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CONTENTS E& To the teacher and student i Learning a foreign language in the classroom ‘About this course vil How to use this course x RAMEE xv srinininaean RE RAAT xix BCH ALA xxi Lesson 1 Excuse me! #783 ! 1 Lesson 2 Is this your ..2 R&A RAD th > 3 Lesson 3. Sorry, sir. WU7RHE, JEM « 5 Lesson 4 Ie this your ..2 BRIERE > 7 Lesson 5 Nice to meet you, A ILEI « 9 Lesson 6 What make is it? BABA AR FAY ? n Lesson 7 Are you ateacher? St Bh ? 13 Lesson 8 What's your job? Pett 4 CHE ? 15 Lesion 9 How are you today? kA HS ? "7 Lesson 10° Look at .. 19 Lesson 11 Is this your shirt? JES ART #20? a Lesson 12 Whose is this ..? ‘This is my/your/his/her ii HEB ? ALR (09/1801) / ABM 23 Whose is that ..? That is my/your/his/her ... ABABA > ABABARAY / Pit) / Hn / tb Lesson 13. A new dress —fFSR3E 208 25 Lesson 14 What colour is your ..2- A: JE Zi 2 ” Lesson 15 Your passports, please, ALAR ORAIAO*8E 29 Lesson 16 Are you ..2 fe: a? 3L Lesson 17 How do you do? 58 ! 33 Lesson 18 What are their jobs? {8¢TTAR KEE a 1-608 ? . 35 Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty KR RS 37 Lesson 20 Look at them! B#(G/“EM ! 39 Lesson 21 Which book? —A5 ? 4 Lesson 22. Give me/him/her/us/them a... FR/ t/t BU JAB] > 43 Which one? Bo? Lesson 23. Which glasses? BILSUBF ? + Lesson 24 Give me/binm/her/us/them some. #2 /‘th/t / 3841] Al] He Which ones? U2? Lesson 25. Mrs, Smith's kitchen SESE (9815 9 Lesson 26. Where is i 7282 ? 31 Lesson 27. Mrs. Smith's living room 26M ACA FT 38 Lesson 28 Where are they? EATZEBESE ? 38 Lesson 29 Come in, Amy. BK, SUK « 37 Lesson 30 What must I do? RAF BUAE 2. ? 39 Lesson 31 Lesson 32 Lesson 33 Lesson 34 Lesson 35, Lesson 36 Lesson 37 Lesson 38, Lesson 39 Lesson 40 Lesson 41 Lesson 42 Lesson 43 Lesson 44 Lesson 45 Lesson 46 Lesson 47 Lesson 48, Lesson 49 Lesson 50 Lesson 51 Lesson 52 Lesson 53 Lesson 54 Lesson 55, Lesson 56 Lesson 57 Lesson 58 Lesson 59 Lesson 60 Lesson 61 Lesson 62 Lesson 63 Lesson 6+ Lesson 65, Lesson 66 ‘Lesson 67 Where's Sally? RIERBR ? What's he/she/it doing? (8/tt,/Cibte ttt 2 Affine day BAR What are they doing? f8((14EBKtT 2 ? Our village (i )89 REE Where ...? tem > Making a bookcase Mt 38 What are you going to do? #iE (itt Z ? What are you doing now? HSBEETEEA 2, ? Don't drop it HET ! What are you going vo do? PRUE Met 2. ? suki Penny's bag 52004618 0 Is there a. in/on that ..2 EAB Pe / EA Js there any. in/on that ..2 EBB D 0-4 / EA Hurry up! S28 ! Are there any ..2 AER > Is there any ..2 ABE? The boss's leer 82 Can you .2 PRA M5 ? Accup of coffee — AFAR Do you like ..2 Hib 2 Do you want ..2 ARSE 2 Avthe butcher's #20985 He likes. (886 But he doesn’t like... (EQ HE A pleasant climate TAA UR What nationality are they? HEATLEBBELA? Where do they come from? (R(T AMAR ? An interesting climate #800 What nationality are they? (RETERBRLA 2 Where do they come from? (eA TK ER BIR ? The Sawyer famijy JIRA What do they usually do? A/T TAKE 2 2 An unusual day WCE BAK What's the ime? J Ts that all? BL Whats the time? JL8E Abad cold EAR What’ the mater with them? {8/7125 4 a8 ? What must they do? HeATR2E 490 ? Thank you, doctor. iii, BEE. Don’t ...1 RE t You musin'.1 MHL Not a baby REPRE What's the ime? SLASH ? The weekend ADK Tm going © ay > Hy? 61 63 6 69 a 3 n 79 al 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 7 99 lol 03 105 107 109 m4 3 ns 17 ug 121 193 125 127 129 131 133 Lesson 68 Lesson 69 Lesson 70 Lesson 71 Lesson 72 What's the time? SLAF ? The car race APEC ‘When were they there? {tiff REF 20S (02 7E 8 09 2 He's avfidl | (WIT BGB TS When did you... (RFT ARTI 2 Can you do this test? #RRE FEAR F Mik mS 2 Lesson 73 Lesson 74 Lesson 75 Lesson 76 Lesson 77 Lesson 18 Lesson 79) Lesson 80 Lesson 81 Lesson 82 Lesson 83 Lesson 84 Lesson 85 Lesson 86 Lesson 87 Lesson 88 Lesson 89, Lesson 90 Lesson 91 Lesson 92 Lesson 93 Lesson 94 Lesson 95 Lesson 96 Lesson 97 Lesson 98 Lesson 99 Lesson 100) Lesson 101 Lesson 102 Lesson 108 Lesson 104 Lesson 105 Lesson 106, Lesson 107 Lesson 108) Lesson 109) Lesson 110) Lesson LI The way o King Street 408 E dia: What did they do? AWAIT T 14 ? Uncomfortable shoes. AFEHOFE TF When did you ..2 At Z BHR ? “Terrible wothache BM FA When did you ..2 AREF ZBE Re 2 Carol's shopping list 629° A589 BIA Trust go to the .. BUSI Roast beef and potatoes HE WAIL SL Tad. $86 (88, MT Going on holiday 21 Have you had ..2 PERE TY 2 Paris in the spring BR-2 46 What have you done? EESHCT IFA ? Acar crash “4% Have you. yee? RK Tah 2 For sale #85 Have you. ye? $B TH? Poor lan! AHRH06" Bt When will .2 fF Zara 2 Our new neighbour SACS 618 When did you/will you go to ..2 ORE AMEE AHIR 2 Tikes, please, IEE READ « What's the exact time? MTSE IE ILA? A small blac case PURE AVF Whose isi ERLIEHY ? Whose are they? ‘EC HBHR AY ? Ow! HH! He says that .. She says that .. They say that .@,/t, ABM 1b Acard from Jimmy BRASH HE He says he w» She says she .. They say they . 8/8 / TBAB 487 “The French test eit Too, very, enough HA, 2M Full of mistakes. 087TH want you/him/her/them to... 823865 / 18/38 /AEAT “Tell him/her/them to... eit / 8M Tvs too small, ANT « How do they compare? E19 HCSEAAURR SURAT 2. 2 A good idea HE How do they compare? EATEN ESR ANA IEAE 2, 2 “The most expensive model Eb R405 135 137 139 4 143 145 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169, a7 173 175 77 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 199 27 219 221 23 225 Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson, Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson, Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Leston Lesson Lesson ne 3 4 us 16 nr 1B lio 120 in 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 MI 12 43 144 ‘Appendix 1 ‘Appendix 2 ‘Appendix 3 How do they compare? ‘CATO HESRALAR ALIS BEATZ, > Small changes FH Tve got none. RA » Knock, knock! 871 ! Every, no, any and some —. K. HFA Tommy’s breakfast 2808 1-9 What were you doing? #SBBINEAEMREE 2, ? Artue story PASE HHO Ie had already happened. EULESS T « The man in a hat RHF AIAA Who (whom) , which and thae SACI) Atip to Australia RAW (Who) 7 Gshom) , (which) and (had) RA Trea for two BY A Sa Have to and do not need to BARA LR A famous actress A O9SCIM BL He can't be .. (eT He must be. (OAT Seventy miles an hour W238 70 3B He can’t have been. STB AE Hee must have been .. (SABIE TERE Don't be so sure! ABB 2, PE # He may be .. {tT RER: He may have been .. MATE Tm not sure, RABE « Sensational news! AEAEHE ST | He said (that) he .. (#21848, He told me (what) he... 46825 ei fe The latest report ARIA E, He said (hat) he .. 18 (49) 2 Hee told me (that) he .. (88) Sit [A pleasant dream AEH 1. SR Is that you, Jobn? 2650, 2008 2 He wants to know if/why/what/when (AS00885 / tt ZZ ft Zs Sally's first train ride BEAU AC Het Someone invited Sally to a party. A AatiH ERIE — 12 « Sally was invited to a party. PHIRI —TIEL « A walk through the woods HPA He hasn't been served yet. EBA AAR IHE, He will be served soon, fH: 2 4 AA FRIED Personal names AUR 1: ASP RARA Gedgraphical names MER 2: BAIA Phonetic symbols #R 3 : 3818 wr 27 279 281 283 285, 287 289 291 293 294 295 Lesson! Excuse me! 3{7 #2! SS Listen to the tape then answer this question. Whose handbag is it? GRE, REQSAM . RRRHTR? Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? % i UNFRWZ NC oy PL4 i L Is this your handbag? Yes, itis. Thank you very much. Lesson 1 New words and expressions 4 14 fo 4218 excuse /tks'kju:2 handbag /"hendbeg/n. (Fl) FR me /muz/ pron, 3% pardon /’ in, RG, WER yes fjes! adv. #4 it ft pron. 1 is (iz! v, be By inl ER EI = AM BR thank you /‘@enk-ju:/ S86 ({"1) this /81s! pron, 3& ‘very much /‘veri-mat{/ 3 #42, your ot! possessive adjective Ht, YAY Notes on the text 7% i 1 Excuse me. MERA TSAR, TAMERS Silat. ERP, BT RS ASTER IITA GRP ELE 2 Pardon? 44919 [beg your pardon. BURA HM 7 HELA is BA — ie, BREL ARIE. tage KEONFRAG? HAR. WAR. ee Ng? def, BRM, se aaa Lesson 2 Isthis your... ? iX¢RAY------03? Ss Listen to the tape and do the exercises, FRG HES. Lesson 2 New words and expressions 2 #4 4 836 pen /pew n. $8 dress /dres/ n, HERG pencil /"pensal/ n. ¥°& skirt /skaxt/ n. HE book /buk/ n. 4 shirt [fa n. HA watch /wotf n, Fi car kaz! n. FE coat /kaut n. S48, SAE house /haus/ n. BF Written exercise “# i #4. Copy these sentences. EAP AF 6 Creuse mol Lesson3 Sorry, sir. WAH, Ho eS tstento the tape then answer this question. Does the man get his umbrella U act RE. FEM. AAKLARALEA hah Ho? My coat and my umbrella please. Here is my ticket. ‘Thank you, sir. Number five. Here’s your umbrella and your coat. This is not my umbrella. Sorry. sir. Is this your umbrella? No, it isn’t. Is this it? Yes ‘Thank you very much. tis. Lesson 3 New words and expressions #4 +4 fo 421% umbrella /am'brela/ n. number /‘namba/ n. 55 please /plizz/ int. 1% five /farv/ num. Hi here /hta/ adv. 3 sorry /‘sori/ adj. Xf itz) my /mat/ possessive adjective 2) sir /ssi/ n, SOAR ticket /ukit/ n, 3% cloakroom /"klaukrumy/ n. 2248 7 BLE Notes on the text # X i2 I ken Here's 4 Here is HS EX, AVA F A He's (He is), It's (It is) F . MSBAMEMS BAEK TASS AEA OA, ARS EAR AE RIESE Sorry = I'm sorry, KAO OMBER, ATRRAA, MARAE . sir, EE, RARAZANPARWBF, FRAREROMH Is this it? 760) P ive your umbrella. HTH BSEAT, MAA ai, URE. REEL RRR REAR. ER RR) RF. WIN, Fete. 55, KEBNCAKK , KRERHE , WARE, FE. ES AHS? Bi Bik! THE RIG? Lesson4 Is this your...? ix 2/RH- 13? isten to the tape and answer the questions. Ry HS ia aad Is this your skirt? Is this your teacher? s this Is this your daughter? New words and expressions 4 #4] #4238 suit /surt/ n, ~ #4 AR son /san/n. JLF school /sku:l/ n. “##E daughter /'do:ta/ n. JL teacher !"tstfo/ n. Ei Written exercises # i #5 7] A Copy these sentences. PSRFAF o ‘This i nob mg umbrolt Sovy, sn Is this your umbrella? No, tanith B_ Answer these questions. BG 1 SAF Example: Is this your umbrella? No. Ite mg umbrella. Es your umbrella 1 Isthis your pen? 2 Is this your pencil? 3 Is this your book? 4 Is this your watch? 5 Is this your coat? 6 Is this your dress? 7 As this your skirt? 8 Is this your shit? 9. Is this your car? 10 Is this your house? Lesson 4 Lesson5 Nice to meet you. RBM BIER o s Listen to the tape then answer this question. Is Chang-woo Chinese? SS RE, WAMM. SFAPHAB? MR.BLAKE: Good morning. STUDENTS: — Good morning, Mr. Blake. MR. BLAKE: This i Sophie is a new student. She is French. Miss Sophie Dupont. MR. BLAKE: Sophie, this is Hans He is German. HANS Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is Naoko. She's Japanese NAOKO Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is Chang-woo. 5 He's Korean, CHANG-WOO : Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is Luming. 6 He’s Chinese. LUMING: Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is Xiaohui. 7 She’s Chinese, too. XIAOHUI: Nice to meet you. Lesson 5 New words and expressions 4 14 4°44 18 Mr. /‘mista/ 38° German /“dgaiman/ adj. & n. #6E1.A good /gud/ adj. &F nice /nats/ adj. F478 ‘morning /‘mornan/n. 958 meet /mist/v. 58 Miss /mus/ “salt Japanese /dgep'nizz! adj. & n. FARA, new /njux/ adj. Hify Korean /ka'rian/ adj. & n. ERA student /'stjusdomt n. 84 Chinese /,tfar'nizz/ adj. & n. PEA. French /frent{/ adj. & n. (8A too /tu:/ adv, tt Notes on the text i < 124 1 Good morning, be SR a LAUT IE 2. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. AAT RASH REBAR OK. ARM F 5 3. Nice to meet you. POSE, WME ERRS . EStHS HA How do you do? SHEL Ai RIL % RAE ARIE i Bi FEE u f HERE WHE + tt tl WEI BE x BEM. BEM, MRR . FEAL RAED MAB. SERDAR SEE MARIA RAEN, TE METUM . (AAA ROLE TENT » WA ARA NLA TAF «ALTA WR EIR 5 FEAL. EPA. REA LA « TRAGER. MULE PLA. AGN MEH Lesson6 What make is it? @RttAne+H? S Listen to the tape and answer the questions. SS of REHM It's a Mercedes. (German) It’s a Toyota. (Japanese) 12 — 2 ; | | Lo t — It’s a Daewoo. (Korean) It’s a Mini. (English) l __ It’s a Ford, (American) It’s a Fiat. (Italian) Lesson 6 New words and expressions 4 74 4042 35 make /merk/ n, UPAR 05) BES Mercedes /ma'serdizz/ n. 935885 Swedish /‘swi:dif/ adj. 3 S80) Toyota /‘tayjoutal n. FIA English inglt{/ adj. F188 Daewoo /"dazwu:/ n. KF American /a'merikan/ adj. 2% EH Mini *raanw! n. 28% Nalian /r'telion! adj. BR ANAT Ford /fo:d/ n. HF Volvo /"volvaul n. KARR Fiat /'fi Peugeot /'pargou/ n. bik Written exercises + i 44. 4) ‘A Complete these sentences using He, She or It. RRIAF AF, HA He, She Xt 2. Examples Stella is a student. isn’t German, is Spanish, Stella is a student. She isn't Gorman. She is Spanish. Alice is a student. isn’t German, is French. This is her car. __ is a French car. Hans is a student isn't French, is German. This is his car. ____ is a German car. B_ Write questions and answers using He. She, It, a or an. BTN E AAW AY, FOS. RM He, She, it, oXanFi . Examples: This is Miss Sophie Dupont. French/(Swedish) Ia she aGhench student ora Swedish student? She isnt a Swedish student. She's a rench student. This is a Volvo. Swedish/(French) Ip it a Swedish car ora French car? Hianta Preach car Its a Swedish car | This is Naoko. Japanese/(German) 7 Thisis a Fiat. Italian/(English) 2. This is a Peugeot. French/(German) 8 This is Luming. Chinese/(English) 3. This is Hans. German/(Italian) 9 This is a Mercedes. German/(French) 4 This is Xiaohui. Chinese/(Italian) 10. This is a Toyota. Japanese/(Chinese) 5. This is a Mini, English/(American) 11 This is a Ford. American/(English) 6. This is Chang-woo. Korean/(Japanese) 12. This is a Daewoo. Korean/(Japanese) Lesson7 Are youateacher? (KER? {Ey Listen to the tape then answer this question. What is Robett’s obs? TRE, KREOSAM . HARRAH 2 TM aH? ROBERT : | am a new student. 1 My name’s Robert. SOPHIE : Nice to meet you. My name's Sophie. ROBERT: Are you French? SOPHIE: Yes. Iam. SOPHIE ; Are you French, too? 3 ROBERT : No, I am not. SOPHIE : What nationality are you? 4 ROBERT: I'm Italian. ROBERT: Are you a teacher? 5 SOPHIE : No, I'm not. ROBERT : What's your job? (a ye SOPHIE : I'ma keyboard operator. SOPHIE ; What's your job? 7 ROBERT : I’m an engineer. Lesson 7 New words and expressions # 34 #048 18 Liat! pron. # nationality /.naefo'nzelut/ 198 am Jaem/ v, be 2 im SAE OS — A PG job /dzpb/ n. THF are faz! v. be Sy i SRTERS SB ‘Keyboard /"kizbord/ n, FLAN EA name /nem/ n. %F operator /'oparerta/ n. SRIF A Sa what /woU adj, & pron. tt 4 engineer /end3i'nra/ n. CEI Notes on the text #% % i #¢ 1 My name’s = My name is. 2 V'm fam = Lam, LRP Oe OER 3. What's your job? #2 itt 2 FEI? ‘What's = What is. What nationality are you? FUR ita 14 Hy ERLE tH 8] LATA] Where are you from? . SHEL BE: RAT HEE, ROBERT RENE WU LELO . FRAY RENE, Bae Melee Amy? : Fat), RIEL. Ppt ik AN? R, RAI. RO MLA? Bt | RRRKAA Biase: ik sueg? REM: K, RRB. Bae Pama 4 Pens? RE: RABMRAR. RE RA A LYE? OTE + RELIG. Lesson 8 What's your job? #REMitA LEN? (Sq Listen to the tape then answer the questions. FASEORAM I'm a taxi driver. bu I'ma nurse. New words and expressions 4 34 #7 #15 policeman /palzsmon n. BK policewoman /pa'liss, woman’ n. LB taxi driver /‘teekst'draival HAH TT BL air hostess /e2haostas! 241i postman /‘poustman/n, Mi fk Written exercises # if #4. A Complete these sentences using am or is RMAF AF, FA am is Ro Lesson 8 nurse /nais/n. ‘mechanic /mi'keenik’ n. HLA hairdresser /"heo dresa/ n. HES housewife /hauswaiff n. RHE 4 milkman /'milkmon/ n. 38950 A, Italian. Example’ My name Xiaobui. 1____ Chinese. My name ts Habu Iam Crete. 1 My name ____ Robert. a student, I 2. Sophie not Italian, She French. 3° Mr. Blake my teacher, He not French. B_ Write questions and answers using his, her, he, she, aor an. ARF 8) AN AAR), HIE 6 EMA his, her, he, she, a Xan ¥ wa, Examples: keyboard operator What's kor job? Is she a keyboard operaer? Yes, she engineer Wheal’s hus poh? I ho an xrgincon? Yo, he i, policeman policewoman taxi driver air hostess postman we nurse mechanic hairdresser housewife we ar)s 10. milkman Lesson9 How are you today? #KSAHB? [Eq Listen fo the tape then nswer this question. How fs Emma? HRA, KEOSMAM RBS Re STEVEN : Hello, Helen, HELEN : Hi, Steven. STEVEN : How are you today? HELEN : I'm very well, thank you. And you? STEVEN : I'm fine, thanks. STEVEN : How is Tony? HELEN : He's fine, thanks. How's Emma? STEVEN : She's very well, 100, Helen. STEVEN : Goodbye, Helen. Nice to see you, HELEN : Nice to see you, too, Steven. Goodbye Lesson 9 New words and expressions # 4) fo 4818 hello Mho'lou int. ME (AeA BED fime /faxn/ adj. FEF H hi haw int, HE, 88 thanks /Beenks/ int. ii how /hau/ adv. FF goodbye /‘gud’bay int. FEIL today /ta'dev adv. 4% see /sis/ v. SL well /well adj. S448 UF Notes on the text 2 < 12 4 How are you? SIEM ACH AZ LRT ToL 7A DARE HE, ARIE: Fine, thank you. ‘And you? El And how are you? AIMEE « Nice to see you. 4 It's nice to see you, ATR SEIE « 3k fy UE ILMTIM AYRE, ARLE Nice to see you, too, NEWS, BABAR . AAT Nice to meet you. #885 % i881 SEAL PK SAAR, HE. eS RHE, SUE BA HS TENG? ie (RAE, TRB. Asteng? eo: RAG, iit. LB + HER? ig (0 + (ARE, UHI. SREREMS? RAL : HOARE, He. Ss TEN, HE. MBIA | RAPE, PEK. AM. Lesson 10 Lookat... %--- {Be User to the tope and answer the questions TRFHASAM . Wt 12 13 14 eo — Sg f | | ] | Le | | | that man! that woman! that policeman! that policewoman! (fat) (thin) (tall) (short) 17 Z ° s that mechanic! that nurse! Steven! Emma! (diny) (clean) + (hot) (cold) 20 l that milkman! that air hostess! that hairdresser! that housewife! (old) (young) (busy) (lazy) Lesson 10 New words and expressions # 14] 424i 16 fat (ee! adj. BEE woman woman! n, 4A thin (Onn adj. EB V adj. P5089 short /foxt/ adj. #49 diny /¢a:t/ adj, BEA tall to hot /hot/ adj. 2849 cold /kauld/ adj. 89 old /auld/ adj. 69 young /jan/ adj. F420) busy /"brzi/ adj. tA lazy Mlerzil adj. NAA clean /kli:n/ adj. “F¢8t9 Written exercises + i #4. ‘A Complete these sentences using He's, She’s or It’s. KRVAF AF, JA He's, She's 2 i's Zo Example: Robert isn't a teacher, an engineer. Robert isn'ta loacher. He's an engineer 1 Mr. Blake isn’t a student, a teacher. 2 This isn’t my umbrella. your umbrella. 3. Sophie isn’t a teacher. __a keyboard operator. 4 Steven isn’t cold. hot. 5. Naoko isn’t Chinese. Japanese, 6. This isn’t a German car. ‘a Swedish car. B Write sentences using He or She. Ba ay Bh aay To Example: Helen/well Look at Helen. She's very well 1 aman/fat 7 Stevens/hot 2 woman/thin 8 Emma/cold 3. policeman/tall 9° mitkman/old 4 policewoman/short 10 air hostess/young 5 mechanic/diny 11 hairdresser/busy 6 nure/elean 12. housewife/lazy Lesson 11 Is this your shirt? xX#AWABE? SS Listen to the tape then answer this question. Whose shirt is white? KR, BSR. RHHRES EH? TEACHER : Whose shirt is that? TEACHER : Is this your shirt, Dave? DAVE: No, sir. It's not my shirt. DAVE: This s my shirt My shint’s blue, ‘TEACHER : Is this shirt Tim's? DAVE: Perhaps itis, sir. ‘Tim's shirt’s white. TEACHER : Tim! TIM Yes, TEACHER : Is this your shirt? TIM Yes, sir, TEACHER : Here you are, Catch! TIM Thank you, sir. Lesson 11 New words and expressions 4 34] 4 4%. 1 whose /hu:z/ pron. iff) white /want/ adj. 9 89 blue /blu:/ adj. #05 catch /keetf/ v. IME perhaps /pa‘haeps/ adv. KE Notes on the text if 12 # Whose shirt is that? BETH) {Ciel Whose (E40) (ESET, #EC6 shirt. Is this shirt Tim's? Tim's JE Tim MAREK, NEAR, Tim's GALES shirt . fl: Ttisn’t my pen, it's Frank's. KAMRAN, BATCH Here you are, 3& Here it is. Ae TABLE HA, A) are Ail is MERE. BEAK Ei: ABATE Bhi: WK, RAMA? HE SOK, Seth. RERUNS. HH: KERN. RONEN . EN SPARE AS A A BE? HA: HE. FE. NN ER eo | el: HM BM AR, EP Ei + BOR Mn Ta? i ei ae Lesson 12 Whose is this . . . ? This is my/your/his/her . . . Sk REN? BRAN / PA / HA Whose is that. . , ? That is my/your/his/her . . . BB REN? BERRA / A / he / they (GB Listen to the tape and answer the questions, FRAT SAM. 2 2B 24 — - — — 1 handbag car coat Its Stella’s It's Paul’s. It’s Sophie's. 25 6 27 umbrella pen dress I's Steven's, It’s my son's. It’s my daughter's. 28 29 30 —— r suit sit blouse It’s my father’s, It's my mother's. Hee It's my brother's, It's my sister's Lesson 12 New words and expressions 4 74 47 4838 father /"fazda/ n. 33% tie /tar/ n, SAE mother /‘madal n. 8% brother brada/ n. 5s % blouse /blauz! n. AH his (htz/ possessive adjective {ttt sister /‘sista! n, MH, her /ha:/ possessive adjective tht) Written exercises + ii 4 2) A Complete these sentences using my, your, his or her. RBAF AT, Romy. your his A her RZ o Example: Hans is here. That is Hans tt bere, Thal ts his car, 1 Stella is here. That is car. 2. Excuse me, Steven. Is this umbrella? 3. Tam an air hostess. name is Brit 4 Paul is here, too. That is coat. B Write questions and answers using ’s, hisand hers. REAIRAPAS, RMAASMAHABBA 5 KARIM ABD A his K hers © Example: shirt/Tim Whose ts this shirt? IE's Tim's, $64 bs shard. . 1 handbag/Stella 7. suit/my father 2 car/Paul 8 skir/my mother 3. coavSophie 9 blouse/my sister 4 umbrella/Steven 10. tie/my brother 5. pen/my daughter LL pen/Sophie : 6 dress/my son — 12 pencil/Hans 2 Lesson 13 Anewdress —##ERS S Listen to the tape then answer this question. What colour is Anna’s nat? TRE, BEAM . MH MTAT ARM EH? LOUISE : What colour’s your new dress? ANNA: It’s green. ANNA: Come upstairs and see it. LOUISE : Thank you. ANNA: Look! Here itis! LOUISE : That's a nice dress. It's very smart. ANNA: My hat's new, too. LOUISE : What colour is it? ANNA: _ It’s the same colour. I's green, too, LOUISE : That isa lovely hat! 2s Lesson 13 New words and expressions 4 14 #4878 colour /"kala/ n. 8H, smart /smaz/ adj. URGE, 75 4bH9 green (grisn/ adj. 2G hhat hee n, HF come /kam/ v, K same /seim/ adj. #87109 upstairs /ap'steaz/ adv. NEE. lovely /‘lavli/ adj. 5], SAR BY Notes on the text i# % i2 # 1 What cotour’s = What colour is. 2 Come upstairs and se it. : ‘5% and AM “HO” A, HALF AAY, fs Come and see me. IKI 5 AIEICHAAEM Come Upstairs to see it BEAL Be: IRE RET Ze? KW: RRM. SINE OR BE. Bese sin Hh AR, TE Me: RAPER IRR, AE. OB: RATE LEAN Bt REAP AREAS? ee: RE, heen. FE MBA Lesson 14 What colour’s your...? #RAJ BAAR? = Listen to the tape and answer the questions. KRTHEST SA © 20 LM umbrella black shirt white coat “y 60 70 case~~CéDrown carpet red 80 OO blouse yellow orange 100 ae “tee hat grey and black dog brown and white a New words and expressions # 34 44218 case /kets/ n. 407 carpet ka:pi/ n, S888 Written exercises # i #1 A Rewrite these sentences. REA DHFANSBAFSAA— Example: This is Stella, This is her handbag, ‘This is Stolla's handbag. This is Paul. This is his car. This is Sophie. This is her coat. This is Helen. This is her dog. This is my father. This is his suit. This is my daughter. This is her dress. B Write sentences using ‘s, his or her. BREANTRAHDS, RM LDMRABH A Example: Stever/umbrella/black Wha colowr's Stoven's umbrella? Hit umbrella's blach, Steven/ear/blue ‘Tim/shirtwhite : Sophie/coat/grey Mrs. White/carpet/red Daveftie/orange Steven/hat/grey and black aueene Lesson 14 dog /dvg/ n. 8) ‘s TARA HE X his % here 7 Helen/dog/brown and white Hans/pen/green Luming/suivgrey Stella/pencil/olue Xiaohuifhandbag/brown Sophie/skirt/yellow Lesson 15 Your passports, please. iH RPRMNAFR » Listen to the tape then answer this question. FEB there a problem with the Customs officer? GRE, REODSAM. RAT ABH LBB? CUSTOMS OFFICER : Are you Swedish? GIRLS : No, we are not. We are Danish. CUSTOMS OFFICER : Are your friends Danish, too? GIRLS No, they aren't They are Norwegian. CUSTOMS OFFICER : Your passports, please. GIRLS : Here they are. CUSTOMS OFFICER : Are these your cases? GIRLS : No, they aren't. GIRLS : Our cases are brown. Here they are. CUSTOMS OFFICER : Are you tourists? GIRLS : Yes, we are. CUSTOMS OFFICER : Are your friends tourists too? GIRLS : Yes, they are. CUSTOMS OFFICER : That's fine, GIRLS : Thank you very much. New words and expressions customs kastomz/ nif officer /'pfisa/ n. F bi girl Iga! n, STK, ite Danish "demnf/ adj. &n. EEA friend /frend/ n. 8 #2 Note on the text i& <2 4 B] A in WTS tourists "toan case Lesson 15 Bid Fo 98 ib Norwegian /no:'witdgan/ adj. é& n. SBR passport /‘pa:spott/ n. #88 brown /braun/ adj. FEA tourist /‘tuarist/ n, Bikiit & LE CE PS 1G AE -s, AN RIC P AY friend — friends /frendz/; tourist — cases (keisiz/, IES -s MAAR BHREK FRET AT] EA LA Wi OL = AS, BU) ASBBR A, FRTTEAIR A. i Sh: PAT AA Az A de AU? MEL AS, AAA ARATE A. ATL RA RTT: IAT aa HR fi HORT DL RE RAD F > fh WRI): A. Bae. 4 MT): ROU TRE AY. AKIO it Lie iets? fe A) RW. FRA RAID inp FFE AN = 1 9B Ac tA ie 9 2 wih OE): MS. thi RTL MET wi MH Lesson16 Areyou ...? #RE--: 1m? Listen to the tape and answer the questions. HRGHTSAR » rm Russian? English? American? Dutch? 30 40 50 f as Are these your... ? What colour are your... 2 iX222¢R A? PRAY TAR? 70 80. red books white shirts grey coats 90 100 101 yellow tickets blue suits black and grey hats 102 if 104 green passports black umbrellas white handbags 105 106 107 orange ties brown and white dogs blue pens 108 109 110 = tm red cars green dresses yellow blouses * Lesson 16 New words and expressions #4494218 Russian ‘rafan/ adj. & 1. BWA grey (grt! adj. # GAS Duteh fdstf/ adj. & n. yellow /'yelao/ adj. #84 these /0i:2/ pron, ik*© (this (184 Bc) black beck! adj. #8 (84 red red! adj. $1-Cit orange /*orindy/ adj. HCE AY Notes on the text “£12 #F 1 WR ALA -s ER. ACT AE 2 RAB 5 Kes — REM FRE 1) ROR ENR AE ET Us fr BRIE 8 Ris! RS books /buks hid-es. Ml dress — dresses » suits /sucts! : (2) UR aR a — MR Uzi, ties /tara! dy BRSh) SRE, 5 Hs OFF, A dogs /éng?! (3) SIR A ial LO SePERE ish falc I3h A BR eg 8M Ja dresses |‘dresiz/, blouses /"blauziz/ Written exercises + i #4. 2) A Complete these sentences using @ or an. RAF AD, MEA a K an Hh Examples: tis Swedish car, is a Swedish car She is ___ air hostess. She 1s am aes hasdess. Lis 3 This Italian car. 5 tis _____ American car. 2 Wis__ 4. lis French car. 6 Robert is not teacher. 8B Write questions and answers using our. RFATRAXA ov AAS. Example: books/red What colour are your books? Our books aro rod, 1 shirts/white 4 suityblue 7 umbrellas/black 10 dogsfbrown and white 2 coats/grey 5 hatsfblack and grey 8 handbags/white 11 pens/blue 3 tickets/yellow 6 passports/green 9 ties/orange 12. cars/red Lesson 17. How do you do? #K#! = Listen to the tape then answer this question. {3 What are Michael Baker and Jeremy Shot's jobs? RA. MR. JACKSON MR. RICHARDS : MR. JACKSON MR. RICHARDS MR. RICHARDS MR. JACKSON MR. JACKSON : MR. RICHARDS MR. RICHARDS : MR. JACKSON MR. RICHARDS : MR. JACKSON 2 ORAM A ht B KR H RAB 2, AF ah? Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards. Thank you, Mr. Jackson. This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor. How do you do? Those women are very hard-working. What are their jobs? They're keyboard operators. This is Michael Baker, and this How do you do? Jeremy Short. They aren’t very busy! What are their jobs? They're sales reps. They’re very lazy. Who is this young man? This is Jim, He's our office assistant. Lesson 17 New words and expressions # #4 #24218 employee /amplov'is’n. i man ‘meen’ nA, hard-working | hazd'wsckin! adj, #406) office pfis! n. p54 ps! HERA bY assistant /9’sistant/ a, Lily T- sales reps /'se Notes on the text +# iz # 1 How do you do? kf CALF 3% —~ Ok WLTHIM) , ARF FEAD IKI . WLS 5 TEURCTERE 3 2 sales reps i sales representatives HM" HEst. WAP O . 3 office assistant ARIK AEF ARAN LRAT SHEL AS RaW AE OR LULA. SPR SRR AE + BL. AS Seite. AS seid LE IE AE ATR. GRR RAS He BME ALN = fii [Ret SRC AE = ARENT 5 MA LR AE A eA? ASME MET LIRA ASHLMALE GA ARI SEAS DIE, RRA EOK - ATP. SRA fA fA AARNE AT At 20 HE? fe eH tt. AMAT AE tae SEAR 2 RSE ARTE? AS MU A'S AWARE. ALAA LAD AS SEA BDA A i Lesson 18 S Listen to the tape and answer the questions. FRAHBAAR . What are their jobs? hil 1tZ Ten? 100 200 | een ones pe} je sales reps. keyboard operators 400 500, 600, engineers a air hostesses 1,003 postmen taxi drivers 1,001 policemen policewomen Notes on the text #% & i2 # 1 GR ia oe te FRAY. RACK. —ARSEHE of a fe BEAR -v housewile — housewives milkman — mitkmen; policewoman — policewomeng Written exercises + i # ‘A Complete these sentences using He, She, We or They. RMAF AF. JA He. She. We #i They #1 » Example’ Those men are lazy. ____ are sales reps. Those mon are layy. Thay ore sales reps ‘That man is all, ___is a policeman, ‘Those girls are busy. ____ are keyboard operators. ‘Our names are Britt and Inge Look at our offi Look at Nicola _ are Swedish, assistant, is very hard-working. Very pretty, Michael Baker and Jeremy Short are employees. are sales reps. B Write questions and answers RF PARAM AAA. Example: (mechanics sales reps Whaat are thevr jobs? Ae they mechanics or sales rps? Thay arent machanics. They're tales reps Lesson 18 HAMM -es. ity % in) SSI AAW, A man, woman, BUR Hdd YA ial ALA A % 1 (keyboard operators air hostesses 6 (engineers)/taxi drivers 2 (postmen)/policemen 7 (policewomen)/keyboard operators 3. (policewomeny/nurses 8 (milkmen)/engineers 4 (customs officers)/hairdressers 9 (policemen)/milkmen 5 (hairdressersy/teachers 10. (nursesy/housewives 96 Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty RRB listen to the tape then answer this question. (3 why do the children thank their mother? TRE. REAEAM AARTEMOARK MOTHER: What's the matter, children? 1 GIRL: We'retired .. BoY and thirsty, Mum. MOTHER : _ Sit down here. 2 MOTHER: Are you all right now? 3 BOY: No, we aren't. MOTHER: Look! 4 ‘There's an ice cream man. MOTHER: Two ice creams please. 5 MOTHER: Here you are, children. 6 CHILDREN : Thanks, Mum. GIRL: ‘These ice creams are nice. 7 MOTHER: Are you all right now? 8 CHILDREN : Yes, we are, thank you! Lesson 19 New words and expressions “ #4] fe 44.1% matter /‘maeta/ n. $1 children /tfildran’ n, 2% £4] (child #98280 tired /taiad’ adj. B. 2 boy /bov n. B4% thirsty Gass adj. 8 Notes on the text :% ae 1 What's the matter? = Tell me what's wrong. 2. There's = There is BRET oR: BAM. BRD ke RRL ww Hi. hey, Ks AAERKILIU OK th RE REE Th 2 Ao FEA MRL AES OKT AY OK + SANTOR OK: RH, KF). FAL + ia, eH. TK: TMM CHERE OK: MRMIBLME KE Teg? BF: tH, WET. agHiA aS! Mum /manv n. 4) Li) sit down /'sit-daon/ “# F right /raw/ adj. &, ATLA ice cream /‘ars-krism/ HKG Lesson 20 Look at them! #84247! Usten to the tape and answer the questions. HT REHOARGM . 106 ee | They're dirty. 322 l g They're cold. Leg BY ‘They're thin. They're big, They're small. 346 657 658 — a 1 S00 = “Ae” | They're open. They're shut. They're light. They're heavy. as 881 882 @| eo They're old. They're young. They're old. They're new. 998 999 1,000 1,001 : * t | e: L They're short. They're tall. They're short They're long. New words and expressions “4 #] fo 44.18 big ‘big’ ad. Kits heavy ’hevil adj. Hitt small ‘smal adj. “tls long /lon/ adj. Kft open /avpan/ adi. Hf th shoe /fus/ n, HEF shut /fat’ adi, AFH grandfather /graend,fa:da! n.ABSC light /law adj. #611) grandmother /"green,mada/ n, #6E Written exercises # ii “4 2) ‘A Complete these sentences using am, is or are, FAP AF. Mam, is are. ay ay Example’ Those children thirsty hase children are Ursly Those children ____ tired. Their mother tired. too. That ice cream man —____ very busy. His ice creams —__ very nice. What's the matter, children? We —___ thirsty. What's the matter, Tim? |____ tired. B_ Write questions and answers. BG 16] 8H IF I Be Example: his shoes/diry)iclean Ae his shes dinky 1 clean oy ne not drdy, They re claan 1 the children/itired Ahirsty 6 his cases/(heavy light the hairdressers/(thiny/fat 8 their hats/(old)/new the shoes/(smally/big, 9 the policemen/(shorty/tall the shops/(shutyopen 10. his trousers/(short)/long Lesson 20 SAA MLE the postmervcoldy/hot 7 grandmother and grandfather/(young)/old

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