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The Child

5e Adventure
Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)
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Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

Teach them that it doesn't pay to disrespect
THE CHILD the gods.
The Child is a 5e adventure for a party of four As the DM, you are in partnership with your
3rd-level heroes. players. Your goal is to challenge them, elicit
There is enough material for about 6-8 hours emo�ons, and in the end, entertain them. To do
of play. this, you take the heroes to the edge of defeat.
The heroes are expected to take several short Some�mes the heroes fail or even die.
and long rests during the adventure.
YOUR WORLD The following is fundamental advice for newer
The adventure is meant to be dropped into DMs. A gaming session is only as good as
any campaign in a small town or village. imagination and preparation. Take the
It involves roleplaying and ethical temptation following advice to heart.
along with combat. Some of the combat Read the Adventure. It isn’t too long.
situations are unwinnable on a direct assault. Make It Your Own. Figure out how to fit the
adventure into your world. Ask yourself if the
WARNING encounter can foreshadow future events or
If your heroes are hack and slashers, be a clue to solve an unanswered question?
murderhobos, or “Plan A” type players, this
adventure will be wasted on them. Consider Their Reaction. Each group will
behave differently. Perhaps you can better
It will likely kill them! present a situation to get a better response. In
My recommendation is to save it for another this way, you can proactively keep it "on the
group. rails".
Scale Encounters. If they are too hard or too
Plan A - Charge and a�ack! easy, then make adjustments. Know that there
are several deadly encounters if they
BLESSING OF THE GODS approach them head-on without tactics.
There are many minor Booms and Curses
given by the gods in the adventure. These are
one-time powers gifted or blights given to
their followers. The local gods use these to
encourage obedience to their laws.
Keep track of the blessing given and when
used. The blessing can turn the tide of a
battle, save the party, or just fall flat.
Same with the curses. Do your best to punish
them when you activate them. Make sure they
know of the curse and what it can do!

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

healing was made. Voltar ordered his orcs to
STORY OVERVIEW take the girl, then traded her for the Bog
Last night, the breath of the mountain god Giant’s magic.
brought winter's first snow to the lands. It is Now Voltar feels young and strong. He plans
at that time that our heroes arrive at the small to rebuild his broken tribe.
town of Spring Rose. To the heroes' surprise,
instead of a quiet farming town winding down
for the night, it's alive with activities. Lit by THE LANDSCAPE
torchlight, angry townsfolk gather at the Don't have a place to drop this adventure in
town square with pitchforks and spears. your world? Use the following.
The town's pride, a six-year-old girl named The Barony. A reasonably peaceful region
Darcy, had been kidnapped by a known Orc within a strong barony. The baron's knights
gang. Calling themselves the Fang Gang, they keep the peace and will arrive in force to
live in the nearby mountains where they have defend the town. The keep is five days to the
honored a truce for the last three years. That west.
agreement was broken tonight by five of their Town of Spring Rose. It's a farming
members. community with around 400 people living
The town's sheriff is forming a posse and asks there. There are another 1,000 people that live
the heroes to join it. within 5 miles of downtown.
Together, they race to a nearby bridge where The population is primarily human, gnomes,
they hope to save the girl. But it is an ambush. and some half-orcs. They worship the local
After suffering heavy losses, the posse turns Harvest goddess.
back. But the heroes are encouraged to The Blackrain Mountains. About a day away,
continue on their own. the mountains are home to orcs, goblins, and
Doing so brings them to a Bog Giant who has ogres.
Darcy. He will return the child, but only on The Bog. Two hours east, there are some
one condition, they kill the orc who brought wetlands. The townsfolk avoid that area.
her to him. Now they must travel into the Lately, there have been rumors of a Bog Giant
nearby mountains and find the leader of the living there.
orcs, Voltar, and kill him. It is not an easy
challenge as they must make friends with The Rat's River. A twisty river runs through
Goblin bandits, explore an old shrine, and the area. The rat claimed many lives, as
defeat Voltar's many guards. crossing it can be deceitfully treacherous. It is
said a Serpent God god claims its waters.
When Voltar is dead, they return to the Bog There are few places to safely cross the river
Giant. But there is a twist. He offers them the this time of year.
same payment he had the orc for the child.
Magical long life!
If they pass that temptation, they return to
town as heroes.


Voltar the Reborn leads the orc tribe known
as the Fang Gang.
Until recently, he had a secret. He was dying
from consumption. Since Voltar discovered
his illness, he has had to kill many challengers
for leadership of the gang. It would only be a The Knights of the Baron
matter of time before a rival killed him. Hopefully they are only appear by
For the last few years, the Fang Gang numbers reputation. As a lot of the monster’s
have been shrinking. They control less land motivations are to avoid them.
and have less influence in the region. When the knights have been called in the
past, many monsters get slain. For this
Voltar made a peace treaty with the nearby reason, the monsters are not just
town. To distract the Fang Gang, he directed immediately murdering everyone. They fear
his orcs to raid and pillage the goblin in the doing so will bring in the knight
caverns below him.
A nearby Bog Giant had learned of a child with
perfect hair born in the town. He struck a deal
with the dying Voltar. An agreement of

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

He was Voltar the Might, but now he is Once the tyrants of the Blackrain Mountains,
reborn. His near-death experience has only their numbers are dwindling. They paint their
increased his ambition. faces and arms with a smokey white war
Many of his tribe are scattered and slowly paint.
returning. Once it is spring, he will unite the Tactics. They like to fight 1 to 1. The extras
orcs, goblins, and ogres of the mountains will throw javelins. If they get between 10 and
under his command. And then attack the 4 hit points, they will withdraw. If they get to
barony with his new army. 3 or less, they will fight to the death.
Loot. The average orc has 2 gp of primitive

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

THE KIDNAPPING Made up of townfolks that can be gathered on
The goal is to get the party involved in the short notice.
story. It's a time for roleplaying and learning • 3 Deputies (LN, Guards)
the story's lore. Lastly, getting commitments • 30 Townfolks (Commoners)
from the PCs to save the young girl would be
nice. The town pays each posse member 25 sp for
their service.
The town is up at arms. Sheriff Landy is INVOLVING THE HEROES
forming a posse. Townfolks are lining up with To get the heroes on board the adventure, use
torches, pitchforks, and spears. as many hooks as are needed.
She will address the heroes.
Landy - Not an hour has passed since orcs CIVIC DUTY
kidnapped Darcy, a six-year-old daughter of Sheriff Landy knows she needs the heroes to
the Millers. The family has seen them done succeed! She will appeal to their egos.
it with their own eyes. Landy - My friends, look at this lot. Good
We need your help to catch up to those orc folks but not a fighter among them.
bastards and get that girl back. We need you!


A well-meaning law-folk Mr. Miller will offer the heroes a reward of 25
who leads the posse to gold. Sheriff Landy will point out that it is a
hunt down the orcs. She large sum for a little village girl.
recognizes the might of
the heroes and will defer The mother will give one of the heroes a
to their suggestions. Use simple straw doll for them to give to Darcy. It
a [Guard MM p347] with is her favorite.
Description. A tomboy THEIR DESTINY
who stands 6 feet tall. A woman will tell the heroes that Darcy was
Personality. She’s a flirt born with a rare trait of platinum hair.
to short men.
Secret. She is too hard
She has a destiny. Why else would the gods
on herself. bring the heroes here at this time? It is their
fate. If you do this for them, the gods will
reward you.
Not far out of town, there is a bridge the orcs
will need to cross the river. We ambush them
there. But we have to hurry.

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

If the heroes ask townsfolk for information, Once they are ready to leave, a local priest of
they will be open books. Here are some of the Harvest goddess will ask for everyone to
what they can learn. gather and kneel. He will then pray over the
• They got the girl on the east fields, but the posse, asking for the goddess to protect them.
mountains are to the north. They will have
to cross the river. The sheriff thinks we can CAN I HAVE A WITNESS?
cut them off if we leave within the hour. He will then ask if anyone will swear to find
• We have had a peace treaty with the Voltar's the child.
Fang Gang for the last three years. We knew
it was a matter of time before the orcs broke Priest - Who here will swear to the gods
to bring back this child?
• The girl has perfect platinum hair, a sign of If a hero does promise to protect the
great beauty. The oracle says she has a child, they are automatically blessed with
destiny. But what that means is beyond us. Divine Deflection.
• There were easier kids to grab, but they
Divine Deflection
wanted her for a reason.
The gods have heard a prayer for your
• The orcs have been at war with the goblins protection. At will, turn a successful weapon
for a while now. Stupid goblins. attack on you into a miss. Once you use this
• Word has been sent to the Baron, but it will blessing, you lose this ability.
take weeks before his knights arrive. But
they will kill all the orcs. Everyone praying with the priest makes a
DC 15 religion check. If successful, they get
DISTRACTION HEROES the blessing of Divine Deflection.
If there is pressing business they need to
quickly do, the sheriff will try to NEXT SCENE
accommodate them. The heroes should be a part of the posse
Otherwise, every shop is currently closed. marching to Rat’s Falls.


It happens. No point in forcing it. Do It can still be saved if they rush off without
something else. needing the posse. The heroes don't know the
local landscape. The posse can catch up and
The town will not appreciate it and will wait show them the way.
until morning to re-open. Darcy never
returns. Life goes on.

As they ready to leave, go to the next section
of Prayer of Protection.

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

The purpose of this scene is for the heroes to The posse with hold up within site of Rat’s
fight the Fire Shaman. Then the posse will Falls. She will gather the heroes and come up
turn back, and the heroes must continue on with a plan.
their own.
Landy - Well, we are pressed for �me. If
SETTING them orcs are using the bridge, we should
expect them soon, if not too late already.
Rocks create rapids on the river that the
locals call Rat’s Falls. Here there is an old, We should spread out and hide behind the
elven bridge that has withstood the ages. rocks. Then a�ack once they cross the
bridge. Someone will have to block their
While the orcs can cross the river in many retreat.
places, it would be hard to do so while
carrying a child. So the Sheriff is gambling What do you guys think?
that here is where they will cross. Suspecting Heroes, if they are concerned
You reach Rat’s Fall. The river narrows here, about being ambushed, give them an
and the ground is rocky. An old wooden advantage on their Perception check when
bridge 60 feet long connects the east and they go to the rocks.
west across the river. Right away, this is the Battleplans, Landy will agree with any
perfect place for you to have your ambush. reasonable plans the heroes make.
Voltar has set up an ambush here. While he is When they march to the rocks, have them
currently at the Bog Giant’s hut, many of his make a DC 12 Perception check. Those that
remaining orcs wait for the posse for battle. fail are surprised.
Their goal is to drive back the townsfolk and
send them a message that the Fang Gang is
back! Surprised Heroes!
Roll for turn order. Then on round 1, skip any
Lore says it's called the Rat because anyone who surprised hero’s normal turn. Then have
tries to swim it is food for the Serpent god. them go at the end of the round.
Starting on Round 2, use normal turn order.
You can swim it, but just don’t roll a natural 1.

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

The Fire Shaman will cast Tasha’s Hideous
This is a mass melee with 60+ people fighting laughter at the first hero that reaches him. He
on two sides. It is too much! will then cast Firebolt for the remainder of the
Right away, the heroes must be directed to battle.
climb up to the Fire Shaman. That becomes
The firebolts of the Fire Shaman are
their fight, killing the Shaman. unusually powerful for his craft. He does not
know why, but he likes it.
You need to make these two different combats.
One of the heroes figh�ng the Fire Shaman.
Everyone else is in the background. To get to him quickly, they must climb up the
Ignore the posse fight as much as possible. side of the tall rock.
BATTLEGROUND Climbing up to him requires 10 feet of
There are rocks to hide behind for full and movement and a DC 10 Athleticism check. It
isn’t a challenging climb. It’s about the
partial cover and mud patches for difficult timing of it.
terrain. It should be a chaotic fight, with If they fail the check, they have a
scattered battle lines of small groups, and Disadvantage in the round they arrive. If they
where the groups cannot always see each roll a natural 1, they lose all movement and
other. are considered prone.
TACTICS If they wish to get to him safely, they can run
The Orcs plan to run up and kill the posse. by the posse fight to get to the other side. It is
They will not pursue them when they retreat. 30 feet of movement plus 10 feet of difficult
terrain. If they do not use a disengage action,
If any orc reaches 10 or fewer hit points will they get an attack of opportunity on them by
withdraw. a random orc.
Use the following results for the mass combat
(not coun�ng the heroes’ kills). VICTORY
Posse: 11 dead and 9 wounded. If the heroes take out the Fire Shaman, the
orcs will flee. If they ignore the Shaman and
Orcs: 4 dead and unknown wounded. fight the posse battle, the posse will be
overrun and flee.
The heroes can lose this fight and
s�ll con�nue on the adventure.
• Fire Shaman (see appendix)
• 4 Orcs (MM p246)
• Random Orcs
It is all messed up! They are
In round 1, have a random orc back in town defeated or
or two reach the party. something else. The sheriff has
Then one of the commoners is a hunch she wants them to
engulfed in flames from a Fire check out. She sends them
Shaman standing on top of one directly to the Pursuit.
of the tall rocks.
Landy - Up there (poin�ng).
That’s the leader! Can you After the heroes have won,
take him out? We will hold gotten their loot, and even
them off here. taken a short rest (if needed),
you can move on to Pursuit.

The Fire Shaman should become

the heroes’ mission. Time spent
figh�ng with the posse is wasted

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

PURSUIT The posse needs it, so they are taking one.
Getting the group going on their own. It is
expected the heroes take a short rest.
If they need a long rest, it can take place back at
The posse has many dead and wounded. It has
taken its licks, killed a few orcs, and expects
more traps. They are AFTER THOUGHT
done. As the heroes are ready to
As they gather the leave, Landy will call one
wounded and prepare of them over. She will
to leave, Landy will hand them her personal
come to the heroes. Potion of Healing. It is a
gift for being willing to
Landy - This is more continue on.
than they signed up
for. Besides, the girl
wasn't even here. Landy - Given what is
I cannot force you, but going on, take this.
there is one other way You might need it more
they could have gone than me where you are
into the bog. going. May the gods be
I can have Tom Pa�er with you.
show you the way.
It's that way, (poin�ng
to the north).
It is a long shot that She wishes them luck,
you will find anything. whistles, and leads the
But think of the
parents and poor posse back to town.
Darcy. The can follow Tom
Patter across the bridge
north to The Journey to
the Bog.


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

• There have been fewer orcs about for the
THE JOURNEY TO THE BOG last three years. The Fang Gang has been
A logistic scene and a chance to give them weakened, but he doesn’t know why.
any missing information. A quick check for a • The village is proud of Darcy. She is a child
traveling reward. Otherwise, it can be a brief of exceptional beauty. They hope the gods
transition scene. will bless them.
Due to the frost on the ground, it isn’t hard for
anyone to track the orcs. Unless they have no
one with Survival skills, they shouldn’t even
have to roll. The orcs were in a hurry, so they
were not hiding their tracks.
The tracks are of three orcs, and they go into
the bog. The opposite direction of their
mountain home.
Early Snow
Keep in mind that it is cold with winter’s first
snow. During this time, all Survival skill
checks for tracking are at an advantage.
All other Survival checks are at a


While traveling, have a hero make a DC 12
Nature check. Or you can use the Group
On a success, they spot valuable herbs on
the trail. They find 2d6 common healing
herbs useful with a Medicine kit (worth 1 gp
In addition, the hero that gathers the herb
makes a DC 10 Naturalism check. If
successful, they collect twice the amount of
healing herbs.
On a failure, they lose the trail for an hour.
But due to the snow, they find it again.

Expanded - If you want some extra content or

TOM PATTER fight, you can add random encounters with giant
He is a local tracker and hunter (NG, snakes or even ogres.
Commoner with 10 hp).
He will take them to the bog, point out the orc NEXT SCENE
tracks, and then ask them if he can return
home. There is no point in lingering on this logistical
scene. You can get them to Unconditional
If the heroes have any Rangers or Druids in the Compromise quickly.
party, they will soon realize that Tom adds
nothing to the group.


• He knows of Voltar, the leader of the Fang
Gang. Hasn’t been seen in years.
• He knows the bog is dangerous and home to
many evils. Rumors of a giant living in it.
• The mountains are the gang’s home. But
also home to goblin gangs.

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

UNCONDITIONAL After killing the dogs, the Bog Giant will speak
to the heroes.
After two hours of travel, the heroes discover Bog Giant - Young ones. I take it you are the
a hut in the bog. After the deal with the guardians of the girl. While I want a
watchdogs, they learn that a powerful daughter, I do not wish for such troubles.
creature, a Bog Giant, has Darcy. I will return the girl to you unharmed. But
He doesn’t want to fight. He is willing to give first, you return to me the price I paid.
the child back to them, but only if they kill the I have exchanged a gi� of long life to an orc
orc Voltar. named Voltar the Reborn in exchange for
the child. I will not return the child while he
THE BOG GIANT’S HUT s�ll lives.
The hut is decorated with shrunken skills and I want no trouble from you. But you must
is surrounded by water. About 20 feet away, take his life, and I will return the girl to you.
there is solid ground. Two bloody bodies of That is fair.
still orcs have been torn to shreds, and two- He now returns to those mountains not far
headed Dogs chew on bloody bones. away.
A Bog Giant (see appendix) looks out from a
window of the hut at the group but does not ROLEPLAYING THE BOG GIANT
respond. They killed his dogs. So he knows they can
Animal Handling, skill checks on Death fight. He doesn't want to fight them over the
Dogs are at a disadvantage. The Bog Giant girl. But he doesn't want to lose on the deal
treats them well. either.
They do not have to accept his terms. See
ENCOUNTER! Attacking the Bog Giant.
• 2 Death Dogs (see MM page 321). Accepting the deal, the Bog Giant will
explain the girl is his adopted daughter. She
TACTICS will not be harmed.
The dogs have a straightforward approach. If
it hits, it will keep attacking the same target. If He will know when they kill Voltar as his
it misses, it will try someone else. magic will return.
BATTLEGROUND Behind the Scene: He is hoping the heroes
There are patches of sold ground, but most of will die and he can keep his daughter.
the area is knee-deep deep water and mud.


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

FINDING VOLTAR He might engage them if they start to break
He gives directions to the Orc Camp. down the door but quickly withdraw if the
fight gets too severe.
NEXT EVENT If they keep pressing on it, they can kill the
You can move on to the scene Goblin Bandits Bog Giant. The heroes might need to get
unless they plan to battle the giant. If they do, lucky, or it could be a TPK.
then use the next section Attacking the Giant. He could also return the child if he gets too
low on hit points and leaves. In this way, the
story can end with them still as heroes.
The heroes may not believe him or just want Remember, there is no upside for him now. He
to kill him. It would be difficult. He is more has been discovered by the town. For him, the
powerful than the party, but it's not knights of the baron are the real threat.
He doesn’t want to kill the heroes. If they are
The bigger problem for the heroes is he getting slaughtered, he will try to parlay. He
doesn't want to fight. He will stay away from will even heal the dying.
them while keeping Darcy hidden in his magic
hut. At that point, he will repeat his appeal. Either
leave him be with the child or kill the orc who
stole the child.
Inside is a fake hut filled with mundane items. TALKING IT OUT
A DC 20 Investigation will find a locked He will answer all the questions honestly
magical secret door to the real hut. except for giving them information about his
hut, Darcy’s location, or personal plans.
He will tell them about Voltar dying, the magic
he has gifted him in exchange for the girl. He
wants the magic back.

Involving the Town

They will not be interested. One child is such an
enemy of such a powerful creature. Be�er to
wait for the knights. Let the baron deal with it.
It's why we pay taxes.

They slay the giant, they should be able to
jump directly to Praise for the Heroes at the
end of the adventure.
Unfortunately they missed a lot of the fun. Not
a problem. You can take the various sections
and use them in other adventures.


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

While traveling up the side of the mountain to The goblins will try to get a bribe from them.
the Orc Camp, they encounter goblins. An If they mention the orcs, the goblins will
opportunity for information and an alliance. be quick to change their attitude. They will
Or it could become a fight. offer to take the heroes to the orcs.

SETTING Hey Dummy - Oh, you want to kill orcs?

Don’t let us stop you. In fact, we will show
As the heroes make their way up the you the way! Follow us.
mountain, goblins bandits have spotted them.
Insight skill checks, easy the goblins are
ENCOUNTER! excited the heroes are here to kill orcs.
• Goblin Boss
• 13 goblins (both MM: AT THE CAMPS
page 166) Once outside the Orc Camp, it will become
apparent to the heroes it is a nasty fight!
GOT ANYTHING? The goblins will offer another way.
The majority of goblins Hey Dummy - We hate them, orcs. They lie
are hiding nearby. Their leader, Hey Dummy and steal from us. Kill many, but we kill
(it's what his mom called him), reveals himself many too.
to them. Hey, we will make a trade with you. If you
got something? We got something to tell
Hey Dummy - Hey, people folk. You come up you that you want to know.
to our mountains, huh? What say you to A trade? Smart, huh?
that? You know this is our mountain? You
got anything for us? They will take anything of value, it could
be mundane weapons, something shiny, or
Attack, if the heroes are not interested, even food. They are not too picky.
they can fight it out with a bunch of
goblins. The goblins will flee when 4 or In exchange, they will show the heroes the
more of them die. Secret Tunnels to the Backdoor.

The goblins are uphill. They have partial RETURNING GOBLINS
covering (AC +2) on round 1. If the heroes fight them but get stuck in the
TACTICS adventure, the goblins can always return with
The goblins have a rock-side planned. They more numbers to try to get a bribe from the
will then charge. None of them will fight to heroes. This can be a second chance to talk to
the death! When a goblin takes any damage, it them and learn about the Secret Tunnel.
will run away.
Rock-slide. Those that make a DC 13 Percep�on NEXT SCENE
check avoid the trap. Everyone else takes 11 If they work with the goblins, they will take
(3d6) damage, taking half damage on a them to the Secret Tunnel. If not, they will go
successful DC 10 Dexterity check from the to the Orc Camp.
impromptu rock-side.

Nothing interesting. That is why they are
robbing the heroes.
Its a Rout!
On paper, the fight looks super deadly. Since the
goblins don’t want a fight. It can be over in 1-2
rounds. A few die, and the rest retreat.
If it goes bad for the heroes, remember that the
goblins can be bribed. Instead of murdering
heroes, they will loot them.


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

The Goblins will lead the heroes to the other The goblins have told a half-truth. The tunnels
side of the Orc Camps. They will show them a will take them to the backdoor of the orcs, but
hidden tunnel. it is guarded. They are hoping the heroes will
clear the way for them.
Hey Dummy - If you go that way, it will take
you to a sneaky way into their homes. They SETTING
won’t expect you that way.
After traveling for twenty minutes, the tunnel
Then the goblins leave. As they leave, they widens. Ahead are webs and an old shrine to
sing songs about dead orcs. some ancient spider goddess.


The tunnel will take them to the Lair of the The ruins were build by an ancient cult
Spider. devoted to an archfey who they worshiped as
They can return to the Orc Camp if they don’t a goddess.
trust the tunnels. It is too simple of a map to make. A sec�on of it
Remember, they can always return to the Secret can be found on the Orc Dungeon Map. They
Tunnel if the Orc Camps don’t work out for connect through a 15 foot secret passage.


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

• 2 Giant Spiders (MM p328)
• 1 Animated Armor (MM p19)
At the center of the cavern is an ancient
BATTLEFIELD lifelike statue of the “Spider goddess.”
Lots of spiderwebs to make difficult terrain. There is also a locked door on the other side
Archery in the area is at a disadvantage. of the chamber. It will not open.
The webs do not burn. After all, they are in a Investigating the Statue, there is a place to
shrine of a spider goddess. make an offering to the goddess. And an
inscription below.
TACTICS Reading the text, requires a DC 10 History
When the spiders take damage, they will check. If you speak Elven, you have an
withdraw only to attack again! They are trying advantage. On a success, it is unclear as not
to get an advantage on their attacks. all of the words are recognized, but it
The Animated Armor will attack whoever is seems the goddess wants an offering.
close to the statue each round. Breaking open the door, it is possible to
Both spider and armor fight to the death. force it open. It will take time and tools to
do so.
Blessing of the Spider
As a bonus action, you can take a hide GIVING AN OFFERING
action. Once you use this blessing, you lose
this ability. Anyone who places something on the platter
must make a DC 10 Religion check.

LOOT Good offerings get an advantage, while poor

Anyone searching through the spiderwebs ones get a disadvantage. Natural 1 causes Armor
will discover that many goblins and orcs have A�acks!
been killed here.
Successful offering, the door will open, and
Perception skill check, against a DC 15. If the giver of the offering will get the
they succeed, they find one of the orcs has blessing of the Spider.
a pouch with a silver nugget (50 gp).
The quality of the offering is judged by the
If they fail, they only find rotten gear. emotional connection of the hero giving. If it
means nothing to them, it is of poor quality.
Offend the Goddess!
When making an offering, if they give something Other offerings, after the first are made
offensive, the goddess could decide to strike with a disadvantage.
against them.
Animated Armor rises from the ground to
murder the blasphemer hero. The door takes them to the Backdoor.


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

The heroes have arrived at the Fang Gang Suicide, but not if they hit and then run. As
camps. The more strategy the heroes use, the many of the orcs are inside wounded, they
easier the fight. will not chase. But now the orcs are aware of
It will be easier if they use the Backdoor. them. They will be better prepared.
Siege, each day 1-3 more orcs return. Their
SETTING number will be growing!
A sizeable open cave is the front door to their Waiting it out, if they keep waiting the orcs
dungeon home. Beyond it is their dungeon. It numbers will grow to three times the size.
is well guarded. But all is not lost.

POSSIBLE TACTICS The orcs will eventually return to the business of

If the heroes charge in, it will be a deadly killing goblins and preparing for a raid. The
fight. They will need to make a plan. heroes only need to kill Voltar.
They can watch the orcs for a while and count At some point, you can have a fight with them
their numbers. and the leader. Then they run away.
Also, small groups of 4 orcs will occasionally
leave the caves to go on patrol around the
Getting into the caves, the good old divide • 6 Orcs (MM p246)
and conquer. They can kill a few of the orcs • 4 Orcs reinforcements
and lower the numbers. • 6 wolves (MM p341)
Pick off a patrol, will put them on high BATTLEFIELD
alert. The orcs have cleared out all of the nearby
covers. Due to the pet wolves, it is nearly
WITH THE GOBLINS impossible to sneak up.
If Hey Dummy has brought them here, he will
tell them there is another way inside. TACTICS
This is their home. The orcs will fight to the
See notes on the Secret Tunnel. death.
They have partial cover and will throw
javelins and let the heroes come to them.
While possible, it will be a siege. The heroes
must hit, run, cut down patrols, and harass the
orcs. It will be much easier if they go to the
Did they kill the goblins? While doing these
tac�cs, they discover the Secret Tunnels on their


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

Mostly filled with trash or empty.
Many of the chambers are uninteresting.
A large chamber for sleep and living.
A. Front chamber
B. Private chambers Here is where the 4 reinforcement orcs live if
C. Guard chamber they did not run to help the Front Room.
D. Armory There can be a second encounter here to
clear them out.
E. Nursery
F. Water chamber D. ARMORY
G. Supply chamber
H. Dice chamber Normal spare axes, javelins, and hide armor.
Some other supplies like hammers, rope,
I. Mural chamber nails, and soap.
J. Trophy chamber
K. Voltar’s chamber E. NURSERY
L. Shrine of the Spider Goddess
Empty chamber where the children usually
Mundane Explora�on
Recommended to not make too much of the F. WATER ROOM
explora�on. Keep it moving with summaries of Snow melt runs along the wall. There are clay
the uninteres�ng rooms. pots to store water here. There is evidence of
a bear that comes here.


A room filled with winter supplies of dried
A. FRONT CHAMBER meats and nuts.
Huge open cave. See Frontal Assault.


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

Here are 6 wounded orcs. Two play dice while Has cave art to the Orc god. In the corner,
the others sleep. there is an offering pit.
History check, the art also includes clues
ENCOUNTER! that there may be other orcs camps on the
• 2 wounded Orcs (MM p246) other side of the mountain.
• 4 wounded Orcs (sleeping) Optional, there is drawings of a large fire
elemental and a magical fire room. (see
Wounded Orcs have 7 hit points. Story Hooks)
In investigation the pit, they are 10 melted
STEALTH ENTRANCE gold nuggets (20 gp each).
If the heroes used the Offering to open the
secret door, they could surprise the orcs.
Overwhelming many of them as they are STEALING FROM THE GOD?
getting up from their beds. If anyone takes the nugget, ask them.

BREAKING INTO THE PLACE DM - Are you stealing from the Orc god?
The orcs are ready if they spend time prying A�er all, this is a place where they make
open the secret door. However, they think it is religious offerings.
goblins, so they don't warn the gang as they Make sure they know it's an act of blasphemy.
don't want to share the meal. Even if it is against a god, they do not
TACTICS worship.
Straight up fight to the death. By Round 2, all
of the orcs should be up and fighting. CURSE OF THE ORC GOD
Anyone who takes a nugget must make a DC
BATTLEGROUND 18 persuasion skill check or get the curse: Ire
Fairly straightforward. of the Howling God.
Make sure they know they have been cursed and
what will happen by it. The an�cipa�on will
worry them.
Ending the Curse. Remove Curse works to
end it. Once the DM uses it, it is over.

Ire of the Howling God

You have offend a god. The DM will change
one of your successful attacks into a miss.
The DM will try to do this at the worst
possible time for you. Once this happens,
the curse ends.


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

A room with orc trophies on display The room of the leader. It is a modest room
(weapons, scalps, animal heads, and furs). with his personal effects in it. It also has
supplies for his pet bear.
There are 6 high-quality furs (15 gp each). The ENCOUNTER!
various mundane weapons and body parts
only have sentimental value. • Voltar (see appendix)
• 1 brown bears
If anyone is looting the room, they must
avoid a poison razor trap. BATTLEGROUND
Voltar has two spike traps in his room. Anyone
Poison Razor. Hidden in one of the furs is a
sharp, poisoned razor. It also has a bell on it who tries to flank him will trigger one of the
that rings. When removing the fur, make a traps.
DC 15 Perception check. If they fail, they Spike Traps. Make a DC 15 Perception check
must make a DC 12 Dexterity check or take to spot the trap when you step into the area.
1d4 slashing and 1d4 poison damage. Otherwise, make a DC 12 Dexterity save. If
you fail, take 2d4 damage and are prone.
If they trip the trap with the bell, he will drink TACTICS
one of his Badger Gut potions and charge in He will use everything he has in the fight. The
with his bear! bear absorbs hits and traps to protect his
The final fight can be in this room.
He loves it. He feels alive for the first time. If
Badger Gut Potion he is going to die today, it shall be a glorious
For the next 10 minutes, you have 5 death. He will offer flattery for good hits on
temporary hit points and advantage to all him or the bear.
saving throws against fear based magic.
The room is decorated with 4 high-quality
furs (15 gp each).
Investigation check, DC 15 finds hidden
treasure of 3 Badger Gut potions and 100
gold coins.

Once they kill Voltar, there should be no other
motivation to stay in the dungeon. If the
heroes came by the backdoor, they could
dodge the Frontal Assault fight and just leave.
The should go to Return to the Bog Giant from
this point in the adventure.

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

Here is to give the heroes a twist and an
ethical choice.

They leave the Orc Camps and return to the
Bog. There should be no encounters on the


The Bog Giant will be waiting for them in the
water. Darcy plays with some straw dolls on
the hut's porch.
He plans to honor the deal, but before he does
that, he makes an offer.
Bog Giant - You have done what is asked.
The child is yours to return to the town.
Before you take her. The warlord wanted
long life, and I will offer you the same as I
gave him.
If you let me keep my young daughter. I will
protect her and keep her young and
beau�ful for decades. Forever a child.
When she finally grows old, I will give her a
kind death before I eat her.
What more could you ask? In exchange for
this, I will give one of you the gi� of long life
I gave the Orc.
Is that not generous and fair?If they show
any sign of taking the deal, he will also offer
to throw in (4) potions of healing. But that is
the final offer.
If they agree, he will keep her word. He will
give the Fey Blessing of Long Life to one of
them. He doesn't care who.
They refuse, he allows them to take her
without a problem. He then tells them to
leave him alone.
Hero’s Double Cross, they can always take
everything from him and then attack. Still a
deadly fight!
Fey Blessing of Long Life
You will naturally live to your maximum
expected longevity for your race. In addition,
if you have less than your maximum total hit
points for your level, increase your maximum
hit points by +2.
Using this blessing, you can never have more
than your maximum allowed hit points for
your level.

Move to the Praise for the Heroes once they
refuse the temptation.


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

The heroes return to town with Darcy. They Where to take the adventure from here?
are heroes. The entire town comes out to • The Baron could need their help. Landy will
reward them with sweet potato stew and give them an introduction letter explaining
cornbread. The girl is reunited with her their heroics to the Baron.
family. • They may want to research the Spider
The local priest will lead the town in prayer Goddess, which could lead them to another
for the heroes. They are given the blessing of dungeon. One of them could think there
One-Time as a reward from the Harvest might have been another secret door in that
goddess. shrine they missed. Or while researching it,
They will forever be friends in the town. the cult still lives, and they want to know
the location of their lost shrine to their
One-Time! goddess.
Upon rolling a natural 1 on a d20, you can • In the mural room of the orcs, there was a
call upon the god for justice. Re-roll the die painted map of a Fire Elemental pit. Perhaps
using the better result. After you use this there is a secret to why the Fire Shaman had
blessing, you lose this blessing. such strong firebolts. Maybe they should go
investigate it.
JOIN THE TOWN! • The young girl has a purpose. A local
They are told that if they ever want to return Warlock (or a hero’s patron) asks them to
to live in the town, they will each be given 8 escort her through a dungeon to drink from
acres of farmland. a holy fountain to unleash her sorcerer
They can build homes on the land and be a • As they are leaving the area, Hey Dummy
part of the community. comes to them with an ask. Kur the Butcher
now commands the other orc camps on the
other side of the mountains. He is worst
than the last guy. Hey Dummy knows where
a magical spear is hidden. Want to trade?

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

Stat blocks of the original creatures found in
this adventure.


Medium humanoid (orc), lawful evil
Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
Hit Points 45 (6d8 +18)
Speed 30 � PB: +3
+3 +1 +3 +0 +1 +1
Skills. Nature +3, In�mida�on +3, Religion +3
Senses. Dark vision 60 �.
Languages Common, Orc, Giant
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Aggressive. As a bonus ac�on, the orc can
move up to its speed towards a hos�le
creature that it can see.
Gruumish' Fury. The orc deals an extra 4
(1d8) damage when it hits with a weapon
Howl of the God. When the orc reaches 20
or less hit points, he will call for his god to
assist him against one of his enemies. That
target must make a DC 14 Religion (Wisdom)
check. If they fail, Voltar gets 15 temporary
hit points and advantage on his next a�acks
if directed at the target. He can only uses this
ability once per long rest.
Ac�ons. He can make two a�acks.
War Spear. Melee Weapon A�ack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 �, one target, Hit 8 (1d10 +3)
piercing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon A�ack: +6
to hit, reach 5 � or 30/120., one target, Hit 6
(1d6 +3) piercing damage.

Description. A tall and strong orc who covers

himself in ash war paint before battle. He
carries a two handed war spear and wears
chain armor.
Tactics. He will choose to fight 1 to 1 against
the stronger enemy in hopes of breaking their
Loot. His war spear is decorated and worth 50
gp. He also has 50 gp of coins and (2) 25gp orc

Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

Large giant, neutral evil
Armor Class 15 (natural)
Hit Points 102 (12d8 +48)
Speed 35 � PB: +3
+5 +1 +4 +1 +2 (-1)
Skills: Percep�on +4, Stealth +6
Damage Resistant: cold, fire
Condi�on Immuni�es: prone
Senses Dark vision 120 �.
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 4 (1,1000 XP)
Reach. He has natural reach of 10 feet.
Innate Spellcas�ng. The Bog Giant innate
spellcas�ng ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
12). He does not require materiel
At Will: Light, druidcra�, poison spray (2d12)
1/day each. Burning hands, cure wounds,
good berry, magic missiles
Ac�ons. The Bog Giant can make a punch
a�ack. He then can either cast a spell or
make an addi�onal punch a�ack.
Punch. Melee Weapon A�ack: +8 to hit,
reach 10 �, one target, Hit 12 (2d6 +5)
bludgeoning damage.

Description: 9 feet tall, he looks more like a

fey creature than a giant. His skin is green and
there is yellow moss growing on him.
Attitude. There is no reason he wants to die in
FIRE SHAMAN this adventure. With that said, he will defend
As Orcs (MM p246), but with 40 hit points his hut to the death. Otherwise, he will be
quick to withdraw and try to make a deal.
and Wisdom modifier of +2.
Tactics. In fights, he will attack and back up
He is a 1st level casters with 2 spell slots. not concern about attacks of opportunity. He
Wisdom is his cas�ng modifier giving him a will try to use natural cover like trees to
+4/DC 12. protect his flank. Don't forget his reach. He
can always run to the bog and hide.
Cantrips: Firebolt that does 2d10!
Loot. He carries 50 gp on her but most of his
Level 1: Alarm and Tasha’s Hideous Laughter. treasure is in his hut.

Loot: The shaman has Tribal Jewelry (15 gp)

and a Leather Scroll with the spells Alarm and
Tasha’s Hideous Laugh.


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

You purchased this guide; it means a lot
ADVANCE OUTLINES to me. I make these to share my play style
Someone suggested my guides and adventure with others.
were more like advanced outlines than a
totally polished completed work. I indeed give 5e is a great game, but it is not perfect. As
fewer details. My focus is on the structure. the influence of MTG and Adventure
Perhaps it might be personal preference, but I League codified the rule, I feel something
don't like it when a guide gives me too many gets lost.
concrete details, especially on the I started playing when the rules were
meaningless aspects. So I keep it streamlined. more of guidelines. Independent
publishers like Dave Hargrave of the
WORK IN PROGRESS Arduin trilogy would offer detailed
Like all of my guides, I consider this a work in ramblings that would spark the
progress. Hopefully, I will continue to hunt imagination.
out typos and mistakes. Also, expand and
improve the content. If I make an update, you His campaign was a mess. Totally
will get a copy of it in the future. unplayable. But the ideas were original
and fun.
I want to say thank you so much for your
support. If you want to give feedback, I can be My guides are not perfect. But I hope you
reached at find them helpful and, more importantly,

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Wri�en By: John Walts
Join here! Art: Midjourny AI
August, 2022


Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

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Victor Lyashok (Order #37345719)

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