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Experion PKS

PROFIBUS Gateway Module User's Guide

November 2016

Release 500
Document Release Issue Date
EPDOC-XX88-en-500A 500 0 November 2016

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Copyright 2016 - Honeywell International Sarl


1 About This Guide ................................................................................................................................... 9

2 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Overview ................................................................................... 11
2.1 Overview of PGM components ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.2 About DPV1 and HART enhancements for PGM ............................................................................................ 14
2.3 PGM topology .................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.4 PGM data flow diagram .................................................................................................................................... 17
2.5 Data communication in PGM ........................................................................................................................... 18
3 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Planning and Design ............................................................... 19
3.1 Review Experion system capabilities ............................................................................................................... 20
4 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Installation ................................................................................ 21
4.1 Pre-installation considerations .......................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 PGM assembly .................................................................................................................................................. 23
4.2.1 CF9 control firewall - 9-port control firewall (CF9) ........................................................................ 23
4.3 PGM IOTA pinouts ........................................................................................................................................... 24
4.3.1 PROFIBUS DP Master LED behavior .............................................................................................. 25
4.4 Installing a PGM ............................................................................................................................................... 26
4.5 PGM power-on and startup ............................................................................................................................... 28
4.6 Profibus cabling guidelines ............................................................................................................................... 29
4.6.1 Copper cable-based media redundancy ............................................................................................. 29
4.6.2 Fiber-optic cabling-based media redundancy .................................................................................... 30
4.6.3 Redundant PGM in a non-redundant Profibus cabling ...................................................................... 30
5 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Block ......................................................................................... 33
5.1 PGM overview .................................................................................................................................................. 34
5.1.1 PGM block creation ........................................................................................................................... 34
5.1.2 PGM block deletion ........................................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Configuring a PGM .......................................................................................................................................... 35
5.3 Configuring a secondary PGM ......................................................................................................................... 36
5.4 Converting a redundant PGM to a non-redundant PGM .................................................................................. 37
5.5 Monitoring PGM block ..................................................................................................................................... 38
5.5.1 PGM block state after configuration and load ................................................................................... 38
5.5.2 PGM block status parameters ............................................................................................................ 38
5.5.3 PGM block command parameters ..................................................................................................... 38
5.5.4 PGM PDA statistics parameters ........................................................................................................ 39
5.5.5 PGM memory statistics parameters ................................................................................................... 39
5.5.6 PGM block icons ............................................................................................................................... 40
5.5.7 PGM block diagnostic alarms ............................................................................................................ 41
5.6 PGM redundancy-specific operations ............................................................................................................... 43
5.6.1 Enabling Synchronization ................................................................................................................. 44
5.6.2 Disabling Synchronization ................................................................................................................ 45
5.6.3 Configuring the network for switchover ............................................................................................ 45
5.6.4 Enabling a secondary PGM to become a primary PGM in the absence of a partner module ........... 47
5.6.5 Performing a manual switchover ....................................................................................................... 47
5.6.6 PGM redundancy notifications .......................................................................................................... 48
5.7 PGM shutdown operations ............................................................................................................................... 49


5.7.1 Initiating a PGM shutdown ................................................................................................................ 49

5.7.2 Shutting down the secondary PGM ................................................................................................... 49
5.8 PGM block station displays .............................................................................................................................. 51
5.8.1 Detail displays and faceplate names .................................................................................................. 51
5.8.2 Calling up the displays ....................................................................................................................... 51
5.8.3 Detail display tabs .............................................................................................................................. 52
5.8.4 PGM group detail display, system status display, group trend display .............................................. 55
5.8.5 PGM faceplates .................................................................................................................................. 58
6 Protocol Block ...................................................................................................................................... 61
6.1 Protocol Block overview ................................................................................................................................. 62
6.1.1 “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ” ........................................................................................... 62
6.1.2 Using Profibus Network Configuration Tool for configuring field network devices ........................ 63
6.2 Configuring the Protocol Block ........................................................................................................................ 64
6.3 Configuring the slave devices in PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool .................................................... 66
6.3.1 Drive DSB specific module configuration in Profibus Network Configuration Tool ....................... 68
6.3.2 GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB specific module configuration in Profibus Network
Configuration Tool ................................................................................................................................. 68
6.3.3 Siemens ASi Link DSB specific modules configuration in Profibus Network Configuration Tool . 68
6.3.4 Siemens ET 200M DSB specific module configuration in Profibus Network Configuration Tool .. 69
6.3.5 Turck Excom DSB specific modules configuration in Profibus Network Configuration Tool ......... 69
6.4 Configuring the master in Profibus Network Configuration Tool .................................................................... 72
6.4.1 Assigning the device to the correct hardware .................................................................................... 72
6.4.2 Modifying the PROFIBUS network setup values (bus parameters) .................................................. 73
6.4.3 Configuring the field network tag names .......................................................................................... 74
6.4.4 Changing the field network device address ...................................................................................... 78
6.4.5 Changing the master settings ............................................................................................................. 78
6.4.6 Detecting slave devices in the network ............................................................................................. 78
6.5 Adding a new GSD-based device to PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool library .................................. 80
6.6 About grouping adjacent modules into one logical module ............................................................................. 81
6.6.1 Guidelines for grouping modules ...................................................................................................... 81
6.6.2 About the Address Management page ............................................................................................... 82
6.6.3 Grouping adjacent modules into one logical module ........................................................................ 84
6.6.4 Ungrouping grouped modules ........................................................................................................... 85
6.6.5 Adding reserved memory area to the devices .................................................................................... 86
6.6.6 Defragmenting memory area ............................................................................................................. 86
6.6.7 About the Signal Configuration page ................................................................................................ 87
6.7 About modifying the field network configuration during runtime ................................................................... 88
6.8 Support for time synchronization functionality ................................................................................................ 90
6.8.1 Configuring time synchronization in PGM master DTM .................................................................. 90
6.8.2 Configuring time synchronization in slaves ...................................................................................... 91
6.9 Export/import of field network configuration .................................................................................................. 93
6.9.1 Exporting field network configuration .............................................................................................. 93
6.9.2 Importing field network configuration .............................................................................................. 93
6.10 Audit Trail for field network configuration .................................................................................................... 94
6.10.1 Operations that impact Audit Trail .................................................................................................. 95
6.11 Monitoring Protocol Block ............................................................................................................................. 96
6.11.1 Protocol Block state after configuration and load ............................................................................ 96
6.11.2 Protocol Block status parameters .................................................................................................... 96
6.11.3 Protocol Block command parameters ............................................................................................. 97
6.11.4 Protocol block statistics parameters ................................................................................................. 97
6.11.5 Protocol Block icons ....................................................................................................................... 98
6.11.6 Protocol Block notifications ............................................................................................................ 98
6.12 Monitoring the field network configuration ................................................................................................... 99
6.12.1 Viewing the master's diagnosis and extended diagnosis .................................................................. 99


6.12.2 Viewing the status of all slave devices from the Profibus Network Configuration Tool
Network view ....................................................................................................................................... 100
6.12.3 Viewing the slave devices from the Life List menu ...................................................................... 101
6.12.4 Changing the device address from the Set Station Address menu ................................................ 102
6.12.5 Detecting slave devices in the network ......................................................................................... 104
6.12.6 Viewing the slave device diagnosis ............................................................................................... 105
6.12.7 Viewing the slave device's extended diagnosis ............................................................................. 106
6.13 QVCS - Diff Tool view of non-human readable data .................................................................................. 109
6.14 Protocol Block station displays ..................................................................................................................... 110
6.14.1 Detail displays and faceplate names .............................................................................................. 110
6.14.2 Calling up the displays ................................................................................................................... 110
6.14.3 Detail display tabs .......................................................................................................................... 110
7 PROFIBUS Configuration Tools ........................................................................................................ 115
7.1 Accessing PROFIBUS Configuration Tools ................................................................................................... 117
7.2 Configuring slaves/modules ........................................................................................................................... 120
7.2.1 Rule files .......................................................................................................................................... 120
7.2.2 Creating rule file from a template .................................................................................................... 121
7.2.3 Guidelines for naming a rule file ..................................................................................................... 122
7.2.4 Guidelines for configuring rule file ................................................................................................. 122
7.2.5 Elements configured in a rule file .................................................................................................... 123
7.2.6 Modifying the existing rule file ....................................................................................................... 127
7.2.7 Selecting the default rule file in Auto-configure Slaves .................................................................. 127
7.2.8 Configuring the slaves ..................................................................................................................... 128
7.2.9 Representation of DSB names ......................................................................................................... 129
7.2.10 Configuring the modules ............................................................................................................... 129
7.2.11 Representation of PIOMB names .................................................................................................. 130
7.2.12 Representation of PBHIOMB names ............................................................................................. 131
7.2.13 Subsequent Update of DSB using Auto Configure Slave ............................................................. 131
7.3 Validating and saving configuration ............................................................................................................... 133
7.4 Troubleshooting scenarios .............................................................................................................................. 135
8 Device Support Block (DSB) ............................................................................................................. 137
8.1 Device Support Block (DSB) overview ......................................................................................................... 138
8.1.1 DSB block creation .......................................................................................................................... 138
8.1.2 DSB block deletion .......................................................................................................................... 138
8.2 About DPV1 read/write messages configuration in DSBs ............................................................................. 140
8.2.1 Configuring DPV1 read/write messages (Project view) .................................................................. 141
8.2.2 HART communication/response time impact in a DP network ....................................................... 142
8.3 Data processing ............................................................................................................................................... 144
8.3.1 Extended range handling ................................................................................................................. 144
8.4 Generic Device Support Blocks (GENDSB and GENIODSB) ...................................................................... 146
8.4.1 Functions of Generic DSBs ............................................................................................................. 146
8.5 Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for PA devices .................................. 148
8.5.1 Functions of GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB ............................................................................ 148
8.6 Generic Drive Device Support Block (DRIVEDSB) ..................................................................................... 150
8.6.1 Functions of DRIVEDSB ................................................................................................................ 152
8.7 CEAG Device Support Block (CEAGDSB) ................................................................................................... 155
8.7.1 I/O modules supported by the CEAGDSB ...................................................................................... 155
8.7.2 Functions of CEAGDSB .................................................................................................................. 157
8.8 Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block (Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB) ................................................... 160
8.8.1 Functions of Siemens AS-i Link ...................................................................................................... 160
8.9 Siemens ET200M Device Support Block (Siemens ET200M DSB) ............................................................. 164
8.9.1 I/O modules supported by the Siemens ET200M DSB ................................................................... 164
8.9.2 Functions of Siemens ET200M DSB .............................................................................................. 166


8.10 Turck Excom Device Support Block (Turck Excom DSB) .......................................................................... 168
8.10.1 I/O modules supported by the Turck Excom DSB ........................................................................ 169
8.10.2 Functions of Turck Excom DSB .................................................................................................... 170
8.11 UDT support for DSB blocks ....................................................................................................................... 172
8.12 Guidelines for configuring DSBs ................................................................................................................. 173
8.13 Configuring a Generic Device Support Block .............................................................................................. 174
8.14 Configuring a device-specific DSB .............................................................................................................. 176
8.15 About initialization of AO/DO channels from user-defined values ............................................................. 178
8.16 Configuring the PDC ................................................................................................................................... 182
8.16.1 Generic DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines .................................................................... 183
8.16.2 Generic Drive DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines .......................................................... 184
8.16.3 Generic DSB for PA devices (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) specific PDC configuration
guidelines ............................................................................................................................................. 186
8.16.4 CEAG DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines ..................................................................... 187
8.16.5 Siemens AS-I Link DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines ................................................. 188
8.16.6 Siemens ET200M DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines ................................................... 188
8.16.7 Turck Excom DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines ........................................................... 189
8.16.8 Guidelines for configuring Turck Excon DSB for reading HART data ........................................ 190
8.16.9 Guidelines for configuring Turck Excon DSB for gateway redundancy ....................................... 192
8.17 Alarms ........................................................................................................................................................... 193
8.17.1 About RIO (Remote IO) profile-based alarming ........................................................................... 194
8.17.2 Configuring alarms ........................................................................................................................ 195
8.17.3 Support for device-specific alarms ................................................................................................ 196
8.17.4 Configuring device-specific alarms ............................................................................................... 197
8.18 Monitoring DSB block ................................................................................................................................. 200
8.18.1 DSB block state after configuration and load ................................................................................ 200
8.18.2 DSB block status parameters ......................................................................................................... 203
8.18.3 Monitoring the DPV1 data records ................................................................................................ 203
8.18.4 DSB block icons ............................................................................................................................ 203
8.18.5 DSB block diagnostic alarms ......................................................................................................... 204
8.18.6 Monitoring device-specific alarms ................................................................................................ 206
8.19 Setting the channel output values from Monitoring view ............................................................................ 209
8.19.1 Setting the analog output values .................................................................................................... 209
8.19.2 Setting the digital output values .................................................................................................... 209
8.20 DSB block station displays ........................................................................................................................... 211
8.20.1 Detail displays and faceplate names .............................................................................................. 211
8.20.2 Calling up the displays ................................................................................................................... 211
8.20.3 Detail display tab ........................................................................................................................... 212
9 PROFIBUS HART Input/Output Module (PBHIOM) Function Block ............................................... 219
9.1 PBHIOMB block overview ............................................................................................................................ 220
9.1.1 PBHIOMB block creation ............................................................................................................... 221
9.1.2 PBHIOMB block deletion ............................................................................................................... 221
9.2 PROFIBUS HART I/O channel ...................................................................................................................... 222
9.3 Functioning of PBHIOMB ............................................................................................................................. 224
9.4 Configuring a PBHIOMB block ..................................................................................................................... 225
9.4.1 Configuring a PBHCHANNEL block ............................................................................................. 228
9.4.2 Creating a new HART channel (PBHCHANNEL) when PBHIOMB is loaded ............................. 229
9.5 PBHIOMB operations affecting the control behavior .................................................................................... 230
9.6 Monitoring a PBHIOMB block ...................................................................................................................... 231
9.6.1 PBHIOMB block state after configuration and load ....................................................................... 231
9.6.2 PBHIOMB block status parameters ................................................................................................. 231
9.6.3 About auto-discovery of HART devices .......................................................................................... 232
9.7 Monitoring the PBHCHANNEL block .......................................................................................................... 234
9.7.1 PBHCHANNEL HART Status-related parameters ......................................................................... 234


9.7.2 PBHCHANNEL HART Notification-related parameters ................................................................ 235

9.7.3 PBHCHANNEL HART Variables-related parameters .................................................................... 235
9.7.4 PBHCHANNEL HART Identification-related parameters .............................................................. 236
9.7.5 HART alarms/events processing ...................................................................................................... 237
9.7.6 HART alarms/event regeneration .................................................................................................... 238
9.8 PBHIOMB block station displays .................................................................................................................. 239
9.9 PBHCHANNEL station displays .................................................................................................................... 242
10 PROFIBUS I/O Module (PIOMB) Function Block ........................................................................... 245
10.1 PIOMB block overview ................................................................................................................................ 246
10.1.1 PIOMB block creation ................................................................................................................... 246
10.1.2 PIOMB block deletion ................................................................................................................... 246
10.2 PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks .................................................................................................................... 247
10.3 Functioning of PIOMB ................................................................................................................................ 249
10.3.1 Example to illustrate operations affecting the control behavior .................................................... 250
10.4 Configuring a PIOMB .................................................................................................................................. 255
10.5 Assigning a PROFIBUS Channel to PIOMB ............................................................................................... 257
10.6 Monitoring PIOMB block ............................................................................................................................. 259
10.6.1 PIOMB block state after configuration and load ........................................................................... 259
10.6.2 PIOMB block status parameters .................................................................................................... 260
10.6.3 PIOMB block icons ....................................................................................................................... 260
10.6.4 PIOMB notifications ...................................................................................................................... 260
10.7 PIOMB block station displays ...................................................................................................................... 261
10.7.1 Detail displays and faceplate names .............................................................................................. 261
10.7.2 Calling up the displays ................................................................................................................... 261
10.7.3 Detail displays tabs ........................................................................................................................ 261
11 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Configuration Example ........................................................ 267
12 Loading PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) ................................................................................. 271
12.1 Initial load order guidelines .......................................................................................................................... 272
12.1.1 Loading PGM function blocks ....................................................................................................... 272
12.2 Loading a PGM ............................................................................................................................................. 274
12.3 Reloading the PGM function blocks ............................................................................................................. 275
13 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Maintenance ......................................................................... 277
13.1 Periodic checks ............................................................................................................................................. 278
13.2 Replacing a non-redundant PGM ................................................................................................................ 279
13.3 Replacing a redundant or secondary PGM ................................................................................................... 280
13.4 Replacing a non-redundant PGM IOTA board ............................................................................................. 281
13.5 Replacing a redundant or secondary PGM IOTA board ............................................................................... 282
14 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Troubleshooting ................................................................... 283
14.1 Behavior of PGM during fault scenarios ...................................................................................................... 284
14.1.1 Loss of communication between PGM and C300 ......................................................................... 284
14.1.2 Loss of communication between PGM and slave device ............................................................. 284
14.1.3 Loss of communication between the PGM and control strategies ................................................ 285
14.1.4 CEEC300 state is changed to Idle ................................................................................................ 285
14.1.5 Inactivation of PIOMB .................................................................................................................. 285
14.1.6 Deletion of PIOMB ........................................................................................................................ 285
14.1.7 PGM power failure ........................................................................................................................ 286
14.1.8 Removal of PGM from IOTA ........................................................................................................ 286
14.1.9 Mismatch of the slave device and the master addresses ................................................................ 286
14.1.10 Experion server switchover ......................................................................................................... 286
14.2 Fault Classifications ...................................................................................................................................... 287
14.3 Initial checks ................................................................................................................................................. 288
14.4 Fixing common problems ............................................................................................................................. 290


14.5 Getting further assistance ............................................................................................................................. 296

15 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms .................................................................................................. 299
16 Notices .............................................................................................................................................. 303

1 About This Guide

This guide provides information that will assist you in planning and designing activities as well as installation,
configuration, operation and troubleshooting of the Profibus Gateway Module (PGM).
This guide:
• Introduces the various blocks of the PGM.
• Describes how to create and configure the PGM blocks.
• Provides information on monitoring and troubleshooting the PGM blocks.

This document is structured such that complete information related to a block is available in one chapter. For example,
the PROFIBUS I/O Module (PIOMB) Function Block chapter contains the following information related to PIOMB
• PIOMB block overview
• PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks
• Functioning of PIOMB
• Configuring a PIOMB
• Monitoring a PIOMB
• PIOMB block station displays

Revision history

Revision Date Description

A April 2016 Initial release of the document.


2 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Overview

The PROFIBUS Gateway Module is an interface module that can be used with C300 Controller to connect and
communicate with the Profibus devices. The PGM is developed in the Series C form factor for use with the
C300 Controller. The PGM module is an FTE resident module.
As a PROFIBUS gateway, PGM is always a master and communicates with the PROFIBUS compatible slave
The PGM supports the following functions.
• Redundancy
• Experion events and alarms
• Experion Bulk Build utility
• Experion import/export functionality
• Qualification and Version Control
• Peer-to-peer communications

The PGM does not retain RAM across power failure using a battery backed RAM. However, it does retain its
configuration in Flash and can resume normal operation upon power up.

PROFIBUS Communication Profiles

The following information is extracted from the PROFIBUS Technical Description describing the PROFIBUS
DP communication profile as defined by the PROFIBUS Standard Definition (EN 50170):
PROFIBUS DP - Decentralized Periphery (DP) is the most frequently used PROFIBUS communication profile.
It is optimized for speed, efficiency and low connection costs and is designed especially for communication
between automation systems and distributed peripherals.

PROFIBUS DP is a master/slave, token passing network, which utilizes a request/response protocol. Basic data
exchange operations ensure that on a periodic basis, the master sends an output message to each slave device,
which responds in turn with an input message. PROFIBUS DP is typically used as an I/O network. As
compared to a traditional I/O network architecture that requires dedicated wiring between each I/O module and
the controller device, PROFIBUS offers the advantage of a single network/bus on which all I/O peripheral
devices reside.

PROFIBUS-PA is one of three PROFIBUS variants that are compatible with each other. PROFIBUS PA is
available for applications in process automation with a demand for bus power and intrinsically safe devices.
PROFIBUS PA is linked to the DP network with a coupler module. PROFIBUS PA supports the tree or line
structures and any combination of these two network topologies.


PROFIBUS network time synchronization support

Time synchronization functionality provides support for synchronizing the time interval between the slave and
the master according to the PROFIBUS specification.

DPV1 alarm support

PGM supports device-specific alarms, status, and diagnostics (DPV1) according to the PROFIBUS DPV1
specification. The alarms are reported in the Experion Station.

Related topics
“Overview of PGM components” on page 13
“About DPV1 and HART enhancements for PGM” on page 14
“PGM topology” on page 15
“PGM data flow diagram” on page 17
“Data communication in PGM” on page 18


2.1 Overview of PGM components

This section provides a brief overview of the major components of the PGM.
• Field Network Application (FNAPP) - The PGM does not contain a basic execution block. However, it
utilizes a set of services called the Field Network Application (FNAPP) to support the data access to and
execution of control objects. The main control objects of the PGM are the Protocol Blocks (PB) and the
Device Support Blocks (DSB). Each PB and DSB block is characterized by a set of parameters and an
algorithm. The execution of these blocks are based on event sequences (faster response). The FNAPP is
periodically triggered to consume data from the C300 and provide data to the C300.
• Device Support Block (DSB): The Device Support Block represents one of the PROFIBUS field devices
(slave devices) in the PROFIBUS network. A single PROFIBUS network can support up to 124 slave
devices. A single DSB can support up to 16 PDCs.
• Protocol Block (PBLINK): The Protocol Block represents one of the field network interfaces. The Protocol
Blocks are automatically created when a PGM block is created.
• Process Data Access (PDA) - PGM utilizes the PDA protocol for process data transfer between the C300
Controller and the PROFIBUS devices over the PROFIBUS network. The main purpose of using PDA is for
fast I/O protocol data transfer that provides optimized peer-to-peer communications between the PGM and
the C300 Controller over FTE. The number of supported PDA connections is increased from 1 to 5.
• Process Data Collection (PDC) - A data structure that can store and map several input or output process data
items (channels) from a given slave device to one or more PIOMB blocks in the C300 Controller. The
PIOMB then presents data to control blocks in the CEE through a set of channels." For example, in Siemens
ET200M I/O rack, one PDC holds all real-time process data of one input or output I/O module. An I/O
module that has both inputs and outputs has two PDCs.
In PGM, each PDC represents a unique I/O module. However, if an I/O module is a mixed module (input
and output module), then the module is represented by more than one PDCs.
• PROFIBUS HART I/O Module Block (PBHIOMB) – This block is used for supporting HART over
PROFIBUS profile. This block represent a HART IOM in the Remote Input/Output (RIO) slave and enables
you to configure the HART devices.
• PROFIBUS HART Channel Block (PBHCHANNEL) – This channel block is used for supporting HART
configuration and monitoring. Therefore, the CMD48 data can be monitored and used for generating alarms
and events in Experion system.
• DPV1 read/write support – Device Support Blocks (DSBs) are enhanced to support DPV1 data record read/
• DPV1 alarm support – Device Support Blocks (DSB) are enhanced to configure and report DPV1 alarms in
the station.
• Time synchronization – This functionality enables to synchronize the time interval between the slave and the


2.2 About DPV1 and HART enhancements for PGM

PROFIBUS-DPV1 supports acyclic data communication between master and slaves for the standard functions
of PROFIBUS-DP. A Class1 master (PGM) controls the cyclic exchange of process data with the slaves. Using
the acyclic communication functions, (PROFIBUS-DPV1) PGM now supports acyclic data communication to
the slaves in addition to the cyclic process data.
Acyclic data transfer exists wherever slave devices provide several parameterization options during operation.
Typically, the parameters of a device such as limit values, rotational speed or torque, operation mode, generation
of an error list, and generating alarms, are parameterized during operation.

HART enhancements
PGM is enhanced to support HART over PROFIBUS profile. The PBHIOMB represents a HART IOM in RIO
slave and it is associated to a PDC in the DSB, which is connected to the Protocol block.


2.3 PGM topology

The following figure depicts the non-redundant PGM topology.

The following figure depicts the non-redundant PGM-PROFIBUS topology.

Non-redundant PGM-PROFIBUS Topology

PGM Connected
PGM Connected to
to CF9

Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3 Slave 4

The following figure depicts the redundant PGM topology.


The following figure depicts the redundant PGM-PROFIBUS topology.


The wiring diagrams provided in the PGM architecture and topology section is used for illustration purposes only and
is not the recommended way of PROFIBUS cabling.


2.4 PGM data flow diagram

The following figure depicts the data flow through the various components and blocks in the PGM architecture.


2.5 Data communication in PGM

The following block diagram depicts the various data communication between the C300 Controller, PGM, slave
devices and the HART modules.


C300 communication communication

PDC configuration flow communication
PDA communication DPV1 PB Modular slave
PIOMB DSB communication
CDA communication


PDC configuration
Control Module communication

PB channels HART Device


Process data access PDC Configuration data flow

HARTdata access DPV1 data record access

Figure 1: Data communication between C300 Controller, PGM, slave devices and the HART modules

3 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Planning and

The following sections provide information regarding the guides that you can refer to for a brief overview of the
Series C control hardware, PGM model details, and PGM performance data.
For more information on the PROFIBUS technology, you must refer to the PROFIBUS website.
For more information on the PROFIBUS devices, you must refer to the vendor-specific manuals.

Related topics
“Review Experion system capabilities” on page 20


3.1 Review Experion system capabilities

Read the Overview document to understand the basic concepts and terminology, and appreciate the capabilities
of Experion.
Complement the information in this document with the data in the Server and Client Planning Guide to cover
all aspects of an Experion installation.
Refer to the Server and Client Planning Guide for planning and design topics for Experion servers and clients
as well as information about adding third-party controllers.
Refer to the Control Hardware Planning Guide for a general discussion of planning activities for Experion
control hardware that covers the following:
• Initial planning and design
• Control network considerations
• Control hardware configuration
• Site selection and planning
• Control processing considerations
• Application licensing considerations
Refer to the PROFIBUS Interface Implementation Guide to understand the basic concepts and terminologies of
Refer to the CEAG Remote I/O Modules and Easy-COM LB8106/FB8206 Instruction Manual for more
information on the CEAG remote I/O modules.

4 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Installation

Related topics
“Pre-installation considerations” on page 22
“PGM assembly” on page 23
“PGM IOTA pinouts” on page 24
“Installing a PGM” on page 26
“PGM power-on and startup” on page 28
“Profibus cabling guidelines” on page 29


4.1 Pre-installation considerations

Installation declarations

• This equipment shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC),
ANSI/NFPA 70, or the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), C22.1. It is intended to be mounted within an enclosure
or suitable environment acceptable to the local "authority having jurisdiction," as defined in the NEC, or
"authorized person" as defined in the CEC.
• Electrostatic discharge can damage integrated circuits or semiconductors if you touch connector pins or tracks on a
printed wiring board. Follow these guidelines when you handle any electronic component:
– Touch a grounded object to discharge static potential.
– Wear an approved wrist-strap grounding device.
– Do not touch the wire connector or connector pins.
– Do not touch circuit components inside a component.
– If available, use a static safe workstation.
– When not in use, keep the component in its static shield box or bag.
• Industry standard means of termination and connection should be used for the various PGM configuration.

Unless the location is known to be non-hazardous, do not connect or disconnect cables while the control system is

Refer to the Planning Your Series C Control System section in the Control Hardware Planning Guide for details.


4.2 PGM assembly

The PROFIBUS Gateway Module consists of an Input/Output Terminal Assembly (IOTA) board and the PGM
module which is housed within a plastic cover and is mounted onto the IOTA board. The PGM assembly is
installed in a control cabinet on vertically-mounted channels specifically for Series C control hardware. The
following table provides information on the PGM IOTA board.

PGM IOTA Board Description

F1 Fuse.
PROFIBUS 1 Connectors to the PROFIBUS network.
FTEA, FTEB Fault Tolerant Ethernet (FTE) network connectors.
FTE A network cable connectors are yellow.
FTE B network cable connectors are green.
FTE DEVICE INDEX 100, 10, 1 Three rotary decimal switches used to set the FTE network
address (Device Index) of the PGM.

4.2.1 CF9 control firewall - 9-port control firewall (CF9)

In the control cabinet, Control Firewall assemblies (CF9) provide connection of control hardware (PGM and
C300 Controllers) to the FTE network. STP CAT5 cables connect the FTE-capable control hardware to the
Control Firewall IOTA. Two Control Firewall assemblies are required to provide network redundancy, (one CF9
supports the FTE "A" segment and the second supports FTE "B" segment). Eight ports on each control firewall
provide connection for up to eight FTE nodes. A 9th port provides an uplink to the supervisory FTE network
and level 2 control.
See the Control Firewall User's Guide for details about the Control Firewall installation.


4.3 PGM IOTA pinouts

The following figure illustrates the pinout diagram of the PGM/IOTA DB9-F connector.

The following table lists the PROFIBUS DB9-F Pin and signal definitions.

Pin Number Signal Description

Shell Shield Shield, Protective Ground
1 Shield Shield, Protective Ground (not recommended – see note)
2 -- Not Connected
3 RxD/TxD-P Receive/Transmit data – plus (B wire, red color)
4 CNTR-P Repeater control signal (direction control), RTS signal
5 DGND Data ground (reference potential for VP) *
6 VP Voltage - plus (P5V), +5V *
7 -- Not Connected
8 RxD/TxD-N Receive/Transmit data – minus (A wire, green color)
9 -- Not Connected

Only the signals shown in the above figure and table are available for PGM. Others are not connected.
The metallic shell shall be used as the primary shield and protective ground connection as it provides the best EMI
Pin 1 is provided for compatibility with older systems that use this pin as a shield connection point.
* VP (+5V) and DGND are primarily used for external bus termination. Some devices such as electrical to fiber
optic repeaters might require external power from these pins (not to exceed 35 mA). CNTR-P (repeater control) is
used in some equipment to determine the direction of transmission/reception.


4.3.1 PROFIBUS DP Master LED behavior

The following tables describe the behavior of the LEDs located adjacent to the PROFIBUS 1 and PROFIBUS 2
DB9 connectors on the PGM IOTA (CC-TPOX01). The behavior of the LEDs depends on whether the PGM
acting as a primary or acting as a secondary.

LED behavior for primary PGM

Table 1: LED behavior for primary PGM

State Color LED Indication Description

1 Green Flashing acyclic (four 100 ms PGM is in NO DB.
flashes followed by
approximately 3 seconds
OFF, then repeat)
2 Green Flashing cyclic PGM's network configuration load is in progress.
3 Green Flashing cyclic Communication with at least one slave is lost.
4 Green ON Communication with all slaves is established.
5 None OFF Communication to all slaves is lost.

• State 2 and State 3 result in the same LED indication.
• Condition described in State 2 only occurs during configuration loading.
• Condition described in State 3 is a result of the connectivity problem or PROFIBUS device failure. Therefore, this
condition can occur at any time during routine operation.

LED behavior for secondary PGM

Table 2: LED behavior for secondary PGM

State Color LED Indication Description

1 Green Flashing acyclic (four 100 ms PGM is not synchronized with its partner.
flashes followed by
approximately 3 seconds
OFF, then repeat)
2 Green Flashing cyclic PROFIBUS network configuration synchronization is
in progress.
3 Green ON This is the default run state for the PGM acting as
4 None OFF This is the default state at power up, and then
transitions to State 1.
Refer to Attention

Both LEDs OFF: This situation persists only for a short time after power cycle. Thereafter, LEDs transitions to State 1.


4.4 Installing a PGM

Before you install the PGM you should have:
• A control cabinet installed with appropriate channel hardware for mounting the Series C control hardware.
• A Series C power supply hardware installed in the cabinet.
• Installed pair of Control Firewall (CF9) assemblies.
• The PGM assembly (PGM module with IOTA board and mounting hardware). In addition, you need the
necessary parts for installing PGM to the control system. See Series C System Cabling in the Control
Hardware Planning Guide for cable hardware details.
• Ensure the cabinet enclosure is connected to a protective earth ground using #8 AWG solid copper wire.
There should be metal to metal contact between the grounding bus bar and the enclosure as well as the

Perform the following steps to install a PGM

1 Refer to appropriate site location drawings for the specified installation location, PGM Device Index (FTE
address), and wiring diagrams.
2 Identify the mounting location on channel and align mounting holes in IOTA with screw hole locations on
the channel.
3 Assemble mounting screws, washers and spacers provided. Insert spacers and washers between backside of
IOTA and front of channel.
Ensure that the component side of the IOTA is facing up.

Do not fully tighten the IOTA mounting screws before installing and tightening the power and ground screws
(24V and COM terminals) which can bind during installation or removal. Follow instructions carefully.

4 Position the assembled IOTA board at the proper mounting location.

5 Thread the four mounting screws only half-way to attach the IOTA board to the channel.
6 Tighten the mounting screws securing the IOTA board to the channel.
7 Connect FTE-A and FTE-B Ethernet link cables to the RJ-45 connectors on PGM IOTA board.
• The yellow Cat5 cable must connect to the FTEA connector on the IOTA.
• The green Cat5 cable must connect to the FTEB connector on the IOTA.
9 Route the FTE cables to the appropriate Control Firewall module location.
• The Yellow FTE cable is routed to the Control Firewall that supports FTE-A.
• The Green FTE cable is routed to the Control Firewall that supports FTE-B.
10 Connect PBLink1 and PBLink2 cables to the IOTA board.
11 Set the Device Index (FTE DEVICE INDEX) of the PGM according to the site documentation by turning
the three rotary decimal switches located on the IOTA board. Set the switches to the three digit address
ranging from 001 to 509. The left-most switch (100) is used to set the hundreds digit. The middle switch
(10) is used to set the tens digit and the right-most switch (1) sets the ones digit.


The FTE device index setting on the switches should match the Device Index number entered on the PGM block's
Main tab configuration form.
The primary PGM of a redundant or a non-redundant PGM must be configured with an odd device index number.
The secondary PGM of a redundant pair must be configured with an even device index number (primary PGM
device index number plus 1).
The Device Index switches on the primary and the secondary PGM IOTAs must be set according to their
configured Device Indexes. If the Device Index switches on a primary or a non-redundant PGM IOTA are set to an
even number address or do not match the configured Device Index, then an error is generated when loading the
controller and the load operation is aborted.

12 Insert the PGM module onto IOTA board making sure that the PGM circuit board is aligned properly with
the IOTA board connector. Secure the PGM module to the IOTA board with two screws located at each side
of the plastic cover.
13 Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the plastic screw on the front of the module cover. Be careful not to
strip the plastic screw head.


4.5 PGM power-on and startup

PGM Startup
The PGM startup is identical to the C300 Controller startup.

For detailed information on startup, refer to the C300 Controller Startup section in the C300 Controller User's

PGM front panel and LED display

The PGM faceplate indicators/displays are identical to the C300 controller faceplate indicators/displays. The
front panel of the PGM has four LEDs. The module also has a four-character display that indicates the state of
the module.

For detailed information on faceplate indicators/displays, refer to the C300 faceplate indicators/displays section and
C300 faceplate display indications section in the C300 Controller User's Guide.


4.6 Profibus cabling guidelines

This section provides guidelines on possible ways to extend PGM redundancy to support Profibus media
redundancy. Note that these illustrations are provided for references purposes only. You must refer to vendor
documentation for actual design rules and placement/use of network components and terminators.

Related topics
“Copper cable-based media redundancy” on page 29
“Fiber-optic cabling-based media redundancy” on page 30
“Redundant PGM in a non-redundant Profibus cabling” on page 30

4.6.1 Copper cable-based media redundancy

The following diagram illustrates the copper cable-based Profibus topology. In this topology, DP cable A and
DP cable B are the redundant backbone network. To this network, the switch slave supporting media
redundancy can be directly connected. This network can have non-redundant segment like the ones on the left
side of the diagram or DP Net-1 and DP Net-2 where redundant PGMs are connected through RLM modules.

Terminators are very important for copper segments. Segments that have more than two nodes connected should use
external terminator units rather than doing termination on Profibus connectors.


4.6.2 Fiber-optic cabling-based media redundancy

The following diagram illustrates the fiber-optic cabling-based media redundancy. In this topology, the
redundant backbone is the optical cable based redundant ring where redundant or non-redundant segment are
connected through OLM modules.

Terminators are very important for copper segments. Segments that have more than two nodes connected should use
external terminator units rather than doing termination on Profibus connectors.

4.6.3 Redundant PGM in a non-redundant Profibus cabling

The following diagram illustrates a topology of a redundant PGM in a non-redundant Profibus cabling scenario.


Terminators are very important for copper segments. Segments that have more than two nodes connected should use
external terminator units rather than doing termination on Profibus connectors.


5 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Block

Related topics
“PGM overview” on page 34
“Configuring a PGM” on page 35
“Configuring a secondary PGM” on page 36
“Converting a redundant PGM to a non-redundant PGM” on page 37
“Monitoring PGM block” on page 38
“PGM redundancy-specific operations” on page 43
“PGM shutdown operations” on page 49
“PGM block station displays” on page 51


5.1 PGM overview

The PGM is an interface module that can be used with the C300 Controller to connect and communicate with
the Profibus devices. You can assign a maximum of two PGMs to a C300 Controller. The PGM has a set of
function blocks to represent the complete PROFIBUS Gateway Module. The following are the FBs associated
with the PGM.
• Protocol Blocks
• PROFIBUS HART Input/Output Module (PBHIOM) Block
• PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks
• PROFIBUS HART I/O channel blocks
When a PGM block is created, two Protocol Blocks are automatically created. The PGM block can be
configured as redundant/non-redundant from the Main tab of the PGM FB’s configuration form in the Control

PGM redundancy support

When a PGM is configured as redundant, only the primary PGM exchanges data with the PROFIBUS slave
devices. The secondary PGM must be in the "Synchronized State."
The secondary PGM cannot determine the health of the PROFIBUS network. The secondary PGM considers the
network as healthy if it has established a PROFIBUS communication with the primary PGM . The secondary
PGM does not communicate with the slave devices at all. The secondary PGM only checks if a device with the
configured master address participates at token exchange (active and passive PROFIBUS master exchange
token between each other).

HART device support in PGM

PGM block supports a maximum of 512 HART (PBHCHANNEL) device configurations (that is, 256 HART
devices per PBLINK). One PBHIOMB block supports a maximum of 16 HART channels.

5.1.1 PGM block creation

A PGM block is created in the Control Builder from the file menu (File > New > Interface Modules >
Profibus Gateway Module (2 Links) ) and assigned to the root.

5.1.2 PGM block deletion

A PGM block cannot be deleted from the Project view in Control Builder unless all the contained blocks are
deleted first.
You must first delete all the contained blocks from the Monitoring view before deleting them from the Project


5.2 Configuring a PGM

Perform the following steps to configure a PGM

1 Choose File > New > Interface Modules > Profibus Gateway Module (2 Links).
The PGM block configuration form appears.
2 In the Tag Name box, type the name of the PGM (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the default.
3 In the Item Name box, type the item name.
4 In the Device Index box, type a valid device index number. Use odd numbers for non-redundant and
primary PGM blocks.
If you do not enter a valid device index number, an error message appears when you close the configuration
5 Check the Module is redundant check box if you want the module to be one of a redundant pair.
If you select the check box, the secondary tag name appears in the Redundancy Configuration box.
The secondary PGM block is added when the primary PGM block configuration form is closed.
6 In the CPU Free Low Alarm box, type the value at which an alarm is to be generated when the available
CPU resources fall less than this limit.

• Do not set the CPU Free Low Alarm value lower than the default value of 20%.
• The CPU Free Low Low Alarm (%) parameter is set to a fixed, minimal value. This parameter is intended to
help the engineer or the operator ensure that enough CPU remains free to handle bursts in communication or
other unexpected and/or anomalous loads.

7 Use the online help as a guide to complete the configuration entries on the other tabs.
8 Click OK.
The PGM block with two Protocol Blocks are added to the Project tree.


5.3 Configuring a secondary PGM

When a PGM is configured as redundant, the secondary PGM block is added to the Project view automatically.

Perform the following steps to configure a secondary PGM

1 In the Project view, right-click the secondary PGM block icon and select Module Properties.
The secondary PGM configuration form appears.
2 In the Tag Name box, type the name of the secondary PGM block (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept
the default.
3 In the Item Name box, type the item name.
4 Use the online help as a guide to complete the configuration entries on all other tabs.
5 Click OK.


5.4 Converting a redundant PGM to a non-redundant PGM

You can convert a redundant PGM to a non-redundant PGM on-process.

Ensure that the current primary PGM is physically configured with the odd Device Index. If not, enable
synchronization, wait for initial-sync to complete, and manually command switchover.

Perform the following steps to convert a redundant PGM to a non-redundant PGM

1 In the Monitoring view, double-click the secondary PGM.
The secondary PGM configuration form appears.
2 Click the Redundancy tab.
3 Click Disable Synchronization. Wait for the command to complete.
The synchronization between the primary and secondary PGM terminates. A 'Not Synchronized' diagnostic
alarm is generated by both the primary and the secondary PGM.
4 Delete the secondary PGM function block from the Monitoring view.
5 Disconnect the redundancy cable from the primary PGM.
6 Remove the secondary PGM hardware by removing the PGM module and its IOTA.
7 In the Project view, right-click the primary PGM and select Module Properties.
The primary PGM configuration form appears.
8 Clear the Module is redundant check box.
9 Click OK.
The secondary PGM icon is deleted from the Project view. The primary PGM icon changes from a
redundant to a non-redundant icon.
10 Load the non-redundant PGM.
The PGM icon in the Monitoring view indicates that the PGM is now non-redundant.


5.5 Monitoring PGM block

In this section, the state and command parameters of the PGM block are listed for quick reference. For detailed
information about these parameters, you need to refer to the PROFIBUS Gateway Module Parameter Reference

Related topics
“PGM block state after configuration and load” on page 38
“PGM block status parameters” on page 38
“PGM block command parameters” on page 38
“PGM PDA statistics parameters” on page 39
“PGM memory statistics parameters” on page 39
“PGM block icons” on page 40
“PGM block diagnostic alarms” on page 41

5.5.1 PGM block state after configuration and load

After the PGM block is loaded, the Platform State (BCMSTATE) must be OK.

5.5.2 PGM block status parameters


The BCMSTATE parameter displays the PGM platform state.

Redundant Synchronization State (RDNSYNCSTATE)

The RDNSYNCSTATE parameter displays the current synchronization state of the PGM.

Redundancy Role (RDNROLESTATE)

The RDNROLESTATE parameter indicates whether the module is operating as a primary, secondary, or
logically non-redundant PGM.

5.5.3 PGM block command parameters


The BCMCOMMAND parameter displays the PGM platform command. In the PGM this command can
assumes one value, “SHUTDOWN.”

Enable Shutdown (ENABLESHUTDOWN)

The ENABLESHUTDOWN command can use used to shutdown the PGM with the configured slave devices
that are on control.


5.5.4 PGM PDA statistics parameters

The PDA Statistics tab is included in the PGM block’s configuration form that displays the following
information when the PGM is communicating with the C300.
• Packets Sent Avg
• Packets Received Avg
• PDC Messages Avg
• Connection Statistics
– IP Address
– Connection Status
The number of supported PDA connections between the PGM and the C300 is 5.

Packets Sent Avg (PKTSTXAVG)

The PKTSTXAVG parameter is used for displaying the average number of packets sent to the C300.

Packets Received Avg (PKTSRXAVG)

The PKTSRXAVG parameter is used for displaying the average number of packets received from the C300.

PDC Messages Avg (PDCMSAVG)

The PDCMSAVG parameter is used for displaying the average PDC messages sent in a packet.

IP Address (IPADDR [0..4])

The IPADDR [0..4] parameter is used for indicating the IP address of the C300 through which the PGM
communication occurs.

Connection Status (CONNSTATUS [0..4])

The CONNSTATUS [0..4] parameter is used for indicating the connection status between the PGM and the

5.5.5 PGM memory statistics parameters

The Memory tab is included in the PGM block’s configuration form that displays the memory statistics
information of the PGM block.
The memory parameters are classified into four different groups, namely:
• Memory Usage in KBytes
• Memory Usage in Bytes
• Memory Descriptors
• Memory Blocks

Memory Usage (both in Bytes and KBytes)

The following parameters are used for displaying the usage of PGM memory.
• Total User Memory In Bytes/Kbytes (TOTALMEMINK): Used for indicating the PGM user memory
pool in bytes/kbytes.
• Currently Used Memory (USEDMEMINK): Used for indicating the total amount of used memory in the
PGM user memory pool. The difference between the total user memory and the free memory is equal to the
used memory.


• Currently Free Memory (FREEMEMINK): Used for indicating amount of free memory currently
available in the PGM user memory pool.
• Largest Free Memory Block (MAXFREEINK): Used for indicating the size of the largest adjacent
memory in the PGM user memory pool. The largest memory block is always less than or equal to the current
free memory block.

Some of the blocks loaded in PGM may require the large blocks of contiguous memory.

Memory Descriptors
Memory Descriptors is a process address space with a data structure that contains all the information related to
the process address space.
The following parameters are used for displaying the memory descriptors.
• Total Memory Descriptors (NTOTMEMDESC): Used for indicating the total number of memory
descriptors. This is a static number and the units are number of descriptors.
• Free Memory Descriptors (NUMFREEDESC): Used for indicating the number of free or available
memory descriptors.
• Registered Memory Descriptors (NUMREGDESC): Used for indicating the number of registered
descriptors. Generally, this parameter is close or equal to zero since the descriptors are registered when the
connection is lost.
• Used Memory Descriptors (NUMUSEDDESC): Used for indicating the number of used memory
descriptors. This parameter is equal to the difference between the total memory descriptors and the free
memory descriptors.

Memory Blocks
Memory Blocks, is a fixed-size blocks allocation, is the use of pools for memory management that allows
dynamic memory allocation.
The following parameters are used for displaying the information about the memory blocks.
• Used Memory Blocks (NUMUSEDBLKS): Used for indicating the number of used memory blocks. The
size of the memory block may vary.
• Free Memory Blocks (NUMFREEBLKS): Used for indicating the number of free memory blocks.
Generally, only one free memory block is available.

The memory is not partitioned into blocks until it is used.

5.5.6 PGM block icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances that a PGM block can assume based on configuration,
view, and current operating state.

If icon is... Then it represents... And Module State is...

Project view
gray PGM is configured for non-redundant N/A
gray/white PGM primary configured for redundant N/A
white/gray PGM secondary configured for redundant N/A
Monitoring view


If icon is... Then it represents... And Module State is...

green PGM is non-redundant Run

green/white Primary PGM is synchronized Run

white/green Secondary PGM is synchronized Backup

green/yellow Primary PGM is not synchronized and Run

partner PGM is visible
yellow PGM is non-redundant No Database

yellow/shadow Primary PGM is synchronized No Database

yellow/yellow Primary PGM is not synchronized and No Database

partner PGM is visible
red PGM is non-redundant and not Offnet
red/white Primary PGM is not communicating Offnet

white/red Secondary PGM is not communicating Offnet

5.5.7 PGM block diagnostic alarms

When active, the PGM block reports the following diagnostic alarms.

In a redundant PGM, if a PB Link failure occurs in the secondary PGM, the secondary PGM does not generate an
alarm or an event. However, there is a diagnostic that detects the absence of the primary master on the field network
and prohibits the synchronization. You can also refer to the redundancy history for more details.

Alarm Description
Communication Error This alarm is reported when the connection between the PGM and
slave devices is broken.
The following are the probable causes for generation of this alarm.
• Power is disrupted to the IOTA in which the PGM resides.
• The PGM is removed under power.
• The FTE cables are removed from the IOTA.
Not Synchronized This alarm is reported when the primary and secondary PGM are not
synchronized or not in standby.
The "Not Synchronized" alarm returns to normal upon configuring the
primary at the odd device Index or upon entering the Synchronized or
Standby state.
Unexpected Partner on Redundancy Link This alarm is reported when the PGM is explicitly configured as non-
redundant and a partner is present on the redundancy private path.
The RDNSYNCSTATE parameter is set to either PARTNERVISBL or
This alarm returns to normal after the PGM is re-configured as
redundant or if the partner is removed from the redundancy link.


Alarm Description
Device Index Switches Changed This alarm is reported when the device index of the PGM is changed
when it is up and running. In such a scenario, the PGM retains the
device index value assumed at start up.
The alarm returns to normal after the device index is changed to its
original number.
Note: Changing the device index number does not affect the control
strategies and there is no loss of data. However, a soft fail is generated.

If the PGM is powered off and on, the PGM clears it memory
database and also clears the device index value.

Duplicate Device Index alarm This alarm is reported when the device index of the secondary PGM is
identical to the device index of another node.
FTE A/B cable Fault Alarm This alarm is reported when one of the FTE cables (FTE-A/FTE-B) is
removed or is faulty. This alarm returns to normal when the FTE cable
is reconnected. In such a scenario, PGM will be up and running. Also,
the control strategies do not lose the data from the PGM.

Note that the PGM can operate with a single FTE.

OFFNET This alarm is reported when both the FTE cables are removed. In such
a scenario, there is a loss of view of the PGM block. The control
strategies lose data from the PGM.
This alarm returns to normal if one of the FTE cables is re-connected.
When re-connected, the control strategies start receiving data from the
Temperature High Alarm This alarm is reported when the temperature high alarm set point value
reaches lower than the specified set point.


5.6 PGM redundancy-specific operations

For complete information on the Redundancy functionality, refer to the following documents.
• Control Builder Components Theory -> Controller Redundancy Functionality
• C300 Controller User's Guide -> C300 Redundancy Operation

About switchover
A switchover is triggered immediately upon the detection of a fault in the primary or upon the receipt of an
operator command.
Depending on the switchover trigger, the original primary PGM attempts to reboot into the secondary role, but
this PGM cannot immediately participate in another switchover operation. After the new secondary reboots into
the secondary role, it must first perform and complete initial-synchronization before another switchover is
During the switchover time, the PROFIBUS slave devices lose connection to the master. However, the behavior
of the slave devices during a switchover depends on their configuration. For most of the devices, you can
configure a time during which they hold their outputs. However, there are devices that lose their outputs
immediately. Therefore, from a PGM redundancy standpoint, selection of the I/Os plays a vital role.

Conditions that result in a switchover

The following conditions result in a switchover.
• Issuing a Switchover command.
• Issuing a Shutdown command on the primary PGM.
• Both FTE cables removed from the primary PGM.
• The primary PGM is removed from the IOTA.
• The primary PGM is restarted.
• The primary PGM is failed.
• The PROFIBUS cable is disconnected from the primary PGM.

Conditions that do not result in a switchover

The following conditions do not result in a switchover.
• Redundancy cable between the primary and the secondary PGM is disconnected or broken.
• Both FTE links to the secondary PGM are lost.
• Loss of power to the secondary PGM.
• Failure of the secondary PGM.
• Removal of the secondary PGM module from its IOTA.
• Inserting a different PGM module into a powered secondary IOTA.
• If the PGM is provided with a single FTE link and that link is disconnected or broken.

Conditions that result in loss of synchronization

The following conditions result in loss of synchronization in a synchronized or standby redundant PGM pair.
• Issuing the Disable Sync command (from the primary or the secondary platform FB).
• Redundancy cable between the primary and the secondary PGM is lost.
• Loss of input power to the secondary PGM.
• Failure of the secondary PGM.


• Removal of the powered secondary PGM from its IOTA.

• Removal of PROFIBUS network cable from the secondary PGM.

When the single FTE link to the primary and/or secondary PGM is disconnected, this does not result in loss of

PGM Redundancy tab in Monitoring view

After the PGM configured as redundant is loaded, the Redundancy tab must provide the following statistics.
• Auto Synchronization State (RDNAUTOSYNC)
• Redundancy Compatibility (RDNCMPT)
• Inhibit Sync Reason (RDNINHIBITSYNC)
• Initial Sync Progress (RDNSYNCPROG)
• Last Synchronization Time (SYNCTIMEBEG)
• Last Loss of Sync Time (SYNCTIMEEND)
• Redundancy Controllability (RDNCTLABILITY)
• Device Index (RDNDEVICEIDX)
• Redundancy Traffic bytes/sec (RDNXFERAVG)
• Max Redun. Traffic bytes/sec (RDNXFERMAX)
• Redundancy Delay (RDNDELAYAVG)
• Maximum Redundancy Delay (RDNDELAYMAX)
• Max Initial Sync Time (RDNISTIMEMAX)
• Max Switchover Time (RDNSOTIMEMAX)

Related topics
“Enabling Synchronization ” on page 44
“Disabling Synchronization ” on page 45
“Configuring the network for switchover” on page 45
“Enabling a secondary PGM to become a primary PGM in the absence of a partner module” on page 47
“Performing a manual switchover” on page 47
“PGM redundancy notifications” on page 48

5.6.1 Enabling Synchronization

Use the following procedure to initiate a synchronization command manually to a redundant PGM pair.

You can view the active PGM pair in the Monitoring view in the Control Builder.

Perform the following steps to enable synchronization

1 In the Monitoring view, double-click the primary PGM icon.
The PGM block configuration form appears.
2 Click the Redundancy tab.
3 Click Enable Synchronization.
4 Click Yes to confirm the action and issue the synchronize command.
Confirm that the Auto Synchronization State becomes ENABLED.
5 Click OK.


5.6.2 Disabling Synchronization

Use the following procedure to disable synchronization manually to a redundant PGM pair.

You can view the active redundant PGM pair in the Monitoring view in the Control Builder.

The primary and secondary modules are synchronizing, synchronized, or in standby state.

Perform the following steps to disable synchronization

1 In the Monitoring view, double-click the primary PGM icon.
The PGM block configuration form appears.
2 Click the Redundancy tab.
3 Click Disable Synchronization.
4 Click Yes to confirm the action and issue the Disable Synchronization command.
Confirm that the Auto Synchronization State becomes DISABLED.
5 Click OK.

5.6.3 Configuring the network for switchover

During the PGM switchover, there is a brief absence of master. The behavior of the slave devices during the
switchover is up to the slave device configuration. For most of the slave devices, you can configure a time
during which they keep their outputs. However, some devices lose their outputs immediately.
Therefore, the PROFIBUS field network must be configured to tolerate this brief absence of the master during
switchover. If this configuration is not performed, the device outputs can drop.

While configuring the network for switchover, DPV1 must be disabled from all slave devices.

Perform the following steps to configure the network for switchover

1 Navigate to the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block in which you have configured the
slave device and the master.
2 Double-click the master.
You can also right-click the master in the Network view and select Configuration.
The configuration window appears. The Device Assignment menu in the Navigation Area is selected by
3 Click the Bus Parameters menu in the Navigation Area.
The Bus Parameters details appear in the right pane. The Bus Parameters details contain the main setup
values of the PROFIBUS network.


4 Type the value 6000 in the Data Control Time box.

5 Select the Override slave specific Watchdog Control Time check box.
6 Type the value 1000 in the Watchdog Control Time box.

• The Watchdog control time and Data control time must have proper values based on the number of slave
devices configured in the network and the bus speed. In addition, V1 communication has a major impact on
the watchdog data control time values . If DP-V1 is enabled for a slave device, the Watchdog control time and
Data control times must be about three times longer than the actual time when DP-V1 is disabled.
• By default, the ET200M devices have DP-V1 enabled.
The following table lists the recommended baud rates and their corresponding Watchdog Control Time and
Data Control Time.

Baud Rate Watchdog Control Time Data Control Time

1500 1000 6000
500 1000 6000
187.5 2000 12000
93.75 3000 18000
45.45 4000 24000
19.2 5000 30000
9.6 6000 36000

7 Click Apply.
8 Click OK.
9 Click Save in the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.
A message appears after you save the configuration.


When you click Save , the configuration is saved temporarily.

10 Click OK.
11 Click OK to close the Field Network Configuration form.
The field network configuration is saved to the ERDB.

If you click Cancel and close the configuration form, the configuration is not saved to the ERDB even if you have
clicked Save on the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.

12 Reload the Protocol Block.

5.6.4 Enabling a secondary PGM to become a primary PGM in the absence of a partner module
You can use the "Become Primary" command to cause an unsynchronized secondary module to transition into
the primary role in the absence of a partner module. This command is applicable only if the unsynchronized
secondary has no view to a partner module across the redundancy cable and the primary IP address is not

You can view the active redundant PGM pair in the Monitoring view.

Perform the following steps to enable a secondary PGM to become a primary PGM in the absence of a partner
1 In the Monitoring view, double-click the primary PGM icon.
The PGM block configuration form appears.
2 Click the Redundancy tab.
3 Click Become Primary.
4 Click Yes to confirm the action.
Confirm that the secondary module assumes the primary role. The old primary module should boot up in the
backup role.
5 Click OK.

5.6.5 Performing a manual switchover

You can use the "Initiate Switchover" command to manually initiate a switchover to a redundant PGM pair.

You can view the active redundant PGM pair in the Monitoring view.

The primary and secondary modules are synchronized.

Perform the following steps to perform a manual switchover

1 In the Monitoring view, double-click the primary PGM icon.
The PGM block configuration form appears.
2 Click the Redundancy tab.
3 Click Initiate Switchover.
4 Click Yes to confirm the action.
Confirm that the secondary module assumes the primary role.


5 Click OK.

5.6.6 PGM redundancy notifications

The following table lists the redundancy-related notifications implemented for the PGM that may occur during
controller synchronization and switchover operations.

Notification Generated when…

Backup State The secondary PGM is successfully restarted.
Redun Incompatible Partner The redundancy cable of the primary PGM is connected to a different PGM.
Redun No Partner Both the primary and the secondary PGM generate this notification when the partner is not
Redun Non-Redundant Both FTE cables of the PGM configured explicitly as non-redundant are removed and re-
connected after sometime.
Redun Partner Visible on Both FTE cables of the secondary PGM are removed and re-connected after sometime.
Redun Partner Visible on Both the primary and the secondary PGM generate this notification upon detecting a
Redun Link compatible partner visible across the redundancy private path.
Redun Sync In Progress Both the primary and the secondary PGM generate this notification after both FTE cables
are removed and re-connected and the initial synchronization is started.
Redun Sync Maintenance Both the primary and the secondary PGM generate this notification after completing the
initial synchronization.
Redundancy Link Active This notification is generated when the redundancy link cable is connected.
Redundancy Link Inactive This notification is generated when the redundancy link cable is disconnected.
Switchover Both the primary and the secondary PGM generate this notification when a switchover is
initiated by entering the switchover command.


5.7 PGM shutdown operations

Related topics
“Initiating a PGM shutdown” on page 49
“Shutting down the secondary PGM” on page 49

5.7.1 Initiating a PGM shutdown

Use the following procedure to initiate a shutdown command to the PGM, which results in the PGM rebooting
to its RDY state or boot firmware.
In a redundant-pair, when you shutdown the primary PGM, the secondary PGM automatically assumes the role
of the primary, if the pair is synchronized.

Shutting down the PGM, interrupts the transfer of data to the Experion system. Caution MUST be exercised when
performing a PGM SHUTDOWN as it may result in a loss of control.

Perform the following steps to initiate a PGM shutdown

1 Double-click the PGM in the Monitoring view.
The PGM Block Configuration form appears.
2 In the Main tab, click Shutdown in the Controller Command list.

• To shutdown the primary PGM, you must select the Enable Shutdown check box. This parameter enables you
to shutdown the PGM along with the configured slave devices that are on control.
• The PGM will not accept the SHUTDOWN command if it has DSB blocks loaded to either of its links. The
Enable Shutdown is a means to override that. Therefore caution MUST be exercised when selecting the
Enable Shutdown check box.

In a redundant pair, when the primary PGM FB is shutdown, the secondary PGM assumes the role of the
primary. You can monitor this change by observing the following parameters on the Main/Redundancy tab of
the new primary PGM.
• After the secondary assumes the role of the primary, its IP address (IPADDRESS) changes to that of the old
• The Redundancy Role State (RDNROLESTATE) of the new primary changes to "PRIMARY" from
• The Redundancy Synchronization State (RDNSYNCSTATE) of the new primary transitions to
• The CPMSTATE of the new primary transitions from "BACKUP" to "IDLE" or "RUN" as appropriate.

3 Click Yes to confirm the action.

Wait for the PGM to reboot to its RDY state.

5.7.2 Shutting down the secondary PGM

Perform the following steps to shutdown the secondary PGM

1 Navigate to the appropriate secondary PGM FB in the Monitoring view.
2 Double-click the PGM FB.


3 In the Main tab, click Shutdown in the Controller Command list.

The secondary PGM FB is shutdown. This results in the PGM to work as a non-redundant PGM.


5.8 PGM block station displays

Related topics
“Detail displays and faceplate names” on page 51
“Calling up the displays” on page 51
“Detail display tabs” on page 52
“PGM group detail display, system status display, group trend display” on page 55
“PGM faceplates” on page 58

5.8.1 Detail displays and faceplate names

The following table lists the names of the details display and faceplate of the PGM (primary/non-redundant and
secondary/redundant) block.

Tab Name Detail Display Faceplate

Primary or non-redundant
Main tab sysdtlPGM2a.htm sysdtlPGM2a_fp.htm
Redundancy tab sysdtlPGM2b.htm
Soft Failures tab sysdtlPGM2c.htm
Configuration Details tab sysdtlPGM2d.htm
Secondary or redundant
Main tab sysdtlPGM2a.htm sysdtlPGM2a_fp.htm
Redundancy tab sysdtlPGM2b.htm
Soft Failures tab sysdtlPGM2c.htm
Configuration Details tab sysdtlPGM2d.htm

5.8.2 Calling up the displays

The following table lists the actions that you must perform to call up the PGM block detail displays.

To call the PGM block… Then …

Main tab display Type the point name (for example PGM2_325) in the Station command zone and
press F12.
You can also click the Search icon in the Station toolbar and type the point
name and click OK.
Redundancy tab display Click the Redundancy tab.
Soft Failures tab display Click the Soft Failures tab.
Config details display Click the Config Details tab.
Secondary PGM Main tab displays Click the icon in the Station toolbar.
You can also type the point name (for example PGM2_325SEC) in the Station
command zone and press F12.
Secondary PGM Redundancy tab Click the Redundancy tab.


To call the PGM block… Then …

Secondary PGM Soft Failures tab Click the Soft Failures tab.
Secondary PGM Config details display Click the Config Details tab.

5.8.3 Detail display tabs

Main tab
From the Main tab detail display, you can navigate to the PBLink block detail display directly by clicking the
hyper-link provided for the PBLink_<> blocks.

Figure 2: PGM Main tab display

You can modify the following values from the PGM Main tab detail display.
• Alarm Enable State.
• Temperature Threshold (this is not available in the secondary module detail display).
• Stack exceeded alarm.
• Controller Command.
• Reset Statistics (this is a push button).

The Main tab detail display of the redundant PGM is identical to the primary PGM Main tab detail display tab.


Redundancy tab
The Redundancy tab detail display provides the redundancy history details. You can also view the complete
configuration details of the PGM block from the Config Details link provided in the Redundancy history
When you click the Config Details link, the Main tab of the PGM block configuration form appears. You can
click the Redundancy tab in the configuration form to view the redundancy parameters.

You can perform the following functions from the PGM Redundancy tab detail display.
• Disable Synchronization.
• Enable Synchronization.
• Become Primary.
• Initiate Switchover.

These parameters appear as push buttons in the detail display.

For a non-redundant PGM, the text "Non Redundant" appears in the Redundancy tab detail display.

Soft failure tab

The Soft failures tab detail display provides information on the soft fails that have occurred in the PGM block.
If there is a soft fail, the corresponding LED in the detail display appears red.
Note that you cannot modify any values from the Soft Failures tab detail display.


In the event of a communication error, all the LEDs in the Soft Failure tab appear gray.

Config Details tab

The Config Details detail display is identical to the Main tab of the PGM block (from Control Builder).


You can modify the following values from the Config Details detail display.
• Alarming Enabled.
• Controller Command.
• Temperature High Alarm.
• CPU Free Low.

5.8.4 PGM group detail display, system status display, group trend display

Group detail displays

You can configure the group with PGM, PBLINK, and PIOMB faceplates.


Group Trend display

You can configure the group trend with PGM, PBLINK, and PIOMB faceplates.


System Status display

You can view the faceplates of PGM, PBLINK, and PIOMB on the status pane of the System Status Display.


5.8.5 PGM faceplates

You can acknowledge the alarms from the faceplate. In addition, the operators can issue the "SHUTDOWN"
command from the faceplate. The following figure displays the faceplate of a redundant and non-redundant



6 Protocol Block

Related topics
“ Protocol Block overview” on page 62
“Configuring the Protocol Block” on page 64
“Configuring the slave devices in PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool” on page 66
“Configuring the master in Profibus Network Configuration Tool” on page 72
“Adding a new GSD-based device to PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool library” on page 80
“About grouping adjacent modules into one logical module” on page 81
“About modifying the field network configuration during runtime” on page 88
“Support for time synchronization functionality” on page 90
“Export/import of field network configuration” on page 93
“Audit Trail for field network configuration” on page 94
“Monitoring Protocol Block” on page 96
“Monitoring the field network configuration” on page 99
“QVCS - Diff Tool view of non-human readable data ” on page 109
“Protocol Block station displays” on page 110


6.1 Protocol Block overview

The Protocol Block represents one of the field network interfaces. The Protocol Blocks are automatically
created when a PGM block is created. These blocks manage the communication between the master (PGM) and
the slave devices. These blocks are also responsible for exchanging process, acyclic, and diagnostic data.
The Protocol Blocks are used to perform the field network configuration. The “Profibus Network Configuration
Tool ”is the tool used to perform the PROFIBUS network and slave device configuration. This tool is also used
for online monitoring of the field devices. The “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ” can be invoked directly
from the Protocol Block configuration tabs.
On creating a PGM block, two Protocol Blocks are automatically created and assigned to its parent PGM block.
You cannot create a Protocol Block individually. Similarly, you cannot delete a Protocol Block individually. You
must delete the parent PGM block to delete the Protocol Block.

6.1.1 “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ”

The “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ” is used for configuring the field network devices on the
PROFIBUS gateway. The Protocol Block configuration form is the host tool and the “Profibus Network
Configuration Tool ” is an ActiveX component. The “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ” can be invoked
directly from the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block configuration form. The “Profibus
Network Configuration Tool ” frame contains the PGM as a master in the Network view. The Library view
contains the device catalog (“Profibus Network Configuration Tool ” library) that lists all the available vendor
and PROFIBUS devices.
When you select a slave device, its associated Device Type Manager (DTM) also appears.
The following figure displays a sample Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block that hosts the
“Profibus Network Configuration Tool ”.


This tool is also used for online monitoring of the field devices. In addition, you can import and export the field
network configuration using the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ”.

6.1.2 Using Profibus Network Configuration Tool for configuring field network devices
The field network configuration that you perform using the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ” must be
identical to the actual field setup.
Configuring a field network device using “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ” involves the following steps.
1. “Configuring the slave devices in PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool” on page 66
2. “Configuring the master in Profibus Network Configuration Tool” on page 72

If you are migrating a PGM from R410.1 or earlier, you must manually install SYCON.net_Honeywell_setup.exe as
per the Installation Instructions document. This document is available in the R410.2 support media in the following
path: Packages\Hilscher\SYCON_NET.
In addition, before installing, you must take the backup of the configuration and after installation is complete, you
must revert the configuration.

Related topics
“PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Configuration Example” on page 267


6.2 Configuring the Protocol Block

Perform the following steps to configure a Protocol Block

1 Double-click the PBLink_<> icon.
The Protocol Block configuration form appears.
2 In the Tag Name box, type the name of the Protocol block (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the
3 In the Item Name box, type the item name.
4 In the Description box, type a description of the block (a maximum of 132) characters in the Description
5 In the Baud Rate list, select the baud rate for the link that is configured in “Profibus Network Configuration
Tool ”.

You must configure this parameter only for calculating the DPV1 bandwidth based on the baud rate.
The baud rate selected at “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ” and PB_LINK must be identical.

6 In the DPV1BANDWIDTH list, select the percentage of PROFIBUS DP bandwidth that you want to
allocate for DPV1 request and response handling.
7 Click the Field Network Configuration tab.
The following figure displays a sample Field Network Configuration tab.


The address of the master is always 1.

For more information on configuring a field device, refer to “Using Profibus Network Configuration Tool
for configuring field network devices” on page 63.
8 Use the online help as a guide to complete the configuration entries on all other tabs.
9 Click OK.


6.3 Configuring the slave devices in PROFIBUS Network Configuration


The slave device being configured must to be present in the“PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool ” Library
view. If a device does not appear in the Library view, you must add the device to the library. For more
information, see “Adding a new GSD-based device to PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool library” on
page 80.

You can use the following procedure for configuring the parameters that are generic to all DSBs. However, you must
refer to the sections “<DSB name> specific module configuration in “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool ”” for
information on configuring parameters that are specific to each DSB. For example, you can refer to the section “Turck
Excom DSB specific modules configuration in “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool ”” for Turck Excom DSB
specific configuration.

• When performing the field network configuration, some of the devices may not function as expected and there
can be errors when the Protocol Block is loaded when such devices are used. This can be a result of the vendor
GSDs not supporting the functionalities provided by the PGM.
• When you use the Siemens PA coupler, you must modify the Slot Time, Max. Station Delay Time, and the
Setup Time values to enable the coupler detect the PA devices. For more information, see “Modifying the
PROFIBUS network setup values (bus parameters)” on page 73.

Perform the following steps to configure a slave device

1 Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block configuration form.

When you create a PROFIBUS network configuration, the PROFIBUS master address is set to 1 and the
secondary address is set to 0, by default. If you have more than one PGM pair connected to the same physical
network, ensure that there are no other devices with identical addresses in any of the PGM pairs in the same
For example, in a PROFIBUS network, the first redundant pair can have master addresses 1 and 0 and its
controlling slave addresses 2 through 9. In the same network, the second redundant pair can have the master
addresses 11 and 10 and its controlling slave addresses can start from 12.
Note that if there exists an identical master or slave address in the same physical network, it results in loss of
communication with devices on both the links. In addition, this would warrant a cold reboot of both PGMs.

2 Drag-and-drop the device you must configure from the Library view to the Network view.

You can also copy and paste the existing slave devices in the Network view. When you copy and paste an existing
slave device, the tag names are also copied. You can modify the tag names, as required.

3 Double-click the device in the Network view. The configuration form of the specific device appears. You
can also right-click the slave device in the Network view and select Configuration
The Modules menu in the Navigation Area is selected by default. The Available Modules section lists all
the available modules that can be associated with the selected slave device.
4 Select the modules that you must associate with the slave device.
5 Click Insert.
All the modules you selected in the Available Modules section appear in the Configured Modules section.


• When you click Append, the last module you selected is placed at the end of the Configured Modules list.
• When you click Insert, you can place the new module between existing modules. You can use Insert to select
the slots of your choice for the I/O modules.

6 Select the Parameters menu from the Navigation Area.

7 Click Common from the Module list.

All the common parameters of the selected device appears in the Module list and you can configure the common
settings, as required. The parameters that appear in this list may vary based on the DSB selected.

8 Select the I/O module from the Module list.

9 Configure the channel type and the channel's high and low ranges. Refer to the following figure for an
example of configuring the analog module parameters.

• You must perform this step if you have selected the analog I/O modules.

10 Similarly, select the other I/O modules from the Module list and configure the channel type and the
channel's high and low ranges.
11 Select the DPV1 menu from the Navigation Area.

You can enable DP-V1 from the DPV1 menu in the Navigation Area. Note that PGM does not support DP-V1 in
R400. However, for the ET200M devices, DP-V1 is enabled by default.

12 Click Apply.


13 Click OK.
14 Click Save on the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.
A message appears after you save the configuration.

When you click Save , the configuration is saved temporarily.

15 Click OK.
16 Click OK to close the Field Network Configuration form.
The field network configuration is saved to the ERDB.

If you click Cancel and close the configuration form, the configuration is not saved to the ERDB even if you have
clicked Save on the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.

6.3.1 Drive DSB specific module configuration in Profibus Network Configuration Tool
The following list illustrates the Drive device specific module configuration guidelines that you must remember
while configuring the Drive device in “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ”.
• You can only select one PPO type for a Drive device.

6.3.2 GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB specific module configuration in Profibus Network

Configuration Tool
The following list summarizes the GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB specific PDC configuration guidelines
that you must remember while configuring the GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB.
• For Siemens DP/PA Link IM-157, you must use the customized GSD file that is generated from the GSD
Combiner tool.
• While configuring the GENPAGWDSB for Siemens DP/PA Link IM-157, you must refer to the Siemens
DP/PA Link document.
• While configuring the GENPAGWDSB, to support alarming based on diagnostic data received from
Siemens DP/PA Link IM-157, you must select the option 160 byte diagnostics data length from the
Parameters page.

6.3.3 Siemens ASi Link DSB specific modules configuration in Profibus Network Configuration Tool
The following list illustrates the Siemens AS-i Link device specific module configuration guidelines that you
must remember while configuring the Siemens AS-i Link device in “Profibus Network Configuration Tool”.
• For configuring the Siemens AS-i Link/Siemens AS-i Link Advanced device, the minimum configuration
required to support all 31 devices involves mapping every 4 bytes to a single net tag (in the field network
configuration). This means that you can leave some bytes with the default net tag name.
• . While configuring the Siemens AS-i Link DSB for AS-I Link 20E device, you can only select the "max.
16/16 Byte AKF" module. Note that the "max. 32/32 Byte" module is not supported by the Siemens AS-i
Link DSB.
• While configuring the Siemens AS-i Link DSB for AS-i Link Advanced device, you must select the Classic
layout which is the only layout supported by this DSB.
• While configuring the Siemens AS-i Link DSB for the AS-i Link Advanced device, you can select "ASi-1:
Binary Array 16-byte" and/or "ASi-2: Binary Array 16-byte."


6.3.4 Siemens ET 200M DSB specific module configuration in Profibus Network Configuration Tool
The following list illustrates the Siemens ET200m device specific module configuration guidelines that you
must remember while configuring the Siemens ET200M device in “Profibus Network Configuration Tool”.
• While configuring the Siemens ET200M DSB, you must define configuration slot 1, Configuration slot 2,
and Configuration slot 3 in the slot 1,2, and 3 respectively. You can define the I/O modules from slot 4
onwards in the same order as they are placed in the physical rack.
• You must select the following values for the common parameters.
– Diagnostic Interrupt - Yes
– Process Interrupt - Yes
– Analog-Value format - SIMATIC S7
– Extended diagnostics - Yes
– Start-up for setpoint/act.conf - Yes
– Remove/Insert interrupt - Enable
• While configuring the channel type, channel high and low ranges;
– The slot number parameter can be used to set the physical position of the module on the rack. The slot
number for I/O modules starts from 4. The first three slots are reserved. For example if AI module takes
the first position after the station in the rack, then its slot number is 4.
– The Diag enable channel parameters can be used to enable extended diagnostic for the channel.
– The Meas: Type/Range parameters can be used to select signal type for the channel.

6.3.5 Turck Excom DSB specific modules configuration in Profibus Network Configuration Tool
The following sections illustrate the Turck Excom device specific module configuration guidelines that you
must remember while configuring the Truck Excom device in “Profibus Network Configuration Tool”.

For reading HART data

• For configuring the Turck Excom DSB to read HART data, you can configure the I/O modules AIH40Ex or
AIH41Ex or AOH40Ex as follows.
– AIH40Ex/AIH41Ex/ AOH40Ex - Process data + 1 HART data
– AIH40Ex/AIH41Ex/ AOH40Ex - Process data + 4 HART data
– AIH40Ex/AIH41Ex/ AOH40Ex - Process data + 8 HART data
If you are using the output module, AOH40Ex, you must configure two net tag names; one for the process
data and one for the HART data. However, if you are using the input module, AIH40Ex or AIH41Ex, you
must configure only one net tag name.
While configuring the module-specific parameters in the Parameters page, you can note that for each
channel, the first secondary variable value is set to “on” and the remaining three secondary variable value is
set to “off.” You can modify this as required based on from which secondary variable you want to read the
HART data.
The following figure illustrates a sample Parameters page of a module that is capable of reading HART


For gateway redundancy

• For configuring the Tuck Excom DSB for gateway redundancy, you must select the gateway module with
suffix “C” (Cyclic Data). For example, GDP1,5Ex C should be selected if “Trckff9f” GSD file is used for
configuration. The gateway module contains an input status word and an output command word. You must
configure the net tag names for both words.
• While configuring the module-specific parameters in the Parameters page, you must configure the
following parameters for gateway redundancy.
– Redundancy mode - Redundancy mode is “off” by default. When the redundancy mode is “off,”
communication capability of the redundant gateway is not verified on switchover and diagnostic data for
gateway is not generated. Therefore, you cannot view the status of the redundant gateway in the
Redundant Gateway tab from the Monitoring view.
When the redundancy mode is set to “mode 1,” the communication capability of the redundant gateway
is verified on switchover and diagnostic data for gateway is generated. In addition, you can view the
status of the redundant gateway in the Redundant Gateway tab from the Monitoring view.

Mode 3 is not supported.

– address offset - You must select the value “enable.”

– address offset value - An address offset value for the secondary gateway.
The following figure illustrates a sample Parameters page of the GDP module.



6.4 Configuring the master in Profibus Network Configuration Tool

While configuring the master, the mandatory task that you must perform is modifying the field network tag
You can also perform the following tasks while configuring the master.
• Assign the device to the correct hardware.
• Change the PROFIBUS network setup values.
• Change the field network device address.
• Change the master settings.

To perform any of the above tasks, you must navigate to the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block
configuration form and double-click the master in the Network view.

Perform the following steps to configure the master

1 Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block configuration form.
2 Double-click the master in the Network view.
You can also right-click the master in the Network view and select Configuration.
The configuration window appears. The Device Assignment menu in the Navigation Area is selected by
default. The device assignment details appear in the right pane.
3 Perform the following as required.
• “Assigning the device to the correct hardware” on page 72
• “Modifying the PROFIBUS network setup values (bus parameters)” on page 73
• “Configuring the field network tag names” on page 74
• “Changing the field network device address ” on page 78
• “Grouping adjacent modules into one logical module” on page 84
• “Changing the master settings” on page 78
• “About modifying the field network configuration during runtime” on page 88
4 Click OK.
5 Click Save in the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.
A message appears after you save the configuration.

When you click Save , the configuration is saved temporarily.

6 Click OK.
7 Click OK to close the Field Network Configuration form.
The field network configuration is saved to the ERDB.

If you click Cancel and close the configuration form, the configuration is not saved to the ERDB even if you have
clicked Save on the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.

6.4.1 Assigning the device to the correct hardware

You must assign the device to the correct hardware to monitor the status of the field network and the devices


1 Click the Device Assignment menu in the Navigation Area.

2 Click Scan.
This reads information from the hardware through the network. Therefore, the PGM module must be
available and powered on before assigning a device.
After the scan is complete, the device information such as the chip type, the serial number, and the access
path is displayed.
3 Select the check box against the device that you must assign.
4 Click Apply.

6.4.2 Modifying the PROFIBUS network setup values (bus parameters)

1 Click the Bus Parameters menu in the Navigation Area.
The Bus Parameters details appear in the right pane. The Bus Parameters details contain the main setup
values of the PROFIBUS network. For more information on each parameters, refer to the PROFIBUS


• If the Data Control Time and Watchdog Control Time are not configured properly, and there is a switchover
initiated, this may result in loss of communication with the slave devices. In such a scenario, you must modify
the Baud Rate, the Watchdog Control Time, and the Data Control Time. The Baud Rate is also dependent on
the number of slave devices configured in the network. In addition, you must select the Override slave
specific Watchdog Control Time check box.
The following table lists the recommended baud rates and their corresponding watchdog control time and data
control time.

Baud Rate Watchdog Control Time Data Control Time

1500 1000 6000
500 1000 6000
187.5 2000 12000
93.75 3000 18000
45.45 4000 24000
19.2 5000 30000
9.6 6000 36000

– For devices that have DP-V1 enabled, the Watchdog Control Time and the Data Control Time must be
three times longer than the actual time when DP-V1 is disabled.
– By default, the ET200M devices have DP-V1 enabled.
• When you select the Baud Rate as 45.45, the values of the following parameters are updated by default.
– Slot Time = 100
– Max. Station Delay Time = 60
– Setup Time = 1
The Siemens PA coupler supports only the 45.45 BR. Though they support the 45.45 BR, the default values of
the Slot Time, Max. Station Delay Time, and the Setup Time do not enable the coupler to detect the PA
devices. Therefore, when Siemens PA couplers are used, you must modify these values as following:
– Slot Time = 640
– Max. Station Delay Time = 400
– Setup Time = 95
The coupler can detect the PA devices only after modifying these values.
• If the Caution symbol appears against any field, you must click Adjust to update the particular field.

2 Click Apply.

6.4.3 Configuring the field network tag names

The procedure of configuring field network tag names for Drive devices and AS-I link/AS-I Link Advanced is
slightly different from this procedure. For more information, see Configuring field network devices tag names
for the Drive devices and Configuring field network tag names for the AS-i Link/AS-i Link Advanced devices


• You can also configure net tag names through Bulk Build operation. To do so, you must configure the
NETTAGPDCNAME and the NETTAGNAME parameters. The NETTAGPDCNAME contains the net tags for
the slave devices configured in “Profibus Network Configuration Tool”. This parameter contains net tags starting
from index 1 (NETTAGPDCNAME[1]) in the Bulk Build XLS file. If you do not configure this parameter,
NETTAGNAMEs for the PDCs are not assigned in the DSB on creating and assigning it to the Protocol Block
through the Bulk Build tool.
• You cannot configure NETTAGPDCNAME[0] since element at index 0 is always empty and is used for
deselecting the configured NETTAGNAMEs in the PDC tab of the DSB. If you try to do so, an error message
• Whenever you reconfigure net tags for a PDC, you must reload the DSB before removing the same net tag in
Sycon and reloading the Protocol Block. This prevents the DSB or the PDC from going into error state during run
time while modifying the net tag usage.

1 Click the Process Data menu in the Navigation Area.

The slave devices that you have selected appear in the right pane.
2 Click to view the input and output modules associated with the specific device.
By default, the field network tags appear as Input_* or Output_* depending on whether the device is an
input module or an output module.
3 Select the field network tag in the Tag column and modify the tag name. If you do not modify the default
network tags, only the first default name for each input/output is used.
The following figure displays a sample Address Management page that replaces the Process Data page
and the Address Table pagein Experion R410.2 and later.


• The network tag names must be unique within a slave device. However, you can use the same tag name for
another slave device. If there are identical tag names within a slave device, an error message appears when you
try to save the configuration.
• The tag names must contain characters 0 – 9, a – z, A – Z, and one underscore (_).
• If you have configured the Turck Excom devices to read HART data, you must configure two net tag names;
one for the first four words that represent the process data and one for the next words that represent the HART

4 Click Apply.
5 Click OK.

Configuring field network tag names for the Drive devices

1 Click the Process Data menu in the Navigation Area.
The Danfoss VLT2880 PPO type 1 is used for illustration purposes.
The PPO type that you have selected appears in the right pane.
2 Click the plus sign to expand all the inputs and outputs associated with the specific PPO type.

The PKW and cyclic data areas appear separated from each other. Based on the number of PKW and cyclic data
areas, you must configure the network tag names. In the example above, there are two inputs (PKW inputs and
Cyclic inputs) and two outputs (PKW outputs and Cyclic outputs). Therefore, you must configure four PDCs to
access this data.

3 Configure the PKW inputs as "PKWIn" and PKW outputs as "PKWOut."

4 Configure the input PPO type PDCs as "CyclicIn" and output PPO type PDC as "CyclicOut."

• If there are more than one input PPO type PDCs, you must configure the input PPO types as CyclicIn1,
CyclicIn2, and so on.
• Similarly, if there are more than one output PPO type PDCs, you must configure the output PPO types as
CyclicOut1, CyclicOut2, and so on.
• The remaining net tags must be used for PDCs which are of type "User Configurable," so that you can access
the PZD data in the way you require.
• You must configure the network tags only for the first data items of the PKW and cyclic data areas.


Note that the net tag names provided in the above example are used for illustration purposes only. You can use
different net tag names as required.

5 Click Apply.
6 Click OK.

Configuring field network tag names for the AS-i Link/AS-i Link Advanced devices
1 Click the Process Data menu in the Navigation Area.
2 Click to view the input and output modules associated with the AS-i Link/AS-i Link Advanced device.
3 Modify the net tag names for a single byte of data. This tag name must refer to the entire 4 byte area with the
tag name referring to its own byte plus the 3 byte with the default names.

In the above figure, net tag "Slv1_7Out" refers to its own byte, plus the 3 bytes with the default names
"Output_2," "Output_3," and "Output_4."
Similarly, the net tag "Slv16_23In" refers to its own byte, plus the 3 bytes with the default names
"Input_10," "Input_11," and "Input_12."

Note that the net tag names provided in the above example are used for illustration purposes only. You can use
different net tag names as required.

4 Click Apply.
5 Click OK.


6.4.4 Changing the field network device address

1 Click the Station Table menu in the Navigation Area.
The Station Table appears in the right pane. The Station Table displays the field network device information
such as device address, device name, and vendor name.
2 Change the field network device station address, if required, in the Station Address column.

• The address you set here must be identical to the address that is set on the device using the address switches.
Normally, the address on devices is defined by a dip switch.
• You cannot change the field network device address, if the device net tags are referenced in any of the Device
Support Blocks.

3 Change the device name, if required.

4 Click Apply.

6.4.5 Changing the master settings

1 Click the Master Settings menu in the Navigation Area.
You can only change the watchdog time in the master settings.
The master settings appear in the right pane.
2 Change the watchdog time if required in the Watchdog time box.
3 Click Apply.

6.4.6 Detecting slave devices in the network

You can detect all the physical slave devices in the network from the Field Network Configuration tab of the
Protocol Block. This can be accomplished by performing a Network Scan. This scan lists all the physical slave
devices connected to the network. In addition, you can add a slave device to the network, if the device is not
added to the network.

Perform the following steps to detect all slave devices in the network
1 Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block in which you have configured the master
and the slave device.
2 Right-click the master and select Network Scan.

If you have not assigned the device to the hardware, an message appears.

The netDevice window appears as displayed in the following figure. This window lists all the physical
devices that are present in the network and also the details of the devices.


3 If you want to add a device to the network, select Add from the Action column.
• If the device is already added to the network, the value Skip appears in the Action column.
• If you want to replace a device with another device, select Replace in the Action column.
4 Click OK.


6.5 Adding a new GSD-based device to PROFIBUS Network Configuration

Tool library
A Generic Station Description (GSD) file is an electronic data description of a slave device. In accordance with
a standard format, the GSD file is a text file that is defined and supplied by the device vendor.
You can add new GSD-based devices to the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool” library if they are not
available in the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool”library.

You can obtain the GSD file from the device manufactures. You can also check for the GSD files in the PROFIBUS

Perform the following steps to add a new GSD-based device to PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool library
1 Copy the GSD file of the device into the following directory. Documents and Settings\All Users
\Application Data\SYCONnet\PROFIBUS\GSD.
For Windows 7, use the following directory. C:\ProgramData\SYCONnet\PROFIBUS\GSD.

You must copy only one version of the device GSD to the defined directory. If different versions (languages) are
copied, you will see the device as many times in the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool” library. If the
same device exist several times in the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool” library, the first one will be used
always irrespective of which one is dragged-and-dropped into the network view.

2 Click Reload Catalog on the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar to rebuild the device catalog. A
dialog box appears that displays the catalog update completion status.
The new device appears in the PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool library after the catalog update is

If the device does not appear in the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool” library, you must restart the
Control Builder.


6.6 About grouping adjacent modules into one logical module

This feature is available in Experion R410.2 and later.

Though a single PDC can support up to 32 channels (GENDSB) or 16 channels (GENIODSB), sometimes not
all channels of a module are used. In such scenarios, you can pack IO channels from several IO modules into
one PDC to minimize number of PDCs. This reduces the load on PDA and controller by decreasing the number
of PDC-PIOMB connections.
Grouping of adjacent modules into one logical module is supported for the GENDSB and the GENIODSB. This
module grouping enables you to select multiple adjacent IO modules and create one logical module. This logical
module can have one net tag name and this net tag name can be associated with a single PDC.
Example: Consider a scenario where you have three IO modules but you are using only three channels of each
module. In this case, you need three PDCs for three modules, three PIOMBs, and three connections. However,
with module grouping you can group all the modules into one group and configure one net tag name and
associate this net tag name with a single PDC. This ensures that the data is available in a single PDC and this
PDC can be associated with a single PIOMB.
To enable module grouping, the Address Table page and the Process Data page in the field network
configuration tool (Profibus Network Configuration Tool) is replaced by the Address Management page. For
more information, refer to the section “Grouping adjacent modules into one logical module” on page 84.

6.6.1 Guidelines for grouping modules

The following list summarizes the guidelines for grouping the modules together.
• You can group only the adjacent modules with consecutive addresses and there must not be any empty slot
in between the grouped modules.
• You can configure the input modules as one group and the output modules as another. However, you cannot
configure both input and output modules as one group.
• You can group bidirectional modules as groups. However, you cannot group unidirectional and bidirectional
modules as one group.
• When grouping bidirectional modules, you must ensure that all the modules in the group are consistent with
respect to positioning of the input and output channels. However, you cannot randomly configure the first
channel as input and second channel as output and then again third channel as input and fourth channel as
output and so on.
• You must start channel numbering either from 0 or 1, but should be consistent within the group. For example
if you start numbering the channels from 1, then channel numbers must start from 1 for all the modules in
that group. Similarly, if you start numbering the channels from 0, then channel numbers must start from 0 for
all the modules in that group.
• For all the grouped PDCs (PDC which is configured for a grouped module), you must correctly enter the
CHNNUMBER parameter. The channel numbers must be entered in the same order as they are grouped.
– Example 1: Assume four input modules each having four channels are grouped together, then the
NUMCHANNEL must be entered as 16 (4+4+4+4) and the CHNNUMBER parameter should contain: 0,
1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 (if the channel numbering
is started from 1).
– Example 2: Assume three output modules on slots 5, 6, 7 are grouped together. The module on slot 5 has
three channels, the module on slot 6 has four channels and the module on slot 7 has eight channels. Then
the NUMCHANNEL should be entered as 15 (3+4+8) and the CHNNUMBER parameter should be
entered as displayed in the following figure.


If the channel numbering starts from 1, then the channel numbers must be 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8.
Also the physical channel numbers of each module should be entered correctly and in the same order as
they are grouped. Here the first set 0, 1, 2 represents the channels of the first module in the group, which
is on slot 5. The second set 0, 1, 2, 3 represents the channels of the second module in the group, which is
on slot 6. The third set 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 represents the channels of the third module in the group,
which is on slot 7.

– When grouping digital modules which have the number of channels that are not multiples of 8 (for
example 2, 4, 12, and so on), you must use the Configurable Input/Output PDC types for configuration.
You cannot use the Digital Input/Output PDC types for configuring such digital modules as this
configuration is not supported for module grouping.
– HART data can not be accessed by a grouped PDC and hence modules configured for HART data should
not be grouped. For example if a module is configured for both process data and HART data, then such a
module can not be part of a grouped module. If the same is configured only for process data, then the
module can be grouped.
– Note that for Turck Excom device, the channel numbering always starts from 1.

6.6.2 About the Address Management page

In Experion R410.1 or earlier, the Address Table page displays the configured module’s offset and length
wherein you can manually adjust the offsets. The Process Data page displays the configured signals, IOs,
definition of the tag names for signals and modules.
In Experion R410.2 and later, the contents of the Address Table page and the Process Data page are combined
into a single page called the Address Management page. The Address Management page enables you to
perform the following:
• Group modules together into a virtual module for which you can assign a tag name.
• Add/remove reserved memory space for each slave devices.
• Lock/unlock slave addresses.
• Defragment input and output memory area.
The following figure displays a sample Address Management page.


The following table summarizes the various options available in the Address Management page.

Option name Description

Defragment Defragments the memory automatically.
Display Mode Displays the address in decimal or hexadecimal format.
CSV Export Enables you to export the configuration into an Excel file.

Grouped modules do not appear in the exported file.

Group selected Enables you to select multiple adjacent modules and create a new virtual module.
Ungroup Enables you to ungroup a grouped virtual module or one of the modules in a group. Also deletes
the corresponding grouped virtual module.
Add reserved area Enables you to add a contiguous memory area as reserved area for a slave device. By default,
reserved memory space for each slave is 128 bytes. However, you can modify this based on your
requirement. Maximum space available is 244 bytes for each input or output.
Del reserved area Enables you to free unnecessary reserved memory area.
Lock all slaves Enables you to lock all slave devices and their respective modules at the current configured
Dual-Ported Memory (DPM) addresses.

Data addresses for the locked slaves are retained in any network configuration change.

Unlock all slaves Enables you to unlock all slave devices and their respective modules which are currently locked.


Option name Description

Remaining free Displays the remaining reserved bytes for the slave.

6.6.3 Grouping adjacent modules into one logical module

Perform the following steps to group adjacent modules in to one logical module.

Refer to the “Guidelines for grouping modules”section before grouping modules.

1. Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block configuration form.
2. Double-click the master in the Network view.
3. Click Address Management in the Navigation area.
The Address Management page appears.
4. Click to view the input and output modules associated with the specific device.
5. Select the adjacent modules that must be grouped into one logical group.
The following figure displays a sample Address Management page in which two adjacent modules are
selected for –––grouping.

6. Click Group selected modules.

After the modules are grouped, a virtual tag name is automatically assigned to the grouped logical module.
You can modify the tag name as required.


• After the modules are grouped, you can click the Lock all slaves button to lock the modules at the current
configured address. You can click the Unlock all slaves button to unlock the locked modules.
• To add or delete a module in a slave that is locked and does not have any reserved memory area, you must
unlock the other slaves. However, to modify the network configuration during runtime without causing a break
in the V0 process data delivery to other slave devices, you must lock the other slaves.
• To add or delete a slave or a module that is locked and has a reserved memory area, you do not have to unlock
the particular slave. The length of the reserved memory is automatically adjusted with the memory area of the
module or the slave that you have added or deleted. In addition, this does not cause any break in the V0
process data delivery to other slaves.

The following figure displays a sample virtual tag name for the grouped modules.

You cannot group IO modules if one or more IO modules have PDC references in DSB. The network
configuration tool does not display any error message if you group IO modules that have PDC references in DSB.
Also, when you group such modules the status bar displays the status as save operation succeeded and also the
virtual group is created. This virtual group exists even after you close and reopen the Address Management page.
However, when you close the Protocol Block configuration form and reopen it, you can notice that the grouping
was not successful and the virtual group is not displayed.
7. Click OK to close the Address Management page.
8. Click OK to close the Field Network Configuration tab.

6.6.4 Ungrouping grouped modules

Perform the following steps to ungroup the grouped modules.
1. Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block configuration form.


2. Double-click the master in the Network view.

3. Click Address Management in the Navigation area.
The Address Management page appears.
4. Click to view the input and output modules associated with the specific device.
5. Select the grouped modules that must be ungrouped.
6. Click Ungroup.
After the modules are ungrouped, the virtual name disappears and the actual names of the modules are
7. Click OK to close the Address Management page.
8. Click OK to close the Field Network Configuration tab.

6.6.5 Adding reserved memory area to the devices

Perform the following steps to group adjacent modules in to one logical module.
1. Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block configuration form.
2. Double-click the master in the Network view.
3. Click Address Management in the Navigation area.
The Address Management page appears.
4. Click to view the input and output modules associated with the specific device.
5. Select the module/device for which you want to add reserved memory area.
6. Click Add reserved area.
• An empty row with the text Reserved in the Device/Module name column appears.
In addition, for each slave a reserved memory space size of 128 bytes is added in the Length column.
• Every time you click the Add reserved area button, the Add reserved area button changes to Del
reserved area button and vice versa. You can click the Del reserved area button to remove the
unnecessary reserved memory area.

Maximum space available for a configured module is 244 bytes for an input or an output. When 244 bytes are
configured and if you try to add reserved memory space, an error message appears indicating that no reserved
memory can be added.

Modify the length of the reserved memory as required in the Length column.
7. Click Defragment.
8. Click Apply.

If you want to cancel adding reserved memory area, you can click Cancel in the Address Management page and
click No in the Question dialog box. However, when you open the Address Management page after canceling,
the addresses of the other devices changes to 0. You must click the Defragment button again to restore the
addresses. However, when you close and open Field Network Configuration tab, the addresses are restored.
9. Click OK to close the Address Management page.
10. Click OK to close the Field Network Configuration tab.

6.6.6 Defragmenting memory area

Perform the following steps to defragment the memory area.
1. Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block configuration form.
2. Double-click the master in the Network view.


3. Click Address Management in the Navigation area.

4. Click Defragment.

• Defragmentation does not change the offsets of slaves for which these offsets are locked.
• For a complete defragmentation, you must unlock all locked slaves.
• Defragmentation does not remove reserved memory areas.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click OK to close the Address Management page.
7. Click OK to close the Field Network Configuration tab.

6.6.7 About the Signal Configuration page

After you have configured the slave devices in the master, you can view the device details such as the slot
number, device type, tag name, data type, and so on from the Signal Configuration page.
The following figure displays a sample Signal Configuration page.


6.7 About modifying the field network configuration during runtime

Starting 410.2, Configure In Runtime (CiR) / Hot Configuration in Run (HCiR) is supported in PGM. This
feature enables you to modify some of the slave device configuration without causing a break in the V0 process
data delivery to other slave devices. When you modify the configuration during runtime, the corresponding
device is r-econfigured, which means that the field device is re-initialized.
CIR in PGM is supported for slaves that retain their process data in same addresses in old and new version of
the network configuration.

• While configuring the slaves in “Profibus Network Configuration Tool”, it is recommended that you add reserved
input and/or output memory area to the slaves and lock the slaves (ensure that you lock the inputs and outputs
separately). This helps you to add modules without unlocking the slaves. The length of the reserved area gets
adjusted automatically with the memory area of the module on insertion of a module. This way the Target Token
Rotation Time (TTRT) is maintained and as a result the change can be loaded to the PGM without causing process
data delivery interruptions to unchanged slaves in the network. As long as the modified slave supports the Hot
Configuration in Run feature, even its own inputs and outputs are automatically frozen during the re-configuration
and a bump-less restart after the re-configuration is executed.

Modifying slave device configuration can be any of the following:

• Modifying the device configuration or parameters.
• Adding or removing a module that can be added or removed.
• Modifying any of the PGM master parameters such as baud rate, station address, and so on. In this scenario,
all field devices are reconfigured.
The following figure displays a sample Bus Parameters page.


Guidelines for using the Configure In Runtime (CiR) / Hot Configuration in Run (HCiR) feature
The following list summarizes the guidelines that you must follow to use the CIR/HCIR feature.
• Hot Configuration in Run is possible when both the master and the slave devices support this feature.
• Neither Configuration in Run nor Hot Configuration in Run supports the change of parameters or settings
which are global for all slaves. This means parameters like the bus speed, the global watchdog, target token
rotation time and so on cannot be changed using HCiR.
• If the slave device supports HCiR, you must consult the slave device’s vendor documentation to know about
the setup that is required to support HCiR on the slave.
• To use the HCiR feature, you must ensure that all slaves which support HCiR have reserved areas
configured. While configuring the slaves in “Profibus Network Configuration Tool”, it is recommended that
you add reserved input and/or output memory area to the slaves and lock the slaves (Ensure that you lock the
inputs and outputs separately). This helps you to add modules without unlocking the slaves. The length of
the reserved area gets adjusted automatically with the memory area of the module on insertion of a module.
• The Lock/Unlock features are very important for a successful configuration of HCiR. It is recommended that
you lock all your slaves before modifying the configuration to use the HCiR feature. This prevents any re-
arrangement of the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool” address management. Modifying the
configuration includes adding or deleting modules.
• Keep all slaves in the Protocol Block locked all the time. Unlock them when there is no reserved memory
area planned for the device and modification in the configuration is required. After the modification, lock
the slaves.
• By default, the addition of a reserved memory area reserves 128 bytes into the memory map of a slave.
However the length/size of the reserved area can be changed manually based on your requirement.
• If it is likely that complete slaves needs to be added during runtime, these slaves needs to be either planned
as slaves (set to inactive in “Profibus Network Configuration Tool” in order to not be expected during
runtime until they are physically attached to the network), or the Target Token Rotation Time (TTRT) needs
to be tuned upwards already. Both scenarios require a careful planning by a Profibus expert.
• It is a best practice to review and clear all HCiR related settings in “Profibus Network Configuration Tool”
during a plant maintenance shutdown to ensure that all requirements are in place for the next production
phase of the plant and potential HCiR requirements.
• It is recommended that you do not use the Defragment feature. Though this feature does not affect the
locked slaves, it could have an impact if by chance one or more slaves are unlocked when the Defragment
button is clicked.
• It is recommended that you do not modify more than one slave configuration during a HCiR event.


6.8 Support for time synchronization functionality

Time synchronization functionality enables you to synchronize the clock between the slave and the master.
When time synchronization is enabled in the slaves, they may use the timestamp when internally recording the
event data. This functionality is supported on a device when “Time_Sync_supp” is equal to 1 in the GSD file.
An additional configuration page named “TimeSync” is included to the PGM master DTM and the slave DTM.
To overwrite the clock interval configured for each slave by a common value that is valid for all slaves, the
following parameters must be configured in the “TimeSync” page.
• Overwrite Clock Sync Interval setting for all slaves with Time Sync support
• Clock Sync Interval
To enable the time synchronization functionality in the slaves, an additional configuration page named “DPV2”
is included to the PGM slave DTM. Time synchronization configuration for a slave is required only when it is
not configured in the master.

If the Overwrite Clock Sync Interval setting for all slaves with Time Sync support check box is enabled, the
Clock Sync Interval parameter cannot be modified and a warning message appears in the slave DTM.

The following parameters must be configured for each slave to enable the time synchronization.
• Activate Time Sync
• Clock Sync Interval

The value of this parameter varies based on the device type. For more information about the supported value,
see the device-specific manual.

6.8.1 Configuring time synchronization in PGM master DTM

To maintain a common time for all slaves, configure time synchronization in the PGM DTM.

To configure time synchronization in PGM DTM

1 Double-click the Protocol block.
The Protocol block’s configuration form appears.
2 On the Field Network Configuration tab, double-click the PGM master.
The “Profibus Network Configuration Tool” window appears.


3 In the Navigation Area, click Time Sync.

4 On the right pane, select the Overwrite Clock Sync Interval setting for all slaves with Time Sync
support check box.

It is recommended that the Overwrite Clock Sync Interval setting for all slaves with Time Sync support check
box is always enabled because the time interval configured in the master always overrides the time interval
configured at slave level.

5 Enter the value in the Clock Sync Interval box.

The time base for this parameter is 10 ms.
6 Click Apply > OK.
7 Click OK.

6.8.2 Configuring time synchronization in slaves

To enable time synchronization for a slave device, “Time_Sync_supp” must be set as 1 in the slave’s GSD file.

To configure time synchronization in slaves

1 Double-click the Protocol block.
The Protocol block’s configuration form appears.
2 On the Field Network Configuration tab, double-click the PGM master.
The “Profibus Network Configuration Tool” window appears.


3 In the Navigation Area, click DPV2.

4 On the right pane, select the Activating Time Sync check box.
5 Enter the value in the Clock Sync Interval box.
The time base for this parameter is 10 ms.
6 Click Apply > OK.
7 Click OK.


6.9 Export/import of field network configuration

The field network configuration that is performed through the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool” in the
Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block is stored as a .dat file. The “Profibus Network
Configuration Tool” enables you to export and import this file from/into the Field Network Configuration tab of
the Protocol Block.
The export functionality enables you to export/copy the field network configuration through the “Profibus
Network Configuration Tool”. The exported or copied file is stored as a .dat file. You can save this file in any
The import functionality enables you to import the field network configuration through the “Profibus Network
Configuration Tool”. If you already have a network configuration performed and you import another
configuration, the existing configuration is overwritten by the imported configuration.

6.9.1 Exporting field network configuration

Perform the following steps to export field network configuration

1 Navigate to the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block in which you have performed the
field network configuration.
2 Click Export on the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.
The Save As dialog box appears.
3 Select the location where you want to store this .dat file.
4 Type a name for the configuration file.
5 Click Save.

6.9.2 Importing field network configuration

When you perform an import of the field network configuration, the existing configuration that you have
performed, if any, is replaced by the imported configuration.

Perform the following steps to import field network configuration

1 Navigate to the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block to which you want to import the
field network configuration.
2 Click Import on the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.

If a PDC in the existing configuration is assigned to a PIOMB, you cannot import the field network configuration
and an error message appears.
In such a case, you must unassign the PDC from the PIOMB and then perform the import function.

The Open dialog box appears.

3 Select the .dat file of the field network configuration that you want to import.
4 Click Open.
The field network configuration is copied to the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool” Network view.


6.10 Audit Trail for field network configuration

The Audit Trail tab is available in the Protocol Block configuration form only if the PGM block is under QVCS.
This tab displays the Audit Trail data in a readable format and is available both from the Project view and the
Monitoring view. This tab is also available from the Protocol Block detail display.
The following list illustrates some of the properties of the Audit Trail tab.
• The Audit Trail information appears only if the PGM block is under QVCS.
• The Audit Trail information does not appear for the first checked-in version irrespective of the version
• Each version (other than first checked-in version) will have a set of sessions. A session implies to the time
period during which the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block is opened and closed. Each
session is identified by a unique session ID along with the logged in user name. If you make any changes to
the network configuration during a session, the changes that you have made appears under the respective
• The -/+ buttons in the Audit Trail tab can be used to expand/collapse Audit Trail information of each version
as well as the session.
The following figure illustrates a sample Audit Trail tab of the Protocol Block.

In the above example, version V1.00 does not display any Audit Trail information because this is the first
checked-in version of the PGM block.
The version V2.00 displays the detailed configuration changes that are done during session 1.
The version V3.00 does not display any Audit Trail information as no configuration changes are done in this


The version V4.00 displays the configuration changes done during session 2.

6.10.1 Operations that impact Audit Trail

Some of the following Control Builder operations impact the visibility of the Audit Trail tab.

QVCS Revert to Version

During QVCS Revert to Version operation, one version of AUDITTRAIL parameter value is replaced with
another version of AUDITTRAIL parameter value.
For example, if you have made changes in the network configuration during V4.00 and then you perform a
QVCS Revert to Version 3.00, then Audit Trail information will be available only for the network configuration
changes that you made till V3.00.

QVCS Compare
When you perform a QVCS Compare operation, the Diff Tool displays the ERDB AUDITTRAIL parameter in
highlighted mode. The status appears as “M” if the data has been modified between the selected versions. In
addition, the message "Please refer to module properties of this block to see the parameter value" appears in the
parameter value.

QVCS does not support “Profibus Network Configuration Tool” AUDITTRAIL parameter for parameter value
comparison between versions in the Diff Tool.

When you perform an Import of a PGM block, the Audit Trail tab is visible only if the PGM block is under
QVCS. If the PGM block is not under QVCS, the Audit Trail tab is not visible.


6.11 Monitoring Protocol Block

In this section, the state and command parameters of the Protocol Blockare listed for quick reference. For detailed
information about these parameters, you need to refer to the PROFIBUS Gateway Module Parameter Reference

Related topics
“Protocol Block state after configuration and load” on page 96
“ Protocol Block status parameters” on page 96
“ Protocol Block command parameters” on page 97
“Protocol block statistics parameters” on page 97
“ Protocol Block icons” on page 98
“Protocol Block notifications” on page 98

6.11.1 Protocol Block state after configuration and load

When the PGM block is loaded, the Protocol Blocks are also loaded along with the PGM block.

Main tab
The PB Link State (STATE) will be "ONLINE" after the successful load of the Protocol Block. Also, the
PROFIBUS Master section will display the appropriate firmware version and date, boot version, and CPU load.

Field Network Status tab

• The Field Network Master State (MASTERSTATE) will be "OPERATE."
• The Field Network State (BUSTATE) will be "RUNNING" if the PGM is communicating with at least one
slave device. Otherwise, the status will be "STOPPED." If the network configuration is not created, the
status will be "IDLE."
• The Slave State (SLAVESTATE) will be "OK" indicating that the master is in cyclic data exchange with all
the configured slave devices. If there is at least one slave device missing or if the slave device has a
diagnostic request pending, the status will be "FAILED."
• Global State Field (GLOBALSTATE) - If there is a notified error at the PROFIBUS master or the slave
devices, the respective LED will appear in red. For example, if the PROFIBUS network cable is
disconnected from the PGM, the NON-EXCHANGE-ERROR LED will appear red.
The Error and Slave Details section will display the number of configured slave devices and the number of
active slave devices in the network. Also, it will display the number of diagnostic issues, if any.

Slave Status tab

The Slave Status tab will display the slave device status with the corresponding LEDs.
• If the slave devices are communicating with the master, the corresponding LEDs will appear green.
• If the slave devices are in a fault state, the corresponding LEDs will appear red.
• If the slave devices have diagnostics, the corresponding LEDs will appear yellow.

6.11.2 Protocol Block status parameters

PBLink State (STATE)

The STATE parameter displays the state of the Protocol Block.


Field Network Master State (MASTERSTATE)

The MASTERSTATE parameter displays the state of the field network master.

Slave State (SLAVESTATE)

The SLAVESTATE parameter indicates whether the master is in cyclic data exchange to all the configured slave

Field Network State (BUSSTATE)

The BUSSTATE parameter indicates the current network status of the communication channel.

Global State (GLOBALSTATE)

The GLOBALSTATE parameter serves as a collective display of the global notifications. The notified errors can
occur either at the PROFIBUS master itself or at the slave devices.

6.11.3 Protocol Block command parameters

Compact Non-Volatile Storage (COMPNVSCMD)

The COMPNVSCMD parameter indicates whether to compact the non-volatile memory or not.

6.11.4 Protocol block statistics parameters

The DPV1 Statistics tab is added in the Protocol block’s configuration form for monitoring the DPV1 statistics
information. The statistics information related to the DPV1 connection is monitored from the Class 2
Connection Status table.

DPV1 Bytes per sec (DPV1BYTESPERSEC)

The DPV1 Bytes per sec (DPV1BYTESPERSEC) parameter provides the DPV1 traffic in bytes per second per
link level.

DPV1 Requests per sec (DPV1REQSPERSEC)

The DPV1 Requests per sec (DPV1REQSPERSEC) parameter provides the DPV1 traffic in requests per second
(HOP and DPV1) per link level.

DPV1 Connection Status (DPV1CONNSTS)

The DPV1 Connection Status (DPV1CONNSTS) parameter provides the DPV1 connection status of the
PROFIBUS slave devices.

DPV1 Connection Ref ID (DPV1CONNREF)

The DPV1 Connection Ref ID (DPV1CONNREF) parameter displays the DPV1 connection ID for a slave.

A valid connection ID is displayed only when the DPV1 connection status to a slave is set as “Connected.”

DPV1 Req last error code (LASTERRCODE)

The DPV1 Req last error code (LASTERRCODE) parameter displays the last error code received for DPV1
connection to a slave.
For more information about the connection status of DPV1 request, see PROFIBUS Gateway Module
Parameter Reference.


6.11.5 Protocol Block icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances that a Protocol Block icon can assume based on view
and current Protocol Blockstate.

If Icon is... Then it indicates...

Project view
gray Protocol Block a is associated with configured PGM.
Monitoring view
green Protocol Block is active.

red Protocol Block is in a failed state.

6.11.6 Protocol Block notifications

When the Protocol Block is active, it generates the following notifications.

Notification Description
Field Network This notification is generated when the master has lost connection to all PROFIBUS slave devices.
Field Network After the Protocol Block is downloaded, the CRC sum of the parameter NETCONFBIN is calculated.
Configuration It is then compared to the NETCONCRCSUM parameter which was calculated by the tools. In there
Failure is a mismatch in this comparison, this notification is generated.
You must modify and reload the field network configuration for this notification to return to normal.
Field Network Tag After the Protocol Block downloaded, the CRC sum of the parameter NETTAGTABLEBIN is
Table Failure calculated. It is then compared to the value that was loaded along the NETTAGTABLEBIN parameter.
If there is a mismatch in this comparison, this notification is generated.
You must modify and reload the field network configuration for this notification to return to normal.
Input Data Base The input data is sampled on every Process Data Access (PDA) base cycle, which is the smallest raw
Cycle Changed data cycle seen in PDA opens. The data delivery time which is the time consumed between process
data read from the PROFIBUS network to the end of triggering PDA transport is measured on every
The new data sample time is calculated based on the data delivery time and the start time of the earlier
sample. If the data delivery time is longer than minimum cycle (5 ms), the next sample will be
delayed so that there is always a minimum of 5 ms time from the end of data delivery to the start of
the next sample.
If the data delivery takes more than the minimum cycle (5 ms) on three consecutive cycles, this
notification is generated. This notification returns to normal when the data delivery time has been
below minimum cycle (5ms) on three consecutive cycles.
To recover from this, you must reduce either the number of PIOMB connections or the input data read
cycle defined in the PIOMB block.


6.12 Monitoring the field network configuration

You can monitor the master and the slave devices online from the Project view or the Monitoring view.
You can perform the following functions while monitoring the master and/or slave devices.
• View the master's diagnosis and extended diagnosis
• View the status of all slave devices
• View the slave devices from the Life List menu
• Change the slave device address
• View the slave device's diagnosis
• View the slave device's extended diagnosis

To perform any of these actions, the devices that must be monitored must be assigned to the hardware. See “Assigning
the device to the correct hardware” on page 72.

Related topics
“Viewing the master's diagnosis and extended diagnosis” on page 99
“Viewing the status of all slave devices from the Profibus Network Configuration Tool Network view” on
page 100
“Viewing the slave devices from the Life List menu” on page 101
“Changing the device address from the Set Station Address menu” on page 102
“Detecting slave devices in the network” on page 78
“Viewing the slave device diagnosis” on page 105
“Viewing the slave device's extended diagnosis” on page 106

6.12.1 Viewing the master's diagnosis and extended diagnosis

Perform the following steps to view the master's diagnosis and extended diagnosis
1 Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block in which you have configured the master
and the slave device.
2 Right-click the master and select Connect.

If you have not assigned the device to the hardware, an error message appears.

The master is highlighted as displayed in the following figure.


You must right-click the master and select Disconnect to discontinue monitoring the master online.

3 Right-click the master and select Diagnostic.

The Diagnostics form appears. The General Diagnosis menu is selected by default. You can view the
general diagnostics such as device state, network state, configuration state, watchdog time, and error count.
4 Select the Master Diagnosis menu in the Navigation Area to view the master diagnostics. The Master
Diagnosis provides information such as on the slave device status, number of active slave devices, number
of configured slave devices, and number of slave devices that have diagnostics.
5 Similarly, you can select the appropriate diagnosis menus in the Navigation Area to view the appropriate
6 Click OK.

6.12.2 Viewing the status of all slave devices from the Profibus Network Configuration Tool Network

Perform the following steps to view the status of all slave devices from the Profibus Network Configuration Tool
Network view
1 Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block in which you have configured the master
and the slave device.
2 Right-click the master and select Start Debug Mode.
The status of each device appears in the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool” Network view as displayed
in the following figure.


The symbol indicates that the slave device is not connected.

6.12.3 Viewing the slave devices from the Life List menu
• Right-click the master and select Addition Functions > Life List.
The Life List window displays the slave devices that are connected to the network.


6.12.4 Changing the device address from the Set Station Address menu
Some of the slave devices such as the Siemens SIMOCODE Pro C do not have the physical switch that is used
to set the address of the slave device. In such cases, you can change the slave device address from the Field
Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block.

Perform the following step to change the device address from the Set Station Address menu
1 Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block in which you have configured the slave
device and the master.
2 Right-click the master and select Addition Functions > Set Station Address. The Set Station Address
dialog box appears.
The following figure displays the LifeList window when the address is 10.


3 Type the new station address in the New station address box.
4 Click Set Address.
If the change is successful, you can view the new station address in the Life List window.
The following figure displays the station address as 15 after changing the address.


6.12.5 Detecting slave devices in the network

You can detect all the physical slave devices in the network from the Field Network Configuration tab of the
Protocol Block. This can be accomplished by performing a Network Scan. This scan lists all the physical slave
devices connected to the network. In addition, you can add a slave device to the network, if the device is not
added to the network.

Perform the following steps to detect all slave devices in the network
1 Click the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block in which you have configured the master
and the slave device.
2 Right-click the master and select Network Scan.

If you have not assigned the device to the hardware, an message appears.

The netDevice window appears as displayed in the following figure. This window lists all the physical
devices that are present in the network and also the details of the devices.


3 If you want to add a device to the network, select Add from the Action column.
• If the device is already added to the network, the value Skip appears in the Action column.
• If you want to replace a device with another device, select Replace in the Action column.
4 Click OK.

6.12.6 Viewing the slave device diagnosis

Perform the following steps to view the slave device diagnosis

1 Navigate to the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block in which you have configured the
slave device and the master.
2 Right-click the slave device and select Connect.

You must right-click the slave device and select Disconnect to discontinue monitoring of the slave devices online.

The slave device appears highlighted as displayed in the following figure.


3 Right-click the slave device and select Diagnostic.

The Diagnostics configuration form appears. The Diagnosis menu in the Navigation Area is selected by

• The Slave Device and the Watchdog On LEDs must be green during normal conditions.
• If the slave device has extended diagnostics, the Extended Diagnostics LED appears red in color.
• Similarly, the appropriate LEDs must appear in green based on the error condition.

4 Click OK.

6.12.7 Viewing the slave device's extended diagnosis

Perform the following steps to view the slave device's extended diagnosis
1 Navigate to the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol Block in which you have configured the
slave device and the master.
2 Right-click the slave device and select Connect.

You must right-click the slave device and select Disconnect to discontinue monitoring of the slave devices online.

The slave device appears highlighted as displayed in the following figure.


3 Right-click the slave and select Diagnostic.

The Diagnostics page appears. The Diagnosis menu in the Navigation Area is selected by default.
4 Select the Extended Diagnosis menu in the Navigation Area to view the extended diagnostic details, if any.

The extended diagnostic message of the Siemens Simocode Pro C device is used for illustrating the
diagnostic message.


5 Click OK.


6.13 QVCS - Diff Tool view of non-human readable data

When you compare differences between two versions of a PGM block, the Diff Tool does not display the value
for the parameters that have “non-human readable” binary data or data that is not readily understandable by
users. Instead, the message “Please refer to module properties of this block to see the parameter value” appears
for these parameters in the Diff Tool. This is applicable for the following internal parameters of the Protocol
The following figure illustrates a sample Diff Tool view when there is a difference in the parameters values
between the two versions.


6.14 Protocol Block station displays

Related topics
“Detail displays and faceplate names” on page 110
“Calling up the displays” on page 110
“Detail display tabs” on page 110

6.14.1 Detail displays and faceplate names

The following table lists the names of the details display and faceplate of the Protocol Block.

Tab Name Detail Display Faceplate

Main tab sysdtlPBLINKa.htm ssysdtlPBLINKa_fp.htm
Status tab sysdtlPBLINKb.htm
Field Network Status tab sysdtlPBLINKc.htm
Configuration Details tab sysdtlPBLINKd.htm

6.14.2 Calling up the displays

The following table lists the actions that you must perform to call up the Protocol Block detail displays.

To call the Protocol Block… Then …

Main tab display Type the PBLINK point name (for example PBLINK_132) in the Station command zone
and press F12.
You can also click the Search icon in the Station toolbar and type the point name and
click OK.
Slave Status tab display Click the Slave Status tab.
Field Network Status tab display Click the Field Network Status tab.
Config Details tab display Click the Config Details tab.

6.14.3 Detail display tabs

Main tab
The Main tab detail display provides information such as the name of the point detail display, group detail
display, and the faceplate.


You can modify the following value from the Protocol Block Main tab detail display.
• Alarm Enable State.

Slave Status tab

The number of LEDs displayed in the Slave Status tab detail display refers to the maximum number of
PROFIBUS slave devices that can be connected to a single Protocol Block. You can monitor the status of the
configured devices from the Slave Status tab detail display.


From the detail display, you can interpret the status of the devices based on the following LED colors.
• Red - Configuration error/device not present.
• Yellow - Diagnostic data available.
• Green - Device is healthy and running.
• Black - Device not configured.
You cannot modify any values from the Slave Status tab detail display.

Field Network Status tab

The Field Network Status tab detail display provides information on the global notifications.
From the detail display, you can interpret the global state of the devices based on the following LED colors.
• Black - No global state errors.
• Green - Global state error.
• Gray - The global state parameter value is "Bad."


Figure 3: Detail display of Field Network Status

You cannot modify any values from the Field Network Status tab detail display.

Config Details tab

The Config Details detail display is identical to the Main tab of the Protocol Block (from Control Builder).


You can modify the following value from the Protocol Main tab detail display.
• Alarming Enabled.

7 PROFIBUS Configuration Tools

PROFIBUS Configuration Tools (Auto-configure Slaves) is a project engineering productivity tool that can be
used for automatically creating and configuring slaves of a PROFIBUS segment. The slave blocks include DSB,
PIOMB, and PBHIOMB blocks. However, HART channels (PBHCHANNEL) must be manually configured
after auto-configuring PBHIOMBs.The Auto-configure Slaves feature removes double-data entry during
configuration and reduces the risk of human failures. Furthermore it enables the enforcement of a best practice
This flow chart explains the steps to be performed to automatically create and configure slaves.

Configure slaves in

Tools addin NO
in Control Enable PROFIBUS
Rule file repository Builder? Configuration Tools
Open Auto-Configure
Rule file Slaves and provide required
input and perform validation

Correct errors or
Is the form warnings listed in Status
data Description column
Verify Status column and
NO Status Description
Save the validated
configuration to ERDB


Figure 4: Flow chart

Note that the Auto-configure Slaves option does not permit the following:
• PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) or Protocol block creation
• PBHChannel or DD assignment


Related topics
“Accessing PROFIBUS Configuration Tools” on page 117
“Configuring slaves/modules” on page 120
“Validating and saving configuration” on page 133
“Troubleshooting scenarios” on page 135


7.1 Accessing PROFIBUS Configuration Tools

The PROFIBUS Configuration Tools add-in is integrated with Control Builder and can be invoked from the
Tools menu.

If PROFIBUS Configuration Tools add-in is disabled in the Add-in Manager menu, the Auto-configure Slaves option
is disabled in all instances.

The following figures display how to enable PROFIBUS Configuration Tools add-in and the Auto-configure
Slaves option.

Figure 5: Enabling PROFIBUS Configuration Tools

To access the Auto-configure Slaves option, PROFIBUS Configuration Tools add-in must be activated in the
Add-in Manager menu. The Auto-configure Slaves option can be accessed through one of the following
• Click Tools > Auto-configure Slaves
• Right-click Protocol block > Auto-configure Slaves
• From the List View, right-click Protocol block > Auto-configure Slaves


Figure 6: Auto-configure Slaves

Legend Description
1 Available from Tools menu
2 Available from the context right-click menu
3 Available from List View

The following figure displays the Auto-configure Slaves window.


Figure 7: Auto-configure Slaves


7.2 Configuring slaves/modules

The PROFIBUS Configuration Tools add-in creates and populates related blocks and modules for each
configured slave according to the rules defined in the selected rule file. The Auto-configure Slaves option also
creates the PDC and assigns net tags to PDC types as defined in the rule file.
Before auto-configuring slaves or modules, perform the following tasks.
1. Verify that the GSD file is available for a specific slave
2. Configure slaves in the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ”
3. Request the rule file(s) if the default rule files are not sufficient for your project

7.2.1 Rule files

The rule file is an XML file for instructing the Auto-configure Slaves option to create the DSB, PIOMB, and
PBHIOMB blocks according to the slave configuration in the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool ”
The Auto-configure Slaves option requires a rule file to automate the object creation for a slave. A rule file is
associated with a specific GSD version; therefore any rule file can only be used with a slave created with the
same GSD file.
There can be one or more rule files defined for a particular GSD file. This option helps you create different
configurations for different slaves from the same GSD file. You can select the rule file to be used for the Auto-
configure Slaves operation.
In addition, a single physical rule file can be associated with a family of similar GSD files. This must be done
through virtual file linking/shortcuts.
The rule files must be saved at the location: C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\PBRuleFiles. By default,
the rule file is selected for each slave if only default rule file exists for the slave. In addition, different rule files
can be selected for each slave. If the rule files are not saved at the default location, the default rule file name is
empty in the Rule File column.
The following figure is graphical structure of the rule file.



Common Modules

Template ModuleName

Desc ModuleID

AssocAsset IsValid

DSBByteOrder PDC

DeviceType PDCType

AlmEnbState PDCDescription

ConBrSupTime BuildPIOMB

ConBrksupTmNwDown BuildPBHIOMB

SlotOffSetInSyCon BuildPDC

EnableRIOProf PDCSubscriptionRate

IgnorExtDiagOvrflo IsValid

EnablePADiag HoldOnFail


User Alarms *
Channel *



Figure 8: Rule file structure

7.2.2 Creating rule file from a template

The rule file template is available at the location: C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\PBRuleFiles and
can be configured to create rule files for each slave configured in the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration

Rule file template is available.

To create the rule file from a template

1 Create a copy of the “PBRuleTemplate.xml” available at C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS
2 Rename the file name as described in the topic “Guidelines for naming a rule file” on page 122.
3 Open the existing rule file in an XML editor or in Notepad, and update elements marked as “Mandatory.”
The following elements must be configured in the rule file.
• TemplateName
• ModuleName
• IsValid
• BuildPIOMB


• PDCType
• PDCDirection
4 Save the rule file at the default location.
5 Repeat this procedure to create multiple rule files for each slave.

7.2.3 Guidelines for naming a rule file

The following guidelines must be adhered to when naming a rule file.
• The first part of the rule file name must match the GSD file name of the associated device type (this includes
the file extension).
• Add an additional character as a suffix to the GSD file name separated by a delimiter(_). The default rule
file template contains “Default” as the prefix.
• Store the rule file with the file extension of “.rul.xml.”
The default rule file is defined as “GSDFILENAMEWITHEXT_Default.rul.xml.” An additional rule file can
be created with a file name of “GSDFILENAMEWITHEXT_userdefinedword.rul.xml.”
The following table lists a few examples of naming the rule file.

Table 3: Naming convention for rule files

GSD file name Default rule file name Additional rule file names
HIL_7404.GSD HIL_7404.GSD_Default.rul.xml HIL_7404.GSD_Version2.rul.xml
T203FF9F.gse T203FF9F.gse_Default.rul.xml T203FF9F.gse_rev1.rul.xml

7.2.4 Guidelines for configuring rule file

The following points must be remembered while configuring the rule file.
• Each net tag must have a corresponding PDC defined in the rule file. If you do not want to configure PDC
for the available net tags, the “IsValid” element must be set as “FALSE.”
Scenario 1: Consider that a module has a single input net tag configured in the Module configuration page
of the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool.” In this case, the rule file must have a single PDC
definition and the “PDCDirection” must be configured as “Input.” Similarly, if a module has a single output
net tag configured in the Module configuration page of the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool.” In
this case, the rule file must have a single PDC definition and the “PDCDirection” must be configured as
Scenario 2: Consider that a module has multiple input and output net tags configured in the Module
configuration page of the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool.” In this case, the rule file must have
corresponding PDC definition and the “PDCDirection” must be configured as “Input” and “Output,”
respectively for each net tag.
• Rule file validation does not verify the parameter configuration errors. For example, if any parameter is
configured with an invalid value, the specific parameter is not saved into the ERDB.
• If any of the parameter is not applicable for a particular DSB, it is recommended to delete the parameters in
the rule file. If any parameter is left blank, validation error is reported while launching the Auto-configure
• You can use the check box for creating PIOMB and PBHIOMB in the Auto-configure Slaves irrespective of
the rule file configuration. However, the changes made in the Auto-configure Slaves do not have any impact
to the rule file.


7.2.5 Elements configured in a rule file

In a rule file, slave is the first element and indicates that the rule file is specific to a slave configured in Field
Network Configuration tab. This slave element includes the following elements.
1. GSD-file
2. Common
3. Modules
Each of these elements contains a subset of elements. The following table explains about each element up to
third level. However, you may also configure elements based on your requirement for each module.

Table 4: Elements configured in a rule file

Top level elements Second level elements Third level elements Description
Specifies the GSD-file name of a slave configured in
GSD-file Field Network Configuration tab.
Creates a DSB and the parameters that must be
configured based on the basic information available
Common on the Field Network Configuration tab.
Specifies a name for the template of the DSB to be
created for a particular slave configured at the
TemplateName corresponding slave address.
Specifies the DSB description that can be viewed on
Desc the Main tab of the DSB configuration form.
Specifies the associated asset for a DSB and can be
viewed on the Main tab of the DSB configuration
AssocAsset form.
Specifies the DSB byte order that can be Little-endian
or Big-endian.

DSBByteOrder is applicable only for GENDSB
DSBByteOrder and GENIODSB.

Specifies the device type that can be viewed on the

DeviceType Main tab of the DSB configuration form.
Specifies the Alarming Enabled state of DSB that can
be viewed on the Main tab of the DSB configuration
AlmEnbState form.
Specifies the DPV0 Connection breakout time of
DSB that can be viewed on the Main tab of the DSB
ConBrSupTime configuration form.
Used for specifying whether the connection break
timeout is applicable for Network down or not. The
ConBrksupTmNwDow connection break timeout can be viewed on the Main
n tab of the DSB configuration form.
Specifies the slot offset that is applicable only for


Top level elements Second level elements Third level elements Description
Specifies if the status of RIO Profile of DSB is
enabled and can be viewed on the Alarm tab of the
DSB configuration form.

EnableRIOProf is applicable only for GENDSB
EnableRIOProf and GENIODSB.

Specifies if the extended diagnostic overflow is

enabled and can be viewed on the Alarm tab of the
DSB configuration form.

IgnoreExtDiagOverflo is applicable only for
IgnoreExtDiagOverflo GENDSB and GENIODSB.

Specifies if the PA diagnostics is enabled and can be

viewed on the Alarm tab of the DSB configuration

EnablePADiag is applicable only for

Specifies the acceptable PA status value.

StatusAlarmLimit is applicable only for

Lists the alarm configuration information for the DSB

and that can be viewed on the Alarm tab of the DSB
configuration form.

UserAlarms is applicable only for the following
UserAlarms • DRIVEDSB

Lists the device-specific alarms for the DSBs and that

can be viewed on the DeviceAlarmConfig tab of the
DSB configuration form.
1. DiagAlarmType
2. DiagAlarmNumber
3. DiagAlarmHelpString
4. DiagAlarmPriority
5. DiagAlarmSeverity
6. DiagAlarmBitIndex
7. DiagAlarmBitAreaSize
DiagAlarms 8. DiagAlarmBitAreaValue


Top level elements Second level elements Third level elements Description
Lists the the DPV1 parameters for the DSB and that
can be viewed on the DPV1Config tab of the DSB
configuration form.
1. DPV1NumPoll (Attribute)
2. DPV1NumHighPriReq
3. DPV1Param Number (Attribute)
4. DPV1ReqType
5. DPV1Priority
6. DPV1SlotNum
7. DPV1Index
8. DPV1Length
9. DPV1NumOfDataRecords
10. DPV1DataRecs
11. DPV1ParamName
12. DPV1DataType
13. DPV1ByteOffset
14. DPV1BitOffset
DPV1Params is an optional element. If this element is
not provided in rule file then default configuration by
DPV1Params DSB will be done.
Specifies the module configuration for a
corresponding module type configured on the Field
Network Configuration tab. Multiple module
elements can be present under each module.

If there are no modules configured in the rule
file, PDC configuration is not performed and
corresponding modules (PIOMB or PBHIOMB)
Modules are not created.

Specifies the name of a module for which further

rules are defined. The Auto-configure Slaves option
uses the defined rules when it finds a matching
module name on the Field Network Configuration
ModuleName tab.
Specifies the ModuleId of a module for which further
rules are defined. The Auto-configure Slaves option
uses the defined rules when it finds a matching
ModuleID ModuleId on the Field Network Configuration tab.
Indicates if the module specified in the rule file is a
valid configuration for a particular slave.

While configuring the rule file for universal
modules, you must configure this element as
“FALSE” to exclude the net tag configuration
IsValid from the rule file.

Specifies the PDC information to be configured for

PDC the DSB. Multiple PDCs can be present in a module.
Specifies the type of PDC to be configured for
corresponding slaves in which the module is
PDCType configured.


Top level elements Second level elements Third level elements Description
Provides a brief description of the corresponding
PDCDescription PDC.
Specifies if the PIOMB must be created for a
particular module. This element is
Mandatory/Yes/No/Forbidden. By default it will be
BuildPIOMB Mandatory, if not specified in rule file.
Specifies if the PBHIOMB must be created for a
particular module. This element is
Mandatory/Yes/No/Forbidden. By default it will be
BuildPBHIOMB Mandatory, if not specified in rule file.
User can specify whether the PIOMB and PBHIOMB
should be created for a particular PDC or not. This
element is Mandatory/Yes/No/Forbidden. By default
it will be Mandatory, if not specified in rule file.

If BuildPDC is set to “Forbidden”,
BuildPIOMB, BuildPBHIOMB will be
forbidden regardless of the specified value at

• If “Mandatory” is set in the rule file, the applicable check boxes
will be checked and disabled.
• If “Yes” is set in the rule file, the applicable check boxes will be
checked and enabled.
If “No” is set in the rule file, the applicable check boxes will be
unchecked and enabled.
• If “Forbidden” is set in the rule file, the applicable check boxes
will be unchecked and disabled.

User can specify the PDCSUBRATE value which

needs to be set for each PIOMB. This element is
enum type. By default it will be set to 50_ms, if not
PDCSubscriptionR specified in rule file. It will be disabled for output
ate type of modules.
Indicates if the PDC specified in the rule file is a valid
IsValid configuration for a particular slave.
Specifies the state of the output modules when there
HoldOnFail is a communication loss with the controller.
Specifies the segment in PDC where the ASI slaves
ASISegment are located.
Specifies the direction of PDC; input or output. Based
on this direction, the net tag to be associated with the
PDCDirection particular PDC type is selected.
Specifies the number of channels available within the
NumChannel PDC.
Specifies the channel configuration on the PDC tab of
Channel the DSB configuration form.
Lists the the PBHIOMB parameters
PBHIOMB 1. DirProcDataIndex


The rule file is invalid if one of these elements is not configured in the rule file, and the Auto-configure Slaves
option updates the Status and Status Description columns.

7.2.6 Modifying the existing rule file

The existing rule file can be modified to create different rule files for each slave configured in the “PROFIBUS
Network Configuration Tool ”

Rule file is available.

To modify the existing rule file

1 Open the existing rule file in an XML editor or in Notepad, and update elements marked as “Mandatory.”
The following elements must be configured in the rule file.
• TemplateName
• ModuleName
• IsValid
• BuildPIOMB
• PDCType
• PDCDirection
2 Save the rule file at the default location.

7.2.7 Selecting the default rule file in Auto-configure Slaves

If there are multiple rule files available for each slave, the default rule file can be modified in the Auto-
configure Slaves option if needed.

Multiple rule files are available.

To select the default rule file in Auto-configure Slaves option

1 Click Tools > Auto-configure Slaves.
The Auto-configure Slaves window appears.
2 Click Browse icon in the Rule File column.
3 Browse to the C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\PBRuleFiles folder, and select the rule file.
The following figure is an example for selecting a rule file from multiple files.


4 Click Open.
The selected rule file is validated and their corresponding details updated in the Auto-configure Slaves

7.2.8 Configuring the slaves

You can configure slaves and module separately or together on the Field Network Configuration tab of the
Protocol block using the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool ”

If you export and import the field network configuration, you must explicitly save the imported configuration.

Ensure that the respective GSD file is available.

To configure the slaves

1 Double-click the Protocol block.
The Module properties window appears.
2 Click the Field Network Configuration tab, and drag-and-drop the device from the Library view to the
Network view.


When you create a PROFIBUS network configuration, the PROFIBUS master address is set to 1 and the
secondary address is set to 0, by default. If you have more than one PGM pair connected to the same physical
network, ensure that there are no other devices with identical addresses in any of the PGM pairs in the same
Note that if there exists an identical master or slave address in the same physical network, it results in loss of
communication with devices on both the links. In addition, this would warrant a cold reboot of both PGMs.
You can also copy and paste the existing slave devices in the Network view. When you copy and paste an existing
slave device, the tag names are also copied. You can modify the tag names, as required.

3 Click OK.
The field network configuration is saved to ERDB.
4 Right-click the Protocol block, and click Auto-configure Slaves.
The Auto-configure Slaves window appears.
5 Observe that the Address, Type, GSD Name, and Rule File columns are automatically updated based on
the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool ”
6 Type DSB name in the DSB Name column.
7 Click Validate.
The Status column is updated with the validation results.

7.2.9 Representation of DSB names

The DSB name is automatically generated based on the rule file configuration, if the name is mentioned in the
rule file. The default DSB name has 16 characters. The DSB name is represented in Auto-configure Slaves
option as follows:
• Default DSB name must have 16 characters.
• First 9 characters specify the first 9 characters of the DSB template name as specified in the rule file.
• Next 3 characters specify the PGM ID under which the selected Protocol block appears.
• Next character specifies the Protocol block ID.
• Last 3 characters specify the corresponding slave addresses.

The DSB name can only be modified before validating the configuration. The default DSB name appears only if the
DSB is not available for the corresponding slave address. However, if a DSB is already present for the corresponding
slave address, the DSB name configured with the corresponding slave address is displayed, and it cannot be renamed.

For example, consider that the DSB type is GENIODSB, PGM ID is 4, Protocol block ID is 1, and the slave
address is 3. In this case, the DSB name is displayed as “GENIODSB0041003” in the DSB Name column.

7.2.10 Configuring the modules

To configure the modules

1 Double-click the Protocol block.
The Module properties window appears.
2 Click the Field Network Configuration tab, and double-click the slave in the Network view.
The Modules menu in the Navigation Area is selected by default. The Available Modules section lists all
the available modules that can be associated with the selected slave device.
3 Select the modules that you must associate with the slave device.
4 Click Insert.
All the modules you selected in the Available Modules section appear in the Configured Modules section.


• When you click Append, the last module you selected is placed at the end of the Configured Modules list.
• When you click Insert, you can place the new module between existing modules. You can use Insert to select
the slots of your choice for the I/O modules.

5 Click OK to close the Field Network Configuration form.

The field network configuration is saved to the ERDB.

If you click Cancel and close the configuration form, the configuration is not saved to the ERDB even if you have
clicked Save on the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.

6 Right-click the Protocol block, and click Auto-Configure Slaves.

The Auto-Configure Slaves window appears.
7 Observe that the Slot, Module, and PDC are automatically updated for the selected slave based on the
“PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool.”
8 By default, PDC, PIOMB, PBHIOMB check boxes are enabled/disabled/checked/unchecked based on the
rule file.
9 Type the PIOMB Name, CEE Name, and the PBHIOMB Name in the corresponding columns.

When the user selects the CEE Name for the first PDC, by default the same CEE Name is updated to rest of the
PDCs for that slave. If required, user can change the CEE Name of any PDC manually at any point of time for
that slave. If user changes the CEE Name for the first PDC, the changes done previously will be overwritten for
that slave. This is just made for user’s ease of selecting CEE Name for each PDC. If CEE Name is blank, the
Validation will give a warning to the user, but still save will go ahead and the PIOMB will be created under

10 Click Validate.
The Status column is updated with the validation results.

7.2.11 Representation of PIOMB names

The PIOMB name is automatically generated based on the rule file configuration, if the PIOMB name is
mentioned in the rule file. The default PIOMB name has 14 characters. The PIOMB name is represented in
Auto-configure Slaves option as follows:
• First 5 characters specify the PIOMB template name.
• Next 3 characters specify the PGM ID under which the selected Protocol block appears.
• Next character specifies selected Protocol block ID.
• Next 3 characters specify the slave address under which the corresponding module appears.
• Last 2 characters specify the corresponding PDC number.

The default PIOMB name can only be modified before validating the configuration. The default PIMOB Name
appears only when the corresponding PDC is not already configured. If the PDC is already configured and a PIOMB is
associated with it, the PIOMB name cannot be edited.

For example, consider that the PIOMB template name is PIOMB, PGM ID is 043, Protocol block ID is 1, slave
address is 002, and the PDC number is 10. In this case, the PIOMB name is displayed as “PIOMB043100210”
in the PIOMB Name column.


7.2.12 Representation of PBHIOMB names

The PBHIOMB name is automatically generated based on the rule file configuration, if the PBHIOMB name is
mentioned in the rule file. The default PBHIOMB name has 15 characters. The PBHIOMB name is represented
in Auto-configure Slaves option as follows:
• First 6 characters specify the template name of PBHIOMB
• Next 3 characters specify the PGM under which the selected Protocol block appears.
• Next character specifies the Protocol block ID.
• Next 3 characters specify the slave address under which the corresponding module appears.
• Last 2 characters specify the corresponding PDC number.

The default PBHIOMB name can only be modified before validating the configuration. The default PBHIMOB Name
appears only when the corresponding PDC is not already configured. If the PDC is already configured and a
PBHIOMB is associated with it, the PBHIOMB name cannot be edited.

For example, consider that the PBHIOMB template name is PBHIOMB, PGM ID is 055, Protocol block ID is 4,
slave address is 015, and the PDC number is 15. In this case, the PBHIOMB name is displayed as
“PBHIOMB055401515” in the PBHIOMB Name column.

7.2.13 Subsequent Update of DSB using Auto Configure Slave

DSBs created by this tool can be updated later by invoking Auto-Configure Slaves . Only the below updates
are possible for DSB on subsequent update using Auto-Configure Slaves .

DSBs created manually cannot be updated later by using Auto-Configure Slaves tool. Adding a new module to the existing DSB

• The required PDCs must be available in the existing DSB.
• The rule file must be update with the required module configuration.

To add a new module to the existing DSB using the Auto-configure Slaves
1 Double-click the Protocol block.
The Module properties window appears.
2 Click the Field Network Configuration tab, and double-click the slave in the Network view.
3 Select the modules that you want to add to the existing slave.
4 Click Insert.
All the modules you selected in the Available Modules section appear in the Configured Modules section.

• When you click Append, the last module you selected is placed at the end of the Configured Modules list.
• When you click Insert, you can place the new module between existing modules. You can use Insert to select
the slots of your choice for the I/O modules.

5 Click OK to close the Field Network Configuration form.

The field network configuration is saved to the ERDB.


If you click Cancel and close the configuration form, the configuration is not saved to the ERDB even if you have
clicked Save on the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.

6 Right-click the Protocol block, and click Auto-Configure Slaves.

The Auto-Configure Slaves window appears.
7 Observe that the Slot, Module, and PDC are automatically updated for the existing slave based on the
changes made to the “PROFIBUS Network Configuration Tool.”
8 By default, PDC, PIOMB, PBHIOMB check boxes are enabled/disabled/checked/unchecked based on the
rule file.
9 If you are adding the PIOMB and PBHIOMB, type the PIOMB Name, CEE Name, and the PBHIOMB
Name in the corresponding columns.

When the user selects the CEE Name for the first PDC, by default the same CEE Name is updated to rest of the
PDCs for that slave. If required, user can change the CEE Name of any PDC manually at any point of time for
that slave. If user changes the CEE Name for the first PDC, the changes done previously will be overwritten for
that slave. This is just made for user’s ease of selecting CEE Name for each PDC. If CEE Name is blank, the
Validation will give a warning to the user, but still save will go ahead and the PIOMB will be created under

10 Click Validate.
The Status column is updated with the validation results. Parameter update for DSB

• Parameter update is possible only for the parameters which has external parameter support.
• List of DSB parameters that can be configured using external parameters are “ChLowRange, ChHighRange,
InputSignalType, OutputSignalType, AISensorType and AOSensorType”.
• Parameter update for these parameters are possible only when these parameters are already configured with
the support of external parameter. The change happened for corresponding external parameter will be
updated to DSB on subsequent update using this tool.


7.3 Validating and saving configuration

When the validation is running in the Auto-configure Slaves option, the “Mandatory” elements and
configuration of slaves and modules are validated and the results are updated in the Status column. The Status
Description column is updated only if the status is either “Failed” or “Warning.”
You can initiate automatic object creation and configuration of the validated slaves only when the slave
validation is marked as “Success” in the Status column. If the Status column is marked as “Failed” for any
selected slave configuration, clear the failed slave configuration check box and save the remaining slave
For example, consider that one of the mandatory elements in the rule file is not configured or incorrectly
configured. In this scenario, validation of the rule file for a particular slave fails and the Status column is
marked as ““Failed.” Hence, you cannot save the configuration of all the selected slaves and must clear the
check box for the failed configuration.
If the Status column is marked as “Warning” for any selected slave configuration, you can save the validated
configuration or take any further action based on the warning message.
For example, consider that you are trying to re-configure a loaded DSB. In this scenario, validation of the
selected slave is updated in the Status column as “Warning.” Hence, you can either save or make the required
changes to the slave configuration based on the requirement.
The following table lists the various validations performed in the Auto-configure Slaves option.

Table 5: Type of validations

Validation Type of validation Results

Finds any missing mandatory elements and
Rule file validation against rule schema mismatch in data type of parameters.
Availability of all the configured
modules Validates all configured modules in the rule file.
Availability of the PDCs that are Validates PDCs that are required for the configured
required for the configure net tags net tags.
Validates the PDC type specified in the rule file for
PDC type the specified DSB type.
Rule file validation Number of PDCs Validates the number of PDCs for each DSB type.
Validates the DSB entered in the rule file and the
DSB name number of characters of the entered DSB name.
Validates the PIOMB entered in the rule file and
the number of characters of the entered PIOMB
PIOMB name name.
Validates the PBHIOMB entered in the rule file
User entered data and the number of characters of the entered
validation PBHIOMB name PBHIOMB name.
Rule file name validation Validates if the rule file is selected from the default
Rule file path path.
This validation is
performed while
modifying the rule Validates if the selected rule file satisfies the
file. Rule file naming convention guidelines of naming the rule file.

While saving the validated slave configuration, the DSBs and the corresponding modules (PIOMB and
PBHIOMB) are created and updated in the ERDB. The status of the save operation is updated in the Status
Description column.


For more information about the various Status Description, see “Troubleshooting scenarios” on page 135.
In case of any configuration modification made between validate and save operations, perform a validation of
the modification before saving the configuration.


7.4 Troubleshooting scenarios

The following table lists the validation status description, cause, and workaround for each rule that is validated.

Table 6: Validation errors and workaround

Status Description Cause Workaround

Make sure rule file is available in the
Rule file not found. Selected rule file not found in the location PBRuleFiles directory
PBRuleSchema.xsd file is not present in
RuleSchema is not present in "Program Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS Make sure Rule file schema is present in
the Engineering Repository \Engineering Tools \SYSTEM\ER" Rule file directory. If not, contact TAC
(ER) directory. directory support.
Error messages mentioning
about rule file errors. Not Applicable Rule file should be corrected.
1. Open the selected rule file.
2. Navigate to the element.
Template name provided in the 3. Make sure the TemplateName
rule file is an invalid DSB mentioned is a valid DSB template
template name. Not Applicable name.
When a slave has grouped modules make
sure TemplateName provided in the rule file
is either of the following:
Grouping of modules supported only for
Grouping of modules is "DSB:GENIODSBDP" "DSB:GENIODSBDP"
supported for the provided "DSB:GENPADSB" "DSB:GENPADSB"
DSB Name: Invalid name DSB Name has invalid syntax. This is
syntax. existing an error message. Correct DSB name
DSB Name:
InvalidNameLengt h Existing error message Correct DSB name
DSB Name : Illegal
character(s) encountered Existing error message Correct DSB name
The entered DSB name is not
allowed as it is a duplicate of
an existing DSB in the Project/
Library view. Not Applicable Provide a new DSB name
The entered DSB name is not
allowed as it is a duplicate of
an existing name selected for
another DSB/PIOMB/
PBHIOMB. Not Applicable Provide a new DSB name

Number of PDCs exceeded for • Select a different rule file with different
this DSB type. The number of DSB type, which allows available
PDC supported for each DSB Maximum number of PDCs exceeded for number of PDCs, or
varies based on the DSB type. the selected DSB type. • Delete the exceeded modules.
PDC configuration for this
module is missing in the rule
file. This module is excluded Configure PDC for the module to include it
from auto-configuration. Not Applicable in Auto configuration.


Status Description Cause Workaround

The entered PIOMB name is
not allowed as it is a duplicate
of an existing PIOMB in the
Project/Library view. Not Applicable Not Applicable
The entered PIOMB name is
not allowed because it is a
duplicate name of an existing
DSB/ PIOMB/ PBHIOMB. Not Applicable Not Applicable
The entered PBHIOMB name
is not allowed as it is a
duplicate name of an existing
PBHIOMB in the Project/
Library view. Not Applicable Not Applicable
The entered PBHIOMB name
is not allowed as it is a
duplicate name of an existing
DSB/ PIOMB/ PBHIOMB. Not Applicable Not Applicable
PDCType specified in rule file
is invalid for this DSB. Not Applicable Correct the PDCType in the rule file.
Module configuration for this
module is missing in the rule
file. This module is excluded Configure the module in rule file to include
from auto-configuration. Not Applicable it in Auto configuration.
The module configured in the
rule file has an invalid value. Configure the module as valid (Isvalid=
This module is excluded from true) in rule file to include it in Auto
auto- configuration. Not Applicable configuration.
The PDC configured in the
rule file has an invalid value. Configure the PDC as valid (Isvalid= true)
This module is excluded from in rule file to include it in Auto
auto- configuration. configuration.
Module validation failed. For
more details, see module
configuration status When module validation failed, this
description. message is shown in slave grid None
Module validation warning.
For more details, see module
configuration status When module validation gives a warning,
description. this message is displayed in slave grid. None
CEE Name is empty. Not Applicable Select CEE Name
Failed to save PIOMB. Not Applicable None
Saving of module completed. Not Applicable None
ImportSlaveFailed Desc Not Applicable None
Saving of slave completed. Not Applicable None
NetTags are not available for
re-configuration. Not Applicable None
Re-configuration of this DSB
is not allowed as the DSB was
manually created. Not Applicable Re-configure the DSB manually.
PDC is not checked; PIOMB Check PDC if PIOMB and PBHIOMB
and PBHIOMB will not be needs to be created, in case it is not set to
created Not Applicable Forbidden.

8 Device Support Block (DSB)

Related topics
“Device Support Block (DSB) overview” on page 138
“About DPV1 read/write messages configuration in DSBs” on page 140
“Data processing” on page 144
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENDSB and GENIODSB)” on page 146
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for PA devices” on page 148
“Generic Drive Device Support Block (DRIVEDSB)” on page 150
“CEAG Device Support Block (CEAGDSB)” on page 155
“Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block (Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB)” on page 160
“Siemens ET200M Device Support Block (Siemens ET200M DSB)” on page 164
“Turck Excom Device Support Block (Turck Excom DSB)” on page 168
“UDT support for DSB blocks” on page 172
“Guidelines for configuring DSBs” on page 173
“Configuring a Generic Device Support Block” on page 174
“Configuring a device-specific DSB” on page 176
“About initialization of AO/DO channels from user-defined values” on page 178
“Configuring the PDC ” on page 182
“Alarms” on page 193
“Monitoring DSB block” on page 200
“Setting the channel output values from Monitoring view” on page 209
“DSB block station displays” on page 211


8.1 Device Support Block (DSB) overview

The Device Support Block represents one of the PROFIBUS field devices (slave devices) in the PROFIBUS
network. A single PROFIBUS network can support up to 124 slave devices. A single DSB can support up to 16
PDCs. However, some DSBs can support more than 16 PDCs. For example, a CEAGDSB can support up to 24
I/O modules. DSBs perform the data conversion to and from device-specific data format (raw data) to formats
supported in Experion (PDC format). DSBs also decode field device specific diagnostic data and report alarms
for any notified exception.
The following DSBs are supported by PGM.
• Generic Device Support Blocks ( GENDSB and GENIODSB) - The Generic DSBs can be configured for
any PROFIBUS devices that do not have device-specific DSBs. You can also use the Generic DSBs to
configure the PROFIBUS devices that have device-specific DSBs.
• Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for PA devices - You can use the
GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB for PROFIBUS PA devices which are connected either to a PROFIBUS
PA Coupler or to Siemens DP/PA link IM-157.
• Generic Drive DSB (DRIVEDSB) - You can use the DRIVEDSB for any drive device that supports the
PROFIDrive profile.
• CEAGDSB - The CEAGDSB can be configured for the CEAG LB/FB Remote I/O modules.
• Siemens AS-i Link DSB - The Siemens AS-i Link DSB can be configured for the DP/AS-i Link 20E and the
DP/AS-i Link Advanced modules.
• Siemens ET200M DSB - The Siemens ET 200M DSB can be configured for Siemens Simatic I/O modules.
• Turck Excom DSB - The Turck Excom DSB can be configured only for Turck Excom field devices.

Maximum number of GENDSBs and GENPADSBs supported for one PGM is 248. However, the maximum number
ET200M DSB, and Turck Excom DSB) blocks is limited based on the memory used per DSB block.

Related topics
“CEAG Device Support Block (CEAGDSB)” on page 155
“Generic Drive Device Support Block (DRIVEDSB)” on page 150
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for PA devices” on page 148
“Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block (Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB)” on page 160
“Siemens ET200M Device Support Block (Siemens ET200M DSB)” on page 164
“Turck Excom Device Support Block (Turck Excom DSB)” on page 168
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENDSB and GENIODSB)” on page 146

8.1.1 DSB block creation

A DSB block is created in the Control Builder from the File menu
(File > New > Devices > DSB)
A DSB block is assigned to the Protocol Block by dragging a DSB module template from the Library and
assigning it one of the Protocol Blocks in the Project view.

8.1.2 DSB block deletion

You cannot delete a DSB FB with at least one PDC still associated with a PIOMB and a PBHIOMB. You must
dissociate the PIOMB from the DSB and then delete the DSB. However, there are no restrictions on deleting a
DSB that has no PDCs associated to PIOMBs.


You must first delete the DSB from the Monitoring view before deleting it from the Project view.


8.2 About DPV1 read/write messages configuration in DSBs

DSB blocks can be configured to support the DPV1 data record read/write between PROFIBUS master and
slaves. For each slave device, the DPV1 configuration can be done in the respective DSB blocks. In addition,
the following parameters can be configured in the DSB blocks to control the DPV1 requests from multiple
• Number of DPV1 data records (DPV1NUMPOLL)
• Scan priority (DPV1PRIORITY)
• Scan ratio of high and low priority requests (DPV1NUMHIGHPRIREQ)

The DPV1 write is always considered as high priority request compared to the DPV1 read.

The following DSB blocks supports a maximum number of 16 DPV1 data access requests from data records.
However, the GENIODSB supports 64 data access requests from data records.

You must read the PROFIBUS slave vendor manual before configuring the DPV1 requests in the DSB block.

A DPV1 record can be parsed to 16 data fields (parameters/data types). If a DPV1 data record needs to be
parsed to more than 16 fields, then the
• same record can be configured multiple times for read or write and parsed to more fields, or
• C300 strategies can be used to parse the complex record into simpler records.
DPV1 data write occurs in three stages as follows:
1. Read the DPV1 data from the PROFIBUS-DP device
2. Append the modified DPV1 value
3. Write the modified value to the PROFIBUS-DP device

DPV1 records scanning

Generally, all the DPV1 requests (16 for all DPV1 supported DSBs and 64 for GENIODSB) in DSB are
scanned in a cyclic manner irrespective of the DPV1 request configuration.
One DPV1 scan cycle has 16 time slots. Therefore, all the DPV1 request (even if it is not configured) is scanned
once in every cycle. For example, consider that the time slot is 1 second and there are four DPV1 requests that
are configured. In this scenario, the first DPV1 request is scanned at n, n+16, n+32, and so on.
The Scan Priority (DPV1PRIORITY) has the following options that are used for scanning the DPV1 requests.
• High
• Low
• On Demand
• No Poll
When the DPV1PRIORITY parameter is set as “High,” DPV1 requests are polled for every cycle.
When the DPV1PRIORITY parameter is set as “Low,” the DPV1 requests are polled based on the
DPV1NUMHIGHPRIOREQ parameter. For example, if the DPV1NUMHIGHPRIOREQ parameter is set as 5,
then the “Low” requests are polled once for every 5 cycles.


When the DPV1PRIORITY parameter is set as “On Demand,” the DPV1 requests are polled only when the
DPV1ONDEMANDSCAN parameter is selected.
When the DPV1PRIORITY parameter is set as “No Poll,” the corresponding DPV1 request is not polled.

8.2.1 Configuring DPV1 read/write messages (Project view)

DSB block must be configured.

To configure DPV1 read/write messages (Project view)

1 Double-click the DSB block.
The DSB block configuration form appears.
2 Click the DPV1 tab.
3 Under Settings, select the Number of High Priority Requests (DPV1NUMHIGHPRIREQ) as required.
This parameter indicates the number of times a high priority request is serviced before servicing a low
priority request.
4 Under Configuration, type the total number of DPV1 requests to be configured in the Number Of
Requests (DPV1NUMPOLL) box.
The rows are added in the DPV1 Requests table.
5 Under the DPV1 Requests, configure the following parameters.
a In the DPV1 Type (DPV1REQTYPE) list, select the DPV1 type as “DPV1 Read” or “DPV1 Write” for
each DPV1 request.
b In the Scan Priority (DPV1PRIORITY) list, select the scan priority as “No Poll” or “On Demand” or
Low” or “High” for each DPV1 request based on your requirement.
The Scan Priority (DPV1PRIORITY) configuration options are applicable only for the DPV1 read
c Under the Scan Options, select the Scan On-Demand (DPV1ONDEMANDSCAN) check box only
when the DPV1PRIORITY parameter is set as “On Demand.”

The Scan On-Demand (DPV1ONDEMANDSCAN) check box is available for configuration only in the
Monitoring view.

When the DPV1ONDEMANDSCAN check box is selected, the DPV1 requests that are configured as
“Low,” “High,” and “On Demand,” are scanned one time. The DPV1ONDEMANDSCAN check box is
cleared after scanning all the DPV1 records.
d In the Slot Number (DPV1SLOTNUM) column, configure slot number based on the PROFIBUS slave
device manual.
e In the Index (DPV1INDEX) box, type the index value for each DPV1 request to be read/written based
on the PROFIBUS slave device manual.
f In the Length (DPV1LENGTH) box, type the number of bytes to be read/written from the configured
the slot and index.
g In the Number Of Data Records (DPV1NUMOFDATARECORDS) box, type the number of data
records as required.
6 Click OK.
The number of data records is saved.
7 Double-click the DSB block.
The DSB block configuration form appears.
8 Click the DPV1 tab.


9 Under the DPV1 Data Records, configure the following:

a In the Data Type (DPV1DATATYPE) list, select the data type as required from the list of supported
data types for each Parameter Name (DPV1PARAMNAME).

The Octet string data type is not supported.
b In the Value (DPV1PARAMVALUE) box, type the parameter value for writing or monitoring the DPV1
parameter value.
c In the Parameter Name (DPV1PARAMNAME) box, type the parameter name.
d In the Byte Offset (DPV1BYTEOFFSET) box, type the byte offset value of the parameter, which needs
to be mapped from the DPV1 response.
e In the Bit Offset (DPV1BITOFFSET) box, type the bit offset value of the parameter, which needs to
mapped from the DPV1 response.

This parameter is available for configuration only when the data type is configured as “Boolean.”

10 Click OK.

8.2.2 HART communication/response time impact in a DP network

The following factors can impact the DPV1/ HOP scan time in a DP network.

HART devices that are distributed per slave

If there are more number of HART devices configured in a single slave, then PGM takes more time to complete
HOP scan than the slaves that contains less number of HART devices. This is because the DPV1 command for
each HART device needs to be sent only after the previous command response is received.

DP Network baud rate

DP Network baud rate has direct impact on any communication on the DP network. If the baud rate is high, then
the time taken to receive the response is less. Similarly, if the baud rate is less, then the time taken to receive the
response is more. In addition, if the baud rate is high, then more commands can be sent in allocated DPV1
bandwidth. If baud rate is low, then less number of command in the allocated DPV1 bandwidth.

Allocated DPV1 Bandwidth

The DPV1 requests are sent in a single cycle based on the configured DPV1 BANDWIDTH parameter value,
and hence DPV1BANDWIDTH value has direct impact on the scan time of DPV1 requests.

Slaves capability
Some of the slaves has the capability to serve more than one DPV1 request at a time and some of the slaves
supports only one request at a time.

Field Device Manager (FDM) requests

If the FDM is connected to the DP network and communicates to the devices that are configured, then the FDM
takes priority than the HOP and DPV1 requests. Therefore, the FDM requests also has a direct impact on the
HART communication.

Configured DPV1 Requests

The number of DPV1 requests that are configured for each slave and the priorities also have an impact on the
HART command response time-out since both the DPV1 and HOP requests are serviced.


DPV0 Bus Cycle time

The number of DSBs and their PDCs configured in a link decide the DPV0 cycle time. If the DPV0 cycle time
is high, then the number of DPV1 request processed per second decreases because PGM limits the number of
DPV1 requests handled at the end of every bus cycle.

IOM's internal HART scan

If the slaves have internal HART scan enabled in their HART IOMs, then the response to HOP requests is slow.
Therefore, you must verify whether the slaves have internal HART scan is enabled while configuring the slaves.

IOM internal scan of the HART devices can be disabled by following a method that is provided by the salve. For
example, the slave methods are FDT settings, DPV1 write, through DTM form FDM, and so on.


8.3 Data processing

When a DSB is loaded, it performs the following:
• Checks for communication status with slave device.
– If the DSB is communicating with the slave device, the SLAVESTATE parameter is set to
– If there is a communication error between the DSB and the slave device, the SLAVESTATE parameter is
set to "Communication error" and notifications are sent accordingly.
• For each configured PDC, checks its communication with PB and PIOMB and sets the PDCSTATE
• For PDCs that are configured as AI or DI module, the DSB performs the following:
– Receives extended diagnostic data and process data from the slave device.
– Updates CHDATARAW parameter for AI modules, performs percentage range conversion, and updates
CHDATAREAL parameter.
– Updates CHDATABOOL parameter with the value of each channel.
– Processes extended diagnostic data and sends notification based on extended diagnostic data.
– Updates channel status based on extended diagnostics.
• For PDCs that are configured as AO or DO module, the DSB performs the following.
– Processes extended diagnostic data, updates channel status, and sends notifications based on channel
– Checks if the configured PDC is associated with a PIOMB.
• If a configured PDC is associated with a PIOMB, the DSB performs the following:
– Receives recent data from the PIOMB and sends it to the device.
– Updates the CHDATARAW and CHDATAREAL parameters of the configured AO module with the data
sent to end device.
– Updates the CHDATABOOL parameter of the configured DO module with the data sent to the end
• If a configured PDC is not associated with a PIOMB, the DSB sets the channel values to 0.

8.3.1 Extended range handling

Output channels
For output channels, whenever the output value received from the C300 is greater than the maximum range, the
output value is clamped to the maximum possible value maintaining the channel status as
For example, consider the following scenario.
The high range of a channel is 20000 and the extended high range of a channel is value 25000. In such a
scenario, if the value received from the C300 is 27000, then this value is clamped to 25000.
However, when there is no association of a PDC to a PIOMB, and when you try to enter the output values that
are out of range, the following error message "kVAStsLimitOrRangeExceeded" appears. In such a case, the last
good value is retained.

Input channels
For input values which are out of the maximum extended range, the input channel status is set to
"Bad_DevError." However, the same value is sent to the C300. The DSB does not clamp the value received
from the device to extended range limits.
The extended range lower limit for all the analog input modules is "0."


• To prevent the process data values from being clamped, you can set the channel high and low range as "NaN."
When this is performed, the process value is limited by the values supported by the data type.
• The DRIVEDSB and Siemens DP/AS-i Link DSB do not support extended range handling.
• You must refer to the appropriate user manuals for more information on the extended range of the devices.


8.4 Generic Device Support Blocks (GENDSB and GENIODSB)

The Generic DSBs run on the PGM and represent one PROFIBUS field device in the PROFIBUS network. The
Generic DSBs can be configured for PROFIBUS devices that do not have device-specific DSBs. The Generic
DSBs process the raw data from the PROFIBUS field devices and converts it to the PDC format supported by
the Experion. The Generic DSBs communicate with the master PGM for data conversion.
The 1st Slot Offset in Sycon (SLOTOFFSETINSYCON) parameter is used for indicating the slot number
offset for the 1st IO module in “Profibus Network Configuration Tool” configuration. For example, in the
TURCK EXCOM Slave, the slot offset is 1 because the gateway module is present in slot number 1 and the IO
modules starts from the slot number 2. Similarly, in the SiemensET200M Slave, the first 3 slots are configured
and the IO modules starts from slot number 4. Hence, the slot offset is 3.
There are two types of Generic DSBs.
• GENDSB - A single GENDSB can support up to 16 I/O modules and each I/O module can support up to 32
• GENIODSB -A single GENIODSB can support up to 64 I/O modules and each I/O module can support up
to 16 channels. The GENIODSB is introduced with R410. The GENIODSB can be used in scenarios where
the number of modules are more and the channel density is less.

Related topics
“Device Support Block (DSB) overview” on page 138
“CEAG Device Support Block (CEAGDSB)” on page 155
“Generic Drive Device Support Block (DRIVEDSB)” on page 150
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for PA devices” on page 148
“Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block (Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB)” on page 160
“Siemens ET200M Device Support Block (Siemens ET200M DSB)” on page 164
“Turck Excom Device Support Block (Turck Excom DSB)” on page 168

8.4.1 Functions of Generic DSBs

• Integrates the PROFIBUS DP slave devices to the Experion.
• Reads data from field devices and writes output into field devices depending on whether the I/O module is
an input module or an output module.
• Processes extended diagnostic data and updates channel status and sends notification based on the channel
• Receives data from PIOMB and sends it to the device, if the PDC is connected to a PIOMB.
• Updates the PDC states.

Data Processing
See “Data processing” on page 144.

Extended Diagnostics
The first 8 bytes of the extended diagnostics message contain the alarm/status diagnostics of the device. Status
diagnostics provides information such as data validity, module error, wrong module insertion, and modules
being not inserted. The next 4 bytes of the extended diagnostics message contain the slot-specific diagnostics.
One bit per slot (module slot) indicates whether there are diagnostics messages present for the respective slot. If
the appropriate bit is set, a diagnostics entry is present for the respective slot.
Channel specific diagnostics message start from byte number 13 of the extended diagnostics.


You can view the diagnosis and extended diagnosis of the devices online. For more information, see “Viewing the
slave device diagnosis” on page 105 and “Viewing the slave device's extended diagnosis” on page 106 respectively.


8.5 Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for

PA devices
Starting from R430, the GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB can be configured for PROFIBUS PA devices.
If the PROFIBUS PA devices are connected to a transparent PROFIBUS PA Coupler, you must use the
GENPADSB. If the PROFIBUS PA devices are connected to a Siemens DP/PA link IM-157, you must use the
A single GENPADSB can support up to 8 PDCs and each PDC can support up to 16 channels. In addition,
GENPADSB supports 16 user-defined alarms.

A single GENPAGWDSB can support up to 64 PDCs and each PDC can support up to 16 channels. In addition,
GENPAGWDSB supports 132 user-defined alarms.

Related topics
“Device Support Block (DSB) overview” on page 138
“CEAG Device Support Block (CEAGDSB)” on page 155
“Generic Drive Device Support Block (DRIVEDSB)” on page 150
“Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block (Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB)” on page 160
“Siemens ET200M Device Support Block (Siemens ET200M DSB)” on page 164
“Turck Excom Device Support Block (Turck Excom DSB)” on page 168
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENDSB and GENIODSB)” on page 146

8.5.1 Functions of GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB

• Integrates PROFIBUS PA slave devices to Experion through transparent PA segment couplers.
GENPADSB reserves individual address for every individual slave.
• Reads data from field devices and writes output into field devices.
• For input devices, updates channel status and sends notification based on the PA status byte received from
the slave device. Note that some of the slave devices do not provide the status information. You must refer to
the device specification provided by the vendor.
• For output devices, provides data status to the slave device. Note that some of the slave devices do not
accept the PA status provided by the master. You must refer to the device specification provided by the
• Processes extended diagnostic data from PA device and allows access of diagnostic data to controller.
• Allows enabling/disabling of alarms per channel based on PA data status.
• Receives data from PIOMB and sends it to the device, if the PDC is connected to a PIOMB.

• Integrates PROFIBUS PA slave devices to Experion through non-transparent Profibus DP/PA link, Siemens
DP/PA link IM-157.
The Siemens DP/PA link IM-157, is a DP slave that acts as a proxy for the PA field devices. The Siemens
DP/PA link IM-157 reserves one PROFIBUS DP slave address.
• For input devices, updates channel status and sends notification based on the PA status byte received from
the slave device. Note that some of the slave devices do not provide the status information. You must refer to
the device specification provided by the vendor.


• For output devices, provides data status to the slave device. Note that some of the slave devices do not
accept the PA status provided by the master. You must refer to the device specification provided by the
• Processes extended diagnostic data from Siemens DP/PA link IM-157 and allows ways to use extended
diagnostic data to set channel statuses and alarm.
• Allows enabling/disabling of alarms per channel based on PA data status.


8.6 Generic Drive Device Support Block (DRIVEDSB)

The DRIVEDSB runs on the PGM and represents one PROFIdrive application in the PROFIBUS network. The
DRIVEDSB processes the raw data from the PROFIdrive applications and converts it to the PDC format
supported by the Experion.
Unlike other DSBs, the DRIVEDSB does not have slots for the I/O modules. The DRIVEDSB has a port that
can be used to access all the parameters.
The DRIVEDSB supports the following two PROFIdrive applications.
• Standard drive (For example, speed control).
• Single axis positioning drive with local motion control.
Both drives can be implemented only using the DP-V0 communication. These drives support only a single
Parameter-process data object (PPO) module per device. The DRIVEDSB does not support modules that require
multiple PPO types. Also, only the big-endian devices are supported by the DRIVEDSB.

Parameter - process data object (PPO)

The PPOs are defined for cyclic data transfer and can be divided into the following two parts.
• PZD (Process data area) - These parameters represent the monitoring parameters such as the control words,
status information, set point, and actual values.
• PKW (Parameter area) - These parameters enable you to read/write values to the parameters in the drive. For
example, reading parameter information such as maximum value, minimum value, and so on.
Through the PPO, the PZD parameters and the PKW parameters can be transferred from the master to the slave
device and vice versa.
The following 5 PPOs are defined in the PROFIdrive technology.
• PPO1 input channel - Support up to 17 channels (16 DI channels, 1 AI channel)
• PPO1 output channel - Supports up to 17 channels (16 DO channels, 1 AO channel)
• PPO2 input channel - Supports up to 32 channels (16 DI channels, 1 AI channel and 15 user configurable
• PPO2 output channel - Supports up to 32 channels (16 DO channels, 1 AO channel and 15 user configurable
• PPO3 input channel - Supports 17 channels (16 DI channels, 1 AI channel)
• PPO3 output channel - Supports 17 channels (16 DO channels, 1 AO channel)
• PPO4 input channel - Supports 32 channels (16 DI channels, 1 AI channel and 15 user configurable
• PPO4 output channel - Supports 32 channels (16 DO channels, 1 AO channel and 15 user configurable
• PPO5 input channel - Supports 32 channels (16 DI channels, 1 AI channel and 15 user configurable
• PPO5 output channel - Supports 32 channels (16 DO channels, 1 AO channel and 15 user configurable
In the PPO input types, the 16 DI channels map to the individual bits of the status word of the PPO. The
standard AI channel maps to the real time actual value of the drive (speed or torque).
In the PPO output types, the 16 DO channels map to the individual bits of the control word of the PPO. The
standard AO channel maps to the set point of the drive (speed or torque).
Refer to the PROFIBUS Gateway Module Parameter Reference guide for more information on the Status Word
and the Control Word descriptions.


Configurable channel types

The PROFIdrive technology defines the following two configurable channel types.
• PKW Inputs
• PKW Outputs
These channels use the acyclic PKW data area to read parameter information from the drive. These channels are
slow. Therefore, they can be used to read information such as statistics, configuration information, and other
miscellaneous data from the drive.

The PKW area is supported in the PPO types 1, 2, and 5.

Guidelines for using PKW channels

While using the PKW channels, you must remember the following guidelines.
• Do not use PKW channels for accessing or writing time-sensitive data - Typically, the PKW channels
send and receive data at a rate proportional to the device subscription rate. If there is no PDA connection, the
rate is approximately 1 sec. If there is a PDA connection, the rate depends on the PDA subscription rate.
Also, this rate is dependent on the number of PKW channels. For example, if the subscription rate is 1 sec
and you have 10 channels configured, the rate at which each channel will be updated is 10 sec (subscription
rate * n = 1 sec * 10).
However, due to the acyclic nature of the parameter requests, there is no guarantee that the response comes
in the data cycle after the request. Therefore, you can use the above information only for approximation
purposes and not consider as the actual rates. Because the PKW channels update the date at a non-
deterministic rate, you should not use these channels for accessing or writing data that is time sensitive.
• Configuring the channel high range and low range as "NaN" to enable or prevent scaling of the
parameter values - Because the PKW channels are analog channels, you must configure the channel high
and low range. If you know the parameter range and if it is possible to scale the parameter value within 0%
to 100%, you can enter the high and low ranges.
However, in some cases having a scaled value does not make sense. For example, counters and for
configuration enumeration values (which may have a range of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, each with a specific
meaning). In such cases, you can configure the channel high and low range as "NaN" (IEEE 754 "Not a
Number"). Configuring the channel high and low range as "NaN" prevents scaling of the parameter value.
• Do not use PKW channels with Regulatory Control blocks - You must be careful while using the PKW
channels in control strategies because of the following reasons:
– They are slow and non-deterministic in the timing of their updates.
– You can read and write the same parameter which can lead to race conditions. This may result in error
reading old data or error writing new data.
– The status of the output channels does not follow the typical channel behavior.
For example, consider a scenario where you provide a value to an output channel that writes to a PKW
parameter, and that value is outside of the range of that parameter. In this scenario, the channel status is
set to "Bad" because of the PKW error response. Also, if this channel is wired to a block that is used in a
control (for example, PID, REGCALC, RATIOCTL, and so on) you must force all upstream blocks into
the "Initialization Manual" state. Also, you will not be able to recover without deleting the Control
Module containing the strategy. This is one of the reasons you should not use PKW channels with
regulatory control blocks.
• Difference in PKW channel displays - You can use the displays for the PKW channels for displaying
statistics, counters, and other information about a drive. However, the displays of the PKW channels differ
depending on whether or not that drive is under control (PIOMB is loaded or not).
For example, consider a display displaying all 32 channels of a PKW input PDC.


If the C300 is controlling the drive (there exists a loaded PIOMB that refers to this DRIVEDSB) then update
rate for the PKW parameters in the display is faster. As a rough estimate, assuming ideal conditions, you
could expect to have all of the PKW parameter refresh their values in a time period of approximately 5
However, if there are no PIOMBs loaded and connected to the DRIVEDSB, the rate at which the PKW
parameters refresh their values become very slow. The parameter values in the display may refresh their values
in a time period of around 30 through 60 seconds for the 32 channels.

Supported data transfer types

The DRIVEDSB supports the PROFIdrive cyclic and acyclic (through the PKW area) data transfer of the PPO
• PROFIdrive cyclic data transfer - The PROFIdrive specification V2 defines the cyclic data transfer for fast
data transfer at equidistant time intervals.
• PROFIdrive acyclic data transfer - The PKW area is used to access acyclic parameters through the cyclic
process data communication path (pseudo acyclic data transfer using DP-V0). The output data defines
parameter ID and sub-index and value for parameter write. The input area has value for parameter that was
last requested or status of the parameter write.

For more information on the PROFIdrive technology, refer to the PROFIBUS website.

Related topics
“Device Support Block (DSB) overview” on page 138
“CEAG Device Support Block (CEAGDSB)” on page 155
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for PA devices” on page 148
“Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block (Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB)” on page 160
“Siemens ET200M Device Support Block (Siemens ET200M DSB)” on page 164
“Turck Excom Device Support Block (Turck Excom DSB)” on page 168
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENDSB and GENIODSB)” on page 146

8.6.1 Functions of DRIVEDSB

• Integrates the PROFIBUS DP slave devices to Experion.
• Reads data from field devices and writes output into field devices depending on whether the I/O module is
an input module or an output module.
• Updates channel status and send notification based on the channel status.
• Receives data from PIOMB and sends it to the device, if the PDC is connected to a PIOMB.
• Updates the PDC states.

Data Processing
You can change the channel output values directly through the PDC tab. When you change the values through
the PDC tab, the values are updated in the DSB and then periodically sent out over the PROFIBUS. However,
when using control word bits, you cannot assume that the control word bits will be sent to the device at once.
This is because control word bits must be set in a specific order or a group. Also, the application engineers must
ensure that any control bits which are dependent on each other must be logically tied together by the control
strategy. This means that they must be contained in the same Control Module.


There are two scenarios during which control word could be sent non-atomically to the PROFIBUS.
• A PIOMB is not connected to the PPO output PDC - The engineer or the operator may directly change the
control word bit-by-bit from the DSB display in Control Builder or Station. In such a scenario, these
changes are sent individually and therefore results in incremental control word changes being sent to the
• The DO channels associated with the control word are in separate CMs, they may be on different phases and
have different cycles - This results in partial updates to the control word (bit-by-bit change) being sent to the
See “Data processing” on page 144.

PKW Processing
The PKW processing enables you to process and monitor parameters (write/read). The PKW processing is
applicable only to the PPO types 1, 2, and 5. The DSB uses the same data areas for both read and write requests
for these channels.
The flow of the PKW processing by the DSB is as follows:
1. Identifies the first PDC channel that is associated with a PKW PDC.
2. Updates the PKW section of the output area with the appropriate information.
3. Sends out the PKW data.
4. Reads the PKW input data until the response ID is not 0 (no response).
5. Compares the request Parameter Number with the response Parameter Number to ensure that they are
6. Sets the channel status based on the response ID.
7. Copies the response value to the requested channel.
8. Identifies the next PDC channel that is associated with a PKW PDC.
9. Repeats step 3 through step 7 for the other PDC channels that are associated with the PKW PDCs one at a

• The channel status is set to "Bad_NonSpecific" when the response of a PKW read or write is one of the following;
otherwise, the channel status is set to "Good."
– "Task cannot be executed < error number>"(7)
– "No parameter change rights for PKW interface" (8).
• During the processing, if there are any errors encountered on a PKW read or write, the channel status is set to
"Bad" and the processing of the next PKW channel continues.
• Also, if errors specific to PKW area are encountered, these are rectified by handling the response IDs and setting
the channel status as "Bad."

Channel status processing

A short delay of approximately 10 seconds or less is introduced for the DRIVEDSBs while transitioning the
status from "Bad" to "Good." This is to ensure proper behavior of the DSB and also to avoid fluctuating status.
The DRIVEDSB only supports channel-level status for PKW channels. Also, all channels follow the status of
the entire PDC. Therefore, if one channel is bad, all channels will be bad.

If a PKW channel is bad, it is a result of an error response for that PKW request.

The extended diagnostic data specifics are not defined for the PROFIdrive specification. However, the
DRIVEDSB actually uses the process data area for alarming.


You can configure alarms that correspond to an input PDC and a given byte/bit offset within that PDC. When
the specific bit becomes "On," an alarm is raised.
You can configure up to 16 alarms. However, you cannot configure the severity or the priority for these alarms.
All alarms are reported with priority as "High" and Severity as "0."

There are no other alarms specific to the DRIVEDSB other than these user-configurable alarms.


8.7 CEAG Device Support Block (CEAGDSB)

The CEAGDSB runs on the PGM and represents one PROFIBUS field device in the PROFIBUS network. The
CEAGDSB processes the raw data from the CEAG field devices and converts it to the PDC format supported
by Experion. The CEAGDSB communicates with the master PGM for data conversion.
A single CEAGDSB supports up to 46 I/O modules. The CEAGDSB is used for configuring the CEAG LB/FB
Remote I/O family when using PROFIBUS communication unit Easy COM LB8106/FB8206 V6.XX.
The CEAGDSB supports the I/O stations per bus line that provide 31 stations without repeaters and up to 125
stations with repeaters. The maximum number of modules per slave device is 49 (46 I/O modules plus 3 slots
reserved for the communication unit) in the field network configuration. The communication unit present in
each station transfers the data of internal system bus to the protocols of the master bus system.
The maximum number of PDCs required per station is 48 and this can be interpreted as follows:
• 2 PDCs for the communication unit and 46 PDCs for 46 one-channel modules.
• 2 PDCs for the communication unit and 46 PDCs for 23 multi-channel modules having both inputs and

• The maximum number of one-channel I/O module per station is 46.
• The maximum number of multi-channel I/O module per station is 23.

Related topics
“Device Support Block (DSB) overview” on page 138
“Generic Drive Device Support Block (DRIVEDSB)” on page 150
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for PA devices” on page 148
“Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block (Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB)” on page 160
“Siemens ET200M Device Support Block (Siemens ET200M DSB)” on page 164
“Turck Excom Device Support Block (Turck Excom DSB)” on page 168
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENDSB and GENIODSB)” on page 146

8.7.1 I/O modules supported by the CEAGDSB

The following tables lists the I/O modules supported by the CEAGDSB.


PDC Type Supported CEAG modules

Digital Input with line fault detection - 2 channels • LB1101
• LB1001
• FB1201
• FB1301
Digital Input with line fault detection - 3 channels • LB1102
• LB1002
• FB1202
• FB1302
• 2xxx


PDC Type Supported CEAG modules

Digital Input with line fault detection - 8 channels • LB1108
• LB1008
• FB1208
• FB1308
• LB6X08
• FB6X08 (input = current output value)
Digital Input without channel status (Relay Inputs) - 4 channels • LB6005
• FB6305 (input = current output value)
• 6x1y
Digital Input without channel status (Relay Inputs) - 8 channels • LB6006
• FB6306 (input = current output value)
Digital Input with only line fault detection - 4 channels • LB4104
• LB4105
• LB4005
• FB4204
• FB4205
• FB4305 (input = LFD of analog outputs)
Analog Input with line fault and live zero detection - 1 channel • LB3002
• LB3101
• LB3102
• LB3103
• FB3201
• FB3202
• FB3203
• FB3302
Analog Input with line fault and live zero detection - 4 channels • LB3104
• LB3005
• LB3105
• FB3204
• FB3205
• FB3305
Analog Input with line fault detection (Converter Inputs) - 1 channel • LB5101
• LB5001
• FB5201
• LB5102
• LB5002
• FB5202
Analog Input with line fault detection (Converter Inputs) - 4 channels • LB5104
• LB5004
• FB5204
• LB5105
• LB5005
• FB5205
Analog Input without channel status (Converter Inputs) - 1 channel • LB5106
• LB5006
• FB5206


PDC Type Supported CEAG modules

Numeric Input for Communication module - 2 channels • LB8106
This is used internally by DSB and it cannot be connected to PIOMB. • FB8206
Numeric Output for Communication module - 2 channels • LB8106
This is used internally by DSB and it cannot be connected to PIOMB or • FB8206
operated using Control Builder. This must be configured always.
Digital Output (Relay Outputs) - 2 channels • LB6101
• FB6301
• 2xxx
Digital Output with data invalid setting (Relay Outputs) - 4 channels • LB6005
• FB6305
• 6x1y
Digital Output with data invalid setting - 8 channels • Digital Outputs
– LB6X08
– FB6X08
• Relay Outputs
– LB6006
– FB6306
Analog Output - 1 channel • LB4101
• FB4201
• LB4102
• LB4002
• FB4202
• FB4302
Analog Output - 4 channels • LB4104
• LB4105
• LB4005
• FB4204
• FB4205
• FB4305

8.7.2 Functions of CEAGDSB

• Integrates the PROFIBUS DP slave devices to Experion.
• Reads data from field devices and writes output into field devices depending on whether the I/O module is
an input module or an output module.
• Processes extended diagnostic data and updates channel status and send notification based on the channel
• Receives data from PIOMB and sends it to the device, if the PDC is connected to a PIOMB.
• Updates the PDC states.

Data Processing
See “Data processing” on page 144.


For PDCs that are configured as NI or NO module, CEAGDSB performs the following processing.
• Updates the CHDATARAW parameter for INT32.

Channel Error Processing

The channel error status generated is delivered with the raw data. The error status bits are picked from the raw
data and used as the information while generating the channel status and channel alarms. The channel error is
transmitted only if the error reporting for the channel is allowed using the field network configuration.

The channel errors are transmitted for the analog values only if the range values are set to default (Low = 10000 and
High = 50000) in the field network configuration.

Extended Diagnostics
The extended diagnostics message contains the communication module diagnostic data and module status,
which are used for generating the CEAGDSB alarms. The additional module status information is used to
produce the channel status parameter of the PDC.
The following table lists the various module status values and a brief description of the state.

Module Status Description

Data valid This is the normal module status when there are no errors.
Module error This state indicates that one or more channel error is active in the module. This state is applicable only to
the channels that are configured to allow channel error reporting in the Field Network Configuration.
Wrong module This state indicates that the module type in the slot conflicts with the module type defined in Field
Network Configuration.
Missing module This state indicates that the module is physically not present in the configured slot.

You can view the diagnosis and extended diagnosis of the devices online. For more information, see “Viewing the
slave device diagnosis” on page 105 and “Viewing the slave device's extended diagnosis” on page 106 respectively.

Channel and module alarms based on module status and PDC type
The following table lists the behavior of the channel and module alarms, based on the module states and the
PDC types.

Module status PDC type Channel alarms Module alarm

Missing module IN/OUT All channel alarms of module are Module alarm is set to ACTIVE,
set to RETURNED to NORMAL. parameter = missing module (4).
Wrong module IN/OUT All channel alarms of module are Module alarm is set to ACTIVE,
set RETURNED to NORMAL. parameter = wrong module (3).
Module error IN • Alarms of channels reporting Module alarm is set to RETURNED to
error are set to ACTIVE. NORMAL.
• Alarms of channels not
reporting error are set
OUT - Module alarm is set ACTIVE,
parameter = module error (2).
Data valid IN/OUT All channel alarms of module are Module alarm is set RETURNED TO


Channel status processing

Channel specific diagnostics message starts from byte 13 of the extended diagnostics. In addition to the channel
status processing, the CEAGDSB applies extended channel status processing based on the module status and the
channel error bits.

Extended channel status processing

The following table lists the various channel states that a channel can assume, based on the module status and
the PDC types.

Module status PDC type Channel status Channels affected

Missing module IN Bad_DevError All channels
OUT Bad_DevError All channels
Wrong module IN Bad_ConfigError All channels
OUT Bad_ConfigError All channels
Module error IN Bad_SensorError Channels reporting error
Good_NonCascade Channels not reporting error
OUT Bad_SensorError All channels
Data valid IN Good_NonCascade All channels
OUT GoodCasc_NonSpecific All channels

In case of a channel error, the channel value provided by the device is the last good value of the channel.

Alarm Processing
The following alarms are generated by the CEAGDSB.
• CEAGDSB internal alarms - This alarm is reported when the communication unit is not configured. This
alarm’s severity is "0" and the priority is "Low."
• Alarms based on the module status - This alarm reports the slots associated with the module error. All
modules can report this alarm. This alarm’s severity is "0" and the priority is "High."
• Alarms based on the channel errors - This alarm reports the slots associated with channel errors. All
modules can report this alarm. This alarm’s severity is "0" and priority is "High."

The CEAGDSB cannot detect the channel error status for the output modules. Therefore, it is not useful to activate
channel-related alarms for the output modules.
• Alarms based on Communication unit diagnostics.


8.8 Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block (Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB)
The Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB runs on the PGM and represents one PROFIBUS field device in the
PROFIBUS network. The Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB represents a PROFIBUS module and acts as a gateway
to an AS Interface bus. The Siemens AS-DP/AS-i-Link DSB processes the raw data from the Siemens DP/AS-i-
Link field devices and converts it to the PDC format supported by Experion. The Siemens DP/AS-i-Link
communicates with the master PGM for data conversion.
The Siemens DP/AS-i-Link supports the following two modules:
• Siemens DP/AS-i Link 20E
• Siemens DP/AS-i Link Advanced
The following table lists the functionalities supported by the Siemens DP/AS-i Link 20E and the Siemens
DP/AS-i Link Advanced modules.

Device Supported functionality

Siemens DP/AS-i Link 20E • Up to 31 slave devices (no A/B extended slave addressing).
• Up to 4 digital inputs/outputs per slave device using DP-V0.
Siemens DP/AS-i Link • Supports both single master and double master AS-i (that is, up to two AS-i segments).
Advanced • Up to 31 slave devices (no A/B extended slave addressing) per AS-i segment.
• Up to 4 digital inputs/outputs per slave device using DP-V0.

The AS-Interface bus can access up to 31 devices and access up to 62 devices when extended addressing is
used. The Siemens DP/AS-i-Link acts as PROFIBUS slave device and AS-I master at the same time and allows
the PROFIBUS master to access devices on the AS-i-bus. The PROFIBUS slave device and AS-I master can
have up to four binary inputs and four binary outputs.
The device input or output data and status or diagnostic information from the Siemens DP/AS-I Link to the
PGM is communicated through DP-V0.

Related topics
“Device Support Block (DSB) overview” on page 138
“CEAG Device Support Block (CEAGDSB)” on page 155
“Generic Drive Device Support Block (DRIVEDSB)” on page 150
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for PA devices” on page 148
“Siemens ET200M Device Support Block (Siemens ET200M DSB)” on page 164
“Turck Excom Device Support Block (Turck Excom DSB)” on page 168
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENDSB and GENIODSB)” on page 146

8.8.1 Functions of Siemens AS-i Link

• Integrates the PROFIBUS DP slave devices to Experion.
• Reads data from field devices and writes output into field devices depending on whether the I/O module is
an input module or an output module.
• Processes extended diagnostic data and updates channel status and send notification based on the channel
• Receives data from PIOMB and sends it to the device, if the PDC is connected to a PIOMB.
• Updates the PDC states.


Data Processing
When a Siemens AS-i-Link DSB is loaded, it performs the following:
• Checks for communication status with slave.
– If the DSB is communicating with the slave, the SLAVESTATE parameter is set to "Communicating."
– If there is a communication error between the DSB and the slave, the SLAVESTATE parameter is set to
"Communication error" and notifications are sent accordingly.
• For each configured PDC, checks its communication with PB and PIOMB and sets the PDCSTATE
• For PDCs that are configured as DI module, Siemens AS-i-Link DSB performs the following:
– Receives extended diagnostic data and process data from the slave device.
– Updates CHDATABOOL parameter with the value of each channel.
– Processes extended diagnostic data and sends notification based on extended diagnostic data.
– Updates channel status based on extended diagnostics.
• For PDCs that are configured as DO module, it performs the following.
– Processes extended diagnostic data, updates channel status, and sends notifications based on channel
– Checks if the configured PDC is associated with a PIOMB.
• If a configured PDC is associated with a PIOMB, it performs the following:
– Receives recent data from the PIOMB and sends it to the device.
– Updates the CHDATABOOL parameter of the configured DO module with the data sent to the end
• If a configured PDC is not associated with a PIOMB, it sets the channel values to 0.

In the event of a loss of communication with the PGM, the Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB changes the output value
internally. However, when the device is reconnected, the current internal value is written to the device. This value is
reflected by the CHDATABOOL parameter.

Extended Diagnostics
You can view the diagnosis and extended diagnosis of the devices online. For more information, see “Viewing the
slave device diagnosis” on page 105 and “Viewing the slave device's extended diagnosis” on page 106 respectively.

In the extended diagnostic processing, the diagnostic conditions are not mutually exclusive and both the internal
error and the hardware error may be signaled.
The following table lists the various channel states that a channel can assume based on the extended diagnostics.

Extended Diagnostic Affected channels Channel status

Internal error All channels in all PDCs Bad_DevError
External error Does not impact the channel status Left as-is
Unexpected slave configuration Does not impact the channel status Left as-is
AS-Interface voltage low Does not impact the channel status Left as-is
Hardware error All channels in all PDCs Bad_DevError
DP/AS-I Link module is offline All channels in all PDCs Bad_OutOfServError
EEPROM is defective All channels in all PDCs Bad_DevError
Slave error (for slave X) All channels associated with AS-i slave X Bad_NonSpecific


Extended Diagnostic Affected channels Channel status

Combination of any of the above, with Largest scope of common diagnostics Bad_NonSpecific
the same scope
Only the Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB has the
diagnostic tab.

After the diagnostic condition returns to normal for the channels whose status is "Bad," the affected channels change
their status to request the PIOMB to back initialize these channels. This is applicable only for the output channels.

In addition, the following two scenarios result in the output value initialization in the Siemens DP/AS-i Link
• When the PDA connection is lost or closed, the output channel values are held or set to 0 (Off) and these
output values are written to the appropriate AS-i slave devices.
However, the output value written to the slave devices depends on the value of the HOLDONFAIL
• When the PDA connection is restored with the controller, the output values are back-initialized to the

The Siemens DP/AS-i Link DSB does not support remote/local control of AS-i device input/output values. Therefore,
there are no initialization scenarios for these. In addition, there is no read-back of output values from the AS-i slave
devices. Therefore, the back initialization is performed using the values which are held internally in the DSB, typically
the last written value.

Alarm Processing
The Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB can have one AS-i slave error alarm for each configured slave in the system. It
can have up to 62 active slave error alarms.
The alarms conditions are processed at the same rate as the PROFIBUS data is cyclically fetched. However, the
alarms are reported at the DSB’s cyclic execution period of one second.
The following table lists the various alarms reported by the Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB. This table also
provides information on the priority and severity of each alarm.

One of the diagnostic conditions listed in the table below must exist for at least one second to ensure that an alarm is

Alarm Description Priority Severity

AS-i Slave Error Alarm indicates which AS-i slave device has High (3) 0
an error (1 – 31). Theoretically, if you had 31
slave devices and all of them had errors you
would see 31 alarms in Station.
AS-Interface voltage low This alarm only provides notification of AS-i High (3) 0
voltage low if either the DP/AS-i Link is on
an external 24V power source or there is still
enough power on the AS-i cable for the
DP/AS-i Link to operate.
DP/AS-I Link module is This alarm provides the communication error Low (2) 0
offline (when there is the failure of the whole
Hardware error Unspecified hardware error with the DP/AS-i High (3) 0
Link module.


Alarm Description Priority Severity

EEPROM defective This alarm indicates the failure of the High (3) 0
nonvolatile storage (NVS).

For more information on the Siemens DP/AS-i Link DSB, refer to the following:
• Siemens SIMATIC NET DP/AS-Interface Link 20E Manual
• Siemens SIMATIC NET DP/AS-Interface Link Advanced Manual


8.9 Siemens ET200M Device Support Block (Siemens ET200M DSB)

The Siemens ET200M DSB runs on the PGM and represents one Siemens device in the PROFIBUS network.
The Siemens ET200M DSB processes the raw data from the Siemens devices and converts it to the PDC format
supported by the Experion. The Siemens ET200M DSB communicates with the master PGM for data
A single Siemens ET200M DSB can support up to 16 input/output modules.
The Siemens ET200M DSB has 9 card physical slots. The first slot is for the station and the remaining eight
slots are for the I/O modules. Logically, the ET200M I/O rack is divided in to 11 logical slots. The first 3 slots
are reserved and the remaining slot 4 through slot 11 are for the I/O modules. The extended diagnostics for the
ET200M has diagnostic data for the modules in I/O rack slots. It also contains the channel-specific diagnostics
for channels of modules in the I/O rack slots.
The following table summarizes the I/O modules supported by the Siemens ET200M DSB and also the number
of channels supported by these I/O modules.

I/O module Number of channels supported

Siemens analog input module 8, 4, 2
Siemens analog output modules 8, 4, 2
Siemens digital input module 32, 16, 8, 4
Siemens digital output module 32, 16, 8, 4
Set of mixed digital input and output module -

Supported gateways
The Siemens ET200M DSB supports following gateways.
• IM 153-1
• IM 153-2

Related topics
“Device Support Block (DSB) overview” on page 138
“CEAG Device Support Block (CEAGDSB)” on page 155
“Generic Drive Device Support Block (DRIVEDSB)” on page 150
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for PA devices” on page 148
“Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block (Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB)” on page 160
“Turck Excom Device Support Block (Turck Excom DSB)” on page 168
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENDSB and GENIODSB)” on page 146

8.9.1 I/O modules supported by the Siemens ET200M DSB

The following tables lists the I/O modules supported by the Siemens ET200M DSB.

Siemens ET200M DSB

Digital Module Order Number

Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 32_24 VDC (6ES7 321-1BLx0-0AA0)
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 32_120 VAC (6ES7 321-1EL00-0AA0)
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 16_24 VDC (6ES7 321-1BHx2-0AA0)


Digital Module Order Number

Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 16_24 VDC High Speed (6ES7 321-1BH10-0AA0)
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 16_24 VDC; with Hardware and Diagnostic Interrupts, (6ES7 321-7BHx0-0AB0)
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 16_24 VDC; Source Input (6ES7 321-1BH50-0AA0)
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 16 UC 24/48 V (6ES7 321-1CH00-0AA0)
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 16_48-125 VDC (6ES7 321-1CH80-0AA0)
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 16_120/230 VAC (6ES7 321-1FH00-0AA0)
Digital Input Module SM 321; DI 8_120/230 VAC (6ES7 321-1FFx1-0AA0)
Digital Input Module SM 321;DI 8_120/230 VAC ISOL (6ES7 321-1FF10-0AA0)
Digital Input Module SM 322; DO 32_24 VDC/0.5 A (6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0)
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 32_120 VAC/1.0 A (6ES7 322-1EL00-0AA0)
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 16_24 VDC/0.5 A (6ES7 322-1BHx1-0AA0)
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 16_24 VDC/0.5 A High Speed (6ES7 322-1BH10-0AA0)
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 16_24/48 VUC (6ES7 322-5GH00-0AB0)
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 16 120/230 VAC/1 A (6ES7 322-1FH00-0AA0)
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 8_24 VDC/2 A (6ES7 322-1BF01-0AA0)
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 8_24 VDC/0.5 A; with Diagnostic Interrupt (6ES7 322-8BFx0-0AB0)
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 8_48-125 VDC/1.5 A (6ES7 322-1CF80-0AA0)
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 8_120/230 VAC/2 A (6ES7 322-1FFx1-0AA0)
Digital Output Module SM 322; DO 8_120/230 VAC/2 A ISOL (6ES7 322-5FF00-0AB0)
3.27 Relay Output Module SM 322; DO 16_Rel. 120/230 VAC (6ES7 322-1HH01-0AA0)
Relay Output Module SM 322; DO 8_Rel. 230 VAC (6ES7 322-1HF01-0AA0)
Relay Output Module SM 322; DO 8_Rel. 230 VAC/5A (6ES7 322-5HF00-0AB0)
Relay Output Module SM 322; DO 8_Rel. 230 VAC/5 A (6ES7 322-1HFx0-0AA0)
Digital Input/Output Module SM 323; DI 16/DO16_24 VDC/0.5 A (6ES7 323-1BL00-0AA0)
Digital Input/Output Module SM 323; DI 8/DO 8_24 VDC/0.5 A (6ES7 323-1BHx1-0AA0)

The Siemens ET200 M DSB supports the following analog I/O modules.

Analog Module Order Number

Analog Input Module SM 331; AI 8_16 bits (6ES7 331-7NF00-0AB0)
Analog Input Module SM 331; AI 8_16 bits (6ES7 331-7NF10-0AB0)
Analog Input Module SM 331; AI 8_13 bits (6ES7 331-1KF00-0AB0)
Analog Input Module SM 331; AI 8_12 bits (6ES7 331-7KF02-0AB0)
Analog Input Module SM 331; AI 8_RTD (6ES7 331-7PF00-0AB0)
Analog Input Module SM 331; AI 8_TC (6ES7 331-7PF10-0AB0)
Analog Input Module SM 331; AI 2_12 bits (6ES7 331-7KBx2-0AB0)
Analog Output Module SM 332; AO 8_12 bits (6ES7 332-5HF00-0AB0)
Analog Output Module SM 332; AO 4_16 bits (6ES7 332-7ND01-0AB0)
Analog Output Module SM 332; AO 4_12 bits (6ES7 332-5HD01-0AB0)
Analog Output Module SM 332; AO 2_12 bits (6ES7 332-5HBx1-0AB0)
Analog Input/Output Module SM334;AI 4/AO 2_8/8 bits (6ES7 334-0CE01-0AA0)


Analog Module Order Number

Analog Input/Output Module SM334;AI 4/AO 2_12 bits (6ES7 334-0KE00-0AB0)

8.9.2 Functions of Siemens ET200M DSB

• Integrates the PROFIBUS DP slave devices to Experion.
• Reads data from the field devices and writes output into the field devices depending on whether the I/O
module is an input module or an output module.
• Processes extended diagnostic data and updates channel status and sends notification based on the channel
• Receives data from PIOMB and sends it to the device, if the PDC is connected to a PIOMB.
• Updates the PDC states.

Data Processing
See “Data processing” on page 144.

Channel Status Processing

The Siemens ET200M DSB supports the following channel states.
• Bad_NonSpecific
• Bad_ConfigError
• Bad_ConnError
• Bad_DevError
• GoodCasc_NonSpecific
• Good_NonCascade
• GoodCasc_InitReq

Refer to the PROFIBUS Gateway Module Parameter Reference guide for more information on channel status.

The ET200M I/O rack provides slave diagnostics for troubleshooting and checking the health of the rack. These
diagnostics are also used for reporting the ET200M DSB alarms. The maximum size of the slave diagnostics of
an IM 153-1 is 64 bytes and IM 153-2 is 96 bytes.
The slave diagnostics can be classified into the following categories.
• Standard diagnostics - Byte 0 through byte 5 represent the standard diagnostics related to the PROFIBUS
slave device. These diagnostics can be viewed from the Slave Status tab of the DSB configuration form.
• Module diagnostics - Byte 6 through byte 8 represent the module-related diagnostics. These diagnostics
represents the I/O modules of the DSB that are faulty.
• Module status - Byte 9 through byte 15 represent the module status. Module status reflects the status of the
configured module. Note that you can receive the module status only if the extended diagnostics is enabled
during configuration.
• Channel-specific diagnostics - The channel-specific diagnostics provide information about the channel
errors in the module. However, the channel-specific diagnostics do not impact the module status. Note that
you can receive the channel-specific diagnostics only if you have enabled the extended diagnostics during
the configuration.


You can view the diagnosis and extended diagnosis of the devices online. For more information, see “Viewing the
slave device diagnosis” on page 105 and “Viewing the slave device's extended diagnosis” on page 106 respectively.

Alarm processing
The following alarms are reported by the Siemens ET200M DSB when the PDC state is "Configured,"
"Opening PDC delivery," or "Connected."
• Module fault on Slot n - This alarm is reported when the diagnostic data indicates failure in the module in
slot "n." When this alarm is reported, the Trip Value field in the alarm summary displays the module status
reported in the extended diagnostics. However, this alarm returns to normal after fresh diagnostics are
received for the slot and the diagnostics does not indicate a module failure. For each faulty slot, an alarm is
• Channel errors of Module on Slot n - This alarm is reported when the diagnostic data indicates a fault in
one ore more channels of a module configured in the slot "n." When this alarm is reported, the Trip Value
field in the alarm summary displays the faulty channel. However, this alarm returns to normal after fresh
diagnostics are received for the slot and the diagnostics does not indicate channel failure. For each faulty
slot, an alarm is reported.

In a scenario where both module failure and channel failure conditions exist, the "Channel errors of Module on Slot n"
returns to normal and only the "Module fault on Slot n" alarm is reported.

The following alarm is reported by the Siemens ET200M DSB when the PDC state is other than "Configured,"
"Opening PDC delivery," or "Connected."
• Rack Fault on module - This alarm is reported when the extended diagnostics data indicates a rack failure.
When this alarm is reported, the Trip Value field in the alarm summary displays the faulty module number.
For each faulty module, an alarm is reported. For example, if there are three faulty modules, three alarms are
reported. This alarm returns to normal after fresh diagnostics are received for the slot and the diagnostics
does not indicate a rack failure.


8.10 Turck Excom Device Support Block (Turck Excom DSB)

The Turck Excom DSB runs on the PGM and represents one Turck Excom device (field device) in the
PROFIBUS network. The Turck Excom DSB processes the raw data from the Turck Excom devices and
converts it to the PDC format supported by the Experion. The Turck Excom DSB communicates with the master
PGM for data conversion.
A single Turck Excom DSB can support 8 or 16 input/output modules depending on the size of the backplane.
Each module can be configured as digital or analog module based on the number of channels, sensor types, and
mode parameterization.

Support for processing HART data

With R410, Turck Excom DSB supports processing of HART data for the following modules.
• AIH40Ex
• AIH41Ex
• AOH40Ex
If the above I/O modules are connected to HART devices, the Turck Excom DSB processes secondary variables
(HART data).

Gateway redundancy
With R410, Turck Excom DSB provides gateway redundancy. In addition, Turck Excom DSB can be configured
to command switchover and provide status of the redundant gateway.
Turck Excom station can accommodate 2 gateway modules in the I/O rack which act as a redundant pair. At any
point of time only one gateway is active. PGM supports only line redundancy.

Guidelines for configuring DM80Ex digital module

You must configure the correct number of channels (NUMCHANNEL) parameter for the DM80Ex digital
module as this value is not automatically updated for this module. The number of channels are not updated
automatically for this module for the following reasons.
• This module can be configured either as inputs or outputs.
• This module can be configured as 8 inputs or 8 outputs.
• This module can be configured as 4 inputs and 4 outputs.
• This module can configured as 5 inputs and 3 outputs.
• Set of 2 channels can be freely configured as either inputs or outputs.

The default NUMCHANNEL value for DM80Ex is 8.

When this module is configured as input/output module, 2 PDCs must be configured and the number of
channels for each PDC must be entered manually. For example, if the module is configured for 6I/2O, then
number of channels for input PDC is 6 and 2 for output PDC.

Guidelines for configuring the DF20Ex F as a Frequency Counter module

While configuring the DF20Ex as a Frequency Counter module, you must configure one input
(FreqCounter_Input) and one output (FreqCounter_Output) PDC. The input PDC has 2 channels and the output
PDC has 2 channels. In the output PDC, the channels are configured as digital outputs.
This module provides one control byte per input to control its counting direction and bit 3 of each control byte
is reserved for this purpose. Hence the 2 channels represent the control bit information.


Channel 0 represents control bit information for the first input and channel 1 represents control bit information
for the second input. This means that the channel 0 controls the counting direction of first input and channel 1
controls the counting direction of second input.

Guidelines for configuring the DF20Ex P as a Pulse Counter module

While configuring the DF20Ex as Pulse Counter module, you must configure one input (PulseCounter_Input)
and one output (PulseCounter_Output) PDC. The Input PDC has 2 channels and output PDC has 8 channels. In
the output PDC, the channels are configured as digital outputs.
This module provides one control byte per input to control its counting operations. Each control byte has 4
control bits (0, 1, 2, and 3) having specific functionality. Therefore, the output PDC will have 8 channels. The
first four channels represent 4 control bits of the first control byte and the last 4 channels represent the 4 control
bits of second control byte. Channels 0 to 3 represent bits 0 to 3 of first control byte respectively and channels 4
to 7 represent bits 0 to 3 of second control byte respectively.

Related topics
“Device Support Block (DSB) overview” on page 138
“CEAG Device Support Block (CEAGDSB)” on page 155
“Generic Drive Device Support Block (DRIVEDSB)” on page 150
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) for PA devices” on page 148
“Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block (Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB)” on page 160
“Siemens ET200M Device Support Block (Siemens ET200M DSB)” on page 164
“Generic Device Support Blocks (GENDSB and GENIODSB)” on page 146

8.10.1 I/O modules supported by the Turck Excom DSB

The following tables lists the I/O modules supported by the Turck Excom DSB.

Turck Excom DSB

PDC Type Supported Turck Excom Modules

• AnalogInput-AI40Ex • AI40Ex
• AnalogInput-AI41Ex • AI41Ex
• AnalogInput-AIH40Ex • AIH40Ex
• AnalogInput-AIH41Ex • AIH41Ex
AnalogOutput-AO40Ex AO40Ex
AnalogOutput-AOH40Ex AOH40Ex
TemperatureInput-TI40ExR TI40ExR
TemperatureInput-TI40ExT TI40ExT
FreqCounter_Input-DF20ExF DF20ExF
FreqCounter_Output-DF20ExF DF20ExF
PulseCounter_Input-DF20ExP DF20ExP
PulseCounter_Output-DF20ExP DF20ExP
DigitalInput-DI40Ex DI40Ex
DigitalOutput-DO40Ex DO40Ex
Digital_Input-DM80Ex DM80Ex
Digital_Output-DM80Ex DM80Ex
TemperatureInput-TI41ExR TI41ExR


PDC Type Supported Turck Excom Modules

DigitalInput-DI40N DI40N
Digital_Output-DO60N DO60N

8.10.2 Functions of Turck Excom DSB

• Integrates the PROFIBUS DP slave devices to the Experion.
• Reads data from field devices and writes output into field devices depending on whether the I/O module is
an input module or an output module.
• Processes extended diagnostic data and updates channel status and sends notification based on the channel
• Receives data from PIOMB and sends it to the device, if the PDC is connected to a PIOMB.
• Updates the PDC states.

Data Processing
See “Data processing” on page 144.

Status Diagnostics
The status information for the input data is a single bit, and is set to "Bad" when there is a loss of
communication between the PGM and the devices. By default, the status bit for analog inputs (AI, TI, and
Counter) is always the most significant bit within the value field. Counter inputs have an additional overflow
status bit.
The digital input modules can be configured to have status for the input channel data.
The output data has no status information.
All the channels of a PDC is set "Bad" when a module error exists. The following are the possible module error
• Module not inserted
• Wrong module insertion
• Module error
For Turck Excom modules, the status bit in the data word is set in the event of a module error and the input
values are provided with substitute values.
The following table lists the minimum and maximum values that can be substituted for the input values in case
of a module error.

The input values are substituted with the minimum value, maximum value, or the last good value. This substitution is
based on the selection made for the Fail-safe mode, while configuring the I/O module during field network

Signal Type Minimum Value Maximum Value

4 to 20 mA 3600 22000
0 to 20 mA 0 22000
0 to 10 Volts 0 10500
2 to 10 Volts 1800 10500

The channel status of all the modules can be obtained from the extended diagnostics information.


You can view the diagnosis and extended diagnosis of the devices online. For more information, see “Viewing the
slave device diagnosis” on page 105 and “Viewing the slave device's extended diagnosis” on page 106respectively.

Alarm processing
The following alarms are reported by the Turck Excom DSB.
• Module fault on Slot n - This alarm is reported when the diagnostic data indicates failure in the module in
the slot "n." This alarm returns to normal after fresh diagnostics are received for the slot and the diagnostics
does not indicate a module failure.
• Channels errors of Module on Slot n - This alarm is reported when the diagnostic data indicates a fault in
a channel of a module configured in the slot “n.” This alarm returns to normal after fresh diagnostics are
received for the slot and the diagnostics does not indicate a channel failure.
• Rack fault on module - This alarm is reported when the diagnostic data indicates a rack failure. This alarm
returns to normal after fresh diagnostics are received for the slot and the diagnostics does not indicate a rack


8.11 UDT support for DSB blocks

With R410, you can create and configure user-defined templates (UDT) for any of the DSB block types. From
the Library view, you can right-click any of the DSB block and select Make Template. A new UDT for the
DSB block is added to the User library.

Template defining parameters for DSB block types

The following parameters are excluded from template defining for all DSB block types.
For a Drive DSB, the following parameters are excluded from template defining.
For CEAG DSB, Siemens AS-I DSB, Siemens ET200 DSB, and Turck DSB block types, the following
parameter is excluded from template defining.

Bulk Build support for DSB block types

The Bulk Build function is extended to support the DSB user-defined templates. You can create bulk copies of
the DSB user-defined template.

• The procedure for bulk building is identical to bulk building any other component. Refer to the Control Building
User's Guide for more information about bulk building.
• You can also configure net tag names through Bulk Build operation. For more information, refer to the section
Configuring the field network tag names.


8.12 Guidelines for configuring DSBs

You can use the Generic DSBs for configuring the devices that do not have device-specific DSBs. You can use
the device-specific DSBs to configure the specific devices.
Configuring the device-specific DSBs is similar to configuring the Generic DSB.However, you must remember
the following guidelines while configuring the DSBs.

DSB Name Guidelines for Configuration

Generic DSB • Appears as GENDSBDP/GENIODSBDP in the DSB library.
• You must perform the field network configuration in the PDC tab.
Generic DSBs for • Appear as GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB in the DSB library.
PA devices
You must perform the field network configuration in the PDC tab.
DRIVEDSB • Appears as DRIVEDSBDP in the DSB library.
• You can only configure one input PPO type PDC and one output PPO type PDC for a drive.
• If you need to configure additional PDCs, the PDC types must be either "User Configurable" or
• The PKW Information tab is only applicable to the DRIVEDSB.
• You must perform the field network configuration in the PDC tab.
CEAGDSB • Appears as CEAGDSBDP in the DSB library.
• You must configure the Communication Module PDC to ensure steady data delivery between the
CEAGDSB and the I/O devices.
• You must perform the field network configuration in the PDC tab.
Siemens AS-i • Appears as SIEMENSASI in the DSB library.
Link DSB • The Diagnostics tab is only applicable to the Siemens AS-i Link DSB.
• You must perform the field network configuration in the PDC tab.
Siemens ET200M • Appears as SIEMENSET200MSTD in the DSB library.
DSB • You must select the AI sensor type and AO sensor type while configuring the PDC.
• You must perform the field network configuration in the IOM Configuration tab.
Turck Excom DSB • Appears as TURCKEXCOM in the DSB library.
• You must select the input signal type and output signal type while configuring the PDC.
• You must perform the field network configuration in the IOM Configuration tab.


8.13 Configuring a Generic Device Support Block

devices that do not have device-specific DSBs. Although Generic DSBs can be used for configuring devices
with device-specific DSBs, Honeywell does not recommend this.

If the PROFIBUS PA devices are connected to a transparent PROFIBUS PA Coupler, you must use the GENPADSB.
If the PROFIBUS PA devices are connected to a DP/PA Link, Siemens DP/PA link IM-157, you must use the

• The PGM block and the Protocol Blockmust be defined.
• The PROFIBUS slave devices must be defined in the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol

Perform the following steps to configure a GENDSB

1 Drag-and-drop the Generic DSB (GENDSBDP/GENIODSBDP) block from the DSB library to one of the
Protocol Blocks.
The Load Dialog box appears.

For DSB blocks, the State to Load and Post Load State conditions are not applicable. For more information on
loading control strategy components, refer to the Control Building User's Guide.

2 Click OK.
The DSB block icon appears under the Protocol Block to which it is assigned.
3 Double-click the Generic DSB in the Project view.
4 In the Tag Name, box, typethe name of the DSB (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the default.
5 In the Item Namebox, type the item name.
6 In the Description box, type a brief description (a maximum of 132 characters) of the block.
7 In the Byte Order list, select the byte order.
You can define the byte order in the little-endian or big-endian format.

If you do not select the byte order, an error message "DSBByteOrderNotSelected" appears when you load the DSB

8 In the Associated Asset box, click the button.

The Point Selection dialog box appears.
9 Select an asset from those configured in the Enterprise Model Database to set the Scope of Responsibility
(SOR) for the point.
No validation is done at the configuration time. If you enter an asset that does not exist in the points
database, the associated asset for the point reverts to the server point. If the asset does exist but is not an
area-enabled asset, then the first area-enabled asset up the tree is used for the SOR of that device. A
subsequent upload of that device point to Control Builder returns the area-enabled asset and not the original
non-assignable asset entered.
10 In the Slave Address box, type the address number of the slave device.
• The slave device address range is 2 through 125.
• This address must be identical to the address of the slave device defined during the field network


• The DSB communicates with the slave devices through this address. The slave device address must be
unique for a Protocol Block.

• For GENPADSB, the transparent segment coupler displays all devices connected to the PROFIBUS PA
network as if they were PROFIBUS DP field devices.
• For GENPAGWDSB, the PROFIBUS DP/PA link, Siemens DP/PA link IM-157, is a DP slave that acts as a
proxy for the PA field devices. The DP/PA Link reserves one PROFIBUS DP slave address.

11 In the Device Type box, type the description of the device type.
12 In the Connection Break TimeOut (Sec) box, type the duration in seconds during which the network
communication break needs to be filtered off.
If the communication break condition persists even after this time, then the status of the slave device is set to
“Communication Error.” This parameter is applicable only when the slave device is disconnected from the
Profibus network. If the complete Profibus network is down, the status of all slave devices is set to
“Communication Error” immediately.
13 Select the Connection Break Timeout applicable for Network Down check box if you want the output
channels to initialize back from the user-defined values after the connection break timeout timer is exceeded.
If the complete Profibus network is down and you have not selected this check box, the status of all slave
devices is set to “Communication Error” immediately.
However, if you have selected this check box and the complete Profibus network is down, the status of all
slave devices are set to “Communication Error” after the connection break timeout is exceeded.
14 Select the Reset counters check box if you want to reset all static counters.
15 Click the Slave Status tab.

The Slave Status tab displays the slave communication standard status bits and extended diagnostic information in
the Monitoring view. .

16 Click the Alarms tab.

The Alarms tab is only applicable to the Generic DSBs and the DRIVEDSB as you can configure alarms
only for these DSBs.
17 Click the PDC tab.

The PDC tab of the DSB block is used for defining the PDCs. You cannot proceed with the DSB configuration
until you complete the PDC configuration. To configure the PDCs, see section Configuring the PDC tab.

18 Use the online help as a guide to complete the configuration entries on all other tabs.
19 Click OK.


8.14 Configuring a device-specific DSB

The PROFIBUS devices such as the Turck Excom, CEAG, Siemens AS-i Link, and Siemens ET200M have
device-specific DSBs. You can use the device-specific DSB to configure these devices.

• You can use this procedure as a reference for configuring the DRIVEDSB.
• The Siemens ET200MDSB is used for illustration purpose.

• The PGM block and the Protocol Blockmust be defined.
• The PROFIBUS slave devices must be defined in the Field Network Configuration tab of the Protocol

Perform the following steps to configure a device-specific DSB

1 Drag-and-drop the DSB block from the DSB library to one of the Protocol Blocks.
The Load Dialog box appears.

For DSB blocks, the State to Load and Post Load State conditions are not applicable. For more information on
loading control strategy components, refer to the Control Building User's Guide.

2 Click OK.
The DSB block icon appears under the Protocol Blockto which it is assigned.
3 Double-click the DSB block.
The DSB block configuration form appears.
4 In the Tag Name box, type the name of the DSB (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the default.
5 In the Item Name box, type the item name.
6 In the Description box, type a brief description (a maximum of 132 characters) of the block.
7 In the Byte Order list, select the byte order.
You can define the byte order in the little-endian or big-endian format.

If you do not select the byte order, an error message "DSBByteOrderNotSelected" appears when you load the DSB

8 In the Associated Asset box, click the button.

The Point Selection dialog box appears.
9 Select an asset from those configured in the Enterprise Model Database to set the Scope of Responsibility
(SOR) for the point.
No validation is done at the configuration time. If you enter an asset that does not exist in the points
database, the associated asset for the point reverts to the server point. If the asset does exist but is not an
area-enabled asset, then the first area-enabled asset up the tree is used for the SOR of that device. A
subsequent upload of that device point to Control Builder returns the area-enabled asset and not the original
non-assignable asset entered.
10 In the Slave Address box, type the address number of the slave device.
• The slave device address range is 2 through 125.
• This address must be identical to the address of the slave device defined during the field network
• The DSB communicates with the slave devices through this address. The slave device address must be
unique for a Protocol Block.


11 In the Device Type box, type the description of the device type.
12 In the Connection Break TimeOut (Sec) box, type the duration in seconds during which the network
communication break needs to be filtered off.
If the communication break condition persists even after this time, then the status of the slave device is set to
“Communication Error.” This parameter is applicable only when the slave device is disconnected from the
Profibus network. If the complete Profibus network is down, the status of all slave devices is set to
“Communication Error” immediately.
13 Select the Connection Break Timeout applicable for Network Down check box if you want the output
channels to initialize back from the user-defined values after the connection break timeout timer is exceeded.
If the complete Profibus network is down and you have not selected this check box, the status of all slave
devices is set to “Communication Error” immediately.
However, if you have selected this check box and the complete Profibus network is down, the status of all
slave devices are set to “Communication Error” after the connection break timeout is exceeded.
14 Select the Reset counters check box if you want to reset all static counters.

The RESETCOUNTER parameter is not applicable to the Siemens AS-I DSB, Turck Excom DSB, and Siemens

15 In the Vendor Name list, select the vendor name.

The Vendor Name box is applicable only to the DRIVEDSB.

16 In the Drive Control Mode list, select the control mode of the drive. You can select the following control
• SpeedControlMode
• PositioningMode

• Note that changing the control mode from the Control Builder configuration does not impact the drive’s
runtime. However, it only changes the descriptions/meanings of the Control Word and Status Word bits.
• The CONTROLMODE parameter is a configuration only parameter and cannot be changed after the DSB is
loaded. For more information on the CONTROLMODE parameter, refer to the PROFIBUS Gateway Module
Parameter Reference Guide.

The Drive Control Mode box is applicable only to the DRIVEDSB.

17 Click the Slave Status tab.

The Slave Status tab displays the slave communication standard status bits and extended diagnostic information in
the Monitoring view.

18 Click the Alarms tab.

The Alarms tab is only applicable to the GENDSB and the DRIVEDSB as you can configure alarms only
for these DSBs.
19 Click the PDC tab.

The PDC tab of the DSB block is used for defining the PDCs. You cannot proceed with the DSB configuration
until you complete the PDC configuration. To configure the PDCs, see section Configuring the PDC tab.

20 Use the online help as a guide to complete the configuration entries on all other tabs.
21 Click OK.


8.15 About initialization of AO/DO channels from user-defined values

In Experion R410.1 or earlier, whenever there is a communication break, the output channels (AO/DO) would
either initialize to zero or hold the last value based on the type of the communication break. For example:
• PROFIBUS network is down - The outputs are initialized immediately to 0 in AO channels and to OFF in
DO channels. This is the default setting for almost all the slaves.
• Break in the FTE network
– If the Hold On Failure parameter is selected and there is an FTE communication break, the outputs hold
the last good value.
– If the Hold On Failure parameter is not selected, the outputs are initialized to zero, immediately in case
of an FTE communication break.
• During break in the slave communication (where Profibus network is up an running), DO/AO channels
initialized to 0 after communication break timeout expired.
This configuration is not desirable as all outputs initialize to zero and in turn this affects the process.


In Experion R410.2 and later, the DSBs are enhanced such that whenever there is a communication break within
the Profibus or in the FTE network, the output channels do not initialize back to zero immediately. Instead, the
output channels are initialized back from the user-defined values after recovering from the communication
break condition. However, the way in which the output channels initialize back from the user-defined values
differs based on communication break scenarios.
In Experion R430 and later, The GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB are available for PA devices. GENPADSB
integrates PROFIBUS PA slave devices to Experion through transparent PA segment couplers. GENPAGWDSB
integrates PROFIBUS PA slave devices to Experion through non-transparent Profibus DP/PA link, namely
Siemens DP/PA link IM-157. Note that AO/DO initialization is supported when PA devices are disconnected
from the transparent gateway. However, AO/DO initialization is not supported when PA devices are
disconnected from the non-transparent gateway. AO/DO initialization is supported for the non-transparent
gateway when the Siemens DP/PA link IM-157 is disconnected.

This feature is not supported for the Siemens AS-i Link DSB.

The following table summarizes the various communication break scenarios and provides a description of how
the output channels initialize back from the user-defined values.

Scenario Output channel re-initialization description

• Profibus device is disconnected from the network. The output channels are initialized back from the user-defined
• Profibus device has a power break condition and the values only after the connection breakout time timer has
output channels are in an unpowered state. exceeded.

FTE is removed If the Hold On Failure parameter is not selected, the channels
are initialized back from the user-defined values immediately.
The channels do not wait for the connection breakout time


Scenario Output channel re-initialization description

PGM network is down • If the Connection Break Timeout applicable for
Network Down check box is selected, the output channels
initialize back from the user-defined values after the
connection break timeout timer is exceeded.
• If the Connection Break Timeout applicable for
Network Down check box is not selected, the output
channels initialize back from the user-defined values

The Connection Break Timeout applicable for
Network Down check box is added on the Main tab of
the DSB configuration form. This check box is available
from Experion R410.2 and later.

Values that can be configured as user-defined values

When configuring the initialization values for each channel, you must ensure that the failsafe mode parameter value
and the Init Value parameter value match with each other.
For example, if you have set the failsafe mode parameter as max value, then you must define the initial value for that
specific channel (100 for AO channel and 1 for DO channel).
The following figure displays a portion of the Parameters page of a device and IOM Configuration/PDC page of a

The following table summarizes the various user-defined values that you can define for the output channels to
re-initialize after recovering from the communication break scenarios.


User-defined value Description

0 - 100 • For AO channels, numeric initialization value defines
percentage value of the output.
– If you define the initial value as 0, the AO channel
initializes to 0.
– If you define a nonzero value as the initialization value,
the AO channel initializes the output value using the
range defined by the low and the high range of the

If you want the output to be initialized to a low range,
you must enter a small non-zero value like 0.001 as
the initialization value. This enables the channel
value to initialize to the low range defined for the
channel. This difference is meaningful if an AO
channel is in 4-20 mA current loop.
• For DO channels, initialization value 0 defines OFF state of
the channel and value 1 defines ON state of the channel.
NaN If the initial value is defined as NaN, the output channels (AO
and DO) hold the last output value.
0 If the initial value is defined as 0, the AO channel initializes to
the low range defined for the channel and the DO channel is
cleared to 0 during all error scenarios.

Output channel behavior in various scenarios

The following table summarizes the behavior of AO and DO channels in various scenarios in R410.2 and later
and R410.1 or earlier.

Scenario Impact on AO/DO channel value in Impact on AO/DO channel value in

Experion R410.2 and later Experion R410.1 or earlier
DSB is loaded for the first time. Clears to zero. Clears to zero.
DSB is reloaded. Drives values provided by the controller Drives values provided by the controller
for the connected PDCs. for the connected PDCs.
FTE connection break between • Holds the last value if the DSB is • Holds the last value if the DSB is
controller and PGM. configured to hold the last output configured to hold the last output
value. value.
• If the DSB is not configured to hold • If the DSB is not configured to hold
the last output value, channel values the last output value, channel values
are initialized from the user-defined clear to zero.
Extended diagnostics report channel Clears to zero. Clears to zero.
Extended diagnostics report Module Clears to zero. Clears to zero.
An extended diagnostic overflow Clears to zero. Clears to zero.
condition exists but the DSB is not
configured to ignore extended
diagnostics overflow (the Ignore
Extended Diagnostic Overflow
check box is not selected).
Standard diagnostics report Station The channel values are initialized from Clears to zero.
Not Existent error. the user-defined values.


Scenario Impact on AO/DO channel value in Impact on AO/DO channel value in

Experion R410.2 and later Experion R410.1 or earlier
NetX FW reports a network down The channel values are initialized from Clears to zero.
condition. the user-defined values.
Network is down when PGM starts Clears to zero. Clears to zero.
up (Warm start).

Impact on DSB load

When initial value is defined for DO and AO channel, it is possible that channel values may change
surprisingly. For example, assume that the initial value for an AO channel is defined as 90% and the slave goes
in power break condition and recovers back. In this scenario, the output value of the channel is 0 during power
break condition and changes to 90% immediately after the connection to PGM is re-established.
During DSB load, PGM sets warning level error for each channel where initial value is changed from zero to a
nonzero value. This error does not prevent loading of DSB block, but indicates that the user has configured a
feature that is rarely used in Profibus devices and may assume specific configuration setting in the slave
The following error text appears in the Validation before load dialog box during the DSB load.
This setting will determine the output behavior of the DSB upon the return to normal following a loss of
communication with the slave. The user must ensure that the value entered will result in the minimum negative
impact on the process. Consult the user manual for more details.


8.16 Configuring the PDC

The PDC tab of the DSB block is used to define the PDCs. The slave device data is accessed through the
configuration in the PDC tab. The PDC tab is divided into upper and lower grid. The upper grid is used to
configure the module types. The lower grid displays the channels and the channel-related information of the I/O
modules selected in the upper grid.

• You can use the following procedure for configuring parameters that are generic to all DSBs. However, you must
refer to the <DSB name> specific PDC configuration guidelines section for information on DSB specific
parameters. For example, for Generic DSB specific PDC configuration, you can refer to the section “Generic DSB
specific PDC configuration guidelines.”
• For Turck Excom DSB and Siemens ET200M DSB, the PDC configuration must be done through IOM
configuration tab.

Perform the following steps to configure the PDC

1 Click the PDC tab in the DSB block configuration form.
The PDC tab configuration form appears.
2 In the PDC Type list, select the appropriate I/O module.
This list represents the module types supported by the DSB. The PDC types that appear in this list may vary
based on the DSB that is selected.
When you select a specific PDC type in the upper grid, all the channel information and the channel
parameters of the configured I/O modules appear in the lower grid.

After the PDC is associated with a PIOMB, you cannot modify the PDC type.

3 In the PDC Description column, type a description for the PDC.

The description you provide here can be used to identify the correct PDC when associating the PDCs to the
4 In the Net Tag Name column, select the correct net tag name against the PDC type.
The tag names that appear in this list are the names that you have defined while configuring the slave device
in the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool”. The net tag name is unique for each I/O module. You cannot
select the same net tag name for two I/O modules inside a slave device. However, you can use the same net
tag name for another slave device.
5 Select the Hold on failure check box if you want the DSB to hold the last output value in the event of a
communication error between the C300 and the PGM.
6 In the Number of Channels column, type the number of channels that the PDC supports.
By default, the number of channels is set to "1."
7 In the Channel Description column, type a brief description (maximum of 32 characters) of the channel.
8 In the Channel Type column, select the type of the channel.
• The channel types can be Digital Input, Digital Output, Analog Input, and Analog Output.
• The values that appear in this list may vary based on the DSB selected.
• If you have used the fixed PDC types, the channel types are displayed automatically.
• You must define the channel type if you have used the configurable input/output PDCs.

9 In the Channel Data Type column, select the data type of the channel.
• The channel data types can be Boolean, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Int8, Int16, Int32, and Float32. The
values that appear in this list may vary based on the DSB selected.
• If you have used the fixed PDC types, the channel data types are displayed automatically.


• You must define the channel data type if you have used the configurable input/output PDCs.
10 In the Channel Data offset column, select the channel data offset of the digital input/output channel.
11 In the Bit offset column, select the bit offset of the digital input/output channel.
• If you have used the fixed PDC types, the bit offsets are displayed automatically.
• You must define the bit offsets if you have used the configurable input/output PDCs.
12 In the Low Range column, type the lowest raw value that the channel supports. This parameter is applicable
only for the analog input/output PDCs. For digital input/output PDCs, this parameter is non-editable.

The channel low range must be less than the channel high range. If channel low range is greater than or equal to
channel high range, the error message "RangeorLimitCrossover" appears during the load of the DSB block. In
addition, the PDC will go into the "Config Load Fail" state, and the DSB will go into the "Configuration Error"

13 In the High Range column, type the highest raw value that the channel supports. This parameter is
applicable only for the analog input/output PDCs. For digital input/output PDCs, this parameter is non-

To prevent the process data values from being scaled, you can set the channel high and low range as "NaN." When
this is performed, the process value is limited by the values supported by the data type.

14 In the Init Value column, define values for each output channel from which the channels must initialize after
recovering from a network down condition. You can define the following values as initial values.
• 0 - 100
For AO channels, numeric initialization value defines percentage value of the output.
For DO channels, initialization value 0 defines OFF state of the channel and value 1 defines ON state of
the channel.
• NaN - If the initialization value is defined as NaN, the output channels (AO and DO) hold the last output
• 0 - If the initialization value is defined as 0, the AO channel initializes to 0 and the DO channel is cleared
to 0 during all error scenarios. However, for the AO channel, if you enter a small non-zero value like
0.001, the channel value initializes to the low range defined for the channel.
For more information, refer to the section “About initialization of AO/DO channels from user-defined
values” on page 178.
15 Click OK.

• You can view the PDC State, Data Module Number, Data Size, Channel Status, Ch data Boolean, Numeric raw
data, Floating point value values in the Monitoring view after the DSB is loaded.
• You can set the analog channel output value (Numeric raw data/Floating point value) or the digital channel
output value (Ch data Boolean) from the Monitoring view if you have not associated a PDC to a PIOMB.

8.16.1 Generic DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines

The following list summarizes the Generic DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines that you must remember
while configuring the Generic DSB PDC.
• The number of PDCs supported by GENDSB is 16 and GENIODSB is 64.
• In the Number of Channels column, you must enter the number of channels manually.
• In the Channel Number column, you must enter the channel numbers in increasing order. If not, this may
result in an unknown channel status behavior.


Examples for correct configuration: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ..... or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.....

Examples for incorrect configuration: 0,0,1,1,2,2,3,4,5..... or 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,4,5.....
• In the Low Range column, you must enter the channel low range based on the device that you have
• In the High Range column, you must enter the channel high range based on the device that you have
• With R410, you can modify the values of the following parameters even after a PDC is associated and
connected to a PIOMB. However, you must ensure that you reload both the DSB and the PIOMB after
modifying the parameter value. If you do not reload both the DSB and the PIOMB, there may be a break in
the connection between the DSB and the PIOMB.
– Number of Channels (NUMCHANNEL) - You can increase or decrease the Number of Channels
parameter value. There is no restriction on increasing the number of channels. However, if you want to
decrease the number of channels, you can decrease the number only until the last assigned channel
number. For example, consider a scenario where you have entered the number of channels of a PDC as
10. However, you have assigned only 6 channels (channel 0 through channel 5) to the PROFIBUS
channels. In this scenario, you can reduce the Number of Channels value to 6. If you try to reduce the
Number of Channels value to 5 or less, an error message appears.
– Channel Description (CHDESCRIPTION)
– Channel Type (CHANNELTYPE) - You can modify the Channel Type of a channel only if it that
particular channel is not associated with any PROFIBUS channel.
– Channel Data Type (CHANNELDATATYPE) - You can modify the Channel Data Type for both used
and unused channels. However, you must ensure that while modifying the channel data type for analog/
numeric channels, you must not select Boolean data type. For digital channels, you must only select
Boolean data type.
– Channel Low Range (CHLOWRANGE)
– Channel High Range (CHHIGHRANGE)
– Channel Data Offset (CHDATAOFFSET)
– Channel Bit Offset (CHBITOFFSET)

About Extended Diagnostic PDC

The Extended Diagnostic PDC is different from normal input or output PDC. Extended diagnostic PDC can be
configured to parse extended diagnostic data as channel values and transfer these channel value to PIOMB. You
can configure multiple extended diagnostic PDC depending on your requirement to parse extended diagnostic
data. If there is no extended diagnostic data available, all channel values will be 0.

• You need not associate a net tag name to the Extended Diagnostic PDC.
• Extended diagnostic PDC supports multi bit processing for “AI” channel type with data type “UINT8.” For multi
byte processing, data type such as UNT16, UINT32, and FLOAT32 can be used.
• The CHBITFIELD parameter can be configured with the number of bits to be parsed in a byte for multibit
processing. The value of CHBITFIELD is 8 by default and is configurable only if PDCTYPE is selected as
“Extended Diagnostic” and Channel Data Type is selected as “UINT8” within “Extended diagnostic PDC. For all
other configuration, it is not available for configuration.

8.16.2 Generic Drive DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines

The following list summarizes the Generic Drive DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines that you must
remember while configuring the Generic Drive DSB PDC.
• The number of PDCs supported by Generic Drive DSB is 16.


• You must select the appropriate PPO type PDC from the PDC type of the Drive DSB column.
– To access drive parameters through the PKW PDCs, you must configure both an input and an output
PKW PDC, irrespective of whether you have channels configured for both. If you configure only one
PKW PDC, an error is reported while loading the Drive DSB.
– You can have a maximum of one "PKW inputs" PDC and one "PKW outputs" PDC, since there can be
only one net tag that maps to that 8-byte area. The DSB needs both an input and an output PKW PDC to
write to the PKW request (the PKW In 8 bytes) and to read the PKW response (the PKW Out 8 bytes)
respectively. Therefore, without an input and output PKW PDC, the DSB cannot perform the PKW
– The PKW PDC performs a size check at runtime to verify that the data area is exactly 8 bytes. If the
module data size for a PKW PDC is not 8 bytes, that PDC state (PDCSTATE) changes to "Configuration
Failed" . You can recover this state by re-configuring the PDC to point to the correct net tag (which is the
8 byte PKW area) and reloading the DSB.
– Even though the PKW PDCs can have 32 channels, all the 32 channels do not use 8 bytes
simultaneously. Instead, each channel "takes a turn" for using the 8 bytes for its request/response
• The 16 DI/DO channels of the first input/output PPO type PDC are pre-populated by the status/control word
bit meaning/description depending on the drive's control mode.
• You cannot change the channel type for the first 17 channels in an input or an output PPO type PDC.
However, you can change the channel type for the configurable channels.
• In the Channel Number column, the channel number is automatically updated based on the number of
channels configured for the selected module.
For example, if the number of channels configured for a module is 4, then this column lists the channel
numbers as 0, 1, 2, and 3.
• The Channel Data Offset column displays the data offset of the channel in bytes starting at the location
defined by the net tag.
For example, the location defined for the PDC standard channels of DI and DO of PPO type 3 and 4 have
the data offset of 0. The location defined for the PDC standard channels of DI and DO of PPO type 1, 2 and
5 have the data offset of 8.
• The data offsets are automatically set when you select a specific PPO type. For additional channels that do
not use the PKW area, you must configure the data and bit offset appropriately.
• For PKW PDC types, the Channel Data Offset column is disabled.
• The Bit Offset column displays the offset of the channel in bits starting at the location defined by the data
• For PKW PDC types, the Bit Offset column is disabled.
• In the Low Range column, you must define the low range of the channel data in the FLOAT32 format.
• In the High Range column, you must define the low range of the channel data in the FLOAT32 format.
• To create channels mapped to the PKW area for acyclic data exchange, you must select the section type in
the PKW Section Type column.
• To configure the PKW area for the acyclic data transfer, you must enter a valid parameter number in the
Parameter Number column.
You can type multiple parameter numbers for the same PKW area.
• To read or write a value, you must select the parameter sub-index in the Array Parameter sub-index
This column is available for configuration only if you select the Section Type as PKW Array.


• With R410, you can modify the values of the following parameters even after a PDC is associated and
connected to a PIOMB. However, you must ensure that you reload both the DSB and the PIOMB after
modifying the parameter value. If you do not reload both the DSB and the PIOMB, there may be a break in
the connection between the DSB and the PIOMB.
– Number of Channels (NUMCHANNEL) - You can increase or decrease the Number of Channels
parameter value. There is no restriction on increasing the number of channels. However, if you want to
decrease the number of channels, you can decrease the number only until the last assigned channel
number. For example, consider a scenario where you have entered the number of channels of a PDC as
10. However, you have assigned only 6 channels (channel 0 through channel 5) to the PROFIBUS
channels. In this scenario, you can reduce the Number of Channels value to 6. If you try to reduce the
Number of Channels value to 5 or less an error message appears.
– Channel Description (CHDESCRIPTION)
– Channel Type (CHANNELTYPE) - You can modify the Channel Type of a channel only if it that
particular channel is not associated with any PROFIBUS channel.
– Channel Data Type (CHANNELDATATYPE) - You can modify the Channel Data Type for both used
and unused channels. However, you must ensure that while modifying the channel data type for analog/
numeric channels, you must not select Boolean data type. Also, for digital channels you must only select
Boolean data type.
– Channel Low Range (CHLOWRANGE)
– Channel High Range (CHHIGHRANGE)
– Channel Data Offset (CHDATAOFFSET)
– Channel Bit Offset (CHBITOFFSET)

8.16.3 Generic DSB for PA devices (GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB) specific PDC configuration
The following list summarizes the GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB specific PDC configuration guidelines
that you must remember while configuring the GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB.
• The number of PDCs supported by GENPADSB is 8 and GENPAGWDSB is 64.
• In the PA Status Usage column, select the appropriate option to define how the data status is used by these
blocks. Based on the option selected in the PA Status Usage column, the channel status is updated in the
Status column and the PA Status column.
The following table summarizes the options that are available for the input/output channels and a brief
description of each option.

Options in Applicable Description

PA Status for
Ignore Both input – For input channels, when you select this option, irrespective of the channel’s actual
and output state, the channel’s Status column always displays the status as Good_NonCascade
channels and the PA Status column displays the value Not Applicable.
– For output channels, the channel status is always set to GoodCasc_NonSpecific.
However, the PA Status column displays the value Not Applicable.

If the PA device is removed from the network, the PA Status column displays the
value Not Available.

Update PA Input When you select this option, the status is read from raw data. The channel’s Status
status channels column always displays the status as Good_NonCascade. However, the PA Status
column displays the actual device status.


Options in Applicable Description

PA Status for
Update Ch Input When you select this option, the status is read from raw data and channel status is
status channels updated. The channel’s Status column and the PA Status column display the actual
device status.
The Update channel status option is selected by default.
Update Ch Input When you select this option, the status is read from raw data. The Status column and the
status and channels PA Status column display the actual device status. In addition, an alarm Data status
alarm below limit in PDC is reported if the status is below the defined first acceptable PA
status value.

You must define the first acceptable PA status value while configuring the DSB
(GENPADSB/GENPAGWDSB) for the alarms to be reported when the channel
status is below the first acceptable PA status value.

Set output Output When you select this option, the channel status is always set to GoodCasc_NonSpecific.
status channels However, the PA Status column displays the value Not Applicable. If the PA device is
removed from the network, the PA Status column displays the value Not Available.
The Set output status option is selected by default.

For GENPAGWDSB, the configurable output channel status is always set to
GoodCas_NonSpecific even in the absence of the device. However, the extended
diagnosis reports the device unavailability. With the extended diagnosis and the
user-defined alarms, you can set the PDC channel state to Bad_NonSpecific for
that specific channel.

8.16.4 CEAG DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines

The following list summarizes the CEAG DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines that you must remember
while configuring the CEAG DSB PDC.
• The number of PDCs supported by CEAGDSB is 24.
• In the Number of Channel column, the number of channels are automatically updated based on the PDC
• In the Channel Number column, the channel number is automatically updated based on the number of
channels configured for the selected module.
For example, if the number of channels configured for a module is 4, then this column lists the channel
numbers as 0, 1, 2, and 3.
• In the Channel Type column, the channel type is automatically set based on the PDC type.
• In the Channel Data Type column, the channel data type is automatically set based on the PDC type.
• With R410, you can modify the values of the following parameters even after a PDC is associated and
connected to a PIOMB. However, you must ensure that you reload both the DSB and the PIOMB after
modifying the parameter value. If you do not reload both the DSB and the PIOMB, there may be a break in
the connection between the DSB and the PIOMB.
– Channel Description (CHDESCRIPTION)
– Channel Low Range (CHLOWRANGE)
– Channel High Range (CHHIGHRANGE)


8.16.5 Siemens AS-I Link DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines

The following list summarizes the Siemens AS-I Link DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines that you
must remember while configuring the Siemens AS-I Link DSB PDC.
• The number of PDCs supported by the Siemens AS-I Link DSB is 16.
• The PDC types are mapped to the AS-i Slave devices.
• This DSB supports only the DI/DO channels.
• If you have configured a PDC with a net tag that maps to the data module on the second AS-i Segment,
select Segment 2 in the ASISEGMENT column.
– The AS-I segment column appears only while configuring the Siemens AS-i Link DSB for the AS-i Link
Advanced . This is because only AS-i Link Advanced supports two AS-I segments.
– The AS-i Segment (ASISEGMENT) parameter indicates the segment to which the PDC is configured.
This parameter can be used to identify whether the slave device is configured for Segment 1 or Segment
2. This parameter is applicable only to the Siemens AS-i Link DSB.
– It is an assumption that the configured data module for segment 2 must be in slot 2, and the configured
data module for segment 1 must be slot 1.
• The net tag associated with the PDCs types must map to the 4 bytes that covers the 7 or 8 slave devices
being referenced. For more information on the PDC types of the Siemens AS-I Link DSB, refer to the
PROFIBUS Gateway Module Parameter Reference Guide.
• In the Number of Channels column, the number of channels are automatically updated based on the PDC
type. The "Slave 1-7 inputs" and "Slave 1-7 outputs" PDC types have 28 channels. The other PDC types
have 32 channels which are grouped as four channels for each slave device.
• In the Channel Number column, the channel number is automatically updated based on the number of
channels configured for the selected module.
For example, if the number of channels configured for a module is 4, then this column lists the channel
numbers as 0, 1, 2, and 3.
• In the Channel Type , the channel type is automatically selected based on the PDC type.
• In the Channel Data Type , the channel data type is always "Boolean" as this DSB supports only the DI and
DO channels.
• The Channel Data Offset column is not applicable to the Siemens AS-i Link DSB.
• The Bit Offset column is not applicable to the Siemens AS-i Link DSB.
• The Low Range column is not applicable to the Siemens AS-i Link DSB as this DSB does not support
analog channels.
• The High Range column is not applicable to the Siemens AS-i Link DSB as this DSB does not support
analog channels.
• With R410, you can modify the value of the following parameter even after a PDC is associated and
connected to a PIOMB. However, you must ensure that you reload both the DSB and the PIOMB after
modifying the parameter value. If you do not reload both the DSB and the PIOMB, there may be a break in
the connection between the DSB and the PIOMB.
– Channel Description (CHDESCRIPTION)

8.16.6 Siemens ET200M DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines

The following list summarizes the Siemens ET200M DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines that you must
remember while configuring the Siemens ET200M DSB PDC.
• The number of PDCs supported by the Siemens ET200M DSB is 16.
• The PDC configuration must be done through the IOM configuration tab.
• In the Number of Channel column, you must enter the number of channels manually.


• In the Channel Number column, the channel number is automatically updated based on the number of
channels configured for the selected module.
For example, if the number of channels configured for a module is 4, then this column lists the channel
numbers as 0, 1, 2, and 3.
• In the AI Sensor Type column, select the sensor type supported for the AI module.
This parameter is available for configuration only when you select the PDC type as AI. Otherwise, this
parameter is disabled. The possible values are Unipolar, Bipolar, and Temperature Unit.
– When you select the sensor types as Unipolar or Bipolar, the values of the CHHIGHRANGE and
CHLOWRANGE parameters are updated based on their channel high and low values.
– When you select the sensor type as Temperature Unit, you must enter the channel high range and low
range manually.
The channel low range must be less than the channel high range. If the channel low range is greater than
or equal to the channel high range, the error message "RangeorLimitCrossover" appears during the load
of the DSB block. In addition, the PDC will go into the "Config Load Fail" state, and the DSB will go
into the "Configuration Error" state.
• In the AO Sensor Type column, select the sensor type supported for the AO module.
This parameter is available for configuration only when you select the PDC type as AO. Otherwise, this
parameter is disabled. The possible values are Unipolar and Bipolar.
– When you select the sensor types as Unipolar or Bipolar, the values of the CHHIGHRANGE and
CHLOWRANGE parameters are updated based on their channel high and low values.
• With R410, you can modify the values of the following parameters even after a PDC is associated and
connected to a PIOMB. However, you must ensure that you reload both the DSB and the PIOMB after
modifying the parameter value. If you do not reload both the DSB and the PIOMB, there may be a break in
the connection between the DSB and the PIOMB.
– Number of Channels (NUMCHANNEL) - You can increase or decrease the Number of Channels
parameter value. There is no restriction on increasing the number of channels. However, if you want to
decrease the number of channels, you can decrease the number only until the last assigned channel
number. For example, consider a scenario where you have entered the number of channels of a PDC as
10. However, you have assigned only 6 channels (channel 0 through channel 5) to the PROFIBUS
channels. In this scenario, you can reduce the Number of Channels value to 6. If you try to reduce the
Number of Channels value to 5 or less an error message appears.
– Channel Description (CHDESCRIPTION)
– Channel Low Range (CHLOWRANGE)
– Channel High Range (CHHIGHRANGE)

8.16.7 Turck Excom DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines

The following list summarizes the Turck Excom DSB specific PDC configuration guidelines that you must
remember while configuring the Turck Excom DSB PDC.
• The number of PDCs supported by the Turck Excom DSB is 34.
• The PDC configuration must be done through IOM configuration tab.
• The number of channels are automatically updated based on the module selected except for the DM80Ex
digital module.
• If you have selected the DM80Ex digital module, in the Number of Channels column, you must manually
enter the number of channels for this module. You must enter a number from 1 through 8 for this module.


• If you have selected the DM80Ex digital module, in the Channel Number column, you must enter the
channel number. You must enter the channel number from 0 through 7. For other modules, the channel
number is automatically updated.
• In the Input Signal Type column, you must select the signal type supported for the AI module . This
parameter is available for configuration only when you select the PDC type as AI.
– When you select the signal type as Not Configured, this turns off the specified channel. The inputs on
this channel are not processed. You must select this value for all unused channels.
– When you select any signal type other than Not Configured, the values of the CHHIGHRANGE and
CHLOWRANGE parameters are updated based on their channel high and low values.
• In the Output Signal Type column, you must select the signal type supported for the AO module . This
parameter is available for configuration only when you select the PDC type as AO.
– When you select the signal type as Not Configured, this turns off the specified channel. The inputs on
this channel are not processed. You must select this value for all unused channels.
– When you select any signal type other than Not Configured, the values of the CHHIGHRANGE and
CHLOWRANGE parameters are updated based on their channel high and low values.
• With R410, you can modify the values of the following parameters even after a PDC is associated and
connected to a PIOMB. However, you must ensure that you reload both the DSB and the PIOMB after
modifying the parameter value. If you do not reload both the DSB and the PIOMB, there may be a break in
the connection between the DSB and the PIOMB.
– Number of Channels (NUMCHANNEL) - You can increase or decrease the Number of Channels
parameter value. There is no restriction on increasing the number of channels. However, if you want to
decrease the number of channels, you can decrease the number only until the last assigned channel
number. For example, consider a scenario where you have entered the number of channels of a PDC as
10. However, you have assigned only 6 channels (channel 0 through channel 5) to the PROFIBUS
channels. In this scenario, you can reduce the Number of Channels value to 6. If you try to reduce the
Number of Channels value to 5 or less an error message appears.
– Channel Description (CHDESCRIPTION)
– Channel Low Range (CHLOWRANGE)
– Channel High Range (CHHIGHRANGE)
– Input Signal Type (INPUTSIGNALTYPE)
– Output Signal Type (OUTPUTSIGNALTYPE)
– Channel Number (CHNNUMBER)

8.16.8 Guidelines for configuring Turck Excon DSB for reading HART data
• To configure the Turck Excom DSB to read HART data in addition to process data, you must configure the
PDCs based on the IO module.
– If you are using an output module, you must configure two PDCs; one for the process data and one for
the HART data.
– If you are using an input module, you must configure only one PDC.
• To read the process data, you must select the appropriate PDC type (AIH40Ex/AIH41Ex/ AOH40Ex) and
associate the corresponding net tag name.
• To read HART data, you must select the HARTInputData PDC and associate the corresponding net tag
name. When you select the HARTInputData PDC type, you must enter the number of channels in the
Number of Channels column as 1, 4, or 8 as the modules can be configured for reading 1, 4, or 8 HART
• When you enter the number of channels for reading HART data, the lower grid becomes editable. You must
enter the physical channel number from where the HART data needs to be read. The physical channel
numbers start from 0.


If the Number of Channels (NUMCHANNEL) is not correctly entered or if the NETTAGNAME is wrongly
configured, then the DSB will be in configuration error state.

Configuring AIH40Ex/AIH41 Ex module for HART data

The following table lists the IO modules and the respective PDC type and the number of channels to be
configured for reading HART data.

Module Name Number of secondary PDC type to be configured Number of Channels

variables configured for the
IO module
AIH40Ex/AIH41Ex 1H AnalogInput-AIH40Ex/ 5 (4 + 1)
AIH40Ex/AIH41Ex 4H AnalogInput-AIH40Ex/ 8 (4 + 4)
AIH40Ex/AIH41Ex 8H AnalogInput-AIH40Ex/ 12 (4 + 8)

The first 4 channels (0 to 3) always represent process data and the remaining channels (from 4 up to 11)
represent HART data. For channels containing HART data, you must enter the physical channel numbers
(CHNNUMBER parameter present in the lower grid) for all the secondary variables to which they are
For example, assume that the module is configured for 4 secondary variables out of which 2 are read from the
first channel and other 2 are from the fourth channel. In this case, the CHNNUMBER parameter for the
channels 4 through 7 should contain data as follows:

Channels Channel Number (CHNNUMBER)

Channel 4 and 5 0, 0
Channel 6 and 7 3, 3

Configuring AOH40Ex module for HART data

This module can also be configured for 1H, 4H, and 8H in the network configuration tool. You must configure
two net tag names for this module, one for the output process data and one for the input HART data. Therefore,
you must configure two PDCs; one output PDC for the usual process data and one input PDC for the HART
input data. In addition, you must configure the NUMCHANNEL parameter correctly. If the module is
configured for 1H / 4H / 8H, then the number of channels should be correctly configured as 1 / 4 / 8
respectively. The CHNNUMBER parameter for all the channels should contain the actual physical channel
numbers from which the HART data is read.
For example, assume that the module is configured for 8 secondary variables, reading 3 from first channel, 2
each from second and third channel, and 1 from fourth channel. In this case, the CHNNUMBER parameter for
the channels 0 to 7 should contain data as follows:

Channels Channel Number (CHNNUMBER)

Channel 0, 1, and 2 0
Channel 3 and 4 1
Channel 5 and 6 2
Channel 7 3


8.16.9 Guidelines for configuring Turck Excon DSB for gateway redundancy
To configure the Turck Excom DSB to know the gateway status and to command gateway switchover, you must
select the following PDCs and associate the corresponding net tag names.
• Gateway Status - for the status of the gateway.
• Gateway Command - for commanding switchover of the gateway.
If the gateway PDC types are not configured, the data available in the “Gateway Status/Command” group in the
Gateway Redundancy tab is invalid/not applicable. Similarly, if the gateway redundancy mode if “Off” then
the data in the “Redundancy Status” group in the Gateway Redundancy tab is invalid/not applicable.

• You cannot associate a Gateway Status or a Gateway Command PDC to a PIOMB since these PDCs do not send
any process data to controller. If you try to associate a Gateway Status or a Gateway Command PDC to a
PIOMB, an error message appears.
• It is recommended to configure the connection break suppression time longer than Watchdog time defined in the
master configuration. A good rule would be to configure the connection break suppression time as Watchdog time
+ 1 second.


8.17 Alarms
The DSB blocks report alarms based on the standard and/or extended diagnostic data received from the slave
devices. The following are the standard alarms generated by all DSBs.
• Communication break with PROFIBUS slave
• PROFIBUS slave configuration failure
The following table lists the generic DSBs that supports user-defined alarms and also the number of alarms
supported by each DSB.

DSB name Number of user-defined alarms supported

Drive DSB 16

You can configure alarms to parse single bit, multi bit, and multi byte field from slave extended diagnostic data
and compare it with a given reference value. If the comparison with the given reference value is true, then an
alarm is reported with configured priority and severity. One user-defined alarm can be configured to parse a
maximum of 32 bits in extended diagnostic data.
You can also configure the priority and severity for each user-defined alarms.
With R410, Generic DSBs are enhanced such that in addition to reporting an alarm, you can choose to set the
status of individual channels to either “Good” or “Bad” based on your requirement and as per slave extended
diagnostic. For example, you can choose to set the status of the 8th channel of the 5th PDC to “BAD” based on
your requirement.
In R400, individual channel level status setting was not supported by the GENDSB. Either all channels were set
to “Good” or all channels were set to “Bad.”
Refer to the section “DSB block diagnostic alarms” on page 204 for information on the alarms generated by the
DSB blocks.

Alarms supported by GENPADSB

GENPADSB supports alarming based on diagnostics data defined in Profibus PA profile.
Note that PA profile diagnostics do not set the channel status or the PDC status as abnormal.
The Extended Diagnostics tab in the Monitoring view displays details of each diagnostic data of the

Alarms supported by GENPAGWDSB

GENPAGWDSB supports alarming based on diagnostic data received from Siemens IM-157 DP Link. For best
coverage, you must configure 160 byte diagnostics data length while configuring the Parameters page for
IM-157, which contains separate sections for Module diagnostic, module status, GW diagnostics and PA slave
Note that IM-157 diagnostics activity do not set the channel status or the PDC status as abornmal.
The Extended Diagnostics tab in the Monitoring view displays details of each diagnostic data of the


8.17.1 About RIO (Remote IO) profile-based alarming

With R410, the Generic DSBs (GENDSB and GENIODSB) support RIO diagnostics for devices which strictly
adhere to RIO standards. You must check the device and its alarming behavior with Generic DSB before using
the Generic DSB for RIO profile-based alarming for any device. If the device does not conform strictly to RIO
standards and cannot be qualified to be used with Generic DSB, then you can use user-configurable alarms for
alarming and channel status setting.
You can enable RIO profile based-alarming for Generic DSB by selecting the ENABLERIOPROF parameter in
the Alarms tab of the Generic DSBs. By default, the ENABLERIOPROF parameter is disabled. However, if
you enable this option for devices that do not conform to RIO standards, an alarm is reported.
For appropriate channel status setting in case of RIO profile-based alarming, you must enter the channel number
in the CHNNUMBER parameter of PDCs of Generic DSB.
For example channel numbers for Turck DSB starts from 1. If GENDSB is used to configure Turck IO rack,
then CHNNUMBER parameter for each PDC should be configured as 1,2,3,… for proper channel status setting.
Based on the extended diagnostics received from slave device, Generic DSBs perform the following channel
status and alarm processing.
• When the PDC state is Configured, Opening PDC delivery, or Connected, the following alarms are reported
by the Generic DSBs.
– If diagnostic data indicates failure in module in slot “n,” then an alarm “Module fault on Slot” is
reported. The Trip Value field in the alarm summary display displays the slot number of the faulty
module reported in extended diagnostics. All the channels of PDC configured with module in the slot
having alarm will go “Bad_Nonspecific.” This alarm returns to normal when fresh diagnostics is
received from the device and it does not indicate module failure. When the alarm returns to normal after
fresh diagnostic are received indicating no error, all channel status changes to “Good_NonCascade” for
input channels and “GoodCasc_Nonspecific” for output channels.
– If diagnostic data indicates fault in channels of module configured in slot “n,” then an alarm “Channels
errors of Module” is reported. The Trip Value field in the alarm summary displays the slot number of
module. The channel status of the channels for which extended diagnostic reports error changes to
“Bad_Nonspecific” state. This alarm returns to normal when fresh diagnostic is received for the slot and
it does not indicate channel failure. The channel status changes to “Good_NonCascade” for input
channels and “GoodCasc_NonSpecific” for output channels.

Note that even if extended diagnostic reports more than one channel of module as faulty, only one alarm will
be reported. You can view the faulty channels from the PDC tab configuration form. In addition, you can view
the extended diagnostic information in the Extended Diagnostics tab of the Generic DSBs.
– When channel failure is active and module failure is reported, then an alarm is reported due to channel
failure return to normal. In addition, an alarm due to module failure is reported.
• When the PDC is not in Configured, Opening delivery, or Connected state, then an alarm “Rack Fault on
module” is reported if extended diagnostic reports module errors. You must view the Extended Diagnostics
tab to determine which module is faulty.
• When RIO profile is enabled and if diagnostic received could not be recognized as channel, module, or
identifier-related diagnostic, then the Generic DSBs report the “Corrupt diagnostic” alarm. This alarm
returns to normal after fresh diagnostic is received having proper extended diagnostic or no extended
• When RIO profile is enabled, Generic DSBs look for reliable extended diagnostic for processing. If standard
diagnostic indicates that there is overflow in extended diagnostics, then the Generic DSB sets all channels of
all PDCs to “Bad_NonSpecific” state. No alarm is reported in this case. Overflow in extended diagnostic
means that the number of diagnostic bytes increased buffer size for diagnostic in slave. Note that though
PROFIBUS standard buffer size is of 244 bytes, this can vary according to the slave devices. Therefore, an


option called Ignore extended diagnostic overflow (IGNOREXTDIAGOVRFLO) is provided in the Slave
Status tab to ignore extended diagnostic overflow and perform normal processing of diagnostic received.
For more information about RIO standards, refer to the RIO standard documents.

8.17.2 Configuring alarms

Perform the following steps to configure an alarm

1 Click the Alarms tab.
2 In the Condition Description column, enter a description for each condition.
The maximum length of the condition must be 32 characters. You can use special characters such as ".,/\
\<>'\"*?|:;[]{}()\ for defining the condition.
3 In the Data Offset column, enter the data offset byte (0 through 238) for each alarm condition. For example
if Dataoffset = 5, then parsing needs to be started from 5th byte of extended diagnostic data. The value 255
means that the data offset is not defined. Values 238 through 254 are not useful to data offset because they
do not match with any extended diagnostic data. However, having value 238 through 254 does not cause any
4 In the Indication Bit column, enter the indication bit (0 through 7) from where multibit processing needs to
be performed for each alarm condition.Value n = Bit n in byte represented by data offset. For example if
parsing needs to be started from bit 3 of byte 5 of extended diagnostic data, then DataOffset = 5 and Bit
offset = 3.
5 In the Indication Bit Field column, enter the number of bits that you want to parse from this bit. By default,
this parameter value is 1 and the maximum value that can be entered for this parameter is 32. By the virtue
of value entered in this field, you can have single bit, multi bit, and multi byte parsing of extended
diagnostic data for value. For example,
• Single bit processing: If you want to process single bit of extended diagnostic for alarming, then the
value of the Indication Bit Field = 1. If you want to process 3rd bit of 5th byte in extended diagnostic
data, then DataOffset = 5, Indication bit = 3, Indication Bit Filed =1.
• Multi bit processing: If you want to process multi bit of extended diagnostic data, then the value of the
Indication Bit Field must be greater than 1. If you want to parse from bit number 3 to bit number 5 of 5th
byte in extended diagnostic data, then DataOffset = 5, Indication Bit = 3 and Indication Bit Field = 3.
Indication bit 3 and bit field 3 means starting bit 3, 3 bits (bit 3, bit 4 and bit 5) will be parsed for value.
• Multi Byte processing: If you want to parse 32 bits starting bit number 4 of 5th byte of extended
diagnostic, then DataOffset = 5, Indication Bit = 4, and Indiciation Bit Field = 32.
6 In the Comparison Operator column, select the comparison operator with which you want to compare the
data offset value and the reference value. Default value of this parameter is “Equals.”
7 In the Reference Value column, enter a value that you want to have as a reference value for comparison.
Default value of this parameter is 1.
8 In the User Condition PDC column, enter the PDC number that you want to set the status based on the
alarm condition. This parameter defines whether one/none/all PDCs will be affected when a configured user-
defined alarm is active. Default value of this parameter is 255. The possible values of this parameter are as
• 254 - This means all PDCs in the DSB will be affected when this user configurable alarm is active.
• 255 - This means none of the PDCs in the DSB will be affected when this user configurable alarm is
• 0.. MAXPDCNUMBER - In this case, this parameter holds a valid PDC number. The PDC number
mentioned will get affected when configured alarm is active.

For GENDSB migrated from R400 to R410, the value of this parameter is 255.


9 In the User Condition Channel column, enter the channel number of the PDC selected that you want to set
the status based on the alarm condition. This parameter defines whether one/all channels of PDC configured
in the USERCONDITPDC parameter is affected when configured alarm is active. The possible values of
this parameter are as follows:
• 255 - This means all channels of configured PDC will be affected when configured alarm is active.
• 0 ..MAXNUMOFCHANELS - When this parameter is configured in the range
0..MAXNUMOFCHANELS, then only the configured channel will be affected when configured alarm is
10 In the Alarm Priority column, select the alarm priority as required.
• For GENDSB, the first 8 alarms have the default value as “HIGH” and remaining 24 alarms have the
default value as “LOW.”
• For GENIODSB, the default value is “NONE.”
11 In the Alarm Severity column, enter the alarm severity as required. The default value of this parameter is 0
for both GENDSB and GENIODSB.
12 In the Enable RIO Profile check box, select this check box if you want the DSB to process the RIO
diagnostics for devices that conform to RIO standards.
The Enable RIO Profile check box is applicable only for GENDSB and GENIODSB.
13 In the Ignore Extended Diagnostic Overflow check box, select this check box if you want to ignore the
extended diagnostic overflow condition and perform normal processing of diagnostic received.
• The Ignore Extended Diagnostic Overflow check box is applicable only for GENDSB and
• The Ignore Extended Diagnostic Overflow check box is enabled only when the Enable RIO Profile
check box is enabled.
• If you do not select the Ignore Extended Diagnostic Overflow check box, all channels of all PDCs are
set to “Bad_NonSpecific” if the diagnostic overflow condition exists.

When an extended diagnostic overflow condition exists, all the channels of all the PDC’s are set to
Bad_NonSpecific. This is applicable to all DSBs.

14 Select the Enable PA Profile Diagnostics check box or the Enable GW Diagnostics check box if you want
to enable the PA profile-based alarming or the IM-157 diagnostics based alarming respectively.
• By default, this option is disabled.
• For GENPADSB, this check box appears as Enable PA Profile Diagnostics.
For GENPAGWDSB, this check box appears as Enable GW Diagnostics.
15 Select the first acceptable PA status value in the First Acceptable PA Status Value list for the channel such
that an alarm is reported if the channel status is below this defined value.

• The First Acceptable PA Status Value check box is applicable only for the GENPADSB and
• This alarm is reported only if you have selected the option Update Ch status and alarm in the PA Status
Usage column while configuring the PDC.
• The First acceptable PA Status Value list provides the list of all possible PA status values. By default, the
value is set to Good_NonCascade.

16 Click OK.

8.17.3 Support for device-specific alarms

DSB blocks report device alarms (DPV1 alarms) from the slaves based on the standard PROFIBUS
specification. Whenever the slaves report a DPV1 alarm, the PGM master reads and acknowledges the status


alarm and then reports the status alarms in the Experion station. The DSB blocks enable you to configure 500
The DPV1 alarms are configured in the Device Alarm Config tab of the DSB blocks. The following figure
displays an example configuration of the DPV1 alarm configuration for TURCKDSB block.

Figure 9: Device Alarm Config tab

The status alarm strings appearing in the station are vendor-specific and read from the GSD file. The DPV1
alarms are device-specific, and they are reported in the Alarm Summary page.

8.17.4 Configuring device-specific alarms

Ensure that the DSB is created.

To manually configure device-specific alarms

1 Double-click the DSB block.
The DSB block configuration form appears.
2 Click the Device Alarm Config tab.
3 Enter the number of diagnostic alarms in the Number Of Diagnosis Alarms box.

When you reduce the number of alarms, the existing configured alarms at the end of the list are deleted and cannot
be recovered. Hence, you must manually re-configure the alarms if you need the alarms that were configured


4 Enter the type of diagnosis in the Type Of Diagnosis box.

The DPV1 diagnostic values are read from the PROFIBUS specification and configured in the GSD file.
The following table lists two examples for diagnostic values.
Type of diagnostic values Description
129 Status Model message
130 Module Status message

An example of the diagnostic values (129 and 130) from GSD file for the TURCK device follows:
UnitDiagType = 129
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(24) = "module diagnostics available"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(27) = "station configuration changed"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(28) = "undervoltage field supply Vo"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(30) = "undervoltage field supply Vi"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(31) = "overcurrent/short-circuit Ii"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(32) = "module library rev. / CRC error"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(34) = "module bus error"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(35) = "master configuration error"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(37) = "station configuration error"
X_Unit_Diag_Bit(38) = "I/Oassistant-Force Mode active"

UnitDiagType = 130
X_Unit_Diag_Area = 24-25
X_Value(1) = "slot 1: module error"
X_Value(2) = "slot 1: wrong module"
X_Value(3) = "slot 1: module absent"
X_Value_Help(3) = "The module is currently not plugged in."
X_Unit_Diag_Area = 26-27
X_Value(1) = "slot 2: module error"
X_Value(2) = "slot 2: wrong module"
X_Value(3) = "slot 2: module absent"
X_Value_Help(3) = "The module is currently not plugged in."
X_Unit_Diag_Area = 28-29
X_Value(1) = "slot 3: module error"
X_Value(2) = "slot 3: wrong module"
X_Value(3) = "slot 3: module absent"
5 In the Alarm Configuration table, perform the following:
a Observe that the Alarm Help String is read from the GSD file and displayed.
You can also modify these strings.
b Select the Alarm Priority from the list
The Alarm Priority can be one of the following:
c Configure the Alarm Severity between 1 and 15.
d Configure the Alarm Bit Index between 0 and 463.
e Configure the Bit Field Size and the Bit Field Value.
6 Click OK.


To configure device-specific alarms using Auto-configure Slaves

1 Open the existing rule file in an XML editor or in Notepad.
2 Configure the following the elements with the appropriate values.
1. DiagAlarmType
2. DiagAlarmNumber
3. DiagAlarmHelpString
4. DiagAlarmPriority
5. DiagAlarmSeverity
6. DiagAlarmBitIndex
7. DiagAlarmBitAreaSize
8. DiagAlarmBitAreaValue
3 Save the rule file at the default location.
4 Right-click the Protocol block, and click Auto-configure Slaves.
The Auto-configure Slaves window appears.
5 Select the check box for which the rule file is modified.
6 Type DSB name in the DSB Name column.
7 Click Validate.
The Status column is updated with the validation results.


8.18 Monitoring DSB block

In this section, the state and command parameters of the DSB block are listed for quick reference. For detailed
information about these parameters, you need to refer to the PROFIBUS Gateway Module Parameter Reference

Related topics
“DSB block state after configuration and load” on page 200
“DSB block status parameters” on page 203
“Monitoring the DPV1 data records” on page 203
“DSB block icons” on page 203
“DSB block diagnostic alarms” on page 204
“Monitoring device-specific alarms” on page 206

8.18.1 DSB block state after configuration and load

Main tab
The Slave State (SLAVESTATE) parameter will be "COMMUNICATING." In the event of a communication
loss between the master and the slave device, the Connection Lost Counter (DSBCONNLOSTCOUNT) will
display the count.

Slave Status tab

The Slave Device (SLAVEDEVICE) and the Watchdog On (WATCHDOGON) LEDs will be green in normal
conditions. If a slave device has extended diagnostics, the Extended Diagnostics (EXTENDEDDIA) LED
appears red. Similarly, the corresponding LEDs will appear red based on the error condition.
You can view the extended diagnostics details from the Field Network Configuration tab. See “Viewing the
slave device's extended diagnosis” on page 106.

Alarms tab
This tab is only applicable to the Generic DSBs and the DRIVEDSB. After the Generic DSBs or the DRIVEDSB is
loaded, if any of the defined alarms is active, the respective Condition Status (USERCONDITSTA) parameter will be
"ON" (checked).

The Condition Status (USERCONDITSTA) parameter will be "On (1)" if any of the user-defined alarm
conditions exists.

PDC tab / IOM Configuration tab

The following values in the PDC tab are updated from the DSB running on the PGM.
• PDCSTATE - The state (PDCSTATE) of the PDCs that are configured but not connected to a PIOMB will
be "PDC Configured." The state of the PDCs that are connected to the PIOMB will be "PDC Connected."
However, the state of the PDCs that are not configured will be "PDC not Configured."
• DATAMODULENBR - The Data Module Number (DATAMODULENBR) parameter will display the data
module number of the PDC provided by the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool”.
• PDCDATASIZE - The Data Size (PDCDATASIZE) parameter will display the data size of the data module
provided by the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool” appears in the Data Size column. This number
appears in the Monitoring view after the Generic DSBs is loaded.


• CHSTATUS - The status (CHSTATUS) parameter will display the status of the channel. The status bytes are
displayed according to the Fieldbus Foundation variable status byte. The status of the good analog and
digital input channels is "Good_NonCascade." Similarly, the status of the good analog and digital output
channels is "GoodCasc_NonSpecific."
• CHLOWRANGE/CHHIGHRANGE - You can modify the channel low range (CHLOWRANGE) and
channel high range (CHHIGHRANGE) only from the Project view. However, if the PDC is associated with
a PIOMB, you cannot modify the ranges.
• CHDATARAW/CHDATAREAL - The analog input/output data values will appear in the Numeric Raw
Data (CHDATARAW) and the Floating Point Value (CHDATAREAL) columns as numeric raw data values
and as scaled floating point values respectively.
• CHDATABOOL - The digital input/output values will be represented as 1 or 0 in the Ch data Boolean
(CHDATABOOL) column (the check box will be selected or cleared).

Diagnostics tab
The Diagnostics tab is only applicable to the Siemens AS-i Link DSB. This tab provides the following
• Internal error
• External error
• Unexpected slave configuration
• AS-Interface voltage low
• Hardware error
• DP/AS-i Link module is offline
• EEPROM is defective
• Slave errors (Segment 1)
• Slave errors (Segment 2)

Note that even though the status of the Slave errors of Segment 1 and Segment 2 are displayed as OK in the
Diagnostics tab, it does not indicate that a slave device exists at that position. This only implies that no errors have
been received.

PKW Information tab

The PKW information tab is only applicable to the DRIVEDSB. This tab provides the following information.
• Number of slave interrupts
• Number of PKW Response Errors
• Last PKW Error Response ID
• Last PKW Error ID

Extended Diagnostics tab

The Extended Diagnostics tab is only applicable to the Generic DSBs. Generic DSBs support visualization of
slave extended diagnostics as per RIO profile.
Extended diagnostics tab contains three groups.
• ModuleStatus - The ModuleStatus group displays diagnostics conforming to RIO standard. Each row in the
ModuleStatus group displays error for one slot. This group displays the following parameters.
– MODULEERRSLOTNUM - This parameter indicates which slot on the physical IO rack is faulty.
– MODULEERRTYPE - This parameter indicates the error type on the slot. The error type conforms to
RIO standards.


• ChannelStatus -The ChannelStatus group displays diagnostics conforming to RIO standard. Each row in the
ChannelStatus group displays error for one channel. This group displays the following parameters.
– CHANERRSLOTNUM - This parameter indicates the slot number on which the channel is bad.
– CHANERRCHAN - This parameter indicates the channel number which is bad on the slot number
indicated by CHANERRSLOTNUM.
– CHANERRTYPPE - This parameter indicates the error type on the channel. The error type conforms to
RIO standards.
• Raw Extended Diagnostic Data - The Raw Extended Diagnostic Data group displays RAW diagnostic data
received from the device. Each row in the group displays 10 bytes of diagnostic in hexadecimal format,
where each byte is separated by comma. First row displays byte number 0 to 9, second row displays bytes
number 10 to 19 and so on.

• The ModuleStatus and ChannelStatus groups display the diagnostics only if the ENABLERIOPROF parameter is
• In the ModuleStatus and ChannelStatus groups, at a time only list of first 20 module errors are displayed in the
Generic DSB configuration form. If the module status list is full, you must refer to the extended diagnostic data in
the “Profibus Network Configuration Tool”.

Extended Diagnostics tab of the GENPADSB and GENPAGWDSB

The Extended Diagnostics tab of the GENPADSB/GENPAGWDSB displays the PA profile diagnostic
messages and its respective raw extended diagnostic data in the PA Diagnostic message and the Raw Extended
Diagnostic Data grids respectively.

The extended PA diagnostic messages are updated only if the Enable PA Profile Diagnostic option for the
GENPADSB or the Enable GW Diagnostics option for the GENPAGWDSB is enabled while configuring the Alarms

Gateway Redundancy tab

The Gateway Redundancy tab is only applicable to the Turck Excom DSB. This tab provides information on the
status of the redundant gateway. In addition, you can also command a gateway switchover from this tab.
The status of the redundant gateway will be displayed in the Redundant Gateway Status region only if the
redundancy mode is selected as “Mode 1” while configuring the device in the “Profibus Network Configuration
Tool”. Otherwise, the Redundant Gateway Status section does not display the status of the redundant gateway.
The Gateway Redundancy tab contains the following groups.
• Active Gateway Status / Command - This group contains the following parameters.
– LEFTGATEWAYACTIVE - When this LED is “On” (green), it indicates that the gateway on the left slot
is active.
– RIGHTGATEWAYACTIVE - When this LED is “On” (green), it indicates that the gateway on the right
slot is active.
– GWSWITCHCMD - When this LED is “On” (green), it indicates that gateway switchover is commanded
from the DSB.
– GWSWITCHOVEREVENT - When this LED is “On” (green), it indicates a gateway switchover.
• Redundant Gateway Status
– RDNGWMISSING - When this LED is “On” (red), it indicates that the redundant gateway is missing.
– RDNGWNOTREADY - When this LED is “On” (red), it indicates that the redundant gateway is not
ready for communication/data transfer.
– RDNGWERROR - When this LED is “On” (red), it indicates that the redundant gateway has an error.
– RDNGWNOTCOMMUNICATING - When this LED is “On” (red), it indicates that the redundant
gateway is not communicating with the master.


DPV1 tab
The DPV1 tab is applicable only for the following DSBs.
This tab is used for monitoring the status of the DPV1 read/write. The following parameters are used for
monitoring the DPV1 status.
• Parameter value (DPV1PARAMVALUE)
• Parameter status (DPV1PARAMSTATUS)
• Last Updated Time (DPV1LASTUPDATETIME) for each DPV1 request

8.18.2 DSB block status parameters

Slave State (SLAVESTATE)

The SLAVESTATE parameter indicates the status of the slave devices.


The PDCSTATE parameter indicates the status of the PDC.

Channel Status (CHSTATUS)

The CHSTATUS parameter indicates the status of the channels.

Condition status (USERCONDITSTA)

The USERCONDITSTA parameters indicates the status of the user-defined alarm condition.

8.18.3 Monitoring the DPV1 data records

You can monitor the status of the DPV1 data communication from the DSB block.

Parameter Status (DPV1PARAMSTATUS)

The Parameter Status (DPV1PARAMSTATUS) indicates the status of every DPV1 request in the PGM.

The Value (DPV1PARAMVALUE) parameter displays the values that are parsed from the DPV1 response.


The Last Update Time (DPV1LASTUPDATETIME) parameter displays the time at which the values were last
For more information about the DPV1 statistics, see the topic “Protocol block statistics parameters” on page 97.

8.18.4 DSB block icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances a DSB block can assume based on configuration, load
operations, and diagnostic data.


If icon is... Then it indicates...

blue The DSB is created but not loaded.

blue All configuration parameters are loaded.

yellow The DSB or at least one PDC has configuration error or slave
device indicates configuration error in diagnostics data and
slave device is communicating. PDC configuration error can be
non bound net tag, input bound to output data or vice versa or
size of net tag bound to PDC is not big enough to store data for
all channels defined in PDC.
green The device diagnostics data indicates that slave device is
communicating and there are no configuration errors.
red The device diagnostics data indicates that slave device is not
red The DSB block has detected critical internal software error that
prevents communication with device. If the DSB block enters
this state, the state does not change until the DSB is reloaded.

8.18.5 DSB block diagnostic alarms

When active, the DSB block reports the following diagnostic alarms.

Alarm Description
Communication break with PROFIBUS slave This is a high-priority alarm that is reported when the slave device is
not able to communicate with the master over the network. This alarm
is reported only when the PROFIBUS network is functional.

This alarm is not generated when the master has only one slave
device connected. This is because, the master cannot identify if
the network is down of if the slave device is in a fault state.

To rectify this error, you must check the slave device address and the
network cabling.
PROFIBUS slave configuration failure This is a high-priority alarm that is reported when the slave device
configuration in the field network configuration does not match with
the slave device hardware configuration.
To rectify this error, you must check the slave device configuration in
the field network.
Connection break with PROFIBUS slave This alarm is reported when a DSB is physically disconnected from the
PBLink or an I/O module is physically disconnected from the DSB.
Lost Connection to Slave This alarm is reported when a device is disconnected from the
PROFIBUS network.
This alarm returns to normal when the slave device is connected back
in the network.
Module fault on Slot n This alarm is reported when the diagnostic data indicates failure in the
module in slot "n." When this alarm is reported, the Trip Value field in
the alarm summary displays the module status reported in the extended
This alarm returns to normal after fresh diagnostics are received for the
slot and the diagnostics does not indicate a module failure. For each
faulty slot, an alarm is reported.


Alarm Description
Channel errors of Module on Slot n This alarm is reported when the diagnostic data indicates a fault in one
ore more channels of a module configured in the slot "n." When this
alarm is reported, the Trip Value field in the alarm summary displays
the faulty channel.
This alarm returns to normal after fresh diagnostics are received for the
slot and the diagnostics does not indicate channel failure. For each
faulty slot, an alarm is reported.

Note that HART status or HART communication errors are not
reported to the station.

Rack Fault on module This alarm is reported when the extended diagnostics data indicates a
rack failure. When this alarm is reported, the Trip Value field in the
alarm summary displays the faulty module number. For each faulty
module, an alarm is reported. For example, if there are three faulty
modules, three alarms are reported.
This alarm returns to normal after fresh diagnostics are received for the
slot and the diagnostics does not indicate a rack failure.
Redundant gateway is Missing This alarm is reported by the Turck Excom DSB when the redundant
gateway is missing in the I/O rack.
The priority and severity of this alarm is “HIGH” and “10”
Redundant gateway is not Ready This alarm is reported by the Turck Excom DSB when the redundant
gateway is not ready for the switchover.
The priority and severity of this alarm is “HIGH” and “10”
Error in Redundant gateway This alarm is reported by the Turck Excom DSB when the redundant
gateway is in an error state.
The priority and severity of this alarm is “HIGH” and “10”
Redundant gateway is not communicating This alarm is reported by the Turck Excom DSB when the redundant
gateway is not communicating.
The priority and severity of this alarm is “HIGH” and “10”
Device not conformant This alarm is reported by the Generic DSBs when the RIO profile-
based alarming option is enabled for a device that is not conformant to
Corrupt diagnostic This alarm is reported by the Generic DSBs when the RIO profile-
based alarming option is enabled and if diagnostic received could not
be recognized as channel, module, or identifier-related diagnostics.
This alarm returns to normal after fresh diagnostic with proper
extended diagnostic or no extended diagnostic is received.


Alarm Description
Profibus PA slave fault alarm This alarm is reported by the GENPADSB if any of the following
diagnostics is active:
Module fault in PA network This alarm is reported by the GENPAGWDSB if any of the module/
slot referred by the PDC configuration has diagnostic data, is failed, or
has status that is not “Module OK”.
Profibus PA Gateway fault This is alarm is reported by the GENPAGWDSB if the gateway status
indicates “Configuration fail” or “Invalid bus parameter.”
Profibus PA slave fault This alarm is reported by the GENPAGWDSB if any of the slaves in
the PA network report slave or channel-based diagnostics.
Diagnostic data is corrupted This alarm is reported by the GENPAGWDSB if the structure of the
IM-157 diagnostic data is corrupted.
Data status below limit in PDC <PDC number> This alarm is reported by the GENPADSB and/or the GENPAGWDSB
whenever the channel status is below the defined first acceptable PA
status value.
For this alarm to be reported, you must define the first acceptable PA
status value while configuring the GENPADSB and/or

8.18.6 Monitoring device-specific alarms

The device-specific alarms are reported in the Alarm Summary page using the existing alarms with LED
displays. The following figure is an example of reporting the device-specific alarms.


Figure 10: Alarm Summary page

The status of the DPV1 alarms is monitored in the Device Alarm Status tab of the DSB blocks. The following
figure displays an example configuration of the DPV1 alarm configuration for TURCKDSB block.


Figure 11: Device Alarm Status tab


8.19 Setting the channel output values from Monitoring view

If you have not associated a PDC to a PIOMB block, you can set the analog or digital channel output values
from the Monitoring view.

You cannot set the channel input values from the Monitoring view. An error message appears when you try to set the
channel input values from the Monitoring view.

Related topics
“Setting the analog output values” on page 209
“Setting the digital output values” on page 209

8.19.1 Setting the analog output values

Perform the following steps to set the analog output values

1 Select the PDC type from the PDC tab. All the channels of the specific PDC type are listed in the lower
2 Click the floating point value or the numeric raw data value of the channel for which you want to modify the
value. A confirmation message appears.
3 Click Yes.

If the PDC is associated with a PIOMB, you cannot modify the output values. An error message appears if you try
to modify the output value.

4 Type the new value in the Numeric raw data column or the Floating point value column.

• You must enter the raw value in the Numeric raw data column and the percentage in the Floating point
value column.
• When you enter the numeric raw value in the Numeric raw data column, the floating point value must appear
automatically in the Floating point value column. Similarly, when you enter the floating point value in the
Floating point value column, the numeric raw data must automatically appear in the Numeric raw data
For example, for a 0 to 20 mA signal, if the channel high range is 20000 and the channel low range is 0, if you
enter the floating point value as 50%, the Numeric raw data column will display the value as 10000.
• If you enter a value that exceeds the extended range value, the message "kVAStsLimitOrRangeExceeded"
appears and the last good value is retained.
• In a CEAGDSB, you cannot change the channel values of the PDCs associated with the CEAG
Communication module.

5 Click OK.

8.19.2 Setting the digital output values

Perform the following steps to set the digital output values

1 Select the PDC type from the PDC tab.
All the channels of the specific PDC type are listed in the lower grid.
2 Clear or select the check box depending on whether the output value needs to be ON or OFF. A confirmation
message appears.


3 Click Yes.

• If the PDC is associated with a PIOMB, you cannot modify the output values. An error message appears if you
try to modify the output value.
• In a CEAGDSB, you cannot change the channel values of the PDCs associated with the CEAG
Communication module.

4 Click OK.


8.20 DSB block station displays

Related topics
“Detail displays and faceplate names” on page 211
“Calling up the displays” on page 211
“Detail display tab” on page 212

8.20.1 Detail displays and faceplate names

The following table lists the names of the details display and faceplate of the DSB block.

Tab Name Detail Display Faceplate

Configuration Details tab sysdtlDSBa.htm sysdtlDSBa_fp.htm

8.20.2 Calling up the displays

The following table lists the actions that you must perform to call up the DSB block detail displays.

To call the DSB block… Then …

Config Details tab display Type the DSB point name (for example DSB_132) in the Station command zone and press
You can also click the Search icon in the Station toolbar and type the point name and click


8.20.3 Detail display tab

Main tab

Figure 12: Detail Display of Main tab


Slave Status tab

Figure 13: Detail Display of Slave Status tab


PDC Details tab

Figure 14: Detail Display of PDC Details tab


DPV1 Details tab

Figure 15: Detail Display of DPV1 Details tab


Device Alarm Status tab

Figure 16: Detail Display of Device Alarm Status tab


Config. Details tab

Figure 17: Detail Display of Config. Details tab


9 PROFIBUS HART Input/Output Module (PBHIOM)
Function Block

Related topics
“PBHIOMB block overview” on page 220
“PROFIBUS HART I/O channel” on page 222
“Functioning of PBHIOMB” on page 224
“Configuring a PBHIOMB block” on page 225
“PBHIOMB operations affecting the control behavior” on page 230
“Monitoring a PBHIOMB block” on page 231
“Monitoring the PBHCHANNEL block” on page 234
“PBHIOMB block station displays” on page 239
“PBHCHANNEL station displays” on page 242


9.1 PBHIOMB block overview

PBHIOMB function block represents a physical PROFIBUS HART I/O module in the PROFIBUS RIO device.
PBHIOMB processes only the HART digital data. A PBHIOMB is associated with a PDC defined in the DSB
block. A single PBHIOMB block supports maximum of 16 HART channels.

The PBHIOMB function block can only be associated with the following DSB blocks.

The following table lists the differences between the PBHIOMB and the PIOMB blocks.
Processes only the HART digital data. Processes only the process data.
Assigned to the DSB blocks. Assigned to the C300 CEE.

The PBHIOMB function blocks are located in the PGM_IF library in Control Builder. These blocks can be
dragged and dropped into the DSB blocks. The following figure displays library view of the PBHIOMB block.

Figure 18: Library view of the PBHIOMB block


The following configuration must be done in the PBHIOMB blocks.

• PDC Name Reference must be associated to a PDC defined in the DSB block to obtain the following
information about the PDC.
– Slave Address
– PDC Number
– PDC Description
– PDC Grouped
– Channel Number Offset
– Number of channels

The Number of Channels parameter can be configured only when the PDCs are grouped.
– Slot Type
• Slot Number must be configured to identify the module position in the chassis.

DSB blocks must be configured for configuring the PDC Name Reference in the PBHIOMB block. The maximum
number of PBHIOMB supported for one PBLINK is 256 considering that a minimum of one HART device is
connected to each PBHIOMB. Hence, the number of PBHIOMB supported on both the links is 512.

Bulk Build support for PBHIOMB block

When you create a bulk build of the PBHIOMB block, you must configure the ASSIGNEDDSBNAME
parameter in the excel sheet to which the PBHIOMB needs to be associated. In addition, you must configure the
protocol block-related information in the excel sheet to which the DSB is associated.
For more information about the ASSIGNEDDSBNAME parameter, see Control Builder Parameter Reference.

9.1.1 PBHIOMB block creation

A PBHIOMB block is created by dragging a PBHIOMB module template from the Library and assigning it to
the DSB block in the Project view.
You can also create a PBHIOMB block from the File menu. (File> New > I/O Modules > PGM_IF >
PBHIOMB – Profibus HART I/O Module Block). In this method, the PBHIOMB block is created under the
“Unassigned” blocks. You must drag and drop the PBHIOMB block to the DSB block.

9.1.2 PBHIOMB block deletion

The PBHIOMB block can be deleted from the Project view in Control Builder even if the PBHCHANNEL is
configured. To delete the PBHIOMB block either from the Project view or Monitoring view, right-click the
PBHIOMB block and then click Delete.

THe PBHCAHNNELs configured under the PBHIOMB block are also deleted when the PBHIOMB block is deleted.


9.2 PROFIBUS HART I/O channel

The PROFIBUS HART I/O channel (PBHCHANNEL) is used for monitoring the HART digital data. The
PBHCHANNEL is identical to the Experion Series C IO HART channels with respect to HART parameters and
system templates.

The PROFIBUS HART I/O channel blocks are not located in the PGM_IF library in Control Builder.

PBHCHANNEL block creation

The PBHCHANNEL block is automatically created under the PBHIOMB block by configuring the
HENABLE[0..15] parameter as “TRUE” in the PBHIOMB block configuration form.
The following figure displays the PBHCHANNEL created under the PBHIOMB block.

Figure 19: PBHCHANNEL in the Project view

By default, a unique channel name is created for each PBHCHANNEL. When the channel name is renamed in the
Project view or from the Block Properties page, it is automatically reflected in the HART Configuration tab of the
The PBHCHANNEL block can be loaded independently after loading the PBHIOMB.

The HART parameters defined in the PBHCHANNEL block can be accessed in displays and peer nodes.


PBHCHANNEL block deletion

The PBHCHANNEL block can be deleted from the Project view by configuring the HENABLE[0..15]
parameter as “FALSE” in the PBHIOMB block configuration form. To delete the PBHCHANNEL from the
Monitoring view, right-click the PBHCHANNEL and then click Delete.

You must load the PBHIOMB block from the Project view after deleting the PBHCHANNEL if the PBHIOMB block
was already loaded.


9.3 Functioning of PBHIOMB

When the PBHIOMB block is activated, it can be used for the following:
• Auto-discovery of devices
• HART profile
• IOM-related configuration
If the PBHIOMB block is loaded without any HART channels, then it scans the HART devices that are
connected to the corresponding IOM and provides the details of the HART devices.

The PBHIOMB block allows you to create a HART channel during run time. For more information about configuring
the HART channel during run time, see the topic “Creating a new HART channel (PBHCHANNEL) when PBHIOMB
is loaded” on page 229.

Connection and status processing

When a PBHIOMB block is loaded, the connection status of the PBHIOMB with the PROFIBUS slave is
monitored and the connection status is displayed in the Main tab using the IOM status (IOMSTS) parameter.
The connection status of the PBHIOMB follows:
• OK: HART Profile is read successfully.
• Init (Hart Profile is not read): HART profile is not read.


9.4 Configuring a PBHIOMB block

• DSB for the PROFIBUS slave module is created and configured.
• HART Device Description (DD)-based template is already created in the Library.
• PDC grouping can be performed in the DSB, as applicable.

If you configure the PBHIOMB for universal modules, then you must need more than one PBHIOMB blocks since the
universal modules contain configurable channels, which can be configured as Analog Input or Analog Output. For
example, if a universal module contains eight channels, then the first two channels can be configured as “Analog input
channels” and the remaining six channels can be configured as “Analog output channels.”

To configure a PBHIOMB block when PDC is not grouped

1 Click File > New > I/O Modules > PGM_IF > PBHIOMB.
When you create a PBHIOMB, it resides in the Unassigned folder in the Project tree. You must drag-and-
drop it to the DSB.
2 (Optional) Perform the following steps.
a Drag-and-drop the PBHIOMB from the PGM_IF library to the DSB that is assigned to a PBLINK.
The Name New Function Blocks dialog box appears.
b In the Destination column, you can accept the default name or modify the name, if required and then
click Finish.
The PBHIOMB block appears under the DSB block.
3 Double-click the PBHIOMB.
The PBHIOMB block configuration form appears.
4 In the Tag Name box, type the name of the PBHIOMB (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the default.
5 In the Item Name box, type the item name.
6 In the Description (DESC) box, type a brief description of up to 132 characters.
7 Click the point picker to configure the PDC Name Reference (PDCNAMEREF) and then select the
associated HART-enabled device that is configured in the DSB block.

• The PDC Name Reference parameter can be configured only if the PBHIOMB is assigned to the DSB.
• Only PDCs of the DSB to which the PBHIOMB block is associated are listed in the point picker dialog box.
• The PBHIOMB can be associated only to the following DSBs that follows the RIO profile.

Once the PDCNAMEREF is selected the following parameters are updated automatically.
• Slave Name (SLAVENAME)
• Slave Address (SLAVEADDRESS)
• Slot Type (SLOTTYPE)
• PDC Number


• Number of Channels (NUMCHANS)

• Channel Number Offset (CHANNUMOFFSET)
The PBHIOMB that is associated to a PDC can be viewed from the PDC tab of the DSB configuration form.
The number of channels supported by the PDC is displayed in the HART Configuration tab.
8 Type the physical slot number of the PBHIOMB in the Slot Number (SLOTNUM) box.

If the Slot Type (SLOTTYPE) parameter is displayed as “Analog output (AO),” then AO channel value must be
manually set as equal to or greater than 3.6 mA for establishing the HART communication for AO devices.

9 In the HART Configuration tab, perform the following steps.

a Type the process data index in the Directory Process Data Index (DIRPROCDATAINDEX) box.

Directory Process Data Index (DIRPROCDATAINDEX) value must be taken from the device manual.
See the specific device manuals for the data. The DIRPROCDATAINDEX value can also obtained from
the GSD file
b Select the check boxes for the respective HART Enabled channels.
The channel name is automatically displayed in the Channel Name (CHNLNAME) column.

The Channel Name (CHNLNAME) can be edited only in the Project view.

10 Click OK.
The HART Enabled channels appear under the PBHIOMB block in the Project view.

To configure a PBHIOMB block when PDC is grouped

1 Click File > New > I/O Modules > PGM_IF > PBHIOMB.
When you create a PBHIOMB, it resides in the Unassigned folder in the Project tree. You must drag-and-
drop it to the DSB.
2 (Optional) Perform the following steps.
a Drag-and-drop the PBHIOMB from the PGM_IF library to the DSB that is assigned to a PBLINK.
The Name New Function Blocks dialog box appears.
b In the Destination column, you can accept the default name or modify the name, if required and then
click Finish.
The PBHIOMB block appears under the DSB block.
3 Double-click the PBHIOMB.
The PBHIOMB block configuration form appears.
4 In the Tag Name box, type the name of the PBHIOMB (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the default.
5 In the Item Name box, type the item name.
6 In the Description (DESC) box, type a brief description of up to 132 characters.
7 Click the point picker to configure the PDC Name Reference (PDCNAMEREF) and then select the
associated HART-enabled device in which the PDC is grouped.
Once the PDCNAMEREF is selected the following parameters are updated automatically.
• Slave Name (SLAVENAME)
• Slave Address (SLAVEADDRESS)
• Slot Type (SLOTTYPE)
• PDC Number


• Number of Channels (NUMCHANS)

• Channel Number Offset (CHANNUMOFFSET)
For example, consider that two analog input modules are grouped and the slot 1 belongs to analog input
module 1 and slot 2 belongs to analog input module 2.
The PDC Grouped (GROUPEDPDC) parameter is indicated as “GREEN,” and the Number of channels
(NUMCHANS) parameter can be modified.
8 Type the physical slot number of the PBHIOMB in the Slot Number (SLOTNUM) box.

If the Slot Type (SLOTTYPE) parameter is displayed as “Analog output (AO),” then AO channel value must be
manually set as equal to or greater than 3.6 mA for establishing the HART communication for AO devices.

9 In the Number of Channels (NUMCHANS) box, type the number of channels to be associated with the
If you want to configure the PBHIOMB for slot 1, then type the slot number in the SLOTNUM box and
then type the number of channels in the NUMCHANS box.
10 In the HART Configuration tab, perform the following steps.
a Type the process data index in the Directory Process Data Index (DIRPROCDATAINDEX) box.

Directory Process Data Index (DIRPROCDATAINDEX) value must be taken from the device manual.
See the specific device manuals for the data. The DIRPROCDATAINDEX value can also obtained from
the GSD file
b Select the check boxes for the respective HART Enabled channels.
The channel name is automatically displayed in the Channel Name (CHNLNAME) column.

The Channel Name (CHNLNAME) can be edited only in the Project view.

11 Click OK.
The HART Enabled channels appear under the PBHIOMB block in the Project view.

To configure a PBHIOMB block for Universal Modules

1 Click File > New > I/O Modules > PGM_IF > PBHIOMB.
When you create a PBHIOMB, it resides in the Unassigned folder in the Project tree. You must drag-and-
drop it to the DSB.
2 (Optional) Perform the following steps.
a Drag-and-drop the PBHIOMB from the PGM_IF library to the DSB that is assigned to a PBLINK.
The Name New Function Blocks dialog box appears.
b In the Destination column, you can accept the default name or modify the name, if required and then
click Finish.
The PBHIOMB block appears under the DSB block.
3 Double-click the PBHIOMB.
The PBHIOMB block configuration form appears.
4 In the Tag Name box, type the name of the PBHIOMB (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the default.
5 In the Item Name box, type the item name.
6 In the Description (DESC) box, type a brief description of up to 132 characters.
7 Click the point picker to configure the PDC Name Reference (PDCNAMEREF) and then select the
associated HART-enabled device in which the PDC is grouped.


Once the PDCNAMEREF is selected the following parameters are updated automatically.
• Slave Name (SLAVENAME)
• Slave Address (SLAVEADDRESS)
• Slot Type (SLOTTYPE)
• PDC Number
• Number of Channels (NUMCHANS)
• Channel Number Offset (CHANNUMOFFSET)

The NUMCHANS and CHANNUMOFFSET parameters are updated based on the type of associated
If the selected PDC is an input PDC, then the NUMCHANS parameter is set as 2 and the CHANNUMOFFSET is
set as 0.
If the selected PDC is an output PDC, then the NUMCHANS parameter is set as 6 and the CHANNUMOFFSET
is set as 2.

8 Type the physical slot number of the PBHIOMB in the Slot Number (SLOTNUM) box.
You must type the correct slot number since the number of channels is displayed based on the slot number.
9 In the HART Configuration tab, perform the following steps.
a Type the process data index in the Directory Process Data Index (DIRPROCDATAINDEX) box.

Directory Process Data Index (DIRPROCDATAINDEX) value must be taken from the device manual.
See the specific device manuals for the data. The DIRPROCDATAINDEX value can also obtained from
the GSD file
b Select the check boxes for the respective HART Enabled channels.
The channel name is automatically displayed in the Channel Name (CHNLNAME) column.

The Channel Name (CHNLNAME) can be edited only in the Project view.

10 Click OK.
The HART Enabled channels appear under the PBHIOMB block in the Project view.

9.4.1 Configuring a PBHCHANNEL block

• DSB for the PROFIBUS slave module is created and configured.
– HART-enabled modules must be configured in the DSB.
• HART Device Description (DD)-based template is already created in the Library.
• PBHCHANNEL block is created under the PBHIOMB block.

To configure a PBHCHANNEL block

1 From the Project view, double-click the PBHCHANNEL block.
The PBHCHANNEL configuration form appears.
2 In the Main tab, perform the following steps.
a Select the device template from the Configured AI HART Device (HCFGDEVAI) or Configured AO
HART Device (HCFGDEVAO) list.
The respective DD file is associated to the PBHCHANNEL.


The device type is enabled based on the PDC type configured in the DSB block.
b Under HART Alarms and Events, select the Enable Option (ALMENBSTATE) check box.
For more information about the HART alarm/event processing, see the topic “HART alarms/events
processing” on page 237.

HART alarms are regenerated with a new timestamp value (without original time stamp) during the PGM

3 In the HART Variables tab, perform the following steps.

a Configure the Scan Priority for HART Variable (HSCANCFG) as “Low” or “High” as appropriate for
scanning the HART variable.
b Select the Scan Dynamic Variables (HSCANDYN) check box for monitoring the dynamic variables.
c Select the Scan Device Variables (HSCANDEV) check box for monitoring the device variables.
4 In the HART Notifications tab, perform the following steps.
a Configure the Scan Priority for Command 48 (HSCANCFGC48) as “Low” or “High” as appropriate.
b In the table, configure the Notification Option (HCMD48NOTIFY) for each Command 48 Strings
(HCMD48STRNGS) bit as appropriate.

Command 48 strings (HCMD48STRNGS) are populated from the DD file.

5 Click OK.

9.4.2 Creating a new HART channel (PBHCHANNEL) when PBHIOMB is loaded

• PBHIOMB block is configured and loaded.
• The required empty channels are available in the loaded PBHIOMB block.

To create a new HART channel when PBHIOMB is loaded

1 In Project view, double-click the loaded PBHIOMB block.
The PBHIOMB configuration form appears.
2 In the HART Configuration tab, select the check boxes for the respective HART Enabled channels that are
not configured.
The channel name is automatically displayed in the Channel Name column.
3 Click OK.
The created channels appear under the PBHIOMB block in the Project view.

The PBHCHANNEL is available for configuring the HART parameters.
For configuring the PBHCHANNEL, see the topic “Configuring a PBHCHANNEL block” on page 228.


9.5 PBHIOMB operations affecting the control behavior

The following table summarizes the behavior of the input/output type PBHIOMB under various scenarios.

A fail-safe value means analog values are set to NaN, digital values are set to Off, and the status is set to "Bad."

Scenario Results
Deleting a PBHIOMB • Strategies are affected if they have peer references to PBHIOMB parameters.
• PGM stops publishing data to the C300.
Deleting the PROFIBUS • Strategies are affected if they have peer references to PBHCHANNEL parameters.
HART I/O Channel Block • PGM stops publishing data to the C300.
Loading a PBHIOMB • Strategies react to the fail-safe values.
• CDA connection to PGM is open and input values begin to be published.
Loading the PROFIBUS When the PBHCHANNEL is loaded, it starts collecting the HART data and the data is ready
HART I/O Channel Block for display or peer references after the first scan is complete. Until first scan is complete,
fail-safe values are used.
Reloading a PBHIOMB When the PBHIOMB is re-loaded, it starts scanning the HART device. Until first scan is
complete, fail-safe values are used.
Reloading the PROFIBUS When the PBHCHANNEL is re-loaded, it starts collecting the HART data and the data is
HART I/O Channel Block ready for display or peer references after the first scan is complete. Until first scan is
complete, fail-safe values are used.

Loss of communication scenarios

The following table summarizes the various communication loss scenarios and the effect of the communication
loss on the input and output type PBHIOMBs.

Scenario Effect of communication loss

Loss of communication between C300 and PGM The CDA subscription time-out occurs and the value is set to fail-
safe in the peer reference.
Loss of communication between PGM and the HART Data is reset to fail-safe values.
PGM Switchover No impact to the peer reference.
HART alarms are regenerated with a new time stamp values.


9.6 Monitoring a PBHIOMB block

In this section, the state and command parameters of the PBHIOMB block are listed for quick reference. For
detailed information about these parameters, see PROFIBUS Gateway Module Parameter Reference.

9.6.1 PBHIOMB block state after configuration and load

The behavior of the PBHIOMB block after loading the PBHIOMB block is described.

Main tab
The PBHIOMB block can be loaded only if a PDC Name Reference (PDCNAMEREF) is configured.
When the PBHIOMB block is loaded, the
• PDC Name Reference (PDCNAMEREF) displays the associated PDC name.
• associated DSB block name is displayed in the Slave Name.
• Slot Number(SLOTNUM) displays the physical slot number of the PBHIOMB.
• Number Of Channels (NUMCHANS) displays the number of HART channels configured in the PBHIOMB.
• PDC Grouped (PDCGROUPED) displays whether the PDC is grouped.

HART Configuration tab

The HART Configuration tab displays the Directory Process Data Index (DIRPROCDATAINDEX) value. You
can configure the HART channels using the HENABLE parameter. The Channel Name (CHNLNAME)
parameter displays the HART channel name that is configured under the PBHIOMB.

9.6.2 PBHIOMB block status parameters

The following sections explains the status of HART channels.


The AUTODISCOVERYENABLED parameter indicates whether the auto-discovery can be initiated.
AUTODISCOVERYENABLED parameter is set as "ON" when the PBHIOMB has the PBHCHANNEL that is
not enabled and can be used for future HART configuration. For example, the HART-enabled (HENABLE)
parameter has the five channels for HART configuration. However, you have enabled only three channels and
the other two channels are not enabled.
AUTODISCOVERYENABLED parameter is set as "OFF" when the PBHIOMB has all the PBHCHANNELs
are enabled and available for configuration in the Project view.

Auto Discovery In Progress (AUTODISCOVERYSTATUS)

The AUTODISCOVERYSTATUS parameter indicates whether the auto-discovery of the HART devices is in


The FINDDEVICES parameter enables you to initiate the auto-discovery of the HART devices.

The Find HART Devices (FINDDEVICES) parameter is enabled only when the Auto Discovery Enabled
(AUTODISCOVERYENABLED) parameter is indicated as GREEN.


HART Devices table

The HART Devices table provides information about the following parameters.
• Tag (HTAG) name of the HART devices
• Manufacturer (HDEVMFG) name of the HART device
• Type (HDEVTYPENAME) name of the HART device
• Type (HDEVTYPE) of the HART device
• Revision (HDEVREV)of the HART device
• Id (Serial Number) (HDEVID) of the HART device
• Device Extended High Range (URL) of the HART device
• Device High Range (URV) of the HART device
• Device Low Range (LRV) of the HART device
• Device Extended Low Range (LRL) of the HART device
• Scan Priority for HART Variables (HSCANCFG) of the HART device
• Scan Priority for Command (HSCANCFGC48) of the HART device

9.6.3 About auto-discovery of HART devices

The PBHIOMB block enables you to find the HART devices that are connected to the HART IO module. The
auto-discovery of the HART devices can be performed only when the loaded PBHIOMB have some channels
(PBHCHANNEL) that are not configured.

If all the channels in the PBHIOMB are configured, then the auto-discovery of HART devices is not possible.

You can use the Find HART Devices (FINDHDEVICES) parameter to discover the HART devices that are
connected to the HART IO module. The following figure displays the PBHIOMB configuration form when the
auto-discovery of HART devices is enabled.


Figure 20: Auto-discovery of HART channels

The following table explains when the auto discovery of HART devices can be performed.

Table 7: Parameter usage for auto discovery of HART devices

Parameter Description Usage

Auto Discovery Enabled Used for indicating whether the auto- Displayed as GREEN when the auto-discovery
(AUTODISCOVERYENABLE discovery of HART devices can be of HART devices can be initiated.
D) initiated.
Displayed as GRAY when the auto-discovery of
HART devices cannot be initiated.
Auto Discovery In Progress Used for indicating the progress of Displayed as GREEN when the auto discovery
(AUTODISCOVERYSTATUS) the auto discovery of HART devices. of HART devices is in progress.
Displayed as GRAY when the auto discovery of
HART devices is not in progress.
Find HART devices Used for initiating the auto-discovery Lists all the HART devices that are connected to
(FINDHDEVICES) of the HART devices. the HART IO module.

After completing the discovery of HART devices, you must manually configure the PBHCHANNELs from the Project
view using the HENABLE parameter.


9.7 Monitoring the PBHCHANNEL block

In this section, the state and command parameters of the PBHCHANNEL block are listed for quick reference.
For detailed information about these parameters, see PROFIBUS Gateway Module Parameter Reference.

The update rate of parameters, depends on the following conditions:
• Configured Link Baud Rate
• Bandwidth percentage for DPV1 requests configured in the PBLINK block
• Number of HART devices configured per slave
• Whether the HART IOMs perform internal scan
• IOMs response rate which depends on number of modems in IOM
• Priority of request configured in channel
• Number of DPV1 data record configured per slave in the DSBs
• Existence of FDM or other DTM clients
• Wrong channel configuration which results in wait until timeout
• PB Slave response time for DPV1 request

9.7.1 PBHCHANNEL HART Status-related parameters

General Device Status

The standard diagnostics that are active for the connected HART device can be monitored in the General
Device Status.

Device Specific Status (Command 48)

The Command 48 diagnostics that are active for the connected HART device can be monitored in the Device
Specific Status (Command 48).

HART Communication Status (HCOMSTS)

The HART Communication Status (HCOMSTS) parameter displays the communication status with the HART

Last Communication Failure (HCOMFAIL)

The Last Communication Failure (HCOMFAIL) parameter indicates the last communication failure based on
the status of the HCOMSTS parameter.

Failed Command (HCMDFAIL)

The Failed Command (HCMDFAIL) parameter indicates the HART command number that failed.

Failed Response Code (HCMDRESP)

The Failed Response Code (HCMDRESP) parameter indicates the response code from the failed command
listed in the HCMDFAIL parameter.

Communication Errors (HNCOMERR)

The Communication Errors (HNCOMERR) parameter indicates the number of communication errors occurred
from last reset.


Restore Errors and Failure (RESETHCOMERR)

The Restore Errors and Failure (RESETHCOMERR) parameter resets HART communication diagnostic
parameters to their default values.

9.7.2 PBHCHANNEL HART Notification-related parameters

Scan Priority for Command 48 (HSCANCFGC48)

The Scan Priority for Command 48 (HSCANCFGC48) parameter can be low or high. The ratio of high to low
priority scan is configured in the DPV1 tab of the DSB level.

Command 48 Strings (HCMD48STRNGS)

The Command 48 Strings (HCMD48STRNGS) parameter displays the strings embedded in the DD file.

Notification Option (HCMD48NOTIFY)

The Notification Option (HCMD48NOTIFY) parameter indicates the notification option that you have

This parameter is not available in the device. However, this parameter can be configured to generate either an Event or
an alarm or View Only. By default, this parameter is set as “Event.”
• If the HCMD48NOTIFY is configured as “Event,” then the notifications are available in Event Summary page.
• If the HCMD48NOTIFY is configured as “Alarm,” then the notifications are available in Alarm Summary page.
• If the HCMD48NOTIFY is configured as “View Only,” then the notifications are not available in Station and
available only in Control Builder.

9.7.3 PBHCHANNEL HART Variables-related parameters

In the HART Variables tab, you can monitor the device variables and the dynamic variables of the

Dynamic Variable Name (HDYNNAME)

The Name (HDYNNAME) parameter displays the HART digital variable name provided you for identifying the

Dynamic Variable Code (HDYNDVC)

The Variable Code (HDYNDVC) parameter displays the configured HART digital variable codes.

Dynamic Variable Descriptor (HDYNDSC)

The Descriptor (HDYNDSC) parameter displays the description provided for each HART digital variable.

Dynamic Variable Value (HDYNVAL)

The Value (HDYNVAL) parameter displays the configured value for each HART digital value.

Dynamic Variable Units (HDYNEU)

The Units (HDYNEU) parameter displays the engineering units provided for HART digital data.

Dynamic Variable Classification (HDYNCC)

The Classification (HDYNCC) parameter displays the classification code provided for each HART data.


Dynamic Variable Status (HDYNST)

The Status (HDYNST) parameter displays the status set for each HART data.

Device Variable Name (HSLOTNAME)

The Name (HSLOTNAME) parameter displays the configured slot variable name for each HART device.

Device Variable Code (HSLOTDVC)

The Variable Code (HSLOTDVC) parameter displays the variable code provided for the configured slot.

Device Variable Descriptor (HSLOTDSC)

The Descriptor (HSLOTDSC) parameter displays the description provided for the configured slot.

Device Variable Value (HSLOTVAL)

The Value (HSLOTVAL) parameter displays the configured value for the configured slot.

Device Variable Units (HSLOTEU)

The Units (HSLOTEU) parameter displays the engineering units configured for the configured slot.

Device Variable Status (HSLOTST)

The Status (HSLOTST) parameter displays the variable status set for the configured slot.

Device Variable Classification (HSLOTCC)

The Classification (HSLOTCC) parameter displays the variable classification provided for the configured slot.

9.7.4 PBHCHANNEL HART Identification-related parameters

The HART Identification tab provide information about the HART device.

Configured Device
The following parameters display the information about the configured HART device.
• Manufacturer (HDVMFGCD): Used for displaying the configured manufacturer ID.
• Type (HDVTYPCD): Used for displaying the configured device type.
• Type Name (HDVTYPCDNAME): Used for displaying the configured device type name.
• Revision (HDVREVCD): Used for displaying the revision of the configured device.
• Id (Serial Number) (HDEVIDCD): Used for displaying the serial number of the configured device.

Installed Device
The following parameters display the information about the installed HART device.
• Manufacturer (HDEVMFG): Used for displaying the manufacturer ID of the installed HART device.
• Type (HDEVTYPE): Used for displaying the device type of the installed HART device.
• Type Name (HDEVTYPENAME): Used for displaying the device type name of the installed HART
• Revision (HDEVID): used for displaying the revision of the installed HART device.
• Id (Serial Number) (HDEVID): Used for displaying the serial number of the installed HART device.
• Device Type Mismatch (HDEVMISM): Used for indicating the mismatch between the currently connected
device and the configured HART device.


• Device Revision Mismatch (HREVMISM): Used for indicating whether the existing device revision is
different from the installed device.
• Device ID Mismatch (HDEVIDFL): Used for indicating whether the configured device ID is different
from the connected device ID.
• Supported HART version (HARTVERSION): Used for displaying the supported HART version, like
HART 6.0 and HART 7.0.
• Universal Command Revision (HUCMDREV): Used for displaying the supported HART command
• Software Revision (HSWREV): Used for indicating the software revision.
• Hardware Revision (HHWREV): Used for indicating the hardware revision.
• Device Profile Code (HDEVPROFILE): Used for displaying the HART device profile information.
• Private Label Distributor (HPVTLDST): Used for displaying the label as received in the command 0.

9.7.5 HART alarms/events processing

HART alarms/events are processed periodically in the PBHCHANNEL, which is associated with the
There are two types of HART alarms/events that are used for monitoring the HART devices.
• Device status
• Command 48
The following operations are periodically performed for processing the HART alarms/events.
1. Check if there is a change in the DD template or HART notifications," then
a. disable all existing alarms/events
b. re-report all the existing alarms/events so that alarms/events are updated in the station with the new
strings defined in DD file or based on new HART notifications configuration.
2. Check whether the ALMENBSTATE/JOURNALONLY state is changed. The alarms/events must be enabled
or disabled based on the ALMENBSTATE/JOURNALONLY state.
3. Check whether the new alarms/events are reported from the previous scanning for both Device status and
command 48 alarm/events. If yes, then report all the new alarm/events.

If there is any PGM switch-over, then the status of all existing alarms/events is RTN and the alarms/events are
regenerated with new timestamp in the station.

Device status alarms

PBHCHANNEL supports 32 HART device status alarms (that is, 4 bytes). Each bit defines an alarm.
Byte 0 represents field device status, which is updated periodically for every HART command response data.
Byte 0 defines the following alarms.
• Bit 7: Field device malfunction alarm
• Bit 6: Configuration has changed
• Bit 5: Cold Start (device has reset/power cycled)
• Bit 4: More Status Available
• Bit 3: Loop current fixed
• Bit 2: Loop current saturated (PV out of limits)
• Bit 1: Non-primary variable out of limits
• Bit 0: Primary variable out of limits


Byte 1 and Byte 2 represent any mismatch between the configured HART device and the connected HART
device. In addition, they represent any communication related status or failures. Byte 1 and Byte 2 define the
following alarms.
• Scan Over run
• HART Command Failed
• Excess communication errors
• HART communication failure
• Secondary master present
• Device ID mismatch
• Device revision mismatch
• Device type mismatch
• Device range mismatch
Byte 3 represents the extended field device status from the HART 6.0 devices.
• Bit 7 - Bit 2: Not defined
• Bit 1: Device variable Alert
• Bit 0: Maintenance Required

Command 48 alarms
Command 48 alarm bits represent additional device status information. There are totally 200 bits that are
defined to represent different status information and described in the vendor specific DD files.

9.7.6 HART alarms/event regeneration

HART alarms/events are regenerated for the PBHCHANNEL from the protocol block when there is a
regeneration request from the CDA communication.


9.8 PBHIOMB block station displays

The following table lists the detail displays and the faceplate name that are used for viewing and monitoring the
PBHIOMB from the station.

Tab Name Detail Display Faceplate Name

Main tab sysdtlPBHIOMBa sysdtlPBHIOMBa_fp
HART channels tab sysdtlPBHIOMBb
Config. Details tab sysdtlPBHIOMBc

Main tab - Detail Displays

The Main tab detail display provides information such as the name of the point detail display, group detail
display, and the faceplate. In addition, a hyper-link is provided to the detail display of the DSB to which this
PBHIOMB is associated for navigation.

Figure 21: Main tab detail display

HART channels-Detail Display

The HART Channels tab detail display provides information such as the channel name, PV/OP, device tag,
device manufacturer, device type name, device type, and device revision. In addition, a hyper-link is provided to
the detail display of the HART channel (PBHCHANNEL) to which this PBHIOMB is associated for navigation.


Figure 22: HART Channels detail display

Config. Details tab-Detail Display

The Config Details tab detail display is identical to the configuration form of the PBHIOMB block (from
Control Builder).


Figure 23: Config. Details tab detail display


9.9 PBHCHANNEL station displays

The following table lists the detail displays and the faceplate name that are used for viewing and monitoring the
PBHCHANNEL from the station.

Tab Name Detail Display Faceplate Name

Main tab sysDtlPbHchannela sysDtlPbHchannela_fp
Config. Details tab sysDtlPbHchannelb

Main tab - Detail Displays

The Main tab detail display provides information such as the name of the point detail display, group detail
display, and the faceplate. In addition, a hyper-link is provided to the detail display of the DSB to which this
PBHCHANNEL is associated for navigation.

Figure 24: Main tab detail display

Config. Details tab-Detail Display

The Config Details tab detail display is identical to the configuration form of the PBHCHANNEL block (from
Control Builder).


Figure 25: Config. Details tab detail display


10 PROFIBUS I/O Module (PIOMB) Function Block

Related topics
“PIOMB block overview” on page 246
“PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks” on page 247
“Functioning of PIOMB ” on page 249
“Configuring a PIOMB” on page 255
“Assigning a PROFIBUS Channel to PIOMB” on page 257
“Monitoring PIOMB block” on page 259
“PIOMB block station displays” on page 261


10.1 PIOMB block overview

The PIOMB function block represents a physical I/O PROFIBUS device. It provides the user-visible interface
between the control strategies and the process data on a device. The PIOMB also performs the scaling of the
raw process data from the device. The PIOMB is used to encapsulate the data from a PDC of a DSB. Control
data that flows in and out of the C300 Controller passes through the PIOMB to and from the PROFIBUS I/O
channel blocks. Note that process data is not available for the control strategies from the PIOMB directly. It is
made available to the PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks that are assigned to the PIOMB. For more information on
the PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks, see “PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks” on page 247.
In addition to the channel process values, the PIOMB FB also receives and provides the process data status that
reflects the health of the slave device as well as the connection between the PGM and the C300. The PIOMB
does not support any command or configuration parameters for directly controlling a device. The DSB is the
means by which to access device specific data including the diagnostics information.
The PIOMB function blocks are located in the PGM_IF library in the Control Builder. These blocks can be
dragged and dropped into the CEE in the C300. The only configuration required by the user is associating the
PIOMB block with a PDC of a DSB contained within a PGM. Only one PDC can be associated with a given
The number of PIOMB blocks that can be instantiated or loaded to the C300 is limited by the controller
resources including the total amount of process data provided and consumed by the C300, CEE memory, and
Loading a PIOMB FB is identical to loading other function blocks. A PIOMB block can be loaded only when it
is successfully associated with a PDC.

10.1.1 PIOMB block creation

A PIOMB block is created by dragging a PIOMB module template from the Library tab and assigning it to the
CEE of the C300 Controller in the Project view.
You can also create a PIOMB block in the Control Builder from the File menu
(File > New > I/O Modules > PGM_IF > PIOMB - Profibus I/O Module Block).

10.1.2 PIOMB block deletion

You must inactivate a PIOMB before deleting it from the Monitoring view.
A CEEC300 cannot be deleted from the Project view in Control Builder unless all the contained blocks
including the PIOMB and the Control Modules containing the PROFIBUS I/O channels are deleted. After the
contained blocks are deleted, the communication with the PGM ceases.


10.2 PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks

The PROFIBUS I/O channels represent logical I/O points of the slave device. The PROFIBUS I/O channel
blocks fetch data from and write data to the PIOMB, based on whether the channel type is an input channel or
an output channel.
The following are the four PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks that can be assigned to the Control Module
containing the CEE to which the PIOMB is associated.
• PbAiChannel - Represents an analog input point.
• PbDiChannel - Represents a digital input point.
• PbAoChannel - Represents an analog output point.
• PbDoChannel - Represents a digital output point.
The PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks are located in the PGM_IF library in the Control Builder. A PROFIBUS
I/O channel block is assigned to a Control Module by dragging the appropriate channel block from the Library
view into the CM to which the CEE containing the PIOMB block is assigned.
For example, if the channel type of a PDC is Digital input (DI), you must drag-and-drop PBDICHANNEL from
the PGM_IF library into the Control Module containing the CEE.
The following figure displays a sample Control Module with PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks.

The execution period of the PROFIBUS I/O channel function blocks is dependent on the execution period of the
Control Module which contains the PROFIBUS I/O channel.
The PbAiChannel and PbDiChannel blocks fetch real-time data from the PIOMB for use in the control


The PbAoChannel and PbDoChannel blocks feed data from the control strategies to the PIOMB to be sent to the
slave devices.


10.3 Functioning of PIOMB

The PIOMB function block executes as an independent block at the base period of the CEE, which contains the
PIOMB function block.
When the PIOMB is in an "ACTIVE" execution state, it performs the following actions.
• Connects to the DSB on load and receives data when active.
• If the PDC is an input type PDC, performs input module processing.
• If the PDC is an output type PDC, performs output module processing.

Connection and status processing

When a PIOMB is loaded, the connection status of the PIOMB with the PDC is monitored and the connection
status is displayed in the Module Configuration tab of the PIOMB block.
The following are the possible connection statuses.
• Connected - The PIOMB is able to connect to the PDC with which it is associated.
• NotConnected - The PIOMB is unable to connect to the PDC with which it is associated.
• ConfigError - The PIOMB association with the PDC has runtime errors.
If the communication path is not intact, the PIOMB performs the following:
• Generates the Communication Error notification.
• Sets input data to fail-safe values.
• Sets output data to back initialize.

Input module processing

If the PDC type is an input type and the communication path is intact, the PIOMB performs the following:
• Receives the most recent input data for the device from the PGM.
• Stores the input data and the status in the function block parameters and makes it available to the channels.

Output module processing

If the PDC type is an output type and the communication path is intact, the PIOMB performs the following:
• Receives and stores the read-back values and the status in the function block.
• Stores the output values that are to be sent to PGM in the communication layers of the devices.

Clamping of output process values

The PIOMB clamps the process data in the following two scenarios.
• If the process value to be passed between the PIOMB and the DSB exceeds the values supported by the
configured channel data type. In such a scenario, the process value will be clamped to the maximum or the
minimum value supported by the channel data type.
• The analog output value will be clamped to match the channel data type. This clamping will occur only after
the value is scaled.

Scaling of process data

The PIOMB handles the process value conversion between raw and percentage. When a PIOMB is associated
with a PDC, the channel high range and the channel low range values of each channel is made available to the
PIOMB. The channel low range is equivalent to 0% and the channel high range is 100% of the process value.


• To prevent the process data from being scaled, you can set the channel high and low range as "NaN” when
configuring the DSB. When this is performed, the process value will be limited to those values supported by the
data type.
• You can view the channel high and low range values from the Channel Configuration tab.

The PIOMB block reports the following notification.
• Communication Error.

10.3.1 Example to illustrate operations affecting the control behavior

In the following example, the CM1 has a PROFIBUS AI channel (represents a channel from a PROFIBUS DP)
connected to C300 Dataacq block. This block is connected to PID.P1 and the PID.OP is connected to a
PROFIBUS AO channel (represents a channel from a PROFIBUS DP).

The following table summarizes the behavior of the input/output type PIOMB under various scenarios.

A fail-safe value means analog values are set to NaN, digital values are set to Off, and the status is set to "Bad."


Scenario Prerequisites Input type PIOMB Output type PIOMB

Inactivating a • PIOMB and CM1 are • Input process data is set to • Channel blocks request upstream
PIOMB active. fail-safe values. blocks to go into initialization.
• CEE is in the Run state. • Strategies react to the fail- • Upstream Regulatory Control block
• C300 and PGM are safe values. realizes it is connected to an I/O
communicating. • PGM continues its Channel and goes into initialize
operations and publishes manual state.
data to the C300. • PGM output to PROFIBUS slave
devices hold their last values.
• Channel data is displayed as "NaN"
or "0" and channel status is
displayed as "Bad."
• Actual output values and channel
status are available on the DSB.
Inactivating a • PIOMB and CM1 are • Channel data is set to fail- • Control loop stops executing and
CM containing active. safe values. calculating new values.
the • CEE is in the Run state. • PGM continues its • AOC.OP holds its last value.
PROFIBUS operations and publishes
• C300 and PGM are • PIOMB output for that channel
I/O Channel data to the C300.
communicating. holds its last value.
• PGM output and PROFIBUS slave
device for that point hold their last
Changing the • PIOMB and CM1 are • Channel data is set to fail- • Control loop stops executing and
state of the active. safe values. calculating new values.
CEE • CEE is in the Run state. • PGM continues its • AOC.OP holds its last value.
containing the operations and publishes
• C300 and PGM are • PIOMB output for that channel
PIOMB to data to the C300.
communicating. holds its last value.
• PGM output and PROFIBUS slave
device for that point hold their last
Deleting a • PIOMB is inactive. • Strategies are not affected • Strategies are not affected because
PIOMB • CM1 is active. because the PIOMB has the PIOMB has already been
already been inactivated. inactivated.
• CEE is in the Run state.
• PIOMB closes its PDA • PIOMB closes its PDA connection
• C300 and PGM are connection with the PGM. with the PGM.
• PGM stops publishing data • Output of PROFIBUS slave device
to the C300 from the goes unpowered as defined by the
associated PDC. DSB.
Deleting a CM • PIOMB and CM1 are • Channel is deleted when the • Channel is deleted when the CM is
containing the active. CM is deleted. deleted.
PROFIBUS • CEE is in the Run state. • No changes to the strategies, • Last output values are held.
I/O Channel the C300 to PGM
• C300 and PGM are
Block connection, or the PIOMB
functions occur.
Loading a • CM1 is active. • Channel data is set to fail- • Channel blocks request upstream
PIOMB • CEE is in the Run state. safe values. blocks to go into initialization.
• C300 and PGM are • Strategies react to the fail- • Upstream Regulatory block realizes
communicating. safe values. it is connected to an I/O Channel
• Connection to PGM is open and goes into initialize manual
and input values begin to be state.
imaged from the PGM to the • No output value for any channel is
C300. sent to the PGM.
• Output of PROFIBUS slave device
holds last output.


Scenario Prerequisites Input type PIOMB Output type PIOMB

Loading a CM • PIOMB is active. When a CM containing the PROFIBUS I/O channel block is loaded, the
containing the • CEE is in the Run state. input channel values are already being imaged from the PGM to the C300
PROFIBUS so the PIOMB holds the latest values. Output channels back initialization
• C300 and PGM are
I/O Channel values are also available on the PIOMB. None of these values are used by
Block the I/O Channel until the CM is activated.
Reloading a • CM1 is active. You must inactivate the PIOMB to reload it. You cannot make any
PIOMB • CEE is in the Run state. changes PROFIBUS-specific changes or PDC association specific
changes to the PIOMB after it is loaded. The connection remains open and
• C300 and PGM are the PIOMB behavior is same as loading of PIOMB.
Reloading a • PIOMB is active. You must inactivate the CM to reload it. When a CM is reloaded, its
CM • CEE is in the Run state. behavior is same as loading a CM containing PROFIBUS I/O channel
Containing the blocks. However, the PIOMB will hold the last output value received from
• C300 and PGM are
PROFIBUS the channel block, and this value will be held by the PROFIBUS slave
I/O Channel device.
Reloading the • PIOMB is inactive. When C300 and PGM are When C300 and PGM are not
CEE • CEE is in the Idle state. communicating - This scenario communicating - This scenario is
containing the is identical to deleting a identical to Loss of C300 power or
• C300 and PGM are
PROFIBUS PIOMB. RAM Retention Restart.
I/O function
• The CEE block will be • The CEE block will be loaded but
loaded but the control the control strategies including the
strategies including the PIOMB and the Control Module
PIOMB and the Control needs to be loaded again.
Module needs to be loaded • The output to the PROFIBUS
again. device will be set as defined by the
• The output to the DSB for a communication loss
PROFIBUS device are set to between the C300 and the PGM.
the unpowered state.
Checkpoint During Checkpoint Save When C300 and PGM are When C300 and PGM are not
Restore of communicating communicating
• PIOMB was active.
• CEE was in the Run • The control strategies • The control strategies including
state including PIOMBs, Control PIOMBs, Control Modules and all
Modules and all Operational Operational Checkpoint Data will
I/O Function • C300 and PGM were Checkpoint Data will be be loaded as part of the Checkpoint
Blocks communicating loaded as part of the Restore.
After Checkpoint Save Checkpoint Restore. • The output to the PROFIBUS
• PIOMB is inactive. • The output to the device will be set as defined by the
PROFIBUS device are set to DSB for a communication loss
• CEE was in the Idle the unpowered state. between the C300 and the PGM.
Deleting a You cannot delete a CEE containing the PIOMB until all contained blocks including the PIOMB and all
CEE Control Modules containing PROFIBUS I/O channels are deleted. When all the contained blocks are
containing the deleted, and the communication between the PGM and PROFIBUS devices stops.

Loss of communication scenarios

The following table summarizes the various communication loss scenarios and the effect of the communication
loss on the input and output type PIOMBs.


Scenario Cause of loss/prerequisites Effect of communication loss

Loss of communication Loss of communication between the C300 Input type PIOMB
between C300 and PGM and the PGM can occur if both FTE cables
• PIOMB receives communication
are disconnected. In such a case, a
failure status.
notification that the PGM went OFFNET
is reported. The PDA sets the appropriate • Channel data is set to fail-safe values.
status of the data passed to the PIOMBs. • Strategies react to the fail-safe values.
Output type PIOMB
• PIOMB receives communication
failure status.
• Channel blocks request upstream
blocks to go into initialization.
• Device output values is set to
configured fail-safe values by the DSB.
Loss of communication Loss of communication between the PGM Input type PIOMB
between PGM and the device and the device can occur under the
• PIOMB receives communication
following scenarios.
failure status.
• Cable on the PROFIBUS network • Channel data is set to fail-safe values.
• Strategies react to the fail-safe values.
• Device fails.
Output type PIOMB
• Device power is disconnected.
• PIOMB receives communication
failure status.
• Channel blocks request upstream
blocks to go into initialization.
• Device output values are set to
configured fail-safe values by the DSB.
A Device OFFNET notification is also
Loss of PGM power When a PGM loses power such that the If the devices do not go into a safe state,
secondary cannot take over, the devices the following changes occur.
must put themselves in a safe state, if such
Input type PIOMB
an operation is supported by the device.
• PIOMB receives communication
failure status.
• Channel data is set to fail-safe values.
• Strategies react to the fail-safe values.
Output type PIOMB
• PIOMB receives communication
failure status.
• Channel blocks request upstream
blocks to go into initialization.
• Device output values will be set to
configured fail-safe values by the DSB.
C300 Switchover • PIOMB and CM1 are active. PIOMB
(with connection between the • CEE is in the Run state. • Output values are held.
C300 and the PGM re- • C300 and PGM are communicating. • Input values and control loops maintain
established within the specified their current values.
period of time)
• Switchover does not cause strategies to
set to fail-safe values.


Scenario Cause of loss/prerequisites Effect of communication loss

C300 Switchover • PIOMB and CM1 are active. The DSB sets the devices into their fail-
• CEE is in the Run state. safe states.
(with connection between the
C300 and the PGM not re- • C300 and PGM are communicating. Input type PIOMB
established within specified
• PIOMB receives communication
period of time)
failure status.
• Channel data is set to fail-safe values.
• Strategies react to the fail-safe values.
Output type PIOMB
• PIOMB receives communication
failure status.
• Channel blocks request upstream
blocks to go into initialization.
• Device output values will be set to
configured fail-safe values by the DSB.
PGM Switchover • PIOMB and CM1 are active. Input/output type PIOMB
• CEE is in the Run state. • Output values are held.
• C300 and PGM are communicating. • Input values and control loops maintain
their current values.
• Switchover does not cause strategies to
set to fail-safe values.
However, if the PGM does not reestablish
the connection with the C300, the devices
put themselves in a safe-state, if such an
option is supported by the device.
Loss of C300 power or Ram When a C300 loses power, the DSB must put the devices in the configured safe-state.
Retention Restart
When the C300 recovers, if a battery is not present or if the C300 module failed and was
replaced, the configuration (C300, PIOMB, and CM) must be reloaded.
If a battery is present, the connection to the PGM is restored. Depending on the CEE
Restart option of the CM, the CM may need to be activated after recovery.


10.4 Configuring a PIOMB

• The field network configuration in the PBLink block must be complete.
• The DSBs must be configured.
• The PIOMB must be assigned to the C300CEE.

Perform the following steps to configure a PIOMB

1 Drag-and-drop the PIOMB from the PGM_IF library to the CEE of the C300 Controller.
You can also click File > New > I/O Modules > PGM_IF > PIOMB and create a new PIOMB.

When you create a PIOMB, it resides in the Unassigned folder in the Project tree. You must drag-and-drop it to the
CEE of the C300 Controller.

2 The Name New Function Blocks dialog box appears.

3 In the Destination column, you can accept the default name or change the name if required and click Finish.
The PIOMB block appears under the I/O of C300CEE.
4 Double-click the PIOMB.
The PIOMB block configuration form appears.
5 In the Tag Name field, type the name of the PIOMB (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the default.
6 In the Item Name field, type the item name.
7 In the Description field, type a brief description of up to 132 characters.
8 Click the point picker button next to the PDC Name Reference box.
The Point Selection dialog box appears.
You can view the following information from the Point Selection dialog box.
• Points - Displays the tag name of the DSB block assigned to a PBLink of a PGM.
• Types - Displays the DSB template name. For example, GENDSBDP.
• Controller Name - Displays the PGM tag name to which the DSB is assigned.
• Link/EE Name - Displays the PBLink tag name to which the DSB is assigned.

The Point Selection dialog box also displays the PDC description that you have provided while configuring the
PDC tab.

9 Select the PDC to be associated to the PIOMB.

• You can associate a PDC to a unique PIOMB. To associate another PDC, you must drag-and-drop a new
PIOMB from the PGM_IF library or create a new PIOMB.
• You can assign/unassign a PDC to a PIOMB even if the DSB is in the QVCS checked-in status.
• After you associate a PDC to a PIOMB, you cannot view the specific PDC in the Point Selection dialog box.
• In a CEAGDSB, the PDC associated with the CEAG Communication module cannot be associated with a
• You cannot associate a Gateway Status or a Gateway Command PDC to a PIOMB since these PDCs do not
send any process data to controller. If you try to associate a Gateway Status or a Gateway Command PDC to
a PIOMB, an error message appears.

10 Click OK.


The PDC that is associated to the PIOMB appears in the PDC Name Reference box. Also, the PGM Name
area displays the PGM name to which the DSB is associated.
11 In the PDC Subscription Rate list, select the rate at which the PGM must publish the process data to the

• By default, the PDC data subscription rate is set to 50 ms. However, for some configurations it is not necessary
to receive process data every 50 ms. In such scenarios, you can reduce the PDC data subscription rate as
required to avoid receiving fresh process data at a rate faster than what the configured strategies consume.
• PDC data subscription rate is also referred as "PDA subscription rate."
• You can change the PDC data subscription rate only if the PIOMB is not loaded. Also, this rate can be
configured for the entire PDC and not individual channels.

12 Click the Module Configuration tab.

The Module Configuration tab displays the associated PDC related information such as PDC description,
PDC number, number of channels associated with the PDC, and the connection status.
13 Click the Channel Configuration tab.

• You cannot configure any parameters from the Channel Configuration tab. You can only monitor the
channel-specific configuration data such as channel description, channel type, channel data type, channel high
range, and channel low range.
• Based on the channel type of this PDC, you must associate the specific PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks to the
CM to view the channel data. In this example, the channel type is Digital input and therefore you must assign a
PBDICHANNEL to the Control Module. Fore more information, see “Assigning a PROFIBUS Channel to
PIOMB” on page 257.

14 Click the Runtime Data tab.

• You cannot configure any parameters from the Runtime Data tab. You can only monitor the live process data
of all the channels of an I/O module from the Runtime Data tab in the Monitoring view.
• The process data for a specific channel appears in the respective column, depending on whether the channel
type is a digital channel, analog channel, or numeric channel. However, the status of all channels of the
selected PDC appear in the Channel Status column. For more information, see “PIOMB block state after
configuration and load” on page 259.

15 Use the online help as a guide to complete the configuration entries on other tabs.
16 Click OK.

With R410, you can modify the values of the following parameters even after a PDC is associated and connected
to a PIOMB. However, you must ensure that you reload both the DSB and the PIOMB after modifying the
parameter value. If you do not reload both the DSB and the PIOMB, there may be a break in the connection
between the DSB and the PIOMB.
• Number of Channels (NUMCHANNEL)
• Channel Description (CHDESCRIPTION)
• Channel Type (CHANNELTYPE)
• Channel Data Type (CHANNELDATATYPE)
• Channel Low Range (CHLOWRANGE)
• Channel High Range (CHHIGHRANGE)
• Channel Data Offset (CHDATAOFFSET)
• Channel Bit Offset (CHBITOFFSET)
• Input Signal Type (INPUTSIGNALTYPE)
• Output Signal Type (OUTPUTSIGNALTYPE)


10.5 Assigning a PROFIBUS Channel to PIOMB

After you assign a PDC to a PIOMB, you must assign a PROFIBUS channel to the Control Module containing
the C300CEE. You must perform this to view the data of the input or the output channel.
The following are the types of PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks that are available and you must select the
appropriate channel block based on the channel type.
• PbAiChannel - If the channel type is analog input channel.
• PbDiChannel - If the channel type is digital input channel.
• PbAoChannel - If the channel type is analog output channel.
• PbDoChannel - If the channel type is digital output channel.
For example, if the channel type of a PDC is Digital input (DI), you must drag-and-drop the PBDICHANNEL
from the PGM_IF library into the Control Module containing the CEE.

Perform the following steps to assign a PROFIBUS channel to a PIOMB

1 Drag-and-drop the appropriate PROFIBUS I/O channel block from the PGM_IF library to the Control
Module containing the C300 Controller.
2 Double-click the PROFIBUS I/O channel block.
The PROFIBUS I/O channel block configuration form appears.
3 In the Module Name list, select the PIOMB associated with this channel block.
4 In the Module Type list, select the module type of this channel.
The number of channels that can be assigned to this block and the channel names appear under the Module
Type field.
5 Select the appropriate channel number to which you must assign the channel block.


6 Click Assign Channel Block.

• The Assign Channel Block is unavailable until you select an available and compatible channel number.
• You can assign a PROFIBUS channel to a PIOMB even if the PIOMB is in the QVCS checked-in status.

7 If you want to unassign the channel block, click Unassign Channel Block

• You cannot unassign a PROFIBUS I/O channel from the Project view if the CM is active. You must delete the
specific PROFIBUS I/O channel from the Monitoring view.
• You can unassign a PROFIBUS channel from a PIOMB even if the PIOMB is in the QVCS checked-in status.

8 Click OK.
The Currently Assigned Channels area in the PIOMB block Main tab configuration form displays the
channels associated to this PIOMB.

You must repeat this procedure to view the channel information of all channels.


10.6 Monitoring PIOMB block

In this section, the state and command parameters of the PIOMB block are listed for quick reference. For detailed
information about these parameters, you need to refer to the PROFIBUS Gateway Module Parameter Reference

Related topics
“PIOMB block state after configuration and load” on page 259
“PIOMB block status parameters” on page 260
“PIOMB block icons” on page 260
“PIOMB notifications” on page 260

10.6.1 PIOMB block state after configuration and load

Main tab
The PIOMB block can be loaded only if it is associated with a PDC. When loaded, the PDC Name Reference
(PDCNAMEREF) will display the name of the PDC that is associated with this PIOMB. The PGM Name
(PGMNAME) will display the name of the PGM to which the PDC is associated.
Also, if the PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks are assigned to the Control Module containing this PIOMB, the
Currently Assigned Channels (CHNLNAME) area will display the channels that are associated to this PIOMB.

Module Configuration tab

When the PIOMB is loaded, the Connection Status (PDCCONNSTATUS) will be "Connected" indicating that
the communication with the device is intact.
If the Execution State (EXECSTATE) parameter is made "INACTIVE”, the PIOMB will hold the output values
and stops providing the input values to the control strategies.

Channel Configuration tab

When a PIOMB is associated with a PDC, the channel high range and the channel low range values of each
channel is made available to the PIOMB. The Channel Configuration tab will display the channel-specific
configuration data such as the channel description (CHANDESC), channel type (CHANNELTYPE), channel
data type (CHANNELDATATYPE), channel high range (CHANHIRANGE), channel low range
For analog input channels, the CHANHIRANGE and the CHANLORANGE will display the high and low
ranges of the channels based on the DSB.
For digital channels, the CHANHIRANGE and the CHANLORANGE will display the values "1" and "0"

Runtime Data tab

This tab will display the live process data of the channels. The Digital Channel Data (CHANDATADIG) will
display the live digital channel data. The Analog Channel Data (CHANDATAANA) will display the live analog
channel data. The Numeric Channel Data (CHANDATANUM) will display the live numeric channel data. The
Channel Status (CHANSTATUS) will display the channel status of individual channels.


10.6.2 PIOMB block status parameters

Execution State (EXECSTATE)

The EXECSTATE parameter indicates the execution state of the block and its components.

PDC Connection Status (PDCCONNSTATUS)

The PDCCONNSTATUS parameter indicates the status of the connection between the PDC in the PGM/DSB
and the PIOMB in the C300.

The CHANSTATUS parameter indicates the status of each channel of the module.

10.6.3 PIOMB block icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances that a PIOMB block icon can assume based on view
and current PIOMB state.

If Icon is... Then it indicates...

Project view
gray PIOMB is assigned to a CEE of C300.
Monitoring view
blue PIOMB is inactive.

green PIOMB is active.

red Data is not flowing from the DSB to the PIOMB successfully.

10.6.4 PIOMB notifications

When the PIOMB block is active, it generates the following notification.

Notification Description
Communication Error This notification is generated when the PIOMB loses connection with the associated PDC.


10.7 PIOMB block station displays

Related topics
“Detail displays and faceplate names” on page 261
“Calling up the displays” on page 261
“Detail displays tabs” on page 261

10.7.1 Detail displays and faceplate names

The following table lists the names of the details display and faceplate of the PIOMB block.

Tab Name Detail Display Faceplate

Main tab sysdtlPIOMBa.htm sysdtlPIOMBa_fp.htm
Channels tab sysdtlPIOMBb.htm
Config Details tab sysdtlPIOMBc.htm

10.7.2 Calling up the displays

The following table lists the actions that you must perform to call up the PIOMB block detail displays.

To call a PIOMB block… Then …

Main tab display Type the PIOMB point name (for example PIOMB_132) in the Station command zone and
press F12.
You can also click the Search icon in the Station toolbar and type the point name and click
Channel tab display Click the Channels tab.
Config Details tab display Click the Config Details tab.

10.7.3 Detail displays tabs

Main tab
The Main tab detail display provides information such as the execution and control, I/O module information,
display information, and QVCS information.


You can modify the following values from the Main tab detail display.
• Execution State.

Only a Supervisor can modify the Execution State from the station.
• Alarm Enable State.

Channels tab
The Channels tab detail display provides actual channel values of the PROFIBUS devices based on whether the
channel is an analog or a digital channel. For an analog channel, the detail display appears as follows.


For a digital channel, the detail display appears as follows.


From the detail display, you can interpret the channel states on the following LED colors.
• Black - The channel is "Off."
• Green - The channel is "On."
• Gray - The channel value is "Bad."

The number of channels that appear in the Channel tab detail display are based on the number of channels configured.

Config Details tab

The Config Details detail display is identical to the Main tab of the PIOMB block (from Control Builder).



11 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Configuration

This section illustrates the configuration of the PGM blocks (PGM, PB, DSB, PIOMB, PROFIBUS I/O channel
The GENDSB is used for illustrating the DSB configuration. The ET 200M (IM153-1) device is used for
illustrating the field device configuration.

Only the mandatory steps that must be followed while configuring the PGM blocks are explained in this section. The
detailed configuration procedures are explained in the “PGM Configuration” and “Using Profibus Network
Configuration Tool for configuring field network devices” on page 63.

1 Choose File > New > Interface Modules > Profibus Gateway Module (2 Links).
The PGM block configuration form appears.
2 Type the name of the PGM (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the default.
For illustration, the PGM name is modified as PGM2_2229_EXMP.
3 Select the Module is redundant check box if you want the module to be one of a redundant pair. If you
check the box, the secondary tag name appears in the Redundancy Configuration box.
The secondary PGM block is added when the primary PGM block configuration form is closed.
4 Click OK.
The PGM2_2229_EXMP block with two PBLink blocks (PBLINK_2230 and PBLINK_2231) are added to
the Project tree.
5 Double-click the PBLink (PBLINK_2230). The PBLink configuration form appears.
6 Type the name of the PBLink block (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the default.
7 Click OK.
8 Click the Field Network Configuration tab.
9 Drag-and-drop the ET 200M (IM153-1) device from the Library view to the Network view.
10 Double-click the ET 200M (IM153-1) device in the Network view. The configuration form of the ET 200M
(IM153-1) device appears. The Modules menu in the Navigation Area is selected by default.
11 Choose the following modules to be associated with the ET 200M (IM153-1).
• 6ES7 321-7RD00-0AB0 4DI
• 6ES7 322-5RD00-0AB0 4D0

The Config for Slot1, Config for Slot2, and Config for Slot3 are specific to the Siemens ET 200M devices.

12 Click Insert.
All the modules that you selected in the Available Modules section appear in the Configured Modules


13 Click Apply.
14 Click OK.
15 Click Save on the Field Network Configuration tab toolbar.

When you click Save , the configuration is saved temporarily.

16 Double-click the master (PROFIBUS Gateway) in the Network view.

The configuration window appears. The Device Assignment menu in the Navigation Area is selected by
17 Click the Process Data menu in the Navigation Area.
The process data of the ET 200M(IM153-1) device appear in the right pane.
18 Click to view the input and output modules that are assigned to the ET 200M(IM153-1) device.
19 Select the Input_1 tag in the Tag column and modify it as Input_1_Exm.
20 Select the Output_1 tag in the Tag column and modify it as Output_1_Exm.
21 Click Apply.
22 Drag-and-drop the GENDSB from the DSB library to the PBLINK_2230.
The Load Dialog box appears.
23 Click OK.
24 Double-click the GENDSB.
25 Type the name of the DSB (a maximum of 16 characters) or accept the default.
26 Click OK.
27 Click the PDC tab.
28 Select the Digital inputs ch 0-31 and Digital outputs ch 0-31 from the PDC Type list.
29 Type the description for the Digital inputs ch 0-31 PDC as "Digital input channel" in the PDC Description
30 Type the description for the Digital output ch 0-31 PDC as "Digital output channel" in the PDC Description
31 Select the tag Input_1_Exm for the input PDC and Output_1_Exm for the output PDC type in the Net Tag
Name column respectively.
When you select the Digital inputs ch 0-31 or the Digital output ch 0-31 row, the lower grid will display 4
rows (one row for each column) with all the channel information.
32 Enter 4 in the Number of Channels column for both the input and output types.
33 Click OK.
34 Drag-and-drop the PIOMB block from the PGM_IF library to the CEE of the C300 Controller.
35 Double-click the PIOMB (PIOMB_2239).
36 Click the point picker button next to the PDC Name Reference box.
The Point Selection dialog box appears.
37 Choose the PDC with the PDC description as "Digital input channel" to be associated to the PIOMB.
38 Repeat step 34 through step 37 to associate a PDC with the PDC description "Digital output channel" to
another PIOMB.
39 Click OK.
The PDC Name Reference field will display the PDC name that is associated to the PIOMB in the Main tab
of the PIOMB block.
40 Drag-and-drop the PBDICHANNEL from the PGM_IF library in to the Control Module containing the
C300 Controller.


41 Double-click the PBDICHANNEL.

42 Select the PIOMB (PIOMB_2239) from the Module Name list.
43 Select Profibus I/O Module Block from the Module Type list.
The channel numbers and the channel name appear under the Module Type field. The number of channels
that will appear is 4 (0, 1, 2, 3) as it is defined in the PDC tab of the GENDSB.
44 Select channel number "1" to be assigned to the CM.
45 Click Assign Channel Block.
The channel that is associated to the CM will appear in the Currently Assigned Channels area in the Main
tab of the PIOMB block.
46 Repeat steps 40 through 45 to assign another PROFIBUS channel to the CM.
47 Click OK.

Related topics
“Using Profibus Network Configuration Tool for configuring field network devices” on page 63


12 Loading PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM)

The Experion system provides the ability to build control strategies offline, without being connected to the
actual field components. The process of transferring the Control Strategy to the "live" working components in
the field is called the load operation.
The load operation functionally copies configuration data from the control strategy that is stored in the
Engineering Repository Database (ERDB) to the assigned field component in the system architecture. It
indirectly assures that the planned system matches the actual one. The communication addresses and physical
location assignments specified for components through Control Builder configuration must match the actual
addresses and locations of components in the system.

Related topics
“Initial load order guidelines” on page 272
“Loading a PGM” on page 274
“Reloading the PGM function blocks” on page 275


12.1 Initial load order guidelines

Perform the initial load of control strategy components from the Project view in the following order to minimize
possible load interaction generated error messages.

Order Component
1 PGM block (includes PBLink1 and PBLink2)
2 DSB block
3 PIOMB block
4 Control Module containing the PROFIBUS I/O function block
Control Module containing the PROFIBUS HART I/O channel block
Refer to the Control Building User's Guide for more information about loading components.

12.1.1 Loading PGM function blocks

This sections provides information on loading the PGM block and its associated function blocks.

Loading the PGM block

To load a PGM block, the PGM platform must be physically present at the configured address. However, if the
PGM platform is not physically present, appropriate errors are returned.
When you load the PGM function block for the first time, the load transfers the PGM platform configuration
data from the ERDB to the PGM platform.
After the load is complete, the PGM platform block automatically transitions to OK state.

Loading the PGM block with contents

To load a PGM block with contents (DSBs, PBLink blocks), the PGM platform must be physically present at
the configured address. However, if the PGM platform is not physically present, appropriate errors are returned.
After the load is complete, the PGM platform block automatically transitions to RUN state.

Loading the Protocol Block

To load a Protocol Block, the PGM platform block must be previously loaded. However, if the PGM platform is
not present, the Protocol Block load fails and will be canceled.
When you load the PGM block, the Protocol Blocks are also automatically loaded. However, you can also load
the Protocol Blocks individually.
The Protocol Block load operation loads the Protocol Block and the associated field network configuration to
the PGM.

• If you make changes to the field network configuration such as bus-related changes, after the Protocol Block is
loaded, you must reload the Protocol Block for the changes to be updated. During the reload, the connection
between the PROFIBUS slave devices and the master is lost. Therefore loading the updated Protocol Block must
be planned carefully. Also, the behavior of the slave devices during this connection loss is based on their
configuration. For most of the slave devices, you can configure connection breakout time during which they keep
their outputs. However, some of the slave devices lose their outputs immediately in the event of a connection loss
with the master.
• If you make changes in slave devices such as changing the connection breakout time or adding another slave
devices to the same Protocol Block, the connection between the master and the slave device is not lost.


Loading the DSB block

To load a DSB block, the PGM platform block and the Protocol Block to which the DSB is associated must be
previously loaded. However, the DSB load fails and will be canceled if any of the following errors are
• The PGM platform is not present and loaded.
• The slave device address is not configured in the Profibus Network Configuration Tool.
For example, you enter the slave device address as 25 in the Main tab configuration form of the DSB block
but you have not defined any slave device with address 25 in the Profibus Network Configuration Tool. In
such a scenario, you cannot load the DSB block.

Loading the PIOMB block

To load a PIOMB block, you must associate the PIOMB with a PDC of the DSB. You cannot load a PIOMB
block that is not associated with a PDC.

• You can load the PIOMB block even when the CM is not active.
• Before loading the PIOMB , set the PDC Data Subscription Rate to a value that ensures process data is available at
every execution of the Control Modules containing assigned PROFIBUS I/O channels.

Loading the PBHIOMB block

To load a PBHIOMB block, you must associate the PBHIOMB to the DSB. You cannot load a PBHIOMB block
that is not associated with a PDC.
The PBHIOMB can be loaded by right-clicking the module and then click Load.

When a PBHIOMB is loaded, all PBHCHANNELs under the module are loaded automatically. A PBHCHANNEL
must be loaded individually only when the channel is created during the run time.


12.2 Loading a PGM

You can use the following general procedure to load a PGM. The load procedure is similar for all PGM module
components. Note that selecting a PGM for loading also selects the associated PB function blocks.

Perform the following steps to load a PGM function block and its associated blocks
1 Click the PGM block you must load in the Project view.
2 Click Tools > Load.
• You can also click in the tool bar.
• You can also right-click the PGM block and select Load.
The Load dialog box appears.
3 With the Load check box selected, click OK.
This initiates the PGM load operation and the load progress dialog box appears.

If errors are detected, they are displayed in the Load progress dialog and you will be asked if you want to continue
the load or cancel, depending on the nature of the error. We suggest that you cancel the load and identify and fix
the errors. Each message contains a brief description and includes an error code in parentheses. Note the last
number in the string. In some cases, more information about the code number may be included in the Control
Builder Notifications Reference document. .

4 After the load operation is complete and the Load dialog box closes, click the Monitoring tab.
The PGM icon appears in the Monitoring view.


12.3 Reloading the PGM function blocks

This sections provides information on reloading the PGM block and its associated function blocks.

Reloading the PGM function block

Reloading the PGM block is generally not frequently performed since you can only change very few parameters
on the PGM platform block after the initial load is successful.
After the reload is successful, the PGM platform block remains in its RUN state.

Reloading the Protocol Block

To reload a Protocol Block, the PGM platform block must be previously loaded. The Protocol Block reload fails
if the PGM platform is not physically present and loaded. However, if the reload fails, appropriates errors are
returned but the load is not canceled.
The reloading of the Protocol Block loads the Protocol Block and its associated field network configuration to
the PGM.

Reloading the DSB function block

To reload a DSB block, the PGM platform block and the Protocol Block to which the DSB is associated must be
previously loaded. The DSB load fails and will be canceled if the following errors are encountered.
• The PGM platform is not present and loaded.
• The slave device address is not configured in the Profibus Network Configuration Tool.
For example, you enter the slave device address as 25 in the Main tab configuration form of the DSB block
but you have not defined any slave device with address 25 in the Profibus Network Configuration Tool. In
such a scenario, you cannot load the DSB block.
However, if the reload fails, appropriate errors are returned but the load will not be canceled.

• Whenever you reconfigure net tags for a PDC, you must reload the DSB before removing the same net tag in
Sycon and reloading the Protocol Block. This prevents the DSB or the PDC from going into error state during run
time while modifying the net tag usage.
• When a DSB is reloaded, the values of the channels remain the same as they were before the reload. For example,
if channel 0 of a digital module was "ON" before the reload, then it remains "ON" after the DSB is reloaded.

Reloading the PIOMB function block

The PIOMB function block must be reloaded when there is a modification made in the DSB. If the PIOMB
block is not reloaded, then the changes in the DSB does not replicate in the PIOMB.

You can load the PIOMB block even when the CM is not active.

Reloading the PBHIOMB function block

The PBHIOMB block needs to be reloaded when the changes are made to Load While Active parameters in the
PBHCHANNEL. The Load While Active parameters of the PBHCHANNEL are,
• HART variable-related parameters
• HART notification-related parameters
If you are not reloading the PBHIOMB block using the Load While Active option, then you must load the
individual PBHCHANNEL for which the changes are made.


Reloading a CM containing PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks

When you reload a CM containing the PROFIBUS I/O channel blocks, the PIOMB holds the last output value
received from the channel block. Also, this value is held by the PROFIBUS slave devices.

Reloading the PROFIBUS HART I/O channel blocks

The PBHCHANNEL can be reloaded whenever there is a configuration change made to the PBHCHANNEL.

13 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Maintenance

Related topics
“Periodic checks” on page 278
“ Replacing a non-redundant PGM” on page 279
“Replacing a redundant or secondary PGM” on page 280
“Replacing a non-redundant PGM IOTA board” on page 281
“Replacing a redundant or secondary PGM IOTA board” on page 282


13.1 Periodic checks

The following table identifies checks that you should perform periodically (every 3 to 6 months) to keep the
PGM in good working condition.

Check... Possible Corrective Action...

That all segments of the 4-character display and the light If segment or LED is not lit or has dimmed, you must replace
emitting diodes (LED) on PGM are working. the PGM since front-panel indicators and LEDs are not field
That all connections are secure. Secure connections, as needed.
That cable insulation is not worn or cracked. Replace cables, as required.
That IOTA is secure. Tighten mounting screws.


13.2 Replacing a non-redundant PGM

This procedure can be performed only while off-process.

We recommend that you proceed with extreme caution whenever replacing any component in a control system. Be
sure the system is offline or in a safe operating mode.
Component replacements may also require corresponding changes in the control strategy configuration through
Control Builder, as well as downloading appropriate data to the replaced component.

Perform the following steps to replace a non-redundant PGM

1 Loosen screws at each side of the module cover that secures the PGM to the IOTA board.
2 Loosen the plastic screw on the front of the PGM cover. Be careful not to strip the plastic screw head.
3 Carefully remove the PGM from the IOTA board and connector.
4 Insert the new PGM onto IOTA board making sure that the PGM circuit board mates properly with the IOTA
board connector.
5 Secure the PGM to the IOTA board with two screws located at each side of the plastic cover.
6 Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, hand tighten the plastic screw on the front of the module cover. Be careful
not to strip the plastic screw head.
The new PGM boots up to ALIVE or NODB state.
7 Load firmware which is the same version as was running in the old PGM.
8 From Control Builder, perform a 'Load with Contents' to the PGM.


13.3 Replacing a redundant or secondary PGM

This procedure can be performed while on-process only if the module to be replaced is in the secondary role.

We recommend that you proceed with extreme caution whenever replacing any component in a control system. Be
sure the system is offline or in a safe operating mode.
Component replacements may also require corresponding changes in the control strategy configuration through
Control Builder, as well as downloading appropriate data to the replaced component.

Perform the following steps to replace a redundant or secondary PGM

1 In Control Builder, double-click the primary PGM and navigate to the Redundancy tab.
2 Click Disable Synchronization to set the Auto Synchronization State parameter to "Disabled."
3 Loosen screws at each side of the module cover that secures the PGM to the IOTA board.
4 Loosen the plastic screw on the front of the PGM cover. Be careful not to strip the plastic screw head.
5 Carefully remove the PGM from the IOTA board and connector.
6 Insert the new PGM onto IOTA board making sure that the PGM circuit board mates properly with the IOTA
board connector.
7 Secure the PGM to the IOTA board with two screws located at each side of the plastic cover.
8 Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the plastic screw on the front of the module cover. Be careful not to
strip the plastic screw head.
9 Load the same version of the firmware which was running in the old PGM.
The new PGM boots up to ALIVE or BKUP. If the application image does not match the primary PGM, it is
not be synchronized.
10 Click the Redundancy tab from either the primary or secondary PGM.
11 Click Enable Synchronization to initiate synchronization and allow auto-synchronization.


13.4 Replacing a non-redundant PGM IOTA board

This procedure can be performed only while off-process.

We recommend that you proceed with extreme caution whenever replacing any component in a control system. Be
sure the system is offline or in a safe operating mode.
Component replacements may also require corresponding changes in the control strategy configuration through
Control Builder, as well as downloading appropriate data to the replaced component.

Perform the following steps to replace a non-redundant PGM IOTA board

1 On the defective IOTA, loosen screws at each side of the module cover that secures the PGM to the IOTA
2 Loosen the plastic screw on the front of the module cover.Be careful not to strip the plastic screw head.
3 Carefully remove the PGM from the IOTA board and connector.
4 Label and disconnect all cables from the IOTA board connectors, (yellow and green FTE cables, and
PBLink cables).
Do not fully tighten the IOTA mounting screws before installing and tightening the power and ground
screws (24V and COM terminals) which can bind during installation or removal. Follow instructions
5 Loosen the four mounting screws only half way that secure the IOTA board to the channel.
6 Remove the screw from the left side of the IOTA board that connects to the 24 Vdc bus bar.
7 Remove the screw from the right side of the IOTA board that connects to the COM bus bar.
8 Remove completely the four mounting screws securing the IOTA board to the channel and remove the
9 Place screws, washers and spacers aside for reassembly.
10 Assemble screws, washers and spacers on the new IOTA board.
11 Mount the new PGM IOTA board on the channel at the same position as the old IOTA board.
12 Insert and thread the four mounting screws only half way to attach the IOTA board to the channel.
13 Insert and tighten the screw to the left side of the IOTA board that connects to the 24 Vdc bus bar.
14 Insert and tighten the screw to the right side of the IOTA board that connects to the COM bus bar.
15 Tighten the four mounting screws securing the IOTA board to the channel.
16 Set the Device Index address to the same address as the old IOTA using the three rotary FTE DEVICE
INDEX switches.
17 Connect FTE-A and FTE-B Ethernet link cables to the RJ-45 connectors on PGM IOTA board.
• The yellow Cat5 cable must connect to the FTEA connector on the IOTA.
• The green Cat5 cable connects to the FTEB connector on the IOTA.
19 Connect the PBLink cables to the IOTA board.
20 Insert the PGM onto IOTA board making sure that the PGM circuit board mates properly with the IOTA
board connector.
21 Secure the PGM to the IOTA board with two screws located at each side of the plastic cover.
22 Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the plastic screw on the front of the module cover. Be careful not to
strip the plastic screw head.
23 The PGM boots up into an ALIVE state or a NODB operating state.
24 Perform a Load with Contents to the PGM.


13.5 Replacing a redundant or secondary PGM IOTA board

Perform the following steps to replace a redundant or secondary PGM IOTA board
1 Select the Redundancy tab either from the primary or secondary PGM FB.
2 Click Disable Synchronization to set the Auto-Synchronization State parameter to "DISABLED."
3 On the defective IOTA, loosen screws at each side of the module cover that secures the PGM to the IOTA
4 Loosen the plastic screw on the front of the module cover.Be careful not to strip the plastic screw head.
5 Carefully remove the PGM from the IOTA board and connector.
6 Label and disconnect all cables from the IOTA board connectors, (yellow and green FTE cables, and
PBLink cables).
Do not fully tighten the IOTA mounting screws before installing and tightening the power and ground
screws (24V and COM terminals) which can bind during installation or removal. Follow instructions
7 Loosen the four mounting screws only half-way that secure the IOTA board to the channel.
8 Remove the screw from the left side of the IOTA board that connects to the 24 Vdc bus bar.
9 Remove the screw from the right side of the IOTA board that connects to the COM bus bar.
10 Remove completely the four mounting screws securing the IOTA board to the channel and remove the
11 Place screws, washers and spacers aside for reassembly.
12 Assemble screws, washers and spacers on the new IOTA board.
13 Mount the new PGM IOTA board on the channel at the same position as the old IOTA board.
14 Insert and thread the four mounting screws only half-way to attach the IOTA board to the channel.
15 Insert and tighten the screw to the left side of the IOTA board that connects to the 24 Vdc bus bar.
16 Insert and tighten the screw to the right side of the IOTA board that connects to the COM bus bar.
17 Tighten the four mounting screws securing the IOTA board to the channel.
18 Set the Device Index address to the same address as the old IOTA using the three rotary FTE DEVICE
INDEX switches.
19 Connect FTE-A and FTE-B Ethernet link cables to the RJ-45 connectors on PGM IOTA board.
• The yellow Cat5 cable must connect to the FTEA connector on the IOTA.
• The green Cat5 cable connects to the FTEB connector on the IOTA.
21 Connect the PBLINK cables to IOTA board.
22 Insert the PGM onto IOTA board making sure that the PGM circuit board mates properly with the IOTA
board connector.
23 Secure the PGM to the IOTA board with two screws located at each side of the plastic cover.
24 Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the plastic screw on the front of the module cover. Be careful not to
strip the plastic screw head.
The PGM boots up into an unsynchronized secondary redundancy state with BKUP operating state.
25 Click the Redundancy tab from either the primary or secondary PGM FB.
26 Click Enable Synchronization to initiate synchronization and allow auto-synchronization.

14 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Troubleshooting

This chapter provides guidance and background information about the causes and remedies for failures which
may occur in the PGM.

Related topics
“Behavior of PGM during fault scenarios” on page 284
“Fault Classifications” on page 287
“Initial checks” on page 288
“Fixing common problems” on page 290
“Getting further assistance” on page 296


14.1 Behavior of PGM during fault scenarios

This section provides information on the behavior of the PGM under various scenarios such as power off,
communication loss with the devices, communication loss with the C300 Controller and so on.

Related topics
“Loss of communication between PGM and C300” on page 284
“Loss of communication between PGM and slave device ” on page 284
“Loss of communication between the PGM and control strategies” on page 285
“CEEC300 state is changed to Idle ” on page 285
“Inactivation of PIOMB” on page 285
“Deletion of PIOMB” on page 285
“PGM power failure” on page 286
“Removal of PGM from IOTA” on page 286
“Mismatch of the slave device and the master addresses” on page 286
“Experion server switchover” on page 286

14.1.1 Loss of communication between PGM and C300

This communication loss can occur when both the FTE cables are removed from the non-redundant PGM.

Even if one of the FTE cables are removed or is faulty, the PGM can still communicate with the devices on network.

The following table illustrates the behavior of the DSB and the PIOMB blocks when there is a communication
loss between the PGM and the C300 Controller.

Input side behavior Input channels
• The DSB is informed of the communication • Input Channels will be set to fail-safe values (NaN and OFF for
loss. analog and digital values respectively).
• The connections are removed. • Channel value status is set to "Bad."
• The PGM stops data updates to the associated • The associated function blocks react to the fail-safe data.
Output side behavior Output channels
• The fail-safe value of the device is set on the Output Channel will request the upstream blocks to go into
DSB block. initialization (INITMAN parameter should be set to "ON" for the
PID and DEVCTL blocks).

14.1.2 Loss of communication between PGM and slave device

This communication loss between the PGM and the slave devices can occur in the following scenarios.
• The PROFIBUS cable is removed from the PGM.
• The slave devices are not configured properly.
• The slave devices are broken.
The following table illustrates the behavior of the DSB and PIOMB blocks in the event of a communication loss
between the PGM and the slave device.


Input side behavior Input type PIOMB
• The DSB is informed of the communication loss. • The PIOMB receives the "Communication Fail" status and
• The status of the PDCs are set to "Device the channel will follow that status.
communication error." • Input Channels will be set to fail-safe values (NaN and OFF
• The data is set to fail-safe values. for analog and digital values respectively).
• The PDC channel status is set to "Bad_ConnError." • Channel value status is set to "Bad."

Output side behavior Output type PIOMB

• The fail-safe value of the device is set on the DSB • The PIOMB receives the "Communication Fail" status and
block. the output channel blocks follow that status.
• Channel value status is set to "Bad."

14.1.3 Loss of communication between the PGM and control strategies

The control strategies can lose communication with the PGM due to any of the following conditions.
• Removal of the PGM module.
• Removal of the FTE cable from the PGM.
• Removal and re-insertion of the slave devices.
In any of the above scenarios, the control strategies using the PROFIBUS data go into fail-safe data.

14.1.4 CEEC300 state is changed to Idle

When the CEESTATE parameter of the C300 is changed to "Idle," the PGM operates as follows:
• The PGM continues to operate as it was prior to this change and publishes the new data to the C300
• The PIOMB continues to execute since IOMs continue to execute even when CEE is "Idle."
• The input channels are set to fail-safe values (NaN and Off for analog and digital values respectively). The
input channel status is set to "Bad."
• The output channel status is set to "Bad."
• The output of PROFIBUS slave devices hold the last good value when the CEE is "Idle."

14.1.5 Inactivation of PIOMB

When a PIOMB associated with a PDC is inactivated, the PGM operates as follows:
• Input side behavior - The PGM continues to operate as it was prior to the inactivation and publishes data to
the C300 controller.
• Output side behavior - The output of the PROFIBUS slave devices hold the last value until they receive a
new value.

14.1.6 Deletion of PIOMB

When a PIOMB associated with a PDC is deleted, the PGM operates as follows:
• Input side behavior - The PGM continues to operate as it was prior to the deletion and publishes data to the
C300. However, the PGM stops publishing the data after the PIOMB closes the connection to its associated
• Output side behavior - The PGM stops receiving output publications from the PIOMB after it closes the
connection to its associated PDC. The output of the analog devices and digital devices are initialized to 0
and 0% respectively.


14.1.7 PGM power failure

In the event of a PGM power failure, the PGM loses its connection with C300 and PIOMB. However, it retains
the field network configuration and the DSB configuration. When the PGM is powered on, the network-related
configuration such as the slave device configuration, Baud Rate, Slave Data Memory Offset address is retained
because of RAM retention.
The input channels are set to fail-safe values (NaN and Off for analog and digital values respectively). The
channel status is set to "Bad."
The function blocks react to the fail-safe data.
The output channels request the upstream block to go into initialization. The upstream Regulatory Control block
should realize that it is connected to an output channel and there is a loss of communication with the I/O.
The Regulatory Control block should shed the mode to the user-selected mode.

14.1.8 Removal of PGM from IOTA

When a PGM is removed from the IOTA under powered condition and re-inserted, the PGM should power up
successfully and the module state must be "RUN." Also the control strategies must work normally.

14.1.9 Mismatch of the slave device and the master addresses

The following list illustrates the behavior of the PGM during mismatch of slave device and the master address.
• Slave devices with identical station address - When two slave devices with identical station address are
connected to the network, the slave device that is locked by the master first for communications continues to
operate. However, the other slave device will not be in use.
• Two masters with identical station address - When two masters with identical station address are
connected to the network, the read/write operations are stopped.

14.1.10 Experion server switchover

In the event of an Experion server switchover, if the PGM is using a Flex station, the server switchover results
in a momentary loss of view. However, if the PGM is using Console station, the server switchover does not
result in loss of view or loss of control. In both scenarios, the DSB continues to update the PIOMB.


14.2 Fault Classifications

Faults have been classified into a number of categories according to the severity of the failure. The PGM
behavior when a failure is detected is determined by type of fault and whether the PGM is non-redundant, or is
one of a redundant controller pair.
The following table identifies these fault classifications and describes PGM behavior in response to the fault

Fault Classification Characteristics

Hard Failure Failure detected by hardware; operation cannot continue. If the fault does not
prevent software processing the problem, the affected node will be rebooted
under software control into the FAIL State.
• If failure occurs on a primary module, it triggers a switchover to the
synchronized secondary module.
• If failure occurs on a secondary module, it results in loss of
synchronization and reduced availability until the problem is resolved.
• If failure occurs on a non-redundant module, it results in loss of control
and loss of view.
Severe Failure Failure detected by software; operation cannot continue. The affected node
will be rebooted under software control into the FAIL State.
• Severe failure on a synchronized primary module triggers a switchover to
the secondary module.
• Severe failure on a secondary module causes a loss-of-synchronization
(and reduced availability until fault is corrected).
• Severe failure on a non-redundant module causes a loss-of-control and
Soft Failure Failure detected by software; operation continues with full control and full
view. Soft failures are alarmed to the operator. FTE will be monitored by the
FTE System Management Tool.
• If failure occurs on a primary module, it does not trigger a switchover to
the synchronized secondary module.
• If failure occurs on a secondary module, it does not result in loss of
• If failure occurs on a non-redundant module, it does not result in loss of
control and loss of view.
Installation/Startup Failure Detected by software. Module may not become operational.
• This failure does not apply to the synchronized primary module, since
installation and startup must be successful to reach synchronized primary
• If failure occurs on a secondary module, it results in the inability to
complete the initial synchronization and to view the node on the network.
• If failure occurs on a non-redundant module, it results in an inability to
commence control and to view the module on the network.
Communication Failure Communication errors between peer modules and/or I/O devices, including
Fault Tolerant Ethernet Bridge (FTEB), do not cause any module state


14.3 Initial checks

This section offers some checks that you can make to help isolate the problem. The checks are arranged in no
particular order.

Checking Control Builder error code reference

An indication of a problem may be in the form of an error dialog that includes an error message and possibly an
error code in Control Builder.
The syntax for a typical Control Builder error message is as follows: Connection to device is not open
In this syntax, the error code is the last four digits in the message or 3326.
Please refer to the Control Builder Error Codes Reference book for applicable error code information.

Viewing flash log

The Flash.txt log provides a list of firmware updates that have been initiated.
To view the log, navigate to this file location on the server: C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion\Engineering

Viewing release information log

The ReleaseInfo.txt log provides a list of Experion software releases that have been installed on the computer.
To view the log, navigate to this file location on the server: C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion\Engineering

Checking server point build log

The SvrPtBld_servername.txt log provides list of process (CB) points built in the server database.
To check the log, navigate to this file location on the server: C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS
\Engineering Tools\temp\SvrPtBld_servername.txt.

Checking server point build error log

The svrptblderr_servername.txt log provides list of any errors associated with process (CB) points built in the
server database.
To check the log, navigate to this file location on the server: C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS
\Engineering Tools\temp\svrptblderr_servername.txt.

Checking error log

The Errlog_n.txt log provides a running list of Control Builder detected errors in chronological order. The "n"
represents any number that is assigned to the most recent log.
To check the log, navigate to this file location on the server: C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS

Using CTool to capture diagnostic data

You can use the CTool utility to capture diagnostic data used to examine the operating conditions within the
controller. This data also can be analyzed to determine the cause of an error or fault. The following data can be
captured using CTools:
• Trace Log
• Registers


• Call Stack
• Instructions
See Series C Firmware Load Tool (CTool) for Series C Components in the Control Hardware Troubleshooting
and Maintenance Guide for the procedure to capture diagnostic data.


14.4 Fixing common problems

This section identifies some common problems and describes how you might fix them.

Loss of communication with the devices when a switchover is initiated

Diagnostic Check Loss of communication with the slave devices when a switchover is initiated.
Cause Probable PROFIBUS master configuration (bus parameters) errors. For example, Watchdog
Control Time and Data Control Time are not configured properly.
Solution Modify the Watchdog Control Time and data control time based on the Baud Rate.
The following table lists the various Baud Rate and the recommended Watchdog Control
Time and the Data Control Time.

• These values may differ based on the number of slave devices configured in the
• For the slave devices that have DP-V1 enabled, the Watchdog Control Time and
the Data Control Time must be three times longer than the actual time when DP-
V1 is disabled.
• By default, the ET200M devices have DP-V1 enabled.

Baud Rate Watchdog Control Time Data Control Time

1500 1000 6000
500 1000 6000
187.5 2000 12000
93.75 3000 18000
45.45 4000 24000
19.2 5000 30000
9.6 6000 36000

Loss of connection to some of the field network slave devices

Diagnostic Check Slave devices that are not communicating with the PGM have their status as "Bad."
Cause 1 Network or power supply wiring problems in the field network.
Solution Open the Protocol Block detail displays to check the slave devices that are not communicating with
the PGM.
Obtain the field network wiring diagram and slave device power supply schematics.
Fix the problematic network wiring or power supply wiring manually.
Otherwise, go to Cause 2.
Cause 2 Slave devices are not configured properly.
Solution Check for the slave device configurations and correct the configurations, if any.
Otherwise, go to Cause 3.
Cause 3 Slave devices are broken.
Solution Replace the broken slave devices one by one.


Loss of power
The power supply has failed or the main power source has been shutdown or is experiencing a brownout or
blackout condition.

Diagnostic Check • The 4-character display on the PGM and LEDs on the module and the IOTA are off.
• In the Monitoring view, the PGM icon turns red.
Cause 1 Main power source has been disconnected or shutdown either manually or temporarily by brownout or
blackout condition.
Solution Re-connect the main power source or turn it On or wait for temporary brownout or blackout condition
to pass.
Cause 2 The 24 Vdc power supply failed or power cable has been disconnected or failed.
Solution Replace the 24 Vdc power supply or re-connect/replace the power cable.
Cause 3 Power fuse opens on IOTA.
Solution Replace power fuse.

Power-On Self Test (POST) does not complete

A fault is detected during the Power-On Self Test (POST).

Diagnostic A self test diagnostic code remains on display and the POST does not continue.
Possible indications: Display indicates test pattern, or Tnnn (nnn = a test number which is executed
during POST). Note: If display indicates 'T499', POST has completed.
Cause The PGM POST has detected a failure that does not allow startup to continue or complete.
Solution Short the reset pads on the IOTA to restart the PGM. If error persists, replace the module.

PGM display indicates -bp- or -ts-

Diagnostic Check Display indicates -bp-

Cause BootP service is not available.
Solution • Check FTE cable connections to FTE A and FTE B
connectors on the module IOTA.
• Verify FTE network connections between the module
IOTA and the associated server.
• Verify that the BootP service is running on the associated
server. Restart BootP service if not running.
• In Control Builder, check System Preferences for valid
network IP address settings. Verify correct configuration
of System Time server.

Diagnostic Display indicates -SF- alternating with OK/BKUP

Cause BootP service is available, but time source is not available. Time Server may not be configured or
server may not be running the latest release time service.
Solution Verify that the system time source is configured. Check that the Server Windows Time Service
(w32time) is running on the server.

One or both FTE LEDs are RED

Diagnostic Check One or both FTE LEDs on the PGM faceplate are RED.


Cause 1 No connection
Solution Check cable connections on module IOTA (FTEA and FTEB connectors) and at CF9 IOTAs.
Cause 2 Cables bad
Solution Swap known good cable with suspect cable. Replace bad cable.
Cause 3 Switch port bad
Solution Swap cables with known good port to identify defective port. Replace assembly that contains defective
Cause 4 IOTA bad
Solution Replace IOTA

FTE receive fault diagnostic

The PGM has detected an open receive signal line between either of its two Ethernet interface devices and the
processor handling incoming communication.

Diagnostic • The Status LED on the front panel of the PGM turns RED.
Check • The 'LAN_A' or 'LAN_B' indicator for the faulted port turns RED. The indicators are found on the FTE
tab of the PGM block configuration form.
• An alarm is generated by the PGM that indicates "FTE Port A Receive Fault" or "FTE Port B Receive
Cause The following conditions may result in a spurious (false) indication of an FTE Receive Diagnostic fault.
These conditions are external to the PGM that allow a carrier to be detected by the PGM's Port A or Port B
Ethernet interface but eliminate FTE traffic on that port.
• Disconnecting the uplink cable of a CF9 when only one PGM is connected to any of the downlink ports
on the CF9. In this case, the only source of external FTE Diagnostic messages are nodes that
communicate through the uplink port of the CF9. When the uplink cable is disconnected, there are no
incoming FTE Diagnostic messages on the PGM. Since the downlink cable from the CF9 to the PGM
remains attached, the PGM has a 'good' Link Status on the port. The combination of a good Link Status
and no incoming FTE Diagnostic messages results in the spurious indication of an FTE Receive Fault.
• Removal and re-insertion of a CF9 module or power cycling a CF9, when the associated PGM is not
power cycled. In this case, when the CF9 is powered up, Link Status transitions to the 'good' state before
the CF9 completes its power on self tests (POST) and starts passing FTE Diagnostic messages again.
This interval is long enough that the PGM's FTE Receive Fault Diagnostic will indicate a spurious
• Throttling of Ethernet traffic during of an abnormal amount of communication traffic on one or both of
the PGM's Ethernet ports.
During a 'storm' on the FTE network, the PGM initiates limiting of incoming Ethernet traffic on its FTE
ports. As a result of this limiting, a sufficient number of FTE Diagnostic messages may be lost so that
one or both ports see 'good' Link Status signals but no FTE Diagnostic messages over the sample
interval of this diagnostic. In this case, the PGM's FTE Receive Fault Diagnostic will indicate a
spurious fault. The spurious alarm generated by the FTE Receive Fault Diagnostic is a relatively minor
side effect, in the case of a network storm. A network storm is signaled by other alarms in the system.
Solution Unless you suspect that one of the causes described above exists and is resulting in a spurious indication,
you should replace the PGM exhibiting this diagnostic at your earliest convenience. When this fault exists,
network redundancy for this node no longer is working.


PGM does not synchronize with backup

Diagnostic Check Primary module cannot synchronize with secondary module.

In the Monitoring view, double-click the primary PGM icon to display the block configuration form.
Click the Redundancy tab and check the Inhibit Sync Reason parameter description for not achieving
Troubleshoot to correct condition for inhibiting sync.
Cause 1 Redundancy cable bad.
Solution Replace redundancy cable. Check if the modules synchronize.
Cause 2 PBLink cables may be disconnected.
Solution Reconnect cables to the PGM IOTA.
Cause 3 Secondary module bad.
Solution Replace the module. Check if the modules synchronize.
Cause 4 Backup IOTA bad.
Solution Replace the IOTA. Reinstall the original secondary module on the new IOTA. Check if modules
Cause 5 Primary module bad.
Solution Replace primary IOTA. Reinstall the original primary module on the new IOTA. Check if modules
Cause 6 Software problem.
Solution Contact Honeywell SSC.

Fatal ECC error

The PGM software has detected a fatal Error Checking and Correction (ECC) condition that can be a multiple-
bit error or excessive single-bit errors in the main Random Access Memory (RAM).

Diagnostic • The 4-character display on the modules displays FAIL or mMBE.

Check • In the Monitoring view, the PGM icon turns red.
Cause The PGM software has detected a failure that does not allow operation to continue. There can be many
causes for a failure including hardware.
Use the CTools utility to capture diagnostic data for the device to determine the possible cause before
proceeding. If the error occurs in the backup RAM, a fault is indicated. If the error occurs in main RAM,
the module freezes with mMBE on the display.
Solution Try shorting the reset pads on the IOTA to restart the module. If error persists, replace the module.
Check the Trace log for breadcrumbs that occurred prior to the event. Provide the results of the trace log to
Honeywell Solutions Support Center (SSC) for analysis.

Display shows FAIL

The PGM detects failure during system integrity checks, such as Watch Dog Timer (WDT), error detection
circuits, microprocessor static configuration registers, and Read Only Memory (ROM) checksum.

Diagnostic • The 4-character display on the PGM displays FAIL.

Check • In the Monitoring view, the PGM icon turns red.
Cause The PGM software has detected a background diagnostic failure that does not allow operation to


Solution Recycle power to the module. If error persists, replace the module.
Check the Trace log for breadcrumbs that occurred prior to the event. Provide the results of the trace log
to Honeywell Solutions Support Center (SSC) for analysis.

Isolated (lonely) Node

For a redundant PGM pair, Fault Tolerant Ethernet (FTE) communications with partner and FTE network are

Diagnostic • The primary module determines whether or not to initiate a switchover. If the secondary module
Check was known to be in a better condition than the primary at the time of fault determination, then the
primary should fail so the secondary will switchover. But, the new secondary (old primary) still
cannot restore FTE communications.
• The secondary module should reboot once, in an attempt to restore communications. The primary
module will be able to report the problem in the secondary. If the secondary cannot restore FTE
communications, it should be able to resynchronize over the redundancy link and be a partially
functional backup.
Cause 1 Secondary module is defective.
Solution Replace the secondary module that initiated switchover when fault was detected.
If secondary module synchronizes after replacement, the removed module is defective. Otherwise, go to
Cause 2.
Cause 2 Secondary IOTA is defective.
Solution Replace the secondary IOTA that initiated switchover when fault was detected.
If secondary module synchronizes after replacement, the removed IOTA is defective. Otherwise, go to
Cause 3.
Cause 3 Primary module is defective.
Solution Replace the primary module.
If you can command synchronization after replacement, the removed module is defective. Otherwise,
go to Cause 4.
Cause 4 Primary IOTA is defective.
Solution Replace the primary IOTA.
If the module pair synchronize after IOTA replacement, the removed IOTA is defective. Otherwise, go
to Cause 5.
Cause 5 There is a software problem.
Solution Contact Honeywell Solution Support Center (SSC).

Duplicate Device Index setting

The FTE subsystem detects duplicate Device Index settings in separate modules.

Diagnostic All modules will stop tracking cable status for the detected duplicate Device Index value.
Check Communications will continue and will not impact system performance until there is a cable fault. This
fault will also be detected by the FTE System Management Tool.
A duplicate Device Index could cause a duplicate IP Address. In most cases, the duplicate IP Address
would be detected first and prevent the FTE diagnostic messages from being sent.
Cause Device Index switches on separate IOTA's are set to same value.
Solution Change Device Index switches setting on one of the IOTA's to a unique value.

Device Index value is zero upon power up

The PGM's 4-character display shows a Device Index value of zero (#000).


Diagnostic Check Ensure that the Device Index switches on the IOTA were not intentionally set to zero to initiate a
Device Index/IP Address reset.
Cause 1 Device Index switches set to zero.
Solution Change Device Index switches to correct setting.
Cause 2 The module is defective.
Solution Replace the module.
If Device Index switch setting matches Device Index number in 4-character display upon PGM power
up, the removed module is defective. Otherwise, go to Cause 3.
Cause 3 The IOTA is defective.
Solution Replace the IOTA.
If Device Index switch setting matches Device Index number in 4-character display upon PGM power
up, the removed IOTA is defective.


14.5 Getting further assistance

Other troubleshooting sources

The following table lists other documents and sections that contain troubleshooting information for other
Experion subsystems.
All of these documents are available in the PDF Collection. Some documents are also supplied as part of Station
Help. Look for the document within the PDF Collection where RXXX represents the latest release number

Document/Section Comments
Experion RXXX > Reference There is a separate interface reference for each
type of controller other than the Process
Controller; for example, the ASEA Interface
Most of these references contain an interface-
specific troubleshooting section.
Experion RXXX > Reference > TPS Integration Guide > Troubleshooting an integrated system that uses
Troubleshooting Experion "TPS Integration" option.
Experion RXXX > Reference > Control Builder Error Codes Reference Describes error codes generated from within
Control Builder.
Experion RXXX > Troubleshooting and Maintenance > Control The main repository for troubleshooting,
Hardware Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide maintenance and repair of Process Controllers.
Experion RXXX > Configuration > Fault Tolerant Ethernet Bridge Troubleshooting FTE bridges.
User's Guide > Service > Troubleshooting
Experion RXXX > Installation and Upgrades > Fault Tolerant Ethernet Troubleshooting FTE nodes.
Installation and Service Guide > Troubleshooting FTE Nodes
Experion RXXX > Reference > Honeywell TDC 3000 Data Hiway Troubleshooting TDC 3000 Hiway problems.
Interface Reference > TDC error codes and Troubleshooting
Experion RXXX > Configuration > Qualification and Version Control Troubleshooting QVCS.
System User Guide > QVCS Troubleshooting
ExperionRXXX > Configuration > SafeView User's Guide > Appendix Describes the meaning of SafeView
D - SafeView Error Messages configuration errors.
Experion RXXX > Reference > Server Scripting Reference > Server Describes the meaning of error messages in the
scripting error messages server log specific to server scripting.
Experion RXXX > Configuration > System Management Configuration Describes the meaning of SES Configuration
Guide > Troubleshooting System Management errors.
Experion RXXX > Configuration > System Management Configuration Describes the meaning of SPS Configuration
Guide > System Performance Server > Troubleshooting SPS errors.
ExperionRXXX > Planning and Design > Planning, Installation, and Troubleshooting workstation nodes used in
Service for WS360 Experion and TPN.

Guidelines for requesting support

If you cannot resolve a problem using this guide, you can request support from your Honeywell Solution
Support Center.
When requesting support, please supply as many relevant details as possible, including:
• Short summary of the problem.
• Product Name and release.


• Recent changes - Such as upgrades/service packs, to Experion software, Windows or other applications.
• Subsystem and its version/build - If the problem relates to a particular subsystem, such as Station or Quick
If the problem relates to Display Builder, please specify whether it is HMIWeb Display Builder (for
HMIWeb displays) or Display Builder (for DSP displays).
• Operating system, variant and service pack - For example "Windows 2000 Server, SP5."
• Instructions on how to reproduce the problem - If the problem is reproducible, please supply step-by-step
instructions - the more detailed the steps, the better.
• Diagnostic package which contains any relevant logs.


15 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

This section contains a collection of special terms and acronyms used in this guide.
The most significant byte (MSB) value is in the first byte and the other bytes follow in decreasing order of
Control Builder
Control Execution Environment
Control Module
Control Builder
The control building software, running on a Windows operating system, that provides an environment to build
control strategies using function blocks for the Honeywell Control Processor. It includes the Function Block
Builder, SCM Builder, Function Block Symbols, SCM Symbols and Configuration Forms, SCM Blocks and
Configuration Forms, Function Block Faceplate, and the Data Entry Mechanism.
Control Execution Environment
The Control Execution Environment supports execution of a set of function blocks for solving control
applications. It runs in the hybrid controller as a software layer built on top of the control software
Control Firewall
The 9-Port Switch that controls Ethernet communications and provides FTE connections to the C300 controller
domain. It rejects Ethernet messages that are not needed for control.
Control Module Function Block
A container block within the Control Builder that serves as an encapsulation of basic function blocks.
Cyclic Redundancy Check
Decentralized Periphery
C300 Controller
The Series C form factor controller that executes Experion control strategies. It communicates with the Input/
Output (I/O) modules and peer devices through the FTE network and the connected C300 I/O link on its I/O
termination assembly (IOTA).
CEAG Drive Support Block


Configuration in RUN
Generic Drive Device Support Block
Device Support Block
Device Type Manager
A software driver developed by the device manufacturer for each of the devices or group of devices. The DTM
encapsulates all the device-specific data, functions and management rules such as the device functions, its
communication capabilities, internal data structure and dependencies as well as the user interface elements. It
provides functions for accessing device parameters, configuring and operating the devices, calibrating, and
diagnosing problems.
Used for cyclic process data exchange
Used for acyclic data exchange and alarm handling
Used for isochronous mode and data exchange broadcast (slave-to-slave communication)
Electronic Device Description Language
Field Device Tool
Field Device Tool
The Field Device Tool technology standardizes the communication interface between the field devices and the
systems. The key feature of FDT is its independence from the communication protocol and the software
environment of either the device or the host system. The FDT allows any device to be accessed from any host
through any protocol.
Fault Tolerant Ethernet (FTE) Supervisory Network Support
The default communication medium for the Series C form factor components.
Function Block
An executable software object that performs a specific task, such as measurement or control, with inputs and
outputs that connect to other entities in a standard way. They can be connected and grouped together to
construct simple or complex control strategies.
Generic Device Support Block
Generic IO Device Support Block
Generic Process Automation Device Support Block
Generic Process Automation Gateway Device Support Block


Generic Station Description
Generic Station Description
A readable ASCII text file that contains both general and device-specific specifications for communication
(Communication Feature List) and network configuration.
Hot Configuration in RUN
Profibus Network Configuration Tool
This tool is used to configure the field network and the devices for various networks. It runs vendor specific
DTM or generic DTM for devices having GSD or EDDL configuration files.
Input Output Termination Assembly
I/O Modules
The I/O modules provide the terminals and processing power to accept input signals from transmitters,
thermocouples, and so on and send output signals to valves, motors, and so on. A variety of I/O modules are
available for analog inputs/outputs and digital inputs/outputs.
The least significant byte (LSB) value is the first byte and the other bytes follow in increasing order of
Least significant byte
Most significant byte
Online Data Manager
Online Data Manager
A high-level interface to a hardware driver. This is used by the field network configuration tool ( Profibus
Network Configuration Tool).
Protocol Block
PROFIBUS HART Input/Output Module Function Block
Process Data Access
Process Data Collection
PROFIBUS Gateway Module


PROFIBUS I/O Module Block
Parameter Value
Parameter Process Data Object
Process Data
Sequential Control Module
Siemens DP/AS-i-Link DSB
Siemens AS-i Link Device Support Block
Siemens ET200M DSB
Siemens ET200M Device Support Block
Series C I/O
Family of Series C form factor I/O modules designed to operate with the C300 Controller.
System Repository
Turck Excom DSB
Turck Excom Device Support Block
Universal Module
Universal Module can be configured as either Analog Input or Analog Output channels.

16 Notices

Experion®, PlantScape®, SafeBrowse®, TotalPlant®, and TDC 3000® are registered trademarks of Honeywell
International, Inc.
OneWireless™ is a trademark of Honeywell International, Inc.

Other trademarks
Microsoft and SQL Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
Trademarks that appear in this document are used only to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention
of trademark infringement.

Third-party licenses
This product may contain or be derived from materials, including software, of third parties. The third party
materials may be subject to licenses, notices, restrictions and obligations imposed by the licensor. The licenses,
notices, restrictions and obligations, if any, may be found in the materials accompanying the product, in the
documents or files accompanying such third party materials, in a file named third_party_licenses on the media
containing the product, or at

Documentation feedback
You can find the most up-to-date documents on the Honeywell Process Solutions support website at:
If you have comments about Honeywell Process Solutions documentation, send your feedback to:
Use this email address to provide feedback, or to report errors and omissions in the documentation. For
immediate help with a technical problem, contact your local Honeywell Process Solutions Customer Contact
Center (CCC) or Honeywell Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

How to report a security vulnerability

For the purpose of submission, a security vulnerability is defined as a software defect or weakness that can be
exploited to reduce the operational or security capabilities of the software.
Honeywell investigates all reports of security vulnerabilities affecting Honeywell products and services.
To report a potential security vulnerability against any Honeywell product, please follow the instructions at:
Submit the requested information to Honeywell using one of the following methods:
• Send an email to


• Contact your local Honeywell Process Solutions Customer Contact Center (CCC) or Honeywell Technical
Assistance Center (TAC) listed in the “Support” section of this document.

For support, contact your local Honeywell Process Solutions Customer Contact Center (CCC). To find your
local CCC visit the website,

Training classes
Honeywell holds technical training classes about Experion PKS. These classes are taught by experts in the field
of process control systems. For more information about these classes, contact your Honeywell representative, or


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