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Student Name: Anna Kvitek

4.5 Fitness Journal

DIRECTIONS: Answer both the pre-activity and post-activity questions. For the
fitness journal for this section, you need to spend a minimum of 45 total minutes
engaging in physical activity. During these 45 minutes you must participate in
cardio for a minimum of 15 minutes, and then you may divide the strength and
stretching time up however you’d like. Don’t forget to do a warm-up and cool
down as well. Should you have any questions about this activity journal, please
contact the instructor before submitting the assignment.


1. What is your age? (1 point)


2. What is your gender? (1 point)


3. What are your current weight and height? (1 point)

118; 5'2"

4. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being as fit as possible, what would you rate your
current level of fitness? (1 point)

5. Has this improved since your first activity log in this module? How? If not,
why not? (1 point)
It has improved since the last activity journal because I have been increasing my
physicall activity to better reach my goals.
6. How often have you been exercising weekly? (1 point)
3-4 times per week

7. What is your resting heart rate? (1 point)

Around 85
Student Name: Anna Kvitek

4.5 Fitness Journal

8. What would you like to accomplish during today’s activity? (1 point)

Stretching out my back and improvine my upper body strength.

9. Which one of the FITT principles are you working on today? Why did you
choose this principle? (1 point)
Intensity and time

CARDIO: Record your heart rate after 10 minutes of vigorous activity. (5 points)
Date Activity Detail Heart Rate Time Spent
12/15 Fantastic workout & stretch session. My back feels a lot better. Will do this workout more often. 165 1 hour

STRENGTH TRAINING: Indicate the exercise and type of equipment used to work each muscle group. (5 points)
Date Back Chest Biceps Triceps Deltoids Hams Quads Calves Core Time Spent
12/15 Back Bench Pull-ups Tricep Side 30 minutes
extension Press (on dips(used lateral (about 6 mins.
(w/ 15 lb (100 lbs.)
monkey a chair) raise (w/ per exercise)
dumbells) bars on 15-20 lb.
jungle dumbells)
gym in
STRETCHING: Indicate with an “X” the muscles stretched. (5 points)
Date Back Chest Biceps Triceps Deltoids Hams Quads Calves Core Time Spent
12/15 X X X X X 15 min. (split
between pre and
post workout


1. How did you do in achieving your goal? (2 points)

I did very well. My back is very stretched out and feels amazing! I am so happy that
I also focused a lot more on my arms and back because I haven't had an upper
body day (other than regular pulls ups and pushups) in a while.

2. What was your Rate of Perceived Exertion (how hard do you feel your
worked on a scale of 1-10, 10 being as hard as you are able to – this is
completely subjective, there is no right or wrong answer)? (1 point)
I would say about a 6-8 because at the beginning, I was proceeding with caution
(at about a 6) and as I was getting more stretched out, I was reaching a 7 or 8 with
my exertion. I didn't want to push myself too much because I didn't want to hurt
myself even more than I already had.
Student Name: Anna Kvitek

4.5 Fitness Journal

3. What would you like to improve upon or work on during your next activity
journal? (2 points)
I would like to focus more on increasing my upper body strength adn core because
I find myself working more on my lower body.

4. How can you accomplish your goals for next time? (1 point)
I can run more =, and complete different back and upper body exercises.

By typing my name below, I certify that I completed the exercises above according to the dates
and times I specified. I understand that falsifying any information on this log is considered
cheating, which will have serious consequences.

Anna Kvitek

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