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Product/Project Accounting Audit Program

Control Objectives & Activities Test Steps

1) All projects and product developments/launches are valid.

1. Interview management to ensure that all product

developments are authorized by management and
unauthorized activity is prevented.

2. Obtain the list of product developments/launches

1.1 All product developments or projects are authorized and
during the period of review.
ratified by senior management as part of the long-term strategic
direction of the organization and unauthorized product/project
3. Verify if such developments/launches are authorized
activity is prevented.
and ratified by senior management.

4. Interview management on any unauthorized activity

during the period of review and verify appropriate follow
up action was taken.

1. Interview management and determine the methods

used to prevent unauthorized investments.
1.2 Key objectives are set for the product/project (such as the
required rate of return on the investment or target sales income),
2. Perform testing to ensure unauthorized access is
as the basis for performance and achievement monitoring.
prevented by comparing the list of approved personnel
who can invest and with the access granted.

2) Product/projects costs are calculated accurately using the appropriate costing method.
1. Determine if direct and indirect costs are accurately
identified by management.
2.1 Management reviews all the direct and indirect costs
associated with the product/project.
2. Select any project and verify if all direct/indirect costs
associated with the project are accurate.

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Product/Project Accounting Audit Program

Control Objectives & Activities Test Steps

1. Interview management regarding the basis of

deciding the costing method for each project/product.

2. Obtain evidence to review the reasonableness of

2.2 Management establishes the most appropriate costing
such decision.
method for the product/project and ensures that all the relevant
cost elements and underlying assumptions are identified and
3. Verify that all cost elements and underlying
assumptions are identified.

4. Select a project/product and verify if the relevant

costing method is applied.

3) All relevant costs are identified and accurately recorded.

1. Select a particular project and obtain its project costs.

3.1 Management evaluates that all the resources (labor and
material) actually expended are being identified and accurately
2. Verify if all labor and material expense is identified
and adequately costed.

1. Interview management to determine the treatment

given to special costs.
3.2 All special costs (such as special tooling, capital equipment,
2. Select a project and obtain its related special project
employing external consultants, etc.) are taken into account.

3. Verify if all the special costs are taken into account.

1. Select a particular project and obtain its project costs.

2. Verify if all labor and material expense is identified

3.3 Processes exist to prevent the inclusion of invalid or incorrect
and adequately costed.
costs for a product or project.
3. Verify if any invalid/incorrect costs are included and
identify the reasons for the inclusion.

1. Obtain evidence of the review performed by

management to check for relevant costs and
3.4 Management ascertain that all the relevant cost data is completeness.
accurate, complete, and correctly accumulated in the accounting
system. 2. Select a project and verify if all the project costs are
identified and accounted for accurately in the
accounting system.

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Product/Project Accounting Audit Program

Control Objectives & Activities Test Steps

4) Project/product development are considered in relation to the established pricing policy.
1. Interview management to understand the appraisal
process for the projects/products.
4.1 Management has undertaken and evidenced a full appraisal
of all potential products and projects. 2. Select a project and verify that management has
undertaken an appraisal of all potential

1. Interview management to understand how external

factors are taken into account while authorizing the
pricing policy.
4.2 Management has developed an authorized pricing policy
based upon market share, action by competitors, local pricing 2. Verify if all the external factors are factored in the
considerations, supply and demand, geographic differences, etc. pricing policy.

3. Obtain evidence that pricing policy is reviewed

periodically and ratified by the senior management.

1. Interview management to understand how local

factors are taken into account while authorizing the
pricing policy.
4.3 Management has taken adequate account of local factors
such as taxation, pricing controls, competitors strategy, available 2. Verify if all the external factors are factored in the
subsidies and grants, etc. pricing policy.

3. Obtain evidence that pricing policy is reviewed

periodically and ratified by the senior management.

5) Reliable budgets are established.

1. Obtain evidence that targets/objectives and a
monitoring mechanism are set for each project.
5.1 Management has determined targets and objectives for each
product/project based in reliable data and assumption.
2. Verify that actual performance are monitored against
targets on a regular basis.
6) Actual costs, progress and the variances are identified and acted upon.
1. Inquire the mechanism implemented to identify a cost
overrun in a project.
6.1 Management monitors the cost overruns, failures to achieve
target objectives, etc. 2. Obtain evidence that management adequately
monitors costs on a regular basis in order to detect cost

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Product/Project Accounting Audit Program

Control Objectives & Activities Test Steps

1. Inquire if management monitors variations in related

costs for products/projects that involve
6.2 Management takes due regard of the consequences of
materials/services provided by external suppliers.
variations in the related costs for products/projects that involve
materials or services provided by external suppliers.
2. Obtain evidence that such variations in costs are
monitored for all products/projects.

1. Obtain evidence that targets/objectives and a

monitoring mechanism are set for each project.
6.3 Cost targets are established for all the key stages of the
project, and actual costs are monitored against the targets.
2. Verify that targets/objectives are established and

1. Inquire if standard cost variances are considered in

relation to inventory and cost of sales.
6.4 The impact of standard cost variances is considered in
relation to the inventory and cost of sales. 2. Select a product and verify if the related standard
cost variances are transferred to inventory and/or cost
of sales.

1. Inquire about significant problems or cost variances.

6.5 Significant problems or cost variances are recorded together
with the proposed courses of management action.
2. Verify if variances are recorded accurately.

7) Actual sales or desired project performance is achieved.

1. Obtain evidence that a "break even point",
7.1 A "break even point" is developed for the product/project and
targets/objectives and a monitoring mechanism are
monitored in order to ensure achievement of objectives.
developed for each project.
7.2 Management monitors that products/projects are achieving
2. Verify that actual performance is monitored against
the required objectives.
targets on a regular basis.
7.3 Key project stages, milestones and deliverables are identified
and incorporated into a workable progress monitoring system for 3. Verify if the product/project is achieving the required
management review and action. objectives.
8) The accounting system accurately reflects all the relevant economic events associated with each product/project.

1. Interview management to determine the various

discrete production & stages that are identified to
facilitate accounting.
8.1 All of the discrete production and other stages are identified,
and management examines that the associated costs are 2. Verify that all costs at such discrete production and
accurately reflected in the accounting/costing systems. other stages are accounted accurately.

3. Obtain evidence that such costs are reviewed

periodically by management.

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