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Something that especially annoys you.

(Cambridge Dictionary)
Which makes you more annoyed?
Someone cutting in the line
Someone accidentally stepping on your foot.

Can you mention other annoying things?


1. Annoy (membuat jengkel) Don't annoy someone who is still studying.

2. Impolite (tidak sopan) It is impolite to point at people.

3. Bad habit (kebiasaan

Littering is one of the bad habits I hate the most.

4. Considerate (peduli hati) She's considerate by giving her seat to an elder lady.

5. Offend (menyinggung) I always try to be patients when someone offends me.

6. Bother (mengganggu) Don’t bother your mom when she is cooking.

7. Hate (benci) I hate him speaking loudly in the library.

He loses his appetite when his brother sneezes without

8. Appetite (selera makan)
covering her mouth.
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1. What things made Sarah annoyed?

2. Has James ever heard of the word “busy

Sarah : Aaarrgghh ! People are so annoying sometimes.
James : Why? What happened?
Sarah : A guy pushed me when he got onto the train this
morning, then his umbrella kept hitting me in the leg
for the whole journey. I really hate inconsiderate
people like that.
James : I totally agree. It’s one of my pet peeves. I mean, how
hard is it to be considerate to people?
Sarah : It’s not hard. People just don’t care anymore!
James : And what about people who eat with their mouths open
in restaurants?
Sarah : Oh yes, I hate those people. The way they always
sit there, munching away with their mouths open
as if nothing is wrong. It’s so annoying !
James : If someone does that, it makes me lose my appetite.
Sarah : One of my colleagues does it every time we go to
lunch. It makes me crazy. Actually he does another
thing that annoys me. Do you know what
“busy bragging” is?
James : No, I haven’t heard of it.
Sarah : It’s when you complain all the time about being
busy, just because you want everyone to think
you are really important. If anyone in the office
mentions that they are busy, he will always
comment about how his life is busier.
James : Oh, he has to one-up your stories? He sounds
really annoying.
Exercise 1
1.) How does Sarah feel on that day? A. She is excited B. She is just fine C. She is pretty upset.

2.) Both Sarah and James don’t like people who…

A. drink tea with cups.
B. always bring umbrellas on the train.
C. eat with their mouths open in restaurants.

3.) What does “busy bragging” mean?

A. Someone who never does anything
B. Someone who constantly talks about how busy they are as a way to gain attention
C. Someone who is always chill or relax.
Exercise 2
Create short, and simple sentences from the words below.

Annoyed :

Hate :

Impolite :

Apetite :

Busy bragging :

Considerate :

1.) What is one of your pet peeves (things that annoy you)? Why?

2.) What will you do/ feel when you see someone is so annoying? Why?

3.) Which one irritates/ hurts you the most? Why ?

a. Someone who is cutting the line
b. Someone who never says ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’
c. Someone who does littering

4. Can you give an example of common pet peeves at your school?

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