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Engineering Mechanics


BES 210

Activity Title: Force Systems Date Given:

Code: P2 Date Due:
Total score: 100pts
1. Vector Operations (Figures Needed)
1.1. Given vectors A 2 2 6 and B 0 4 3 , Determine the area of the
parallelogram generated by the vectors.
1.2. Given vectors A 1 1 1 , B 2 1 3 , and C 0 3 1 , determine the
volume of the parallelepiped.
2. Forces (Figures Needed)
2.1. Two forces of 20 units and 30 units act at a right angle. What is the magnitude of
the resultant force? 1 Free-body Diagram only
2.2. A load of 100 lbf hung from the middle of a rope, which is stretched between two
rigid walls 30ft apart. Due to the load, the rope sags 4ft in the middle. Determine
the tension in the rope. 1 Free-body Diagram only
2.3. The direction of the 75-lbf force may vary, but the angle between the forces is
always 50 degrees. Determine the value of 𝛼 for which the resultant force acting
at A is directed horizontally to the left. 1 Free-body Diagram only

2.4. Two cables are tied together at C and loaded as shown. Knowing that P= 360N,
Determine the tension in cable BC and AC. 1 Free-body Diagram only

Instructor: Engr. Dominico Josh A. Cania

Engineering Mechanics
BES 210

3. Moments & Couples (Figures Needed)

Given the figure of a Rectangular Plate with forces acting on it as shown.
Determine the following: 1 Free-body Diagram only

3.1. Determine the moment on D caused by the 340N Force.

3.2. Determine the moment on D caused by the 600N Force.
3.3. Determine the moment acting on D caused by all the forces.
3.4. Determine the moment acting on C caused by all the forces.

1. Activity File will be Uploaded on Moodle
2. Show your solutions
3. 5pts will be allocated for the figures (FBD)
4. Box Final Answers Only
o No Box: -2pts
o Not final answer: -1pt/box
5. If you believe that there is no possible way to solve the problem, justify on why
the problem is invalid.
6. Write legibly
o Unreadable handwriting will be returned
7. Send file in this format
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 PS1–Fundamental Principles [SURNAME].pdf
o Photo Format:
 PS1-Fundamental Principles [SURNAME].jpeg
 PS1-Fundamental Principles [SURNAME].jpg
 PS1-Fundamental Principles [SURNAME].png
o Submission will be invalid if format is not followed

Instructor: Engr. Dominico Josh A. Cania

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