Coolkids 2

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Contents Maik. iii ae Unit ~ Page 4 Vocabulary Greetings and farewells Personal details: fst name, suiname, age, nationality etc. ‘Countries and nationalities School subjects: Maths, Science, Geogrophy,ITetc. Adjectives: ft, goodtlooking, attractive, young. old etc. Around town Page 14 Jobs: chet dentist, nurse, doctor, firefighter wailess, efc. Places in a town: café, supermarket, restaurant, park, lisrary. etc. Means of transport: bus, fax. rain, bike, underground, motoreyole, etc. Adjectives: easy ficult simple, dangerous, risky interesting. ete. Prepositions of place: between. opposite, next fo, behind, ‘on (the comer) Vork}1} €ool\clothes: Page 28 he The,weather;and\us Page 38 Clothes and accessories: shirt Fshir, trousers, skirt, cress, necklace, cap, bracelet, etc. Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, our, their Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, Ours, theirs Numbers 21 to 100. ‘Adjectives: nice, fnenaly, messy, hara-working, til, lazy, comfortable, smart, classic, etc. Weather conditions: sunny rainy, cloudy, stormy, hot. warm, cold, ete. The four seasons: summer, autumn, winter spring The months of the year. Dates and ordinal numbers. Prepositions of time: in (spring), in (April), on (1 March) Actions: get up. have breakfast, study alone, go fo school, fake a bus, do sports Rroject\Work;2: page as Timejand\time| again; Page 52 Music styles: jazz, pop, opera, rock, gospel music, reggae Musical instruments: violin, saxophone, recorder, electric guitar, etc. Verbs: ike, hate. love. prefer. play. practise, ive, etc. Telling the time: o'clock, half past, a quarier fo, a quarter past Whwords: What, Where, When, Why, Who, What time, How offen (vision) ing and feeling it: Page 62 . Project, Work}3) Page 72 Extra Activities Page 76 Activities: swimming, playing football riding a bike, running, reading. studying, sleeping. eating (some cake), etc. ‘Animals: sheep, duck, rooster, cow. pig Body parts: ears, fingers, tongue, eyes, nose ‘Sense verbs: see, touch, feel, faste, smell, hear sound Adjectives: hard, soft, loud, quiet, sally, sweet, delicious Vocabulary, Reference: Page 79 _ Language and Grammar How's everything? / Great, thanks. And you? Verto fo be (revision) / Do you like... (revision) Can you spell (your surname), please? (revision) Where are you from? / I'm from. Are ihey Italian? / Yes, they are. / No, they aren't Value: Being nice to others. Respecting multicultural diversity. Applying yourself fo get good marks at school. What's your job? / What do you do? / I'm a (an). like my job because i's (interesting). Have you got (a risky jab)? / Yes, have. / No. haven’ Where do you work? / I work in (0 restaurant). How do you go fo work? / (1,90 to work) by bus. Excuse me, where's (the library). please? / Is (next fo). Having a job and working hard at it. Keeping yourself and others safe when traveling Helping others find their way around. Whot's (he) wearing? / (He)'s wearing (jeans and a Tshir) She's (nice and friendly) but she’s (a bit quiet) Whose (watch) is that? its (my watch). /IfS (mine). / Its (Joe's). Can help you? / Yes, please! How much are (these trainers)? / They'te (56 euros). Being honest and retuming lost things to their owners. Being tolerant and accepting people's diferent interests. Being a careful shopper. Whats the weather ike in (spring)? / Its (sunny and warm). When's (your birthday)? / Its on (2*.June). / It's in (une). Do you study Science alone? / Yes,i do. / No, I don't What sports do you play? / | play football and tennis. Frequency adverbs: always, usually, sometimes, never How often do you...? / (Once) (Twice) (Three times) a week, Adverbs of degree: a lof, very much, at all (She) likes... / (She) loves... | (She) doesn't like... / (She) hates. (He) studies Music and plays the violin. (She) goes to ‘Music School. (He) doesn’t take a bus. Does (she) lke pop? / Yes, (she) Coes. / No, (she) doesn't What does (he) lke? / (He) likes rock and jazz. / Where does (she) live? / (She) lives. What time is it, please? / It's (eight o'clock). What are you doing? / I'm (listening to music). 1s (she) watching TV? / Yes, (she) is. / No, (she) isn't (Wie) aren't swimming in the river. (He) isn't reading a ‘book. What does it (taste) like? / It (tastes sweet). ltsmells (horrible). It feels (sof). Celebrating and respecting important dates. ‘Asking for help and being helpful in return. Helping reduce human influence on climate change. Being tolerant and accepting people's different interests. Being punctual and organising your activities well. Optimising your productivity with daily or weekly routines. Respecting people's right to privacy at home and ‘elsewhere, Being good conversationalist and listener. Discussing and exchanging views on different issues. . Workbook: Page 81 1 Complete the dialogue. Then listen and check. bad C) H@© How (_) Great C) name () Jill: cool kids! My 2?___'s Jill. Connor: And I'm Connor. Welcome, kids! 3__'s everything, Jill? Jill: 4____, thanks. And you? < Connor: Not §___! See you around! Jill: See you! Hi / Hello! How's everything? Great, thanks. / Not bad. And you? 2 Put the dialogue in order. Jack: Cool! Let's find out!_8 Annie: How old are you? —__ Jack! Great, thanks! ___ nnie: Hil I'm Annie and I'm new at school. What's your name? _1_ nnie: I'm fine. And you? ___ nnie: I'm ten, too. Maybe we're classmates! __ Jack: I'm ten, __ Jack: Hello, Annie! I'm Jack. How are you? ___ 3 Complete the alphabet with the missing letters. 3 Let's revise the alphabe Then listen and chant. a AB6, €&6,_U3, Li 6,2 8,6, . NM 2 Wand __ 4 Choose words from this lesson and play a Spelling Game with a friend. Cool:Language you spell your surname, please? Can you spell D-A-V-LES, E 5 Circle the correct option. Are Jack and Annie classmates? Annie: Let's check the list online. What! 's / are your surname, Jack? Jack: I's Robinson. je: Can you *say / spell it, please? Jack: Yes, sure. It 3 isn't / 's R-O-B4-N-S-O-N. Annie: ¢ They're / You're in class B. Jack: And what's your surname? Annie: § It's / I'm Parker. Look! § They're / We're in the same class! Be nice to people! Its really cool! 6 Complete and answer.Then ask your friend. 1, nae? Bae, surname? 3.___. ____ spell____ surname, please? 4. old £23 Workbook page 82 1 Match the flags with the countries. Then listen and check. & Spain) the United States .) Brazil) Australia) Argentina ©) France () Italy) Japan ©) & 0 € O Argentina e@oee Cool:Grammar. Where's he / she from? He / She's from Brazil. He / She's Brazilian. Where are you from? 'm from Argentina, I'm Argentinian. He / She is = He / She's tam =t'm INATIONALITY{ GOT? American §,.—_____ Brazilian Spanish 6. Australian Halian » French Argentinion 8 Japanese Let me guess! Is he No he isn't His name An e-pdi? Cool is Leo Brown, Where's he from? No, he isn’t He lives in Sydney. 5} Complete Leo's email with the # missing letters. ‘9 Make a Coo! Flag Banner Tell your friends and family the names of the Hi Paula! countries and nationalities in English How's'e______ __t______g? I'm from Sydney, 2A__________a. This is a picture of the Opera House. It's a fantastic place! I'm ten? __e —r — old My best friend is and | live with my famil Pierre. He's from “F ______ e but he. can speak SE h very well. Q~ 4 ste What about you? ®__h ____ e are you = from? Have you got any friends from other £83 Workbook page 83 7 at Where ave they from? 1. Messi is §\) 2. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are from | 3. Rafa Nadal is re Se 4. Taylor Swift is ‘via , 5. Neymar is from e 2 Listen to Jill and Connor. Circle the correct option. g 1. Messiis fit / fat. He exercises a lot. Cool{Grammar, 2. Angelina and Brad are really bad / good actors fara 3. Rafa Nadal is very good-looking /attractive. He / She's cally famous. 4. Taylor Swift is not / very famous. They're very attractive. 5. Neymar is @ young / an old football player. 3 Test your friend! Ask questions about the famous people in exercise 1. Is Neymar from Brazil? Yes, he is. Where's Messi from? < He's from Rosario, Argentina. He's my favourite artist. He's great! Surname: Mars Nationality: American Age: 30 Abilities: can play the drums, the keyboard and the guitar Qualities: good singer and dancer, fit My favourite singer is * He's from Hawaii. His real name is Peter Gene Hernandez. He’s an? _Altericaiit__ singer and he lives in Los Angeles. His favourite singers are Elvis Presley, Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson. He's very famous and young! He's*_____old. He’sa*____and dancer. He's very®______! He can® . He's really cool! 5 Complete with information of a famous person you like. Then write a post. First name: My favourite Surname: Nationality: Age: Abilities: He / She's fantastic! Qualities: £83 Workbook page 84 1 Read and complete with the school subjects. Then listen and check. a English Art History Maths Music Schoo! Time Chorus School is cool, school is fun, We like school, and so does everyone. On Mondays we have .we learn to reed and speck. English 's fantastic - it's the stort of a great week Welcome to school! ' love Music classes. What's your SJavourite subject? On Tuesdays we have , we learn to paint and craw. We like drawing pictures, can we do some more? Chorus On Wednesdoys we have . its not our fovourite thing Add, subtract and divide, but we prefer to sing! $ On Thursdays we have we learn about the post. History is interesting and tne time goes really fest! Chorus On Fridays we have ond instruments we play. They moke great noises, tip hip hooray!!! My favourite subject is Maths. Ihave Maths on Wednesdays. 2 Listen to Jill and her friend. Mark (/) the subjects they have today. a Todayfis\Thursday) 3 Unscramble the days of the week and complete with a school subject. Then tell a friend. 1. sdeWdnaey: Subject: I have Art on Mondays. 2. Se ee | li LN Gijeck Me too. And | have Music on Mondays. 3. oadynM;_——— Subject: 4 Mark the school subjects you like (Y) or dislike (x). Then ask your friend and complete. 4 Do you like Maths? SR GAALS (arao) Moths Do you like P.E.? History Pee een) Science English Cool-Grammar: Music Do you like Science? PE. Yes, | clo. / No, | don't. Art do not = don't 5 Complete the chat with information # Coo! Mini Project about you. A® Make a Snap Game and play with a friend My favourite school subject is Ihave ____on Hove it! & 1 don't like £2} Extra activity page 76 Workbook page 85 Welcome! % Veit) 4) 1 Unscramble the names of these countries. OB, OF ON op ° icoMex naJpa ylatl iansp eFcarn 2 2 Listen and circle the correct flag. a 3 Unscramble the words and complete. My favourite school subject is’ _________(eeeniSe). | have lessons on 2x [Tyesdsua) and®_________(hyrTsdaus). My teacher is really good! But | don't like“ ___________(erpogahGy) and IT. I have these subjects on°___________ (adsnWedeys). They're very boring! 4 Look at the pictures and mark (Y) the correct answer. Then read and check. 1. The girl is... a. Indian. b. Italian c. Japanese. 2. Her favourite school subject is... a. Art, b. Music. ¢. Drama. 3. She lives ina... a. skyscraper. b. flat c. cottage. 4. Her favourite actor is... a. Daniel Radcliffe. —_b. Brad Pitt. ¢. Johnny Depp. Hi How's everything? My name's Aamani. I'm your new e-pal and I'm from India. | ive with my famnily in a flat in Delhi. I'm eleven years old. How old are you? |like schoo! but | don't like Music classes because | can't play any musical instruments or sing well. My favourite school subject is Drama. | love acting and | like the classes a lot! My favourite actor is Johnny Depp. He's American and he's very good-looking! | like all his films. Who's your favourite celebrity? Write to me soon and tell me a bit about yourself. Take care, ‘Aamani Great work! You've finished Unit 1! 5 Answer your e-pal's email. coo ° £3} Workbook page 86 Around town © ‘1 Listen and complete. a chet) tibrarian() nurse) waitress) firefighter) dentist © Cool.Language- What's your job? 2 Listen and write the names of the jobs. Then match. da I'm a doctor. What’s your job? What do you do? What do you do? ima I cure sick people. 1 @. I check and fix your teeth. (es good to have a job -—— Bb. | put out fires and work hard at it. . [help sick people. |. | serve food and drinks. @. I catalogue books. oe ew 20 f. Icook and prepare meals. ree a ee ee EE EEE re Ee re eee eee 3 Read the opinions and identify the jobs. 1. I like my job because it's easy. | can, 3. My job is simple but I don''t like it. | like: remember people's orders very well. books but | can't read them because people ask for help alll the time! 2. My job is risky. use a helmet and special equipment for protection. 4. 've got an interesting job because | prepare different meals and | can invent new dishes. | love it! 4 Look at the pictures and complete with your own your ideas. Use some of these adjectives. Cool:Language My jol , difficult. : ; risky difficutt ee interesting easy ba like my job because it's interesting. 1.tma—____ My job ______ because. 2.1'ma__ al \ “a Myjob___________ because 5 Play a Guessing Game with a friend. Have you got a dangerous job? Yes, | have. | put out fires. You're a firefighter. Workbook page 87 Around town & % eee a 2 ‘1 Listen and write the missing letters. a Bh_s_i_s tt... £5 4.li_r__ —y 2 unscramble the questions. Read my interview for a school project on Cool Jobs in my town! Connor: Hi Rosy! your / What's / job? CEE EEE oo Rosy: I'm a firefighter. Rosy: Yes, it's great. I's dangerous but | Connor: Cool! Where do you work? really like it! And guess what? I've got Rosy; | work in the local fire station and another different job. around town too. ‘Connor: Really? What's your other job? Is / Connor: you / do / What / do? visky / 124 ‘ 22 -Rosy: No, it isn't. can relax because it's Rosy: At the fire station, | fill in forms with a simple. I'm a waitress. computer, do exercise or wash the Connor: And / you / where / work / do? fire engine. And when | work outside, 6 Ee put out fires, rescue people in danger Rosy: | work in a café. | serve food and drinks and pets too! fo customers, and talk to them. I's Connor: Wow, that's really interesting! you / good fun! * Do / job / your / like? Connor: Fantastic! | ike your two jobs. Thank 3 you very much, Rosy. y 2 Unit 2 ieee eee eee eee eee eee eee 3 Read the descriptions and complete them. Where do) you worke 1. | work long hours and cure sick people in this place. | work in a 2.1 work in the kitchen of this place, and cook for many people. | work 3. This is a very quiet place because people read and study here. | help them find books. 7 e 4 Listen and complete.Then sing along. a 4. It's a big place with fire engines and all the necessary equipment for an emergency. —_____ 5. In this place, | serve snacks, drinks and coffee to customers. r-Gealllanguage | I'm a scientist. Where do you work? I work in a lab. (books clean restaurant help mouth serve quiet hospital ) The Job Chant Chorus Then i's @ nurses joo, a nurses job, Jobs, jobs, lots of jobs A nurse's job you do! —- Lots of things for me and you. Chorus Jobs, jobs, $0 many jobs. SAS2 LY Excuse me, what do you do? Hook in your 8 And | care for your teeth Iwork ing! with lots Andi keep them® too, of food.” And|?__________ people too. Then it's a dentist's job, a dentist's job, Then it's a waitress’ job, a waitress’ job, A waitress’ job you do! Chorus P a $___ people And | do this well, And | work ina #___ ‘too. A dentist's job you dal Chorus | work in a very” place, And | catalogue * too. Then it's a librarian’s job, a librarian's job, A librarian's job you do! Chorus Workbook page 88 Around town % | Find the words in the wordsearch. (mjo|tlo|r|clyic|tle ie co|tjujy{tjelo}n{xfa x{claltl/e/el{t/niole fulnfilx[ifeleiufx|t iwlofr[elifcly[clile cels|iislelelejalelx ‘u[n/o e/riolrfoluln isfyfo|x]ifkfulefaly ‘train * ~ Listen and circle the correct option. a These people live in Dan: My workplace is far away because | live in another @ big town. They use different means of town. | go to work by’ train / bicycle. How do you transport to go to work. go to work? Steve: | go to work by? motoreycle / car.| use a helmet i] for protection. When I'm late, | take a taxi. And Kim, (e? how do you go to work? Kim: | work near my house and | go by * bus / bicycle. Cool|’ianguage It's fantastic because | do exercise too. How dlo you go to work? ay That's great! | go by“ train / carbecause | work | | go by bus. in different places and they're all far away. p SSSR EEESEESSISRESEEEESESEEEEO 2 & Unit 2 - a 3 Complete the sentences with suitable information. doctor / near dentist / fast A 1.Imoa___.|_walk 2.1m a work in S to work because | live diferent places. | go by SS the hospital. because it's chef / far away 3. I'm ___.| go to work _______ because the restaurant is J __________ - ' 4 Imagine you have a job and answer.Then ask a friend and complete. 1. What's your job? 3.Where is your workplace? 2. Where do you work? 4, How do you go to work? ee is eetaseesessensasbentestt 1. My friend 2.1 work in 2. He / She works iS: (pace ee ee 3. His / Her workplace 4.1 goby 4. He / She goes to work ®% Cool/ Mini|Project Make Means of Transport Memory Cards and play a Memory Game with a friend ws £23 Workbook page 89 Around town % 5 Unit ‘1 Look at the map and complete with There's / There isn't or There are / There aren't. References: 1. greengrocer's 2. square 3. ice cream parlour 4, hospital 5. library 6. supermarket 7. fire station 8. caté —Cooljanguage There's a café but there isn't a big restaurant. There are some squares but ihere aren't any parks. Cooltown is small but it's got nice places! '_________a café next to the ice cream parlour. People drink coffee or chat with friends here. They can eat some food and have a drink in Cooltown too because ?________a small restaurant. Do you like books? Then 8g library opposite the hospital. t's on the corner. any parks but some small squares inthis town. ® square very near the library and you can relax here or play board games with friends. It's my favourite place in Cooltown! = Look and circle the correct option.Then listen and check. a " Wisrtstiaseitnas =o 1. It's next to / opposite the oo 3. It's next fo / behind the er park. 1 =| hospital. 1 — 2. It's next fo / behind the 4. It's opposite / between supermarket. the café and the fire station, S HF Unit 2 Ne eee ee eee Tt eter Ree E net eae ‘e 3 Listen and circle. B --CooliGrammar-—, " Excuse me, | Hi could ) (Where is* the park the lisrary? ay, you help me? The library is on the corner. T's ‘next to/ It's n. behind the hospital Its opposite the hospital. ‘0 the supermarket. It's behind the fire station. Coolitianguage—\ Where's the library? I's opposite the square. 4 Complete the dialogues. 1, Nurse: '__me. 2. Firefighter: Excuse me, * Where's the city library, please? Jill's? the caté and the supermarket. Nurse: Thank ® the fire station, please? Is it§ far__? Connor: No, it , It's very . It's there. Look! Jill: You're welcome. Firefighter: Thank you. Connor: You're welcome. 55 Look at the map of Cooltown on %& Cool Mini) Project page 20. Act out similar dialogues Make 0 Town Map. Work with a friend to the ones above. Ask and answer about the location of different places on the map. Es eer! It's very near. It’ BES {2} Extra activity page 76 Workbook page 90 Excuse me, can you help me? Where's... Around town % ‘1 Classify these words. nurse library bus firefighter cyber café underground bicycle fire station supermarket chef motorcycle hospital 2 Unscramble the questions orally. Think of a job and answer them. 1. job / What's / your? I'm a 2. you / What / do / do? 3. your / you / Do / job / like? 4. work / Where / you / do? 5. to / do / go / you / How / work? 3 Answer the questions. 1. Where's the hospital? the park. 2. Where's the fire station? the supermarket. 3. Where's the fire cyber café? ice cream parlour. tt & Unit 2 4 Read about these two people. Are their jobs simple? Why? Why not? Ted: I'm a scientist. | do experiments in a big lab. There's a library next to the lab and | read about new theories there. | love my job because | can do different things. It's really interesting! On Mondays and Wednesdays, | go to work by car with a friend. He's a scientist too and we work together. The rest of the week, | go by bus. | live in a big town and my lab is very far away. Matt: I'm a chef. | cook in an Italian restaurant. There's a big kitchen there and it's very comfortable. | like the place! I've got a fantastic job because | can prepare my favourite dishes. I cook lunch and dinner during the week. On Fridays, there are a lot of people at the restaurant and the job isn't very easy. But there's a very positive thing. | live opposite the restaurant and | just walk there! 55 Write Ted, Matt or Ted and Matt. EXCELLENT! You've finished Unit 2 1. | ive near my workplace. widilahoee 2.| work in a big place. 3. | use different means of transport to go to work, 4. | work at noon and in the evening. 5. | workwwith a friend. 6. There isn't a library next to my workplace. Around town % (or) 1 Olde 1 Play with a friend. 4 \Where'sstel) 3 2 - ww from _—« Move o Namethree space forward. places ina town. é t 7 “*& ‘a : What's your- Spell your |—favourite— (surname. eg school | subject? — es 9 Where are they from? Have you got _ Go back one | Maths on ae | Tuesdays? nas % + B » Spell: g - oy Wednesday. » kos "7 ace you from Mexico? Do you History and — ~ Science | classes? 2 Complete the dialogues. ® Jackie: This is my friend Yuki Ken: This is Gabriel, my e-pal Becky: ' from China? Rose: Gabriel?! ___his name, please? Jackie: No, she? " Ken: Yes, sure. It's G-A-B-R4-E-. Becky: *__________ Japanese? Rose: ?__ French? Jackie: Yes, —______! Ken: No, he *. Becky:®_________is she? Rose: 4 - from Italy? Jackie: She's 11 years old. Ken: Yes,§__J 3 Complete the sentences with a school subject. 1. We draw and paint in our________ classes. > 2.\ like __ because I can speak to people when | travel fo London: 3. We exercise and play sports in our______ classes. 4. like computers and, of course, | love my classes! ad 5. | really love maps. ____is my favourite school subject. 4 Unscramble the sentences and identify the jobs. 1.1 / restaurant. / food / in / serve / a 4, rescue / out / put / and / | / people. / fires Ima 2. people. / help / | / sick I'ma 5. people's / check /1/ and / fix / teeth Tiger 3. help Al / people / find / books. Ima OO scene Cool Review 1 Bg 1 a3 ~ Be 2 55 Read the sentences and draw the signs of the places on the map. . There's a stationer's next to the supermarket in Gorilla Street. nv . There's a library opposite the supermarket in Gorilla Street. It's on the comer. » . There are two squares. There's one opposite the fire station and behind the hospital in Ostrich Avenue. There's another one in Gorilla Street. It's between the library and the ice cream parlour. p . There aren't any restaurants but there's a café next to the hospital in Panther Road. 6 Look at the map above and answer the questions. 1. Excuse me, where's the hospital? 2. Where's the fire station? 3. Where's the supermarket? 4, How many squares are there in this town? 5. Is there a café? Where is it? 2 $2 Cool Review 1 #» Project!Work+1! MYVIRTUAL 1 Read and complete with the words in the boxes. TOWN are scientist bike houses trees aren’t buildings My virtual town is called Cooitown. It isn't very big but it's eco-friendly to protect nature. There are many green spaces with ' “ And there?___ some big houses with gardens too. The Welcome to my virtual town! P have got solar panels and wind turbines to save energy. There #______ any restaurants or shopping, centres. But there are some tall ® _______with offices near the town because people work in these places. I've got a virtual identity and | work in a lab next to the car park. 'ma®_____and Hove my job because | can do a lot of experiments. | go to work by p because | haven't got a car and I can help reduce motor vehicle pollution. | like clean towns! Now, tell me about your virtual town and your virtual identity. 2 write about your virtual town and 3 Now draw your virtual town. your virtual identity. Use some of these words and phrases. 5 There is... There isn't There are (some)... There aren't (any) I's got... Ithasn't got... It's near... / far... / Next to... / behind... / opposite. a My virtual town is Cool clothes ‘1 Read and write the names of the items of clothes. 7 Then listen and check. This is the new collection in our clothes shop. There are two trousers. They're pink and orange. There's a light blue Fshirt and a white shirt. Especially for girls, there's an orange skirt and apink dress. They'te really nice. | like the blue shoes too! And there are white trainers and socks for sports. There's a very trendy accessory: ated cap. 1. 4. 7. 2. 5. 8. 3: 6. 9. s 2 Listen and write the names.Then match. a This is a picture of my Cindy Mike Max Oliver Beth sane Cool\Language® She's very nice and friendly. He's a bit messy but 1._Oliver, d 3. 5. hard-working. yee Eee «a. She's very intelligent and tidy, d. He's very intelligent and tidy, but he's b. He's lazy. Hl abit quiet. c. He's very friendly. @. She's sociable and nice. Heo une 3 Answer the questions about Jill's classmates. 1. Are they wearing school uniforms? they arent. 2. What's Cindy wearing? She's wearing 4. What's Mike wearing? 5. What's Oliver wearing? 3. What's Beth wearing? 4 Draw yourself in your favourite clothes and write a description. 55 Ask your friend about the clothes he / she's wearing and draw a picture of him / her. r- GooliGrammar, What's he / she wearing? He's wearing a red T-shirt and jeans. She's wearing a blouse and a skirt. What are you / they wearing? I'm wearing a dress. We / They're wearing different clothes. I've got hair and I'm abi and but | I'm wearing .'ve got __on. #% Cool|MinijFroject) Make a FShirt Closet and describe it to your friend * Extra activity page 77 Workbook page 92 Cool clothes Act out similar dialogues. Use these cues. — Cooli\Grammar, Whose wateh is this / that? . < 1 windy and cold but sometimes sunny. San Francisco winter SN arm days but foggy in the evening. Bangkok autumn hot and rainy in the afternoon. weather like in...2 It's... and... Listen and sing along. a” braagh, the Weather I'm bored, I'm bored. I'm cold, 'm cold + conte ae | can't move anything. & Ike rainy, i's wer Se It's snowy. It's cold. \ can't ploy outside. Where is my scorf? a eg I'm bored of . 7 z Im cold. I'm hot, I'm hot. i dy ‘gf | don't want to do anything. mi it's sunny, |t's hot. “~ | want to swim. PUN imhot Im ad, Im sad Where's the sun? Its cloudy. I's grey. \s it going to rain? I'm sod, Discuss with a friend. | feel happy when it’s sunny because... [like (don't like) rainy days because... I love hot weather because... Workbook page 97 The weather and us #¥

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