Group 8 - Tata Consultancy Services - Answer

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 The company's mission is defined as "Our mission will reflect the Tata Group's long-term
commitment to deliver excellence, help customers, achieve business goals by providing innovative
ideas, best IT solutions consulting and services, and making every stakeholder happy."
 The company's mission is to become the most reliable global customer network that delivers value
through products and services. The company must be a responsible value creator for all its

Further, the mission statement also identifies the company's operational objectives for TCS
Globalization of software services that the company uses to achieve the process of target customer
groups and the region where the company operates.

To keep pace with the mission of the company, work has been done in various aspects. As a result,
TCS was voted Asia Outstanding Company in India by investors from around the world in the
Asia Money 2019 survey. In addition, TCS was listed as the most successful Indian company in
the last ten years, with Asia money's top investor surveys at its highest in the last 10 years. In
terms of the company's mission, TCS's mission is to separate the company's growth and
environmental impact from activities that reflect the bottom line. A green approach is an aspect of
its internal procedures and resources. Their mission is to develop sustainably from green buildings
to green IT to green distribution chains and help clients achieve sustainable growth through green
solutions and business processes (Compare, 2018).

According to TCS: "Our mission and vision is to decouple business growth and environmental
footprint from its operations to address the environment. A green approach is embedded in our
internal processes and service offerings.

Mission Components:

1. Customer satisfaction: The company's mission is to address customer satisfaction issues and
identify customers' targets, needs and requirements. The mission statement reflects how its
products and services work to increase the satisfaction of its target customers.
2. Core competencies: The company's mission is based on its internal strengths and competencies.
This is important for TCS because the mission statement will highlight the various systems and
processes, as well as the strategy of the company, used to achieve its organizational and strategic
3. Realistic and clear: The mission of TCS is realistic, due to which it is able to achieve various
goals. Clarity is important so that the company's mission is understood by all relevant
4. Motivational and Inspirational: The mission statement of TCS is motivational in that it seeks
to inspire the employees and workforce to perform at their optimum best to achieve the company's
5. Specific and sharp: TCS's mission statement is precise and to the point. It is easy to understand
and provides what the audience needs to know about TCS Services offerings and operations.


 Goals for TCS are short- to medium-term goals and objectives that the company sets to achieve
larger strategic goals set in the long term. Company goals are important in shaping the allocation
of resources within TCS as well as in finding the policies, schedules and processes that are
implemented in TCS.

Objectives Components:

1. Specific: All the objectives set by TCS are specific and clear. This helps both employees and
managers to drive and maintain focus on the goals and end results to be achieved. Specific goals
also help managers identify skill development and training needs within their department.
2. Measurable: This means that progress can be tracked for all goals. This is important to the
company as it helps in meeting deadlines. An element of measurability is added to goals by adding
quantifiable criteria to determine progress and goal achievement.
3. Achievable: It should be an attainable goal that should remain possible to achieve even while
expanding the capabilities of employees and overcoming them. This goal at TCS is that they push
employees out of their comfort zones, but it is still achievable.

4. Realistic: This means that TCS sets goals keeping in mind the organizational resources and
constraints so that the goals can be achieved in an efficient and timely manner.
5. Timely: Company goals are time-bounded in that the company must set start and end date. Goal
timeliness helps TCS maintain a sense of urgency among employees and keep them motivated to
achieve the goal.

Thus, looking at the above mission and objectives, it must be said that the objectives of the
Company (TCS) are in line with their mission.


Pioneering: The Company will be bold and agile, boldly facing challenges and leveraging
deep customer knowledge to develop innovative solutions.

Integrity: The Company will behave fairly, honestly, transparently, and ethically; everything
they must stand the test of public scrutiny.

Excellence: The Company will be sentimental for achieving the highest standards of quality
and will always support meritocracy.

Unity: The Company will invest in the customer and partners, will enable regular learning and
will build caring as well as cooperative relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

Responsibility: The Company will incorporate environmental and social principles into our
businesses and ensure that what comes from people returns to people many times over.

Four main changes in the IT sector’s dynamics in the recent era are as follows:

Big Data. More structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data than ever before is being produced by
businesses, customers, partners, and machines. Unstructured data, such as Twitter streams and social
media data, are more valuable than structured data if they can be assimilated because they don't fit neatly
into categories. Big data is growing quickly, giving you access to more consumer data in more places than
ever before, but having more data does not make it simpler to create a comprehensive picture of the

Big Data analytics will provide the greatest value as these teams mature their adoption of digital.
Analyzing big data has already proved effective in reducing fraud, theft, and corruption. For instance,
fusing and analyzing disparate data sources including social media content makes it easier for insurance
companies to detect and eliminate fraud.

Social Media. A shift in the balance of power from corporations to consumers is partly due to social
media. Strong, two-way contact between customers and enterprises has also been made possible by it. As
a tool, it offers enormous potential for fostering customer and partner loyalty and fostering business-to-
business and business-to-consumer collaboration, as well as for "crowdsourcing" or sharing solutions
among ecosystem partners and users.

TCS offers a product that automatically builds expertise profiles from email content and helps you
quickly find an expert that matches your need.
Mobility. The "anywhere, anytime" mentality is permeating and reshaping business thanks to mobile
communications. Mobile device offers that are location-based target customers who are close to the point
of sale. As employees use mobile devices to access corporate resources, productivity rises. Rethinking
business processes with mobility as a guide is possible (dynamic rerouting of service calls for example).
In the end, mobile apps will represent client involvement, and traffic from those apps may put a strain on
your infrastructure.

Cloud Computing. As one department registers up for cloud resources without informing the IT
department, cloud computing offers increased scalability and efficiency but also results in shadow IT
activities. Consequently, additional silos are produced. Even while cloud services are often paid for via
subscription, which makes them cost-effective and shifts capex to opex, it still shows that digital strategy
must be adopted holistically: Finance needs to be aware of the effects of such change. Companies are
"doing" big data, social, mobile, and cloud, which is the problem. Such endeavours are haphazard and
isolated rather than comprehensive or purposeful. The management of the digital transformation is not


Performance Big data allows Social and There is huge Mobile apps allow
performance gamified potential in employees to track
systems to applications run leveraging social and their performance and
process from the cloud, game mechanics to receive real-time
unstructured data enabling remote drive employee feedback anytime,
to identify and access, and performance. from anywhere.
reward “quiet driving social
achievers.” influence
Development Development Training is Social capabilities let An employee can
mentors are delivered on- employees self- receive training via
identified demand in a organize to mentor mobile devices from
through analysis gamified and be mentored. anywhere at any time.
of unstructured environment in Social also lets
data like email multiple formats employees “follow”
and documents suited to each the SMEs and
based on subject employee’s influencers to learn
matter expertise learning style from and emulate.
as well as likes, (video, text, High achievers are
interests, etc. experiential, etc.) identified and
recognized so others
can emulate their
Recruiting Big data helps HR can HR has rapidly Mobile allows
HR identify streamline the adopted social sites employees to capture
potential recruits recruiting for recruiting. business card/CV
by analyzing process with a LinkedIn offers information via
information from cloud-based enterprise recruiting mobile devices
social sites, collection of tools. Involve the wherever they may be
blogs, websites, contact entire organization in (conferences, network

white papers, information and recruiting. Social events, etc.) and
and presentations employment gives you submit the contact
posted online to applications. connectivity to a vast information directly to
help find Cloud-based network of the best HR to initiate
individuals with solutions enable recruits. recruiting.
the necessary seamless
skill set. Big collaboration
Data analytics with other
can help build departments and
more reliable, access to
predictive information
profiles for throughout
hiring. recruiting and
Organizational Natural language Cloud becomes Organizational Mobile apps bring on-
Change processing, an enabler of change is driven the-go (road)
powered, by big social and socially by employees into the
data, analyzes mobile influencers in the social conversation to
sentiment about applications to company, rather than support and influence
organizational speed adoption being handed down organizational change.
change across of organizational from management.
multiple sources change Social listening lets
(social, email, management track
etc.) acceptance (or
resistance) of
Onboarding - Cloud Social tools help Employees can submit
technology lets new employees find new hire
HR streamline SMEs within the documentation via
the new hire company quickly mobile (photo of
process with and easily, rather driver’s license and
cloud-based, than relying on tribal social security card,
gamified knowledge to find for example) and track
applications to the right contacts. the status from
sign up for anywhere, at any time.
benefits, direct
deposit, and so

Submitted by:
Surabhi Singh (2021SMZ8144)

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is an Indian multinational corporation (MNC) that focuses on
information technology (IT) and consulting services. It offers organizations across the world
business solutions are IT Consulting, infrastructure management, and outsourcing of business
processes with the assurance that no other company can compete with its quality of service in
terms of providing efficient results. TCS’s new brand vision is “to help customers achieve their
goals along with better futures for individuals, communities, and the planet”. TCS reached a
revenue milestone of $25 billion in FY 2022. With nearly 6 lakh employees worldwide, TCS's
geographic reach includes Asia-Pacific, Europe, Australia, India, LATAM, Japan, the Middle
East & Africa, New Zealand, and North America. The performance growth and business
expansion of TCS are progressive (Exhibit 4).

There are multiple factors that led the success of TCS:

1. Technical Capabilities
2. Digital Sustainability
3. Business Strategy
4. Value Creation Model
5. Trust
6. Teamwork
7. External Expansion
8. Brand Image and government regulations
1. Technical Capabilities:
Effective technological capabilities – TCS can properly leverage the relevant hardware (system
compatibility), software technologies, and IT capabilities (software development, database
management, support services, automated systems implementation, etc.) to provide effective and
quality services.

Adoption of emerging technology – TCS effectively adopts and implements emerging

technologies to enhance service quality and performance.

Innovation Implementation - TCS integrates technologies to enhance service quality, assist

businesses in accelerating the transition to net zero emissions, and implement innovative
blockchain-based digital financial services for companies in India and other nations.

Lean-Agile Method and Integrated Capabilities - TCS implements a multi-modal innovation

model that combines the ideal blend of structures to simultaneously “manage the business”, and
“transform the business” effectively.

2. Digital Sustainability:
TCS’ Business processes focus primarily on the conventional rather than radically reimagining
and redesigning the operational processes to maintain performance sustainability. TCS
executives actively cultivate networks of potential collaborators and co-innovation partners.
Through its CSR activities, governance projects, and environmental initiatives, TCS maintains

3. Business Strategy:
Business executives of TCS state and acknowledge the importance of innovation and competitive
adaptation to follow their long-term vision. TCS uses a strategic management framework to
ensure the company’s long-term viability. Delivering good governance and transparency through
effective social services could be an ideal strategy for the public service industry to accomplish
sustained national development. TCS is a well-known corporation that has built a customer-
centric service that has achieved a high level of success by following digital and marketing
strategies focused on consumer satisfaction.

4. Value Creation Model:
Collaboration and Leadership Alignment - TCS's strengths in terms of leadership alignment and
collaboration are grouped into three distinct zones: the performance zone, the productivity zone,
and the transformation zone. These zones are focused on enhancing performance growth.

Effective Risk Management - TCS can increase the value of its brand, develop its business around
the globe, and invest in deploying new services because of successful risk management. Because
of this expertise, TCS take on projects for the Indian government and guarantee that they are
always effective and successful.

Talent development programs - TCS organized multiple capacity-building sessions (skill

development programs) and training to improve their employee’s capabilities.

Effective program management – Case (p. 2) presents that TCS has an effective program
management capability.

5. Trust:
Customer oriented – TCS earned its customers' trust by designing and delivering services that
are focused on their needs and are of high quality.

Accessible and effective services – TCS develops accessible and effective services.

Effective support system – For providing support for the developed services, TCS provides a
good support system (24*7*365).

6. Teamwork:
Effective teamwork is inherent in the TCS work culture, contributing to the company's ability to
complete projects through collaboration and coordination effectively.

7. External Expansion:
Geographic - TCS achieves its geographic expansion objectives by collaborating directly with
businesses located in different countries to either develop projects or provide them with technical
support. With nearly 6 lakh employees worldwide, TCS's geographic reach includes Asia-
Pacific, Europe, Australia, India, LATAM, Japan, the Middle East & Africa, New Zealand, and
North America.

Services and ownership – TCS expanding its services in a variety of sectors (including
bioinformatics, government, healthcare, energy, and utility) across multiple countries using a
new service and new marketplace model. TCS follows the working culture of operations model
ownership-based decision model.

8. Brand Image and Indian government regulations:

TCS created its brand and market value and became the second-largest IT firm in India and the
world's most valuable IT service brand. TCS enhances its brand value, expands its business
globally, and invest in new service deployments. TCS has also established profitable businesses
in a regulatory environment that requires it to conduct commercial business as per existing
regulations. Indian Government regulation indirectly helped TCS to include the processes that
later became helpful for expanding the business internationally with relatively little resistance.

The VRIN framework is an internal analysis that helps firms in discovering the advantages and
capabilities. Therefore, to evaluate the capabilities that might help TCS to get a competitive
advantage among its competitors, we will use “valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable”
(VRIN) analysis.

Table 1: VRIN Analysis on capabilities of TCS

Capabilities Valuable Rare Inimitable Non- Substitutable

Technical Capabilities Yes Yes Yes Yes

Digital Sustainability Yes No No Yes
Business Strategy Yes Yes No Yes
Value Creation Model Yes Yes Yes Yes
Trust Yes No Yes No
Teamwork Yes No No No
External Expansion Yes No No Yes
Brand Image Yes Yes Yes Yes

VRIN analysis (Table 1) concludes that there are few capabilities, such as technical capabilities,
value creation model, and brand image, that might help TCS gain a competitive advantage. Due
to its capabilities, TCS effectively developed government projects. TCS has successfully
developed few of the big government projects that include PAN card system, Indian railways

project (2006), Passport seva system (2008), and few others (Exhibit 5). Few of the capabilities
have been impacted completely, and few partially (Table 2). However, the capability of external
expansion has no impact on the development of Indian government projects.

Table 2: Impact of TCS capabilities on Government Projects


Brand Image







Partial No Full Full Full No Full
Permanent account l
Impac Impa Impac Impa Impa Impa Impa
number (PAN) Impa
t ct t ct ct ct ct
system (1977) ct

Partia Partia
Full Full Full Full No Full
l l
Impac Impac Impa Impa Impa Impa
Indian Railway Impa Impa
t t ct ct ct ct
Project (2006) ct ct

Partia Partia
Full Full Full Full No Full
Passport Seva l l
Impac Impac Impa Impa Impa Impa
System V 1.0 Impa Impa
t t ct ct ct ct
(2008) ct ct

Partia Partia
Full Full Full Full No Full
l l
Impac Impac Impa Impa Impa Impa
India Post V1.0 Impa Impa
t t ct ct ct ct
(2013) ct ct

Full Full Full Full Full No Full
Passport Seva l
Impac Impa Impac Impa Impa Impa Impa
System V 2.0 Impa
t ct t ct ct ct ct
(2022) ct

Further, SWOT analysis (capabilities) can assist TCS to get more opportunities and mitigate the
threats by using its competencies (Figure 1). Based on table future strategies (Table 3), the
following strategies that can be recommended for TCS are:

 Market diversification: Using the strength of innovation adoption, new services can be
diversified. This will help to expand the business.
 Innovation work culture helps to include emerging technology-based IT solutions:
Innovative work culture helps build in-house talent. For e.g., Cloud migration in the
Digital world helps develop a high technological tool based on AI and ML. In-house
technologies will help to create more productive team.
 Development of secure, reliable, effective, public oriented, accessible, and qualitative
systems: Technical capabilities, strategy, value creation model, trust, and teamwork help
TCS to develop a system that meet the requirement of public and government for the
same system.
 Drive success with effective knowledge transfer: This strategy may improve the
efficiency of the transfer of technology.
 Effective capability development and local market specialization: Technical capabilities,
TCS value creation model, trust, and teamwork help TCS to adapt missed competencies,
and to understand the market expectations.
 Enter into Coopetition: Strategy to enter into a corporation and competition with the
competitors. This will help to expand the business and enhance the quality of developed

Figure 1: SWOT Analysis (Capabilities)

Table 3: Future strategies based on SWOT Analysis

A1. Technical Capabilities
A2. Digital Sustainability
A3. Business Strategy
SWOT ANALYSIS A4. Value Creation Model
A5. Trust
A6. Teamwork
A7. External Expansion
A8. Brand Image and government regulations
A. Opportunity A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, & A8 – Market diversification
O1. Expansion of Business A1, A2, A3, A4, & A6 - Innovation work culture helps to
Globally include emerging technology-based IT solutions
O2. High demand of latest A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, & A8 – Development of secure,
technologies reliable, effective, public-oriented, accessible, and
O3. E-government projects qualitative systems

A. Threats A3, A4, A5, & A6 – Effective capability development

T1. Language and Cultural and local market specialization

Dependency A1, A3, A4, A5, & A6 – Enter into Coopetition
T2. Competitor

Answer: TCS is partnering worldwide with largest businesses to reach at a transformational

journey for last 50 years by providing consulting, IT services, and business solutions. TCS has
reached globally in many business sectors and industries verticals and providing a complete
portfolio of offerings – grouped under service integration and consulting, cloud services, digital
transformation services, cloud services, products & platforms, and cognitive business operations
by targeting all C-suite investor.
TCS needs to invest in new processes, new technologies (like Automation, metaverse, block
chain, AI), customer relations and human resources to achieve a competitive advantage.

Based on Strategy management tools, below are the recommendations for TCS’s Top level
management TCS:

1. Ansoff's matrix: TCS's growth and development Strategies

When we talk about growth and development strategies Ansoff matrix is a great tool to
understand it. On basis of Ansoff’s matrix strategy of a company is of 04 types such as:
a. Market Penetration Strategy
b. Market Development Strategy
c. Product Development Strategy
d. Diversification Strategy

Market Development Diversification
Brand awareness Diversification towards a new business
1. Building brand awareness like CSR, Sports meets, Promotions (India-Pakistan match) is 1. TCS can also diversify into becoming a conglomerate by engaging in a different business
important to help the company reach new consumer segments, and increase visibility. altogether
2. Increased brand awareness for the TCS also leads to increased brand recall – which is 2. Diversification through a new business would help the TCS to explore new business ideas
important for purchase decisions. and option to launch or acquire for purposes of growth and development.
3. Consequently, building brand awareness is important for increasing sales, and driving Vertical diversification
growth in new markets. 1. TCS can introduced new products under existing product lines for increasing growth and
International expansion business development.
1. International expansion will allow Tata Consultancy Services to access different 2. New product developments and launches by the TCS would be similar to, and categorized
consumer groups, and increase its overall share of the pie under existing product groups and categories.
New Market

2. For International expansion TCS needs to conduct in-depth PESTLE, Porters 5 forces Horizontal diversification
and SWOT matrix analyses to develop a comparative strategy and overview for planned 1. TCS can introduce and engage with new product developments and launches that are not
expansion. associated with the existing products.
Research and development- 2. It will help them to introduce new products launches and developments for products that
1. TCS should invest in research and development to identify possible new markets and share similar economic environments with the visiting products.
consumer segments for its products. Mergers and acquisitions
2. R&D should focus on identifying and understanding different market cultures, trends, 1. TCS may explore conglomeratic growth of entering new businesses is through mergers and
and consumer behaviours - and how they differ dim consumer behaviour patterns in acquisitions.
existing markets 2. TCS can partner with, or acquire companies and businesses that interest it in an effort to
Regional expansion diversify into new markets and new consume groups with products and services that are
1. The Tata Consultancy Services can expand regionally completely new, and not related to existing offerings.
2. This will include expansion locally to different cities, or within the same geographic
New customer segments
1.TCS needs to explore new consumer segments in the same market for its products
2. TCS can identify new product uses and features and target new consumer segments
for the existing products

Market Penetration Product Development

New product benefits and features Innovation
1. TCS can identify new features and characteristics in existing products for existing 1. TCS needs to engages in R&D activities to understand and identify new points of
markets. consumer demand like automation, Metaverse, cybersecurity etc.
2. Identification will lead to innovative and novice product consumption purposes and 2. TCS needs to drive more global innovation contest to get new innovation ideas for future.
behaviour Modification in Existing Products
3. Consumers should also be made aware of these new and innovative usage patterns 1. TCS needs to do the modifications and improvements in existing products to offer
and consumptions ways of the TCS products by the company consumers new and enhanced offerings which will help increasing customer satisifcation
Increase production capacity and sales.
1. Increasing production capacity will allow TCS to reach more customers within the 2. TCS can also engage in new product development through introducing different quality
same market. products in the same market.
2. Increased production capacity would also lead to more efficiency and effectiveness – Strategic partnerships
especially for controlling overhead costs. 1. TCS should engage in strategic partnerships to explore options for product development
3. Controlled overhead costs would lead to competitive pricing and would appeal to the as well.
consumers in the same market. 2. Strategic partnerships will help the TCS to access the new product developments, and
Increased marketing investment processes with limited financial investment with limited risk involved
1. TCS can also increase its investment in marketing and advertising activities to increase Research and Development
market penetration 1. TCS needs to increase their investment in research and development – especially
2. TCS should try to develop and design engaging communication content that is pertaining towards understanding market trends and consumer behaviour.
relevant to its various market groups 2. It will help TCS to remain competitive through innovation and creativity.
3. With higher marketing investment, the TCS will be able to increase its market
penetration within the existing markets for existing products.
Existing Market

Enhanced distribution
1. TCS can explore new and innovative means of distribution.
2. TCS can also explore new channels of distribution for their products.
3. Needs to improve supply chains and distribution systems which may lead to increased
penetration within the same market by improving accessibility.
Competitive pricing
1. TCS may introduce competitive pricing and price cuts to increase the appeal of its
2. Competitive pricing will be a source of competitive advantage for the company, and
will lead to enhanced consumer engagement with the product.
Reduce operational costs
1. TCS can reduce operational costs to increase competitive pricing.
2. Competitive pricing will help the Tata Consultancy Services increase its sales volume
and consumption.
3. Lower operational costs will lead to less costs being passed on to the consumers, and
will make the products offered by the TCS more desirable and affordable
Acquiring competitors
1. TCS can acquire competing players in the market like new startups etc.
2. Acquisitions will give the TCS leverage in reaching different consumer groups and
Partnerships and joint ventures
1. TCS can also enter strategic p[partnerships and joint ventures with other players in the
2. These can be players belonging to similar industry, or even different industries
3. Strategic partnerships and joint ventures will allow the Tata Consultancy Services to
gain access to different consumer groups, and their market behaviour and consumption
3. The acquisitions will also allow the Tata Consultancy Services to develop leverage
through diversified supply chain and distribution channels.

Existing Product New Product

Ansoff Matrix

2. Strategic Alliances:
TCS needs to do more strategic alliances in other domain such as education sector like IITs,
MIT, ISRO etc. which will help TCS in developing future thought leaders and good
employees for future readiness skill.
The alliances with the international technology institutes will make TCS to maintain a
holistic approach to create a joint venture opportunity on joint research by which it will
deliver a strategic advantage in many areas.
 Joint ventures will help in better technology and research.
 Joint go-to-market strategy will be adapted for the better IT solutions.
 New/improved solutions on problems will be created like 5G technology, Metaverse etc.
 In India, lot of government sectors are not fully digitalized. TCS needs to work and grap
those opportunities like customer experience, education etc.

3. Balanced Score Card Strategy Map:

To identify and make better decisions for the future of business/organization, we can use
Balance Score card strategy. It can help in measuring and providing feedback to top
management or organization which is very common among companies in UK, USA, Europe,
and Japan. It is measured by 04 main aspects of a business:

a. Education & Growth: TCS needs to upskill their employee by training, workshop
etc. improve knowledge resources. Management should identify and understand
where they need to invest their funds for future skills or personnel development
before starting training or workshops.
Considerations for measurement include:
i. Employee turnover
ii. Job satisfaction
iii. Training opportunities
iv. Levels of specialist knowledge and skills
b. Internal Business Process: needs to improve on manufactured product faster
delivery with good quality. Operational management needs to analyze to track any
delays, gaps, bottlenecks, waste, or shortage and needs to work more on new
technologies like automation, innovation, cybersecurity etc.
c. Customer perspectives are timely collected to measure customer relations,
satisfaction with the price, quality, and availability of products/services. Customers
can help in providing their inputs for current products.
d. Financial Metrics, such as expenditures, income and sales are used to identify
financial performance which may include financial results, Cash flow or ROI.

4. Tackle with moonlighting, TCS must create agreements with their employees like they will
not work for competitors or start competing with their business. Also, TCS needs to
announce and start giving extra benefits like free cab, bonus etc. to motivate the employees
who are coming and working from offices.
These are recommendations of TCS top level management which will helps to give an overview
of the company for measuring it against its own mission and vision.


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