Predictive Performance of Bayesian Vancomycin Monitoring in The Critically Ill

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Predictive Performance of Bayesian

Vancomycin Monitoring in the Critically Ill*

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Sujita W. Narayan, BPharm,

OBJECTIVES: It is recommended that therapeutic monitoring of van- MPharmPrac, PhD1
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comycin should be guided by 24-hour area under the curve concentra- Yann Thoma, PhD2
tion. This can be done via Bayesian models in dose-optimization software.
Philip G. Drennan, MB ChB3
However, before these models can be incorporated into clinical practice
in the critically ill, their predictive performance needs to be evaluated. This Hannah Yejin Kim, BPharm, PhD1,4,5
study assesses the predictive performance of Bayesian models for vanco- Jan-Willem Alffenaar, PharmD,
mycin in the critically ill. PhD1,4,5
Sebastiaan Van Hal, MB ChB,
DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.
SETTING: Single-center ICU. Asad E. Patanwala, PharmD,
PATIENTS: Data were obtained for all patients in the ICU between 1 MPH, FCCP, FASHP1,7
January, and 31 May 2020, who received IV vancomycin. The predictive
performance of three Bayesian models were evaluated based on their
availability in commercially available software. Predictive performance
was assessed via bias and precision. Bias was measured as the mean
difference between observed and predicted vancomycin concentrations.
Precision was measured as the sd of bias, root mean square error, and
95% limits of agreement based on Bland-Altman plots.
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A total of 466 concentra-
tions from 188 patients were used to evaluate the three models. All models
showed low bias (–1.7 to 1.8 mg/L), which was lower with a posteriori es-
timate (–0.7 to 1.8 mg/L). However, all three models showed low precision
in terms of sd (4.7–8.8 mg/L) and root mean square error (4.8–8.9 mg/L).
The models underpredicted at higher observed vancomycin concentra-
tions (bias 0.7–3.2 mg/L for < 20 mg/L; –5.1 to –2.3 for ≥ 20 mg/L) and
the Bland-Altman plots showed a great deviation between observed and
predicted concentrations.
CONCLUSIONS: Bayesian models of vancomycin show not only low
bias, but also low precision in the critically ill. Thus, Bayesian-guided dos-
ing of vancomycin in this population should be used cautiously.
KEY WORDS: Bayesian forecasting; critically ill; intensive care unit;
pharmacokinetics; therapeutic drug monitoring; vancomycin

trategies are needed to improve therapeutic drug monitoring practices of
vancomycin in the critically ill. The pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic *See also p. 1845.
target for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) that best predicts efficacy Copyright © 2021 by the Society of
and safety of vancomycin is the ratio of the area under the curve during a 24-hour Critical Care Medicine and Wolters
period to minimum inhibitory concentration (AUC24/MIC) (1, 2). Assuming a Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights
MIC of less than or equal to 1 mg/L, guidelines have suggested a target AUC24 Reserved.
of 400–600 mg × hr/L. For simplicity, steady state trough concentrations (Css) DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005062

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Online Clinical Investigations

of 15–20 mg/L have historically been used as a surro- Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess
gate target for AUC24 greater than 400 mg × hr/L in the predictive performance of vancomycin pharma-
clinical practice (3). However, this approach has been cokinetic models that have been incorporated into
challenged recently, on the basis that Css trough con- commercially available Bayesian dose-optimization
centration is poorly predictive of AUC24, with dosing software for use in the critically ill.
to achieve nominated trough concentrations associated
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with excessive exposure, and increased risk of nephro- METHODS

toxicity without improved efficacy (4–7). Thus, the re-
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Study Design and Setting

cent guidelines for vancomycin TDM recommend that
dosing of this agent should be area under the curve This was a retrospective cohort study conducted in an
(AUC) guided (2, 8). academic hospital in Sydney, NSW, Australia. The hos-
There are a few alternatives to trough-based moni- pital has a 54-bed ICU. The selection and dosing of van-
toring of vancomycin, all with challenges that limit comycin in the ICU is based on clinician preference.
their widespread implementation (9). One method Dose adjustment was primarily based on Css. It is com-
involves measurement of two concentrations dur- mon in our ICU that several trough concentrations are
ing a dosage interval, which are obtained during taken for the same patient. This may be as often as daily
steady state. AUC24 can then be estimated based on measures in some cases if renal function is expected to
first-order pharmacokinetic equations. The disadvan- change. The institution does not use any Bayesian soft-
tage of this approach is the complexity of data inputs ware for TDM of vancomycin. The study was approved
and calculations. It also requires two concentrations by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Local
for calculation, which increases blood draws, labo- Health District (approval number: 2019/ETH12033).
ratory utilization, and staff resources. An alternative
approach is Bayesian forecasting, which uses special- Patient Selection
ized software programs which incorporate measured
concentrations with “prior” information derived from Data were obtained for all patients in the ICU between
population pharmacokinetic models in order to esti- 1 January 2019, and 31 May 2020. Patients who received
mate individual pharmacokinetic parameters and drug IV vancomycin delivered via intermittent infusion and
had at least one vancomycin concentration were in-
exposure (10). Previous studies have demonstrated
cluded. Patients were excluded if vancomycin contin-
Bayesian forecasting to assist in optimizing AUC24/
uous infusions were used as Bayesian models are not
MIC while also reducing per patient sampling frequency
necessary to calculate AUC24 for them. Patients were also
(5, 7, 11, 12). However, proprietary software products
excluded if they received continuous renal replacement
providing integrated Bayesian modeling are perceived
therapy (CRRT) because these patients were not in-
as expensive for hospital implementation (10). This has
cluded in any of the Bayesian models tested. There were
limited widespread implementation into clinical prac-
no patients with intermittent hemodialysis or peritoneal
tice. There are also limited data regarding the accuracy
dialysis in this study. In addition, if the levels were taken
of Bayesian models in the critically ill (2).
prior to any ICU doses, then the patients were excluded.
A few small studies (n = 19–82 patients) have evalu-
This occurs in patients transferred from a ward to ICU,
ated vancomycin pharmacokinetic models in the crit-
where initial doses are not given in the ICU.
ically ill (13–15). Predictive performance was assessed
using different measures of bias and precision. These
Data Collection
studies have shown low bias, but a variable level of
precision. Thus, additional research is needed before Data collected included age, sex, weight, height, vanco-
Bayesian models are routinely incorporated into clin- mycin doses, timing of doses, infusion times, vancomycin
ical practice in the critically ill. Studies are also needed concentrations, timing of concentrations, serum cre-
that report predictive performance in readily inter- atinine values, and timing of creatinine values. All data
pretable measures that help clinicians understand the were extracted using automated queries from the elec-
utility of Bayesian software guided TDM for vanco- tronic medical record. This minimized the possibility of
mycin in this population. any transcription errors. All variables used for estimation

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Narayan et al

Bayesian Models
Commercial Variable Estimates
Models Software Compartments From the Final Model Significant Covariates
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Goti et al DoseMeRx Two-compartment Clearance 4.5 L/hr CrCL on clearance

(16) model with zero
Vc 58.4 L Dialysis on clearance
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order infusion
Vp 38.4 L Dialysis on Vc
Q 6.5 L/hr
Thomson InsightRx Two-compartment Clearance 2.99 L/hr CrCL on clearance
et al model Vc 0.675 L/kg Total body weight on Vc
(18) (biexponential
elimination) Vp 0.732 L/kg
Q 2.28 L/hr
Colin et al None Two-compartment Clearance 5.31 L/hr/70 kg Serum creatinine on clearance
(19) model Vc 42.9 L/70 kg Postmenstrual age on clearance
Vp 41.7 L/70 kg Weight on Vc
Q 3.22 L/hr/70 kg Weight on Vp
CrCL: = creatinine clearance, Q = intercompartmental clearance, Vc = central volume of distribution, Vp = peripheral volume of

(weight, height, vancomycin doses, serum creatinine, age, available Bayesian dose-optimization software were
and sex) were checked manually in 10% of the sample. identified that had incorporated vancomycin models
All variables were accurate, with the exception of vanco- for use in critically ill adults. The model by Goti et al
mycin doses, which showed some inconsistencies. Thus, (16) has been incorporated by DoseMeRx (Tabula Rasa
100% of vancomycin doses were checked manually. HealthCare, Moorestown, NJ) because of its predic-
tive performance based on a comparison of 31 models
Vancomycin Assay (17). The model by Thomson et al (18) was included in
The analyzer used during this research is the Roche Cobas InsightRx (Insight Rx Inc., San Francisco, CA) based
8000 c702 (Roche, Basel, Switzerland). The vancomyin on a study showing this model to be most suitable in
gen.3 (VANC3) vancomycin assay is a homogenous en- the critically ill (13). In addition, we identified another
zyme immunoassay technique kinetic interaction of mic- model that was not evaluated in these previous investi-
roparticles in a solution. The VANC3 Vancomycin Assay gations because of its subsequent publication. This was a
and Preciset TDM 1 Calibrators were used as described in pooled-population pharmacokinetic model that incor-
the package insert. All chemicals used were of analytical porates 14 studies in different populations that could be
grade. The assay was calibrated using six standards (0, 5, suitable to the critically ill (19). Thus, three models were
10, 25, 50, 80 mg/L), lower limit of quantification 4.0 mg/L, selected for our analysis: 1) Goti et al (16), 2) Thomson
and limit of detection 1.5 mg/L. Imprecision was less than et al (18), and 3) Colin et al (19). The model specifica-
6% across all quality control samples and quality assur- tions are reported in Table 1.
ance program less than 4%. All routine measurements
were performed as single measurements. Predictive Performance
The objective was to determine the predictive perfor-
Model Selection
mance of the three aforementioned models for use of
A pragmatic approach was used in selecting vancomycin TDM in clinical practice in the critically ill. This was
models for the study. Commonly used commercially evaluated by comparing observed versus predicted

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Online Clinical Investigations

vancomycin concentrations using the Bayesian mod- precision were calculated for both a priori and a poste-
els. In patients with changing serum creatinine, the riori predictions for all models.
most recent (closest to time of estimation) value was
used for each prediction as would be done in clinical Data Analysis
Predictive performance was assessed via bias and Models were setup in Tucuxi (22) (revision cd7bd7a8
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precision variables. Bias was measured as the mean dif- joint development by HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains,
ference between observed and predicted vancomycin Switzerland and CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland) and
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concentrations. Precision was measured as the sd of the automatically run through the command line interface.
difference, root mean square error (RMSE), and 95% All data analysis and calculation of bias and precision
limits of agreement (LOA) based on Bland-Altman measures were conducted in STATA 15 (StataCorp,
plots. The Bland-Altman plots serve as a visual depic- College Station, TX).
tion of bias and precision (20). From a clinical perspec-
tive, this was most intuitive as it retains the original RESULTS
scale of the vancomycin concentrations for ease of in-
Study Cohort
terpretation. The concordance correlation coefficient
(ρc) was reported as an overall measure of agreement There were 330 patients given vancomycin doses
between observed and predicted values (21). The ρc with at least one concentration measured during the
combines measures of bias and precision. It determines study period. Of these, 188 patients were included in
how far the predicted values deviate from the line of the study. The reasons for exclusion and selection of
perfect agreement (i.e., line of 45 degrees on a square the patient cohort are depicted in Figure 1. The mean
scatter plot). To allow comparison to previous studies (sd) age was 58 (17) years, and 119 (63%) were male.
(13, 14, 17), other variables of bias and precision were Patients had a mean serum creatinine of 92.9 ± 66.0
calculated that are reported in the literature. These in- µmol/L. Baseline characteristics patients are in Table 2.
clude relative bias (rBias) and relative RMSE (rRMSE). There was a total of 466 concentrations taken in these
Formulas (17) used for these variable calculations are patients (mean 17 mg/L, sd 7 mg/L). Of these, 184 were
in Table A (Supplementary
Appendix, http://links.lww.

The results were first re-
ported overall for each
model. Furthermore, the
results were also stratified
as a priori or a posteriori
estimates. The first vanco-
mycin level was predicted
using patient covariates
only and was considered to
be an a priori prediction.
Subsequent concentrations
were predicted incorporat-
ing patients’ vancomycin
concentrations and were
considered to be a poste-
riori predictions. Bias and
Figure 1. Flow diagram of patient selection. Patients included in the study.

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Narayan et al

TABLE 2. vancomycin concentrations. For observed concentra-

Baseline Patient Characteristics tions less than 20 mg/L, bias was 0.7 mg/L for Goti et
al (16), 1.9 mg/L for Thomson et al (18), and 3.2 mg/L
Demographics and Admission Variables Value
for Colin et al (19). For observed concentrations greater
Age (yr), mean (sd) 58 (17) than or equal to 20 mg/L, bias was –4.4 mg/L for Goti et
al (16), –5.1 mg/L for Thomson et al (18), and 2.3 mg/L
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Sex (male) (%) 119 (63)

for Colin et al (19). Figures D–F (Supplementary
Weight (kg), mean (sd) 84 (26) Appendix, depict
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Height (cm), mean (sd) 170 (10) bias versus time to concentration after a dose (hr),
Figures G–I (Supplementary Appendix, http://links.
Serum creatinine (µmol/L), mean (sd) 92.9 (66.0) depict bias versus dose interval
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health 62 (22) (i.e., the first dose interval is between the first and second
Evaluation III score, mean (sd) dose). Figures J–L (Supplementary Appendix, http:// depict bias versus creati-
Mechanical ventilation, n (%) 74 (39)
nine clearance calculated using the closest value at time
Vasopressors, n (%) 66 (70) of estimation. No trends were observed for these vari-
23 (28)
ables with regard to any of the three models.
Planned ICU admission, n (%)
The potential clinical implications of the discord-
Surgical admission, n (%) 83 (44) ance between observed and predicted concentrations
are shown in Table B (Supplementary Appendix, http://
first concentrations and were compared with predicted Dose changes are usually
level using a priori prediction. The remaining 282 were based on when concentrations are considered thera-
taken subsequent to the first level and were compared peutic versus nontherapeutic. The analysis shows that a
with predicted concentrations using a posteriori pre- match between observed and predicted concentrations
diction. Most concentrations were troughs (Figs. D–F, for dose range categories was 60.9% for Goti et al (16),
Supplementary Appendix, 58.6% for Thomson et al (18), and 50.9% for Colin et al
G445). The median single dose administered was (19). In other words, in approximately half of the cases a
1,250 mg (interquartile range [IQR], 1,000–1,500 mg) dose change would be made based on predicted values
(weight adjusted 15 mg/kg [IQR, 11–20 mg/kg]). but not observed values and vice versa.

Predictive Performance DISCUSSION

The model by Goti et al (16) had a bias of –1.1 mg/L, sd In this study, we evaluated the predictive performance
of bias 5.8 mg/L, 95% limits of agreement –12.4 to 10.3 of Bayesian models for vancomycin in critically ill
mg/L, ρc equals to 0.63 (95% CI, 0.58–0.68) (Fig. 2). The patients using an independent real-life cohort of 188
model by Thomson et al (18) had a bias of –0.5 mg/L, sd patients. The key finding was that all Bayesian mod-
of bias 7.1 mg/L, 95% limits of agreement –14.4 to 13.5 els showed not only a low level of bias but also a poor
mg/L, ρc equals to 0.45 (95% CI, 0.38–0.52) (Fig. 2). The level of precision. In other words, there was great devi-
model by Colin et al (19) had a bias of 1.3 mg/L, sd of bias ation between observed and predicted concentrations.
6.6 mg/L, 95% limits of agreement –11.7 to 14.2 mg/L, ρc However, this deviation in predicted values occurred
equals to 0.56 (95% CI, 0.50–0.62) (Fig. 2). Additional to a similar extent above and below observed values.
measures of bias and precision, as well as estimates This is clearly depicted in the Bland-Altman plots with
stratified by a priori and a posteriori predictions, are in 95% LOA. It highlights that Bayesian estimates can be
Table 3. No patients were identified for whom exclu- greatly different from actual values. This has important
sion of data would alter the overall results. implications for the clinical utility of Bayesian mod-
Figures A–C (Supplementary Appendix, http://links. els for vancomycin dose-optimization in critically ill depict bias (difference between patients because of this lack of precision.
predicted and observed) versus observed concentra- It is notable that although all models had low preci-
tions. All three models underpredict at higher observed sion, the model by Thomson et al (18) appeared to have

e956 October 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 10

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Online Clinical Investigations

A recent study by Ter Heine et al (13) retrospec-

tively validated five pharmacokinetic models (n = 30
Difference of Predicted and Observed (mg/L)

Bland and Altman Plot (Goti et al.)

patients) and prospectively evaluated the model by
−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40

Thomson et al (18) (n = 50 patients) to assess its pre-

dictive performance in critically ill patients. The study
by Ter Heine et al (13) showed a mean prediction error
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of 8.8% (95% CI, 5.7–11.9%) and rRMSE of 19.8%

(95% CI, 17.5–22.1%) with the model by Thomson et
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al (18). The investigators considered this to be suitable

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Mean of Predicted and Observed (mg/L)
35 40 for model-informed decision-making. Although our
observed average agreement 95% limits of agreement
study also found a low level of bias, we had a lower
level of precision using the same model with rRMSE
being 54.6% for a priori and 35.5% for a posteriori es-
Difference of Predicted and Observed (mg/L)

Bland and Altman Plot (Thomson et al.)

timation. Furthermore, we showed underprediction at
−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40

higher observed concentrations. This is expected be-

cause very high concentrations are likely to occur in
patients less represented in population pharmacoki-
netic models, such as those with deteriorating renal
clearance that is not reflected in observed serum creat-
inine. The nature of the Bayesian approach is to shrink
5 10 15 20 25 30
Mean of Predicted and Observed (mg/L)
35 40
a posteriori predicted concentrations toward the a
observed average agreement 95% limits of agreement priori values, leading to biased predictions in patients
who are not well described by the model.
Difference of Predicted and Observed (mg/L)

Bland and Altman Plot (Colin et al.) Another study by Cunio et al (14) evaluated 12
−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40

vancomycin models in critically ill patients (n = 82

patients) and identified the Goti et al (16) model to be
most suitable. This model showed a rBias of 3.4% and
rRMSE of 49% for a priori estimates and rBias of 1.5%
and rRMSE of 23.9% for a posteriori estimates. These
findings are similar to our study that also showed a
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
low bias and low precision. However, the authors did
Mean of Predicted and Observed (mg/L) not emphasize this low precision, instead considering
observed average agreement 95% limits of agreement
this to be suitable for clinical practice. However, based
on the Bland-Altman plots in our study, the precision
Figure 2. Bland-Altman plots. Plots for Goti et al (16), Thomson appears to be unsatisfactory as this could lead to incor-
et al (18), and Colin et al (19). rect dosing changes. This low level of precision, and its
interpretation needs more clinical scrutiny. The Bland-
the lowest precision, especially for a priori estimates. A Altman plots with 95% LOA certainly depict that pre-
priori estimates rely on patient covariates only (as it dicted concentrations using these models could be
is representative of the start of therapy when no con- considerably different from observed values.
centration data are available), whereas a posteriori pre- In a small study of 19 critically ill patients, the ac-
diction allows incorporation of patients’ vancomycin curacy and bias of several Bayesian dose-optimizing
concentrations allowing individualized variable esti- software programs was evaluated (15). The reference
mates and better predictive performance. The original AUC (AUCREF) was calculated using the log-linear
model by Thomson et al (18) was based on a smaller trapezoidal rule in this richly sampled dataset, sim-
dataset, and it is unclear if the patients included in the ilar to our study. Bayesian estimation of AUC was
dataset were from the ICU, which could explain greater reported using different subsets of the data. The esti-
imprecision compared with the other models. mation of AUC, which was based on a single trough

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Narayan et al

Predictive Performance
95% Bland-Altman Concordance Relative
Bias sd Limits of Correlation Relative RMSE RMSE
Models (mg/L) (mg/L) Agreement (mg/L) Coefficient (ρc) Bias (%) (mg/L) (%)
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Goti et al (16)
Overall –1.1 5.8 –12.4 to 10.2 0.63 –4.0 5.9 35.8
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A priori –1.7 7.1 –15.6 to 12.3 0.42 –5.8 7.3 44.1

A posteriori –0.7 4.7 –9.9 to 8.6 0.72 –2.8 4.8 29.1
Thomson et al (18)
Overall –0.5 7.1 –14.4 to 13.3 0.45 –0.5 7.1 42.2
A priori –1.1 8.8 –18.4 to 16.3 0.17 –2.4 8.9 54.6
A posteriori –0.2 5.6 –11.3 to 10.9 0.59 –0.7 5.6 31.6
Colin et al (19)
Overall 1.3 6.6 –11.7 to 14.2 0.56 9.1 6.7 39.7
A priori 0.4 7.4 –14.0 to 14.8 0.45 7.5 7.4 45.2
A posteriori 1.8 6.0 –9.8 to 13.6 0.57 10.2 6.3 35.5
Bias = mean difference between observed and predicted concentrations, RMSE = root mean squared error.

concentration (AUCT), is most comparable with our methods and how any imprecision may affect dos-
study. Bias was reported as a percentage and calculated ing. Patients on CRRT were excluded because they are
as ([AUCT–AUCREF]|/[AUCREF]) × 100. The bias with not commonly included in Bayesian TDM software.
DoseMeRx was 21.2% (IQR, 16.3–24.6%), and bias However, we would likely anticipate even greater im-
with InsightRx was 16.4% (IQR, 11.8–22.6%). Thus, precision in these patients. Although we considered
assuming a median AUCREF of approximately 600 mg the predictive performance of Bayesian models to be
× hr/L as reported in their study, we could assume unsuitable overall, their use may still be superior to
Bayesian estimates to fluctuate by 100–150 mg × hr/L trough-based monitoring. Bayesian programs may
around this calculated value. have a graphical user interface that makes it possible
There are limitations associated with our study. This to visualize percentiles around the predicted estimates.
was a single-center retrospective cohort study and This helps clinicians take into account uncertainty.
should be extrapolated with caution to other centers. Finally, AUC24 can be estimated at steady state using a
However, due to our large sample size, we expect that single concentration taken during continuous infusion
similar findings would be observed at other institu- of vancomycin. This method is straightforward and ac-
tions. Furthermore, this study compared observed curate; however, it requires continual IV access.
concentrations to predicted concentrations. Although
this is an important step in evaluating the predictive
performance of these models, it provides limited in-
formation regarding how the performance of the Commonly available Bayesian pharmacokinetic mod-
models would affect decision-making or dose changes els lack precision in the critically ill. This can result
that would be considered to be appropriate. This is be- in substantial differences between observed and pre-
cause decisions for dose modification would be based dicted values. Our findings suggest that Bayesian
on AUC24. Further studies are needed to prospectively model-guided dosing of vancomycin in the critically ill
compare calculated versus Bayesian estimated AUC24 should be used cautiously when targeting AUC24. The

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Online Clinical Investigations

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two concentrations via kinetic equations, or contin-
gram’s retrospective evaluation of vancomycin AUC24/MIC
uous vancomycin infusion with a single concentration and time to microbiological clearance in patients with methicil-
at steady state, may be preferable in this population. lin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia and osteomy-
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URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the
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