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FIBONACCI SEQUENCE In the sixth century BCE, the Greek Philosopher

Pythagoras is said to have discovered that those

ꕥ A series of numbers developed by a thirteenth beautiful musical relationships were also beautiful
century mathematician mathematical relationships – by measuring the
lengths of the vibrating strings.
“You keep adding the last two numbers”
(1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21) Plato

This seemingly arbitrary progression of numbers ★ Believed that geometry and mathematics exist in
fascinates many who see in it clues to everything from their own ideal world.
human beauty to the stock market.
Elements that formed the world
Pi π = 3.14.1592653 1. Cube (Earth)
- The ratio between the circumference of a circle and 2. Tetrahedron (Fire)
its diameter. 3. Octahedron (Air)
4. Icosahedron (Water)
Known Scientists and their theories mentioned in
5. Dodecahedron (Cosmos)
the video:
“Even without any mathematical education or learning
◦ Mario Livio – Astrophysicist
any number words or symbols, we would still have (us
◦ Christophe Gole – Relation of Botany and
humans) a primitive number sense. That fundamental
ability to perceive number seems to be a very
◦ Mark Tegmark – Author of Mathematical Universe
important foundation and without it, it’s very
◦ Pythagoras – Relation of Music and Fibonacci
questionable as to whether we would ever appreciate
◦ Plato – Geometry and Mathematics
symbolic mathematics.”
◦ Aristotle – Relation of Physics and Fibonacci
“Heavier objects fall faster than lighter Aristotle and Galileo
◦ Galileo Galilei – Said that air resistance is the ★ Aristotle: Taught that heavier objects fall faster
reason why objects fall at different rate than lighter ones.
◦ Isaac Newton – Said that object accelerates ↳ This idea was opposed by Galileo
through time and distance ★ Galileo: Studied the motion of falling objects that it
◦ James Maxwell – Magnetism and Electricity became clear that, in the absence of air resistance,
◦ Giuliano Marconi – Wireless communication gravity causes all objects to fall at the same rate.
(Electromagnetic Waves)
Isaac Newton
◦ Higgs Field – About masses
“Mathematics is actually our world/reality.” ★ Objects accelerate through time and distance.
“Our physical world doesn’t just have some ➛ The distance the ball traveled is directly
mathematical properties but has only mathematical proportional to the square of the time (d = t2)
properties.” 1687 = Published a book that would become a
Our physical reality is a bit like a digital photograph. landmark in the history of Science (Principia)
> As we move in closer and closer, it is a field of Gravity =

“Mathematics don’t just describe reality, but it’s

essence may sound radical but it has deep roots in James Maxwell
★ A Scottish mathematical physicist in Magnetism
Pythagoras and Electricity
= Could produce waves of energy that would travel
★ The ancient Greek found three relationships through space at the speed of light.
between notes especially pleasing.

Octave = 2:1 (Somewhere Over The Rainbow)

Fifth = 3:2 (Twinkle Twinkle)
Fourth = 4:3 (Here Comes The Bride)
Giuliano Marconi

★ Electromagnetic Waves = This process starts with a

series of sparks. The burst of electricity creates the
momentary magnetic field, which in turn- generates a
momentary electric field, and creates another
magnetic field.
(= Wireless Communication)

Peter Higgs

★ A cosmic molasses that gives the stuff of our world

⇢ Through mathematics, particles were discovered

“Don’t see Mathematics as unreasonably effective,

see it as reasonably ineffective. “

❍ Mathematics is an intricate combination of

inventions and discoveries.
What is Mathematics? ➼ The Golden Ratio is visible in many works of art and
architecture such as in the Mona Lisa, the Notre Dame
❒ Mathematics is the science that deals with
Cathedral, and the Parthenon. The human DNA
numbers, quantities, shapes, patterns, and
Molecules also contain Fibonacci numbers.

❒ Mathematics is a language that makes use of Fibonacci in Nature

symbols and notations for describing numerical, ex. Seed Heads
geometric, and graphical relationships. ⇢ Counting along the spirals of seed heads normally
leads to a Fibonacci number.
❒ Mathematics helps us organize patterns and
regularities in the world.
Patterns and Numbers In
Nature and the World Symmetry indicates that you can draw an
imaginary line across an object and the resulting parts
⁑ A pattern is the repeated or regular way in are mirror images of each other.
which something happens or is done.
Symmetry in everyday language refers to a sense
⁑ Patterns in nature are visible regularities of form of harmonious and beautiful proportion and balance.
found in the natural world. Symmetry occurs when two or more parts are
identical after a flip, slide, or turn.
Types of Patterns
‣ Sequence Types of Symmetry
‣ Symmetry ⁃ Reflection : Bilateral Symmetry / Mirror Symmetry
‣ Fractals ⁃ Translation : Moves a shape in each direction
‣ Spiral ⁃ Rotation : Center + angle of rotation
‣ Tessellation ⁃ Dilation : Changes the size of an object.

A sequence is an enumerated collection of

objects in which repetitions are allowed and order

The Fibonacci Sequence

The list is named after Leonardo Pisano Bigollo
(Leonardo Fibonacci), an Italian Mathematician who
wrote the book Liber Abaci in 1202.
A self-similar, repeating shape, meaning the same
○ The numbers in the sequence are often seen in basic shape is seen again and again.
○ The numbers in this sequence also form a unique
· Self-Similarity – Similar copies of themselves.
shape known as a Fibonacci spiral which we see in
· Fractional Dimension – More than just 1 dimension
· Formation by iteration – Repeating over and over
➼ Note that the ratios of successive Fibonacci
numbers approach the numbers Φ (Phi), also known
as the Golden Ratio, This approximately equal to 1.618
and equal to the irrational number 1 + √5 / 2.

➼ Fibonacci numbers are intimately connected with

the golden ratio.
Spirals Optimization
↝ It is a field of mathematical investigation used to
A spiral is a curved pattern that focuses on a aid decision making in business and industrial
center point and a series of circular shapes that engineering.
revolve around it.
↝ The goal of optimization is to maximize/minimize
the quantity of an output, while at the same time
minimizing the quantity of resources needed to
produce it.

Concentric Circles in Nature

Concentric means the circles all share the same center

but have different radii. The region between two
Tessellations concentric circles of different radii is called an annulus.
Tessellations are patterns formed by repeating This means the circles are all different sizes, one inside
tiles all over a flat surface. the other.

A common example is in the ripples of a pond when

A Tessellation or tiling of a flat surface is the
something hits the surface of the water. But we also
covering of a plane using one or more geometric
see concentric circles in the layers of an onion and the
shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. Or a
rings of trees that form as it grows and ages.
pattern of polygons fitted together to cover an entire
plane without overlapping.

Regular Tessellations
➺ Is a pattern made by repeating a regular and
congruent polygon, with common vertices.

Semi-Regular Tessellations
➺ Is made of two or more regular polygons. The
pattern at each vertex must be the same.
➺ There are only 8 semi-regular tessellations.
Mathematical Language and Symbols Translating Statements

Characteristics of Mathematical Language: A. Write each statement as a mathematical statement.

⁍ It is precise. Ten is the square root of 100.
⁍ It is concise. Ten is greater than 9.
⁍ It is powerful. Ten is an even number.
⁍ It is nontemporal. Ten is a multiple of 5.
⁍ It has vocabulary and parts of speech.
B. Write each English sentences and determine
Parts of Speech for Mathematics whether they are true or false.
1. Numbers: Are the very first symbols that can be a. ∀ x ∈ R, x2 ≥ 0.
used to represent quantity. They are nouns in the - For all real numbers of x, x2 is greater than or equal
English language. to zero.
2. Operation Symbols: Like +, ÷, -, x, ∧, and ∨ can act
b. ∀ a, b ∈ Q, ab = 0 ⟹ a = 0 ∨ b = 0.
as connectives/conjunctions in a mathematical
- For all rational numbers of a and b, ab is equal to 0
and implies that a is equal to 0 or b is equal to 0.
3. Relation Symbols: Such as =, ≤, and ~ are used for
comparison and act as verbs in the mathematical Logic and Quantifiers
➷ Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 – 1716) – first
4. Grouping Symbols: Such as (), {}, and [] are used to mathematician to seriously study symbolic logic
associate groups of numbers and operators.
➷ Augustus De Morgan (1806 – 1871) and George
5. Variables: Are letters that represent quantities and Boole (1815-1864) – contributed to the advancement
act as pronouns. of symbolic logic

Mathematical Expression vs Mathematical Sentence > Boole published The Mathematical Analysis
of Logic in 1948 and An investigation of the
➭ A mathematical expression refers to objects of Laws of Thought in 1854.
interest acting as the subject in the ordinary language.
A simple statement is a statement that conveys a
➭ A sentence with a complete thought is a single idea. A compound statement is a statement that
mathematical sentence which can be regarded as true conveys two or more ideas.
or false but not both.
Symboli Type of
The following are examples of mathematical Connective
Statement c form statement
➙ 4, -5, 5+2, 2e not p not ~p negation

The following are examples of mathematical p and q and p∧q conjunction

➙ 5 plus 2 is equal to the square root of 49. p or q or p∨q disjunction
➙ 10 divided by 2 is less than 3.
If p, then q If… then p→q conditional

p if and
If and only if p↔q biconditional
only if q
Truth Value and Truth Tables Translate Symbolic Statements in Compound Form

☆ The truth value of a simple statement is either true

or false.

☆ The truth value of a compound statement depends

on the truth values of its simple statements and its

☆ A truth table is a table that shows the truth value

of a compound statement for all possible truth values
of its simple statements.

The Negation of a Statement (~p) Answers:

a. It is raining and today is Wednesday.
Write the negation of each statement.
1. Today is Wednesday. b. I am not going to a movie, and I am not going to
MATMOD class.
✓ Today is Wednesday.
c. I am not going to MATMOD class if and only if today
2. 5 is an odd number. is not Wednesday.
✓ 5 is not an odd number.
Conjunctions and Disjunctions
3. 3 is a prime number.
✓ 3 is a prime number. ⇝ The conjunction p ∧ q is true if and only if both p
and q are true.
Logical Connectives Disjunction
✿ Mathematical equivalent of a conjunction ⇝ The disjunction p ∨ q is true if and only if p is true,
q is true, or both p and q are true.
✿ Most common conjunctions in mathematics are
“and”, “or”, “not”, “if… then”, and “if and only if” A conjunction implies that both statements are true,
denoted by ∧, ∨, ~, →, and ↔ while disjunction implies that at least one statement
is true.
✿ Consider two statements p and q
• p and q are denoted by p ∧ q Quantifiers and Negation
• p or q is denoted by p ∨ q
♦ Existential quantifiers are used as prefixes to assert
• if p then q is denoted by p → q
the existence of something.
• p if and only if q is denoted by p ↔ q
ex. some, there exists, at least one.

♦ The universal quantifiers none and no deny the

Compound Statements in Symbolic Form
existence of something, whereas all and every are
used to assert that every element of a given set
satisfies some condition.
ex. For all, for every, for each

Quantified Statements and Their Negations

a. p ∧ q
b. ~q ∧ r
c. ~s ∨ r
d. q → s
Conditional Statement / Implication

↪ The conditional statement p → q is false if p is true

and q is false. It is true in all other cases.

Biconditional Statement / Bi Implication

↪ The biconditional statement p ↔ q is true if and

only if both p and q are either both true or both false.

Equivalent Forms of a Conditional Statement

~p → ~q
~q → ~p

Equivalent Forms of a Conditional Statement

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