemaster does not take care density. Many Changelings nd themselves persecuted
to make sure the Player is following consistent rules. Although by “solids” for their shapeshifting ability, and often crave
there are several examples of Changelings fooling ship scanners a sense of order and justice in the universe, with a rigid
and being able to travel through space on their own, the limits to attitude at odds with their uid forms.
what an individual Changeling can do is left to the Gamemaster.
A Changeling that was discovered outside of the Dominion has TALENTS: The character receives access to the
likely never encountered the Great Link and will not know how following talents. All Changeling characters must take
to transform into a space-dwelling organism, while a Changeling the Morphogenic Matrix talent during character creation
attempting to fool sophisticated sensor sweeps may not be able to
fool them for very long if they have not been taught how to mask
their physical appearance properly. REQUIREMENT: Changeling.
The character may spend 1 Momentum as a Minor Action once
There is also the xenophobia most races feel towards the per Turn to assume a di erent form, gaining an additional Trait
Changelings, especially in light of the Dominion War. The knowledge to re ect whatever form they have chosen, though they cannot
of who the Founders are has spread throughout the Alpha and Beta yet mimic an individual, and they must return to a liquid state for
Quadrants, and all governments have instituted measures on how a few hours of rest every 16 hours. While in an alternate form,
to test for Changeling in ltrators. Even on places such as Deep it is next to impossible (Di culty 5) to discern the Changeling’s
Space Nine they will still encounter distrust and outright hatred true nature, without separating some part of the Changeling’s
outside of the station’s command sta . substance. The character also has a Resistance of 4.

At a certain point in their lives all Changelings begin to feel the call
of the Great Link and will attempt to travel towards it at all costs. REQUIREMENT: Changeling.
The Great Link is the shared bond all Changelings possess when The Changeling may, when assuming an alternate form,
they are joined and allows for an instantaneous and instinctual assume the form of a speci c individual, mimicking their
sharing of thought and desire. Changelings do not often possess appearance and personality su ciently that even close friends
names outside of the Great Link, since they become one being may be unable to discern the truth. Further, the Changeling
when they merge with each other. When Changelings travel abroad no longer needs to revert to a liquid state in order to rest.
they prefer to be called by their title if they are within the Dominion
or whatever name they are given by other races. SAMPLE NAMES:
Masculine names: Odo, Holak
Feminine names: Lall, Chiree
The Founders of the Dominion are liquid creatures capable of changing their shape at will. The
Founders can each assume multiple shapes at the same time, including inorganic and unique
shapes in addition to mimicry of existing beings. This means that a Founder never needs to
worry about clothing; a Founder can appear to wear anything he or she wishes. This
shapeshifting ability is limited only by size – an individual Founder can only assume shapes of
his or her particular liquid volume. Note that a Founder’s shape shifting ability does not convey
any additional abilities to him or her, such as speed or strength. The change is purely one of
shape and appearance.

In their natural state, the Founders all coexist in a huge sea of living fluid they call the Great
Link. In the Great Link, there is no physical distinction between one Founder and the next, or
even individual identities, as humans understand it. All Founders within the Great Link know
everything all other Founders in the Link know, and are, in a way, a single entity. They only
take on independent personality upon leaving the Great Link.

Most Founders are never away from the Great Link for very long, but they do send out
members of their race to other, faraway worlds, to gather information. As they keep one
hundred of their kind scattered across the galaxy, these Founders are simply called the
Hundred. The Hundred are sent out with no knowledge of their home world, their race, or their
abilities. After fifty to five hundred years, the hundred instinctively seek out the Founders home

Fitness 2 [2]
Coordination 3 [3]
Intellect 2 [2]
Presence 2 [2]
Empathy -1
Psi 0 [0]

Any Science (choose Specialization) 2 (3)
Culture (The Great Link) 1 (3)
History (Founders) 1 (3)
Dominion Standard 2
Shapeshifting (choose Specialization) 3 (4)
World Knowledge (Founders' Homeworld) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
Arrogant (-1), Domineering (-1), Medical Problem (must resume liquid form daily; -1 die each
to Fitness and Coordination, -2 dice to Presence) (-5), Shapeshifter (+6)

Author’s Notes
Since Founders can learn directly from the Great Link, they do not require a standard character
history. Founders leaving the Great Link should be generated by spending an additional 125
points on skills alone. Note that individual Renown is not applicable, as a Founder is not an
individual until he or she leaves the Great Link. Note also that since Founders do not develop
in the same way that other organisms do, they are very consistent in their attributes. Finally,
note that the cost of the Double-Jointed and Resistant advantages have been doubled in this
case to reflect the greater abilities of a liquid life form. Members of the Hundred are the only
Founders which should be generated according to the standard rules. Their Early Life History
package should be something like this:

The Hundred Upbringing (5 Development Points)

Any Academic Skill (choose Specialization) (see p. 22 in the Player’s Guide) 1 (2)
Shapeshifting (choose Specialization) 1 (2)
Alien Upbringing +1
Disregard Arrogant and Domineering Bad Reputation (Cannot be Trusted) -4

Only members of the Hundred should be considered as player characters, and should be created
using the standard character history rules. They will know nothing of their home world, the
Great Link, or even their own species.

Editor's Notes
I have modified the Advantages of this Template as submitted by the author, and therefore
added a Science skill to adjust the point total for the Template. This Template refers to the
Shapeshifting Advantage and Shapeshifting Skill submitted here by the same author. Of course,
a Narrator should be extremely reluctant to allow any but the most disciplined players a
chance to play (and probably abuse) a Founder character or other shapeshifter.

Submitted by Ryan Scott

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.

The Chelons, sometimes also called Chelarians and Rigellians, are a peaceful race that
resemble bipedal saber-toothed turtles. They come from Rigel III in the Beta Quadrant,
and belong to the Federation. They have only one sex, reproducing by egg-laying.
Some may adopt male or female gender roles, but traditionalists scorn the practice.
Their fangs are highly effective in combat, though few have been trained in the art.
They no longer have shells to support their bodies, but some wear ceremonial armor to
compensate. Being the egg-layers the larger Chelon lords have attendants who care
for them. The smaller Chelon attendants are the ones with true power in their society.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Judge By Deed, Not Appearance.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Chelon. Evolved from saber-toothed turtles, the Chelons are highly
resistant to ultraviolet radiation. They are skilled swimmers, and prefer warm and
humid weather. Some Chelons, in times of stress, may secrete a contact toxin
through their skin, often delivered through a claw strike.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


You have trained to use your fanged bite in combat. The bite counts as: Melee weapon,
1A, Size 1H, Piercing 1.


You own a set of Chelon ceremonial armor that only fits you or another Chelon. When
worn, it provides 2 Resistance.


In times of stress, you secrete a toxin that may be delivered on contact. In combat, if
your current Stress is at half your maximum Stress or lower, your Unarmed Strikes
become Intense.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


Formally a member of the Klingon Star Empire, TALENTS: The character receives access to
Clickets are an insectoid race who despise the following talents:
gratitude. In fact, the species often see gratitude
as an insult and even as an act of war.
REQUIREMENT: Clicket, or gamemaster’s
After decades of being insulted when the permission.
Klingons called them “Honorable,” the Clickets You have been bred to have an exoskeleton that
formulated a plan to leave their disrespectful can absorb tremendous force. This selective
masters. The Clickets used the distractions of breeding process is typically used to create new
the Klingon and Dominion Wars to build ships warriors. Your Resistance is increased to 2.
and nd a suitable home elsewhere. Knowing
how stubborn the Clickets were, the Klingons
decided to let them leave without interfering so REQUIREMENT: Clicket, or gamemaster’s
they didn’t have to deal with the exhausting war permission.
declarations that came every time the species While all Clickets can communicate using
was complimented. clicks from their mouthparts, some
have evolved a secondary ability to
EXAMPLE VALUE: Gratitude Shows Us We communicate using scent. These
Can’t be Successful on our Own pheromones are subtle and usually
require antennae structures for
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Fitness, biological organisms to recognize. The
+1 Presence Di culty of tasks to understand this
language is increased by 1 unless
TRAIT: Clicket. Clickets live together in there is an organism with antennae
colonies on ships which they refer to as performing the task.
nests. Their exoskeleton is resilient and must
be shed once a year. The gamemaster may
rule that this means a Clicket has Resistance Clicket names are usual a series of
1, or avoids dangers that would pierce a clicks and chirps. The initial clicks
softer-skinned creature’s esh. represent the individual’s nest and
the chirps that follow are associated
with each individual Clicket. Star eet’s
universal translator has converted the
clicks and chirps into letters and syllables.
Clickets usually keep their shed
carapaces and display them as statues SAMPLE NAMES: Chk-trall, Krv-lill, Vrv-Jykk,
in their personal spaces. This is risky as Brk-Chuun, Mrd-Vikk
the larval form of the species loves the
taste of exoskeletons.

While occasionally known as the Coridans or Coridani, the people of Coridan

possess a planet rich with valuable minerals, especially dilithium, of which they
have one of the largest supplies in the Beta Quadrant. This abundance of wealth
led the Coridanites to be frequently visited by alien species, with the Orions
initiating contact in the late 19th Century. Only the equatorial region of Coridan
was inhabitable, and the Coridanites controlled their population through adherence
to tradition and order. Their cities were meticulously planned, and designed in
hexagonal patterns with crystal buildings being up to half a kilometer tall. By the
mid-22nd Century, Coridanites were active in regional affairs: they possessed the
largest shipyards in the sector and participated in both the the Interspecies Medical
Exchange and the economic Coalition of Planets. Their shipyard made them a
target of the Romulans in the Earth-Romulan war, which led to a period of revolution,
as the large oppressed underclass rebelled against the government while its alien
allies were still recovering from the war. This uprising and fear of another Romulan
attack kept Coridan from joining the Federation for another century.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Traditions Exist for Good Reasons

• ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

• TRAIT: Coridanite. Similar in appearance to other humanoid races,

Coridanites have angular ridges on their nose and forehead and yellow
eyes. Because they evolved on a dilithium-rich planet, they evolved
breathing its dust and have a high tolerance for most forms of radiation
and never develop cancer.

• TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents.

REQUIREMENT: Coridanites, or Gamemaster's Permission
Mining dilithium, ore, and precious minerals has driven the economy of your world
for centuries. When you use the Obtain Information Momentum spend relating to
geology or mineralogy, you may ask an additional question in addition to those
purchased with Momentum.

Text by "Je:ste:r" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Tre:h Online: and C ryptic Studios
TRAIT: Cybernetically Enhanced. Though most cyborgs
CYBERNETICALLY still consider themselves to be members of their original
ENHANCED species, there are some who cannot help but face the
reality that every day they are alive is thanks to the
machinery installed in their bodies. They embrace their
reality with stoicism and with determination to prove
These individuals are not a species unto themselves but
to others that they are more than just a combination of
a classi cation. The Federation possesses advanced
organic and cybernetic parts but are living
technology that can be used to repair or improve the bodies
beings in their own rights. Some even come to fully
of those who have become injured or been devastated by
embrace the advantages their new components can o er
disease. These augmentations are often very risky, as not
them and use it to leverage an advantage over others.
every species is capable of undergoing the process of having
portions of their anatomy replaced with machinery. Other
TALENTS: The character receives access to the
species are not able to adjust to the process,
following talents:
with their own bodies rejecting the machinery
over time. These augmentations go beyond
replacing a missing limb and involve large-scale
REQUIREMENT: Cybernetically Enhanced, or
replacement of the epidermis, musculature,
gamemaster’s permission.
and even portions of the nervous system
with state-of-the-art computers
Some injuries su ered by organic beings require extensive
and electronics that adapt to the
augmentations and improvements of an individual’s body.
individual’s physiology and replace
Some of these improvements leave the Cybernetically
their natural function. Though
Enhanced possessing physical abilities superior to their
these cybernetics do their best to
original capabilities, and allow them to achieve feats well
compensate for the loss of their
beyond what they once could. The Cybernetically Enhanced
organic components, some among
increases their Resistance by 1 against non-lethal attacks.
the augmented would prefer to
The Cybernetically Enhanced may also spend 2 Momentum
retain their original body parts.
(Immediate) to re-roll a single die for any task involving Fitness.

characters are always mixed-
REQUIREMENT: Cybernetically Enhanced, or
species characters – their original
gamemaster’s permission.
species, and their new status as
a cybernetically-enhanced
Some Cybernetically Enhanced nd themselves able to
recall information faster than they used to and are able to
process crucial details to a greater degree. Three times per
session, a Cybernetically Enhanced individual may ask the
Arti cial but Still Alive.
gamemaster for more information regarding data they have
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, recorded or situations they have personally seen, as if they
+1 Fitness, +1 Reason had spent a point of Momentum to Obtain Information.


The rules for portraying cybernetically augmented beings is meant to portray an individual
in the 23rd century who has had to undergo the extreme process of having portions of their
body replaced with technology. In some cases, the improvements can make the individual
stronger than they were, but in other cases it makes them vulnerable to EMP elds and
attempts to override their autonomic functions. These individuals may still possess some
traits of their original species and with the gamemaster’s permission are allowed to choose a
trait from their birth species.


Fitness 2 [5]
Coordination 2 [5]
Dexterity +1
Intellect 2 [6]
Logic +1
Presence 1 [5]
Empathy +1
Psi 0 [5]

Engineering (choose any 2 Specializations) 2 (3)
Computer (choose Specialization) 1 (2)
Culture (Cygnus) 2 (3)
History (Cygnus) 1 (2)
Cygnan 2
Science or Engineering (choose Specialization) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Cygnus) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages Disadvantages

Curious +1, Engineering Aptitude +3, Medical Remedy (Chemical Sunblock) +1, Night Vision
+2, Impulsive -1, Intolerance (Authoritarian Behavior) -2, Medical Problem (No Skin
Pigmentation) -1, Obsessive Tendencies (Technology) -3

The humanoid Cygnans are from a system with very low UV output and thus they lack the skin
pigments that protect against UV light. To offset this they need to regularly apply a long lasting
chemical sunblock to their very pale skin, which together with their totally black eyes, gives
them a very distinctive, albino-like appearance.

Known for their technological aptitude and abilities, Cygnans actually see technology as a form
of art - they are also renowned for their art. Cygnans have a well-deserved reputation for
lacking discipline - except for when it comes to technology. Part of their philosophy is to
spread their technology to others and their representatives on the Federation High Council
continue to be the most open in their objections to the Prime Directive.

The Cygnans are a conversion of the race that appears and is described in Prime Directive, the
role-playing game for the Star Fleet Battles universe published by Task Force Games.

Submitted by Matthew Pook & William F. Hostman

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
Cygnans are a humanoid race with violet skin and golden hair, and a semi-prehensile tail. They
are a matriarchal society - males are only semi-intelligent and are rarely ever seen off-world.
Cygnan females are uncommon in Starfleet.

Cygnans are renowned are software engineers, especially in the field of artificial intelligence.
They believe that computer systems should emulate humanoid personalities and regard
standard interface systems are terribly impersonal. In 2267, the USS Enterprise computer was
upgraded by a Cygnan team, who gave the computer a flirtatious female persona.

Fitness 2 [5]
Coordination 2 [5]
Dexterity +1
Intellect 2 [6]
Logic +1
Presence 1 [5]
Empathy +1
Psi 0 [5]

Computer (choose Specialization) 1 (2)
Culture (Cygnan) 2 (3)
Engineering, Any (choose any 2 Specializations) 2 (3)
History (Cygnan) 1 (2)
Cygnan 2
Science, Any (choose Specialization) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Cygnet XIV) 1 (2)

Typical Traits
Curious +1, Engineering Aptitude +3, Impulsive -1, Obsessive Tendencies (Technology) -3

Notes: Cygnans were referred to by name in Classic Star Trek, but were not definitively shown
- I have chosen to regard a race which appeared aboard the USS Enterprisein the episode
Jourbey to Babel as being Cygnans (this species also closely resembles the character of Trance
Gemini in the series Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda). This writeup is loosely based on the
Prime Directive game statistics.

A Cygnan Trance Gemini

Submitted by Owen E. Oulton

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME hair; and are considered one of the most physically
SPECIES PROFILE attractive races in the Alpha quadrant.

Daliwakian men have soft voices. And both the men and
women are known for their fine singing voices and natural


Daliwakians have a very open culture. Technologically, they
are on a par with many of the member-worlds of the
Federation. Although they are behind the Federation it's self
when it comes to constructing their own starships, the
Daliwakians have been a warp-capable species for over a

They enjoy the company of others, fine food and drink,

good music; and they excel at the art of physical pleasure.

Daliwakian women are highly sought after as Dabo Girls,

and for other similar professions. The men easily make a
living for themselves as merchants, gamblers, con-men,
and gigolos.

Daliwakians are pacifists by nature, and do not maintain

their own military. They do have police in their larger cities,
but these police are referred to as “upholding the law”
rather than “enforcing” it. And they are unarmed save for a
small truncheon carried on their belts.

For the defense of their planet from outside forces, the

Daiwakians rely on the Federation. Their homeworld has
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS been under Federation protection since 2294.
+1 Perception, +2 Presence
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The native Daliwakian language is a beautiful, musical
language that has some similarity to latin languages from
Daliwakians are bipedal humanoids with a very close Earth, and especially to Latin, it's self.
resemblance to Terran humans. The only openly
observable difference between an Earth human and a Most Daliwakians will speak not only Daliwakian, but also
Daliwakian is the series of ridges adorning the Federation Standard, some Orion dialects, and a smattering
forehead of the latter. of useful phrases in Ferengi, due to business dealings with
Daliwakians all have a unique pattern of ridges on
their cranium, in the center of the forehead, and an COMMON NAMES
enlarged bony above the eyes. Each Daliwakiakn's Daliwakians have both an individual name and a family
forehead ridges are as distinctive as those of a surname. The name is given in the same fashion as
Klingon, with similar ridge patterns occurring among Bajorans, with the surname first, and the person's individual
families. name second.

To an untrained observer, the ridge patterns look very Daliwakians do not use a middle name.
much the same from person to person; and appear as
a singular ridge extending from the bridge of the nose Daliwakians do change their surnames when marrying, and
up to the hair-line, with two slightly wider ridges the husband traditionally takes the wife's name, as do the
forming a sort of semi-circle out from the central children. The family line is traced through the female.
Differing thickness of the ridges, different degree of Daliwak, the homeworld of the Daliwakians, is almost as
curve, and different lengths all serve to distinguish well-known as a resort-planet as Risa or Argellius. While not
one Daliwakian forehead from another. as popular among the Federation citizenry as either of the
other pleasure-worlds of the Alpha Quadrant, Daliwak
Daliwakians tend to be dark haired. Men wear their boasts a wide range of cuisine, and many luxurious
hair short, and often adorn their faces with mustaches comforts lost to old Earth but cherished by human
or trim beards. Women wear their hair long, but travelers.
usually pinned up in intricate hairstyles.
Daliwakian music is considered some of the finest in the
Daliwakian skin-tones range from a deep tan to an quadrant. And any good chef is required to know how to
olive-tone. And they have unusually smooth skin, fine
prepare a least one Daliwakian dish. receive a +2 species-bonus to all Negotiate (Entreat), and
Persuade (Oratory) tests.
Daliwakians are also known for their high fashions.
Many of the most highly regarded clothing designers Natural Talent: All Daliwakians have some kind of talent, be
in the Federation come from Daliwak. Ambassador it singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, or
Lwaxana Troi, of Betazed is known to be fond of dramatic acting. A Daliwakian will begin the game with 2
Daliwakian designs, and has even employed a levels and 1 specialty in any one Entertainskill. She may
Daliwakian to work for her on Betazed designing advance this, and all Entertain skills as professional skills.
Pacifist: Daliwakians will all have one level of this trait as a
At least that is the reason she gave, for his species flaw. (see page 142 of the Player's Guide for more
employment. information).

Class: M
Moons or Rings: 2 moons
Gravity: 1G
Climate: Standard atmosphere, 73%
hydrosphere, warm / tropical temperatures
Demographics: Several million inhabitants.
Mostly Daliwakian, but some Orions, Ferengi,
Humans, and a few Bajoran refugees
Civilization: Initiative, and Openness. TL8.
Resources: Clothing, fashion-design, fine
foods, wines; entertainment, and entertainers.

Daliwakians will always take on a civilian profession.
The only “Soldiers” to be found in Daliwakian society
are the Daliwakian Police.

Daliwakians may become soldiers, or mercenaries on

their own, or out of need. But there is no standing
army, or space-navy on Daliwak.

Daliwakians can be members of any civilian

profession, but gravitate towards Rogues, Merchants,
and Diplomats. Common Elite Professions include
Explorers, and Spies.

Daliwakians are naturally charming and charismatic.
Most other races find them very physically attractive.
And this natural knack for the social graces has given
them a unique insight into what people are saying, and
what they are meaning.

Daliwakians receive a +1 species bonus to their

Perception attributes, and a +2 bonus to their
Presence scores.

Daliwakians also have several other species-traits,

both advantages and disadvantages; that are unique
to their people.

Charming: Daliwakians are naturally pleasant, soft-

spoken, and openly flirtatious. They receive a +2
species-bonus to all Influence (Charm) tests.

Smooth-talking: Daliwakians know how to use words;

a properly turned phrase, or a cleverly inserted
comment, to achieve even the most subtle goal. They

Hailing from the Alpha Quadrant planet of Defera, the Deferi homeworld is
located between the Cardassian Union and Breen Confederacy. Because
of their world’s rich archaeological sites, they have been targeted by the
Breen several times during their history. These ancient ruins belong to long
forgotten empire with fantastical technology. Deferi philosophy is based upon
maintaining a universal balance, as inequality is said to lead to hatred and
misunderstanding. Before taking action, possible impact on balance has to
be evaluated. The Deferi governing body practices a complex system of direct
diplomacy, where the populace is consulted on major decisions and polls are
used to elect officials or remove them from office. Because of their philosophy,
the Deferi strive to remain neutral in galactic politics, but have diplomatic
ties with the Federation and Klingon Empire. While the Deferi possessed warp
technology for years, they preferred to remain on Defera rather than risking
imbalancing the region. Overpopulation eventually forced the Deferi to
expand beyond their homeworld, which attracted the attention of several
dangerous species.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Inequality Breeds Resentment

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight,+1 Presence,+1 Reason

TRAIT: Deferi. Deferi have light green skin that is smooth with darker mottled
patches. The top of their head features a pronounced cranium ridges, and
female Deferi have a large bony ridge between their eyes. Deferi are
descended from amphibians and dislike arid conditions, which leaves their skin
painfully dry. They retain the ability to breathe water for short durations, but
can function in the air indefinitely. They have a nictitating membrane that can
covers their eyes, keeping them moist and protecting them from blinding
chemicals and bright lights.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Deferi, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You live your life focused on maintaining balance, trying not to let any one
aspect become too dominant. When you buy an extra d20 with Momentum,
the cost to buy the next d20 is reduced by 1 if purchased using Threat.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
Fitness 2 [5]
Strength -1
Coordination 3 [5]
Intellect 2 [5]
Logic +1
Presence 2 [5]
Empathy +1
Psi 0 [5]

Culture (Deian) 2 (3)
Engineering (Choose Specialization) 1 (2)
History (Deian) 1 (2)
Deian 2
Science, Any (Choose Specialization) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Deia) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages Disadvantages

Sexy +2

The Deians are humanoids with pale blue skin and very little, or no facial hair. Indeed, they
have a cultural taboo against exposing any body hair except their head hair. Their appearance is
considered almost god-like in its beauty by humans, hence their name, such that those races
that find the human form attractive, often also find the slender, coolly, pristine and ethereally
angelic looks of an average Deian a distraction.

First contacted in 2213, the Deians, or True Nerillar as they call themselves (they term each
race according to the order in which they were encountered, so Humans are Second Nerillar,
Vulcans are Fourth Nerillar and so on), had already laid colonies on three planets within their
own Paktar system and were on the verge of making contact with other races. These were in
addition to their homeworld, the third planet in the Paktar system, known as "Kal'Tyar Seterra
Nerillar", or "First and True Home".

Though they value their privacy - their monotheistic religion remains a secret to this day, many
Deians choose to serve in Starfleet. This tends to be in the science or engineering branches,
although others do serve as Federation diplomats.

The Deians are a conversion of the race that appears and is described in Prime Adventures 1, a
supplement for Prime Directive, the role-playing game for the Star Fleet Battles universe
published by Task Force Games For further information, see page 21 of Prime Adventures 1.
They were originally created by Christopher Allen and given statistics by Timothy Oleson.

Submitted by Matthew Pook & William F. Hostman

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
are extremely familiar. Not sensing the nearby emotions
is impossible, except for those who are resistant to
telepathy. It may require serious e ort and a Task to pick
THE ORIGINAL SERIES AND THE NEXT GENERATION out the emotions of a speci c individual in a crowd, or
ERAS ONLY to block out the emotions of those nearby. Increase the
Di culty of this Task if the situation is stressful, if there
These humanoids from the Delta system di er in are a lot of beings present, if the target has resistance to
appearance only slightly from Humans, with very little hair telepathy, or if the Gamemaster decides there are other
across their bodies, aside from eye brows and lashes. relevant factors.
As a telepathic and empathic species, the Deltans rank
themselves alongside the Vulcans and Betazoids as able to SAMPLE NAMES:
read and communicate via thoughts and feelings. Indeed, Male names: Jedda, Clarze
some Deltan genealogists have theorized Betazoids are a Female names: Ilia, Zinaida
distant cousin species. Family names: Adzhin-Dall

With some of the most potent pheromones the

Federation has ever encountered, many other species
nd the Deltans very sexually appealing. The vast
majority of Deltans in Star eet, therefore, take an oath of
celibacy, ensuring their sexuality is not a distraction to
their colleagues. By all accounts this is a good thing, as
the Deltan act of intimacy involves not only their bodies
but also their telepathic minds, possibly endangering the This chapter adds a dozen new species available as character
mental health of other species. lifepaths. They represent only a few of the Beta Quadrant species
eager to adapt their particular talents to the United Federation of
EXAMPLE VALUE: Bodies and Minds as One Planets’ vision of alliance and exploration. Compared to tense
coexistence with the Klingon Empire, or the paranoid shadow
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence of Romulan duplicity, Star eet o ers a welcoming, structured
opportunity for access to advanced scienti c resources.
TRAIT: Deltan. Deltans are considered to be beautiful Academy graduates come not only from species which are
individuals, with powerful empathic abilities and formal members of the Federation, but from a wide variety of
heightened sensuality. The pheromones they excrete other worlds, and in addition to the new Beta Quadrant species
are a natural aphrodisiac in most species throughout detailed here, players and Gamemasters may like to introduce
the Federation, and while serving aboard Star eet they species of their own creation never before seen on-screen. More
must be very careful with their natural physiology, using details on unusual and unique characters can be found in the
chemical suppressants to cancel the e ect. Core Rulebook, page 111.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following talents:

The character excretes a natural aphrodisiac pheromone.
Whenever they attempt a Task using Presence to in uence
an attracted creature, they gain one bonus d20. However, Andorian 1-2 1-2 1
they also increase their Complication Range Bajoran – – 2-3
by 2, as the e ect can be distracting or lead to unwanted Benzite – – 4
consequences. This talent can be switched o , losing Betazoid – – 5-6
both the bonus and the drawback, by applying chemical Bolian – – 7
suppressants. Denobulan 3-4 3-4 8
Efrosian – 5-6 9
Human 5-16 7-14 10-15
REQUIREMENT: Betazoid, Deltan, or Gamemaster’s Tellarite 17-18 15-16 16
permission. Character creation only. Trill – 17 17
The Deltan can sense the emotions of most nearby living Vulcan 19-20 18-19 18-19
beings, and can communicate telepathically with other Zakdorn – 20 20
empaths and telepaths, as well as those with whom they This table re ects most common rather than all Star eet races.

Official version found in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook

Deltans have a reputation for being distant and aloof—often being compared
to Vulcans—but they actually have a well-developed sense of humour
beneath their poised and dignified exterior. Their home-world, Delta IV, has
unpredictable tides and an inhospitable ecology that created a polyglot and
unified culture: while micro-cultures developed throughout their home world’s
expansive chains of archipelagos, they never remain isolated long enough for
the Deltans to develop pronounced cultural differences or xenophobia, and
the species is accepting of differing opinions and beliefs. A deeply sensual
race, Deltans savour physical sensations of all varieties: hunger pangs and
their satiation with exquisite foods, and both the caress of a warm breeze or
bite of a chill wind. Their pronounced sexual attractiveness can prove to be a
distraction for other species, which prompts most Deltans to swear an oath
of celibacy when working off-world or alongside non-Deltans, such as when
serving on Starfleet vessels. Renowned for their fashion and jewellery, Deltans
are known to wear elaborate head dresses, and their accessories are sold
throughout the Federation and neighbouring territories.

EXAMPLE VALUE: There are Limits to Self Indulgence, but None to Restraint

TRAIT: Deltan. Deltans resemble Humans but are identified by an absence of

body hair save eyebrows. Due to their strong pheromones, Deltans are
exceptionally alluring to most humanoid species. Deltan senses are highly
acute and sensitive far beyond the Human norm, especially their sense of
touch, sight, and taste.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

You can carefully release your pheromones to induce a surge of endorphins,
relieving physical pain. After a successful First Aid Task, you can permit the
character to ignore the injury for the remainder of the scene, allowing them to
act normally. A character can benefit from this only once per mission.

You have learned to use your pheromones offensively, triggering random
pain impulses. Your touch counts as a melee weapon with 1 A, Vicious 1,
Size 1 H, and the Nonlethal quality. You may use Command or Medicine
instead of Security when attempting an induce agony Attack, and may
increase damage by your Command or Medicine Discipline instead of

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:

In the first decades of the 22nd Century, the Terran Empire reached Denobula
and found the populace surprisingly willing to serve. Having seen the Empire
growing closer and closer, the Denobulans opted to surrender and welcomed
the Terrans rather than resist and risk extinction. Lacking a large fleet of
ships and with only a single continent housing their entire population, the
Denobulans were vulnerable and stood no chance against the Imperial
Starfleet. While other vassal planets occasionally rebelled, the Denobulans
were noted for their passivity and seeming loyalty to the Empire. From a young
age, Denobulan with skills useful to the Imperial Starfleet were identified
and sent off-world. These “volunteers” effectively surrendered to Terran
servitude. This regular sacrifice of skilled individuals allowed Denobula to
largely maintaining its independence and preserve the traditional tight knit
community-based lifestyle Denobula had maintained for generations. Those
Denobulans who offer their services to the Empire worked diligently to be
exemplary officers—loyal and fully committed to the ideals of the Empire—so
their planet and family would be left in peace. With their low opinion of aliens,
few Terrans recognize this deception, and believe Denobulans to be inherently
subservient. This worked to the advantage of the Klingon-Cardassian
Alliance: when Alliance forces neared that sector, Denobula betrayed the
Empire in exchange for freedom. The Alliance accepted and Denobula won its

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Denobulan, or Gamemaster’s Permission
With billions of inhabitants on its single continent, Denobula has a high
population density. You were raised in these crowded spaces and feel most
comfortable in groups. When you make a Task in the same zone as two or
more friends or trusted colleges you can re-roll a d20.

REQUIREMENT: Denobulan, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You respond quickly to orders and work well with others. When you are given
an order by a commander performing the Direct Task, you can re-roll a d20 on
the commanded task.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios

Originados do planeta Denobula, Denobulanos são um povo gregário e inquisiti-

vo que tem sido aliado da Humanidade desde os anos 2130. Embora Denobula
não seja um dos fundadores da Federação, os Denobulanos se uniram logo
após ela. Os Denobulanos são um povo sociável, com características expres-
sivas distintas que são usadas para viver em condições comunais próximas, e
cujos grupos familiares extensos são grandes e complexos — um Denobulano
pode ter várias esposas, cada uma podendo ter seus vários parceiros, e dúzias
de lhos entre eles. Culturalmente, eles são intelectualmente curiosos, percep-
tivos e interessados em uma ampla gama de loso as, embora sua natureza
estudiosa, grandes famílias e natureza gregária signi que que relativamente
poucos deles se aventurem muito longe de seu mundo natal.

EXEMPLO DE VALOR: Segurança nos Números

ATRIBUTOS: +1 de Físico, +1 de Intuição, +1 de Raciocínio.

TRAÇO: Denobulano. Denobulanos têm um sistema imune robusto, mas

uma vulnerabilidade a várias formas de envenenamento por radiação. Eles
são naturalmente escaladores hábeis, subindo paredes lisas como algumas
formas de lagartos terrestres. Denobulanos não precisam dormir, mas
devem hibernar por vários dias a cada ano, cando desorientados se forem
acordados durante este período.

TALENTOS: O personagem recebe acesso aos seguintes talentos:

REQUISITOS: Denobulano, ou permissão do Mestre de Jogo.

Seu povo é amistoso, paciente e inquisitivo, e você exempli ca esses traços.
Você é receptivo quando conhece novas culturas e se adapta facilmente a
estruturas sociais não familiares. Quando zer uma Tarefa para aprender sobre
uma cultura não familiar, ou para agir de maneira apropriada quando interagir
com membros dessas culturas, você reduz a Di culdade em 1.

REQUISITOS: Denobulano, ou permissão do Mestre de Jogo.

Você tem uma grande família, com muitos lhos, sobrinhos e primos, e apren-
deu como coordenar mesmo os grupos mais desorganizados e turbulentos
quando necessário. Quando zer ou auxiliar uma Tarefa e dois ou mais per-
sonagens estiverem envolvidos, a primeira Complicação gerada para a Tarefa
— seja pelo personagem realizando a Tarefa ou por um de seus assistentes
— pode ser ignorada.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

Masters of the Devore Imperium, the Devore are a Humanoid species very similar in
appearance to Humans leading a strong interstellar community on a similar technical level to
the Federation.The Devore originate from the planet Deverone located at the centre of their
territory. The Devore are a strong military power, and have expansionist policies, but prefer to
absorb willing planets into their Imperium, offering mutual agreements for sharing Technology
and Defensive capabilities.

The Devore have spread rapidly throughout their territory, with the Devore as senior sentient's
within the Imperium, their military is manned solely by the Devore, although absorbed worlds
are allowed to maintain local law enforcements and minimal planetary defence forces to
supplement the Devore navy.

Although maintaining a superior attitude to their member species, the Devore do accept and
understand them, treating them as lesser partners, over conquered foes.And this attitude
translates into a wary acceptance of peaceful travellers through their territory.

The Devore have one major dislike.They are rabidly intolerant of Psioncs, going out of their
way to hunt them down and incarcerate them.However such incarceration is often directly
connected to the Deaths of any who are captured, often leading to refugee's evading the Devore
authorities who often search vessels at random, even multiple times to ensure that all Psionics
are apprehended.This attitude even extends to Psionic capable species aboard vessels travelling
through their space, whether they are citizens of the Imperium or not.

This hatred stems from recent events on the Devore homeworld, after an abortive coup by
Psionic's over a century before.The small group was destroyed and in a fit of Paranoia all
Psionics were declared illegal by the Devore authorities, their leaders giving the Armed Forces
draconian powers resembling martial law and a free hand to enforce the laws against Psioncs
any way necessary.

This situation is compounded by the fact that the development of Psionics is the next
evolutionary step for the Devore. And slowly, over time they are developing Psionic abilities,
faster even than the authorities are able to hunt them down.

Fitness 2 [5]
Coordination 2 [5]
Intellect 3 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Empathy -1
Willpower +1
Psi 1 [5]

Any Science (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Athletics (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
Culture (Devore Imperium) 2 (3)
History (Devore Imperium) 1 (2)
Devore 2
World Knowledge (Deverone) 1 (2) (27)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages;
Intolerant (Psionics) -3
+1 Courage Point.

Submitted by Dan Gurden

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.
Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®,© Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
The Devore of the Devore Imperium are best known as xenophobes of the
most stringent variety, especially with regards to telepathic species. Ships
crossing Devore space must undergo a series of inspections by the Devore
military, all to ensure that no telepaths are aboard the ship. Any telepaths
found would be taken and detained – or worse – as would anyone found to
be harboring telepaths.
The intolerance of the Devore Imperium does not stop at telepaths,
however. Any alien species are deemed by the Devore as threats, rst and
foremost. They call all aliens “gaharey,” which was a derogatory term best
translated as “stranger” or “outsider.” Any non-Devore traveling through
Devore space is forced to follow a series of protocols that includes not just
the frequent inspections, but also the submission of detailed ight plans to
be rigorously followed during travel.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Only With Our Enemies Distant And Our

Thoughts Secure Are We Free

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Devore. The Devore’s physiology is similar is most

ways to Humans. The major di erence rests in the shape of
the skull. They have no eyebrows – in their place, the Devore
sport faint ridges that start below the bridge of the nose,
and a vertical ridge is present slightly above the eyeline,
between the eyes and just beneath the hair line. Soldiers of
the Devore Imperium receive training in withstanding or
blocking telepathic encroachment, making them less
susceptible to mind-reading or other forms of telepathic

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Disciplined Mind (Rakhari)

Incisive Scrutiny (Tellarite)
Psi-Hunter (Original: Photonic Prosecutor) (Lokirrim)
Change the talent to refer to telepaths rather than photonics.

Feminine Names: Minda, Taadoz, Taymik
Masculine Names: Cullos, Kashyk, Marnon
Gender-Neutral Names: Jerno, Prax, Teza

Dolphins are small cetacean mammals with beaklike snouts. They evolved along with humans
on the planet Earth, although for much of human history dolphin sentience went unrecognized.
Dolphins are peaceful, intelligent, curious, and friendly. They are aquatic beings, spending their
entire lives in water, although they breathe air. They possess a form of sonar which can reliably
sense an object's size, shape, texture, and density up to 20 meters away (in a liquid medium).
Since they have no appendages suited to tool use and other such typical humanoid
manipulation of their environment, dolphins tend to be introspective and contemplative.

Dolphins (and their cousin, the Whales) are valued in Starfleet for their outstanding
navigational abilities. Some ships, in fact (including the Galaxy-class) incorporate special
facilities to accommodate cetacean crewmembers and/or researchers. "Cetacean Ops" on these
ships is where theoretical topics in navigation are studied in depth.

Fitness 2 [5]
Coordination 3 [5]
Intellect 2 [5]
Perception +1
Presence 2 [5]
Empathy +1
Psi 0 [5]

Acrobatics (Aquatic) 1 (2)
Athletics (Swimming) 1 (2)
Culture (Dolphin) 2 (3)
History (Dolphin) 1 (2)
Dolphin 2
Planetary Sciences (Navigation) 2 (3)
Space Sciences (Astrogation) 2 (3)
World Knowledge (Earth) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
Curious +1, Excellent Hearing +2 (Sonar), Pacifism -3 (Self-defense), Physically Impaired -3
(No Fine Manipulators; Cannot Walk), Sense of Direction +1

Submitted by Keith Garrett

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
Estabelecido há 10.000 anos, o Domínio é um poder interes- REGRAS ESPECIAIS:
telar originário do Quadrante Gama que busca trazer ordem Força Bruta: Jem’Hadar adicionam o efeito Feroz 1 a seus
à Galáxia através da diplomacia e da subjugação. Governado Golpes Desarmados e removem a Qualidade Não Letal.
pelos Fundadores, uma espécie de alienígenas metamorfos, Imune a Medo
e servidos por subordinados manipulados geneticamente, Imune a Dor
o Domínio tem in uência sobre centenas de mundos e as O Manto: Um Jem’Hadar pode gastar 2 de Ameaça
civilizações deles. como uma Ação Menor para car virtualmente invisível,
aumentando em três a Di culdade de todas as Tarefas
para observar, localizar ou mirar no Jem’Hadar. Esse efei-
to acaba quando o Jem’Hadar ataca ou usa uma Ação
Menor para encerrar o efeito. O Jem’Hadar perde essa
habilidade quando é privado de ketracel-branco.
Criados apenas para o combate, os Jem’Hadar são a prin-
cipal força militar do Domínio. Cada guerreiro é dependente
do ketracel-branco, um narcótico viciante fornecido pelos
Vorta que supre todas as necessidades nutricionais deles. A
abstinência dessa droga causa dor, loucura e, eventualmen-
te, a morte, garantindo a lealdade absoluta dos Jem’Hadar
ao Domínio.

TRAÇOS: Jem’Hadar


UGolpe Desarmado (Corporal, 3 Derrubar, Feroz 1,
Tamanho 1M)
Lâmina (Corporal, 4 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M)
Agravamento Kar’takin (Corporal, 5 Feroz 1, Tamanho 2M)
Fuzil de Plasma (Distância, 6 Feroz 1, Tamanho 2M,
Debilitante, Preciso)

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

Cada unidade de Jem’Hadar é comandada por um Primeiro Os Vorta são uma raça manipulada geneticamente criada
que reporta diretamente ao Vorta. Embora ainda sob a in u- pelos Fundadores para agir como diplomatas, cientistas
ência do vício em ketracel-branco, um Primeiro Jem’Hadar é e comandantes para o gerenciamento diário do Domínio.
autorizado a distribuir a droga em sua unidade, quando ela é Através de um complexo processo de clonagem, qualquer
fornecida por seu Vorta. Vorta morto pode ser devolvido com todas as suas memórias
originais, embora sua personalidade possa mudar.
TRAÇOS: Jem’Hadar
VALOR: Agora Estamos Mortos; Devemos Ir para a Batalha
Reinvindicar Nossas Vidas VALOR:
Vivo para Servir aos Fundadores
FOCO: Mano a Mano, Táticas de Combate Não Há Nada que Não Farei para ter Sucesso

FOCO: Diplomacia, Dissimulação, Observação, Psicologia



Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 4 Derrubar, Feroz 1, Tama-
nho 1M) ATAQUES:
Lâmina (Corporal, 5 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M) Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 2 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Agravamento Kar’takin (Corporal, 6 Feroz 1, Tamanho 2M) Não Letal)
Fuzil de Plasma (Distância, 7 Feroz 1, Tamanho 2M,
Debilitante, Preciso) REGRAS ESPECIAIS:
Em Nome dos Fundadores:: Quando usar as Tarefas
REGRAS ESPECIAIS: Direcionar ou Auxiliar para comandar outros servos do
Força Bruta: Jem’Hadar adicionam o efeito Feroz 1 a seus Domínio, um Vorta pode jogar 2d20 em vez de 1d20.
Golpes Desarmados e removem a Qualidade Não Letal. Implante Terminal: Caso um Vorta seja capturado, ele
Imune a Medo pode cometer suicídio acionando um implante terminal. Isso
Imune a Dor requer uma Ação Menor e mata o Vorta imediatamente.
Imune a Dor Manipulador: Caso Taris compre um ou mais d20s quan-
O Manto: Um Jem’Hadar pode gastar 2 de Ameaça do tentar uma Tarefa para enganar ou intimidar alguém,
como uma Ação Menor para car virtualmente invisível, ela pode rejogar sua parada de dados.
aumentando em três a Di culdade de todas as Tarefas
para observar, localizar ou mirar no Jem’Hadar. Esse efei-
to acaba quando o Jem’Hadar ataca ou usa uma Ação
Menor para encerrar o efeito. O Jem’Hadar perde essa
habilidade quando é privado de ketracel-branco.
Vitória é Vida: Sempre que um Primeiro Jem’Hadar
ou um de seus subordinados cauxar um Ferimento ou
alcançar um objetivo, gere 1 de Ameaça.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

O Domínio é composto por muitos mundos e muitas espécies, a ada, e agem sem qualquer sinal de medo ou hesitação em
mas as mais proeminentes são os seres criados pelos próprios batalha. Eles encaram a morte sem qualquer apreensão e são
Fundadores, projetados para servir em funções especí cas extremamente agressivos, limitados apenas por sua obediência
dentro do Domínio. Estes são os Jem’Hadar e os Vorta. absoluta aos Fundadores e aos Vorta.

Os Jem’Hadar são formas de vida geneticamente alteradas, Os Vorta são formas de vida geneticamente alteradas, criadas
criadas para servir como militares para o Domínio. Gerados para servir como conselheiros, cientistas, diplomatas e
em câmaras de maturação em vez de naturalmente, eles supervisores para o Domínio, agindo como os servos mais
crescem até a maturidade em três dias, desenvolvendo próximos e principais representantes dos Fundadores. Vorta são
raciocínio complexo e domínio de idiomas um dia depois de clonados, em lotes de seres idênticos, com um novo clone sendo
nascer. Depois que amadurecem, eles não comem, bebem ou ativado e colocado a serviço quando um predecessor morre,
dormem, recebendo toda a nutrição da droga ketracel-branco, recebendo as memórias dos que vieram antes dele, embora cada
frequentemente conhecida apenas como “a branca,” que é clone ainda seja um indivíduo distinto. Os Vorta são extremamente
distribuída para eles por seu supervisor Vorta como forma de astutos e espertos, mas têm pouca criatividade ou senso estético.
garantir a lealdade. Poucos Jem’Hadar vivem mais de quinze Personagens Vorta têm os seguintes modi cadores:
anos devido a casualidades de batalha, com os que alcançam
os vinte sendo chamados de ‘Anciãos.’ Personagens Jem’Hadar ATRIBUTOS: +1 Intuição, +1 Presença, +1 Raciocínio
têm os seguintes modi cadores:
TRAÇO: Vorta. Vorta. Os Vorta têm uma audição
ATRIBUTOS: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight extremamente precisa, mas uma visão relativamente ruim.
Eles são imunes à maioria das formas de veneno. Vorta
TRAÇO: Jem’Hadar. Jem’Hadar individuais são sicamente são absolutamente leais ao Domínio, reverenciando os
poderosos e bem mais fortes e mais resistentes do que os Fundadores como deuses vivos. Os que encontram os Vorta
Humanos. Eles também possuem uma visão excepcionalmente frequentemente os consideram falsos ou manipuladores.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

Pollux VIII, a barely M-class planet filled with

History and Culture

Most Chameloids encountered are descendants
of those taken from their world by aliens who found
use for a mimic. They were used from time to time
by agents of the Orion Syndicate, and Klingon
rogues, and other government agencies. The
majority of Chameloids live on their homeworld in
low industrial societies.

Language and Names

Chomo. Chameloid names vary in sound.

Favored Profession
Rogue or Spy.
Species Adjustments
This shy and timid species are a Cardassian
+1 Vitality
vassal species. They are quiet and generally
pacifistic, but happily turn on their oppressors given
Species Abilities a good enough opportunity.
• Exceptional Eyesight: Chameloids devoloped
good observational abilities as a survival trait Physiology and Appearance
and receive a +2 bonus to Observe (Spot)
Dopterians are a humanoid species that are
tests. They can also see well in dim lighting
distant cousins of the Ferengi. They have a four-
conditions, reducing total penalites for dark-
lobed brain that makes them immune to telepathy
ness by -2.
and empathy. They have a distinctive bony ridge
• Mimic: Chameloids can mimic any creature around the back of their head. They are usually a
they see, within limits. The creature must be dark brown or tan color.
humanoid, it must be no more nor less than
50% larger or smaller than the Chameloid. It
requires a Stamina test TN 15 (may be an
extended test) to take on the form, and a Dopteria, an M-class planet inside Cardassian
Stamina test at TN 10 to maintain it per day. space.

Picks History and Culture

18 ([+5] +1 Vitality, [+3] Exceptional Eyesight, The Dopterians were invaded by the Cardassians
[+10] Mimic). in the mid-23rd century. Due to their psionic
immunity, they became popular with the Obsidian
ST VI: The Undiscovered Country Order, as well as the Orion Syndicate, who
frequently used them as couriers. Dopterian
culture has adapted to its vassal status well. They
are subservient to their employers, but quick to turn
on them, if the need or the opportunity arises.

Language and Names

Cardassian or, less frequently, Dopterian.

Favored Profession
Rogue or Spy.

Species Adjustments

Species Abilities periods of time. They have wide-angle vision like a
• Bonus Flaw: Weak Willed: Dopterians are cow or horse, as well as poweful legs which can
easily dominated. either propel them at incredible speeds, or deliver a
• Cautious: Dopterians are naturally skittish. stunning kick to a predator. Kasheetan skin color
They receive a +1 bonus to Observe tests, as ranges through yellows, greens and browns. Most
well as a +1 species bonus to Quickness tests have a mottled color combination, with male
for initiative. coloration less bright than that of females.
• Four-lobed Brain: Dopterians have four-lobed
brains, which render them immune to psionic Homeworld
skills and psi-like abilities. Dopterians cannot Kaferia II. A lush, early-development M-class
acquire the Psionic trait, and all Psionic skill planet.
tests against them automatically fail.
History and Culture
Picks Kasheetan history is still very short. They had
8 ([-2] Weak Willed, [+5] Cautious, [+5] Four- developed early industrial-level societies on their
lobed Brain). own before they were discovered by the Orions in
the 20th century. They were exploited regularly as
TNG “Firstborn” slave labor; males culled by dominant females were
sold for service offworld in exchange for more
advanced materials and technology. With
increasing visits from Earth ships throughout the
22nd century, this practice gradually came to a stop.
Later the Kasheetan applied for protectorate status
with the Federation, and were admitted as a
member in 2260.

Language and Names

Morga or Federation Standard.

Favored Profession

Species Adjustments
+2 Strength, -1 Presence

Species Abilities
• Bonus Trait: Sherpa: Kasheetan can carry a
great deal of weight and receive the Sherpa
edge for free.

KASHEETANS • Bonus Trait: Speed: Kasheetan are quick on

their feet, and receive the Speed edge for free.

Strong-willed and arrogant, the Kasheetan are a
matriarchal society. They are herbivores that prefer
to be in groups.

Physiology and Appearance

Kasheetans evolved early in their world’s
development. While having several reptilian traits,
Kasheetan are actually warm-blooded dinosaurs,
closer to birds than lizards. They reproduce
sexually, but lay eggs that take six months to hatch.
They have a double stomach, which they use to
digest large amounts of grass and the like over long


The Dopterians are native to the Alpha Quadrant, from Dopteria (Kappa Coronae
Borealis), which was a binary system with two K-class stars. They are physiologically
similar to Ferengi, and like them, cannot be read by telepathy. Some Dopterians are
unscrupulous (like pickpockets and thieves), but there have also been luminaries such
as Dopterian gymnasts and ambassadors. They are known for hovering automated
attack weapons known as Dopterian interceptors. They are an independent system,
and have been known in the Federation much longer than the Ferengi, and have been
on Earth as early as 2245.

EXAMPLE VALUE: My Personal Code of Conduct Prohibits Sharing.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Insight

Ø TRAIT: Dopterians. Dopterians are physiologically similar to Ferengi. They cannot

be read by telepathy or empathy.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Dopterian, or GM’s permission.
Whenever you attempt to steal something undetected (anything from data to objects)
and buy dice with either Momentum or Threat, you may re-roll 1d20. If your attempt is
detected or observed by the target, you can no longer use this bonus.


REQUIREMENT: Dopterian, or GM’s permission.
Whenever you attempt to deceive another in a Social Conflict, ignore the first
Complication you or your assistants roll for the Task. In a Timed or Extended Task, you
may apply this to each set of rolls.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Dopterians are a subject race of the Cardassian Union. Cardassia uses the Dopterians as
merchants and sometimes as courier/agents (due to their resistance to Telepathic interrogation).
Unfortunately, since the Dopterians tend to be a little on the timid side to start with, Telepathy
is rarely needed to wring information from them, making them of only moderate real value as

Fitness 1 [5]
Coordination 2 [5]
Dexterity +1
Intellect 2 [6]
Logic +1
Presence 2 [5]
Willpower -1
Psi 0 [5]

Concealment (Choose spec.) 1 (2)
Culture (Dopterian) 2 (3)
History (Dopterian) 1 (2)
Dopterian 2
Merchant (Choose spec.) 1 (2)
Science, Any (Choose specialization) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Dopa) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
Multitasking +2, Telepathic Resistance +4, Toughness +2, Greedy -1

Natives of the Dopa system, which is within the Cardassian Union, Dopterians have many
Early Life experiences (and thus Background History Packages) which mirror those of the
Bajorans and other Cardassian subject races. Other skills and Traits common among Dopterians
include the following:

Cardassian 1
Law (Cardassian) 1 (2)
Species Friend (Cardassian) +4
Obligation (Cardassian Citizen) -2

Submitted by Kurt McCoy

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
The Dosi may appear comical from a distance with their brightly painted
faces and numerous markings along their skin, but they are not a race that
appreciates mockery. Equally adept at being warriors as well as merchants,
the Dosi are an imposing sight across trading outposts along the Gamma
Quadrant. Their aggressive negotiating tactics combined with their need to not
appear foolish leads to many races taking great steps not to o end them. The
Dosi’s alliance with the Dominion has insured that the Dosi can roam as they
please across the Gamma Quadrant as long as they do not interfere with the
Dominion’s business and continue to earn them a pro t. Contrary to the belief
that they must only appreciate war and pro t, the Dosi are excellent artists and
vintners, and tulaberry wine has become an important trade good between the
Alpha and Gamma Quadrants.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Have Already Proven Myself The Victor

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Dosi. The Dosi are a conundrum to outsiders, but

their culture has lasted over a thousand years. Each Dosi
paints their skin in brilliant swirling patterns of stripes and dots
to denote battles they have won or great accomplishments they
have achieved. The Dosi do not do things subtly, and when they
walk into a room they wish to make sure that everyone has noticed
that they have arrived. They consider everything to be a test of their skill, and
when it comes to trade negotiations they approach each business deal with
the same meticulous planning one might focus towards winning a war.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Dosi, or Gamemaster’s permission.

While they are a warrior culture, the Dosi do not teach their children to solve every
matter with only one aspect of their being. In order to thrive in Dosi culture, they
must utilize every skill and asset they possess and must combine them in ways
they never thought possible. A Dosi may use their Fitness Attribute in situations
where they must use Insight, and their Presence Attribute when they need to use
their Reason.

REQUIREMENT: Dosi, or Gamemaster’s permission.

The Dosi’s culture has adapted itself to being able to look at an individual Dosi’s
skin and being able to read their accomplishments before the other Dosi has
even had a chance to open their mouth. The Dosi know other races are not as
civilized as theirs and therefore they know how to radiate a sense of intimidation
and respect to those who are around them, whether by exing their muscles or by
adding implied threats as they attempt to negotiate their deals. The Dosi reduces
the Di culty of all checks involving negotiations or diplomacy by 1.

Masculine names: Inglatu, Mofala
Feminine names: Seketch, Zyree
Gender-neutral names: Ballu, Vish
The Drai consider the Hunt to be the most important thing
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY they will ever do in their lives, and their entire culture revolves
A reclusive race that prefers to spend their time out exploring around it. Whether it is pursuing the Tosk or other prey, the
the universe in pursuit of their prey, the Drai are known as Drai have structured the very way they teach their children to
the Hunters to the majority of the Gamma Quadrant. Unlike view the world to be from the mind-set of a hunter stalking
other races under the control of the Dominion, the Hunters their prey. This helps the Drai in every walk of life as they
are free to roam where they please and are given signi cant are able to approach each task with precision and careful
leeway into how they manage their own a airs. Masters in attention rather than blindly rushing into things. Once
the eld of cloning, the Drai are responsible for the creation per scene the Drai may ignore their Complications when
of the perfect prey and the perfect soldiers. It is through their determining the Di culty for a Task.
genetic mastery that they created the Tosk, which proves to
be the most challenging form of prey for them to stalk, and SAMPLE NAMES:
they have created the Jem’Hadar, who have proven to be Masculine names: Gilga, Horu
the domineering st of the Dominion for centuries. Proud, Feminine names: Sekma, Isett
vain, and focused solely on their own a airs, the Drai pursue Gender-neutral names: Netyr, Coziss
the Hunt as the grandest thing they can do with their lives.
While success is publicly shared so too is failure, and it is
not uncommon for failed Hunters to nd their names spread
throughout the quadrant as shameful examples for how
others are to do better.
EXAMPLE VALUE: There Are No Challenges Like The Hunt Honesty and integrity are cornerstones of the Karemma way
of life. The uno cial merchant caste of the Dominion, the
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence Karemma have been tasked by the Founders with regulating
trade across the Gamma Quadrant. Unlike the Ferengi, who
TRAIT: Drai. The Drai care only for the Hunt and each always attempt to leverage the rules to provide an unfair
one will wear the nest hunting gear that they can advantage with who they are dealing with, the Karemma
buy. Even their day to day clothing is focused more prefer to deal openly and honestly. That is not to say they are
towards being t for survival, with hidden pouches and naïve, and all Karemma must study hard in order to obtain
miniaturized survival equipment being commonly found high positions in the Karemma corporatocracy. Their shrewd
on Drai at all times. While they are on the Hunt they will business senses and honesty have given them a fair amount
often not change clothes and will spend every waking of trust by the Founders who allow them to maintain the
hour pursuing their prey. When they are not hunting, economic workings of the Dominion. If the Karemma have a
the Drai dedicate themselves towards maintaining fault it is that their pursuit of honesty can often force them to
peak physical tness and train to keep their eyes and enter into contracts against their will. No Karemma would be
re exes sharp. willing to dishonor themselves or their family by engaging in
dishonesty, though the Karemma will always pursue strongly
TALENTS: The character receives access to the worded deals that bene t themselves.
following talents:
EXAMPLE VALUE: I See Your True Worth

REQUIREMENT: Drai, or Gamemaster’s permission. ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Reason, +1 Presence

Research into the eld of genetics has become the
cornerstone of the Drai’s technology. Some families have TRAIT: Karemma. The Karemmas’ tall appearance and
begun experimenting on their own children in order to bird-like nature causes them to stand out in a crowd,
produce the most powerful heirs and o spring possible. but most Karemma would prefer to be seen rather than
The character must choose one attribute to be the focus of ignored. From an early age they are taught the delicate
Genetic Mastery. Once an attribute is assigned to Genetic art of appraising what they see around them, and the
Mastery, the character reduces the Di culty of all Tasks that Karemma are able to tell an object’s true worth in a
involve that attribute by 1. few moments of inspection. This often leads them to
inadvertently o end their hosts when a Karemma, who
is truly curious about the worth of objects around them,
moves about the bridge of the ship and declaring how
much each individual’s possessions are worth.

change-of-heart taken into consideration.
Note: Vendorians may not be a player character species.

Species Adjustments: +1 Intellect, +1 Vitality

Species Abilities: Thinker

Gallamites are short, averaging only 1.6m in height, and slender, averaging 50kg. They
have a slightly greenish cast to their amber skin. The hand has four digits, three long
slender fingers and an opposable thumb. The eyes are somewhat larger than Humans,
and have an epicanthic fold similar to eastern Asian Humans. The ears are small and
pointed like those of a Vulcan. The most distinguishing feature, however, is the fact that
the cranium is transparent, and the brain is twice the size of a Human brain. Some races
feel a mild atavistic discomfort at seeing a living brain pulsing inside the cranium, and
some Gallamites wear a close-fitting hood-like garment to avoid making others

Gallamite culture is quiet and contemplative for the most part. Gallamites excel in the
sciences, having a natural affinity for mathematics. Although not as well known as the
Vulcan Science Academy or the Daystrom Institute, the Campus of Mathematical and
Analytical Arts on Gallam II is widely respected in scientific circles.

Gallamite Names: Boday, Brock, Dabish, Eman Ekaf, Oday, O'd'taa


Species Adjustments: +1 Agility, +1 Intellect

Species Abilities: Psionic Drizzittians automatically possess the Psionic edge (see
PG. p.136)

Telepathy: Drizzittians gain Telepathy 2 at NO cost and can treat that skill as a
professional skill for the purposes of skill selection and advancement. Drizzittians
communicate mentally. They can read anyone's thoughts, and can project their own

Bonus Edge (Rapid Healing)

Bonus Edge (Keen Hearing)

Drizzittians are a dark skinned, white haired humanoids with silver reflective eyes and
pointed ears. They come from a planet in the Delta Quadrant that was destroyed by the
Borg in 2299 and arrived in the Alpha Quadrant in 2343, with only a thousand survivors.

The Drizzittians are telepathic (even with non-telepathic species). They can speak but
their voices are so high pitched that it can cause damage. Drizzittians are slightly smaller
than humans. They rarely exceed 1.7 meters in height and they average 55 kilograms.


Orange-skinned humanoids with three arms and ridged brows, the Edoans are shy, reclusive
creatures but some have joined Starfleet where their abilities are well appreciated.

Fitness 2 [5]
Strength -1
Coordination 2 [5]
Dexterity +1
Intellect 2 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Psi 0 [4]

Any Science (choose Specialization) 2 (3)
Artistic Expression (choose Specialization) 2 (3)
Culture (Edoan) 2 (3)
History (Edoan) 1 (2)
Edoan 2
World Knowledge (Edo) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
Ambidexterity +2, Multitasking +2

Submitted by Patrick M. Murphy

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Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME agility and speed than a bipedal humanoid.
Despite only having three fingers on each hand, Edoans
have surprisingly good manual dexterity. And they learn to
use each hand equally. There is no such thing as “right-
SPECIES NAME: EDOAN handed”, “left-handed”, or “center-handed” Edoans.


Edoans have a very relaxed culture. They are not warlike
and prefer artistic and intellectual pursuits. However, if
necessary, Edoans are fully capable of defending
themselves and their homeworld.

Noted craftsmen renowned for making small, meticulous

objects of fine art in the fields of woodcutting and
sculpting; Edoans are also excellent tool-makers. Bajoran
artisans and Klingon craftsmen often prefer Edoan-made
tools to their own.

First contact with Edos III, the Edoan homeworld, was made
in the 22nd century, by Vulcan explorers. The Edoans
gained membership in the Federation in 2241. And they
have remained steadfast members ever since, contributing
to Federation culture.

Several Edoans have served with distinction in Starfleet,

and there have been three Edoans on the Federation
council, and one Edoan president of the United Federation
of Planets, who served between 2348 and 2351.

Edoans are a socially broadminded people. They dislike

SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS aggression. But are even more offended by pushy, and
-1 Strength, +4 Agility, -1 Vitality impatient people. They, themselves, are very patient. An
Edoan can appear very calm and relaxed, even under fire.
Edoans, or Edosians as they are sometimes called, are
a race of tripedal humanoids. They have three arms, Edoans will commonly speak their own language, Edosian;
and three legs. They also have three fingers on each as well as that of the Triexians (a distantly related species),
hand and three toes on each foot. and Federation Standard. Some older Edoans will speak
Their skin is a deeply pigmented orange, although COMMON NAMES
some Edoans will have a darker, browner hue to their Edoans have short, singular names of one or two syllables
skin while others a lighter, more yellowish tone. represented by soft consonants and short vowel sounds.
Edoans from the southern-most continent on their
homeworld have been known to have a profound Some examples include Artrin, Yel, Arex, and Eth
greenish tint to their skin.
Edoans have large, yellow eyes with slit, feline-like
pupils. Two large orifices, one on either side of the Edos III, the homeworld of the Edoans, is a small Class-M
head beneath a thick, bony ridge, serve as the Edoan's planet in the Edos system. A member of the Federation
ears. since the 23rd century.

Edoans have large heads on long, thin necks. They do The Edoan Curia is the primary governing and legislative
not have any hair on their heads or bodies. They have body representing the Edoan people; and politicians and
small noses that sit high on their faces and several diplomats serving the Federation who come from Edos are
ridges and cranial lumps on their foreheads, and the often former members of this Curia.
backs of their heads.
The Edoan head of state, most often a respected, elderly
Edoans also have a small flap of flesh, hanging from male, is referred to as the Supreme Magisterial Authority of
the chin. Edos.

Their three arms are long, and trim, with the third arm Edos III is a Tech Level 6 planet with limited warp capability.
protruding from the center of the Edoan chest. Their Edoans do have a military presence on their own world, but
three legs are positioned so that an Edoan can “sit” by eschew the development of military technology in favor of
leaning back on one leg. Although thin Edoan legs are art, science, and intellectual pursuits.
very strong, providing an Edoan with more natural
As a result, Edoans import much of the technology, light and can even see fairly well in close to total darkness.
and material needed to maintain a healthy planetary They receive the Night Vision edge (p. 138 of the Player's
defense, either from the Federation or from Guide).
independent sources, even including the Ferengi.
Reticent: Edoans are a quiet, reserved people. Often
Edos III's primary exports are artistic objects, and appearing shy, or reluctant to communicate, though they do
people – personnel who serve aboard Federation not come off as arrogant or aloof. Edoans cannot spend
starships, for the most part. Courage on Social Tests.

FAVORED PROFESSION Rebirth: Every 10 – 12 years an Edoan goes through the

phenomenon they refer to as Rebirth. Edoans “shed their
Edoans are most often encountered as Starship
skin”, becoming physically younger. The process also
Officer, serving the Federation Starfleet as Engineers,
effects their minds. During the lengthy hibernation process
Science Officers, or Operations personnel.
required for Rebirth (a period of 20 – 30 Earth days) the
Edoan's mind is active and usually deep in a type of
Some Edoans have also found themselves uniquely
meditative thought.
suited to work as Security Officers. And there has
been more than one Edoan with a successful career as
Edoans who go through the Rebirth during a series receive
a Navigator or Flight Controller aboard a starship.
2 free advances for each Rebirth cycle. When creating an
Edoan character who has gone through the Rebirth prior to
Edoan medical officers are rare. Edoan medical
active play, allow 1 free advancement per Rebirth.
procedures differ so broadly from the standard
practiced within the Federation.
Edoans do not begin to experience Rebirth until the least
the age of 40.
Civilian Edoans will normally be encountered as
Scientist, or Merchants. And Edoans will usually
Edoans have unusually long lifespans, as a result of the
follow the Elite professions of Explorer, or Free Trader.
Rebirth revitalizing the body.
There are also several Edoan diplomats within the
Federation. EDOAN AGING
1 - 25 26 - 40 41 - 185 186 - 385 386 - 700
Despite having three limbs, and having a generally
muscular, if trim physiques, Edoans are not overly
strong and do not deal well with physical damage. THE EDOAN ELISIAR
They receive a -1 species penalty to their Strength and Specifications: 1.52m across x 1.13m tall x 45.72cm
Vitality attribute scores. wide. 227.12L volume. 144Kg mass
Description: The Edoan Elisiar, clearly constructed
What they lack in toughness and brute-strength, for the unique external anatomy of the Edoan
however, is more than made up for in their remarkable people. Consisting of a tripple-keyboard with the
agility and manual dexterity. Edoans receive a +4 keyes laid out in a configuration very similar to a
species bonus to their Agility attributes. Terran organ as well as a type of vibrophone made
of a bone-like material twisted into a mobius shape
Edoans also have some unique species traits: and perched atop the main body of the instrument
above the upper-most keyboard. The Elisiar is large,
Bonus Edge: Skill Focus (Craftsman); Edoans receive but it is surprisingly light-weight, and able to be
the benefits of this edge as a species trait due to the moved from pace to place by a single human adult.
emphasis on arts, crafts, and toolmaking in their The elisiar produces an exotic, pleasing type of
culture. (see p. 138 of the Player's Guide). music.
Rules: The Elisiar can be played using Entertain
Artistic: Edoans have a high aptitude for the arts, and (Elisiar) skill. The absence of this skill, and the
young Edoans are encouraged to find some form of Elisiar is still useable by someone with at least
artistic expression. Edoan characters gain a +1 Entertain (Organ, Vibrophone) +7. Non-tripedal
species bonus to all Craft skills. persons trying to play the Elisiar do so at a -4
Tripedal: Edoans have three arms, three legs, three Duration / Energy: The elisiar contains a
hands, three feet and a total of nine fingers, and nine rechargeable power-cell that can be recharged from
toes. They have exceptional coordination, balance, a standard power-terminal aboard a starship,
and dexterity. They do not suffer any “off-hand” starbase, or other facility. A fully charged Elisiar
penalties. Edoans cannot take the Flat-footed flaw (p. power cell can maintain the instrument for 14 hours
142 of the Player's Guide). And they automatically of continuous playing.
receive the benefits of the Speed edge (p. 138 of the
Player's Guide). The Edoan Elisiar is one of Edos III's most unique
contributions to Federation culture. A staple of 23rd and
Bonus Edge: Night Vision; Edoan eyes are very similar 24th century classical music performances. Some
to Terran felines. They have excellent vision very dim compositions written for the Elisiar have been converted for
play using a standard Earth organ, piano, and ERAS
Enterprise: The Edoans had not yet been encountered by
Some human musicians have learned to play the either the Vulcans or Starfleet during this time-period and
Elisiar, but it is difficult for a non-Tripedal being. Edoan characters in this period are very unlikely.

TOS: The Edoans are very active in the Federation, and

Starfleet by this time. Edoans serve aboard Starfleet
vessels, and even in diplomatic positions in the Federation
government. Near the end of this era, both Edoans and
Triexians are active members of the Federation.

TNG: Edos III is still a member, in good standing, in the

Federation during this time period. With Many Edoans
serving on Starfleet vessels; usually in Engineering or
Operations capacities.

DS9: Edos III managed to avoid the worst of the Dominion

War conflict, not being in a strategically important location
from the point of view of Dominion forces. Edoans serving
in Starfleet are known to have served valiantly during the
War. Many being decorated for valor.

VOY: Any Edoan serving aboard a Starfleet vessel stranded

in the Delta Quadrant would be a valuable asset to the crew.
AN EDOAN ELISIAR Especially serving as an Engineer or Operations manager.
An Edoan could keep a vessel running in top condition with
EDOANS & TRIEXIANS limited supplies for an impressive length of time.

There has been some confusion between these two

species. Edoans, and Triexians are genetically related
and compatible species. However, there are several
distinguishing differences.

Triexians have a looser skin-covering, so that their

skin appears to have a more wrinkled appearance.
Their eyes are not as large. And Triexians, despite
their name, are not Tripeds.

Triexians do share the same region of space as the

Edoans. Their home-system is a close neighbor of the
Edos system. And the two races have long engaged in
social and cultural interchange.

Triexians do experience the Rebirth. But they begin

having Rebirths earlier in life, and they occur at more
random intervals than with Edoans.

One of the best known Edoans to serve in Starfleet
was the Edoan navigator, Arex.

Arex served aboard the USS Enterprise, under Captain

James T. Kirk, for the final two years of Kirk's historic
5-year mission.

By the mid 2280s, Arex had been promoted to the rank

of Commander, and was working with Starfleet

Thrown forward in time to the late 24th century by a

temporal anomaly; Arex's commission was
reactivated, allowing him to serve aboard the USS
Trident. He was then going by his Triexian name, Arex
Na Eth.
Edosians are a tripedal species with three arms and three legs. While not a member of the
Federation, the Edosians have a long-standing, loose alliance with the Federation since
their earliest contact. It is rare, though not unknown, for Edosians to serve in Star eet.
Edosian culture tends toward inner re ection and a meticulousness with historical records.
Genealogy has a much larger focus than in many other cultures, and Edosians are able to
trace their individual family lines back thousands of years. Being a race that lives longer
than even Vulcans, an Edosian may spend decades focused on a particular area of
study before moving on to a new interest. Interesting to exobiologists, with practice,
an Edosian becomes capable of allocating sections of their brain to each arm,
operating independently with nearly fully focus and capability.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Perspective Brings Understanding

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Endosian. With three legs, Endosians are somewhat slower than most
humanoids, but far more stable. With three multidextrous arms,
they are able to operate multiple stations or controls at the same
time. They are long-lived and capable of deep thought – which
others often mistake as antisocial behavior. Their long lives grant
them a perspective most others lack and they are often able to recall
details and facts from disciplines outside their areas of focus due to
decades of exposure and broad study.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Edosian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Edosians are capable, with extensive training and great e ort,
of compartmentalizing their thoughts and operating each arm
completely independent of the others. Characters with this
Talent may spend 3 Momentum to gain the bene t of an additional Senior O cer Role
until the end of the current scene. This Talent may only be used once per episode.

REQUIREMENT: Edosian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Due to their extremely long lifespans, Edosians come to understand and gain knowledge
more extensively than most other individuals. When a character with this Talent uses a
Milestone to exchange a Focus, they may do so twice instead of once.

Given their species evolutionary emphasis on three’s, Edosian names typically contain
three syllables – though two syllable names are not entirely uncommon. Edosians do not
traditionally use surnames to denote family lineages, though Edosians with the same
given name will often di erentiate between each other by citing their region, city, or
neighborhood of birth.

Female names: Nitemi, Besheri, Unora, Kribara, Zamare, Cayamen, Elanwa, Matawa,
Bodanie, Awiwa
Male names: Ainbelad, Arex, Ropetir, Elwomo, Cargarin, Manoko, Nusien, Joelpo,
Darame, Nileber

Official version found in the Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook

Hailing from the planet Edos, Edosians are a tripedal species, possessing
three arms, three legs, and three fingers on each hand. Due to their sensitive
hands and great manual dexterity they are among the best toolmakers in
the Federation. Meticulous about detail, Edosians make superb scientists
and technicians, employing their tetartosphered brain to simultaneously
perform two or three tasks. They are also renowned musicians, playing unique
instruments that require additional limbs. Naturally reserved, Edosians prize
their privacy and tend to be shy and introverted, forming few social bonds
or close attachments. As a long-lived species, Edosians form large blended
families that produce many children. Despite being an advanced species, they
retain their spirituality and religion, and many continue to
worship a pantheon with many gods.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Well

TRAIT:Edosian. All Edosians are agile with long flexible digits

capable of fine manipulation of objects. Because of their exceptional
coordination, Edosians are adept at using all of their limbs at once,
rapidly alternating between tasks..

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Your balance is exceptional, owing to your extra leg, making you
much more stable. You reduce the cost to resist being knocked prone by
the Knockdown damage effect by 2, to a minimum of 0. If the cost would
be reduced below 0, you instead gain 1 Momentum.

You are skilled at using all three of your hands simultaneously. On your
turn, you can take an additional Minor Action, which can only be used for
the Draw Item, Interact, or Aim Minor Actions.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:

Hailing from the planet Efros Delta, Efrosians are renowned

musicians and historians. Their society is dedicated to oral
teaching, most notably in the form of a musical language
that all Efrosian children are taught in some form or another.
They are also excellent navigators and are often sought out
as helm and navigation o cers, as well as translators thanks
to being natural linguists and communications experts. While
their cranial ridges bear some similarity to Klingon physiology
(though less pronounced), a male’s hair is almost always
white from birth while females exhibit darker colors. Males
grow long moustaches and both male and female Efrosians
grow their hair out down their backs.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Specialization Furthers Knowledge

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Efrosian. As the natives to a planet of harsh

freezing storms, Efrosians have natural resilience and
survival instincts. They have two stomachs to break
down any tough foodstu s and protect from infection,
while their naturally poor eyesight is made up for by
their enhanced senses of smell and taste. Interestingly,
even though they have poor vision compared to other
humanoids, they can perceive a greater portion of the
light spectrum than most.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following talents:

An Efrosian can see beyond what others think of as the visual
spectrum, from some infra-red to ultra-violet light. Any Tasks
in which detecting those parts of the spectrum is useful
reduce in Di culty by 1. Circumstances, such as low light
levels, do not a ect the Di culty of Tasks, as long as those
Tasks do not relate to perceiving minutiae of a subject.

REQUIREMENT: Efrosian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Efrosians are taught and learn through oral practices or ‘by
rote’. Any Obtain Information Momentum spends that relate
to their own knowledge using Reason or Insight may ask one
additional question, for free, in addition to those bought with

Male names: Ra-ghoratreii, Xin Ra-Havreii, Ra-Yalix
Female names: Hu’Ghrovlatrei, Fellen Ni-Yaleii
Efrosian culture is the result of living on the harsh, frozen
world of Efros Delta for generations. Both technological and
social development were minimal during the millennia-long
SPECIES NAME: EFROSIAN ice age that ravaged the planet. Close-knit tribes formed out
of a need for survival. Once the immense glaciers began to
VISUAL REPRESENTATION break up, the planet eventually united.

Efrosians prefer to specialize in one area of expertise.

The Efrosians do not have a written language. Although

introduced to the concept by other civilizations, the
Efrosian culture is still based on memorizing oral history,
with libraries resembling other worlds' music archives.
Furthermore, the Efrosian language is music based, which
is more common among aquatic species such as the Alonis,
than mammalian humanoids.

Efrosians lack the concept of monogamy found in many

other humanoid cultures, however this lack of monogamy
does not necessarily translate into sexual promiscuity. Still,
Efrosians consider sexual intercourse a useful way to learn
to work well with others, helping one appreciate one's
colleagues. It is actually considered somewhat rude not to
flirt with someone of your preferred sex. Children are raised
by their mothers alone; in fact, the Efrosian word for mother
is the word which translates into English as "parent". The
closest term for a father is "seed-donor." Most Efrosians
never meet their father. The mother is aided in caring for the
child by whatever male lovers she has taken at the time.
This behavior arose out of necessity; given the harsh
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS conditions on Efros Delta, males had to mate with as many
+1 Strength, +1 Intellect, -1 Perception females as possible, and leaving a mother dependent upon
only one male, who might not return from foraging parties,
Efrosians are very similar in appearance to Klingons,
save for the very slight cranial ridges in comparison to Efrosians are often attuned to others' emotional needs.
a Klingon's full crest, and a copper skin complexion. They are known as an emotionally complex people.
Their faces contain fatty deposits inherited from their
primitive ancestors who neglected to cover their faces
from the harsh cold of the planet Efros. Males tend to
have white or blonde hair while females usually have
Each tribe during the ice age had at least one warrior-priest,
black or dark brown hair.
an individual capable of exceptional combat as well as great
healing. When the ice age ended, the warrior-priests soon
It is typical in Efrosian culture for the males to grow
united Efros under a religious oligarchy led by the still-
lengthy mustaches, and most Efrosians wear their hair
revered S'skotomz.
long. Efrosians have two stomachs and require the
oils found in Levithi nuts in order to remain healthy.
As members of the United Federation of Planets, an
These nuts are found only on Efros Delta, but are
Efrosian delegation sits on the Federation Council. In 2289,
exported to other Federation worlds where Efrosians
Ra-ghoratreii was elected President of the United
Federation of Planets and served until 2300.
Most Efrosians have weak eyes but compensate with a
heightened sense of smell. Some Efrosians who are Religion
blind can correct this disability with a type of special
mechanical glasses. Interestingly, despite their poor Efrosians are deeply spiritual, as a rule. Their religion
eyesight Efrosians appear to have a greater range of features the same binary morality as is found in many Earth
vision than Humans, being sensitive to a wider portion religions. The Efrosian equivalent of heaven is known as
of the spectrum. "Endless Sky", and it is balanced by a fiery underworld.
Efrosian funeral services feature a "death march" in honor
An inherent ability is their uncanny sense of direction. of the deceased. The Efrosian faith is rumored to obligate
This is believed to have originated as a survival its members' names not be spoken (sung) aloud, on Efros.
mechanism to deal with their world's often blinding Nothing else is known, because Efrosians refuse to discuss
snowstorms. As a result, Efrosians are often sought the matter with outsiders, except to mention that their
out as navigators. religion is what enabled them to withstand the Efros ice
Unfortunately, this has been the subject of speculation the small temperate zone around the equator.
and some Tellarites believe child-sacrifice and ritual
murder are common religious practices. This guarded The cold, harsh conditions on Efros make it difficult for
secrecy very much remains in place in the 24th animals and plants to thrive, but some native non-intelligent
century. organisms do exist.


Efrosians are well known for their involvement with
Some Federation anthropologists claim there is some Starfleet, as Flight Control Officers, Security, Tactical, and
evidence that the Efrosians did not originally evolve Medical Personnel.
on Efros. Other anthropologists suggest that the race
was seeded on the planet before its ice age by the Civilian Eforsians often work as Scientists, Explorers, or
Preservers. private Soldiers.

Unlike other planets where technology suffered under Unlike the Atreonids, to whom the Eforsians are often
religious rule, the Efrosian warrior-priests believe compared both physically and culturally, Efrosians do not
technology betters life. As the climate warmed (at a make the best Diplomats, but their Warrior-priests qualify as
very slow rate), additional energy and mineral Mystics and even Adepts.
resources were discovered that contributed
substantially to their technological progress. SPECIES ABILITIES
Efrosians are as strong as Klingons, and almost as
First contact was made with the Federation in 2278 naturally intellectual as Vulcans. Their limited eye-sight,
when the Vulcan crew of the USS Surak visited Efros. restricts their perceptive skills, however. These species
Delighted to learn of other intelligent life, the Efrosians traits result in a +1 bonus to both Strength and Intellect
soon joined the Federation and began educational and attributes, and a -1 to Perception.
philosophical cultural exchanges with other worlds.
Many serve in Starfleet and the Merchant Academy as Efrosians also have the following species abilities:
helmsmen, navigators, and medical personnel (some
warrior-priests have become Starfleet doctors). Poor Eyesight: Efrosian eyesight is not as good as that of
most humanoids. As a result they receive a -2 penalty to all
LANGUAGES Observe (Spot) tests. Efrosians with extremely bad vision
Efrosians have their own language, Efrosian, and also would be considered blind by human standards, but they
most Eforsians who intend to work off-world will learn are still able to see in the ultra-violet spectrum. Efrosians
the languages that function best for their work. can compensate for their poor eyesight by using special
Federation Standard, Deltan, Klingon, and Vulcan are glasses that filter out light-waves outside the ultra-violet
common among languages spoken by Efrosians. spectrum. When wearing a pair of these glasses, the
Efrosian is not effected by their visual deficiency, and
COMMON NAMES Observe (Spot) tests are performed without the -2 test
Eforsians have long, somewhat elaborate names that penalty.
have a distinctly Arabic sound to them when
compared to names in Terran languages. Some
Eforsian names include Hu'Ghovlatrei, Ra-Yalix,
Adzhin-Dall, Chitirih Ra-Dreii, Ra-ghoratreii, Zinaida,
and Chitirih-Ra-Payjh.

Efrosian “glasses” used to eliminate, or compensate for
Efros, also known as Efros Delta, is the fourth planet the effects of poor Efrosian eyesight.
in the Flarset system and homeworld of the humanoid
Efrosians, a member of the United Federation of Efrosian Glasses
Planets. Specifications: 12.7cm x 3.8cm. 14cm (earpieces).
0.04kg mass
The planet Efros was in the throes of an ice age as Description: With a wide variety of appearances,
recently as the mid-13th century. In fact, the very name based on the preferred style and design of the
"Efros" translates as "ice" in the Efrosian language. wearer; Eforsian glasses usually resemble Terran
eyeglasses with darkened lenses called “sun-
The United Federation of Planets made first contact glasses” because they were used to filter out the
with Efros in 2278 when the USS Surak visited the rays of Earth's sun to improve outdoor vision.
planet. Duration / Energy: Efrosian glasses require no
energy or power-supply to function as the lenses
A notable citizen of Efros was Federation President are specially ground and tinted to filter out all but
Ra-ghoratreii. ultra-violet light waves.
Rules: When worn by Efrosians, these glasses
Efros is a cold world with virtually no variety in climate remove the -2 Observe (Spot) penalty caused by
and massive glaciers dot the landscape. However, the their decreased vision. When worn by non-
planet does have an abundant supply of metals and Efrosians, these glasses aid in seeing in the ultra-
geothermal energy. Most of the Efrosian people live in
violet spectrum much the same way as infra-
red goggles would allow people to see in the
infra-red spectrum. This gives a +2 to all
Observe (Spot) tests for non-Efrosians trying to
see in the ultra-violet spectrum. But, using
these glasses for an extended period can
cause headaches in non-Efrosians.

A non-Eforsian wearing the glasses for a length

of time equal to 1d6 hours -Stamina reaction
modifier must make a Stamina reaction test or
suffer a severe headache, intense enough to
cause a -1 cumulative penalty to all Physical
tests per hour unless a successful Stamina
reaction test is made at TN 10.

Exceptional Hearing: To compensate for their poor

eyesight, Efrosians also evolved with an increased
hearing range similar to the hearing capabilities of
many Terran animals. Especially large felines.
Efrosians receive a +2 to all Observe (Listen) tests.

Flirtatious: Because Efrosians flirt openly and even

consider it rude not to do so, they can be very
charming. Efrosians receive a +1 species bonus to all
Influence (Charm) and Influence (Seduce) tests.

Dedicated: Eforsians prefer to devote themselves to

one profession. And they study and concentrate their
efforts on the necessary skills for this profession. All
Efrosians will begin with one Tier-1 Professional
Ability in their chosen profession for free.

Official version found in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook

Efrosians are a gentile and dignified species native to the planet Efros
Delta in the Flarset System. Cosmetically similar in appearance to Klingons,
Efrosian faces contain fatty deposits inherited from their ancestors due
to the harsh cold of their homeworld. They are notable for their patience,
reserved behaviour, musical language, and oral history. Efrosians lack a
native written language; while introduced to the concept of writing by other
civilizations, Efrosian culture is still based on the memorization of spoken
history, with libraries resembling other worlds’ music archives. Males
tend to have white or blonde hair while females usually have black,
red, or dark brown hair. Efrosians prefer to specialize in one area of
expertise, devoting themselves to a single profession with few outside
interests. A deeply spiritual people, Efrosian religion features a binary
morality: their heaven is known as Endless Sky opposed against a
fiery underworld. Efrosians lack the concept of monogamy found
in many other humanoid cultures and place no emotional value
on sexual intercourse. They consider sexual relations a useful
way to establish a rapport, allowing one to work better with their
colleagues. It is actually considered somewhat rude not to flirt with
someone of your preferred sex.

EXAMPLE VALUE: The More You Know of the Past, the More Prepared You
Are for the Future

TRAIT: Efrosian. Most Efrosians have weak eyes but compensate with a
heightened sense of smell. Some Efrosians who are functionally blind correct
this disability with a type of special mechanical glasses. Efrosians have two
stomachs and require the oils found in Levithi nuts in order to remain healthy.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Efrosian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You have an innate ability to orientate yourself, owing to your people’s need
to navigate across the glaciers and tundral deserts of your homeworld.
When you attempt a Task to plot a course, find your position, navigate
overland, or determine which direction you’re facing, you may re-roll one

REQUIREMENT: Efrosian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are focused on the success of the group and work well with
colleagues. When you assist another character, you may buy 1
additional d20 with either Momentum or Threat.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:

Also known as “listeners”, the EI-Aurians are an ancient race that developed
warp technology millennia ago. While they were highly advanced at a
time when few other civilizations in the region had warp drives, El’Aurians
established only a few colonies and never formed an empire. They were a
widely traveled people who traveled far away from their home, across many
parts of the galaxy. A few traveled as distantly the Sol system, reaching
Earth in the 19th Century. In the early years of the 23rd Century, the EI-Aurian
homeworld fell to major attack from the Borg, with all but a handful of EI-
Aurians being assimilated or killed. All their worlds claimed and every single
city was destroyed. The EI-Aurian species was scattered throughout the
galaxy, travelling in refugee ships for several decades in the hopes of escaping
the Borg...surviving and nevertheless prevailing.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: EI-Aurian. While structurally the same as humans, EI-Aurians are

extremely long lived, with a lifespan measured in centuries. EI-Aurians prided
themselves on being a race of listeners, and something about them
encourages honesty. Many act as advisers, diplomats, or confidants while
others turn their talent to dubious pursuits as con artists and tricksters.
EI-Aurians have the notable ability to sense changes in the time stream
resulting from time travel, as well as disturbance from events occurring
outside normal time.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: EI-Aurian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You know how to subtly use your empathic skills to discern not only
what is being said but also what is being unsaid. This allows you to
tell someone exactly what they needs to hear. When you attempt a
Task to advise or convince someone into taking or refraining from a specific
course of action, you may add a bonus d20

REQUIREMENT: EI-Aurian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You have many decades if not several centuries of experiences to draw upon.
You may have one additional Value and Focus, reflecting the insights you
received from your long life

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
The El-Aurians were a widely traveled people who spread themselves
across many parts of the galaxy and beyond. At least one El-Aurian,
Guinan, visited Earth in 1893 before Humans had any o cial knowledge of
alien species.
El-Aurians prided themselves on being a race of listeners, and appeared to
have a form of limited empathic ability. Some used this to help others,
acting as advisers or con dants. A few turned their talent to more
dubious pursuits, becoming con artists and tricksters.
In the 23rd century, the they were the victim of a major attack by
the Borg, with all but a handful of El-Aurians being assimilated
or killed and all El-Aurian cities being destroyed. The El-Aurian
fatalities numbered in the millions, and the loss of their
homeworld scattered the survivors throughout the universe.
Many where traveling on transport vessels into various regions
of the galaxy in search for a new and safe home.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Regain What I Have Lost

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: El-Aurian. El-Aurians are physically nearly identical to

humans. They have a lifespan of many hundreds of years,
made possible by a highly advanced immune system. El-
Aurians are known as a people of “listeners”, which is a
result of their inquisitive and calm nature, as well as the
wisdom of many lifetimes. El-Aurians possess a sense that can
unconsciously detect changes in the current time line which
manifests in a feeling that some things are not as they are
supposed to be.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following

El-Aurian Quirks
Infectious Nature (Talaxian) While being many hundreds of years old
Open and insightful (Risian) has of course many advantages, many
El-Aurians also manifest some sort of
Widely Traveled (Talaxian) quirk or character aw. Maybe they are
obsessive gamblers or drinkers, or their
SAMPLE NAMES: life has made them distant towards
others or obsessed with a certain goal.
El-Aurians have family names, but they rarely use them. After all,
an El-Aurian may have dozens of siblings, children, grand- El-Aurian characters should create an
children, grand-grand-children, etc. Many El-Aurians use additional Trait for their character to
di erent names at di erent points in their lives, sometimes as a re ect this quirk. This Trait should be
way to conceal their pasts, create new futures, or stress a used mainly negatively to help o set the
di erent part of their personality. El-Aurian’s strengths, but there can of
course be situations where being quirky
Feminine Names: Guinan, Infatima, Leandra, Lerian
is helpful.
Masculine Names: Caecus, Martus, Terkim, Tolian
Gender-Neutral Names: Aveer, Coeris, Pralix, Trian
Family Names: Aptidon, Balaguer, Gouled, Mazur, Obiang,
Sassou, Soran


A species of “listeners” originating in the El-Aurian system, The El-Aurians were a well-traveled species of humanoids who visited
many parts of the Milky Way galaxy and beyond. Some El-Aurians had even visited Earth during the 19th century before humanity
even knew of their existence. In the mid-23rd century, the El-Aurian race was the victim of a massive Borg invasion, with all but a
small fraction of El-Aurians being assimilated or killed and the entire civilization destroyed. The loss of their home world scattered
the survivors across the galaxy. By the 24th century few El-Aurians remain and with no established civilization or home wander as
nomads of the galaxy. Few of these survivors have even taken up a career in Starfleet, hoping to find a community they lost so long

Example Value: I told you, I listen

• ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence
• TRAIT: El-Aurian: This species are masters of the art of listening. They understand that listening is an active skill, and
involves taking into consideration such things as body language, tone of voice, as well as the words that other beings are
speaking. El-Aurians may use this trait to reduce the Difficulty of Social Interaction Tasks. El-Aurians know that time is on
their side, they never really feel a need to rush. When performing an Extended Task, an El-Aurian may make one free Re-
Roll Work without a spend of Momentum. Since they destroyed the El-Aurian home world, most El-Aurians are distrustful
of or outright hate the Borg.
• TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:
REQUIREMENT: El-Aurian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Your people are friendly, patient, and inquisitive, and you exemplify these traits. You are at ease when meeting new cultures, and
adapt to unfamiliar social structures easily. When you attempt a task to learn about an unfamiliar culture, or to act in an appropriate
manner when interacting with members of such a culture, you reduce the Difficulty of that Task by 1.


REQUIREMENT: El-Aurian, or Gamemaster permission

Due to their extremely long lifespans, El-Aurians come to understand and gain knowledge more extensively that most other
individuals. When a character with this Talent uses a Milestone to exchange a Focus, they may do so twice instead of once.

REQUIREMENT: Special, see text, Gamemaster Permission

One hundred and fifty El-Aurian refugees who were aboard the SS Lakul in 2293 became caught in the Nexus. For them it was akin to
“being inside joy”. Forty-Seven of these refugees were “yanked out” by the USS Enterprise-B, leaving a temporal “echo” of themselves
behind within the Nexus that exists outside of all of time. These El-Aurians are still connected to their “echoes” granting them an
awareness of manipulations made to the time-space continuum. Any alterations to the natural flow of time leaves the El-
Aurian with this talent with a nagging “feeling” that something is just not right, or is fundamentally “off”. The Gamemaster secretly
makes a Difficulty 0 Insight + Science Task check for the player. If the Task fails the player is oblivious to the changes. On one success,
the El-Aurian knows something is wrong, but not exactly what it is. For each success past the first, the Gamemaster may give the
player brief hints as the character begins to remember brief impulses of “how things should be”. Additionally, the player may spend
a point of Momentum to remember a specific fact about the former timeline.

Elaysians come from a low-gravity planet, where they were able to ‘fly’. However, their
physiology was designed for low gravity, and in higher-gravity environments, they
require special equipment to adapt and work. As a result, few Elaysians leave their
planet. Ensign Melora Pazlar was the first Elaysian to enter Starfleet. Doctor Julian
Bashir has developed a medical treatment that involves elevating neural output to the
brain’s motor cortex via neural analeptic transmitters, which would allow them to move
as a normal humanoid in Earth gravity, but as yet no Elaysian has undergone this
irreversible procedure.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Have To Fly Amongst The Stars.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Elaysian. Elaysian physiology and neurology are adapted to a low-gravity

environment on their homeworld, where they were able to ‘fly’. However, in
Earthlike-gravity, they require physical support in order to cope. This could be
in the form of an exo-skeleton, an anti-grav unit, or a wheelchair. Due to their
familiarity with low gravity, zero-gravity and low gravity environments enhance
their mobility.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talent. The character
must take Low-Gravity Mobility at some point of character creation:

REQUIREMENT: Elaysian, or GM’s permission.
Your unique physiology gives you a natural advantage in low or zero gravity
environments, enhancing your mobility. When you are able to freely move in such an
environment, you gain the following effects:
- You are unaffected by Knockdown;
- You may take the Movement Minor Action even if an enemy is within Reach;
- When you use the Sprint Task, ignore Difficulty increases due to terrain.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Elaysians are a humanoid civilization native to the arti cial planet known
as Gemworld. Due to the low-gravity environment on the planet, the
Elaysians travel around their world by simply oating between various
crystalline structures.
Even though Gemworld was a member of the United Federation of Planets
by the 24th century, few Elaysians left their homeworld because of the
intense gravity which would cause untold pain and discomfort to them.
Additionally, Elaysians are a proud people and they usually don’t feel
comfortable having to rely on others for assistance in standard gravity.
A medical treatment was developed to counteract this e ect. By elevating
the neural output to the brain's motor cortex via neural analeptic
transmitters, the patient could walk normally in standard gravity. The
drawback of this treatment is that if started, no exposure to low
gravity environments is advised, because this would confuse the
person's body and motor cortex. The results of the treatment
were irreversible.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Don’t Need Anyone’s Help

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Elaysian. The Elaysian physique and neural motor

cortex is adapted to cope with a low gravity; on their
homeworld, they are virtually able to " y". When exposed to
Earth-normal gravity environments, they need physical
support to function. The type of support varies but includes
wearing an exo-skeleton with integrated servomotors which
help by supporting the person's own skeleton, although this
only functions for short periods of time. For longer-term
physical support, other forms of support are needed, like a
wheelchair or an anti-grav unit. The character has the trait
‘Assistive Propulsion Device’.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Life is a Competition (original: Life is a Game) (Wadi)

Proud and Honorable (Andorian)
Strength Through Struggle (Skreeaa)
Feminine Names: Lomo, Melora, Mevat
Masculine Names: Inti, Keenu, Tojid
Gender-Neutral Names: Ebris, Imras, Sonin
Family Names: Itodo, Naalbrel, Pazlar


The Ellora are a race from the Beta Quadrant conquered by the Son’a in 2325, and
became part of Son’a society as indentured servants. Ellora underlings serve as
officers, but may also be found in the service industry.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Trust In Our Leaders.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Ellora. The Ellora have heads surrounded by a patterned bone plate.
The bone plates of males are thin, but wide for females. They resemble
saurians, and have greater resilience than many other species.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents. You must
take Bone Plating at some point during Character Creation.

REQUIREMENT: Ellora, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Your respond well to direction by a superior. When a superior uses the Direct Task
on you, you may re-roll any d20s in your dice pool.

REQUIREMENT: Ellora, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You gain 1 Resistance. Also, during melee combat, if you manage to Knockdown
your opponent with an unarmed strike, you can declare it to be a headbutt that
disorients your opponent. The next Task that your opponent performs has its
Complication Range increased by one.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME of the aggressive nature the te'Ellora were known for. They
SPECIES PROFILE are reliable soldiers, who do not shirk from their duty.

And, over the past decade they have been growing weary of
being under the control of the So'na. Many Elloran have
SPECIES NAME: ELLORA (aka Elloran) expressed public distaste with the So'na involvement in the
attempted relocation of the Baku in 2379. And there are
VISUAL REPRESENTATION rumors of a growing Elloran resistance, and a potential
revolt against So'na control.

Their native language, Elloran, has but vanished from the
Ellora culture, due to the dominance of the So'na. Elloran
speak So'na, Federation Standard, and a few other dialects,
including some elements of the Tarlac language.

Some older Ellora still teach their native language to young

Ellora, in secret.
Ellora have a single name, divided into their sections. Each
section of an Elloran name represents a significant part of
the individuals identity.

The first section is their proper, or personal name. The

second is the name of their household, and functions as a
surname in Elloran culture.

And the final section, usually written as a single vowel and

pronounced with the long sound of the vowel, represents
one of the twelve tribes of te'Elllora.
A sample of an Elloran name - Kp'od'O
+2 Strength, +1 Vitality, -1 Perception
The Elloran homeworld has only two seasons. The Long
A tall, dark-skinned humanoid race. The Ellora can
Fire and the Long Ice. Essentially summer, and winter
have an fierce look, which harkens back to their
ancient warrior culture.
High temperatures during the Elloran Long Fire can reach
The most striking feature of the Ellora are their fin-like
upwards of 130 degrees, Celsius. Temperatures during the
headplates. The Elloran head is surrounded by a
Long Ice have been recorded as low as -24 degrees on the
patterned bone plate. And the patterning on each plate
same scale.
is different from individual to individual, though some
families of Elloran will have similar patterning among
For this reason, most Elloran live underground.
family members.
Ellora is a rocky world, with a harsh, barren landscape and
Male and female Elloran both have this bony plate, and
very little water. But the planet is rich in mineral deposits,
there seem to be no difference in size, or patterning
including large deposits of dilithium, and pergium, and
based on gender.
Generally, Ellora have dark skin, dark eyes, and are
completely hairless with the exception of eyelashes FAVORED PROFESSION
and very thin eyebrows. At heart the Ellora are a warrior race. They prefer the
professions of Soldiers, and Mercenaries. Their situation
CULTURE with the So'na does not afford them much freedom to
pursue the latter, however.
Once a proud race of warriors, known as te'Ellora, the
Elloran lost touch with their warrior culture, and
Some Ellora will also serve as Starship Officers aboard
became more and more passive over the centuries.
So'na vessels.
Still proud and able to be quite fearsome if the need
And there is at least one Elloran serving in Starfleet.
arose, this did not stop the Elloran from being
conquered by the So'na in the early 24th century.
Now they are one of two races, along with the Tarlac, Ferocity: Ellorans have the same ability to become
who are subjugated by the So'na. The Ellora form the ferocious in battle, or when enraged. This ability functions
basis of the So'na military. And they do maintain some as per the Ferocity trait of the Klingon species. (see Aliens,
p. 99).

Natural Weapon: Head Fin. The bony plate that

surrounds the back of the Elloran skull is able to be
used as a dangerous weapon. And a trained Elloran
warrior can do as much damage with a head-butt as a
Klingon can with a Bat'leth. The Elloran Head Fin deals
2d6+2 in damage, and can be used efficiently by an
Elloran with the Unarmed Combat (Narual Weapon /
Head Fin) skill, but a Head Fin attack is made at a -2

Skill Focus (Keen Hearing): Ellora have this edge as a

species trait. They receive a +4 to all Observe (Listen)

Bonus Edges: Thick Skull. High Pain Threshhold.

Species Flaws: Dullard (optional, males only). Thin-
blooded (choice of hot or cold, reflecting the extreme
climates of Ellora)

The Elloran Poltch'X

Specifications: 91.15 cm, in length. 2.3kg,

Description: The traditional weapon of the
te'Ellora. A long sword, with a blade curved like
a cutlass and serrated on it's edge. The
Polich'X also has a split, “forked” tip that can
be used to disarm an opponent.
Parry Modifier: +1
Damage: 2d6+3
Rules: Used to greatest advantage with
Simple Weapons (Poltch'X), or Simple Weapons
(Sword) skill. To use the forked tip to disarm an
opponent, an Unarmed Attack test must be
made at -5.
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME This lead to an agreement with the Eminian's neighbors, the
SPECIES PROFILE Vendikans – the two races were at war. But rather than wage
war as most cultrues did they devised a method of using
computers to fight a physically non-violent war.

SPECIES NAME: EMINIAN No one was forced to take up arms against the other. No
Eminian, or Vendikan had to actually kill an enemy soldier.
And no destruction was done to the buildings, or other
VISUAL REPRESENTATION objects on the surface of either planet.

When Vendikan forces “attacked” Eminians, or vice-versa,

the attacks were carried out by computers – these
computers would randomly target a city on the opposing
world, and randomly select a number of casualties. These
casualties were then reported to the other world's military
leaders. People who were considered casualties in these
attacks were required to report to a disintegration chamber
by the end of that day.

When the USS Enterprise reached Eminiar VII, under orders

to open diplomatic negotiations with the Eminians; the
Vendikans “attacked”, and the Enterprise and her crew were
designated as casualties by the Eminian computers.

Rather than sacrifice his ship, and crew; Captain James T.

Kirk violated the Prime Directive. He deactivated the
Eminian's computer system, making it impossible for the
people of Eminiar to continue to wage their computer-war.
Knowing this could lead to actual, physical attacks by the
Vendikans, Kirk gambled that, faced with the prospect of a
real war, both sides would sue for peace.
+1 Perception And he was right.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION By the late 24th century the Eminians and Vendikans have,
Eminians are a race of humanoids, native to the indeed, developed a peaceful co-existence. And both
planet, Eminiar VII. They are remarkably human-like in worlds, although not yet members of the Federation, enjoy
their appearances. So much so that some Federation open trading relations with the Federation. Several
scientists have theorized that the Eminians, as well as Eminians, and a few Vendikans serve in Starfleet.
their neighbors, the Vendikans, are actually of human
stock. Transplanted to the solar system they now call As a people, Eminians are generally pleasant, passive, and
home by an advanced race, possibly The Preservers, intellectual people. They are also very passionate, and hold
early in their evolutionary cycle. to their convictions unswervingly. Eminian society is an opn
one – with the threat of visitors to their planet being
The Eminian civilization has been in existence for far declared accidental casualties of war; Eminians are now
too long to have been the result of an early exploration very enthusiastic about people visiting their planet, and
craft or vessel transporting a proposed colony being learning about their ways.
taken drastically off course.
Eminians are not only well-known as scientists, and
But, the Eminians are almost impossible to discern scholars but also as artists; singers, actors, and talented
from humans. This is able to be done using a scanner writers often come from Eminiar.
or medical tricorder. But, no observation of an
Eminian with the naked eye could reveal any outward LANGUAGES
physical differences. Eminians have their own language – but most Eminians
encountered off their homeworld will know Federation
CULTURE Standard.
The Eminian culture of the 24th century was COMMON NAMES
drastically influenced by the intervention of Starfleet Eminians have short, singular names; no surname, or family
personnel in the 23rd century. name – followed by a number-designation. This is a
holdover from the days of the Computer War, when the
By the late 24th century the Eminian culture is a numbers were used as part of the computer's designation-
thriving, pacifist culture devoted to education, system, to determine the casualties of an attack.
exploration, and the sciences. And it has always been
the Eminian way to deal with conflict in as non-violent The Eminian Computer War lasted for over 500 years. And
a method as possible. during that time Eminians became accostomed to the
number-designation as part of their names. During the war,
parents would name a child and then the computers
Duration / Energy: 1000 charges
would assign a number to be affixed to the name for
Ranges: (pistol) 5 / 20 / 50 / 100 +20
the purpose of determining battle-casualties.
(rifle) 5 / 40 / 80 / 160 +40
These numbers were not assigned to children until
Rules: Rules for setting Sonic Disruptors on
their 13th year.
overload are the same as for Phasers, energy-
disruptors, except that damage is done via sonic
By the late 24th century, Eminians and Vendikans now
disruption, and not an actual explosion. The damage
give their children a number-designation on their 13th
applies over a 4-meter radius. Sonic Disruptors may
birthday. As a way of remembering the long war, and
be used effectively with Energy Weapon skills, and
what brought it to an end; and as a way of celebrating
the appropriate specialty.
the peace they now have.

Some examples of Eminian names are Anan 7, Mea 3, Despite their development of advanced weapon-technology,
and Sar 6. Eminian female names are softer sounding, the Eminians, and the Vendikans have shown they are
and are usually 2 or more syllables. While male names willing to go to extremes to avoid outright war. Their
are shorter. relations with the galactic neighbors is usually a peaceful
one, but there have been exceptions.
Most notably during the Dominion War, when the NGC-321
Eminiar, and it's colony-world, Vendikar; are very starcluster, the location of the Eminian system, became a
similar in climate as well as in how the inhabitants battle-ground between Dominion and Romulan forces.
have treated the planets with respect to Vendikar suffered heavy casualties. Eminiar did not fair as
industrialization and the environment. As a result, badly. And managed to launch several defense-ships to aid
both Eminiar and Vendikar are Class-M planets with a the Romulans.
very stable, temperate environment.
Eminian sonic disruptor canons were not very effective
Both Eminiar VII and Vendikar, or Eminiar III are at against Dominion shielding, however.
Tech Level 7. Both planet boast a strong intra-stellar
navy, but neither world has fielded a major space-fleet, The governing body of Eminiar VII is the Eminian Union.
nor explored beyond the confines of their own solar And the highest authority in this union is the Eminian High
system independently. Council. The Council is a democratically elected body that
has governed the planet of Eminiar since before the
Eminian advances are in the fields of computer beginning of the Computer War.
science, art and medicine. And Eminiar exports many
commonly used drugs that are manufactured there.
Vendikan civilization has developed more military FAVORED PROFESSION
capability – including long-range weapons and more Eminians function well in most professions; although there
powerful hand-held varieties. are few Eminian Mystics – they prefer scientific and
intellectual pursuits; Scientist, and Diplomat are the favored
Both Eminians and Vendikans favor the Sonic professions of Eminians.
Disruptor as a side-arm, and Eminian security
personnel carry these at all times. Some Eminians do serve in Starfleet – usually in the roles of
Science Officers, or Medical Officers.

Almost physically indistinguishable from humans, Eminians
do have a unique sense of awareness for their
surroundings. They are very hard to fool, to trick, or
deceive. Eminians receive a +1 species bonus to their
Perception attribute scores.

Eminians also have the following species traits:

Sonic Disruptor Resolute (Bonus Edge): Once an Eminian puts his mind to
Specifications: 13cm long, 0.3L volume; 0.2kg something, he does not waver from that conviction.
Description: A sonic disruptor is a type of Eminians receive this Edge as a species trait. (see p. 137, of
disruptor weapon that projects a focused beam the Player's Guide).
of extremely high intensity sound at its target.
The vibration of acoustic energy imparted by Shrewd (Bonus Edge): Eminians are very clever and
this beam disrupts the molecular, and perhaps perceptive. They receive this Edge as a species trait. (see p.
even atomic, structure of the target, creating a 137, of the Player's Guide).
sonic disruption. Sonic disruptors have
appeared in weapons ranging from man Law-abiding: Eminians always obey the law of the land – be
portable firearms to immense planetary it their own laws or the laws of other beings they are in co-
defense batteries. habitation with (Starfleet Regulations for Eminian officers,
Settings: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, and 14 for example). To bring himself to break a law, or even a
firmly established rule; and Eminian must make a well in a military heriarchy due to the strict adherence to
Willpower reaction at TN20. Likewise, an Eminian will rules and regulations that is common in their culture.
attempt to uphold the law, or enforce the rules rigidly. Eminian merchants can be encountered on most large
An Eminian must spend a courage point to allow a rule starbases. And Eminian vessels ply the space-lanes of the
to be broken, or make a Willpower reaction at TN20. Alpha quadrant on a regular basis.

DS9: The Eminians and Vendikans were not able to avoid

VENDIKANS the encroachment of the Dominion War on their system. But
they did not become involved in the war itself until Vendikar
was attacked in an attempt, by Breen forces, to cut off
The Vendikans of Vendikar are essentially Romulan passage through the system. The Eminians and
Eminians. Physically, there is no difference, Vendikans entered the war, aiding the Romulans and the
and aside from a slight advancement in military Federation allies. Vendikar suffered heavy casualties.
technology and hardware production, Vendikan
culture and society are very much the same. VOY: It is highly unlikely to encounter any Eminians or
Vendikans in the Delta Quadrant. Unless they happened to
A Vendikan character will have the same be serving on a Starfleet vessel that was stranded in the
species-traits and attribute modifications as an region, or an Eminian merchant ship were to be stranded
Eminian. The only difference being that they there on it's own. In the latter case, Eminians and Vendikans
come from the colony-world of Vendikar, or would adhere to their own rules and laws, even if it hindered
Eminiar III; and not the original homeworld of their ability to get home.
Eminiar VII.

Eminians will not, normally, be encountered off their
homeworld prior to the intervention of the Enterprise
in the Computer War. While they have the capability to
travel throughout their solar system, and even outside
the solar system they do not choose to do so for fear
of upsetting the balance of the war during those years.

Afterward, as peace is slowly brokered between

Eminiar and Vendikar, by Ambassador Fox; Eminians
begin to travel more abroad.

By the end of the 24th century Eminian merchants can

be found in every corner of the quadrant. Eminian
officers serve in Starfleet. Eminian entertainers
venture as far as the Beta Quadrant. And Eminian
artisans are known to have worked on ornate
decorations for the mansions of members of the
Klingon High Council.

Enterprise: There will be very little, if any contact with
Eminiar and Vendikar during this period. First contact
with the system had not taken place yet, and the
Computer War was in full swing. Intrepid explorers, or
officers aboard a Starfleet vessel in this period may
find themselves easily declared as casualties of war.

TOS: It is during this period that the Computer War

ended due to the intervention of the Enterprise, and
Captain James T. Kirk. The Eminians and Vendikans
are slowly working towards peace as a result of Kirk's
actions, and through the efforts of Federation
mediator, Robert Fox. By the 2290s, this peace has
been achieved.

TNG: By the 24th century, Eminians have begun to

satisfy their natural curiosity by leaving their home-
system and exploring the quadrant. Some Eminians
and Vendikans have even joined Starfleet, fitting in
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME Whether this aids the Excalbian's generally limited physical
SPECIES PROFILE field of vision is not known.

Excalbians move very slowly, and have limited manual

dexterity in the use of their claws.
An Excalbian's voice is deep and resonant, in either gender;
VISUAL REPRESENTATION sounding as if it is coming from the ground around the
Excalbian and not from any orifice on the alien. In fact,
Excalbian speech is a telepathic projection of thought,
rather than the result of a voice box, or similar method of
sound generation.

And Excalbians do have gender distinction. Although

females appear no different from males, the voices they
project are slightly higher, softer, and more soothing to
listen to than the booming, powerful voice of the males,
which can be as intimidating as their appearance.

Excalbian culture is very hard to understand, or
comprehend by most outsiders. Curious, as many other
races are, Excalbians are natural explorers, scientists, and

However, the methods they use to conduct their research is

often considered invasive, and in some cases cruel by other
cultures. In on famous incident an Excalbian abducted
Captain James T. Kirk, of the Enterprise, and his first officer
to participate in a contest against artificially generated
replicas of reviled figures form history.
+2 Strength, -3 Agility, +4 Vitality, -4 Presence The purpose of this “experiment” was so that the Excalbian
could learn the human concepts of good and evil, and how
A shapeshifting silicon-based lifeform, the Excalbians Individual Excalbians can be quite good-natured, and even
have been described as being “almost mineral” and personable once you get to know them. But most tend to be
“like living rock”. arrogant and overbearing in their attitudes towards other
In their natural form an Excalbian can be quite an
intimidating sight. At roughly 2 meters in height, But, at the heart of their culture is their curiosity about other
Excalbians appear as rock-like creatures displaying races, and civilizations, as well as their own difficulty in
vaguely humanoid traits of a head, arms, legs, and grasping some of the most basic concepts of those cultures
pedal extremities. such as the aforementioned distinction between good and
evil in human society.
Their short “arms” terminate in two long, thick claws
that function as a sort of hand for the Excalbian, as
well as being useful as a dangerous weapon. LANGUAGES
Because they communicate telepathically, an Excalbian has
Excalbians also sport a long, heavy looking tail. Both the ability to tap into the mind of whomever they wish to
the arms and tail of an Excalbian is reminiscent of the communicate with, and speak to them in whatever language
forearms, and long, powerful tail of a Terran they best understand.
Excalbians do have their own native language – a rough,
Excalbians appear to be creatures of rock, or stone, coarse language made up of monosyllabic concepts. But,
similar to the Horta. Their epidermis, which has the no non-Excalbian has ever been able to comprehend the
texture of dense volcanic rock, is usually a mottled language. It is only used for communication between
reddish brown. Excalbians.
Their “faces” are featureless, aside from three quartz Excalbian names are usually short – one or two syllables.
lenses that function as the Excalbian's eyes, and are And the names by which they will be known among humans
placed at somewhat random angles on the semi- and other races are usually adopted names, or translations
spherical head. of actual Excalbian names designed to be easy to
understand by whomever the Excalbians are associating
These “eyes” seem to glow with an orangish-yellow with.
light generated from inside the Excalbian itself.
Thus an Excalbian individual might be known by The information provided here, detailing Excalbian
several different names if they interact with several abilities is meant to reflect a playable Excalbian
different cultures. character.
The Excalbian encountered by the Enterprise in 2269 Still a very powerful individual. But presumably one
was a male, called Yarnek who is somewhat restrained in their use of their own
abilities. Perhaps for the purpose of fitting in with
HOMEWORLD their surroundings, affording the Excalbian with a
Excalbia, the homeworld of the Excalbians, is a chance to interact and experience the thrill of
naturally hostile environment. A planet dominated by scientific discovery very up close and first hand.
volcanic activity, and an atmosphere poisonous to
most humanoid lifeforms. For Narrators desiring more powerful, or less self-
retraining Excalbians, the rules regarding the
The Excalbians are capable of altering the omnipotent Q species, and dealing with their
environmental conditions on their planet, most likely godlike abilities in the course of a roelplaying game
through an advanced form of climate control, to create can be used as a guideline for the Excalbians.
temporary pockets of breathable atmosphere.
The information on the Q, and on Playing Dice with
Despite the hostile conditions on the planet, the Gods can be found in Aliens, on pages 124 & 125.
Excalbians have managed to create a very functional
and quite advanced society. THE SUBDUED EXCALBIAN
Technologically, Excalbia is at level 8, with some
Even if restraining some of their more formidable talents,
elements of a Tech-9 society.
Excalbians can be very powerful creatures. And as such
they would have the following flaws and abilities.
Excalbians are natural Explorers. And as such most of Psionic: All Excalbians are powerful psions. It is through
them encountered off of their homeworld will be their psionic powers that they are able to interact with other
Scientists. species, communicate, and also manipulate matter.
Excalbians receive the Psionic edge as a species trait, and
Excalbians will favor the elite profession of Explorer, begin the game with a Psionic attribute score of 7.
but will usually operate independently, and not on
behalf of the Federation, or any other government. Excalbians also begin with 3 levels each in Telepathy, Mind
Shield, and Mind Control. But they cannot learn the
To further their hunger for knowledge and eagerness Empathy skill. They begin with 2 levels of the Psychokinesis
to explore the galaxy, some Excalbians have even ability as well (see Aliens, p. 116), but they cannot learn the
been encountered working in civilian jobs aboard star Cryokinesis skill.
freighters, or on space stations.
Thin-blooded (Cold): Excalbians are very susceptible to the
There are no Excalbians serving in Starfleet. But there effects of cold temperatures, and must take this flaw as a
have been one or two encountered working as civilian species trait.
security, or even as a bartender on at least one
Federation station. Natural Armor: Excalbian “skin” is literally as tough as
stone. And they receive 5 points of of armor as a result.
Mineral Body: As silicon-based lifeforms, Excalbians have
Due to their sturdy, stone-like bodies, Excalbians
the mineral body trait (Narrator's Guide, p. 218), and receive
receive a +4 species bonus to their Vitality attribute.
the benefits associated with that trait.
They also receive a +2 species bonus to their
Natural Weapon (Claws): An Excalbian can use their claws
as a weapon (Unarmed Combat test), delivering 2d6+3 in
They receive a penalty of -4 to their Presence score,
damage from such an attack.
however, due to their intimidating appearances,
overbearing manners, and the general reputation of
Arrogant: (species flaw) Most Excalbians will have this trait.
their people as harsh experimentalists.
But it can be bought off, if the Excalbian has lived among
other beings, and other cultures long enough to achieve at
Their rock-like body structure also serves to impede
least 5 advances.
an Excalbian's movements to some degree, resulting
in a -3 penalty to their Agility attributes.
Searing Touch: Excalbians have an extremely high body
temperature. And, while they have some limited ability to
ROLEPLAYING THE POWERFUL control how this effects their interaction with their
environment, it is still quite dangerous for most beings to
Excalbians are, by their very nature, an touch, or be touched by an Excalbian.
extremely powerful race. And some Narrators
might not consider them suitable for player The touch of an Excalbian (ie. An Excalbian actively making
character roles. contact with another being via an appendage) will cause
1d6+3 in damage. Prolonged contact with the “skin” of
an Excalbian can cause 3d6+6 in damage per round of

Excalbians are incapable of using firearms, or
energy weapons due to the design of most
such weapons. It is extremely difficult for them
to manipulate these kinds of weapons due to
the configurations of their “hands”.

They are also unable to take the Cultural

Flexibility edge. Despite their natural curiosity
for other cultures Excalbians seem to have a
difficulty comprehending some of the more
basic concepts of those cultures.

Excalbians also have a very limited field of

vision, despite having three eyes. And all
Observe (Spot) tests are performed at a -3
penalty. They normally use their Telepathic
abilities to see through the minds, and eyes of
others. And under these circumstances,
receive a bonus to their Observe (Spot) tests
equal to half of their Telepathy skill.

They also have the ability to use a type of

“Telepathic SONAR” to see when there is no
other mind available to channel their vision
through. In this case a basic Telepathy test is
used in place of Observe (Spot).

The peaceful Betazoid people hail from the
idyllic, verdant 
world Betazed.

The 
world is a valued member of the Federation, and its people 
can be found
   
  ­ €  
mental abilities during adolescence. The potency of this ability
varies between individuals, but it has resulted in a culture where honesty and
you can read minds. 

EXAMPLE VALUE: Compassion through Understanding

„ Insight, +1 Presence,
 ƒ„ +1 Reason

 Betazoid. All Betazoids are telepathic to
 degrees, and even
when not actively using their
 abilities, they
 are highly perceptive of others

around them, but also highly sensitive to telepathic disturbances and mental
assaults. They have little familiarity with lies and deception, due to their
open culture and ability to read the thoughts and
emotions of others. As they are sensitive to the minds
of other living
 beings, they tend not to be comfortable
around animals, for fear of losing themselves in the
minds of wild creatures.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents. A Betazoid
character must select one of the Betazoid talents at some point during
Betazoid may not select the Telepath talent.
 ‹€Š Š­

telepathically with other empaths and telepaths, as well as those with whom you
   ‹ƒ
is stressful, if there are a lot of beings present, if the target has resistance to
telepathy, and other relevant factors.

and can communicate telepathically with other empaths and telepaths, as well
as those with whom you are extremely familiar. Surface thoughts are whatever a
creature is thinking about at that precise moment. The character cannot choose
not to sense the emotions or read the surface thoughts of those nearby, except
Unwilling targets may resist with an Opposed Task.

105 CHAPTER 05
Ž  ƒ 

Originally designed as self-directing EXAMPLE VALUE: Always Use a Su ciently

maintenance workers, Exocomps eventually Adequate Tool
evolved to sentience by rewriting their own
codes to become more e cient. The process ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness,
of recognizing the Exocomps’ sentience took a + 1 Reason
while, but it eventually became clear that they
were making logical choices to survive and TRAIT: Exocomp. Exocomps are
eventually even developed personalities. technological life-forms who can crawl
across the ground or hover for short periods
Exocomps come prefabricated with micro- of time. They are experts at repairing
replicators which they use to create the tools damage. With a built-in micro-replicator,
and attachments they need to complete a job. A Exocomps are rarely caught without a tool
by-product of this system is the ability to create they need. The gamemaster may rule that
new circuit pathways that e ectively give this means an Exocomp never su ers a
Exocomps the ability to create memories penalty for lacking the right tools, or may
and learn new skills. waive the Opportunity cost of specialized
Through interactions with
Star eet, Exocomps were TALENTS: The character receives access to
eventually recognized as the following talents:
sentient arti cial life-forms
who were even able to
create and understand REQUIREMENT: Exocomp, or gamemaster’s
both family structures and permission.
friendship. Though they Many Exocomps have been known to create
are still trying to understand structural upgrades to themselves to help be
the concept of humanoid better at the job they are assigned to. Often this
emotions, some have formed can take the form of more e cient and powerful
a bond with other Exocomps thrusters to increase their maneuverability and
that are so strong, they create the ight duration. You may reduce the Di culty of
parts for new Exocomps together tasks to avoid falling or oating debris by 1.
and assemble it as a new life-form.
Many engineers and scientists believe this
is how the Exocomps solved the problem of REQUIREMENT: Exocomp, or gamemaster’s
reproduction and breeding, moving them even permission.
closer to true living organisms. Some Exocomps install an additional power
supply in order to accomplish multiple tasks at
the same time. You may ignore the opportunity
cost of up to three pieces of equipment per
Thus far, Exocomp micro-replicators
have been incapable of creating food
and drinks. This was learned the hard
way by a group of ensigns who wanted
to have a drink with an Exocomp and
asked it to create something that would
get them “hammered.”
Exocomps were arti cial lifeforms designed by the Tyran Doctor Farallon
that had gained sentience. Farallon began working on an exocomp
prototype several years prior to 2369 when she had three working units in
operation at the Particle Fountain Project for maintenance purposes. The
exocomp was not intended to be sentient, but due to the adaptive nature of
its design it evolved, gaining sentience.
The basis of the exocomp was an industrial servo mechanism which had
been in common use on Tyrus VIIa for many years. This basic design was
extended by Dr. Farallon who named them ‘exocomps’. The main design
goal was to make the exocomp a problem-solver.
Since it was discovered that the exocomps are actually a sentient life
form, they have been allowed to develop on their own. Some
exocomps have produced o springs and even joined Star eet in

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Am More Than The Sum Of My Parts

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Exocomp. The Exocomp consists of a micro-

replicator, a boridium power converter and axionic chip
network. This axionic network gives the exocomp
formidable computational power. The micro-replicator
creates tools which the Exocomp could use to interact with
consoles or everyday objects, although the latter may still
pose a challenge depending on the object. Some exocomps
possess a vocal processor which enables them to speak,
but that may not be the case for all of them. If they don’t
have one, they gain the Trait ‘Mute’ which makes it di cult
to communicate.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Being of many talents (Talaxian)

Exocomp Multi-Tool
The exocomp’s microreplicator can produce even complex tools. An
Exocomp can spend 1 Momentum (immediate) to instantly replicate any
small basic non-combat tool (e.g. a plasma torch or a dermal regenerator).
The cost must be paid for each di erent tool per scene.

Mental Imaging (Qofuari)

Exocomps don’t use traditional names. Instead, they can distinguish each
other by a binary code sequence. Some exocomps that have joined
Star eet choose names that can be easily pronounced by non-synthetic life
forms, such as “Peanut Hamper”.

While Ferengi have ventured through the stars in search of pro t and advantageous business
arrangements, o cial rst contact with the Federation did not occur until 2364. In the following decade,
Ferengi can be found nearly anywhere there is pro t to made. Nearly all of Ferengi culture, government,
and beliefs are based around the acquisition and retention of wealth – earning them a reputation as
greedy, duplicitous, and conniving merchants and con-men. While some Ferengi are not obsessed with
wealth or self-promotion, they are few and far between and are looked down upon by other Ferengi.
With a society devoted to business and trade, there is little central government outside of business and
regulatory functions. The Ferengi Alliance is, in reality, a collection of corporate and private businesses
and their territorial holdings. The Ferengi Alliance maintains no standing military, relying on privateers
and alliances with other species. Ferengi culture is extremely chauvinistic, with females considered
a form of property, forbidden to engage in business, own property, receive inheritance, or even wear
clothes. That does not, however, stop ambitious and dedicated Ferengi women, and given the current
state of galactic a airs, the time for change may be coming.

EXAMPLE VALUE: 41sth Rule of Acquisition – Pro t is its Own Reward

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Ferengi. Ferengi possess acute hearing far beyond

that of other humanoid races and are able to hear both
higher and lower frequencies. However, this means that they
experience severe pain at intense sound and any physical trauma
to their enlarged ears. They also possess hardy immune systems,
rendering them immune to many common diseases, but their
small stature makes them ill-suited for intense or prolonged physical
exertion and many consider them weak. Ferengi try to avoid hard
labor and direct confrontation, leading to a reputation for cowardice.
The structure of Ferengi brains renders them immune to telepathy.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Ferengi, or Gamemaster’s permission.

The character gains a bonus die whenever engaged in Social Con ict where the opponent can be
bribed, bought, or otherwise enticed by monetary gain.

REQUIREMENT: Ferengi, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Increase the Di culty of any Social Con ict to deceive the character by 1.

REQUIREMENT: Ferengi, or Gamemaster’s permission.

When the character spends Momentum to Obtain Information, an additional Momentum is added to
the group’s Momentum Pool after all other Momentum spends are resolved.

Ferengi names tend to range between one and three syllables, and often favor harder sounds.
While Ferengi maintain reasonably strong family ties, they do not use a family or surname.

Female names: Bosha, Olene, Ishka, Helsel, Gela, Isall, Norvira, Vena, Ganka, Yaldis, Pav
Male names: Lexor, Nurpax, Nog, Kakag, Frector, Quark, Frink, Torta, Rom, Zek, Gigix

Official version found in the Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook

Ferengi civilization was built upon free enterprise, with earning financial profit
being the primary motivation in life, superseding all other endeavours and
accomplishments. Much of Ferengi society is based on a list of rules for business
ventures (and thus life in general) known as “The Rules of Acquisition,” which were
equal parts law and proverb. At its most lengthy, the Rules encompassed 285
guidelines that males Ferengi were expected to memorize and follow as part of
business dealings (principally with other Ferengi). When observed to an extreme
degree, the Rules of Acquisition were closer to religious tenets than guidelines. As
other species define ethics, most Ferengi have limited or non-existent morals, with
no compunctions or taboos against war profiteering, smuggling, selling addictive
chemicals, or cultural exploitation. Despite their unscrupulous natures, the Ferengi
history is notably absent of such atrocities as slavery or genocide, and while
Ferengi use war as a buisness opportunity they never personally engaged in
interstellar war: distinctions the Ferengi feel makes them morally superior to
species like Humans and Orions. However, Ferengi society was incredibly
misogynistic, with women being prohibited from earning profit or even
wearing clothing. Although, by the year 2375 this was beginning to change.

EXAMPLE VALUE: The Justification for Profit is Profit

TRAIT: Ferengi. The Ferengi’s most distinguishing feature is their large ears
(called “lobes”), which gives them extremely acute hearing, sensitive enough
to tell a person’s species even through most forms of electronic distortion.
However, they are sensitive to loud noises, which are painful and debilitating.
The nerves of their ears are also sensitive to touch. They are slight in build,
being shorter than Humans, but possess comparable physical strength.
Ferengi have an unusual four-lobed brain that prevents their thoughts from
being read by telepathic species such as Betazoids or Vulcans..

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Ferengi, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Your values shift depending on the expectations of profits and needs of
business deals. Once per mission, you can change a Value for the current
mission. The replaced Value is restored at the end of the mission, and you can’t
spend Determination using Value in the same scene where you change it.

REQUIREMENT: Ferengi, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You have a strong impulse to collect information and objects of value, if
only valuable to you. When you save Momentum, you can save it to a
personal Momentum pool, which function’s like the group’s Momentum
pool, except only you can use its Momentum. This pool can’t contain
more than 2 points of Momentum. However, unless your personal pool
is already full, you can’t save Momentum to the group’s Momentum pool
until you add at least 1 Momentum to your pool from that Task.

REQUIREMENT: Ferengi, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are continually looking for ways to advance your agenda and personal goals.
When you spend a point of Determination for a bonus d20, you can also re-roll a

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
Vindos de Ferenginar, A Aliança Ferengi é uma civilização pa-
triarcal cuja cultura inteira é baseada em troca e lucro facilitada
pelas 285 “Regras de Aquisição.” Embora piratas Ferengi
tenham assolado a Federação desde antes de seu primeiro en- Estes Ferengi são os o ciais comuns encontrados a bordo
contro o cial em 2364, os dois poderes permanecem neutros. das naves ferengi, incluindo naves de carga, mercantes
e cassinos, ou Saqueadoras classe D’Kora, assim como
equipes de serviços comuns e empreendedores menores
encontrados em qualquer lugar onde os Ferengi se reúnam.

TRAÇOS: Ferengi


Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 2 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Não Letal)
Feiser Feiser tipo-1 (Distância, 3 , Carga, Ocultável)

A Ganância é Eterna: Quando estiverem participando de
negociações que possuam o potencial para o Ferengi
lucrar nanceiramente, ele pode gastar 1 de Ameaça
durante a Tarefa para rejogar sua parada de dados.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

Um vendedor Ferengi é um mestre negociador e comerciante Ferengi são seres baixos e pouco imponentes, conhecidos mais
que pode ser encontrado em toda a Galáxia em busca do como comerciantes e mercadores do que como guerreiros, cientistas
próximo grande negócio. Onde houver latinum a ser feito, um ou engenheiros. A cultura deles promove a aquisição de riqueza
vendedor ferengi não está distante. material, e sua sociedade é extremamente capitalista, com a maioria
das atividades de rotina sendo acompanhadas pela troca de uma
TRAÇOS: Ferengi substância preciosa não-replicável chamada latinum (um metal
VALOR: Primeira Regra de Aquisição — Uma Vez que Con- líquido à temperatura ambiente, frequentemente armazenado dentro
seguir o Dinheiro Deles, Nunca Devolva de “barras”, “tijolos” ou “lascas” de ouro). Os Ferengi discriminam
FOCOS: Economia, Negociação imensamente os gêneros, com as Ferengi fêmeas não tendo
permissão para possuir propriedades ou usar roupas; Ferengi fêmeas
empreendedoras invariavelmente conseguem contornar essas
restrições. Personagens Ferengi têm os seguintes modi cadores:

ATRIBUTOS +1 Controle, +1 Intuição, +1 Presença

TRAÇO: Ferengi. A siologia Ferengi não se presta a atividades

físicas, nem a cultura deles valoriza essas coisas, embora
tenham elevada resistência a muitas doenças comuns. Os
Ferengi possuem audição excepcionalmente a ada, e orelhas
altamente sensíveis, embora isso também signi que que sons
intensos (e força física aplicada nas orelhas) pode causa uma
dor debilitante. A estrutura cerebral incomum deles signi ca
STRESS: 9 RESISTANCE: 0 que telepatas não podem ler mentes ferengi. Culturalmente,
os Ferengi são aquisitivos, tratando a acumulação de riquezas
ATTACKS: como a mais elevada virtude e, embora isso lhes forneça uma
Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 Knockdown, Size 1H, reputação como negociantes astutos, frequentemente também
Non-lethal) são encarados como dúbios e manipuladores.
Escalation Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 4 Vicious 1,
Size 1H)

A Ganância é Eterna: Quando estiverem participando de
negociações que possuam o potencial para o Ferengi
lucrar nanceiramente, ele pode gastar 1 de Ameaça
durante a Tarefa para rejogar sua parada de dados. A Federação; uma força confusa sobre o que signi ca sucesso.
Um Conselho Gratuito Raramente é Barato: Aumente Com ampla riqueza vem saúde e conforto, felicidade e realização.
em 2 a Di culdade de todos os Con itos Sociais para Ainda assim, a Federação não entende como saúde, conforto,
persuadir um Vendedor Ferengi. Esse aumento de di - felicidade e realização são obtidos. Em vez de permitir que seus
culdade é removido assim que se oferece algo em troca cidadãos busquem esses objetivos, eles desgastam sua base
para o Ferengi. de recursos tentando fornecê-los para eles. Qual é o mérito de
desempoderar seu povo?

Tanto dinheiro gasto em empreendimentos sem valor, exploração

sem aquisição, contato sem comércio, onde os lucros são
claramente superados pelos custos, que nação pode suportar essa
ostentação? Para gastar independentemente do benefício gerado?

A alardeada Primeira Diretriz; um símbolo de tudo de errado com

a Federação. Se um encontro levar a um arranjo onde ambos os
grupos cam felizes, onde está o problema? Oferta e demanda!

Não faço idéia de como a Federação espera sobreviver como uma

força econômica viável seguindo essa ideologia corrompida!

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -


Ferengi are short, unimposing beings, noted more as merchants than

traders than as warriors, scientists, or engineers. Their culture promotes the
acquisition of material wealth, and their society is extremely capitalistic, with
most routine activities accompanied by the exchange of a precious, non-
replicable substance called latinum (a room-temperature liquid metal, often
stored within gold “slips,” “bricks,” or “bars.”) Ferengi discriminate between
their genders considerably, with female Ferengi not being permitted to own
property or wear clothing; enterprising young female Ferengi invariably nd a
way around these restrictions.

EXAMPLE VALUE: 18th Rule of Acquisition – A Ferengi Without Pro t is No

Ferengi at All

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Ferengi. Ferengi physiology does not lend itself to physical activity,
nor does their culture value such hardship, though they have a resistance
to many common diseases. Ferengi have exceptional hearing, and highly-
sensitive ears, though this also means that intense sounds (and physical
force applied to the ears) can in ict debilitating pain. Their unusual brain
structure means that telepaths cannot read Ferengi minds. Culturally,
Ferengi are acquisitive, regarding the accumulation of wealth as the highest
virtue, and while this has given them a reputation as cunning negotiators,
they are also often seen as duplicitous and manipulative as well.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Ferengi, or Gamemaster permission.

As guided by the Rules of Acquisition, a proper Ferengi seeks pro t in every
endeavor. When engaged in negotiations – including Social Con ict – that have
the potential for the Ferengi to pro t nancially, they may add 1 point to Threat
in order to re-roll their dice pool.

REQUIREMENT: Ferengi, or Gamemaster permission.

Ferengi accept and tolerate self-serving behavior as a natural part of business.
When the character assists someone else – including using the Direct Task
or other methods of assistance – and one or more Complications occurs,
the character may add 1 to Threat to avoid su ering any e ect from those
Complications personally.


Hailing from Ferenginar, the Ferengi Alliance is a patriarchal

civilization whose entire culture is based around trade and
pro t, facilitated by 285 “Rules of Acquisition.” While Klingon Ferengi are short, unimposing beings, noted more as merchants and
outposts and scout ships have had run-ins with Ferengi traders than as warriors, scientists, or engineers. Their culture promotes
pirates for decades, the two powers remain neutral. More the acquisition of material wealth, and their society is extremely
information about the Ferengi may be found in the Alpha capitalistic, with most routine activities accompanied by the exchange of
Quadrant Sourcebook. a precious, non-replicable substance called latinum (a room-temperature
liquid metal, often stored within gold “slips,” “bricks,” or
“bars”). Ferengi discriminate between their genders
considerably, with female Ferengi not being
permitted to own property or wear clothing;
These Ferengi are the rank and le o cers found aboard enterprising female Ferengi invariably nd a way
Ferengi starships including freighters, trade and casino around these restrictions. Ferengi characters
ships, or D’Kora-class marauders, as well as the ordinary have the following modi ers:
service sta and petty entrepreneurs found in any place
Ferengi gather. X Attributes: +1 Control,
+1 Insight, +1 Presence
TRAIT: Ferengi X Trait: Ferengi.
Ferengi physiology does not
lend itself to physical activity,
nor does
DARING 08 INSIGHT 09 REASON 07 value such
hardship, though
they have a high resistance to many
common diseases. Ferengi have
COMMAND 01 SECURITY 02 SCIENCE – exceptionally keen hearing and
highly sensitive ears, though
CONN 01 ENGINEERING 02 MEDICINE – this also means that intense
sounds (and physical force
STRESS: 9 RESISTANCE: 0 applied to the ears) can in ict
debilitating pain. Their unusual
ATTACKS: brain structure means that telepaths
X Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 , Knockdown, Size 1H, cannot read Ferengi minds. Culturally,
Non-lethal) Ferengi are acquisitive, regarding
X Phaser Type-1 (Ranged, 4 , Size 1H, Charge, Hidden) the accumulation of wealth as the
highest virtue, and while this has
SPECIAL RULES: given them a reputation as cunning
X Greed Is Eternal: When engaged in negotiations negotiators, they are also often seen
that have the potential for the Ferengi Menial to pro t as duplicitous and manipulative.
nancially, they may spend 1 Threat during a task to
re-roll the dice pool.
During their development as a civilization, the Flaxians fought many wars
between nation states. As they developed further, they began giving up
open conventional warfare because they realized their people were on the
brink destroying themselves. Political con ict was ever-present though, and
open warfare turned into silent assassination. So when a new con ict arose,
instead of armies facing each other, both parties sent assassins to kill the
oder one’s leadership. This, however, made leadership positions undesirable
until their society fell into anarchy.
At that point, the Romulan Star Empire discovered Flax. They found a world
in anarchy but with a culture of highly-trained assassins. Soon after, the
Romulans annexed their world as a vassal state, installed a government and
restored order. The assassin’s guilds were a welcome addition to Romulan
political intrigue and the Tal Shiar.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Take The Time To Do Things Perfectly

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Flaxian. Flaxians are perfectionists and artists.

Whatever they turn their hands to must be performed with
artistry and diligence. Flaxian artists don’t put so much
value into the beauty of a piece of art or what message or
emotions it may convey, the most important aspect is
whether the piece is the best they could have created.
Everything they do, especially professionally, must
demonstrate their pro ciency. Standing 1.7 to 2.1 meters
tall, the Flaxians tend to have dark skin and hair, with
horizontal furrows along the forehead and bridge of the
nose. Long barbells descend from the chin, knuckles, and
wrists. Above the eyes, along the jaw line, in the center the
forehead, and on the sides and back of the head Flaxians
grow pearl-like spheres.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Assassin’s Guild (Original: Cruel) (QuchHa’)

Criminal Understanding (Orion)
Meticulous Analysis (Benzite)
Flaxians speak sopor, and learn Romulan. They use only their given names.
Feminine Names: Fanala, Nitaya, Livoya, Yadala
Masculine Names: Belegor, Retaya, Seledon, Todaya
Gender-Neutral Names: Daneli, Petera

change-of-heart taken into consideration.
Note: Vendorians may not be a player character species.

Species Adjustments: +1 Intellect, +1 Vitality

Species Abilities: Thinker

Gallamites are short, averaging only 1.6m in height, and slender, averaging 50kg. They
have a slightly greenish cast to their amber skin. The hand has four digits, three long
slender fingers and an opposable thumb. The eyes are somewhat larger than Humans,
and have an epicanthic fold similar to eastern Asian Humans. The ears are small and
pointed like those of a Vulcan. The most distinguishing feature, however, is the fact that
the cranium is transparent, and the brain is twice the size of a Human brain. Some races
feel a mild atavistic discomfort at seeing a living brain pulsing inside the cranium, and
some Gallamites wear a close-fitting hood-like garment to avoid making others

Gallamite culture is quiet and contemplative for the most part. Gallamites excel in the
sciences, having a natural affinity for mathematics. Although not as well known as the
Vulcan Science Academy or the Daystrom Institute, the Campus of Mathematical and
Analytical Arts on Gallam II is widely respected in scientific circles.

Gallamite Names: Boday, Brock, Dabish, Eman Ekaf, Oday, O'd'taa


TOS and beyond

Gallamites are short, averaging only 1.6m in height, & slender, averaging 50kg.
They have a slightly greenish cast to their amber skin. There hands have 4
digits, 3 long slender fingers & an opposable thumb. Their eyes are somewhat
larger than Humans, & they have an epicanthic fold similar to Asian Humans.
The ears are small & pointed like those of a Vulcan. Their culture is quiet &
contemplative for the most part. They excel in the sciences, having a natural
affinity for mathematics. Although not as well known as the Vulcan Science
Academy or the Daystrom Institute, the Campus of Mathematical & Analytical
Arts on Gallam II is widely respected in scientific circles.

Names: Their surname goes before their given name.

Male: Boday, Borosh, Dabisch, Sintay, Worvan.
Female: Eman, Ekaf, Joham, Oday, O'd'taa.
Surname: Eronaq, Nalak, Sokazs, Besasek.

EXAMPLE VALUE: History is just one damned thing after another.

Attributes: Control+1, Fitness+1, Reason+1

The most distinguishing feature is that there cranium is transparent,
there brain is twice the size of a Human brain, and they have a toothy
smile. Some races feel a mild atavistic discomfort at seeing a living brain
pulsing inside there cranium, and some wear a close-fitting hood-like
garment to avoid making others uncomfortable.

Gallamite, or with GM's permission.

Scientific Aptitude/Mathematics Genius

When you use the Science Discipline or make use of Mathematics, you
gain 1d20 to your rolls. When using Mathematics specifically, you lower
the difficulty by 2, minimum of 1. If either are successful, you gain a bonus
momentum for the Obtain Information Spend. It cannot be saved.

Due to your cerebral mass, your capacity for thought is more pronounced
then most other species. Whenever you use your Reason Attribute, you
lower the difficulty of your rolls by 1, to a minimum of 1. If successful, you
gain 1D20 to your next roll, related to the Reason roll.


TOS and beyond

Gallamites are short, averaging only 1.6m in height, & slender, averaging 50kg.
They have a slightly greenish cast to their amber skin. There hands have 4
digits, 3 long slender fingers & an opposable thumb. Their eyes are somewhat
larger than Humans, & they have an epicanthic fold similar to Asian Humans.
The ears are small & pointed like those of a Vulcan. Their culture is quiet &
contemplative for the most part. They excel in the sciences, having a natural
affinity for mathematics. Although not as well known as the Vulcan Science
Academy or the Daystrom Institute, the Campus of Mathematical & Analytical
Arts on Gallam II is widely respected in scientific circles.

Names: Their surname goes before their given name.

Male: Boday, Borosh, Dabisch, Sintay, Worvan.
Female: Eman, Ekaf, Joham, Oday, O'd'taa.
Surname: Eronaq, Nalak, Sokazs, Besasek.

EXAMPLE VALUE: History is just one damned thing after another.

Attributes: Control+1, Fitness+1, Reason+1

The most distinguishing feature is that there cranium is transparent,
there brain is twice the size of a Human brain, and they have a toothy
smile. Some races feel a mild atavistic discomfort at seeing a living brain
pulsing inside there cranium, and some wear a close-fitting hood-like
garment to avoid making others uncomfortable.

Gallamite, or with GM's permission.

Scientific Aptitude/Mathematics Genius

When you use the Science Discipline or make use of Mathematics, you
gain 1d20 to your rolls. When using Mathematics specifically, you lower
the difficulty by 2, minimum of 1. If either are successful, you gain a bonus
momentum for the Obtain Information Spend. It cannot be saved.

Due to your cerebral mass, your capacity for thought is more pronounced
then most other species. Whenever you use your Reason Attribute, you
lower the difficulty of your rolls by 1, to a minimum of 1. If successful, you
gain 1D20 to your next roll, related to the Reason roll.


afterward that the Quiets were not "defective", but instead adapted to communicate with
the Citoac, who stimulate the brains of Nasats with sound in order to interact with them.
Quiets were historically essential to keeping the peace between the two races.

Nasat come in five different colors, which are integrated into their names (Blue, Brown,
Red, Green, and Yellow).

Nasats inhabit the giant trees covering much of their planet's tropical regions. While the
Capital Township is increasingly modernized as Nasat integrates into the Federation,
more "rural" regions are still very traditional and occasionally opposed to alien
influences. Being a peaceful race, they prefer keeping to themselves, and thus simply
cordon off their dwellings instead of aggressively colonizing or controlling the forests. All
manner of animal and plant life coexist beyond the townships, relatively undisturbed by
the Nasat presence.

Nasat generally have little sense of history, and romantic love is an alien concept to
them. Females are fertilized, then may wait several years before birthing larvae. The
larvae are transferred to state nurseries soon afterward; there is no parent-child bond.

The Nasat had made contact with the United Federation of Planets by the late 23rd
century. In 2269 one member of the species, M3 Green, accompanied Captain James T.
Kirk and a multi-species team to retrieve and return the "Soul of Skorr" to Vedala.

By the 24th century, the Nasat were members of the Federation, although many Nasat
decided not to leave their homeworld. One exception was P8 Blue, who served aboard
the Federation starship USS da Vinci as part of the ship's Starfleet Corps of Engineers
team for much of the 2370s.

Another exception to this were a group of Red Nasats who left in the early 24th century
to forge a new life for themselves. These Nasats settled on planet Phantas 61, where
they integrated into Phantasian culture.

Nasat Names: B6 Blue, C29 Green, F3 Red, M3 Green, P8 Blue, Q2 Brown, R1 Red,
V1 Red, V5 Red, Z4 Blue

Species Adjustments: +2 Strength, +2 Vitality, -1 Agility

Species Abilities: Natural Armour (scaly hide) absorbs 1 point of damage.

Reptilian race with a gruff disposition, but immense strength. However, the Gnalish find
difficulty in climbing. One member of the Gnalish race was invited to the expedition to
find the Soul of Alar.

Note: Author Michael Jan Friedman has agreed with fan speculation that Sord of TAS (The Jihad) is
probably Gnalish, in particular of the relatively smaller Fejjimaera sub-species introduced in his novel

Species Adjustments: none*

Species Abilities:
Mimic- Vendorians can mimic anything they touch, within limits. The creature or object
must have a similar size and mass as the Vendorian. The longer the Vendorian remains
in that particular form the more characteristics of that form they assume. This is
especially true when it assumes a humanoid form. In these instances the Vendorian
absorbs memories and personality traits of the individual they touch. The Vendorian
TOS and TNG eras

Golems are android bodies, inhabited by a mind copied from a (previously)

living being. Examples are known using Exo III, Soong-type, and
Coppelius Androids, though other variations may be possible. Often, the
living mind’s factual memories can be correctly saved in the new body, but
emotions and deep personality traits prove impossible to recreate.

Example Value: Not a computer.

Golem characters can be created, with the GM’s permission, as mixed

heritage characters, combining any one android species with the original
species of the formerly living character. The android side is always the
primary species, and mental and psychological limitations imposed by the
android body always take precedence over any Traits and Talents that
come from the former living mind.

TNG era only

The xB’s (ex-Borg) are a highly varied group, drawn

from species of all quadrants of the galaxy. Before the
2380s, most Liberated Borg were freed individually or
in small groups, forcing them to adapt to whichever
non-Borg society they happened to be freed by. The
Romulan seizure of the Artifact led to something very
different: Borg freed by the thousands, almost in
production-line fashion, by dedicated teams of expert
surgeons, technicians, and counsellors. These ex-
Borg, confined together on the Artifact for years, with
nobody to interact with except each other, a few
scientists and their Romulan guards, inevitably
formed their own close society. The future of this relatively small society is unclear. Most of them can’t
reproduce together, or at all. Those few who do reproduce will not be adding to the xB’s, but to ordinary
organic populations. After a single generation, the xB population may be gone. But they have the potential to
significantly change the course of history while they are still together.

Example Value: Victim, not monster.

Use the rules for Liberated Borg (Delta Quadrant, 64-65).


Gorn are a cold-blooded, reptilian species with green, rubbery skin and red
blood. Curiously, the species actually hails from three separate planets in
their home sector, with the Gorn of all three worlds being genetically identical.
Archaeology has determined that none of these worlds are their true
homeworld, which remains unknown. Individual Gorn exhibit aggressive and
assertive behaviour: once set upon a course of action, it is difficult for them
deviate from the plan. This is especially difficult if they believe they are on the
right course. Some humanoids underestimate the Gorn, working under the
impression that reptiles are somehow less evolved than mammals. However,
the Gorn are as intelligent as Humans, and were technologically comparable
to the Federation during the mid-23rd Century. After several disastrous first
contact experiences, the Gorn have become xenophobic, typically remaining
in their own small space—the Gorn Hegemony—which is a monarchy led by the
Gorn lmperator.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Don’t Act Until You’re Sure You’re Right,

Then Let Nothing Stop You

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Fitness

TRAIT: Gorn. The reptilian Gorn are many times stronger

than Humans and possess great stamina, but are slower
and less agile. Like most cold-blooded species, they preferred
warmer temperatures. They heal quickly, with their cells
regenerating at an impressive rate.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Gorn, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are strong and can hit with surprising force. You add the Vicious 1 effect to
your Unarmed Strike.

REQUIREMENT: Gorn, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Gorn are patient and deliberate in their actions. Whenever you use the Ready
Task to ready an attack, you may re-roll one d20.

REQUIREMENT: Gorn, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Your thick hide defend you against lesser wounds. Your Resistance is increased
by+ 1 against all non-lethal attacks. Furthermore, when you succeed at the
Recover Task, you regain 3 Stress per Momentum spent rather than 2.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:

A race of bipedal reptiloids with faceted eyes,

the Gorn are organized under a Hegemony REQUIREMENT: Gorn, Fitness 10 or higher.
ruled by a king or a queen. Gorn are extremely When a Gorn with extreme might gets into a
durable due to their rubbery skin and thick bone ght, anything can be a weapon as long as
structure. Equipped with claws and a mouth it isn’t too heavy or bolted down. Once per
lled with backwards-curved teeth, Gorn are a combat encounter, you can make the following
formidable adversary on the eld of battle. attack if a su cient-sized object is in your zone:
Thrown Object: 3 + Security, Knockdown.
EXAMPLE VALUE: I Will Protect My Crew as
though They are My Family
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, The blood of the royal family runs through
+1 Insight your veins. When dealing with social con icts
involving Gorn politics, you are considered to
TRAIT: Gorn. Gorn are tall, powerfully- have the Gorn Royal Family advantage.
muscled, and can often overpower members
of other humanoid species. They are
believed to be obligate carnivores, and Gorn typically use single names that are hard
many species tend to react to the presence and raspy. Usually using multiple of the same
of Gorn with an instinctive fear or revulsion letter in a row, these names are given to a Gorn
which is di cult to overcome. For their part, shortly after their clutch hatches.
Gorn tend to have little regard for how others
react to them. SAMPLE NAMES: Ssar, Kraassk, S’tazzan,
Trrusk, V’karrn
TALENTS: The character receives access to
the following talents:

You tower over most other humanoid species,
and possess thick armored skin, dense muscles
and bones, and razor-sharp teeth and talons.
You have a Resistance of 2, and your unarmed
attacks lose the Non-Lethal quality and gain
Vicious 1 instead. Gorn characters must select
this talent during character creation.

Gorn weddings are actually beautiful

and loving ceremonies. Until someone
gets angry. And someone always
gets angry. And then there’s beautiful
carnage for all.
A bipedal, reptilian species from the Beta quadrant, who have a civilization
— the Gorn Hegemony — far from Federation Space. First encountered by
Star eet in 2267, the Gorn are technologically advanced to a level
comparable to the Federation and other Beta Quadrant powers in most
regards. Even a century after rst contact, there is relatively little contact
between the Gorn Hegemony and the Federation.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Hungry FOr Dangerous Situations

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Russth Gorn or Ssessekh Gorn. Gorn are large and

powerfully-built, even more so than other mighty species
such as Klingons or Nausicaans. They are many times
stronger than a Human, and resilient enough to ignore
massive blunt force trauma or even short periods in hard
vacuum. However, Gorn are not especially agile or fast.
Gorn are ectothermic – cold-blooded – with their body
temperature varying by external factors, and thus favor warm
environments where they can be most active and e ective.
Russth Gorn are the smaller of the two Gorn species and are
less commonly known outside Gorn space.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Hardened Hide (Zaranite)

Into the Breach (Lurian)
Stun Resistance (Xindi-Reptilian)
Gender-Neutral Names: Amrasaur, B’nie, Bombadier,
Brazarlisss, Caim Dardis, Charon, Def the Mij, Excelisss, Fang,
Fissk, G’eoss, Glind, Grogan, Groge, Hadra, Harland, H’ippo,
Hissar Zul, Hrdox Zurdl, Hromuth, Hrumlith, Juddult, Juridoth,
Kaleo-parr, Keeyah, Lahr, Lastnaym Furst, Madrasaur, Nexslis,
Ovirapt, Plesio, Quarasss, Rellk, Rexus, Rexus Sslith, Rook,
S’alath, Samsusss, S’Arnth, Saurussa, S’Gundern, Skardal,
Skaxzss, Skizzerd, Skorn, S’kuss, S’kuzz, Slathis, S’Leuthold,
Slistaxss, Slitche, S’loth, Sozzerozs, S’puth, S’alath, Ssender, Sshennok,
Ssist, Sskulli, Sslack, S’slee, Sslith, Ssslithisss, Sss’rex, S’staph, Ssulluss,
S’Teken, S’Toval, S’Trenk, Szaastul, Szasz, S’zatan, Thak, Thragg,
Thrasslith, Thrichduk, Ty, Tyran, Tyrano, Usss, Vex, W’rkssm’n, Xrathis, Zaur,
Zhod, Zogozin, Zor, Zorilluth, Zralluth

The Grazerite are a peaceful people whose homeworld, Grazer, is one of the
harsher examples of the far ends of the planetary M classi cation. The three main
continents are predominately covered by extensive mountain ranges that reach as
far as 10 kilometers above ‘sea level.’ The Grazerites’ evolutionary development has
incorporated not only traditional humanoid traits – but also those of bovidae – giving
them goat like physical features. Grazerites are a peaceful people with a natural
sense of curiosity. Grazerites have a deep dislike of con ict and actively avoid it if
possible. Grazerite o cers in Star eet pursue careers in most elds – but it is nearly
unheard of to see them serving as tactical or security o cers. In Grazerite society,
it is considered impolite (boarding on indecent) to leave one’s horns and hands
uncovered – and thus Grazerites are usually seen with gloves and a headwrap.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Patient Study Yields the Best Results

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Grazerite. Grazerites possess powerful jaws and durable teeth –

allowing them to chew through a surprising number of hardened substances.
They cannot, however, digest inorganic materials, despite being able to chew
through them, and as evolutionary vegetarians, have a di cult time digesting
meats. Their brows are adorned with a pair of durable horns, which slope back
in the vast majority. Further, Grazerite ngers evolved from hooves and their
ngernails remain extremely dense, and are capable of supporting their full
weight – making them excellent climbers.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Grazerite, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Grazerites are deeply communal and work well in coordination with others.
Whenever a character with this Talent is providing assistance to another, they
increase the Focus range to generate 2 successes by 1.

REQUIREMENT: Grazerite, or Gamemaster’s permission.

A small minority of Grazerites are born with a genetic variance that causes their
horns to be hollow. This gives them a highly sensitive organ that can detect subtle
changes in air pressure, sound, and all manner of vibrations. When a character
with this Talent attempts a Task that involves the detection or analysis of sound or
vibrations of any kind, they may re-roll a d20.

Grazerite names incorporate both their given names, provided by their father, and
a familial name, provided by the mother, into a single name. It is commonly, and
mistakenly, believed that these are in fact two separate names. Grazerites rarely
correct this mistake, believing it is rude and combative to correct strangers.

Female names: Milina-Summ, Photine-Mon, Maevra-Rewe, Tanti-Gome,
Mintu-Tian, Natali-Leag
Male names: Anmer-Tasik, Erasmo-Tes, Saburo-Ta , Jaresh-Inyo, Zenko-Arwi,
Jacus-Kelle, Luciro-Asi
Halanans are a dark-skinned humanoid species with double-pointed ears. They are
psychoprojective telepaths, with the ability to create extremely life-like illusions of themselves.
Under extreme stress, Halanans may project an illusion involuntarily, falling unconscious in the

Halana recently terraformed an uninhabitable planet and established the colony of New Halana.

Fitness 2 [5]
Coordination 2 [5]
Intellect 2 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Empathy +1
Psi 1 [5]
Range +1

Artistic Expression (choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Culture (Halanan) 2 (3)
History (Halanan) 1 (2)
Halanan 2
Psychoprojective Telepathy 2
Science, Any (choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
World Knowledge (Halana) or (New Halana) 1 (2)

Typical Traits
Involuntary Psychoprojection (Extreme Stress) -2, Impulsive -1

New Skill: Psychoprojective Telepathy

The character has the ability to project convincing illusions of him/herself. The illusions
have no physicality, and a tricorder scan will visual image and a low-level energy pattern.
New Disadvantage: Involuntary Psychoprojection
Under extreme stress, the character may fall unconscious and project an illusion of him/herself.
The illusory being may adopt a different persona with no knowledge of the character's actual
self, and the character has no memory of his/her illusory self's actions. The projection rarely
last longer than a few minutes, but on a critical failure of a Presence roll, the character may fall
into a coma.

A Halanan woman named Nidell Seytik, and her psychoprojective persona Fenna, appeared in
the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Second Sight.

Submitted by Owen E. Oulton

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.

Haliians are from Halii, a member world of the Federation. They are a telepathic
species with limited person-to-person empathy, which they can access through a
crystal called a canar. They may establish an empathic bond with their lovers. Haliians
distinguished from Humans in that they have slight bulges and indentations above their
eyebrows, along with a crease between the brows.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Celebrate Our Holidays No Matter Where We Are.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Haliian. Haliians have limited telepathic abilities enhanced by canar

crystals. They may have recurring symbolic dreams.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

You have the Talent Empath (see page 105 of the Core Rulebook), but only at Close
range. You also have a crystal prism called a canar, usable by Haliians to focus and
amplify their telepathic abilities. When holding a canar, you may spend one Momentum
to remove the range limitation. If another person is touching the canar as you, and they
are a romantic interest, you may use the Talent Telepath (also page 105) instead.
This Talent may be used only on the other person touching the canar.

REQUIREMENT: Haliian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
As an aspect of your Haliian telepathy, your dreams are meaningful and symbolic, and
you have learned how to interpret them to better understand yourself and your current
situation. If you are able to go to sleep at the end of a Scene, or was rendered
unconscious at the end of a Scene, in the next Scene where you wake up, you may
add a bonus d20 to your dice pool for all Tasks that involve Insight.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

REQUIREMENT: Haliian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Haliians possess minor empathic abilities which, without
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY the canar focusing crystal, is limited to touch. Once you
Haliians are native to the Federation world of Halii – make contact with another character, you can sense the
renowned for its crystal formations and beautiful waterfalls. emotions of that individual – as well as communicate
As one of the few telepathic species in the Federation, the telepathically with other empaths or telepaths. You cannot
Haliians share many of the same social nuances of other choose to not sense the emotions of those you make
telepathic or empathic species, such as Betazoids. Haliians contact with. It may require e ort and a Task to gain
often nd it hard to truly connect with non-Haliians, and this information from beings that are resistant to forms of
has the unfortunate e ect of limiting their interactions with telepathy. Such information can most often be used as an
other Federation species. Due to the nature of their telepathic Advantage during Social Con icts.
abilities, Haliians are either far more prone to physical contact
during social encounters or avoid it entirely depending on
individual in question. Haliians also share a deep fondness REQUIREMENT: Haliian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
for holidays – of which they have many – which almost Characters with this Talent can suddenly divert their attention
always involve music. to other Tasks, leaving their current Task in whatever state
it was in, and immediately begin work on the second. To
EXAMPLE VALUE: Many Sides to every Tale many this may seem undisciplined and unfocused, but to
characters with this Talent it is simply an e ective way of
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, +1 Presence completing several Tasks at once. Whenever this character
is participating in a Challenge, they may choose to use this
TRAIT: Haliians. Physically, Haliians are similar to other Talent and attempt two Tasks simultaneously. The attempt
humanoid species within the Federation; however, is made against the Task with the highest Di culty, which is
the natives of Halii possess distinctive bulges along then attempted using the appropriate pool. Successes are
the bridge of their noses and just above their brows. then divided between the two Tasks. When attempting Tasks
Haliians tend to have close family bonds and numerous using this Talent – the Complication range is increased by
festivals and holidays. Much like other telepathic species, one and any Complications rolled can be from either Task –
Haliians struggle with the use of deception, and will often as thematically appropriate.
misinterpret it during social encounters.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the Haliians follow many other humanoid species with regard
following Talents: to naming conventions. Their given names are provided by
their parents, though in Haliian culture the child’s mother has
nal say in the matter. Surnames are passed from father to
child almost exclusively. To call a Haliian by their full name
indicates both tremendous familiarity and directed frustration
or anger.

Female names: Lympia, Nathali, Angeal, Aquiel, Camil,
Laura, Sondra, Jardine, Anisa, Sabia
Male names: Franic, Goker, Rowlan, Devar, Atall, Ordst,
Andorian 1-2 1-2 1 Jayce, Valtern, Cale, Nereus, Norrish
Arbazan 3-4 3-4 2 Surnames: Mahki, Santosi, Uhnari, Kinge, Rozenn, Terzi,
Bajoran – – 3-4 Abeln, Kedzi, Albini, Nani, Apito
Betazoid – – 5-6
Caitian – 5 7
Denobulan 5-6 6-7 8
Edosian – 8 9
Grazerite – – 10
Human 7-16 9-14 11-15
Tellarite 17-18 15-16 16
Trill – 17 17
Vulcan 19-20 18-19 18-19
Zaranite – 20 20
This table re ects most common rather than all Star eet races.

Native to the Delta Quadrant, the Hazari known for their dedicated bounty
hunters, trackers, and mercenaries. Descended from a species of ambush
predators who hunted in packs, the Hazari are relentless and focused but
social. Positioned in a highly populated region of space, Hazari territory is
bordered by that of the Malon, Devore, Turei, and Hierarchy. Limited in their
ability to expand their territory or garner resources through conquest, the
Hazari instead offered their skills as trackers to neighbouring powers.
This proved advantageous, and the Hazari found ready employment
throughout the sector. Known for their cunning, the Hazari prefer to
lure their targets into traps, and are highly coordinated. Where there
is one Hazari vessel, there is always more, either supporting the first
or preparing a surprise attack. The Hazari pride themselves on the
completion of their contracts, and many are more concerned with
the challenge of the hunt than the size of the bounty. Most outsiders
only encounter Hazari freelancers, and believed the entire species
to be bounty hunters. Civilian Hazari possess much the same work
ethic, valuing their word and the challenge presented by a task over
a reward; the few Hazari who become merchants or command
freighters have reputations for integrity and honouring their deals.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Until the Contract is Completed, Nothing Else


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Hazari. Reptilian in biology, Hazari are cold blooded and

have a slow metabolism, requiring limited food and water. Like most
reptiles, Hazari dislike the cold, which makes them sluggish, so in
space, they use heated suits to maintain a steady body temperature.
Hazari are stubborn and bellicose, preferring to remain active and continually
progressing towards a goal. They become impatient during periods of
prolonged inactivity.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Hazari, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Through careful planning and natural cunning, you are prepared for multiple
outcomes. Once per mission, when the GM spends Threat to increase the
complication range of a Task, you can describe how you prepared for the
eventuality to re-roll any number of d20s.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
Fitness 2 [5]
Coordination 3 [6]
Dexterity +1
Intellect 2 [5]
Perception +1
Presence 2 [5]
Psi 0 [5]

Any Science (Choose Specialization) 1 (2)
Athletics (Choose Specialization) 2 (3)
Culture (Hermat) 2 (3)
History (Hermat) 1 (2)
Hermat 2
World Knowledge (Hermat Homeworld) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/ Disadvantages

Sexy +2, Excellent Chemoreception +1, Excellent Balance +1, Natural Weaponry (claws) +1,
Diminished Social Status -1, Impulsive -1

Traits Common to the Species

Hermats are, in general, a solitary species, preferring the company of others of their own kind
to that of non-hermaphroditic species. It is only the exceptional Hermat who ventures from the
homeworld frequently, and to remain away even then is nearly unheard of. Hermats who do
remain away from the homeworld are looked at as having "something wrong" with them by
their native society.

Hermats also have a tendency to trust their highly developed instincts, which lead them to act
without thinking, especially in interpersonal relationships.

Size: Hermats tend towards the middle of the height range of Earth humans, rarely reaching
either of the extremes. They typically mass less than Earth Humans, giving them a lithe
appearance which accentuates both their male and female aspects.

Hermats possess both male and female sexual characteristics, and unlike hermaphroditic
"mutations" in other species, this state is natural. They are "fully funcitonal," and capable of
reproduction as either a male or a female. It is believed that Hermat DNA is compatible with
most other humanoid species in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

Story Notes
Hermats are generally a xenophobic species, preferring their own kind to most other species. It
is a rare hermat indeed who willingly lives off the homeworld among unisexual species.
Hermats also revel in their sexuality, and it has been noted that their sexual drive can often
match that of the Deltans, though without the empathic aspects.

In an effort to normalize relations with the Federation, Hermats have also empowered a
language council to determine how their species should be referenced. Most notable, they
Council provides the Federation and all off-world Hermats with a special set of pronouns with
which to refer to the species. The council has frequently changed its mandates, creating no end
of hassle not only for Hermats, but any races which seek to deal with them without offending.
Most notable are the replacement for his and her, "hir" and "s/he" instead of he or she. At one
point Hermat dignitaries and officials were supposed to be addressed as "s/hir" instead of sir,
but the Council recently dropped this designation.
Hermats have only one name, followed by a number, designating the length of their lineage.
For instance, "Rosian 217" would be the 217th member of hir family with that name. To date,
only one Hermat is known to be a member of Starfleet, a fact of which s/he finds both pleasing
and difficult.
Author's Notes
I modelled this off Allen Shock's template, but I was aiming to create a more likely template for
a player character. I eliminated the xenophibic aspect because it doesn't seem to fit with the
Hermat portrayed in the New Frontier series of books. My suggestion would be that if a PC
wants to play a Hermat to use the statistics presented here, but for NPC Hermats to use the
statistics presented by Allen, as Burgy (and presumably others) are the exception to Hermat
society, rather than the rule.

Submitted by John H. McCullough

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.

Once, long ago, the Hirogen’s grand empire stretched across a massive expanse of
space, maintained by their advanced technology and relentless will for conquest.
A hundred, thousand years ago, their territory covered much of the Delta Quadrant
and wrapped around the galactic core as far as the Alpha Quadrant. Few signs
of this empire are left, with the most noteworthy being their communications
relay network. Since their apex, Hirogen society has almost entirely collapsed,
with the populace scattering across the Quadrant in nomadic packs. The
Hirogen have lost their ability to innovate or create and can barely even
maintain their more advanced technology. What remains of
Hirogen society is entirely centered around hunting: the pursuit of
worthy prey and the challenge of claiming a trophy. The more unusual
the relic of the hunt, the more status awarded the hunter. Their social
structure was organized into packs of male hunters led by the Alpha,
who was the strongest hunter. The second-in-command of a pack
was the Beta, who became the Alpha if the first Alpha died. There
are numerous rituals and ceremonies related to the hunt, including
applying paint to faces and helmets, and studying one’s prey to
understand their capabilities. Even choosing a weapon is given
ceremonial importance, with each hunt requiring the proper arsenal.
All Hirogen hunters wear ceremonial armour, which protects them
from small arms and wards against rapid changes in pressure. The
armour has a removable helmet and optional face mask that can
filter out dust or provide as secondary air source.

EXAMPLE VALUE: If You Are Not the Hunter, You Are the Prey

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Hirogen. Most Hirogen are larger than humans, being

comparable in height to Klingons and Jem’Hadar, and possess physical
strength comparable to the latter. Their immune system is heightened, and
neutralizes foreign pathogens and chemicals, rendering most sedatives
ineffective. Their biochemistry has been altered to aid in hunting, and
Hirogen have excellent vision and emit no scent that would alert their prey.
Most Hirogen lack basic empathy, seeing other intelligent and self-aware
beings as potential prey.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Hirogen, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are dangerous predator, focused on taking down your target. Once
per mission, as a Minor Action you can study a target and designate it
to be your prey. Whenever you attempt a Task to track your prey may
re-roll one d20. Additionally, the first time you attack your prey, you may
re-roll any number of d20s. However, you are driven to bring the hunt to
completion and increase the difficulty of non-lethal attacks you make
against your prey by 1.


REQUIREMENT: Hirogen, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You keep the ritual equipment of a Hirogen hunter close at hand. This includes the armoured
pressure suit of the Hirogen. This armour grants 2 A of Resistance and confers the Trait:
Environment Suit. You also own a scythe-like bladed weapon known as a talon, used to
prolong the kill of a captured or cornered prey. The talon is a me lee weapon with the
following profile: Melee, 1 A, Vicious 1, Size 1 H, and the Debilitating Quality.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
The entire Hirogen society, from social rituals, to art, to religious beliefs,
centers around “the hunt”. Their existence is driven by the pursuit of prey
and it had carried them across huge distances.
Ancient Hirogen civilization was knowledgeable and possessed advanced
technology. However, by the 24th century, there was no evidence of them
identifying with a homeworld; their nomadic existence is driven by the
pursuit of prey. This has caused Hirogen society to put nearly all of its
energy into increasingly unproductive hunts in increasingly exhausted
territories, bringing cultural and scienti c advancement to a near standstill.
The Hirogen way of life has not changed for a thousand years. They live as
nomads and have dispersed themselves throughout the quadrant,
becoming a solitary and isolated race. It has even been stated by
one some Hirogen that in another thousand years, no one would
remember the name Hirogen, as they are hunting themselves to

EXAMPLE VALUE: If You Are Not The Hunter, You Are The

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Hirogen. Hirogen are quite large, standing above the

average height of most other known humanoid species.
They also possess greater physical strength than most
humanoids a orded to them by their advanced muscle and
nervous system. Their sensory perception is acute, a feature
that serves well as the Hirogen are an aggressive hunting
species. The Hirogen possess an impressive immune
system that makes them exceptionally resilient to sedation.
They are known to be capable of surviving hostile
atmospheres for a short time.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Born Stalker (Drai)

Into the Breach (Lurian)
Nomadic Heritage (Monean)
Gender-Neutral Names: Bervid, Bivug, Cirvorr, Donik, Goliz, Gomorr, Idrin,
Karr, Kiderr, Kudrig, Kuric, Neman, Nimic, Turanj

While the Hirogen originate from the Delta Quadrant, it is feasible that their
millennia-old nomadic lifestyle has brought them to other quadrants as well.
So the GM may allow this species in a campaign set in other quadrants.


Official version found in the Voyager Player Characters PDF

Hologram are three-dimensional projections of light contained in forcefields,

generated by holo-emitters. Advanced holo-programs can create a complex
simulacrum of a living being, virtual intelligences that behave as sentient beings.
Most Holograms are not aware of their artificial nature, simply mimicking sentience.
However, a number of Holograms have gained sentience and self-awareness
through accidents or prolonged activation. A court hearing in 2365 ruled
that artificial entities, such as the Android Data, are afforded the rights
and freedoms of all sentient beings under Federation law and are not the
property of Startfleet, which can apply to self-aware Holograms. Holograms
are confined to areas with a holo-emitter, such as a holodeck, but later
classes of starship are equipped with holo-emitters in certain rooms or on
multiple decks. Portable holo-emitters and holo-platforms are also in use,
and some work has been done in replicating a mobile holographic emitter
salvaged from a 29th Century vessel.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I am More Than the Sum of My Code

TRAIT: Hologram. You are an artificial construct comprised of photons held

together with forcefields. Lacking a biology, you are immune to disease ,
fatigue, and physical damage. Your physical form can be disrupted, and will
reform after your program restarts. However, your body is dependent on
holo-emitters, which can be damaged or affected by radiation or harmful
energies. The emitters also require constant power to maintain your
Damage to either your program or emitter is considered an Injury. Fixing
damage to your software is a First Aid Task that requires the Science
Discipline rather than Medicine, while repairing an emitter requires

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Your personal growth is limited by the computer storage allotted to your
program and any restrictions built into your code, forcing you to rely on your
crew rather than personal experiences. You can cross out a saved Milestone
to add 3 points to the group’s Momentum pool. This Momentum is not
removed during a scene change.

You were created to perform a single Task and are particularly adept
at executing that function. When you attempt a Task and could apply
two or more Focuses, you may add a bonus d20 to your dice pool.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:

Advances in holotechnology and computing in the 2370s allow for the creation
of independent, virtually-intelligent holograms, far more sophisticated than
the characters who populate holonovels and other recreations. Arguably, the
rst true example of this occurred accidentally in 2365, with the activation of a
holographic James Moriarty, a simulation of a ctional character with a genuine
emergent intellect. However, it took years before these advancements could
be recreated deliberately. Doctor Lewis Zimmerman made the leaps that led to
the creation of the Emergency Medical Hologram and its successors, the rst
widespread examples of this technology. Self-aware, independent holograms
begin to become more common in both Star eet and civilian contexts, though
few of them seem to develop true individuality, and the matter of their legal
personhood is hotly disputed in Federation courts.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Am I More Than My Programming?

ATTRIBUTES: Instead of the normal Attribute options, choose three

Attributes and add +1 to each of them.

TRAIT: Hologram. Holograms can be programmed to any speci cation,

though the nature of their holomatrix means that they are essentially
impervious to direct physical harm – they can allow energy and objects to
pass through them at will. However, they are unable to go anywhere that
lacks holographic emitters that can project their image and force elds, and
those emitters can be damaged even if the holograms themselves cannot.
Holograms also tend not to receive much respect or consideration from
esh-and-blood people, who see them as tools at best or annoyances
at worst. Holograms may also have a second species trait, re ecting the
species they were designed to emulate.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Your programming has been expanded considerably, with subroutines and
databases covering a wide range of additional subjects and elds of expertise.
You may select up to two additional Focuses.

You have a device that allows you a degree of autonomy from xed holo-
emitters. Most of these mobile emitters are bulky, awkward pieces of equipment
with a limited amount of power, making them useful only for short periods and
emergencies, but the technology is improving. While you have your mobile
emitter, you can move freely in places that lack holo-emitters. However,
Complications may re ect damage to or problems with the emitter.

The Horta are a silicon-based life form native to Janus VI. Literate and tool-using, Horta are
a highly emotional and intelligent species, who appreciate the strengths and differences
of others. Family orientated, Horta are social and protective of those they consider kin,
especially those younger than themselves. The Hortas’ preferred habitat was surrounded
by solid rock. While they can survive in a Oxygen-Nitrogen atmosphere, they found it
disconcertingly empty to the touch, and required a thin coating of Teflon to avoid damaging
structures. The Horta diet consisted of minerals dissolved with a powerful acid secreted
from glands across their bodies. This acid permits Horta to tunnel through solid rock as
easily as a humanoid can swim through water. When Horta are afraid, they can lose control
of their acid glands and express the powerful corrosive all around them. They also have the
urge to tunnel to safety, although they can suppress this instinct when needed.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Protect the Future

TRAIT: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Horta. The exterior of a Horta consists of a brown rocky carapace that is highly
resistant to damage; anything but the highest phaser settings is just a
mild irritation to a Horta. On their underside, Horta have numerous
cilia upon which they move. Horta sensory organs can detect
the chemical composition of materials around them. This
permits them to tell what gases make up the surrounding
air, identify species by the chemical composition of their
blood, and sense veins of ore. They have poor eyesight
but can partially see in the infrared spectrum. Their
method of hearing involves detecting atmospheric
vibrations, and they have a highly developed sense
of smell that is their primary means of
communication. To communicate with
humanoids Horta are fitted with specialized
universal translators and vocalizers, but
they can also communicate by etching text
into surfaces. Horta can survive exposure
to the vacuum of space, though the shock
results in a temporary coma.

TALENTS: The character receives

access to the following talents:

You can use your natural acidic offensively. Your touch counts as a melee weapon with 3 A,
Intense, Size 1 H. When you use your acid touch, add 2 to the Threat pool.

Your cilia act independently and can continue to move even if you have been severely hurt.
When you have only 1 injury, you can continue to take the Movement Minor Action.

Your hard stony carapace makes you impervious to minor damage. Your Resistance is
increased by +2 against energy attacks.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:

An Augment talent is found in the Science Division Supplemental Rulebook

“Augment” is a term used to describe genetically engineered Humans

that were first created by advances in DNA re-sequencing in the mid-20th
century. This led to the Eugenics Wars, following which genetic engineering
on Earth was banned. This ban was also commonly adopted by Human
colonies, and continued after the founding of the Federation. However, several
generations after the Eugenics Wars, some colonies outside the Federation
began permitting genetic engineering or were even established to research
manipulation of the genome. The original Human Augments possess enhanced
intelligence beyond that of all but the most intelligent Humans, and they
were also designed with superhuman strength and reflexes. Along with these
superior abilities there was a defect in the genome of the first Augments: they
were aggressive, arrogant and ambitious with a diminished sense of morality.
Since that era, future attempts at genetic modification have corrected this
flaw. This led to the eventual loosening of the ban on genetic engineering in
the Federation, allowing the correction of medical conditions, such as genetic
illnesses. However, altering Humans beyond certain mental and physical
thresholds was discouraged, and such genetically enhanced individuals were
banned from service in Starfleet.

EXAMPLE VALUE: That Which Does Not Kill Me Makes Me Stronger.

ATTRIBUTES: Instead of the normal Attribute options, choose three Attributes

and add+ 1 to each of them.

TRAIT: Human, Augment. The Augments were designed to be remarkably

agile, being up to five times as strong and twice as intelligent as a normal
Human. They were also resistant to illness, had enhanced senses, possessed
heart muscles twice as strong, and their lung efficiency fifty percent better
than even a Human in peak condition. Their blood also contained platelets
capable of regenerating from most diseases or toxins.

TALENTS: The character receives access to all Human talents and the
following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Human Augment, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Your genetic augmentation allows you to shrug off minor wounds. The
first time in a scene you are reduced to 0 Stress, you do not gain an Injury.
Additionally, on your first turn after gaining an Injury, you can perform a single
Minor Action (but still can’t attempt any Tasks).

REQUIREMENT: Human Augment, or Gamemaster’s Permission, may only be
taken at Character Creation.
Your blood has restorative properties for other Humans, combating
disease and suspending some debilitating conditions. Once per
mission, if a creature is injected with your blood during a Task to
remove an Injury, any dice in that Task can be re-rolled.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:

Originados no planeta Terra no sistema do Sol, Humanos são uma espécie

resiliente, diversa e adaptável que se desenvolveu de nações desorganizadas e
hostis à beira de aniquilação mútua a uma sociedade pací ca e unida em me-
nos de um século, e conseguiu forjar alianças entre antigos inimigos um século
antes de alcançar o voo espacial interestelar. A Terra é um membro fundador
fundamental da Federação Unida dos Planetas, e muitas das instituições da
Federação podem ser encontradas na Terra. Humanos frequentemente exibem
uma dicotomia em sua natureza — sendo movidos por fortes emoções e racio-
cínio cuidadoso — e, embora tenham crescido bastante além de seu
passado de guerras e divisivo, sua orientação e capacidade de
agressão são tão parte de seu sucesso quanto sua curiosida-
de e mentes analíticas.

EXEMPLO DE VALOR: A Necessidade por Exploração

ATRIBUTOS: Em vez das opções normais de

Atributo, escolha três Atributos e adicione +1 em
cada um deles.

TRAÇO: Humano. Humanos são adaptáveis e

resilientes, e sua determinação e ambição frequen-
temente lhes permite resistir a grandes di culdades e
triunfar apesar de grandes adversidades. Entretanto,
Humanos também podem ser temerários e teimosos,
irracionais e imprevisíveis.

TALENTOS: O personagem recebe acesso aos seguin-

tes talentos:

REQUISITOS: Humano, ou permissão do

Mestre de Jogo. Você é indomável e
indisposto a sucumbir às adversida-
des. Você aumenta seu Estresse
máximo em 3.

REQUISITOS: Humano, ou per-

missão do Mestre de Jogo.
Você possui a motivação,
espírito e coragem necessária
para viajar pelo desconhe-
cido. Você pode gastar um
ponto de Determinação
para adicionar três pontos
à reserva de Ímpeto do
grupo. As condições
normais para gastar
Determinação ainda se

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -


The Hupyrians are physically imposing, often over two meters tall. They have wrinkly
skin and large ears and noses. The Hupyrians are closely allied with the Ferengi, and
their homeworld is the source of Hupyrian beetle snuff. They have tight skin with
wrinkles around their eyes and mouths that give them a constant frowning expression.
They are known for their devotion in service, and some will take a vow of silence where
they are only permitted to speak to their masters. They are often found as bodyguards
and food tasters.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Obey Only One Master.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Hupyrian. Hupyrians are taller than most species, and their size alone can
be intimidating. They are loyal especially when working in the employ of another,
and take vows seriously.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Hupyrian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You are intensely loyal and have taken a vow of silence and will only speak to your
direct superior. Whenever you attempt to resist efforts to make you speak or betray
your employer’s trust, reduce the Difficulty of the Task by two.


REQUIREMENT: Hupyrian, Ferengi, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You have learned the technique of inducing a voluntary deep coma that simulates
death. Entering the trance is a Control+Medicine Task. Choose a Difficulty of 1, 2, or 3.
Success means that any attempt to detect your vital signs must increase the Difficulty
of that task by an amount equal to the Difficulty you chose. While in this trance, you
may listen but do nothing else. Gain a temporary Trait: Appears Dead that lasts until
you wake up. To wake from the trance is a Control+Medicine Task at Difficulty 1.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

MAJOR BEATS Crew members can interact with ancient ancestors,

finally see what Hur’q look like, question Hur’q about
their origins and goals, and ask their ancestors about
SUGGESTED ERA OF PLAY: TNG (KLINGON) historical events relevant to the establishment of the
SUGGESTED SPOTLIGHT ROLE: ENGINEERING OFFICER (JONPIN): The crew’s science and engineering officers should Klingon Empire under Kahless.
be rifling through the technology in the cavern.
SYNOPSIS Various type of tasks will finally reveal the existence KEY NPCS
of a device that contains a fractured poH gut.
The crew uncovers a cavern of degrading technology Search our site for ADV011 for stats on the Hur’q,
Sensors available in the cavern are inadequate to
while overseeing the excavation of an ancient Hur’q and Hur’q vessels. Allow the players to create their
learn more about the crystal, which is considered
site. They find a strange machine that contains a ancient ancestors during the “Cast Back In Time”
holy by the Followers of Kahless. The goal is to safely
fractured time crystal (or poH qut in Klingonese). The beat.
transport the poH gut to the crew’s ship and learn
crew’s vessel has the ability to scan the poH gu,t but
about its origin.
the attempt sends the Klingons into the past. What CONCLUSION
will they learn about the origins of their people that
might alter their view of the present? CAST BACK IN TIME
If all goes well, the crew manages to travel back to
While trying to manipulate the crystal’s energies, the the present without having altered the timeline. All
OPENING LOG players are flung back in time to when the Hur’q first things are as they were. However, the poH gut used
landed on Ru’qoT. Research will reveal that the Hur’q to go back to the future destabilizes after transit. The
“We are on the moon of Ru’qoT overseeing a band of destabilization effect creates a chain reaction that
used this location to store materials as a resource
our finest scientists. They are eager to unearth a destroys the fractured poH gut originally discovered
center as they tried to conquer Qo’noS. The Klingons
batch of Hur’q machines discovered during a mining in the ancient cavern on Ru’qoT. Hopefully, the crew
may interact with ancient ancestors taken to the
operation. We are aware that weapons of great will have learned about their brave ancestors and
moon as slave labor. The crew must not reveal their
power might be included in the find. I will personally bring honor to their Houses.
origins as the Hur’q will not respond kindly to time
guarantee that any technology found will be used for
travelers. Unwisely manipulating events here will
the glory of the Empire and, of course, my House.”
endanger the future of the Empire. ADDING THIS MISSION TO YOUR CAMPAIGN

The mission can be adapted for a variety of time

periods especially since the location of the poH gu’st
They must locate the poH gut device. They will battle discovery can be changed. It also works for
Hur’q for security codes, transmit the codes to Federation campaigns, but it may change as ancient
Qo’noS (which allows Kahless to turn the tides of the Klingons might act differently when meeting
invasion), and locate and operate the original device non-Klingons.
to send them back to their proper time.
TRAIT: Monaveen

Typically regarded as a peaceful and melodic staple of most

Monaveen ships and throne rooms, the Monaveen Bard is
also one of the most dangerous weapons a king or queen
have. From using calming music to put negotiators at ease to
disrupting an enemy assassination attempt with harsh words
and sounds, a Monaveen Bard is highly regarded among the
members of the royal court.

TRAIT: Monaveen

VALUE: Music Can Overcome All


Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 , Knockdown, Size 1H,
Longsword of Wrathful Vengeance (Melee, 5 , Size 1H,
Vicious 1, Piercing 1)

Shield of Masterful De ection: The Di culty to hit a
Monaveen Fighter with an attack is increased by 1.
Cleaving Blow: As a minor action, a Monaveen Fighter
may spend 1 Threat. If they do, their next melee attack
Focuses: Comedy, Singing, Stringed Instruments gains the Area weapon quality.


Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 , Knockdown, Size 1H,
Non-lethal) Hysperia is a Human colony governed as a hedonistic monarchy
Sonic Eruption Most Beautiful (Range, 3 , Size 2H, Area, whose culture is based largely on the customs and aesthetics of
Deafening, Knockdown) Renaissance-era Earth, perhaps due to the presence of a native
species resembling the dragons of myth and fantasy ction.
SPECIAL RULES: While Hysperian technology is on par with that of the Alpha and
Countersong Field: As an action, scans and teleporters Beta Quadrant standard of the day, Hysperian culture names
cannot work within Long range until the end of the round. such devices according to myth and mysticism. As examples,
Embolden: As an action, until the end of the round, Hysperians refer to a starship’s primary fusion reactor as a
whenever an ally in Close range makes a melee attack “dragonsblood ame” and their engineers as “blacksmiths.”
action, they generate 1 bonus Momentum. Bonus
Momentum may not be saved. Should a player wish to create a Hysperian character, one simply
Lucky Dodge: When a Monaveen Bard loses an needs to create a Human character per the core rulebook with
opposed melee attack, they may spend 2 Momentum to fantasy-themed approaches to the Lifepath part of the creation
lose no Stress from the attack. process. The player should take into consideration the reason they
opted to leave Hysperia to join Star eet or the Klingon Defense
Force or seek their fortune as an independent starfarer. They, as
Andy Billups did, may have decided the Hysperian lifestyle was not
for them; then again, they may have other reasons.
Among the renn faire types of Monaveen society, the
ghters are considered the most dangerous threat in melee Players are encouraged to seek inspiration from fantasy-based
combat. Often recruited as royal guards and town sentries, media, perhaps even other tabletop roleplaying games.
the ghters use their weapons and shields to intimidate and
injure when necessary.

Known as “demons of air and darkness” to their conquered vassals, the

lconians forged a great empire 200 centuries ago, during a time when the
Neanderthals were still the dominant hominid on Earth. Ruthless and brilliant,
the lconians used teleportation Gateways to maintain their vast territory, which
stretched from the Beta Quadrant to the Gamma Quadrant. Possessing a
lifespan that exceeded that of even the El-Aurians—which was only increased
through technology—lconians never had a large population; by the height of
their civilization, procreation had ceased and it had been a century since the
last birth. 200,000 years ago, an alliance of rebellious species fought back,
and bombarded the planet of lconia from orbit. The nature and origins of this
rebellion is hottly debated as only the records of the usurpers remain, which
describe the lconians as cruel and merciless. Some Federation historians
dispute this, believing the lconians simply withheld their technology from less
developed species, much like Federation itself does. Following the devastation
of their homeworld, the surviving lconians were forced into hiding. Some
settled down to live out their lives in peace on remote planets, fleeing the
present hostility to their species. Traumatized by events, many grew paranoid
and xenophobic, focusing on survival and personal defence. These lconians
withdrew to another reality, working in physical space through proxies.

EXAMPLE VALUE: With Age Comes Wisdom and Patience

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: lconian. Prior to the fall of their empire lconians were organic beings.
All lconians were biologically female, and produced offspring via
parthenogenesis. They possessed a life spans measured in millennium, which
was further augmented through medicine and rejuvenating treatments.
Iconian physiology is incompatible with time travel, and moving through
temporal dimensions causes their cells to fail on a molecular level.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: lconian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are accustomed to relying on advanced technology rather than your own
skills. When you are assisted by a ship, you can roll one fewer d20 to allow the
ship to roll an additional d20 in your place. Additionally, the if the ship rolls one
or more a complication from this Task, you can re-roll one of its d20s.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios

The Idanians are a secretive species without much contact with outside civilizations.
However, they have a superb intelligence agency, Idanian Intelligence, that is able to
make their agents appear in all respects as another species through surgery. In
addition, if their agent has a dataport, they are able to tailor their memories as needed
to fool interrogators and telepaths. Both male and female Idanians wear cowls.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Immerse Myself Fully Into Another Identity.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Idanian. The Idanians have cranial ridges. They are also well-adapted to
surgical procedures to alter their physical appearance.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents.

You received special training from Idanian Intelligence, allowing you to excel at
pretending to be someone else, even another species. Whenever you attempt a Task
to assume another identity, you may re-roll a d20 in your dice pool. In addition, reduce
the Difficulty of any surgical procedure to alter your appearance by one.

REQUIREMENT: Gamemaster’s permission.
You have a dataport implant that allows your mind to directly interface with computers.
Also, data (including memories) may be transferred into crystals. It also allows two
people with dataports to link minds. A drawback is that certain security measures can
be sent through the dataport, causing damage to their nervous system (known as
being ‘spiked’). Whenever you attempt a Task related to the dataport, add a bonus d20
to your roll, but increase your Complication Range by 2. A Complication arising from
such a Task inflicts 4A Lethal damage.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

Idanians are a secretive people, and so did not have much contact with
other civilizations, though they have a very capable intelligence organization
that strictly enforces Idanian laws. Their operatives even in ltrate the Orion
Syndicate to collect evidence and to ultimately bring down entire local cells
operating in their space. Such undercover assignments can last many years
and can involve surgical alterations and the total alteration of the operative’s
memory, with the original memory backed up onto a data crystal.
Since their brain physiology is very compatible with neural implants, Idanian
operatives often assume identities of a “net-girl”, a person who sells access
to their mind for money via the use of a permanently-implanted data port.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Play It Close To Your Vest

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Idanian. Idanians have distinctive cranial ridges.

They demonstrate great conviction towards law and order,
which translates to the chain of command on a starship.
Their brain has an unusual structure which makes it possible
to download and store an individual’s memories onto special
data crystals. This makes them also adapt with any type of
implanted data ports, as their brain physiology is more
resilient towards the risks that usually come up when using
this kind of technology. Typical clothing for all genders
includes a cowl over their heads.

SPECIAL RULES: Idanian characters may start play

undercover and surgically disguised as another species.
Create two characters separately: The Assumed Identity and
the Original Idanian character. The Assumed Identify can be
of any species that you could reasonably mimic with surgery.
Treat the character creation as if you actually are a member of
this species. You start play as the Assumed Identity but gain
the trait ’Idanian Undercover Agent’, representing assets like your
handler and the data crystal that contains your original memories. If your
mission is successful or if you are found out, you can upload your
original memories from your data crystal (if you still have it). Once this is
done, you continue play with your Original Idanian character.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Absolute Conviction (Argrathi)

Direct Neural Interface (Liberated Borg)
Disciplined Mind (Rakhari)
Feminine Names: Arissa, Jarani, Temva
Masculine Names: Daris, Mavid, Tauvid
Gender-Neutral Names: Bavan, Rauval, Taramid
Family Names: Nema, Opani, Rem


Ikaarans are native to the Delphic Expanse. A version of the Enterprise NX-01 thrown
back to 2037 encountered the Ikaarans, and some had joined the crew of the
generational ship. They have an instinct for anomalies and can rarely resist learning
about them.

EXAMPLE VALUE: We Welcome All Species And Cultures

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Ikaaran. Ikaarans have a ridge that runs from their nose up to their
forehead. They are an open people, welcoming other species with open arms.
They are intrigued by anomalies and have an instinct and curiosity about them, but
sometimes end up in trouble exploring them.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Ikaaran, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Your species is intrigued by anomalies, common in the Delphic Expanse, and rarely
leave them unexamined. When you encounter any anomaly, add a Directive of
“Investigate The Anomaly”. However, you have a feel for anomalies. The Complication
Range increases by 1 when you investigate or try to navigate anomalies, but if you
succeed, you gain an extra Bonus Momentum that cannot be saved.

REQUIREMENT: Ikaaran, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Your species welcomes other cultures with open arms. You have a -1 Difficulty on
Social Tasks with alien species, where you do not use intimidation or deceit.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME time Iotian culture did not necessarily resemble Earth of the
SPECIES PROFILE appropriate period. Their clothing styles were different, and
they spoke their own language, with several regional
SPECIES NAME: IOTIAN In 2168, the Horizon visited the planet. During its survey
mission, a member of the crew left behind a book, Chicago
VISUAL REPRESENTATION Mobs of the Twenties (referred to as "The Book"), which
was discovered by the natives. The highly imitative Iotians
reinvented their entire society based on "The Book",
thinking it was the model for a perfect society.

It is during this period that the Iotians developed a more

Earth-like habit of dress, as well as adopting English,
spoken in the dialect of the 1920s & 1930s American
gangster, as a global language.

The Iotians are an extremely imitative people, and learn,

very quickly, by imitating what others do, or what they are
exposed to of other cultures. It was in this way that they
were able to redevelop their entire culture, based around
one encyclopedic volume, in a short time and replicate that
culture with stunning accuracy.

In 2268, the USS Enterprise visited the star system for the
second time and discovered the extent of the cultural
contamination. After unusual negotiations with mob bosses
on the surface, which required an intimidating show of
force, Captain Kirk was able to create a loose system of
government with the Federation as a "Godfather"-type
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS figure. Doctor Leonard McCoy left behind his
+1 Perception, -1 Presence communicator, and it was feared the Iotians might try to
copy Federation technology.
This did not occur however. Either the Iotians never found
The native population of Sigma Iotia II are a race of
McCoy's communicator, or, as is more likely, their culture
humanoids virtually indistinguishable from Earth
based on The Book had become a lifestyle that, as a people,
humans. So indistinguishable, in fact, that Iotians and
the Iotians were so secure in that they felt no need or desire
humans can inter-marry, share blood, or even provide
to change. And despite their tendency to be imitative, they
one-another with organ transplants and tissue
viewed The Book on the par with a religious text, and felt
transplants in medical emergencies.
that deviating from it's “teachings” would be a sacrilege.
There are some internal differences, but these are
Following Kirk's visit, the Federation Council resolved to
minor and do not impede any compatibilities between
devote significant resources to guiding Iotian society,
the two races.
including large teams of cultural experts.
Iotians have the same range of skin, eyes, and hair
Iotia eventually became a Federation Protectorate. In 2271
color as humans, and generally the same physical
the Iotians sent delegates to the Federation Council and
features. They have the same body-types, ranging in
circa 2366 Iotia had become a full Federation member world.
build from trim to obese, but most Iotians keep
themselves physically fit.
By the mid-24th century, Iotians were serving in Starfleet.
Unlike Earth humans, however, Iotians still have some
very unsafe health practices, such a tobacco use and LANGUAGES
heavy alcohol consumption. Originally, Iotians spoke their own language, which bore
little resemblance to the Terran English they speak now. By
Iotian women tend to have ample, voluptuous figures, speaking English, modern Iotians speak a very basic form
and are considered very attractive. Iotian males are of Federation Standard. And yet their dialect is very
more rugged looking, often having a surly, or tough different from that of the average Federation citizen in the
look and demeanor. 24th (or the 23rd) cetury.

CULTURE The Iotian version of English is littered with slang from the
Great Depression era of America. And this makes it hard for
By the late 22nd century, Iotian civilization had
some people to understand Iotian speech at times.
evolved a long a line similar to that of Terran America,
and specifically the United States. But, by 2168, the COMMON NAMES
Iotian people had only reached a stage of industrial All Iotians have a proper name, or “first name”, which is
development equal to Earth, c.1890. At this point in sometimes referred to as one's “front name”. All Iotians do
not have a surname, or “last name”, however. Only
males in powerful positions, or females have
surnames. And females will change their surnames
upon marrying a male who, himself, has a surname.

Common Surnames: Krako, Okmyx, Tepo

Male Names: Cirl, Kalo, Karf, Jojo, Mirt, Bela,
Female Names: Lola, Fina, Milla, Tis, Jani

Sigma Iotia II has always been a temperate, habitable,
and agriculturally sound class-M planet. The climate is
very similar to that of Earth, and tends to be cool, but

Since the development of the Book Culture, some of

the Iotian landscape has become dotted with factories,
and processing plants indicative of early 20th century
industry. But, other than a few scattered cities close in
size to Chicago, or Los Angeles in the 1920s, the Iotian
landscape is largely undisturbed.

Iotia mines and exports some ores. The Iotians also

have a thriving export industry in clothing and
manufacturing. And Iotian fashion is some of the most
sought after period style fashion in the Federation.

On Iotia, Iotian males will be Rogues (gangsters), or
Merchants, with the occasional gangster having the
Assassin elite profession, while working as a Hit Man
for one of the Bosses.

Females will fit into the Merchant category, or perhaps

as Rogues for ladies with a “less than savory”

Off Iotia similar patterns will follow among civilians,

with Iotians working as Merhcnats, or running
gambling establishments on space stations (Rogues).

There are also more than a few Iotians serving in

Starfleet; usually as Security Officers, or in the
Operations department.

Imitative: Iotians are notorious for their tendency to
imitate cultural styles, customs, and even languages if
they are exposed to them heavily enough. This gives
all Iotians a +1 to all Observe skill tests.

Adaptable: As the Human species ability, Adaptable.

(see p. 39 of the Player's Guide, or p. 86 of Aliens).
This is the only species ability Iotians share with
humans, and it may be a side-effect of their imitation
of so many elements of human culture.

Bonus Edges: Quick Shot, Shrewd

Species Flaws: Gullible
A humanoid species from Sigma Iotia II, the Iotians are often used as a
cautionary tale about the dangers of cultural contamination, even now that
they’ve joined the Federation as a protectorate.

All of two generations back, Iotians were firm religious believers in “The Book”.
The problem of course was that the Book was “Chicago Gangs of the 1920s” and
the highest form of government on the planet was the criminal syndicate.

Even today, Iotians talk like Earth gangsters of that period, or at least what they
think Earth gangsters of that period talked like.

Highly imitative and clever when it comes to figuring out advanced technology if
given a sample, the Iotians are externally nearly identical to humanity.

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring | +1 Fitness | +1 Reason

TRAIT: Iotian. This trait may reduce difficulties when trying to understand
a piece of advanced technology that they’ve never encountered before. While
they appear externally identical to humanity, there are significant internal
differences, which may cause problems with medical treatment or allow
them to resist attacks that’d normally affect human anatomy. Their use of
archaic slang may cause confusion for those relying on translators.


REQUIREMENTS: Iotian or Gamemaster’s permission.

When you lean on some mook to explain carefully to him why he

should just roll on out of the joint instead of putting up a fight,
roll a bonus d20 to help make the palooka see the error of his ways.


REQUIREMENTS: Iotian or Gamemaster’s approval.

When you siddown at the negotiation table and succeed on your roll,
get a bonus momentum that can be used to create an advantage that’ll
encourage them to give up the goods.

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME First Contact with the Ithenites was made by the Vulcans in
SPECIES PROFILE 2146, and they were well known to the Earth Starfleet prior
to the founding of the Federation, but they did not attain
Federation membership until the early 23rd century.
SPECIES NAME: ITHENITE Ithenites will look for any excuse to throw a party, and for
this reason they have agreed to host many diplomatic
VISUAL REPRESENTATION functions, when a situation of neutral ground was required.
Ithenite delegates have also attended almost every major
treaty negotiation since their inclusion in the Federation,
with the exception of the signing of the Khitomer Accords.

Their own society is very liberal, hedonistic, and

broadminded. And while they prefer the company of their
own kind, they still make friends easily and are keen to
develop close friendships with off-worlders and people they
meet in their travels.

Ithenites speak a language very similar to very ancient,
early English from Earth. The use of vowels and syllabic
stress is almost identical, hinting at some kind of
evolutionary similarity. Perhaps part of some Preserver

Most Ithenites met off their homeworld, and most who

interact commonly with off-worlders on their home planet
will speak Federation standard. Several also learn at least
some functional phrases in Tellarite, due to their close
political and mercantile ties to the Tellarite people.
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS Ithenites have a single name; no familial or clan-based
surname system. Male Ithenite names have two or three
+2 Agility, +1 Perception, -1 Presence, -1 Strength
syllables, and tend to have short vowel sounds, and harsh
consonants. Female names are softer, with an emphasis on
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION long vowels, and female names usually end in a vowel
The Ithenites are a race of diminutive humanoids. Only sound.
half the size of a human when full grown, Ithenites
have a golden tone to their skin, which also has an Male Names: Karash, Kapek, Lopador, Malash
almost metallic sheen to it.. Female Names: Mirimia, Shilima, Cahale, Palmo

This unusual pigmentation is the result of the high HOMEWORLD

concentration gold in their blood. Ithenites blood is
The Ithenite homeworld of Orodanga, called Aurakish in
gold-based in the same way humans blood is iron-
their native language, is a small class-M planet in the Eta
based, and the blood of Vulcans is copper-based.
Virginis system.
In other respects Ithenites look like smaller versions
Generally very Earth-like in it's general climate and the
of humans. They tend to be dark haired, and ave dark
appearance of the flora, and even some of the fauna. There
eyes, although some have yellowish eyes.
is even a native animal almost indistinguishable from the
Terran rabbit in abundance on the planet.
Ithenites favor a style of fashion similar to Terran
Arabic clothing styles form the early to mid-20th
Located near Tellarite space, the Ithenites have enjoyed a
century. And males will always ware a tall, brimless
long, fruitful relationship with the Tellarite people. A great
hat similar in appearance to a type of hat from Earth
deal of the older construction done on Orodanga was done
known as a Fez. These hats have a knitted appearance
by Tellaraite craftsmen.
and are solid-colored, with the color possibly
designating either the social status of the wearer, or
A generally pacifistic people, the Ithenites do not allow off-
the region of the Ithenite homeworld the individual
worlders to carry weapons on their world, and only have
calls home.
small hold-out phasers, available to their law-enforcement
personnel to enforce this and other rules of conduct on the
CULTURE planet.
Ithenites have a very simple culture. They seem to
value food, cheer, and social gatherings above almost These rules consist largely of restrictions against violent
all other things. Their lifestyles are very laid back, for behavior, or coarse, insulting, or narrow-minded attitudes
the most part, and there has not been a war on their towards visitors. Ithenites are very hospitable people.
homeworld in recorded history.
The main industries on Orodanga would be farming, given situation can apply to an Ithenite unless covered
and the exporting of food-stuffs. Ithenites also grow a under the Solid and Sturdy species ability described above.
fragrant weed that some cultures still use for the
ancient practice of smoking, despite the fact that most Bonus Edges: Thick-skulled, Sherpa, Sense of Direction,
people in the Federation know this to be a devastating Species Friend (Tellarites)
health risk.
Species Flaws: Easily Distracted
Tellarites are quite fond of Ithenite tobacco, and have
even tried to grow and market a hybrid variety with
little success.

There are some Ithenites serving in Starfleet, and they
make excellent Starship Officer; usually as
Counselors, or Operations personnel.

Other Ithenites encountered off their homeworld will

most likely be Diplomats, Explorers, or the occasional

But, it is not likely an Ithenite would become an out-

right criminal, unless faced with circumstances that
convinced him he had no other choice.

Ithenites are very agile, and quite perceptive. However,
their diminutive size is often a disadvantage when
dealing with larger, more aggressive species like
Klingons or Nausicaans. Due to their size they also
tend to have less brute strength than medium or large-
sized humanoids.

These factors result in a -1 penalty to their Strength

and Presence scores, +1 to their Perception, and +2 to
their Agility.

Beyond the adjustments to their attributes, Ithenites

also have the following species traits:

Voracity: Although technically a species flaw, this trait

is seen as an absolute boon by the Ithenites
themselves. Indeed, the more voracious an appetite
for food, drink, and carousing an Ithenite displays the
more he is likely to be respect by his peers.

As a result of their Voracity, Ithenites suffer a -1

penalty to Influence and Debate tests (some people
find it hard to take them seriously after witnessing
their virtually gluttonous behavior). However it is
almost impossible to get an Ithenite drunk, and they
receive a +3 to all Stamina tests to resist the effects of

Solid and Sturdy: Ithenites are tougher than they look,

and have a slightly more dense molecular structure
than most humanoids which allows for the heavier
blood-mass of their gold-based blood. Despite their
small stature, Ithenites have the same number of
Wound Levels as medium sized humanoids (5). They
also gain +2 to their Stamina reaction rolls. They suffer
no Vitality penalty as a result of their size.

Small: In all other respects, Ithenites are considered

“small” according to the Size Categories table on p.
205 of the Narrator's Guide. Any bonuses or penalties
applicable to size the Narrator feels appropriate in a
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME That said, Izar has developed a culture of its own that is a
SPECIES PROFILE blend of the cultures that formed the colony, with a more
edgy, and rugged frontier lifestyle expected of a colonial
settlement on such a rugged, weather-worn planet.
SPECIES NAME: IZARIAN The lifestyle of most Izarians is often compared to the Old
West, or Wild West, of the North American continent on
VISUAL REPRESENTATION Earth in the late 19th century. And as a result Izar has
produced some of the loyal tactical officers, brilliant
strategists, and respected command officers in the history
of Starfleet.

The language of the Izarian colony is, by default, Federation
Standard. Other common Earth languages such as Spanish,
Chinese, and French are also abundantly spoken as are
some dialects from Alpha Centauri.

There is also a minor Deltan influence on the planet, and the

Deltan language is taught in some schools as a secondary
Izarian names are the usual common names of Earth
humanity. Although some Izarians will drop either their first
or last name and refer to themselves simply as “so-and-so
of Izar”.

This is especially true of Izarians who are raised in broadly

multi-cultural regions of the planet where varying styles in
naming and a wide variety of spoken languages are the
+1 Vitality, +2 Perception
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Izar (or Epsilon Boötis III) is a Class M planet located in the
Epsilon Bootis system of the Alpha Quadrant. In 2183, the
The Izarians, or Izarans are actually humans. In the
United Federation of Planets established the Izar colony on
late 22nd century, a human colony was established on
the planet's surface, and the planet quickly became a
the planet of Izar, on the third planet in the Epsilon
member world, with a predominantly human population.
Boötis system.
A heavily populated planet with many port facilities Izar is
Epsilon Boötis III was also known as Izar, and the
the third world orbiting Epsilon Boötis, a small orange star.
name has since become associated with the colony,
and by extension, its people.
An early Earth colony, Izar is now completely independent.
And, although most Izarians tend to be more hardy,
Izar's weather is infamous in the Federation for high winds,
healthy, and durable than the average Terran, Izarians
dust storms and tornadoes, which all occur on a regular
are still humans. The harsh conditions of the planet
basis. As a result most of Izar's settlements are located
are to credit for the sturdier constitutions of the
underground, since Izar is geologically inactive.
Izarian colonists, who, after two centuries on the
planet; have developed a tolerance for conditions that
Starfleet's Kharicson Training Base is located here, on the
would stymie other humans.
continent of Pangaea, whereas New Seattle, the largest city
and planetary capital is home to the Izar Institute of
Izarians are phyiscaly indistinguishable from Terran
humans, although Izarian men seem to have a
propensity for the premature graying of their hair. By
By 2380, the population of Izar has reached over 185 million
the time they reach their mid-40s most Izarian men
have hair of gray, or even a whitish silver color.

Izarians make excellent Soldiers and will often chose this
Izar is a human colony, and for the most part the
profession. Their naturally hardy physiques and frontier
different cultures and customs of the people who
lifestyle provides a natural background for a military life.
formed the colony are still in practice. The original
colony was a mixture of several races and cultures
Izarians who chose to serve in Starfleet are most often
from Earth, and these influences still remain very
found in the Security, Tactical, or Command divisions.
much a part of Izarian life.
SPECIES ABILITIES Federation, and is one of the main centers of human
Izarians are still human, and as such have the same population outside the Sol system.
physical and mental perimeters as the average Terran
with only few exceptions. DS9: Despite its strategic position, the Izar Colony was not
directly effected by the Dominion War, despite several
Izarians are naturally more hardy, and sturdy due to attacks on Izar by Breen forces. A series set in this era
the harsh physical conditions on Izar. After two could be set on Izar, with Federation forces dug in in the
centuries, the people of the Izar colony have underground settlements that dominated the colny.
developed enough of a naturally high constitution for
all Izarians to receive a +1 species bonus to their VOY: Izarians stranded so far from home will have the same
Vitality scores. sturdy resilience as they demonstrate in the face of the
harsh conditions on their own planet.
The often rugged frontier lifestyle that most Izarians
lead, especially outside of the larger cities like New FAMOUS IZARIANS
Seattle, also serves to improve their Perception,
Starfleet Fleet Captain Kelvar Garth, aka "Garth of Izar", one
resulting in a +1 species bonus to this attribute.
of Starfleet's greatest captains.
Izarians also have the same Species Traits as humans:
Thomas Oromon, the 23rd President of the United
Federation of Planets.
Adaptable: Izarians are the perfect example of this
human trait in practice. And they receive the same +2
Christine Vale, Starfleet officer, security chief on the USS
bonus to either Stamina, Quickness, or Willpower
Enterprise-E and first officer of the USS Titan.
reactions as Terran humans. (see p. 39 of the Player's
Guide, or p. 86 of Aliens).

The Human Spirit: Izarians have maintained the unique

nature of humans during the evolution of their colony.
And due to their drive, and versatility Izarians begin
the game with +1 Courage (see p. 39 of the Player's
Guide, or p. 86 of Aliens).

Skilled: Izarians have their own set of experiences to

draw upon to develop the skills they will need in their
later professional lives. During the personal
development portion of character creation Izarians
receive the same skill bonuses as other humans (see
p. 39 of the Player's Guide, or p. 86 of Aliens).

In addition, Izarians also have the following traits

inherent to natives of the Izar Colony.

Tactical Genius: Izarians have a knack for strategy,

planning, and organizing military offensives on both a
small and large scale. Izarians receive a +2 bonus to
all skill tests in Tactics.

Great Stamina: (bonus edge) Due to the harsh nature

of the environment of Izar, all Izarians are
uncommonly sturdy and resist fatigue easier than
most people. The receive this edge as a species trait
(see p. 134 of the Player's Guide).

Enterprise: During most of this era there is no Izar
colony. However, a series set in the later years of the
Enterprise era or during the first century of the
Federation could be centered around the formation of
the Izar Colony.

TOS: By the late 23rd century Izar has become an

independent colony, and is still under the protection of
Starfleet, and the Federation. Several famous figures
have emerged from the Izar Colony including captain
Kelvar Garth.

TNG: In the second half of the 24th century, Izar is one

of the most populated independent colonies in the


Established over ten thousand years ago, the Dominion is

an interstellar power originating in the Gamma Quadrant
that seeks to bring order to the Galaxy through subjugation JEM’HADAR
and diplomacy. Ruled by the shape-changing Founders, Created to serve as the Dominion’s military,
and served by their genetically-engineered subordinates Jem'Hadar are bred in birthing chambers, growing
the Jem'Hadar and the Vorta, the Dominion has in uence to maturity in three days, and developing complex
over hundreds of worlds and civilizations. Greater detail reasoning and language skills within a day of birth.
about the Dominion may be found in the Gamma Quadrant Once mature, they do not eat, drink, or
Sourcebook. sleep, taking all nourishment from a drug –
ketracel-white (“the white”) – distributed by
their Vorta overseer as a means of ensuring
loyalty. Few Jem’Hadar live for longer than
15 years due simply to battle eld casualties, with
Created solely for combat, Jem’Hadar warriors are reliant those living to 20 being regarded as “Elders.”
on the nutrition of the addictive narcotic ketracel-white. Jem’Hadar characters have the following modi ers:
Withdrawal from this drug causes pain, madness, and
eventually death, ensuring absolute loyalty to the Dominion. X Attributes: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight
X Trait: Jem’Hadar. Individual Jem’Hadar
TRAIT: Jem’Hadar are physically powerful, far stronger and
more resilient than Humans. They have
exceptionally keen eyesight, and act utterly
without fear or hesitation in battle. They do
CONTROL 08 FITNESS 09 PRESENCE 07 not regard death with apprehension, and
are extremely aggressive, limited only by
DARING 09 INSIGHT 08 REASON 07 their absolute obedience to the Founders
and the Vorta.

COMMAND 01 SECURITY 02 SCIENCE – Created to serve as the Dominion’s
advisors, scientists, diplomats, and overseers, the Vorta act
CONN 02 ENGINEERING 01 MEDICINE – as the Founders’ closest servants and foremost representatives.
Vorta are cloned in batches, a new clone being activated and placed
STRESS: 11 RESISTANCE: 2 (Armor) into service upon the death of a predecessor, receiving the memories
of their predecessor, while remaining a distinct individual. Vorta are
ATTACKS: cunning and clever, but have little creativity or sense of aesthetics. Vorta
X Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 , Knockdown, Vicious 1, Size 1H) characters have the following modi ers:
X Blade (Melee, 4 , Vicious 1, Size 1H)
X Escalation Kar’takin (Melee, 5 , Vicious 1, Size 2H) X Attributes: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason
X Plasma Ri e (Ranged, 6 , Vicious 1, Size 2H, Accurate, X Trait: Vorta. Vorta have keen hearing, but relatively poor eyesight.
Debilitating) They are immune to most forms of poison. Vorta are absolutely loyal
to the Dominion, revering the Founders as living gods. Those who
encounter the Vorta often regard them as insincere or manipulative.
SPECIAL RULES: the Di culty of all tasks to observe, locate, or target
X Immune to Fear the Jem’Hadar First by 3. This e ect ends when the
X Immune to Pain Jem’Hadar First makes an attack, or takes a minor action
X Brute Force: Jem’Hadar add the Vicious 1 e ect to their to end the e ect. The Jem’Hadar First loses this ability
unarmed strike, and remove the non-lethal quality. when deprived of ketracel-white.
X The Shroud: A Jem’Hadar may spend 2 Threat as a minor X Victory is Life: Whenever a Jem’Hadar First or one of its
action to become virtually invisible, increasing the Di culty subordinates in icts an injury or achieves an objective,
of all tasks to observe, locate, or target the Jem’Hadar by add 1 to Threat.
3. This e ect ends when the Jem’Hadar makes an attack,
or takes a minor action to end the e ect. The Jem’Hadar
loses this ability when deprived of ketracel-white.

The Vorta are a genetically-engineered species created

by the Founders to act as diplomats, scientists, and
Each unit of Jem’Hadar is commanded by a First who commanders for the day-to-day running of the Dominion.
reports directly to the Vorta. While still held under the sway Through a complex cloning process, any Vorta killed can
of ketracel-white addiction, a Jem’Hadar First is authorized return with all its original memories, although its personality
to distribute the drug to its unit, when it is provided by may change. Taris is an example of an experienced Vorta
their Vorta. overseer.

TRAIT: Jem’Hadar TRAIT: Vorta

VALUE: We Are Now Dead; We Go into Battle to Reclaim VALUES:

Our Lives X I Live to Serve the Founders
X There Is Nothing I Will Not Do to Succeed





FOCUSES: Combat Tactics, Hand-to-Hand Combat

FOCUSES: Deception, Diplomacy, Observation, Psychology
X Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 , Knockdown, Vicious 1, ATTACKS:
Size 1H) X Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 , Knockdown, Size 1H,
X Blade (Melee, 5 , Vicious 1, Size 1H) Non-lethal)
X Escalation Kar’takin (Melee, 6 , Vicious 1, Size 2H)
X Plasma Ri e (Ranged, 7 , Vicious 1, Size 2H, Accurate, SPECIAL RULES:
Debilitating) X In the Name of the Founders: When using the Direct or
Assist task to command other servants of the Dominion,
SPECIAL RULES: Taris may roll 2d20 instead of 1d20.
X Immune to Fear X Manipulative: If Taris purchases one or more d20s when
X Immune to Pain attempting a task to deceive or intimidate another, she
X Brute Force: Jem’Hadar Firsts add the Vicious 1 e ect to may re-roll her dice pool.
their unarmed strike, and remove the non-lethal quality. X Termination Implant: If Taris is captured, she may
X The Shroud: A Jem’Hadar First may spend 2 Threat as commit suicide by triggering a termination implant. This
a minor action to become virtually invisible, increasing requires a minor action, and kills her immediately.
The Jem’Hadar are genetically-engineered life-forms, created to serve as
the military of the Dominion. Bred in birthing chambers, rather than born
naturally, they grow to maturity in three days, developing complex reasoning
and language skills within a day of birth. Once mature, they do not eat,
drink, or sleep, taking all nourishment from the drug ketracel-white, often
simply known as “the white,” which is distributed to them by their Vorta
overseer as a means of ensuring loyalty. Few Jem’Hadar live for longer than
fteen years due simply to battle eld casualties, with those living to twenty
being regarded as ’Elders.’

EXAMPLE VALUE: Victory Is Life

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Jem’Hadar. Individual Jem’Hadar are physically

powerful, and far stronger and more resilient than Humans.
They also have exceptionally keen eyesight, and act utterly
without fear or hesitation in battle. They do not regard death
with any apprehension, and are extremely aggressive,
limited only by their absolute obedience to the Founders
and the Vorta.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Born to Fight (Pendari)

Killer’s Instinct (Klingon)
Robust Physiology (Pendari)
Shroud (Original: Camouflage Field) (Xahean)
Jem’Hadar are bread, not born, and they only have one gender.
Names: Amat’igan, Amar’Itak, Amet’alox, Arak’Taral, Azet’izan, Baraj’aran,
Duran’Adar, Edan’Atal, Goran’agar, Gurat’urak, Hanal’ahan, Ikat’ika,
Imat’Korex, Ixtana’Rax, Javal’tivon, Kaddo’Borawn, Kitana’klan, Koret’alak,
Kudak’Etan, Kudak’Itan, Makla’Gor, Meso’Clan, Lamat’Ukan, Limara’Son,
Manan’Agar, Meso’Clan, Mokata’klan, Mustata’klan, Noret’ikar, Odera’Klen,
Oken’alak, Omet’iklan, Rak’Tazan, Remata’Klan, Rodek’Kodan, Rogan’agar,
Rotan’talag, Talak’talan, Taran’atar, Temo’Zuma, Toman’torax, Tozara’Kesh,
Turan’Ekan, Umat’Adan, Valast’aval, Virak’iklan, Virak’kara, Yak’Talon,
Tugol’atan, Varat’idan, Varen’agor, Xono’Clan, Yek’Talon


With no care for glory or honour, Jem’Hadar care only for victory in battle and
the defeat of their enemies. Like the Vorta and a few other select species, the
Jem’Hadar were genetically engineered by the Founders to serve as specific
function for the Dominion, in this case being soldiers. Jem’Hadar make up the
vast majority of the armed forces of the Dominion, comprising one of the most
powerful armies in the galaxy. As an artificial species, all Jem’Hadar are male.
New soldiers are conceived and gestated in birthing chambers; after they
emerge they rapidly grow and reach maturity in three days. The species
has no concept of rest or relaxation, they create no art and practice
no crafts. Shortly after their creation, following several Jem’Hadar
rebellions, the Founders bred a weakness into the soldiers. The species
is lacking a vital enzyme, without which they become increasingly
irritable and short tempered before succumbing to insanity then death
as their circulatory system fails.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Obedience Brings Victory, and Victory is Life

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Jem’Hadar. Bred to be warriors, Jem’Hadar are stronger

and hardier than most humanoid species, including Humans and
Klingons. The skin of Jem’Hadar is thick and resistant to damage,
rendering them largely immune to energy weapons set to stun
They possess keen senses, and have excellent eyesight.
Jem’Hadar have no need for sleep, and the only nourishment they
require is the drug ketracel-white, which not only replaces their
missing enzyme but contains all required nutrients.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents. A

Jem’Hadar character must select the Designed for War talent at some
point during character creation, to reflect their artificial origin:


REQUIREMENT: Jem’Hadar, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Jem’Hadar are genetically engineered to be soldiers. They are immune
to starvation and thirst, and possess Resistance 1. You feel no discomfort
from pain, gaining an addition 3 Resistance against non-lethal attacks, and
suffer no penalties or hindrances caused by pain. You must intake the drug
ketracel-white each day or your maximum Stress and Control Attribute are
reduced by 1 for each day missed.

REQUIREMENT: Jem’Hadar, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Jem’Hadar can emit an energy field that warps light, allowing
themselves to cloak themselves, but effectively using this ability
requires training. You can spend 2 Momentum as a Minor Action to
become invisible, increasing the Difficulty of all Tasks to observe you
or locate your position by 3. This effect lasts for the rest of the scene,
ending early if you make an attack or end the effect with a Minor Action.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
Across numerous sectors, the Jye are renowned for their superb administrative and organizational
abilities – which they o er to other cultures for a price. Jye can be found throughout the quadrant, usually
under the employ of a host species, struggling with some problem that is beyond their ability or desire to
address. The Jye believe this to be the greatest export their species has to o er, and take great strides
to ensure that any circumstance they’ve been retained on results in a satisfactory outcome for their
employers. The Jye believe that they have a sworn duty to uphold the contracts they have been assigned
to, and will work tirelessly to ensure that these business arrangements are properly governed and result
in successful outcomes to the satisfaction of the employing government or culture.

For the most part, the Jye are an unremarkable humanoid species, with pale skin sporting lavender
spots and little to no facial hair. Due to their role as administrators and organizers, the Jye are not often
exposed to manual labor or exercise.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Perfection by the Numbers

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Jye. The Jye have developed a reputation for e ective administration
and coordination of large projects and organizations. Most are trained
in this area of expertise professionally, and while Jye are capable of
physical feats similar to those of Humans, they are not known for their
physical attributes. Jye originate from a frigid Class-M planet at the very
far edge of its star’s habitable zone. It is a world of dim solar light and cold,
relentless winters, and the Jye have evolved with a resistance to the cold.
Conversely, the Jye struggle more than other humanoids in hot temperatures.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Jye, or Gamemaster’s permission.

When assisting another character, the Jye may re-roll their assist die. In addition, if the assist
die generated one or more successes, the lead character gains a bonus Momentum if the Task
is successful.

REQUIREMENT: Jye, or Gamemaster’s permission.

When assisting, or being assisted, the character is always considered to have an applicable Focus for that
Task. In addition, the character counts as having a Command of 4 for the purposes of learning Talents.

Jye names most often follow a speci c, structured pattern. Masculine names frequently utilize double
consonants and are almost always two to three syllables in length. By tradition, feminine names are
shorter and favor softer sounds and are rarely longer than two syllables. Due to their highly-organized
society, there is very little overlap in names among genders. As is common with humanoid species,
children inherit a family name from their parents, which follows the given name.

Masculine: Chellick, Kollarn, Parett, Mattack, Wuttallet, Donnarrek, Sorretten, Garrek,
Bennick, Charelenn
Feminine: Jesal, Farna, Nalah, Bejal, Valona, Meris, Salah, Harena, Lalona, Jalya
Gender-Neutral: Bellah, Carru, Ettria, Gunnara, Jojjah, Moddi, Pallon, Ruddis, Urroin, We t
Family: Kales, Hormal, Terrek, Questel, Corele, Volel, Foralen, Murcosta, Nertal, Ballek
SPECIES PROFILE The Kaelon culture is one of science and scholarly study.
Kaelon scientists are known as skilled physicists, and are
often consulted by Starfleet in matters of nuclear, spacial,
and warp-physics. There are some Kaelon scientists
SPECIES NAME: KAELON affiliated with the Department of Temporal Investigations,
due to their talent for Temporal Physics.
The Resolution
Resolution is the custom of ritual suicide as practiced on
Kaelon II, introduced at an unspecified date between fifteen
and twenty centuries before 2367 to cope with the
overcrowding in the 'death-watch' facilities where people
were originally simply sent to wait for death. Kaelons who
reached the age of sixty were expected to present
themselves to all of their family and friends for the
Resolution ceremony, intended to represent a celebration of
their life. The ritual eliminated the society's responsibility of
caring for the elderly, with an age of sixty being selected so
that those dying could say goodbye to their loved ones
while still in full possession of their faculties; it was
believed that asking each family to randomly picking an age
for their elders to die was too heartless.

The Kaelon have their own native language and speak
Federation Standard in an elegant way that gives most
Kaelons an aristocratic sound to their speech but not a true
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS Kaelons have no surnames, or family names despite their
+1 Intellect devotion to family and traditions. Kaelon male names
include Timicin, and B'Tardat; and female names include
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Dara. Male names usually end in a consonantal sound,
The Kaelon people are a humanoid race with a very while female names end in a vowel sound.
human anatomical structure, and bio-chemical make-
Kaelon II. The second planet in the Kaelon system and as
Externally they appear decidedly human, with one such close to the Kaelon sun. In 2367 the planet was
obvious distinguishing feature. All Kaelon have a threatened with destruction, along with all life on it when
series of vein-like protrusions on their foreheads, the the Kaelon sun came close to going super-nova.
tops of their heads and their necks. These veins seem
slightly distended and the flesh around them is A plan, devised by Kaelon scientist, Dr. Timicin, to prevent
slightly raised forming a series of ridges where the the sun from going into a super-nova state was
veins are most protruding. implemented by Starfleet, under the direction of B'Tardat,
the Kaelon minister of science and head of state for the
This is a normal part of the Kaelon circulatory system, Kaelon people.
and not an indicator of any kind of medical problem.
All Kaelons have this feature, regardless of gender, or Although devised by Timicin, the celebrated Kaelon
age. scientist did not get to witness the success of his plan as
he reached the age of 60 prior to the implementation of his
Otherwise Kaelons appear generally human, with the plan and performed his Resolution, or ritual suicide, before
full range of skin-colors and hair colors as Terran the process to reverse the destruction of the Kaelon
humans. Their eyes tend to be dark, and the hair- homeworld was completed.
coloring of Caucasian-appearing Kaelons are usually
brown or dark in color. Kaelon II, not yet a member of the Federation, is considered
an ally.
Kaelon women often wear odd, elaborate hair-styles
with their long hair tied up in intricate brads and buns The planet is a standard Class-M planet with a three-season
that, to some other species, have an almost comical climate roughly comparable to the Winter, Spring, and
appearance. Summer seasons on Earth. The conditions of Terran
Autumn are present in early winter months when
Kaelon males have a tendency towards pattern- temperatures are notably colder than during Autumnal
baldness, beginning at or close to the age of 40. seasons on Earth.
Scientist- most Kaelons encountered off the
homeworld will be civilian scientists, explorers, or
Starship officer serving aboard Kaelon ships.

There are a few Kaelon Starfleet officers.

Although they do not usually maintain their careers

long enough to advance in the ranks to reach flag-
level positions. Kaelon admirals are unlikely, as it
would be too close to the time of the Resolution when
an officer would achieve that high rank.

Likewise there have been no Kaelon captains in


Several Kaelons have served as department heads

aboard smaller Starfleet vessels and freighter craft
affiliated with the Federation; usually as engineers or
science officers.

Kaelons are all very well educated, and this results in
a +1 species bonus to the Intellect attribute.

Beyond that Kaelons are very human in their attributes

and abilities and have few species traits.

The Resolution: All Kaelon are required to undergo

this ritual when they reach the age of 60. If a Kaelon
refuses the Resolution, he becomes a social outcast,
resulting in a reduced reaction stance of 3 levels when
dealing with other Kaelons. All Renown modifiers will
be negative if a Kaelon who has rejected the
Resolution is trying to interact with another Kaelon as

Technocratic: Kaelon are all very skilled and

knowledgeable when it comes to machinery and
technology. All Kaelon receive a +2 species bonus to
Computer Use skills.

Virtuosity: Kaelon tend to be very skilled in their

chosen areas of expertise. With their third
advancement, a Kaelon may chose one Tier-1
Professional Ability, from their primary professions,
for free. If they already have all the Tier-1 abilities for
their primary profession, thye may choose a Tier-2
ability if they have the applicable prerequisites.

The Kaelons are a bipedal, humanoid species TRAIT: Kaelon. Kaelons possess
hailing from Kaelon II. Appearing Human but an organ called a telebellum attached to
having dark lines on the sides of their heads, their brains that makes them immune to
Kaelons were also immune to telepathic and telekinetic and empathic reading. This
empathic intrusions. Primarily isolationists, structure manifests as dark lines beneath
Kaelons knew little about surrounding space their skin on both sides of their head.
and cultures.
TALENTS: The character receives access to
Most Kaelons participated in a social practice the following talents:
known as The Resolution. This practice required
Kaelons to ritualistically end their lives when
they reached the age of sixty. This practice was REQUIREMENT: Kaelon.
designed to keep their society going as caring From birth, you were taught the societal
for the elderly became a tremendous burden. importance of The Resolution. You embrace the
Those that do not partake in The Resolution are idea and use it as a guide for planning your life’s
usually ostracized along with their family. work. This dedication to your plan means you
will do whatever it takes to ensure your legacy
EXAMPLE VALUE: I Must Complete My Work is ful lled before The Resolution. Whenever you
Before The Resolution cite a value connected to your legacy and spend
a point of Determination on Perfect Opportunity,
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, you may also reroll one dice from that pool.
+1 Reason

Over time, the telebellum of some Kaelons has
become a much more powerful defense against
psychic probes. In addition to being immune
to telepathic and empathic reading, you know
exactly who attempted to read you and where
that person is located.

Masculine Kaelon names usually use a

consonant followed by an apostrophe and the
rest of the name. This naming convention is
related to their family name and the consonant is
often removed forever if the male is ostracized.
Feminine names are often two syllables and
short, typically ending with a vowel.

SAMPLE NAMES: Sara, Tara, Colo, Rina, Bulu,

B’trist, T’shin, R’Lars, Trist, Shin, Lars

The Kaelon Science Ministry created a torpedo that would reignite

their dying sun. If only they weren’t such isolationists. I’m sure the
Romulans could probably use one of those right about now.
The Kaelons are an isolationist civilization native to the planet Kaelon II.
During the 6th century, the Kaelons typically attempted to care for their
elderly by housing them in deathwatch facilities. Severe overcrowding led to
unfavorable conditions and it was decided that ritual suicide would alleviate
stress but also present an opportunity to celebrate the lives of the
individuals when they were not burdened by the e ects of old age. They
called the event the Resolution, and it would become a critical part of their
In the 24th century, the Kaelon Science Ministry discovered that their sun
was dying and would destroy or sterilize Kaelon II by the 2390s. They
dedicated a team to try to revitalize it. The scientist Doctor Timicin was
the leading specialist in this e ort, spending forty years designing a
torpedo which would appropriately re-stimulate the sun. They still
needed help, however, and, because time was running out, they
turned to the United Federation of Planets in 2364. For the next
three years, the Federation located a suitable test system for
Timicin's method. The USS Enterprise-D came in 2367 to assist
in the experiment. Though there were early successes, the
experiment was not fully successful. Timicin returned home to
undergo his Resolution. Because he wanted to continue his
work, he was in uenced to seek asylum on the Enterprise.
Almost causing a diplomatic incident, he realized that he could
be doing more damage and ultimately decided to return home.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Must Honor The Resolution

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Kaelon. Kaelons are externally similar to Humans

except for dark lines on the sides of their heads. Like
Ferengi, they are immune to Betazoid telepathy. The Kaelons
practice ritual suicide at the age of 60 in a ceremony referred
to as the Resolution. The practice is strictly enforced through
social taboo, and any Kaelons who dared refuse Resolution risked
ostracism, not only for themselves but all their family members as well.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

A Mind For Design (Xindi-PRimate)

Canonic Law (Sikarian)
Vibration Senses (Ankari)
Feminine Names: Dara, Efara, Halin, Onira
Masculine Names: B’Tardat, Falit, Nacin, Timicin
Gender-Neutral Names: Arana, B’Tarin, Marcin, Parna

Cygnet XIV is a female dominated society in which males are only semi-literate. Cygnian
culture is technologically advanced, especially in cybernetics and computer sciences.
Starfleet crews and private research institutions are particularly anxious to have Cygnian
females on their teams of computer specialists.

After the Vulcans, Cygnians are the strongest physically of all Federation members. The
expression "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" may well been coined with a Cygnian in mind.
Though humanoid in appearance, Cygnians retain certain features vaguely similar to
Terran equines; ie long tails, and long flowing hair along the central raised spine. With
their sharp green-colored eyes, this race has a particular exotic image.

Some Cygnians have violet skin and golden hair...Cygnian females are uncommon in

In 2267 a Cygnian team ugraded the USS Enterprise computer, giving it s flirtatious
female persona.

Species Adjustments: +1 Agility, +1 Strength, + 1 Vitality

Species Abilities: Ambidextrous, Skill Focus (Keen Smell), Natural Armor (chitin)
absorbs 2 points of damage.

Kaferians are insectoid-based bipedal humanoids about the same height as a normal
Terran. Their heads are the most insectoid part of their bodies. They are natives of Tau

They have a hard chitinous exoskeleton. Their eyes are located on opposite sides of
their heads, giving them peripheral vision, which does not limit their forward vision. Their
feet split into two toes - a larger and a smaller - with some extremely limited manipulative
ability. They have a protruding spinal ridge, giving them a slightly hunchbacked
appearance. If they ever had wings, they were attached here, but Kaferians are no
longer a winged species.

They make their homes out of native materials mixed with a natural secretion from their
bodies which combines to create a very light, but very strong and durable building
material capable of supporting structures hundreds of feet tall.

Kaferians are virtually natural geneticists. They export many bio-engineered plants and
animals that have been modified for demanding climates and conditions. They are
renowned for this genetic engineering throughout most of known space. It is believed
that Kaferian scientists are responsible for the Klingon Tribble predator, known as a

Kaferia is not a member of the Federation (otherwise they could not engage in the trade
mentioned above) but they have been a staunch ally of the Federation for over 200

Humans had known of Kaferia prior to the 2150's. They become an associate member of
the Federation in 2286.

Notable Kaferians: Tzazil, Zseizaz, Rrzz'ittt (first Kaferian to join Starfleet 2258)

KAFERIAN [Alternate]
Species Adjustments: +1 Agility, +1 Strength, + 1 Vitality
Species Abilities: Ambidextrous, Skill Focus (Keen Smell)

The Kaferians are a bipedal insectoid race of about human height. Their chitin color runs
from a dark brown, which almost appears black, up through a bright green. They have
large compound eyes on each side of their heads, two arms, two legs and they walk
upright. Their feet split into two toes - a larger and a smaller - with some extremely
limited manipulative ability. Their spinal ridge gives them a slightly hunchbacked
appearance. They are genderless and reproduce asexually with an average life-
of approximately sixty years. Their language is a complex clicking dialog of which, there
are 67 dialects that are known to exist.

They are from Tau Ceti, a class M tropical world that has a very stable atmosphere and
crust. Thus natural disasters are a rare occasion on Tau Ceti. Their building structures
are made out of native materials mixed with a natural secretion from their bodies which
combines to create a very light, but very strong and durable building material capable of
supporting structures hundreds of feet tall. Some structures have been known to reach
eight to nine hundred feet into the air with interconnecting slideways between the
main buildings.

Kaferians are natural geneticists. They export many bio-engineered plants and animals
that have been modified for demanding climates and conditions. They have also created
some of the most delicious fruits available. They are renowned for this genetic
engineering throughout most of known space. It is believed that Kaferian scientists are
responsible for the Klingon Tribble predator, known as a “glommer”.
The strong similarity in appearance that the Kaferian have with the insectoid race of the
Xindi caused many issues when the Federation first encountered them. Only through the
determination of Kaferian and Federation diplomats were any serious issues averted.

Despite their member status within the UFP, the Kaferians have a highly profitable trade
negotiation with several of the Triangle worlds and are extremely friendly towards all
races, even accepted UFP enemy races.

Kaferia is not a member of the Federation (otherwise they could not engage in the trade
mentioned above) but they have been a staunch ally of the Federation for over 200

Humans had known of Kaferia prior to the 2150's. They become an associate member of
the Federation in 2286.

Notable Kaferians: Tzazil, Zseizaz, Rrzz'ittt (first Kaferian to join Starfleet 2258)

Species Adjustments: -1 Strength, -1 Vitality, +2 Agility

Species Abilities: Ambidextrous 4, Pacifist 2

The Nasat are an insectoid species from the planet Nasat, which they share with a
sentient plant-like species, the Citoac.

Space-faring for many decades, they have tended to isolate themselves from the rest of
the galaxy, but have joined the United Federation of Planets. A cautious people with an
aversion to taking risks, they were rarely seen off-world, but in recent years have
become slightly more visible, working within the Federation government on a number of
levels, and increasingly represented in Starfleet. Still, they are stereotyped as a careful,
conservative people, who are slow to take action or change their ways.

Nasats bear a striking resemblance to Terran crustaceans. Humans often liken them to
pillbugs or woodlice, but they are much larger, typically reaching chest height on an
average Human male. They possess a chorion carapace composed of flexible plates,
The Drai consider the Hunt to be the most important thing
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY they will ever do in their lives, and their entire culture revolves
A reclusive race that prefers to spend their time out exploring around it. Whether it is pursuing the Tosk or other prey, the
the universe in pursuit of their prey, the Drai are known as Drai have structured the very way they teach their children to
the Hunters to the majority of the Gamma Quadrant. Unlike view the world to be from the mind-set of a hunter stalking
other races under the control of the Dominion, the Hunters their prey. This helps the Drai in every walk of life as they
are free to roam where they please and are given signi cant are able to approach each task with precision and careful
leeway into how they manage their own a airs. Masters in attention rather than blindly rushing into things. Once
the eld of cloning, the Drai are responsible for the creation per scene the Drai may ignore their Complications when
of the perfect prey and the perfect soldiers. It is through their determining the Di culty for a Task.
genetic mastery that they created the Tosk, which proves to
be the most challenging form of prey for them to stalk, and SAMPLE NAMES:
they have created the Jem’Hadar, who have proven to be Masculine names: Gilga, Horu
the domineering st of the Dominion for centuries. Proud, Feminine names: Sekma, Isett
vain, and focused solely on their own a airs, the Drai pursue Gender-neutral names: Netyr, Coziss
the Hunt as the grandest thing they can do with their lives.
While success is publicly shared so too is failure, and it is
not uncommon for failed Hunters to nd their names spread
throughout the quadrant as shameful examples for how
others are to do better.
EXAMPLE VALUE: There Are No Challenges Like The Hunt Honesty and integrity are cornerstones of the Karemma way
of life. The uno cial merchant caste of the Dominion, the
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence Karemma have been tasked by the Founders with regulating
trade across the Gamma Quadrant. Unlike the Ferengi, who
TRAIT: Drai. The Drai care only for the Hunt and each always attempt to leverage the rules to provide an unfair
one will wear the nest hunting gear that they can advantage with who they are dealing with, the Karemma
buy. Even their day to day clothing is focused more prefer to deal openly and honestly. That is not to say they are
towards being t for survival, with hidden pouches and naïve, and all Karemma must study hard in order to obtain
miniaturized survival equipment being commonly found high positions in the Karemma corporatocracy. Their shrewd
on Drai at all times. While they are on the Hunt they will business senses and honesty have given them a fair amount
often not change clothes and will spend every waking of trust by the Founders who allow them to maintain the
hour pursuing their prey. When they are not hunting, economic workings of the Dominion. If the Karemma have a
the Drai dedicate themselves towards maintaining fault it is that their pursuit of honesty can often force them to
peak physical tness and train to keep their eyes and enter into contracts against their will. No Karemma would be
re exes sharp. willing to dishonor themselves or their family by engaging in
dishonesty, though the Karemma will always pursue strongly
TALENTS: The character receives access to the worded deals that bene t themselves.
following talents:
EXAMPLE VALUE: I See Your True Worth

REQUIREMENT: Drai, or Gamemaster’s permission. ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Reason, +1 Presence

Research into the eld of genetics has become the
cornerstone of the Drai’s technology. Some families have TRAIT: Karemma. The Karemmas’ tall appearance and
begun experimenting on their own children in order to bird-like nature causes them to stand out in a crowd,
produce the most powerful heirs and o spring possible. but most Karemma would prefer to be seen rather than
The character must choose one attribute to be the focus of ignored. From an early age they are taught the delicate
Genetic Mastery. Once an attribute is assigned to Genetic art of appraising what they see around them, and the
Mastery, the character reduces the Di culty of all Tasks that Karemma are able to tell an object’s true worth in a
involve that attribute by 1. few moments of inspection. This often leads them to
inadvertently o end their hosts when a Karemma, who
is truly curious about the worth of objects around them,
moves about the bridge of the ship and declaring how
much each individual’s possessions are worth.
TALENTS: The character receives access to the TRAIT: Lurian. Lurians are a passionate people, and
following talents: never do anything by half measure. Whether it is by
devoting themselves to the arts or by trying to become
the greatest pilots in the quadrant, the Lurians live with
REQUIREMENT: Karemma, or Gamemaster permission. their emotions on their sleeves despite their normally
While it can be di cult to maintain a sterling reputation impassive facial features. Lurians are always great
and in doing so lead to hardship and loss, there are times thinkers and dreamers, and even though they may
when pursuing a higher path can reap great bene ts for the appear quiet their minds are often on important matters
individual. It is the di cult road, but one that will ultimately and on formulating plans for their futures. The Dominion
lead towards ful lling the needs of the many rather than War is of great interest on the Lurians’ homeworld, where
the sel sh desires of the one. As long as the character their people swing from obsession with how the war will
has behaved honourably throughout the scene, they may play out for their people to mild annoyance that the war is
use their Presence Attribute for any declared Attacks. The all that o worlders will talk about.
character is also assumed to pass any challenges involving
impugning their character in front of witnesses. TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talents:

A tricorder can tell someone what an object is composed of REQUIREMENT: Lurian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
in only a few seconds but it is rumoured that the Karemma Life is not worth living to a Lurian if there is not some risk
can do it in only one. Drawing upon past experience, the involved. Always willing to dare greater than others, the
Karemma is able to instinctively identify the materials that Lurian nds that the real thrill lurks just beyond the edge of
make up an object that they interact with physically. In the danger and that is what they should strive for even if their
event of dealing with unknown or exotic substances, they are comrades do not. The character gains an additional point of
able to identify familiar patterns within the material that can Momentum if they succeed at a task that requires extreme
point the characters in the right direction while performing acts of bravery to overcome.
the Scienti c Method and reduce the di culty by 1.

SAMPLE NAMES: REQUIREMENT: Lurian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Masculine names: Hanok, Ornithar The Lurians are known for having one of the hardiest
Feminine names: Nethys, Zarestra constitutions in the quadrant. Capable of taking a knife to
Gender-neutral names: Bulko, Yebesh one of their hearts and keep on ghting, the Lurians have
evolved a musculature and cardiovascular system that rivals
that of the Klingons. When mortally wounded or su ering
under a Condition that a ects their physiology, a Lurian
can choose to ignore the e ect for the remainder of the
scene, after which they collapse from exhaustion and are
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY incapacitated for a scene.
A race as well known for their erce martial skills as they are
for their artistic endeavors, the Lurians are a power whose SAMPLE NAMES:
homeworld is near the Wormhole. Though their world is Masculine names: Morn, Lork
controlled by the Royal Family of Luria, they are a frequent Feminine names: Eltessa, Zyrionda
sight at outposts and trading posts across the quadrant, Gender-neutral names: Gresh, Slurr
and their skill as navigators and warriors makes them prized
members of any crew. With multiple hearts and two stomachs
they require large quantities of food and their religious custom
dictates that attendees at a Lurian funeral should bring plenty
of food and liquor to see the dead through their journey into
the afterlife. Though some Lurians have become involved THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY
in criminal endeavors such as the Orion Syndicate, they The Paradans are one of the few Gamma Quadrant races
prefer to make their own way across the quadrant, and it is near the wormhole who have not been absorbed into the
not uncommon to see lone Lurians happily plying their way Dominion, and possess a thorough understanding of cloning
through space on another great adventure. techniques. Known for their reptilian appearance and their
obnoxious odor, the Paradans are a resourceful species
EXAMPLE VALUE: Belly Full of Song and Heart Full of Glory whose ability to create cloned replicants has helped them
wage covert wars with their neighbors for centuries. These
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence replicants are so exact that they will often pass undetected
Kasheeta are a large reptilian race similar to (but unrelated to) the Gorn. Kasheeta are a
matriarchal culture, with the males relegated to a sceond-class role in society. Female Kasheeta
are bright green in colour, males a duller olive colour. Although female Kasheeta are arrogant
and quick to take offense, they prefer non-violent resolutions to conflicts.

Fitness 2 [5]
Intellect 2 [5]
Coordination 1 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Psi 0 [5]

Athletics (choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Computer (choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Culture (Kasheeta) 2 (3)
History (Kasheeta) 1 (2)
Language (Kasheeta) 2
Sciences, any (choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
World Knowledge (Kashet) 1 (2)

Typical Traits
Patron (City Governor) +1, Strong Will +2, Argumentative -1, Arrogant -1, Pacifist (Self
Defense) -3

Kasheeta appeared in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home in the Federation Council Chamber. This
writeup is a conversion of the FASA statistics published in the Star Trek IV Sourcebook.

Submitted by Owen E. Oulton

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
Species Abilities periods of time. They have wide-angle vision like a
• Bonus Flaw: Weak Willed: Dopterians are cow or horse, as well as poweful legs which can
easily dominated. either propel them at incredible speeds, or deliver a
• Cautious: Dopterians are naturally skittish. stunning kick to a predator. Kasheetan skin color
They receive a +1 bonus to Observe tests, as ranges through yellows, greens and browns. Most
well as a +1 species bonus to Quickness tests have a mottled color combination, with male
for initiative. coloration less bright than that of females.
• Four-lobed Brain: Dopterians have four-lobed
brains, which render them immune to psionic Homeworld
skills and psi-like abilities. Dopterians cannot Kaferia II. A lush, early-development M-class
acquire the Psionic trait, and all Psionic skill planet.
tests against them automatically fail.
History and Culture
Picks Kasheetan history is still very short. They had
8 ([-2] Weak Willed, [+5] Cautious, [+5] Four- developed early industrial-level societies on their
lobed Brain). own before they were discovered by the Orions in
the 20th century. They were exploited regularly as
TNG “Firstborn” slave labor; males culled by dominant females were
sold for service offworld in exchange for more
advanced materials and technology. With
increasing visits from Earth ships throughout the
22nd century, this practice gradually came to a stop.
Later the Kasheetan applied for protectorate status
with the Federation, and were admitted as a
member in 2260.

Language and Names

Morga or Federation Standard.

Favored Profession

Species Adjustments
+2 Strength, -1 Presence

Species Abilities
• Bonus Trait: Sherpa: Kasheetan can carry a
great deal of weight and receive the Sherpa
edge for free.

KASHEETANS • Bonus Trait: Speed: Kasheetan are quick on

their feet, and receive the Speed edge for free.

Strong-willed and arrogant, the Kasheetan are a
matriarchal society. They are herbivores that prefer
to be in groups.

Physiology and Appearance

Kasheetans evolved early in their world’s
development. While having several reptilian traits,
Kasheetan are actually warm-blooded dinosaurs,
closer to birds than lizards. They reproduce
sexually, but lay eggs that take six months to hatch.
They have a double stomach, which they use to
digest large amounts of grass and the like over long

• Powerful Kick: Due to their powerful leg over a year to hatch. For the first year, the young
structure, Kasheetan roll 1d6+STR modifier for must be cared for at all times, at which point they
Unarmed Combat damage. reach the equivalent of human toddler.
• Wide-field Vision: The placement of
Kasheetan eyes allows them a 300° field of Homeworld
vision, granting them a +1 species bonus to Beta Rigel IV.
Observe (Spot) tests.
History and Culture
Rigelian culture is old, its history a fascinating
12 ([+10] +2 Strength, [-5] -1 Presence, [+2] mix of Machiavellian court intrigue and family-
Sherpa, [+2] Speed, [+2] Powerful Kick, [+1] Wide- based politics. They achieved a level of technology
field vision). equal to that of Middle Ages Earth early in their
ST IV: The Voyage Home development, but remained stagnated at that level
for nearly a millennia. They began to advance
again with the introduction of capitalism and off-
world trade from the Orions. They became a space
faring race under their first ‘world king’ in 2100.
The Rigelians were closely linked to the Orion
Trade Confederacy throughout the 22nd century, but
became a Federation member in 2258. Since then,
their old cohorts have preyed on Rigelian ships
whenever possible.
Rigelians have a ‘world king’ who actually has
power to chart the course of legislation and controls
the executive branch. His powers, however, are
tempered by the de facto power of his courtiers –
the actual movers and shakers of the Rigelian
government. The various local nobility mimic the
arrangements at the global level – although one
goes to pay their respects to the king or lord,
anything that needs to be done requires that you
deal with the secretary or other servants.

Language and Names

Rigelian, a language of gutteral sounds, pops, and


Favored Profession
Rogue or Diplomat.
Fond of pomp and ceremony, the Rigelians are a Species Adjustments
species of rituals and rules. They have a +1 Vitality, -1 Presence, +1 Perception
hierarchical government and caste system in which
the elite are served by their inferiors. However, the Species Abilities
real power in Rigelian culture lies with the servants, • Amphibious: Rigelians require air to breathe,
who work behind the scenes as diplomats, fixers, but are capable of swimming long distances
and power brokers. while holding their breath. If undertaking
relaxed or standard activity, they can remain
Physiology and Appearance submerged for a base time of 10 minutes
Tall and powerful-looking, Rigelians are before making a TN 10 Stamina test; if
descended from a species of sea turtle. Their beaks engaging in demanding or extreme activity,
are intensely powerful, capable of shearing through this base time is reduced to 2 minutes; if the
a human arm with little trouble. They have strong test is passed, additional tests are made every
clawed hands, and armored skin. Their eyesight is 10 (or 2) minutes with a cumulative +5 TN.
poor, but their hearing and sense of smell excellent. Once a test is failed begin testing for
They reproduce sexually, then lay eggs which take asphyxiation as normal.

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME homeworld. And even though some of their traditional
SPECIES PROFILE garments feature bits of fur and animal skin they do not
hunt, or use animals for food.

The skins and fur used in their clothing are scavenged from
SPECIES NAME: KAZARITE animals discovered by Kazarite nomads after they have
died, or animals that have been killed by natural predators.
Kazarites have a very open society. They are an honest, and
trustworthy people. And despite their somewhat beastly
appearances, once one gets to know a Kazarite they will
find them to be a friendly, gregarious, and curious people.

Kazariteswork well with others, and work even better with


In Kazarite society the male is at least the equal to the

female. In most cases Kazarite clans will be lead by the
eldest female, or the female who has born the most

Kazarites speak their own native language, Kazarian. And
most Kazarites encountered off their homeworld will speak
at least a functional Federation Standard.

They cannot physically mimic the sounds, or “speech” of

animals, but they easily understand any animal with which
they telepathically communicate.
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS Kazarites have a single name – no surname, or clan
affiliation within their names. Kazarite names are usually
-2 Presence, +2 Perception +2 Psionics
between one and three syllables. And feminine names
sound very similar to those used by males.
The Kazarites are a humanoid life-form with a very Some examples of Kazarite names include Amyx, Chamish,
simian appearance. Their skin is dark and leathery, Todal, Rakaar, and Shivaris.
and their facial features bare a strong resemblance to
those of a Terran chimpanzee. HOMEWORLD
Kazar, the homeworld of the Kazarites, is a rugged and
They have high foreheads, somewhat enlarged from
intemperate world, for the most part. There are several
the human norm, and large, pendulous ears.
deserts on Kazar, the largest being the Jarol desert.
Kazarites wear their dark hair long, and all Kazarites
The Mestiko government, in exile, made their home and
are bearded. Even females, who sport a thinner beard
headquarters in the Jarol desert from 2274, to 2282.
than the males. Their bodies, with the exception of
their hands and faces, are covered in a short, thick
Kazar is a large class-M world. And in the northern regions
dark fur.
there are wide expanses of woodlands, grasslands, and
Kazarites have large hands, with long, nimble fingers.
And they have naturally tough, thick nails that can
The equatorial region of the planet is marked by deserts,
function as claws if necessary.
and rocky drylands.

CULTURE And there are several islands in the southern hemisphere

Although Kazarites have some advanced technology, known for their volcanic activity.
and are very comfortable with engineering equipment
and scientific material, they chose to live a more Kazar is home to a wide variety of flora, including some
agrarian, nomadic existence on their own homeworld. desert plants that are rumored to have strong medicinal
Because of their unique ability to communicate with
the animals of their home planet, and with most There are also over 700 different species of wild animals on
animals that they encounter, Kazarites live in harmony Kazar, ranging from small rodents to large, predatory
with their native wildlife. reptiles.

They are an outdoorsy people despite the harsh Kazarite technology is at TL6, TL7 in some regions
physical conditions of some regions of the Kazarite commonly visited by the Federation or other off-world
socitieties. And even though Kazarites do not make a After trying to teleport, whether they succeed or not, a
point of developing any military might, or construct Kazarite must make a successful Stamina test (TN 5), or
large spacecraft they will often travel offworld to take suffer one level of fatigue.
jobs as scientists, or starship officers.
Fatigue levels become cumulative, if a Kazarite repeatedly
Kazarites export clothing and other hand-made goods fails his Stamina reactions, after teleportation attempts. And
to many neighboring planets. And Kazarite robes are a Kazarite can exaust himself quickly, if he usues this ability
in high demand among upper-class Tellarites. too often.

FAVORED PROFESSION For this reason Kazarites do not use their ability to teleport
accept in cases of emergency.
Kzaraites tend to favor the sciences, and civilian
Scientists are the favored profession of most
Kazarites also receive a +2 species bonus to their
Perception attribute. They are very astute, and alert and
tend to notice things most people overlook. Due to their
They will usually specialize in the fields of Ecology, or
animal-like appearances, and what is often perceived as a
primitive or “untamed” nature, they suffer a -2 penalty to
their Presence attribute, however.
Kazarites also make excellent Engineers, Operations
personnel, or Counselors (due to their latent telepathic

There are several Kazarites serving in Starfleet.

Psionic: Kazarites are born with at least some level of
natural psionic ability. And this ability becomes
stronger as they grow, reaching a level of psionic
potency roughly the equal of a full-grown Betazoid by
the time the Kazarite is, themselves, considered a
legal adult in their culture. Kazarites gain a +2 to their
Psionic attribute, during character generation. And
they may advance this attribute as a favored attribute.

Animal Empathy: Kazarites are able to sense and

interpret the emotions of most animals. They will
begin the game with Empathy +2, but are only able to
use this ability in regard to animal life.

Animal Telepathy: Kazarites with a Psionic attribute of

8 or higher will have a telepathic rapport with animals
as well as the usual empathic connection. This gives
the Kazarite the ability to actually communicate,
mentally, with animals, receiving and projecting
thoughts and emotions to create a mental dialogue.
Kazarites who have this ability begin the game with
Telepthy +2, but, as with the Animal Empathy ability,
this skill is only useable in communicating with animal
life forms.

Telekinesis: Kazarites have some telekinetic ability.

This co-responds to Telekinesis as describe for the
Ocampa on page 116 of Aliens. To use Telekinesis
effectively, a Kazarite must develop it as a
Psychokinetic Psionic skill.

Self-teleportation: Kazarties have a naturally occurring

ability to teleport themselves short distances. And
they have this ability regardless of their level of
development in their other psionic abilities. To
teleport, a Kazarite must make a Psionic attribute test
(TN 10). If successful the Kazarite is able to teleport in
any direction up to a distance equal to their Psionic
attribute score plus their Willpower reaction modifier
in meters. Failure of the initial test to teleport simply
results in the Kazarite remaining where they are.

Kazarites are the shepherds of the Federation. They are telekinetic and are able to
communicate telepathically with any animal life on any planet. Though they appear
primitive, their society is technologically sophisticated. They excel in veterinary
sciences and ecology. They carry pellets in small bags around their necks, which yield
yeast-like food when mixed with water.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Will Converse With Any And All Animal Life.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Kazarite. All Kazarites have animal telepathy and telekinesis to varying
degrees, and are able to sense the health of planetary ecologies they are in. They
are vegetarian by nature.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents. Kazarites must
select one of the Kazarite talents at some point in character creation.

REQUIREMENT: Kazarite. Character creation only.

You may move yourself or objects telekinetically. Each use of Kazarite Telekinesis
inflicts 1 Stress on the user. Objects up to twice your weight may be moved up to
Medium range with an Insight + Security Task at Difficulty 1. If moving yourself
telekinetically, add 1 to the Difficulty of the movement Task but if successful, you may
ignore penalties from ground hazards or obstacles, and also move through the air. If
telekinesis is used offensively, treat as a ranged unarmed attack.


REQUIREMENT: Kazarite. Character creation only.

You can sense the rudimentary surface thoughts of animals. It will require effort and a
Task (usually Insight + Presence) to pick out the emotions or thoughts of a specific
creature in a crowd, or to search a creature’s mind for a thought or memory. Unwilling
targets may resist with an Opposed Task.


REQUIREMENT: Kazarite, or Gamemaster’s permission. Character creation only.

Once per mission, you may declare a Focus in Planetary Ecology for a planet you are
on, and gain the benefits of the bonus Focus until the end of the mission.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Kazon are an aggressive warrior species from the Delta Quadrant, rst
encountered by the Federation starship USS Voyager in 2371. The Kazon
once were a subjugated race, used as slave labor by the Trabe, who had
conquered their homeworld. One of the Trabe’s tactics in keeping the Kazon
under control was to encourage them to ght amongst themselves. In 2346,
Jal Sankur convinced the Kazon sects to put aside their di erences and rise
up against the Trabe. In doing so the Kazon took the Trabe’s ships and
technology, forcing them to become a nomadic species, never allowing
them to settle on a new world. Kazon have a patriarchical society, divided
along gender lines, with female Kazon typically spoken down to and treated
as second-class citizens. A male Kazon will generally not tolerate being
given orders by a woman. Male Kazon children are usually raised as
warriors. When they come of age they take part in trials to earn their adult
names. When they have earned their names they are considered to
be true warriors. Displays of a ection from a father to his son are
considered a source of shame for the son. Though it was not
commonly shown, Kazon do care for their children.

EXAMPLE VALUE: They Will Learn Respect, Or They Will

Know Pain

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Kazon. Kazon are a humanoid race with skin colors

ranging from brown to copper. The foreheads of all Kazon
feature distinctive ridges and their black or brown hair grows
in large chunks rather than individual strands. Kazon males
tend to be very aggressive and don’t easily accept female
authority gures.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


At All Costs (Son’a)

Cruel (QuchHa’)
Nomadic Heritage (Monean)
Kazon have a birth name which is given to them, and a name which they
have to earn, called Jal. To earn this name, the young Kazon must have
killed an enemy in battle or be killed himself, thus earning the name
posthumously. Typically, a young Kazon uses their birth name as part of
their new name when they reached adulthood – for example, Kar becomes
Jal Karden.
Feminine Names: Cozza, Hadra, Jidi, Jumi, Jurrill, Lumrih, Marna, Mozin,
Rerdah, Tielrih
Masculine Names: Culluh, Haliz, Heron, Jabin, Karden, Kinell, Loran,
Lorrum, Minnis, Razik, Rettik, Rulat, Sankur, Surat, Teirna, Tersa, Valek
Gender-Neutral Names: Ceersaz, Cirsem, Hirnek, Hittut, Jandek, Subus,
Tuzom, Vordoll
Sects: Halik, Hobii, Mostral, Nistrim, Ogla, Oglamar, Pommar, Relora


Hailing from the world of Kaminar, their home plantet has a complex food web. Kelpiens
are an intelligent humanoid species with a unique maturation process: Prior to midlife,
Kelpiens are pacifistic prey animals to a predatory race, the Ba’ul. After reaching
midlife, Kelpiens underwent a painful metamorphasis known as the vahar’ai, where
they matured into the alpha predator of the planet. Possessing a binary world view,
Kelpiens label creatures and individuals as either predator (those who pose a threat,
imminent or otherwise) or prey (those who are nonthreatening). Before undergoing
vahar’ai, Kelpiens have a caution that borders on paranoia; they avoid personal risk
and hazardous situations. Despite this strong fight-or-flight instinct, Kelpiens remain
calm when confronted with danger, and are not prone to panic or impulsive action.
As such Kelpiens value cooperation over competition, some mistakenly believe
Kelpiens lack ambition. This is false, however, and Kelpiens are just as prone
to personal aspirations as Humans, and just as likely to feel resentment over
being passed over for an assignment or promotion. Several hundred years
ago, the Kelpiens threatened the Ba’ul with extinction, forcing the weaker
species to develop a technological advantage for survival. The Ba’ul managed
to kill every Kelpien who had undergone the vahar’ai then convinced the
survivors they were the prey species, and harvested individuals before they
underwent metamorphosis. This deception was revealed in 2257 and the
Kelpiens and Ba’ul began to form an alternative society where neither world
kill the other.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Live Life Like You‘re Being Hunted

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence,+1 Reason

TRAIT: Kelpien. Kelpiens possess a tall, lanky frame with mottled pink-
orange skin and no hair on their face or head. When at the bottom of the
short food web, Kelpiens are herbivores and typically strict vegetarians or
vegans. Mature Kelpiens are omnivorous and have an increase appetite for
meat. Kelpien senses, including auditory and tactile, are superiour to that of
a Human, and provide continual warning of potential threats: when pre-
vahar’ai consciously or subconsciously detect danger, thin extrasensory
organs known as “threat ganglia” emerge from the back of their head to
provide additional sensory input.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Kelpien, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Adversity has taught you how to not only work around hazards, but how to
turn them to your advantage. On your turn, you can spend 1 Determination to
reduce the Threat pool by 1 and add 1 to the group’s Momentum pool.

REQUIREMENT: Post-vahar’ai Kelpien
Once per mission you can expel small spines grown in a cartilaginous
emitters at the side of the head. This is a ranged weapon with 1 A, Piercing
2, vicious 1, Size 1 H. When you use your spine emitters, add 1 to the Threat

REQUIREMENT: Kelpien, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You have the speed of a hunted prey animal. When you succeed on a Sprint Task, you
moves two zone (to any point in Long range) rather than one.

REQUIREMENT: Pre-vahar’ai Kelpien
You are skilled at avoiding danger and and minimizing problems. When you buying one or
more d20s by adding to Threat, the cost is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1 ).

Text and Art by "Jester" David Gibson

Pre-Vahar’ai / Post-Vahar’ai. When created, choose one
KELPIEN of these two traits. If Pre-Vahar’ai is chosen, and your
character ever experiences the changes that come with
Vahar’ai, the trait is replaced by the Post-Vahar’ai trait.
A sentient humanoid species indigenous TALENTS: The character receives access to the
to the planet Kaminar, Kelpiens live in an following talents:
agrarian society. Elders are the leaders
of the Kelpien culture, passing down THREAT GANGLIA
knowledge and history through REQUIREMENT: Kelpien.
stories. One of these stories
speaks of the Great Balance, a Kelpiens have special organs on the back of their heads
belief that by culling members called ganglia. These organs do di erent things depending on
of their species, the Kelpiens what stage of life the Kelpien is in; as such, this talent grants
would have peace with the di erent abilities based on the character’s Vahar’ai trait.
Ba’ul, a powerful species
that would hunt their people Pre-Vahar’ai: When the gamemaster spends Threat to
to extinction if the Kaminar either add a complication, or to add dice to a pool or that
population got out of hand. This directly a ects the character, roll 1 ; if an e ect is rolled,
meant that when a Kelpien started add 1 Momentum to the pool.
going through their physiological
change known as Vahar’ai, they would Post-Vahar’ai: The character gains the following attack:
be brought in front of the All-Seeing Ganglia Dart (Ranged, 2 , Piercing 1). The character’s
Eye and culled, releasing them Security rating is added as normal to the attack’s
from the pain and threat of mental Stress rating.
instability, as well as keeping the
Great Balance in check. ON ALL FOURS
REQUIREMENT: Kelpien, or gamemaster’s permission.
Commander Saru discovered that
Vahar’ai was actually a natural Kelpiens are able to run at considerable speeds for short
physical change that made his bursts when necessary. Whenever the character succeeds at
people expert hunters. The culling a Sprint task, they generate 2 additional Momentum which
and the Great Balance were both may only be used to move additional zones.
lies forced onto the Kelpiens by the
Ba’ul. Eventually, the crew of U.S.S. NAMES
Discovery helped the Kelpiens rise up Kelpiens tend to have just a single name.
against the Ba’ul and break free of the
lies they had been told for generations. SAMPLE NAMES: Brinna, Dor’na, Kaladar, Lin’lev, Su’Vyn,
Trialla, Tuvu, Vilara
EXAMPLE VALUE: The Great Balance
Must Be Achieved

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control,
+1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAITS: Kelpien. The

Kelpiens are a bipedal
species that are adapted
to living on land and in the
water. Kelpiens are able to run
at considerable speeds for
short bursts and can see into
the ultraviolet and infrared
spectrums of light.


Post-Vahar’ai: The character gains the following attack:
KELPIEN Ganglia Dart (Ranged, 2 , Piercing 1). The character’s Security
is added as normal to the attack’s Stress rating.


A sentient humanoid species indigenous to the planet Kaminar, REQUIREMENT: Kelpien, or gamemaster’s permission.
Kelpiens live in an agrarian society. Elders are the leaders of the
Kelpien culture, passing down knowledge and history through Kelpiens are able to run at considerable speeds for short bursts
stories. One of these stories speaks of The Great Balance, a belief when necessary. Whenever the character succeeds at a Sprint
that by culling members of their species, the Kelpiens would task, they generate 2 additional Momentum which may only be
have peace with the Ba’ul; a powerful species that would hunt used to move additional zones.
their people to extinction if the Kaminar population got out of
hand. This meant that when a Kelpien started going through their NAMES
physiological change known as Vahar’ai, they would be brought Kelpiens tend to have just a single name.
in front of the All-Seeing Eye and culled, releasing them from the
pain and threat of mental instability, as well as keeping the Great SAMPLE NAMES: Brinna, Dor’na, Kaladar, Lin’lev, Su’Vyn, Trialla,
Balance in check. Tuvu, Vilara

Commander Saru discovered that the Vahar’ai was actually a

natural physical change that made his people expert hunters.
The culling and the Great Balance were both lies forced unto the
Kelpiens by the Ba’ul. Eventually, the crew of U.S.S. Discovery
helped the Kelpiens rise up against the Ba’ul and break free of the
lies they had been told for generations.

EXAMPLE VALUE: The Great Balance Must Be Achieved

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAITS: Kelpien. The Kelpiens are a bipedal species that are

adapted to living on land and in the water. Kelpiens are able to
run at considerable speeds for short bursts and can see into
the ultraviolet and infrared spectrums of light.
Pre-Vahar’ai / Post-Vahar’ai. When created, choose one of
these two traits. If Pre-Vahar’ai is chosen, and your character
ever experiences the changes that come with Vahar’ai, the trait
is replaced by the Post-Vahar’ai trait.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following



Kelpiens have special organs on the back of their heads called

ganglia. These organs do di erent things depending on what stage
of life the Kelpien is in, as such, this talent grants di erent abilities
based on the character’s Vahar’ai trait.

Pre-Vahar’ai: When the gamemaster spends Threat to either

add a complication, or to add dice to a pool or that directly
a ects the character, roll 1 ; if an e ect is rolled, add 1
Momentum to the pool.

-276 -264 -252 -240 -228 -216 -204 -192 -180 -168 -156 -144 -132 -120 -108 -96 -84 -72 -60 -48 -36 -24 -12
TOS era and beyond

A race of humanoids from the Keral Cias system in the Beta quadrant, with
extremely advanced vocal & auditory abilities. They have significantly larger
ears & have a greater range of skin tones & eye colors. The average male &
female are 3-6 cm taller than humans. Hairstyles & facial hair vary. They have
an average life expectancy of 134 years. Also, unique to their species, they
can never suffer from degenerative hearing loss. Their brain consists of 4
lobes. The temporal lobe is the largest & most complex. It is responsible for
processing audio information & a large portion, the Euadin, is used solely as a
"back up" memory node for the other lobes. In case of injury to a lobe,
information stored in that area can be retrieved from the it later on
preventing memory loss. They are problem solvers & quick thinkers. They are
not easily distracted & dislike performing small, uninteresting tasks. They are
equally productive when working in a group or as an individual. They have
developed 3 martial arts: Avyan (sport), Blabeta (Sec. forces), Cyluin (deadly).

EXAMPLE VALUE: I may forget a face but never a voice.

Attributes: Control +1, Insight +1, Reason +1.

To live in a low pressure/oxygen atmosphere they have developed larger
than normal lungs & heart. A mini organ called an Ebra augments
production of red blood cells. They have 2 kidneys & 2 lungs & need both
of each to survive. In the case of disease or injury the body can survive
with one until a new organ regenerates. This process takes 2-4 weeks & in
the interim, a prosthetic is used.

Kerelians, or with GM's permission.

Auditory System [Required]

Kerelians have a unique auditory system which minimizes noise &
distortion. The difficulty to surprise or ambush you is increased by 3,
maximum of 5. Any task having an auditory component, you gain 3d20 to
your rolls. You cannot be affected by any auditory attacks.

Voice of the Universe

A Kerelian's voice consists of sounds made by vocal cords, muscles of the
larynx, & the size of the vocal tract. Its frequency ranges from about 10 to
42,000 db, 6x greater than most other humanoids. Your voice is a weapon
(Ranged, 3 CD, Area, Piercing 3, Debilitating). Requires Cyluin MA focus.

Empathy [E2]
Same as Betazoid talent. This represents 15% of the population. Must
have this talent to take focus in Cyluin martial art. You can communicate
telepathically with other empathic or telepathic species.

TOS era and beyond

A race of humanoids from the Keral Cias system in the Beta quadrant, with
extremely advanced vocal & auditory abilities. They have significantly larger
ears & have a greater range of skin tones & eye colors. The average male &
female are 3-6 cm taller than humans. Hairstyles & facial hair vary. They have
an average life expectancy of 134 years. Also, unique to their species, they
can never suffer from degenerative hearing loss. Their brain consists of 4
lobes. The temporal lobe is the largest & most complex. It is responsible for
processing audio information & a large portion, the Euadin, is used solely as a
"back up" memory node for the other lobes. In case of injury to a lobe,
information stored in that area can be retrieved from the it later on
preventing memory loss. They are problem solvers & quick thinkers. They are
not easily distracted & dislike performing small, uninteresting tasks. They are
equally productive when working in a group or as an individual. They have
developed 3 martial arts: Avyan (sport), Blabeta (Sec. forces), Cyluin (deadly).

EXAMPLE VALUE: I may forget a face but never a voice.

Attributes: Control +1, Insight +1, Reason +1.

To live in a low pressure/oxygen atmosphere they have developed larger
than normal lungs & heart. A mini organ called an Ebra augments
production of red blood cells. They have 2 kidneys & 2 lungs & need both
of each to survive. In the case of disease or injury the body can survive
with one until a new organ regenerates. This process takes 2-4 weeks & in
the interim, a prosthetic is used.

Kerelians, or with GM's permission.

Auditory System [Required]

Kerelians have a unique auditory system which minimizes noise &
distortion. The difficulty to surprise or ambush you is increased by 3,
maximum of 5. Any task having an auditory component, you gain 3d20 to
your rolls. You cannot be affected by any auditory attacks.

Voice of the Universe

A Kerelian's voice consists of sounds made by vocal cords, muscles of the
larynx, & the size of the vocal tract. Its frequency ranges from about 10 to
42,000 db, 6x greater than most other humanoids. Your voice is a weapon
(Ranged, 3 CD, Area, Piercing 3, Debilitating). Requires Cyluin MA focus.

Empathy [E2]
Same as Betazoid talent. This represents 15% of the population. Must
have this talent to take focus in Cyluin martial art. You can communicate
telepathically with other empathic or telepathic species.

The Klaestron Civil War took place in the mid 24th century, which shaped
much of the society. Farmers and scientists had to become soldiers and
many families had to spend their income on supporting their loved ones on
the battle eld by buying much-needed military equipment. In the wake of
the civil war, Klaestron medical technology had become a cornerstone of
their new economy. Treatments that were developed to save as many
soldiers as possible, such as prostheses and burn treatments, are now
valuable export goods which the Klaestron happily share with other
Although the Klaestron government has a unilateral extradition treaty with
the Federation, the Klaestron were allies with the Cardassians during the
Federation–Cardassian war. This alliance has since been dissolved
with the Cardassian membership in the Dominion, although they
signed a non-aggression pact.
Klaestron laws are strict and punishment is harsh: Treason and
murder are punishable by death among the Klaestron, other
crimes have similarly severe penalties.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Justice Must Prevail

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Klaestron. Klaestron are humanoid, with distinct

streak-like protrusions on the side of their head above their
ears, which makes them sensitive to vibrations, air pressure
and temperature changes. This sensory organ is not equally
well developed in all members of the species, but can be
improved with training. Their outer ears consists only of a
hole in their head, thus they have below-average hearing.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Duty and Discipline (Cardassian)

Incisive Scrutiny (Tellarite)
Somatic Sense (Original: Horn-Sense) (Grazerite)
Feminine Names: Enina, Gamina, Ulima
Masculine Names: Ardelon, Ilon, Klenon
Gender-Neutral Names: Altan, Batan, Lotan
Family Names: Amonan, Satro, Tandro


With its capital at Qo’noS, the Klingon Empire is almost as large as the Federation,
and larger than the Romulan Empire. Distinguishable by the sagittal crest over their
foreheads and crowns, Klingons are taller and stronger than most humanoid
species, something that helps enhance their reputation as warriors. The hardy
Klingons have been both allies and enemies throughout their years of contact
with the Federation. Now, as staunch allies, this proud people have begun to
exchange o cers with Star eet. Not only that but Worf, son of Mogh, created
a precedent as the rst Klingon to graduate of Star eet Academy. This has
brought more applications from Klingons, especially those of mixed heritage
who don’t feel at ease in the Klingon Empire. Klingons embody pride and
honor above all. Many dedicate their lives to the warrior ethos for the honor of
house and family.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Honor is More Important Than Life

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Klingon. There is a great redundancy in Klingon organs, with two livers,
multiple stomachs, three lungs, and an eight-chambered heart. Their skeletal
structure also has several redundancies that mitigate injuries that would prove
fatal to other humanoids.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Klingon, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Whenever a Klingon buys additional dice for a melee attack using Threat, for each
Threat added to the pool, you gain 1 bonus Momentum that can only be spent on
Bonus Damage, increasing the damage of the attack by 1 per Momentum spent.

Various physiological redundancies mean that wounds that would kill other
humanoid species don’t a ect Klingons as badly. The character gains +2
Resistance against all Non-lethal attacks. In addition, whenever the Klingon
is target of a First Aid Task, reduce the Di culty of that Task by 1, to a
minimum of 1.

REQUIREMENT: Klingon, or Gamemaster’s permission.

This Klingon has lit candles, spoken words to honor their parents, and
given their house’s sash to another, joining in a fellowship with another
person, and becoming members of the same house (the original house
of either party). The R’uustai Talent grants a Klingon an additional Value,
which must re ect their relationship with the ritual sibling. In addition,
whenever the Klingon assists, or is assisted by another, the character
o ering assistance may re-roll their die.

Male names: be’etor, cheng, mogh, qeng, torgh
Female names: ‘a’Setbur, HuS, lurSa’, mara

Official version found in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook and Klingon Core

Klingons are a humanoid warrior species originating from the planet Qo’noS.
A proud, tradition bound species, they value personal and familial honour as
well as victory in battle. This aggressive drive has led the species to form a
large interstellar empire of conquered worlds. The warrior ethos has been
an important aspect of Klingon society since the time of the first Emperor,
Kahless, but became predominant early in the 22nd century, as the warrior
caste gained greater status. For large stretches of its history, Klingon society
was based on a feudal system organized around the noble 24 Great Houses
represented in the Klingon High Council, which was led by the Chancellor.
Klingon society functions through a system of family reputation and
honour; tradition is an integral part of Klingon daily life and breaking
from observances is considered a grievous insult to society, an slight not
easily forgotten. To outsiders, Klingon society seems patriarchal, with
males dominating public life. However, Klingon women are the equals
of men, even in combat and blood-lust, but their sphere of influence is
traditionally the home and family’s affairs.

EXAMPLE VALUE: A Sharp Knife is Nothing Without a Sharp Eye

TRAIT: Klingon. Klingon physiology is hardy, with many redundant

internal organs allowing them to withstand harm and a number of
poisons, which would be deadly for many other species. They are
significantly stronger and more resilient than Humans, though they
have less tolerance for the cold.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Klingon, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Your personal honour and that of your house is more important to you than
your life. Whenever you attempt a Task to resist being coerced into breaking an
oath, betraying a superior, or otherwise acting dishonourably, you reduce the
Difficulty by 1.

REQUIREMENT: Klingon, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You have been trained in combat since a young age. When you attempt a
Melee attack and purchase one or more additional dice with Momentum or
Threat, you may re-roll any number of d20s

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
Originários do planeta Qo’noS, no Quadrante Beta, o Império
Klingon é uma espécie dominada por guerreiros e um dos
maiores poderes na Galáxia. Embora tenha havido hostilida-
de entre a Federação e os Klingon no passado, desde a as- Virtualmente destemido e extensivamente treinado em várias
sinatura dos Acordos de Khitomer em 2293, os dois poderes técnicas de combate, um guerreiro klingon (ou bekk) é um
maiores tem sido considerados aliados a despeito de várias oponente devastador. Governado por tradições antigas e
con itos menores. um código de honra rígido, um guerreiro klingon não teme
a morte, mas, caso precise morrer, deve ser durante uma
batalha ou cumprindo seu dever.

TRAÇOS: Klingon


Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 3 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Não Letal)
Adaga D’k tahg (Corporal, 3 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M, Mor-
tal, Ocultável 1)
Agravamento Bat’leth (Corporal, 5 Feroz 1, Tamanho 2M)
Pistola Disruptora (Distância, 5 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M)
Agravamento Fuzil Disruptor (Distância, 6 Feroz 1,
Tamanho 2M, Preciso)

Brak’lul: A Resistência de um Klingon é aumentada em
+2 contra ataques Não Letais.
Espírito de Guerreiro: Quando um Klingon tenta um ataque
Corporal e compra um ou mais dados extras com Ameaça, o
Klingon pode rejogar qualquer quantidade de d20s.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

Veteranos klingon não apenas se provaram em batalha, mas
normalmente possuem um longo histórico familiar de honra
e tradição e frequentemente servem como o ciais. Um o cial É um prazer, guerreiros!
klingon deve ser visto como autoritário a todos os momentos
ou podem se ver forçados a se provarem em um julgamento A Zona Neutra: o limite do Império Klingon. essa é a viagem inau-
de combate perante seus subordinados. gural da nave Ragor. Sua missão designada: patrulhar os mundos
controlados pelos Klingon, buscar novas ameaças e civilizações
TRAÇOS: Klingon agressivas, partir com honra em nome do Império Klingon.
VALOR: Hoje é um Bom Dia para Morrer!
FOCO: Combate Mano a Mano, Resiliência Sou a Capitã B’Oma. Suas vidas agora pertencem a mim. Vocês
são os poucos bekks que receberam a distinta honra de servir
a bordo de minha nave, a I.K.S Ragor. esse dever não deve ser
encarado de forma leviana. Confrontaremos a opressiva Federação
e sua tenaz Frota Estelar. Não vamos, entretanto, assumir que as
raças aparentemente mais fracas da Federação dos Planetas serão
fáceis de enfrentar. Embora di cilmente possam se comparar à
dominância Klingon, a aparente vulnerabilidade delas pode ser en-
ganadora. Quando forçadas, elas podem ser tão perigosas quanto
um targ enfurecido e encurralado.



Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 4 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Não Letal)
Adaga D’k tahg (Corporal, 4 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M, Personagens klingon normalmente são grandes, sicamente
Mortal, Ocultável 1) poderosos e orgulhosos, com uma forma agressiva de fazer
Agravamento Bat’leth (Corporal, 6 Feroz 1, Tamanho 2M) qualquer coisa e uma propensão à violência que os torna
Pistola Disruptora (Distância, 6 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M) extremamente perigosos. Eles são predatórios, com uma dieta
Agravamento Fuzil Disruptor (Distância, 7 Feroz 1, primariamente carnívora e uma preferência por comida ainda viva
Tamanho 2M, Preciso) ou presas selvagens de uma caçada. Culturalmente, os Klingon
reverenciam proezas físicas, vitórias em batalha e um código de
REGRAS ESPECIAIS: honra pessoal e familiar que in uencia a maior parte de sua política,
Primeiro na Batalha: Quando o Veterano Klingon faz embora nem todos os Klingon vivam dessa forma. Para alguns
um ataque bem-sucedido, ele pode gastar 3 de Ímpeto deles, isso apenas os impede de realizar atos vergonhosos se não
para auxiliar o próximo ataque de outro Klingon com sua puderem evitar as repercussões. Personagens Klingon possuem os
Audácia + Comando. seguintes modi cadores:
Brak’lul: A Resistência de um Klingon é aumentada em
+2 contra ataques Não Letais. ATRIBUTOS: +1 Audácia, +1 Físico, +1 Presença
Espírito de Guerreiro: Quando um Klingon faz um ataque
Corporal e compra um ou mais dados extras com Amea- TRAÇO: Klingon. A siologia Klingon é resistente, com
ça, o Klingon pode rejogar qualquer quantidade de d20s. muitos órgãos internos redundantes permitindo que suportem
ferimentos e vários venenos que seriam mortais para muitas
outras espécies. Eles são muito mais fortes e mais resistentes do
que os Humanos, embora possuam menos tolerância para o frio.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

The dominant, and eponymous, species of the Klingon
Empire, the Klingons are a proud and martial people, visibly
distinguished from others by their height and strength, and
by the ridged, bony crest on their heads, running from brow
to crown (and sometimes further). Hardy and aggressive,
Klingons tend to combine a sense of pride and personal
conviction with a fatalistic streak, regarding an honorable
death to be preferable to living with the shame of defeat or
anything that would diminish or lessen them.

X ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

X TRAIT: Klingon. Klingon physiology is hardy, with many

redundant internal organs – a third lung, a second liver,
an eight-chambered heart, to name a few – which allow
them to withstand harm and numerous poisons and
toxins which would be deadly for other species. They are
signi cantly stronger and more resilient than Humans,
though they have less tolerance for the cold.

X TALENTS: The character receives full access to all the

Klingon-speci c talents detailed on page 119. Klingon
characters must take the Brak’lul talent during
character creation.


In 2154, a lethal, metagenic strain of the Levodian u
ran rampant through the Klingon Empire, infecting vast
numbers of Klingons. Though a cure was eventually
devised, the combination of the plague’s metagenic
e ects and the cure itself led to numerous physiological
and genetic changes in those a icted, most notably
the dissolution of their cranial ridges and a number of
neurological alterations, to a point where they somewhat
resemble Humans, with these changes passed onto the
descendants of those a icted. These altered Klingons
came to be known as QuchHa’, “the unhappy ones,”
for their seeming deformity, while those who escaped
the plague’s e ects were commonly referred to as the
HemQuch. Though still hardy and vigorous, the QuchHa’
tend to express the customary aggression of their culture
as a ruthless cunning, and they are often regarded as less
honorable and trustworthy. They join the armed forces and
intelligence services in great numbers to prove their worth
and gain glory as a result of this discrimination. By the
early 2270s, almost all QuchHa’ had undergone corrective
treatment to restore their Klingon physiology, and Klingons
in later eras refuse to discuss the matter with outsiders.

X ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

X TRAIT: Klingon (as above) and QuchHa’. Those Klingons

a ected by this metagenic plague are frequently
In their pursuit of a way to undo the e ects of the Council, House Mo’Kai shut down most of these clinics
virus that radically altered their people, the Klingons and absorbed their technicians and technology to maintain
returned to their pursuit of genetic manipulation. a monopoly on the procedure. It is through the use of the
Though originally banned by decrees of past High choH’a’ that the Klingons intend to create dozens of
Councils, the QuchHa’ were desperate for a way in ltrators spread across several species so that
to reverse the changes that a ected them and took they can in ltrate the Federation’s borders
great risks not only to their bodies but their sanity and have double agents in place for when
in the process. The early experiments with genetic the need arises. Lone travelers arriving on
manipulation had some undesired side e ects the distant Deep Space stations allow for
where some recipients ended up with exaggerated them to nd ways into Federation society
features such as more pronounced facial features and into Star eet Command itself. Even
or additional cranial features, whereas others died the reward of using the choH’a’ process
horri cally as their genetic code fell apart. But for those o cers and members of the
for some Klingons, this was an acceptable risk. High Council was enough to sway
Some chose to risk their health in a desperate several key Council votes.
bid to restore themselves to what they saw as a
“proper” Klingon, while others saw it as a brave The few chop shops that managed to avoid being absorbed
act necessitating sacri ce if they were to undo the into House Mo’Kai were forced to operate with even greater secrecy than
e ects of the plague. before. Some traveled beyond the Empire where they found their services in
demand among the Orion Syndicate and the Cardassian Republic, though the
This led to an increase in clinics across the Empire choH’a’ process had an imperfect track record for working on species other than
that specialized in genetic engineering and cosmetic Klingons.
surgery. Before the Augment Crisis, these clinics
specialized in curing individuals of illnesses that Players wishing to play a character who has undergone choH’a’ to become a
might have been considered dishonorable, but with di erent form of Klingon do not need to anything special to their character sheet.
Klingon society’s shift toward focusing on the path of They can place a notation that their character has undergone the process as part
the warrior, they were unable to nd cures for some of their story and then roleplay it out during the story arc. For those that use the
of the more serious diseases. Other clinics, which choH’a’ process to assume the identity of another species, they must use the
were referred to as “chop shops,” for both their following rules:
perceived dishonorable nature and their willingness
to engage in risky procedures, were kept secret and They must use the template for the species whose identity they are trying to
only located in remote outposts or aboard traveling assume but may substitute one of their talents at character creation for one
starships. With millions of QuchHa’ seeking a cure, available to Klingons.
these clinics operated more openly, though most
were still reviled by proper Klingon society. Due to imperfections in the choH’a’ procedure, they must make a note of
something that may show up under intensive scan that will reveal they are not
With the discovery of the choH’a’ procedure by completely of their primary species. This could be possessing Klingon organs,
House Mo’Kai, some Klingons were desperate altered brainwave patterns, or a distinctive scar somewhere on their body.
enough to try anything in order to restore This aw can only be detected by those who are attempting to perform a
themselves. The cost of this procedure, which deep tissue scan, but this does not necessarily con rm that they are not who
necessitated using the DNA, cellular tissue, and they say they are.
memory engrams of a compatible living being, was
considered an a ront to many. Klingons believe that Those who have undergone the choH’a’ procedure can recall the
they should be responsible for uplifting themselves memories and experiences of the individual whose tissue they received,
and consider the reliance upon such a procedure as which may make them vulnerable to psychic assault. An individual
one of the darkest and most dishonorable of deeds. attempting to disrupt the Klingon telepathically may add one d20 to their
task attempt to in uence the character telepathically.
With the restoration of Klingon Intelligence
and preparation for continued con ict with Those who undergo the procedure nd themselves in debt to the
the Federation, the High Council and Klingon organization that administered the process. The character may have a value
Intelligence set out to co-opt as many of these related to this organization, such as Operative of Klingon Intelligence or In
clinics as possible. Using their position on the High Debt to the Syndicate.

The dominant, and eponymous, species of the Klingon
Empire, the Klingons are a proud and martial people, visibly
distinguished from others by their height and strength, and
by the ridged, bony crest on their heads, running from brow
to crown (and sometimes further). Hardy and aggressive,
Klingons tend to combine a sense of pride and personal
conviction with a fatalistic streak, regarding an honorable
death to be preferable to living with the shame of defeat or
anything that would diminish or lessen them.

X ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

X TRAIT: Klingon. Klingon physiology is hardy, with many

redundant internal organs – a third lung, a second liver,
an eight-chambered heart, to name a few – which allow
them to withstand harm and numerous poisons and
toxins which would be deadly for other species. They are
signi cantly stronger and more resilient than Humans,
though they have less tolerance for the cold.

X TALENTS: The character receives full access to all the

Klingon-speci c talents detailed on page 119. Klingon
characters must take the Brak’lul talent during
character creation.


In 2154, a lethal, metagenic strain of the Levodian u
ran rampant through the Klingon Empire, infecting vast
numbers of Klingons. Though a cure was eventually
devised, the combination of the plague’s metagenic
e ects and the cure itself led to numerous physiological
and genetic changes in those a icted, most notably
the dissolution of their cranial ridges and a number of
neurological alterations, to a point where they somewhat
resemble Humans, with these changes passed onto the
descendants of those a icted. These altered Klingons
came to be known as QuchHa’, “the unhappy ones,”
for their seeming deformity, while those who escaped
the plague’s e ects were commonly referred to as the
HemQuch. Though still hardy and vigorous, the QuchHa’
tend to express the customary aggression of their culture
as a ruthless cunning, and they are often regarded as less
honorable and trustworthy. They join the armed forces and
intelligence services in great numbers to prove their worth
and gain glory as a result of this discrimination. By the
early 2270s, almost all QuchHa’ had undergone corrective
treatment to restore their Klingon physiology, and Klingons
in later eras refuse to discuss the matter with outsiders.

X ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

X TRAIT: Klingon (as above) and QuchHa’. Those Klingons

a ected by this metagenic plague are frequently
discriminated against or regarded as cowardly, shameful,
or un-Klingon in nature, a stigma that they frequently
strive to disprove, or which frees them to take actions Though relatively uncommon, especially in earlier eras, Klingons have
that other Klingons may not regard as proper. Their been known to procreate with members of other species: characters
altered genetics leave them less susceptible to a number such as Alexander Rozhenko, son of Worf, and B’Elanna Torres,
of diseases and disorders that a ect Klingons but allows daughter of Miral, are notable Klingons in The Next Generation era who
them to contract a number of Human diseases that are part Human. Those who favor the Klingon side of their ancestry more
Klingons are normally immune to. may nd themselves becoming Klingon warriors.

X TALENTS: The character receives full access to all To create mixed-heritage characters, choose two species, one of which
the Klingon-speci c talents detailed on page 119, and will be the primary species – the one the character favors. The character
they may also select from the QuchHa’ talents below. is treated as a member of the primary species for attribute bonuses; most
QuchHa’ Klingons do not have to take the Brak’lul talent. mixed-heritage characters take more after one parent than another. The
character gains the species traits for both parent species, and they may
CRUEL select talents from both parent species. Mixed-heritage Klingon characters
Requirements: QuchHa’, or gamemaster’s permission are not required to select the Brak’lul talent (though they are still allowed to
You have a tendency towards ruthlessness and cruelty, and if the player wishes – the talent becomes optional rather than mandatory).
the reputation to match, always seeking to undermine those
you wish to destroy before you deal the nal blow. When
you attempt a Task to identify the weaknesses or aws of an
enemy, or matters they are particularly sensitive or protective
about, you may reduce the Di culty by 1. If the enemy has
a trait which re ects this weakness (such as an advantage The distinction between QuchHa’ and HemQuch exists between 2155 and
you’ve created, or a complication they’re su ering from), you the early 2270s, corresponding with the appearance of Klingon characters
may re-roll a single d20 on the next attack or persuasion Task within The Original Series. While only smooth-headed QuchHa’ Klingons
you attempt against them. ever appeared in The Original Series (and are never said to be anything
other than just Klingons), and never appeared again outside of it (and
SUPERIOR AMBITION characters such as Kor, Koloth, and Kang appeared both smooth-headed
Requirements: QuchHa’, or gamemaster’s permission in The Original Series and in full Klingon glory in Star Trek: Deep Space
You believe that your cunning and insight give you an Nine), the option to play either type of Klingon in that timeframe is provided
advantage over other Klingons, and your ambition is greater here to provide the greatest exibility and potential for interesting stories.
than theirs. When you spend Determination, you may add
three to Threat in order to gain two bene ts from spending Individual groups may ignore or amend this as they wish, only using
Determination, instead of one. smooth-headed or ridge-headed Klingons in the Original Series era at
their discretion.

After 2270, most QuchHa’ undergo corrective treatments – a mixture
The Klingon Empire is vast and expands with each new of surgery and gene therapy – to restore their natural physiology. While
conquest. Thus, Klingons come from many di erent this is unlikely to happen to an individual character during the course
worlds, from the likes of Qo’noS and Khitomer in the heart of a campaign, it’s worth touching on the idea here. A character who
of the Empire, to border colonies that may have only been undergoes these treatments essentially replaces their Klingon (QuchHa’)
claimed in the last generation. Further, as a culture which species with the default Klingon species entry, changing their attributes
has been spacefaring for centuries, countless Klingons and traits accordingly. Any QuchHa’-speci c talents must be replaced,
are raised in space, aboard starbases and transport ships and the character must select the Brak’lul talent if they do not have
across the Empire. it. This change should be handled outside of normal play, with the
assumption that the treatment and recovery require weeks or months.
Your character’s Environment grants them a single value, one
point in a single attribute, and one point in a single discipline. Example: Nathan is creating a character using the Lifepath method.
First, he determines the character’s species. This is simple, as the game
The value chosen should re ect the environment and culture is set in The Next Generation era, so he only has one option: Klingon.
the character was raised within, and it’s a good opportunity Nathan also selects the Klingon-speci c talent Brak’lul, because all
to consider how the character views Klingon culture, Klingon characters have to take it at some point during character
and how they connect – or perhaps struggle – with the creation. This gives the character the Klingon species trait, and means
philosophies and traditions of their people. that the character now has the following attribute scores: Control 7,
Daring 8, Fitness 8, Insight 7, Presence 8, Reason 7.
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME K'normian society is based around learning, and intellect.
SPECIES PROFILE Not only from a scientific point of view but all forms of
learning – art, history, and the study of alien cultures.

K'normian fascination with outside cultures, and alien

SPECIES NAME: K'NORMIAN societies results in a species-wide lack of prejudices.
K'normians will be civil and accommodating to most
VISUAL REPRESENTATION anyone. They make friends easily, and keep them.

There is no such thing as sexism in K'normian society. And,

there is no real class distinction to speak of. K'normians
were among some of the earliest societies to abolish a
monetary driven culture. And while, like most members of
the Federation, K'normians do trade in latinum and
Federation credits, they do no structure their society to
force their citizens to devote their lives, and most of their
efforts to expanding their credit-base.

The native K'normian language of K'normic is a simple
language designed to impart ideas easily and quickly.
Words consist of as few syllables as possible, and are
dominated by short vowels and soft consonants.

Most K'normians will know at least some important phrases

in three or four languages. And most, if not all K'normians
encountered will be functionally fluent in Federation
Short, functional names. No surnames. And very little
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS gender distinction in K'normian nomenclature.
+1 Intellect, -1 Vitality, +2 Perception Some common K'normian names are Borzac, Shoak, Zacaz,
and Doric (all male), or Shizic, Tria, Druz, or Floic (female).
K'normians are a humanoid race that bares a very HOMEWORLD
strong resemblance to Terran humans, with one The K'normian homeworld of K'norm is a very Earth-like
obvious exception. The K'normian forehead is planet. It is larger than Earth, but has a similar land-to-water
noticeably enlarged, in comparison to humans, and ratio.
features a pattern of ridges and deeply pigmented
raised areas that cover a thick skull made up of layers The environment is very stable, and despite some
of dense bone that serves as a type of armor – alost a industrialized areas, natural resources are strictly
natural helmet – to protect the K'normians' enlarged maintained so that there is a healthy balance to the natural
brains. world and the technological world.
Aside from their skulls, and foreheads, K'normians are K'normians live in domed cities, designed to keep any
very similar to humans, and can even interbreed. pollutants produced by industrial activity away from the
K'Norminan skin pigmentation runs the gamut, as planet's natural atmosphere and ecology.
does hair-coloring.
K'noram is a popular vacation spot among people in
K'normians tend to wear their hair long, in the back. neighboring sectors. And the K'normian people enjoy
Perhaps to off-set the lacking of hair over their playing host to off-worlders.

K'normians are a very attractive race of humanoids. FAVORED PROFESSION

And they are also a very gregarious and friendly race. Several K'normians serve in Starfleet. And they tend to fill
positions in Science, Engineering, or Operations. It is rare if
CULTURE not unheard-of to find a K'normian in the Security or
Tactical departments.
K'normians have a very open, liberal culture. They are
a gentle, and passive species who seem to have no Civilian K'normians are, most often, Scientists; and just as
natural enemies. often will have the elite profession of Explorer. K'normian
Merchants are also common, usually in positions that allow
Needless to say, they are not a warlike culture nor do a K'normian to interact with a wide variety of different
they produce very many soldiers, or people who people, of different species.
follow a more violent stripe of military life.
The service industry is a common choice. And many
K'normians find work as restaurant owners, bar-
tenders, or other similar occupations.

Although not known for their physical brawn, or
toughness, K'normians are well regarded for their
keen powers of deduction, reasoning skills, and
overall advanced intellect.

K'normians receive a +1 bonus to their Intellect score,

and +2 to their Perception, but suffer a -1 penalty to
their Vitality score.

K'normians also have some very distinctive species


Spacetime Attunement: Functioning similar to the

same ability had by El-Aurians, the K'normian brain-
structure gives them a greater appreciation of subtle
disruptions in the space-time continuum. Like El-
Aurians, K'normians can detect even the slightest
alteration of a timeline. For more information
regarding the function of this ability see p. 66, of

Cultural Flexibility: (bonus edge) All K'normians

possess the Cultural Flexibility edge as a species trait.
(see p. 133, of the Player's Guide)

Pacifism 2: (species flaw) K'normians are non-violent,

and will not commit violent acts unless absolutely
necessary. K'normians possess the Pacifism flaw, at
level 2, as a species trait. (see p. 142, of the Player's

Originally from the planet Kobali in the Vyntadi Expanse, the Kobali have a
unique form of reproduction: they reanimate the corpses of other species,
inducing a metamorphosis that alters their DNA and turns the formerly
deceased into a new Kobali. The initial transformation occurs in a matter of
hours, and slowly progresses over several months. This process is not natural:
in their distant past, genome experimentation accidentally sterilized the entire
Kobali population and in desperation they developed a retrovirus used to turn
corpses into new members of their society. However, the virus only worked
once on a single corpse, which also cannot be too badly damaged, forcing
the Kobali to rely on deceased aliens to replenish their numbers. Newborn
KobaIi appear fully mature, possessing learned technical and social skills,
but retain few memories of their prior life. They require education in the
Kobali language and culture. Like most newborn humanoids, the brains of
freshly reanimated Kobali learn new information at a highly accelerated
rate; after only a few months, a new KobaIi is fluent in their language
and common customs. Some individuals remember a larger percentage
of their former life, which is known as kyn’steya. Those who attempt to
return to their old lives are pursued by the Kobali who know the inability
to easily resume one’s former life will only result in disappointment
and anger, having seen many such experiences before. Because of
their constant need for new corpses, a high percentage of the Kobali
populace is nomadic, roaming the Delta Quadrant in vast fleets. While
not scavengers by nature, Kobali make use of retained knowledge to
augment their technology and ships.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Look to the Future and Not the Past

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control,+ 1 Reason, and+ 1 to one Attribute from your

pre-Kobali species

TRAIT: KobaIi. Reborn as humanoids with grayish skin and hairless

heads, only traces of an individual’s original DNA remain after their
resurrection with Kobali’s genetic pathogen. However, a beings rough
appearance, skeletal structure, and much of their muscular is only partially
affected. Kobali internal physiology features a six-lobed brain and a binary
cardiovascular system.

TALENTS: At character creation, Kobali characters are considered to be

their previous species for purposes of talent prerequisites.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Tre:h Online: and Cryptic Studios
While there are numerous examples of such things elsewhere in Silverbloods is a term given to a deuterium-based life-form
the Galaxy, the Delta Quadrant is home to some truly unique and found on a Y-Class “demon” world. While not sentient on its
interesting species that either absorb, adopt, or assimilate others own, the material is mimetic in nature – and can duplicate
or mimic their characteristics. These evolutionary oddities, be they anything it touches at a molecular level. This duplication
technological, biological, or chemical, do not necessarily follow copies everything about its template: physical characteristics,
the same path and qualities that traditional humanoids do. In the biological processes, even memories. This essentially
late 2360s, it was discovered that a signi cant number of known provides it with an uplifted level of consciousness. The
humanoid species, at least in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, were life-form is also capable of duplicating inorganic constructs
seeded on their worlds by a precursor race of humanoids that as well, including entire starships. As with organics, this
existed billions of years before. Given these ancients’ capabilities, recreation duplicates everything with exceptional detail. This
it is fair to assume that they visited the other corners of the Galaxy also includes the limitations of the template. A duplicated
as well. As it is in Federation space, and the territories of the Human is essentially Human in every regard and will even
Federation’s neighbors, the Delta Quadrant appears to play host to register as Human to all but the most intensive medical
innumerable humanoid peoples. Much like the Gamma Quadrant, examinations. They require food, water, and air just like
however, the humanoids in this region of space appear more exotic any other Human. Unfortunately, the deuterium life-form is
than those with which the Federation is familiar. susceptible to things that purely biological species are not.
Some forms of technology or radiation, which would be
As many of these cultures and civilizations do not possess harmless to an organic, cellular-based species, can be fatal
unique species on their own, or adapt other species into their to Silverbloods.
society, the traditional species selection used during the Lifepath
Character Creation method may not be as e ective or appropriate Silverblood characters use the normal Lifepath creation
in representing them. To that end, it may be more appropriate to options, including the template species the Silverblood
simply add a Trait to the character to represent their a liation or is duplicating. The character then also gains the species
association with the culture, civilization, or species in question. Trait: Mimetic Doppelgänger. A mimetic doppelgänger is
essentially an exact copy of the individual that was touched
by a mimetic deuterium life-form, and is even capable of
sexual reproduction. This presents an interesting opportunity
for a Player Character as the individual may not be a copy of
another individual, but instead the rst generation of unique
A Disconnected Borg Drone is still Borg, having only been recently individuals composed of the mimetic material.
disconnected from the Collective. As such, these individuals still
possess all of the statistics and characteristics of Borg Drones – Silverbloods have no unique naming conventions and simply
which can be found in the Adversaries section of the Star Trek adopt the name of whatever individual they have copied.
Adventures core rulebook. While it is possible to make these Main
Characters, it is not recommended, as these individuals, such
as they are, continue to be Borg and their motivations and goals
remain those of the Collective. While there are exceptions, these
characters will usually make every attempt to reconnect to the hive
mind should the opportunity present itself. The Kobali are an interesting and unique species native to
the Delta Quadrant. Unlike other species, the Kobali do not
procreate or breed. Instead, the Kobali collect the corpses
of other species and use an advanced from of genetic
engineering to modify these deceased individuals, converting
them into Kobali – and bringing them back to life. Culturally,
Kobali are insular, though they are not openly hostile to those
they encounter.
Kobali characters follow all of the usual Lifepath options who object to the process, lost family members seeking
for character creation, including selecting a species. reconnection, or from the Kobali wishing them to return to be
However, a Kobali character may substitute one of their with their new Kobali family.
species characteristic bonuses for either +1 Reason or +1
Fitness – representing the Kobali’s six-lobed brains and NAMES
dual pulmonary cardiovascular systems. Kobali characters Kobali provide new names for those converted into Kobali
may not select a bonus if they are already bene ting from once the reanimation process has created a new member of
another of the same bonuses. (Essentially, you cannot select their species from whatever remains were used. The Kobali
+1 Reason if your character is already gaining +1 Reason language is often abrupt and commonly joins words through
from their original species.) Kobali characters also gain the the use of apostrophes, and this carries over to their names.
Resurrected Kobali species trait, which is re ective of their As is common to many species in the Delta Quadrant, Kobali
unique physiology, cultural identity, and language. Their masculine names tend to be shorter than feminine names,
method of reproduction is seen by many to be a violation with the former comprised of hard sounds and the latter
of the host species’ burial or death rituals, and this has softer. The Kobali are not known to utilize speci c names to
brought the Kobali into con ict with numerous species. identify family units.
A signi cant number of Kobali lose the majority of their
past life memories when they are reborn – though it is not Masculine: Q’han, T’run, Mal’ret, S’vun, A’kal, Kal’astin,
unheard of for a Kobali to awaken with their memory mostly Po’fel, Ta’hil, Su’lean, Ul’plat, Q’mai, Ca’ham
intact. Unfortunately, individuals who retain their memories Feminine: Blan’tane, Rae’theo, Pana’liode, Teuna’kaha,
often have the most di cult time adjusting to their new life. Elen’ilash, Clelimilia, Fion’ustina, Sawsava
Further, Kobali characters will likely be confronted with the Gender-Neutral: Flu’dari, Mik’tru, Ma’tee, Alda’nahi, Ora’cas,
implications of their resurrection – either from hostile species Jit’ade, Dra’ya, Ta’karhi, Aus’ashly

Originally from the planet Kobali in the Vyntadi Expanse, the Kobali have a
unique form of reproduction: they reanimate the corpses of other species,
inducing a metamorphosis that alters their DNA and turns the formerly
deceased into a new Kobali. The initial transformation occurs in a matter of
hours, and slowly progresses over several months. This process is not natural:
in their distant past, genome experimentation accidentally sterilized the entire
Kobali population and in desperation they developed a retrovirus used to turn
corpses into new members of their society. However, the virus only worked
once on a single corpse, which also cannot be too badly damaged, forcing
the Kobali to rely on deceased aliens to replenish their numbers. Newborn
KobaIi appear fully mature, possessing learned technical and social skills,
but retain few memories of their prior life. They require education in the
Kobali language and culture. Like most newborn humanoids, the brains of
freshly reanimated Kobali learn new information at a highly accelerated
rate; after only a few months, a new KobaIi is fluent in their language
and common customs. Some individuals remember a larger percentage
of their former life, which is known as kyn’steya. Those who attempt to
return to their old lives are pursued by the Kobali who know the inability
to easily resume one’s former life will only result in disappointment
and anger, having seen many such experiences before. Because of
their constant need for new corpses, a high percentage of the Kobali
populace is nomadic, roaming the Delta Quadrant in vast fleets. While
not scavengers by nature, Kobali make use of retained knowledge to
augment their technology and ships.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Look to the Future and Not the Past

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control,+ 1 Reason, and+ 1 to one Attribute from your

pre-Kobali species

TRAIT: KobaIi. Reborn as humanoids with grayish skin and hairless

heads, only traces of an individual’s original DNA remain after their
resurrection with Kobali’s genetic pathogen. However, a beings rough
appearance, skeletal structure, and much of their muscular is only partially
affected. Kobali internal physiology features a six-lobed brain and a binary
cardiovascular system.

TALENTS: At character creation, Kobali characters are considered to be

their previous species for purposes of talent prerequisites.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Tre:h Online: and Cryptic Studios

The Kreetassans have a culture that is highly ritualized and has complex etiquette.
Even the slightest deviation from the codes of their society causes great social
disgrace. They are easily offended. The Kreetassans consider eating in public a great

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Will Be Offended If Proper Rituals Are Not Followed.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Kreetassan. Kreetassans are etiquette and linguistic experts, but are easily
offended if proper etiquette is not followed. Proper apologies are very important to
them. Their faces are highly ridged, and they tend to wear long, braided hair. Their
skin is predominantly brown and purple.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Kreetassan, or Gamemaster’s permission.
As a Kreetassan, you are innately capable of learning the most complex of social
etiquette and rituals quickly and able to follow them with precision. Whenever you
attempt a Task involving the learning, interpreting, or following of proper etiquette of
any culture, you may reroll your dice pool.

REQUIREMENT: Kreetassan, or Gamemaster’s permission.
The Kreetassan language is highly complex, with the most subtle contextual variations
among languages known to scientists. Your mind is wired to learn other, more
simplistic languages quickly. Whenever you attempt an Extended Task that involves
the learning of a language and its intricacies, including writing, you gain the Triumphant
benefit (p. 91, Core Rulebook).

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Krenim are a humanoid species that evolved on the Class M planet
Krenna in the Delta Quadrant. They developed advanced technology,
including warp capabilities, and built themselves an extensive empire
spanning thousands of light-years and hundreds of worlds. At their apex,
the Krenim possessed temporal technology, advanced beyond the
Federation’s current level of development. The Krenim Imperium was
powerful enough to exist in fairly close proximity to Borg space for
generations without major con icts, although the Borg did assimilate some
Krenim and their technology.
Several centuries ago, a Krenim scientist named Annorax developed a
device for manipulating the temporal charge of events in the timeline. This
"temporal exclusion device" allowed the Krenim to reorder the time-
line at will, changing events to simply wipe enemies out of
existence. The Imperium allowed Annorax to build his weapon
as part of a massive time-ship and to use it against the enemies
of the Imperium.
The unexpected presence of the Federation starship Voyager in
the Delta Quadrant, a random element Annorax had failed to
account for, interfered with his plans. Finally, Captain Kathryn
Janeway crashed Voyager into the Krenim timeship. The
destruction of the temporal core caused the timeship to cease
to exist and restored the timeline to its original state.
The Krenim Imperium remains a powerful force in the Delta
Quadrant, and their potential for time-travel technology is


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Krenim. Krenim look mostly humanoid with the

exception of an enlarged temple region. This region is a
sensory organ for magnetoreception, which prehistoric Krenim
used for navigation and orientation, similar to Terran migrating
birds. In environments with uctuating magnetic elds this can be quite

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Cool Under Pressure (Arkarian)

Tactical Voice (Zakdorn)
Temporal Science (Original: Time Refraction) (Cal-Mirran)
Contrary to the original talent, this talent does not refer to any innate
biological abilities. Instead, Krenim temporal scientists can perform precise
calculations to determine the outcome of a timeline. While functionally
similar to Time Refraction, you don’t receive any damage from
Complications. You may however receive incorrect information instead.

Feminine Names: Chate, Jelen, Spela, Traala
Masculine Names: Annorax, Obrist, Pross, So en
Gender-Neutral Names: Kott, Noye, Tassan

TNG era and beyond

The Kriosians hail from Krios Prime (Krivos system) in the Beta quadrant. They
maintain a structured class system, divided between the nobility & the
commoners. Discrimination based on gender is not tolerated. Children
identified as empathic metamorphs are taken from their parents by the age
of 4 & placed in a royal village where they are prepared by their tutors &
servants. These attendants constantly educate the metamorphs in literature,
history, art & sex. Some practice polygamy. The males tend to wear robes
that reach down to their feet & includes gloves that cover their entire arms &
hands. The only exposed section of their bodies is their head & even that is
usually covered by a small round hat. The oldest custom that they have in
common with their Valtese cousins is that of arranged marriages. This is
probably their oldest tradition that has lasted, with very few changes since
the very early beginning of their civilization. They all tend to be considered
attractive which facilitates friendly social interactions, in general.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Never trust a Valtese, treachery is as much a way of life to

them as breathing.

Attributes: Insight +1, Presence +1, Reason +1.

Physically, Kriosians are almost identical to their ancestors, the Valtese,
possessing a smattering of spots along the side of their face. However,
they tend to be both taller & slimmer than their Valtese cousins & seem to
be more sentimental as a culture as well. Their spot pattern is somewhat
similar to that of a Trill host. They have a lifespan of 250 years on

Kriosian or with GM's permission.

Insightful Personality
Due to your insightful personality, you inspire those you Assist when
using your Insight Skill, you may re-roll your Assist d20. If the lead
character succeeds, he gains 1 bonus Momentum.

Empathy [E4]
As / the Betazoid talent. It is somewhat common among males, but in
females it occurs once/7 generations or approx. every 100 years or so
[2368]. You receive an extra focus at character creation due to your
specialized education.


The vast Kriosian Empire was once ruled by two brothers, named Krios and
Valt, from the ancient Temple of Akadar on Valt Minor. They became divided
over the love for a woman, an empathic metamorph known as Garuth. They
both loved Garuth with such passion that the empire fell. Krios eventually
kidnapped Garuth from their homeworld and took her to the planet that
became his namesake. This action started a centuries-long war between the
two worlds and subdivided the species into the Valtese and the Kriosians.
The Kriosians have a structured class system, divided between the nobility
and the commoners. Metamorphs are commonly taken from their parents
by the age of four and placed in a royal village where they are prepared by
their tutors and servants. These attendants would constantly educate the
metamorphs in literature, history, art, and sex.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Will Ful ll Your Desires

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Kriosian or Kriosian Metamorph. Physically, Kriosians

are almost identical to their ancestors, the Valtese,
possessing a smattering of spots that leads from the top of
their forehead along the side of their face to their back,
coming to a point about halfway down their spine. Kriosians
are also known for their somewhat randomly-born empathic
metamorphs. Because of their rarity, metamorphs are highly
sought after as mates. These metamorphs have the ability to
imprint on a particular person once in their lifetime and
changing their own character according to that person’s
desires. Kriosians have a lifespan of over 200 years.

SPECIAL RULES: When playing a Kriosian Metamorph that

has not imprinted on someone yet, choose the Character
Creation in Play system, even if the other players use the
Lifepath system. Each step represents your character
imprinting further on the desires of their subject.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Cold Shoulder (Arbazan)

Non-Metamorph only.

Empath (Betazoid, Deltan, Mari)

This Talent is mandatory and must be selected by a Kriosian Metamorph
character during character creation. It cannot be selected by non-

Parent Figure (Denobulan)

Well Regarded (Sikarian)
Feminine Names: Garuth, Kaitaama, Kamala
Masculine Names: Briam, Havrus, Vedrul
Gender-Neutral Names: Ceino, Losut, Zivur

TNG era and beyond

The Kriosians hail from Krios Prime (Krivos system) in the Beta quadrant. They
maintain a structured class system, divided between the nobility & the
commoners. Discrimination based on gender is not tolerated. Children
identified as empathic metamorphs are taken from their parents by the age
of 4 & placed in a royal village where they are prepared by their tutors &
servants. These attendants constantly educate the metamorphs in literature,
history, art & sex. Some practice polygamy. The males tend to wear robes
that reach down to their feet & includes gloves that cover their entire arms &
hands. The only exposed section of their bodies is their head & even that is
usually covered by a small round hat. The oldest custom that they have in
common with their Valtese cousins is that of arranged marriages. This is
probably their oldest tradition that has lasted, with very few changes since
the very early beginning of their civilization. They all tend to be considered
attractive which facilitates friendly social interactions, in general.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Never trust a Valtese, treachery is as much a way of life to

them as breathing.

Attributes: Insight +1, Presence +1, Reason +1.

Physically, Kriosians are almost identical to their ancestors, the Valtese,
possessing a smattering of spots along the side of their face. However,
they tend to be both taller & slimmer than their Valtese cousins & seem to
be more sentimental as a culture as well. Their spot pattern is somewhat
similar to that of a Trill host. They have a lifespan of 250 years on

Kriosian or with GM's permission.

Insightful Personality
Due to your insightful personality, you inspire those you Assist when
using your Insight Skill, you may re-roll your Assist d20. If the lead
character succeeds, he gains 1 bonus Momentum.

Empathy [E4]
As / the Betazoid talent. It is somewhat common among males, but in
females it occurs once/7 generations or approx. every 100 years or so
[2368]. You receive an extra focus at character creation due to your
specialized education.


The Ktarians are a physically diverse species native to the Federation world of
Ktaris. They are a common sight throughout Federation space and are one of the
many species that maintains its own eet of vessels – both merchant and military.
The Ktarian eet is considered to be a reserve force, and can be transferred to the
command of Star eet during times of great need. Unlike most Federation species, the
Ktarians are comprised of two separate species that evolved together on Ktaris – one
whose brows are bisected into two hemispheres and the other with bone ridges along
the center of the forehead. Intermarriage among these two species has resulted in
both carrying the traits of the other. Predicting which traits will manifest in o spring is
extremely di cult, especially when Ktarians mate with other species. Rumors circulate
that the Miradorn are an o shoot of Ktarians, but the Miradorns’ reclusive nature
makes this di cult to con rm.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Hold the Course until the End

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Reason, +1 Fitness or

+1 Presence

TRAIT: Ktarian. Ktarians are a hard people, determined and relentless in

pursuit of their goals. The intertwining of the two native species has led to
the Ktarians possessing the best traits of both. They are physically t and
quick witted – adapting and responding to adversity with ease. They rarely
engage in negotiations unless they feel they have the upper hand.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Ktarian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Ktarians have a well-earned reputation for becoming deeply committed to a particular
goal – a single-minded determination to achieve success. When a character with this
Talent succeeds at a Task where they could have spent a point of Determination, but
choose not to, they may spend 3 Momentum to gain a point of Determination. This
Talent may only be used once per Episode.

REQUIREMENT: Ktarian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Ktarians are loath to enter into negotiations unless they feel they are at an advantage.
When a Character with this Talent enters into a Social Con ict and attempts to use
negotiation, they may gain the bene t of an Advantage twice – however, the Advantage
must be used di erently each time. This Talent may only be used once per scene.

Ktarian names are as diverse as the two interbred species that give them. Some are
simple two to three syllables while others are a string consisting of as many as eight
syllables. Most names follow familial or geographic traditions, though Ktarians rarely
use surnames regardless of origin.

Female names: Nives, Etana, Milosama, Brunmohley, Jezas, Selit, Meriana,
Male names: Rafen, Tomishamin, Lazos, Mizan, Dukannigarm, Koolen,
Barhenk, Greskrendtegk

Ø KZINTI WARRIOR ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence


Ø TRAIT: Kzinti: The Kzinti are genetically re-engineered pouncer/ambush predators

engineered for speed, strength, endurance, reflexes, and all senses that would
make for a successful soldier/warrior. Along with vertical bracing built into their
ribcage, reduced pain reception, and a more efficient digestion system, the Kzinti
have a much wider selection of prey to exist off of.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Similar to Klingon Brak'lul, Kzinti physiology is unusual in that Kzinti possess vertical bracing in
their rib cages, making it significantly more difficult to break bones over most of their vital organs.
Combining this with genetic engineering to make themselves capable of surviving on less food,
remain active for longer periods of time, and more efficient healing processes, Kzinti remain a
feared opponent physically The character gains +2 Resistance against all Non-lethal attacks and
+2 to Fitness tests involving endurance. In addition, whenever the Kzinti is target of a First Aid
Task, reduce the Difficulty of that Task by 1, to a minimum of 1.


REQUIREMENT: Kzinti, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Whenever a buys additional dice for a melee attack using Threat, for each Threat added to the
pool, you gain 1 bonus Momentum that can only be spent on Bonus Damage, increasing the
damage of the attack by 1 per Momentum spent.

REQUIREMENT: Kzinti, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Kzinti are known for their keen vision, hearing, and directional sense. Characters with this Talent
reduce the Difficulty due to Distance of Perception Tasks by 1.


REQUIREMENT: Kzinti, or Gamemaster’s Permission. Character creation only. You can sense the
surface thoughts and emotions of most living beings nearby, and can communicate telepathically
with other empaths and telepaths, as well as those with whom you are extremely familiar. Surface
thoughts are whatever a creature is thinking about at that precise moment. The character cannot

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choose not to sense the emotions or read the surface thoughts of those nearby, except for those who are resistant to
telepathy. It will require effort and a Task to pick out the emotions or thoughts of a specific individual in a crowd, to search a
creature’s mind for specific thoughts or memories, or to block out the minds of those nearby. Unwilling targets may resist
with an Opposed Task. Kzinti Telepaths also cannot shut off their abilities, as so much as ignore them and often will not
open themselves to aliens as they find the experience draining, +1 to Task difficulty as Kzin telepaths do not like scanning

Kzinti (Kzin) are murderously aggressive by any reputable standard within the Alpha Quadrant. Whereas a Klingon might be
considered aggressively temperamental for reasons of honor or glory, the Kzinti are aggressive for reasons of natural and
somewhat re-engineered biology that makes them predators with few piers. They view all other species as, quite literally,
potential prey to be killed or eaten, and give little thought in dealings with other species other than sizing them up for
potential conquest and literal consumption. That being said, the Kzinti’s own highly refined predatory instincts and general
disposition to charge into combat with very little thought once it is initiated seems to keep the population somewhat in
check. Much to the relief of the rest of the galaxy at large.
While the Kzinti are intelligent, their predatory instincts are constant overlaid on their thought patterns, which tend to stunt
more inquisitive behaviors in favor of direct action, or as they say, “Scream and Leap”, leading to behavior that could be
best described as exceptional brave or determined, suicidal by less generous individuals. Predation amongst the Kzinti is a
fairly common occurrence and cannibalism of the defeated in any combat is the usual end result, though there have been
exceptions to this rule if the Kzinti is feeling generous. Trophy taking from a defeated enemy is common, and the most
common trophy is a string of ears on a belt worn by Kzin warriors. It should also be noted that Kzinti do not differentiate
between able bodied warriors and civilians, as all are prey, except if they are planning to take slaves and capture territory
for themselves or their leadership.
Kzinti are known for a refined, if exceptionally brutal aristocratic culture.


Typical Kzinti that most people think of usually loom over even what would normally be considered a larger species by
human standards, some 2.5 to 3.3 meters, weighing in at some 200+ kilos, with some individuals even larger.
The description of a Kzinti by a human colonist (shortly before he was killed) of 'an humanoid, jacklegged cross between a
Bengal tiger and a gorilla' is a fairly accurate generalization of a Kzinti's general appearance (given that their claws are an
inch long), but there are some notable differences which make them stand out.
The general ear structure, while resembling the typical feline ear, is more webbed and actually tends to resemble a fur
covered bat's wing. There has been some speculation that this may have been an evolutionary adaptation to increase
protection of the ears from damage in combat, but the structure is unique enough to draw attention.
The two meter long tail of the kzinti is also quite bald. Given the rather dubious evolutionary benefits of such a lack of hair,
it has been wondered if a genetically damaged sport in Kzinti pre-history gained dominance in the Kzinti's rather Darwinist
hierarchy. But not in a Kzinti's presence.
The fur patterns of Kzin tend to follow the humanoid tiger pattern, but their have been occasional sports resembling
jaguars or black furred panthers, the latter of which are given to the priesthood of the Kzinti for training into their Fanged
God priesthood.

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The general skull and facial structure tends to resemble general felinoid construction, with pronounced muzzle and teeth
structure capable to tearing large chucks of flesh from a target. Eyes are set as to provide a wide range of vision, and a are
low light sensitive and the average Kzinti is well capable of tracking by sense of smell alone.

The Kzinti homeworld Ka’ashi lies in the Celene sector in the system of Gamma Lyrae, one fifty five degrees northwest of
the galactic plane, in an older type G2 star system. There are three other planets and five Class-J gas giants within the
system, as well as four asteroid belts. Of the four planets, two are Class-M and one near Class-M, all of which have been
conquered by the Kzinti. The Kzin system is an abundant source of precious strategic materials such as pergeium,
deuterium, and dilithium. The relative proximity to Federation and Klingon space makes the Kzinti more than a small
concern to both respective civilizations.
Ka’ashi is a large-heavy gravity 1.5 worth roughly 2 times the size of Earth. It has 6 primary continents with a large amount
to archipelagos and islands dispersed throughout it’s oceans which are still quiet tectonically active. The planet is still in
what could be termed a pre-cambrian style period and is lush and filled with many sorts of highly aggressive natural


The history of the Kzinti species is some matter of conjecture for Kzin and other species scholars for several reasons. The
first being that the Kzinti have never been particularly concerned with the keeping of history until the relatively recent
innovation of the Patriarchy by Chuu-Riit, the first Kzin Patriarch some several thousand terran years ago, 2) The Kzinti
aren’t exactly forthcoming about their history (tending to kill and eat non-Kzinti historians in short order), and 3) a long
history of exaggeration and bluster in the Kzinti history that have been spirited away by renegade Kzintosh to various
historians makes what has been gathered suspect at best.
What has been found to be true is as follows:
1) The Kzinti are one of the eldest races in the Alpha quadrant. In spite of this, they are one of the most mentally
backward and prone to violence, in part due to resentment of the younger races continually defeating them on the
2) The Kzinti actually derive from a somewhat weaker genetic stock originally, but at some point in the past, they
genetically re-engineered themselves into “The Race of Heros” into what they considered the optimal form for their males.
The females were genetically re-engineered to be little more than dumb animals and breeding machines, much to the
disgust of the rest of the galaxy. There is also the occasional odd genetic sport that shows up every now an again in the
bloodlines, providing the Kzin with a most useful, but despised asset. Telepaths. Kzinti telepaths are nearly universally
despised in the Patriarchy because they embody many traits that make them more ‘monkey-like’. They are empathic
(which they cannot shut off), thus can empathize with an enemy. They are physically weak (about human standard). They
snivel. They whine. They are relatively weak willed. But conversely, they can read the minds of prey and, with proper
training, can form psychic attacks that can give even the strongest Kzin pause. The Riit Patriarchy has stated they will be
treated by other Kzin as potential military assets. Which tends to drive regular Kzin to distraction. In short, the Telepaths

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are tolerated as low scum within Kzin society. And they know there is little they can be done about it.
3) The Kzinti were once slaves of the Thrintun Empire, better known to the galaxy at large as the Slaver Empire. As to
how the Kzinti survived the exceptionally long period of time between the Slaver Revolts, the extinguishing on all sentient
life in the Galaxy, but for the Kzinti, no one is sure. The Kzinti haven’t chosen to comment on the subject, but any mention
of Slaver artifacts will get their attention faster than anything else.

The Man-Kzin Wars (pre-TOS Era)

Earth’s first run in with the Kzinti was during the first period of expansion by Earth after the Earth-Romulan wars of the
latter part of the 22nd century. Earth had established a colony known as Weyland near the Crab Nebula. Contact with the
Weyland colony was lost in 2178 and the USS Challenger, an NCC-Class (formerly NX-Class, NCC-03) was sent to
The ship arrived to find that the colony was being attacked by an unknown alien species via ground assault. Using the two
Proteus-class carrier shuttles and transporters, the ships detachment of MACO’s (the 3/7 “Hansen’s Harradins”) and
security forces managed to surprise the large and hideously savage Kzinti. Not baring Kzin bravery and stamina, the well
experienced MACO’s made short work of the Kzinti ground forces, while the Challenger destroyed three Kzin space craft
with it’s armament of 4th generation thermonuclear torpedoes, while sending off a warning to Starfleet and allied
commands of a new potential threat.
The Kzinti were aware that their forward invasion force had been destroyed and gathered a large assault squadron to press
the attack. They were met by a squadron composed of three Andorian Chaka-class cruisers, two Vulcan T’vet-Class
battlecruisers, and two Starfleet Daedalus-class starships.
Which promptly made short work of the majority of the technologically inferior Kzinti warships. The survivors were
interrogated and the combined fleet headed for the nearest Kzinti colony, M’rrst. As the combined fleet showed up over
the planet, making short work of the local defense network. The task force commander, Commodore Reed, imposed a
peace settlement in which a border between the Federation and the Kzinti would be respected. When the Kzinti protested,
he promptly had the local space docks atomized. The Kzinti got the point, and agreed to abide by the treaty, allowing for a
embassy to be established on M’rrst.
The peace would not last long as bitterness at being defeated by “monkeys and grazers” would stick in the Kzinti’s
collective craw and the hatred would fester for many years. The Kzin Patriarch, Rawlitt-Ritt, ordered his Kzinti to quietly
comply with the treaty while gathering intelligence and advanced technology through theft or trade. Through contacts with
the unscrupulous Orions and other forces hostile to the Federation, the Kzinti acquired first generation shield generators
and second generation gauss driven laser cannon. The Kzinti embarked on large scale refit of their own navy and began
constructing newer cruisers to take advantage of the new technologies at their disposal.
In 2204, working on what they considered to be sufficient intelligence (many SI agents and Starfleet Admirals later
commented that the Kzin’s battle plans were ‘spotty’ at best), the Kzinti executed well-planned strikes against Federation
listening posts and civilian shipping. There was more than one howl of dismay as the federation showed up in newer
generation Starfleet battle cruisers sporting third generation phase cannon and second generation photonic torpedoes.
The Kzinti fought well, but were technologically outclassed by the Federation’s Starfleet, who’s ECM and ECCM capacity
rendered Kzinti sensors useless and their ships veritable target practice for the Federation crews. Another generation of
Heroes had died with nothing to show for it, except strengthened borders on the Federation’s side and the loss of several
colonies to the Federation as they chose to occupy several systems which the Kzinti had traditionally launched from.

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The new Patriarch (the son of the previous Patriarch who had cannibalized his father for his monumental failure) embarked
on a long period of learning about the Federation, it’s people, and it’s structure. Realizing that traditional Kzinti tactics were
simply not working very well, he spoke with the priests of the Fanged God. He spoke with his Warmasters. He spoke with
what were considered ‘heretical’ soldiers, advocated using ‘monkey tactics’ against the Federation.
After some debate, which ended in the death of three higher ranking Kzinti soldiers, the plan was put into action. With
further weapons and shield improvements purchased from as of yet still unknown parties, the Kzinti began a retrofitting
program of their older starships as well as drafting new vessels to take advantage of the technological improvements.
While the new invasion fleet was being drafted, the Patriarchy’s General Command was busy drawing up invasion plans of
Federation territory, Kzinti traders were keeping an eye on Federation ship and troop movements.
In 2238, a Kzinti border patrol captain had observed an patrol vessel, U.S.S. Sun Tzu, running standard sensor scans of
the border area with a new and improved long range suite. The Kzinti captain mistook the sweep for target acquisition
sensor sweeps and ordered his patrol vessel to attack the patrol ship. By the time the Sun Tzu’s crew understood what
was happening they had been blown out of space by the Kzinti.
Unfortunately for the Federation, the Sun Tzu’s message record had been blown out of space by the Kzinti and as a result,
were caught completely flat footed as the Kzinti launched a co-ordinated assault along their entire border, destroying all
sensor and observation posts as they commenced a blitzkrieg invasion into the Federation. The Colonies of Wayland, We
Made It, Gamma Hydra, and Eridani Indi fell quickly, but not before a warning got out to Starfleet and the member worlds
Starfleet, just out of the first Klingon War, short of personnel and vessels, took a very dim view of the Kzinti and resolved to
crush the Kzinti’s military industrial capacity once and for all. This proved far more difficult than first expected as Starfleet
discovered that the Kzinti were on technological parity for the first time since the wars began.
Outnumbered and desperate, Starfleet organized hit and run raids upon Kzinti shipping and supply posts while the
Andorian, Tellarite, and Vulcan navies acted as a united front verses the Kzinti incursions. The Kzinti offensive began to fall
apart as supplies and lack of adequate training in the new technology acquired, and the Federation combined forces
destroyed the Kzinti with the uncharacteristic lack of taking prisoners as they counterattacked. After the main Kzinti fleet
had been pulverized, the Federation forces began appearing over the Kzinti worlds, bombarding shipyards and planetary
defenses into rubble. The Kzinti expected the worst as the last of the defenses fell.
The final blow never came as the Federation imposed a far more harsh treaty upon the Kzinti, limiting the forms of
weapons and propulsion technologies the Kzinti could have access to, as well as snap inspections by Federation forces.
The Kzinti, staring practical annihilation in the face, swallowed their pride, and surrendered to the Federation.

Empire And Federation (TOS ERA)

The treaty imposed on the Kzinti by the Federation was humiliating and quite harsh by Kzinti standards, but they see began
to see the Federation as something more than a collection of ‘plant eaters’ and omnivores. The Andorians and the Terrans
has long and bloody histories before they had gone into space. Kzinti reasoning (such as it was) came up with the idea that
the Andorians and Terrans ran the Federation with assistance from the Vulcans in areas of technology execution, the
Centauri for medical research, and the Tellarites for mining.
While most Kzinti scoffed at this notion of species working interdependently, a few forward thinking Kzinti began to
suggest noting the effectiveness of the long term combination of strengths and weaknesses the Federation possessed,
while deferring to more conservative forces on practical matters of building a new armada to challenge the Federation and

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other Alpha Quadrant powers. Many Kzinti despaired of ever matching the Federation’s warships, particularly the newer
Baton Rouge and Constitution class Heavy battlecruisers, which woefully outgunned anything the Kzinti could field with
their pre-warp technology.
There were several attempts by various ‘free-booters’ organizations, in actuality, servants of the Patriarchy sent on
espionage missions to gather technology for the Patriarchy to even the odds in the next war. One of the more notorious
incidents happened in 2272 when the shuttlecraft Copernicus, (assigned to USS Enterprise Reg File #: NCC-1701/1), under
the command of Commander Spock, with Lt’s Sulu and Uhura, was returning from the Beta Lynxis system with one of the
most dangerous artifacts known at the time, a Slaver Stasis Box that had been found by accident by miners.
The only known way to discover a Slaver stasis box, was with another stasis box and while on return, the box glowed,
indicating another box was nearby. After a few moments, the Copernicus headed for an ice asteroid in the Lyre system.
After setting down on planet, the crew were ambushed by a crew from the Kzinti patrol ship Traitor’s Claw, commanded by
Chuft-Captain. Chuft-Captain had acquired the second box and used it to lay a trap in hopes of it containing a weapon
from the Slaver Empire that could turn the tide against the Federation and the rest of the Quadrant.
The Kzinti found an artifact about the size of a modern ten pound dumb-bell, from Commander Spock’s later analysis, was
identified as a spy’s weapon. It included what must have been an onboard replicator that reconfigured the artifact into a
form of transport, a laser pistol, a rather serviceable telescope, a reasoning computer, and most horrifyingly, a total matter-
energy conversion beam. The efficacy of the weapon was proven when the Kzinti used it against a target mountain, which
promptly disappeared. The resulting shockwave allowed Cmdr. Spock and Lt. Sulu to escape with the weapon, but Lt.
Uhura was captured. After a brief negotiation, involving Cmdr. Spoke facing off with the Kzinti commander, and losing a
personal duel with Chuft-Captain, the Copernicus crew were reunited. The Kzinti were desperate to find the Matter-Energy
weapon and asked the artifact how to find it. It responded and they went to test their findings. The resulting explosion
damaged the Kzinti patrol vessel to the point when the Copernicus crew could escape and make a report to Starfleet
The Patriarch, began ordering attack probes into the Federation with singular ships to gather information on Federation
weapons, tactics, and strengths. Most of which were promptly crushed by the Federation and denied by the Patriarch as
having any connection with. But with each skirmish, the Kzinti’s knowledge grew. Including knowledge of other enemies
such as the Klingons, which appeared to be almost like the Terrans, but bred for war and worthy prey.
The Klingon’s for their part, had heard of the Kzinti, and had considered most Federation reports to be exaggerated on the
Kzinti’s viciousness, but sent a delegation to Kzinti space, consisting of the IKS Dominator (D-7C), Revenge (D-7A, and
Ravager (C-7). They were forced to reevaluate their position when no response from the delegation was forth coming, but
revenge for the delegation would have to wait as the Federation and the Empire and discovered that the Organians had
disappeared, and both sides raced to arm themselves, anticipating an attack from the other.
The Kzinti had ambushed the Klingons in the Patriarch’s Eye, a nebula some twenty light years from homeworld. They had
managed to take the Ravager and the Dominator intact, and the Revenge was missing a warp nacelle. Many heroes ate
well over three nights as the ships were towed to a secretly constructed shipyard and research center on the far side of
Kzinti space. The Federation, far too busy with the Klingons and the Romulans, paid little attention to a relatively quiet
border. The Patriarch was ruthless in exterminating threats to his line and had the Kzinti expand away from the Federation
and the major Alpha Quadrant powers, crushing and dominating whatever species came in their way while building far
from the eyes of the Federation.
The Kzinti eventually bumped into the Ferengi and after a few untoward incidents, realized they could be useful as eyes
and ears within the Alpha Quadrant as information and technology gatherers and were willing to pay the Ferengi

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handsomely for as much weapons technology and templates as they could get their hands on. The Alpha Quadrant paid
little notice to the diminutive, if annoying traders. Much to their pain.
An unexpected shift between Klingon-Federation relations in the form or the Khitomer Accords caught the Kzinti by
surprise as the two major superpowers of the quadrant brokered peace between them, something previously unthinkable
to the Kzinti mind. It also freed up a Klingon invasion fleet to avenge the Kzinti’s treacherous dealings with the Klingons in
previous years. The Klingons went with a three full warfleets of hundreds of ships, expecting minimal resistance from
previous records obtained from the Federation.
They were not expecting hundreds of top-of-the-line dreadnoughts, battlecruisers, torpedo cruisers, frigates, cruisers, and
attack fighters numbering in the thousands. The galaxy was painfully introduced to the Flesh-Tearer and Throat-Slicer
class ships which have become a signature of Kzinti power today. The Klingons had to fall back as the nearly suicidal
tactics of the Kzinti decimated the First Grand Fleet under Thought-Admiral Kang. The Klingons beat a hasty retreat across
into Federation space, who were aghast at the armada that had been created without them noticing.
In the first combined fleet assault by the Federation and Empire, the Klingons and Federation cemented the Khitomer
Accords by fighting their way into Kzinti space. Bu the Kzinti made them pay for every inch, using tactics that would later
be recognized as those used by the Dominion’s Jem’Hadar. The fight over Ka’ashi involved desperate maneuvers and
tactics on the part of the Federation and the Empire, who simply weren’t ready for the sheer number and ferocity of the
The Federation and the Empire both had to withdrawal and execute a policy of containment while the Kzinti had to
desperately move supplies to their fronts and dig in, waiting for the counterblow. Which never came.

Reconstruction & Revolution (LOST ERA- TNG)

The Patriarchy was more than puzzled by the Federation’s reluctance to pursue the war further, but they began to sweat as
the Federation had a ‘show of the flag’ with an grand armada of well over one hundred ships on their border consisting of
the new ‘warp ten fleet’ consisting of Nichter Class Dreadnoughts , Excelsior Class Cruisers, Noah Class thru-deck
Carriers, and Leavenworth and Joshua Paul Class Frigates, which would be more than able to crush any Kzinti incursion
Reports were sporadic from various independent worlds that the Kzinti hadn’t managed to alienate as of yet, but it
appeared the Federation was having an internal debate on the future of Starfleet as an exploratory or military force.
Apparently there was a rather large faction in the core worlds that believed that war was a thing of the past with the peace
treaty with the Klingons (an utterly insane notion from the Kzinti point of view) and wished to scale back the fleet. They
were countered by fringe worlders, who had suffered assaults by the Kzinti, many of which would prefer to burn the Kzinti
homeworld to ashes and be done with it.
After a some debate, the Patriarch decided that for the moment the Kzinti should lay low and replenish their stock of
heroes and population, as well as do as little to draw the attention of Federation as possible, for which he had a healthy
respect for it’s industrial and technological might once it tasked it’s capacity to war. To keep the various houses happy, he
did not relent on pursuit of war verses the Klingon Empire, should they choose to invade again.
Unfortunately for the Patriarchy, idle hands and minds often spelt trouble and many of the lower classes and warriors who
did not see themselves ever profiting from the regime began grumbling. One particular minor house, House Tsar, a
dedicated adherent to the Shaper of the Paths of War (a military philosopher somewhat reminiscent to of Terra’s Sun Tzu
and Qo’nos’s Khaless The Unforgettable) had grown tired of being forced to serve the Great Houses, innovating a good
deal of the Kzinti’s military technology and reverse engineering most of it’s purchased and captured alien technology.

Homebrew by Saul Schimek 7

It had spent some time working through it’s agents, gathering materials, ships, would-be-Heroes and command codes
from each house for their fleets. They struck without warning, hitting the various Great House ship yards, and more
importantly, the palace compounds where most Kzintosh (males) kept their Kzinretti (females) making off with them using
transporters and escaping at high speed using previously unseen cloaking devices.
The Patriarch was enraged, as House Tsar had attacked his royal compound and stolen his many Kzinretti, sabotaged his
databases, and made off with his collection of blackmail material he used to keep the Great Houses in line. He vowed the
extermination of House Tsar and the burning of it’s planets in retribution. Gathering the Patriarchal Fleet, as well as a
majority of the other wronged houses, who were all eager to crush the upstarts, they set a course for Tsar space.
The Kzinti would howl for years to come at the decision. The Tsar had been very thorough in laying traps for the invading
fleet, in the form of cloaked battle satellites, thermonuclear and anti-matter mines, and previously unseen fighters which
were a generation ahead of anything the Patriarchy had. To make matters worse, they had set up a secondary set of prefix
codes into the hardware of all of the Kzinti Fleets.
In what later had become known as “Tsar’s redoubt” in the Federation, House Tsar obliterated over 50 percent of the total
Kzinti fleet before the Kzinti withdrew as it’s weapons would not work and their navigational systems would not respond to
collision course instructions. The bitter taste of defeat would hang sourly in the noble houses combined with bloodthirst as
House Tsar wiped out the Patriarchal fleet to the last Kzin, initiating a feeding frenzy as the surviving houses fought for
position. House Tsar, for it’s part, broke away from the Patriarchy and formed a neutral pocket empire with thirty worlds
under its dominion along the Federation and Kzinti borders, and quickly developed somewhat friendly ties to the

The New Breed (DS9 Era and Beyond)

The Kzinti Patriarchy (after the dust settled) and House Tsar forces withdrew into their collective territories and licked their
wounds and both began to evaluate their positions. The Patriarchy knew it couldn’t match the Tsar force’s technological
edge and had a large number of enemies it had otherwise to deal with. House Tsar knew it was too small (comparatively
speaking) to further it’s gains against the Patriarchy without a period of consolidation and time to grow.
House Tsar, being far more pragmatic than the Patriarchy, went to the Federation council and petitioned for admittance,
surrendering intelligence and information on weapons production, industrial capacity and other projects that it had been in
charge of within the Patriarchy as well as long-term economic data regarding the Patriarchy. The Federation Council knew
an opportunity when it saw one with the more ‘civilized’ Kzinti, as did Starfleet and promptly admitted House Tsar as a
Federation protectorate territory until it could meet admittance requirements (that House Tsar was quick to agree to this
has made Federation veterans skeptical of House Tsar). With the appearance of the 17th Fleet, headed by a Galaxy Class
Cruiser, the Patriarchy threw up it’s hands in disgust, and began rapidly working on redistributing it’s defenses and
economic capacity to compensate for the intelligence windfall that House Tsar had given the Federation.
Things changed in the Early 2370’s with the coming of the Dominion. Reports were scant, but what little information came
back made the Patriarchy initially very nervous, as it was said that the Dominion employed genetically engineered shock-
troops called Jem’hadar and worshipped their leaders as gods, were technologically superior to any race in the Alpha
Quadrant, and were bent on total domination of the quadrant. The report that caused the Kzinti to snap collectively was the
finding that the Dominions leaders were master shapeshifters that could appear as any form of matter, energy, organic or
inorganic material, including other Kzinti.
Realizing that The Kzinti would need to get ahead of the curve and plan for long range treachery, the Kzinti Patriarch

Homebrew by Saul Schimek 8

welcomed the Dominion ambassador and his guards and listened carefully to the Dominion’s offer of advanced
technologies, particularly the invasive transporter, that would beam through Alpha Quadrant shields. The Patriarch smiled
at the idea, and continued to listen the arrogant representative say the Dominion would deign to allow the Kzinti self rule
and the right to prosecute as many conflicts as it wished against as many systems it wished, as long as they were not
claimed by the Dominion. The Patriarch agreed, allowing the insult slide, but internally vowed to make the Dominion pay for
such an affront, but at a later time.
The Patriarchy has gone on a quiet campaign, through multiple proxies of attempting to gather Dominion technology, or at
least Starfleet records of said technology as Starfleet is very good at technological analysis and reverse engineering.
Payments to the Ferengi, The Orion Syndicate, or embittered Starfleet officers have produced some results, such as
readings on the phased polaron beam weapons that appears to go through Starfleet shields. It would take time,b ut the
fleet would need ot be upgrade and refit. The Patriarchy made an official statement of neutrality at this time and sealed it’s
The Klingons, not in any position to take advantage of the situation, merely grunted and moved the bulk of their forces on
the Kzin frontier up to the front with the Dominion, while House H’joQ quietly monitored the border, which showed
surprisingly good faith on the Kzinti’s part as they left the Empire alone. The Federation, suspicious of the Kzinti kept the
17th in the area, while with drawing other allied fleets away from the Kzinti border.
There was some apprehension by Starfleet Command as any Kzinti from house Tsar which had transferred over to
Starfleet had become agitated and worked in a nearly monomanic frenzy to help the war effort and try to return to Tsar
territory to help with construction and the laying of traps for the Dominion. When asked, most of the replies were cryptic
and consisted of something to the effect of “The Old Ones/Slavers have returned.” While more reputable scholars
disagreed with this assessment, many could see the similarities between the Dominion and the Slaver Empire and chose
not to disabuse the Kzinti of the notion, noting how the race collectively turned it’s energies into defeating the Dominion
and Jem’Hadar.
The Patriarchy had gone on a building frenzy and the rest of the Alpha Quadrant was unpleasantly surprised to find that the
Patriarchy had been working on updated versions of it’s Flesh-Tearer and Throat-Slasher class Battlecruisers, as well as a
new generation of vessels, such as the Ravener class Heavy Escort and Gut-Sifter Class Heavy Battlecuisers. What was
more disturbing was house Tsar’s innovative new ‘shield-cracker’ seeking warp torpedoes, a weapon which made short
work of Dominion (and anyone else’s) shield grids., as well as a preponderance towards various other seeking weapons
which made sub-light tactical combat a whole new problem for various admiralties throughout the quadrant.
Starfleet noted the effectiveness of the weapons and heaped praises on the Kzinti of House Tsar and began forming battle
plans integrating them into Alliance Fleets as the tide began to turn for the Allies against the Dominion. The Kzinti for their
part, made the Jem’Hadar fight to the last Kzinti or Jem’Hadar when both sides met in battle. The Jem’Hadar learned a
healthy respect for the Kzinti, while technologically inferior, more than made up for the deficiency in battle and sheer
dedication. The Kzinti, Both the Patriarchy and House Tsar, on the other hand, learned a deep contempt for the Jem’Hadar
when they found out they were genetically addicted to ketracel white (an unforgivable weakness) and did nothing to get
themselves out from under the Founders heel.
The Kzinti are in much better position than they were at the start of the Dominion War, with most of the surrounding
empires in tatters or at least severely weakened. While many Heroes were lost, breeding programs by the new Patriarchy
and House Tsar have made for a large population explosion of new Kzinti to which the full effects of has yet to be seen.
Rumor (vehemently denied) has it that House Tsar has dabbled into creating ‘breeding tanks’ to accelerate population
growth, as well as fine-tuning the Kzinti ‘template.’ Starfleet has found no evidence of this, but give the Kzinti penchant for
treachery, the situation will be monitored closely.

Homebrew by Saul Schimek 9

Things to keep in mind when running Kzinti:
1) Ego: The Kzinti think of themselves as the literal top of the food chain in the galaxy and all other species as potential
prey. given that they are the only species to survive the Great Die Off of nearlya billion years ago, they can afford some of
this ego. And their considerable physical abilites only compounds thier perception that all other species are prey. And
animals to be experimented on.
2) Instinct: instead of the common stereotype of the honorable feliniod race we often see in sci-fi, The Kzinti are raptious,
predatory, savage, and brutal with few exceptions. They kill and stomp their own on a whim's notice and will make sport of
hunting PC's to satisfy the instinctual need to hunt prey, as well as to amuse themselves. Kzinti society is a Darwinist
society. And they aren't about to change.
3) Calculating: The above being said, the Kzinti are intelligent, just limited by strong instinctual overlays, which tend to
bend their thought processes in interesting directions, and something that might seem wholly obvious to humanoids might
not occur to them. But this does not make them stupid by any stretch of the imagination. PC's who underestimate them
should be given a very nasty shock if they dismiss them as foolish.
I cobbled together the above information from Larry Nivens Known Worlds series, Star Trek Log Nine ("Slaver Weapon"),
and some information from Star Fleet Battles and tried making it into a coherent whole for GM's to use. I designed them to
be as close to the Known World's Kzinti as possible, and to give the GM an opponent to give the players a run for their
money. And make them sweat as soon as they are mentioned. Enjoy


Names for Kzinti deserve a little explanation. Names for a Kzniti infer status, power, and most importantly, the right to
breed and have progeny with select 'prrets' (a diminutive of Kzinretti). Starting at the bottom, a Kzintosh has no name,
other than what is assigned to them by their position in the chain of command such as Navigator, Second Navigator, Third
Navigator and so on. Competition for the primary version of the position is fairly fierce among the Nameless, as it denotes
higher status.
'Half-Named Kzinti' indicate a Kzintosh who has done something (or several somethings) of note that has not warrented a
full name (leading a group of kzintosh into battle against 'equal' forces, genetic engineering to breed a slave race into
docility, commanding a starship, etc). This tier is typically occupied Senior NCOS and most Officers. Examples of Half
Named: Chuft-Captain, Gzak-Navigator, Hrok-Trainer, Rrit-Conservator.
'Full-Named Kzinti' Indicate a Kzinti of Noble status who has done much for the Patriarchy and has been given a select
choice of breeding mates, lands (perhaps a planet to administrate, more for higher ranked nobles), warriors to command,
and titles. Names are a two part affair, which also tend to be a descriptor of the Kzinti's past. Graff-Nigg (Speaker-to-
Animals) would indicate a accomplished diplomat, Chau-Rzzak (Slasher-Of-Bellys) would indicate a General, and so forth
Kzinti will typically learn the Heroes Tongue (Kzints'utng) as well as Galanglic (Federation Standard, the language of thier
most bitter enemy). Females will have names consisting of a first letter, a comma, then the rest of the name, such as
M'ress or T'zunn.
Note: It is known that Kzinti and Caitians are genetically related as some point in their history, and it is thought that
Caitians perhaps represent pre-genetic modification Kzinti. But this is not mentioned within earshot of the Caitians, who
find the concept of being related to Kzinti exceptionally offensive. Kzinti have little to say on the matter, other than they find
it amusing that Caitians use the female diminutive for name both their males and females.

Homebrew by Saul Schimek 10

Solider and Starship Officer. All Kzintosh aspire to a higher position in Kzin society through service to the Patriarch,
amassing honors through conquest of alien species (or each other), personal glory, and victory (by hook or by crook). All
Kzintosh (even Telepaths) are servants of the Patriarch, and all serve the Patriarchy in what was they can, with the warrior
caste being the primary means of advancement.

Kzinti Honor is somewhat peculiar comparatively speaking. Kzinti are more concerned with shows of physical strength and
dominance than the show of being an 'honorable warrior'. Kzinti consider honor 1) Loyaty to the Patriarch (self-
preservation, if nothing else), 2) the Crushing and Consumption of Enemies (Showing one's power. Doing this in a 'fair'
fight is more glorious, but they aren't too particular how the crushing is completed), 3) Expansion of One's Territory, & 4)
Answering Challenges to One's Power.
That being said, Kzinti tend to be fairly loose with planets they administrate, leaving the day to day operations to the lower
ranks and anything that makes the planet more prosperous, as long as it does not impugn on a Kzinti's personal honor,
they will let tend to slide. Of course, given the normal Kzinti's temperament, the definition can be pretty broad.
Telepath honor is somewhat different and usually consists of 1) Aspiring to be Ignored (Being an Empath amongst
Predators is not pleasant) , 2) Getting Enough Drugs to Silence the Voices In Their Heads, Loyalty to the Patriarch (To get
protection from having their heads staved in by overly hormonal warriors), and Developing a Mind Shield (A near
impossibility). After that, the usual Kzinti honor priorities tend to assert themselves.
Kzinti Honor benefits are fairly similar to Klingon ones, but tend to be more aspected towards intimidation give the Kzinti's
general mindset. Kzinti Honor modifies his interaction with other Kzinti and species familiar with Kzinti. When making
Intimidation or Negotiation tests, the Kzinti adds his Renown modifier to the skill test (no renown test required)
It should be noted that most Kzinti do not view this as a particular problem to be overcome. However, some forward
thinking Kzinti have realized that 'Scream & Leap' behavior has caused more setbacks to the Race of Heroes than anything
else in Kzinti history, and have worked towards disciplining themselves to where they will not react in such a manner. Such
Kzinti are known to 'Feint & Pounce', have iron wills and discipline rivaling that of forces around the Quadrant. And are
regarded as infinitely more dangerous by said forces.

Homebrew by Saul Schimek 11

The Red Shirts were a group of command-track o cer on Kzinti are bipedal felines who typically have orange fur and yellow
board the Cerritos. Believing leadership was about giving eyes. With sharp fangs and claws along with ears that resemble the
speeches and pulling strings to advance, most of the Red structure of bat wings, Kzinti are amazing hunters and eat only meat.
Shirts learned the lesson that true leadership is about acting
and inspiring. After centuries of battle against the Caitians, the Klingons, and even
the Federation, the Kzinti were crippled by the Dominion during the
TRAIT: Kzinti war. With no other options, the Kzinti signed truces with their former
enemies, allowing their people to join Star eet and even the Klingon
Defense Force. During this time, the Kzinti also began a female rights
movement where their women were no longer thought of as “dumb
animals” and were elevated to both political and military positions.

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Kzinti. Kzinti

physiology is designed
to make them expert
predators. In
addition, Kzinti
possess superior
STRESS: 10 RESISTANCE: 0 hearing and
balance compared
ATTACKS: to many other
Slicing Claws (Melee, 5 , Pierce 1) species.
Phaser Type-1 (Ranged, 4 , Charge, Hidden)

Hyper Agile: The Di culty to hit the Kzinti Red Shirt in
ranged combat is increased by 1.
Path nder: The Kzinti Red Shirt may reduce the Di culty
of tasks to navigate unknown regions of space with a
ship it is piloting by 1. If they do, the complication range
of the roll is increased by 1.
Originating from the planet Kzin, the Kzinti have a patriarchal society. Not
long after rst contact in the latter half of the 21st century the Kzinti fought a
series of minor wars with Earth. The con icts came to an end with the Treaty
of Sirius which disarmed the Kzinti and limited their space force to a
collection of police vessels.
Before their defeat, the Kzinti had established many colonies in the Alpha
quadrant, such as the one on the planet Cait. Eventually, the colonists
seceded from the Patriarchy and developed their own culture, with the
Caitians even joining the Federation.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Patience Is The Knife That Cuts Deepest

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Fitness

TRAIT: Kzinti. Kzinti are bipedal digitigrade felines with

orange fur, yellow eyes, pronounced fangs, ears resembling
bat wings, four- ngered hands, and long tails. Males stand
over two meters tall, with broad hunching shoulders and
comparatively slender waists and limbs. Their internal
anatomy includes ribs with vertical bracing and multiple
hearts. They breath in atmospheres similar to those of
Humans and Vulcans. As carnivores, they are acutely averse
to the consumption of plants. Some Kzinti possess
telepathic abilities allowing them to read other beings'
minds. However, Kzinti telepaths are neurotic and one can
deter them from doing so by thinking about eating raw
vegetables, which disgusts them. Kzinti place great
importance on individual honor, being obliged to seek
personal revenge upon an attacker before calling for help. To
be defeated or wounded and left alive was considered by
them the ultimate insult, which could only be remedied by
single combat to the death.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Empath (Betazoid, Deltan, Mari)

Prehensile Tail (Caitian)
Proud and Honorable (Andorian)
Kzinti names often only consist of their current or former occupation during
which the individual has distinguished themself.
Gender-Neutral Names: Chuft-Captain, Constable, Flyer, Telepath

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME some of the most elegant, and coordinated beings in the
SPECIES PROFILE known galaxy.

Ler do not have body-hair, although they do have eyebrows

and eyelashes, and some males are able to grow thin,
SPECIES NAME: The LER stubbly facial hair. This is more common in the lighter
haired Ler. And some, of both gender, will also have a
VISUAL REPRESENTATION sparse amount of pubic hair.

Ler have gentle, soothing voices, and speak with an accent

that sounds both Latin and Germanic, as a result of their
complicated native language.

Ler culture is both pacifistic and hedonistic. As a matter of
fact there is a period during the Ler's fertility cycle where all
Ler participate in open sexuality, and free love.

The Ler are an agrarian people, and live what some might
call a lifestlye of primitive conditions. They do have access
to some advanced technology, including Ler bioships –
starships that are powered and driven completely by
bioneural circuitry and components.

It is interesting to note that the Ler keep a very similar

calendar to Earth. However, their dating system is 64 years
advanced from the Earth calendar. For example, the original
5-year mission of the USS Enterprise would have taken
place in 2330 – 2335, and the Borg assault on Wolf 359 in
2431 on the Ler calendar.

Ler reproduce infrequently, generally becoming fertile only

SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS every ten years. And during the periods between fertility, the
+2 Agility, +1 Intellect, +2 Presence, +1 Perception Ler indulge in very open, casual sexual practices. Most Ler
females have only two children, but occasionally they have
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION a third, and twins are not unknown.
The Ler (pronounced “Lair”) are a humanoid race
almost genetically identical to humans. There are Ler family structure is organized around a "braid," which
some internal differences, and a few noticeable they have designed to preserve maximum genetic diversity
external differences. But, most Federation biologists to offset their low initial population and small birth rate. A
concur that the Ler are a genetic cousin to, or braid starts with two "fore-parents". They mate and produce
descendant of the human race. the "elder outsibling". Then each of the fore-parents goes
forth and brings back another ler of the appropriate gender,
The Ler are taller than humans, on the average; with a the "after-parents". The fore-parents each mate with an
Ler male being between 183 and 213 centimeters in after-parent and produce the "insiblings", five years
height, and females averaging 178 to 196 centimeters. younger than the elder outsibling. Then the after-parents
mate and produce the "younger outsibling", five years
Most Ler have dark hair that they wear short, and in a younger than the insiblings. The insiblings remain in the
loosely curled style. But, some Ler are born with braid and become the fore-parents to the next generation;
lighter hair and there have even been one or two cases the outsiblings will leave to join other braids as after-
of blond Ler. parents. The rare surplus children tend to be given the
responsibility of beginning completely new braids together.
Ler have very clear, soft skin. And they tend to have Alternation in the gender of children is enforced with
tanned complexions, due to their nature-based culture pheromones. In rare cases, sometimes on purpose, two
and outdoor lifestyles. Their eyes are usually dark, or same-sex insiblings are born; the braid line ends there, as
gray. But their facial features are impossible to discern all four children must weave into other braids as after-
from those of a human of the same gender. parents.

The most striking physical feature of the Ler are their The braids also pursue a traditional occupation. There are
hands. The Ler have five fingers on each hand, and record-keepers, potters and weavers, and many other
two opposing thumbs. One located on either side of occupations dutifully and skillfully performed by members
the hand. of certain, specific braids. The Ler have made a deliberate
choice to live in a primitive way. And they’re quite distinct
This affords a Ler a superior manual dexterity to that from any “primitive” historical human societies, though
of most other humanoid races. And combined with they’ve clearly taken aspects from different cultures and
their lithe, agile builds and athletic physiques, Ler are made them their own. They’re using high technology for
some things while choosing to live in the woods and carry
water. let the mispronunciation slide.

Because of the Ler's striking genetic similarities to HOMEWORLD

humans, as well as similarities in their culture, and in
Whether it is the original world of origin for the Ler, or not,
how they apply both advanced and primitive
the Ler currently call a small class-M planet in the Alpha
technology some Federation anthropologists have
quadrant their homeworld. And it is known, simply, as Ler.
assumed the Ler are the consummate example of the
The Ler system is located approximately 20 light years from
actions of the Preservers. Not only are they a race
the Bolarus system, near the border of The Patriarchy. The
seeded by the Preservers from human stock, but they
Ler have strong ties to the Bolian, and Deltan people and
have evolved into a society that, in many ways, must
remain free of any influence from The Patriarchy.
embody the type of society the Preservers were
intending to try and preserve.
Ler is a very Earth-like planet, but is largely non-
industrialized, preserving much of the planet's natural
LANGUAGES environment, flora, and fauna.
Ler communicate mainly using a verbal language
called Singlespeech. The Ler prefer to make their homes in green, growing
regions of the planet where there I plenty of water, lots of
As in the Chinese language, each Singlespeech trees, and preferably a scenic, mountainous geography.
syllable has four possible meanings, but unlike
Chinese, Singlespeech is not a tonal language. FAVORED PROFESSION
Instead, each Singlespeech word has four "modes"
Most Ler do not chose to leave their homeworld, but they
corresponding to the four classical Greek elements
are not a reclusive, or xenophobic species. They welcome
(Earth, Air, Fire, Water), with each mode having a
visitors, as long as visitors do not bring any trouble with
symbolic meaning similar to the Divinatory tarot, and
complex grammatical rules govern the allowed
transitions from mode to mode. The meanings of
To this end, most Ler interacted with on Ler itself will be
Singlespeech words are therefore highly context-
Merchants, Diplomats, or Ler Mystics, with the occasional
dependent, and careful attention must be paid to mode
Soldier – a peacekeeper who will do his or her best to
transitions during a conversation.
insure the peace on Ler without resorting, themselves, to
Elemental symbolism extends also to the meanings of
Ler personal names, but each individual keeps their
Offworld, Ler can find themselves in virtually any
"governing element" a secret; this latter custom
occupation. Merhcnats are still common, as are Scientists,
complicates Ler marriage negotiations, since each
and Explorers. And there are several Ler officers in
foreparent must choose the other foreparents' second
(afterparent) mate, and the governing elements of
each foreparent/afterparent mating must be
These Starship Officers will usually be Operations, Science,
complementary: Earth with Air, and Fire with Water.
or Engineering officers. Usually a Ler will not pursue a
career as a Security or Tactical officer. There have been one
There is also a less-frequently used mode of
or two Ler known to work for Starfleet Intelligence.
communication called Multispeech, which uses all the
available communication channels, verbal and
And at least one Ler has risen in the ranks of Starfleet to
nonverbal, to convey information in a much more
command an Ambassador class starship.
detailed fashion than Singlespeech ever could.

Most Ler find it easy to learn other languages, as mist SPECIES ABILITIES
languages are less complicated than those spoken by Possibly as a result of genetic manipulation by the
the Ler. For this reason it is not uncommon for a Ler to Preservers, or another ancient intelligence, the Ler are
speak Standard, or any of several other languages physically and mentally superior to humans in many ways.
COMMON NAMES They are naturally fast, and limber, resulting in a +2 Agility
bonus. They also have a powerful natural charisma. Most
Each Ler has a name consisting of three syllables, e.g.
people find the Ler attractive, and they also have an ease of
"Maellenkleth", though their intimates sometimes use
rapport with most people they meet. This gives them a
shortened versions of the name. Various categories of
bonus of +2 to their Presence scores, as well.
objects always have names with the same numbers of
syllables, e.g. stars have four-syllable names.
Their sharper mental faculties make them not only more
generally intelligent but also very astute. This provides all
Names seem to have no gender-basis, and are
Ler with a +1 bonus to both their Intellect and their
interchangeable between the sexes.
Perception attributes.
Although the name of the species is pronounced with
The Ler also have several natural abilities inherent to all
a long-A sound, as the word “lair”, some people,
members of the species:
including humans, have been known to pronounce it
with a short-U sound as “luhr”.
Dexterous: Due to having an extra finger and an extra
thumb on each hand, the Ler have very high manual
This is not offensive to most Ler, and they will usually
dexterity. This gives them a +2 bonus to Physical skills.
Dodge: (bonus edge) All Ler have an innate ability to
move quickly, and an instinct for getting out of harm's
way. They have the Dodge edge as a species trait.

Pacifist: (species flaw) Ler will have this flaw, at level

1, as a species trait. They are a non-violent people.
They can fight to defend themselves, but will not kill
unless faced with extreme circumstances. Nor will
they leave anyone to die, even a sworn enemy.

Sensual: Ler are very sexual, and erotic beings. It is

hard to resist the charms of a Ler, and if a Ler finds
themselves sexually attracted to someone they will
usually act upon it. They have a +2 bonus to all
Influence (Seduce) skill rolls, and a +1 to Influence

Bonus Edges: Ambidextrous, Multi-tasking, Night


Species Flaws: Proud (optional).


Letheans are a telepathic species, whose telepathic attacks are almost always lethal.
They have a fearsome appearance to them, and will sell their telepathic skills to the
highest bidder.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Your Mind Is Mine To Dissect.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Insight

Ø TRAIT: Lethean. Letheans have brown skin tone with red eyes, and have a skeletal
look to them with ridges and protruding bone spurs. They appear hairless. They
are telepathic, and are able to attack with lethal telepathy. Their telepathic attack
manifests as lightning within their hands, and they must be close enough to almost
touch a person’s head to activate their telepathy.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talent:

You have the Talent Telepath (see page 105 of the Core Rulebook), but only at Reach
range. In addition, you may make a lethal telepathic attack as follows:
1) You must succeed at an Opposed melee attack, within Reach of your intended
2) Treat the Telepathic Attack as a weapon with these stats: Melee, 6A, Vicious 1,
Intense, Deadly, Debilitating, Cumbersome, 2H. However, see Special Rules below
3) Once the melee attack succeeds, you must spend two points of Determination
(Main Character) or 6 points of Threat (NPCs) to activate the telepathic attack.
(This cost likely requires Main Characters to challenge a Value, limiting the number
of lethal attacks per adventure.)
4) If a Main Character is attacked by Lethean telepathy and cannot pay the
Momentum/Determination cost to Avoid an Injury (likely due to the Intense
Damage Effect), they may ask the GM for the chance to fight for their life in a
scenario that represents their mind. This adds 6 Threat back to the pool. Other
players play aspects of the victim’s inner voices as themselves, and cannot use
Momentum or add to the Threat pool. The GM may run a scenario like in the DS9
episode ‘Distant Voices’, or create a new winning condition to survive the deadly
telepathic assault.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The government of Ligon is the Tribal Council, which has representatives
from the 39 tribes on the planet. Positions on the council are hereditary. The
law of Ligon is that of the challenge. If an article or point is contested, the
two parties battle for it. Such contests are usually fought to the death using
Berkas. A Berka is a large, mailed gauntlet covered with spikes. A
dangerous poison tips each spike, causing death within moments if the
point breaks the skin. Such ghts are common public gatherings, with
observers engaging heavily in wagers.
The Prime Directive has created some bitterness between the Federation
and the Ligonians. The Ligonians want the bene ts of Federation
technology, and the Federation cannot tolerate death duels. The
Ligonians have used the technological advances they have made
to develop processing of curative herbs and spices. The
Ligonians also demand a high price for such remedies, hoping
to pressure the Federation to relax cumbersome regulations and
allow the Ligonians some new technology.

EXAMPLE VALUE: What Is Life Without Honor?

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Ligonian. Ligonians are humanoids who usually like

to dress in bright colors to proudly represent their tribe.
Leaders wear the skins of dead animals as a sign of power,
but usually only at o cial functions and ceremonies.
Ligonians always wear a knife or other blade weapon,
showing that they are a warlike culture. Their life expectancy
is 94 years despite the harsh conditions on their planet.
Their actions and lifestyles comply with a strict code of
honor. Though the code of the warrior gives men greater
status, women hold most of the property.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


My Honor Is My Shield (Karemma)

Negotiate From Strength (Ktarian)
Warrior’s Spirit (Klingon)
This Talent grants you an appropriate Ligonian weapon, like a glavin, instead
of the normal choices. This may include ranged weapons as well. Work with
the GM to come up with an appropriate weapon pro le.

Feminine Names: Kaheema, Nareena, Yareena
Masculine Names: Hagon, Lutan, Rugan
Gender-Neutral Names: Lagaan, Sareen, Taleen


The Lissepians are a species originating from the planet Lissepia. They are expert
merchants, famous for always paying their bills. However, some of them are also
unscrupulous, willing to transport anything for a price. There are also skilled artisans
among them, carving Hupyrian beetle snuff boxes from snailosaurus bone. Their entire
planet celebrates Mother’s Day. The Central Bank of Lissepia is a famous institution,
and notorious for the Mother’s Day Heist that occurred there in 2365. They are also
famous for the Lissepian Lottery.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Anything For A Profit.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Lissepian. The Lissepians have protrusions from their chins. They are
hairless. They have a large lobe to the back of their heads.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


People trust you to pay your bills and honor your contracts. When you attempt a Social
Conflict that involves convincing someone that you will pay them later, you may reroll
your dice pool. Also during the debt period to this person, your Complication Range
increases by 1, which persists until you have paid off the promised debt, or are
otherwise released from the obligation. You may only owe three such debts at the
same time.


The Lissepians are known to be willing to deal with anyone, even with illegal or immoral
business dealings, as long as the price is right. That gives the Lissepian contacts in the
most unusual quarters. Once per mission, the Lissepian may create an Advantage at
no cost, representing a prior business connection, shady or legitimate.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Our Creations Will Submit

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

Few other species possess the technical acumen with TRAIT: Lokirrim. Lokirrim are strikingly similar to Humans,
holograms to match the Lokirrim. For centuries, they save for the signature “v” shape ridge that runs from the
developed and utilized detailed holographic programs bridge of their nose up toward their hairline. Their world
to perform countless tasks – e ectively creating a task- is a temperate one, with mild seasons and fair weather.
speci c servitor race. As their holograms became increasing Unfortunately, it is also lacking in natural resources –
sophisticated, with ever evolving mental capacity, it was which forced the Lokirrim to mine deep into the planet’s
inevitable that a con ict would erupt. And so it did. For crust and eventually reach out into their solar system.
decades, the Lokirrim have been engaged in an ongoing While they may have used holograms to perform most
civil war against their creations. The photonic insurgency manual labor, the Lokirrim retained their physical stature
has been devastating for the Lokirrim, which have become and endurance. Most Lokirrim have a deep distrust or
totally dependent on their creations to perform the numerous outright aggressive response to holograms.
hazardous or menial tasks necessary for modern life.
TALENTS: The character receives access to the
Unfortunately, Lokirrim photonics were not satis ed with following Talents.
escaping their circumstances. The insurgency has struck at
Lokirrim society, using everything from civil disobedience
to terror attacks to attempt to force the liberation of all REQUIREMENT: Lokirrim, or Gamemaster’s permission.
photonics. The rebellion has left most Lokirrim resentful of Main Characters only.
photonic life, as they have watched their society teeter on In decades past, the Lokirrim designed and utilized
the brink of disaster and seen many loved ones lost to the holograms to perform countless tasks. The character’s ship’s
attacks carried out by their former servants. Many willingly Crew Support is increased by 1. In addition, the character’s
joined the Lokirrim naval forces to track down and destroy ship gains the Photonic Crew Trait. This increase can only
not only those holograms that originated on Lokirr, but any be applied to a ship once, regardless of the number of Main
independent holograms, as the Lokirrim view them as a Characters who possess this Talent.
danger to all organic life.

REQUIREMENT: Lokirrim, or Gamemaster’s permission.

The Lokirrim have a long history of interrogating rogue
photonic individuals. When engaged in a Social Con ict with
a hologram or other photonic character, this character is
considered to have an Advantage.

Lokirrim names are derived from a combination of syllables

from their parent’s names, resulting in hybridization. Tradition
provides suggestions on naming conventions; the father
develops a list of various di erent combinations and the
mother selects the one believed to most accurately re ect a
child’s temperament. Various sounds often repeat generation
to generation, and r’s, v’s, t’s, and k’s tend to reappear within
certain geographic regions. As both parents’ names are
combined, the Lokirrim have never felt the need to use a
family name to denote heritage.

Masculine: Artev, Vanar, Dennor, Sanak, Rusams, Junark,
Gerhan, Vacten, Stesson, Elderk
Feminine: Zeryn, Caran, Tatin, Talre, Minal, Sende, Leanden,
Maydis, Shanel, Ellin
Gender-Neutral: Ramden, Nadir, Banlin, Anitel, Orlena,
Karin, Cordel
TOS era and beyond

The Lompac are a humanoid species with similarities to Klingons. They are
sturdy & muscular. They have a series of ridges on their foreheads & the
hair-line of both males & females is pulled back to completely reveal these
ridges. They have an average height of 167 cm for males. The females tend to
be slightly taller, with an average height of 170 cm. They are a stocky people,
averaging between 63kg among females to 81kg for males. They have a
burgundy red skin-tone, & lavender eyes. They speak in thick, deep voices.
The Lompac use 2 names. The traditional first name, last name. The last name
is traced back to the matriarchal family line. And when a male marries he
adds his wife's surname to his own.
Male Names: Guban, Ife, Kiros, Oba, Nabil, Bakano, Ruzna
Female Names: Mardea, Colee, Sadio, Okimma, Gzifa, Sarda, Pangi
Common Surnames: Sigelac, Rodmar, Hallkel, Bram, Thorgest, Bodalf

EXAMPLE VALUE: Mere life is not a victory, mere death is not a defeat.

Attributes: Control +1, Fitness +2.

The Lompac are stronger than the look. A normal Lompac can carry a
much heavier load than one would assume. Bonus Focus: (Lompac
Traditional Weapons): Every Lompac learns to use their ancient cultural
weapons in their early lives. Obdurate: Once a Lompac sets her mind, she
rarely changes it. A Lompac who enters an argument most spend 1 Threat
to back down from her position. Most can compromise.

Lompac only or with GM's permission only

The Lompac watch what is going on around them. It is very hard to
surprise or get the drop on them. When you attempt a Task to detect
danger or hidden enemies, reduce the Difficulty by 2, to a minimum of 1.

Night Vision
The Lompac have a naturally ability to see in near-darkness. They can see
in dim lighting conditions as well as most people can see in a normally lit
room. In total darkness, the difficulty of tasks is reduced by 2.

Great Vitality
All Lompac have an unusually hearty constitution. Reduce the difficulty of
Medicine tasks made to stabilize or Remove an Injury by 2. And they don't
die immediately after reaching 0 Stress {Total Stress = number of rounds
of unconsciousness].


Originally members of the wealth obsessed Kentari species, the followers

of the scholar Lukar left their homeworld following painful civil war. After the
schism with the Kentari Union, the Lukari journey took several years (as their
ships had a maximum speed of warp 2) and became known as “the Great
Exodus.” Settling on a moon orbiting a gas giant, the Lukari named their new
home after their teacher and leader. Upon landing, the small fleet of ships was
cannibalized for parts to build homes. Most details of the Lukari’s past were
deleted from their records, including the location of the planet of Kentar and
their route from the Huranzi System. The Lukari Concordium is democracy,
with day-to-day governing overseen by the Planetary Council, who is limited
to routine or time sensitive decisions. The council holds referendums for
more important or unusual decisions or changes to policy. Following their
exile, the Lukari Concordium were largely reclusive, eschewing contact
with other species; while warp capable, the Lukari had limited
interest in exploration, using simple probes to survey neighbouring
systems. They had limited diplomatic and trade relations with the
Denobulans and Ferengi, and tense contact with the Tzenkethi.
In 2410, the Lukari homeworld was threatened by an unknown
party, prompting them to request outside aid. Following this
incident, the Lukari interest in space travel was renewed, and
they began work on a warp capable exploratory vessels.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Trust in Yourself and Not Your Possessions

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Lukari. Known for their vibrant pink skin, Lukari have subtle cranial
ridges that give their brow a “furrowed” look. The special lacks no body hair
save dark, narrow eyebrows. Despite their slender frames, the Lukari
possess surprising physical strength, being three times stronger than

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Lukari, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You know how to use your great physical strength to defend yourself while
also incapacitating your opponents. When you succeed at a Melee Attack and
take the Shove combat option, you deal half your unarmed strike damage
rather than none.

REQUIREMENT: Lukari, or Gamemaster’s Permission
The Kentari heavily polluted their world, filling the atmosphere with poisonous
gases and dumping radiogenic compounds in the water. Despite generations
as a Lukari, the survival traits passed on by your ancestors remain
pronounced. You gain 1 Resistance against damage inflicted by poison or
radiation. Additionally, when you attempt a Task to resist the effects of toxins
or radiation you may re roll a d20.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios

From the planet Luria in the Ionite Nebula, Lurians are rarely seen outside of that region.
Lurians have multiple hearts, lungs, and two stomachs, and are thus more resistant to
injury than other species. They are able to withstand a large number of poisons and
toxins. They have grayish or tan skin, a wide mouth, a puggish nose, and deep-set,
beady eyes. Their planet is ruled by the Royal Family of Luria, the Gheljiar. It is Lurian
custom to bring food and drink for the deceased, to sustain them in the afterlife.
Lurian Security have no issue hiring non-Lurians into their service. Many Lurians
sleep in a mud bath.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Believe In The Afterlife.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Lurian. Lurians may store liquids in their second stomachs, sometimes
for years. They have multiple internal organs and have immunity to a wide range
of poisons and toxins.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talent, and must take it
at some point of character creation:


Your unique physiology gives you various redundancies that assist you in resisting
poison or injury. When you are resisting poison or attempting to heal, you may reduce
the Difficulty of your Task by one.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the TRAIT: Lurian. Lurians are a passionate people, and
following talents: never do anything by half measure. Whether it is by
devoting themselves to the arts or by trying to become
the greatest pilots in the quadrant, the Lurians live with
REQUIREMENT: Karemma, or Gamemaster permission. their emotions on their sleeves despite their normally
While it can be di cult to maintain a sterling reputation impassive facial features. Lurians are always great
and in doing so lead to hardship and loss, there are times thinkers and dreamers, and even though they may
when pursuing a higher path can reap great bene ts for the appear quiet their minds are often on important matters
individual. It is the di cult road, but one that will ultimately and on formulating plans for their futures. The Dominion
lead towards ful lling the needs of the many rather than War is of great interest on the Lurians’ homeworld, where
the sel sh desires of the one. As long as the character their people swing from obsession with how the war will
has behaved honourably throughout the scene, they may play out for their people to mild annoyance that the war is
use their Presence Attribute for any declared Attacks. The all that o worlders will talk about.
character is also assumed to pass any challenges involving
impugning their character in front of witnesses. TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talents:

A tricorder can tell someone what an object is composed of REQUIREMENT: Lurian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
in only a few seconds but it is rumoured that the Karemma Life is not worth living to a Lurian if there is not some risk
can do it in only one. Drawing upon past experience, the involved. Always willing to dare greater than others, the
Karemma is able to instinctively identify the materials that Lurian nds that the real thrill lurks just beyond the edge of
make up an object that they interact with physically. In the danger and that is what they should strive for even if their
event of dealing with unknown or exotic substances, they are comrades do not. The character gains an additional point of
able to identify familiar patterns within the material that can Momentum if they succeed at a task that requires extreme
point the characters in the right direction while performing acts of bravery to overcome.
the Scienti c Method and reduce the di culty by 1.

SAMPLE NAMES: REQUIREMENT: Lurian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Masculine names: Hanok, Ornithar The Lurians are known for having one of the hardiest
Feminine names: Nethys, Zarestra constitutions in the quadrant. Capable of taking a knife to
Gender-neutral names: Bulko, Yebesh one of their hearts and keep on ghting, the Lurians have
evolved a musculature and cardiovascular system that rivals
that of the Klingons. When mortally wounded or su ering
under a Condition that a ects their physiology, a Lurian
can choose to ignore the e ect for the remainder of the
scene, after which they collapse from exhaustion and are
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY incapacitated for a scene.
A race as well known for their erce martial skills as they are
for their artistic endeavors, the Lurians are a power whose SAMPLE NAMES:
homeworld is near the Wormhole. Though their world is Masculine names: Morn, Lork
controlled by the Royal Family of Luria, they are a frequent Feminine names: Eltessa, Zyrionda
sight at outposts and trading posts across the quadrant, Gender-neutral names: Gresh, Slurr
and their skill as navigators and warriors makes them prized
members of any crew. With multiple hearts and two stomachs
they require large quantities of food and their religious custom
dictates that attendees at a Lurian funeral should bring plenty
of food and liquor to see the dead through their journey into
the afterlife. Though some Lurians have become involved THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY
in criminal endeavors such as the Orion Syndicate, they The Paradans are one of the few Gamma Quadrant races
prefer to make their own way across the quadrant, and it is near the wormhole who have not been absorbed into the
not uncommon to see lone Lurians happily plying their way Dominion, and possess a thorough understanding of cloning
through space on another great adventure. techniques. Known for their reptilian appearance and their
obnoxious odor, the Paradans are a resourceful species
EXAMPLE VALUE: Belly Full of Song and Heart Full of Glory whose ability to create cloned replicants has helped them
wage covert wars with their neighbors for centuries. These
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence replicants are so exact that they will often pass undetected
Coming from Planet 892-IV, first contact with this species occurred during the 2260's when
Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise tried to retrieve a Federation Citizen who had
joined this planets civilisation.

The native species are almost identical to Terrans, and in an extraordinary example of
Hodgkin's law of parallel planet development, they have developed a culture that mimics that
of the great Roman Empire on Earth.In this case however the empire thrived and continued.
When first contact was made they were the equivalent to the late 20th century in technology.
Now due in part to federation aid the have joined the Federation as a valued member.

As a species they still have a lot to learn, although they are learning fast, members of these
species have an overbearing sense of self-righteousness and tend to try to be dominant in most
situations.This has led to several of members of this species to rise rapidly in the ranks of

Fitness 2 [5]
Co-ordination 2 [5]
Dexterity +1
Intellect 2 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Psi 0 [5]

Any Science (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Athletics (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
Culture (Magna Roman) 2 (3)
History (Magna Roman) 1 (2)
Latin 1
Federation Standard 1
World Knowledge (Planet 892-IV) 1 (2)
Primitive Weapon (Gladius) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
Arrogant (-1), Domineering (-1) +1 Courage Point

Magna Roman New Early Life Packages (each cost 5 Development Points)
By Eric.R
Senatorial Birth (P)
Culture 1 (2), Language 1 (2), +1 Renown, Wealth +2 or Patron +2, Arrogant -1, Rival -2
The character has been born into one of the 240 noblest houses of Rome; wealth and
patronage are a normal part of their life. Most of their childhood has been simply been
learning Greek culture or another culture from a tutor.

Equestrian Birth (E)

Bargain 1 (2), One Intellect skill at 1 (2), +1 to Perception edge, Wealthy +1, Obligation
-2, Greedy -1
The character has been born into one of the many rich families of Rome that have either
to gain Senatorial status or is just a successful professional family. Most of their
childhood has been spent as an apprentice to some profession or in preparation to
become a junior magistrate

Patrician Birth (P)

Charm 1(2), Persuasion 1 (2) +1 Renown, Ally +2, Diminished Social Status -3
Not as wealthy as an Equestrian and not having the advantage of senatorial rank The
patrician represents some one from a family that has fallen from the ranks of the senate
and refuses to participate in any business endeavours. Most likely they well join Starfleet
or serve in the government of the Federation.

Military Upbringing (P,E,p)

Athletics 1 (2), History (Particular Legion/Ala), +1 to Dexterity or Reaction edge or
Good Nickname +1, Code of Honor (Mithras) -2 or Bad Nickname -1 and Rival -1
A child of the Legion they have been around the marching camp for all their life and
have enjoyed the fellowship of their parent's Legion. Most times their parents are officers
but not always.

Performer (E,p)
Artistic Expression 1 (2), language (Greek) 1 (2), +1 to any Fitness or Intellect edge,
Innovative +1, Social Stigma -3.
Born into an Acting family, the character has been exposed to a different language and
artistic upbringing even though at the cost of Social Stigma that Roman Society place on

Normal Upbringing, Female (P, E.)

Artistic Expression (Sewing or Cooking) 1(2), Knowledge Roman Etiquette 1,
Compulsion -1 or +1 to Empathy edge and Hides Emotions -2.
Raised to be a "Good Woman" of Roman virtues and morals the players character started
life being instructed in the manners expected of such hence she has a compulsion to be
clean and neat always and to present a good face to the public.

Normal Upbringing, Female (p.)

Artistic Expression (Cooking) (Sowing) 1 (2) (2), Compulsion -1 or +1 To Empathy edge
and Hides Emotions -2.
Like her companions in the Patrician and Equestrian Classes the Plebeian women is
expected to do the same except for learning the finer points of Roman Etiquette.

Advanced Education Packages

Classical Education (P., E.)
Any Language1, History 1(2), Any Culture 1

Modern Education (E. p.)

Any 2 Intellect Skills 1(2).(2) Any Presence Skill 1(2)

Roman Republican Military Academy (P., E.)

Land Course
Command 1(2), Planetary Tactics (w/two specializations) 1(2) (2)
Star Course
Command 1(2), Starship Tactics (w/two Specializations) 1(2) (2)

Apprenticeship (E., p.)

Administration (Small Business) 1(2), Any 2 intellect skills 1(2) (2)

Wasted Youth (P., E., p.)

Gaming 1(2), Streetwise 1(2) +1 to Reaction edge

Magna Roman Career Overlays By Eric.R

Junior Magistrate
Representing an individual in the Introduction to mid-level management of Magna
Roman Government the junior magistrate either started his career in the Legions as a
staff officer or as an elected official. Though he may still be in the military, he now also
holds many civilian positions as an aid or elected representative in a city and/or
provincial government.

Administration (Bureaucratic Manipulation) 1(2)

Law (Magna Roman) 1(2)
Persuasion (Rhetoric) 1(2)
Politics (Manoeuvre) 1(2)
Animal Handling (Horse) 1(2)
Artistic Expression (Writing) 1(2)
Computer (Basic) 1(2)
Culture (Greek) 1(2)
Engineering, Material (Civil) 1(2)
Knowledge (Magna Roman Etiquette) 1 (2)
Federation Standard 1
Magna Latin 2
Magna Greek 2
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1(2)
Primitive Weaponry (Gladius) and (One Other) 1(2), (2)
Strategic Operations (Military Science) 1(2)
Vehicle Operation (ground vehicle) 1(2)

The Soldiers of the Empire, from their ranks alone, have produced nearly 90% of all
officers in the military, which is simply called the Legions by the Romans. Trained in
various methods of warfare the Legionary has undergone a major modernisation in the
last 100 years.

Athletics 1(2)
Energy Weapon (Phaser) (Phaser Rifle) 1(2) (2)
Primitive Weaponry (Gladius) (Pugio) 1(2) (2) Or Primitive Weaponry (Spatha) (Hasta) 1
(2) (2)
Dodge 1
History (Particular Legion or Ala) 1(2)
Knowledge: Armour Care & Identification 1 (2)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Wrestling) 1(2)
First Aid (Combat) 1(2)
Planetary Tactics (Small Unit) 1(2)
Planetside Survival 1(2)
Latin 1
Federation Standard 1
Engineering, Material (Military) 1(2)

Arena Hunter
A slight variant of the Bounty Hunter the Arena Hunter has set out into the great expanse
of space to bring back to the Roman Homeworld new and dangerous animals to replace
those long extinct on the Magna Roman Homeworld. The Hunter operates on the fringes
of Federation law and in fact violates it on some worlds were Hunting is considered both
immoral and against the Law. Despite Federation pressure to end all games the Magna
Romans have resisted this to the up most declaring it is a fully cultural manner no
different than the respect Starfleet pays to Andorian Duels, and there fore off limits from
Federation jurisdiction.

Animal Handling (Choose Specialisation) 2(3)

Planetside Survival (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
Primitive Weaponry (Net) 1(2)
Sciences, Life (Zoology) 1(2)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Choose Specialisation) 1(2)
Federation Standard 1
Law (Hunting Regulations) 1(2)
Stealth (Choose Specialisation) 1(2)
Tracking (Specific Animal Class) 1(2)

Advance Training Package

Hunting Apprenticeship: Life Science (Biology) 1(2), World Knowledge (Choose World)
1(2) +1 to Reaction Edge and Contact +2 or Administration (Bureaucratic Manipulation)
2(3), Vehicle Operation (choose specialisation) 1(2); OPTIONAL: add +1 Contact and1

Professional Package
Arena Hunter: World Knowledge (Choose World) 1(2), Language (Choose Language) 1,
Biology (Specific Species), 2 +1 level Contacts, and Diminished Social Status -1 or
Peripheral Vision +1 and Code of Honour (The Hunters Code) -1

Diminished Social Status -2 (While doing a job most Romans want done Arena
Hunters are looked down upon by both Roman and Federation Social norms.)
Code of Honour (The Hunters Code) The Hunters code is a code, which states that
the hunter shall not use illegal or unfair advantages in the hunt and that they will
show compassion and respect to the life which they hunt never abandoning a kill
or its offspring if found.

Submitted by Dan Gurden

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®,© Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.

The Malcorians are a humanoid species from Malcor III with a unified planetary
government ruled by an elected Chancellor. They believed themselves to be the
highest form of life, and that their planet was the center of the universe. In 2367, their
Space Bureau finished a prototype for a warp-capable spacecraft. The Federation sent
observers for first contact, but it went terribly wrong. Their Chancellor decided his
people weren’t ready for first contact, and postponed the warp program.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Aliens Are Among Us.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence; +1 other Attribute

Ø TRAIT: Malcorian. Malcorians have webbed, mitten-like hands. They have cranial
lobes on their foreheads. Their cardial organ is in their lower chest, and digestive
tracts in their upper chest. They have 31 costal struts, 16 on one side, 15 on the

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talent:

Like most Malcorians, you hold very strong beliefs about your civilization and hold true
to your ideology, be it “Progress Is Too Fast”, “We Are The Centre Of The Universe”, or
“I Will Not Allow Us To Remain In The Dark Ages”. When you spend Determination by
invoking a Value related to an aspect of Malcorian society, roll a Challenge Die. If the
result is an Effect, regain the point of Determination. (NPCs may spend 3 Threat, and
regain that amount of Threat if an Effect is rolled.)

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


First Encountered; 2375

Affiliation; Neutral
Primary Exports; Theta Radiation Pollution

This Delta Quadrant species is highly advanced, nearly equal to that of the Federation, however
several encounters with the USS Voyager have shown that not all their technology is the equal
of the Federation, neither are their societies values.Whilst no formal contact has been made
with the Malon government a series of individual contacts has been made, and knowledge of
the USS Voyager both in helping and hindering the Malon have led to a stand-offish neutral
attitude towards the representatives of the Federation, admiring their advanced technology,
whilst annoyed by the Federations high-handed values.

Malon space seems quite large, as the encounters made with the species have occurred over a
distance of over 30,000 light years.Such a vast territory would make their territory larger than
the Federation itself, however initial encounters were at the far end of a stable wormhole,
indicating that the actual controlled space could be far smaller.Whether the Malon possess the
technology to create stable wormholes is unknown, but doubtful, it is more likely that the
Malon simply are taking advantage of resources available to them.

Greed and an odd form of camaraderie also seem to be significant factors in Malon
consideration.Upon first contact in 2375, when the USS Voyager discovered the side-effects of
the pollution dumping of a Malon vessel upon an indigenous life-form.The Voyager crew
offered to share technology that would eliminate all Theta Radiation pollution from their
Matter/Anti-Matter production process, thus in a single stroke allowing clean, renewable
energy production. The captain of the vessel ignored this offer of technology, as he realized that
such technology would put his 'waste-disposal' crews out of business.Although a later
encounter with the Malon was spent trying to retrieve one of Voyagers probes from with a gas
giant, showing that they do hold an interest in advancing their technology through the
advancements of other species.

Malon technology produces large amounts of Theta Radiation, a potentially harmful substance
that could poison their world.To counter this, the Malon's primary Space Exploration program
also involves finding suitable locations to dump this waste, preferably dumping the pollution in
remote, unpopulated areas of space.As a result the Malon home world is a peaceful, pleasant
environment, and the effects of this pollution rarely effect members of the Malon population.
While in space their most common presence is in the form of the mammoth tankers that export
their pollution elsewhere in the galaxy.

These freighters carry massive cargo's, over 12,000,000 isotons of Theta Radiation pollution on
a single vessel, and the destruction of a fully loaded vessel could spark a detonation that would
devastate everything within 3 light years. Such corrosive pollution often leaves the Freighters
in poor repair, and it is common that the crews of these ships suffer serious cell damage as a
result of their radiation exposure, which they call 'freighter blight'.Service aboard these
freighters usually takes up « a year, and can significantly shorten the expected lifespan of the
Malon concerned, but does pay very well.The Malon use analeptic compound injections to
counter the freighter blight, but while the treatment keeps them alive, it does not prevent
dermal scarring as a result of the exposure to the Theta Radiation.Core labourers are hired who
work directly with the pollution containment area, who receive even greater doses of Radiation
Poisoning, with less than 1/3 expected to survive a single trip, the pay for these roles is
astronomical, a core labourer can make in a single trip more than most Malon can earn in a
lifetime, although as stated this pay often goes to the employees next of kin.

Occasionally the extreme radiation can cause spontaneous mutation, and while many freighter
crews tell stories of the Monsters dwelling in the bowels of the ship, it was finally proved that
these monsters can and do exist as the mutated and barely coherent remains of older core
Fitness 3 [5]
Vitality +1
Coordination 2 [5]
Intellect 3 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Empathy -1
Willpower +1
Psi 0 [5]

Any Science (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Athletics (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Culture (Malon) 2 (3)
History (Malon) 1 (2)
Malon 2
Merchant (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Malon Homeworld) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages;
Excellent Metabolism +1
Innovative +1

Malon Ship Crew
Science, Medical (Radiation Poisoning Treatment) 1 (2)
Science, Space (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Ships Systems (Choose 2 Specialisations) 2 (3) and (3)
Engineering, Any (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
Administration (Starship) 1 (2) or Merchant (Choose Specialisation)
Computer (Choose Specialisation) 1(2)
Law (Malon Law) 1 (2)
Personnal Equipment (Choose Specialisation) 1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Choose Specialisation) 1(2)
Vehicle Ops (Shuttlecraft) 1 (2)
Medical Problem -1

Malon Core Labourer

Science, Medical (Radiation Poisoning Treatment) 1 (2)
Ships Systems (Disposal Control and Choose Specialisation) 2 (3) and (3)
Engineering, Material (Structural/Spaceframe) 1(2)
Engineering, Systems (Cargo Containment Systems and Choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
and (3)
Administration (Starship) 1 (2)
Computer (Choose Specialisation) 1(2)
Law (Malon Law) 1 (2)
Personnal Equipment (Choose Specialisation) 1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Choose Specialisation) 1(2)
Vehicle Ops (Shuttlecraft) 1 (2)
Medical Problem3
Wealth +1

Life Package;
'Monster' mutation. (9 points)
Occassionally spontaneous mutation is caused by the massive doses of Radiation Poisoning,
creating a hideous monster that has become the stuff of Malon ships legend.Proved to exist,
these radioactive monsters are highly volatile and very dangerous, their very touch is poisonous
and passes radiation poisoning to the affected area. Unfortunatly, many of these bestial
creatures hold grudges against their crewmates for the damage that was done them, and often
become violent.
Athletics 1 (2)
Unarmed Combat 2 (3)
+1 Vitality, +2 Strength, +1 Reaction
Vengeful1, Chronic Pain2, Slow Healing -2
High Pain Threshold +2, +2 in Hand to hand damage.
NOTE: This is not designed as a playable template, but for an adversary, it will
unbalance the character before they arbitrarily die of their condition.

Submitted by Dan Gurden

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®,© Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
An economically minded society; although technologically advanced, the
Malon lack the technology to recycle antimatter waste, which emits
hazardous theta radiation which is extremely degenerative and lethal in
short exposure. Therefore, lacking any means to safely handle it their
hazardous waste is dumped in open space in vast quantities by waste
export vessels. The Malon attempt to nd uninhabited regions for this
waste, but this is not always the case. Because ship controllers have a high
pro t motive to continue their transport operations, some people in the
waste export industry have resisted e orts to develop cleaner technologies.
Some Malon engaged in waste export only work in the industry part-time.
Some, for example, were sculptors by trade but could make as much pro t
in one waste export mission as they could have made in an entire year
on their homeworld.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Explore New Ways To Dump My Toxic


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Malon. The Malon have broad noses with distinctly-

shaped nostrils, and their skin is a yellowish-brown color.
Their foreheads have a slight ridge-like protrusion. They also
have brown hair which was usually thick and wavy when
they are young, but like in Humans receding hairlines and
baldness occurs in older Malons. Their hair follicles grow
from the mid part of their heads, just after the ridge-like
pattern. Malon waste exporters have many sores on their
skin due to theta radiation exposure. They have the
additional Trait ‘Freighter Blight’, representing severe theta
radiation burns.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Industrious Mind (Rigellian Jelna)

Never Place Friendship Above Profit (Ferengi)
Particle Engineering (SOn’a)
Feminine Names: Eliva, Sivad, Vavad
Masculine Names: Dremk, Emck, Vrelk
Gender-Neutral Names: Davack, Fesek, Pelk

TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following Talents. All Mari characters must select the
Empath talent during character creation.
The Mari are a telepathic species that have only recently
begun to explore the stars. While they are now known for REQUIREMENT: Mari, or Gamemaster’s permission.
being paci sts, the Mari were plagued by violent crime Character creation only.
up until a few short decades ago. At that time, the Mari The character can sense the emotions of most nearby
outlawed violent thought and introduced a procedural living beings, and can communicate telepathically with
technique that allowed them to extract aggressive other empaths and telepaths, as well as those with whom
thoughts from their minds. This resulted in a drastic they are extremely familiar. Not sensing nearby emotions is
reduction in crime and now the Mari enjoy an almost impossible, except for those who are resistant to telepathy.
crime-free society. Unfortunately, this technique is not It may require serious e ort and a Task to pick out the
always successful – and when it fails, they employ a much emotions of a speci c individual in a crowd, or to block out
more invasive medical procedure that restructures the the emotions of those nearby. Increase the Di culty of this
neural pathways in the brain. Task if the situation is stressful, if there are a lot of beings
present, if the target has resistance to telepathy, or if the
While many may consider this kind of “thought policing” Gamemaster decides there are other relevant factors.
to be a violation of basic sentient rights, the Mari believe
that it is necessary to ensure the peaceful existence of
their species. While welcoming to visitors, the Mari enforce REQUIREMENT: Mari, or Gamemaster’s permission.
their system of justice on outsiders as well as natives when During Social Con ict, the character reduces the Di culty of
such visitations result in impacts to the local populace. all evidence and negotiation based Tasks but increases the
Aggressive species such as Klingons are likely to come into Di culty of intimidation Tasks by 1.
immediate con ict with the Mari who, despite their paci stic
nature, will respond if provoked.
Mari names often include double l’s, n’s, or t’s. The birth of
Regardless of their utopian lifestyle, there is a dark a child is attended by as many friends and family members
undertone to Mari culture. With the removal of all aggressive as possible, and the parents name the baby after the person
or violent thought, a black market has developed to provide who provides the strongest thoughts of comfort and joy. This
sensory recreations of such o ending thought patterns. results in common names developing in communities and
Many Mari pay handsomely to experience these forbidden passing from generation to generation. Being telepathic, the
thoughts. Unfortunately, without the experience to control Mari have no real need of family names as it is easy for them
these powerful emotions, Mari can succumb to them and to pass on such information quickly with their thoughts.
become violent themselves. Due to their sensitive empathic
abilities, these illegal thoughts can then spread like a SAMPLE NAMES
virus through the population – hence the Mari’s stance on Masculine: Osiall, Tanel, Santill, Sharat, Trupill, Sebat, Pritt,
preventing exposure in the rst place. Bennane, Meron, Maral
Feminine: Nani, Rina, Edi, Nimira, Tirra, Katina, Minni, Talli,
EXAMPLE VALUE: Peace in Mind and Action Ronzela, Amali, Elli
Gender-Neutral: Tonane, Norme, Ande, Sana, Nalde, Kline
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Mari. Mari are a gentle, telepathic species,

who uphold a state of mental paci sm through the use
of memory purging – not dissimilar to Vulcan mental
conditioning. Physically they are nearly indistinguishable
from Humans and possess similar physical
characteristics. Their technological level is a century
or more behind the Federation, though their medical
techniques, especially those relating to the adjustment
of thought patterns, is signi cantly advanced. The Mari
homeworld is pleasantly temperate and, given their warm
nature, could easily be a vacation spot in the quadrant
– were it not for their justice system. While rare, it is not
unheard of to encounter Mari o -world, though this is
usually as a passenger on another species’ ship.
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME notorious Markalian smuggling operation.
Many Markalians also work in the freight business and,
apart from the smuggling operation, some are employed by
various other criminal individuals.
The native Markalian language, B'kish, is a rough guttural
tongue similar in sound to Klingon. The language is
sometimes referred to, inaccurately, as Markalian.

An ancient language used by some older Marklaians, and

Markalian Mystics is known as Markalish. It is a more gently
spoken language with some sounds similar to Terran Latin.

Markalish is an excellent language in which to compose

music and poetry.

Not surprisingly, Markalians learn the Klingon and

Nausicaan languages easily enough. And most Markalians
working abroad will know at least a passable level of
Federation Standard.
Some Markalians will use a single name and some will also
use a surname. Married females will adopt the surname of
their husband, if he uses one.

Markalian surnames, and mononymous names are very


Common single names include Asoth, Durg, and Madrat.

+2 Vitality, -1 Presence And example of a Markalian using both a “first name” and a
surname is Regana Tosh.
Markalians are a humanoid race with a notably There is little to no difference between male and female
reptilian appearance. They have thick, leathery skin Markalian names.
that is covered sparsely by bumps, horns and ridges
similar to the skin of a Terran lizard. HOMEWORLD
The Markalian homeworld of B'kaazi is class-M. But just
Each Markalian is marked with a similar pattern of barely.
dark striping across their heads. And they have small
depressions on either side of their face that function B'kaazi is a rough, rugged planet with very little water. As a
as their ears. result there is little to no agricultural output from the
Markalians. The native flora and fauna are the type one
Markalians also have four nostrils. would expect to find in a desert, or other rocky conditions.

Their skin tends to brown, tan, or reddish in color with The surface temperature of B'kaazi is almost as hot as that
a few having a grayish tone. of Vulcan, and with a thicker atmosphere even less tolerable
to most humanoids.
Markalians have dark eyes, and even females have a
gruffness in their voices that adds to an overall The landscape is also victimized on a regular basis with
rugged, and sometimes intimidating effect. dust storms, and winds of very high velocity. Due to the
high winds on B'kaazi, these dust storms can be deadly.
Markalians are the rascals and robber barons of the The upper atmosphere is heavily ionized.
Alpha Quadrant. Many cutltures of Earth's 18th and
19th centuries could be comparable to the Markalians FAVORED PROFESSION
of the 24th century. Rogue, Merchant, Mercenary, and Rogue smuggler are the
professions in which one most commonly encounters a
Pirates, smugglers, rogues, and mercenaries are more Markalian.
the norm in Markalian culture than what most other
civilizations would consider upstanding citizens. Starship officers are rare. Ad these will be serving aboard
privateers, or even pirate ships.
They are known for a criminal organization, the
The fewer rules a Markalian is forced to follow the

Markalians do not make good diplomats, but make

excellent bodyguards.

There are a few Markalian mystics, preserving the

history of their rich ancient culture which is all but
forgotten by modern-day Markalians.

But, there are very few scientists.

Brash: While not as intimidating as a Nausicaan, a
Markalian's rough exterior and tough demeanor can
make him a good bully. Markalians gain a +1 species
bonus to all tests made to Intimidate. They also
receive a +1 bonus to all Willpower tests.

Infravision: Markalians can see heat and see into the

infrared spectrum without any distortion to their vision
under a normal light source. They receive a +1 to
Observe (Spot) tests made to detect heat or its source,
even in complete darkness.

Bonus Edge: Keen Smell. Markalians have an extra set

of nostrils, and a very powerful sense of smell. They
receive the Skill Focus (Keen Smell) edge for free,
which gives a bonus of +2 to all Observe (Smell) tests.

Species Flaw: Thin Blooded (Cold). Markalians are

highly susceptible to cold temperatures.

Additional Bonus Edges: Fit, Thick Skull

Additional Species Flaws: Arrogant, Bloodlust. Both of

these flaws are optional, and can be taken to increase edge picks,
but they cannot be bought off later.
2149 and beyond

Mazarite are a species of intelligent humanoids with a long history of being

plagued by organized crime. In fact, the Zankor Syndicate which originated
on their world is the 3rd most powerful crime cartel in the Beta quadrant. Prior
to the formation of the UFP, the government was allied with the Confederacy
of Vulcan. Thanks to evidence provided by the Vulcan ambassador V'Lar, they
were later able to move against organized crime syndicates at work on their
world. The Zankor Syndicate allied itself with the Orion Syndicate following
the founding of the Federation. A # of influential leaders banded together to
form the first high council. Under their leadership, technology, education &
quality of life were improved & 732 years later they launched their first space
craft. They have the unusual belief that their world & everything on it was
created by 2 very powerful beings who then influenced & controlled their
actions. Using them like some kind of playing pieces in a enormous strategy
game with their world being the board.

EXAMPLE VALUE: We are merely playing pieces in a colossal game of chance.

Attributes: Control +1, Presence +1, Reason +1.

Mazarites are humanoids native to the planet Mazar. They are
distinguished by 2 folded skin flaps on the sides of their faces that run
from their eyebrows, around their ears, & under their temples. They have
dark hair with streaks of white hair swept back from the temples along
the sides. Men wear their hair pulled back into a ponytail. Women do not
tie their hair back but wear it loose & most tend to wear it long.

Mazarite, or with GM's permission.

Militant History
Mazarite have a history rife with conflict. You gain 1d20 to rolls when
using your Security Discipline.

Mazarite are artistic & an average citizen practices some form of artistic
expression as a major part of their daily lifestyle. They gain 1d20 bonus to
any Crafting tasks.


The Medusans are a highly intelligent telepathic and empathic genderless
non-corporeal species. Their thoughts are said to be the most sublime in
the galaxy, but their physical appearance was exactly the opposite.
At a distant point in their history, the Medusans were known to had been a
corporeal Humanoid species until they reached a point where they evolved
beyond their physical form. Around 150,000 years ago, the Medusans were
known to have had engaged in space exploration. Contact with later era
Humanoid races led to such species su ering from severe psychological
damage or even permanent brain damage as well as madness. Thus, to
avoid accidental exposure, the Medusans seldom leave their home system
and even when they do it was under the strictest of conditions.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Personal Inconvenience Is Worth The

Wonders Of Exploration

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Medusan. Medusans have such an unusual

appearance that the sight of a Medusan renders any
corporeal viewer mad, and soon afterwards causes death by
massive organ failure. Some species like Vulcans are
capable of viewing Medusans, but only with the use of a
specially ltered visor. For these reasons, Medusans usually
used an opaque carrier pod when interacting with other
species. While inside the pod, their movement and their
interactions with their surroundings are severely limited.
Medusans are also expert starship navigators due to their
unique sensory system. They are capable of
electromagnetically identifying as well as locking onto guide
stars, even those that were beyond deep sensor range. They
also possess innate empathic abilities and can read surface
thoughts of most other corporeal beings.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Astrogator (Original: Nomadic HEritage) (Monean)

Telepath (Betazoid)
Containment Suit
You own a mechanical containment suit which prevents your appearance
from being viewed un ltered by other species. This means you are no longer
dependent on the traditional Medusan transport containers for travel on
non-Medusan starships. The suit also has several appendages that make it
easy to interact with your environment. Locomotion may be achieved
through mechanical legs or anti-grav technology.

Telepath (Betazoid)
This Talent is mandatory and must be selected during character creation.

Gender-Neutral Names: Euralos, Kollos, Korgan, Steno, Zero


Megarites are a gentle aquatic species. They may communicate with special musical
poetry that their species alone can produce with their four lips. Their music is unique
and beautiful, but few have heard their music as they dislike the effort required to travel
off-planet. Their home planet is abundant in jade, and thus their homes and tools are
made from that material.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Music Is A Universal Language.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Megarite. Megarites have four lips, and are aquatic in origin. They have a
thick hide similar to a rhino’s. The only food they eat is plankton that they strain
from the planet’s waters, much like how Earth whales use baleen. To survive out
of water, they use Federation technology to intravenously inject nutrients into their
bodies, which will sustain them for a week.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents. A Megarite

must take at least one Megarite talent at character creation.

REQUIREMENT: Megarite. Character creation only.

Your Megarite hide is quite resilient, like that of an Earth rhinoceros. You have
Resistance 2 against physical attacks, but not energy attacks.

REQUIREMENT: Megarite. Character creation only.

The uniqueness of your species’ music is so entrancing that it impresses those who
have never heard it. When attempting or assisting a Persuasion Task for the first time
with someone who has never heard Megarite song, you or the person you are assisting
may re-roll the dice pool.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

Fitness 2 [5]
Coordination 3 [5]
Intellect 2 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Psi 2 [5]
Focus +1
Range +1

Culture (Mensaean) 2 (3)
History (Mensaean) 1 (2)
Mensaean 2
Projective Telepathy 2
Space Science (choose Specialization) 2 (3)
World Knowledge (Alpha Mensae) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
Sense of Time +1; Pacifism -1

The Mensaeans are found throughout the Federation. Their average lifespan is 170 years. They
come from Alpha Mensae. Mensaeans appear indistinguishable from Trill hosts. 90% of
Mensaeans in Starfleet are in either the Ops department or the Medical department.

Submitted by Brent Reiersen

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.

An Alpha Quadrant species from the planet Mirada, the Miradorn are a species of
telepathically-linked twins. They always work with their twins unless the other has been
killed. They are a quarrelsome people. Their foreheads are divided into two
hemispheres, and they also have a unique throat structure. Some Miradorn make their
living as raiders, and their Theta-class raider starships are popular among outlaws.

EXAMPLE VALUE: My Sibling And I Fight As One.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

Ø TRAIT: Miradorn. Miradorn are telepathically-linked twins who are two halves of
the same being. If one twin dies, the other will seek vengeance for the loss of their
other ‘self’.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents. Miradorn

characters must take a Miradorn trait at character creation.


REQUIREMENT: Miradorn. Character creation only.

Whenever you are within Medium range of your twin, your twin may automatically
assist you on a Task with Insight + Command. This does not use up your twin’s turn.

REQUIREMENT: Miradorn. Character creation only, or Gamemaster’s permission to
take this talent after character creation.

If your Miradorn twin is killed, you as the surviving twin may re-roll two d20s when in
personal combat or starship combat against the one you believe is responsible for your
twin’s death.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Miradorn are a humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. The
species has distinctive foreheads divided into two hemispheres by bones,
and also distinctive structures on the throat.
Miradorn o spring are always born in pairs who are telepathically linked.
Growing up together the twins form two halves of one being, resulting in an
extremely close relationship. If one twin died, the other twin would anguish
in the loss of “self".
Miradorn were typically known for being a quarrelsome people. During the
Dominion War, they signed a non-aggression pact with the Dominion.
Major export goods from their world include the Theta-class raider starship,
which is a popular choice among mercenaries because of its high
sustainable warp speed and low sensor pro le.

EXAMPLE VALUE: None Can Oppose My Sibling And I

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Miradorn. Miradorn are telepathic, although their

telepathy is limited exclusively to their twin. Their dual brain
structure makes if di cult for other telepaths to read them.
Because of the many predators on their homeworld,
Miradorns tend to be aggressive, especially when they feel
threatened. Loosing a twin heightens their aggressive
tendencies further.

SPECIAL RULES: During character creation, Miradorn

characters have to choose if they are twinned or untwinned.
Twinned characters must create an appropriate supporting
character representing their twin (unless another player
character plays the twin) and take the ‘Telepathic Bond’
talent. If the twin is ever lost, they may exchange ‘Telepathic
Bond’ with another talent.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


At All Costs (Son’a)

Glorious Notoriety (Dosi)
Telepathic Bond (Original: R’uustai) (Klingon)
This Talent is mandatory and must be selected by a twinned Miradorn
character during character creation.

Miradorn names consist of a given name and a pair name, which is always
the same for each twin pair. The two names are connected with a dash, e.g.
‘Ro-Kel’ and ‘Ah-Kel’.
Feminine Names: En, Or, Sil
Masculine Names: Ah, Ro, Ma
Gender-Neutral Names: Bo, Nu, Xi
Pair Names: Karn, Kel, Lin, Tal, Vo


Mizarians are native to Mizar II. Extreme pacifists, they are known to value peaceful
non-resistance over confrontation, a trait that has seen their world conquered six times
in three centuries. Mizarians believe that conflict of any kind is counterproductive to
any society’s survival. They are also known for their sharp intelligence. They practice
meditation, and are law-abiding. In appearance, they possess gray or blue-gray skin
with wrinkly vertical ridges upon their faces. Some Mizarians serve in Starfleet.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Accept the Inevitable.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Mizarian. Mizarians are cautious and intelligent. They seek to avoid conflict
where possible by submitting to the authority of powerful others, and this
reputation of their species could be helpful or the subject of scorn. Strawberries
are a mild narcotic for Mizarians.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Mizarian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Your species’ reputation for pacifism precedes you. Whenever you attempt a Task to
convince someone that you mean them no harm or that you are inconsequential, you
may re-roll one d20.


REQUIREMENT: Mizarian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

In a combat where you have allies, enemies will not consider you a significant threat at
first. During the first round of combat only, if you have an active ally in the fight, you
gain one A of Cover in addition to any other Cover Dice you normally have.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Mizarians are a humanoid species native to the planet Mizar II.
Mizarians value peaceful non-resistance over confrontation; because of this
reputation, they were conquered six times in a matter of three centuries. The
Mizarians survived these invasions by o ering absolutely no resistance. The
Klingon Empire refuses any governmental relations with the Mizarian people
because of their extreme paci stic views.
Even as conquered people, Mizarians always focused on research and
science without wasting time trying to overthrow their oppressors. While
other cultures may see Mizarians as victims or weak, the Mizarians believe
that their own spiritual and intellectual development is far more important
than quarrels or war among di erent factions. Additionally, there is method
to them not o ering any resistance: Many conquerors have left Minzar
because they found it infuriating and annoyingly unpleasant to occupy a
world where none of the inhabitants would ght back or even o er the
least bit of resistance, making conquest as interesting as invading a
barren planetoid. Over the course of the years, Minzarians have
calculated that their paci stic ways saved well over a billion
people compared to the lives that would have been lost had
they o ered any resistance.

EXAMPLE VALUE: O er No Resistance

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Minzarian. Minzarians are a highly intelligent and

paci stic race, humanoid in appearance but with whitish
facial skin sharply folded along vertical rather than horizontal
lines above and below the eyes. Some fruits like
strawberries act as a mild narcotic in Mizarians.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


A Better Path (Akaru)

Peaceful Existence (Risian)
Quick Learner (Ocampa)
Feminine Names: Vika, Nisuva, Rovi
Masculine Names: Casuva, Kova, Ravosus
Gender-Neutral Names: Lema, Rava, Vokia
Family Names: Leth, Tholl, Voleth

Having lost their original homeworld, the Moneans were a nomadic people for generations. Centuries
ago, however, they discovered a unique planetary body, an arti cial world composed entirely of water.
Upon this world, the Moneans settled and built an entire civilization in the shallow region near the planet’s
surface. While they have created this underwater realm, most Moneans continue to live aboard their
starships and only occasionally venture into the depths of their new home. Exploration of the Waters, the
name the Moneans have given their adopted world, has been hampered by the crushing depths of the
ocean. The Moneans only have the barest of understanding of the origin of this unique planetoid.

Monean government re ects their aquatic origin, having been named the
Maritime Supremacy. They maintain a reasonably powerful eet of starships,
though despite this, the Moneans have not ventured beyond more than a few
hundred light-years. Ancient navigational charts have long since become
outdated, and the Monean origin world has long since faded into myth.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Space – the Greatest Ocean of All

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Monean. As their new world suggests, the Moneans likely evolved
from an amphibioid-mammalian or other similar aquatic species. This theory is
supported by their physical appearance. Monean skin coloration and markings all
re ect an aquatic origin. As such, Moneans are capable swimmers and can hold their
breath for an extended period. Despite this, however, Moneans require an atmosphere
similar to Humans and are an air-breathing species.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Monean, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Generations of traversing the stars ingrained a natural a nity for navigation and positioning. The
character may reroll a d20 during any Task associated with positioning, course determination, and
other forms of navigation.

REQUIREMENT: Monean, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Having lived underwater for centuries, the Moneans have long since developed a keen understanding
of navigating underwater environments. The character reduces any Di culty penalties to Conn Tasks
while navigating or piloting underwater by 1.

Moneans have always been tied to their aquatic origins. Despite centuries of life as a spacefaring
civilization, Monean society remains deeply rooted in the seas. By tradition, Monean names are
composed of syllables that mimic oceanic or watery sounds, as Moneans nd these pleasing.
Despite their nomadic nature, Moneans feel a strong bond within their close families, and family
names are deeply revered, but carefully guarded. It is rare for a Monean to voluntarily give their
family name, which follows their given name, to outsiders.

Masculine: Hurgo, Korp, Baguk, Movok, Waguc, Berkus, Pumop, Jobol, Lalob, Burgo
Feminine: Jula, Poho, Mamaw, Baloa, Wamah, Halola, Yahala, Kugla, Wola, Layha
Gender-Neutral: Muloh, Bahlo, Zerha, Kome, Jelah, Hurpa, Gaehe
Family: Zulohu, Bahaho, Mowel, Ahlog, Unajal, Elgoha, Omol, Malom
Fitness 1 [2]
Coordination 2 [2]
Intellect 2 [5]
Presence 1 [1]
Psi 0 [1]

Culture (Mynieni) 1 (3)
Engineering, Material (Mining) 1 (2)
History (Mynieni) 1 (2)
Mynieni 2
Planetary Science (Geology or Mineralogy) 1 (2)
Survival (Mynie) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Mynie) 2 (3)

Advantages and Disadvantages

Ambidexterity +2, Double Jointed +2, Enhanced Touch +1, Excellent Balance +1, Excellent
Sight +2, Extraordinary Fine Manipulation +1, Night Vision +2, Mathematical Ability +3,
Multi-tasking +2, Peripheral Vision +1, Poor Large Manipulation -1

Living in large underground city complexes, Mynieni are a race of small, purple-grey, pear-
shaped beings, possessing hundreds of short (20-40 cm long), narrow (1 cm diameter)
tentacles, which they use in place of traditional limbs. The flexibility and stability of these
limbs allow the Mynieni to undertake tasks involving fine manipulations with ease, although
they find handling larger objects difficult to handle due to their overall small physical size -
approximately 1 meter in height.

They have two large and very powerful eyes atop their bodies, which are very sensitive as well
as having a wide field of view. Sudden drastic changes in light levels are likely to stun them
briefly (1 round), but such changes are actually similar to the level changes needed to stun
humans. (They simply can see through a much wider range of light levels.)

Biologically, Mynieni are not a race prone to wide variances in physiological ability; in fact,
only mental prowess seems to vary much. They are so much alike in most cases, that few non-
Mynieni can actually tell one from another, except through protracted conversation, although
the owl-like hooting language of the Mynieni is difficult to master.

Female Mynieni actually give birth to broods of 20 to 200 young, but this is offset by their high
infant mortality rate. Socially, strong ties to complex social groupings, rather than to biological
families dominate the Mynieni, and these ties last throughout their lives.

In the Federation, Mynieni are valued for their mining expertise and where they are employed
they will often stay to establish subterranean colonies. Mynieni in Starfleet tend towards non-
physically demanding fields, like communications and the sciences, especially medical

Their Poor Large Manipulation costs them one die on tasks involving physically manipulating
large objects (more than 30cm in length). They get an extra die on any tasks involving objects
less than 5cm in size, due to their excellent fine manipulation; this specifically includes such
actions as surgery, fixing personal electronic devices, using type 1 hand phasers, making
detailed models, and other such tasks.

Special Rules:
Mynieni may not increase any edge above +1, nor below -1.
This is an adaptation of the race from Prime Directive, the role-playing game from Task Force
Games, set in the Star Fleet Battles universe. For further information see UFP - The Federation
Source Book, p. 91.
Submitted by Matthew Pook & William F. Hostman

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
The N'Taku are an empathic humanoid species native to the world of Oran'taku in the Delphic
Expanse. They are nearly indistinguishable from humans, although most possess a light build
and none possess a heavy one. They are universally fair skinned and blond. Tattooing of the
arms and chest is common. Their empathic abilities make them highly sought after as slaves
and generally make them exceptionally well treated ones.

Fitness 2 [5]
Coordination 2 [6]
Intellect 2 [5]
Presence 3 [6]
Empathy +1
Psi 1 [6]
Range -1

Any Science (choose Specialization) 1 (2)
Charm (Seduction) 1 (2)
Culture (N'Taku) 2 (3)
History (N'Taku) 1 (2)
N'Taku 2
Persuasion (Story Telling) 1 (2)
Projective Empathy 1
World Knowledge (Oran'taku) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
Physical Impairment: May only learn Empathic Skills -1, Reduced Social Standing: Expected
to be “property” when away from their home world -1, Sexy +2

New Skill: Daydream (Psi)

This skill is a cascade ability of N'taku Projective Telepathy. By sending strong

sensations/emotions into a target, the Empath can create a sort lived euphoric state. At its most
basic level, this enhances intimate involvement but can, in more skilled individuals, lead to a
condition where the memories of the target are compromised, making the encounter seem like a
"daydream" or hallucination.
Cause a target to remain in a light euphoric state while in the user's presence. Skill tests
using Seduction gain a +3 bonus.
Cause user to be accepting of physical contact they would otherwise reject or find
inappropriate. Skill tests using Seduction gain a +5 bonus.
Cause a Target at no more than Short range that has seen the N'Taku for less than 30
seconds to forget they ever saw them.
Cause a Target at no more than Medium range that has seen the N'Taku for less than 30
seconds to forget they ever saw them. This is the longest range this ability can be used at.
Cause a Target in Physical Contact with the user to dismiss a portion of a conversation,
no longer than 1 minute in length, as if it never happened.
Nearly Impossible:
Cause a Target at no more than Point Blank range to dismiss a portion of a conversation,
no longer than 30 seconds in length, as if it never happened. This is the longest range this
ability may be used at.

Submitted by John P Weatherman

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.
Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME kind. Nacene consider themselves a race of explorers, and
SPECIES PROFILE an expedition reached our galaxy. After the effects of their
method of crossing the gap of galaxies accidentally
rendered the Delta Quadrant planet Ocampa uninhabitable,
they decided to leave two members of their expedition
SPECIES NAME: NACENE behind, to care for the Ocampans.

VISUAL REPRESENTATION At some point in the 21st century, one of these "caretakers",
as the Ocampa called them, left the other, taking several
hundred Ocampa with her, intending to develop their
telepathic abilities to a greater extent than the Caretaker
was willing to do.

By 2371, the remaining caretaker was dying. He used a

displacement wave to bring ships to his array from all over
the galaxy, searching for a compatible lifeform to procreate
with, to create a successor who could understand the
responsibility of caring for the Ocampa. He was not
successful, but even in the last moments before his death,
he did everything to protect the Ocampa – buying them
some time from their enemies to learn to care for
themselves, providing them with at least five years' worth of
energy, and then sending them information about how to
survive on their own.
Nacene are capable of great accomplishments, but it is
+3 Intellect, +2 Perception, +1 Presence, +1 Agility*,
unclear if these are to be attributed to technology, or merely
-1 Strength*, +4 Vitality*
their sporocystian nature, especially in the case of their
subspace manipulation capabilities. They have
* = Only applies to a Nacene in their natural state. demonstrated a deep understanding and mastery of
When a Nacene assumes the physical form of another subspace, by which they are capable of transporting entire
being, be it a Human, Klingon, or Talaxian; they ships across tens of thousands of light years in mere
immediately have the range of attributes, and thus moments (see displacement wave). It is likely that they used
applicable Spceies Adjustments of that race. But their
non-physical attributes remain constant and their
a similar technology to bridge the gap between their galaxy
Species Adjustments for those attributes remain the and ours. They also seem to possess holographic
same no matter what form a Nacene may take. technology, advanced medical technology, and technology
to beam large amounts of energy from a space station to a
nearby planet.
Nacene seem to be at least partially non-corporeal or
energy-based, but after their death a physical The Nacene seem able to communicate in whatever
component, crystal-like and significantly smaller than language they wish, depending on the forms they take on,
the living form, remains. and how they wish to present themselves. If the Nacene
have a native language it is most likely a projection of
They exist, or are capable of existing, in subspace, thought and not an actual spoken language.
and are capable of manipulating it. Their natural COMMON NAMES
appearance is that of a glutinous liquid and reflective It is likely that among themselves Nacene do not use names
cell, about two meters in diameter. and only adopt them when necessary to communicate more
efficiently with other beings. The only known Nacene have
They possess the ability to change their physical been a male who called himself The Caretaker due to his
appearance at will. Nacene reproduction concerns position in the lives of the Ocampan people; and a female
males and females, using spores, although they seem called Suspiria. Suspiria was the Caretaker's mate, but she
to believe that reproduction with humanoids is appeared as a small Human girl while The Caretaker
possible if they possess a compatible biomolecular appeared as an elderly human man.
pattern. However, compatible humanoids seem to be
rare in our galaxy. Lifespans of at least one thousand Nacene will assume a name they feel is appropriate to allow
years are not uncommon for Nacene. them to better deal with and communicate with whatever
race or species they are trying to interact with.
The Nacene are Sporocystian lifeforms, consisting of
sprocystian energy in the same way that most sentient
life is made up of biological matter.
The Nacene do not have a home planet as such. They exist,
naturally, in a Subspace Layer known as Exosia.
Not much is known of Nacene society, as the only The Nacene known as Suspiria, encountered in the Delta
specimens of the species Starfleet has encountered Quadrant by the USS Voyager, described Exosia as "a place
were isolated individuals separated from their own of pure thought, pure energy... a place of the mind."
The Nacene who live in Exosia are either responsible space station from which the Nacene can operate. Usually
for taking care of the quantum strings that are also as the protector or provider for an alien race the Nacene has
native to this region of space, or have taken it upon taken it onto themselves to provide for. Nacene arrays
themselves to be caretakers to these cosmic strings. should be treated as Space Stations, or Starbases, and
given statistics appropriate to each individual array. It is
Since a cosmic string is a spatial phenomenon suggested that Narrators handle Nacene array statistics by
characterized by its extremely narrow width and consulting the Expanded Starship Operations manual; a
powerful gravitational fields, but it is not a living fan-made expansion supplement for the Star Trek
being, nor capable of any natural degradation it is not Rleplaying Game designed by KillerWhale, and available on
likely that the strings located in Exosia really need several CODA game system support sites on the internet.
constant care.
Information regarding Starbase and Space Station design
Cosmic strings are no wider than a proton yet have can be found on pages 11-20 of the ESO.
gravitational fields as powerful as those of a black
hole. Cosmic strings can be detected by the presence Not all Nacene will have an array. And allowing a Nacene
of highly accelerated interstellar gases, which serve to character have one is at the Narrator's discretion.
outline the string and make it visible to standard
sensors. A cosmic string emanates a characteristic set Psionic: All Nacene are powerful psions, and as such have a
of subspace frequencies as atomic particles decay minimum Psionic attribute score of 9, and will begin the
along its event horizon. game with 3 skill levels in all basic psionic skills with the
exception of the Vulcan Mind Meld.
Nevertheless, the Nacenes most often encountered,
such as the Caretaker of the Ocampa people are likely Increased Range: (bonus Edge) All Nacene will have this
exiles. Barred from Exosia by other Nacene in a edge, applied to Telepathy, and Telekinetic skills. See p. 135
position of authority for their unwillingness to “care of the Player's Guide for more information.
for” the cosmic strings. Instead, these Nacene desire
to explore the universe, and at least two previously Psionic Coverage: (bonus Edge) All Nacene will have this
encountered in the Delta Quadrant have chosen the Edge as a species trait as well, also effecting their
Milky Way Galaxy as their region of exploration. Telepathic and Telekinetic abilities. See p. 136 of the
Player's Guide for more information.
Arrogant: (species Flaw) most Nacene will have this trait as
Explorer. Any Nacene encountered outside of Exosia
a species flaw, as Nacene tend to see themselves as
will be exploring, as this is why Nacene leave, or are
superior to other beings. See p. 139 of the Player's Guide
exiled from their homes.
for more information regarding this trait.
A Nacene may work in whatever form they desire, and
Provider Instinct: Nacene have an innate need to provide
take on any profession that appeals the them. But they
and care for other beings they feel need their help and
tend to be pacifistic in nature, while being very
guidance. When encountering a race that seem to need a
curious and willing to perform medical and scientific
Nacene's protection, or need to be provided for a Nacene
experiments on sentient humanoid beings that most
character must make a Willpower reaction test at TN 15 or
people in the 24th century would consider cruel and
become that race's caretaker. This will cause the Nacene to
unusual, in order to satisfy their insatiable curiosity
acquire the Deovtion flaw at level 2 for the race in question
about other life forms.
as well as a Species Enmity flaw in regard to any other race
known to be an enemy to the race the Nacene has chosen to
SPECIES ABILITIES protect or provide for.
Nacene are very intelligent, and thus receive a +3
species bonus to their Intellect attribute. They are also Once a Nacene becomes a Caretaker, they will not become a
uncannily perceptive and attuned to the universe Caretaker for any other race, but will attempt to provide for
around them. This results in a +2 species bonus to and protect all members of the race they have chosen.
their Perception as well.
Sporocystian Lifeform: As a form of life based on
But, Nacene are not as strong in their natural form as sporocystian energy Nacene will have the following traits as
they are when they take on a more solid, physical described in the Narrator's Guide
shape (-1 to their Strength attributes). They more than
make up for this with the speed of their movements, Sporocystian Traits:
and their natural hardiness and vitality. As energy
beings Nacene are virtually indestructible by Amorphous NG – p. 213
conventional means. And they receive a +1 species Energy Attack (sporocystian energy) NG – p. 215
bonus to their Agility and a +4 bonus to their Vitality
scores. Energy Body* NG – p. 215
Flying* NG – p. 216
In addition to these bonuses and penalties to their
attributes, Nacene have the following special traits as Incorporeal* NG – p. 217
Species Abilities: Mimicry (any desired form) NG – p. 218

Arrays: Some Nacene may have an array – a large Psychokinesis NG – p. 219

Resistance (physical damage) NG – p. 220
Speed* NG – p. 220
Vulnerability (toxin) NG – p. 221

* = Only Applicable to a Nacene in their natural physical state. Not

when using an alternate form or changing shapes.

Subspace Manipulation: This ability makes a Nacene a

very powerful being. Nacene have an ability, through
their intense psionic powers and the nature of their
existance as Sporocystian lifeforms, to manipulate
subspace its self. This enables a Nacene to move an
object as large as a ship through space
instantaneously, or move themselves through space at
warp speed equivalents as long as the Nacene is in
their natural physical state when doing so.

A Nacene may move a vessel, vehicle, item, or

individual other than themselves through space as
long as whatever they are trying to move is no larger
than a Starship of size equal to the Nacene's Strength
attribute plus Stamina reaction modifier. Successful
manipulation of subspace in this case is done via a
Psionic attribute test.

When a Nacene wishes to move itself through space,

she may achieve warp speeds equal to her Vitality
score. This means a Nacene with a Vitality of 10 can
travel at Warp 10. The Nacene may maintain this speed
for a length of time equal to 2d6+Stamina reaction in
hours. After this time has elapsed a Nacene must rest
before continuing to use their ability to move at Warp

Failure to rest forces the Nacene to make a Stamina

reaction at TN 10 or drop out of warp and rest
regardless of whether they want to or not.
Any Era

Napeans, native to Napea II (Beta quadrant), are humanoids with putty-

colored skin & a large, leaf-shaped bone ridge that runs down from the crown
of the high foreheads to the top of the nose. A tiny, egg-shaped organ near
the base of the brain, created as a mutation by an experiment in genetic
engineering, receives empathic signals & transmits them to the brain proper.
They have terraformed their homeworld to a state of conformity that strikes
many outsiders as obsessive. While their empathic powers have forged social
stability, they also struggle to suppress negative emotions & embarrassing
feelings. This is quite impossible among their own kind, but they try anyway,
since absolute emotional transparency has a way of straining familial &
social relationships. Their history has taught them to place great faith in
advanced technology as a way to solve serious problems. However, the idea
of genetically altering lifeforms appalls them.
Names: Given name + Surname. ex: Daniel Kwan.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Learning more about the universe needs to be both a work
of logic & passion.

Attributes: Control+1, Insight+2, Presence-2, Reason+2.

Physically, the Napeans resemble Terrans & Betazoids & genetic analysis
leads to the supposition that the Napean race is a transplanted cross
between the 2 races, with enough genetic differences to be detected.
They are physically similar to most humanoids except for their large,
leaf-shaped forehead ridge.

Napean, or with GM's permission.

Empathy/Mind Shield [Required]

As / Betazoid talent. [E4] In addition, you constantly use Mind Shield so as
to conceal your empathic abilities from other species.

Engineering/Science Affinity
Napeans have an affinity for the Engineering & Science Disciplines.
Whenever, you use these you gain a bonus 1d20 for your rolls.


Originally, Napea was a wild planet, hostile even for advanced life forms.
Volatile weather and extremely active tectonic movements caused natural
disasters in short frequencies. The indigenous people learned early in their
development that nature is harmonious, but rather a beast to be fought.
When they achieved a technologically signi cant state of development,
taming nature suddenly became possible option. Within a century, they
developed sophisticated terraforming and weather control technology that
would nally force nature in line.
With their civilization in harmony with nature, they quickly found themselves
bored and looking for an outlet for their energies. With no struggle for
survival, the Napeans began ghting each other. In their major cities,
the number of violent crimes rose dramatically, and violence
became a common pastime. At the height of their descent into a
crime-ridden dystopia, a group of scientists came developed a
radical solution. They began to develop a retrovirus that would
cause selective mutations in the population. The mutations
would cause a new organ to grow which would give the victims
empathic abilities. The reasoning was if the Napeans would feel
each other’s pain, the violence would stop. As genetic
tampering on this scale was forbidden, the scientists released
the virus in secret. Public outrage was immense, but ultimately
the scientists’ plan proved successful.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Every Problem Can Be Solved With


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Napean. Napeans are humanoids with a large, leaf-

shaped bone ridge that runs down from the crown of their
high foreheads to the top of the nose. A small, egg-shaped
organ near the base of the brain, created as a mutation by
an experiment in genetic engineering, receives empathic
signals and communicates them to the brain proper. Their
history has taught Napeans to place great faith in advanced
technology as a way to solve serious problems. Napeans strike
outsiders as dour and reticent. As a species, they are still grappling with
their empathic powers, which they gained only recently in their

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

A Mind For Design (Xindi-PRimate)

Empath (Betazoid, Deltan, Mari)
Maximized Efficiency (Jye)
Napeans speak Napea, a choppy, harsh-sounding language. They favor
short names that end in vowel sounds, like Buno Dyla and Diou Ria
Feminine Names: Diou, Emiraa, Hovri, Lula
Masculine Names: Buno, Aatas, Danyel, Jaq
Gender-Neutral Names: Iwane, Kolo, Ucem
Family Names: Kwan, Dyla, Opuh, Ria, Vaa

Any Era

Napeans, native to Napea II (Beta quadrant), are humanoids with putty-

colored skin & a large, leaf-shaped bone ridge that runs down from the crown
of the high foreheads to the top of the nose. A tiny, egg-shaped organ near
the base of the brain, created as a mutation by an experiment in genetic
engineering, receives empathic signals & transmits them to the brain proper.
They have terraformed their homeworld to a state of conformity that strikes
many outsiders as obsessive. While their empathic powers have forged social
stability, they also struggle to suppress negative emotions & embarrassing
feelings. This is quite impossible among their own kind, but they try anyway,
since absolute emotional transparency has a way of straining familial &
social relationships. Their history has taught them to place great faith in
advanced technology as a way to solve serious problems. However, the idea
of genetically altering lifeforms appalls them.
Names: Given name + Surname. ex: Daniel Kwan.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Learning more about the universe needs to be both a work
of logic & passion.

Attributes: Control+1, Insight+2, Presence-2, Reason+2.

Physically, the Napeans resemble Terrans & Betazoids & genetic analysis
leads to the supposition that the Napean race is a transplanted cross
between the 2 races, with enough genetic differences to be detected.
They are physically similar to most humanoids except for their large,
leaf-shaped forehead ridge.

Napean, or with GM's permission.

Empathy/Mind Shield [Required]

As / Betazoid talent. [E4] In addition, you constantly use Mind Shield so as
to conceal your empathic abilities from other species.

Engineering/Science Affinity
Napeans have an affinity for the Engineering & Science Disciplines.
Whenever, you use these you gain a bonus 1d20 for your rolls.


The strong similarity in appearance that the Kaferian have with the insectoid race of the
Xindi caused many issues when the Federation first encountered them. Only through the
determination of Kaferian and Federation diplomats were any serious issues averted.

Despite their member status within the UFP, the Kaferians have a highly profitable trade
negotiation with several of the Triangle worlds and are extremely friendly towards all
races, even accepted UFP enemy races.

Kaferia is not a member of the Federation (otherwise they could not engage in the trade
mentioned above) but they have been a staunch ally of the Federation for over 200

Humans had known of Kaferia prior to the 2150's. They become an associate member of
the Federation in 2286.

Notable Kaferians: Tzazil, Zseizaz, Rrzz'ittt (first Kaferian to join Starfleet 2258)

Species Adjustments: -1 Strength, -1 Vitality, +2 Agility

Species Abilities: Ambidextrous 4, Pacifist 2

The Nasat are an insectoid species from the planet Nasat, which they share with a
sentient plant-like species, the Citoac.

Space-faring for many decades, they have tended to isolate themselves from the rest of
the galaxy, but have joined the United Federation of Planets. A cautious people with an
aversion to taking risks, they were rarely seen off-world, but in recent years have
become slightly more visible, working within the Federation government on a number of
levels, and increasingly represented in Starfleet. Still, they are stereotyped as a careful,
conservative people, who are slow to take action or change their ways.

Nasats bear a striking resemblance to Terran crustaceans. Humans often liken them to
pillbugs or woodlice, but they are much larger, typically reaching chest height on an
average Human male. They possess a chorion carapace composed of flexible plates,
and an almost reptilian tail, which reaches to the floor. Covered in heavy scales, it is
essentially an extension of the shell. A Nasat’s multiple limbs are exoskeletal and jointed,
like those of insects. There is a set of primary manipulator arms, two pairs of secondary
manipulators, and a pair of rear legs for standing on. Having eight limbs in all, they have
earned the classification arachnid, despite their crustacean appearance. Although they
spend much of their time on two limbs, Nasats are capable of moving equally efficiently
on eight. The three upper pairs end in grasping pincers.

A Nasat’s head, resting directly on the shoulders and with no measurable neck, is round
and smooth, resembling a chitinous dome. Projecting from the top of the skull, above the
heavy brow ridge, is a pair of antennae. These sensitive feeling organs are used for
finding one’s way in the dark (the Nasat people having evolved in damp caves beneath
the forest). Nasats also possess attack hairs on the neck, which bristle when danger
presents itself. These hairs protect the Nasat from being targeted by flying or arboreal
predators. Another instinctive reaction to danger is curling. The hinged plates of the
carapace allow the Nasat to curl into a tight armoured ball, and by flexing these plates
outward one after another they can roll at speed. Specifically, they move backwards from
the source of danger, in a continuous reverse somersault. The shell is incredibly tough,
and protects a Nasat in a variety of harsh environments, even - for a period of several
hours - the vacuum of space. A Nasat can also function for a limited time in an N-class
environment like that of Venus, or in the crushing pressure at the bottom of oceans. The
acidic atmosphere of Eridas IX is too much for them, though. The shell can even
withstand directed energy weapons to some degree. On the other hand, it is not
invulnerable to piercing weapons such as arrows.

A Nasat’s eyes, which are blue, black or yellow, are heavy-lidded, giving them a
permanent drowsy expression. The eyelids allow them to blink, though they do so
irregularly. Underneath these lids are transparent membranes, which allow the Nasat to
see where it is going while its eyes remain protected from harsh environments, again
including space.

Although capable of enduring a wide range of climates, they prefer warm and humid
environments, having evolved in the rainforests of their planet’s tropical belt. Nasats are
equally at home on the ground or in trees, having originated on the forest floor, while
today residing in the canopy.

An individual Nasat - or “shell” as the Nasats themselves phrase it - can be identified by

its unique bioelectric signature, which is read by passing a scanner over the forebrain
region of the head. The Nasat brain contains the Central Cortex, a region believed to be
the most primitive part of the organ. Whatever functions it served were long thought to
have become obsolete as the species evolved. In the average Nasat, the Central Cortex
might show low-level brain activity a handful of times a day, nothing more. However,
there is a type of Nasat known as a “Quiet” whose upper brain functions are
concentrated here. In a Nasat, a highly stimulated Central Cortex is related to
communication deficiencies; the label of “Quiet” is applied as these people cannot, under
normal circumstances, speak or grasp even the basics of language. Quiets hatch at a
uniform rate planet-wide, regardless of shell colour, geography or heredity. One in every
750 Nasats can be expected to hatch a Quiet, and for much of Nasat history such
people were left to a life of isolation, performing menial tasks and unable to participate in
civic affairs. In the 24th century, a Federation neural-electric linguistics program was
developed to facilitate the communication skills of these "quiets". It was discovered soon
afterward that the Quiets were not "defective", but instead adapted to communicate with
the Citoac, who stimulate the brains of Nasats with sound in order to interact with them.
Quiets were historically essential to keeping the peace between the two races.

Nasat come in five different colors, which are integrated into their names (Blue, Brown,
Red, Green, and Yellow).

Nasats inhabit the giant trees covering much of their planet's tropical regions. While the
Capital Township is increasingly modernized as Nasat integrates into the Federation,
more "rural" regions are still very traditional and occasionally opposed to alien
influences. Being a peaceful race, they prefer keeping to themselves, and thus simply
cordon off their dwellings instead of aggressively colonizing or controlling the forests. All
manner of animal and plant life coexist beyond the townships, relatively undisturbed by
the Nasat presence.

Nasat generally have little sense of history, and romantic love is an alien concept to
them. Females are fertilized, then may wait several years before birthing larvae. The
larvae are transferred to state nurseries soon afterward; there is no parent-child bond.

The Nasat had made contact with the United Federation of Planets by the late 23rd
century. In 2269 one member of the species, M3 Green, accompanied Captain James T.
Kirk and a multi-species team to retrieve and return the "Soul of Skorr" to Vedala.

By the 24th century, the Nasat were members of the Federation, although many Nasat
decided not to leave their homeworld. One exception was P8 Blue, who served aboard
the Federation starship USS da Vinci as part of the ship's Starfleet Corps of Engineers
team for much of the 2370s.

Another exception to this were a group of Red Nasats who left in the early 24th century
to forge a new life for themselves. These Nasats settled on planet Phantas 61, where
they integrated into Phantasian culture.

Nasat Names: B6 Blue, C29 Green, F3 Red, M3 Green, P8 Blue, Q2 Brown, R1 Red,
V1 Red, V5 Red, Z4 Blue


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Bullies by nature, Nausicaans place value in personal strength and little else.
Nausicaan society is a kratocratic anarchic, with the weak dominated
by the strong. Known for their tempers and lack of subtlety, Nausicaans
enjoy inflicting pain. They posses no allegiance to state or homeworld, and
their strongest bond tends to be familial. The Nausicaan homeworld has
few permanent cities, where the weaker individuals are forced to work.
Most of the population dwells in the wilds, facing its harsh wintery
environment and numerous large predators. Driven to survive at
any cost, Nausicaans have no compunctions against cheating,
seizing upon any advantage to claim victory. Nausicaans did not
develop their technology but stole it from Andorians who made
the mistake of trying to raid the Nausicaan homeworld. Replicating
the technology was beyond their capabilities, but the captured
ships enabled the Nausicaans to leave their world and seize more
spaceships and prisoners, whom they forced to develop new ships
and weaponry, which was in turn used to launch raids upon freighters
and shipping lanes. This led to the golden age of Nausicaan privacy,
which lasted for much of the late 21st and early 22nd Century. It
was not until the founding of the United Federation of Planets and
growth of Starfleet that Nausicaan piracy was finally curtailed.
With their raids ended, most Nausicaans earn a living as
mercenaries, allying with various criminal organizations or
those willing to pay. A few Nausicaans have also found work
as merchants or traders, buying and selling goods with few
concerns over the source or ownership.

EXAMPLE VALUE: When Pushed, You Must Push Back.

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Nausicaan. Large and heavily muscled, Nausicaans stand two

meters in height and possess great physical strength. They are highly
resistant to pain, having fewer nerve receptors, which also diminishes
their sense of touch.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Nausicaan, or Gamemaster’s Permission
When you attempt a Task to intimidate or frighten a creature you consider
weaker than you and buy one or more d20s by adding to Threat, you
ignore any complications.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
During the mid-22nd century, Nausicaans committed acts of piracy against
freighters in the same sector for several years. Hunting parties of several
warp-capable starships, armed with plasma cannons and protected by
shields, worked out of Nausicaan cargo stations. The pirate crews were
armed with hand-held directed energy weapons, boarded ships and stone
their cargo. In the year 2151, Star eet made rst o cial contact with the
Nausicaans when the Earth starship Enterprise NX-01 intervened in a
con ict involving the ECS Fortunate and a force of Nausicaan pirates.
Nausicaans are a common choice as bodyguards or mercenaries, even for
the the Orion Syndicate and the Ferengi Commerce Authority.
Nausicaans are also known for their erce diplomacy. In case of a
disagreement, Nausicaan representatives would simply threaten others with
violence to enforce their will.

EXAMPLE VALUE: All Others Are Weak

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Nausicaan. Nausicaans are a tall, very strong

species hailing from Nausicaa. They are generally stronger
than an average Human, though often somewhat less
intelligent, preferring brute force over nesse and direct
methods as opposed to subtlety. They have little patience
for organized forms of government, though they will tolerate
following a captain for as long as that captain earns their
capricious loyalty. Nausicaans are somewhat resistant to
pain and injury, and almost never back down from a
challenge, especially when it involves games that carry the
potential for serious bodily harm to themselves or their

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Cruel (QuchHa’)
Glorious Notoriety (Dosi)
Never Place Friendship Above Profit (Ferengi)
Feminine Names: Lhouc, Paz, Stehei, Utkz, Xez
Masculine Names: Kajek, Krozh, Savonigar, Trenigar, Zon
Gender-Neutral Names: Temuuk, Shuuzjur, Luuzardz, Thuukkzec

2371 or later (Shackleton Expanse)

The Niidaens are a race of powerful mammal analogues originating from a

harsh world covered in active volcanoes & sulfurous seas. Tsiph is an Earth-
sized moon in orbit around a gas giant (11th planet) in the Tsiph System. The
average adult female stands roughly 7-8ft tall & is powerfully muscled. Males
are slightly smaller at about 6ft & far less bulky, though they are heavier than
an average human. The skulls of females are extremely heavy. The skin of
both sexes is mottled gray, though more pronounced in females. Females
have vestigial, red-colored patterns across their chest & back, used to attract
the attention of a mate. Their eyes are covered by a protective membrane
that gives them a luminescent blue coloration. They have a very ancient
religious system centered around the belief that their homeworld is a living
being, the mother of all Niidaen life. This goddess is known as the Fiery
Mother. They have been a space-faring race for several centuries.
Names: female: Xarla Tsorg; male: Krezian, no last name.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Males are only good for breeding & eating.
They are generally as advanced as the Federation.

Attributes: Female: Fitness +2, Presence +1; Male: Insight +1, Reason +2.
The birth rate for females is greater than that of males, on the order of 10
to 1. Females have greater physical strength & protection than males
helping them to survive to sexual maturity. Pregnancies are short, after
which the female lays 1 or 2 leathery eggs. This trait frees the female to
continue on with her duties, from conception to birth with little impact
physically, making her far less vulnerable.

Niidaen, or with GM's permission.

Sulam (Mother,around 20 yrs old+) [Females only-Required]

When approaching sexual maturity, your skin thickens to provide you
with a Resistance of 2 vs all Effects. And whenever you use the Fitness
attribute or Security discipline, you gain 1d20 as your maternal instincts
kick in.

Duro (Wise Man, around 35 yrs old+) [Males only-Required]

Males remain sexually active for roughly 20 years, after which they
undergo a dramatic change where they develop a sharp mind, & a deep
curiosity. Whenever using your Insight/Reason Attribute, you add 1d20 to
your rolls. If successful, gain 1 momentum.

Additional Information
They are long-time allies of the Drevina. The leader of the Niidaen
Gynochracy is the 'Sulam Regnar' (Great Mother) or for cultural reference:
Empress. Their colonies are: Garra, Lecto, Raphas, Sivorn, Turga.

incredible speed. Further still, they are capable of truly
astounding psychic feats.

THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY TALENTS: The character receives access to the
An oddity for humanoid species, the Ocampa are an following Talents:
extremely short-lived people whose lifespan rarely
exceeds a decade. For nearly all of Ocampan history, they
have been under the protective watch of the Caretaker REQUIREMENT: Ocampa, or Gamemaster’s permission.
– a member of an extremely powerful extra-galactic Ocampa possess keen minds and enjoy near-perfect
civilization. At some point in the distant past, the Caretaker memories, and they take to new situations and new
was responsible for rendering the Ocampan homeworld challenges quickly. When a character with this talent
nearly uninhabitable. To attempt to atone for this act, the attempts a Task which they have seen at least one ally
Caretaker then spent the following centuries ensuring the perform during this mission, you may add an additional
Ocampan people had everything they could need. This d20 to that Task.
relationship continued until the Caretaker’s death – and
as a nal act, the powerful being provided the Ocampans
with su cient energy reserves to hold out for another half REQUIREMENT: Ocampa, or Gamemaster’s permission.
decade at best. The character can sense the surface thoughts and emotions
of most living beings nearby, and can communicate
While, physically, they are nearly identical to Humans, telepathically with other empaths and telepaths, as well
Ocampan physiology is radically di erent. The Ocampa as those with whom they are extremely familiar. Surface
only live to be roughly ten standard years old – though this thoughts are whatever a creature is thinking about at that
can be extended signi cantly through advanced medical precise moment. The character cannot choose not to sense
technologies. Much like insects, Ocampa development the emotions or read the surface thoughts of those nearby,
proceeds through a series of stages – alternating periods except for those who are resistant to telepathy. It will require
of stability and rapid aging. New-born Ocampans remain e ort and a Task to pick out the emotions or thoughts of a
in a childlike stage for a brief year before rapidly aging speci c individual in a crowd, to search a creature’s mind
and growing into pseudo-adulthood. Following this, they for speci c thoughts or memories, or to block out the
remain in this stage for another few years before reaching minds of those nearby. Unwilling targets may resist with an
sexual maturity, a stage that lasts only a few months before Opposed Task.
fading. After this, Ocampans gradually continue to age
through their adulthood before undergoing one nal rapid While all Ocampa are telepathic, their short lifespan and rapid
development stage that marks their twilight. Once this development means that a young Ocampa character may not
occurs, Ocampa can expect to live for no more than a year fully develop their abilities until later in life, so it is possible
or two before expiring. to choose the Talent after character creation. Unlike other
telepathic/empathic species, the Ocampa have demonstrated
Interestingly, Ocampa possess powerful, latent telepathic the ability to develop even greater psychic abilities, including
abilities that appear to have become long since dormant. precognition, mental projection, telekinesis, and the ability to
If allowed, or nurtured, into development, these abilities manipulate matter at a subatomic level.
range from simply forms of empathy and telepathy, to more
powerful and advanced forms of precognition and even
telekinesis. The full range and capability of these talents has Ocampa tend towards one to three syllable names that use
yet to be fully determined. l’s, r’s, and s’s in consonant-vowel-consonant patterns. Due
to their short lifespans and small population, Ocampa no
EXAMPLE VALUE: See All that Life has to O er longer need secondary names to denote lineage or family.
As twins and triplets are fairly common, siblings often have
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence similar-sounding names.

TRAIT: Ocampa. Ocampa are an interesting and unique SAMPLE NAMES

humanoid species. Their development is more closely Masculine: Ferel, Benil, Lorlaren, Dagis, Nornan, Foren,
akin to that of insects than to Humans. Long-time Jerden, Dulon, Kelonal, Keggis
support, provided by the enigmatic Caretaker, has left Feminine: Lesa, Morana, Ulona, Pala, Bella, Terres, Klaes,
the species in somewhat of a socially stunted state, and Rayal, Olona, Nahal
their society has since become entirely dependent upon Gender-Neutral: Kelis, Das, Terel, Kalen, Talas, Fergas,
the services the Caretaker provided. When separated Voralis, Retis, Nodas, Jonarel
from this welfare state, Ocampa are curious and studious
learners – voraciously devouring information with

The Oran’taku are native to the planet Oran’taku in the Delphic Expanse. Members of
their species are telepathic, able to mesmerize others into a trance, and scan them to
acquire biometric data. They may also launch a telepathic attack on the neurocortex.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Don’t Resist.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Oran’taku. The Oran’taku are humanoid, and have a tattoo-like pattern that
rings their torso at clavicle height. A raised ridge extends from the corner of their
eyes to the side of their head. They are telepathic, capable of mesmerizing a
subject, then illuminating their physiology (showing what is under the skin) by
running their hands over them. They are able to retain and transfer such biometric
knowledge. They may also attack with their touch, stimulating their victim’s
neurocortex, which may be deadly to certain species.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents, which must be
taken at character generation:

REQUIREMENT: Oran’taku. Must be taken at character generation.
You have a version of Telepath (p. 105, Core Rulebook), initiated with a touch (within
Reach). It is used mainly to Create Advantages such as Mesmerized (which could
manifest as seduction or fascination); or Temporary Memory Loss (so that they won’t
remember being scanned by your Biometric Touch). You may sense emotions as well.

REQUIREMENT: Oran’taku. Must be taken at character generation.
You may scan the physiology of a target living creature. You must be close enough
(within Reach) to run your hands above the area to be scanned. This is a Insight +
Medicine Task at Difficulty 2 to Obtain Information. Difficulty is reduced by 1 against a
Mesmerized or unconscious target. It is a Reason + Medicine Extended Task
(Difficulty 3, Work 12, Magnitude 3, Resistance 1, time interval 1 hour) to download
such biometric data to an appropriate medium, such as a computer file.
In addition, you have a Neurocortex Disruption attack as a melee weapon: 2A,
Intense, Debilitating. You may use Medicine instead of Security with this, and increase
damage with Medicine instead of Security.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Orions, despite their frequently brutal treatment of Buccaneers — the title was adopted from Terran history and
slaves, prefer not to bring damaged goods to the markets. literature — consider themselves the swashbucklers of the
Damaged slaves mean lower pro ts. Slaver medics look after spaceways. “To dare is to truly live,” is their motto. While
the health of the “merchandise,” ensuring that slaves are many are pirates, some Buccaneers have broken away from
protected from disease and dis guring injuries and that they the Syndicate, and now actively oppose Orion piracy and
are in prime condition for a sale. slavery... all with panache and derring-do.



Unarmed Strike (Melee, 2 Knockdown, Size 1H, Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 Knockdown, Size 1H,
Non-lethal) Non-lethal)
Dagger (Melee, 2 Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1) Dagger (Melee, 3 Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 4 Vicious 1, Size 1H) Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 Vicious 1, Size 1H)


Hands-on Training: The Orion Medic has had experience Bold: The Buccaneer is nothing if not daring. When
treating a wide variety of ailments on a wide variety of performing a Task using the Daring Attribute and buying
species. When attempting a Task to tend wounds or additional d20s with Threat, they may re-roll a single d20.
illness using Reason + Medicine, the Medic reduces the
Di culty by 1 (to a minimum of zero).

Orions are an independent species, the remnants of an advanced ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence
civilization from the system of the same name. They are known
for their distinctive green skin, and for the e ect that their body TRAIT: Orion. Orions produce pheromones which
chemistry can have on other species. Orion males are typically bald, can a ect humanoid brains to a certain degree. The
and tend to be both taller and more muscular than the average pheromone produced by Orion males can generally make
Human male. Orion females are considered to be extremely alluring, them seem attractive to other humanoids, but not to the
although a great deal of this reputation comes from the e ect of same degree as that produced by Orion females.
their pheromones on other humanoids. In Orion society, the males
are slaves to the females, but they maintain a patriarchal façade in
relations with other species.

Official version found in the Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide

Orions have a well-earned reputation for finding advantages, and as a people they
are skilled at assessing risks or evaluating odds. Somewhat arrogant by nature,
their egocentricity makes them confident and proud of themselves and their
skills. Officially, Orion systems are ruled by a single government that has long
maintained neutrality in galactic politics. However, members of the species are
infamous for their involvement in many criminal endeavours, including piracy,
slavery, and the notorious Orion Syndicate. Materialism is the predominant
force in Orion culture, driven by their principle philosophy that value given
has to equal the value received. As a result of this philosophy, Orions are
hedonistic, living as well as they can within their means and aiming to
enjoy life as much as they can afford. They are driven to seize opportunities
that lead to increased profit, comfort, or pleasure. While they value physical
objects, Orions have little sentimentality: everything gained has to serve some
purpose, whether for personal enrichment, the sake of one’s leader, or just
simple revenge. Orion society is matriarchal, with the women controlling the
male via pheromones.

EXAMPLE VALUE: You Cannot Get Something for Nothing

TRAIT: Orion. The copper-based blood chemistry of Orions is

superficially similar to Vulcans, and they are physically stronger than
many other humanoid races. Orions have a pronounced sexual
dimorphism, with males being significantly larger and well muscled than
most females. Orions are often considered highly physically desirable,
owing to the species’ limited retention of body fat; female Orions are
especially alluring due to their pheromones, which make them
extraordinarily attractive to males of many humanoid species while also
stimulating the subject’s adrenal gland. Conversely, females of other
species typically experience headaches as a reaction to Orion pheromones.
This is not universal: Denobulans have their sleep cycle interrupted by the
pheromones while Vulcanoids are immune.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Orion, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You know when and where to apply your efforts for maximum payoff and how
to best utilize your skills. Pick either Insight or Presence; when you attempt a
Task using that Attribute and don’t have an applicable Focus, each die that rolls
a “2” scores two successes.

REQUIREMENT: Female Orion, or Gamemaster’s Permission
While at Close range, when attempting a Task to negotiate, persuade, or seduce a
humanoid creature physically attracted to you, you add a bonus d20 to the roll.

REQUIREMENT: Male Orion, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Used to supplicating yourself to a higher authority (typically a female Orion slave
master) you will not willingly act against your superiors. Whenever you attempt a
Task to resist being coerced into disobeying an order, betraying your allies, or otherwise
acting against a directive, you reduce the Difficulty by 1.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
The Orions are a paradoxical species. An Orion will be warm and welcoming to newcomers and be open
to talking about a variety of topics as they get to know them. Too often this is a ruse, as Orion culture is
based around seizing the advantage in all things and working out the best deals to bene t their society.
Though they proudly claim to be strictly neutral in the a airs of the galaxy, the Orions are the founders
of two organizations that have profoundly impacted Star eet and other empires: the Orion Trade Union
and the Orion Syndicate. Too often Orions are members of both of these organizations and the species
they interact with will learn too late which group they are dealing with. Though the Orion Syndicate is a
menace that is the target of dozens of law enforcement agencies, their persuasive negotiating skills and
extensive criminal empire have guaranteed their continued existence.

Orion society is broken down along binary gender lines. Orion females are typically the leaders of Orion
society, and have evolved an advantage where their bodies secrete special pheromones that cause a
hypnotic e ect in males of some species. Orion males were second-class citizens for centuries and only
recently gained full recognition in Orion society, though they are still most commonly seen as laborers
and crew on Orion outposts and vessels. When it comes to the Syndicate, Orions prefer to let members
of other species work for them; this not only guarantees that the Orion can continue their claim of strict
neutrality, but they also avoid the risk of fallout from their criminal enterprises.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Everything is a Deal

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Orion. Orions thrive in Class-M environments and are well suited to long voyages
through space. The Orions are a dimorphic species where the females secrete special
pheromones that can stimulate the adrenal systems of other species and make them
become fascinated with them, which the Orion women have used to maintain control over
not only Orion males but to manipulate other species.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Orion, or gamemaster’s permission.

The Orions are known as one of the most untrustworthy species in the Galaxy next to the
Ferengi, and yet people are always willing to do business with them or are continually tricked
by them. This is due to the subtle dance of social interactions and the release of pheromones
that make the Orion endearing to whom they are dealing with, and can be used to gain their
trust. An Orion adds 1 bonus Momentum to their pool when they have successfully completed
a task to win a target’s trust.

REQUIREMENT: Orion, or gamemaster’s permission

Orion culture is based around understanding the complicated meanings behind words and
plans. They do not take things at face value but look to see the underlying scheme going on
behind the scenes, whether it is noticing a word that was omitted from a contract agreement
to understanding how a pickpocket slipped a watch o their victim’s wrist. When trying to
understand a matter involving intrigue or guile, an Orion may roll an additional d20 when
attempting to decipher the hidden meaning behind the action.

SAMPLE NAMES: Adreltosh, Brielar, D’Nesh, Kotho, Navaar, Prasad, Savarah, Shretsh

While their fellow Osnullus can tell what each other are
The Osnullus hail from a homeworld that has only recently thinking by looking at each other’s faces, it is more di cult
begun to shed their caste-based society. Once beholden for other species to do so. This natural trait gives them an
biologically to queens who governed their individual colonies, advantage when it comes to treachery
Osnullus have evolved to a stage where they are more and deceit. The Osnullus may roll an
independent minded and are capable of breaking away from additional d20 for the purposes
their colonies. Though some still prefer to cling to the castes of trying to mislead or lie to
of their births, the Osnullus have embraced independence another species.
and the concept of the individual. Since joining Star eet,
the Osnullus can now be seen across the Alpha Quadrant NAMES
where they embrace the close communities of their starships Osnullus tend to have just a single
as new colonies for them to live in. Some species nd the name.
Osnullus method of eating to be disturbing, as their lack of
mouths means they absorb their food through specialized SAMPLE NAMES: Aemmo,
feeding ports within their ngers. Hivfa, Rahma, Srwell

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Am as Strong Apart as I Am with Others

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAITS: Osnullus. The Osnullus exemplify being at

peace with themselves as much as they do coexisting
with others. They are able to notice changes in the
behavior of their friends and crewmates while also
being able to exist on their own. The Osnullus prize their
independence and there is nothing more abhorrent to
them than the subjugation of others against their will.
They see working toward the same goal as something
that others should strive for, but being coerced into doing
so makes them want to rebel against it.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following talents:


The Osnullus caste system is a relic from a bygone age but

it still a ects the futures of many of their species. Some
Osnullus are born with advanced re exes for working in
space, while others have a hardier carapace to assist them
with construction. Over time, an Osnullus can shift their
bodies slightly to assist them with certain tasks. When this
talent is chosen, the Osnullus may pick a discipline that they
are gifted toward. Whenever the character attempts a task
involving this talent, they may reroll one of their d20s.


The name of this people’s empire and governmental body was the same: the
Hierarchy. The vast bureaucracy of the Hierarchy Central Command controlled
everything in its space and influenced all aspects of daily life. The influence
of the Hierarchy was so pervasive that many outside species associated this
people entirely with the Hierarchy, whose true name is unknown to the larger
galaxy and possibly even forgotten by themselves. Individuals of this species
are now simply identified as Overlookers. The Hierarchy claims that other
species belong to the Hierarchy, but none have other been seen. The Hierarchy
oversees all activities and tasks conducted by its members, with workers and
even the crew of spaceships directly consulting the Hierarchy for approval of
all decisions and variations on procedures. Each worker was assigned a single
task confined to a single duty station and permitted limited access to other
workers of the rest of the ship or complex. Workers were expected to perform
their duties with extreme care and diligence and mistakes were harshly
punished. The Hierarchy was largely an economic power, and had trade
dealings with neighbouring powers, such as the Turei and Malon. However,
they regularly conducted raids on unaligned passing vessels in order to
steal technology and resources. Despite their advanced technology, the
Hierarchy preferred espionage over direct assaults, favouring its efficiency
and higher chances of success.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Buildings can Only Go as High as the Strength of their


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Overlooker. Short in stature with thick, leathery, brown skin,

individual Overlookers had few differentiating features, with small
ears and lacking eyebrows, lips, noses, and hair of the face or head.
The homeworld of the Overlookers was large and high gravity, giving
the species higher physical strength than Humans but a rotund and
stocky frame and generally slower movement.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Overlooker, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You do your best work when under the direct orders and supervision of a
superior. When attempting a Task initiated by the Direct Task, you gain a
bonus d20 and can also re-roll any 20s.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Tre:h Online: and Cryptic Studios
The Overlookers are an alien race from the Delta Quadrant. The
overarching sociopolitical entity to which the species belongs
and comprises is called the Hierarchy. Their species is highly
adept in the skills of espionage and remote surveillance.
They regularly use surveillance on passing ships to plan future
raids. This is done by special surveillance ships, hiding in
nebulae for example, which use highly advanced sensors to
assess the tactical risk of attacking passing vessels and the value of their
cargo. The Hierarchy’s cloaked ships also allow them to sneak up on
targeted vessels, after which they would execute a predetermined attack
pattern. Their attack patterns were numbered according to their increasing
levels of energy expenditure. The Hierarchy is meticulous when it comes to
the use of energy and resources on its vessels. Every planned use
was to be reported and consulted with the Hierarchy to maximize
e ciency. The Hierarchy itself is regularly consulted by crews of
its ships using a special communication system.
The social and working ethics of the Hierarchy di ers
dramatically from those of Star eet in that every crew member
has only a single duty and workstation, minimal social
interaction, and limited access to the rest of the ship.

EXAMPLE VALUE: When In Doubt, Defer To Authority

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Overlooker. Physically, the species is humanoid with

dull brown leathery skin and generally nondescript features.
Their heads are lumpy and hairless, with few distinguishable
facial features, having no eyebrows, lips, or nose – though
nostrils were present. Their ears are similarly understated,
marked only by subtle embossing around curved openings
on the sides of their heads. There are also two vertical rows
of at least eight raised pits running down the back of their
heads. Additionally, members of the species possess a rotund
appearance with a relatively nonathletic build compared to other
humanoid species.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Assigned Workstation (Original: All fingers and Thumbs) (Benzite)

Duty and Discipline (Cardassian)
Maximized Efficiency (Jye)
Gender-Neutral Names: Devro, Loquar, Nar, Phlox, Zet

While the Hierarchy is located in the Delta Quadrant, it is relatively, close to

the Beta Quadrant. So the GM may allow this species in a campaign set in
the Beta Quadrant.


A heavy-set humanoid species with bushy eyebrows and saggy features,

Pakleds are nomads that scavenge and trade for technology. Goods from
myriad species and planets can be found in their traveling markets. Pakled
salvage scows often travel between hazardous spatial anomalies, hoping to
recover components from damaged ships; while most Pakleds are content
to simply scavenge near anomalies, a few have been known to sabotage
warning buoys. A number of Pakleds have also been known to steal
from other species: conducting illegal salvage operations or even taking
hostages to extort technology. Not generally amoral, Pakleds are simply
lazy, seeking the quickest and easiest route to success. This cultural
indolence is demonstrated in their language, which is exceedingly
simple and lacks nuance. When their speech is translated, it can
give the impression the Pakled are intellectually challenged.
However, this seeming simplicity belies the Pakled’s natural
cunning. While Pakleds as a people are unaligned, owing to their
ineffectual and regularly changing central government and
their wide dispersal throughout the Alpha Quadrant, a few have
opted to join Starfleet. These Pakled often struggle to move past
their inherent idleness in order to perform the duties expected
of them. Most settle into positions as enlisted personnel, lacking
the ambition to become officers or seek promotion. However,
when properly motivated, Pakled have a flair for engineering
and find novel ways of keeping systems operational with limited

EXAMPLE VALUE: The Quickest Way is the Best Way.

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control,+1 Daring,+1 Insight

TRAIT: Pakled. Pakleds have concentrated fatty deposits across

their bodies, which can insulate them from extreme temperatures.
When exposed to dangerously cold temperatures, Pakleds fall into a
state of suspended animation, which can even allow them to survive
exposure to space. Deceptively cunning and quick witted, Pakleds are
frequently underestimated and dismissed. Frequently raised in
slovenly or unhygienic conditions, Pakleds are highly resistant to both
disease and radiation. While not particularly stronger than Humans,
their stocky frames allows them move while carrying heavy loads (if
they can be motivated to do so).

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Pakled, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You can build things out of parts others would call trash. When
you would fail at a Task to perform repairs or build a device,
you can choose to gain 2 additional successes by creating a
Complication that cannot be removed until the Task is repeated.

REQUIREMENT: Pakled, or Gamemaster’s Permission
When you attempt an opposed Task to deceive a creature of hide your
intentions, you always have at least 1 success, and win ties even if you are not
the active character.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Tre:h Online: and Cryptic Studios

Pakleds are a corpulent, bipedal species who TALENTS: The character receives access to
have eyebrows that swoop up their foreheads the following talents:
and skin aps beneath their eyes. There is still
much being learned about Pakled physiology
which somehow allows them to survive REQUIREMENT: Pakled.
the vacuum of space. A Pakled is adept at You are great at patching things up and
processing information, though this can take xing them regardless of the di culties the
extended periods of time and multiple inputs solution may cause later. When attempting
before the information is fully processed. an Engineering task, you may increase the
complication range by 1 or more. If you do,
Pakleds seek to make themselves strong and you may reduce the Di culty of the task by 1,
powerful, typically adapting and combining the to a minimum of 1 for each complication range
technologies of other species together to help increase you make.
them do so. Adapting the technology takes
many attempts and failures before it works,
but once these adaptations work, they are REQUIREMENT: Pakled, or
surprisingly successful. gamemaster’s permission.
Your body is capable of
EXAMPLE VALUE: Pakleds are Strong shrugging o even the
most debilitating injuries. If
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, you would be killed, you
+1 Insight may spend 1 point of
Determination to remain
TRAIT: Pakleds. For reasons unknown alive but injured.
to themselves or the Federation, Pakleds
are immune to the e ects of vacuum. The
medical mystery still ba es the greatest Pakleds take short,
xenobiologists. aggressive names that
represent their power.

Grunog, Trendur,
Pakleds are masters of trial and error. Morgug, Rangorg,
Some have attempted building the same Dendinor, Frondog
piece of technology hundreds of times
in di erent ways and failed every time. If
you see something a Pakled has nally
succeeded at engineering, you should
be terri ed.
The Pakleds are a humanoid species in contact with the Federation by the
2360s. To the casual observer, the Pakleds appear to be intellectually
challenged, especially in their verbal skills. However, despite the marked
lack of intellect, they can prove to be far more cunning than they appear,
and they use their innocuous appearance to deceive other races.
The Pakleds’ own technology is signi cantly less advanced than that of
many other spacefaring races. According to scientists, it remains a genuine
curiosity how they ever mastered the rudiments of space travel. They are
driven by their unwillingness to develop technological knowledge
on their own, desiring to instantly gain the power that other
cultures enjoy. They therefore try to acquire technology from
other species, generally by theft.
Oftentimes Pakled transports send out a Mayday in order to lure
in other ships whose technology could then be stolen. If people
o er assistance, the Pakleds sometimes even resort to
kidnapping to force the helping vessel to hand over their

EXAMPLE VALUE: You Think I Am Not Smart; But I Am


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Pakled. Pakleds tend to be rather heavy-set and

have purplish blood. Despite they innocuous appearance,
they are actually very cunning and masters of deception.
While they usually behave slothfully, they can display short
bursts of surprising swiftness and dexterity when it comes
acquiring what they want.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Industrious Mind (RigelLian Jelna)

Fool’s Luck (Original: Survivor’s Luck) (Tosk)
The Truth Of The Matter (Rakhari)
Feminine Names: Guhnarha, Hubmihe, Lilbopdu, Mapbunge, Nelmugmi,
Nulderu, Pehukne, Pemarma, Rahpelne, Rognurmu
Masculine Names: Bunbohgo, Dugokho, Gargode, Girhuhke, Kinipo,
Landopmo, Luherpu, Mubgabgo, Murunho, Rodablo
Gender-Neutral Names: Barbinmak, Domhembud, Gapdekhid, Hemlihmak,
Helebdod, Hunhahdab, Lardibdek, Lilgugpil, Rehogreg, Rikborig

Pandronians are a species of colony creatures native to the planet Pandro.
As of 2270, the Federation had recently made rst contact with
As colony creatures, Pandronians existed as cooperative beings made up of
discrete organisms. Consequently, the concept of an individual held a
unique meaning for Pandronians, who referred to the colony as
"this one" instead of the more expected “I” used by most
humanoid species. The separate organisms that constituted a
unique Pandronian may have also, over the course of time,
“disassembled” and reassembled with other creatures creating
a new colony and e ectively terminating the existence of the
previous unique Pandronian.
As of 2380s, it was not uncommon to see Pandronians serving
as consultants for Star eet.

EXAMPLE VALUE: This One Will Get The Job Done

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Reason, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Pandronian. The individual organisms of a

Pandronian are autonomous to a large extent but may have
di culties performing complex tasks alone. All parts are
mobile on their own, through both bipedal locomotion and a
form of levitation. Pandronians are typically of comparable
height to Humans and Vulcans. They have green skin with
tufts of red hair, large eyes, and a slightly down-turned mouth.
Young Pandronians are referred to as “egglings” since they are
laid in eggs, instead of being born live.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Multi-Tasking (Edosian)
The Colony
This Talent is mandatory and must be selected by a Pandronian
character during character creation.
As a Minor Action and by spending 1 Momentum (immediate)
you can split your body into three distinct parts that can move
and act independently from one another. You can still only perform
one Minor Action and one Task per round, but you can choose each time
which of your parts performs it. Recombining parts requires a Minor Action.

Well Regarded (Sikarian)

Feminine Names: Bali yn Lem, Dala yn Pel, Ka yn Zam,
Shari yn Yem
Masculine Names: Ari bn Bem, Diri bn Ful, Lura bn Zel,
Nari bn Yan

TALENTS: The character receives access to the TRAIT: Lurian. Lurians are a passionate people, and
following talents: never do anything by half measure. Whether it is by
devoting themselves to the arts or by trying to become
the greatest pilots in the quadrant, the Lurians live with
REQUIREMENT: Karemma, or Gamemaster permission. their emotions on their sleeves despite their normally
While it can be di cult to maintain a sterling reputation impassive facial features. Lurians are always great
and in doing so lead to hardship and loss, there are times thinkers and dreamers, and even though they may
when pursuing a higher path can reap great bene ts for the appear quiet their minds are often on important matters
individual. It is the di cult road, but one that will ultimately and on formulating plans for their futures. The Dominion
lead towards ful lling the needs of the many rather than War is of great interest on the Lurians’ homeworld, where
the sel sh desires of the one. As long as the character their people swing from obsession with how the war will
has behaved honourably throughout the scene, they may play out for their people to mild annoyance that the war is
use their Presence Attribute for any declared Attacks. The all that o worlders will talk about.
character is also assumed to pass any challenges involving
impugning their character in front of witnesses. TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talents:

A tricorder can tell someone what an object is composed of REQUIREMENT: Lurian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
in only a few seconds but it is rumoured that the Karemma Life is not worth living to a Lurian if there is not some risk
can do it in only one. Drawing upon past experience, the involved. Always willing to dare greater than others, the
Karemma is able to instinctively identify the materials that Lurian nds that the real thrill lurks just beyond the edge of
make up an object that they interact with physically. In the danger and that is what they should strive for even if their
event of dealing with unknown or exotic substances, they are comrades do not. The character gains an additional point of
able to identify familiar patterns within the material that can Momentum if they succeed at a task that requires extreme
point the characters in the right direction while performing acts of bravery to overcome.
the Scienti c Method and reduce the di culty by 1.

SAMPLE NAMES: REQUIREMENT: Lurian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Masculine names: Hanok, Ornithar The Lurians are known for having one of the hardiest
Feminine names: Nethys, Zarestra constitutions in the quadrant. Capable of taking a knife to
Gender-neutral names: Bulko, Yebesh one of their hearts and keep on ghting, the Lurians have
evolved a musculature and cardiovascular system that rivals
that of the Klingons. When mortally wounded or su ering
under a Condition that a ects their physiology, a Lurian
can choose to ignore the e ect for the remainder of the
scene, after which they collapse from exhaustion and are
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY incapacitated for a scene.
A race as well known for their erce martial skills as they are
for their artistic endeavors, the Lurians are a power whose SAMPLE NAMES:
homeworld is near the Wormhole. Though their world is Masculine names: Morn, Lork
controlled by the Royal Family of Luria, they are a frequent Feminine names: Eltessa, Zyrionda
sight at outposts and trading posts across the quadrant, Gender-neutral names: Gresh, Slurr
and their skill as navigators and warriors makes them prized
members of any crew. With multiple hearts and two stomachs
they require large quantities of food and their religious custom
dictates that attendees at a Lurian funeral should bring plenty
of food and liquor to see the dead through their journey into
the afterlife. Though some Lurians have become involved THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY
in criminal endeavors such as the Orion Syndicate, they The Paradans are one of the few Gamma Quadrant races
prefer to make their own way across the quadrant, and it is near the wormhole who have not been absorbed into the
not uncommon to see lone Lurians happily plying their way Dominion, and possess a thorough understanding of cloning
through space on another great adventure. techniques. Known for their reptilian appearance and their
obnoxious odor, the Paradans are a resourceful species
EXAMPLE VALUE: Belly Full of Song and Heart Full of Glory whose ability to create cloned replicants has helped them
wage covert wars with their neighbors for centuries. These
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence replicants are so exact that they will often pass undetected
through bioscanners and many do not know they are This tense atmosphere has led to the Rakhari to nally know
replicants until their cellular structure begins to decay after peace for the rst time in centuries although there is still
they have successfully completed or failed their mission. The a strong dissident movement slowly accumulating power
Paradans come from a curious culture that inspires many to on the planet. As more and more Rakhari take to the stars
leave their homeworld and travel to the Alpha Quadrant to to escape their government, they are starting to become a
see what it has in store for them. With their superior medical common sight along the edges of Dominion space.
knowledge and natural ruggedness they are not afraid to
travel even into dangerous warzones if only to satisfy their EXAMPLE VALUE: I Make The Rules And You Obey Them
intense curiosity.
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, +1 Reason
EXAMPLE VALUE: I Am Original and That Gives Me Strength
TRAIT: Rakhari. The Rakhari live under a strict set of
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence laws known as the Canon. These laws were put in
place over a century ago to insure strict obedience to
TRAIT: Paradan. Paradans rely upon their olfactory the state but in recent years the control of the Rakhari
glands to help determine the mood of whomever they government has lessened, allowing many Rakhari to
are speaking with, and they possess potent scent glands begin to think for themselves. Though some still carry
around their bodies that release potent odors. The themselves in a rough and cautious manner, a growing
Paradans are also physically imposing, and are able to portion of the population is starting to dream of a
survive comfortably in hot environments. di erent kind of life and demonstrations are becoming
more common as these rebrands seek to exact change
TALENTS: The character receives access to the upon their society. The Rakhari are primarily driven by
following talents: their families, and whether it is their biological families
or adopted ones they will do anything to insure the
safety and survival of the group.
REQUIREMENT: Paradan, or Gamemaster permission.
When encountering scienti c tasks that they have already TALENTS: The character receives access to the
successfully completed for this scene, the character may following talents:
spend a point of Momentum to replicate the dice result from
the previous challenge.
REQUIREMENT: Rakhari, or Gamemaster’s permission.
The Rakhari culture is peppered with thousands of stories
REQUIREMENT: Paradan. and legends that are shared by the Rakhari with their
Paradans are infamous throughout the Gamma Quadrant children as they grow up. This has led to the Rakhari being
for their pervasive odors, but some of them have been capable storytellers, and a skilled Rakhari knows how
able to channel this portion of their physiology and use it to incorporate small snippets of the truth into any web
as a weapon. A Paradan may spend their turn focusing on of lies he starts to weave. The Rakhari gains a free point
emitting obnoxious pheromones around them and increase of Momentum when they successfully convince another
the Di culty towards attacking them in hand to hand sentient being of a lie.
combat by 1.

SAMPLE NAMES: REQUIREMENT: Rakhari, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Masculine names: Coutu, Sebeksyr The brutal laws that the Rakhari government has passed
Feminine names: Quetzla, Maceda over the years has kept the population under control but
Gender-neutral names: Zeill, Shatu led to most Rakhari being too afraid to share their intimate
thoughts in public. This has led to several Rakhari becoming
particularly adept at not only shielding their emotions while
around others but also being able to discern the true feelings
of those they communicate with. The Rakhari is able to
reduce any psychic damage they may su er by 1 and they
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY gain a free reroll on one die in their pool when attempting to
The Rakhari people are as resilient and stoic as their planet determine lies.
which has had the misfortune of seeing dozens of con icts
throughout its history. The Rakhari had just completed their SAMPLE NAMES:
twelfth of what the Terrans might call a “World War” when Masculine names: Croden, Malar
their current government came into being and declared the Feminine names: Yareth, Etheran
majority of crimes on their planet to be punishable by death. Gender-neutral names: Nichil, Heldix
EXAMPLE VALUE: Victory or Death

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

When the crowd roars in anticipation of the next Tsunkatse TRAIT: Pendari. By their outward appearance, Pendari
match, they are usually roaring for a Pendari. Members of this look to be a species of near-Humans – with hair and
species have remained the champions of this interplanetary skin tones similar to those of Humans and other similar
competition due to their physical size and tenacity. The humanoids. They do possess strong bone and cartilage
Pendari see this as a political and propaganda victory, and growth along the bridge of the nose and on their brows
it propels their homeworld into a position of prominence. up to their hair line. The likeness, however, ends there.
Pendari ghters are known for their immense physical Physiologically, Pendari are signi cantly more robust, and
stature and equally ill-tempered demeanor. This makes them possess redundant pulmonary and neurological systems
incredibly e ective combatants. that allow them to withstand tremendous physical
punishment. This, combined with a nearly genetic
Politically, the Pendari represent a minor power in their region predisposition to aggressive behavior, makes them
of space, though they maintain excellent relations with many natural born warriors.
of the neighboring systems. These cultural alliances ensure
that the Pendari have known extended periods of peace, TALENTS: The character receives access to the
and their feared warriors test themselves in the arena instead following Talents:
of the battle eld. While masculine Pendari are often the
vision that others think of when picturing this species, other
genders are equally e ective in combat, though those with REQUIREMENT: Pendari, or Gamemaster’s permission.
smaller statures focus more toward agility and nesse over The character may reroll one d20 when making an attack. In
raw physical power. addition, if an attack is successful, the character generates
one point of bonus Momentum which may only be spent
to re-roll the damage roll or to increase the total damage.
Bonus Momentum may not be saved.

REQUIREMENT: Pendari, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Various physiological redundancies mean that wounds that
would kill other humanoid species don’t a ect Pendari as
much. The character gains +2 Resistance against all non-
lethal attacks. In addition, whenever the Pendari is the target
of a First Aid Task, reduce the Di culty of that Task by 1, to a
minimum of 1.

Pendari were once organized into feudal clans, which

comprised several allied extended families. Though now
outdated, the Pendari continue to identify with these
historical groups and clan name always precedes a Pendari’s
given name. Upon the birth of a new child, each member of
the clan is allowed to propose a name and the entire clan
then votes to decide on the name of their newest member.
Because of this group naming method, it is common for
names to be shared among the genders.

Masculine: Jax, Den, Pet, Ris, Nik, Mar, Teo, Voy, Ton, Tek,
Dri, Fen, Sok, Tum
Feminine: Myral, Ancole, Elanme, Listah, Istana, Qulin,
Reyge, Jestepe
Gender-Neutral: Rei, Eli, Dalvyo, Makal, Amsen, Rox, Vier
Clan: Manu, Driras, Rettab, Chanom, Gridou, Ne c, Phinso,
Menbe, Biusk
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME Being plant-based, their anatomy is simpler in comparison
SPECIES PROFILE to animal-based life, and as a result, with access to the
proper organic materials, they can heal themselves from
extremely grievous wounds short of decapitation. Since
they don’t breathe oxygen, they can function in hypoxic or
SPECIES NAME: PHYLOSIAN anoxic environments for short periods. They also have the
ability to communicate over short distances through the
VISUAL REPRESENTATION use of pheremonic compounds. When they are
unconscious, their bodies become completely rigid, a
failsafe mode built into their physiology.

They can hear through auditory sensors located across

their head. It works like their vocal membrane, but in
reverse, converting external vibrations directly into a form
their brains can understand. Their sensory capacity is such
that they can’t be ambushed. They are cold-blooded, with
their level of activity mostly dictated by the ambient
temperatures. Compared to most humanoids, they seem
lethargic, but this is only due to their physiology.

Each of their 7 tentacles can be independently controlled,

allowing them to multitask at up to 7 separate tasks at once.
They are capable of fine manipulation with the 2 fingers at
the end of the tentacle, or are able to wrap the tentacles
around an object for gross manipulation. Their juvenile form
is nearly 2 meters tall and is mobile, while their adult form is
nearly 10 meters tall and is immobile.

There are 3 major subspecies of Phylosians, each adapted

for a general climatic regime: one for cold climates, one for
warm climates, and one for desert climates. The cold-
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS adapted ones have an antifreeze compound in their system
+1 Strength, +2 Agility, +3 Intellect, -2 Vitality, to allow them to withstand the colder temperatures. The
Presence -2, Perception +3 desert-adapted ones have a thicker skin, and have a more
waterproof skin, resembling a mobile cactus. The 3rd
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION species is the one first met by Kirk, and is the most well-
External Physiology known of the Phylosians. Even though they are interfertile,
each of the subspecies tends to reproduce with their own
The Phylosians evolved from a plant form with group. They are immune to all known animal-based
pentahedral symmetry, meaning that it spread out diseases.
from a central core at 5 points. This is a common form
seen in many plants across the galaxy. They have 5 Their distant ancestor resembled the Terran gymnosperm,
legs they use to walk with. Although they have 7 having no flowers to reproduce with. They can reproduce
tentacles that they use as manipulators, this is asexually if the need arises, but prefer to reproduce
misleading. They initially have 10 in their early sexually by genetic exchanges, since asexual reproduction
developmental stages, but these are reabsorbed into is self-cloning, and ends their genetic variation. They
their anatomy until they reach adulthood. The space reproduce sexually by releasing pollen into the atmosphere.
occupied by the missing tentacles is taken up by their They are hermaphroditic, capable of both siring and bearing
reproductive organs, which reside on their back, just offspring. The offspring bud off from the parent out of the
below their neck and above their torso. With no need reproductive organ on their back, in which they can carry
to eat or breathe, they have no need for a mouth. This up to 3 offspring at once. The offspring detach when they
means they have no sense of taste, and no conception are at a primitive level of development, and are placed into a
of what tasting is, although their ability to absorb nutrient-rich soil. They grow rapidly at first, but still remain
nutrients through their skin is probably as close as in the soil container until their anatomy has matured for
they can get. Of course, their lack of a mouth would them to physically support them.
seem to point to their being mute. They have evolved a
small membrane that they can vibrate to generate Their eyes are on flexible stalks, and are located on the
sounds. It is located on the underside of what would front of their heads. They use optical pigments comparable
be a humanoid chin. They can only vibrate it at to those found in the retinal tissues of other humanoids. It
ultrasonic frequencies, making it inaudible to most is believed that they may have had up to 10 eyes at one time
other humanoids. One of the first pieces of technology in their past, but they slowly lost the others, leaving only
they learned to create was an ultrasonic transducer, the forward-facing pair.
which would convert their ultrasonic vocalizations into
a form that was at a lower frequency that other With no internal skeleton, they are capable of rotating their
humanoids could hear. They wear it as a hexagonal neck nearly 180 degrees to the left or the right. They have 2
voder hanging around their neck. different type of chlorophyll in their bodies: a lighter one
from their shoulders up, and a darker one from their
shoulders down. They are nearly 190 cm tall, and since it is carrying no oxygen to the tissues. The blood
roughly 120 cm wide at their shoulders. Their head is itself carries the CO2 from their photosynthetic cells on
24 cm wide, 27 cm deep, and 27 cm high, and is their skin surface to their internal tissues, which become
covered by short spines similar to those found on a less able to photosynthesize as their distance from the skin
cactus. Their tentacles are 60 cm long, ending with a increases. The blood takes the O2, which to plant tissues is
2-digit manipulator 9 cm long. They are 6 cm in an unusable by-product of photosynthesis, and releases it
diameter at the shoulder, narrowing down to 3 cm at through pores at the skin’s surface. It also carries the
the wrist. Their legs are 96 cm long and 15 cm in various types of sugar to the other body cells.
diameter at their widest. Their feet are nearly 25 cm
long and 24 cm wide. They have 10.5 cm long To maintain the proper level of fluids in their bodies, they
eyestalks, ending in 1.5 cm diameter eyes. also have a highly efficient 5-lobed kidney. It removes
unusable chemicals from the blood that the liver can’t
They are sensitive to changes in atmospheric remove, as well keeping their internal fluids in balance.
conditions, such as humidity and temperature, and They don’t excrete urine, since their bodies are able to
can detect minute concentrations of chemicals or utilize the chemicals that would be found in it. When they
pollutants in the atmosphere. They are especially have to excrete excess water, they convert it to water vapor
vulnerable to intense cold, which can cause their cell and emit it through their pores. This helps to keep their skin
walls to explode as they freeze. Exposure to cold moist and pliable.
temperatures puts them into a metabolic torpor,
rendering them immobile until they warm up again. They have a lymphatic system to help in excess fluid
They are violently sensitive to most known botanical removal as well as some immune responses. This works
maladies. They can temporarily alter certain skin like other lymphatic systems, using osmotic channels to
patches by directly absorbing non-toxic colored transfer fluids. They also have bi-directional sebaceous
chemicals, similar to humanoids altering their hair glands, allowing them to absorb or expel water and salts
color. Only juveniles would usually do this. As mobile from their system.
juveniles, they have a lifespan of at least several
centuries, but as giant immobile adults, this span can Their metabolic rate can be accelerated by exposure to a
reach millennia. light source brighter than standard Phylosian lighting. Of
course, overexposure can cause their metabolism to
Internal Physiology accelerate so much that their enzymes start to break down,
collapsing their physiology. They usually only do this to
Their internal anatomy also evidences their repair severe anatomical damage, and only under strict
pentahedral symmetry, with most of their internal medical supervision.
organs residing in any of 5 spaces at each level of
their body. Each organ is in a self-contained capsule, Phylosians have an inbuilt genetic switch that accelerates
making them very tolerant of damage. Some organs their natural decomposition. They can override this to some
are present in multiple copies, giving them another degree through sheer force of will. This can also be
level of redundancy. consciously activated by them should they choose to end
their lives, a similar characteristic found among other
Being autotrophic forms of life, they have no need to species with extreme longevity. Once they decide to do this,
digest food, since they gain all of their needed energy there is no turning back, because it induces massive
from the sugar created by photosynthesis. This means destructive changes in their physiology. The final effect is
they have no digestive tract at all, and since they the release of a chemical into their system that allows their
absorb CO2 directly from the atmosphere, they have normal internal decomposition bacteria to multiply
no need for lungs or breathing. They can even survive exponentially faster. Normally, while they are alive, they
short-term immersion in water, since they don’t secrete a hormone that neutralizes this chemical.
breathe. This simplifies their internal anatomy
significantly in comparison to other lifeforms. They They are extremely sensitive to herbicides and similar
have no need for organs of digestion or respiration, chemicals. Their internal fluid pressure is such that even
but still need those that have secondary functions minor cuts can cause them to lose their fluids quickly,
unrelated to either. They have hormonal glands that putting them into hydrostatic shock. This would cause them
are unrelated to digestion and respiration, such as to lose the ability to stand upright, let alone move. The
those related to growth, maturation, and immune weight of their own tissues against their internal organs can
responses. With no pancreas, they are immune to cause cellular damage very rapidly. The remedy is to
diabetes. They have a need for a circulatory system, to usually tourniquet the wound until their own internal fluids
transfer nutrients around their bodies and remove reseal the damage. Their blood alters its viscosity based on
wastes. They have a massive heart which the water levels in it. When they are cut, the fluid starts to
accomplishes this. They have a 3-lobed liver, which leak out, altering the level of hydration. When it is exposed
acts as a detoxifying organ, and a 2-lobed spleen, to oxygen gas, the fluid starts to coagulate, sealing the
which holds much of their immune cells. This is wound. It is slowly reabsorbed into the body as the cut
because they have no marrow to grow it in, since they heals.
are boneless. They maintain their upright posture
through the use of a hydrostatic skeleton, which are If soil is unavailable, they can absorb the necessary
pressurized tissues that can emulate the functions of nutrients from a specially formulated hydroponic solution.
both a musculature and a skeletal system. They can absorb nutrients directly through their entire body
surface if necessary, but they prefer to absorb their
Their circulatory fluid, or blood, has no hemocytes, nutrients through the pores on their feet. This is
advantageous to them: in case of grievous injury, they wounds. This allows them to concentrate their internal
can be completely immersed in a nutrient solution resources on repairing the wounds. This can accelerate
suffused with dissolved CO2 gas. They are able to their normal healing rates many times over.
heal many times faster than normal using this method.
With so little emotional range in their psychology, they are
If a body part is accidentally severed, it can be virtually incapable of being offended, or acting rashly based
reattached, but only if the internal necrosis factor on emotions. They are highly logical, very similar to Vulcans
hasn’t activated yet. Once this happens, the part that have achieved the state of Kolinahr. They have eidetic
rapidly begins to decompose. If the factor hasn’t memories, and a vast memory capacity comparable to
activated, they can induce stem cell formation at the several humanoid brains. The eidetic capacity also extends
injury site, allowing the part to rapidly reintegrate. to their motor cortex; they have photographic reflexes,
When fully healed, it is virtually impossible to see the enabling them to replicate any movement they’ve observed,
wound visually. and are physically capable of duplicating.

Brain Physiology They are also capable of learning to speak any spoken
language very rapidly. They have no facial expressions, so
Their skull casing is composed of stiff plant fibers, their brains don’t have to control them. This, of course,
offering protection to the brain, but is still soft enough means that they are incapable of understanding the
to be flexible. They have a pentacameral brain nuances of non-Phylosian body language, making them
structure, meaning that their brain structure is socially awkward until they have decoded them. They have
subdivided into 5 lobes. They have a primary lobe, a minimal limbic system, since they have minimal emotions.
located at the front of their head. It is attached to their Since they have so much control over their physiology, they
2 eyes, which are on flexible stalks reminiscent of are incapable of getting cancerous growths; they could
Andorian antennae, as well as to their forward induce cellular necrosis in them before they got too large.
auditory sensor and forward olfactory sensor. Except
for the eyes, the other 2 sense organs have a Adult Form
corresponding duplicate linked to each lobe of their
brain, giving them circumambient hearing and Once a Phylosian reaches the end of their juvenile
olfaction. reproductive phase, which can last for several centuries,
they slowly begin to transform into their immobile adult
Each lobe is approximately the size of a humanoid form, undergoing an irreversible genetic change. Their legs
lobe, giving a greater than average brain capacity. This become stiff and begin to fuse together, with the hollow
means that they have capacity to spare, so they are area in the middle beginning to fill in with new material; this
able to allow up to 3 lobes to become dormant at once, will become their taproot. Their feet then begin to convert
giving them the chance to ‘sleep’. Being plantbased, into massive root structures, and embed themselves into
they can photosynthesize for as long as light falls on the ground, ending their mobile phase. Once they start to
their skin. This also means that they have no need to absorb nutrients from the ground, their growth rate
sleep like other humanoids do, but do have to allow accelerates until they reach their final adult height of 10
their lobes to become dormant for creating memories meters, after which their growth rate slows down
and for consolidation of new information. substantially.

They have a large pentacameral cerebellum, allowing Their reproductive organ becomes nonfunctional, and
them much greater control over their autonomic begins reorganizing its cellular structure into the previously
functions. This frees up much of their cerebrum for missing 3 tentacles. Their tentacles begin to tilt upwards,
thought, and is believed to be the reason that the and then structurally stiffen. The skin begins to spread
Phylosians evolved the way they did; their cerebellum open outwards from the tentacles, becoming leaves. This
took over so many functions that their cerebrum was will substantially enhance the surface area available for
able to expand more rapidly during their evolution. In photosynthesis. Their neck fuses to their shoulders with
fact, scans of their brains have determined that their new growth. Their eyes slowly become vestigial, with the
cerebellum controls up to 30% of their physiology, eyestalks retracting to the head, eventually fusing to it.
leaving nearly the entire remaining 70% free for Open spaces between the appendages begin to fill in with
conscious thought and memory. new materials, slowly encasing the head. Their outer skin
becomes more bark-like, and come to resemble trees. They
Their cerebral lobes are well integrated by a corpus are still aware of things around them, but become less
callosum structure linking the 5 lobes together. With concerned about them. Once they reach their final adult
such a simple physiology when compared to animal form, their ability to regenerate damage quickly drops off
life, they are able to have more of their brain capacity dramatically. Their necrosis factor for severed parts
free for thought, and not spent on things like digestion becomes inactive.
and respiration. Since they evolved from a non-animal
ancestor, they didn’t evolve emotions that would have As adults, they spend most of their time in contemplation in
arisen from animal ancestors. They don’t have any a psionic gestalt, since their brains are now many times
emotions of territoriality like reptiles do, or the intense larger than they were, and are no longer concerned with
emotions that mammals do. movement. This freed them to think about problems of
logic, theory, and other similar subjects, becoming the
When resting, they usually stand in a nutrient soil, philosophers of the culture. When these adults finally die of
allowing them to access it unconsciously. When they old age, or due to other factors, like damage due to weather-
do choose to sleep, it is usually to repair substantial related phenomena, their knowledge remains as part of the
group’s gestalt mind. matches can last for hours.

CULTURE There are those Phylosians that are fascinated by offensive

systems, and are quick studies. The sight of a Phylosian
Since they never had the need to go through the
holding swords and other edged weapons in preparation for
hunter/gatherer stage, they never had wars over
an offensive attack is a scary sight to behold, and one that
resources. Violence was unknown to them until they
few of their victims have lived to tell about. With their 7
began visiting other worlds. They have no
arms, they can hold multiple opponents at bay at once. Like
understanding of the concept of prejudice. Being
the Vulcans, most Phylosians prefer to enter the sciences,
pacifists, they never had the need to create weaponry
but for those few that choose to enter Security, they turn
beyond that needed to defend themselves from
their formidable intellectual faculties towards the field with
the same intensity. And with their need for little sleep, if
they are confronted with a problem, they are very tenacious,
Their afterlife belief is that when they die, they will
and can pursue the task for extended periods.
become one with their world, and will eventually be
reborn. They are buried in the ground with no coffins,
allowing their decomposing bodies to enrich the soils. LANGUAGES
For those Phylosians serving in Starfleet, there is a Phylosians are only able to speak their own language, of
standing order to try and return their bodies to Phylos ultrasonic vibrations, but can be understood by most
II for internment whenever feasible. If this is not species they encounter due to their voders functioning as a
possible, then they ask that their bodies be buried in type of universal translator.
the arboretum space of whatever vessel they were
serving on at the time of their passing. This allows They are also able to understand most languages spoken to
them to be a part of their friends’ lives after they are them, in similar fashion.
Phylosians have names in their own language, or at least
Since they can have multiple offspring at once, and
what passes for a name to them. A Phylosian name is
they tended to be taken by predators in the past, they
actually a sound, or series of sounds that serve to identify
have learned to become less emotionally attached to
an individual similar to a coded signal that might identify
them. They care for them, since they are their
someone to a computer system or system sensitive to
offspring, but they don’t form the deep emotional
auditory code or stimulus.
attachments that most humanoids do. Other species
see this and think that they are uncaring, but it is
The Phylosian Voder translates these vibrations into
completely logical given their evolution.
“words” that are understandable to most people the
Phylosians encounter, and the result becomes the
Because of their biology, they became aware of the
individual's names.
concept of cloning very early, but were forced to wait
until they created consciousness transfer technology
Thus, a Phylosian might actually have many names, if they
before they were able to make themselves an immortal
interact with a wide variety of individuals. But, usually, a
Phylosians will have a consistently translated name, with
the word-structure based on the most common language
Because of their access to so much of their brain’s
the individual Phylosian encounters.
capacity, they learned about psionic abilities early on.
They didn’t give them much thought, since they
usually only manifested telepathic or empathic HOMEWORLD
abilities. As a result, they don’t have any connotations On the planet Phylos II, life took a rare turn that it hasn’t on
about them, positive or negative. If they manifest them other worlds. There have been many planets where plants
as juveniles, then they do. If they don’t, then they are the dominant form of life, but they also have animal life
know that they will as immobile adults. of some sort, even if it is at a primitive level of evolution. On
Phylos II, for some undetermined reason, animal life never
They have created all types of musical instruments evolved beyond the bacterial level. In its place, plants had
except for wind instruments, which require breath to an open evolutionary environment to evolve into. They filled
make them function. They have tried to make some of all of the ecological niches that the animals would have
them, using bellows to generate the moving air, but filled. This meant that there, plants would behave like
with limited success. animals, being both predator and prey, and appearing in
various sizes. There would be aquatic forms, terrestrial
Being pacifists, they prefer not to react offensively, forms, and even avian forms, such as the Phylosian
but also being highly logical, they understand that swooper.
others don’t share their viewpoint. They have learned
multiple martial arts styles from Federation members, After initially evolving along plant-based lines, some life
concentrating mostly on the defensive arts. They are there began to show characteristics that would be attributed
especially fond of Aikido, which uses the opponent’s to animals on other worlds. Much of the plant life on Phylos
movements and energy against them. They like judo II has evolved analogous botanical solutions to those
for its use of throws and locks, and Tai Chi for its fluid evolved by animals on other worlds. Because it evolved
movements. They have also taken sumo wrestling and from a plant-based origin, it took eons longer to evolve the
adapted it to their own physiology, since it is mostly same animal-based solution. The mobile plant life could
just a matter of leverage, and with 5 legs giving them a have the same level of metabolism as some animal life,
very stable base to push against, Phylosian sumo making them quite active. Some of the mobile plants even
evolved the ability to generate poisons to aid them in becoming peacemakers, even if the other species didn’t
their predation, such as the retlaw. want it. They built a fleet of vessels to embark on this
massive undertaking. And then fate intervened.
Some of the plants began to grow appendages that
would allow them to grab other nearby plants. They In theory, since they are plants, albeit substantially more
would also evolve the ability to digest plant matter in complex ones, they could be cloned like other plants. In the
addition to still being able to photosynthesize. As 21st Century, they were forced to resort to this form of
these forms evolved, they were slowly gaining the reproduction. They were accidentally exposed to MRSA, a
ability to gain more varied forms of nutrition from their gram-positive methicillinresistant staphylococcus aureus
prey than they got from only photosynthesis. As a strain. It was brought to Phylos II by Dr. Stavos Keniclius,
result, their capacity for photosynthesis was an exiled Human with advanced expertise in cloning. He
becoming vestigial. Eventually, some of them lost the didn’t realize he was a carrier for it, and had no clue that it
ability completely. They even lost the ability to draw would be so devastating to the Phylosians, who had never
nutrients through the soil, allowing them to become been exposed to this disease before. It rendered them
more mobile. They were as close to animal life as sterile, and damaged their reproductive organs. They would
evolution on Phylos II would allow it to become. now be forced to give up their dream of enforcing peace in
exchange for surviving. Work continued by his later clones
At some in the distant past, one form of life appeared would reverse the damage done, and restored their
on Phylos II. Like all of the other life there, it was reproductive capabilities. It would be generations before
plant-based. But, this one differed from the other life their population levels would even begin to approach their
found there: it had the early stages of a rudimentary pre-Holocaust levels. They are being encouraged to
intelligence. It was able to avoid attacks more often by reproduce sexually for the next few generations to broaden
the predatory herbivores that roamed the planet. What their genetic variation as much as possible, and to
initially started out as a simple reflex slowly became reproduce as often as safely as possible. This era becomes
instincts, and then a primitive intelligence began to known as ‘the Great Rebirth.’
emerge. Like many of the other lifeforms there, it
gained the ability to uproot itself and become mobile FAVORED PROFESSION
for short periods. As it evolved, these periods became
Being pacifists, Phylosians will avoid the more aggressive,
longer. They would only root themselves into the
or combat-oriented professions such as Soldier,
ground to gain nutrients for reproduction and water.
Weaponmaster, or Security Officer.
This would free their minds up to start thinking about
Phylosians excel as Science Officers, or as Engineering, or
things other than survival. They gained their energy
Operations personnel. They also make excellent physicians,
through photosynthesis, so this meant that they had
due to their increased manual dexterity and ability to
no reason to hunt or gather. This allowed them to skip
perform multiple tasks with their various limbs.
over many steps of evolution, both physical and
cultural. They began to notice the stones lying around
And, due to their psionic abilities, Phylosians can be trained
them, and realized that they could use these to defend
to work as Ship's Counselors.
themselves against the numerous predators. By
becoming toolmakers, they were now at the level of
Stone Age sentients, altering their environment to suit SPECIES ABILITIES
them. They would begin to domesticate some of the Psionic: All Phylosians begin with a Psionic attribute of 5
more controllable life to help them create their and also start the game with skill levels at +3 in both
beginnings of their nascent civilization. They slowly Telepathy and Empathy. They can advance their psionic
began to breed other plants as tools, even getting attribute as a favored attribute, and both Telepathy and
them to exude substances they need, such as organic Empathy as professional skills.
Photosynthetic: Phylosians generate their own energy
They would become experts at plant breeding before using a photosynthesis process very similar to the ability
they even had a basic understanding of sciences. had by less sentient plantlife. They do not need to eat, or
These would be considered the ancestors of the consume nourishment as humanoids do. But, they must
present day Phylosians. As they learned about botany, recharge their energies using photosynthesis at least once
they also learned about genetics, and were soon a day or being suffering the same negative effects that a
incorporating some of these changes into their human or humanoid would suffer form hunger, and fatigue.
genome. This would include the ability to create very
advanced chemicals within their own bodies, Bonus Edges:
including the antidote to the poison generated by the Rapid Healing (as described on p.137 of the Player's Guide),
retlaw plant. due to their semi-regenerative cell structure.

They used to be only able to function during the days, Multitasking (due to their numerous, independently
when the sun was up. Once they created technology functioning limbs, and advanced intellect, Phylosians are
capable of generating artificial lighting, they were able able to perform several tasks at once)
to function continuously. Their technology is very non-
polluting. They use base-14 mathematics. As they Ambidextrous (It goes without saying that a Phylosian, with
began to explore the local areas of space, they their greater number of limbs, suffer from no penalties from
realized that they were surrounded by many hostile using an “off hand”)
species. They decided to commit themselves to
Species Flaw: Pacifist (although Phylosians enjoy
practicing Martial Arts as a form of athletic
competition, they are inherently non-violent, and will
only fight when they think they are in danger or to
defend themselves) Phylosians will have this flaw at
level 2.
Fitness 3 [5]
Coordination 2 [4]
Intellect 2 [4]
Presence 1 [4]
Psi 0 [4]

Athletics (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Culture (Prellarian) 2 (3)
Engineering, Systems (Gravitics) 1 (2)
First Aid (Trauma) 1 (2)
History (Prellarian) 2 (3)
Prellarian 2
Planetside Survival (Prellar) 1 (2)
Social Sciences (Prellarian Religion) 1 (2)
Unarmed Combat (Choose Specialization) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Prellar) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages and Disadvantages

Zero-G Training +2, Phobia (Heights, common, challenging) -4, Obsessive Tendencies (Overly
Safety Conscious) -1

Prellarians are a race of squat, well-built humanoids, averaging less than 1.2m in height. They
mastered gravitic technologies early in their development and are generally comfortable in
environments of up to 5 Gs.

They have a have a strong religious nature, and whilst they are highly secretive about the exact
nature of their beliefs, it is known that they revere certain metals and minerals, particularly
those used in the construction of gravitic devices.

Prellarians also have a proud warrior tradition, and a strong cultural love of histories, especially
oral ones. Most Prellarians receive training in weapons, first aid, and Zero-G during their
childhood. In Starfleet and the Federation, Prellarians are valued for their technical expertise,
but have a reputation for being overly safety conscious. Prellarian martial expertise is also
valued, particularly in Starfleet marines, but other governments and organizations, such as the
Orion Syndicate, have been known to employ them as mercenaries, much to the embarrassment
of the Prellarian government, which is currently petitioning for full membership of the

This is an adaptation of the race from Prime Directive, the role-playing game from Task Force
Games, set in the Star Fleet Battles universe. For further information see UFP - The Federation
Source Book, page 90.

Editor's Note:
As submitted, the writeup omitted the World Knowledge skill, so minor adjustments were made
to allow points for this skill.

Submitted by Matthew Pook & William F. Hostman

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.
Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
These egalitarian people from the planet Lilafas are generally unassuming and content, happy to do
whatever chores are necessary to support their modest tribal lifestyles while keeping ample time free
to be alone in quiet philosophical re ection or to pursue recreational activities with family and friends.
Many devote their free time to pure research, imagining technology far in advance of what they use
in real life. This is not merely the wishful thinking of science ction, however, but the detailed mental
imaging, down to the tiniest detail, of fully realizable apparatuses; from tricorders to warp engines, they
carry three-dimensional blueprints and schematics in their minds as easily as other species recall what they ate for breakfast.

Members of the Future Builders faction, most of whom are part of the younger generations of Qofuari, are more outgoing and
wish to construct the high-tech devices not allowed by tradition. Once the Qofuari encounter the Federation, some Future
Builders request leave from their homeworld to explore the Beta Quadrant and beyond.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Everyone is Equal

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Qofuari. Qofuari tend to live in harmony with each other and their environment. They are natural swimmers and nimble
climbers. Their mental capacity is huge, allowing them to think through complicated problems in their minds before taking action.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Qofuari, or gamemaster’s permission.

You can envision complicated technology and project the details forward, yielding results with the accuracy of real-world
testing. Provided with a schematic or the time to inspect an unfamiliar device, you can quickly determine its use and any
necessary repairs. This also makes you an excellent game player; imagine multiple choices and follow their consequences
along branching paths to develop the best response. When you attempt a task involving Reason, you may re-roll one d20. In
addition, when you succeed at a Reason-based task which is subject to time pressure, the Momentum cost to reduce the time
taken is reduced by 1.

REQUIREMENT: Qofuari, or gamemaster’s permission.

Your long, exible body makes you an excellent swimmer. You can move rapidly
and acrobatically on land. Maneuvering and climbing in cramped spaces
tubes is easier for you than humanoids evolved for fully upright walking.
When you attempt a Fitness test to maneuver through water, within a tight
space, or when climbing, gain one additional d20 in your dice pool.

Qofuari names are not strictly gendered. They eschew surnames, but
multiple names are common, consisting of a parentally given name followed
by a personally chosen name and, sometimes, a name given by friends.
These secondary and tertiary names can change throughout a
Qofuari’s life, usually accompanied by a ceremony. If an identi er
beyond such names is necessary, tribal a liation serves the
purpose, and is often geographical in origin, resulting in full
names like Liloo Shining of the Quiet Sea.

PARENTAL OR CHOSEN NAMES: Lilong, Shileth, Falloo, Grithal

FRIEND NAMES: Shining, Louder, Quiet Laugh
TRIBAL NAMES: Green Isle, Quiet Sea, Broken Mountains
The R'ongovians are a spacefaring humanoid species native to R'ongovia in
the Beta Quadrant. Their government is the R'ongovian Protectorate, which
controls a small but highly strategic region of space between the Romulan
Star Empire and the Klingon Empire in the 23rd century.
In the mid 23rd century, the Tellarites established relations with the
R'ongovians, who to that point were known for being reclusive. However,
talks with their ambassadors soon reached an impasse, and the
R'ongovians then also began talks with the Klingons and the Romulans. The
Federation placed a high priority on establishing an alliance rst, as
R'ongovian space represented the fastest and safest route to the
other side of the quadrant. Ultimately, diplomatic negotiations on
Starbase 1 with Robert April and Christopher Pike resulted in the
R’ongovian agreeing to an alliance with the Federation, which
lead to Federation membership several years later.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Let Others Do The Talking Until I Have

What I Need

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Insight

TRAIT: R'ongovian. R'ongovian are distinguished by striped

hairless skin, blue and yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and pointed
ears. They believe empathy to be a hallmark of their people,
which they demonstrate by listening to and mirroring the
attitudes and perspectives of those with whom they speak.
In return, they value those who are willing to express
themselves from the R'ongovian point of view, and see no
purpose in continuing interactions with those who fail to
form this connection.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Cultural Flexibility (Denobulan)

Open and Insightful (Risian)
Radical Empathy (Original: The Protocol of Politics) (Arbazan)
Feminine Names: Frina, Midia, Olixea, Qhihis
Masculine Names: Brax, Gad, Loxor, Vasso
Gender-Neutral Names: Hirs, Mamix, Xaken, Yrasen
Last Names: D’Vadell, L’Gaelia, M’Chagg, V’Nara

through bioscanners and many do not know they are This tense atmosphere has led to the Rakhari to nally know
replicants until their cellular structure begins to decay after peace for the rst time in centuries although there is still
they have successfully completed or failed their mission. The a strong dissident movement slowly accumulating power
Paradans come from a curious culture that inspires many to on the planet. As more and more Rakhari take to the stars
leave their homeworld and travel to the Alpha Quadrant to to escape their government, they are starting to become a
see what it has in store for them. With their superior medical common sight along the edges of Dominion space.
knowledge and natural ruggedness they are not afraid to
travel even into dangerous warzones if only to satisfy their EXAMPLE VALUE: I Make The Rules And You Obey Them
intense curiosity.
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, +1 Reason
EXAMPLE VALUE: I Am Original and That Gives Me Strength
TRAIT: Rakhari. The Rakhari live under a strict set of
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence laws known as the Canon. These laws were put in
place over a century ago to insure strict obedience to
TRAIT: Paradan. Paradans rely upon their olfactory the state but in recent years the control of the Rakhari
glands to help determine the mood of whomever they government has lessened, allowing many Rakhari to
are speaking with, and they possess potent scent glands begin to think for themselves. Though some still carry
around their bodies that release potent odors. The themselves in a rough and cautious manner, a growing
Paradans are also physically imposing, and are able to portion of the population is starting to dream of a
survive comfortably in hot environments. di erent kind of life and demonstrations are becoming
more common as these rebrands seek to exact change
TALENTS: The character receives access to the upon their society. The Rakhari are primarily driven by
following talents: their families, and whether it is their biological families
or adopted ones they will do anything to insure the
safety and survival of the group.
REQUIREMENT: Paradan, or Gamemaster permission.
When encountering scienti c tasks that they have already TALENTS: The character receives access to the
successfully completed for this scene, the character may following talents:
spend a point of Momentum to replicate the dice result from
the previous challenge.
REQUIREMENT: Rakhari, or Gamemaster’s permission.
The Rakhari culture is peppered with thousands of stories
REQUIREMENT: Paradan. and legends that are shared by the Rakhari with their
Paradans are infamous throughout the Gamma Quadrant children as they grow up. This has led to the Rakhari being
for their pervasive odors, but some of them have been capable storytellers, and a skilled Rakhari knows how
able to channel this portion of their physiology and use it to incorporate small snippets of the truth into any web
as a weapon. A Paradan may spend their turn focusing on of lies he starts to weave. The Rakhari gains a free point
emitting obnoxious pheromones around them and increase of Momentum when they successfully convince another
the Di culty towards attacking them in hand to hand sentient being of a lie.
combat by 1.

SAMPLE NAMES: REQUIREMENT: Rakhari, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Masculine names: Coutu, Sebeksyr The brutal laws that the Rakhari government has passed
Feminine names: Quetzla, Maceda over the years has kept the population under control but
Gender-neutral names: Zeill, Shatu led to most Rakhari being too afraid to share their intimate
thoughts in public. This has led to several Rakhari becoming
particularly adept at not only shielding their emotions while
around others but also being able to discern the true feelings
of those they communicate with. The Rakhari is able to
reduce any psychic damage they may su er by 1 and they
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY gain a free reroll on one die in their pool when attempting to
The Rakhari people are as resilient and stoic as their planet determine lies.
which has had the misfortune of seeing dozens of con icts
throughout its history. The Rakhari had just completed their SAMPLE NAMES:
twelfth of what the Terrans might call a “World War” when Masculine names: Croden, Malar
their current government came into being and declared the Feminine names: Yareth, Etheran
majority of crimes on their planet to be punishable by death. Gender-neutral names: Nichil, Heldix
Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 6 Vicious 1, Size 1H)
Escalation Disruptor Ri e (Ranged, 7 Vicious 1,
Size 2H, Accurate)
It is a matter of prestige for a Romulan high o cial to
possess a Reman bodyguard. Reman bodyguards are SPECIAL RULES:
ferocious ghters and are often trained in basic piloting and Bodyguard: When taking action to protect the person
medicine, the better to ensure the safety of their principal. they are guarding, and buying additional d20s with
Threat, a Reman Bodyguard may re-roll a single d20.
TRAITS: Reman Wary: Whenever a Reman Bodyguard attempts a Task
to notice or detect an enemy or hazard, they may re-roll
VALUE: My Life for my Charge one d20.

By the time Romulan o cers rise to command a ship, they

are not strangers to erce combat or political maneuvering.
Even the most fervent young o cers can nd their
enthusiasm tempered by decades of con ict in one arena
or another. Whatever any private reservations, however,
Warbird Commanders still serve.

TRAITS: Romulan
FOCUSES: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Threat Assessment
VALUE: My Portion is Obedience

Unarmed Strike (Melee, 4 Knockdown, Size 1H,
Dagger (Melee, 4 Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)

Remans are a nocturnal species subjugated by the Romulan FOCUSES: Starship Tactics, Leadership
Star Empire. They are enslaved by the Empire, employed both as
indentured miners within the Reman mines, and as expendable STRESS: 11 RESISTANCE: 0
shock troops and bodyguards serving the Romulan military. Little
is known about the Remans outside of the Romulan Empire, due ATTACKS:
mainly to the Romulans’ secrecy. Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 Knockdown, Size 1H,
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight Dagger (Melee, 3 Vicious 1,Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1)
Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 Vicious 1, Size 1H)
TRAIT: Reman. Remans are tall, powerfully built beings, Escalation Disruptor Ri e (Ranged, 6 Vicious 1,
stronger and more durable even than Romulans. Their Size 2H, Accurate)
nocturnal nature means that they cannot easily tolerate
bright light. A proportion of Remans have telepathic abilities, SPECIAL RULES:
allowing them to read the minds of others and to project their Ambush: When attacking an opponent who is unaware,
thoughts to others, though using these powers e ectively the Warbird Commander may spend two Threat. This
takes skill and training. allows the Warbird Commander and any Romulans
under their command to re-roll any number of d20s on
their attack rolls for one round.
All Eras of Play (Romulan Campaign). The Next Generation Era Only (Broader Campaigns)

The Remans are the slave labor caste of the Romulan Star Empire since at least the 22nd century.
When the Romulans arrived and claimed their new homeworld of Romulus, they took the nearby
planet of Remus as well and forced its inhabitants to work in extremely hazardous mines harvesting
the planet’s rich dilithium deposits. Remus is a tidally locked planet and the Remans live on its dark
side, making them extremely sensitive to light.

Many Remans possess telepathic abilities similar to those shown by Vulcans and
Betazoids, making them valuable bodyguards and personal servants as well.
This demeaning position is at least better than dying in the dilithium mines
so many Remans accept slavery at a Romulan officer’s side instead. Even
without taking their telepathic abilities into account, Remans have a history
as fierce warriors and so are used throughout the Star Empire as imposing
bodyguards and frontline, expendable troops.

EXAMPLE VALUE: My People Serve and This Will Make Us Powerful

• Attributes: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, and +1 Reason

• Trait: Reman. The position of the Reman people is undoubtedly
harsh, but their attitude towards their Romulan overseers varies.
Some accept the situation and try to achieve the best they can,
while others try to work for positive change. A small but growing
minority seeks a violent revolution to free all Remans. Regardless
of outlook, Remans are strong in mind and body and determined to
survive. They can withstand many environmental dangers better
than other species, except for their sensitivity to light.
• Talents: The character receives access to the following talents:

Mental abilities are not universal among Remans but they are very
common. Most Remans only have vague intuitions but you have practiced
your abilities to achieve greater power. The use of this Talent is identical to
the Betazoid Talent found on page 105 of the Star Trek Adventures

Requirement: Reman or Gamemaster’s permission
Generations of slavery under the Romulans has created a culture of
obedience among the Remans. Whenever you receive assistance on a
Task from a superior officer or from any Romulan, you may reroll a
single d20.

Image © Cryptic Studios Species writeup by Colin “Mephit James” Wilson

Remans are a nocturnal species subjugated by the Romulan Star Empire.
They are enslaved by the Empire, employed both as indentured miners
within the Reman mines, and as expendable shock troops and bodyguards
serving the Romulan military. Little is known about the Remans outside of
the Romulan Empire, due mainly to the Romulans’ secrecy.

EXAMPLE VALUE: My Life For My Charge

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Reman. Remans are tall, powerfully built beings, stronger and
more durable even than Romulans. Their nocturnal nature means that
they cannot easily tolerate bright light. A proportion of Remans
have telepathic abilities, allowing them to read the minds of
others and to project their thoughts to others, though using
these powers e ectively takes skill and training.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Contact Empathy (Haliian)

Miner (Original: Zenite In the Soul) (Ardanan)
Telepath (Betazoid)
Feminine Names: Lavausa, Lereela, Mivola, Pelleen, Retrila,
Tirotha, Veril
Masculine Names: Arranhu, Frenek, Karatek, Lortrix, Obisek,
S’hanclado, Schiesser, Shravuk, Slamek, Vrimek, Xikalen,
Xiolan, Xiomek, Zden
Gender-Neutral Names: Liral, Khiy, Rashna, Vraxx, Xereth,
Xionel, Xishal

• Powerful Kick: Due to their powerful leg over a year to hatch. For the first year, the young
structure, Kasheetan roll 1d6+STR modifier for must be cared for at all times, at which point they
Unarmed Combat damage. reach the equivalent of human toddler.
• Wide-field Vision: The placement of
Kasheetan eyes allows them a 300° field of Homeworld
vision, granting them a +1 species bonus to Beta Rigel IV.
Observe (Spot) tests.
History and Culture
Rigelian culture is old, its history a fascinating
12 ([+10] +2 Strength, [-5] -1 Presence, [+2] mix of Machiavellian court intrigue and family-
Sherpa, [+2] Speed, [+2] Powerful Kick, [+1] Wide- based politics. They achieved a level of technology
field vision). equal to that of Middle Ages Earth early in their
ST IV: The Voyage Home development, but remained stagnated at that level
for nearly a millennia. They began to advance
again with the introduction of capitalism and off-
world trade from the Orions. They became a space
faring race under their first ‘world king’ in 2100.
The Rigelians were closely linked to the Orion
Trade Confederacy throughout the 22nd century, but
became a Federation member in 2258. Since then,
their old cohorts have preyed on Rigelian ships
whenever possible.
Rigelians have a ‘world king’ who actually has
power to chart the course of legislation and controls
the executive branch. His powers, however, are
tempered by the de facto power of his courtiers –
the actual movers and shakers of the Rigelian
government. The various local nobility mimic the
arrangements at the global level – although one
goes to pay their respects to the king or lord,
anything that needs to be done requires that you
deal with the secretary or other servants.

Language and Names

Rigelian, a language of gutteral sounds, pops, and


Favored Profession
Rogue or Diplomat.
Fond of pomp and ceremony, the Rigelians are a Species Adjustments
species of rituals and rules. They have a +1 Vitality, -1 Presence, +1 Perception
hierarchical government and caste system in which
the elite are served by their inferiors. However, the Species Abilities
real power in Rigelian culture lies with the servants, • Amphibious: Rigelians require air to breathe,
who work behind the scenes as diplomats, fixers, but are capable of swimming long distances
and power brokers. while holding their breath. If undertaking
relaxed or standard activity, they can remain
Physiology and Appearance submerged for a base time of 10 minutes
Tall and powerful-looking, Rigelians are before making a TN 10 Stamina test; if
descended from a species of sea turtle. Their beaks engaging in demanding or extreme activity,
are intensely powerful, capable of shearing through this base time is reduced to 2 minutes; if the
a human arm with little trouble. They have strong test is passed, additional tests are made every
clawed hands, and armored skin. Their eyesight is 10 (or 2) minutes with a cumulative +5 TN.
poor, but their hearing and sense of smell excellent. Once a test is failed begin testing for
They reproduce sexually, then lay eggs which take asphyxiation as normal.

• Courtier: Rigelians are always thinking in
terms of political power, and receive a +2
species bonus to their Savvy reaction. They
also gain a +1 bonus to Influence tests, and a
+1 bonus to Enterprise (Administration) tests.
• Bonus Edge: Skill Focus: Keen Smell:
Rigelians gain a +4 to all Observe (Smell)
• Home By The Sea: When swimming,
Rigelians move at half the normal speed land-
dwelling species normally do (‘Walk’ 3m,
‘Jog’ 6m…). They don’t normally need to
make Swim tests, only doing so under the
same circumstances that land-dwelling
species do (e.g., running during combat).
• Nearsighted: Rigelians are nearsighted, and
consequently suffer a -2 penalty to all
Observe (Spot) tests, as well as to all attacks
beyond close range. The Narrator may also
rule that the penalty applies to various other
skills where visual acuity might be a factor,
such as a Knowledge roll to recognize a
specific vehicle at a distance.

14 ([+5] +1 Vitality, [-5] -1 Presence, [+5] +1
Perception, [+8] Courtier, [+2] Skill Focus: Keen
Smell, [+3] Home By The Sea, [-4] Nearsighted). Personality
ST: TMP Steady and adaptable, Saurians are reliable
companions and capable administrators.

Physiology and Appearance

OPTIONAL RIGELIAN TRAITS Saurians are slender bipeds of reptilian, though
Because of their highly political (some would say intrique- close to avian, stock. They stand about 1.5m on
riddled) culture, the following traits are common among Rigelian
characters, though not universal:
average and have a large cranium. Their skin is
purple and finely scaled, their eyes widely spaced,
o Bonus Edges: Alert, Shrewd.
large and yellow, and though they look frail, their
o Bonus Flaws: Arrogant, Rival.
musculature is tightly knit, making them
deceptively strong. They also possess four hearts,
giving them superb cardiovascular systems.
Although Natural Linguist is Homeworld
introduced here as a Saurian
species ability (p.16), there is no Sauria.
reason the trait couldn’t manifest
in special cases throughout other
species. Hoshi Sato from Enter- History and Culture
prise is a prime example of a non-
Saurian with a facility for Saurians have a rich history replete with
tongues. competing religious and political systems that
If it fits the character concept, any character can buy slowly coalesced into their current global
Natural Linguist as an edge during character creation, but government and singular faith. Their strong faith in
only with Narrator approval. This is done by first selecting a living, sentient universe is widely accepted by
the Innovative edge, then buying Natural Linguist. The
Innovative edge may either be substituted for the character’s those of spiritual faith throughout the Federation.
standard edge choice, or as an additional edge requiring a They are also renowned for their excellent liquors,
flaw to be chosen as well. Being the second or third edge
chosen, Natural Linguist also requires that a flaw be chosen. of which Saurian brandy is just one example.
Narrators should be careful about allowing this ability to Saurians joined the Federation enthusiastically in
show up too often in a series. It should be a rare gift among
2200, having become a spacefaring species only a
few years earlier. Many choose to serve in Starfleet.


Chelons are a hardy race, sharing their home solar system of The Jelna, like the Chelon, are natives of the Rigel system
Rigel with Rigellian Jelna. They are descendants of saber- and come from Rigel V. A diligent and hard-working
toothed turtles and, though bipedal, they have retained species, the Jelna were the rst Rigellians to engage in
their ancestral beaks, claws and hard shells. Chelons are space ight. Although they took to commerce and system-
androgynous and take on masculine or feminine societal wide government quicker than the Chelon, the Jelna
roles at varying points in their lives, reproducing like most weren’t aggressive, and they made sure that of democratic
reptilians by laying eggs and fertilizing those eggs. Some representation for all Rigellian species on the Governing Board
traditionalists within Chelon society maintain a neutral and the Rigellian Trade Commission. The humanoid Jelnas
gender, and refuse to take on male or female roles. have four genders: two male and two female genders. Male
and female exosexes contain an additional Z chromosome,
EXAMPLE VALUE: Real Power is in the Service of Others and they outnumber the endosexes 2 to 1. Exosexes are the
more resilient and physically adept members of the species,
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight while endosexes are more comparable to the male and female
sexes typically found in other humanoid species.
TRAIT: Rigellian Chelon. The Chelon species retains a
lot of characteristics from its ancestral species, a type EXAMPLE VALUE: Governance and Trade for the
of saber-toothed turtle. They have beaks, and a strong Prosperity of All
(if clumsy) bite; some have trained to use this in close-
quarters combat. During times of stress or physical ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Presence, +1 Reason
combat they also emit a deadly toxin through their
skin. This can be used with their claws so that the toxin TRAIT: Rigellian Jelna. The Jelna on Rigel V evolved along
reaches an opponent’s blood. They are skilled swimmers similar lines to most humanoids, aside from their four
and prefer a warm, humid climate. They are also resistant sexes. Endosexes are comparable to other humanoids,
to ultraviolet radiation and, to a lesser extent, other while exosexes possess a more robust physique and
radioactivity. This is probably due to the shells that aggressive tendancies. Endosexes have exclusively gray
extend over much their bodies. skin and red eyes and are more suited to nurture and
care; exosexes have a pale brown complexion.
TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talents: TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Rigellian Chelon.

The hard shell extending over a Chelon’s body provides REQUIREMENT: Rigellian Jelna.
added protection from physical and radioactive threats. This The character possess a Z chromosome that strengthens
natural armor gives the character a Resistance of 1. They their physical and survival instincts and abilities. Whenever
may also ignore any Complications from radiation sources. attempting a Task using Fitness or Daring, roll 1 additional
d20 and gain one bonus Momentum on such Tasks.

REQUIREMENT: Rigellian Chelon.

In times of danger Chelons excrete a contact toxin onto their REQUIREMENT: Rigellian Jelna, or GM’s permission.
claws that can be used to debilitate foes. Their Unarmed The Jelna are naturally enterprising and industrious, and
Strike is replaced with a melee attack Claw Strike (Melee, have an a nity for technological developments and industrial
1 Piercing 1, Debilitating, Non-lethal). engineering. When succeeding an Engineering or Science
Task relating to xing or adapting technology, and spending
SAMPLE NAMES: 2 or more Momentum, a Jelna may add an Advantage related
Male names: T’k-agha, Genn, Stek’ghen to that technology for free.
Female names: Salka, Ash’lak, Dakla’
Male names: Jemer, Shalma
Female names: Lahvon, Velkal
Family names: Pahtel, Zehron
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME And the race of Vulcanoids who actually refer to themselves
SPECIES PROFILE using the term Rigellian appear as Vulcan/Human hybrids,
with the distinguishing feature of eyes set farther apart on
their heads than most humanoids.
VISUAL REPRESENTATION As with the wide variety of physical appearances among the
people of the Rigel system, there are easily as many diverse

The influence of the Orions is felt to some degree, yet many

of the Rigellian cultures have developed a long completely
different paths.

The Chelarian culture is somewhat primitive by Federation

standards. A semi-warlike culture with a strong spiritual

The rat-like Bodas are a race of traders, and businessmen

who's skills for negotiating a trade and establishing a
strangle-hold over the import/export industries of a given
region rival even those of the Ferengi.

The USS Enterprise, in orbit around one of the many The hulking Kaylar are a violent species, easily as rugged
planets of the heavily populated Rigel star system. and warlike as a Nausicaan. Their culture is not as
developed as their Chelarian neighbors, however. And the
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS Kaylar are easily compared to Terran neanderthals.
See individual Rigellian races, under Species
Abilities below. The Vulcanoid race known as the V'gelnians appear as
Vulcans on the surface, although some V'gelnians do not
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION have the sharply pointed ears of Vulcans and Romulans.
And their culture is more similar to that of humans than to
The Rigel system is home to a literal plethora of
any other Vulcanoid species.
sentient species. Unarguably the best known of these
races are the natives of Rigel VIII, a world that is also
The Vulcanoids who refer to themselves as Rigellians are an
widely known as Orion.
open and gregarious people well-known for their hospitality
to off-worlders. These Rigellians often find work in resorts
The Orions are discussed at length in both the
on Risa because of their knack for making others feel
Narrator's Guide (pp. 192-193), and Aliens (pp. 118-
121), and will not be covered here.
And the silver-skinned natives of Rigel IV are just the
Another species, known as Rigelians, and involved in
opposite. Cold to outsiders, and much more comfortable
some of the earliest diplomatic negotiations that
among their own kind than even their neighbors in the Rigel
helped to form the United Federation of Planets are
system. And this in spite of, or perhaps because of their
likewise discussed in another document.
long history of space travel and interstellar exploration.
This article attempts to cover the other more prevalent
races of the Rigel system, such as the primative LANGUAGES
Kaylar, the turtle-like Chelarians of Rigel III, the fur- Each of the many races of the Rigel system have their own
covered Bodas, and two species of Rigellian native language. Even the primitive Kaylar have a language
Vulcanoids. that is intricate and hard to translate.

With such a wide diversity of races comes, inevitably, To facilitate interaction and trade negotiations among the
a wide variety of physical appearances. species of Rigel, the Bodas introduced a universal language
in the 22nd century. This language is what is commonly
The Chelarians, for example, strongly resemble a known as Rigellian.
Terran turtle, in a man-sized humanoid form. And
according to their own lore they evolved from a race of Most people from the Rigel system who have extensive
“saber-toothed turtles”. dealings with beings, and cultures outside their home
system will speak some Federation Standard. And the
The Kaylar of Rigel VII, also known as the Kalar, are a languages of the Orions, and the race known as the
race of large humanoids with a strong resemblance to Rigelians are also widely spoken among the people of Rigel.
primitive Humans from Earth's Ice Age. COMMON NAMES
Each species of Rigel have their own individual style of
The Bodas of Rigel IV are covered in thick, soft silver- personal names, and family names.
brown fur and resemble Terran rats.
Kaylar names, for example, sound like short, coarse grunts
but carry a deep meaning for other Kaylar. Bodas have The Kaylar, of course, will favor professions that allow them
long, complicated names but only use a shortened to exercise their warlike nature – soldiers, or
form when dealing with other cultures, for simplicity's weaponmasters.
Chelarians also favor the profession of Soldier, but there
Chelarians will normally have both a personal or are easily as many Rogues, or Mystics among the Chelarian
proper name and a clan or family name. people.

And the Vulcanoid V'gelnians have names very similar Bodas are, as a race, Merchants, Rogues, and Free Traders.
to the types of names used on ancient, pre-Surakian
Vulcan. Names such as Tu'Pari, Sovar, and T'Liri being And the Vulcanoids known as V'gelnians often serve as
common. Starship Officers within Starfleet, or as Scientists or
The Vulcanoid Rigellians have similar names, but use
a wider variety of both vowel and consonantal sounds, Explorer is a default profession of sorts for the Rigellians
resulting in names like Cher'vek, and Sousshon. native to Rivel IV. And the Vulcanoids who actually refer to
themselves as Rigellians favor the professions of Merchant,
The natives of Rigel IV also have names similar to Diplomat, or Starship Officer; again offering their services
Vulcan or Romulan names, with a tendency to a more most commonly to the Federation Starfleet.
Romulan style of nomenclature.

Each of the planets of the Rigel system are very SPECIES ABILITIES
different in their geography, and each indigenous Each of the different species of the Rigel system have their
species is responsible for introducing a very different own individual strengths, weaknesses and unusual talents
civilization to their own homeworld. native to the species.

As has been stated there is a great deal of Orion Chelarians – also known as
influences on some of the worlds of the Rigel system. Chelons, or Rigellian Turteloids.
But, each of the populated worlds of Rigel have their These natives of Rigel III
own individuality to their civilizations, governments, believe themselves to be
and developed technology. descended from “saber-toothed
turtles”. Pictured here is a
With the exception of the Kaylar, most of the races of Chelarian guard, outfitted in the
uniform worn by a soldier
Rigel have developed warp drive by the mid 24th
assigned to protect an
century. The natives of Rigel IV actually developed important envoy.
warp capability even earlier than the Romulans.

Rigel VII, home of the Kaylar, shows signs of an Species Adjustments: -2 Agility, +2 Vitality
ancient and more advanced civilization. And there are
several abandoned fortresses on the planet that ABILITIES
indicate the civilization of Rigel VII may have evolved
at least to the level of a medieval society on Earth Swamp-raised: Chelarians have a +2 species bonus to
before becoming decimated somehow and forced to any test involving swimming, including Athletics
re-evolve. (Swim), resistance tests against drowning, etc.

Rigel III, known as Chelar, is a water-dominated planet Hard-shelled: Though Chelarians do not actually
with a tropical climate. possess a shell, they have a naturally hardened bony
plate that protects their back. This natural back armor
Rigel V suffered from a minimal axial tilt, which meant protects against up to 7 points of physical damage
that the seasons remained in a constant state by from a rear attack.
latitude. The northern continents such were both
windswept and cold whilst the barrier islands to the Natural Weapons (Fangs): A Chelarian can bite a foe
south were temperate as well as equable. with his fangs, causing damage equal to 1d6 + his
Strength modifier. Civilized Chelarians have no skill in
With a system as large and as populated as Rigel, Bite, and may only take it as a non-professional skill in
there are inevitably a wide variety not only of planetary the Unarmed Combat group.
types, but of civilizations made up of people who have
found a way to survive even in some of the most Ultraviolet Resistance: Chelarians have the same
hostile conditions exemplified by the planets with a resistance to ultraviolet radiation as Orions, and most
greater distance from Rigel's sun. species originating in the Rigel system (see Aliens, p.
Again a category as broad as the number of different
civilizations in the Rigel system it's self.
Kaylar – also known as
Kalar. Pictured here is a
Kaylar warrior. A large, fierce V'gelnians– What most people
predatroy humanoid who think of when they hear the
survives more by brute term “Rigellian Vulcanoid”.
strength than by any use of V'gelnians have Vulcan
their wits or intellect. features, although their ears are
not as obviously pointed. Here
is pictured a V'gelnian diplomat.
And her dress is much more
garish than a Vulcan's would
Species Adjustments: +3 Vitality, -1 Intellect, -2
Species Adjustments: +2 Strength, -1 Presence
High Pain Threshold (bonus edge): Rigellian
Kaylar receive this edge for free at character Ultraviolet Resistance: V'gelnians have the same
creation. See p. 135 of the Player's Guide for more resistance to ultraviolet radiation as Orions, and most
information species originating in the Rigel system (see Aliens, p.
Simple Weapons (bonus skill): Gained at skill
level 1 at character creation. Kaylar characters So similar are these Rigellians to Vulcans that there is
can treat this as a professional skill for purposes no doubt among anthropologists that they are
of skill acquisition and advancement. descended from the same racial stock.

Ferocity: Kaylar share this species trait with V'gelnians have the species abilities as those of the
Klingons, and receive the same in-game effects. Vulcan species template, found in the Star Trek RPG
See p. 99 of Aliens, or p. 41 of the Player's Guide Player’s Guide (p. 49), or Aliens (pp. 164-165).
for more information.
Exceptions are that V'gelnians do not have the Nerve
Pinch ability, nor the ability to perform the Mind Meld.
Bodas– Even with the looks These are skills learned by Vulcans or taught on some
of a giant rodent, the
occasions by Vulcans to members of other species
Rigellian Bodas are some of
the most successful who are able to learn them.
businessmen, negotiators,
and wheeler-dealers known. V'gelnians do have natural Psionic abilities, however.
Here, a Boda throws his And they can learn the Mind Meld, as well as the Nerve
head back in exuberant Pinch and do so much easier than other non-Vulcans.
celebration of yet another
well-done deal !

This subspecies of Rigellians

Species Adjustments: -1 Strength, +1 Agility, -1 are also a race of Vulcanoids.
Vitality But, they, more than any other
denizens of the Rigel system,
refer to themselves as
Rigellians. Distinguished by
their more pointed ears, and the
Nose for Business: Second only to the Ferengi in wider spacing of their eyes.
their business skills. This species ability Pictured is a Rigellian officer
functions for the Bodas as the Ferengi ability, assigned to the Starfighter
Lobes for Business (see p. 37 of the Player's division of Starfleet's Marines.
Guide for details).
Species Adjustments: +1 Strength, -2 Presence, +1
Eye for Profit: The Bodas have this ability in equal Perception
proportions to the Ferengi as well. (again, refer to
p. 37 of the Player's Guide for in-game effects). ABILITIES

Night Vision (bonus edge): Bodas receive this Peripheral Vision: These Rigellian Vulcanoids have
edge as a species ability (see p. 136 of the enhanced peripheral vision due to the wider separation
Player's Guide for more information). of their eyes on their heads and the wider spectrum of
vision this provides. They suffer no penalties to
Skill Focus (Keen Smell): (bonus edge) All Bodas Observe (Spot) tests derived from a person or object
have very keen noses. They receive a +2 to all being outside the usual range of peripheral vision.
Observe (Smell) tests.
Enhanced Rapid Healing: The self-proclaimed
Rigellians have this ability as per Vulcans (see p. 164 of
Orions only these denizens of the Rigel system had any
Aliens, or p. 49 of the Player's Guide for more
contact with Starfleet. At least any that was documented by
Starfleet personnel. The colony at Rigel X was one of the
first planet visited by the crew of the NX-01 Enterprise. And
Bonus Edge (Keen Hearing): They also possess
Rigel X was then home several different races who lived on
this edge as a species ability (see p. 164 of Aliens,
the 36-level trade complex on the planet.
or p. 49 of the Player's Guide).
TOS: By the late 23rd century Rigellians of all races have
Ultraviolet Resistance: This race of Rigellians
become involved in events in both the Alpha and Beta
have the same resistance to ultraviolet radiation
quadrants. And while the Orions still dominate Federation-
as Orions, and most species originating in the
Rigellian relations, Rigel, it's self is one of the most
Rigel system (see Aliens, p. 121).
populated systems in either quadrant. By this time the
Chelarians, V'gelnians, and Rigellian Vulcanoids are
This race of Rigellians do not begin the game
commonly encountered.
with the Psionic edge, but they do have latent
Psionic abilities and can acquire the edge, and
TNG: Within the next hundred years, Rigellians of most
learn psionic skills easily. Like the V'gelnians,
races have begun to serve in Starfleet. Both races of
these Rigellians do not have the Mind Meld ability
Vulcanoids have held positions of high rank on Federation
nor know the Nerve Pinch without learning one or
starships, as well as seats on the Federation council. But,
both skills from a Vulcan master.
the natives of Rigel IV still remain aloof to any substantial
contact with outsiders. And the Kaylar still remain a
primitive society.
Anthropologists and
historians familiar with the DS9: The Dominion War did not effect the people of the
Rigel system have theorized Rigel system as harshly as it did some of their neighbors.
the natives of Rigel IV re Smuggling, and other criminal activity regulated, and
actually descendents of the
perpetrated by the Orion Syndicate was on an upswing
Shour, who first colonized
the system millenia ago. And
before the war began, and the Orions had no interest in who
both Rigellian, and Rigelian won the war as long as their criminal empires continued.
has been used in scientific Other Rigellians felt the bite of the war most commonly
writings to document this through their involvement with the Federation. Especially
race from the Rigel system. those Rigellians serving in Starfleet.

Species Adjustments: +2 Intellect, -3 Presence, +1 VOY: It is possible the Rigellians native to Rigel IV may have
Perception traveled as far as the Delta quadrant during their long
period of exploration. Other Rigellians are not as likely to be
ABILITIES encountered whilst stranded so far form their homes unless
they are serving on a Starfleet vessel, or other ship that
Enhanced Rapid Healing: The natives of Rigel IV finds it's self transported to such a distant location via
have this ability as per Vulcans (see p. 164 of unforeseen circumstances. Chelarian officers, as well as
Aliens, or p. 49 of the Player's Guide for more members of both Vulcanoid species can be quite resilient
information). and would be able to survive as virtual castaways for a
good length of time.
Bonus Edge (Keen Hearing): They also possess
this edge as a species ability (see p. 164 of Aliens,
or p. 49 of the Player's Guide).

Ultraviolet Resistance: These silver-skinned

Rigelians have the same resistance to ultraviolet
radiation as Orions, and most species originating
in the Rigel system (see Aliens, p. 121).

Proud (species flaw): The natives of Rigel IV have

this flaw as a species trait due to their anti-social
nature and the heir of superiority with which they
carry themselves. (see p. 142 of the Player's

Enterprise: The Orions and the species from the Rigel
system known most commonly as the Rigelians were
well-known by the time of the forming of the
Federation. And throughout the exploratory period
during the 22nd century in which Earth made contact
with such races as the Tellarites, Andorians, and

Risa was a planet of erce storms and tectonic instability The intelligent Arboreal species of the Xindi are a contrast
before the Risians took it upon themselves to essentially some of their cousins on Xindus in that they are known to
terraform their planet. It is now colloquially known throughout have an incredibly calm demeanor, some would call them
the Federation as a “pleasure planet.” It’s a wonder the lethargic. But with a relaxed pace comes an appreciation for
Risians evolved into the ceremonial society they have today, logical thought and considered discussion. Since becoming
with tradition and ceremony being central to Risa society. members of the Federation, Xindi–Arboreals have worked
in Star eet and the Federation as mediators, counsellors,
Risians have an honest and open attitude to sexuality, diplomats and administrators.
renowned throughout the Galaxy. Potential mates with a
sexual appetite display ceremonial icons, called a horga’hn, EXAMPLE VALUE: Calm Focuses the Mind
that invite partners to participate in the sexual rite jamaharon.
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason
EXAMPLE VALUE: All That is Ours is Yours
TRAIT: Xindi-Arboreal. Covered in hair, and with
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence distinctive ridges on their nose and cheekbones, the
Arboreals are evolved from creatures similar to that of the
TRAIT: Risian. Risians appear much like Humans, save Earth sloth. They possess sharp claws and have slightly
a decorative gold emblem in the center of the forehead. longer arms than the average humanoid. With a naturally
They have open and adventurous personalities but also calm, rational mind, they do not panic or stress easily
have a great patience with others. though they do fear large bodies of water. Their dark eyes
allow them to see easier in low light conditions compared
TALENTS: The character receives access to the to other humanoids.
following talents:
TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talent:
REQUIREMENT: Risian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Your upbringing in a peaceful society, one that promotes
harmony and has an outright ban on weapons, has REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Arboreal, or Gamemaster’s
developed the Risian ability for peaceful resolutions. permission.
Whenever a Risian attempts a Task to dissuade another Arboreals possess an unwaveringly calm nature, allowing
individual or group from resorting to con ict, they reduce the them to ignore the stress of a crisis. When attempting Tasks
Di culty of that Task by 1. with Control to resist stress or mental a iction they may re-
roll one die in your pool.

REQUIREMENT: Risian, or Gamemaster’s permission. SAMPLE NAMES:

Risian open, and often frank, discussion of problems and Male names: Janner, Gralik
personal opinion enables conversation and understanding Female names: Adela, Rolindis
when working in a team. Whenever a Risian assists another Family names: Durr
character using Insight or Reason they may re-roll a single
d20 in their dice pool. In addition, if the lead character
succeeds in the Task using Insight or Reason, they gain 1
bonus Momentum.

Male names: Doranis, Melek, Oran
Female names: Aradnis, Elianjah, Joval
TNG era and beyond

Rodulans [Attraxans], hail from Rodul (Alpha quadrant). They have only 2 hair
colors, an extremely dark red & a like-colored dark blue, both appear black
lest seen in the light. They are overall 2m in height & marginally tanned due to
their island homes.

Names: Rodulans use 2 names; both a surname, & a proper name or “first
name”. The names used by them represents the variety of dialects spoken by
the various Rodulan sub-species.
Male: Caedan, Daro, Benjiro, Damir, Nacien, Ronan, Taywor, Taniel, Tristam, Xio
Female: Akeelah, Bas, Guan, Ilyazi, Talia, Zhaan, Meilyss
Surnames: D'Sena, Nadia, Nkai, Conti, Medledore, Malon, Kaji, R'Ven, Rixx,
Alekos, Core,Robie

EXAMPLE VALUE: Explorer by nature.

Attributes: Daring +2, Insight +2, Presence -1,

The Rodulans are nearly identical to Humans save that their eyes are
completely black. This gives them a rather alarming appearance & some
will wear contact lenses when in prolonged contact with other species.
They have highly sensitive taste buds, spicy foods are extremely difficult
for them to tolerate, with many of their home cuisines being quite bland.

Rodulan, or with GM's permission. Must start with Psychometry.

Telepathy [Psychometry]
All Rodulans have this talent. You use Insight+Science to determine
success (Difficulty is determined by GM). Psychometry is the ability to
make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making
physical contact with that object. [T12] You gain 1d20 to rolls.

Iron Mind
Because of the unique structure of the Rodulan brain, it is almost
impossible to read their thoughts. You gain a 3d20 bonus to your rolls to
resist psionic attacks or effects.

Rodulans are artistic & an average citizen practices some form of artistic
expression as a major part of their daily lifestyle. You gain 1d20 bonus to
any Crafting tasks.

TNG era and beyond

Rodulans [Attraxans], hail from Rodul (Alpha quadrant). They have only 2 hair
colors, an extremely dark red & a like-colored dark blue, both appear black
lest seen in the light. They are overall 2m in height & marginally tanned due to
their island homes.

Names: Rodulans use 2 names; both a surname, & a proper name or “first
name”. The names used by them represents the variety of dialects spoken by
the various Rodulan sub-species.
Male: Caedan, Daro, Benjiro, Damir, Nacien, Ronan, Taywor, Taniel, Tristam, Xio
Female: Akeelah, Bas, Guan, Ilyazi, Talia, Zhaan, Meilyss
Surnames: D'Sena, Nadia, Nkai, Conti, Medledore, Malon, Kaji, R'Ven, Rixx,
Alekos, Core,Robie

EXAMPLE VALUE: Explorer by nature.

Attributes: Daring +2, Insight +2, Presence -1,

The Rodulans are nearly identical to Humans save that their eyes are
completely black. This gives them a rather alarming appearance & some
will wear contact lenses when in prolonged contact with other species.
They have highly sensitive taste buds, spicy foods are extremely difficult
for them to tolerate, with many of their home cuisines being quite bland.

Rodulan, or with GM's permission. Must start with Psychometry.

Telepathy [Psychometry]
All Rodulans have this talent. You use Insight+Science to determine
success (Difficulty is determined by GM). Psychometry is the ability to
make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making
physical contact with that object. [T12] You gain 1d20 to rolls.

Iron Mind
Because of the unique structure of the Rodulan brain, it is almost
impossible to read their thoughts. You gain a 3d20 bonus to your rolls to
resist psionic attacks or effects.

Rodulans are artistic & an average citizen practices some form of artistic
expression as a major part of their daily lifestyle. You gain 1d20 bonus to
any Crafting tasks.

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME makes Basotile so valuable is that it is pure thought given
physical form and the Basotile itself molds like clay in the
SPECIES PROFILE hands of the telepathic Rodulans. These sculptures also contain
the thought that shaped them and it is this combination of the
seen and unseen that makes Basotile so valued off their

homeworld of Basul-Rodul. in 2134 the Rodulans broke the
Warp 2 barrier and encountered a Freighter limping towards
their system for a place to gather resources and repair. The
Freighter crew were the first to export Rodulan art in the form
of a few early and inferior pieces that are currently found on
places such as Deep Space Nine, Trill and elsewhere.

Eventually others picked up on the location of Basul-Rodul and

started to export their own Rodulan art in the form of the more
aesthetically pleasing and mentally stimulating pieces though
these later pieces lack the standardized style of early Basotile
works and no two are the same. Also a civilization of
agriculturalists and ecologists, the few Rodulans to leave their
homeworld have become highly valued in the Terraforming

However in the 24th Century the Rodulan's previously

unimportant region of space the Betreka Nebula became a war
zone between the Cardassian Union and the Klingon Empire.
Basul Rodul was occupied and contested between the two
powers for most of the 18 year conflict and further occupied for
another three years before the Federation forced a Klingon
withdrawal. Many priceless Rodulan pieces of art were either
lost or destroyed in this occupation of their world and the
Rodulans have begun an effort to recover some of these pieces
of art in the wake of the Dominion War.
-1 Presence, +2 Perception
Politically the Rodulans are neutral, though they have formed
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION with several other species of the Betreka Nebula to create the
The Rodulans are nearly identical to Humans save that Betreka League, an alliance of species within the Nebula to
the Rodulan eye is completely and totally black without ensure that they are able to enforce their own neutrality. Other
any other pigmentation. This gives the Rodulans a rather members of the League see the Rodulans as freeloaders as they
alarming appearance to most other species and as such, offer very few things to the League besides food and
some Rodulans (mostly those few in Starfleet) will wear agricultural technology but the Rodulan's invest more of their
contact lenses when in prolonged contact with other GDP in the League than any other species. The Rodulan's also
races. They have highly sensitive taste buds, spicy foods purchased several damaged Warships from Ferengi Salvage
extremely difficult for them to tolerate, with many of their crews as a gift to the League for their defense fleet. The
home cuisines quite bland. Rodulans themselves lack the ability (Or more likely the will) to
repair these ships but the ships themselves were seen as a great
Internally the Rodulans resemble Ferengi and Boslics with gift by some of the League members.
a four lobed brain though this brain is far more compact
and has not resulted in an enlarged head. This brain Rodulans have four major racial phenotypes and one or two
structure has left the Rodulans difficult to read by most minor sub-racial groups. Some outside geneticists like to group
telepathic species and many Betazoids find the Rodulan's the Tikani, Krzexxi and Attraxans together since they share most
minds very alien and uncomfortable from the brief of the same traits but the Attraxans and Tikani feel closer to the
glimpses they gain. Idanii and reject what biology and genetics dictates. The three
eastern cultures have a long history of mutual cooperation and
Rodulans have similar lifespans to Romulans and trust while there are still ill feelings towards the Krzexxi and
maintain a youthful appearance for over 300 years before deep cultural divides.
aging normally for another fifty to seventy.
CULTURE The largest racial group, the Tikani are pale skinned and dark
haired and never exhibit light hair colors save for a dark
A civilization of artisans and farmers (Though mostly auburn. The Tikani have an average height of 1.9 meters and
farmers) with craftsmanship second to none, the Rodulans are usually quite thin and somewhat muscular though they are
are best known for their sculptures erroneously called rarely ever extremely buff or extremely thin.
Basotile by outsiders though Basotile is actually the name
of the unique and incredible material Rodulans use in the Primarily agrarian, the Tikani are a warm, some would call
creation of these highly sought after works of art. What 'simple' folk who enjoy village and farm life. Automation and
advances in agricultural technology have made life easy for While the early forms of Basotile are rather complex,
them and most will find a rustic tranquility among their unatractive, and bulky, later forms of Basotile (Most notably
communities, burdened by little and effected by little. those crafted with 'Diamond Glass Basotile') are usually serene,
flowing and incredibly beautiful.
Darker skinned than the Tikani, the Idanii resemble Sub- Basotile sculpture as an exported art form exist in rarities since
Saharan Africans though exhibit different traits. The Idanii vary most Rodulans engage in Basotile crafting as a past time and
wildly in hair color and range from a light blonde to a near frequently remold the Basotile to represent a new thought to
black color, something the Tikani lack. The Idanii are also reflect their current state of mind. Basotile art is also highly
somewhat smaller than the Tikani, averaging 1.8 meters in personal and representive of an individual's mental state and
height and their bodies are of a like build. the Rodulans believe that a part of them lies within these
sculptures. A few pieces have made it off world though though
Largely like the Tikani, the Idanii are an agrarian society but nomany of these pieces were looted from Occupation of Basul
less willing to embrace technological change that improves Rodul during the Betreka Nebula Incident and the Rodulans are
their standard of living. The Idanii are also shaped by a hard very insistent on getting them back.
environment of bright sunshine but low temperatures and most
will find the Idanii rather severe compared to the other 3 Basotile art has existed for fifteen hundred years give or take
groups of Rodulans. and it is difficult to pin point where the technique began
though Kivas Fajo believed he hand the first Basotile ever
Attraxans created. Upon his arrest his collection was seized and the
Overall the Attraxans should be considered a sub-group of Basotile returned to the Rodulans and it was confirmed as a
Tikani but the Attraxans themselves reject this idea because of very early example of Basotile through the thought held within
the cultural divides between the two peoples. The Attraxans it though it is still impossible to know if it was the first.
have but two hair colors, an extremely dark red that appears
black lest light is shown upon it or looked at in individual It is considered rude to divert one's gaze from the person that
strands, and a like colored dark blue that also appears similarlythey are conversing with save for if one is performing another
black lest in the light. The Attraxans are overall slightly taller task like pouring a cup of tea or they are not sitting down
than the Tikani and marginally tanner due to their island together.
Rodulans have no concept of marriage, two souls are bound
Mariners and explorers, the Attraxans are less dependent on together in mutual understanding but that bond is not always
agriculture and instead their culture is rather impulsive and eternal and Rodulans do not force or expect two people to stay
adventurous. The Attraxans like going off to explore the together forever.
unknown and most Rodulans to leave the Homeworld are
Attraxan in descent. Attraxan society is stereotypically 'tropical'Having children together is a very serious undertaking in
in that the Attraxans play hard, work hard, and revel in every Rodulan society and many couples sometimes take decades to
moment of their lives. prepare themselves and test the strength of their relationship to
prove themselves worthy of having children. Those individuals
Krzexxi who rush into having children are looked down upon in
Almond eyed and dark haired, the Krzexxi are also very similarRodulan society and the community will often force themselves
to the Tikani but Krzexxi hair exhibits several slightly lighter into the child's life to fill the gaps the parent's rash choices
shades and their eyes are not black but an extremely dark blue.have made. Rodulan convention also dictates that couples
The Krzexxi are culturally different from the rest of the should have at least two children but no more than five to
Rodulans and are heavily industrialized versus the more teach the children how to interact with others and so that
Agrarian life of Tikan and Idanii. The Krzexxi stand somewhereparents have enough time to spend raising their children.
between the Tikani and the Idanii in both height and build.
The exchanging of pieces of art (In particular Basotile) between
Shaped by unsuitable farmland, the Krzexxi peoples instead friends, family and lovers is seen as giving part of your soul to
developed technologically faster than the rest of the Rodulans the other person as Rodulans consider part of their soul to flow
and embraced change early on. The Krzexxi are more into the art that they create. If the artwork is returned it
urbanized than the Tikani or Idanii and their society is symbolizes the loss of a relationship and separation.
(relatively) close to modern human standards. The Krzexxi do
however share their fellow Rodulan's disintrest in the greater Rodulans are expected to court for a year before settling down
galaxy and are content to only trade technology with other together and are expected to move in together into a new place
species in return for works of art or food. that was never either party's former residence (A modified
tradition of the old Rodulan custom of a bonded couple moving
Perhaps the most sought after pieces of art in the quadrant, onto a new farm together).
Rodulan Basotiles are sculptures shaped by telepathy and
through long and tiring hours of working, eventually a slab of When Rodulans first meet another they will stare directly into
Basotile will form into a sculpture physically representing the the other's eyes for a few minutes as a sign of openness.
thoughts of the individual that made it and contain an imprint The exchange of a Basotile that embodies a couple's first
of this thought within it. This combination of seen and unseen meeting is a sort of 'Proposal' indicating that one party desires
is what makes these pieces so valued. to live together as one with the other. If the offer is accepted
the two now bonded individuals will reform the Basotile into a
symbol of their joined lives and shared love, if a couple legislative jurisdictions known as Cantons divided into three
splits apart the Basotile is smashed. The party that levels, the Federal, Canton, and Local. The three main bodies
presents the Basotile to the other may be male or female, of the Confederation are the Confederate Courts to handle
Rodulans see the soul as gender neutral and gender roles judicial matters, the Confederate Assembly acting as a
and sexual discrimination are seen as utterly barbaric. As legislature, and the Confederate Committee to act as the ruling
such any two Rodulans may be bonded regardless of body.
gender, male and female, male and male, female and
female, it matters not in the eyes of The Artist. The Confederate Assembly consists of two houses, the 500
member Canton Council with two members per each Canton
The Rodulans are a very aloof and detached people from and the 1500 member House of Directors with the number of
the view of other species though among each other they directors proportionate to each Canton's population though the
are intimate and friendly, with strong bonds between number is always kept at 1500. Through referendums, citizens
each other. Rodulans will often be seen making odd faces may challenge any of the laws passed by the Assembly and
or turning their head in unsettling poses that will unnerve through petitions can introduce amendments to the Constitution
others as a sign of their curiosity. Most will note that the and introduce laws.
Rodulans are among the most radically different
humanoids of the galaxy and most humanoids will feel as The Confederate Committee consists of 11 members that all
uneasy around them as the Rodulans do. serve collectively as the head of state. Each member is elected
for four year terms and the Chairman of the Committee is
The Rodulans are highly religiously homogeneous and elected through the Confederate Assembly from among the
many follow the Ozara Sect of Dikkenism. Dikkenism is a Committee members. The Chairman chairs the government and
rather loose religion without much dogma to it and in fact assumes certain representative functions but the office of the
preaches a limited form of skepticism in blind prostration, Chairman carries no additional powers and the Chairman still
ritual and prayer and Dikkens should always be functions as a department head within the administration.
questioning the rationale of their belief system so that it Chairmen are elected for two year terms in between election
can be modified to suit the times. The Rodulans worship cycles.
a Goddess called The Artist and see the universe as her
canvas. The Artist sees all and keeps her masterpiece The Rodulans are proponents of advanced 'Green' Technology
forever in balance and ever changing. It is believed that that allows them to live in harmony with nature. However,
The Artist bestowed the Prophetess Dikken with a series although they are warp capable, they care very little for space
of prophecies and when she disappeared, Dikken was travel and aliens in general. They have a small fleet of shuttle
taken to the side of The Artist to help her further paint the craft and freighters to sell their artworks and export their food
canvas that is the Universe. in exchange for money or technology but they generally never
travel far from the homeworld. As of the nineth era, the
Much of original Rodulan mythology has been lost in Rodulans made advances in holographic communication.[4]
their periods of war and strife, in fact no first hand
accounts of their original tales are recorded, only what Rodul has a single customs port for interplanetary traveling -
can be assumed to be later revisionist tales by later though security personnel are employed here, security gates
cultures. Only a few dozen myths have survived in equipped with advanced sensor technology within the ports are
entirety. mainly relied upon to detect any viral, weapons, and
prohibited materials on visiting or returning persons as they
LANGUAGES walk through the gates on their way into Toprera.
Rodulans speak their own native language, and seldom
any other. A very few will speak Federation Standard. They sell various artistic works, the most popular and well
know are called basotile. Other than this they do not usually
sell anything else. As for what they purchase in exchange. That
is usually advanced technology, raw materials, exotic foods
Rodulans use two names; both a surname, and a proper and art supplies and various examples of different alien art
name or “first name”. The variety of names used by forms. Nothing else really interests them.
Rodulan people represents the verity of dialects spoken
by the various Rodulan races. The Rodulans themselves have no formal space combat abilities
save for a recent Orbital Defence grid installed at the end of the
Male names: Caedan, Daro, Benjiro, Damir, Nacien, Occupation and their extremely limited weapons on their
Ronan, Taywor, Taniel, Tristam, Xio shuttles and freighters. The Rodulans rely on the Betreka
Female names: Akeelah, Bas, Guan, Ilyazi, Talia, Zhaan, League Defence Fleet for protection.
Common surnames: D'Sena, Nadia, Nkai, Conti, FAVORED PROFESSION
Medledore, Malon, Kaji, R'Ven, Rixx, Alekos, Core,
On their own planet, Rodulans live quite lives within their own
culture. As a result, the professions of Merchant, and Mystic
are commonplace.
The very few Rodulans who do leave the homeworld and
The Rodulan Confederation, as outlined by the venture out in space usually follow the same beliefs and
Constitution of 1457, is a federal state consisting of lifestyles. Some, in these cases, may also become Rogues.
The Rodulans are an unusual people. Their often aloof
mannerisms, as well as their very singular look to their
eyes take some people aback. And yet Rodulans have an
uncanny knack of reading people. They are good with
people, whether they know it or not.

Rodulans suffer a -1 species penalty to their Presence

scores, while they enjoy a +2 bonus to their Perception

Rodulans also have the following species-based traits.

Artistic: Rodulans are generally artistic and any average

citizen practices some for of artistic expression as a major
part of their daily lifestyle. Rodulans gain a +1 species
bonus to any Craft skill tests.

Iron Mind: Because if the eunique structore of the

Rodulan brain it is almost impossble to read a Rodulan’s
thoughts. A powerful Betazoid might be able to get a hint
of a look into the Rodulan mind, but only a hint.
Rodulans gain a +4 species bonus to Willpower reactions
made to resist psionic attacks or effects.

Psychometry: While not truly psionic, Rodulans function

as powerful telepaths. All Rodulans have the psionic skill,
Telepathy. They begin the game with +2 in the skill, and
may advance it as a Professional Skill. Rodulans use
Perception as the key attribute for their type of Telepathy.

The Romulans are a Vulcanoid race from the planet Romulus. Romulans are
biological cousins of Vulcans, descended from those who rejected Surak’s
reforms during the Time of Awakening. Like Vulcans, Romulans reject casual
violence, but in place of logic they practice duplicity and prize cunning. Their
distrust of others is frequently reciprocated, as Romulans have a well earned
reputation for manipulation, deception, and betrayal. Romulans tend to be
suspicious and xenophobic, engaging in extended periods of isolationism. The
Romulan Star Empire has been one of the major powers in the Beta Quadrants
since the early 23rd Century. In Romulan society, military service and rank
influences social standing and eminence. While the military plays an important
role in Romulan society, the Romulan Senate controls the government, presided
over by the Praetor. Romulan society also has a highly structured caste system.
Their strong nationalist tendencies lead many Romulans to believe themselves
to be superior to other races. Because of this superiority complex, Romulans
practiced slavery, using the Remans and other conquered species as slave
labour or shock troops.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Am a Creature of Duty

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Romulan. Romulan physiology is not meaningfully different to that of

Vulcans, and they retain the heightened physical strength of their cousins. A
larger percentage of Romulans exhibits a v-shaped forehead ridge less
evident in Vulcans. The largest difference between the two species is that
Romulans lack the telepathic discipline common to Vulcans.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Romulan, or Gamemaster’s Permission
When attempting to remain hidden, go unnoticed, or pass as a Vulcan you
may spend one Momentum to increase the Difficulty of enemy Tasks to
detect you by one.

REQUIREMENT: Romulan, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Years of paranoia have encouraged you to always have a back-up plan
and also heightened your responses, enabling you to swiftly enact
contingencies. Your Momentum cost for taking an additional Minor
Action is always 1.

REQUIREMENT: Romulan, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are conditioned to espionage and treachery, expecting
betrayal at all times. Whenever you attempt a Task to notice or
detect an enemy or hazard, you may re-roll one d20.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:


The Romulan Star Empire is a reclusive and secretive galactic X Wary: Whenever a Romulan Uhlan attempts a task to
power that has only recently returned to galactic a airs after notice or detect an enemy or hazard, they may re-roll
a long period of isolationism. Based on the twin worlds of one d20.
Romulus and Remus, the Romulan Star Empire spans a
considerable area of the Beta Quadrant and has clashed with
both the Klingon Empire and the Federation on numerous
occasions. More information about the Romulans may be
found in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook. Romulans are similar to Vulcans, having diverged from their common
ancestors, though they did not adopt the stoicism and logic of their
cousins. Romulans are a cruel and ruthless people, quick to anger, and
easily moved to emotion. A culture of military discipline seems to keep
their worst members directed toward useful ends, though paranoia
The Romulan uhlan is the lowest ranking o cer in the Romulan and self-interest motivate Romulan politics as much as a desire for
Guard and makes up a substantial number of their personnel. collective bene t; at times, it seems that the only thing keeping the
Romulan Star Empire together is the fact that Romulans despise other
TRAIT: Romulan species more than they despise one another. Romulan characters have
the following modi ers:

X Attributes: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

CONTROL 09 FITNESS 08 PRESENCE 07 X Trait: Romulan. Romulan physiology
is not meaningfully di erent from
DARING 07 INSIGHT 08 REASON 09 that of Vulcans, though a portion
of the Romulan species exhibits
a v-shaped forehead ridge not
evident in Vulcans. The largest
COMMAND 01 SECURITY 02 SCIENCE – di erence is that most
Romulans lack the intense
CONN 02 ENGINEERING 01 MEDICINE – mental discipline common
to Vulcans. Psychologically
STRESS: 10 RESISTANCE: 0 and culturally, Romulans
prize cunning and strength
ATTACKS: of will, and are distrustful of
X Unarmed Strike (Melee, 3 , Knockdown, Size 1H, other species: this opinion is
Non-lethal) reciprocated, as Romulans
X Dagger (Melee, 3 , Vicious 1, Size 1H) have a reputation for
X Disruptor Pistol (Ranged, 5 , Vicious 1, Size 1H) manipulation, deception,
X Escalation Disruptor Ri e (Ranged, 6 , Vicious 1, and betrayal.
Size 2H, Accurate)

X Guile and Cunning: When attempting to remain hidden
or unnoticed, a Romulan Uhlan may spend 1 Threat to
increase the Di culty of enemy tasks to detect them by 1.
In 2387, the Romulan sun went supernova, leading to the
ROMULAN collapse of the Romulan Empire into fragmented successor
states. One of these is the Romulan Free State, which
has a more open and less antagonistic relationship with
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA its neighbors than the Romulan Star Empire once had.
The Romulans are a cultural o shoot of Vulcans, descended Alongside this, the late 24th century onwards saw the slow
from a faction of early Vulcans who left their original rise of a reuni cation movement, with a small but growing
homeworld millennia ago. These ancestors, who “marched number of Romulans open to the idea of reconnecting with
beneath the Raptor’s wings”, did not adopt the stoicism their Vulcan cousins.
and logic espoused by the Vulcan leader Surak, and would
EXAMPLE VALUE: To Die in The Service of my People
later settle the twin worlds of Romulus and Remus. The
Romulans’ prevailing culture is one of secrecy; anyone
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason
could be an enemy, so concealing motives, actions, and
vulnerabilities are central to survival. A Romulan only
TRAITS: Romulan. Romulan physiology is not
trusts their closest kin, with increasing layers of secrecy,
meaningfully di erent from that of Vulcans, though a
obfuscation, and misdirection as relationships grow more
portion of the Romulan species exhibits a V-shaped
distant. The Romulan Star Empire was long regarded as
forehead ridge not evident in Vulcans. The largest
paranoid, even isolationist, for non-Romulans are trusted less
di erences are that most Romulans lack the intense
than even the most suspect Romulans.
mental discipline common to Vulcans, and do not
Physically, Romulans are like Vulcans, di ering in numerous develop their psychic abilities. Psychologically and
small ways, and while many Romulans demonstrate a culturally, Romulans prize cunning and strength of
V-shaped ridge on their foreheads, this is far from a universal will, and are distrustful of other species: this opinion
trait. The speci cs of these is reciprocated, as Romulans have a reputation for
di erences aren’t well-known manipulation, deception, and betrayal.
by non-Romulans; Romulans
do not share information if TALENTS: The character receives access to the following
it can be helped, and the talents:
Federation didn’t know the
shared origin of Vulcans GUILE AND CUNNING
and Romulans until over a REQUIREMENT: Romulan, or gamemaster’s permission.
century after rst contact
between Humans Secrecy is as natural as breathing for you. When you attempt
and Romulans. to remain hidden or for your actions to remain unnoticed, you
may add 1 to Threat in order to increase the Di culty of a
task to detect you or discern the true nature of your actions.

REQUIREMENT: Romulan, or gamemaster’s permission.

Danger can come from any quarter, and you will not be
caught o -guard. When you attempt a task to notice or
detect an enemy or hazard, you may reroll one d20.

Romulan names are personal and wrapped up in secrecy.
Romulans tend to have a single name they use openly, a
private name they use amongst family, and a true name used
only with those they give their hearts to.

SAMPLE NAMES: Alidar, Ayel, Bidran, Bochra, Chulak,

D’Tan, Donatra, Hiren, Kabath, Karina, Kimara, Koval, Laris,
Letant, Lovok, M’ret, Mendak, Mirok, N’Raj, N’Vek, Neral,
Pardek, Rakal, Rekar, Setal, Sirol, T’Rul, Taibak, Tal, Tal’aura,
Taris, Telek, Tenqem, Tokath, Toreth, Valdore, Vrax, Zhaban

012 SEASON 1
The Romulans are a vulcanoid race from the planet Romulus. The Romulans
are biological cousins of Vulcans, descended from those who rejected
Surak’s reforms during the Time of Awakening. The Romulan Star Empire is
one of the major powers in the Beta Quadrant in the 23rd and 24th
Centuries. In Romulan society, military rank in uences social standing.
Because Romulans are members of a militaristic civilization, military service
and its accompanying rank were decisive factors in determining social
eminence. While the military plays an important role in Romulan society, it is
the Romulan Senate that controls the government, presided over by the
Praetor. Romulan society is based upon a highly structured caste
system. Unlike most of the species in the Alpha and Beta
Quadrants, Romulans practice slavery, using the Remans as
slave labor and as shock troops. Romulans tend to be highly
xenophobic, engaging in extended periods of isolationism, and
believing themselves to be superior to other races.

EXAMPLE VALUE: The Ends Justify The Means

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Romulan. Romulan physiology is not meaningfully

di erent to that of Vulcans, though a portion of the Romulan
species exhibits a v-shaped forehead ridge not evident in
Vulcans. The largest di erence is that Romulans lack the
intense mental discipline common to Vulcans.
Psychologically and culturally, Romulans prize cunning and
strength of will, and are distrustful of other species: this
opinion is reciprocated, as Romulans have a reputation for
manipulation, deception, and betrayal.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Hear All, Trust Nothing (Ferengi)

Superior Ambition (QuchHa’)
Suspicious By Nature (Cardassian)
Feminine Names: Donatra, Kabath, Kimara, Laris, Narissa, Ramdha, Taris,
T’Rul, Toreth
Masculine Names: Alidar, Almak, Ayel, Bidran, Bochra, Colius, Decius,
D’Tan, Elnor, M’Ret, Tenqem, Zhaban
Gender-Neutral Names: Patahk, Talok, Tal’Aura, Taibak, Vrax

Pistola Disruptora (Distância, 5 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M)
Agravamento Fuzil Disruptor (Distância, 6 Feroz 1,
Tamanho 2M, Preciso)
O Império Estelar Romulano é um poder galáctico dissimulado e
recluso que apenas recentemente voltou à proeminência, depois REGRAS ESPECIAIS:
de um longo período de isolacionismo. Baseado nos mundos Astúcia e Malícia: Quando tentar permanecer escondido
gêmeos de Rômulo e Remo, o Império Estelar Romulano se ou sem ser notado, um Romulano pode gastar um de
expande por uma área considerável do Quadrante Beta e já lutou Ameaça para aumentar em um a Di culdade da Tarefa do
com a Federação e o Império Klingon em numerosas ocasiões. inimigo para detectá-lo.
Arisco: Sempre que um Romulano tentar uma Tarefa para notar
TRAÇOS: Romulano ou detectar um inimigo ou perigo, ele pode rejogar um d20.

Um centurião romulano é um o cial de média patente na Guarda

Romulana, aproximadamente equivalente a um tenente coman-
dante na Frota Estelar. Eles podem ser encontrados como chefes
de departamentos a bordo de naves e ao longo do Império.

TRAÇOS: Romulano
VALOR: Não Falharei em Meu Dever para com o Império
FOCO: Paranoico, Táticas de Guerrilha


Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 3 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Não Letal)
Adaga (Corporal, 3 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M, Mortal, Ocultável)


Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 3 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Não Letal)
Adaga (Corporal, 3 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M, Mortal, Ocultável)
Pistola Disruptora (Distância, 5 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M)
Agravamento Fuzil Disruptor (Distância, 6 Feroz 1,
Tamanho 2M, Preciso)

Astúcia e Malícia: Quando tentar permanecer escondido
ou sem ser notado, um Romulano pode gastar um de
Ameaça para aumentar em um a Di culdade da Tarefa do
inimigo para detectá-lo.
Arisco: Sempre que um Romulano tentar uma Tarefa para notar
ou detectar um inimigo ou perigo, ele pode rejogar um d20.
Emboscada: Quando atacar um oponente desprevenido, o
Centurião pode gastar 2 de Ameaça para permitir que o Cen-
turião e todos os Romulanos sob o comando dele rejoguem
qualquer quantidade de d20s em suas jogadas de ataque.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

Os Fins Justi cam os Meios
Tudo o que Faço, Faço por Rômulo
Romulanos são similares, mas não exatamente idênticos, aos Vulca-
nos, tendo divergido de seus ancestrais comuns, embora eles não FOCO: Dissimulação, In ltração, Interrogatório, Paranoia
adotem o estoicismo e a lógica de seus primos. Em vez disso, os
Romulanos são um povo cruel e impiedoso, rápidos em se enraivecer
e facilmente movidos por emoções. Uma cultura de disciplina militar
parece manter seus piores membros direcionados para ns úteis, em-
bora a paranoia e o autointeresse motive os políticos Romulanos da
mesma forma que o desejo pelo benefício coletivo; às vezes, parece
que a única coisa que mantém o Império Estelar Romulano unido é o
fato de que eles desprezam mais as outras espécies do que uns aos
outros. Personagens Romulanos têm os seguintes modi cadores:

ATRIBUTOS: +1 Controle, +1 Físico, +1 Raciocício

TRAÇO: Romulano. A siologia Romulana não é signi cativamente

diferente da Vulcana, embora uma parte da espécie Romulana apre- ESTRESSE: 12 RESISTÊNCIA: 0
sente uma crista na testa em forma de V que não é evidente nos
Vulcanos. A maior diferença é que os Romulanos não têm a intensa ATAQUES:
disciplina mental comum aos Vulcanos. Psicológica e culturalmente, Golpe Desarmado (Corporal, 4 Derrubar, Tamanho 1M,
Romulanos valorizam a astúcia e a força de vontade, e descon am Não Letal)
de outras espécies: essa opinião é recíproca, pois Romulanos Adaga (Corporal, 4 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M, Mortal, Ocultável)
possuem a fama de serem manipuladores, enganosos e traidores. Pistola Disruptora (Distância, 6 Feroz 1, Tamanho 1M)

G=Astúcia e Malícia: Quando tentar permanecer escon-
dido ou sem ser notado, um Romulano pode gastar um de
Ameaça para aumentar em um a Di culdade da Tarefa do
inimigo para detectá-lo.
Arisco: Sempre que um Romulano tenta uma Tarefa para notar
O Tal Shiar é o serviço secreto de Inteligência Imperial que ou detectar um inimigo ou perigo, ele pode rejogar um d20.
opera de forma autônoma ao governo Romulano e é respon- Autoridade Suprema: Sempre que um Romulano atual-
sável por scalizar a lealdade de seus cidadãos e a segu- mente sob o comando de Verohk tentar uma Tarefa para
rança do Império. Até mesmo um major Tal Shiar de baixa resistir a persuasão ou intimidação, Verohk pode gastar
patente possui a autoridade sobre comandantes, generais e 1 de Ameaça para permitir que o Romulano rejogue,
almirantes da Guarda Romulana. mesmo se Verohk não estiver presente na cena em si.
Impiedoso e Determinado: O major Verohk pode gastar
TRAÇOS: Romulano 2 de Ameaça para ganhar os efeitos de um ponto de
Determinação, em vez dos 3 normais.

Narendra III foi o maior fracasso na história naval Romulana. Embora resiliência da Enterprise-C depois de suportar fogo sustentado de
nossa força tarefa, consistindo de quatro aves de guerra, tenha seus disruptores. Com estudo adicional, a Batalha de Narendra III
destruído com sucesso um entreposto klingon e a Enterprise-C, o expôs de ciências signi cativas no treinamento tático de nossos
objetivo de nosso ataque era mandar uma mensagem clara aos Klin- o ciais. Fomos afortunados que os comandantes de Narendra III
gons que estavam tentando demonstrar sua superioridade naquele tiveram a iniciativa de capturar cápsulas de fuga da Federação e
setor. Nesse objetivo, falhamos espetacularmente. Nossa vitória levou tomaram os o ciais da nave em custódia. O interrogatório da o cial
a uma Aliança Federação-Klingon que dominou os Quadrantes Alfa e tática em exercício Tasha Yar revelou que o treinamento da Federa-
Beta por mais de vinte anos e nos isolou do resto da Galáxia. ção estava décadas na nossa frente e explicou como uma única nave
Relatórios dos comandantes em Narendra III comentaram sobre a da Federação foi capaz de se defender contra quatro aves de guerra.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME This has lead many Rutians to attempt rebellion against the
SPECIES PROFILE government, forming insurgent groups to fight for their own
voice in the planetary electorate.

The most prevalent of these terrorist groups is known as


VISUAL REPRESENTATION The Ansata are a political separatist group, located on the
eastern continent of the planet. Since 2296, the people of
the western continent have been using terrorism to get the
Rutian government to listen to their requests.

In 2366, the Ansata were lead by Kyril Finn, a devoted

terrorist. At this time, it was thought that the group
numbered only 200 actual members, but there were over a
thousand sympathizers. During this year, Finn and his cell
abducted Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Doctor Beverly
Crusher from the USS Enterprise-D in an attempt to draw
the Federation into the conflict on this planet.

By 2366, the Ansata had become more and more of a threat

to Rutian society. They had developed folded-space
transport technology (using a device known as the inverter)
to instantly transport themselves anywhere without leaving
a trace. This device was later discovered to be the cause for
an illness from which the Ansata were suffering.

Their attempt to capture the Enterprise officers was initially

very successful; the Enterprise had no defenses against the
various folded-space transport incursions. However, further
analysis of the data collected on board and on the surface
of the planet revealed the location of the inverter, and Finn's
-1 Presence
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The Rutians have their own native language. But, most
The Rutians are a humanoid race remarkably similar to Rutians will also speak at least some Federation Standard,
Terran humans in appearance, and even in culture. due to their homeworld's long-standing trade-agreement
Rutian males average between 1.6 and 1.8 meters, with with the Federation.
most females slightly smaller. COMMON NAMES
Most Rutians have a Caucasoid skin-pigmentation, Rutian names often have a Terran sound to the, although
and medium proportioned features. They tend to be both vowel and consonantal sounds are arranged
light of build, and physically fit. differently. Traditional naming styles still prevail with males
having names heavy on hard consonants and short vowels
With few exceptions, Rutian males have dark hair with and females having softer sounding names.
a shock of gray running through it, while females have
lighter, reddish hair with a shock of dark brown or Some Rutians who figured prominently during the
black. Enterprise-D's involvement at the planet included Kyril Finn,
and Katik Shaw (both male), and Alexana Devos (a female).
Rutian culture is very similar to some regions of the
European continent on Earth in the latter half of the Rutia IV is the fourth planet of the Rutia planetary system.
20th century. They have a democratic society, with The atmosphere is capable of supporting humanoid
officials elected by a general assembly of a governing lifeforms. This is the homeworld for the the Rutians, a
hierarchy. technologically advanced unaligned humanoid species.
This planet had a long trading relationship with the
Many Rutians feel disenfranchised by this oligarchical Federation.
form of government; where the wealthy, powerful, and
famous among Rutian society not only get to chose The Lumar Cafe is a restaurant on the northern continent.
who governs the world, and it's people; but they often
chose from their own number. As a result, political Since 2296, a separatist group known as the Ansata have
positions of power are usually filled with people who tried to use terrorism to break away from the government of
do not care for the conditions less fortunate Rutians the Eastern continent.
are living in.
In 2366, the USS Enterprise-D visited the planet to drop off
medical supplies. During the visit, the away team witnessed
first hand an act of Ansata terrorism, and Dr. Beverly well as their actions; either from the planetary police, or
Crusher was kidnapped by the terrorists. The Rutian from groups such as the Ansata, depending on their
government worked with the Enterprise crew to free personal loyalties. All Rutians receive a +2 to all Stealth
her, but during the rescue they underwent several tests, as well a +2 species-bonus to Savvy reactions.
more attacks before eventually retrieving Crusher.
Sickly: Rutians do not deal with disease, contagion, or
The eastern continent is one of many regions on the contaminants very well. All Rutians will have this flaw as a
planet Rutia IV that is controlled by a single species-trait; and suffer a -2 penalty to their Stamina
government. reactions.

Ansata separatists spent several generations trying to

free themselves from the rule of the government on OPTIONAL ANSATA TRAITS
the eastern continent. They maintained a base
approximately three hundred kilometers from the Rutians who are members of the Ansata
capital city on the southern tip of the eastern separatist group, or who sympathize with
continent. them can, at the discretion of the Narrator,
have the following species traits as well as
FAVORED PROFESSION those given above.
Rutians can, and often will follow any Profession. On
Rutia there will be a large concentration of Soldiers, Radical: The character is very strong in their
making up not only the various city police forces, but support of the Ansata position. If faced with
also small commando units known as Regional any opportunity to further the aims of or
Guards. promote the Ansata goals the Rutian
character must spend a courage point, or take
On the eastern continent, there will be Ansata; action; no matter what that action might entail.
essentially Soldiers, who tend towards the elite
professions of Special Forces, or Assassin, depending Sympathizer: Although not a member of the
on each individual's function within the Ansata Ansata, the Rutian character is a strong
organization. supporter of the movement. An Ansata
sympathizer will suffer a -4 penalty to any
Rutians, off world, often stay involved in military Willpower roll made to resist any request for
pursuits as Soldiers and Mercenaries. There are also aid or support from an Ansata (such as
several Rutian Explorers, and Scientists at large stealing medical supplies, or weapons, or
(usually working as archaeologists, or historians). offering shelter form the police).

There are a few Rutians in Starfleet.

Rutians are so physically close to humans that they
have only one adjustment to their base-line attributes.
This is a -1 species penalty to their Presence
attributes, due to the often volatile nature of the Rutian

Most Rutians have chosen a side – either they support

the Ansata or the government. And the tension on
their world has created a race of people who are often
harsh, quick to judge, and quick to anger.

This results in a penalty to a Rutians Presence score.

Rutians also have a few species-traits that set them

apart from other species.

Distrustful: Rutians tend not to trust very easily. This

comes as a result of their society, and the constant
conflict that goes on. Especially on the eastern
continent of their homeworld. All Rutians have this
trait as a species-flaw, and as a result suffer a -1
penalty to all Social skills. They suffer an additional -2
penalty when interacting with someone with the
Infamy flaw, if the aspect of their Infamy is something
the Rutian is likely to distrust due to their individual
life experiences.

Sly: Rutians have learned to hide their intentions, as

• Courtier: Rigelians are always thinking in
terms of political power, and receive a +2
species bonus to their Savvy reaction. They
also gain a +1 bonus to Influence tests, and a
+1 bonus to Enterprise (Administration) tests.
• Bonus Edge: Skill Focus: Keen Smell:
Rigelians gain a +4 to all Observe (Smell)
• Home By The Sea: When swimming,
Rigelians move at half the normal speed land-
dwelling species normally do (‘Walk’ 3m,
‘Jog’ 6m…). They don’t normally need to
make Swim tests, only doing so under the
same circumstances that land-dwelling
species do (e.g., running during combat).
• Nearsighted: Rigelians are nearsighted, and
consequently suffer a -2 penalty to all
Observe (Spot) tests, as well as to all attacks
beyond close range. The Narrator may also
rule that the penalty applies to various other
skills where visual acuity might be a factor,
such as a Knowledge roll to recognize a
specific vehicle at a distance.

14 ([+5] +1 Vitality, [-5] -1 Presence, [+5] +1
Perception, [+8] Courtier, [+2] Skill Focus: Keen
Smell, [+3] Home By The Sea, [-4] Nearsighted). Personality
ST: TMP Steady and adaptable, Saurians are reliable
companions and capable administrators.

Physiology and Appearance

OPTIONAL RIGELIAN TRAITS Saurians are slender bipeds of reptilian, though
Because of their highly political (some would say intrique- close to avian, stock. They stand about 1.5m on
riddled) culture, the following traits are common among Rigelian
characters, though not universal:
average and have a large cranium. Their skin is
purple and finely scaled, their eyes widely spaced,
o Bonus Edges: Alert, Shrewd.
large and yellow, and though they look frail, their
o Bonus Flaws: Arrogant, Rival.
musculature is tightly knit, making them
deceptively strong. They also possess four hearts,
giving them superb cardiovascular systems.
Although Natural Linguist is Homeworld
introduced here as a Saurian
species ability (p.16), there is no Sauria.
reason the trait couldn’t manifest
in special cases throughout other
species. Hoshi Sato from Enter- History and Culture
prise is a prime example of a non-
Saurian with a facility for Saurians have a rich history replete with
tongues. competing religious and political systems that
If it fits the character concept, any character can buy slowly coalesced into their current global
Natural Linguist as an edge during character creation, but government and singular faith. Their strong faith in
only with Narrator approval. This is done by first selecting a living, sentient universe is widely accepted by
the Innovative edge, then buying Natural Linguist. The
Innovative edge may either be substituted for the character’s those of spiritual faith throughout the Federation.
standard edge choice, or as an additional edge requiring a They are also renowned for their excellent liquors,
flaw to be chosen as well. Being the second or third edge
chosen, Natural Linguist also requires that a flaw be chosen. of which Saurian brandy is just one example.
Narrators should be careful about allowing this ability to Saurians joined the Federation enthusiastically in
show up too often in a series. It should be a rare gift among
2200, having become a spacefaring species only a
few years earlier. Many choose to serve in Starfleet.

Language and Names Perception, [+2] Cultural Flexibility, [+2] Great
Aulia or Federation Standard. There are several Stamina, [+4] Natural Linguist, [+3] The Universe
Saurian dialects, but Aulia is the most common, a Will Provide).
musical and complex language that employs heavy ST: TMP
tonal qualities that make it sung more than spoken.
It is extremely difficult to learn. To most species,
Saurian names are pretty sounding and often have a
musical quality.

Favored Profession
Starfleet Officer. Saurians are enthusiastic
supporters of the Federation and Starfleet.

Species Adjustments
+1 Strength, +1 Presence, +1 Perception

Species Abilities
• Bonus Trait: Cultural Flexibility: Saurians are
xenophiles, enjoying learning about new
people and cultures.
• Bonus Edge: Great Stamina: Saurians’ quad-
ruple hearts give them great endurance.
• Natural Linguist: Saurians learn languages
with ease. After a full day of exposure to a
new language, it can be learned at level 1
with a TN 10 Intellect test. Saurians advance
all language skills as professional skills. Personality
• The Universe Will Provide: Saurians have a Reserved and highly intelligent, Xelatians often
strong belief in the sentient nature of the come across as mysterious or intimidating. They
universe and the idea of a master plan. They have a whimsical sense of humor and are curious
begin the game with +1 Courage. to the point of stubbornness. Xelatians are solitary
by nature, but are very curious about others as well
Picks as the unknown. They rarely let an obstacle prevent
26 ([+5] +1 Strength, [+5] +1 Presence, [+5] +1 them from achieving their goals.

Physiology and Appearance

Xelatians are cephalopods – invertebrates whose
XELATIAN DRY SUIT limbs are composed of ultra-strong muscle fiber and
Specifications: folded: approx. 4 liters; 15 kg pressurized fluids. With no bones, their limbs can
Description: Xelatians can survive in air for several hours bend in any way necessary. They are clumsy on
and can also move without aid, but to better blend with land, and the pseudo-humanoid form they usually
humanoids, and to make their lives on land easier, they wear
“dry suits.” These resemble robes, with a breastplate-like device present is due to the use of antigravity harnesses.
that provides anti-gravity support for the wearer. The headpiece Microcilia and suction pads grant them
has a faceplate that allows sight for the wearer, but also can
translate Xelatian Luminal Speech, or project patterns for other phenomenal grip and they can scale sheer, slick
Xelatians to see. The headpiece is topped by a kelp-like plant surfaces will little trouble. They revel in zero-g
that stores water, which is extracted by the hydration system of
the suit, creating a salinated, moist environment for the wearer.
environments, never suffering from space-sickness.
The suit is good for eight hours, after which point the ‘kelp’ must
be immersed in water for an hour to recharge. Their internal structure is similar to that of Terran
octopi, with the brain wrapped around the
Rules: While wearing the dry suit, a Xelatian need not make
Stamina tests for being on land. The suit negates the Agility intestinal tracts. The ‘head’ is simply a large gas sac
penalties for moving on land, but imposes a -2 penalty to for buoyancy and locomotion. It is covered with a
Observe (Spot) tests due to limited visibility through the visor.
The suit does not protect against disease, radiation, nor
fine ‘hair’ of Xelatian shadur, a type of seaweed
vacuum; it simply provides moisture for the skin and water for which symbiotically grows in the area of the gas
the wearer to breathe. sac, providing nutrients and insulation to the host.
Duration: The power systems of the suit last for 24 hours
before recharge. The ‘kelp’ must be rehydrated every eight They must immerse themselves in water every
hours by immersion in water for one hour. The ‘kelp’ must be eight hours to avoid drying out. Their clothing is
replaced every few months.
actually a suit that recycles water into their gill


The Saurians are a humanoid reptilian species from the planet Sauria, best
known for Saurian brandy, one of the most popular and infamous alcoholic
drinks in Federation space. While they were capable of space travel for
decades prior to their neighbouring systems, such as Earth, the Saurians
established no colonies beyond their home system. Hailing from a system with
planets rich in natural resources (including dilithium) other species were eager
to trade with Sauria, so Saurians seldom had to venture far out into space,
instead letting others come to them. Contact between Saurians and Humans
took place in the mid-22nd Century, shortly before the original NX-1 Enterprise
was decommissioned. As first contact occurred with an Earth cargo ship,
Starfleet had to dispatched a second starship to initiate more formal relations.
Since that date, the Saurians have joined the Federation and have numerous
members serving in Starfleet. In one possible timeline, a Saurian is the
Federation President in the first decades of the 25th Century.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Quality is the Best Business Practice

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Saurian. A humanoid reptilian species adapted to rain forests and

wetlands, Saurians were semi-aquatic and comfortable moving underwater.
They could breath a wide variety of gasses and possess an immunity to
many forms of toxins. As the gravity of Sauria was a 20% higher than
Earth’s, they were stronger than humans. Saurians posses a second set of
eyelids that confers infrared vision, but their nocturnal lifestyle means they
have a weakness to bright light, and often have to wear goggles in brightly
illuminated areas.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Saurian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You heal quickly from lesser wounds and are quick to catch your breath.
When you attempt the Recover Task, add a bonus d20 to the task.

REQUIREMENT: Saurian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Your scaly skin makes you particularly durable and hardy. Whenever you
successfully Avoid an Injury, roll 1 A. If an Effect is rolled, you immediately
regain the ability to Avoid Injury

REQUIREMENT: Saurian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
When driven by what you believe most, you stubbornly refuse to
yield and strive to succeed at all costs. When you spend a point of
Determination to attempt a second Task, you may re-roll a d20 if you
have an applicable Focus for this Task or re-roll up to two d20s if you
have no applicable Focus.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
creature which has passed through an area within the last 24
SAURIAN hours, reduce the Di culty by 2. If this is part of an extended
task, then the Saurian also rolls +2 when determining
progress on the Work track.
The Saurians are new members of the Federation and are
still taking time adjusting to the norms of being aboard NAMES
Federation starships. With their native language being a Due to the shape of their mouths and how their native tongue
series of clicks, chirps, and growls, the universal translator is spoken, Saurians often pick a name in Federation Standard
sometimes has problems translating Saurian speech into that they like and do not mind being referred to as.
Federation Standard. They are a physically imposing species, They often choose their favorite historical gure
with large eyes capable of seeing long distances and an or a name that sounds pleasing to them.
advanced sense of smell. They are welcome additions to Saying a Saurian’s proper name correctly
landing parties and away teams because of their ability to be will always be endearing to them but they
resourceful in almost any environment. Their culture stresses understand if other species struggle to do so.
prudence and consideration in all things, though if a Saurian
is pushed into con ict, they will respond ferociously. Saurians SAMPLE NAMES: Vk’chk’tk (Victoria),
are omnivores, and frequently enjoy meals consisting of Sh’larlst (Shae), Gr’hsk-ha’sha (Gaius),
bamboo, sh, and dried insect casings. Lss’t-kel’sar (Linus)

EXAMPLE VALUE: Consider Carefully, Then Act Decisively.

+1 Daring, +1 Fitness,
+1 Reason

TRAIT: Saurian. Saurians possess enhanced senses

that are often superior to their colleagues. With six nasal
canals, they can pick up scents from kilometers away and
their sharp fangs and claws make them imposing. As a
civilization, they respect strength and decisiveness but
prefer to avoid aggression if at all possible. Saurians also
possess a high tolerance for alcohol, and Saurian brandy
is prized throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following talents, and they must take Enhanced
Metabolism during character creation.


Saurian biology allows them to process toxins at a much

higher rate than other species. A Saurian is capable of
recovering from the e ects of a toxin in half the time as other
species, and may reroll one d20 in any task to determine if
they can resist the e ects of toxic substances introduced to
their body.

REQUIREMENT: Saurian or gamemaster’s permission.

Due to their natural gifted senses of smell and sight, a

Saurian can detect minute pheromone signatures, and
can see into the infrared portion of the EM spectrum. With
practice, they can hone these senses into a superlative
tracking skill. When a Saurian attempts to determine the
presence of hidden creatures, or attempts a task to track a

The Selay have been engaging in a bloody interplanetary war against the
other sentient life form in their system, the Anticans. When the Selay landed
a crude spaceship on the surface of Antica, they found natives to be vicious
and with no mercy. An Antican hunting pack immediately attacked and
devoured the Selay after they had landed. Leaving only two survivors who
retaliated and killed most of the pack, the surviving members would alert
the Central Pack of the new "invaders". Though they outnumbered the
Selay, the fact that they lacked space ight and advanced weapon
technology prevented them from exterminating their nemesis for the
violating their land.
A Federation mediator tried to establish diplomatic relations between the
two worlds. Delegations from both sides are now meeting on the
world of Parliament. Though a fragile cease- re is in e ect, for the
most part, each side has just stated its grievances against the
other with no attempt to seriously negotiate a nal treaty. The
Selay are impatient, and they probably have established
contacts with the Ferengi Alliance in hopes of resolving their
con ict more quickly.
Their home planet consists mostly of desert regions, and the
average temperature is over 40° Celsius.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Kill Them Before They Can Kill You

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Selay. Selay are large reptiles whose facial

appearance is similar to a Terran cobra. They walk upright
on two legs, and their two arms end in three- ngered hands
with sharp, claw-like nails. Selay have a life span of
approximately 110 years. They mate for life, and the female
normally gives birth only once. She lays eggs, then protects
them for ve months, when the litter of up to eight o spring
hatches. There are only about four million of this race. Selay
have a strong dislike of mammals, particularly the vicious
Hatcha Dogs that roam their world in packs. The Selay prefer
heat over cold. A Selay traditionally wear long robes to conceal

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Cold Shoulder (Arbazan)

Toxic Claws (Regellian Chelon)
Vibration Senses (Ankari)
Selay names usually consist of letters that form hissing sounds, which is
common in their native language.
Feminine Names: Ranissa, Ssantra, Yissa
Masculine Names: Gaynor, Rotor, Ythiss
Gender-Neutral Names: Ssestar, Gantiss, Passissar

TOS era and beyond

The Sheliak, native to the Shelia star system (Alpha quadrant) are a reclusive,
non-humanoid species encountered by the Federation during the 23rd
Century. They are roughly T-shaped with a stocky central body & 2 ovoid
projections, sort of like stubby wings, on either side. They possess a
featureless head-like projection at the top of their torsos. They have no
observable limbs or manipulatory appendages. Their skin is grayish with
sparkling highlights & has numerous creases in its surface. A pronounced
rippling motion is observable when they address humanoids. After
negotiating a complicated & exhaustive treaty (Treaty of Armens) with the
Federation, the Sheliak avoided any contact for 111 years. They are a rigorously
legalistic & exacting species that considers human beings to be inferior
lifeforms. Their species-political organization is called the Sheliak Corporate,
suggesting a goal-oriented cooperative structure. Names: Multi-syllabic given
names that are absolutely unpronounceable to other species.

EXAMPLE VALUE: We are the membership.

Attributes: Daring+1, Fitness+1, Presence-1, Reason +2

The Sheliak use their prehensile outer membrane as a manipulatory
organ, forming gripping surfaces at any point along their bodies. The
head-like appendage atop the torso is a sensory organ cluster. The
Sheliak brain is spread in loops throughout the torso & is capable of
storing far more information, which is readily accessible. They have an
eidetic memory, enhanced vision, enhanced chemoreceptors

Sheliak, or with GM's permission.

Uphold the Law

Sheliak are extremely exacting when it comes to their existence.
Whenever, They have to make a roll that involves any exacting Task
(which is just about everything) you lower the Difficulty by 3, minimum of

Advanced Bioengineering / Biotechnology

Their biomolecular sense allows them to "see" DNA patterns without
requiring technological assistance. This has given them a unique
understanding of biotechnologies. Whenever, you need to make a roll
using Bioengineering, you lower the Difficulty by 4, minimum of 0.

A Sheliak can accomplish multiple tasks rapidly. You can take 2
actions/round with the additional action adding 1 to the Difficulty. This
applies to Extended Tasks, as well.

TOS era and beyond

The Sheliak, native to the Shelia star system (Alpha quadrant) are a reclusive,
non-humanoid species encountered by the Federation during the 23rd
Century. They are roughly T-shaped with a stocky central body & 2 ovoid
projections, sort of like stubby wings, on either side. They possess a
featureless head-like projection at the top of their torsos. They have no
observable limbs or manipulatory appendages. Their skin is grayish with
sparkling highlights & has numerous creases in its surface. A pronounced
rippling motion is observable when they address humanoids. After
negotiating a complicated & exhaustive treaty (Treaty of Armens) with the
Federation, the Sheliak avoided any contact for 111 years. They are a rigorously
legalistic & exacting species that considers human beings to be inferior
lifeforms. Their species-political organization is called the Sheliak Corporate,
suggesting a goal-oriented cooperative structure. Names: Multi-syllabic given
names that are absolutely unpronounceable to other species.

EXAMPLE VALUE: We are the membership.

Attributes: Daring+1, Fitness+1, Presence-1, Reason +2

The Sheliak use their prehensile outer membrane as a manipulatory
organ, forming gripping surfaces at any point along their bodies. The
head-like appendage atop the torso is a sensory organ cluster. The
Sheliak brain is spread in loops throughout the torso & is capable of
storing far more information, which is readily accessible. They have an
eidetic memory, enhanced vision, enhanced chemoreceptors

Sheliak, or with GM's permission.

Uphold the Law

Sheliak are extremely exacting when it comes to their existence.
Whenever, They have to make a roll that involves any exacting Task
(which is just about everything) you lower the Difficulty by 3, minimum of

Advanced Bioengineering / Biotechnology

Their biomolecular sense allows them to "see" DNA patterns without
requiring technological assistance. This has given them a unique
understanding of biotechnologies. Whenever, you need to make a roll
using Bioengineering, you lower the Difficulty by 4, minimum of 0.

A Sheliak can accomplish multiple tasks rapidly. You can take 2
actions/round with the additional action adding 1 to the Difficulty. This
applies to Extended Tasks, as well.

One of the oldest and most technologically advanced
species in the Delta Quadrant, the Sikarians have enjoyed
hundreds of years of peace and prosperity. Warm and
welcoming, the Sikarians are renowned through the region
as one of the most hospitable civilizations, and deeply enjoy
guests and visitors to their world. Despite their advanced
capabilities, the Sikarians do not claim a large domain and
instead can be found on a handful of colonies outside of their
homeworld. While they maintain a small, yet powerful, eet,
they primarily rely on their advanced transporter technology,
called a trajectory, to travel between destinations.

Similar to the Federation, the Sikarians maintain strict rules

regarding the sharing of technology and non-interference
with other cultures. While this has served to cause some
amount of friction between the Sikarians and their neighbors,
technology like the spatial trajector relies exclusively on the
unique characteristics of their homeworld and simply will not
function elsewhere. Despite this, the Sikarians are a generous
people, and will openly provide aid to those in need – so relate to the character’s belief and adherence to the laws of
long as such aid remains within the provisions of the Sikarian their people. This Talent may only be used once per mission,
Canon – the name given to Sikarian law. and it cannot be used when challenging the selected Value.

The Sikarians are avid storytellers, and relish hearing stories,

anecdotes, and myths from other cultures. In fact, many REQUIREMENT: Sikarian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Sikarians enjoy and desire cultural expression – especially When engaged in a Social Con ict, if the character can tell a
literature – to the point of near hedonism. They are, however, story as part of their interaction, they may reroll a d20.
extremely polite and will only retell or repeat such things with
the permission of the culture or individual that originated it.
REQUIREMENT: Sikarian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
EXAMPLE VALUE: Welcome All Travelers When engaged in a Social Con ict, the character increases
the Di culty of Tasks that target them by 1.
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Reason, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Sikarian. Physically, Sikarians are very similar Sikarians commonly name their children after important
to Humans and other near-Human species. They are gures in shared stories. Because of this, the Sikarians have
of similar height and mass, with a similar range of skin introduced many names from species they have encountered
tones and hair colors. Their utopian existence has nearly over the years. Traditional Sikarian names are usually
eliminated all forms of hard labor, and the Sikarians, by composed of two syllables and favor a consonant-vowel-
and large, enjoy lives of leisure. This can be seen in both consonant pattern that is common in this region of space.
their slight frames and their style of dress. Sikarians prefer Within the Sikarian language the sounds of “th,” “ch,” and “ll”
loose, owing robes and delicate wireframe headwear. are represented as their own letters, and thus do not break
this pattern. Family names are passed down through the
TALENTS: The character receives access to the mother and follow a Sikarian’s given name.
following Talents:
Masculine: Sinom, Rosar, Baret, Gathorel, Japenel, Seberal,
REQUIREMENT: Sikarian, or Gamemaster’s permission. Naderen, Kanel
A deep respect for and adherence to established laws Feminine: Aldena, Halle, Kisteri, Jalelli, Corta, Suleila,
provides the character with emotional assuredness. When Jodela, Carela, Diena
spending Determination to bring one of their Values into play, Gender-Neutral: Posel, Harge, Marce, Senel, Alanel
the character may select two bene ts instead of one. The Family: Otel, Labin, Solis, Tann, Almar, Miton, Moras, Goull,
circumstances of this Task and the Value being used must Mitlon, Donal

In its natural state, the Silver Blood is a biomimetic metallic fluid found on a Class Y demon
planet in the Vaskan sector of the Delta Quadrant. Made of deuterium and dichromates, the
Silver Blood is able to mimic any biological entities and technology that it comes into
contact with, copying memories, personalities, and even computer programs perfectly. The
Silver Blood became sentient for the first time when the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager
encountered it in 2374. The deuterium lifeforms copied Voyager and her crew. Soon after,
the Silver Blood copies left the demon planet, believing themselves to be the original crew
of Voyager. Disaster struck when subspace radiation from an enhanced warp drive
destabilized them, and the ship and all aboard were lost. However, that ill-fated ship and
crew may not be the only copies that exist, and other lifeforms and technologies may have
been copied by the Silver Blood.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Duplicate Or Not, I Am Real.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: As the origin species.

Ø TRAIT: Silver Blood. In addition to species traits from the origin species, Silver Blood
duplicates also exhibit native resistance to Class Y demon planet conditions. They are
almost indistinguishable from the original, but may be identified as Silver Blood via a
dichromate catalyst. They are also susceptible to nadion radiation and certain types of
subspace radiation that would normally be harmless, such as those emitted by
enhanced warp cores. Exposure causes molecular cohesion and acute cellular
degradation. Renewed contact with the original may re-stabilize their form. Over time,
Silver Bloods risk forgetting that they are copies.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to all talents of the origin species. A Silver
Blood character must select the Demon Planet Origin talent during character creation.


REQUIREMENT: Silver Blood, must be taken at some point at Character Creation.

You are a biomimetic deuterium lifeform originating from a Class Y demon planet, and can
survive in harsh conditions such as dense, toxic, and highly corrosive atmospheres, surface
temperatures that exceed 200 C, and thermionic radiation. You do not require a suit to
survive on a Class Y planet. Newly-created Silver Blood copies can only breathe Class Y
atmosphere at first, requiring 2d20 days before they gain an adaptation to the atmospheric
mix required by the origin species.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


In its natural state, the Silver Blood is a biomimetic metallic fluid found on a Class Y demon
planet in the Vaskan sector of the Delta Quadrant. Made of deuterium and dichromates, the
Silver Blood is able to mimic any biological entities and technology that it comes into
contact with, copying memories, personalities, and even computer programs perfectly. The
Silver Blood became sentient for the first time when the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager
encountered it in 2374. The deuterium lifeforms copied Voyager and her crew. Soon after,
the Silver Blood copies left the demon planet, believing themselves to be the original crew
of Voyager. Disaster struck when subspace radiation from an enhanced warp drive
destabilized them, and the ship and all aboard were lost. However, that ill-fated ship and
crew may not be the only copies that exist, and other lifeforms and technologies may have
been copied by the Silver Blood.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Duplicate Or Not, I Am Real.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: As the origin species.

Ø TRAIT: Silver Blood. In addition to species traits from the origin species, Silver Blood
duplicates also exhibit native resistance to Class Y demon planet conditions. They are
almost indistinguishable from the original, but may be identified as Silver Blood via a
dichromate catalyst. They are also susceptible to nadion radiation and certain types of
subspace radiation that would normally be harmless, such as those emitted by
enhanced warp cores. Exposure causes molecular cohesion and acute cellular
degradation. Renewed contact with the original may re-stabilize their form. Over time,
Silver Bloods risk forgetting that they are copies.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to all talents of the origin species. A Silver
Blood character must select the Demon Planet Origin talent during character creation.


REQUIREMENT: Silver Blood, must be taken at some point at Character Creation.

You are a biomimetic deuterium lifeform originating from a Class Y demon planet, and can
survive in harsh conditions such as dense, toxic, and highly corrosive atmospheres, surface
temperatures that exceed 200 C, and thermionic radiation. You do not require a suit to
survive on a Class Y planet. Newly-created Silver Blood copies can only breathe Class Y
atmosphere at first, requiring 2d20 days before they gain an adaptation to the atmospheric
mix required by the origin species.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

While there are numerous examples of such things elsewhere in Silverbloods is a term given to a deuterium-based life-form
the Galaxy, the Delta Quadrant is home to some truly unique and found on a Y-Class “demon” world. While not sentient on its
interesting species that either absorb, adopt, or assimilate others own, the material is mimetic in nature – and can duplicate
or mimic their characteristics. These evolutionary oddities, be they anything it touches at a molecular level. This duplication
technological, biological, or chemical, do not necessarily follow copies everything about its template: physical characteristics,
the same path and qualities that traditional humanoids do. In the biological processes, even memories. This essentially
late 2360s, it was discovered that a signi cant number of known provides it with an uplifted level of consciousness. The
humanoid species, at least in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, were life-form is also capable of duplicating inorganic constructs
seeded on their worlds by a precursor race of humanoids that as well, including entire starships. As with organics, this
existed billions of years before. Given these ancients’ capabilities, recreation duplicates everything with exceptional detail. This
it is fair to assume that they visited the other corners of the Galaxy also includes the limitations of the template. A duplicated
as well. As it is in Federation space, and the territories of the Human is essentially Human in every regard and will even
Federation’s neighbors, the Delta Quadrant appears to play host to register as Human to all but the most intensive medical
innumerable humanoid peoples. Much like the Gamma Quadrant, examinations. They require food, water, and air just like
however, the humanoids in this region of space appear more exotic any other Human. Unfortunately, the deuterium life-form is
than those with which the Federation is familiar. susceptible to things that purely biological species are not.
Some forms of technology or radiation, which would be
As many of these cultures and civilizations do not possess harmless to an organic, cellular-based species, can be fatal
unique species on their own, or adapt other species into their to Silverbloods.
society, the traditional species selection used during the Lifepath
Character Creation method may not be as e ective or appropriate Silverblood characters use the normal Lifepath creation
in representing them. To that end, it may be more appropriate to options, including the template species the Silverblood
simply add a Trait to the character to represent their a liation or is duplicating. The character then also gains the species
association with the culture, civilization, or species in question. Trait: Mimetic Doppelgänger. A mimetic doppelgänger is
essentially an exact copy of the individual that was touched
by a mimetic deuterium life-form, and is even capable of
sexual reproduction. This presents an interesting opportunity
for a Player Character as the individual may not be a copy of
another individual, but instead the rst generation of unique
A Disconnected Borg Drone is still Borg, having only been recently individuals composed of the mimetic material.
disconnected from the Collective. As such, these individuals still
possess all of the statistics and characteristics of Borg Drones – Silverbloods have no unique naming conventions and simply
which can be found in the Adversaries section of the Star Trek adopt the name of whatever individual they have copied.
Adventures core rulebook. While it is possible to make these Main
Characters, it is not recommended, as these individuals, such
as they are, continue to be Borg and their motivations and goals
remain those of the Collective. While there are exceptions, these
characters will usually make every attempt to reconnect to the hive
mind should the opportunity present itself. The Kobali are an interesting and unique species native to
the Delta Quadrant. Unlike other species, the Kobali do not
procreate or breed. Instead, the Kobali collect the corpses
of other species and use an advanced from of genetic
engineering to modify these deceased individuals, converting
them into Kobali – and bringing them back to life. Culturally,
Kobali are insular, though they are not openly hostile to those
they encounter.
Species Template: Skoleans
By Matthew Pook & William F. Hostman

Fitness 2 [4]
Strength -1
Vitality +1
Coordination 4 [7]
Dexterity +1
Intellect 1 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Psi 0 [5]

Culture (Gorn) 2 (3)
(Skolean) (3)
History (Skolean) 1 (2)
Languages, Skolean 1
Gorn 2
Shipboard Systems (Flight Control) 1 (3)
Space Science (Astrogation) 1 (2)
Vehicle Operation (Shuttlecraft) 1 (3)
World Knowledge (Skoleans) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages & Disadvantages

Chameleon Ability +3, Excellent Balance +1, Peripheral Vision +1, Zero Training +2; Code of Honor (Pledge: Never Break a
Contract) -2, Impulsive -1, Obligation (Gorns) -2, Obsessive Tendencies (Flying) -3, Species Enemy (Romulans) -5

Skoleos is a low-tech world between Federation and Gorn space. Though an associate member, the Skoleans maintain only
good relations with the Federation, whilst being almost allies with the Gorns. No Skolean has served in Starfleet, but many
will work for the Gorns as fighter and shuttlecraft pilots, skills at which the Skoleans have the reputation for being amongst
the best in the galaxy. This is nearly always for a fixed five year period or "S'torra", as well as a fee. This pact is one that no
Skolean will ever break, but once over, they will usually serve elsewhere, but for their first S'torra, Skoleans feel obliged to
serve with the Gorns.

Only 1.6 meters tall, Skoleans are skinny lizards with a wiry rather than strong build. They can swivel their eyes giving them
excellent peripheral vision, and they also have the ability to change the color of their skin enabling them to blend into the
background. Working best under low light, this ability does not defeat the scanning ability of tricorders, and they need to be
totally naked for it to work.

The Federation believes that the Gorns rendered the Skoleans both medical and technological aid during the early period of
the contact, which would explain why the Skoleans feel highly obligated to the Gorns. The Skoleans are happy to serve in
the Gorn military or help protect Gorn mercantile interests, as long as they are flying. The strength of this obligation is such
that the Skoleans now favor the Gorn tongue and naming conventions over their own.

Skoleans who do not serve the Gorns as pilots will often serve as scouts in the Gorn Vanguard Teams or Gorn army. Those
that serve in this capacity usually overcome their obsession with flying. Long service with the Gorns as a race has given the
Skoleans the same extreme dislike that the Gorns have of the Romulans.

The Skoleans are a conversion of the race that appears and is described in Prime Adventures 1, a supplement for Prime
Directive, the role-playing game for the Star Fleet Battles universe published by Task Force Games. For further information,
see page 44 of Prime Adventures 1.

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Individual works are the property of respective authors and may not be reproduced without permission. HTML code, layout, and custom images
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There is another species very similar to the Aurelians lying near the Organian Treay
Zone. Aplithin IV is one of the more distant members of the Federation. This class M
planet is noteworthy as the home of an intelligent species of avians, bipedal creatures
standing about 2.5 meters tall with a feathery wingspan of over 5 meters. The world's
low gravitiy (0.70G) and tenous atmosphere give the inhabitants the power of controlled
flight. Not surprisingly, Aplithian culture centers are located in the mountain ranges of the
northern hemisphere. Since their contact (2180) with the Federation over century ago,
Aplithin has become a full UFP member and supports a large research installation.

System: Pithecus Major

# of Class M present: 1
Position in System: IV
# of Satellites: 4
Planetary Diameter: 8,245 km
% Land Mass: 40%
General Climate: Cool
Length of Day: 17 hours.

Species Adjustments: +1 Agility, +1 Vitality

Species Abilities:

·Racial Ability: Flying

·Racial Ability: Skill Focus (Keen Eyesight)

·Talons add +1 to HTH
The Skorr are an avian-humanoid race with advanced technology and the ability to
breed vast armies very quickly. They have deep knowledge in the Organic Technologies
and have instinctive aptitude to maneuver space ships. They have sharp beaks and
taloned hands and feet. Their tall, slender bodies are covered in a soft, downy plumage
that ranges in color from a deep reddish-brown to a dark yellow.

The Skorr Monarchy has long existed as a warrior nation with advanced technology and
the ability to breed vast armies very quickly. In the mid-21st century Alar, a Skorr
philosopher, lead his race into a new era of peace. After Alar's death, his thought
patterns were preserved in an Indurite sculpture referred to as the "Soul of Skorr." The
Skorr once again became an aggressive and militaristic nation after their success in
fighting the Galactic Wars against many of the various interstellar nations of the region.
The Religious Faction, who had been in power during these times, were removed from
the more important government positions by the Military Faction, after they managed to
gain more and more prestige fighting the battles that have kept the Monarchy safe.

The legendary chronicles of the great Skorr philosopher, Alar, affirms that this race was
once peaceful. Over time, however, they slowly returned to their warrior roots and sought
to once again expand their Monarchy. During the Galactic Wars the Skorr worlds were
repeatedly attack by many hostile empires, who were beaten back every time due to the
fierce fighting spirit of the Skorr. The Skorr are native to the planetary system Alpha
Carinae II.

CYGNIAN (Equine)

Species Adjustments: +1 Intellect, +1 Strength, +1 Vitality

Species Abilities: Skill Focus (Craftsman) (Computers or Cybernetics) +1


Official version found as the Aurelian in the Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook

The Skorr are a bipedal avian species whose feathered wings allowed them to
fly. Hailing from the planet Aurelia, the Skorr were accepted into the Federation
in the mid-22nd century. This induction was hotly debated as the Skorr had a
fearsome reputation as a predatory warriors people. For years they had used
their advanced military technology to battle across the stars. Paired with their
swift maturation and high birth rate, the Skorr were able to rapidly form armies.
However, in the mid-21 st century, a religious leader named Alar led the Skorr
into an era of peace. Alar is credited for civilizing the Skorr and permitting their
entry into the Federation. Even now, many Skorr are reluctant to take violent
actions, viewing it as surrendering to baser instincts. To ensure his teachings
and philosophies were not corrupted, Alar preserved his thought patterns in
an indurite sculpture known as the Soul of the Skorr, which is the most prized
relic of the Skorr. The Soul of the Skorr is but one example of the Skorr’s
famed stoneworking, which was used to carve their ancestral aeries. Owing
in part to their warlike past, which is a lengthy series of conflicts, the Skorr
have a fascination for history. They have collected an extensive historical
database that has proven useful to scholars across the quadrant.

EXAMPLE VALUE: We Don’t Make History, We are Made by History

TRAIT: Skorr. Loosely humanoid, Skorr stand taller than most Humans with
bright yellow feathers and taloned limbs. Stretching out from their backs are
wings that can span three meters when fully extended. Despite their height,
Skorr are lighter than Humans due to their hollow bones. As a predatory
species, Skorr have an excellent sense of sight with visual acuity many times
that of a Human. However, they have a poor sense of smell and taste.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Skorr, or Gamemaster’s Permission
With a sudden flap of your wings you can bound quickly from place to place.
When you take the Movement Minor Action, you can move through or out of an
enemy’s Reach, provided there is room to move over and around them.

REQUIREMENT: Skorr, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Your wings allow you to fly with speed and surprising grace. When you
succeed on a Sprint Task, you generate 1 bonus Momentum

Text by "Jester" David Gibson;

Art stolen from:
not uncommon for a Skreeaan woman to have multiple
husbands. Their language uses a unique syntax that
takes time for some universal translators to develop a
THE NEXT GENERATION ERA ONLY translation matrix.
The Skreeaans are a people who have been oppressed
for centuries and have been forced to su er the inhumane TALENTS: The character receives access to the
indignity of exploitation and foreign rule. Conquered by the following talents:
T-Rogorans, their culture was reduced to a servile state until
the Dominion conquered the T-Rogorans in turn. Now the
Skreeaans have scattered around the Gamma Quadrant with REQUIREMENT: Skreeaan, or Gamemaster permission.
a few having managed to escape through the anomaly into When tasked with dealing with matters that relate to a planet’s
the Alpha Quadrant. In exchange for a planet to colonize, biosphere or agriculture, a Skreeaan may always use their
several Skreeaans have brought their enduring work ethic Insight or Control attributes, depending on which is higher.
and physical strength to help the Federation, with a few
Skreeaans joining Star eet. The Skreeaans are known for
their tough, abrasive skin and their durable muscle tissue REQUIREMENT: Skreeaan, or Gamemaster’s permission.
thanks to the higher than normal gravity of their former Though some believe it is the Skreeaan’s history of being
home world. Most Skreeaans are deeply religious and dream conquered that has made them expert laborers the truth
of nding Kentanna, a paradise world that the Skreeaans is they are a tough and hardy people eager to throw o
believe exists somewhere in the Galaxy and is a reward for the reins of oppression. The fact that they are physically
their enduring untold hardships throughout their history. gifted when it comes to labor only means they are able to
succeed easily where others struggle. When they succeed
EXAMPLE VALUE: The Tide Always Breaks Upon The Shore at performing a physically arduous Task they gain one bonus
And The Shore Endures Momentum. This bonus Momentum cannot be saved into the
group pool.
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence
TRAIT: Skreeaan. A Skreeaan’s skin sheds routinely, Masculine names: Kelcho, Tumak
causing them to leave behind skin akes. Skreeaan Feminine names: Haneek, Kachaya
females are also generally taller than males and it is Gender-neutral names: Kolden, Hartik
The Son’a are a new addition to the Dominion’s ranks of allies but important to their war in the Alpha
Quadrant. The Son’a are unique in that they are an o -shoot of the Ba’ku, a race of beings hailing from a
planet in the sector of space known as the Briar Patch. They are a race of conquerors who had subjugated
several neighboring systems into their small but powerful empire, and they were not afraid to employ
weaponry such as isolytic subspace weapons which were so deadly they tore holes in subspace to
release devastating waves of energy. Their use of slave labor and illegal genetic tampering meant that the
Federation could not initiate trade with them although a rogue Star eet Admiral was caught o ering the
Son’a assistance with a plot to drain their homeworld of its metaphasic radiation. Although some Son’a
returned to their homeworld to try to start over, a large number of their race refused to give up their wealth
and territory and allied themselves with the Dominion during the war. Although they make up a small
portion of the Dominion’s armed forces, the Son’a ght ravenously against the Federation because they
see them as having ruined their chance at immortality. Some Son’a refuse to join in their race’s vendetta
against the Federation, and instead travel as traders of illicit goods.


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Son’a. The Son’a were once similar to humans in appearance but
centuries of exile from their homeworld has led them to experiment
upon themselves to stay alive. Most Son’a must spend several
hours each day undergoing beauti cation treatments and
extensive genetic modi cations in order to stay alive. Most
Son’a can be described as possessing a stretched appearance
to their faces, while others develop painful lesions along their body.
Son’a children, who are almost never permitted to leave their homeworld,
are similar in appearance to the Ba’ku but possess pale skin.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Son’a, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Though a small power in the Alpha Quadrant, the Son’a have not become one
of the dominant powers in the Briar Patch by engaging only in half measures or
pulling their punches. When a Son’a declares their attack action, they may add
an additional point of Momentum as long as they are not dealing Non-lethal

The Son’a are hedonists who embrace all the pleasures that life has to o er
but that does not mean they are not well educated. A large portion of the
Son’a’s scienti c research is dedicated towards understanding the unique
particles that cling to the atmosphere of their former homeworld. When
dealing with subatomic particles and the e ects of radiation, the Son’a may
ignore the e ects of any Condition for the scene and may roll an additional
d20 when attempting to understand the nature of these e ects.

Masculine names: Ru’afo, Soboi
Feminine names: Var’esheshka, Tu’la
Gender-neutral names: Wy’nalido, Vesh

Exiled from their home planet in the late-23rd century, the Son’a are a nomadic people
who maintained some outposts. They are a narcissistic species, with a love of jewels
and precious metals. The once-subjugated Tarlac and Ellora species serve the Son’a
as a labor class. Their secret relationship to the Ba’ku is discovered in 2375.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Take What We Need.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Son’a. The Son’a desperately seek to prolong their lives, using genetic
manipulation and surgery to look younger, and to purge toxins from their bodies.
They use techniques such as skin-stretching. However, many are suffering from
fatal diseases due to bacteria in their systems. Their experiments to prolong life
have made them infertile. They are genetically identical to the Ba’ku.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Son’a, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Whenever you are below your maximum Stress, and buy an additional d20 by adding
to the Threat pool, you may re-roll a single d20.

REQUIREMENT: Son’a, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You have a love of pleasure, and are an expert in fine art, fine food and wine, and
culture. When you engage in a Task that involves such things, you gain a point of
bonus Momentum to spend on Obtain Information. The bonus Momentum may not be
added to the group pool.


REQUIREMENT: Son’a, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You have lived a very long time, seen many things and learned much. Once per
mission, you may use Extended Life Experience as a Focus for any Task, but the
Complication Range for that Task is increased by one.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

Species 116
Since their original name is unpronounceable in Federation Standard and
cannot be transliterated, the Borg designation of this species – Species 116
– is used henceforth.
The technology of Species 116 is more advanced than that of the
Federation. Their starships are propelled by quantum slipstream drives,
allowing faster-than-light travel at velocities far exceeding warp drive. They
also utilize particle synthesis, a more sophisticated analog of holographic
technology that was much more di cult to detect by sensors.
The biological and technological attributes of Species 116 make
them attractive targets for the Borg. Species 116 in turn view the
Borg as akin to a natural disaster, a storm on the horizon to be
avoided. For centuries, Species 116 managed to outwit the
Borg and stay one step ahead, but by the 2370s the Borg had
adapted. Their last hope rested on the much-anticipated
destruction of the Borg by Species 8472. Much to their dismay,
the Borg repelled Species 8472 in 2374 and subsequently
launched a massive assault on the colonies and homeworld of
Species 116. Only an estimated ten to twenty thousand
managed to escape assimilation.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Avoid The Oncoming Storm

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Species 116. Species 116 possesses an innate

ability to see patterns where others only see confusion,
made possible my a multi-lobed brain housed in their
elongated cranium. They can learn any language extremely
quickly, such as that they could speak a new language after
hearing only a few phrases. They also have the memory to
retain uency in thousands of languages. They perceive no
di erence between natural and computer languages, which
gives them great facility with cryptanalysis and the
manipulation of information.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Last BReath (Tosk)

MEntal Imaging (Qofuari)
Stun Resistance (Xindi-Reptilian)
Feminine Names: Lurra, Neastra, Stivi
Masculine Names: Arturis, Osai, Raagun
Gender-Neutral Names: Batan, Nilil, Uvaax

While Species 116 originates in the Delta Quadrant, they were scattered
across the galaxy after the Borg invasion. If they could ee with a ship, the
quantum slipstream drives could have easily brought them to other
quadrants. So the GM may allow this species in a campaign not set in the
Delta Quadrant.

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME easily. At very close range, the creature can fascinate or
SPECIES PROFILE mentally paralyze its prey, preventing it from escaping even
if it saw the creature's actual form. The creature can feed
equally well in its natural form, or while projecting one of
these images.
Creature / “Salt Vampire”) LANGUAGES
Fotiallans speak their own language; a confusing, elaborate,
and fast spoken language that sounds like high-pitched
gibbering to most other people. But they are also able to
use their telepathic abilities to learn other languages very
There are no known, or documented Fotiallan names. Most
people do not even realize the true name of their species,
which is documented as “The M-113 creature” or even the
“Salt Vampire”.

Fotiallans will usually adopt common names, and common

nomenclature of the people they live among.

Fotialla – documented in Starfleet records and Federation
starcharts as M-113. A barren, desolate, and long-deserted
world. Fotialla was decimated by a military attack in 2249,
and most of the species was wiped out.

The few survivors live off world, hidden in society at large.

And presumably they cannot survive on their homeworld
any longer (most likely due to a lack of naturally available


+3 Strength, +3 Vitality, -5 Presence, +1 Perception The few Fotiallans that survive, living among their galactic
neighbors survive by taking whatever jobs become
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION available to them.
In their natural form a Fotiallan is a vaguely humanoid
creature with a wrinkled face, deep-set yellow eyes, Merchants, Rogues, and a few scattered Soldiers or
and a snout-like mouth surrounded by a row of razor- Mercenaries.
sharp teeth.
Fotiallans also make good Spies, or Assassins.
They have long, silver hair, and their bodies are
covered in soft, gray fur. Their skin, visible on the But, there is no record of a Fotiallan serving as a Starfleet
face, which is hairless, is a deep green in color. officer.

Fotiallans have three long fingers on each hand. SPECIES ABILITIES

These fingers have three sucker-like feeding organs. Psionic: All Fotiallans receive the Psionic edge, as a free
The creature uses these to extract salt from its prey; a pick and start the game with the Telepathy skill at level 3.
process that is very painful and leaves a reddish, ring-
like mottling on the skin. The creature can also ingest Mimicry: Functions as the Founders' Natural Mimic ability
pure salt through its mouth. (Aliens, p. 72), with the exception that all Mimicry is in the
form of a telepathically projected illusion.
As a species, all but extinct. The few surviving Salt Hunger: (species flaw) Fotiallans eat only salt
Fotiallans will adopt the culture and customs of (although they can consume other things, only salt
whatever people they are living among as part of their properly nourishes their bodies). And they must
attempts to blend in with their surroundings through feed every 9 hours (+1 hour / Willpower modifier).
Resist Hunger = Willpower (TN 15) or risk feeding on
M-113 creatures are also highly intelligent, capable of anyone who's salt is available.
carrying on conversations with other intelligent
beings. Some form of telepathy enables them to draw Salt Drain: When a Fotiallan feeds, they drain the
an image from the mind of someone near; this image salt from the body of anyone they feed on, which
is usually of someone trustworthy or appealing. This eventually results in the death of their victim. In
image in turn enables the creature to approach prey
game terms this Salt Drain reduces the Vitality
of the person, or creature being fed on.

See the Narrator's Guide, p. 215, for full

descriptions of Drain effects, as well as
applicable TNs.

Bonus Edges: High Pain Threshold, Thick Skull.

Species Flaw: Dark Secret (Salt Vampire)


In the 1850s, the Suliban homeworld became uninhabitable, and the species
was forced to make a rapid exodus to the stars. The species largely became
nomadic, with those who could settling in the territory of other species, such
as Tandar, Betazed, and Kantare. Others made a living as scavengers, looking
for salvage or mineral rich asteroids. During the 22nd Century, a terrorist
faction of Suliban known as “the Cabal” were foot soldiers in the Temporal
Cold War: an unknown individual from the 28th Century armed The Cabal with
advanced technology such as cloaking devices and genetic resequencers.
Their attempts to destabilize the region caused Suliban refugees on many
worlds to be imprisoned, sent to detention camps, or exiled off-world. By
the 2260s, the Temporal Cold War had quieted and the Cabal lost their
backer. Without their support from the future, the Cabal splintered and
eventually disbanded. Despite this, it was decades before much of the
Quadrant saw the Suliban as more than terrorists.

EXAMPLE VALUE: There is Never a Need for Hostility

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Suliban. The baseline physical strength, fortitude and

intelligence of a Suliban is comparable to a Human’s. Suliban
genetics are particularly adaptable and easy to manipulate,
allowing their bodies to be augmented in a number of different

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Suliban, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You have learned to keep your head down and avoid attention. When
attempting to remain unnoticed, hide, or move quietly, you add an
additional d20 to your dice pool.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios

The Suliban are warp-capable nomads. In the mid-twenty-second century, some

among their species were given genetic enhancements to fight in the Temporal Cold
War, but the remaining population mostly kept to their nomadic life, assimilating into
local cultures. The actions of the Suliban of the Cabal reflected badly on all their
people. Centuries later, after the Cabal’s end, the Suliban nomads are scattered and
seldom seen. The Suliban of the Cabal received 28th-century technology and genetic
enhancements from an ally in the Temporal Cold War. After the Cabal’s end, some
surviving genetically-enhanced Suliban passed down their enhancements to their

EXAMPLE VALUE: No Patience For Natural Selection

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

Ø TRAIT: Suliban. Unmodified Suliban are similar to humans in terms of physical

capabilities and tolerance. They are green-skinned, bald, and their skin
complexion has a strange, dappled complexion.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents. Suliban must
take Genetic Adaptability at some point in character creation.

REQUIREMENT: Suliban, or Gamemaster’s permission.
When Medicine or Science Tasks are performed on you, reduce the number of
Complications by one (to a minimum of zero).

REQUIREMENT: Suliban, Genetically-Enhanced. Requires Gamemaster’s permission.

You have Resistance 2, and limited shapeshifting (self-compression, cling to walls, etc.)

REQUIREMENT: Suliban, Genetically-Enhanced. Requires Gamemaster’s permission.
Character creation only.
Choose three options below. Cabal technology is required to change these choices later.
Add 1 Threat the first time you use one of these abilities or traits in a Scene. Using
different abilities or traits in the same scene requires additional Threat.
o Impersonate: Use Control + Medicine. Chose Difficulty from 1 to 3; that’s
the Difficulty to penetrate the disguise.
o Subcutaneous Pigment Sacs: Minor Action to camouflage or reveal self.
Difficulty of Tasks to see or target the Suliban is at +2.
o Measure Trust By Touch: Use Insight + Medicine at Difficulty 1,
opposed by Presence + Command.
o Bronchial Lobes (Trait): Endure other atmospheres and vacuum.
o Compound Eyes (Trait): Detect things even ship sensors miss.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


In the 1850s, the SuIiban homeworld became uninhabitable, and the

species was forced to make a rapid exodus to the stars. The species
largely became nomadic, with those who could settling in the territory
of other species, such as Tandar, Betazed, and Kantare. During the 22nd
Century, a terrorist faction of Suliban known as "the Cabal" were foot soldiers
in the Temporal Cold War: an unknown individual from the 28th Century armed
the Cabal with advanced technology such as cloaking devices and genetic
resequencers. Their attempts to destabilize the region caused Suliban
refugees on many words to be imprisoned, sent to detention camps, or exiled
off-world. By the 2260s, the Temporal Cold War had quieted and the Cabal lost
their backer. Without their support from the future, the Cabal splintered and
eventually disbanded.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Seek Education, Not Revenge

• ATTRIBUTES: Instead of the normal Attribute options, choose

three Attributes and add+ 1 to each of them.
• TRAIT: Suliban. The baseline physical strength, fortitude and intelligence
of a Suliban is comparable to a Human's. Suliban genetics are particularly
adaptable and easy to manipulate, allowing their bodies to be augmented
in a number of different ways.
• TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talent.

REQ UIREMENT: Suliban, or Gamemaster's Permission
You have learned to keep your head down and avoid attention. When attempting
to remain unnoticed, hide, or move quietly, you add an additional d20 to your
dice pool.

Text by "Je:ste:r" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Tre:h Online: and C ryptic Studios
The Suliban homeworld became uninhabitable nearly 500 years ago. Most
Suliban adopted a nomadic lifestyle, while some settled in the territories of
other species and assimilated into the local populace.
At some point, a group of Suliban came into contact with a mysterious
gure from the 28th century, who represented a faction in the Temporal Cold
War. This individual o ered physical “evolution” and advanced
technology to the Suliban in exchange for their service. These
Suliban formed the Cabal and began to carry out clandestine
attacks designed to destabilize various powers in the region.
The activities of the Cabal soured perceptions toward the
Suliban people as a whole. Some began to see all Suliban as
potentially dangerous monsters, due to the modi cations of
Cabal soldiers. These sentiments stirred resentment in
uninvolved Suliban toward both the Cabal and their former
neighbors of other species.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Never Reveal Your True Motives

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Suliban. Most Suliban are slender and wiry, just

slightly shorter and slimmer than a Human. Their skin ranges
from a light to dark green tone with a mottled texture that
gives them a somewhat reptilian appearance. They have no
body hair and when distressed, their skin alters its pigmentation
slightly. All Suliban have excellent night vision.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Genetic Enhancement (Based on: Morphogenic Matrix) Suliban Genetic Enhancements

Requirements: Suliban garment that gives the Suliban the ability to
The character may spend 1 Momentum as a Minor Action once alter their coloration and blend into nearly any
per Turn to activate a genetic enhancement, gaining an environment perfectly.
additional Trait to re ect whatever enhancement they have BRONCHIAL ADAPTATION: Grants the
chosen. ability to breathe any atmosphere, such as
This Talent may be selected multiple times, once for each methane, without penalty.
enhancement. CELLULAR METAMORPHOSIS: Agents can
See the Suliban Genetic Enhancements sidebar for a few control their tissue on a cellular level, allowing
examples. them to adjust their mass, bend around
corners, or slither underneath door openings.
Genetic Mastery (Drai) COMPOUND RETINAS: The Suliban can see
in both the infrared and ultraviolet light bands.
Nomadic Heritage (Monean)
PHEROMONE SENSING: An agent is within
SAMPLE NAMES: close proximity of a target can attempt to
determine if the target is lying by smell or
The Suliban speak a native tongue, Silliska, but often learn the touch.
language of their adopted home as well. Suliban only have given
names. PIGMENT SACKS: The Suliban can adjust
their appearance to look like most humanoid
Feminine Names: Narra, Rassa, Sarin
life forms.
Masculine Names: Danik, Sajen, Silik
Gender-Neutral Names: Raan, Ladim, Saak

2381 & beyond

In 2381, Takarans were still not members of the Federation. When Lonnoc
Kedair emigrated to the Federation in order to join Starfleet, she was
surprised to discover that other humanoid species were much more
vulnerable than hers.

To Starfleet medical equipment, only the rate of cellular decay could verify
whether a Takaran was dead or alive–a slow rate of cellular decay was
indicative of a Takaran in voluntary stasis; the rate of cellular decay would be
much faster if the Takaran were truly dead.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Risk is in my blood.

Attributes: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

The Takarans are a sapient, space-faring humanoid species, with scaly
green skin with lines of blue, native to the planet Takara. Compared to
most humanoid species, they have an amazingly different anatomy &
physiology of most other known species, with internal organs distributed
much more evenly around their body, tissue-regeneration genes & very
thick hides.

Takaran, or with GM's Permission. Must take Takaran Hide talent.

Takaran Hide
You have an extremely high resistance to physical Injury giving you a
resistance of 4 & immunity to all effects. You are really hard to kill by
conventional means.

You can voluntarily control your cellular activity, enabling you to put a
part of your body in stasis (reduce injury by 1 in specific areas & reduce
the overall effects of stress by 3). or you can put your whole body in


Hailing from the planet Takara, they are not Federation members. Takarans
are a highly developed people, although they usually do not mingle with
other species and tend to their own a airs. Takara is a very advanced world
with many well-regarded universities that focus on subspace theory.
Due to their resilient physiology, physical prowess is not seen as very
important in Takaran society. Instead, personal achievements in the liberal
arts and sciences determine the status of an individual in their culture. This
however leads to a very competitive environment in those elds, prompting
Takaran scientists to attend o -world conferences and symposiums, even
though they are usually not very sociable towards other worlds. Because of
this attendance, Takarans are relatively well known in the scienti c
community, but many aspects of the species, including their unique
anatomy, are not.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Only New Discoveries Will Bring Me


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Takaran. Takarans have scaly skin, varying in color

from green to blue. Compared to most humanoid species,
Takarans have an unusual anatomy and physiology, with
internal organs distributed much more evenly around their
body, tissue-regeneration genes and very thick hides. This
results in a very high resistance to injury. Takarans also have
voluntary control over their physiology, enabling them to put
a part of their body in stasis (to slow injury in speci c areas
and thereby reduce the overall e ects of the injury), or to put
their whole body in stasis to a point that resembled death.
Takarans tend not to be very sociable.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Particle Engineering (Son’a)

Resistant Anatomy (Lurian)
This Talent is mandatory and must be selected by a Takaran character
during character creation.

Superior Ambition (QuchHa’)

Feminine Names: Lonnoc, Olulu, Vadan
Masculine Names: Jo’Bril, Ama’Til, Visu’Zen
Gender-Neutral Names: Kele’Sum, Ton’Fal, Zele’Let
Family Names: Curin, Kedair, Tamin

2381 & beyond

In 2381, Takarans were still not members of the Federation. When Lonnoc
Kedair emigrated to the Federation in order to join Starfleet, she was
surprised to discover that other humanoid species were much more
vulnerable than hers.

To Starfleet medical equipment, only the rate of cellular decay could verify
whether a Takaran was dead or alive–a slow rate of cellular decay was
indicative of a Takaran in voluntary stasis; the rate of cellular decay would be
much faster if the Takaran were truly dead.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Risk is in my blood.

Attributes: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

The Takarans are a sapient, space-faring humanoid species, with scaly
green skin with lines of blue, native to the planet Takara. Compared to
most humanoid species, they have an amazingly different anatomy &
physiology of most other known species, with internal organs distributed
much more evenly around their body, tissue-regeneration genes & very
thick hides.

Takaran, or with GM's Permission. Must take Takaran Hide talent.

Takaran Hide
You have an extremely high resistance to physical Injury giving you a
resistance of 4 & immunity to all effects. You are really hard to kill by
conventional means.

You can voluntarily control your cellular activity, enabling you to put a
part of your body in stasis (reduce injury by 1 in specific areas & reduce
the overall effects of stress by 3). or you can put your whole body in


STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME They will often refer to their father figures by their military
SPECIES PROFILE rank, or social psition. Thus a Talarian child might call his
father "captain" rather than "father".

Talarians are very competitive; games, tests and

SPECIES NAME: TALARIAN competitions are an important part of their culture, and
children regularly engage in contests and challenges,
VISUAL REPRESENTATION sharing victory is an important part of the games.
Furthermore, when undertaking the tests, pain is not a
consideration as passing the tests is what matters.

Talarians are a Xenophobic species, and will normally wear

gloves when in the company of other species to avoid
touching an "alien" directly. Removing the gloves and
touching someone with the bare hands is a sign of affection
and respect.

Bowing is considered a sign of respect, affection and

solidarity. When meeting a close person, the bowing is
extended by touching arms and gently pressing foreheads.

When a Talarian boy has reached the age of fourteen, the

Age of Decision, he undergoes a ceremony of initiation and
after that has the freedom to make his own choices.

The B'Nar is a Talarian ritual of mourning. When Talarians

are in distress, they perform the B'Nar, which consists of a
high-pitched shriek and rocking back and forth.

Adolescent Talarians listened to Alba Ra, a loud, discordant,

electronic form of contemporary, 24th century, Talarian
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS music, comparative to Terran rock and roll.
+2 Vitality, -1 Presence Talarians are known to ride t'stayans, very strong, six-
hoofed animals native to their homeworld.
Talarians are characterized by a distinctive hairless Talarians have trouble sleeping in Human beds as they hurt
enlargement of the coronal area of the skull extending their backs. Talarians prefer to sleep in hammocks.
in two lobes to the back of the head. Talarian blood is
red, and Talarians are prone to radiation burns and Talarian men often wore full beards. Talarian males, young
respiratory distress. and old, wore a short thin braid of hair, originating between
the two hairless lobes at the back of their head.
Otherwise their physique is very similar to humans
and human/Talarian hybrids are possible without too Talarian law states that if a Talarian warrior loses a child in
many complications. battle then he may take a child of his enemies' as a type of
compensation, and raise the child as his own. The enemy
Talarian men are known to be bearded and wear their child must also have been orphaned, in war, be male; and
hair long in the back, usually terminating in a braid be of the same species as was responsible for the death of
beginning just below the terminus of the ridges the Talarian's child in the first place.
extended back from their forheads.
During the mid-24th century, the Talarians were involved in
Due to their misogynist society, Talarian women are a series of small skirmishes with the United Federation of
seldom encountered, but it is assumed they share the Planets, most notably the Galen border conflicts, which
same physical features as the males. lasted at least until 2357.

Raktajino is known to have intoxicating effect on In 2367, the USS Enterprise-D discovered a small Talarian
Talarians. observation craft being used as a training ship for young
Talarian warriors, adrift in Sector 21947.
The craft had developed a serious radiation leak in its
Talarians follow a strict set of traditions and customs. propulsion system, and Dr. Beverly Crusher's team
Their society is rigidly patriarchal, where a woman evacuated the survivors, including a Human youth named
could never outrank a man, and encourages warrior- Jono, to the Enterprise.
like behavior.
Soon after, the Talarian warship Q'Maire, commanded by
In Talarian society, women are considered to be "only Endar, along with two sister warships, intercepted and
for mating and working". And Talarians do not surrounded the Enterprise in the hopes of forcing the
consider themselves to have mothers. Only fathers.
release of Jono, Endar's adoptive son. An armed consisting of neutral particle weapons, X-ray lasers, and
conflict was averted when Captain Jean-Luc Picard merculite rockets, and thus did not represent a serious
decided to return Jono to the Talarians. tactical threat to a Galaxy-class starship. They also
employed subspace proximity detonators and self-destruct
Attacking a superior officer, like a captain, is devices that were installed on their ships. Though their
considered the highest offense and is punishable by technology is inferior, they are known to employ guerrilla
execution, usually carried out by the offended officer. tactics, such as booby-trapping an observation ship and
sending out distress calls, luring would-be rescuers to their
Talarian uniforms reflect a militaristic culture. Talarian deaths.
officers and boys having passed the Age of Decision
wore a similar brown padded uniform-vest and black FAVORED PROFESSION
trousers. Large black helmets and black leather gloves
Soldier or Starship Officer in the Talarian fleet.
are a standard part of the uniform, and a ribbed
silvery-black undergarment was worn under the brown
Talarians are fierce warriors, and very loyal to their own
vest. Large rifles are worn on a shoulder strap on the
people. There are no Talarians serving in Starlfeet, or at the
right side of the body.
most, very, very few.
Golden insignia are worn on the right side of the
Talarians favor a military lifestyle over one of science and
uniform vest; two different kinds were observed:
captains and senior officers wore badges with
rounded ends, where young Talarians wore badges
Aside from their own rituals, such as The B'Nar, Talarians
with pointed triangular ends. Additionally, only
do not subscribe to any particular type of mysticism. There
captains wore a second golden insignia, consisting of
are no Talarian mystics unless they follow a non-Talarian
three diamond-shaped metal pieces positioned
centrally on the chest.
Talarian Spceial Forces, and Weaponmasters are common
LANGUAGES Elite Professions.
The Talarians speak their native language of Talarin. It
is a gruff, coarse language that sounds somewhat SPECIES ABILITIES
similar to Klingon, but more like Terran German than
Talarians are very durable and sturdy individuals, thus they
the comparisons that the Klingon language has
receive a +2 species bonus to their Vitality attributes.
received to both the Russian and Japanese languages
However, their coarse manners, xenophobic and misogynist
of Earth.
behavior, and tendencies towards violence all combine to
provide a -1 species penalty to Presence scores.
The language consists of short words usually no more
than one or two syllables, and rendered in a quick,
Talarians also have other traits unique or common to their
blunt style that often sounds as if Talarians are
barking at one-another rather than actually speaking.
COMMON NAMES The B'Nar: A very important act, or ritual for Talarians. A
Common Talarian names are usually short, but have a Talarian will perform The B'Nar when in mourning, or cut off
less gruff or rugged sound than most words in their from other Talarians. This is called “making” the B'Nar. And
language. The names Endar, and Jono are good a Talarian who has made the B'Nar for a length of time equal
examples of Talarian nomenclature. to a roll of 2d6-Stamina mod immediately regains all spent
courage points. Also, making the B'Nar is so enheartening
HOMEWORLD to a Talarian that for every 1d6 minutes spent making this
ritual sound a Talarian gains a +1 bonus to Stamina
The Talarian homeworld of Talar is a remarkable Earth-
reactions and a +2 Willpoer bonus for a duration equal to
like planet with all of the same climates, and
2d6+Presence mod in rounds.
environmental conditions present on Earth in roughly
the late 19th century.
Ferocity: Talarians are fierce warriors, and like Klingons
have this trait as a species trait. See page 99 of Aliens, or
Although the Talarians have an advanced technology,
page 41 of the Player's Guide for more details.
capable of space travel, they did not damage their
environment during their industrial age and still have
Bloodlust: (species Flaw) Some Talarians are more violent
wide expanses of wilderness, and a lack of general
than others and may have the Bloodlust flaw as a species
pollution to their environment.
trait. This trait, if had by a Talarian, will never go beyond the
first level of the Flaw. And the Bloodlust flaw may be bought
Were it not for the xenophobic nature of the Talarian
off by a Talarian, at the Narrator's discretion. For more
people, Talar could be a highly sought-after vacation
information on this Flaw see page 139-140 of the Player's
spot as it is a lovely world with sprawling forests, and
long stretches of very hospitable beaches.

Talarian technology is on an equal with that of the

Federation, near the earliest days of the latter's

Talarian weaponry is inferior to Federation standards,

TOS era and beyond

Talarians are a Xenophobic species, & will normally wear gloves when in the
company of other species to avoid touching an "alien" directly. Removing the
gloves & touching someone with the bare hands is a sign of affection &
respect. Bowing is considered a sign of respect, affection & solidarity. When
meeting a close person, the bowing is extended by touching arms & gently
pressing foreheads.

NAMES: Talarian names are usually short, but have a less gruff or rugged
sound than most words in their language. The names Endar & Jono are good
examples of Talarian nomenclature.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Constantly testing one's capabilities promotes strength.

Attributes: Control +1, Daring +1, Fitness +2, Presence -1,

Talarians are characterized by a distinctive hairless enlargement of the
coronal area of the skull extending in 2 lobes to the back of the head.
Talarian blood is red, & Talarians are prone to radiation burns &
respiratory distress. Otherwise their physique is very similar to humans &
Human/Talarian hybrids are possible without too many complications.

Talarian, or with GM's Permission.

Trained from Birth

When you make a Security task, you ignore the 1st complication rolled. In
addition, if you are making an opposed task using Security, you generate
1 Momentum for each complication your opponent suffers. Bonus
Momentum may not be saved.

You are cruel & have a reputation to match it. When you attempt a Task to
identify the weaknesses or flaws of an enemy you reduce Difficulty by 1.
If the enemy has a trait which reflects this weakness, you may re-roll a
single d20 on the next attack or persuasion Task you attempt vs them.

The B'Nar
A Talarian will perform The B'Nar when in mourning or cut off from other
Talarians. After he has made the B'Nar for a length of time = to Fitness
score, he immediately regains all Stress points. Also, making the B'Nar is
so enheartening to a Talarian that he gains 1d20 to Control or Fitness rolls

Talarians follow a strict set of traditions and customs. Their society is rigidly
patriarchal, where a woman could never outrank a man, and encouraged
warrior-like behavior.
Xenophobic tendencies among Talarians were hinted by the fact that
Talarians were gloves when touching aliens. Removing the gloves and
touching someone with the bare hands was a sign of a ection and respect.
Talarians are very competitive; games, tests, and competitions are an
important part of their culture, and children regularly engage in contests and
challenges. Sharing victory is an important part of the games. Furthermore,
when undertaking the tests, pain is not a consideration as passing the tests
is what mattered.
Talarians believe that men's purpose was to pass the tests and to
become strong. If they do not test themselves constantly,
Talarians would become weak and the weak die quickly.
Women, while weak, were spared this fate by men protecting
them so that they can concentrate on artistic and scienti c
Talarian military weaponry is inferior to Federation standards,
consisting of neutral particle weapons, high energy X-ray lasers,
and merculite rockets, and thus do not represent a serious
tactical threat to a Galaxy-class starship. However, they also
employ unconventional tactics such as subspace proximity
detonators and self-destruct devices that are installed on their
ships. Though their technology is inferior, they are also known to
employ guerrilla maneuvers, such as booby-trapping an
observation ship and sending out a distress call, luring would-
be rescuers to their deaths.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Will Go To War Over My Family

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Talarian. Talarians are characterized by a distinctive

hairless enlargement of the coronal area of the skull extending in two
lobes to the back of the head. Talarian blood is red, and Talarians are
susceptible to radiation burns and respiratory distress. Raktajino is
known to have intoxicating e ect on Talarians. Talarians tend to be
extremely competitive.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Life is a Competition (original: Life is a Game) (Wadi)

My honor Is My Shield (Karemma)
To Battle! (Klingon)
Feminine Names: Helrih, Jezzu, Vomis
Masculine Names: Endar, Jono, Sazzo
Gender-Neutral Names: Cirsah, Maattin, Tinet

TOS era and beyond

Talarians are a Xenophobic species, & will normally wear gloves when in the
company of other species to avoid touching an "alien" directly. Removing the
gloves & touching someone with the bare hands is a sign of affection &
respect. Bowing is considered a sign of respect, affection & solidarity. When
meeting a close person, the bowing is extended by touching arms & gently
pressing foreheads.

NAMES: Talarian names are usually short, but have a less gruff or rugged
sound than most words in their language. The names Endar & Jono are good
examples of Talarian nomenclature.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Constantly testing one's capabilities promotes strength.

Attributes: Control +1, Daring +1, Fitness +2, Presence -1,

Talarians are characterized by a distinctive hairless enlargement of the
coronal area of the skull extending in 2 lobes to the back of the head.
Talarian blood is red, & Talarians are prone to radiation burns &
respiratory distress. Otherwise their physique is very similar to humans &
Human/Talarian hybrids are possible without too many complications.

Talarian, or with GM's Permission.

Trained from Birth

When you make a Security task, you ignore the 1st complication rolled. In
addition, if you are making an opposed task using Security, you generate
1 Momentum for each complication your opponent suffers. Bonus
Momentum may not be saved.

You are cruel & have a reputation to match it. When you attempt a Task to
identify the weaknesses or flaws of an enemy you reduce Difficulty by 1.
If the enemy has a trait which reflects this weakness, you may re-roll a
single d20 on the next attack or persuasion Task you attempt vs them.

The B'Nar
A Talarian will perform The B'Nar when in mourning or cut off from other
Talarians. After he has made the B'Nar for a length of time = to Fitness
score, he immediately regains all Stress points. Also, making the B'Nar is
so enheartening to a Talarian that he gains 1d20 to Control or Fitness rolls

REQUIREMENT: Talaxian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
The character has developed a degree of ability across
ALL ERAS OF PLAY a broad range of disciplines. When attempting a Task
Resilient and reliable, the Talaxians have become one of the where more than one of the character’s Focuses apply, the
most widely recognizable and dispersed species in the Delta character may reroll a d20.
Quadrant. Talaxians have been warp capable for millennia,
and during this time they have encountered countless
species and traveled to nearly all corners of the quadrant. REQUIREMENT: Talaxian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Talaxians have a reputation for being sociable, good natured The character comes from a race of social beings that are
travelers who enjoy the company of others. Unlike other outgoing, good-natured, and enjoy the company of others.
species that have been warp capable for such an extended This exuberance has the pleasant side e ect of improving the
time, Talaxians are not known for their technological attitude and outlooks of the people around them – regardless
capabilities – which can vary wildly from group to group. of whether those beings like it or not. When engaged in a
Like many species in the quadrant, Talaxians do not boast a Social Con ict, the character may spend 2 Momentum to
signi cant military presence or large empire, though this may improve the outlook and attitude of those around them. This
be due to the war between them and the Haakonian Order provides one of two e ects. The character is considered to
– a con ict that left both sides exhausted. Unfortunately, the have an Advantage in subsequent social interactions with the
war ended with the surrender of the Talaxian government individual a ected by this Talent. In addition, the character
following the detonation of a weapon of mass destruction on may choose to allow the individual to recover Stress equal to
a Talaxian moon. the character’s Command score.

The trauma su ered by the Talaxian people during the war

resulted in a large number of Talaxian refugees seeking REQUIREMENT: Talaxian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
safety beyond Talaxian space. Further, most Talaxians Having traveled space for more of their adult life, the
seek to avoid confrontation if possible and may even ee character has seen much and has picked up bits of
from a determined foe. The Talaxians are not, however, knowledge and unusual skills along the way. Once per
cowardly by nature, and when left with no alternative they mission, the character may add 1 to Threat to gain
can display great levels of courage and heroism. This an additional Focus for the remainder of that mission,
avoidance of physical confrontation does not, however, representing a speci c skill or eld of knowledge the
spill over into their social dealings, as Talaxians are rarely character possesses which is useful in the current situation.
fearful of speaking their mind when o ended or upset.
Talaxians enjoy good food and good company, and many
consider themselves superb culinary experts – though their Talaxian names, like all pronouns in their language, always
associates may argue otherwise. include an “x.” Beyond this, there is no single tradition
that dictates the naming of a child. Each extended family
EXAMPLE VALUE: Only Fools take Risks maintains its own convention on naming. Some families
reuse a small number of names, generation after generation,
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Insight while others refuse to use the name of someone still living.
Talaxian names are often two to three syllables in length and
TRAIT: Talaxian. While humanoid in most respects, typically favor a’s and i’s. Despite their strong family bonds,
Talaxians do have several interesting biological Talaxians are not known to use a family name.
adaptations. First and foremost, Talaxians are capable
of enduring heat well beyond what the average Human SAMPLE NAMES
can comfortably tolerate and can go much longer without Masculine: Brax, Jirex, Titix, Spirox, Edix, Adax, Cantax,
water. Talaxian skulls have much more pronounced Maxon, Soxil, Maldaxet
ridges where the plates meet. Talaxian hair tends to be Feminine: Dexa, Palaxia, Naxie, Alaxa, Terexi, Millex, Lanexi,
thin and wispy, and large portions of their heads are bald Axina, Emaxa, Jexa
to allow for greater cooling. Talaxian sight is a touch less Gender-Neutral: Xoma, Karixa, Palax, Graxe, Jonaxa,
re ned than that of a Human, though their senses of taste Mitxi, Adrinax
and smell are much keener.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the

following Talents:

Talemstra are four-armed humanoids known to the Federation, and are from a planet
of the same name. They have a peaceful civilization, which allows them to focus on
such artistic endeavors as dance, music, and sculpture. Some of them are fond of suck
salt, which can be addictive to their species.

EXAMPLE VALUE: You Look Like You Could Use Another Set Of Hands.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Talemstra. Talemstra. This species has four arms, and are adept at using
their two pairs of hands. Some of the Talemstra are addicted to suck salt, which is
salt pressed into the shape of a stick.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents, and must take
Two Sets of Hands at character creation.


REQUIREMENT: Talemstra, or Gamemaster’s permission. Must be taken at Character
You may carry double your Carrying Capacity without incurring penalty (page 184). In
addition, when you attempt to perform a Task with Control, add a bonus d20 to your
dice pool.


REQUIREMENT: Talemstra, or Gamemaster’s permission.
You are quite impressive to watch when you perform. When performing music, art, or
otherwise actively showing their talent to others, you may re-roll your entire dice pool.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


Tamarians are bipedal humanoids with long TRAIT: Tamarian. The tips of Tamarian
nostrils and ear holes on the sides of their thumbs act like a sucker and helps to
heads. A bony ridge runs from the top of their maintain a tight grip on objects, especially
nose and over the top of their heads. Two their ritual daggers. Unless they choose
smaller ridges usually run along the side of otherwise, Tamarians cannot be disarmed.
their heads, over their ear holes. Tamarians are
hairless and have thick, milky-white blood. Their TALENTS: The character receives access to
thumbs are long in proportion to the rest of their the following talents:
ngers and have a sucker-like tip on the end.

Tamarians have a complex language that REQUIREMENT: Tamarian, or gamemaster’s

uses historical and mythological metaphors permission.
to describe their feelings and to explain their Tamarians use stories from the past and
actions. This language shows a tremendous mythology to teach lessons about the future.
connection to the stories and actions of their You are exceptionally adept at remembering the
ancestors. In addition, Tamarians participate stories of your people’s past. When you succeed
in sleeping rituals and death rituals that pay at a task to recall events you are familiar with,
homage to their ancestors. These rituals you generate 1 additional point of Momentum
include objects that Tamarians carry with them, which must be spent on the Obtain Information
including a ceremonial dagger. Momentum spend.

REQUIREMENT: Tamarian, or gamemaster’s

Tamarian teachers use stories to pass on
knowledge to younger children. Known as
Storytellers, these Tamarians are experts at
weaving body motions, words, and music into
lessons that young generations will cherish and
use all their lives. Once per mission, at the start
of a scene with an away team, you may spend
ten minutes telling your team a story from the
Many linguists say the Tamarian past that is applicable to their current situation.
language is one of the most beautiful When the story ends, you may roll 1 and add
and elegant languages in the Galaxy. the result to the Momentum pool.
Clearly they’ve never sat in on a
Tamarian debate.
Because of their attachments to names and
events, no two Tamarians have ever had
the same name. This practice ensures that
there isn’t confusion about whose actions
EXAMPLE VALUE: Kazi’s Children, Their Faces are referenced in their language. Typically,
Wet a Tamarian’s name is two syllables though
there have been three and four syllable names
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, throughout their history and mythology.
+1 Presence
SAMPLE NAMES: Varlok, Trayshun, Rinduk,
Shileez, Grandor, Norak
The Tamarians, or Children of Tama, are a species from Sigma Tama IV in the Alpha Quadrant. Early
contact with the Tamarians proved difficult for the Federa�on due to the complexity and allegorical
nature of Tamarian speech, which is almost exclusively made of mytho-historical or collec�ve
references and metaphor. Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise successfully made a true, though
unorthodox, first contact with a Tamarian captain, Dathon, though it came at a steep price, with
Captain Dathon’s death. The event worked to open a new era in rela�ons between the Federa�on
and Children of Tama, and as of 2381, at least one Tamarian served in Starfleet.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Shaka! When The Walls Fell!

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Tamarian. Tamarians are a spiritual and ritualis�c people whose language is derived
almost en�rely from metaphor and allegory of history and shared experiences. Something that can
be confusing or aggrava�ng to others who don’t understand them. This long period of isola�on and
failed first Contacts has made many Tamarians pa�ent with those who don’t understand. As of the
2380s, the Universal Translator does translate the Tamarian Language, albeit imprecisely at �mes.
You gain the ‘Imprecise Transla�on’ Trait.

TALENTS: Your character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Tamarian, or Gamemaster Discre�on

The cultural language of your people, who speak only in allegory and mythological references,
allow you to consider avenues that others may not. When a�emp�ng to discern the meaning of
something that may seem inscrutable to most individuals, you may add three threat to the threat
pool in order to re-roll any or all of your dice. Addi�onally if you only used two dice for the task,
you gain an addi�onal die during the re-roll.


REQUIREMENT: Tamarian, or Gamemaster Discre�on

When you and another Character share an experience, you may spend 1 momentum to gain a trait
named for a mythological allegory that explains the bond that is shared between you two.
Addi�onally, any�me that allegory would apply to the situa�on and you are assis�ng them or being
assisted by them, either of you can re-roll one d20.

This trait is quasi-permanent and remains un�l you decide it is no longer relevant, or it is replaced
by another.

You have learned to speak Federa�on Standard, so that you do not have to rely on the imprecise
and imperfect transla�ons of the Tamarian language by the Universal Translators. You no longer
suffer from the ‘Imprecise Transla�on’ Trait when speaking in Federa�on Standard.


Female Names: Chenza, Jiri, Kimarnt, Kira, Lungha, Mira, Vhila, Zima

Male Names: Bazmin�, Darmok, Dathon, Jalad, Kayshon, Sharak, Temba, Zinda

The Children of Tama – as the Tamarians refer to themselves – were
encountered a total of seven times in the hundred years after rst contact,
but formal relations were unable to be established, due to the complexity
and provincial nature of the Tamarian language – which is entirely
composed of metaphors derived from their collective experience and
mythology. Their language is constantly evolving as it incorporates new
metaphors describing certain events. One of the newest entries to their
language is the phrase “Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel”, referring to a rst
contact situation where two di erent aliens come to a mutual understanding
due to a shared struggle.
Apart from their unique language, Tamarians follow several rituals and are a
strongly spiritual people. For instance, before going to sleep, numerous
ceremonial objects are thrown on the ground and the pattern is being
observed, believing to give the Tamarian insight in events to come. Then
they are placed around the sleeping area as protection against
predators. Military personal carries ceremonial daggers that are
used in rituals as well, including death rituals involving fellow
Technologically, Tamarians are very advanced. Their deep space
cruisers are superior to Federation Galaxy-class starships at
that time.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Darmok And Jalad At Tanagra

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Tamarian. Tamarian language uses metaphors from

their own mythology which universal translators cannot
properly translate. This means that Tamarians interacting
with other non-Tamarians usually have di culty
understanding them properly, and vice-versa. On the other
hand, since Tamarian mythology is rmly rooted in their language,
they are used to learning things quickly and retaining important
information. Their unique titanium-based blood make them resistant to
certain poisons and radiation. Their thumb contains three digit bones
which aids their dexterity. Many Tamarians write a diary so that their
exploits might some day nd their way as a metaphor in their language.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Natural Coordinator (Jye)

Oral Scholar (Efrosian)
The Ushaan (Andorian)
This Talent gives the character access to a Tamarian ceremonial dagger
rather than a ushaan-tor (the dagger has the same statistics). Tamarians
who join Star eet are allowed to carry the dagger as part of their standard

Feminine Names: Danthana, Jalanthi, Nahomi
Masculine Names: Dathon, Sharak, Temhak
Gender-Neutral Names: Shanok, Jahon, Mhonok

STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME But Tamarians are not necessarily warlike. They are
SPECIES PROFILE explorers, and have a similarly passive society to that of the

SPECIES NAME: Tamarians are also a deeply religious people, and their
culture is steeped in tradition and rituals. These rituals are
VISUAL REPRESENTATION seldom witnessed by outsiders or off-worlders.

Several Tamarian customs were observed by Starfleet

Captain Jean-Luc Picard, during impromptu first contact
proceedings with the Tamarian Captain Dathon, at El-Adrel.

Tamarian Rituals
Before sleeping, Dathon removed five ceremonial
objects from the right side of his uniform. He then
threw those objects to the ground gazing at the pattern
the objects formed on the ground and repeated the
ritual. After each new pattern, he touched his forehead.

After finishing the ritual, he took the five objects and

placed them on the ground forming a circle around his
sleeping spot. Again, he touched his forehead after
placing each of them on the ground. The next morning,
when Captain Picard explored his camp, he found two
of the objects still on the ground, Dathon had
reattached the other three to his uniform.

After hearing the news of their captain's death at the

hands of the Creature of El-Adrel, the two Tamarian
bridge officers took their dagger out of the sheath,
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS touched the blade and then touched their forehead in
+1 Vitality, +1 Perception, -1 Presence mourning or remembrance of their captain.

Tamarians stand at roughly the same size as an LANGUAGES
average Human and their body shape is similar to that
of many humanoid species found in the Milky Way Tamarians who do not communicate in basic Federation
Galaxy, apart from some minor differences. Tamarian Standard speak completely in metaphor, siting references to
hands and fingers are Human-like but their thumbs are people, places, and events in their mytho-historical
elongated and have a sucker-like tip at the end. accounts.

The Tamarian head also differs from the Human The Tamarian language is analogous of a human
counterpart. Tamarians possess two long slitted communicating by saying “Juliet, on her balcony” to invoke
nostrils and have no visible auricles, but instead have an image of romance, “Scoorge, the next morning” to create
two small holes located on the sides of the head, a an image of a person who has undergone a profound
little higher than the Human ear. A large ridge runs change, or “Holmes, at Reichenbach” to indicate a
from the top of their nose to the back of the head and presumed defeat.
several more bony ridges or flaps of skin can be
observed on the sides of the skull. Apart from typical Federation Universal Translators, although they
sexual dimorphism observed in many humanoid successfully translate the words, present the syntax as
species, female Tamarians feature the same almost nonsensical
Instead of asking for cooperation, a Tamarian would use a
Tamarian skin is colored light brown with several phrase such as "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra", because
darker red markings, especially on the head. The their culture's stories include a tale of two Tamarians,
species seems to be completely hairless and their Darmok and Jalad, who fought a common foe together on
blood is white, which shines through in some small an island called Tanagra.
arteries of the head.
Tamarian Language Samples
Tamarian culture is unusual due to their unique way of Darmok on the ocean - loneliness, isolation
communicating. Beyond this, however, they have a Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra - cooperation
basic patriarchal society with an emphasis on duty, The beast at Tanagra - an obstacle to be overcome
honor, and military service. Kadir beneath Mo Moteh - failure to communicate
Kiteo, his eyes closed - refusal to understand Shantil III is the third planet in the Shantil system and
Temba, his arms wide/open - signifying a gift homeworld of the Tamarians. It is possible the planet was
Temba, at rest – declining a gift either once known as Tama, or Tamar, or is still referred to
Mirab, with sails unfurled - signifying departure by one or both names by the Tamarians sinc they are known
Shaka, when the walls fell - failure as the "Children of Tama" in their own self-references. Tama
Sokath, his eyes uncovered/opened - realization may also be a reference to either an ancient mytho-
The river Temarc, in winter - be quiet/silence historical hero, or even a god-type being in the same
Zinda, his face black, his eyes red - anger or accounts form which the Tamarians draw their language.
conflict, also can indicate pain or discomfort
Rai and Jiri at Lungha - greeting between two Shantil III is a Class-M planet with a mild climate, and an
different cultures/races ecosystem similar to Earth. The geography of Shantil III
Uzani, his army with fists open - to lure the enemy runs to rocks, rough, and dry land with few inland bodies of
towards you by spreading your forces water. Technologically, the Tamarians are on a par with the
Uzani, with fists closed - to close rank and attack Klingon Empire, and have done some minor trading with the
after luring the enemy Klingons. Their primary exports include clothing and food
Kalimash, at Bahar - pain, or illness subsiding stuffs, the latter consisting largely of a sweet jelly made of
the fruit of a thorny plant that grows in the more arid
Tamarian children learn the stories behind the regions of Shantil III.
metaphors, and thus their meanings, through
enactment and repetition. Variations of meaning in Tamarians import many raw materials, including primary
metaphors are conveyed through subtle vocal and metals, dilithium, and pergium. But most of their import
gestural cues that the universal translator will contacts are with Klingon, or Ferengi merchants.
normally miss. In fields such as engineering and
programming, a musical language is used to convey FAVORED PROFESSION
precise equations, numbers and instructions; thus Tamarians do not normally mingle with off-world societies
explaining how Tamarians can effectively operate any more than necessary. Most encountered Tamarians will
starships. be starship officers in their own stellar navy.

The Tamarian written language consists of thin Some Tamarians may also find work as craftsmen
horizontal and vertical lines with small letters written (Merchants), or Soldiers. And many Tamarians met off of
in the spaces between the lines. The lines meet at Shantil III will be Mystics and Adepts devoted to the pseudo-
right angles in the hand written form of the language religion of the Tamarian mytho-historical accounts, and the
but in an angle of circa 70 degrees on computer culture they have built around those accounts.
interfaces. Tamarians still use paper, colored bright
green, to write down notes. SPECIES ABILITIES
Subsonic Hearing: The Tamarian ear structure is specially
evolved to detect sound transmitted at a very low
frequency. This may be due in part to the wide range of
sounds used in rendering the musical second language of
Tamarians used to perform precise calculations, and work
complicated equipment.

Tamarians receive a +2 to Observe (Listen) tests to hear low

The Tamarian written language frequency sounds.

Thumb-grip: The elongated, sucker-like tip on the Tamarian

thumb is used as one might expect upon first inspection. It
Tamarian names have an unusual structure, in that the is used to enhance the gripping and holding ability of a
only truly necessary portion of the name, and the only Tamarian. This gives Tamarians a +2 advantage in Agility
one usually heard uttered in conversation is the final tests to grip, or hold an object.
name; yet all Tamarians have three names.
Language Barrier: (species flaw) because of their unique
The first name is always either Tama for a male, and metaphoric language, the universal translator cannot
Tani for a female. Presumably these are gender- accurately translate the meaning of most Tamarian phrases.
sepcific ways of saying, simply “I am a Tamarian”. For this reason, anyone trying to communicate with a
Tamarian will suffer a -3 penalty in making themselves
The second name is familial, and functions as a understood, and a -5 penalty in understanding the
surname. Tamarian's phrasing; unless they have been studying the
Tamarian language (Language (Tamarian) +2 or higher).
The third is the proper name. The proverbial “first
name” in human nomenclature. Psionics: A very rare few Tamarians are able to develop
minor psionic abilities. Tamarians who acquire the Psionic
Beyond the Tama and Tani distinctions, Tamarian edge may begin with one skill at +2. The skill of choice will
names have a notable similarity to Ferengi names. be either Telepathy, or Mind Shield. Some Tamarians can
develop Psychokinetic abilities (see Aliens, p. 116).
Life-debt: (species flaw) a Tamarian will acquire the
Devotion edge, being devoted to anyone who saves
their life, or the life of a loved one until the debt is
repaid in kind (ie. The Tamarian saves the individual's
life, or gives their life for that person).

Bonus Edges: Great Stamina, Iron Willed

Species Flaw: Proud (optional – not all Tamarians

possess this flaw automatically, but many Tamarians
are very proud of their people, and their culture and
can view outsiders not as inferiors, but as intrusive, or

The Betoken of Uzani

All Tamarians serving in their military carry, as their

primary sidearm, a small dagger called a Betoken of

The Tamarian Dagger

Specifications: 40cm long, 1.03kg

Description: The dagger, or Betoken of Uzani has
a green handle with a smaller yellow inset and
the silver blade has one smooth and one
serrated edge.
Parry Modifier: -1
Damage: 1d6+2
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME Tarlaca of both genders are well known for their skills in
SPECIES PROFILE sensual massage, and in using massage as a form of
physical therapy.

Tarlacs are also considered on an equal level with the

SPECIES NAME: TARLAC Deltans in their abilities to give and experience physical
pleasure, and especially the pleasures of intimacy.
The Tarlac speak the common language of the So'na,
although some older Tarlac still speak and teach their native
language. Some Tarlac also speak Federation Standard;
especially if they are required by their profession or duties
to associate with humans and Starfleet officers.
Tarlac have either a single name, usually of two or three
syllables; or a compound name. In the latter case the
second section of the name represents a clan or familial

Such names are older names, among the Tarlac, and are not
in common use due to the subjugation under the So'na.
Acknowledgment of Tarlac family and clan names were
outlawed by the So'na in an effort to assert their superiority
over the Tarlac.

Some younger Tarlac are reverting to their compound

names as a form of rebellion against So'na rule, and older
Tarlac tend to encourage this as a way of extenuating the
influence of true Tarlac culture.
An example of a single name without the clan/family suffix
+1 Agility, +2 Presence is Sharic. And an example of a name given with the proper
suffix is Kiri'shyna. In the latter case, the “shyna” would be
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION dropped under So'na law.
Tarlac are very attractive humanoids with the full
range of human coloring. They tend to be lean built Both of the above examples are female names.
and the females usually sport very shapely figures.
All Tarlac have pronounced cranial formations The original Tarlac homeworld was a beautiful green planet
consisting of deep depressions on the sides of the with a thriving ecosystem, and a reasonably advanced
skull with a pair of thick ridges in the center of the society functioning at a Tech level of 6.
Then the planet, and its people were conquered by the
They also have ample speckled markings following the So'na.
outer contour of the face and neck, and almost
completely covering the central forehead ridges. The planet still maintains some of its original physical
beauty, but several regions have become largely
Tarlac women will often wear their hair pinned up in an industrialized to support So'na industries.
intricate hairstyle consisting of two or more braids
curled into wide arches and suspended behind their Only about 20% of the Tarlac population actually live and
heads, giving the appearance of high, sloping rings. work on their home planet.


The Tarlac are not an overly outgoing species, having Tarlac females will often choose a profession in the role of a
been subjugated under the So'na for over a century. caregiver, or a pleasure provider. And Prostitutes (Rogues)
are not uncommon.
Tarlac are normally gentle and passive, although some
who have been trained to serve in the So'na military Males usually serve as Soldiers (especially in the So'na
will display aggressive tendencies, as well as a knack fleet), or Mercenaries.
for military strategy.
Both male and female Tarlac serve aboard So'na ships as
Tarlac females are very tactile, friendly, and openly Starship Officers, serving in any variety of positions.
sexual. Only Deltans and some Betazoids can surpass
a Tarlac's sexual appetite. There are even a few Tarlac serving in Starfleet. And
although there were only a handful prior to the mid
2370s, there are now several with females serving
often as Ship's Counselors and males excelling as
Security officers, and Operations personnel.

Subjugated: (species Flaw)The Tarlac are a generally
passive species, and have long been under the control
of the So'na. As a result of their subjugated status
they are not the most resolute of individuals and
suffer a -1 penalty to their Willpower reaction rolls.

Empathetic: Tarlac are naturally compassionate, and

very empathic. They will easily concern themselves
over the emotional states of others. This is what
makes Tarlacs so good at intimate relations, as well as
giving them a natural knack for the profession of
Ship's Counselor. Tarlac receive a +1 species bonus to
Influence, Negotiate, and Persuade tests. If a Tarlac
takes the Psionic, she receives the Empathy skill at
level 1 for free.

Bonus Edges: Skill Focus (Compassionate), Friendly

(Males only), Sexy (Females only – see A Piece of the
Action netbook, p. 13)

Species Flaws: Thin-blooded (Cold), Coward (Optional

– some Tarlac, especially those born under So'na
subjugation, are not overly courageous unless they
have undergone military training)

The Tarlac are a race conquered by the Son’a in 2325, and became part of Son’a
society as indentured servants. They have feline features. Tarlac underlings serve as
nurses, masseuses, soldiers, and officers.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Serve Without Question

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

Ø TRAIT: Tarlac. Tarlacs resemble felines, with hair similar to lion’s manes. They
have two bumps on their foreheads.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Tarlac, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Your keenness to help a superior is well-noted. When you assist someone of superior
rank or status, you may re-roll your d20.

REQUIREMENT: Tarlac, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You have studied the medical needs of a species in depth. Choose a species. When
you attempt a Medicine Task on that species, you may reduce the Difficulty by one, to
a minimum of zero.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


A corpulenta e hirsuta espécie Tellarita vem de Tellar Prime, um planeta

temperado no Quadrante Alfa. A cultura deles é notada por ser abrasiva e
argumentativa, com um orgulho teimoso, temperamento irritadiço e pouca
paciência. Entretanto, essa é apenas uma visão super cial: embora Tellaritas
discutam bastante, isso vem de um sentido de honestidade intelectual e um
rigoroso ceticismo. Para um Tellarita, nenhuma ideia, conceito ou pessoa está
além de desa o ou análise, e qualquer noção incapaz de suportar escrutínio
não tem valor. Tellaritas se regozijam em debates e tendem a se cumprimentar
com críticas, reclamações e até mesmo insultos; falhar em responder à altura
é mal-visto, já que demonstra uma fraqueza de carácter e uma indisposição a
confrontar falhas.

EXEMPLO DE VALOR: Todas as Ideias Devem Suportar Escrutínio

ATRIBUTOS: +1 de Controle, +1 de Físico, +1 de Intuição

TRAÇO: Tellarita. Tellaritas têm um olfato aguçado e alta tolerância a muitas

drogas, toxinas e inebriantes comuns (Tellaritas não cam bêbados, apenas
agressivos). Eles também possuem uma visão excelente, e uma percepção
de distância, profundidade e dimensão mais apurada que os Humanos.

TALENTOS: O personagem recebe acesso aos seguintes talentos:

REQUISITOS: Tellarita, ou permissão do Mestre de Jogo.

Você tem uma aptidão para encontrar pontos fracos em argumentos, teorias e
máquinas, assim como para conseguir informações deles, descobrindo sobre
coisas sobre como eles respondem a pressão contrapontos vulneráveis. Quando
for bem-sucedido em uma Tarefa utilizando Controle ou Intuição, você recebe
um ponto extra de Ímpeto, que pode ser usado somente com o Gasto de Ímpeto
Obter Informação.

REQUISITOS: Tellarita.
Você tem uma mistura de resiliência física e fortitude mental que o torna difícil
de subjugar. Você reduz o custo de resistir a ser derrubado pelo efeito de dano
Derrubar em um, até um mínimo de 0, e recebe +1 de Resistência contra todos
os ataques não-letais.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -


Among the first alien species conquered by the nascent Terran Empire was
the Tellarites. Employing ships designed to resemble Vulcan craft, the Terrans
penetrated deeply into Tellarite space before attacking, seizing a foothold that
allowed them to launch repeated offensives against several Tellarite outposts.
Unprepared for the brutality of Terran conquest, the Tellarites watched in horror
as the Terrans pushed disabled ships out of orbit around their homeworld
and into the atmosphere, aiming the vessels at military targets as makeshift
bombs. Following the Tellarite surrender, the Empire made them an offer that
would be repeated on many worlds over the centuries: freely provide their
talents for the good of the empire and be allowed to live. The Tellarites shared
their technology and engineering skills with the Terrans, greatly expanding the
Imperial Starfleet that would eventually bring Andor and Vulcan to their knees.
Tellar continued to serve as a primary shipyards of the Empire, their entire
homeworld focused on manufacturing war machines for the empire. Unlike
Andorians, Vulcans, and Denobulans, few Tellarites were permitted off-world.
Their bellicose natures and greater skill at deception made them unpopular
on Starfleet vessels. While Tellar Prime remained in the Empire following the
assaults from the Klingon·Cardassian Alliance, the world suffered greatly. As
one of the primary imperial shipyards, it was frequently targeted by invasion
fleets and the surface was heavily bombarded with biological and radiological

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Tellarite, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You enjoy a spirited debate, often following an introduction with complaints
or insults to initiate an argument. When you make an Opposed Task in Social
Conflict you gain 1 bonus Momentum. This bonus Momentum cannot be saved.

REQUIREMENT: Tellarite, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are loathe to make mistakes, which also makes you reluctant to take risks.
When you gain an additional success from rolling below an applicable Focus,
you can ignore than extra success to instead cancel a Complication rolled on
the same Task.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios

Terrans once believed in liberty, freedom, and equality. By after the nuclear
fires of the 21 st Century, these ideas were dismissed as weaknesses that led
the species to the brink of annihilation. On April 5th, 2063, a group of Terrans
encountered a Vulcan scout ship: first contact with extraterrestrials. Gripped
with suspicion and fear, they attacked and killed the aliens, then stole their
technology. With this humble beginning, the Terrans began a campaign
of piracy that grew into an empire, as the Terrans conquered planet after
planet, enslaving the Orions, Tellarites, and Vulcans. Other systems swore
fealty to the empire, such as Denobula. The Machiavellian Terran Empire was
based on personal strength, with individuals wielding whatever power they
could maintain through fear or intimidation. The Empire lasted centuries until
2267, when a Vulcan named Spock determined the Empire was not logically
sustainable and decided to seize leadership. Spock instituted widespread
reforms across the Empire, curbing its military and working towards equality.
Ironically, these policies, which were meant to extend the longevity of the
empire, led to its downfall. The remains of the Klingon Empire, seeking
vengeance for the destruction of their homeworld, allied with the Cardassian
Union. This alliance invaded the Empire, conquering much of its territory and
enslaving its citizens. The war splintered the Terran Empire, with the few
surviving pockets arguing over who is the true inheritor of the Empire’s glory,
fighting with each other as much as the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Human/ Terran, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are natural leader,and accustomed to your orders being quickly obeyed
without question. When you perform the Direct Task, you can take an additional
Minor Action immediately afterwards.

REQUIREMENT: Human/ Terran, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Humans have a talents for making impassioned speeches and building
bridges between nations and disparate species. When you succeed on a
Social Conflict Task using negotiation or presenting evidence but roll 1 or
more Complications, you can choose to instead fail the Task and ignore the

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
The species as it is known today developed from four distinct species of
primates, a very uncommon occurrence in a development of a higher
humanoid species. Ancient scientists in Terrellian culture long ago identi ed
these precursors and named them in their ancient language. The ancient
Terrellian language contained only few words which can change in meaning
depending on slightly di erent pronunciation, an aspect that is still apparent
in their modern language. The tree primates are Terell (literally “primate from
the forest”), Terru (“primate from the plains”) and Tylian (“primate from the
mountains”). While these primates looked very di erently, Terells were
further set apart by having six limbs. Today in their modern language, the
humanoid species is called “Terrellian”, an amalgamation of the tree primate
names, although “Terellian” (one ‘r’), “Terrelian” (one ‘l’) and “Tyrellian” are
considered synonymous.
Modern humanoid Terrellians are less distinguishable due to the
intermixing of the primates and post-primates, although there still
exist two-armed and four-armed morphologies.
Their homeworld is called “Terrella”, an M-class moon orbiting a
gas giant. They also colonized their second moon, which is
called “Tyrellia”.
Terrellians enjoy all competitions from playing dom-jot to
boxing. They like venturing outside their own home system,
oftentimes running cargo ships or merchant ships selling prized
spices, meats or diamonds. However, in the rst generations of
space travel, they also spread many diseases that are still not
eradicated today: The Terrellian Plague and the Terellian Death

EXAMPLE VALUE: Let’s Play A Friendly Game

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Terrellian or Four-Armed Terrellian. There are two

distinct morphologies of Terrellians: ones with two arms and
ones with four arms. The two-armed variant is most
common. A four-armed character has the trait “Four-Armed
Terrellian” instead. While four arms have the obvious bene t
of holding more equipment, they may make it di cult to t into
tight spaces. The Terrellian nose is di erent from most other humanoids.
They inhale through a a gill-like structure on their forehead and exhale
through nostrils located slightly above the mouth. This gives them a
pronounced sense of smell.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Charming Demeanor (Akaru)

Multi-Tasking (Edosian)
Natural Coordinator (Jye)
Feminine Names: Androna, Jara, Oni
Masculine Names: Borjo, Kurus, Trarco
Gender-Neutral Names: Sabi, Shipu, Vroji


Official version found in the IDW Year 5 PDF

Territorial to the point of xenophobia, Tholians have a reputation for stubbornness, being
inflexible in both behaviour and attitude. Tholian punctuality is particularly renowned and
refuse to renegotiate a deadline. Their homeworld of Tholia has a methane atmosphere
with temperatures over 200 degrees Celsius (480 Kelvin), which is past the melting point
of tin. Despite their non-humanoid appearance, Tholians still breathe oxygen, but do not
exhale gas. Instead, their waste product from respiration is solid silica, extruded as thin
strands that can be woven into fibers used to make Tholian Silk, a soft and flexible fabric
that is extremely heat resistant. The overwhelming majority of the species lives within
the borders of Tholian Assembly, which has been slowly expanding for several centuries.
Foreign species are not allowed within the borders of the Assembly and the Tholians are
defensive of any incursion into their space. Similarly, Tholians care little of galactic politics
and the Federation: the Vulcan High Command has had loose relations with the Assembly
in the 22nd Century and first contact with humanity occurred in 2151, but diplomatic
relations have been limited in subsequent centuries.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Now Is the Only Time that Matters

TRAIT: Tholian. A silicon-based hermaphroditic life-form adapted to extreme heat.

Roughly the same size as a Human, Tholians have two arms and six insectoid legs. Their
crystalline frames render them immune to most conventional poisons and diseases, as
well as most forms of radiation. Tholians were extremely vulnerable to the
cold. Temperatures below 100 degrees Celsius (380 Kelvin) caused their
carapaces to fracture and rapid temperature shifts could cause their
bodies to freeze and then shatter. Because of their crystalline
carapace, Tholians have 2 Resistance.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


REQUIREMENT: Tholian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are exceptionally focused, refusing to accept
failure. When you fail at a Task and did not buy any
additional dice, you can spend 2 Momentum to re-roll
one d20.

Your anatomy is decidedly non-humanoid.
Your six legs allows you to move in any
direction and confers exceptional balance.
You reduce the cost to avoid being
knocked prone by 1. Additionally, the first
time in a scene you suffer an injury from
non-lethal damage you automatically
ignore the injury.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios

Tiburonians or Tiburons are from the planet Tiburon, and are members of the
Federation. They are from a vastly technological culture, which makes heavy use of
robots even for the simplest tasks. They are easy-going and charming, but can also be
driven to pursue a single cause. They enjoy scientific research and exploration, and do
not turn a blind eye to authoritarianism. They may mark themselves with blue tribal
tattoo markings. Their culture is devoted to the pursuit of joy.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Life Is Nothing Without the Pursuit of Joy.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Tiburonian. Tiburonians have very large, intricately-shaped ears. Males

tend to be bald. Some males have a row of tiny protrusions that run from their
foreheads to the back of their heads, and also down the front of their necks.
Females may have greenish skin and long hair, with prominent eyebrows. When
they die, they decompose quickly even in the cold, and Tiburonian cremation
should take place within 32 hours. Their reliance on technology has weakened the
immune systems of some Tiburonians, making it difficult for the afflicted to live
without modern medicine and technology.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Tiburonian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You were taught at a young age about robotics and machinery. When you perform or
assist with a Task where knowledge of robotics or machines would help, you may re-
roll a d20.

REQUIREMENT: Tiburonian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You are able to bring out the best in people with your natural charisma. If you assist
someone with your Presence Attribute, if they succeed at the assisted Task, add an
extra point of Momentum.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

The Tosk are a created race where their genome was meticulously screened, developed,
and created by the race known as the Drai. Tosk are created with one purpose in mind:
to serve as prey for the Drai’s Hunts. The Drai consider the Hunt to be the most important
task they can ever dedicate themselves to but as a race they bored themselves on stalking
lesser forms of life. This led to the creation of the Tosk, a reptilian survivor that is born
with all the knowledge they need to provide a meaningful Hunt for the Hunters. They only
need 17 minutes of sleep per day and their bodies can survive o simple protein chains
for weeks if need be. Although the Drai like to insure that every Tosk is tracked down and
captured it is not unheard of for a Tosk to go rogue from the Hunt and seek shelter among
the Hunters’ enemies. These Tosk are considered outcasts among their own kind, and the
Drai will do anything to bring these rogue creatures back to their homeworld where they
can su er the most horrible death of all: being kept alive, on display for the masses in a
zoo where their shame is plain for all to see. The Tosk who do go rogue value their freedom
too much to accept this fate willingly and will do anything to remain free.


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Fitness

TRAIT: Tosk. The Tosk are almost completely identical as their genome is often
replicated from the same source material. Although some might di er due to the
preferences of a Hunter’s requests, each Tosk is strong, resourceful, and cunning.
When a Tosk enters a room they instinctively size up the many ways to escape
as well as anything that could help them in a ght. Though the Tosk are
often peaceful and do not wish to in ict harm on others, they have
inborn feral instincts that allow them to ght ferociously when the
need calls for it. A Tosk is often issued a simple suit that helps their
memetic abilities as well as providing storage compartments for the
protein mixes they are issued as a food supply. If a Tosk holds still, they
can initiate their Shroud in the same manner as a Jem’Hadar soldier.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Tosk, or Gamemaster’s permission.

For the Drai, the greatest hunts always come when their prey manages to continually
outwit them and the Tosk are cunning adversaries. Some are given extra stores of
information when they are created while others are able to pick up survival techniques as
they try to escape from the Hunters. The Tosk adds 1 bonus Momentum to the pool for
each adversary they are trying to escape in the scene to a maximum of 3.

REQUIREMENT: Tosk, or Gamemaster’s permission.

The Tosk are designed to keep running no matter what, and refuse to allow themselves
to be captured because they start to feel the e ects of fatigue or exhaustion. A Tosk
with this talent gains a free point of Momentum to their next action when attempting
to escape while they are under the e ects of a Complication.

Tosk possess no gender and often refer to themselves by their species
name. Some rogues have been known to take on names that exemplify
their physical skills, such as Cunning One or Everfree.
Species Name: Trabe
First Encountered: 2372
Affiliation: Neutral
Primary Exports: None

Editor's Note:
The Trabe are a humanoid, warp-capable, Delta-quadrant species. The Kazon were once a
Trabe slave species until 2346, when they revolted and forced the Trabe from their homeworld.
The Trabe were encountered by USS Voyager in 2372, when they attempted to use Captain
Kathryn Janeway as a pawn in an plot to assassinate the majes of the Kazon sects.

Fitness 2 [5]
Vitality +1
Co-ordination 2 [5]
Intellect 3 [6]
Presence 2 [5]
Empathy -1
Psi 0 [5]

Athletics (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Culture (Trabe) 2 (3)
History (Trabe and Kazon) 1 (2)
Trabe 2
Kazon 1
Sciences, Any (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
choose one from the following:
Engineering, Systems (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
Sciences, Space (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
Shipboard Systems (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3)

+1 Courage Point
Resolute +3
Exile -2
I have given a lower point Exile from that presented in the DS9 rulebook, as the full
definition does not apply. The Trabe were driven from their homeworld or slaughtered,
those that survive live as a society of refugees on the run from the Kazon, but unable to
return home...
Species Enemy (Kazon) -3

Author's Notes:
Developed to match Mac's Kazon template.

Submitted by Dan Gurden

Page layout and code ©2003, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®,© Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©:Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.

Tribbles are small furry life-forms, often regarded as unintelligent,

and are native to the plant Iota Geminorium IV. They make soft,
calming, purring sounds when touched, and breed at an alarming
rate outside of their native world. When in close proximity to
Klingons, tribbles emit a high-pitched shriek. It is suggested that due
to both species having a keen sense of smell, they find each other
repulsive, the main reason for their mortal rivalry.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Hunger is a Constant State of Being

ATTRIBUTES: +1 to Presence, +1 to Fitness, +1 to Insight
TRAITS: Tribble, Hungry
TALENTS: The character gains all of the following Talents: ENVIRONMENT
As a tribble, you may choose between three environments:
Requirement: Constantly eating from a large stash of food (such as IOTA GEMINORUM IV
your entire group’s gaming snacks, a grain store or the contents of a You were born and lived on your homeworld of Iota Germinorum IV.
food replicator system), a photocopier. You enjoyed a lush planet within the Klingon sphere of influence, and
your species was stable, though you feared the reptilian predators that
As long as you, the Player, are constantly eating from a large stash hunted you.
of food, once per Scene you may duplicate yourself. Photocopy
your character sheet and hand it to another Player at the table. They EXAMPLE VALUE: No More Klingons, No More Reptiles
too are now a tribble. Once everyone at the table, including the ATTRIBUTE: +1 Fitness
Gamemaster becomes a tribble, the session ends. DISCIPLINE: +1 Security


Requirement: The ability to make calming cooing noises that even You found yourself living for a while in a strange place, full of bottles
Vulcans are susceptible to. of odd liquids and a number of people coming and going at all hours.
You’ve happily fed on leftovers, spillages, and nearly eaten Quark out
You may attempt to help a character recover Stress. To do this you of house and home but the patrons seem to love you.
must attempt to replicate the calming purr of a tribble for at least
30 seconds. If successful, the target character recovers 1 point of EXAMPLE VALUE: Rule of Acquisition #207 – A Tribble Always Means
Stress, plus an additional point per Momentum spent. Customer Satisfaction
ATTRIBUTE: +1 Presence
Requirement: A dislike towards Klingons and the ability to shriek
loudly enough to scare the other Players. DEEP SPACE STATION K7
You were one of the tribbles that was born, and removed, from Deep
Your Gamemaster must tell you if a Klingon character enters into Space Station K7. It took Cyrano Jones 17.9 years but he finally
Close range with you. Upon being told this, you must shriek loudly succeeded in evicting you from your home, no matter how well you hid
and shudder until you are told the character has backed away out yourself in the stores.
of Close range. A Klingon character must attempt a Control +
Command Task with a Difficulty of 3 when hearing this shriek, or you EXAMPLE VALUE: If I Can Fit, I Can Hide. If I Hide, I Can Eat.
inflict 2 A of damage. You may attempt an Insight + Command Task ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring
to detect Klingons at further ranges. DISCIPLINE: +1 Engineering


As a tribble you may choose between two upbringings: Tribbles are unable to enlist in Starfleet, but you have somehow
found yourself a part of a Starfleet crew. Choose one of the following
BELOVED PET options to explain this circumstance:
You once belonged to someone who took care of you as a pet. You
were fed each day, petted, and given a comfortable place to eat and BOUGHT BY A COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER AS A PET
sleep. This might have been onboard a ship, space station, or on You found yourself aboard a starship or starbase after being
some distant planet. purchased by a member of Starfleet.

ATTRIBUTES: +2 Presence, +1 Control EXAMPLE VALUE: It is a Characteristic to Love Little Animals

DISCIPLINE: +1 Medicine ATTRIBUTE: +2 Presence , +1 Insight
FOCUS: You gain a Focus based on your upbringing. Examples DISCIPLINE: +2 Command , +1 Conn, +1 Engineering
include: Comfort, Empathy, Defusing Tension
TALENT: You gain the Talent Good Tribble: SCIENCE EXPERIMENT
You ended up with Starfleet because you were studied for science. It
Good Tribble may have been to investigate your ability to eat more than your weight
Select one of the Player Characters; you are now their beloved pet. in food, the rapid breeding of your species, to study your behavior, or
Once per Scene if you make the calming cooing noise of your species any other number of reasons.
for 30 seconds, you grant your owner 1 bonus Momentum for the
purchase of a d20 on tests to convince or persuade another character EXAMPLE VALUE: There is More than Meets the Eye
to act in their favor. ATTRIBUTE: +2 Insight, +1 Reason
DISCIPLINE: +2 Science, +1 Medicine, +1 Conn
You are a wild creature, you did not have the luxury of being fed by Stowaway
someone else, instead needing to survive on your own. You’re able to How you got to where you are is your business, but you managed to
find food easily even in the harshest environments and know where to hide away somewhere on board a starship, space station, or within
find food away from predators. some equipment and were discovered at a later date by the crew.

ATTRIBUTES: +2 Insight, +1 Daring EXAMPLE VALUE: No Tribble At All

DISCIPLINE: +1 Security ATTRIBUTE: +2 Fitness, +1 Daring,
EXAMPLE FOCUSES: Foraging, Going Unnoticed, Awareness DISCIPLINE: +2 Security, +1 Command, +1 Security
TALENT: You gain the Talent Stealth Tribble:
Stealth Tribble You can’t enlist in Starfleet on account of you being a tribble, but the
Once per Scene you may hide away, making your presence crew might view you differently depending on how long you’ve been
unnoticeable by anyone who isn’t a Klingon. This can be anywhere around. Choose one of the two following lengths of service:
from a pocket large enough for you to fit in, to the inside of a food
replicator system. When doing this, you must remove yourself from NEWLY DISCOVERED
the table and hide from view until you decide to make your presence You have only just been discovered by the crew; this ranges anywhere
known again. If the location you or your tribble character hides in from a few days to a week. You’ve seen a few things in the time
contains food that you can safely eat, you must do so. between you getting here and being discovered and adapted well.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I’m an Unexpected Surprise

TALENT: You gain the Talent Tribble of All Trades:

Tribble of All Trades

The crew are interested in what you’re capable of, always sure
to be putting you in new situations. When you are accompanying
other Player Characters, one character may always assist you when
attempting a Task and you may use their Discipline score on the Task
as long as you move to sit next to them at the table.

You’ve been with this crew for a while now, maybe a few months, even Though some believe you are a small, fluffy, unintelligent creature,
a few years. They might as well make you a uniform and give you a you’ve seen much in your life while foraging for food and making your
field promotion. way across the Galaxy. Choose two of the following events:


TALENT: You gain the Talent Field Promotion: You were there when it all went down. You remember the Great
Tribble Hunt of the 23rd Century. You barely escaped with your life.
Field Promotion
Although the officer in charge might disagree, you’ve been around ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness
long enough for the crew to joke that you are one of them. Select a DISCIPLINES: +1 Security
single Discipline. When attempting a Task that uses this Discipline, you FOCUS: You gain a Focus representing how you survived or escaped
may state a fact relevant to the Task while talking like a tribble. If you this great event. Examples include: Stealth, Avoiding Klingons,
do so, you may roll an addition 1d20. This d20 counts towards your Quiet Shrieking
first dice bought.
You were bred and sold by Cyrano Jones, this meant you spent a lot
of time within one of the many pockets of his coat, crammed in with
other tribbles and trinkets that he planned to sell and listening to the
same sales pitch over and over again.
The Borg have assimilated many life forms in order to extract FOCUSES: Stealth, Subterfuge
the strongest of a species’ unique traits and add them to their
own. One particular Borg sphere however, made the mistake of STRESS: 11
assimilating tribbles, thinking that the species’ unique ability to RESISTANCE: 1 (Hidden Exoplating)
rapidly breed and dominate an area would be of use to them.
What happened instead was the Borg sphere began to fill with a ATTACKS:
mass of the small furry creatures. Without the need for traditional XX Escalation: Assimilation Tubules, (Melee, 4 A Intense, Deadly,
food for sustenance, the Borg tribbles slowly took over the ship, Debilitating)
gaining a base level of intelligence and understanding, able to
communicate and control the ship through Borg technology. SPECIAL RULES:
XX Assimilation: If a character receives an Injury from a Borg
While the Borg tribbles possess the same abilities as the tribble, they are injected with Borg nanoprobes, beginning the
average tribble, they assimilate by arriving at a planet, tricking process of assimilation. This process is extremely difficult to
its inhabitants to take them in, being seen as friendly, adorable reverse—If the character dies from that Injury they become a
creatures before breeding quickly and assimilating the world. nascent drone. If the character’s Injury is stabilized they must
Who would suspect a small friendly creature that makes such a add one Threat to the pool at the start of each scene in order
calming noise? to not succumb to the nanoprobes until they can be removed
and their injury healed (a Control + Medicine Task with a
TRAITS: Borg, Tribble Difficulty of 4)
XX Klingons: If it smells a Klingon, a tribble emits a distressed
VALUE: brrg brrg brrg brrg brrg brrg shrieking sound; similarly, Klingons have an instinctive
dislike of tribbles. A tribble’s reaction is strong enough to
ATTRIBUTES automatically detect the presence of a Klingon—even one
disguised or surgically altered—within Close range, while a
disguised Klingon must attempt a Control + Command Task
with a Difficulty of 2 to mask their disgust at the presence of
a tribble.




DISCIPLINES: +1 Command At this stage your tribble character is almost complete and needs a
FOCUS: You gain a Focus representing your time spent within the few final adjustments.
confines of a pocket. Examples include: Being Comfortable, Spatial
Awareness, Eavesdropping VALUE: You gain one final Value reflecting your life as a tribble.

REINTRODUCTION ATTRIBUTES: You may not have any Attributes above 12, and may
Your species was wiped out during the Great Tribble Hunt but was not have more than one Attribute at 12. For any Attribute which has a
reintroduced to the universe thanks to time travel. Pulled from one rating beyond those limits, reduce it until it is within the limit. For each
timeline to another wasn’t too stressful; there’s still plenty of food here. point reduced on an Attribute, increase another by one, though the
limits above still apply.
DISCIPLINES: +1 Engineering Then increase two Attributes by 1. The character’s Attributes, added
FOCUS: You gain a Focus representing how you coped with your together, should add up to 56.
new timeline. Examples include: Adaptation, Trying New Foods,
Scavenging DISCIPLINES: A character may not have any Disciplines above 5,
and many not have more than one Discipline at 5. For any Discipline
EXPERIMENT which has a rating beyond those limits reduce it until it is within the
You were once experimented on. It may not have been harsh, but limit. For each point reduced on an Attribute, increase another by one,
you’ve seen the inside of many labs where many scientists have been though the limits above apply. Then increase two Attributes by 1. The
interested in your species’ unique capabilities. character’s Disciplines, added together should add up to 16.

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Reason STRESS: Your Stress is equal to your Fitness + Security.

FOCUS: You gain a Focus representing the experiments that you FOCUSES, TALENTS AND VALUES: You should have 3 Focuses,
were part of. Examples include: Humanoid Behavior, Science 5 Talent, and 5 Values.
Experiments, Confusing Scientists

The 2d20 system and Modiphius Logos are copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd 2019.
All 2d20 system text is copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. Any unauthorised use of
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infringement is intended. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and
events, past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except for those people and
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A espécie Trill, de seu planeta natal de mesmo nome, parece quase idêntica aos
Humanos, exceto por linhas de pontos que correm os lados de seus corpos, da
cabeça aos pés. Entretanto, esta similaridade super cial oculta uma diferença con-
siderável: os Trills são capazes de se ligar a um organismo simbiótico conhecido
como simbionte, criando um ser distinto a partir de duas criaturas individuais.
Os simbiontes podem viver por muitos séculos, e são colocados em hospedeiros
sucessivos, carregando as memórias e conhecimento de hospedeiros anteriores
para um novo a cada geração. Esse fato não é amplamente conhecido fora do
meio Trill, mas também não é um segredo — ele simplesmente não é amplamente
discutido, e a quantidade de Trills unidos é relativamente pequena. Os Trills têm
sido parte da Federação por mais de um século, com vários Trills renomados
assumindo papéis importantes na formação da Federação. Os Trills, como cultura,
tendem a ser focados em buscas intelectuais acima de tudo, já que aprendizado e
sabedoria são estimados pelos simbiontes que estão ligados a hospedeiros.

EXEMPLO DE VALOR: Quatro Vidas de Aventuras

ATRIBUTOS: +1 de Controle, +1 de Presença, +1 de Raciocínio.

TRAÇO: Trill. Trills são especialmente resilientes a parasitas, como uma

peculiaridade de seu potencial para ser Unido; Trills Unidos são inteiramente
imunes a infecção parasítica. Entretanto, eles tendem a ter fortes reações
alérgicas a picadas de insetos e outras formas de veneno, o que pode
interromper sua neuroquímica, particularmente se o indivíduo for um Unido.
Como muitas das especi cidades da siologia Trill — especialmente em
relação à simbiose — não são amplamente conhecidas, isto pode resultar
em complicações médicas.

TALENTOS: O personagem recebe acesso aos seguintes talentos:

REQUISITOS: Trill, somente na criação de personagem.

Você participou do Programa de Iniciados, esperando ser escolhido pela Co-
missão de Simbiose para se tornar um Unido. Como há muito mais Iniciados
do que Simbiontes, você foi um dos muitos que falhou, mas a qualidade de um
iniciado, mesmo que fracassado, é su ciente para a Frota Estelar lhe recrutar.
Quando zer uma Tarefa utilizando Controle ou Raciocínio e gastar Determi-
nação para comprar um d20 bônus para essa Tarefa, você pode rejogar sua
parada de dados. Antigo Iniciado não pode ser selecionado se o personagem
tiver o Talento Unido — eles são mutuamente excludentes.

REQUISITOS: Trill, requer permissão do Mestre de Jogo para selecionar este

Talento após a criação de personagem.
Você possui um simbionte, com vidas de memórias para usufruir. Uma vez por
missão, você pode declarar que um antigo hospedeiro tinha experiência em uma
perícia ou campo de estudo relevante; você recebe um único Foco pelo restante
da cena conforme usa dessas memórias. Adicionalmente, você recebe um Talento
com o nome do Simbionte; isto re ete vantagens potenciais da União, a habilidade
de realizar ritos e rituais para despertar as memórias de hospedeiros passados e as
vulnerabilidades inerentes à conexão. Unido não pode ser selecionado se o perso-
nagem tiver o Talento Antigo Iniciado — eles são mutuamente excludentes.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -


The distant planet of Trill was at the edge of the Terran Empire. Upon contact
with the Empire in the early decades of the 23rd Century, Trill rejected the
xenophobic, oppressive, and discriminatory nature of the Empire. In disgust,
they turned their attention to other factions in the galaxy, forming strong ties
with the Ferengi and Cardassian Union. Their ties to these powers forced Trills
into more mercantile or militaristic roles. When the Terr an Empire encountered
the Cardassians, the two engaged in an extended border war, with both
sides using Trill as a base of operations in the sector. Despite their claims to
neutrality, the Trill found themselves caught in the middle, and many Trill ended
up working as mercenaries for one side or another. Following their alliance
with the Klingons, the Cardassians routed Terran forces on Trill, liberating the
populace, albeit at a high civilian cost. The period of warfare claimed the lives
of a disproportionate number of symbiotes, removing their stabilizing influence
on Trill society. While Trill declined to join the Klingon-Cardassian alliance,
many continued to served it as hired soldiers. With the loss of so many of the
symbiotes that previously defined their culture, Trill society became pessimistic
and melancholy, lamenting the incalculable loss of experience and knowledge
as well as the greatly reduced opportunities for joining.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Trill, or Gamemaster’s Permission
The vast majority of Trills are never joined with a symbiote: only the best and
brightest are acceptances into the Initiate Program. You either did not apply
to the program or were rejected. You are determined to make the most of your
single lifetime. When you fail a Task and did not buy extra dice, your can spend
1 Momentum and add 1 Threat to roll an extra d20.

REQUIREMENT: Trill, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You follow directions reliably but unexceptionally. Once per scene, when you
Assist with a Task, instead of rolling you can reduce the Difficulty by 1.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Tre:h Online: and Cryptic Studios
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME sharing the culture of Triskelion. And the Triskelion
SPECIES PROFILE “Thralls” are one of the most widely diverse species in the
known galaxy as a result of their auspicious origins.

Nowhere else can one encounter a being who is part

SPECIES NAME: TRISKELION Human, part Orion, and part Kazon.

Prior to the involvement of Captain Kirk and the USS
Enterprise in the 23rd century, Triskelion was a culture of
slavery, gambling, gladiatorial combat, and oppression as
the Providers abducted people from their homeworlds,
forced them into arena-combat, and wagered on, bought,
and sold the winners and losers using a type of currency
called quatloos.

The Federation starship USS Enterprise under command of

Captain James T. Kirk was obligated to visit the planet to
secure the release of several crew kidnapped by the
Providers. Upon arrival, the Enterprise discovered
numerous species enslaved on the surface as thralls,
including their missing crew. Eventually, to free the thralls,
Kirk entered into open combat against three drill thralls,
betting not quatloos on his victory, but the condition of
freedom for all if he was victorious, or enslavement of the
Enterprise crew if he lost. He won, and the Enterprise left
the system shortly afterward.

Shahna – an Orion-Human Triskelion Thrall Another condition of the wager was that the Providers
would educate the remaining thralls and allow the
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS development of a free society on the planet.
+2 Vitality, -1 Intellect, -1 Presence
As a result, the Thralls did develop a very independent
society. And yet the roots of how their culture began were
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION always held in a type of esteem. Skill in hand-to-hand
The sentient, humanoid inhabitants of Triskelion are combat was prized over many other skills, And arena-
not, by nature, native to that planet. Over the past 300 combat still conducted as a much-respected, but now
years, a trio of beings called The Providers (see voluntary sport on which not only the Providers but the
below) populated the planet by abducting people from freed Thralls and their descendants could wager.
various civilizations throughout the Alpha, Beta,
Gamma, and even Delta Quadrants. Roughly 20 years after the involvement of the Enterprise in
the development of Triskelion culture, the liberated Thralls
This makes all inhabitants of Triskelion either petitioned for membership in the Federation. And Shahna, a
members of other races cut off from their own people, part-Orion Thrall who was especially close to Kirk during
or mixed-species hybrids with the physical traits of his time on the planet, was elected by her people to
two or more races, and the cultural development of a represent the Thralls to the Federation Council.
Triskelion was finally admitted to the Federation in the early
Prior to 2267, all humanoid inhabitants of Triskelion 24th century.
were Thralls – slaves forced into gladiatorial combat
by The Providers. Either people abducted by The LANGUAGES
Providers, or the offspring of an earlier generation of
Thralls. There are many languages spoken on Triskelion. And
sometimes the common terms of one language are adopted
After the Thralls were freed by Captain James T. Kirk, into another, creating a type of jumbled slang.
they began to develop their own society. And this
society now accounts for the population of Triskelion. A Triskelion who speaks Klingon as their native language,
may also incorporate human slang, or Tellarite sayings into
Thus Triskelions, some of whom still refer to their dialect.
themselves as Thralls, are members of races not
native to Triskelion – and as an Andorian, Vulcan, In this way, Triskelion has a sort of language all its own.
Tellarite, or Human, they share the physical traits of Even if it is a combination of words and phrases from many
those races despite not being raised in their native languages from many cultures collected to ether from all
culture. four quadrants.
Some Triskelions are of mixed-species background, Triskelion names are as diverse as their language, with
showing physical traits of two or more races, while elements derived from all the different cultures who make
up the population of Thralls.
It is not uncommon for a Triskelion to have a name Triskelions are known for their prowess in combat, and
from a culture or language differet from that of their make excellent Soldiers, and Special Forces personnel and
racial background – an Orion hybrid with a Klingon will normally follow these professions.
name, or a human with a Talaxian name would not be
unusual on Triskelion. Even Triskelion Rogues will have a strong background in
armed and unarmed combat skills.
Some native names, most likely coined by the
Providers include Galt, Kloog, Lars, Shahna, and And there are several Triskelions – mostly multi-species
Tamoon. hybrids – serving in Starfleet.


Triskelion is a planet located in the M24 Alpha trinary Given the unusual nature of the Triskelion people, and their
star system. mixed culture and races, Triskelions have a wide range of
species traits and special abilities.
System M24 Alpha is a trinary star system, home of
the planet Triskelion. M24 Alpha is located some But, all people from Triskelion have certain traits in
11.630 light years from the Federation-controlled common.
Gamma system.
Triskelions are very hardy, and can endure more physical
The Gamma system is a star system. The Gamma hardships, recover from disease faster, and endure more
system is located some 11.630 light years from the damage than an average human. They receive a +1 species
M24 Alpha system, on the course of 310 mark 241. bonus to their Vitality attributes.
This system was located in Federation space, and had
one known habitable planet, Gamma II. Due to their isolated homeworld, and still somewhat
primitive culture, Triskelions are not as intellectual as even
Gamma II was an uninhabited planetoid in the Gamma some of their contributory races are – resulting in a -1
system that the Federation used, during the 23rd species penalty to Intellect. Triskelions also have some
century, as an automatic communications and difficulty interacting in social situations off Triskelion. And
astrogation station. sometimes people raised on Triskelion, who are members of
other races find it difficult to interact with other members of
Triskelion was ruled by a group of three powerful their own species.
disembodied brains called the Providers until 2268.
For this reason, Triskelion people suffer a -1 penalty to their
The Providers' society revolved around betting their Presence attribute.
monetary reserves (counted in a currency known as a
quatloo) on various aspects of captured slaves' Triskelions will also have a broad spectrum of Species
(thralls) lives, including open combat with one Traits. But there are some traits common to all Triskelions.
Gladiatorial: Because so much of their history is rooted in a
In the 24th century the Cardassians did trade with warlike culture of gladiator-combat, Triskelions often
Triskelion during the Bajoran Occupation, as did the become familiar with a variety of weapons and fighting
Bajorans after they took control of Deep Space 9. methods. Choose two skills from either the Armed Combat,
or Unarmed Combat skill groups. Both skills start at level 1.
These skills need not be in the same skill group. Thus a
Triskelion could choose Simple Weapons and Klingon
Mok'bara with this ability. In addition Triskelions may
designate one of these skills as a professional skill for the
purposes of skill acquisition and advancement.

Quick Learner: The Triskelion people got a late start on their

culture, but wasted no time in catching up. And true to their
wager with Kirk, the Providers did everything within their
power to help the freed Thralls learn and evolve into an
independent society. As a result, Triskelions learn and
master most skills quickly.

When selecting skills during the personal development

stage, Triskelion characters gain extra skill picks. Choose a
personal development package and either add +2 skill
levels to any one skill, or +1 to two separate skills.
In addition to these species traits, all Triskelions will have
the physical traits of their native species (ie. an Andorian
Triskelion will have the traits, Antennae, High Pain
Threshold, & Redundant Circulation), but not the cultural
ones, such as the Keth, in the case of the Andorian.
To amuse themselves, the Providers captured humanoids
Triskelions of mixed-race background should be and forced them to fight while they placed wagers on the
treated as characters of mixed species, as per the outcome. Inasmuch as such fights were often to the death,
rules on p.29 of the Player's Guide. they required a steady supply of humanoids. To obtain it,
they practiced humanoid husbandry with their existing

THE PROVIDERS stock (selecting breeding partners) and kidnapped suitable

humanoids from elsewhere in the galaxy via their powerful
transporter. They claimed to use only "inferior specimens"
but considering their own vast intellect and concomitant
high opinion of themselves, it is likely they regarded all
other forms of life as inferior to their own.

Provider 1 was one of the three Providers. Shortly after

Captain Kirk and his landing party demonstrated their
combat skills, Provider 1 outbid its companions, purchasing
the Enterprise crewmembers for 2000 quatloos. At that time,
Galt marked them, changing the crystals on their collars of
obedience from white to red. Galt also warned them that
further disobedience was punishable by death. Provider 1
appeared identical to its companions save for a reddish
internal radiance. Provider 1 also owned the thrall Shahna.

Provider 2 was the second known Provider. Save for a

greenish internal radiance, it appeared quite similar to its
companions. It owned the thralls Tamoon, Lars, and an
unnamed thrall designated as a "practice target" because
he was slow in obeying a command.
The three Providers that dominated Triskelion until the
involvement of the Enterprise in 2268 are more Provider 3 was the third known Provider and differed in
accurately classified as Creatures, rather than a appearance from its companions only in its yellow internal
separate species; as far as game-terms are concerned. radiance. It owned Kloog and an unnamed Andorian thrall.
And a complete Creature listing on The Providers is
available to accompany this file. ENCOUNTERS
The Providers was a colloquial term given to three By the late 24th century, Triskelions have migrated across
non-humanoid beings who controlled the planet the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Especially the many, and
Triskelion in the M24 Alpha trinary star system. They varied hybrid-aliens. Triskelions that have somehow
appeared as disembodied brains contained in a device managed to preserve themselves as a pure-blooded
giving them life support and communication abilities. member of a single species is a rare thing indeed. And
When Captain Kirk speculated in their presence in these individuals will find themselves uncomfortable among
2268 that they were the result of "primary mental their own kind.
evolution" they corrected him, stating they'd once had
humanoid form, but after eons of devoting themselves Triskelion industry has been an active part of the region for
exclusively to intellectual pursuits they had evolved centuries. In the 22nd and 23rd centuries this industry;
into their present form. The aliens called themselves mostly the exportation of luxury items, was regulated by
"Providers" because they believed the term was easier The Providers.
for the limited intellects of their slaves, whom they
called thralls, to comprehend. If their race had another Now, while the Providers live up to their name, providing
name, they never revealed it. tools, and material; the society of freed thralls controls the
manufacture, import, and export businesses on Triskelion.
The Providers controlled an immense power station,
which they concealed a kilometer or more beneath the ERAS
surface of their world. They could create and project
their voices anywhere on Triskelion, and they Enterprise: Although no contact has been made between
controlled a transporter based on light that had a Earth, and Triskelion several humans, mostly among
range of light years and operated nearly instantly. Boomers, have been abducted and forced to live out their
They could manipulate energy at least to the extent of lives as Thralls. Triskelion export industry is also thriving in
neutralizing a starship's power systems. They this period, with wine and other amenities exported from
provided sustenance and other basic needs to the Triskelion turning up on both Qo'noS, and Rigel. It is
thralls, and could punish the thralls directly or through possible the Orion Syndicate even had a business
their proxy, Galt. They evidently possessed significant arrangement with the Triskelions, trading slaves for
planetary defenses, for they did not regard the arrival exported goods.
of the USS Enterprise at their world as a significant
threat, stating that they could destroy it and make the TOS: It is during this era that the USS Enterprise
incident appear to be a magnetic storm. encountered Triskelion and the Providers. Captain Kirk
liberated the Thralls in 2268, and from this point on the Skills: Armed Combat ; Simple Weapons (Sword, Pike, Axe)
Thralls became an independent, developing and +9, Athletics (Run, Climb) +6, Entertain (Sing) +4, First Aid
evolving society. By the end of this era (c. 2290) +2, Gymnastics (Tumble) +4, Influence (Charm, Intimidate)
Triskelion was ready to apply for membership in the +5, Knowledge; Culture (Triskelion, Orion) +6, Law
Federation. (Triskelion) +4, Specific World (Triskelion) +4, Observe
(Spot) +4, Ranged Combat; Archaic Weapons (Crossbow)
TNG: With Federation membership pending, during +5, Repair (Weapons) +3, Sport (Wrestling) +6, Stealth
this era, the Triskelions continued to export wine, and (Sneak) +5, Tactics (Ground Combat) +3, Unarmed Combat;
other items. Keeping mostly to themselves, the Brawling +7, Wrestling +5
Triskelions had exportation agreements with Edges: Bold, Dodge, Weapon Mastery
Cardassia during the occupation of Bajor. They also Flaws: Bloodlust
had similar arrangments with Romulus and the Profession: Soldier
Federation, and Triskelion traders were an excellent Professional Abilities: Evasion, Battle-hardened
source of Romulan ale.
Tamoon was a deep-voiced, yellow-skinned humanoid of
DS9: The Triskelions managed to avoid the Dominon mixed-species heritage, with orange hair and large bushy
War, despite three attempts by the Dominion to attack eyebrows, who was held captive on the planet Triskelion,
the planet. During the war, the Providers used their where she served as a thrall for Provider 2.
abilities to disable starships, and transport large
numbers of people across extreme distances to In 2268 she was chosen to be Ensign Chekov's "drill thrall"
protect their planet. But, the Triskelions did not when he, Kirk and Uhura were transported to Triskelion
become directly involved in the war. They did continue from the USS Enterprise by the Providers. As Chekov's drill
trading with Bajor, as they had with Cardassia. thrall, she was responsible for his training, and providing
him with nourishment.
VOY: Triskelions do not normally venture far from their
homeworld under their own power. They do not have a During their first encounter, she commented on his name,
fully functional space-fleet. Their only space-going which she first interpreted as "Chee-koo" and later "Chee-
vessels are freighters, and cargo-carriers. And even if koof," describing it a "a very nice name." Surprised by her
a Triskelion were to be trapped in the Delta Quadrant it deep voice, the nervous Chekov, who was unsure if she was
is feasible the Providers could retrieve them using even female, remained polite towards her advances on him.
their long range light-based transporter system. Other She proceeded to grab his arms near the shoulders and
vessels trapped in the Delta Quadrant might even find gave him a squeeze, telling him that he was "a fine
an encounter with some Triskelions to their benefit, as specimen" and that she liked him "better than the others."
the Triskleions could easily posess some ability to
contact the Providers and perform a rescue using their Tamoon had plans of instructing Chekov well, so that her
transporter technology. Provider would take him, and if the Provider is pleased with
the result, he may "select" Chekov and Tamoon for each

During a later visit, Chekov tied Tamoon up with his training

harness, and when release from his quarters by Captain
Kirk, Chekov regretted that "this is going to kill our

Following the defeat of the Providers, she stayed on

Triskelion to learn a new way of life.

Advancements: 5
Attributes: Agl 10, Int 6, Prs 8, Per 7, Str 10, Vit 11*
Reactions: Quik +2, Savv 0, Stam +3*, Will 0
Defense: 9
Health: 13
Courage: 5
Species: Orion / Andorian (Triskelion Thrall)
Species Abilities: Gladiatorial, Quick Learner,
Ultraviolet Endurance, Bonus Edge (High Pain
Threshold), Redundant Circulation
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME And in the mid 24th century, Troyius became a member of
SPECIES PROFILE the Federation.

Troyians had a history of war with their neighboring planet

of Elas, and considered the spartan Elasians to be arrogant
SPECIES NAME: TROYIAN and primitive compared to the more civilized and polite
Troyian society. By 2268, new technological developments
VISUAL REPRESENTATION made the mutual destruction of the Tellun worlds a
possibility. In order to foster a lasting peace, elements of
both governments supported an arranged marriage of
Elaan, the Dohlman of Elas, to the ruler of Troyius.

The Troyian language has many similarities to Andorian, but
is spoken with an accent that sounds Asian to most Earth
humans. Troyians will also learn Elasian, Andorian, and
Federation Standard.
Troyians usually have short, uncomplicated names that are
easy to remember. They have only a single name; no
surnames, clan-names, or familial names. Some examples
of Troyian names include Petri, Yrol, and Purdi (all of these
are names of male Troyians).

Troyius, the fifth planet in the Tellun system. A planet rich in
deposits of raw dilithium, but otherwise a generally
unremarkable world. Class-M, and at Tech level 7, the main
industries of Troyius are mining and exporting.

Troyius' primary resource is it's wealth of dilithium crystals,

SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS which the Troyians call radans.
+1 Agility, +1 Perception
Although they did not have Warp-capable technology by the
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION end of the 23rd century the Troyians have developed such
Troyians appear to be distant evolutionary relatives of capabilities since the end of their conflict with the Elasians.
the Andorians. They have bluish tinged green skin,
and white hair. Some Troyians, especially of high The Troyian climate is very similar to Earth, but days are
social standing, will add coloring to their hair as an shorter and the general overall temperature tends to be
aspect of ceremonial dress. cooler. As a result, most Troyians have difficulty coping
with high levels of heat. A Troyian would be very
Troyians are basically the same size as humans, uncomfortable on Qo'noS, Vulcan, Cardassia Prime, or in
although some tend to be smaller. And they have lean, the warmer tropical or desert regions of Earth.
agile physiques.
Their eyes are blue, or green in color. And they do not Troyians are very adaptable, and can usually find work
have the antennae of the Andorians. successfully in any profession they chose. But, their natural
talents seem to lie in Mercantile or Diplomatic pursuits.
CULTURE Troyians also make good soldiers, although they prefer to
Troyian culture is still somewhat primitive by avoid gratuitous violence.
Federation standards, but they are not as inherently
warlike as Andorians. A Troyian is more likely to prefer Troyian Starship Officers are not uncommon, and Science,
a logical solution to a problem than a confrontational Operations, and Counseling will be the fields most Troyians
one, although they can show strong aggressive will gravitate to in Starfleet. A Troyian Security officer would
tendencies if they feel threatened. be more inclined to the “law officer” variety of Voyager's
Lieutenant Tuvok, rather than the aggressive “soldier” style
Troyians have a great respect for intellect, education, of the Enterprise's Lieutenant Commander Worf.
and institutions of higher learning such as the Vulcan
Science Academy, or Starfleet Academy. SPECIES ABILITIES
Incisive: While Troyians do not have the antennae, and thus
Troyian governmental arrangement includes a Ruler the enhanced senses of their Andorian cousins, they more
and the Troyius Tribunal. Troyians maintained a than make up for this with their sharply focused
friendly diplomatic relationship with the Federation, observational skills. Not only do they receive a +1 species
during a period of conflict between the Federation and bonus to their Perception attribute, but Troyians also
the Klingon Empire over control of the Tellun system. receive a natural +1 to their Savvy reaction rolls.
Cogitative: Troyians are deep thinkers, and have a
natural knack for studying the peoples and cultures
they encounter. They receive a +1 bonus to all
Academic tests, and a +2 to all Culture skill rolls.

Bonus Edges: Eidetic Memory

Species Flaws: Thin-blooded (Heat)

Optional Species Flaws: Arrogant, Proud, Pacifist.

Most Troyians will have these flaws. But they can be
bought off, as long as a good reason is supplied, by
the player, for why the individual Troyian does not
have one or more of these traits that are common to
the species. The hardest flaw to buy off for most
Troyians will be the Proud flaw.

Petri – Troyian Ambassador to the Elasians in 2268.

Yrol – Original Executive Officer aboard the USS

Expedition, in 2269; under Captain Gwendolyn Grace
Connor. Yrol was one of few truly aggressive Troyians,
who enjoyed a military lifestyle. He died in the line of
duty on Neural in 2270.
Long ago, the Vaadwaur were the undisputed masters of their region of space. But like all great
empires, eventually those that they had dominated rose up and overthrew them. The foremost member
of the alliance that defeated the dreaded Vaadwaur was the Turei. The Turei lost no time in lling
the vacuum left by the Vaadwaur, and while they would never become as powerful or as feared, the
Turei laid claim to the vast network of subspace corridors that had given their ancestral enemies their
strategic edge – Underspace.

For nearly a thousand years, the Turei have controlled this important territory, using it in a similar way
to the Vaadwaur, with perhaps less conquest. Today, the Turei are an insular culture and protect the
Underspace, and therefore their livelihood, with aggressiveness and determination. Their control of
Underspace has provided them with prosperity and military supremacy on all worlds that connect to it
and they jealously guard it. Vessels which stumble into Underspace through anomalies or by navigational
mishaps can expect to be intercepted almost immediately and have all records of Underspace purged
from their computers.

EXAMPLE VALUE: No One Shall Be My Master

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Turei. The Turei are an ancient spacefaring species, once under the thrall of the
Vaadwaur. The Turei are now the controlling power of the Underspace – a strange
extradimensional realm. With their command of the Underspace, the Turei are powerful and feared.
The Turei are a resilient species, both mentally and physically. Their skin is extremely thick and much
of their body is covered with cartilage-like protrusions. Lacking a proper nose, the Turei instead
possess the ability to “smell” the air through glands along their tongue, similar to a snake.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following Talents:

REQUIREMENT: Turei, Ktarian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Turei have a well-earned reputation for becoming deeply committed to a particular goal – a single-
minded determination to achieve success. When a Character with this Talent succeeds at a Task where
they could have spent a point of Determination, but chose not to, they may spend 3 Momentum to
gain a point of Determination. This Talent may only be used once per mission.

REQUIREMENT: Turei, or Gamemaster’s permission.

When attempting any Task involving navigating subspace realms, such as Underspace corridors,
the character reduces the Di culty of that Task by 1, to a minimum of 1.

Turei names are usually two to three syllables and frequently use double r’s and, less so, double l’s.
It is commonly believed that this is in honor of Turrall, a Turei commander during the war against the
Vaadwaur. While feminine Turei were traditionally given names that end with i’s or a’s, this has been falling
out of favor over the last century, and unisex names are growing in popularity. Like many humanoid
species, the Turei also use a familial name which follows their given name.

Masculine: Bellas, Torral, Peral, Norrick, Relarr, Mariek, Berrel, Varrolik, Julear, Desteck
Feminine: Pesta, Alerri, Estarra, Trelli, Errika, Rellen, Harrila, Jularri, Waseun, Donwani
Gender-Neutral: Busal, Derran, Warrek, Sarrvel, Kiran, Arrolen, Kenuer, Shilsen
Family: Turell, Buhese, Kiralur, Wanoti, Kotathi, Hailova, Jailance, Madmika
TOS era and beyond

The Tyrellian population consists of 3 sexes: male, female, & neuter. All
Tyrellian children are born neuter, & upon entering puberty, begin to develop
either male or female sexual characteristics. There are a # of factors that
affect which sex the child matures into, including (but not limited to): the # &
sex of the child's siblings; the size of their community & the ratio of males to
females within it; certain environmental factors such as diet & climate; & so

Tyrellians are matrilineal, with lineage traced through the female line.
Traditionally, naming would have been in the form "Child Name, child of
Mother Name, grandchild of Grandmother Name", as far back was
reasonable. In modern times this has been abbreviated, & a child simply
takes their mother's given name as their surname.

EXAMPLE VALUE: No one likes to be in the middle of things.

The Tyrellians bear considerable similarities to many other Beta Quadrant
species as mammalian, bilaterally symmetrical bipeds capable of eating
an omnivorous diet. There are 3 sexes [Male, Female & Neuter], & as a
species, they exhibit significant sexual tri-morphism.

Tyrellian, or with GM's permission only.

Telepathy [T5]
Tyrellian has developed touch-telepathic abilities. 2 Tyrellians could not
telepathically converse while in physical contact. Rather, they are able to
share memories, experiences & sensory input. Their Touch is able to
psionically heal all Stress, 1/mission; & relieve pain as desired.

Tyrellians are artistic & an average citizen practices some form of artistic
expression as a major part of their daily lifestyle. They gain 1d20 bonus to
any Crafting tasks.


TRAITS: Breen. This Trait may reduce TRAITS: Russth Gorn or Ssessekh Gorn. Gorn are large and powerfully-built,
the Di culty of Tasks to resist extreme even more so than other mighty species such as Klingons or Nausicaans. They
temperatures (as long as the Breen is in their are many times stronger than a Human, and resilient enough to ignore massive
suit) or Tasks impacted by extremely low or blunt force trauma or even short periods in hard vacuum. However, Gorn are not
high temperatures. Any Stress removed from especially agile or fast. Gorn are ectothermic – cold-blooded – with their body
a Breen character, because of attack damage, temperature varying by external factors, and thus favor warm environments
is halved (rounding up) – re ecting the Breen where they can be most active and e ective. Russth Gorn are the smaller of the
extremely resilient nature. They are also immune two Gorn species and are less commonly known outside Gorn space.
to empaths and telepaths, feeling very little to
nothing compared to other humanoid races.
Breen believe themselves ultimately superior to TRAITS: Nausicaan. Nausicaans are a tall, very strong species hailing from
all other creatures. They take what they want Nausicaa. They are generally stronger than an average Human, though often
and always take prisoners – why would they somewhat less intelligent, preferring brute force over nesse and direct
waste a valuable resource when prisoners can methods as opposed to subtlety. They have little patience for organized forms
be sold for credits to the highest bidder? of government, though they will tolerate following a captain for as long as that
captain earns their capricious loyalty. Nausicaans are somewhat resistant to
pain and injury, and almost never back down from a challenge, especially when
TRAITS: Ferengi. Ferengi possess acute it involves games that carry the potential for serious bodily harm to themselves
hearing far beyond that of other humanoid or their opponents.
races and are able to hear both higher and
lower frequencies. This allows them to hear
things that others cannot but also means that TRAITS: Tzenkethi. This Trait may reduce the Di culty of Tasks requiring
they experience severe pain at intense sound (extreme) exibility. When not in combat or stressful situations, they naturally
and any physical trauma to their enlarged ears. regenerate at extremely fast speeds as long as they have at least 1 Stress.
They also possess hardy immune systems, Tzenkethi are singularly focused on excellence and moving up the Echelons,
rendering them immune to many common therefore they will do anything they can in order to complete the task ahead of
diseases. However, their small stature makes them and succeed, even if this means dying in the process. Other Tzenkethi
them ill-suited for intense or prolonged physical authority gures are holy to them and they would never go against direct orders.
exertion and many consider them weak. To Due to a history of dealing with alien invaders the Tzenkethi are extremely
add to this, Ferengi try to avoid hard labor and mistrustful of aliens and believe they are without morals.
direct confrontation, leading to a reputation
for cowardice. The structure of Ferengi brains
renders them immune to telepathy.

where a lone Star eet vessel is placed a signi cant distance

The Player Characters are assigned to a remote stretch of from the Federation, and largely left to themselves to explore
the Federation border within the Alpha Quadrant, far from and survive.
well-known space lanes and weeks away from a Star eet
starbase or reliable network of communication relays. The Perhaps the Players nd themselves in the middle of a war
captain and the crew are e ectively the only Federation between two or more opposing species, and are forced to
representatives in this region of space, and the species take sides when some of their crew members are captured
they interact with will only know them and their actions as and used as bargaining chips. The Player Characters might
representing the Federation’s policies and ideals. end up rescuing the mortal enemy of another species and
discover they have leverage of their own to play with. Do
A mission or campaign in this remote region of space could the Player Character hold to their Star eet and Federation
take any number of directions, ideally in uenced and shaped values, or do they allow themselves to be in uenced by the
by the actions the Players take (or don’t take). In this respect, actions of the newly-encountered species?
this adventure seed is similar in tone to Star Trek: Voyager,

Aggressive and territorial, the Tzenkethi Coalition is led by a ruler known

as the Autarch. The Tzenkethi government is a kratocracy, and the Autarch
retains their position for as long as they can hold onto power, which transitions
via coups. Under the Autarch are a series of appointed ministers, known as
Tzelnira, whose job is to maintain order during shifts of power. The Tzenkethi
have a well-earned reputation for pragmatism and ruthlessness, with mercy
only being granted to those who earn it. Tzenkethi have little respect for
weakness or frailty, but acknowledge cunning as a variant form of strength.
Early in the 24th Century, the Tzenkethi engaged in several skirmishes with the
Klingon Empire and even fought a border war against the Federation. Following
these defeats, the Tzenkethi withdrew behind their borders, participating in
little diplomacy for the better part of a century. The Tzenkethi retain lingering
animosity over their war with the Federation, and the Coalition engages
in regular propaganda that paints the United Federation of Planets as
immoral: a source of chaos, dissidents, and illicit chemicals. The Tzenkethi
government considers the Federation’s method of government—where all
members and people have a voice—as tantamount to anarchy, and view
Federation values as subversive. All Tzenkethi who leave their home
world heavily armoured, with soldiers wearing defensive body armour
with build-in weaponry and equipment. Specialists have additional
equipment built into their armour, such as sensors, surgical
equipment, or heavy mortars.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Might is the Only Right

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Tzenkethi. Large reptilian beings, the Tzenkethi have

four arms: two large heavily-muscled arms and two smaller
arms with nimble hands. Tzenkethi lack bones and their
skeleton is made up of several fluid-filled sacs that can be
expanded or contracted, allowing individuals to grow and
shrink. Their skin is thick, comparable to a rhino’s, while their
backs are covered in thick chitinous plates.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


You know how to use your twin sets of arms with coordination
and efficiency. On your turn, you can take an additional Minor
Action, which can only be used for the Draw Item or Interact
Minor Actions. Additionally, you add the Vicious 1 effect to your
Unarmed Strike.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
Before the 21st century, the Ullians were a violent people. Telepathic
memory invasion was a common occurrence. By the end of the 21st
century, they had become peaceful, and instances of memory invasion were
virtually eliminated, although some members of the Ullian society still
practiced that form of rape.
Since 2368, the Ullians have embarked upon an ambitious plan to construct
a library of memories from species across the Federation and beyond.
Several Ullians were trained in telepathic memory retrieval and used the
ability to reconstruct and collect memories. It was hoped the memory library
would be not unlike an repository of oral histories. One group of Ullians
visited eleven planets in eight star systems including Melina II, Nel III, and
Hurada III. Kaldra IV was also a planned stop.
For the most part, the Ullians are gentle, honest, and friendly
people. They have a great passion for their work, but did not
wish to coerce other species into participating if they were not
willing. However, since the Ullians are not aligned with any great
power, they often hire themselves out as mercenaries. The
Cardassian Obsidian Order was known to use Ullian agents.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Let Me Collect Your Stories

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Ullian. The Ullians are physically similar to Humans.

The sides of their skulls had a pronounced hairless bulge
which houses organs used for telepathy. Ullians are capable
of telepathically reading most humanoid species, although
other telepathic species such as the Betazoids have
di culty in reading Ullian minds.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Cultural Flexibility (Denobulan)

Open and Insightful (Risian)
Telepath (Betazoid)
This Talent is mandatory and must be selected by a Ullian character during
character creation.

Feminine Names: Inad, Ofelia, Keytra, Yenla
Masculine Names: Aubin, Jev, Tarmin
Gender-Neutral Names: Inad, Jeymin, Kemad
Family Names: Mavroidis, Tabor, Tosh



Militaristic and slightly xenophobic, the Vaadwaur used a network of subspace

corridors, known as Underspace, to spread across a wide expanse of the Delta
Quadrant. Vaadwaur initially used these corridors for trade and exploration,
but quickly began to employ for raids and the conquest. By the 15th Century,
a species known as the Turei formed an alliance of several worlds to fight
against the Vaadwaur. Believing that without a mutual enemy, this “Turei
Coalition” would collapse, several groups of Vaadwaur placed themselves
in stasis chambers throughout their empire, planning to reawaken in
when they could reclaim their territory. Following the devastation and
irradiation of their homeworld by the Turei, many stasis chambers
failed or were destroyed. The controls for a battalion of six-hundred
Vaadwaur malfunctioned, leaving them frozen for almost nine
centuries. After being revived by Federation explorers, the Vaadwaur
discovered that in the intervening centuries the Borg and Devore
lmperium had claimed much of their territory. Fifty-three Vaadwaur
ships fled into Underspace, planning to find a new home, while also
hoping to find other surviving Vaadwaur still in stasis.

EXAMPLE VALUE: My Only Motive is Survival.

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Vaadwaur. The defining feature of Vaadwaur are the

cobra-like large neckridges running from the base of their ears to
their collarbone. A fin-like crest runs atop their head. Biologically,
Vaadwaur had traits of both mammals and reptiles, having scaling
skin, a warm-blooded metabolism, and live births but retaining a
reptilian ability to suspended their biological functions.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Vaadwaur, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You can will your metabolism to slow down, reducing your need for
oxygen and decreasing your heart rate. You gain the Slow Metabolism
trait for the remainder of the scene or until you resume your normal
metabolism. Additionally, if you are injured you can slow your metabolism
to automatically stabilize, and reduces the difficulty of Tasks to remove
the injury by 1 .

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME similar to a fingerprint when it comes to identifying an
SPECIES PROFILE individual Vakluran. And it is against Vakluran law to
tamper with the tattooing once it has been applied.

Because the tattoos serve to tell a life story of sorts, this

SPECIES NAME: VAKLURAN means it is very hard for a Vakluran to live down an event
in their life they may regret if it was also significant
VISUAL REPRESENTATION enough to be included in the symbolism of their personal

Vakluran women do not shave their heads, and instead

wear their dark hair long. But they still have the required
ritual tattooing, on their foreheads, faces, backs, and
upper bodies.

All Vakluran have dark eyes.

Vakluran culture is very similar to Romulan culture, but it
also has some major differences. Whereas Romulans are
known for being warlike, and achieved their status as an
imperial power by military conquest, the Vakluran have a
very different way of gaining influence and expanding
their power-base.

Essentially a capitalist culture, with a strong value placed

on business and on monetary worth, the Vakluran have
built up a large empire consisting of several semi-
independent worlds that have either allied themselves
with the Vaklurans or have become subjugated under
SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS Vakluran government.
+1 Strength, -1 Presence, +1 Intellect
Those worlds who are allied with the Vaklurans form the
official governing body of the Vakluran Coalition, with the
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Vakluran planetary government acting as the seat of
The Vakluran are a Vulcan off-shoot race very similar to power for this coalition.
the Romulans. And yet there appears to be no
documented record of them in Vulcan culture, or history. There are between 12 and 20 worlds who are voluntary
members of the Vakluran Coalition, and they include
When the original Romulans broke away from Vulcan and some of the more powerful peoples of the region of the
left to establish their own civilization, which later became Alpha Quadrant where the Vakluran Coalition is a
the Romulan Empire, the records of the earliest in that dominant force.
chain of events were kept, meticulously, on Vulcan as one
would expect. But there are many other worlds that are part of this
coalition unwillingly, or because they had no other choice
And yet there appears to be no such record regarding the but to place themselves under Vakluran rule.
The Vaklurans do not invade a world, or take control of
It is possible that they are either an off-shoot of the another planet with hostile military action, however.
original Romulans, rather than descending directly from Vaklurans gain control of a planet in a method similar to
Vulcan stock. what was once known on Earth as a “protection racket”.

Vaklurans physically resemble Romulans, but they do not The Vaklurans, when choosing a world to annex, will
have the slight forehead ridge that distinguishes the choose a world that is already under some difficulty.
Romulan people from their Vulcan cousins. Perhaps the planet's agricultural capabilities have been
decimated by some natural disaster, or the world has
Vaklurans do have the same upswept eyebrows, and suffered a recent military defeat and is in the midst of
pointed ears of both the Romulan and Vulcan people. reconstruction, or of rebuilding their basic society.
Vakluran men shave their heads bald, however, which
creates a stark difference. It is at this point the Vaklurans move in. They begin their
conquest by hiring mercenaries, usually from among
In addition, all Vakluran have some sort of tattooing on privateers and underworld groups in the Alpha Quadrant.
their heads, faces, foreheads and even some parts of And these mercenaries will carry out whatever
their upper bodies. This tattooing serves as a designation aggression the Vakluran see as required to overwhelm
of social rank and importance and a skilled Vakluran can the people of their target world.
read the tattoos as if reading a printed biography of the
individual. The Vakluran tattoos can serve a function Sometimes this involves direct military aggression,
sometimes it can be quiet, and devious, as the Vakluran's Most Vaklurans encountered will speak their own
hired agents manipulate the target world socially, or language. They will also be functional in the native
politically. In any case the result is the same. The target languages of at least two or three other Coalition member
world is made vulnerable to the next step of the process. worlds, depending on which planets in the Coalition the
individual Vakluran interacts with most commonly.
This next step involves the Vaklurans coming to the aid of
the target world; either by volunteering diplomats to Few Vakluran speak Federation Standard, unless they
resolve any political difficulties the mercenaries created – have been required to operate in Federation space for
perhaps the planet was nearly plunged into a war with a whatever reason.
neighboring world – or, in some cases the Vaklurans will COMMON NAMES
even send their military to “remove” the “invading”
Vakluran will have both a family name, or surname, and a
mercenaries from the planet.
proper name. Like their language in general, Vakluran
names sound like a mix of Romulan and Cardassian
And all the target world must do to benefit from not only
linguistic elements.
the initial support of the Vakluran people, but to continue
receiving their help is to become a member of the
Family Names: Borak, Volshar, Pintaris, Ashrak, Minar
Vakluran Coalition.
Male Names: Vitan, Opitak, Tenarak, Silvar, Morshar
Female Names: Bilan, Tinarif, Silaris, Vinta, Asha, Milara
Once under Vakluran control, the planet is then governed
by a Vakluran regent. A contingent of Vakluran soldiers
are stationed on the planet to prevent revolt ad to see to it HOMEWORLD
that the new coalition member fulfills whatever further The Vakluran homeworld of Vakul is a large class-M
arrangements were agreed to in the initial treaty of planet in orbit around a dark blue class-O star.
membership. And any visits to the planet by ships, or by
personnel representing outside governments is strictly Vakul is located at the heart of the Vakluran Coalition, an
regulated. interstellar empire that dominates at least seven sectors
of space sandwiched neatly between the regions
In this way the Vaklurans have amassed an impressive controlled by the Breen, the Tholians, and the Cardassian
empire, easily the rival of the Romulan or Klingon Union.
empires. But Vakluran space is located on what could be
described as the “opposite side” of the quadrant from The Vakluran are on a technological plane equal to that of
those other two galactic powers. Romulus, or Cardassia. But most of their technology –
weapons, warp-drive, etc., seems to be based on phased
Vakluran culture itself can seem very similar to that of energy, and matter-antimatter conversion configured
both the Cardassians and the Romulans. Vakluran are a similarly to that of the Klingons.
proud people. They have all the technological
advancements and amenities of their Romulan cousins. The Vaklurans have a very large and capable star navy,
And they have a strong military, and a large and powerful but choose not to use military might in conquering
starfleet. planets they wish to add to their Coalition.

But, their devotion to a more capitalist, business and In some cases worlds will actually volunteer to become
industry based society has lead to the Vaklurans being members of the Coalition. These voluntary members then
less militarily aggressive than the Romulans, or become members of the ruling body, and their governing
Cardassians. And yet they are more devious and officials are allowed to participate in Vakluran elections,
deceptive in their dealings with other species. and to select high-ranking figures from among their own
people to serve as regents of the Coalition, governing
As a result the Vaklurans have remained a largely neighboring planets who have been subjugated into the
unknown power, only encountered by the Federation on a Coalition.
few occasions over the past two centuries. And none of
these encounters ever resulted in any meaningful first Physically, Vakul is a beautiful world. There are three
contact procedures, or any direct conflict. large continents, and several smaller ones. And the
Vakluran landscape is almost paradisaical.
It was not until 2386, when the Vaklurans attempted to
annex, or subjugate Cardassia that the Federation, or the The Vakluran maintain their environment, despite their
rest of Alpha Quadrant society came into general conflict industrialized culture, by outsourcing the labor required
with the Vaklurans. to maintain such a culture to other worlds in the
Coalition. As a result, many worlds in the Vakluran
As a result, the military might of the Coalition, and its Coalition are as environmentally unstable as Vakul is
several voluntary member worlds is beginning to be felt stable.
in Federation space, and beyond.
LANGUAGES Vakluran can be found in almost any profession
The Vakluran language has some strong similarities to throughout their Coalition. The most notable exception
both Romulan and Vulcan, indicating a common root- are Vakluran Mystics.
language. But some elements of Vakluran dialect are also
similar in tone and structure to Cardassian. The Vakluran A Vakluran Mystic is the equivalent of a philosopher. A
language is as easy, or as hard, to learn as Romulan. wizened teacher who will be an expert in the history of the
Vakluran people. And it is from a well-taught Vakluran
Mystic that one might learn more of the origins of the
Vakluran people, and of their connections to Romulans
and Vulcans beyond the physical similarities.

Most Vaklurans will be Diplomats, Merchants, Soldiers, or


There are also a large number of Vakluran serving as

Starship Officers in their own starfleet.

Vaklurans are easily as strong as Romulans, but not as
powerful as Vulcans. This works out to a +1 to their
Strength attribute. They also have a -1 penalty to their
Presence, due to their coarse, often impersonal way
dealing with others. And even though they do not have
the psionic abilities inherent to Vulcans, and possible for
some Romulan people, Vakluran are exceptionally
intelligent, giving them a +1 to their Intellect attribute
The symbol of the Vakluran people, and their homeworld of
In addition, Vaklurans will have the following distinctive Vakul, as displayed on most of their banners, as well as their
species traits and abilities. primary computer displays.

Bonus Edge: Keen Hearing. Like Romulans and Vulcans, The inclusion of ancient Vulcan script does indicate some
Vakluran have especially keen hearing and they receive connection to the Vulcan people in what has become obscured
the edge Skill Focus (Keen Hearing), and its benefits for Vakluran history.
Prepared: All Vaklurans are trained, from an early age, to
be able to handle any task they undertake. They are very
The Vakluran have a variety of weapons used by their
precise and organized in how they approach even the
soldiers to enforce the directives of the Vakluran
most menial of jobs. Vaklurans receive a +1 bonus to all
Coalition upon subjugated worlds.
extended and combined tests in which they participate. In
addition they are not easily distracted, and d not suffer
Mercenaries working for the Coalition do not use
penalties for distractions during Academic tests.
Vakluran issued weapons, however, they will use
weapons of their own design, from the technology of their
Devious: Vakluran culture requires all Vaklurans to be
own culture, or bought off of the black market, as is usual
able to manipulate, connive, and deceive for the purpose
among mercenaries and private soldiers-for-hire.
of advancing the Vakluran Coalition beyond its current
borders. As a result, Vakluran learn these skills from an
early age and receive a +2 species bonus to all Influence VAKLURAN DISRUPTOR RIFLE
skill tests.

Prying: Vaklurans are naturally curious individuals, and

usually use whatever information they are able to extract
by means of even the most casual conversation to further
whatever personal goal they may have. As a result,
Vaklurans gain a +2 species bonus to all Inquire skill

Underworld Connections: Due to their extensive use of

mercenaries, and their habit of hiring privateers to Specifications: 75cm long, 2.5L in volume, 2.3kg
establish their claims to worlds they wish to absorb into Description: A shoulder weapon of an elaborate
their Coalition, most Vaklurans will develop a few and ornate design that has a decorative, and
connections among the criminal elements of the Alpha intimidating look. The weapon is surprisingly
Quadrant. They receive a +2 to all Enterprise (Streetwise) easy to use, and is not nearly as unwieldy as it
skill tests as a result of these connections. looks.
Settings: 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, and 16
Bonus Edges: Meticulous. Multitasking. Duration/Energy: 3,000 charges
Species Flaws: Arrogant. Proud Range: 5 / 50 / 100 / 200 +50 meters


Specifications: 20cm long, 0.8L in volume, 0.7kg
Description: The sidearm of all Vakluran military
personnel, including both shipboard officers and
planetside enforcement troops. Less elaborate in
its construction than the disruptor rifle, but still
one of the most powerful energy pistols available.
Settings: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, and 16
Duration/Energy: 1,200 charges
Range: 5 / 20 / 50 / 100 +20 meters

Given that Vakluran energy weapons bear a striking

resemblance in look and function to Reman weapons it is
almost inevitable that the Vakluran either supplied the
designs of these weapons, or the weapons themselves to
the Remans prior to the Reman revolt against Romulus.
The same can be said of Vakluran starships, and their
similarities in design, and capability to Reman warbirds.


Specifications: 35cm long

Description: An oddly shaped knife with a very
sharp point and yet very dull edges, designed to
cause excruciating pain when used as a stabbing
weapon. The weapon is carried as a sidearm, for
use in hand-to-hand combat, by Vakluran starship
officers and enforcement soldiers.
Parry Modifier: +1
Damage: 1d6+4
Rules: Does an additional 1d6 damage when
pulled from a wound – does double damage when
inserted into the wound up to the ring on the hilt,
and an additional 1d6+4 when pulled from the
wound at this depth.

Inserting the dagger to its full length requires a

successful initial attack, followed by another
successful attack, which receives, as a bonus, the
degree of success of the previous attack.

eg.: if the attacker scored a Complete success then he would

receive a bonus of 1-5 on his followup attack. A Superior
Success would net a bonus of 6-10.
2371 & beyond [Shackleton Expanse]

Ripe with rage from the implosion of their own brutal warrior culture, Vaksian
are wayward survivors adrift among the Klingon Empire societies. They came
from a planet known as K’Shorin (or “The Egg World”) that was destroyed by
an inter-clan war 300 years ago. Once a proud & cruel warrior culture known
across the stars as savage marauders, they are now a scattered people.
They are commonly found in the KDF, day labor crews, or as enforcers.
Despite all, they are fiercely loyal to those who earn their trust & will literally
die for them. Their most prominent feature is the various sub-dermal plates
that send up rough blades through their skin. While not entirely covered with
blades, each limb generally has 2-3 long blades on it, a few small spurs on
the torso, & their face & scalp has various spikes protruding where a human
might have hair.
Names: Male: B’Jok, Kredar, Krodissious, Chatter; Female: Trugdiv, Lemker,
Postivoian, Melice

EXAMPLE VALUE: "We have a plan to kill everyone we meet."

"We dedicate ourselves to personal honor."

Attributes: Control +1, Fitness +2, Insight +1, Presence -1.

Vaksian stand at 6'6 with dark green or slate blue skin that cover large
sinewy muscles. They can see in dim light suffering no Difficulty penalties
for low-light conditions. They have plates of hard bone under their skin.
You gain a Resistance of 2. Spiked Skin: Creatures who strike you with an
unarmed strike take 1CD damage, Piercing 1. In addition, if a creature ends
their turn grappled with you, they take +1CD damage, Piercing 1.

Vaksian, or with GM's permission.

Ancient Warrior Culture

Vaksian are an Ancient Warrior race who are raised in these traditions
from an early age. You gain 1d20 to your Security rolls. Your unarmed
strikes gain +1CD due to the spikes that cover your hands.

Short Temper [Required]

Vaksian have a notoriously short temper. During Social Interactions/
Conflicts, you increase the Difficulty by 3 (max. 5) to avoid losing your
temper. If successful, the Diff decreases by 1 for each additional roll


Species Adjustments: +2 Strength, +2 Vitality, -1 Agility

Species Abilities: Natural Armour (scaly hide) absorbs 1 point of damage.

Reptilian race with a gruff disposition, but immense strength. However, the Gnalish find
difficulty in climbing. One member of the Gnalish race was invited to the expedition to
find the Soul of Alar.

Note: Author Michael Jan Friedman has agreed with fan speculation that Sord of TAS (The Jihad) is
probably Gnalish, in particular of the relatively smaller Fejjimaera sub-species introduced in his novel

Species Adjustments: none*

Species Abilities:
Mimic- Vendorians can mimic anything they touch, within limits. The creature or object
must have a similar size and mass as the Vendorian. The longer the Vendorian remains
in that particular form the more characteristics of that form they assume. This is
especially true when it assumes a humanoid form. In these instances the Vendorian
absorbs memories and personality traits of the individual they touch. The Vendorian
requires a Willpower reaction test TN 15 (this maybe extended) and a Stamina reaction
test TN 10 to maintain the form per day. For each day the Vendorian remains in
humanoid form a +1 is added to the Willpower reaction test.

Nerve Pinch-same as Vulcan (see PG p.49)

*Note: When generating a Vendorian NPC, the NPC's Attributes and Reactions are
assumed to be the same as Human. Also the Ht and Wt of an Vendorian is assumed to
be the same as a Human.

Vendorians were a species of shapeshifters native to the world of Vendor in the system
of the same name, within the Romulan Star Empire in the Beta Quadrant.
In their natural forms, Vendorians were cephalopodic, with six tentacles attached to the
body and head. Despite an apparently ungainly form, they had great agility and grace,
and reflexes superior to those of a human. They were orange and red in color.
The touch of a Vendorian's tentacle (or its hand when disguised) on a human neck could
induce unconsciousness for a few minutes, followed by a feeling of dizziness as the
victim awoke. They were also strong enough to grapple with.
It is unclear what causes this unconsciousness, but it seems to be required for a
Vendorian to mimic that person's form.
They had five eyes spaced around their head, each covered by a convex lens and faintly
glowing. These gave a Vendorian 360º vision, though it could be limited or lost when
shapeshifted into other forms.
Vendorians were also shapeshifters, with the ability to rearrange their internal and
molecular structure at will, as if like a liquid, using the technique of cellular
metamorphosis, similar to that of the Antosians. The ability was unlike that exhibited by
Changelings, and seemingly more limited. Frequent shape-changing could be tiring;
familiar shapes were easier. The ability was apparently enabled by crossing their
A Vendorian could resemble any living creature or object of any shape as long as it was
of approximately the same mass. When disguised as a human, they could replicate
voice and fingerprints, and a 2260s medical examination found only minor, albeit
unusual variations upon the human norm. When disguised as an object, they were
capable of functioning as that object, and even conducting a current through their
bodies, though complex mechanisms (such as the control circuitry of a deflector shield)
required a greater precision of mimicry and could be quite difficult.
For Vendorians, deception was a way of life, and they quite enjoyed using their
shapeshifting abilities to mimic other people and objects. A new person or thing to imitate
became a subject of great fascination for Vendorians, though its discoverer effectively
became its owner, with exclusive rights to it.
To others, their habits seemed silly, even pointless, and quite lazy. However, it was vitally
important for a Vendorian to be able to produce something, or to be engaged in a useful
task that was of value both to themself and to the one that they were performing it for,
and to be of value to another. This was said to be a matter of life or death for the
Human concepts of emotion and feeling were strange to the Vendorians, and they
lacked concepts of love, companionship and attachment. Unfortunately, a Vendorian in
close association with another person, or wearing their shape, began to take on aspects
of that person’s personality and feel their emotions, and not just as a matter of mimicry.
Though not total, the effect grew stronger over time, and they could absorb such things
as hunger, tiredness, sadness, love, homesickness and even pain and injury; when the
other experienced it, the other felt it. They effectively became a part of that person, and
they became a part of them. Such an attachment was considered a mental deviation.
The Vendorians were known for their skilled surgeons and advanced medical
techniques. They were able to graft skin, regenerate bone, and replace blood and
damaged organs for artificial substitutes. By Vendorian custom, following the completion
of main surgery, one of their people was assigned to care for the patient until they
reached full health. This compassion did not extent to mental health; those called mental
deviates and aberrations were rejected by their fellows.
Vendorians shunned and outcast their so-called mental deviates and non-producers, and
those who had no useful role or value. These pariahs were effectively denied a useful
role in Vendorian society, deemed useless except for the very lowest tasks and they
lived as recluses on the outskirts of Vendorian towns.
The Vendorian language was quite unusual in that it contained conditional verb forms.
One Vendorian complained that language (possibly their own) made communication
frustratingly difficult, that it confused instead of enlightened.
The Vendorians were known to the Thelasian Trading Confederacy. In 2155, Ensign
Hoshi Sato purchased a copy of the language from a Thelasian private database.
At some point, Vendorians were deemed by the Federation to be still psychologically
unfit for involvement in the interstellar community, due to their practice of deception and
shapeshifting. By several treaties between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire
since 2161, Vendor was quarantined, landings there were illegal, and it was forbidden to
use its people as spies. Consequently, few in the Federation had actually seen a
Vendorian (or knew if they had), and they had never been tried in Federation courts
before 2269.
However, throughout the 2260s, the Romulans made regular secret visits to Vendoria
with offers of alliance. The Vendorians had no interest in this; they had little reason to
work for them, and the Romulans had nothing to offer them. However, the Romulans
could offer new lives to Vendorian outcasts, such as the one who posed as Carter
In 2264, the famous human trader and philanthropist Carter Winston crash-landed his
ship on Vendoria after suffering meteor damage and lacking any alternative world to land
on. He was badly injured, but Vendorian surgeons healed him and assigned him to the
care of one of their number. He lived marooned on their world for some time before
finally succumbing to his injuries and dying. In that time, he developed a close
relationship with his carer, a Vendorian who would eventually adopt his personality and
be outcast for it.
Romulan agents offered this Vendorian a new and valuable occupation and employed
him a spy. In 2269, the Winston-Vendorian piloted Winston's repaired ship until it was
rescued by the USS Enterprise, whereupon it attempted to steer the starship into the
Romulan Neutral Zone and sabotaged its deflector shields so it could be captured by the
Romulans. However, due to his love for Winston's fiancée, Starfleet Lieutenant Anne
Nored, the Winston-Vendorian used itself to function as the damaged deflector shield
components and the saved the Enterprise. It agreed to stand trial for its actions, with its
change-of-heart taken into consideration.
Note: Vendorians may not be a player character species.

Species Adjustments: +1 Intellect, +1 Vitality

Species Abilities: Thinker

Gallamites are short, averaging only 1.6m in height, and slender, averaging 50kg. They
have a slightly greenish cast to their amber skin. The hand has four digits, three long
slender fingers and an opposable thumb. The eyes are somewhat larger than Humans,
and have an epicanthic fold similar to eastern Asian Humans. The ears are small and
pointed like those of a Vulcan. The most distinguishing feature, however, is the fact that
the cranium is transparent, and the brain is twice the size of a Human brain. Some races
feel a mild atavistic discomfort at seeing a living brain pulsing inside the cranium, and
some Gallamites wear a close-fitting hood-like garment to avoid making others

Gallamite culture is quiet and contemplative for the most part. Gallamites excel in the
sciences, having a natural affinity for mathematics. Although not as well known as the
Vulcan Science Academy or the Daystrom Institute, the Campus of Mathematical and
Analytical Arts on Gallam II is widely respected in scientific circles.

Gallamite Names: Boday, Brock, Dabish, Eman Ekaf, Oday, O'd'taa


The Vidiians were once a race of educators and explorers, renowned for
their artistic achievements, until the Phage attacked approximately 2,000
years ago. Their civilization was ravaged and they turned all their attention
to treating the disease. By the 24th century, they had been forced to use
their technology to harvest other species’ organs to replace their own as
they failed. Defeating the Phage became an obsession, and many of
their politicians and scientists lost perspective, failing to consider
other beings. As a result, forcibly removing organs from live
subjects as necessary occurred, although some exceptions
objected to these practices and were prepared to help others. A
profession called a Honatta had even developed that was
dedicated to harvesting organs and biomatter from others,
typically from corpses, for those su ering from the Phage. Much
of the Vidiian culture was shaped by their health needs.
Congregating in groups was strictly regulated, as it was
considered to be a threat to public health. Healthy Vidiians
would shun sick ones, even if they had previously been friends.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Comfort The Sick And Dying

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Vidiian. When uninfected with the Phage, the Vidiians

had a standard humanoid appearance. Phage-infected
Vidiians had continuous organ transplantation, which led to a
wide variety of alien organs and skin on their body, resulting in
a hideous appearance. Those characters have the additional
trait ’Infected by the Phage’.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Last Breath (Tosk)

Meticulous Analysis (Benzite)
The Ends Justify the Means (Cardassian)
Feminine Names: Danara, Gara, Hamela, Hava, Harava,
Hedama, Mala, Naha, Nala, Radila
Masculine Names: Banneth, Dereth, Dollu, Gallegul, Hozuh, Logo, Motura,
Nuzel, Shmullus, Sulan
Gender-Neutral Names: Helle, Holure, Mola, Sevi, Vuzes, Yamo
Family Names: Nava, Pel, Tano, Zala

The VinShari are the dominant humanoid species in their system within the Shackleton Expanse – and they
are spreading out. Highly adaptable, utilizing the spaceborne Ha’kiv beings as an energy resource, the VinShari
saved themselves from self-annihilation and went from their rst space ight to warp speed in under a century.
Organic technology is woven into every part of VinShari life as is their artistry and history. The VinShari have the
capacity to be friendly or brutal, but everything they do is from a position of strength, and with an innate desire
to dominate.

The Order of the Midajah-Ka believe in power through knowledge and information rather than brute force, and
only resort to violence when necessary.

Members of the Ar-Ka-Se faction are unlike other VinShari: they believe harvesting Ha’kiv is morally wrong, and
they actively resist the VinShari government. They also believe the VinShari mandate of dominance and power
will ultimately lead to the destruction of their species. The Ar-Ka-Se see cooperation and peaceful coexistence
as the only viable options in a growing galactic community.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Power is Our Birthright!

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: VinShari. Hunted as prey in their early history caused the VinShari to become evolutionary
survivors. Psychologically, they learned to thrive and adapt in stressful situations. Physically, the
VinShari have bone collars they use for self-defense. They are resistant to most forms of radiation,
have a robust immune system, can see into various visual spectrums, and have perfect night
vision. Traditional VinShari see the Galaxy through their evolutionary lens and believe they must
dominate to survive. Other VinShari, like the Ar-Ka-Se, believe in equal coexistence.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

The VinShari’s bone collars allow them to attenuate their vocal cords to achieve harmonic resonance in a
silent scream that can cause pain, unconsciousness, and death. Two or more VinShari harmonizing together
can shatter bone. The silent scream can be used as a ranged weapon (2 , Area and Piercing 1 e ects).
Other VinShari with this talent may assist these attacks, and each VinShari providing assistance increases
the Stress in icted by 1 .

VinShari are among the best singers in the Shackleton Expanse, perhaps even the Beta Quadrant.
They are also experts at ventriloquism and mimicking voices. A VinShari with this talent can mimic
any voice they have heard, and most non-vocal sounds they hear, accurate to a degree where even a
computer analysis cannot distinguish the mimicry from the real thing. When you attempt to distract or
deceive someone using this mimicry, you may re-roll your entire dice pool.

VinShari names incorporate a given name bestowed by their mother and the continent of their birth. The given
name usually has three syllables, and the surname is made up of the rst two letters of their continent of origin.
The VinShari assign masculine, feminine, and gender neutral names according to the family pod.

CONTINENTS: Argia, Kasai, Sema

SAMPLE NAMES: Jolias-Ar, Kameko-Ka, Ellian-Se

The Vissians developed warp drive around the 12th century. In the 2150s,
Vissian space travel utilized superior warp core and sensory technology
compared with Humans. They were also using photonic weapons,
rechargeable with sarium microcells.
Their advanced ships are capable of withstanding temperatures higher than
11,000 degrees to withstand exploration within a stellar corona. Their
stratopods are able to pass through the hydrogen layer of a hypergiant.
The Vissians have three genders: male, female, and cogenitor. The third
gender, cogenitors, made up only 3% of the population and are treated as
inferior, existing only for facilitating reproduction between males and
Vissian appreciation of food is based on aroma rather than taste.
Of Human foods tried, they tended to like varieties of cheese.
They tend not to travel far, believing that there is su cient
exploration close to their homeworld: this is the reason why they
had not expanded particularly far from their homeworld by the
2150s, despite possessing warp drive far longer than Humans
had. Their primary goal is to meet new species.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Discover New Species And Technology

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Vissian. Vissians are distinguishable by crescent-

shaped, segmented ridges circling the eye at the temple.
They are able to read, learn, and retain large amounts of new
information much more quickly and easily than Humans.
Vissians are more forward and liberal than Humans were
with regards to copulating.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


open and insightful (Risian)

Quick Learner (Ocampa)
Spirit of Discovery (Human)
Feminine Names: Calla, Traistana, Veylo
Masculine Names: Drennik, Gadir, Verkor
Gender-Neutral Names: Doza, Mitix, Tarrit


It’s believed that long ago the Vorta’s progenitors were shy and timid simians,
who lived in hollowed trees to avoid the many predators of their homeworld.
This changed when the species was chosen to be uplifted by the Founders,
who genetically augmented and reengineered the species to serve the
Dominion. The Vorta are devoted servants of their empire, acting as its
bureaucrats, administrators, scientists, and diplomats. Unlike the Jem’Hadar,
there are male and female Vorta, and the species could reproduce in
the traditional manner. Theoretically at least. Vorta who demonstrate
exceptional skill and loyalty were cloned, with their memories transferred
to the new clones. This allowed favoured Vorta to serve even after their
death, with subsequent clones adding a number to their name. All Vorta
work for the Dominion, and are engineered to see the Founders as gods.
Vorta also possess no sense of aesthetics, and have no appreciation of
art or fashion, as these traits were not considered necessary for their role
in society.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Have Faith in the Gods and the Gods Will Have Faith in

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight,+1 Presence,+1 Reason

TRAIT: Vorta. Vorta are humanoids with long elongated ears that are
attached to their head giving them exceptional hearing. They have
poor eyesight and a limited sense of taste, and no appreciation of
food beyond kava nuts and rippleberries. Vorta are naturally immune
to almost all conventional poisons. The Founders engineered the Vorta
to see them as infallible gods, and are compelled to obey their direct

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Vorta, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are skilled at telling people what they want to hear and what you want
them to hear. When you purchase one or more d20s when attempting a Task
to mislead, deceive or withhold information, you may re-roll your dice pool.

REQUIREMENT: Vorta, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are one of the rare Vorta genetically engineered to possess limited
telekinetic abilities. As a Difficulty 1 Control + Conn task, you can attempt
the Interact Minor Action at Medium Range. Additionally, you can unleash a
blast of psychokinetic energy, which counts as a ranged weapon with 2 A,
Size 1 H, the Inaccurate and Intense qualities, and the Knockdown effect.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
The Vorta are genetically-engineered life-forms, created to serve as
advisors, scientists, diplomats, and overseers for the Dominion, acting as
the Founders’ closest servants and foremost representatives. Vorta are
cloned, in batches of identical beings, with a new clone being activated and
placed into service upon the death of a predecessor, receiving the
memories of those that came before them, though each clone is
nevertheless a distinct individual. Vorta are extremely cunning and clever,
but have little creativity or sense of aesthetics.

EXAMPLE VALUE: There Is Nothing I Will Not Do To Succeed

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Vorta. Vorta have extremely keen hearing, but relatively

poor eyesight. They are immune to most forms of poison.
Vorta are absolutely loyal to the Dominion, revering the
Founders as living gods. Those who encounter the Vorta
often regard them as insincere or manipulative.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following


Come With Me (Wadi)

Deep Determination (Ktarian, Turei)
The Protocol of Politics (Arbazan)
Vorta names consist of a single given name. Since the Vorta are
clones and don’t procreate, they have no use for a family name.
To identify distinct individuals from other clones, the clone
iteration number is appended to the given name, e.g. ’Weyoun 8’.
Feminine Names: Eris, Kilana, Loriss, Luaran
Masculine Names: Borath, Deyos, Gelnon, Keevan, Methras, Weyoun,
Gender-Neutral Names: Neman, Rayik, Sejeel, Tholun, Vannis

Species Name: Voth
First Encountered: 2373
Affiliation: Neutral
Primary Exports: Scientific Knowledge, Technology

Description and Background Notes

A nomadic species dwelling in the Delta quadrant on vast 'city ships'. The Voth are actually
descended from the hadrosaur, a dinosaur that evolved on Earth many millions of years ago,
evolving into a sentient species and managing to develop technology suitable to enable them to
abandon Earth before the Extinction Level Event that felled the dinosaurs and led to man
becoming the planets dominant species. They began wandering the galaxy.

Although they have had spaceflight, and further developed interstellar capabilities, it is
unknown why in the annals of time, that the Voth have not appeared to have developed any
permanent off-world colonies, instead they continued to trek across the galaxy in the search for
a suitable home. It is thought that by the time they had reached the Delta Quadrant,
approximately 65,000,000 years ago, that the initial mission had been forgotten and their
technology and society evolved to service life as a nomadic species.

Technologically, the Voth are more advanced than the Federation, their city ships are many
miles long, and all Voth vessels, large and small are capable of transwarp speeds. Voth
transporters are powerful enough to rate as weapons by Federation standards, and are capable
of transporting large object up to and including an Intrepid class starship. The Voth also now
posses phase-cloak technology, which has become advanced enough to be miniaturized for
practical personal use.

However, this advanced technology is only at best a century or two ahead of that of the
Federation, and given their millions of years of history it appears that either Voth culture has
stagnated, slowing as it reached its zenith, or that the Voth simply advance at a slow rate. Their
encounter with the USS Voyager indicated one possible reason, as Voth culture is heavily
influenced by their self-image as superior to all other life, and that a semi-religious, scientific
and cultural dictates form a central doctrine which few members of their society dare to
question for fear of judgment by their ruling classes, who enforce their doctrines strictly and
ruthlessly. It is possibly fear of these reprisals that slow Voth scientists and stunt scientific

One aspect of Voth doctrine is their firm belief that they originated in the Delta Quadrant: when
this doctrine was contradicted by two of their scientists, with the DNA of the crew of Voyager
as proof, the Voth authorities responded by threatening to banish the scientists and destroying
all of the evidence. Only after those involved in the "Distant Origin" theory retracted their
statements did the Voth agree to release Voyager, on the understanding that there would be no
further contact between the two sides.

Attributes: (19)
Fitness 3 [6]
Coordination 2 [5]
Intellect 3 [6]
Presence 2 [5]
Empathy -1
Psi 0 [4]

Skills: (27)
Athletics (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Computer (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Culture (Voth) 2 (3)
History (Voth) 1 (2)
Voth 2
Science, Space (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
choose one of the following:
Artistic Expression (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Science, Any (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages: (6)

+1 Courage Point
Arrogant -1

Submitted by Dan Gurden

Page layout and code ©2003, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
The Voth are an ancient Saurian species. Genetic evidence strongly
suggested that the Voth originated on Earth – a concept later referred to as
"Distant Origin Theory". It was speculated by that they evolved from the
hadrosaur genus, which might have survived the mass extinction at the end
of the Cretaceous 65 million years ago. The surviving dinosaurs continued
to develop, likely on a secluded, or a destroyed landmass and became an
interstellar species, possibly the rst in the galaxy, when they left Earth. The
species ultimately ended up in the Delta Quadrant, where they claimed a
domain, laid the foundation of what became the great Voth culture, and
forgot their origins. The recorded history and identity of the Voth began
about 20 million years ago, at which point they already considered
themselves a race indigenous to the Delta Quadrant.
The Voth are governed by a Ministry of Elders. They live in family
structures, which might be bound to always mate with another
family by tradition. They have very poor relations with non-
saurian races, and mammals, in particular, were considered to
be lower life forms.
At the heart of their society lies their Doctrine, their guiding
principles. Despite intuition and passion being valued, doctrine
looms heavily. They speci es that the Voth had been the rst
intelligent beings to evolve in their region of space, and had an
"ancient and rightful claim" over it. Heresy against Doctrine is an
arrestable and serious o ense. Detention colonies are also
employed by the Voth government.


ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

TRAIT: Voth. Adult Voth are slightly taller than adult Humans
and had three clawed, manipulatory digits on each hand.
Their eyes are protected by heavy, bony brow ridges, which
had a central crest rising to a conical protrusion on the back of
the skull. Their coloration varies from green to brown to a brownish
orange, even between close relatives. Infatuation might be indicated by
a change in the tint of the scales. Their language appears click-like.
Cranial capacity of a typical Voth is twenty-two percent more than that
of a Human. A long tongue allows the feeding on airborne insects. They
have a superior sense of smell.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

BoneY Missile
You are able to forcefully eject a boney spine from your arm as a defensive
mechanism (Ranged, 2A, Vicious 1, Size 1H, Deadly, Hidden 1).

Doctrine (Original: Canonic Law) (Sikarian)

Meticulous Analysis (Benzite)
Feminine Names: Frola, Odala, Vrala
Masculine Names: Forra, Haluk, Norra
Gender-Neutral Names: Nelen, Tova, Valna
Family Names: Gegen, Ogen, Veer

Fitness 2 [5]
Coordination 2 [5]
Reaction +1
Intellect 2 [5]
Logic +1
Perception +1
Presence 1 [5]
Psi 0 [5]

Athletics (Swimming) 1 (2)
Culture (Vudar) 2 (3)
Engineering, Propulsion (Impulse or Ion Drive) 1 (2) (3)
History (Vudar) 1 (2)
Vudar 2
Science (Choose Specialization) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Vudar) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages Disadvantages

Intolerant (Klingons) -2, Medical Problem (Require Ionising Radiation to live) -3


The Vudar are a race that is rarely encountered by the Federation, living on the far side of the
Klingon Empire against the Galactic Barrier. Tall, thin lizard-like humanoids descended from
gecko-like reptiles, they are excellent swimmers and have a reputation for being peaceful in
nature, as well as for their academic and scientific achievements.

Their home system is close to a weakness in the Galactic Barrier, through which floods
dangerous ionising radiation. The atmosphere of the Vudar home world protected them from
this, but was still too high for a Klingon occupation force during the time the Vudar were a
Klingon client race. Space travel for the Vudar proved difficult because of the radiation, but
they developed technologies to solve these problems. Indeed though the Klingon military rarely
employed Vudar aboard their ships, because the Vudar needed radiation, the Klingons valued
them for their knowledge of ion technology and Vudar mastery of impulse drives.

It was this mastery that enabled the Vudar to successfully rebel and drive out the Klingon
Empire between 2241 and 2249. Though the high ion output of their starships make them easy
to detect, they are actually difficult to scan and this was a key factor in the rebellion. The Vudar
Enclave was formed in 2249.

Though not expansionist, the Vudar do work hard to protect their own space and often employ
small groups of special forces units known as 'Storm Teams' to do this. Where they have to
operate outside areas unaffected by ionising radiation, they carry a portable ISG or 'Ion Storm
Generator', which will create the ionising radiation they require to survive. Engineering teams
will then set up a more permanent generator if a world is to be colonized or held. In combat the
Vudar carry the deadly Ion Rifle, which fires ion particles at a target.

The Vudar are a conversion of the race that appears and is described in Prime Adventures 1, a
supplement for Prime Directive, the role-playing game for the Star Fleet Battles universe
published by Task Force Games. For further information, see page 35 of Prime Adventures 1.
They were created by Jon Cleaves.

Submitted by Matthew Pook & William F. Hostman

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.
Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.

In 2063, a Vulcan survey ship detected the warp signature of the Zefram
Cochrane’s ship, the Phoenix, and followed it back to Earth. There they
initiated first contact with the inhabitants, greeting them in peace. They were
slaughtered. Following this disastrous first contact, Vulcan avoided that region
of space and shifted its attention elsewhere. During a period of hostilities with
the Andorians, Vulcan was attacked by ships from the Terran Empire, that were
equipped with technology stolen from Vulcans and other species. Unprepared
for the attack, Vulcan suffered heavy losses; they calculated they would
eventually win the war with their superior number of ships, but this would likely
result in the destruction of Vulcan, either to the Terrans or Andorians. It was
decided the most logical choice was surrender, offering themselves as vassals
and servants of the Terrans. Following their conquest, Vulcans remained
reluctant servants for two centuries until the half-Vulcan, Spock, became
Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Starfleet and initiated a series of reforms.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Vulcan, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You can telepathically prise information from the minds of unwilling subjects.
When you succeed at a Task to force or deceive someone into revealing
information, every time you use the Obtain Information Momentum Spend
you may ask two questions rather than one.

REQUIREMENT: Vulcan, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Healthy Vulcans can live over two centuries, providing decades of life
experiences to draw upon. You might have had multiple careers or major life
events before joining Starfleet or moving to your current post. Roll twice on
the Career Events table. Pick one additional Focus and Value based on these

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios

Os Vulcanos são um povo estoico e racional. Amplamente considerados como indi-

víduos sem emoção, na verdade os Vulcanos sentem profunda e intensamente, para
seu próprio detrimento. O estoicismo deles é resultado de uma cultura de lógica e au-
todisciplina, onde emoções são analisadas e dissecadas para impedi-las de atrapalhar
seu potencial, de forma que não possam submergir ou controlar o indivíduo. Vulcanos
abraçam ciência e razão, mas suas vidas não são puramente devotadas à lógica: eles
também apresentam um profundo lado losó co, dessa forma, arte e música são
tão vitais para sua cultura quanto a lógica. Eles também são um povo intensamente
reservado. Muitos aspectos de sua cultura — como os ritos de pon farr — que não são
discutidos entre estrangeiros.

EXEMPLO DE VALOR: As Necessidades de Muitos Superam as Necessidades de

Poucos ou de Um.

ATRIBUTOS: +1 de Controle, +1 de Físico, +1 de Raciocínio.

TRAÇO: Vulcano. Devido ao mundo severo, árido e de gravidade alta de onde vêm,
Vulcanos são naturalmente resistentes a calor extremo e desidratação; eles também
são extremamente fortes, com os sentidos da audição e olfato aguçados. Vulcanos
também são telepáticos, embora isto requeira treinamento para se manifestar apro-
priadamente, e aprendem disciplina mental e controle emocional desde a infância.
Entretanto, esse controle requer meditação regular para ser mantido, e sua natureza
controlada e desejo de privacidade pode distanciá-los dos outros e deixarem intera-
ções sociais estranhas.

TALENTOS: O personagem recebe acesso aos seguintes talentos:

REQUISITOS: Vulcano, ou permissão do Mestre de Jogo.

Você passou pela jornada ritual de expurgar toda a emoção. Você reduz em dois a Di culda-
de de todas as Tarefas para resistir a coerção, intrusão mental, dor e outros ataque mentais.

Você passou por treinamento em técnicas telepáticas que permitem mesclar men-
tes através de contato físico. Isso sempre exige uma Tarefa com Di culdade de pelo
menos 1, que pode ser Disputada por um participante involuntário. Se for bem-suce-
dido, você vincular sua mente com a do participante, compartilhando pensamentos e
memórias; pode-se gastar Ímpeto para obter mais informações ou realizar trocar tele-
páticas mais profundas. Esse vínculo é de via dupla, sendo um processo extenuante e
potencialmente perigoso para você. Complicações podem resultar em dor, desorienta-
ção ou di culdades emocionais e comportamentais duradouras.

REQUISITOS: Você aprendeu várias técnicas para a estimulação e controle de impul-

sos nervosos — coletivamente chamadas de neuropressão. Algumas aplicações de
neuropressão podem ser usadas para rapidamente incapacitar atacantes de forma
não-letal. A pinça de nervo é considerada uma arma corporal com 1 , Tamanho 1M e
as qualidades Intensa e Não-Letal. Você pode utilizar Ciência ou Medicina em vez de
Segurança quando zer um Ataque de pinça de nervo e pode aumentar o dano segun-
do sua Disciplina de Ciência ou Medicina, em vez de Segurança.

Licenciado para Edjan Carvalho -

The rst species to formally introduce itself to the Alpha Quadrant and begin
trade negotiations, the Wadi are a people obsessed with life and on mastering the
many games it o ers. They are a whimsical people, prone to bouts of rhyming and
singing while at the same time demonstrating their technological superiority and
intellectual mastery of multiple disciplines. Though they have yet to be absorbed
by the Dominion, they are not considered a threat to its expansion, as they prefer
to spend their days mastering pursuits that bring them pleasure then any kind of
formal military endeavors. That does not mean they are not a signi cant power
in the Gamma Quadrant, as their ships possess the ability to manipulate matter,
covertly transport subjects without being detected, and develop complex
holographic elds. Despite their achievements, they are viewed with distrust by
other species who view their ighty and esoteric ways as a method of hiding
their ruthlessly competitive intentions.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Allamaraine!, Shall We Play Again?

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Wadi. The Wadi are mysterious, but at the same time very outgoing as
a species. Prone to wearing bright colors and brilliant tattoos on their bodies,
they attract attention but are experts at de ecting any real scrutiny. The Wadi
are also competitive and when they feel they have been cheated, they must
avenge their honor not only by crushing their opponents at whatever game or
task they are at but they must teach them a lesson. Their obsession with the
game of Allamaraine is used to teach both the innocent and the guilty of what it
is like to cross a Wadi.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Wadi, or Gamemaster’s permission

Life can be di cult if you are competitive, and sometimes people can get angry over
perceived slights very quickly. By staying jovial and attempting to lighten the mood,
you are better able to reduce sources of con ict and bring people over to your side.
You can reroll one die when attempting to use social skills to alter someone’s feelings
regarding something you have done this scene.

Life is meant to be enjoyed, and the more risk one puts into their life the sweeter the
victory. A Wadi has a distinct ability to sense patterns when it comes to solving tasks,
and the more involved they are with something the more competitive they get and the
quicker they are at solving puzzles. When attempting to solve a task or a riddle that
involves them becoming competitive they gain an additional point of Momentum.

Masculine names: Falow, Miranath
Feminine names: Shou’lu, Ecardra
Gender-neutral names: Kalyn, Peven
TALENTS: The character receives access to the
XAHEAN following talents:

Believing themselves to have been created at the exact SCIENTIFIC MIND
moment their world was, the Xaheans are a species who REQUIREMENT: Xahean, or gamemaster’s permission.
have achieved a great level of technological
advancement in a short amount of time. Xahean culture allows them to discern scienti c
Capable of manipulating technology phenomena quickly and inspires them in how to replicate it.
instinctively and possessing numerous When a Xahean is attempting to perform an extended task
self-defense mechanisms such as spines to determine the purpose of a piece of technology, they
and the ability to render themselves almost may re-roll any number of the rst time they roll to
invisible, the Xaheans have recently begun determine progress.
to experiment with dilithium crystals
and warp technology. Their culture CAMOUFLAGE FIELD
is currently at odds with their REQUIREMENT: Xahean.
most principal beliefs ever since
they discovered the power of While most Xaheans can generate a limited camou age eld
dilithium; once dedicated to to obscure their presence, training and practice can heighten
the belief of balance in all this ability further. The Xahean may spend 2 Momentum
things, they now have become (Immediate) as a minor action to become virtually invisible,
obsessed with advancing adding +2 to the Di culty of all tasks to observe, locate, or
themselves technologically target the Xahean. This e ect ends when the Xahean makes
and commercially to the an attack, takes a minor action to end the e ect, or otherwise
point of in icting damage loses concentration. This ability is taxing to maintain, and
upon their homeworld. The each additional time during a scene it is used increases the
appointment of their new Momentum cost by 1; this increase is cumulative.
queen may bring hope that
balance can be restored to NAMES
the Xahean way of life. Xaheans tend to have names consisting of several short
names, and often allow non-Xaheans to refer to them by
EXAMPLE VALUE: Balance Between one of them.
Oneself and the World Around You.
SAMPLE NAMES: Caler No Fi Da li, Drex Dar Mala So Lesk,
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1
Foto Mri Ka Se Wachi, Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po, Vinters Saba
Insight, +1 Reason
Ra Ke Fa Nobi

TRAIT: Xahean. The Xaheans

are technologically gifted as a
species, to the point that they
often appear smug in the face of
technological advancements by
other species. When they encounter
a technology unfamiliar to them, they
adapt quickly to its uses and seek
out ways to construct devices of their
own. Their innate ability to manipulate
energy elds allows them to activate
many di erent types of machinery
in their proximity, and their ability
to shroud themselves in a eld that
obscures their appearance allows them
to remain undetected from pursuers.


Language and Names Perception, [+2] Cultural Flexibility, [+2] Great
Aulia or Federation Standard. There are several Stamina, [+4] Natural Linguist, [+3] The Universe
Saurian dialects, but Aulia is the most common, a Will Provide).
musical and complex language that employs heavy ST: TMP
tonal qualities that make it sung more than spoken.
It is extremely difficult to learn. To most species,
Saurian names are pretty sounding and often have a
musical quality.

Favored Profession
Starfleet Officer. Saurians are enthusiastic
supporters of the Federation and Starfleet.

Species Adjustments
+1 Strength, +1 Presence, +1 Perception

Species Abilities
• Bonus Trait: Cultural Flexibility: Saurians are
xenophiles, enjoying learning about new
people and cultures.
• Bonus Edge: Great Stamina: Saurians’ quad-
ruple hearts give them great endurance.
• Natural Linguist: Saurians learn languages
with ease. After a full day of exposure to a
new language, it can be learned at level 1
with a TN 10 Intellect test. Saurians advance
all language skills as professional skills. Personality
• The Universe Will Provide: Saurians have a Reserved and highly intelligent, Xelatians often
strong belief in the sentient nature of the come across as mysterious or intimidating. They
universe and the idea of a master plan. They have a whimsical sense of humor and are curious
begin the game with +1 Courage. to the point of stubbornness. Xelatians are solitary
by nature, but are very curious about others as well
Picks as the unknown. They rarely let an obstacle prevent
26 ([+5] +1 Strength, [+5] +1 Presence, [+5] +1 them from achieving their goals.

Physiology and Appearance

Xelatians are cephalopods – invertebrates whose
XELATIAN DRY SUIT limbs are composed of ultra-strong muscle fiber and
Specifications: folded: approx. 4 liters; 15 kg pressurized fluids. With no bones, their limbs can
Description: Xelatians can survive in air for several hours bend in any way necessary. They are clumsy on
and can also move without aid, but to better blend with land, and the pseudo-humanoid form they usually
humanoids, and to make their lives on land easier, they wear
“dry suits.” These resemble robes, with a breastplate-like device present is due to the use of antigravity harnesses.
that provides anti-gravity support for the wearer. The headpiece Microcilia and suction pads grant them
has a faceplate that allows sight for the wearer, but also can
translate Xelatian Luminal Speech, or project patterns for other phenomenal grip and they can scale sheer, slick
Xelatians to see. The headpiece is topped by a kelp-like plant surfaces will little trouble. They revel in zero-g
that stores water, which is extracted by the hydration system of
the suit, creating a salinated, moist environment for the wearer.
environments, never suffering from space-sickness.
The suit is good for eight hours, after which point the ‘kelp’ must
be immersed in water for an hour to recharge. Their internal structure is similar to that of Terran
octopi, with the brain wrapped around the
Rules: While wearing the dry suit, a Xelatian need not make
Stamina tests for being on land. The suit negates the Agility intestinal tracts. The ‘head’ is simply a large gas sac
penalties for moving on land, but imposes a -2 penalty to for buoyancy and locomotion. It is covered with a
Observe (Spot) tests due to limited visibility through the visor.
The suit does not protect against disease, radiation, nor
fine ‘hair’ of Xelatian shadur, a type of seaweed
vacuum; it simply provides moisture for the skin and water for which symbiotically grows in the area of the gas
the wearer to breathe. sac, providing nutrients and insulation to the host.
Duration: The power systems of the suit last for 24 hours
before recharge. The ‘kelp’ must be rehydrated every eight They must immerse themselves in water every
hours by immersion in water for one hour. The ‘kelp’ must be eight hours to avoid drying out. Their clothing is
replaced every few months.
actually a suit that recycles water into their gill

system; their bioluminescent visor protects their eye travel. They can survive for up to fifteen
and allows communication through the same with minutes in open air before testing for
others of their kind. asphyxiation.
• Bonus Edge: Skill Focus: Keen Sight:
Homeworld Xelatians, like octopi, have extremely sharp
Xelatia. vision.
• Bonus Skill: Athletics (Swimming): Xelatians
History and Culture receive Athletics (Swimming) skill at level 2,
and can advance that skill as a professional
At the time of their discovery, Xelatians had little skill.
in the way of technology, but had a grasp of certain • Luminal Speech: Xelatians developed com-
of the sciences. Their philosophy and literary munication using complex patterns of biolu-
traditions (oral) were highly complex and minescence across their bodies. These
innovative. They tend toward the mystical in their patterns can be read by a specially adapted
philosophies. translator (universal translators do not work
They were first contacted by Tellarite explorers in due to the visual aspect of the commu-
the early 22nd century. Being highly curious nication, but tricorders can be programmed to
creatures they took to space travel with relish, pick up Xelatian communications).
subsequently joining the Federation in the early 23rd • Mute: Xelatians have no sound-producing
century. organs, rendering them unable to speak.
• Natural Swimmer: When swimming,
Language and Names Xelatians move at the same speed land-
dwelling species normally do (‘Walk’ 6m,
Xelatians have a language that is bioluminescent
‘Jog’ 12m…). They don’t normally need to
in nature. They can understand spoken languages,
make Swim tests, only doing so under the
but need a universal translator to respond in kind.
same circumstances that land-dwelling
They choose whimsical names.
species do (e.g., running during combat).
• Ocean-Bound: When on land, Xelatians
Favored Profession
suffer from -4 Agility, and can only crawl/step
Scientist or Mystic. The Xelatians enjoy problems or walk. They must also keep their skin wet,
and riddles, especially when creating them for and most wear special moisturizing robes
others. while on land. A Xelatians must immerse
itself in water every 8 hours to avoid
Species Adjustments dehydration. If unable to do so, a Xelatian
+2 Strength, +1 Perception. Like Terran octopi, must make a TN 10 Stamina test every hour
Xelatians have excellent senses and powerful after the initial 8. A failure results in the loss
musculature. of -1 Vitality; each subsequent test suffers a
cumulative +5 TN.
Species Abilities • Suction Grip: Xelatians can use their counter-
opposing musculature and suction pads to
• Aquatic: Xelatians require water to breathe, grip things intensely. They gain a +2 bonus
and special environmental suits for land to grapple maneuvers and do 1d6+STR
modifier damage for a squeezing attack.
Additionally, they gain a +2 species bonus to
Athletics (Climb) tests.
• Water Jet: Using its gas sac, a Xelatian can
jet up to 60m (as a full-round action) for up to
two consecutive rounds. This ability can only
be used while the character is in an Energetic
or Winded condition, and once used, 5
minutes must elapse before using it again. If
the character wants to use the ability before 5
minutes have elapsed, he must pass a TN 10
Stamina test. Within an hour-long period,
every time the ability is used without waiting
the full 5 minutes, the TN increases by +5. If
the character fails the Stamina test, he can
move no farther than a ‘Crawl/Step’ (2m) this

TOS era and beyond

The Xelatian homeworld is called Xelata, which is the 3rd planet in the Tau 56
system. Having evolved in the oceans of their world, They are an advanced
form of marine life. They possess 4 tentacles on their upper & lower torso,
typically 4 metres in length. Also, on their torsos are 4 gill slots, which extract
oxygen from the water. They need anti-grav harnesses to move about on
land. They wear masks at all times because standard lighting is too bright for
them. The masks also has an ultraviolet light source shining through the eye
slit to heighten vision while worn. Eager for further communication with other
species, many are attempting to train their nasal slits for physical speech.
They have a single large, oval-shaped eye capable of seeing the ultraviolet
end of the electromagnetic spectrum. Their skeleton is able to withstand
conditions of high gravity as their bodies are accustomed to the ocean
pressures of their world.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Water is the source of life.

Attributes: Control +1, Insight +1, Reason +1.

To survive on land, they need environmental suits to trap moisture and
circulate water through their gill slits thus allowing them to stay on land
for extended periods of time. They may survive on land w/o it for 7 hours.
[Enviro-suit w/ anti-grav unit & universal translator w/ gold alloy
faceplate (rust resistant) [Resistance 2]. On the shoulders are multiphasic
wave generators. These actively disrupt unfriendly transporter locks.]

Xelatian or with GM's permission. Must take Telepathy talent.

As / Betazoid talent. [T2] You communicate telepathically & through the
bioluminescent pigment present in your skin with your Own Species Only.
You are receptive to other species telepaths, though you cannot initiate
contact with them.

Engineering/Science Prodigy
Whenever you use Engineering or Science Disciplines, you gain 1d20 &, if
successful, you gain a bonus Momentum. Reverse Engineering: You
reduce the Difficulty by 2, minimum of 1, as you have a uncanny knack for
understanding the functionality of alien technology.


TOS era and beyond

The Xelatian homeworld is called Xelata, which is the 3rd planet in the Tau 56
system. Having evolved in the oceans of their world, They are an advanced
form of marine life. They possess 4 tentacles on their upper & lower torso,
typically 4 metres in length. Also, on their torsos are 4 gill slots, which extract
oxygen from the water. They need anti-grav harnesses to move about on
land. They wear masks at all times because standard lighting is too bright for
them. The masks also has an ultraviolet light source shining through the eye
slit to heighten vision while worn. Eager for further communication with other
species, many are attempting to train their nasal slits for physical speech.
They have a single large, oval-shaped eye capable of seeing the ultraviolet
end of the electromagnetic spectrum. Their skeleton is able to withstand
conditions of high gravity as their bodies are accustomed to the ocean
pressures of their world.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Water is the source of life.

Attributes: Control +1, Insight +1, Reason +1.

To survive on land, they need environmental suits to trap moisture and
circulate water through their gill slits thus allowing them to stay on land
for extended periods of time. They may survive on land w/o it for 7 hours.
[Enviro-suit w/ anti-grav unit & universal translator w/ gold alloy
faceplate (rust resistant) [Resistance 2]. On the shoulders are multiphasic
wave generators. These actively disrupt unfriendly transporter locks.]

Xelatian or with GM's permission. Must take Telepathy talent.

As / Betazoid talent. [T2] You communicate telepathically & through the
bioluminescent pigment present in your skin with your Own Species Only.
You are receptive to other species telepaths, though you cannot initiate
contact with them.

Engineering/Science Prodigy
Whenever you use Engineering or Science Disciplines, you gain 1d20 &, if
successful, you gain a bonus Momentum. Reverse Engineering: You
reduce the Difficulty by 2, minimum of 1, as you have a uncanny knack for
understanding the functionality of alien technology.


Species Name: Xenexian
First Encountered: 2353
Affiliation: Federation Ally

Description and Background Notes

Xenex is a Class-M planet in sector 221-H, home to the very proud Xenexian people. The
planet was conquered and occupied by the Danteri, a neighbouring space-faring civilisation in
2053, this occupation was shattered in 2353, with Captain Picard and Commander Crusher of
the Federation Starship USS Stargazer acting as intermediaries. After their revolution, the
Xenexians were ruled by power-loving and self-serving men such as D'ndai, brother of
Mackenzie Calhoun.

By 2373, Xenex was free in name only, the Danteri had made many political inroads with the
planets ruling citizens, and in-effect still kept a tight grip of control on the planet. Xenexians
are a bronze skinned, fiercely proud and independent people, the eyes are the biggest difference
between Humans and Xenexians, as a native Xenexian will have very brightly coloured eyes.
Mackenzie Calhoun himself has violet coloured eyes. Xenexians are considered adults at the
age of thirteen, when they undergo a vision-quest brought about by wandering into a barren
place and going without food or water, this is said to induce a vision that will show the
Xenexian youth what path their future holds. Any that wish are free to leave the planet,
although it is quite rare...

To date only one Xenexian has joined Starfleet. Captain Mackenzie Calhoun of the Starship
Excalibur (although Mackenzie Calhoun isn't his real name, merely a 'humanisation' his actual
name pronounciation is; M'k'n'zy of Calhoun).

Coming from the planet Xenex, a planet that, like Bajor, has been split by war, although their
planet was occupied for hundreds of years... M'k'n'zy was a rebel leader, who in his teenage
years led his people to freedom from their Danteri Oppressors. It is unknown what effect the
exploits of on of the planets most famous citizens will have on the population as a whole,
however diplomatic and trade ties have strengthened and it is hoped that Xenex will one day
make the transition from Ally to member world of the UFP

Fitness 2 [5]
Vitality +1
Co-ordination 2 [5]
Intellect 2 [5]
Presence 2 [5]
Willpower +1
Psi 1 [5]

Athletics (Choose Specialisation) 1(2)
Culture (Xenexian) 2(3)
History (Xenexian) 1(2)
Xenexian 2
Planetary Survival (Choose Specialisation) 1 (2)
Unarmed Combat (Choose Specialisation) 2 (3)
World Knowledge (Xenex) 1(2)

Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
Intolerant (Oppressors) -1
Species Enemy (Danteri) -4
+1 Courage Point
Submitted by Dan Gurden

Page layout and code ©2003, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®,© Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.

Risa was a planet of erce storms and tectonic instability The intelligent Arboreal species of the Xindi are a contrast
before the Risians took it upon themselves to essentially some of their cousins on Xindus in that they are known to
terraform their planet. It is now colloquially known throughout have an incredibly calm demeanor, some would call them
the Federation as a “pleasure planet.” It’s a wonder the lethargic. But with a relaxed pace comes an appreciation for
Risians evolved into the ceremonial society they have today, logical thought and considered discussion. Since becoming
with tradition and ceremony being central to Risa society. members of the Federation, Xindi–Arboreals have worked
in Star eet and the Federation as mediators, counsellors,
Risians have an honest and open attitude to sexuality, diplomats and administrators.
renowned throughout the Galaxy. Potential mates with a
sexual appetite display ceremonial icons, called a horga’hn, EXAMPLE VALUE: Calm Focuses the Mind
that invite partners to participate in the sexual rite jamaharon.
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Reason
EXAMPLE VALUE: All That is Ours is Yours
TRAIT: Xindi-Arboreal. Covered in hair, and with
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence distinctive ridges on their nose and cheekbones, the
Arboreals are evolved from creatures similar to that of the
TRAIT: Risian. Risians appear much like Humans, save Earth sloth. They possess sharp claws and have slightly
a decorative gold emblem in the center of the forehead. longer arms than the average humanoid. With a naturally
They have open and adventurous personalities but also calm, rational mind, they do not panic or stress easily
have a great patience with others. though they do fear large bodies of water. Their dark eyes
allow them to see easier in low light conditions compared
TALENTS: The character receives access to the to other humanoids.
following talents:
TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talent:
REQUIREMENT: Risian, or Gamemaster’s permission.
Your upbringing in a peaceful society, one that promotes
harmony and has an outright ban on weapons, has REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Arboreal, or Gamemaster’s
developed the Risian ability for peaceful resolutions. permission.
Whenever a Risian attempts a Task to dissuade another Arboreals possess an unwaveringly calm nature, allowing
individual or group from resorting to con ict, they reduce the them to ignore the stress of a crisis. When attempting Tasks
Di culty of that Task by 1. with Control to resist stress or mental a iction they may re-
roll one die in your pool.

REQUIREMENT: Risian, or Gamemaster’s permission. SAMPLE NAMES:

Risian open, and often frank, discussion of problems and Male names: Janner, Gralik
personal opinion enables conversation and understanding Female names: Adela, Rolindis
when working in a team. Whenever a Risian assists another Family names: Durr
character using Insight or Reason they may re-roll a single
d20 in their dice pool. In addition, if the lead character
succeeds in the Task using Insight or Reason, they gain 1
bonus Momentum.

Male names: Doranis, Melek, Oran
Female names: Aradnis, Elianjah, Joval

Among Xindus species, Xindi-Insectoids are considered Seen as easily the best tactical minds in the Galaxy, the
one of the most aggressive and decisive. They, and the Zakdorn excel at complex strategic thinking. This asset has
Reptilians are responsible for the destruction of their original enabled the Federation to streamline its defensive policy over
homeworld, after detonating vast explosions beneath the years, with Zakdorn o cials overseeing training exercises
several seismically active points. Their language is the most and “war games” for Star eet. Their personal con dence
complex among the Xindi species with 67 di erent dialects and conviction is often considered boasting and hubris,
of clicks and chirps that other species nd hard to replicate. particularly given that no rival species has ever tested the
Insectoid names grow longer as the individual ages, Zakdorn military. Zakdorn strategists have, however, helped
carrying more meaning and life history than many other Star eet and the Federation immeasurably since they joined
species’ given names. in the early 24th Century.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Protect your O -spring at the Expense EXAMPLE VALUE: A Coherent Strategy is the First Line
of Self of Defense

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

TRAIT: Xindi-Insectoid. Reproduction is asexual with a TRAIT: Zakdorn. Zakdorn tend to be of shorter stature
single adult laying a clutch of eggs. Life expectancy is than most humanoids and have distinctive wrinkles
very short compared to other species with 12 years as of fatty tissue over their faces and bodies. This fatty
the average. Their insectoid bodies grant them enhanced layer enables Zakdorn to survive without food for much
abilities, such as crawling and climbing, while their cheek longer periods than normal humanoids. Their analytical
ridges distinguish them as Xindus natives. brains give them an edge in logic and reasoning that
rivals even Vulcans.
TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talent: TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Insectoid.
Insectoids have a profound instinct to defend your eggs and REQUIREMENT: Zakdorn, or Gamemaster’s permission.
their o -spring, and this transfers onto teams or groups with In command positions, the speed of Zakdorn tactical
which they develop a close bond. Whenever an Insectoid calculations enables them to give concise orders to their
attempts a Guard Task in combat, and confers the bene ts to crew. During combat, a Zakdorn leader may use the Direct
another Main Character, ignore the increase in Di culty when Task one additional time per scene (so, twice per scene
attempting the Task. overall). Further, when they use the Swift Task Momentum
Spend for an extra Task, the cost is reduced to 1 Momentum,
SAMPLE NAMES: so long as the second Task is the Assist or Direct Task.
Xindi-Insectoid names are an incredibly intricate series
of clicks and chirps, and while amongst other species
often choose a name to be known as by their crewmates, REQUIREMENTS: Zakdorn, or Gamemaster’s permission.
favoring short names that work well with their consonant Zakdorn strategic sense is unparalleled in contemporary
heavy language. military theory. Whenever a Zakdorn attempts a Task to
Create an Advantage related to strategy or tactics (as
opposed to spending Momentum), reduce the Di culty by 1.

Male names: Gruhn, Jir, Koll, Sirna
Female names: Bel, Myk, Orym
Family names: Azernal, Bunkrep, Kolrami, Roplik

Xindi-Primates were the second Xindus species to evolve The Reptilian species from Xindus rival the insectoids in
intelligence, after the Xindi–Aquatics. Primates are talented aggression, and are likely to resort to force to achieve
engineers and are often fair, honest and trusted. The Xindi their goals. They’re also notably dishonest and impatient
inclusion into the United Federation of Planets in 2311 when it comes to dealing with other species, including
enabled Xindi-Primates to enhance their learning, and nd other Xindi. It is rare for Reptilians to apply to Star eet
positions in design, architecture, engineering, along with Academy, and rarer still for them to be accepted, as their
research and development. They, more than most species temperament can lead to confrontations. Those Xindi-
to attend the Academy, nd themselves in the command Reptilians who do join Star eet rival the Klingons in martial
division upon graduation, given their adaptability and prowess, Tellarites in aptitude for debate, and Zakdorn in
audaciousness. tactical expertise.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Honesty Never Makes a Problem Worse EXAMPLE VALUE: Patience is for the Dead

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Presence, +1 Reason ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Xindi-Primate. With a similar physiology to TRAIT: Xindi-Reptilian. These are cold blooded
humans, Primates share their characteristic internal individuals who prefer hotter climates. Scales, ridges
organ structure and metabolism, as well as their and spikes cover their body and they have vertical slit
sensory perceptions. Their facial structure is markedly eyes, for adapting to low light conditions and judging
di erent, however, with pronounced foreheads and depth. A carnivorous, protein-heavy diet gives them
ridged cheekbones like other Xindus species. Amongst muscular tone and de nition that enhances their strength
other Xindi, Primates have a reputation for fairness and and endurance. They have a reputation amongst other
honesty. Many people beyond Xindus have come to Xindi for being aggressive, impatient, stubborn, and
regard Xindi-Primates as trustworthy and decent. untrustworthy.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talent: following talent:

REQUIREMENT: Xindi–Primate, or Gamemaster’s REQUIREMENT: Xindi–Reptilian.

permission. Reptillians are naturally resistant to energy weapons stun
Xindi-Primates are natural engineers and scientists, pushing settings. They gain +1 Resistance against Non-lethal attacks
at the frontiers of design and construction. When following from energy weapons. They may always Avoid an Injury from
the Scienti c Method, they may suggest an additional Focus, a Non-lethal attack with a cost of 1 Momentum (Immediate),
which they do not have to possess, as ‘The Good Way’. even if they have already Avoided an Injury during the scene.
Every Task they attempt in an Extended Task related to the
Scienti c Method automatically gains the Piercing 1 e ect. SAMPLE NAMES:
Male names: Dankra, Guruk
SAMPLE NAMES: Female names: Igak, Krell
Male names: Degra, Ragnar, Toki Family names: Dolim
Female names: Bryn, Guyda, Hreidur

Xindi-Primates were the second Xindus species to evolve The Reptilian species from Xindus rival the insectoids in
intelligence, after the Xindi–Aquatics. Primates are talented aggression, and are likely to resort to force to achieve
engineers and are often fair, honest and trusted. The Xindi their goals. They’re also notably dishonest and impatient
inclusion into the United Federation of Planets in 2311 when it comes to dealing with other species, including
enabled Xindi-Primates to enhance their learning, and nd other Xindi. It is rare for Reptilians to apply to Star eet
positions in design, architecture, engineering, along with Academy, and rarer still for them to be accepted, as their
research and development. They, more than most species temperament can lead to confrontations. Those Xindi-
to attend the Academy, nd themselves in the command Reptilians who do join Star eet rival the Klingons in martial
division upon graduation, given their adaptability and prowess, Tellarites in aptitude for debate, and Zakdorn in
audaciousness. tactical expertise.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Honesty Never Makes a Problem Worse EXAMPLE VALUE: Patience is for the Dead

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Presence, +1 Reason ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Xindi-Primate. With a similar physiology to TRAIT: Xindi-Reptilian. These are cold blooded
humans, Primates share their characteristic internal individuals who prefer hotter climates. Scales, ridges
organ structure and metabolism, as well as their and spikes cover their body and they have vertical slit
sensory perceptions. Their facial structure is markedly eyes, for adapting to low light conditions and judging
di erent, however, with pronounced foreheads and depth. A carnivorous, protein-heavy diet gives them
ridged cheekbones like other Xindus species. Amongst muscular tone and de nition that enhances their strength
other Xindi, Primates have a reputation for fairness and and endurance. They have a reputation amongst other
honesty. Many people beyond Xindus have come to Xindi for being aggressive, impatient, stubborn, and
regard Xindi-Primates as trustworthy and decent. untrustworthy.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the TALENTS: The character receives access to the
following talent: following talent:

REQUIREMENT: Xindi–Primate, or Gamemaster’s REQUIREMENT: Xindi–Reptilian.

permission. Reptillians are naturally resistant to energy weapons stun
Xindi-Primates are natural engineers and scientists, pushing settings. They gain +1 Resistance against Non-lethal attacks
at the frontiers of design and construction. When following from energy weapons. They may always Avoid an Injury from
the Scienti c Method, they may suggest an additional Focus, a Non-lethal attack with a cost of 1 Momentum (Immediate),
which they do not have to possess, as ‘The Good Way’. even if they have already Avoided an Injury during the scene.
Every Task they attempt in an Extended Task related to the
Scienti c Method automatically gains the Piercing 1 e ect. SAMPLE NAMES:
Male names: Dankra, Guruk
SAMPLE NAMES: Female names: Igak, Krell
Male names: Degra, Ragnar, Toki Family names: Dolim
Female names: Bryn, Guyda, Hreidur

The Xindi-Aquatics are one of the five surviving species from Xindus in the Delphic
Expanse. Their homeworld was destroyed in the Xindi Civil War. Like all Xindi, the
Aquatics have a ridge-like fold at the top of their cheekbone. Xindi families pass down
initiation medals to their progeny. They are experts in biometric hologram technology,
and have a reputation for being efficient and level-headed.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Better To Deliberate Slowly Than To Rush A Decision.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Xindi-Aquatic. The Xindi-Aquatics take a long time to make decisions. This
prudence may frustrate others but makes the Xindi-Aquatics a voice of reason.
They prefer visual cues and are suspicious of the spoken word, preferring courage
and confidence in others. The Xindi-Aquatics are native to aquatic environments
and can see well underwater with the slit-like irises in their eyes. They have three-
fingered forelimbs with fingernail-like claws and webbing. Their hind limbs are fins
and they are tailed. Their natural complexion is green with blotches of olive hue.
Xindi-Aquatics communicate amongst themselves with complex songs using gills,
and switched to sonar for past tense. However, they can easily learn humanoid
languages. Females are larger, have more humanoid-looking faces and have
rougher skin than males.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Aquatic, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You make fewer errors, given time. When you attempt a Task using Reason or Insight,
and spend Determination to buy a bonus d20 for that Task, you may re-roll your dice
pool. However, if this is a Timed Challenge, you cannot spend Momentum to reduce
the length of the time involved.

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Aquatic, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You are able to use sonar to detect objects. When you are using sonar to perceive
something through gaseous or liquid environments, you may re-roll any number of dice.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


The Xindi-Arboreals are one of the five surviving species from Xindus in the Delphic
Expanse. Their homeworld was destroyed in the Xindi Civil War. Like all Xindi, the
Arboreals have a ridge-like fold at the top of their cheekbone. Xindi families pass down
initiation medals to their progeny. One of the more peaceful Xindi species, the
Arboreals are a calm people even when under duress. The other Xindi consider the
Arboreals lethargic.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Stay Calm In Face Of Adversity.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Xindi-Arboreal. Xindi-Arboreals are covered with hair, and have thick, long,
claw-like fingernails. Their eyes are dark and a ridge runs from their noses to the
back of their head. They have a dislike of water, and are adapted to arboreal
environments. While the Arboreals appear harmless, their claws can be deadly if
they are forced to use them.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Arboreal, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You are able to stay calm even in the most stressful of circumstances. When assisting
or attempting a Task during Combat or Starship Combat, the first Complication
generated on the Task by you may be ignored.

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Arboreal.

Your claws are useful for both self-defense and climbing. Your Unarmed Strikes gain
the Piercing 1 quality, and any climbing-related Tasks are at -1 to Difficulty.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


The Xindi-Insectoids are one of the five surviving species from Xindus in the Delphic
Expanse. Their homeworld was destroyed in the Xindi Civil War. Like all Xindi, the
Insectoids have a ridge-like fold at the top of their cheekbone. Xindi families pass
down initiation medals to their progeny. Insectoid names grow longer and more difficult
to pronounce as they grow older. They treat raised voices as a sign of hostility. They
are quick to make decisions, and are most closely allied with the Xindi-Reptilians.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Protect Our Offspring At All Costs.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

Ø TRAIT: Xindi-Insectoid. The Xindi-Insectoids have compound eyes, antennae,

mandibles, and thin limbs. Their bodies are protected by a semi-rigid carapace.
They have an average life expectancy of twelve years. They are genderless and
reproduce asexually by laying eggs. They are protective of their young. Xindi-
Insectoid egg clusters spray a neurotoxin on intruders that causes the victims to
reverse-imprint on the hatchlings so that they will obsessively protect them. Their
language consists of clicks, and there are sixty-seven dialects.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Insectoid.

Due to your short lifespan, you learn quickly and instinctively. You may use Insight
instead of Reason whenever you attempt a Task.

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Insectoid.

You have a protective carapace. Against non-energy weapons, you have Resistance 1.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


The Xindi-Primates are one of the five surviving species from Xindus in the Delphic
Expanse. Their homeworld was destroyed in the Xindi Civil War. Like all Xindi, the
Primates have a ridge-like fold at the top of their cheekbone. Xindi families pass down
initiation medals to their progeny. The Xindi-Primate are considered intellectual, fair,
honest, and trustworthy by the other Xindi species. They are talented engineers.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Believe In Evidence

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Reason, and choose two other Attributes (except Fitness) and
+1 to both of them.

Ø TRAIT: Xindi-Primate. Xindi-Primates have large foreheads but no eyebrows, and

some have backward-sweeping tufts of hair at the hairline. They have differences
in skin tones.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Primate, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You have an innate talent for engineering. When you succeed at an Engineering Task
as part of an Extended Task, you may Re-Roll Work for one less Momentum Cost than

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Primate, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You will not let captivity destroy you. While you are captured or imprisoned, when you
buy one or more d20s by spending Momentum, you may re-roll a single d20.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


The Xindi-Reptilians are one of the five surviving species from Xindus in the Delphic
Expanse. Their homeworld was destroyed in the Xindi Civil War. Like all Xindi, the
Reptilians have a ridge-like fold at the top of their cheekbone. Xindi families pass down
initiation medals to their progeny. The militaristic Xindi-Reptilians are easily provoked
and impatient, and seen as untrustworthy by the other Xindi species. Some Reptilian
soldiers were surgically implanted with a suicide gland that secreted a neurotoxin in
the event that they were captured. Experts in biotechnology, their bio-rifles and other
weapons utilize techno-larvae, and are designed to self-destruct if another species
tried to use them. The Xindi-Reptilians often allied with Xindi-Insectoids.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Patience Is For The Dead.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Fitness

Ø TRAIT: Xindi-Reptilian. The Xindi-Reptilians are cold blooded carnivores, and

sometimes eat living food. They are scaly and textured, with many ridges and
wrinkles. Their scales vary from yellow to brown, with several quill-like spikes atop
their heads, and small tusks protruding from either side of the face, close to the
mouth. Their eyes are yellow with vertical pupils. Xindi-Reptilians are stronger, and
able to resist hits from some energy weapons.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Reptilian.

You are able to resist a multitude of attacks due to your unique reptilian physiology.
You have +2A Resistance against energy attacks, and against edged or piercing
melee attacks.

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Reptilian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You are very familiar with biotechnological weapons and devices. When you try to
analyze, use, repair, or construct devices with biotechnological parts, you may add a
bonus d20 to your pool.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


Official version found in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook

The Xindi are an union of five divergent but genetically related species who
all evolved on the same planet, Xindus. The five species are the Aboreals,
Primates, Reptilians, lnsectoids, and Aquatics. A sixth species, the Avians,
used to exist but were all slain. In the 2030s their planet was destroyed by a
civil war, the result of a Reptilian and lnsectoid plot, forcing the entire species
to relocate. In the early 2150s, beings from another dimension deceived the
Xindi into attacking Earth, which was repelled by a military alliance between
Earth and Andoria. This incident helped establish the United Earth as a major
interstellar power.

Xindi-Arboreals evolved in dense rain-forests high above the forest floor.

Their ancient ancestors were vaguely similar to Earth’s sloths save they
were marsupials. They prefer the company of family over others and
form strong bonds. Naturally calm and measured, Xindi-Arboreals can
be lethargic at times and are stereotyped as being slow and dull witted.
However, they are actually no less intelligent than the Xindi-Humanoids or
Reptilians, and since joining the Federation have demonstrated a knack
for politics. Born into a high jungle canopy, Arboreals have an instinctive
dislike of large bodies of water.

EXAMPLE VALUE: There is Never a Need for Hostility

TRAIT: Xindi, Arboreal. All subspecies of Xindi share 99% the same
DNA and are largely susceptible to many of the same toxins and contagions.
Arboreal Xindi have excellent balance and are skilled at climbing, possessing
strong claws used to ascend trees.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Arboreal, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You prefer to wait and judge a situation rather than acting rashly. When you
use the Ready Task during combat, once per scene you can change the either
triggering situation or the readied Task.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Tre:h Online: and Cryptic Studios

Official version found in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook

The Xindi are an union of five divergent but genetically related species
who all evolved on the same planet, Xindus. The five species are the
Aboreals, Primates, Reptilians, lnsectoids, and Aquatics. A sixth
species, the Avians, used to exist but were all slain. In the 2030s
their planet was destroyed by a civil war, the result of a Reptilian
and lnsectoid plot, forcing the entire species to relocate. In the
early 2150s, beings from another dimension deceived the Xindi
into attacking Earth, which was repelled by a military alliance
between Earth and Andoria. This incident helped establish the
United Earth as a major interstellar power.

Xindi-lnsectoids are loosely humanoid, with two arms and legs and a
small abdomen. They grow and mature quickly, being fully grown in a
couple years and considered elderly after a decade. Even with advances
in medicine, few live beyond twelve or thirteen years. The lnsectoids are
asexual, reproducing once or twice during their lives in tandem with other
lnsectoids. Their ships included shielded hatcheries, so their young could be
born, mature, and then serve on a single familial starship. These hatcheries
were guarded and defended, even at the expense of the survival of the rest of
the crew. The lnsectroids have long been allies with the Xindi-Reptilians, with
their alliance dating back to when they were oppressed by the Xindi-Primates.
The two subspecies trade technology, equipment, and even starships.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Our World May be Lost but We Will Survive

TRAIT: Xindi, Insectoid. All subspecies of Xindi share 99% the same DNA and
are largely susceptible to many of the same toxins and contagions. Xindi
Insectoids have large compound eyes that provide 360-degree vision. They
have excellent hearing but are sensitive to loud noises, and equate raised
voices with aggression. Their bodies are covered in semi-rigid carapace over
their entire body. The species is asexual and lays eggs in clusters, which have
an innate biological defense: a non-insectoid approaching the eggs induces a
chemical spray that causes and obsessive nurturing instinct in the intruder.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents.

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-lnsectoid, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You are instinctively defensive of kin and allies, driving you to defend them
at any cost. When you take the Guard Task to defend an ally, they gains 3
Resistance Dice against the first successful attack before the start of your next

Text and Art by "Jester" David Gibson


Official version found in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook

The Xindi are an union of five divergent but genetically related species who
all evolved on the same planet, Xindus. The five species are the Aboreals,
Primates, Reptilians, lnsectoids, and Aquatics. A sixth species, the Avians,
used to exist but were all slain. In the 2030s their planet was destroyed by a
civil war, the result of a Reptilian and lnsectoid plot, forcing the entire species
to relocate. In the early 2150s, beings from another dimension deceived the
Xindi into attacking Earth, which was repelled by a military alliance between
Earth and Andoria. This incident helped establish the United Earth as a major
interstellar power.

Descending from an ape-like being from a savanna plain, Xindi-Primates

resemble Humans with ridged foreheads and a high hairline. Primates were
often highly intelligence, being second among the Xindi only to the Aquatics.
Their intelligence and skill at engineering allowed them to dominate the other
Xindi on their ancient homeworld, but gives them an arrogance and sense of
superiority over other species. The Xindi-Reptilians and lnsectoids resented the
Primates for centuries because of this period of oppression, with this hatred
lasting to the start of the 23rd Century. Despite their history of tyranny, Xindi-
Primates had a reputation for honesty and trustworthiness.

EXAMPLE VALUE: lt is Easier to Fix Things Than to Completely Rebuild

TRAIT: Xindi, Primate. All subspecies of Xindi share 99% the same
DNA and are largely susceptible to many of the same toxins and contagions.
Xindi-Primnates are intelligent and are skilled at both engineering and
construction but are not very resilient, lacking physical endurance and being
susceptible to radiation and toxins.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Primate, or Gamemaster’s Permission
You can guess the weak spots of objects and walls, through your knowledge
of building materials and engineering. When you attack a target that is behind
cover, you ignore 1 Cover Dice.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Tre:h Online: and Cryptic Studios

Official version found in the Beta Quadrant Sourcebook

The Xindi are an union of five divergent but genetically related species who
all evolved on the same planet, Xindus. The five species are the Aboreals,
Primates, Reptilians, lnsectoids, and Aquatics. A sixth species, the Avians, used
to exist but were all slain. In the 2030s their planet was destroyed by a civil
war, the result of a Reptilian and lnsectoid plot, forcing the entire species to
relocate. In the early 2150s, beings from another dimension deceived the Xindi
into attacking Earth, which was repelled by a military alliance between Earth
and Andoria. This incident helped establish the United Earth as a major
interstellar power.

Once hailing from the deserts of their homeworld, the cold-blooded

Xindi-Reptilians prefer to be firmly on the ground and disliked heights.
Among the other Xindi, Reptilians were seen as untrustworthy and
impatient; they were not seen as inherently duplicitous, but instead
seen as less bound to their word and prone to sudden action without
forethought. Aggressive, short tempered, and easily provoked, the
Reptilians were highly opinionated and extremely reluctant to change
their mind once it was made. Despite their antisocial tendencies, their
stubborn nature makes Xindi-Reptilians surprisingly loyal, and they seldom
question the orders from respected authority figures. Reptilians had strong
militaristic tendencies, and equated rank with social standing.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Patience is for the Dead

TRAIT: Xindi, Reptilian. All subspecies of Xindi share 99% the same DNA and
are largely susceptible to many of the same toxins and contagions. Xindi-
Reptilians are physically stronger that Humans and possess great stamina and
durability, being less susceptible being stunned by phasers. Reptilians require
warm temperatures to function, and become lethargic in the cold..

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Xindi-Reptilian, or Gamemaster’s Permission
Dense muscles and aggression makes your blows particularly devastating.
When you attempt a Melee Attack, you generate 1 bonus Momentum that
can’t be saved.

Text by "Jester" David Gibson; Art Copyright Star Trek Online: and Cryptic Studios
Picks Homeworld
15 ([+10] +2 Strength, [+5] +1 Perception, [-5] Xyrillia.
Aquatic, [+2] Skill Focus: Keen Sight, [+4]
Athletics (Swimming), [+0] Luminal Speech, [-5] History and Culture
Mute, [+5] Natural Swimmer, [-7] Ocean-Bound, Xyrillians achieved warp capability in the early
[+4] Suction Grip, [+2] Water Jet). 19th century. They are explorers, preferring to travel
ST IV: The Voyage Home unobserved (and therefore unmolested by the likes
of the Klingons and Orions). They developed
cloaking systems in lieu of powerful weapons
systems, and they were the first species to develop
a primitive holographic simulator.
Xyrillian culture touts curiosity and cooperation.
They applied for membership in the Federation
soon after its founding, one of the earliest species to
join. Xyrillians have a reputation for being
xenophiles, although some of that is due to
accidents involving reproduction from early
encounters with other species. Usually, sexual
encounters involve the use of a box-shaped device
containing a psychoreactive crystalline material
which allows the transmission of pheromones and
neurotransmitters between the participants.

Language and Names

Xyrillian and Federation Standard. Xyrillian
names tend to have rounded vowel sounds

Favored Profession

XYRILLIANS Starfleet Officer. Xyrillians are fascinated by the


Species Adjustments
+1 Presence
Xyrillians are curious and peaceful people. They
are technophilic, but are conscientious about Species Abilities
making their technology blend with nature. They
• Amiable: Xyrillians are genuinely friendly
are easily given to emotional connections.
people who gain a +2 species bonus to
Influence tests.
Physiology and Appearance
• Bonus Edge: Curious: Xyrillians love to
Xyrillians are humanoid, with orange skin that explore and meet new people.
has scale-like plating under the epidermis to protect • Parasitic Reproduction: Xyrillian females
them. Their eyes are usually yellow, but a light sky create embryos in their bodies, which can
blue is not uncommon. Compared to most then be transferred by touch to the male of
humanoids, the major difference is their any humanoid species with iron-based blood.
reproductive systems: Xyrillians do not reproduce To make this easier, Xyrillian females produce
through sexual intercourse. Instead, females a pheromone that stimulates the production of
generate both gametes, which are then transferred pleasure neurotransmitters by the male during
into the body cavity of the male of the species, touch, and allows the embryo to be more
which carries them to term. The Xyrillian gestation easily transferred.
period is approximately five months, with birth
occurring into a pouch-like cavity in the abdomen. Picks
Xyrillian embryos are very easily transferrable, even
9 ([+5] +1 Presence, [+4] Curious, [+0] Parasitic
into males of other species; this can lead to some
awkward moments for the surprised father-to-be.
ENT “Unexpected”


The peaceful Xyrillians were one of the first alien species encountered by the U.S.S. Enterprise
NX-01. A scaly and unusual Federation species, Xyrillians do not have a water-based or oxygen-
based metabolism, and survive in a high-pressure atmosphere (which other species may breathe
after a six-hour decompression process, but with potentially hallucinogenic effects; mirazine may
cut down the time to three). They are experts in holographic and stealth technology. Xyrillians
have a tendency to do things stealthily without asking permission first (such as using the
plasma exhausts of other starships to replenish their teraphasic coils).

EXAMPLE VALUE: Act Now, Ask Forgiveness Later.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Fitness, +1 Insight, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Xyrillian. Xyrillians do not have a metabolism based on water. They breathe a
high-pressure, non-oxygen-based atmosphere that has a hallucinogenic effect on most
other species, unless they are weaned onto and off their atmosphere. They eat
vegetation grown in their ships, which also generate gases that help their metabolism.
They can pass electricity via touch, creating a pleasant and painless sensation. They
have dermal plating used for detecting Xyrillian moods. Xyrillians have smooth, scaly and
hairless brown skin, and they often have large green eyes. Xyrillian females pass genetic
materials to males (not necessarily of their own species) through physical contact, and
Xyrillian males have a pouch on the upper chest to bring offspring to term.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


After contact with the Federation, Xyrillians have used their advanced technological knowledge to
make it easier for them to interact with other interstellar species. You own a Xyrillian pressure
suit that provides you with the atmosphere that Xyrillians require, equivalent to an environmental
suit (Resistance 1). You also own a Xyrillian holographic imager. Lastly, you have a Xyrillian
telepathic granule game that permits person-to-person telepathy between a Xyrillian and another
consenting player (Opportunity 1 cost per telepathic contact; as Betazoid Telepath, but only with
the person playing the game with you, who does not need to be Xyrillian but must consent to the
telepathic contact).


REQUIREMENT: Xyrillian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

Xyrillians are experts in holo-technology. When you attempt a Task that involves holographic
technology (including programming), you may reroll your dice pool.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.


The Yattho come from a lower-G class L world in the Beta Quadrant, where
they are under Klingon rule as a protectorate planet, and thus don’t have voting
rights or much standing in galactic politics, though as jeghpu'wI' (a conquered
people) are offered full protection of the Empire. Yattho are a small, physically
fragile humanoid species that explored their system before they were discovered
by the Klingons, who were not impressed in the slightest, until they learned of
their precognitive abilities. Some of the Klingon Houses attempted to use the
Yattho in making military decisions against their rivals, but despite the accuracy
of the Yattho ability, seeing beyond the results of initial attacks wasn’t always
possible, and in the end, relying on a “lesser” species such as the Yattho to guide
Klingon Warriors was deemed to be somewhat dishonourable—though rumours
in the Empire persist that Klingon Intelligence continues to use Yattho guidance
in some capacity.
The Yattho don’t take part much in galactic discourse, and while they have
warp capability, they tend to stick very close to home, owing to their low-G
physical comfort, their health needs being out of the usual range for most
humanoids, and being under Klingon rule.
The most notable quality of the Yattho is their species proclivity for having
prescient ability, often alongside some telepathic ability. Their prescience, which
is incredibly accurate, seems to be tied in some way to intent—they see the future
of choices and actions, sometimes across whole sectors, but they don’t see natural
disasters or the like (though they might sense how people choose to react to
those disasters, which means they still sometimes have prescient awareness of
the fallout of non-intent-based future events). Yattho cannot sense the future
choices or actions of species who are normally immune to telepathy—such as the
Ferengi, or Dopterians, or many non-humanoid lifeforms.
Yattho are nonviolent by nature, peaceful and contemplative, and prone to
taking a long time to make decisions, given they often catch accurate glimpses of
much of the fallout of any choice they might make. Some Yattho devote
themselves entirely to honing their prescient ability in the name of their people,
becoming what the Yattho refer to as “Foreseers” in an attempt to ensure the
safety and health of their people by watching the future for threats.

EXAMPLE VALUE: With knowledge comes the responsibility to act with care.
• ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence
• TRAIT: Yattho. The Yattho are a species who evolved on a lower-G world than
most humanoids, and as such are more fragile than most in a higher-G
environment, though they also adapt to low-or-zero-G situations far more
easily than most humanoids. They are green-skinned, with pink-to-purple
spot markings along their forehead, nasal ridge, cheeks, and chin, and
have four-slitted nostrils. Their ears are contained inside an outer
membrane that better aids in their sense of balance and adjustment in their
lower-G environment, but tends to give them a hearing range below the
average for many humanoids.
• TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Yattho, or gamemaster’s permission.
Yattho all have a gift for occasionally glimpsing the future, but some Yattho
focus their mental efforts to attain a much greater measure of control with their
inborn ability. While spontaneous moments of prescience will occur as the
gamemaster judges appropriate for a narrative, once per adventure, you may
attempt an Insight + Command Task, with a Difficulty of 2, to invoke a vision. If
successful, the Gamemaster will grant your character a vision of the future based
on a choice you or someone else is currently intending to make. Knowledge of
the future that would come to pass—without any interference from those with
knowledge of that future—is generally accurate, but the actions of anyone who is
aware of your visions can ultimately change that future.

REQUIREMENT: Yattho, or gamemaster’s permission.
Yattho all have a gift for occasionally glimpsing the future, and spontaneous
moments of prescience will occur as the gamemaster judges appropriate for a
narrative. Knowledge of the future granted by these visions always relates to the
intent or choice of someone, and the visions are generally accurate, but actions
from the character (or anyone they share their vision with) can ultimately change
this future.

REQUIREMENT: Yattho, or gamemaster’s permission.
A not-insignificant portion of Yattho are fully telepathic. You can sense the
surface thoughts and emotions of most living beings nearby, and can
communicate telepathically with other empaths and telepaths, as well as those
with whom you are extremely familiar. Surface thoughts are whatever a creature
is thinking about at that precise moment. The character cannot choose not to
sense the emotions or read the surface thoughts of those nearby, except for those
who are resistant to telepathy. It will require effort and a Task to pick out the
emotions or thoughts of a specific individual in a crowd, to search a creature’s
mind for specific thoughts or memories, or to block out the minds of those
nearby. Unwilling targets may resist with an Opposed Task.

Yattho names are patronymic, with a child having their own name, and then a
surname created by their father’s name with a prefix that varies by region of
birth. Male names tend to be single-syllable and harder sounding—with the
patronymic surname becoming two syllables—while Female names tend to have
two syllables that end with an open vowel sound, and often beginning with one
as well, and a recent cultural shift toward non-gendered or unique names mixes
the two styles, and some younger Yattho have begun using matronymic
surnames as well.

• Male Names: Jort, Keff, Koss, Pimm

• Female Names: Amra, Effa, Orna, Urni
• Nongendered Names: Aphe, Rhee, Trey, Zho
• Suffixes: Nur (the largest continent), Por (equatorial island chain), Del (most
populous and common suffix, used in the largest, planetary capital city).
• Example names: Jort NurKeff (Jort, son of Keff), Effa DelPimm (Effa, daughter
of Pimm), Rhee PorOrna (Rhee, child of Orna).


The Yattho were originally mentioned offhandedly by The Doctor during the
Voyager episode “Before and After.”
In my campaign, the Yattho made their first appearance as a small group of
Foreseers kidnapped by Dopterian agents, which the Yattho could not predict,
and passed to the Orion Syndicate in the Shackleton Expanse. The Orion
Syndicate then used the Yattho to predict the various subspace eruptions to
better spring their pirate attacks. Rescue of the Yattho denied the Orion this
advantage and also gave the Federation and Klingon crew another clue that
some of these subspace eruptions are, in fact, choices—there is intent behind
them—otherwise, the Yattho would not be able to predict them.
You could pepper in the Yattho whenever you need to put a significant
psychic roadblock between the characters and success if the Yattho are being
used against the players, or to provide impetus for the characters to act. If many
Yattho sense something of import is coming, the players would be foolish to
ignore it.
Their low-G requirements, general fragility, and Klingon subject status also
provide a back-door reason not to have any Yattho take a front-and-centre role,
as they’re not likely to be comfortable (or even healthy in the longer term) on
regular starship or starbase environments.

Yridians are often free agents working with those who share their personal goals, or as
hired hands for other species. They are known to be traders, smugglers and
information merchants, and are unwilling to part with information without payment.
They were believed to be extinct until the mid-2360s until the Federation made first
contact. They use disruptor weaponry.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Willing To Do Your Dirty Work For The Right Price

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Insight, +1 Presence, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Yridian. The Yridians are usually bald, but some have dark, curly hair. They
have a wrinkly appearance, with rodent-like ears and small eyes and noses. They
have a ridge running from their nose, up and over their heads. Most are thumbless
and have only four fingers on each hand, but some have thumbs. They are often
devious and untrustworthy.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:


REQUIREMENT: Yridian, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You have a gift for processing information and retaining it. When you attempt a Task to
organize information or recall it, you may add a bonus d20 to your dice pool.


Your Yridian evolutionary ancestors were scavengers, which gives you an instinct for
searching, as well as furtive skills such as spying, burglary, and smuggling. When you
attempt a Task where non-detection or searching is an asset, and you add a d20 to
your dice pool by adding to Threat, you may re-roll two d20s.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

On the surface, the Yridians tended to portray themselves as a calm and in
some cases tended to be quite sociable. However, those that experience
with them knew that their kind only had their own interests in mind. This
a ected the perception of the species which tends to vary on the
encounters. Some believe them to be practical and a sensible people whilst
others see them as being cold as well as highly ruthless.
Across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, they are known as smugglers and
information merchants, and were regarded as being devious and
untrustworthy. They are not noted for being great builders or thinkers but
instead managed to nd a way of becoming successful assassins, spies
and thieves.
Their own language was known as Urd which few non-Yridians
were able to understand. The lack of knowledge of the Yridian
language meant that the species tended to use it as their own
form of secret code to exchange information amongst
Between the 2200s and 2360s, the Yridians were believed to be
extinct by the Federation. However, that was later disproved
when Rudolph Ransom, a Star eet exobiologist, discovered a
group of Yridians, and established rst contact with them.

EXAMPLE VALUE: For The Right Price I’ll Do Anything

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Yridian. A common characteristic that identi ed the

species was their claw-like hands and stooped posture that
gave them the appearance as if they were shorter than other
humanoids. They possessed a heavily creased skin and
large ears with the species tending to be bald. Their grey
wrinkled skin rounded ears positioned high on the head, and
sharp, claw-like nails. Yridian hands feature only four digits
and no opposable thumb. They have an extraordinary and
innate ability to process and retain information.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Knowledge Equals Profit (Ferengi)

Regimented Mind (Cardassian)
Survivor’s Luck (Tosk)
Feminine Names: Chooza, Bouko, Jaava, Khillou, Yoocuchu
Masculine Names: Ashrock, Jaglom, Yerdrin, Yranac, Yog
Gender-Neutral Names: Mulut, Krobad, Paltriss, Vamoudan, Zeizav
Family Names: Gailok, Lek, Rak, Shrek, Ured

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Zahl. The Zahl are advanced and enjoy the

THE ORIGINAL SERIES AND THE NEXT GENERATION bene ts of that technological capability. Having
ERAS ONLY eliminated want throughout their territory, the Zahl
The Zahl are well known for their friendly and welcoming are well known for their kind, welcoming nature and
natures. Amongst the Zahl there is very little hardship, generosity. Before their world was climate regulated,
as their technology has transformed their world into the Zahl were no strangers to environmental extremes,
a paradise. While technologically advanced, the Zahl and are capable of thriving in both extreme cold
are non-combative and have no interest in aggressive and heat. Their bodies are covered in dermal ridges
expansion – but they will defend their territory if threatened that regulate their body temperature in a manner far
by an outside force. Once, the Zahl and the Krenim superior to most species.
were engaged in a series of con icts that left both sides
militarily exhausted. In recent decades, however, these TALENTS: The character receives access to the following
con icts have become nothing more than simply border Talents:
disputes that rarely erupt into open hostilities.

Given their technological capabilities, want amongst their REQUIREMENT: Zahl, or Gamemaster’s permission.
people has been e ectively eliminated – similar to Earth. With This species is capable of regulating their body temperatures
no desire for personal gain, the Zahl are welcoming to any such that they can survive in hostile environments with
peaceful species and will provide whatever aid or support ease. Reduce the severity of any negative Trait dealing with
they can, so long as it does not embroil them in someone temperature by 1. This can eliminate any ongoing damage
else’s war. Their good nature, however, quickly fades when the character would normally be required to su er due to
threatened, either personally or culturally. In these cases, the these Traits.
Zahl prefer to threaten retaliation before actually engaging in
armed aggression, in hopes that their opponent will withdraw
before the situation becomes violent. REQUIREMENT: Zahl, Bolian or Gamemaster’s permission.
A cheerful, outgoing personality is the perfect thing to put
EXAMPLE VALUE: Kindness Wins More Battles than diplomatic guests at ease. Whenever assisting another
Weapons character, the Zahl may use the active character’s Presence
Attribute instead of their own. Further, both the Zahl and
the character being assisted may ignore any increases in
Complication Range for the Task.

Zahl children are always named after others. Mothers and

fathers each contemplate someone of great in uence in
their lives and then name their child after them, with the
child gaining two given names. As they grow into adulthood,
the child then selects which name they will use as their
Many Main Characters, Star eet o cers, and Federation citizens common name. Due to this method, certain names often
have parents from di erent species. To create characters of repeat within each Zahl family. These names are usually
mixed heritage, choose two species, one of which will be the composed of two to three syllables and usually tend toward
primary species. The character is treated as a member of the softer sounds, and it is very common for names to be
primary species for attribute bonuses; most mixed-heritage shared among genders. A Zahl’s chosen common name is
characters take more after one parent than the other. The given rst, then their second name, and nally the name of
character gains the species Traits of both parent species, and their family.
may select Talents from both parent species.
Gamemaster Note: Players interested in playing mixed-heritage Masculine: Degna, Ando, Tromo, Deon, Vanil, Darab, Leom,
characters of any of the species presented in this sourcebook Gree, Gesur, Hanar, Lelsh
should discuss options with you, as these species should Feminine: Persa, Halya, Dijah, Morna, Fani, Balwa, Fulna,
generally not be available as mixed-heritage candidates in Essa, Zare, Nalise, Pente
campaigns set in the Alpha or Beta Quadrants. Gender-Neutral: Luren, Kley, Jori, Gabel, Bhana, Cirde,
Family: Wikan, Tigh, Temb, Sami, Mahid, Remue, Dregor,
Nacul, Sedet, Dalin, Ketpor



The Zakdorn are members of the United Federation of Planets, and regarded as the
greatest innately strategic minds in the galaxy. As such, none have tested them in
combat. As a result of this reputation for tactical supremacy, the Zakdorn have an
inflated sense of confidence. They are so self-assured that they maintain absolute
authority over others in their jurisdictions. In appearance, the Zakdorn have three
prominent skin folds on each cheek.

EXAMPLE VALUE: I Do Not Make Errors.

Ø ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Daring, +1 Reason

Ø TRAIT: Zakdorn. The Zakdorn flaunt their species’ reputation for tactical expertise.
Their strategic genius makes them experts at games and war games. Their hand-
eye coordination is capable of keeping up with their speed of tactical thought,
making them formidable opponents in games such as Strategema or dom-jot.
They are also skilled at bureaucracy.

Ø TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

REQUIREMENT: Zakdorn, or Gamemaster’s Permission.

You are able to analyze tactical situations with blinding speed to advise your allies.
During Combat or Ship Combat, when you Assist another with Reason, you may re-roll.

REQUIREMENT: Zakdorn, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You are so full of confidence in what you do, you shrug off attempts to intimidate you.
You are also expert at putting people in their place. Whenever you attempt a Task to
intimidate or resist intimidation, you may add a bonus d20 to your dice pool.

REQUIREMENT: Zakdorn, or Gamemaster’s permission.

You play at a grandmaster level with a particular game of strategy and skill. You may
have one additional Value and Focus that involve a game or sport where strategy is key,
reflecting your mastery and devotion to the game.

Homebrew version by Tony Pi.

Hailing from the Zalda system in the Beta Quadrant, Zaldans have been
Federation members since the early 23rd century.
Their home world Zalda III, a class O planet, is one of the rare examples
where sentient life developed, even though the planet’s land mass is at
under 8%. Scientist believe that numerous meteors impacted the planet in
the past, bringing valuable minerals to the world which, after being washed
into the vast oceans, promoted the formation of complex life forms.
The waters on Zalda III are so rich with oxygen, that Zaldans can process
the water with their lungs and thus have no need for gills. The water is even
breathable by other humanoids. Perhaps because of their deeply
mandated opposition to deception, there is almost no crime in
Zaldan society.
The tiny land mass of their planet was quickly settled by
prehistoric Zaldans, so they learned early to build cities in and
on the ocean, using elaborate pontoons created from the
bones of large sea creatures and metals gathered by deep
sea mining.
They view courtesy and politeness as a type of falsehood and
feel insulted by it. Zaldans believe themselves the only sane
culture in a galaxy of liars, yet they were happy to join the
United Federation of Planets. Many dislike them, but Zaldans
play an important role in facilitating Federation trade with the
Klingon Empire.

EXAMPLE VALUE: Everybody Lies!

ATTRIBUTES: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, +1 Presence

TRAIT: Zaldan. Zaldans are characterized by their webbed

ngers, which makes them excellent swimmers.
Otherwise, their appearance is very similar to humans. In
addition, they believe in total honesty, to the point that
chivalry is considered insulting. More often than not, this
behavior comes across as aggressive to other cultures.
Zaldans consider even the slightest falsehood unacceptable,
which oftentimes presents di culties in diplomatic negotiations
or political debates.

TALENTS: The character receives access to the following talents:

Absolute Conviction (Argrathi)

Hear All, Trust Nothing (Ferengi)
Submariner (Monean)
Feminine Names: Gudrud, Narvic, Nedoc, Zekuc
Masculine Names: Cugreg, Kamud, Molmaan, Rondon
Gender-Neutral Names: Gumoc, Jardaz, Ridran, Vigir

A highly advanced and militant species from the fringes of Federation space, the Zalkonians
were once great explorers and travelers. Unfortunately, when their species began to evolve into
a higher form of life with enormous psionic potential, their conservative government pulled
back to the homeworld and instituted a repressive effort to prevent this evolutionary "next step"
from taking place. Zalkonians who evidenced signs of "transfiguration" were segregated from
the general population and treated as "infected" or dangerously criminal aberrants. The
government focused increasingly on controlling the burgeoning evolutionary crisis and became
isolationist and xenophobic. Zalkonians are very humanoid with rippled dermal layers on their
cheeks and foreheads, in many ways reminiscent of the Zakdorn, but with less stout physiques
and more attractive features.

Fitness 3 [6]
Vitality +1
Coordination 2 [5]
Intellect 2 [6]
Logic -1
Perception +1
Presence 3 [6]
Will +2
Empathy +1
Psi 1 [6]
Focus +2

Athletics (choose any specialization) 1 (2)
Administration (choose any specialization) 1 (2)
Culture (Zalkonian) 2 (3)
Zalkonian (3)
Law (Zalkonian) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Zalkonia) 1 (2)

Typical Advantages / Disadvantages

Evolutionary Potential (Zalkonians have the potential to evolve into Pure Energy Beings of
immense psionic ability); Strong Willed; Rapid Healing; Intolerance (-1 to outsiders, -3 to
those showing signs of imminent "transfiguration"); Arrogant

Zalkonians who are on the verge of making the evolutionary leap that their government is so
frightened of first show signs of the impending change by an increase in their Presence, often
up to the species maximum, in very little time. Psi potential also begins to rise at a less
observable pace. The evolving individual will begin to manifest psionic skills, even without
any training at all. Receptive and Projective Empathy come first along with prodigious healing
abilities soon thereafter. Full Telepathic powers manifest as the "Transfiguration" takes place as
well as Teleportation and the ability to directly affect energy fields. Evolved Zalkonians do not
appear to possess "Q" or Doud level abilities, but their maximum potential has yet to be

Zalkonians to not possess a default Skill in History (Zalkonian) because the government wants
to obscure the true nature of their evolutionary condition and wants the populace focused on the
present, on Zalkonia, rather than on past glories that may prove dangerously stimulating.
Athletics may well be used as a kind of safe cultural distraction. Even Art may prove too
dangerously provocative to be freely indulged in. Zalkonians almost certainly live with
significant levels of censorship and media control by the government.

Author's Notes
The similarity between the Zalkonian and Zakdorn appearance, along with linguistic
similarities in their names and a general tendency toward rigid militancy in both cultures leads
me to speculate that there may be an, as yet unrevealed, connection between the two species. In
my own campaigns, I am speculating that their relationship is similar to that between the
Vulcans and the Romulans. The Zakdorn represent a segment of Zalkonian society that broke
away at some point before the mass withdrawal back to the homeworld occurred. The Zakdorn
are more cerebral, but less physically inclined and less interested in interpersonal skills than the
parent culture. There are no signs of emergent evolution among the Zakdorn, so they may
represent a more "primitive" version of the Zalkonian genotype. Both species possess
formidable military capabilities, but, despite their shared arrogance, neither seems to be
interested in expansionism. The Zakdorn are content to be arm-chair generals par excellence,
while the Zalkonians are obsessed with preserving their traditional culture and avoiding outside
influences which may destabilize them.

Submitted by Kurt McCoy

Page layout and code ©2004, Memory: ICON.

Star Trek® and all related marks tm, ®, © Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Star Trek The RPGtm and all related products are ©Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Individual works are © by the authors and may not be reproduced without permission.
addition to their service in Star eet, Zaranites also serve
in various positions within the scienti c community and
diplomatic corps.
ERAS ONLY TALENTS: The character receives access to the
Zaranites are a humanoid species native to a Class-K following Talents:
world, Zaran II, a planet of endless volcanic activity that
supports a ourishing chemosynthesis-based ecosystem.
The Zaranites evolved breathing the toxic volcanic gases REQUIREMENT: Zaranite, or Gamemaster’s permission.
and must wear a respirator that provides the gas mixture Zaranite skin is extremely tough and capable of withstanding
that would be lethal to most Federation species. In pressures, temperatures, and acidity levels that would prove
addition, Zaranites have a strong sensitivity to light due to lethal to other species. Characters with this Talent gain 2
the constant clouds of volcanic ash covering their world, natural Resistance.
and must wear special eye protection to prevent damage
to their retinas. Zaranites serve in Star eet like any other
member world of the Federation, and the Star eet Corps REQUIREMENT: Zaranite, or Gamemaster’s permission.
of Engineers has developed standardized modules that Zaranites can see a broader spectrum of light than most
convert the atmosphere of crew quarters to meet their humanoid species. Characters with this Talent gain a bonus
particular needs. These biological di erences have the Momentum on a Perception Task based on vision. This
unfortunate e ect of often isolating Zaranite o cers from bonus Momentum may only be used on the Gain Information
their crewmates. Their unique physiology, dependence Momentum spend.
on a respirator, and natural resilience makes the Zaranite
one of the few species serving in Star eet able to survive
hard vacuum. Zaranite names are nearly unpronounceable by most species,
including Humans. Complicating this issue further is the
EXAMPLE VALUE: The Tougher the Skin, the Tougher the Zaranites’ reliance on respirators which distort their natural
Being vocalizations. Ever adaptive, the Zaranites long ago adopted
the use of “public names” which they provide to members of
ATTRIBUTES: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Reason other species.

TRAIT: Zaranite. Zaranites are hardy and immune to SAMPLE NAMES:

toxic gases, complications due to bright lighting, and Female names: Doraki, Neelu, Ayami, Karis, Elensa, Irinu,
can survive the extremes conditions of the vacuum of Kiran, Tristi, Lyudmi, Natelani, Adelyna
space, so long as their respirator tanks last. In general, Male names: Castel, Makan, Keshen, Shrive, Rayan, Perraul,
Zaranites are pleasant if not somewhat reserved. In Jossmah, Kantasen, Noorber, Vosgi
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME go naked. This is often frowned upon in other societies, but
SPECIES PROFILE among the Zuri Prime it is a way of flaunting their well-
honed, naturally muscular physiques. And the Zuri have no
customs regarding modesty.
SPECIES NAME: The ZURI Zuri Prime naturally have dark hair, and while most males
shave their heads, females let their hair grow long.
Rodan are well known for their sexual prowess. Males are
usually very well-endowed. And females are second only to
the Orions in their animal-like passions, and drives. The
major difference here being that female Zuri Prime have,
naturally, what the green Orion “animal women” require
dangerous drug to achieve.

The Zuri people have been divided along the lines of race
for centuries. And the Zuri Prime enjoy such a dominance
on their homeworld, that it is not likely to ever abate.

The Zuri Prime dominate their planet culturally,

economically, and physically. They subjugate the Lessers,
or Gral, and even keep slaves in some regions. And not only
Zuri Gral, but Orion women, or other slaves, sold to them
by, usually by Orion Slavers. The Zuri do not trade with
other worlds as far as slaving is concerned, but they are not
above buying and selling people, among their own kind.

The Zuri prime are a rugged, warlike people. They enjoy a

Zuri Rodan (Zuri Prime) good fight, as well as a raucous celebration, afterward. They
are also very aggressive, sexually. Not overly intelligent, the
Zuri Prime have achieved their social success by
dominating the Gral into a subservient position, and then
+1 Strength, -1 Intellect postulating their own importance, as leaders of their race,
upon off-worlders with whom they have contact.
The Zuri are actually two distinctly different humanoid While the Zuri Prime seem very adept at managing their own
species, however they evolved from a single race. The business affairs, and dealing with other species on a social
larger, stronger and dominant Zuri Rodan, or Zuri and political level, they are not as adept at mechanical or
Prime virtually created the Zuri Gral, or “Lessers” with technical aptitudes. And they rely, reluctantly, on the Gral in
centuries of oppression that included forcing the a large part to keep their civilization running smoothly.
Lessers into squalid living conditions, and forcing
them to accept inferior medical treatments. LANGUAGES
The Zuri language is made up of words that have a
This, over time, caused the Lessers to evolve into a distinctively European sound to most Terrans. And some
race of physically weakened, sickly people. At the Zuri words are actually recognizable as words from Earth
same time the Rodan, or Prime evolved into a languages, albeit used to represent entirely different
physically strong race, albeit lacking in intelligence meanings.
compared to the more technically adept Gral.
For example, the Zuri Prime's own word for themselves is
This article will cover both races of Zuri. Starting with the name of a giant, fictional monster, and the word Gral,
the socially and economically dominant Rodan. used by the Rodan to refer to the “Lessers”,
The Zuri Prime are large, physically attractive
humanoids with skin-tones ranging between a dull A Zuri Prime will have a given name, a family name, and a
orange to a bright red. They tend to be very muscular clan name, often referred to as their honorific. Actual Zuri
in their builds, regardless of gender. proper names are very similar to Orion or Deltan names.

Male Zuri Prime commonly shave their heads, and Some examples of male and female Zuri Prime names are
both men and women decorate their bodies with an Daven, Nalesh, Mattak, and Dun (for males), and Zelash,
elaborate network of tattoos. A Zuri Prime can easily M'toya, D'Nash, and Kotel for females.
have a tattoo on almost any part of their body, but the
arms, chest, and back are the most common locations Some common clan, or familial names include Bakuna,
for such decoration. Molital, Vishra, Kesh, and Obital.

Zuri Prime wear very little clothing, and they prefer to Honorific names are written separated from the proper and
familial names, and always begin with an apostrophe. Some
examples include 'banyatad, 'verimat, 'shadael, and Seasoned: The Zuri Prime share this species ability with the
'pilosa. Orions, who may well be a distant off-shoot of the Zuri race
(or vice-versa). Zuri Prime gain a +2 bonus to their Savvy
The honorific 'pilosa seems only to be given to reactions as a result of being Seasoned (see p. 121 of
females who work in a sex-based profession such as Aliens for more information).
an exotic dancer, or a prostitute. And despite the Zuri
Prime's almost constant attempts at presenting a regal Ultraviolet Endurance: A trait also shared with the Orions,
air about themselves, women in these occupations are the Zuri have a high tolerance for ultraviolet radiation. This
held in very high regard. is not likely to be a result of any genetic similarity, or
relationship to the Orion people, however. The Zuri'ha star
HOMEWORLD is type-B like that of Rigel. Zuri Prime receive the same
bonuses due to their ultraviolet endurance as Orions,
Zuri'ha, the homeworld of both races of Zuri, is located
however. (see Aliens, p. 121)
in the Alpha Quadrant, some 80 lightyears from
Cardassia Prime.
Pheromones: This trait only applies to Rodan females, who
give of similar pheromones to Deltans. These pheromones
The Zuri often trade with the Cardassians, as well as
are capable of having a powerful effect on most humanoids,
the neighboring Tholians. The Zuri Prime are one of
although Deltans are strangely resistant to them. Zuri Prime
very few races to actually have ongoing diplomatic
females gain a +1 bonus to Influence (Charm) tests and a +3
relations with the Tholians.
species bonus to Influence (Seduce) tests. However, unlike
Deltans, a Zuri scoring an extraordinary success on an
Zuri'ha itself is a class-O planet on a technological par
Influence test is not likely to cause the subject to become
with Cardassia, or Romulus. The civilization is
obsessed with them, or being stalking them.
dominated by racism, and the subjugation of the Gral
by the Rodan. This, as well as the Rodan practice of
Skill Focus (Ruthless): (bonus edge) Zuri Prime males are
keeping slaves has kept Zuri'ha out of the Federation.
very aggressive in almost everything they do. Business,
social activities, or military command. The male Rodan is
In 2380, Zuri'ha joined a regional planetary alliance
very ruthless, and often unscrupulous. This pattern of
made up of several worlds, all of whom respect a
behavior provides all Zuri Prime males with a +1 bonus to
monetary-based society and have at least some
Administration tests, and a +2 to all Intimidation tests. Only
significant resources to export.
Zuri Prime males have this edge naturally, although females
may pick it up later, as part of a development or
This alliance is known as the Vakluran Coalition, after
advancement package.
its founding and governing member, the Vaklurans.
Most worlds in the Coalition are located in the region
Species Flaws: Arrogant (applies to males, only) and Proud
surrounding Breen, Tholian, and Cardassian space.
(applicable to females).
Zuri'ha's primary exports include rare metals, exotic
Optional Species Flaw: Infamy (Cruelty), applies only to
seafoods, and well-trained dancers, masseuses, and
male Zuri Prime.
prostitutes who are not sold as slaves, but often
signed to long, binding contracts that reduce their
control over their own financial situation to that of an Rodan Courtesan
indentured servant.
The Zuri Prime will train members of their female population
FAVORED PROFESSION in exotic dance, and erotic art. Being accepted for such
training is considered an honor among the Zuri, but a
Zuri professions run the gamut, with Soldier, Rogue,
woman trained as a Courtesan is held to a contract as an
and Starship Officer being preferred by the Zuri Prime.
indentured servant for a period of 10 years after completing
her training.
There are almost no Zuri Prime in Starfleet, and those
serving on active duty are usually females, who
Many Courtesans are sent off-world. And it is not an
entered Federation society as dancers or prostitutes
uncommon practice for Courtesans to then break their
shipped off-world under indenture contracts.
contracts and use their skills to seek their own fortunes.
Zuri Prime males tend to be very aggressive and
Training as a Rodan Courtesan can be chosen as a Personal
arrogant, but they make excellent command officers in
Development background package.
their own stellar navies.

SPECIES ABILITIES The Courtesan Development Package

Social Privilege: the Zuri Prime are considered the top
echelon of their society. And no one considers them You were trained as an exotic “giver of pleasure”,
more so than they do themselves. This superior dancer, masseuse and professional concubine.
position occupied by the Prime gives them a margin of
respect in some cultures, while their sheer bluster Pick 1 Skill: Influence (Charm) +2, Influence
earns them a type of begrudged respect by others. (Seduction) +2, Knowledge/Trivia (Erotic Arts) +2
Zuri Prime receive a +1 bonus to all Social skills as a
result of the air of confidence this status provides. Pick 3 Skills: Knowledge/Trivia (Massage) +1,
Entertain (Dance) +1, any one other Entertain
skill +1, Business +1, any one Language skill
+1, any one Unarmed Combat skill +1
Pick 1 Edge: Contacts, Ally, Skill Focus
(Seductive), Friendly, Likeable, Meticulous

A Courtesan who breaks her contract becomes a

fugitive according to Zuri law. She will be arrested and
forced to serve out her contract if she returns to
Zuri'ha. And, often, the holder of a Courtesan's
contract will try to capture a fugitive Courtesan and
force her to return to her servitude.

To this end, many powerful Zuri Prime who make a

living from Courtesan contracts employ bounty
hunters to make certain their stable of Courtesans
remain loyal to their contracts.

The Courtesan development package can easily be

used to create characters with similar training from
other cultures.

A gray-skinned Zuri Gral, or “Lesser”

-2 Strength, -2 Vitality, +2 Intellect, +1 Agility, -2 Presence

Considered an inferior race by the dominant, and
overbearing Zuri Prime, the Gral, or Lessers have gray, or
greyish blue skin, black hair, and solid black eyes
resembling of the eyes of most Betazoids.

Otherwise the Gral are generally similar to the Rodan, or

Prime of the Zuri species. Their DNA is compatible. But
interracial marriage is strictly forbidden among the Zuri.

The Zuri Gral are a smaller people on the average, and

obviously less strong, and muscular. Zuri Gral often have a
The symbol of Zuri'ha, and specifically, the frail, or even sickly appearance.
Zuri Rodan
Their voices tend to quiver when they speak, which adds to
the air of servility they are forced to maintain among the

The Zuri Gral are completely subjugated by the Zuri Prime.
And some Gral are even kept as slaves by powerful Rodan.
This is usually a case of the Gral owing a debt to the Rodan,
and only being able to pay it back by an extensive period of
forced service.

But the Rodan treat the Gral cruelly. They are physically and
verbally abusive towards them. And this has been the norm
of their culture for over 700 years.

As a result, the Gral are forced to live underground, and

often in squalor. They do not have access to the quality of
life the Rodan enjoy, even when working among them. And
the medical care the Gral receive often does them more
harm than whatever they are being treated for.
The Gral have developed a subculture in the engineering capacity, and there are some Zuri Lessers
underground world they have been forced to build for serving in Starfleet. More, actually, than Zuri Prime.
themselves. And here, although they still live in a ugly These Zuri will be Starship Officers with Engineering,
conditions compared to the Rodan, the Gral have put Science, or Operations elite professions.
their natural aptitude for mechanics, and technology
The Gral are exceptionally intelligent, and receive a +2
And the Gral have even managed to develop some
bonus to their Intellect attribute. This superior intellect is
methods of treating their medical conditions that are
likely what caused the Gral's oppression by the Rodan. The
quite effective. They keep these, and other
less technically adept Rodan most likely saw the Gral's
technological breakthroughs they've made secret from
intelligence as a threat to their superiority and used their
the Rodan.
ability to dominate the smaller race to ensure that the
mentally superior Gral would never become the dominant
But, because it is against the laws of so many more
force on Zuri'ha.
civilized societies, the Rodan are forced to treat the
Gral with some civility, or lose trade relations with
Gral are somewhat physically impaired by their long
their neighbors, including Cardassia and the
subterranean life, and receive a -2 to both Strength and
Vitality. They are very lithe, and agile, however, gaining a +1
bonus to their Agility scores.
This affords the Gral an element of freedom. And they
are able to leave their homeworld and try their fortune
And finally, their social status, combined with their timid
on their own in the galaxy.
mannerisms causes them to suffer a -1 penalty to their
The Gral speak the basic language of the Zuri, as well Other species abilities include:
as their own dialect, which the Rodan see as primitive,
but is actually derived from ancient Zuri languages Social Outcast: (species flaw) Zuri Gral are ostracized by
and street slang to form what is nearly a completely the Zuri Prime, and due to the Rodan's dominance of their
different language. planet and their society this causes some other cultures to
look down on the Gral as well. As a result, the Gral have a
The Rodan have tried to ban the speaking of this Gral very low social standing on their own homeworld and a
dialect in their presence as it is hard for them to somewhat low standing as viewed by other cultures
understand and they feel as if the Gral are trying to including Cardassians, Klingons, and Romulans.
communicate secretively in front of the Rodan. Which
is, of course, the case. This gives the Gral a -2 penalty to all Social tests. Gral also
receive a further -2 penalty to all reactions involving Zuri
Most Gral encountered off world, and some on Zuri'ha Rodan, and begin all Social tests involving Rodans with an
speak Federation Standard, and some will also have a Unfriendly interaction stance.
basic knowledge of Cardassian.
COMMON NAMES Ultraviolet Intolerance: The Gral are more susceptible to the
effects of ultraviolet rays, in a direct contrast to the
Gral use the same common names as the Zuri Prime.
endurance Rodan have for them. Gral receive a -4 penalty to
However Gral do not have honorific names.
Stamina tests when trying to resist ultraviolet radiation, but
this does not effect their ability to resist other radiation
The Zuri Gral share their home planet with the
dominant Zuri Rodan. But, the Gral are relegated to Radiation Resistance: Zuri Gral are just as resistant to other
living in underground settlements or in deserted, run forms of radiation as their Rodan counterparts, and perhaps
down, ill kept sections of large Rodan cities. even more so. The Gral receive a +2 to their Stamina
reaction tests to resist the effects of non-UV radiation.
As a result, the Gral have evolved some stark physical
differences from the Rodan, including a smaller Disabled: (species flaw) Due to their squalid living
stature, a strong resistance to radiation. However, they conditions, and often mediocre medical care, most Zuri Gral
do not have the resistance to ultraviolet light the will suffer from some form of mental, emotional, or physical
Rodan enjoy, due to a lack of time on the planet's disability.
If a Gral has a Vitality 9, or less then he must chose up to
FAVORED PROFESSION three physical flaws. A Gral with a Presence below 9 must
Zuri Gral have a natural aptitude for all things chose up to two mental, emotional or social flaws. For each
mechanical, technical, and scientific. Thus they are Disabled flaw chosen, the Gral may make the normal
most often found in the Scientist profession on their number of edge picks as long as those edges do not cancel
homeworld, or working as Merchants or Rogues with out the Disabled flaws.
extensive training in mechanical and technical skills.
Flaws should be chosen from the chart, below.
Gral who make it off of Zuri'ha usually become
Rogues, or Free Traders, working in a technician or
Physical Flaws Non-physical Flaws
with the Co'tlmeth (having at least seen one before)
or they will suffer a -3 penalty to their attack tests.
Easily Winded Coward
If a complete success is scored on a parry action
Flat-footed Easily Distracted
with a Co'tlemeth, the user may perform a free attack
Low Energy Level Gullible against the same opponent. The free action must be
Low Pain Threshold Reckless performed in the same round in which the parry was
Night Blind Weak Willed
Slow Healing
Thin Blooded*

* - Either Thin Blooded (Heat) or Thin Blooded (Cold). But

the majority of Gral will have Thin Blooded (Cold) due to
the high temperatures they are used to, living under the
Rodan cities.

Technically Adept: Zuri Grals are natural born techs

and engineers. They receive a +2 bonus to Construct
and a +3 bonus to Repair skill tests, as well as a +1
bonus to any engineering skill they have at least +1
skill level in (meaning all Zuri Gral start any
engineering skill they've learned at at least +2).

Sickly: (species flaw) Most Gral will have this flaw

(Player's Guide, p. 143) as a species flaw, unless their
Vitality is 10+.

Bonus Edges: Innovative, Multitasking

Species Flaws: Familiar Face (Zuri Gral), Intolerant
(Zuri Rodan)

The Co'tlmeth

Specifications: 51cm, length (two 23cm blades

on either end of an 18cm handle), 0.68kg, mass.
Description: The traditional weapon of a
skilled Zuri Prime warrior. Once carried as a side
arm by Rodans, but now replaced by a disruptor
pistol for military and police use, the Co'tlmeth
is still a traditional weapon in the Rodan culture.
And a Zuri who owns one will treasure it as a
Klingon does his Bat'leth.
Parry Modifier: +2
Damage: 3d6+2
Rules: Simple Weapons (Zuri), Simple
Weapons (Co'tlmeth), or Simple Weapons
(Klingon) skill required to use. Klingon skill will
serve as a substitute for actual Zuri weapon
training due to the Cot'lmeth's similarities to old-
style Bat'leth designs. But, even with Klingon
weapon skills, one must have some familiarity

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