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A letter to those who plan to leave Pakistan

An unusual commotion I have been harking since the fall of Imran Khan’s
government to migrate to another country which promises to provide a
sustainable life, a healthy life-style, a land of opportunities, hygiene
professions, and unavoidable social, political, and personal freedom. The USA
along with her all states, Canada, Common wealth countries, European
countries, UK, Australia or any other country that is exempted of the wavering
marriage between military and civilian leadership, corrupt bureaucracy,
shattered institutions of education, hospitals, police, and others, degraded
morale of public, insecurity of children and women to name a few. No doubt
such countries lure individuals to move there to secure their career, to install
their business, to achieve their goals, and to live a happy life.

No second thought that Pakistan’s socio-political and cultural institutions are

falling apart badly with its dire consequences rippling at the extreme in the
year of 2023. Pakistan is going through the worst political turmoil, crippling
judiciary and justice systems, uncontrollable mafia galloping land, business,
water, funds for public, human labour, talents, merits, degenerating faith and
trust in public. All these and many more uncountable challenges have
tightened the noose around people’s neck. The freedom of expression, liberty of
life style, and rights to have an independent political identity are at the stake.
The grace of education is fading, religious tolerance has been imprisoned in
pages, linguistic-bias is under blaze, minorities feel completely alienated and
voiceless, the political morale is falling and a lot more worse than expectations
the country is going through.

However, running away from Pakistan to save an individual family is actually

escapist’s approach. Rather than facing and solving the problems in Pakistan,
pursuing the individual’s goals and career with the common excuse of
“Pakistan men kujh nahn rakha… sabh kujh barbad ho gaya he..” reflects no
intelligence at all. Does this mean, you would serve the country on the
condition she is prosperous and comfortable? Will you pay your services to
Pakistan only after there are no problems in here? Will you fulfill your duties
towards your nation in case you are provided a smooth, easy, and luxurious
perks and parcels?. “Reformation like charity must start from the home”, was
Thomas Carlyle’s quote, cited by a great teacher of mine in the class. The same
teacher is planning to quit Pakistan because “Sabh kujh barbad ho gaya he.”.
quitting Pakistan to serve others will never bring any change in your country.
According to an authentic research, from 1971 to 2022 the total number of
highly qualified and skilled professionals who migrated from Pakistan is
60,19,888. Among them, 251677 (4.18%), were highly qualified, 455097
(7.55%) were highly skilled, and 5314004 (88.27%) were skilled professionals.
More than politicians, dictators, bureaucrats, landlords, or religious fanatics,
such skilled professionals’ migration has caused a severe damage to Pakistan
to change.

Let’s discuss some strange propositions regarding the lure of moving to the
foreign for better life. 1) Every year millions of Pakistanis go to the same
country along with millions from other third world countries like India,
Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Afghanistan, and other African
countries. Every year rules for immigrants are changing to regulate the influx
of immigrants with strict measures. 2) Every year thousands of Immigrants are
prey to victimization, alienation, verbal and physical abuse, and other crimes,
the ratio is increasing annually. 3) Every year new economic plans are
introduced for the non-native people, over-burdening the tax system for
immigrants no matter what profession or institute you serve there. 4) Every
year these countries are turning to be melting pot condensing the life of the
native residents. 5) Your services, duties, expertise, skills, and knowledge are
required to improve their institutions. After you have served them up to a fixed
time, your services will no more be required.

Have you ever wondered how many years will you stay in the foreign? Or how
many years will you serve the foreign country say the USA or Canada or any
other European country? For twenty years? For thirty years? What will you
bring to Pakistan after serving for more than twenty years in the foreign except
sending some money to the family? You may pursue your career, but your
services there will not bring any change to your country. You may use your full
potential to bring reformation and innovation in your respective area of
knowledge, your nation would not get any benefit from your efforts and

What will you bring to Pakistan after twenty years of your services in the
foreign, creating, changing, providing, and redesigning their disciplines at the
best? You may achieve a well-settled life and family there. But only your family
will benefit from that country. Have you ever thought If you are serving for
more than twenty years in the foreign, working hard to be the best professor,
doctor, businessman, teacher, engineer, scientist, or any other person and do
your best to bring changes and reformations in the respective fields you are
experts, how about after twenty years you return to Pakistan? Will you bring
that all to Pakistan what you would create, produce, and provide in the foreign
countries? Who will get benefit from your services? Of course, the foreign
people, the foreign country, not yours. Your family will just be paid with
enough salary packages, perks and parcels in the name of some fundamental
services and comforts.

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