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The Echoes of Room 3

In the heart of our unassuming town, nestled between everyday routines and familiar faces, stood Thornwood Middle
School. Among the Secondary 1 student, a hair-raising tale of terror spread like wildfire – the eerie legend of "The
Echoes of Room 3." the shadows that clung to the walls like malevolent
specters. The sound seemed to echo from every
The chilling story reached back to a time when the corner, surrounding them with an otherworldly
school was just as lively as any other. A teacher presence.
named Mrs. Harris, shrouded in an air of mystery, took
up residence in Room 3. She was known for her icy
demeanor, a presence that sent shivers down the
spines of anyone who crossed her path.

Room 3, tucked away on the second floor, bore an air

of ominous secrecy. The whispers around town told of
a dark history that had left its mark on the room.
Shadows clung to its corners, and the temperature
seemed to drop the moment one stepped through its

The students felt a prickle on the backs of their necks

as the whispers grew louder, their voices mingling in a
cacophony of unintelligible phrases. The air was
electric with tension, and an otherworldly chill seeped
into their bones. Their flashlights flickered wildly,
casting eerie shadows that danced in time with the

With trembling hands and racing hearts, they made a

frantic dash for the door, struggling to wrench it open.
As they burst into the corridor, the echoes of the
One fateful night, a trio of brave-hearted Secondary 1 whispers seemed to follow them, their haunting voices
students, driven by a mixture of curiosity and bravado, lingering like a curse.
decided to explore the room after hours. Armed with
flashlights and the thrill of uncertainty, they ventured The legend of "The Echoes of Room 3" persisted,
into the darkened hallways. The air grew heavy and casting a shadow over Thornwood Middle School.
oppressive as they ascended the creaking staircase to Students dared not venture near the room after dark,
the second floor. for fear of encountering the malevolent forces that
whispered from the shadows. Whether a tale of the
As they approached Room 3, a sensation of being supernatural or a creation of overactive imaginations,
watched settled over them like a suffocating blanket. the mystery added an extra layer of terror to the
Hesitant breaths mingled with the eerie creaking of the otherwise ordinary hallways.
door as it swung open before them. The room lay in
darkness, its windows shrouded by heavy curtains that
seemed to absorb the moonlight.

With flashlights flickering, they stepped inside, the

door shutting with a deafening thud behind them.
Panic clawed at their chests, but they pressed forward,
determined to uncover the mysteries that lay within.
The air grew icy, and their flashlights dimmed as if
drained by some unseen force.

Suddenly, a whisper, chilling and incomprehensible,

filled the room. Their heartbeats quickened as they
shone their flashlights around, illuminating nothing but

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