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718. i ME4O7 - MecHaTRONiC >, ; Monee = 1 | + Inbrsductien to mechatana ies: Sleuchure. of stiecatnsnres dash © Sensors: Chaveclemshes - Temperahure , Fao, Pressure Seasons . Desplacement-, Position ond ‘Feroac enh sensirg by mnagpedic, Ophcal, ullee sonic, inluchye ,ceipasihve ond edeby Cucvocnl- Mette s. * Recodets: locremental ond abfelube, gray Coded encedey + Resolver ond Spcines . Prezocleatatc, Seasws * Acoushe Emission Seosws + Principle ene dypes oF Vibsabion Senvons. InTRo Due TtISAL i> The dem mechkotronies cas inventeal a & Japenese erginend in (aq, aS a Combination of “mecha! rons meehanisons endl ‘daenies’ reo Cleakwonics. "3 techatmore Porduals hove mony coechanical finchons wepl- ateol itr Cletimaic Snes Te sulhiag faa mudw apeates Flexibility easy re desiga ove) crepamprremarnine . Carel che. ability de Caney out QUubooreted clas Callestion canal crepod hing» . > Adsphed fa the. cleusign of Cons, Whols, Madniae. doals, ude shhing mechines, Camedtas Cl. ls The Loowd svechatmoes describes Flite sopleg in cohith Ghene (3 a Cr- ov diraked mal Concunmen Hy, clevelop1° ola‘ Vie* soot PUAN) J LW WOnLIG 29] rennig Ledieg) shardag ry2KdvaD Evements OF Nectateawmics Syste ‘ AauiaBy ero # Ganp t| + &puedes |} afar dye Dus: dui 1 ray soy i oid 21 1 aepoe 4] srrot 21854! UY spree OT | couse Ey) 7 +] saamaraamezy| | ays worioNoo. " Faunay POLI) | TuNnig sodey 1 1 iF swoishe 702L2273 -| saorieaunen |. en ee eee Wee (_— 1 1 sek 1 wnwissal, 1 1s 1, | mesa, Cauda | PteN ha <> | | PeweHod « inna sishwny jaees2 wie syowe. byron idle _ | sweashe Jer INEHDDW > A dypical mechafanates Sppleno Caosises 6 mechanical systema, [ etedaical systems cad oReienation Fecharleer,. ls The key element & Mechatwnics Sytemo can be class. | Rea Unde Fllowi Cobeqont es ty loRymahoo sarteme | bs Mechanical Fema ly Electrical 248 bs Com puber Ses tewe Ls Sensows ond achiofors b> Real dime ioken Facing - le the cchutor, Gl Sensor fone ce mechanical Sytkeno a duce Orntos ev Cawe Se ocho * "|= The achat, Pm esher as dhe Sensor. Pore cnetets, inpals nel oukpul. 'S The. vapar Seqoal cape Hagnilog, ona) inte faci Syelemo Poovide Conneevions behveen Phe, Cuntnal Civeutl onal (npur[oukpuk cLenices- Ovenall Content of dhe Sepptens 1S carved our by chigital Confers 9 Ly he quphical hsplagy Levices Provide. visual Red | beck da dhe sew. levers or Mecha tRomics Systems 2p Stesd-alone Systema ' Si washing Machine, auto Reus camera | Systems cite ity level oP dishei buted Sengoy - micwrCorheller | -acwalor Aelahon Ships Owe avenakl i? A lege Pachory Sgaket cohich Linky a number of meyer Subsystems Uke Machning Cenkrey, Quiomated ASpecties skchens ‘ar i A syslerg hat in Corprraley Cabfcial intelfiqene. By Humanoid Cobok- 4 be i's eleok the Stube F the 2yd hen { |2 | ¢ j EN SORS > Fensor 15 Go eclemeal adel Fooduces = Sijna\l elahing do the qvenkihy being Measured. > The fem dnensducey is Chen Usecl im Place © tHe be Sensov. Trensducen One. dened a2 clemeah dak cohen Subjectecl do Some Physical chonge eacpen ence a Velaled chonge. Thus Sensors Cac. Iewsdueen Perronmance TeRminio cow Ranucy The Liert behveeo eohich dhe tapub cao Vony Span 3 Spen is the mencisnum Volue. of input Ming dok Miniqnuss Value. lerror : Ean «3 dhe diftenence. behueen dhe exsuvecl Volue of dhe qpoakhy ewel dhe. dowe Valne | Accorscy Accuriery ts dhe Grclent ds Which dhe value indicated by a fen suming, Sgstem coigbt be reg: ‘exer: Seasikivily is dhe Gelahiorship ‘dicating hod much Out pub is Ghere por uni i pak fe; ay | Iscagiuity 3 The. abilily do give Te, Some outpub eDher Uses be mena a Consteol inpuk over a petied of | dime. Dean Bow s It is dhe cronge. of input values Ry cole ‘Deno te dhere (s no Output, Resorotins Ib rs dhe Seratles} cheng. tn dhe inpuk value : dor coil Pwduce An observable Chonge. (q dhe ouk pak: : Uysreetsie + 2 The efPeat oF Aievent outpuh om the SERRA Some. Value. & otis being, creates) accords do tohether dtat Value has been Genchedd by c Cm. | daucusly increasing, Chonge OTM Cookin ous by ce-crren Fin, chomge. owy-Linerity: TA Linean coelahoosinip |S essumesl belween gre ERROR . inpak ond cubpuk Over dhe woodklag, cronge.. The. fs GS3sumed do be & Shouwgne ©utpuk vs lopak plot line» The. excrov it cle Pine cr dhe CrAXlmuns difGorence Foo dhe Staright Line. epsaTaBility: The. cabilthy dm give dhe. Bome. ourpur fev Repooverniity aepeciteal Appicattons of dhe Some. (apak Valve, Repestabilify = Max. - mio, values Gve9y |. Fail Yonge | 8 ' Static Ano Dynamic CtaracteRistics This (5 dhe dime cohd. clapies after c Constenk apuk, a Skep inpuk fs applied de dhe duonsducen seas) op de dhe. ‘Point at tahel, the deonsduced Coenrop) gives On cuba > Gonnesponding de Some Specifes| percentage of dhe Value & ide 10 pak Time ConstOnT: Time Censtunt 1S Smensune Of dhe ‘nenKa of dhe Sntor ond So how Fash it adill Weacd da cherges in ils in peak, “The. biggev dhe dime, Caatkmb, dhe Slowed che caxckoo doa ‘ Chonaing dopa Signal | Response Times Rise Time This ts dhe dtene daken Re dhe ouk & do at SpeciGedt Peternlewe. of Stead, pub de cite de Some. + Sled Oukpuk. OClen dhe abe Cor dhe-culur de cvse. i: Coe dene creSery de She dime g ne Foon (o/ of dhe steady - Sfale. Value bs to ow V8 is Steacla Slate Volue. SETTUNG Tie ‘ Lahis « dhe dime, daken Poy dhe Output do Sle do coitio ! Stone, percestoge cy: ard. of de shone - Stake Volue- ELAssiFicatinay OF _ SensoRs I. Based oo Powey Wesyuine.enent G> Passive Sensov :-~ Passive Sento cesynineo exdenral powes Source, They corte bared O9 Any ore of Me Bellawdivg Tira - Ciple + Renshence, lacladuace, Orc Capacitance <—4q> Sherearn garg: Resistencee Mermamekra ox > Wii) Active Sensor :- The Power creyrioed do “Preduce. He Oahu es provided by die, Sense plysical Phensmencs ibel? | reales called os “Set?- Genevosiog doemrducen’ Porencon, Sensor) Paasive —> Seasdlony Jengovs . B-Baed on the Porcmeled Measures) sin Disp@ce.cnen dv) Veloetl (vii bevel a PostHon 1 Tempetature, Citi» Elxd | HH Poessure OY Lyk cles Paroxcenthy Bored on Convey stor Fa Poneneley fo 09 Cleakatcal Poncmneey i Temperoture Sensors i > Bieetellic Skips i > Resisknce Gem perbune. clelectovs CRTDS) D> Thesonishors i => Thenerscngles | L (Brrocrannte Strips \——- ' Hata Cxpansivity x ¢ : wart ELeetRIC i eat Connector! Cegs Sheet ) 3) ! Low Expanaty () “ SETTING [kno arene @e fm 1A rH dete cee 7 Tn peRAT ORG Sree meceiet Bimerartic Sine [> Bimesedlic, Slenps Coe ued as dhenmal Susan 19 Contnallt i 9 | dhe. demperehure. * Ov heak ta cm manuPeachaming, (Poceza> ov aD | aystero "5 Tk conkains dure Afferent Metal steps bonclesl coge Her. che crea hove diferent Co-efHesenh OR crepension On heatiog dhe Steps bendl indo Cunved Shops an Go the. crekal WII high Ce-efictent F erpenadon mM de 1 oubide. & dhe. a" > As dhe. steps bend, dhe SoPt iran Cameaiin Clue Paoidently of dhe Srall Cogn ene) Rarthen touches, [> [> Ths Gonpleleo dhe. cledtie Circuth ema} generale ' calor. D ln dhs eday dhe bimerelie stops help do pockak dhe System rom ‘Pacha, abwe dhe Pre-sek Value | Apvantaves _ Disaevestouc) '. Power Soumce nob Veqyurrreal + Less acoucebe « how Cost a Limitech cupplicahons (* Robust Censtauchoo + Nok Suitable Pox vers Cad ‘ Eeapy de use. dempercahures © Cah be. Used xp bo SoPC | Resistance Tempencrare Detee Tors Cros) 2 The. Cresistonce 62 a Conduskor Changer cohen its tempenalune is Chogesl TH “property wD wed By easement of dempevahure > Rad; Loerks on dhe Pataciple dot dhe Gleckric, TE- +) Sittonce, OF & Cretal ahora cue de Chouge. *9 ih Fempertebune 260 heakteg up mechs, dheia wesistmce increases ond Fulow | x Qrnean ~ etaonship J ’ BR =RoCi+ “T) wher; Ry > Resiskmee at cemperahne Te Ry —> Resistence ob empetahure OFC a —> Temperahne Ca -oticrerk oP cresishnce, > Conncat iu Leos f EuemenT — SueretH 1— Mount THREADS Papen, Resistance Temperatowe Deteci0e D> The Sensor fs vavolly svacle do lave & iteméa: 2 (com OF OPc Do ence sen dhe cresishowe cues Cn RTD, Apply o Consiomk cuncent, cAcarure the. Cresutting volhoge, ove) de- » denening dhe RTD STH Siskmce. SRDS coe Wed ar dhin Ales, ire usand oy coil > They one. qrrenty made & oretedls Sud ay Plaka, Mclcel OV Nickel —Coppey alley > Plakowm is Capectalty Suited fr die purpore CH if cay G9iK) Stem, ba demperaharcs One eneata kai nies, excetlen + Slabs tits > Rtas hore biter a ond Aepenjebil: « They tm | a Slowly, Geplacing dhermecouples tn industriel applicabrons § bebers Good | Appuicatwons OF RTD!- 5 Oe Aw Coont Hentng ord cveReryerodion sensing 2e Foec) POSSE, %e Shoves cmd aenilt’s | We Tentile. Produchioo | 2y Plashe Pree asiog 2p Pelmchemical “pomcessling, a Meanistors THeRMErOR < / ounsi Comteo Bean Hany (=> Tres shor, ov Germol Cesishon Onc. gererelly Cocaposeal of Semicen ducer makemal suc as Stalwed meted onide Cotahme OF treba oxttes, Chromium, Cobalh, Iron, Morpenese ond avckel ) | Ot coped poy coyslline CoTemre, Can besoin berriuny ifarale | CB. 03) eval okey Compowels. fs D Mok ghenmchy howe Negelte demperahne Coevesent of MEséhnce fe, Kesisknce decrense, COW increwwe ry temperature DAs Re derepore hire & dhe Semicenduchey ratemal lacy dhe number of elecloms able to me abeut incvenses UNI resule in rane Cudimb in dhe cratenal ond Sreduceal Cre sishuce, 1 High sensitivity de demperahe clnovgeo oralken thers erteemely useful Rv precise demperahwe, mec sumemerts tw dhe. omege -68u dh 15%. is Thenetsho onc. ougged end Small in dimenStens 5 > They exhibit Nealinesy Cresishuce Vs demperatine chave- Cyerighe . . > “they one available indie Rum af beds eds ond discs Apprrcateon S 2p To mnoitey che Caalent demp emehine for! dermperahwre tnede dhe ine. { Ur To croniboy dhe demperahwe of cre ineabahy Ue Te masihoy dhe demyerahme & hat ends & 3p Prtinkd > Ze Tos caroibey the demperahue of be Pewley cachile. Choogig Ue Used in Cardero dial dhermedah. 2 To Control dhe eperabiias of docsters, Cre cnaikeny, Razer haid dryers de. el Gucemo Couple. 3 Chenma couple Udrdles on dhe “Bol flap odhen a jurcioo of dissimilar metals heateal , k Peroduces On clechme pelea bal crelaheal do dhe. demperehure. CSeebeck eel’) 2 As pet Seebeok , udhen dwo Cores Composed Lissimil- ean meleals One. joined al bok, end) arcl one cf dhe ond | 13 healecl, chen dhem is A Continuous Cumcak Chic Flows in dhe drevmo cledc Crexit- _ VeatereteR MeasuenG Juwetinal CHoT > \4 ' Berccence Junenaa Mt Cem) Heat A : Spvece “Wepaonamewe, basis Ts PLE Mensveemenr Of Tempereture Odrra! [Heme CorPce >> The net open Coenil Volkege. CSecbeak valhage) Figweoty, E=« ase +bsao* uohenc s Lo > DifRnene in demperahie. belucen het junchoo ora Cold Yenaion of Ghetmacouple in OC a,b > Conslonts 15 Reena orstion (4 Usuolly Kephab OC => Therms emuples ove Used Ry Measurement f& berporchns up to t4o0e => Commen Cratertals cused ove ; Chomel —> TO7. Nickel ama (07% bhavenions Ablsmel > 957. Mideel, 27 Margoneee , 21 Abugiataro od 1% Silicon. Appu cation 5 2>To moniker d-emperabures ahiviypfaast Sheel enaking, Process ® Tempexolunc pavFiling af ovens, Punnceen ote 2 Gemperchre. cnensure out ae dunbines avd engine exhaw)- & Teakng heating, appl tence Sofery re | Fi Fro) Sensoe 3S Plud Poo tt greek measured by appt ines dhe Bert mollis PRrciple of Fluid Hod berougt. c CanstocHon, D The Flutd, Star volume ts Gaepodtonal do Squse 0h oP pare Esune chPrence ab dhe two ends & dhe Cen satehtos => DiPeernt type: P dewces one; a) Ovifice plate 6) Tunbine meter DOxicice Prete Peestune Lirreeceice ao ‘ Py 5 2 hl Fiup Food ——e ee ORiee¢ plate “Acenneey hese, . =S [bk hos a ckse. COiKe hale. abih Centre, dhrougin cohich dhe fluid Plows. diPlerence (3 measuncel behveen ~ Pom s The Gre ssuee eqs! de dhe drameley of dhe dube Upstocan ond > & point eqval do hale dhe dvamelor dawn Shrean, OeiFice PLATE > his inescpeasive ond Sten ple. in Constouskos > (kexhibth nonlinear behaviows Oe doesnot usedte wihy Sluames => Ih Fads applicabion in medical, Prod 2 bewerag The Plurd Plows Clabes dhe Creohey Aceon erat, te mag. fence picleup coil Cools dhe Number cP magaeh’c pales tag due do dhe diskoyHan of cnaaier's Pelt by dite, Cro blecles > The lony Velocily SP dhe blede. 1s “Proper Henal do dhe. numberof pulues ond Pluid Blows fs peepenkional de the. angele veleciby (Pressure SENSck Sensor Stra pouee /—-e co a SSORE 3 Vortous dypeso® losbaumenk Suck o> diveiplrresgiy capsules Cnal below are Used do Ounily the uid pressure [> Poes sumizea Plurd Asplewes the. chieaplrragen , dhs Coser celtal / loiere| Streams + Sheela gauge OS rt | Conoectet be Bee coms of a Cdheakstenes bevel ae Dn + : : Capsule i> Laonmed by Combtamna, duos Conouyatee) o 3 | 1 | ctecapharegens t | : a Capsuce >A shack. of op sules ts calledl ao “Beltaros. Bettovs, Gust & LYOT Senseo men sums dhe Pluid poressuec In beta of charge in Ocsulkok Valhege aan dhe Secandomy. Coils a a a Ieox Rov . Secononey Ge Paimary Cote Bertows 7 Pressure > Dispeacement, Position & Proximiry Scrusors SDisplaceenen! Stosevs Cre Concerscal adit He crea- Sercment SP dhe Arnount 4 Cokie Some. Olyeat hao been move, SProsibon Senson Gwe Canceinech ait dhe delermin- akon & Posihon of Some. objcot to celabes to dome CRN ence. Point. ‘ \=> Perch, sense. one a Ram of Posibes Sense ond One Ged ds ckerming Udhen cH objea) has Maved Jo So o! colkiin Some Perheulay crrifiea! dishmce cP die Sensor. wh ore easen belly devicey coher ae on for pak, > Desplacecneak Q. Posies sense enn. grouped inks dase baste dap en Ly Gent sensors — dhe. measuncal © bjeak Cameo 1 Mean: cal cankack usift. dhe Sensoy Ls Noy Cokch Sensors - then. 13 a8 eechani col crolucl behseen dhe onen sures Ob jade enel the, Sensor» iy Poren TIDMEeTER 5 => A polenhomeky Consish Pa cresiskmce, Sle crap OOH a Shicling Conkuch COWL. Can be, Moved over fhe ( cf dhe clement. The Sliding. Coo tuelh s+ calles! Uoiper. =) Such clemenk canbe used Pv Lineav Ov %O Ai'Splacemenb, dhe, displace.caer being Conve led bo Potenlic Mareaint USED 1 di@evence. 4 Constonkea 2 55. Cu +457 Ni b cenmel > Corawe/meel Ly Gitaghite > Inencpencive Ls Mongania D> CEL Cut IRAN At 2h4 Reteey Potentrocerer. § x 2 b4~— cua (i Tae creeiny LOH) Cnunicetes Tr A Leap OD >The. Coleen Potente meted Conssh F&F & Citeuloy cuive,. uoound deel or a Film of Cnductive plshe over \ hich, co Yokwteauble Ei ding Conhuct con be GOcteel . P The. deri ery be. c Sipfe duno o+ helical OOF c | Constant inpub velige Vs , behucen deneninals $23, : dhe, culpubh vellage Ve behueen Germinal, 223 a | Rruaktes of ghe ‘opub vollege | > The fraston depending on che Gabo of He wesitloue Rag ooh, del Gesidkmce Rigs ey Vo, . Ras Vs Ris y > [@ dhe derade hay Consent eesistonce /unit leg te, fe, pen uaikonale, dhen the Ctpub fo pow portions, ( cx Pe one treouate whic, SWeler fay OOatedl. Hence. low “ chis placecnent Com be canvertedl inde cx Jobenhich liference. > The, Cre-SShnce olemenh 13 & cosine: Wendl deack ov conduchive Pplasic. The. deuck Comprttes of Pusnal - en of Closely ‘paciced Gunny of Oo Sresisive cure. 7 2 Conduadve Plashe (9 cade Up of plaske cesin emd- | celdledl wit. Canton Powder. 12) Woine Coound donde hor a creseluhes oF gre oveley -f to.ot f dohile, he Cuchahve Plashe nay have oe selukon & aboul O- Ife. : Apprica tions te (ep Used ia Coalenl Systems wiki a fed back, rep deo efsa- ce dhak dhe cai oembev oa Cempoonen|- reached ih Commanded foéitron. 2p On machine dont Cantonls, cdetaobile dieritte. Galemls, elevatwa, deqpaid - Covel Onhnl, iy ™ D> Io meanuolunrng ~ Canlool of ta jean oralding Moolwoey, Prinkog , 3 preying , Absa ete- > Coss pus het Con tvalleal cnaniesriog of Spoah eqpipeneal-. Sr Ren Oavae.s > Shoewin & ty ty denice, seal de Measure Shree on em wbjenk , drsplacement, Skess and Bree. = Shaaia in on clemenk 13 the cate oF Chong. “a leapt in devechon & applied Deod do de oniginal legin Pde deman- > The Sleatn Changes die. aesishme R & fie, clement AR KE > AR LOE R > R ) whence} E> steato a> Peropow Henal by Constera} termed as Fuge Rasher > lo generes Gort one. daken of ovdey & 100-2, 19 bekveen 2404 em Ve sishneen Scr Cov DUCTAR Merae Wine Z x fennneenen) FPF Connections Lenos Semi Conoverar Sraaiv Ullye Merac Wire STRAM Gavue eaire | Mekal Kil Ship OY % \> Ghrean gauge. fs a oretal [Step cf Semi Conductor makrial adhd con be Shuck : nto SunRicey oI dike. “Poslege stomp. 2 unions Cworleprees) O ghape- etn DAs the. Usnbpece Under goer 4a | clue to erctraal Loosing, the cresshne, of he Efren Bouge Chonger “thes chonge ja acsiskace. Con be cleke- j eal by vatag Wheat shores resishonee badge. 133 A pooblem esitr all dacin gauge i chad dial Onsithae, Rok ony chonges coi checatn hur also colt, demporcthire. =) Semi Codnchon Strain gauges have much. @icater sensi. Fviby bso dempotahyre Ron metal sine staaio gra Appticotion's > Excpenicnente| Sheess Ooalyis 2 clegnosis on seen Baa (were analysis, peek dashing , qesiclual shes 2 vibeahioo Measurement, denne Mardurecath, Compre 65007 2 dension Mea sunemen|- + ; a . DAs sensors ow Machine deals & Safekyio cutonstii > As mpack Sensors io Crem Space Velreles. wi Capacitame SCE NSoRS > Copcettence Sensor +S Vomieable capacthey . [Fra Used Ry chen suming clisplaceenent, presume ele. D> ti consis <& two Pomlled ndel Plates Sepowaleal by. substence Vike atv callal dielabre . loc Copccllmce senso dhe diskme, berocen dhe, Plate is a dont ond hence, dhere coill be crauge. in dhe Copcrciten ce cohicl. Cao be, cnen, Senca} early I> he copscitince LO Poraitel lak, copacibow is; Ce SoS A coher. ; Ey > Relakive. permittiviky «f cliclesta'c Zu > Absolute. permittivity C permittivity Pree space) A > Anco af Overlop “behveco the twe Placa d > Diskwee tekveen the Ploy => Depenciang capor dhe Ponaenehw adhicl. 5 used do hogs, Be copacthonce » dhere Ore. divce_ dyres Bparctbeace, Sendors b Chova'ng Ai'shnce bly Protos dype Lg er] Ls Choiging omen dhe plete dyps (Fig b>] be Kaen Love. Constunk dype Leg cer] Covina ea! —<—— Fico puate + | a “CL _ , GAOT ttowate Dieter Pure Z ‘a Fig@> #4 cb) 1) Types OF CApacitance SENEors 4 lo Byer one of dhe Kale cnoved fy the dvsplce- erent So dat the Flake Tepematen - lo chy dhe, clisplace ment Cousen dhe. Greg af Sve lop bo choy in G9 the displacement Comes the dielentme behwen ghe Pale do chowge- > cCapeccikive ctemnenle Conbe. USel As parorciontty Seren. Toco. &pprcecl. oP Sbical cb wocudls the, Sensov plates 1 sed ans Bi Induchon oP change in fade Sopeavedran, This Changes dhe. Senatl Ve sse) Pump eantnol 2 Grease, lexe) Snon jbo! 2> Level Coateol a ted 2 Mekerlogy applicators j Lincag Varinere DIF FERENTIAL TRANSFORMER CuvoT) a & PLyDT Conssh KF a pacer, ai| ad two Sacademy | ceils ord @ Gore iss The. duso Senn Coily Gre Connecter! in Phase. Oppesihion such dhak dhe cresutten emt ac» chen ts dhe iPrence Lohieeq Ghety emes Coxe Paimary Sccononey] Fowesny 1 Seconreey Terecy sSeoniecy Es, > Esp Eg2>8s, {@D Cone In CenitRan | Position Fest Sceswcngy Cor SGeenDARY COIL \ = Wheo ao alleacah' vel is applied to Pw coil, Linea Rontac aitheanatng ents oe lneluced in “ ? Seeandarg col. by Core Move Townrns | 2 Care Moveo Toweng: err 4 OO} Nocthug DLIK, die cane in Central Position, dha. mount of Dispurcemenit Core tn cook & dhe Setiandenien *5 dhe Some. dothe desutlont Ouk pub vollage. iz Zen. > when dle Core > noved ow central qosihes, dhene, ty & ch in omamb of cere ig dhe dius Seasndacie Jocala emP ts IAcliced iq me. Coil day dhe orher, Thee 2 & pek Sukpuk Yellege Fao dhe Lyot exchivits geod crpeatebiliy ond crependucasbility Ils wed as abvoluke podiker Sensor > Since here 12 Mo Conlewh ov Stidi behween the. canst tent elem of Sense, te 4 Ms oelvable . > A cokers variable difenenhcl dao Bronce CRY DT) ov be userdl Poy Measurement & Gokukion. Appuiea tio s :~ Ye To mensvac. clstonse fay Cepprcrcling onekerly chosing Ricken welding Process 2 To dele dhe number of Cunereney billy dispersed by Gn ATO 2> To Conhawous ly menitey Pluid level cu pear & lok cleteakion > To howd disploce erent fecn) back, Dow heyplacwalr c. ey Radars Eppy Cuerent PRoainoity SEA sors > Eddy curment 3 dhe Cuncent ‘acuced| Ce Cenduchoy bro ki . ' Uden tf ep 19 Ge chonaing etogneh'e Rield. > Feddy Cusack Sendevs Goce Uvser| dy detec! Hie Pacsence cE nen Mogae. but Canduchive materials. Hid Frequcecy MPunene Fieup @_@--- Aepiroce a Out pot £ ¢ Tereetuee p ~ 4 arent inet 2 =~ AMS wR Ozer LATIN C1 > [bk Comprises oF A Coil, cw oscillahy, & deleolor DUR Be orl 65 supplied evite on allkernaling Cums) on allercakag magoetic Pedd i, Produced. (fF cx oetal objed comer in Cloe Prd cot hy dhe cil, Sen Cuncrenbo Ore induced) ia if cue do chr Sragache, eld. => These colcty eungenh Creabe dhefg ovon ree Bell cobicl. cistorts dhe Magyrete Reld creapon sible. Ri dheld Benedakon => As a cresuth, impedance. of Me coil Nubeoahten crewing, Paceve Iecakion, INDUCTIVE “PROXIMITY SudITCH. i] ree ? x —i— x | 1 coset LC Osctusoy Stunt Sut eetinGy . crest EvpLwator Arpui Fier 1d lo duchve Prrxienihy Susrtthes coe beisicnlly ux fv | delenkion 6 metallic objeabs d p> UE has Run Components , dhe carl, ascilatoy, detaches Creutl end Oulpar Cideuth. i + A a > Aa allickowa hina, Curent 13 Supplieal dy the, Coil Cabra oro. aleo ecko, Bald > udhen o fetal objeot Ceoren cloren to dhe enol cL dhe. Cail. induckince Che. ail “This is Gonhaucusl mombied bya Civenit hrc dag na SEK adheaa Porsek Value. oP induchemce. onge. tu OCeuned. wid | Pi HOTO ELECTRIC OSITLON SENSORS Chee oggeer LeD pworo- + [cep a4 Devecrot A$ Liuer ™— Hora - a Derectan, a) OBJECT Brengs Tre Berm ) Oajcet Rerreeting LIGHT > Pool cledaic. Seosors Tks We of Pye exvitted g™ ten da Seose de positon & an abyeol. > lis used ¢o detect the objear by breaking bean of bight on by deteding dhe. eg wetladted beuole, bg the. objeah. @, | Het, GFrect SENSORS Hen, =Ftes Pl A beam of Changed “Portictes Pasting throu & Negr- che Reid experience a -Rerce @at dePlds dhe bean fone dhe oftre, ak Gee par Ths 72 kaon as hall Rea) le a otoip « eases Molterial conmies a cumcentk i5 dhe Presence Fa d¢acn sverje. rebic Reld , a Life- sence F polerhal vs Parduced behoeen he, Opposite. ys a dle, Conduchoy. The Mmaanilude

(n che Figure , Curent "S passed Heavel leads fond 2 | ne | ct Be, Sitip Ord Che culzut lends Ove Ceenecdesl de cha chop Is ihen « demsverne Mucache Retd efeusres newly whe, Aeny dhe. Yolleage. Cfenerce, OCcuM in dhe Cubpal Keds Hove crap oe oe x 4 TRIMS VERSE Mannenic, FIGLD Holl pokenhal Vy = He BE & cobheac, ' He — Halls GoeMicsenl- RB > Magneine Fuuae density TL > Cuanent Clousi Teasing, Stop bk > thickness dha, teat Pr > Acventoue as a ap They con oferare as Suviteles of bigs Rinnai Ran eteador nag cere. Sei koes 27 Th cosh less Q> They con be Usedl as povdeatly Ps siken ev Chis placemat BSenjor> 2> Then con be Wed Undevy Severe Govitmnmetet Service. condilten. OO Tosh Pure Disfeacement Sensor 1 ! i een! ‘ feenertar a i Essa i Jesinere en Dit hay Ghee flotes Udit, Upper Paty Fexening che. Capacitey eve! dhe. leased Jala Bruning another There 1s a Non Linear crefattens\nip behueen dhe Shore ty capediene , AC ons) elisplacecoent x. > The clisylecemeat: moves dhe Cenhal Kate behvern the @.| 40 other Flakes cml colic Gill mbian Cause a Clog: in dhe ape, citeate af dhe Avo Spach - &)| Optica Gnenoees = Encedet (1S & digital ophical denice dial Craven fantion | into & Teqence a? git pulses. | => 134 Gowating or cecoding these bils, dhe Pultes Cow be | Cemverteel do Gelokve od abinlube PesitHan neasurcenerh. | > Concedes ene, arcileble io Craters One} dneav Cost guimtion #15 Encoden cnc of duo dypes; Ls Absdube encoder Ls Incremental encedler. INCREMENTAL EVCSOER >> Ib Conpmises of a disc coi, dice Corantate decd of easily Dpecceal holes Theree Cight sengory) cwe ern plarert do dela dhe eye “Pasting dro tr de, holes. > there Sensor Produce eleatoye Pulses cohicl. give dhe, lor cisplacesnent of dhe. mazhanical element | ai Shaft on Shick oplaal encoded ¢5 moved. CRotahen sf dhe Shokh> | Wwe Lignt Sousce | Leo ‘oT once \ VTS \ Bree Kul The toned deck, hor anty one hele ealrich. is wed do (eect. She ‘home’ posihies efidie disc. 2 > The heles ondre mille danck Wiese O OF OF Offrelg Bran dhe hele of che ike “Fhe, oo énock. cne-hal@ oF id of me CI dhe tele. This Crmong meth provider dhe. dincckor 0 Crlehen debe celerenined ‘> eohen doe. die orledes 19 Cledscatie. dicention, He pulse fa dhe. ould daccle lead thee In he innet 7 in Couey eteck, coise diceckeo they Coa bebiad. DS The. Cre solution conte celermined bg dhe number 7 of hales on dise UDiH, Co bules 1 One creveluhin, che ‘ qecolubion §5 RY. = Co |Aosouute Qiceoer id Tas Seas Jirco ae Otpub in die Ram binary numb. 3 axa Several dishes » Cock Such. number crepoe. sent a farticulat onguloe Posthen een" 5 at ‘ 2) The. Cmlakes dise bay thace Concenlate Caeles of slots cel dhten Senton do cehect dhe Gath pulses. he slo oe onmegd ty Such @ amy chad Cre sequent cutoul Remy dhe tenets ¢3 G@ Puteher in bicom Cede if 2 3 toacks + 27 29 pesihins O-F Leos Liat aohos Ofc arpa 00! oro! D Typical encedens howe (0 oF [a daeaku. The aumber at bi In bic number cortl be eyvol do dhe number & tecake. D> Bay coil (0 daceks here wil be Lo bi 2 So Aumbet of positions dhab can be deteckeal f(s Q'® re, 10Q4, Qdhe cre solution 18 S60/igp4 = O-35% CaRay Conep EN COOGR Orde is gereraley rst usec} be- >The nereral Ratea of bin ing Rem one Bi number do dhe nexk coo coure < mane dhan one bit ch a oreasall to =>Fow epcample (9 chara ng Rew Ol de ilo We have due bike Chowging + Ona iP, rouala seme. ovis clignenent, One. & dre Reeckronally bene dhe othe dhen an inketoned ok bil Chovges 4 binoryy nucabed 12 Mamenterity Inclicoted Gnd 80 Intel face. (0 @ntnder ond Convert Prion vinciy cede do give o binary oulpul Suitable Gv a mturoprocesioy | Le > Figure show dhe dracke. Onrerungecnents cir, Renal bincry ole, ond pocy Cele. ° “4 Normar Pinsary GRAY Cove ° 4 2 3 + s & # g q Piezogrectaic Sensors > Pienoclalare sensor one tect Av dhe censure ment of pacssunc, Borer Oncl acteleralton, > Prezocladsic Molerial Cbeo Shrelehed av Com presseal gereaks clakwe Sranges cOHr one. face dF dhe melerie! beeping Pest Chorged onal che oppose, Poca negali- vety Chowgpat Cha @) As qo aesut @ vallege. ‘> perducenl. > Piexoek < Makmaly ore FPaqic Fels cOhichk adhe Storichen) OF Compas Ssed cresull in dhe, Chong. dusherbuhen In dhe Change Seositivity k SS tr & Condkeot F > applied vee, Dla a Plecoelalme copesitor Ce &), meet electrodes One, depe sited oo oppo site. Facea of dhe “Pitec@leckaic Gayth Gopawmitence, C= Ex Ea A d | | coke: ¢ d > diickaen of dhe crystal. Charge, L = Cav Ohare, v > vollege perduced. crcrroi die. Capereitoy. > the Votlege, qaeduced ia Perspentienal do dhe passive applied = molemals like Pth2, beau dtenale cle con be user fy Prero etakaic, Sensovs. Re solvers > Reslve is usteal do Measure dhe lor positon of on lead seven) Gaal Patsy de ease dhe Fositian & fie slide. . a fo \ > Resclven have the Same aeneral cenckmehion Stehuns Gy & Small ac mater. T¢ Const a Other ond a doy boty. having huse eoindicgs ak ad du one. ancther, i> pple) do one GF the Sahy coils, => 12 on ac. volhe coil Appeay On 2 Ortey Coil cohen O morctoru volkuge, thoe duo Gils ane tn Cine, ard dhe Volkoge. eitl be ~| hoy a $40 Shift. > As dhe Sho «5 ortectenl, dhe voltage. induced in cme | cater cof dill Bllewd & Sine wove ons volkegp. in Ohed folle a Cosine CSONE. > fread dhe ac vollage Se be. applied do one, F dle oe ‘ } ae dhe onkey ceils, ce Suton yy qostion & dhe anhy ab the Awe Shier asinding Ookpub- a Dlo NC Applicaton: O° one. of dhe orator 0) to ued , Ma “Porduceo dhe Feed bade Spal Va. Phve. oul= centesned in dhe. feeb bole 5! \ clepex on dha colch, ong od position oF the Crh Shas Your" SINCMROS Le Staroe 4 > STATOR ‘ Our : 240! : Stareee Neb chorge Zak x = SF cOhere ; “ 9¢ > dhe Cameunt bg CObich Chonges hee been dieploera. s2> Change. Seositivi k k 2D tr A Conskeot F > epplred Rice. Dla wm pleco ciadeie capcattoy CR, 2), melel elentndes Grr. depesiteal 09 Oppo site. ~Pescea CC dhe “Piencelanenc Cot! Copeattence, C = SEs A d Cohen > d > Ghckoew cf dhe exystel. Charge, L = Cav Lohans v2 vollege porducedl. aor the. Copeccitey. > the Volleage. qporduced ia Peropenhional do dia. far-snuve applied > fnatonwal Uke. Pate, bomuns ditendle eke con be used ty Prezo etarkac Sendovs. Re sowvers > Reslvei is Utcol do Measure dhe los poshon of lead seven) Gal Srey do oneqsure. che. Position wee, olide,, 3 tx > Resclven have the Seme secesc\ Censkrehor Tatu, Ay & Small ac mob. It Cansub co a other Onl a debe bot having huse csindicg, ak 46 du one onthe. S12 @ ac wl i> cyplied do one G2 the sahy coils ® morcionum volkage. coill Appear On a Coby Cell ashen Ghee duo ils ane in bine, ard dhe Volfage vill be Zen By a $40 shist. > As dhe Sha@t vs Ortaferl, dre Vellage duced in ene ache Gi asill Aldous a Sine wave ond vollege in thet fellovss a CeSine, USOVe > Swrlonly de ae vel Goer Cols, aesathoag faa 5 Crgutod position & ba ene Oo age ome Cael , Om “Perduces dhe Feed back Spal Yo. Prose Cuntened so tre. Feect boclt Srepal clepexs one ortey Shots. colic. ie Ongielent posivon of dhe Ver 0” SYNCHROS per 2 a Staroe t > L Vs mee ae States or 240° / Stover . . B vos |? Syoctams is @ Mol doemrBamer, eOheie perm. do Seaandany cov pling many be Vanledl by Physically homage dhe Yelahve Gmentcton cPdhe Ryo cdiadiaga. D lk ix abo knwo ag Sela Syochnas widely used Ry men suning dhe one. of & otal maghioe. D> The canstrushan 2 & Sytehoo ts Sienilow dy co cleaoic CF dhe, downstumer , 1s Reed Moho. The. pat ead Cucina do dhe coher ahidk 2 excetled yo allennads > This encifee) aalyy AC Crnrent & clea Ton, Plows in three Y- canneated Seano dong windings Pixed ak (20 do cack athey on the shih, aehic. nduch Vieg ation SENSORS 3 Vibetahess One Creo, dunce) dhe. displocemet, Neloathy ov aece lerahos The bale Patociple of Speralion bosedl on Newtons Sessnd (aw cf motion od Hooke s lau of atarshicthy men sun do Nesstor’s sesond Gw (Pa mary ‘ro! is unde. > ANecondi 0 ik aoill eocenbaRwoe- Fl en dhe fea auceeleralios ‘=’, Mass 2 Fa = 9G D This Rrce is Opposed by che cresteuining Fea of Me. Spry hel k be dhe. Shoe ond dx be dhe displace overt Lobe may ror enigioal positon. Thea Arceoricioa, ds Hooke Gud Fs = kdx ait nas Dina Skecely shes a= Fs | Ma = kdx a = Kee mo 2) COIR our doenping Suda sqakw bndlen ge nen- cbecoying suptarned oscillations. There -Rre. th cy Necessary ds provide a docopen in dhe system Dowapiog fnce Fy = CV vo Vebosta P mss > Now dhe crodsGed eqnolten (5) Fs+Fy = Fa kde tev = 0% = The onan which Convert aacceleyabion inde dhe Jpming is colled dhe Seismic Mass oO displacemnen lr 2 Ther. oon dhoee. dbypeo & Vibrakion Sendors ; Ly Vibromeled ov Seisnomelet l> Acceterrocnerer ts Laser Dopplet Vibapereket CL DY) .|Merowerer CSersmometer ) Rorarinty DRuM Reconver Cour aug) Viggen Booy C2 domping Co-eBemt 3 ‘3S Vibreereled cr ce signs Cai, bed Nake! “Fercarpacncy evd here if 4 roan Gs bao Rrequeney Jocaiducer. 1d The crelakve cnokion bekseen dhe mass ews Vibsatting beety » 1 Goverkel inte pocpethecal vottege. ed tk cee be Sacordet, |AcceteRemeTER 3 Used & censure dhe acceleration Fo, Viboehing, beds. > Accalercenekew Ore de si ned edt. igh Nokuedl Repensy ord) hence th ty Known cas highs Rrempacricuy RMansducer. D The Gnstudin i Simloy ds aq Sets momete- D> [bis widely wed beccure f th vey small size evel | abilihy de coer Sure dis place.cnank, Seelsall el acceleration Simulleneous ly. .|Leser Dopprcr Vierometer Cupy — Forbes PHOTO OerectAe Rescecncs| Bear | L Fortier ty Laser ei “Tr . — Fores . Beary PrP, Peme Tecuet Sparrer SputreR, Dk is a Mem Contac dype Vibdabeo Measuring iashoumenk, => Alasen bean 13 divested on dhe Surtees, c2 inerrem|-, the Vibtrabion Gmplhde ont frequarcy an ba enchracteal Foor dhe doppler set of dha cettedles) Coser ben Resrorcy duced Mten of dhe Surice > Ik is a dwo- ben. loser interRrometer, DWI, Mearures dhe Fereqynan difvence bebween dhe Cefenente bean ond die dest beam. D> Heltum—-Neon laser fs Phe Nu F. Comnmaaaly Lysol LDV | Phe beam Comm the (ver Velocity of Be ob x > Angie: Behween Me laser bang ema) Vebecity Veoho XN > Were lergth «2 dhe Bg ab 5 D Foro dhe dtinset, ont Seascys Scatter 19 all divecte, bak onty some pertien of die Litt 12 Cotleched by LDV ond) ora lentes bg bean Splitter do the Phoh debeahor. The Seo dtered Lunt (2 dheo Combined caith dhe in fererence bheacy at dhe Pholv delechor. Acoustic Erm'ssiow SENSORS > [b 12 a dype & Senvoy bin Crovents dhe surBice mavecnenk Caused by an clash. cave tk an elelor > Signal , uShIC. con be. Peroce sitecl by The oreo, sum. nen} ayrspanent- > The Prerocteatmc etemet cP Acceshc emisatay Sent? Ghiald have. nega Sensihivily Grd ib Should Conved dre Suwce. cnorement eRcienly da elentm'e Volbeme, > Acwuhe emission SeNs0ws ere designe) hyghly Seasibe ab a Cetlain “Creeynancg, ov ak bared Freeney Cras pense, > lbs von feapontmt do Saleal an GApperopsyate SenJey Bra Speaite AE appCrcahon, BS AL Seton One. cles Rel info duos genes Ly Reserrce Model by Wide bend Widhy model . model coe hially ceosikve at o spea&e => Re sonence Rresyrored ons) Ooide. bond ida meclels possess a Contr! Loide bend oP equencier. | Sensiteviky acwss a Apyan 18Me 3 > [bk con observe Pye of pasha ce -Ramakisn ad mMiov. Scepic Cellapse in eal dine. 22 (tao chegpose Baatlikes while ff ore i9 epetahen 22 Ib con boeate Plas ba a Several AG Sensory ApplicotioWs Ly Paoduet deshng Ls Tool caont beni Ly Safely reathomiag. 10

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