English ASL

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What was your aim in your

childhood days ?

I wanted to become
a teacher

My aim was to become

an Engineer

I wanted to become
a traveller
If you get a chance to fulfil only one of
your Childhood dreams, what would it be ?

I would go for a tour

to Cochin with my friends.

I would study hard

and become an engineer

I would become the

Prime Minister of our country
and make it reach great heights.
What was ‘that moment’ or ‘decision’
that changed your entire career ?

I had finished studying textiles,

but I chose to study
Physical Education then.

I studied M.CA but

finished B.Sc maths &
became a Maths teacher.

To become a teacher was

the only decision that
changed my career.
How long have you been parted from your childhood friend ?

I went to Bihar for two years , leaving my best friend behind.

That was the longest period I’ve been parted from him.

The last time I met my friend was 15 years ago,

while I was at college in Chennai.

Met my childhood friend at the College

get-together party before 4 months after 5 years.
If you were given a boon to go back
to your childhood, what age would
you choose to go? Why?

I would surely go to 6 years of age,

for there will be no work to do;
we can simply eat and take rest.

I would go to the time when I was 14,

for I would be able to restart my career.

I would really love to go back to the time

when I was born, because babies are the most
happiest living ones in the earth.

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