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Engineering Mechanics


BES 210

Activity Title: Equilibrium Date Given:

Code: PS3 Date Due:
Total score: 30pts
1. Equilibrium
1.1. Determine the Reaction of the given system under the state of static equilibrium:
The system is a post supported by a fixed end at A. (15pts)
HINT: There is a resisting Moment at A

1.2. A lift, comprising of 3 cables arranged as shown, carries a spare part for a
military tank. Compute for the tension experienced by the 3 cables given that the
body it carries is 8 Mg. (15pts)

Instructor: Engr. Dominico Josh A. Cania

Engineering Mechanics
BES 210

1. Activity File will be Uploaded on Moodle
2. Show your solutions
3. 5pts will be allocated for the figures (FBD)
4. Box Final Answers Only
o No Box: -2pts
o Not final answer: -1pt/box
5. If you believe that there is no possible way to solve the problem, justify on why
the problem is invalid.
6. Write legibly
o Unreadable handwriting will be returned
7. Send file in this format
o PDF Format:
 PS1–Fundamental Principles [SURNAME].pdf
o Photo Format:
 PS1-Fundamental Principles [SURNAME].jpeg
 PS1-Fundamental Principles [SURNAME].jpg
 PS1-Fundamental Principles [SURNAME].png
o Submission will be invalid if format is not followed

Instructor: Engr. Dominico Josh A. Cania

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