Formal Letter Writing

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Formal Letter Writing

Muldrow Road
148 Beacon Avenue

8th July 2021

Chief Editor
Dawn Newspaper
Cantt, Peshawar

Subject: Development of Public transport of modern lines

Respected Sir/Madam

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the transportation facilities in
our area are utterly out of condition and has raised a lot of hue and cry.
The local BRT has always promised safe and comfortable travel. However,
the tattered interior and high theft rate say otherwise. Lack of proper
seating and arrangements for the differently-abled has created a
tremendous hassle. Thus, aged passengers, expecting women and others
suffering from acute health conditions: are left standing through the entire
journey. Passengers have to wait in a long queue to get their tickets
approved since the automatic ticketing system does not operate. As a
result, many people end up late to important meetings and engagements.

I was not entirely convinced about the situation until I witnessed it myself;
last Thursday. I had to take the BRT from Lunar-House in Edgar town to
Pheonix road beside 368 Park street to make it on time for my meeting at
the Ronzo Publication House. I reached the bus stop at quarter to eight and
awaited the eight am bus to arrive after its first shift on Edmond road; it was
half-past eight when the BRT finally rounded on the corner. The reason for
late arrival was a flat tire: a prolonged waiting time followed as the steward
spent twenty minutes collecting the bus tickets. The 'person congestion'
inside the vehicle increased the risk of injury and promoted hot and
claustrophobic travel. During our trip, the driver got fined twice; the first
time for speeding on a busy road and the second time for 'cruising' on
Pheonix Road to find a suitable parking area. By the time I arrived at my
workplace forty minutes behind schedule and flustered by the tumultuous

This problem does not only affect the passengers but also alters the
development of the community and affects neighbourhood safety and
security. Hence, the local authority must focus on transit priority by
arranging bus lanes and parking lots, queue jumper lanes and an effective
traffic signal system for such vehicles. Congestion should be minimized by
installing a pre-booked seat system and avoiding high operating time
hassle. Moreover, the drivers must have a license and should be required
to undergo the breathalyzer test to ensure safe and alert driving.
incorporating fully digitalized and touchless payments will increase bus
frequency and encourage more people to opt for public transport to reduce
their carbon footprint.


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