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Solved Examples

1. Identify the graph of each equation given below as a parabola, ellipse, circle, or hyperbola.
a. 4a² + 4b² - 1 = 0
b. 3a² - 2b² - 12 = 0
c. a - b² - 6b + 11 = 0
a. The equation 4a² + 4b² - 1 = 0 is quadratic in both a and b where the leading coefficient
for both the variables is the same i.e. 4.
4a² + 4b² - 1 = 0
4a² + 4b² = 1
a² + b² = 1/4
Therefore, equation (a) is the equation of a circle at the origin with a radius of ½.
b. The equation 3a² - 2b² - 12 = 0 is quadratic in both a and b where the leading
coefficient for both the variables has different signs.
3a² - 2b² - 12 = 0
(3a - 2b²)/12 = 12/12
x²/4 - y²/6 = 1
Therefore, equation (b) is the equation of hyperbola opening left and right centered at the

2. The equation a - b² - 6b + 11 = 0 is quadratic in b only

a. a - b² - 6b + 11 = 0
b. a = b² + 6b - 11 = 0
c. a = (b² + 6b + 9) + 11 = 9
d. a = (b - 3)² + 2
Therefore, equation (c) is the equation of parabola opening right with vertices (2, 3).

3. Find the equation of a circle with radius r and radius centre at (a,0).
Given, Centre = (h, k) = (0, 0), and Radius = r
Therefore, the equation of the circle is x² + y² = r².

Facts to Remember
 Conic sections are obtained by intersecting a plane with a cone. A cone has two
equivalent shaped parts known as nappes. The shape of one nappe looks like a party
 An Ancient Greek Geometer and Astronomer Apollonius of Perga is known for his work
on the conic section.

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