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ntelliqe nce Can be detined as h e
abi t to Sotve Couplex problems
ake decisions with out comes beuetitinq
nte iqence is he abi by to lean
and to Sof ve proble ms

Binet 1905 depined intelliqend n
terms Of u d a m en t, pra cti cal Sense, intiatve,

oLn d adoptabiüty
echslea 8) -Detined as e
agegate or obal Capa city Fthe

inoliiduol to act pu pos e Fully, to

ink rationcally and o deal ettecthvcly
sith heia environment

Theoretical tra i e usol

ghere aetuwo aa appaoch es

taken to theories OE intelugen ce.

Psychonetic Appaoeh
Thrs appa oach ConstersnfelUgchce
CAS agreqate abiGtres and Jocu

Oh Ake structure Inte Cigence

Oheon eS indej + s ppPrr o a c h oe

.Unifactotheoiy by Alfred Binet. it
hat we have she Caprehexie
enerafinteiqance that ndeUes al
Specitie mendal abiiti es fes ed as the

2 wo-Lacto -}heor
tates hat intellecttta
abiuties a e CoPos ed tuo fa
2enea abity is
nsusn as Gfact
pe utic abiub is n suon as
J-fa cfo.
Proposed by Chales peo Lan
3 heOry oP Priniary MentalAbU ties bu
hurstone +ese he iolondied Sevon
custuves P m a y eutal abiUties
na mey vatbl,
numeaical, S patia, perceptuol
OYdfuuenc me wmoAY and eosovMI.

ieiarc icol odel

po pos ed by
Jenson tates that
Consitts O a. lities nteltiqence
k 1 enentt le
opareinaq at two
vels evel 1 I is assoieti
ASSoCti ve
.e o associate
Concepts and Aemembe

Level2 is Coqnit ve Competence which

thy dtves a h o - orda slils ttanSfo m the
Input into
tfecive output
5 Sru cture o lntellect Modei
Ctuilford proposecdthree moor aspects ot
ntelliqence wich are Opeation i) Cont ent
and i) Poclu ct.

nor nuation proce t3ing Approa ch

4 characteizes nteltiqence On the
basis input he iormotton by 1h e
Senses paoCeSsnq o hot inbr mation by the
oroun, and Ppropaia te out put OF prLe Ss ed
ricYehic h eoiy
Proposed by Rsber t Steyn berq, 1is th eory
Atates Hhat in tetiqence Con be idod
intD hree pauts Analytcal Intelliqence -
ohi ch has hvee pots howledge a cquisition
Coniponen t mefa Com ponent Ond perkor mance

) Contextual nte lligohcePeople who l nous

h o to handle oerent kin ds OPeople

and ituohon s
Street Smarth eSs
ii) Ye oti v e
lnteltiqence uSino old
eponences and en enhancina
the nn CYeat e w I d e as wino
2PASs Hodei Based on he kco
Alexande Luia, his modal mention s hat
inteliqence nphses Sepe a t e abilty fo
Simultaneous otnd
othd Successive Pocess ing.
Planning attention. Smultan
Cnd Succetsive2
PYOCeSsina ue he fou
elem ents he mod el

he.oy Mutiple ntellio ence

Suggest that human intellig ence on
cittyentia ted into
eqht mola Gties
Visual portial, vey bal- Cnauistic, husic
Ahythnie uqcal mathematical, i nespeo
naturous tic and boily Propos ed b
Alos od Carel chas
nel roduet ion tohe est

Kaven's Standad oqressi ve a i i x

is a
widoly used set
teCtiqonce of i
ests, ineudina multiple -choi
analoqy ce

uestion 4is a n inteliq onceest

J4 is de Siqned to wea suro evels
ooth inte ltec tuial deve lopment an d

ogicalhin leino

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