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(Experiment No.

1 )
AIM To determine the focal length of given convex lens by double pin method.
APPARATUS: Optical bench with three uprights, two for pins and one for lens, meter scale and convex
PRINCIPLE : The relation between the object distance u, image distance v and the focal length of the

lensfis -
For real objects, 'u' is always negative. Therefore for the measured values of u and v it
takes the form
=+Multiplying the equation by a constant kand replacing u
andby y it takes the form y = -x+

Now if a graph ofy is plotted against x, it will be a straight line with negative slope (-1)
and will cut a y-intercept cqual to k times the reciprocal of the focal length.

i. Arange the lens and the pin
as shown in the figure.
ii. Place the object pin '0' at
zero mark. Looking through 0 cm 100 cm
the lens shift it so that an - -
- - - .

inverted image of the object

pin is seen. Adjust the position of the lens so that the size of the image is almost equal to
that of the object pin (This distance between the object pin 'O and the lens is almost equal
to 2f). Now adjust the position of the image pin I so that the parallax between the image
and the image pin is removed. (On moving the eye perpendicularly to the axis the tips of
the image and image pin move together).
ii. Read and record the respective positions of the object pin '0', lens L' and the image pin T.
Calculate and record u = OL and v= LI, with their units and proper decimal place.

iv. Repeat the experiment for four more sets of'u' and 'v, taking two ' ' values on the lower
side and three from the upper side of first value with sufficient gap and record these
values in ascending order of ".
v. Calculate and record x= andy= u p to three significant figure and record in the
table with proper unit.
vi. Plot a graph of y against x. Draw the line of best fit.
vii. Determine the slope S of the line, upto two decimal places.

vii. Read and record y the value of y when x =0.

ix. Calculate f= ycorrect upto one decimal place with proper unit.
Experiment No 2)
AIM: To determine the focal length of a convergihg lens by displacement method.
APPARATUS : A plane mirror strip, a convex lens (f= 10 cm), an optical bench with three up rights two
for pins and one for lens, a pin clamped horizontally with a stand and a meter scale.

PRINCIPLE : As shown in the figure if two

pins are fixed at a separation
more than 4f, there will be
two possible positions of the
lens between the two pins for
which a focused image of the Ocm 100 cm
object pin can be seen at the
image pin. According to the
ray diagram shown in the fig,
the values of u' and v' in the second case are equal to that of v and u in the first case
respectively. Therefore, The distance between the two pins x = u+v
Separation between two lens positions d =V- u.
Solving for u and v, v= (x+ d/2 and u = (x-d/2 putting these values in the lens formula
and solving for f= . If a graph of( - i s plotted against d the graph will be a
straight line with the slope 4f How ever if equaion is solved for d it is found to be
x - 4 ) . For real values of d, x must be greater than 4f.
PROCEDURE i. Place the lens on the plane mirror kept on the table top arrange the pin clamped in stand
horizontally so that its tip is vertically above the centre of the lens.
ii. Adjust the position of the pin so that there is no parallax between its image and itself.
ii. Measure and record the distance between the centre of the lens and the tip of the pin as
the focal length of the lens F in cm.
iv. Now place the lens in the lens holder between the object pin O and the image pin I on thee
optical bench so that the centre of the lens is coaxial with the tips of the two pins.
V. Adjust a separation of (4F+ 10) cm between the two pins, it should be constant throughout
this setting.
vi. Now shift the lens nearer to the object pin and adjust its position to remove the parallax
between a magnified inverted image and the object pin. Read and record the position of
the lens (say L).
vii. Now move the lens nearer to the image pin and adjust its position again to remove the
parallax between a diminished inverted image and the image pin. Read and record the
position of the lens in this case (say L,).
vii. Calculate d = L (difference set main the two positions L, and L, of the lens) and record
against the separation berween the two pins (say x).
ix. Repeat this experiment for five more values of x with a suitable difference and record the
coresponding values of Ly Lz and d in the table.
x. Calculate y (-d#y40 up to three significant figures.

xi. Plot a
graph ot y against t and determine its slope S (change in y +
change in x).
xii. Calculate f= 10 S upto one decimal place.
Experiment No. 3
AIM: To verify the Newton's formula for a converging lens Jorming a real image
for lens and two pins
APPARATUS A plane miror, convex lens, optical bench with three uprights one
a meter scale.
as object and image, retort stand with a pin clamped horizontally,
For a real image of an object formed in a
convex lens the ray diagram is shown in ----
the figure.
From the two similar triangles AABF, and --

********* . . . . (1)

From the two similar triangles AA'B'F2 and AF,OP

**** ************. (2)

But A'B' 0Q and OP = AB therefore from (1) and (2), equating the right hand sides

Taking f =h =fand replacing x, by (u -S) and x by (v-S) it gives (u -f)= -7.

Now if a graph is plotted between y = (u -f) and x = y-7 the graph will be a straight

line with slope f2,

PROCEdURE i. Determine the approximate
focal length f of the given
convex lens by projecting the
image of a distant object
formed by the lens on a wall
0 cm 100 cm
or a screen. Record the value
of f' in cm upto one decimal place.
ii. Now arrange the object pin 0, the image pin I and the lens L on the bench so that the tips
of O and I are coaxial with the centre of the lens.
ii. Adjust the distance between the object pin O and the lens L until a real inverted image is
seen through the lens. Remove parallax between the image and the image pin I and measure
the object and image distances u = OL and v= LI accurately upto 0.1 cm.
iv. Repeat the experiment to obtain five more sets of corresponding values of u and v.
v.Tabulate u, v, y = (u -f) and x = 100/( - f) compute x up to three significant figures.
vi. Plot a graph of y againstx and determine its slope, S ( = o f the straight line graph upto
three significant figures & with proper unit.
vii. Calculate F 10/s up to three significant figures & with proper unit.

Parallax should be removed tip to tip. Bench corection should be taken into account.
( Experiment No. 4
AIM To determine the focal length of given corver lens by double pin method (u -v
APPARATUS Optical bench with three uprights, two for pins and one for lens, meter scale and convex

PRINCIPLE: For a convex lens if a graph ofy = is plotted against x= it is a straight line with

negative slope and the x and y intercepts are equal to each. Therefore if and y
are x and y intercepts respectively the focal length of the lens can be given by

i. Arrange the lens and the pin as shown in the figure.

O cm 100 cm
- -

ii. Place the object pin 0' at zero mark. Looking through the lens shift it so that an inverted
image of the object pin is seen. Adjust the position of the lens so that the size of the image
is almost equal to that of the object pin (This distance between the object pin '0' and the
lens is almost equal to 2f). Now adjust the position of the image pin I so that the parallax
between the image and the image pin is removed. (On moving the eye perpendicularly to
the axis the tips of the image and image pin move together).
ii. Read and record the respective positions of the object pin '0', lens Z' and the image pin
T. Calculate and record u = OL and v u, with their units and proper decimal place.
iv, Repeat the experiment for three times more with the values of 'u' increased by about 4 cm
each time and two more times with the values 'u' dicreased by about
3 cm each time. 100
v.Tabulate all six sets of observations and calculations of u, v x = a n d y = 100
(x and y should be upto three significant figures).
vi. Plot a graph of the values of x versus y. Draw the best fit straight line graph.
vii. Read and record the intercepts and y, for y =0 and x = 0 respectively.

vii. Calculatef=
upto thre significant figures and with proper unit.

(Experiment No. 6
AIM: To determine the focal Length of a convex lens with the help of another convex
APPARATUS: Two convex lens marked A (focal length S) and convex lens B (focal length fp), a plane
mirror, clamp stand, optical bench with four uprights, two to hold pins and two to hold
lenses, pair of pins.
PRINCIPLE: If two lenses of focal lengths f and f, respectively are kept at a distance f between them.

The focal length for the combination 'F is given by-

For d f which gives
Now for first lens; if the
image is formed at a distance v from this lens, since u is negative

Which gives (on solving for v) v=

or (-f)= 4-Ji
For second lens since both
object distance and image distances are
SubstitutingE for (-) and replacing-by it gives -
i. Ifa
graph ofis plotted against u it
will be straight line with slope S= .
the focal
length of the first lens be
detrmined as f
can =

ii. If a
graph of u is plotted
against,it will be a straight line with slope S =
ff. Therefore

PROCEDURE - ---. 100 cm

i. Use the
plane mirror to determine the
record. (See the method
places.) described in thefocar lengths of the lenses A G) and B
experiment No 2 with proper units and Gp) and
Arrange lenses A and decimal
Adjust the
coaxially the same
height as shown in
distance between A and B figure.
constant through equal to
out the
experiment. fA and see that this
iv. Now adjust the
position of the
separation remains
O coincide
with I. (Remove theobject pin O and the image
parallax between the pin I so that the real
image and the image image of
16 pin).
Experiment No. 7)
it with another lens.
AIM To determine the focal length of a conver lens by combining
for lenses, a pair of convex
APPARATus Optical bench with four uprights, two to hold pins and two
lenses marked P and Q. a pair of pins etc.
the image dueto
lenses is used to see the real image of an object,
PRINCIPLE: If a combination of two If the distance between the
the first lens serves the purpose of object for the other lens.
to 2f. the image will be formed at a distance
object pin and the lens A is set to be equal
the two lenses equal to d, the object
2f on the other side. For the distance between Therefore the
distance for the second lens will be 2f-d. Both '"' and 'v will be positive.

lens equation will be -

it will be straight
Ifa graph is plotted between y=andx= zf-d.(0=x+),

line with slope 'l' and y intercept

i. Determine the approximate focal length of lens P by projecting image of a distant object
on the wall. Measure the distance between the wall and the lens when a sharp image is

obtained. Record it asSp

ii. Repeat this procedure to find the approximate focal length F of lens Q. Record the value so
ii. Now arange the lens P on an optical bench between the object pin O and the image pin I

as shown in Figure (a).

iv. Adjust the position of the lens
until the parallax betuween the
inverted image of O and the
image pin I is removed. 0 cm 100 cm
v. At the no parallax position, ----. ---

measure and record the values of Fig. (a)

'4 and
vi. Calculatef= (only one
set of values. Record the value
of f after rounding it off to three 0 cm 100 cm
significant figures. ---

vii. Adjust the distance between the

Fig. )
object pin O and the lens P to
equal 2f and do not change it throughout the experiment.
vii. Now arrange the lens Q between the lens P and the image pin I as shown in figure (b).
The tips of the two pins and the optical centers of the two lenses should be at the same
horizontal level.
ix. Adjust the position of the image pin I until there is no parallax between pin T and the eal
image of the object pin '0 as seen through the combination of lenses, At the no parallax
position record values of d and v, repeat experiment for five more values of 'd' with d
values in the range 10 cm and 30 cm.
Tabulate d, v. y = 1/v and x

xi. Plotgraph of y against x and determine its slope S upto three significant figures.

xii. From the graph read and record

yo. the value of y when x O and calculate F = =

correct upto one decimal

place and proper unit.
QUESTIONS: i. Which will give more accurate value of focal length (a) projection wall method (b)
bench method ?

ii. How will the observations in the experiment change if the distance between object O and
lens P is greater than 2f?

The distance between the object pin O and the lens P should be equal to 2F and this should remain constant
throughout the experiment. Value of y andx should be recorded up to three significant figures.


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