Do You Want To Be The Techer S Pet at Your School

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Do you want to be the teacher's pet at your school?

In every class, wherever you go to school, of course there are students who

are close to their teachers. Usually, most of them are students who excel,

often take part in competitions, and consistently get good rankings and


A teacher also has to be able to approach his students. In general, teachers

have a fair and wise attitude, they don't show favoritism towards all their

students, and they will use a variety of different approaches to approach

their students. Likewise, you have to be able to understand the different

character of the teacher, so you have to respond well; don't ignore the


Because, without realizing it, if your relationship with your teacher is close,

it will make it easier for you to participate in learning activities in class! You

will feel comfortable in class, and you won't feel too pressured if you don't

understand the material. You won't feel awkward asking questions, and you

will be excited to go to school to follow all the lessons. Apart from that,

teachers can be your friends to confide in, they will listen and help if you are

having learning problems, whether with friends or family.

So there are many benefits to building relationships with teachers so that

they are closer to teachers, this time the sunners will share tips for you, let's

1. Be Polite
The first is the most basic or initial way for you to get closer to your teacher.
By being polite, you can make a good impression, so your teacher will feel
good about being respected and will know you too. In addition, use good and
polite language with non-offensive word choices.

2. Want to pay attention to the teacher

The second is quite difficult, namely, to pay attention to the teacher who is
explaining the material. In this way, it can make the teacher feel happy
because you have appreciated it while he is talking and don't interrupt during
teaching. Sometimes there are things that make it difficult for you to pay
attention to the teacher, such as feeling bored, not being able to focus
because you are sleepy/hungry, and being invited to chat with friends.
However, some teachers secretly know that you are not serious about
studying, and that makes the teacher disappointed. So, you should stay
focused on taking lessons seriously.

3. Become an Active Student

The third thing you also need to do is be active at school. Being an active
student can really attract the hearts of teachers. Hehe, you are always alert
and willing to help if your teacher asks for help. And there are many things
to be an active student, being able to sit in front of the table, actively asking
questions, being able to answer teacher questions. There are also those of
you who want to be active outside of class, such as participating in
extracurricular activities like scouting or PMR or joining organizations like
Organizations. That way you will be better known by the teacher, and many
teachers will be close too.
4. Don't make problems
The fourth is to be close to your teacher; that is, don't make trouble too
often, okay? In every school, there are rules that must be obeyed, so
sometimes there are students who violate them, such as by often arriving
late, not wearing a complete uniform, not doing homework or group
assignments, let alone cheating. so that the teacher will not respect you and
may get angry if you don't change because you keep repeating it, and you will
automatically be known by the teacher as a lazy and disorderly student. So
don't ever or often commit violations.

5. Honest and Study Diligent

The latter is also very influential for those of you who want to be closer to
your teacher, that is, be honest and also study hard. A teacher will definitely
really like students who don't like to lie and are diligent in learning to record
material, complete school assignments correctly and on time. Because most
teachers don't like students who are dishonest, if there is a situation where
you don't want to be blamed and twist the facts, such behavior won't get
you close to your teacher.

You will definitely get the best results if you do these five things, and you
should always remember your teachers, both at home and wherever they
are. Good luck!

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