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| kthat are Renewable Souvcet or energy 9 Err L thd diperencet between wenevable & Non—senewable goure = energy - Renewable cousce of Eneogy im Peneworble oncrqy Souscer dt avo called at nm reconvential energy Sourcet, this enerary ees Sourcet Gincluctel Aho colar Lneryy , vaind eneAaqy » | sidat enengry ete---ctheth du no duplection oy Tesonres Fand donot cause pollution ancl ove comparstively cheaper and cary 40 hanollt- Sw Renewable Energy Souncet |Sn) Non — Renewable eneogy Sayre \. Tt St teon-convential | Convential ener Sources ant ao Enewnn at Non—venewabe ener Sowveet - enerqy coumcetl As also freon ab aenewable t Sousce (2. 14 Sncludts une wind energy] 2) Lt kn cludes tre coal, petrotum , Natural gos folax enerseyy ,ticdel enerys ee et--. 3./they as eatry 20 handt| 3] they ore cigpicutt to hhond ie 4) thes du no depletion | Depvetion vate Le high | | Ape vesowreee 7 S) They do not Comte. S| ney came poltt | _powctior> G) they 2 compountively |G) “they art costly and cheaper Sovolves tha move ex pend Une © Is > Hhat us distributed quero Q hab one ebpectt oy DE ona deanemiirion Fystem Diciributed genewallon (DE) - distributed generation om gene Peyet tO Smatl scam (Typically lua ae comWdy Ueetric power qenevatort that produce electcity at a vite close utp co'cautomese ov that one ied £© an electoi aisibrtioy) Systere Ht Tt Jncluder , but axe not Limited te Synchronous qenesators pAnduction qeesator, weet pro ating OQNgFined , Micyy—tusbines . DEppecte on DEi— 1. Showt cjveif uel, one vin creased 2. doad towet Change < Voltage Propites change along th network q: Power quality and veliabilitng may be appects Sy the networte protections Moy not bunetion Properly - Wheat are the oppli Cotione q Pho tv voltaic solar enesqy 7 Applicatiorne of photovoltaie Solas 2newey 3— f. tWhakes purping . cold stowage vii. Gola photovoltaic system din space # hater pumping Se Lola power ds commonty uted foe wole eo pumping pactlity ushich hag beer proved Mowe eppective Sn villayet for agricultural punpore AL ererqy from mied to opevoll de pump tak Ant Solas Panel is yes Level LO nigh vis Wed supe sre, waiter Fro 10 dwel. : af COA Stowage Solar energy can be nye foo colt well on at, conditining app lice apo compre eso eystern using gol procoveelt panelt_ and vapor absorption. system masing dperrna} coilectPS ox be. ented for these puaprser « ec Gystere vin, Space IT : solv photovolts the solar arraige avranget in space stetion eqyutred Power or ane Space produce move than w do sunlight about station) . klhen th station as oy are electricity thak tht Soo avrcugs Gor. to charge tho ctattont batteries. qenerate a ued e Trappe Biqnats +— Toaypic gignalt ok are all mat | be operabed Using Golas panel! . Shadow face can easily uf eS Dit In a bugdrogen put Cell, a catalyse ol the anna bs the only conce™ foo uns # Lighting i- Solar photovoltaic lighting —eyetem can be auel for Street Lighting » and mura] aseat . Smal} Gited panelt can easily hammer enough. 2erqy my glow a Stree ight 4 ceo's, E zplein aspect! ai hycdwogen at a fuel ce 9 anode Seperrclls huyrrgen motecutes Sesto proiont and.cloctont , which care phere cecthode tht elected 9? eto crrcudlt , cweating a flew BF eleeici by - ae olean fuel that » when produces only water . Hyceogen from % vortety of domestic cleax power, > geo uu consamed Sn a puck col can be pooduced guch as natural gts 4 power Like folore ond. wegources, blomate and weneoable wind Wihet ore HNL speci ficartiont that Ir de vigner needs, to pollow bejure puschating a usin DArbiNe - The turbine ye decide dp purchase must fie your needs for Cte , wind wespyacel , aveilh Lin, in jer fe allobiteg ond proximity op openaiion and malo t. eames. 4) Genera} npoemadtion + plondinal Output: 3-

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