Prose - A Worn Path - Group3

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Dr. Sri Hartati, M.Pd.

Andriamella Elfarisyah, M.Pd.

Nadya Rezkhita Dwiana, M.Pd

Created by:

Yundra Rachmanola 372020002

Vani Ratnasari 372020009
Putri Utami 372020018
Beta Safira 372020019
Della Liyundzira 372020027




Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarokatuh

All praise be to Allah SWT who has been giving us the mercy and
blessing, so we are always in Allah guidance. Shalawat with salam we send to our
big prophet Muhammad SAW and his relatives, with says Allah humma sholli ala
sayyidina Muhammad wa’ala ali sayyidina Muhammad, so we can do our
duties and responsibilities well.

This paper is a requirement to fulfil the assignment from Ms. Dr. Sri Hartati,
M.Pd., the English lecturers of Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang. The writer also
thanks her for all the guidance to complete it. After making a great effort, the
writers finally completed this research paper. However, we realize that there
are still many shortcomings in this paper. Therefore enthusiastically welcome
objective criticism and constructive suggestion for the improvement of this paper.

Finally, the writers hope that this paper will be useful not only for the writers
but also for the readers.

Palembang, June 25th, 2023




TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................ii

1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND....................................................................................1
1.2 PURPOSE OF PAPER .........................................................................1
1.3 PROBLEM FORMULATION.............................................................1
2. CONTENT....................................................................................................2
2.1 DEFINITON SHORT STORY..............................................................2
2.2 SHORT STORY “A WORN PATH”.....................................................3
2.3 THE INTRINSIC ELEMEMTS ..........................................................3
2.3.1 Character....................................................................................3
2.3.2 Plot...............................................................................................5
2.3.3 Conflict........................................................................................7
2.3.4 Setting..........................................................................................7
2.3.5 Theme..........................................................................................7
2.4 PLOT SUMMARY.................................................................................8
2.5 MORAL MESSAGE..............................................................................8
3. CONCLUSION.............................................................................................9
4. BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................9

Short stories or short stories are a genre of literature prose. Short story is
packaged concisely, because of that, people often call short stories reading in one
sitting. The process of reading short stories does not require a long time. but the
point can be found immediately.
There are many things that can be absorbed from reading short stories, one of
them are human or social values related to life daily. Contemplation through the
values of life in the short story provide a mandate that can be used as a reflection for
the lives of students.
Short stories as one of the literary products contain stories based on events
related to socio-cultural values that often occurs in real life in the community
environment. Most of the stories in the short stories are fictitious. even so, the story
in the short story has relevance to real life, because the source of the story that
occurs in short stories is partially originates from human life. Readers can learn a
lot through plot story or plot of life that is in the short story with various possible
According to Yasa (2012,p.23) says, "Literature reflects directly on various
social aspects of family relations, class conflict, and perhaps the trend of separation
of social structures". Short stories usually have titles that imply the meaning of the
story presented, therefore to understand the real meaning of a short story it is
necessary to read the whole story and it is not uncommon to need a little light
analysis of the short story.


a. Knowing the short story.
b. Knowing the elements in the short story “A Worn Path”
a. What is short story?
b. What are the elements in short story “A Worn Path”?

Short stories are stories or narratives (not argumentative analysis)
fictitious (not really happened but could happen anywhere and anytime) and
relatively short”. A short story is a work of prose fiction that can be read in
one sitting—usually between 20 minutes to an hour. There is no maximum
length, but the average short story is 1,000 to 7,500 words, with some
outliers reaching 10,000 or 15,000 words. At around 10 to 25 pages, that
makes short stories much shorter than novels, with only a few approaching
novella length. A piece of fiction shorter than 1,000 words is considered a
“short short story” or “flash fiction,” and anything less than 300 words is
rightfully called “microfiction.”
The setting of a short story is often simplified (one time and place),
and one or two main characters may be introduced without full backstories.
Short stories typically focus on a single plot instead of multiple subplots, as
you might see in novels. Some stories follow a traditional narrative arc, with
exposition (description) at the beginning, rising action, a climax (peak
moment of conflict or action), and a resolution at the end. However,
contemporary short fiction is more likely to begin in the middle of the action
(in medias res), drawing readers right into a dramatic scene.
While short stories of the past often revolved around a central theme
or moral lesson, today it is common to find stories with ambiguous endings.
This type of unresolved story invites open-ended readings and suggests a
more complex understanding of reality and human behavior.
The short story genre is well suited to experimentation in prose
writing style and form, but most short story authors still work to create a
distinct mood using classic literary devices (point of view, imagery,
foreshadowing, metaphor, diction/word choice, tone, and sentence structure).
Short stories come in all kinds of categories: action, adventure,
biography, comedy, crime, detective, drama, dystopia, fable, fantasy, history,
horror, mystery, philosophy, politics, romance, satire, science fiction,
supernatural, thriller, tragedy, and Western.


"A Worn Path" is a short story written by Eudora Welty. The story
revolves around an elderly African American woman named Phoenix
Jackson who embarks on a long journey through a deep and dense forest.
She undertakes this journey repeatedly, traveling along a well-worn path.
"A Worn Path" might seem unusual when compared to other hero
narratives, the subject matter is pretty standard fare for the author. Having
lived and worked in Mississippi for most of her life, the author was
fascinated with the region and its people. She often got story material from
photographs and conversations, fleshing out fictional tales from the real
lives of those she observed. "A Worn Path" is an example of this method.
The author said she was inspired to write Phoenix's story after
observing an old woman walking along the horizon in the Mississippi
countryside. Drawn to the way the woman moved with a strong sense of
purpose, The author began thinking about what kind of serious errand this
woman might be on. Then the short story "A Worn Path” made.


Intrinsic elements are the elements which develop the literary work.
Intrinsic Aspecs are including character, conflict, setting, plot, are build the
literary work itself. Therefre intrinsic elements are the foundation of literary
2.3.1 Character
Character is a basic element of the story and yet it is important
parts of the story because it helps to send messages of the story
through the behavior of the character. According to Oxford
Dictionary, character is mental or moral qualities that make one
person different from the others.
The characters in short story “A Worn Path”:
a. Phoenix Jackson
Phoenix is the main character. She was a small, old, African-
American woman walking around in an apron made from
sackcloth sugar, a cane made from an umbrella, and dragging
her shoelaces.

Phoenix is the representation of "dont judge book by its cover.
Despite his tattered appearance, Phoenix is on an important
journey to soothe the suffering of his loved ones.
b. The Hunter
The hunter is the supporting character. He is the only person
Phoenix speaks to on the country part of the path. She does talk
to a little boy bringing a piece of cake for her, but that is just a
The hunter is a young white man, which means in physical
attributes at least, he is the total opposite of Phoenix, an old
black woman.
c. The Shopper
The shopper is a minor character. She does is only stop for a
couple seconds to tie Phoenix's shoes when Phoenix asks her to.
The shopper is described as a "Kind Lady" who does not
question Phoenix or her purpose, nor does she challenge her the
way hunters do. She simply agreed to help and continued on her
way while Phoenix goes hers. In the story describes this woman
carrying a stack of gifts, which she placed on the pavement to
bend down and tie Phoenix's shoes "tightly".
d. Attendant
The attendant is supporting character. The attendant is the first
character to speak to Phoenix as she enters the doctor's office.
Even though she sat at the receptionist desk, she was not
friendly. The officer appraised Phoenix as soon as she saw her
and and thought that Phoenix was a patient of the "Charity
case". The officer's attitude at work can see when he asks
Phoenix a series of questions:
"What's your name?, Speak up grandma, We must have your
history, you know, Have you been here before?, We seem to be
the trouble with you, Are you deaf?.
e. Nurse
The nurse is a supporting character. She immediately
recognized Phoenix, and she knew about her grandson's case.

Several biographical details about Phoenix emerge through her
conversations with nurse. From the nurse, it knows that Phoenix
lives in the countryside outside the Natchez Trail and that she
was never able to attend school because she was too old at the
time. It is through the nurse that we learn about Phoenix's
grandson and the reason for his journey.
f. Grandson
The grandson is a character that doesn't appear in the story. He
is only introduced by another character. Grandson's character
can be called an invisible character.
The role of the grandson in this story is very important. The
grandson serves as Phoenix's motivation, and the importance of
going to town to get the cure drives his entire journey. In other
words, if there is no grandson, therefore there is no stories.
2.3.2 Plot
Plot is the sequence of events that exist compiled into a story. it is
the author's way of organizing the whole story. So, it could be
understand that the plot is set up to make the audience understand
the whole movie.
As it is universally acknowledged that plot is an abbreviation of the
literary term it is defined as the events that make up a story,
especially those related to each other in a pattern, in a sequence,
through cause and effect, how the reader perceives the story, or
simply by as it happens. The plot has five levels which are:
a. Orientation
Orientation is the beginning of the story where the appearance
of the characters and setting for the first time appearing in a
story or film. This means how the introduction of characters,
place and time.
In short story A Worn Path the orientation is “In the Middle of
Woods”. The story setting describe Phoenix's physical
appearance and some info about her surroundings. At this part it
can be noticed that the reader is following along with a small,

old black woman as she walks along a path nestled in a rural
b. Rising Action
Rising action pointed the problem which the protagonist has
been through and achieve the goals. Rising actions seems
happened between the introduction, and climax in the story.
In short story A Worn Path the rising action is “Over the River
and Through the Woods”. As Phoenix traverses her path, she
crosses through pinewoods, oak trees, up hills and down hills,
through thorny bushes, over a creek on a sketchy looking log
bridge, under a barbed-wire fence, through dead trees and fields
of dried corn and cotton, through easy parts and swampy parts.
In this part the reader begins to be presented with how Phoenix
struggles on the way.
c. Climax
Climax is the moment of the greatest tension in a story. The
climax usual
in the story there are conflicts that the major character faces. It
also sometimes it can be the solution of the problem or struggles
that the main character has been through.
In short story A Worn Path the climax is “Phoenix in the
City”. At the climax the reader get the information about why,
what Phoenix purpose when Phoenix ascends the stairs leading
to the medical office and announces, "Here I be". Her epic
journey culminates at this clinic where she seeks medicine to
soothe her grandson's throat. Instead of getting good treat,
Phoenix was treated less well by the attendant, it makes Phoenix
d. Falling Action
Falling Action is the stage when the tension of the story calms
down. It always appears in the story that the story will soon end.
In short story A Worn Path the falling action is when “The
Nurse Recognized Phoenix”. The falling actionbegins shortly

after the nurse recognizes Phoenix and describes the purpose
behind the phoenix's presence.
e. Resolution
Fiction has a happy ending, where the protagonist can be able to
solve the problem, defeat enemies, and find the true love and
live happily ever after.
In short story A Worn Path the falling action is when “The
Mission Accomplished”. Once Phoenix got the medicine for her
grandson, the attendant offers Phoenix some spare change from
her purse as Phoenix prepares to leave. Phoenix adds the nickel
from the attendant to the nickel she took from the hunter, and
she decides that she will buy a paper windmill to bring back for
her grandson along with his medicine.
2.3.3 Conflict
Conflict is a problem in a story, a character's obstacle to achieving
his goals. Conflict of this story is about Phoenix Jackson's an old
woman who difficulty getting to Natchez to obtain medication for
her grandson. On the long journey, Phoenix comes up against thorn
bushes, a hunter, and a barbed wire fence, all of which make her
trip difficult to complete.
2.3.4 Setting
Setting is the time and place that occurs as the setting of the story
can be made by the author or writer. It may be as imaginary world
that made by the author or it can be real in order to create
atmosphere in the certain story. Historical and cultural background
may also appear and it will influence the plot of the story.
The story is set in the Natchez Trace and Natchez, Mississippi;
Christmastime in the late 1930s/early 1940s. Primarily in the
woods and on a worn path that Phoenix has taken many times. The
setting reflects the harshness and isolation of the environment and
creates a sense of both familiarity and danger.
2.3.5 Theme
Theme is the central idea and/or universal truth that is the main
focus of the story.

Theme of short story “A Worn Path” is " is the power of love and
determination. Phoenix's journey becomes a metaphor for the
struggles and sacrifices people make for their loved ones. The story
also explores themes of race, aging, and the human spirit and
persevarance in the face of adversity.


Phoenix's journey is not an easy one. The path she traverses is rocky,
with towering tree roots and thick undergrowth often obstructing her way.
However, despite her frail and weary body, Phoenix never gives up. She
possesses a strong determination to save her grandson.
Throughout her journey, Phoenix encounters various new obstacles.
She must cross a swift river by stepping on slippery stones. She has to brave
strong winds and harsh weather conditions. Yet, nothing can deter her.
Phoenix continues to forge ahead with remarkable resilience and courage.
Upon reaching the town, Phoenix faces one final challenge: finding
her way to the healthcare center located amidst the bustling city. By asking
people she encounters along the way, Phoenix manages to find her ultimate
When she finally arrives at the healthcare center, Phoenix feels a
sense of relief mixed with exhaustion. But she knows that all her efforts are
worthwhile. Her grandson will soon receive the much-needed care he
The short story “A Worn Path” give some moral message related to
the all Phoenix have been through. First, the human spirit is capable of
overcoming tremendous obstacles through unwavering determination and
self-sacrificing love. Second, love and determination can triumph over
adversity. It emphasizes the resilience of the human spirit and the power of
selflessness in the face of hardship.

Based on the short story A Worn Path, it can be concluded that the story tells
about the struggle of Phoenix, an old woman in getting medicine for her sick
granddaughter, where the struggles faced by Phoenix give the impression that
humans will be faced with difficult situations in their life's journey. Therefore this
story really gives a positive impression to the reader and leaves very deep feelings
about love, struggle, attitude and caring.


Welty, E. (1941). “A Worn Path “. Washington D.C: Atlantic Monthly Magazine

Swingewood., Alan., & Diana. (1972) “The sociology of literature”. London:

Sundararaj, A. (2023). “Short Story Structure: The Art of Writing A Great Short
Story”. (online)
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