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Certainly, I agree that public sectors are not established from nothing; they typically build upon existing

structures and fulfill crucial functions. Here's a reframed version of your statement and the subsequent

"Public sectors do not emerge from thin air; they often develop from existing foundations. I concur with
this perspective."

Public enterprises play a significant role in the domain of business management. They represent
organizations owned and operated by governmental or public authorities, primarily funded by the

The term "enterprise" signifies a profit-driven business or commercial organization. Public enterprises
embody values that are pertinent to both public and commercial entities.

According to Harisen (2010), public enterprises are state-owned entities engaged in various sectors,
including industry, agriculture, finance, and commerce. Malaya (2006) defines them as autonomous or
semi-autonomous corporations and companies established, owned, and controlled by the state,
involved in industrial and commercial activities.

Key Characteristics of Public Enterprises:

1. Autonomy and Semi-autonomy: They may operate autonomously or semi-autonomously, often with
limited government interference.

2. State Control: These enterprises are financially controlled by the government that owns them.

3. Essential Services: Their primary mission is to provide vital services, enhancing living standards and
employment opportunities.

4. Accessibility: Public enterprises serve all sectors of the economy, promoting inclusivity.

5. Monopoly Status: In certain instances, they hold a monopoly in providing specific services, excluding
private sector involvement.

6. Foreign Funding: Public enterprises can serve as conduits for utilizing foreign funds received for
industrial development.

7. Public Accountability: They serve as agents for implementing government policies.

8. Financial Independence: Some public enterprises strive for financial self-sufficiency.

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