Unit 5 & 6

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Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

Q) ~'\li,ru-- ,s cl.vorc.e.. ~ --n"-- ~--rovfld.S o(- cl;voyu._ W\AD-r 111e ~Yl~ Ml'l-m ~~
Au , \9S5? Ca.u..se.s ' lnnp\ , C~tioVl~ ~ lmp~Lt on lr1cl."Q"1 ~,n.-,,(~ S,t-yu(}1.4 ~ ~

~ . 1)VO'ftl. u tkt. r~tJuxol brto.J<.d OWv1 C)f- ma~e . T ~ t, oJo o IX.

~ ~ ~oJ oL·ssot<.t.HoY\ llf YYl£\7n'Clfie_. T~ iS on~ <>f -tw most-

cli' S- lU/2,....,_a ~ +rn. Ut\llD,J-i (,, .SO ti al f"ro b\J.rn~ fu M l-iab a.m J' t.. 1'. ti! cf i rl tw.,
'f~ -ttmu.
i>1YO.-U. WldA;\ be r~(-h·cy__ 0 f" l\.lo.Col i>-1-e, Pl\'Y-ticJ 0-4 'v\J n.t.. 1t ~~ _j \A.d.' co..j

s~o..liOY1. l+-oo~.-H- d..'trolve -tw.n1aini'o..~e. M~ .AA:f'Spot-UtA mrir1ot ve-

+.'\.l ~
fY\CltO'}r Co..! e. iS t\'n ~ d.t u c{ t.t( , Af,Jol,....lt.. ~VWC.L i S I'1j o..l
JJn olu:f.m Ot rYl<A.'Tl·w ~ Q,", (\Jilt\ llQVe.,\ bo#I PCl'f"tv\~VS 1'n ~ s+dk c:,f
~-~a\L UY\ m ATI" ~ '\ .S +c:J"w •

Dtvor(J__ {fl H..1'1'1dw11Yl

~ 1-h\l'\dt.t 1','\Q-m·a._~t l'•"I m~Uh" ~Y'Yl~ wM ttjo..,((~1 sa.cveci( ~.-,(( fTTE'VoCa.Jott .
Howevu1 0..t')'\.Qf'~ rl\OJ'1~ V\Dfl,. 4w,'JtlS CMt--t~ 1
ctJvorCL 1.r wtitoYYla'ri~

T\.\l vio+,·o() ~ 'f't~A'Y'Tl "-{l(. , ~ f'l>'l£"4iH olv..lole kiM '} Y-£\.d t . t . ~


e."'O di.A ~ ... e ~ icxi~ ~JA~ ~ °'"' 1 f l , , ~ I.\ l~ji~1M'ofl . Tw 'Yi~
t,, c\.w1u 1-\M bu~ 1t11Y'Oci.utt~ IY'I i:JJ u~c,J .S'~ltt~ IV\ lnd.'A ,

_:::; 1w.. spec,,J Mo.·rr,~~ Aa: ( ID.~) '-'Q~ fi\t-ro&v.ut( ~ llc,."rfk"4 ~l,,\t..
~'Y'IO\tU of d;voYCL. '"' O.v'~l~lc. ~ ~ ,,m(.JC,\YIS t.J~O l,,\.oVr~ CM.o!e~ -tv
y-~ S\y ~-r MA'frlo9tJ Wl\d."' """-1 Aci: .
➔ v~(lt<r -tw. ~\'\~U. MA'T"·~e. NJ: (l~'?C;) I "1M OU:YU~ -tw. k,llowiY!o
~,-ol..U"d! of J.lVOfU..Lwl.vc..1.1\ t ~ ~vo.JlcJ,.,1.1.. ,ti, bo-ti,t Mt.II\ llNld WOYY1e.r1 ; -
• l~ (.q -) \f\ Jt't,kO('I 1.~
0..) l'IY'lfO~t'I Q

b) cL'S0.ffeo.(QllU.. fof .sevui Cjea.rs/Dt)ff«o-fl .for ~Mt 2~~a..<.!>

~) C.Ot\~O\M d.i.1€£Ul Lau. AID<?> ~ 9 ) lo~vQ-'SiOY) to CU'\0~~3'0'f)

~) Ytlfl- °"~ .Sodo-Mj h) \-nlo.vu~ / ~ oL·son.te~

e) l,\oVV\O se)ClU>.4·.,.,, , ) Pr-t.h•M pt,·<r() o.f tit~
t) ~h'o..lc~ ( S(>>Cv.A.l YUo.tto~~l'IA p w,-& A \owU- OU'U'wtt:U)
~) o.dwJ!~ ( hi.\tJfC..O\J..tH~ o\Ahih rvlG\~ ~e.,,')

\,\ 1 t1'\.l~ cft\ c.i>Atf.."-3 ~ ~ f~'("-{ fVljt.l. V1j J

ow. (AYl ~rlij ~( ctivonL a..f+«- ON ~!Jl)(' 0 ~ t'YIATri"}je. , D.'Vur~ "M
~~ l.D~tV\k I~ n Ow If'\~ ViYI ~ "' w ai ½\"Vl.a p&vi-oq t>f b "n1 on~ t .-1 11,t..-~ 4tt
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

1w. (t\ ~~\ of- l'twrct Cl\¥\ be ~pl~.•~~ ~ 3 f€-rlf~chv~ '. -

C\) nAhtko'f\l).1 s\, fr\'S pnt·w€-,

T>l'voru.. ,·'> ~ Ot\iC.t11JVl or Cko.~~ f'\orms CtV\l\ v ~ r~a,-d..~

M<>-'Y)'' ~~ "- <tv"l'\. •kMAl~ , Xv'\ ~lM. fMt --lv.tve "'o.tl buvi tt :JYtcl..t 1r+fM.tnt.t2.
<\- '(Q.~O"Y\ wwc.L\ rvu·~n-Hs.ec;\ ~w.. po.ts-lloi~:bj o.f d,(Holl.AJfon, 1v, -tW-
rttu,'\.l ""V'i\.l,\ ..rew~n'.s ~of) "'CV> ClA~ q__~ -tw cu:h"-hA.d.~ J ~A&..' V\~ h,
QV\. tV\rx-e.M,'\I'\.~ r~ of &;~rct... ,

b) ~yt~r(A: PMfHKvt.

I+~ m 1kt. CM.~-~ m~w.J lt?-p\rt:Ji'OYIS Ot- tiAt. .spow~

WO'YlCv'l~ AA Wl'l3e. e.o.r~ers . I\N ~O"{)<i~ 11\HV'eh ~ al..60 ~pe ~~ ,tu
\r..o.~ OlM.\'WmQ.v\t "° ~\e <4- k"WlevJ ,VeJ o.i,-.._d_ be... J'u..bser\A' e~ Jo 1W...
MoJ.l kt.aj_, 1\u.-s lt.A.M ,to oonf~·tt bthJeLvt fw.wt eurtq 1¥1 "Nn1 ~
f:> Y'fl._l\lY) W breru<_G4 ow'() •

c) ~ Kdtt4 ~ peirs r(d-;Ye,

A~ r~.y t\11..S f~r~~vt I MQ'm~e ,s ba.oeq 0(\ obugl\hufl CWLQ "'n~

~ M.O..lln'~ e co..v1. \, e. ~ le. vJ \,,..u'\ o\l\L Sf olA.O e ~i'~ --to o-(f-w m o ye_,
ft!>o~ ~ -tkL o-tt,,t,y- . 0-til\tf--i.-.,:se. J r+ lLl\.a_s ~ ct seo..rcti1. o.f be~
~L-r h~ f OAcl e~~~~ ~ MATn''<f- ~ d.fe dowil .

{ Covu~v-e..Yl(.t)) o\: t);vonL)

'f\·\'S"+ t/'lQ.. w,U \ooK 1t11', j~~ observ-~oV'l5 Met tw.Nl ~ ~~ ~
fOSi~"V~ CPVU''?4 v..o\~.

p~~ abfe,v-a.K~
a) M¼- ~vo,c..e... 1 cw~ re.,m ttAYl r¥1o~ in ~to¾-- of- rno~ HAa.n ,Y)

b) D,vo,u.~ IV\ ~ 'M.lct.~l~ eLV\4 ~-u. "-f

to"'-"l'< 1'\l'\CcM.t. ~')'\)UfS fV\ H,t.t.
It'\ -\-W,if ~'vel), b~ ,to..k.-~ WO~ MD't'f. ..s~oust'd' Of' ~,Vl3 k-'aWK Sh,(_&; ~,

l) Di VO f ~ ~ CJ.. Co Wlf UC.~ o-() 1n --\{AtJ Y VLl.M o-lK bf- so(. cJ ~.l().h OM1M j , f
C\JI\A. o.. ~3' bl.t. J\V-W\ he.< of ~ rt Ml\~ •
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

1w._ po~aw~ C.OYU~u.t.VICL 1.! ~At ,.t \S ~ po...rtQCLQ.. 1o o- c(;.s,h .u,\,~ fW:OTI~t..
liviY '~ tif ""'-Jo '"'LO'NIP(>j,,~~ sou.l! w,#t o.. tvt tU+row
.. ipow e ~YI mC\,li'.«.-

~ot. ~ .fuy- t.N ocse., Or'\~ ¾,i'Yl) ~\-\. ~Vl), CL fe.nono..L~ d..s'o~ <lliu.f ~6Y\
CO-l'\ ~ c.W.l K~ •

T1,..t_ ~~v e. Cov\se_j\AR.t\~ ~ ~ ,...

,") \-\ b ~ dowf ) -tk~ vt_'1 bo.r,.s / fw.td .~wu .ri~ \r\j'(E d.~Vl' .t
of- Gl.f'c:u-.-ii~ ~
I 1) ~ cw I ~ ot- d.. vo"<.u\ po. \"l' ~ ~ i\'\d ,+ d,; ,f-f;w.(J:- ,to
~ti:u, u.t'\I\ lo"".~
~ f.V\d.,u."I"( Y1j rtto..t'\ CMJ Wf' w·rtt1 reas• \e. fi€!1d
0 e11 W \r-U\ ~ ~'Y"OVV Uf ,
',,,9 :rt c.1,tAY\..a~ e~ M pett: ~ lA'fe / ~~., r~ iclw u. / .t-i~d.sliu p / e0>no ~·c.
S"v\uA.ko11 OJIICt ~ r t ~ "Yi)l.t. .
Iv) tmO~t> Y\o-l. J.,.s;,h!cbov,CA.. is ~a~ o... Lu\JV ~~oJ.
~,c;pe1t1tril.G. ik><" tho.re c,Jl-\o
d.;yor ct... t);~rC2.L1 01('(. o..f+ f~ "~ av.)(1thj , o...-.~e
., A.1-\t:l .feo_,y- .

Tn ~°' - 1 o~ a.bo\A i j_ "/o o(· a.lJ YYIQ ,rit~ COtfl. .LS 4!nc.l ma'TYf°'j'e. .
b\A.C olJvo,a. ~Ire. d.11u.hlt~ tYI t\,u.. ~ t ~o tilc~ct~ , rt'( Aw,..trn(r,A, J
So'/o ~ /Y'ltVrr 1°'-3~ u~ h, br6,J{Uf~ • ~u...41 I~ iS ci.L~<' 1¾f. soc.i'o r ec.o,,,o~e,
I f \ ~ ~ Is o. ~ CCUl6t. bttwO .-i 11.u 4.,,.io ct.·fh_ tt~ t~m L- po!-\h'aY4.

t);~r ~ 0..MO t\.~ Mt.c.bl.'Yl'I.S

T" ~VJl~v YI \~w , ~Q. It\~~ tw. -h:JCl1r LV'4 Kl,;u,\ . K!l\ol
h\l<b pl4c.t ~
T't" u.N.OJ c..cMl eV\.l- . Tt>J a. 'y ,, (t '1 P x j I.A&.·~·oJ di vor
CL . H be £X> m ~ ~ f.kch-ve..
1\ ~i'O\L Y\Cl~ ~'"riet. lol .i\~ ~ tw ~w,\..,a,Y\~ • ~ ·5 .fuvou.~ mi,¥)
l e ~ , -tw fo. '"f\.•~'f'Vltl\.t ~~ p~ t~ \'w. M VJ) t. ?V1 w u YY\LIJ C. Prute cJ-<oY)
()~ ~ t5Y\M i l ~J ~,\.l 2.vl<l\ C-rh'r\1 Ylo.hS1·'rt
1 dtv.J pr~ Cti' <ll. o\- lY'lb- t4~
"T-riplL T ~ ( U . 1o.J°1 • <-8, ~aoi ) ,
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

6l) Cl, ""''f"'O S.\ni chi~ ot f ~"', l(I o.,<I M a'l'J\'cl3, ;n m o<l.,""'1 lb Ci£ 'a . '
/tVVi . ACCoi"d..:V'.j to _Citorae. Mu,~ «A'\ (\<\ 41.)) , +o..m I~ Jerv€S ,to YeJo\ ve.,
1'\A.t. ~\{OLM~ 1UYlWO\llS l~ 1W.. Sou~:--
~) re~u.l~<5Y\ of s~xt.to..l r~t.xt)oYl~
k>) ~(CJ>Ur\t tol" f'LoYIOTT\,1C &IJ\..'l'vo..J
c) ~ n t"-ro \~ re f l ' b ~ °", ..
d) Joa o.J.;H.s cw ~
Dft1.U £ou'o..l k.Cih"CVl.4 n,c.t.,..uiQ. f'fle.wt.be;r V"e.pl4.~ an~ p~,•eo,..J
1Vl ~r1-te(lav\ tt. , ~ s t,rrn~ mi rt\ tr()
~m.o,hrovit-..1 5 Of (?O"'lt- ~ .

Vo.rn CU'\ oY'V') , (\ H'.\ m ~ Uj -fum,i_s

(D (V1!)m Li~~ / Po.hi u\/LlA.l ..- Des w-u: u: ~ u_~ ,tt, -n, ~\,,\ .fe rn_o.1.e_ 4~
i'f'\ -tka._ ,fu m'\ex at1c\ +i-ln~Vt t)I~ LJV\l_ it'l #ta. I ~ r .

® Mo-rnlocru / Pt\.+ri\oW - to I.we 1.,\)1¼ rftAl w,~'s

+-f1..4!1,.,cv14 ~er,

Com mu.vi i tct )fl tw.. t1t1* CMe. ww,.,-etVi 1,vlf-e t'e..s -to ~ Live w,7VJ
-tw. \llW} \o aMfs C.O ffl M. ufl i ~ l "- \111.L. s e u..-..d CMe. .
@ Pa..~o.-~o.l f MC\~av-tv1o-l - 1lN ~,rt1 t..r b.Q.iV\~ M ~ cLom.n.(l~ wl.vlt....
tw_ \ ~ b~""-~ ~tu..L clo MA'.V\(V\l , MoH sou~~ nl\.ve_ p"-1n·a.rU1tev

(3) CDflj~a..\,to.~l'j.. -.ft\tw\'1 b~ mo.m°'1~

® C~i1Ja-,1q~V\.L ~t'\11.i\'j - Tu~L'1 ~ \o\ood.. cit-bu

1kL \-Uild.U. Joint tt>-VYlil~

➔ \+ t~ p~L.vu.aJ I l)a.tilV'"rilooJ ( ~ i d.Ultt of c.ou.p~ o..,f.fw 01Q"n1°'je

tV\ ~ \-l~\oA~'s ~ ' . s ~om<l) 1 r-n pey~ OWV\iv\~ / lO ~ tuidtV'I h-e;J
Ctnc\ lo MYnb'lHU jo i t1 t furn il'j .
➔ P~re~ ,'s -tw.¥U~ ~ ~Q,r( -to tw .soY1 •
➔ ¾e o.Nl. Se~ dek-rJ)'t,Yl£ ~ ru.dt,,o'Yf~ ru-td ~nuri.es l>t -krnl~ .
--1 ( oU¥\.j 'fW..IYlb~ ~ re~w.--£1~ fo S~ow n½f~<l- ~ ,t-tu. e.ide_r.s ~rt4
Cll.il. ~o.rd~ l\~~uv'\ -,t,u o..LAJ¼o-ri' ~ .

➔ TIA.t_ tre'1_~ G.V\d r-iat~ Df-- CDitttlU- he_l'Wav'\ ~ber,s \la~ OYl
-\W.. bMi~ of- se)< .
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

➔ [:mplAasis an CAlv1j~oJ. -ht,~ CLl ~IAbbMtf ~cf to 1,..." ~) 1i J''ff0i.e~

~<?CU(o~ -Hu s,tn1o;Li+j o( ➔W- '.JO,n-L -r~m,\~. Thl ~ ( K -SQYl rt.l~crnJ wr
(.fil.'DJ rtlo..lyot)~w·p) <l¥\q -tl,,oJ ~JUwitlll b-vo tv\U-.S ( flrcv-eni ~ ~.t.MoYll k..f)
~ mo'fCl.. C'YvCAoJ..

➔ :r~ Q.nu.clto.. f' .fi,.Mil~, ti,...t lttl.lft'r>ttWl.4 ~~ Wife ~~omkip 1J Jmpo~

.fu.rv,w o~ ..t~SK\'Yl. Ht\l\tt.1 M.S f;oyC2.. ,s o.f tw.. ~ ew 1 1-l- wol.l.l◄
.fo., ,\-W-
b~ 1~6i'P~f>"ri~ -to \ooK. t:tt tw.. }o;N- ~ml~ S~t-~ AA ~ Colte~ai)
~ r\tA-clL°' ~vwUu ,

111\.l- fJ"'fifHI½ ,t¾Olr l,Oy\S'ti'~ -tW- J?>,·runw t) ~ Hl~v._ -fun-ul~ a.c.re_: _

·,) Covvmievi.saL·~ ~ tM'"9 ~~rt,t.~ ~h\ 1-lAL JA.~ I~ -~
1,) loY11YY1 on R211~ d...t~ct.,
'tt~) :Joi& ~wfle-<SWf' o{ f~pe<-~ .

Iv) C-lk>pexMo'i'\ D..1/\('{ se"'~YY1'-'r1t ..

V) Riwttl b:>nd.i - r.e..rfoo'YIO.nlL ~~ S!IIY<AdcU1o,._ 1 Ct..r-~rvt1>nri111 wlA..CNv
<tw .sMAor Ma.Lt... Mt.Mloeir o ~ 'f,Yl.d.o. ' tu propih~ INs ru.~~
~e.ir's or mo h.11.e,'s .Spi-rit-, ·
-r A-v'tol"wir 'Yi"~ bof\~ IS c.ommoo d..~itJ 11\Jo-r~k.f •
-'7 Bovi.d. o.f- f OIt u.ko11 ~ 9'r-Htl ill" 4 ~ Yl.\ I.U-h iYI yo~ !Mi' 01) 0-l'\.d. tkL
~~ l.lf observ-~ i+- ~vV\ A-f~ fft.t Joint ..f.dmil~ \.\Cl~ Sf1A+ .

A j "' V\t te\VlM l (\' 1! ~ WI 't')'\ 0 ~

t;\e~vl.Uf ()JI o.. ttl\Y"'lL ~~
• ~VV\-1·~ • 1N MDl~M c,~b s') .
b_ - f'~e, - _b !:o fl

~ Fi ~o.l Ruttl-ioVISWf' G\a.vt3:' V\2 S1'flAU-U.rt. of +i-\L

:Jo lru-- Farn i l~ .

6_ Bvvttl\tJ-r 'fy--~n--ou
[ -=- Re.t od-J'o\l\ 1W r W,lL·o.t'Yl :J ~oo((e.. ~ lose~~
~ G'l"'t\Ae4' ,
~ V' ol-e d IY\ 11u ·s ve.o ett rC.tA WC1YK
wo--1\~ R_Q),,'1\Mh"oY) 1'V\ .fa~½ T'~tio-() ( \C'.1l. '"3) t\.-1.tv:' ~e.VUA"M ex~~
-fo_rv,.l'L~ S~~~ ().y\d J-kt. 1
{Ult_ bve_b..lu<Yl...j clDv-l(\ V\IACU.tM-~~ ~ 11
~earVld v-ro~\l\b\.t', t¼..~ tA l-l_,-_~ c:ttuK"e~ ,' fl ,·-n s-tYuc.tu«
OJ.>.11,u,'V)'~ r~ )hVJlbtw\_o\ -w<-k wbJfo\lU~'r ~l f,v~ .r+tJ-t,y
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

L¼AA~'\"-8 ~~~ o{ -fo~11li

\) Rod~c.k0f\ m l\i\t S\u o~ lW. fo~
l\J. 'h-Ot'\S~..-""'~OY\ o·f -ft1m.:t~ MM o.V\ l'conoMi L unit to l\ .J 1mr~
C..O"V\.tumrttw U(lit.., iV\~t\.H~ jeo~Y~W l AI M0\!>,11,.~, ~,~ ,to
,~~l\,tle ~+n.~4,Cwq 01 UviVlj , Sp\)'\➔ of ind.:vid.Mo..l,m he,.~ loW1b 1Y\Q~

to mOJU ti\.t {l'm,·~ tA.. SVVtt\l.lu Lt\"l,'t .

➔ l1,uw-e 1J C\ 'jTI V'l:l"lj -¼l-vtd.t.l'l ~ OYI tw. fOJir of ~ U>Uf\b 1"o

l\ V'O , d UII l-\ e flQvef 'fb c~ , h Ul. -fn.l<.. 11\..~ IV\ ~ l.4 p,..t-e t') ~ ro tw. l,i DUI.) el-uij .

j.,) 0 ~ cliV\ e of t1AL pa. t-n o. rt..tA. t)J. au.:t1Ao-)'{ ~ ,

\W.. Cu.iluvA.l C.OV\d.:"°'CM); ert_cu-e_~ b'j 1nd.~hioJ.:s'YY) ha.i> lL~ +o e~~ ot)
of- ~4 We Wle_() • 111\UI); ,t\,u "nj\l\.t of tw W)'t<, ~ Cw\~
c.we_ "o Iov'\.3~ Ju.bov--tl.Vl ~ -to t\lt o.i of -+¼ ill \,&I)\, a¥\~ , ~
)n.CC\11'~ f\OW l,\t>.I) ~IAA.1 C4vt\ ~v'lol fOLt-h CP...l ~jW1,
~ bW o t 1w.. ~(}e,y- ~ A f - i ov1 o.f t-<M ct.a. '('(I tw ~ 1\:>
CM.oo~~ -\Wj r l'Yll\~ e pcu--tV\U- .s I f>a rfi c.t.J.~ '11A. ose. uvrn.~ ~4 ~~
)V\ bl fl uheb .

3) C1tllv\_~Vlj 1S1) lL o.f womeN'l

BoWt. WO'(V\.l.t'\ O,ru\ fYlR..f\ ll.Ve. 'f\Ow ~ra..w() ,n \i:v-je. nu.m ~ to w6'1'K__
cu- -h)..(X"O')')~ ~ D~(h • n hM bYO~ d6\0t'l ~ ~~ ot~
e.l..ol-t)'IVlt - ir ma.fl ~ ·\ tu. ,Ru.;. a v,.c\_ evt:m1c.0'1 .fo-,- \'v\.l.. ka.a,s-:fi,I •1
'WlV'U MD\ c\a.~ ~ ko.w in~o.tnt Q_am ~ powe-a-, SowiL
~.sre.-n~ ctM)~ of w6VW.-t'\ \t\twQ_ beeo~ pr-op~ 6WVJen OJ) wtJ.{

f~c.¼on .for ci,,artjl ,

·,) e(o(lOyYl;C.. ~~

o~ o(C~6Vl°'-\ C>ffm'hAn,~V) 1 -kCLi\l\0~1'~

~1¥'€10,Aic~on G\.ch~"1C.t ~
IV\~\AU\"6Yl ~ CMvi ffiV\~O.CJ\'UYL\ DJ/II__ tw rt.M0"'-1, /

'l-) t-J. I.\.C.~6¥\ cJ. ~Y-S

R~<Mru 11,u,~ 1 Sut.vt-k~c. .\t~,,,-) ,(\~\l)J,A.i,...lsm , ~ b~cJ OKt~

~t\.~ ,'cUab .9prt.A.~ ~~ ed."-ta..h<Sf\ \,\~ Q,r\ ,n~u.-, OYl

~ua Sh-u_OO,U'€, .
➔ Peo rlit wa~ ,.f;,r l-v't?:: eJ1.tto.ho() aw1. t , u . . . ~ A..W1\o 1-h~ ·
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

➔ Tt'\ \C\ol:J.; 1-~Y\d"'- ~a.vi~ o{- V-ruY\i~ At.t- W(ll} pato~4 ""'~~ •,+ tit.cl~
1)Yo pe~ o.c~ w~ c4 ~ t.\. t-t. Yldu. ow of- tt.u.. ~&.~on Wal.) IA.l s f€A':\1M a.{
~~ ¼t>~ ~.s eJ.u.t.~cfYI WM r~·a -for btl ~ jO iV\-t ~VYL1'1f '
~ \ ~ " ' H.IV'l~LA. .ftA.'(VIJl'd , '°'1 ~ t\~Wl{~ 1 ~~ e~~
~ Q _ ..

C,c~l\fU\/\l\""1 "ri~ ~ lV) pe;.r ~ ·n..du. J\ACct J .HO'() l\d: ( I<llS-b) .

\.\) U<bQvu·r~6ll
Urbaw~Mim 'tVl~tU>e~ -lw ~'Y'?fl~NA;t I drv-axs1,kc~cn') / rpecic::J..s~
crf. ~CM.flU{~ ~ 0oMpltx dJ \,H,ot.> ~ \t>..lootnf , ~~ pC\N-a.~
, ~.f ll,J.-VltJ!.4 -tw.. h-t\.t:lih~ ) Oi vu- ~YV\A•~ ,to ~ d own .

.fa~(.$ \eacL·V14 to r~o~..-o..ment of tw... joint 'iam\lj .

~ K-~- k~d.:o.. (1q:n-) obse.rv~ 1 fun,WQJ) ~fl --their- km.s~· p
O-t\t•1rtciliofl 0-V\4 )°'nt" -fo..n.ul«j ~f(,u•c,-

i) ~t\U'\k ~ ~ ~ ,·cCLt ~~CL of ~ vu tl 1w flmL of-

cu-wn eve.fl~ tll{t bif11-1 1 t\'\a.lrla..je., ~ rui\~ illntH .

h) Su.Cc<lMM indl..l.sM4i ~,tQ..blt'I~ rYlf..-Jh Ill -t¾t. Goc.t.t'l~ ~ rvrnn~~ci b'j

-tw. ,vtetl,I\· d ~ WYIO s+r,·~ tve. ~ jOiYl¼- ~rvl\~ ')'U ILi .
K.t>lutd."'- \fl htJr- S ~ Re.ffDY1~ 'D~l"lc:.tA in RmilJ S~tJu~ ,Yl :W.ttC\
( l 'li-l) obse~ .serv~ -to ~ ~ U ! ~ )oivd- .fo.m:'1- .
IJl\dW->trial.1 ~OY'J
&,caW>~ ru1 el.Df\~c. ba.ae hM batt f',OVl'dtcf ~ SUfpcr(l- it- 6r
bee"~ roove wi'l'AS dre nh4{'4 tt'\ tt .f.Am.il!j b-'tt«f:!1J~ or u,~e_
k1•n Cttv\ ~p 0 ~ {~ S+,>, v\Vl~ .f.o ,.- tj'tA:>a..r~ f'Yl obi Li ~ ,

f.meK"fl:'"~ f~~ Of rGlMllj

fa.rtOV\h {u.r\U'icrn.Cl.l ~ e u { ~ •~ - Faiw1('j -fun~OYU IA~ve. ~

o.) u,oKJV\j - M.~t:\ d.t ~ . 1 M to ~'Yi OM).)

b) CA..rt- e-f- CW\! - C.rtc.l,UA
~u.t1, i,e. ~ 11.~ ~
lOMMlJfU a..l;l ~ t.-01' tii\ \W._
c) (.J)rt. o-f. ~e.na:m 1
~ - oI~ ~e. vu,~ l,t~ ~ "t 'i (. .
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

Ml\m"(f- ts Ml lmpd'i'laYtt £\.1'\d, un1ver.1t\.l socJ~ ft11t-tihJiofl o.f ..sooe.~
T + I.S ""u.J rn rm"n I~ l\ Wll'j o{ re 11 w_N"f VI 3- l-•11,o•(l '1 fl ~ Y ) •

T+ 'fY'"l"''qt.\ u,a:,,t1yy1o..h'or1 -to •tw C'4i\d~o barn ln wectlocic:.. .

:f-1 ls .,tkA_ \~s,h',~OVltJ mec.L-!tH11tn'J .,-ie(j/)ll<l~ 10r- re.ptt\.c.QnlPl'lt of,
~~ol m(?rrib~, ~ some. soc,ettV> I' po.~•c.,..,.lo.~ ➔ w.. w~~n-,

lr\dt.U)h-i'All.se4 on<M,... -tw. cW'e..f dim of Ml'\maa~ (S not: onl~ rryuettiid'I)

bvi" MO Com rl\n ,otu"1.. ~ lemoHaY'\ ~ l\Vld ~~ci,,o Loa:fc.o.l ~ uypcfft-
8tA- lo.x-t,t.~ H 11\M be.ut °'- 6outJ olo~ctli-oY) .

M> rm.s of matY,a..f!e..

G) MonO:JO.VYl'j - R~c-t\ b'(l~ 1~cllV\'d.lA.O--\ w1-t\ii o\l\.t. .spouse CU-- a ,t,me.
n Ii l\\YV\O~t" ~ t..tV\,VC!l'laj, tfuvm in a...U moG(Q'YY'l lnc:h..ts-h,-i~ ~~di~
6 w... to (Pt\\~Y\ h ot <tl'Y'l o..V\ CA' oJ ~ou.~ o-r\ci a.\ most a..-t '1""11.f\ bo..l ,w,<J2..
bVVJe.t.V\ ,-t\A.l.. ~ o of- M.e.V\. o.nt\ woM<l.~/ · f'ol':1~°'-YYlolAI\ 1oc"'~"~ ta.tir1ot
ho.ve YV\Ov"e. .\w>.v'l 0~ ~rouse t1f- ~ h ~ ,

t>..) .SQ~'ctl fY\o\l'IOJ~'\'Y\"j - lvtd:vtdM.d.U PUl'Vt.'H-Ld t-o i'Yl~9 ~OlAYl etf~

c\.LA.tvl o.f ~F L..th e_ err ct ~• VO 'fU.. ; bt.J ~ ca,, nVI o t i,, ave m ~
-1tl.4V\ (M..Q.. ! fl) ui> e o..t -fW.- St.\ VV\.l. "' ~ .

~ ~":J\,J: M0¥10j"'tvl'} - ·~.e.ma.m"'jt'. ,s ¥tot ~ow~ .

t) lev,~ M.~'YT\-~~ - Rtrrto.'l'Yl ~ w ,,HA ~CLQ..0~4 hw b~vt~ '.s b'ro~e..'Y.

~ ~~ca. W.LfeA l<.uf> f'NP€~
w,tiA.'l"l ~w ~n-1111 .
c\) Surrorwe... M.O."oli~e.. - ~t\-niOj"- vv,11.1 6'CL.ttb~~ w,"-k~~ ! 1.ste ..-
® f_ou.;1.~Qr(\~ ~ 1\fl<lm"'-3e. ~ 'nlOY€.. \-lt\Ot,V\ OV\L (Y\~ ~ Cl -h Wl€. .

l\) ~l'1t)V'l1 - ()/ll_ l,\U))lotA\'\.C{ v->1\1,,\ two o-r muve. w,ve,,,.

-1 '1\A.,;s °n(:V) pe,.,-si.s~ .JMtt. ve.a.r_ hV\11.M ,f'I ~ ' G \ hvr wc::lll mo...k
'i\\~o,v\ u.,'\.h\ \1A.l H.AtAdv.. fJ\fA~-~ ~ A'Ck, '"S<; .

b) fb1'1o-V\d'."'i - ON. wik w,lv\ ~ ~ mO'/€. hlJl)bttt1cts .

~ fuu.v'\.~ aW\O'l1 'foda..S of- N'i\i') 1Yi tlith 0$\4 N~°'r:s ot M~o..laG\'l'°, .

c.) 5.:,{l)f""oJ pol:\ ~';')Y\'1 - NW-¥\ W<m\L.Vl IWO\~ ~ s,·.s+!.("E; .

d,) Fro-,krlliu pol~ Md,YY - w~f\ \\VJ\ bo-1\th ~ bye~~ ·

G,a~ _ ~'l~ ht\V\·vi~ B pttY\tlw()J) M hA,r\,,LA,l)bQ.-ta.s .

Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

~ v..laA o.f ert4 o4<AV)\~ and. ~090. my

We3a.~ ~ w·~ ~ ,nclt v, d. "4.~ ,to Ma'!!'j w1t1~ ~ IA. cw.ht<"~ ~4
~'°Y'l~ of vJ\t\Ad-\. ~ or J'W. IS a.1.rel)..¾ °' ~mbe'cr J .fur. e)O~f»'rLt.

t'l<O£j°'V\o\.j r<,1,v.,~ -tw.... (t'\OJV\'d\.l(U ,to Ynt.r«lj O\AH,•J..e_ of Wi /IN. r OWV) <Jt"'f.
\-ltwtt.A temprum lll.l..aw I lH'lu.Lowt" <l>\tA ~loYVt4' f'tv:\'lYl~ -t'7 "'L.l'\111~~
e.~-kt1t • Mt.t\omo.. MO.nl~e, p~h tl<\ A!J.,:l\K\CL b~hvt a. folll.JQir
tlo-n "° aY'f\ th'\ l1>'\4. h 1') \,\u- a.u ~ tY\t\"' • PntH Co MA. '"'~ 'll1 «je.. H. lllt1. o.tu d r1 ca...
bUwtb'\ "'-':,\.\.4r CMk vJoYVl.tt.() G'lN.( ~ lo1»er uu k Ma.() • IVlL .f:, rm~,
jt ~t.\per-:10.YV\_j o.M-\iA.l l~~ is ~~f'OjO..~ lU pur .t--oc.'olor.ib .

➔ ~ fW Vt.V\h t'\l\o_n,~e. ~eavt

fxo30.v'V\,fc. .s'ibuttf (~11,u,,r -.Sit\-u)
~ ra.~ttt-cWl~ , Se,xu..~ ffi~olM buw~n ~bus "f OL.

f\tH..Luu· ~,~,...;~ ~~ HAA¥1 pa.nVL~ ~ ~ M IYlCMt-

➔ H.iV\.rt.~ ~ ~tiOVI~ .f\.owi ffla~vtj Ir'! #illy OWY')

%9t-rR; J>'0VCAW'~ ctvtd.. ~Af?''r\d.~ . "Tw \-ti~tL..\ ~~ Ad ( l9Sc;-)

~..,,,.~ spec-.h~ #1.o.t tw h.\.Q...-n'ltje. be..rwea_l/1 1wo p~oYl.s ~lt\..1-e.~

w.~~ five. ~Ah"lMh O"V\ W ~'s C\Ylq
i°\d(s +i,lt'U. ~~OrtJ

OYl. ,tw_ ~#1.JJ'.s s ,a.~ tt vo,c\ 1 unleN> ffOYl,'#e~ h:) low tw.+oYYL! ~

°"Mfl eA i fl ma rn'Oje..
(D tl,-..a_~QI) ,n ~-<vv11 of- M~ '¥n'cA~e.

➔ So'-'ei"\V> w,~ ~OVl-h oJ plu.f'~ 1'\11~-r,t~~ t\.~ +u.nu~ ,t-owan:½

t'V\ OVI o~ ~ W\.~ ,

® CIAl)j\__3 ti) '1'\ ~ .se..ted1o,n

t'\AUI\ 11v1.d. WQ'V\.lYI Art m~a1,vi~ 1 T vwi .S~ w1 tw. rn o..tff'lr .

_.::; DDJ\ ,s o. pv-'\tMa. ~do·M>VltM~ .SU() ~ k.fe,..-M<V\.L.,\ f{A.l. lLtoiCL

~1' l.'l'T)a..3 e_
WI.A.~ ) ~ 1-0 (,o\\ ~~ u{ n'll.h"op:>tAtaf} CJ+fM ,

@ Gt~j0> \n ~l. of- rvlO.'"lTl'!re.. .

- j CJ,t.. \('.\ f\ll()ffi' ~VI t\,I. 0 T OV\ t,t d,e c.t, ~ a rt'. .S h U S.u.tl ,· f'I 'l'\Vt4 ~ ,t>ev.) ,

➔ Tu~ rtCUILt b.MUtdW\.tV\,l/ -t1AL ~o.l "'j~ of marrrr~~ ~ w ~ ½OV>

~ iV\wt_O-he_c\ ~M \%- ,to~\ ~t~ / e~\A.MLl~ tw... ~~ ~~ f.o" ~ •
-j rlov,1 ev€rf' 1 IV\ Uxb ~"'- o.rlM MA.rm 0-j.t-'> Ari. rtow ~~4 i'~..v\.
~·~ be~c>'illt +i,w)~ ~ ·lot._4 Yv\.4Y\Jt"'1v.rfl °JV> ollAJ. ,to Wjl-i.v f-hA.~i1
otti1 ~ o-v\ (»\.~ \ff). liO'w\ 0-H-lu-.s , 1
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

~~jt~ ~~ MO•n'lf.lje, --nhA.o.JI) OJ'\~ CM~VV\h

-7 l.\- 1s o.. ~clo,c., c~ J',.+uOlhov'\,

~ \,\ wC½ .(~p~til~ ¼Q.1- a. secw.oJ· .JCiQ~t-iffc.. o~looK wo wtl ltAfA +o
detwtMe. ot-- w~\tM t~ptV\.ddum CY\ rV\l..N\.l'~leN.> ~+-oms l\.~~ •y)',t\.tod,Q.
➔ Au.t f ~ ~M lo Q.U\ (A ~ \I\ VlU Of- "J1 ~(Uh / ()J) l\. ~Ch' oY) d)f °' ~_!! ,
~t.oplL \1\0.~ speV\t- l~v~st,,I~ o~ WUldA'V\.f> l4\.cl -)-w_ ~OAJ "t-
no.\ so a. ff-tiA.u,\,t +o \rw ~ -ttu. ~ ftw.uJ: ·

dA.~ eJ> i V\ E~ rect-cU'c.ov\,\ ~ CA.o nM o...~ ~,la~-

➔ t)ro~CVl t,J Cl}) tw_ VVlOS-t I wip~ -Pv..vt~ 111\ ~ htn,t~ . i b ~ •

-r lk\tho"M L<l<.t. C,<Wvtpawovuw~ / e_yYlo~mi1.tU SUfCb* -tYom Spolv.)e..

CWld C.W \~fl f f.M cm. oJ. -RJ ( { I ~ ~ be Co MA•( M i>ve "\l\f\f ~ ,

~) T~pV) of- a~o.vu:-

D~n~l ,s p-nriupLL w~~
-\'w. CW\d ,s soc.•~ °"fh·uo.1e~ °'
"-l,~ ~ 9TO~ ~ w.s or ~12.,< ~n>Vlt-1 • -rw._ 1 l ' \ ~ ~ be.1.M''r, to

Se,vt.v"cJ CW)Cb'\t 3'11> "f~ .S,'rt\ w..~M..LD us L:1 - ~ ose of ,\¼>o po. rt\11 h /
~Uf" o/:Ch'l~f?Olrtr'l~ / ~~IJ: ~~(U-- t:GLV\d pqYe~ ~4. ~ CM .

u~u~o.1 6-Jl)Cl,VU: f'N._(lJ/1./1 0M l>V\l. 0~ , lfAt.. (AA..\ A IS d-f-h·v ~

~'1AV w,'\111 -\-1,..t j""°'f o .~ -~ Le. p~,ml.,V\L~ dv.>CU'd:_ or ~,t¼,
~ ~ o.f- mot'ile..r 't.€., M~~wA-1 clt6ltJ,\..t .

\>Affi\...W-~ du, WU: -

l-\-~~ fu~ O.ClrO~ ~~ ~ ().. P'l.t)')'at((M_(U Se.th~ .

~~1.M.OA-\ DJ_b~
-1 weu Kvl.lSW<l t,ca.\')\~ iri .Jo~ -we.,;~ 4Y\d ~~-ea.t.>¼Yl 7..-id.;<:"- ,
__, OvV-- v.x,~ t'\uleJC" .t\"\G\ l\Y\ t>t:~c:i \f\V~~ ~ ~IA~ - r°"~-aretA.o..l YV\od.tJ. •

--? "11u- l\u:ttUS'fl\-j i!> ~o ('.~£1((,a.1€~ b'j V)\.o.l~ ~ Moj cN FF~

jl; W>tA._°'"o ~\lt.ct (At Y\Ot ~~ ~ ) b~ n'\~'

- 1 A man. m~ t\ot ½o-ve. ~crn1 o ~ ~s o-wfl CM.·\~ ,w'vto
beJ-O~ to ~.s w-i{-t'J MUl\t" ~ e.)Ceras,{L~ Cl~lmQt o~ ws
~,i~ 'i cw \d~., .
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

Non - v ~ U\l\.l ~ / loc.J '(\ o.Ji c.,
S', wiplL Un.;\..~
1 l
B,t~ ,
sty\t ltU.rlA

na: T~polo~ ol K,V) j")'\}fS: ~ t¼.. bQI.),-~

()f ~ of d.uemt
1E)('o.Y'Af u. ~ N ~cm)
---'7 MU\ rtSida. 1Yl IO..rjQ. rV1ah-ll,1~ -Arvt..L€A CAilt...4 to.ro.va.q
➔ :r+ nM be..w\ rorw~ ~ -tw. V\$.ih V\.a ~blU'lot s~km _
➔ N°'1o.' woYV\M Col..114 ~~~ l.\o.ve o. V'!Urilbflr" of 'V)'Svh~ l,,iow,e..-
\,\VJ)\,a~s (~~'4'\a~) I (>nVl' dttt ~ WM'e of w~ SWlu .
CNo..M \.;>oo rt>')') isrt\ ""VV'!i ru) .
-.:::; /m;tt,vr~ powt1 ~ ktt~ tlt-b ~ w ~ ~ ,~ t>-.lll i n.s..hM o-il 4
YV\O."'fY'l~e. C\..t oil -~~ \A.. Ave CA.U.l4 It \-w. tv'l ~I.« ~e>4 rp,\.l"lz!L . ,
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

Roll ~v'lf-L'Ll-
Rolt. tov\.f1Att ,·1 tt ~1~m'\ ',vi IA.)WCM.. ht.a~ w ,ft., ~n.d.s
a. pe,.tlon h
~m +wo OY more. "IU€.6 • ~ °'- Covt+tmp~~ sot...~ "'- pemoY)
p\~ Se.lt't QM
~ J wo'tXlif or
~Ith I t\ d... ~vtt ~ .f-h ~ -
tYl "n ~e ~ 1 mim h&r of
e., .
1¼. ')"\) ~ oJ ~ '1.t-w btu'\ ~
it. ..r oa al c.k.b M.t( .s o 011 .

fA_v: c4 (;;, (\A~~ (lqqo) V\M ~S-ttV\.~~ \,\_q~ iiit~ ~I.) Df ')i)lt.. C,o~fi..cJl
CD Cmflict b~Vl ,tt,u_ ~'Y10Y) 9M tw ~~
~y ~'IC<>.Mfl«. 1 a. ~d.u..°'6Yl Wo'Yl<t_, WVtO ~ Cllbo (),._ MLMbe,r of -tw_ ~
I~ ~Vl.\ui to ~ .tu.~so~ {k>.S{ ~oY) Mel.Jj ~ot htt.e~ IY\ eJ<ert~,~
S+rfU (..()V\.\'n)\ tNif ~ t,Jo~ bu.t ~ u WWl..t °'- ~uUi'cm fYl.OJ/l~lf

@ \v'ltrn.,. ~ te. ~Y\·H.,d--

C~~ \,'A ~ d , - ~ ~pt1~'l)','\A oJot.MJ- \-low ~ 'b'veNl ')'Ol,L.
~ol ~e.. Pltuj<ct . ,... Ll.O.Hi C.exo.mr~ is tiAt 'TOIi. ot- C\ m~., ~n
"' d,oV'f\ ~ (.. S v\\AG\.hl)v\ W'vu CJ1 \f"l'V 0\ ~ l.o~ f lJti\ V\.(1 d.a..MA.rt ciA Of ~.5
IV\ V \-\,u,r- 0.Vl4 Wl-k ~ \;u Y'f\ ,

~ \fl~ -n~ Lon.f'tA•c..t

W\A.t.t\ peofll. 0-r't. -to p\a,a ~ 0< m~ ~ a,;. t1N. -hm.a. ttA_o..t-
MD.Kt I(\CDffl f AA \o\J. d.Lwt a \l\i1 s . Tu t oH& k ~ ( U \Al, HA. HA. OS e of
~V:-8 wot'N.tl Who 'v\.().ve. ,to SMs~ Jirn!A,(f-a.V\.Ul(/)~ ~ "Y\Jll....
e.~vt>~IW\h 4 e..w...r\o~& I l,;v\k o.riq t'Y'\ o\tu,y WIM'C...11\ ~ c.ov,ft;r:t
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

~) \.Jl' Clt ~1 lOC., cu.r~Mc,YI ? Pi .s: cu.s ~ ~~ -mJ Ie. 0~ 5 0 C,'c", ~C\ \ion ; V) -tt, e.
d.~vQ..,lcrmeV'lt oF -pert ov,l'\ l.~ .

~ . h ptt< l<A'f\ ~S\l'j o~vt.S I' {°L\(l ~o.-- (t o.f-- .SCX)CU..."tMcr\'\ lS ~ e~ev i_QJ L
o..N\ i YZ>.d._tAA)
d-t-Ytlo(?~2'1'\ t of ¼,e_ ~,f- O'< ej o . l.f- is fl,\t. «<m
. of ~
Self \1Aa...l: p~1mAl:'±, ~ SIM-()e. OJAol ~
¼'rt~ c..om~ ~ .fu.1/\Uf<m.

1' \~V 'l's S~\.f 'is vJnCU:: Ii\~ urv\lc.'o,.ul1 Md urtCovtS<.J'o

1Al~ C-Ot '\C4~ V\.lrvtMIF
Of ~~l .f "' k)e.. J}- i\ \w.. SU.tYl ,toW •1
W"S f'e.t"Ufh'O'AS 0~ -twm sel~ .
C.ho.(\ ~ \1, C,i,o \~ ~a.va. o.. b~,A }i ~ C.,.,nCJ..f t' Ot JooK,.•vt._tj ~ \tHS fYOC-W
,+a e_~lctiV\ -tt,u.. 1cu_o.. of sel.f . l:t- ,:m•nc;e~
1'Y\W\'1€» .\1.\Y-6- ~ ,.
1) \Mo..rV\.o.hC!Vl of OU.'< °'ff~Qv-arlU tu tt,...a__ 011'\e.: re<.SO
2..) \ m~> fl~m 'I o{ ~ o ¼t~'s j1A.~e.w1M.t of -H-ltA..t t:J-f
Pel\ r~\'lQ ..
'3) "Th.t. ~fo ~e. ol 1W \V\ciivMv..i,..\ M Jo'fl'l(t son o.f- se
If fQtl.V\.~ .su.t,llL
0.1) pY'4tt o< rn~. f< CCU'()'Y\ ,

~!At- wo...ltu L;ffW 'a~ ~CL'( -tw "~(J'ur e.-\ w. £\d ~ ,,

\() ovJ itJoul.t.t w e~c. t •Df
,\w rt.-f\ec.ti 01\ o+ o u.'1e \d)) l.l.f\)-1\ ~r'\ot (IU,{'" Nl 1Y1d m~ o-r rfla..Jj YIOt"
C.Oy,(1/)f ~ to ~ o..Ll~ .
1'.Ct,(h'-~IAa ~ M~~,~ a"'2 ..\v.r-e.«.. 5~~€. >) Jfl \-W. c:!w"e.t.opma~ of- ~elf.
·,) s+a.s<2. of- .s..,.'(\ru. tVl'l i-\-o..KO~ _
7W.s oc~ a.t a...1oou.t- \w.. .SE:'C.O Y\ci 'je.~'T of -tw. ~ ~Id .
o-\'\,,Ln vJ •-\vi"IAt ~ttb '\d.. 'vl.d iw. WUA.rv·~
1'lAt. CW\0, ,wi,~
6 of ~tu o-ttAu~ a.UioYt.S .
p.)f e)(Q.fflf~: Kltfl'v\.Q °'
boo~ ,to Y'Q.Olc( ~V(1t') if- ~ Ch \Ii alutV H'lt l<.t,ow
how \-o rto.A ,

'ii) Tw. f"'½i s±4~

1W. ct,,Jld,. ~ -M ,fc PlCllj ~ beA~ ("lO,t(,uK/~ I lo~ M f •i ~ .
~r t!C't:1.~f\J. : WWN\ ikt. t;ftlt cr"l\ f1'~ M ~ ·..-t.3- MotW..< +t> IA(,y &-o,\~
S\le ~o re)\'onas. ~.. ~ clol\ 1 GH S'W 1'tM ~fOYlc:il4 rJo ~ QIIIJ" rnot\ ,.e,y

\,·,) Thi.. ~a.'M.l- s~~

1'W CW\ d b~M ,+o a.e,t- ~vvt Hc(s ~ e \ ~ ~m tkl \,\Qw ro,~ ~
.4w_ wY<o\4... ~ll--\', 'rlt./ s lM.. be~Y \S +o ~A'l'Y\ -tw. ~ OVI~ Cul)to wi~ o~
\w. J""' 1-lf . U\ M.Lo..d 'r ~o rd.s / 'l,,.e. I cw. r ltUJ1 tw ')l)tf. of tfA4_.
ff'~'"'~~ &\1,\ert 11

A:cc.o-rcJ....:"'fr +, \<.~ \£i. ClV\ ,\/\ct '1{d\Ac-..\ H ~Uh o.. fX-\~ ~ +..,., o ('.l.,sKYlc..t
Mo~l ? o{- ,t•rQ)'\H~h' H,t,'Y \ OV\12 ~~d .i' \.-o.'l'.'1 C\Y'l\ '1AL.
1 o\-\,u ,r soc..; Ov\ .
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020
Soc:cu Con ro \
~- Su.f"'-VD..l ~d.. tmoo'\ll .fuw,~oV\.lv'ld o.f JO<A'l1f i.t f0.ij Ib~ MtH
- -~ w\l\ut.
'\tu.rt f.)(\St \n ~ .soc.:ru ~~n'Yto~~ I Soo' oJ JO\;~yi~ o.~~ ~cx..:at. orq(I(' '

Aet.ord.;\.\~ lo VuM\.u,..ffi I Soc..' ~ t-oV'l~I is a.. Sot.oJ. ~c,t-, tJJWtri b1 ~

S<U fu totlttio\ o ~ .Sal/~ bvU- tw.. 1·vx~ \II' ~ •

~ov-sa.-ve.-<1 £,A, R~ 1 HAt ~CC\Vl So~olo~st- woe., tw. Pint fc o..tcu

\,J1.\vi ,\14.f_ C.O't'lurt in Ws ~VYIOvV) book: ''.J'ooa.l Cov-im} t) (lqO\) , He.
sm~~~ Uf'>"' --IN 'l'Olth of pv1:v·c opih4'on1 ~ 1 be.4;~t-c/ ?-tJ.;~•'-"' e.+L.
\ f\ t
~..\-t>Jo t..·s. \.v ~ Sau oJ. c..o vi,m, I ,

£.(). . ~oss tl~emb~ Soe;~ CoV\.m>I M tw. ~¾wl of. ~ ·cu. wW.y-e),,t
,so ~l~ \on,, n~ \ h MINVI ~~ 1f\1'0 tovi.form 1 ~ w1\vi t1AJ. °'-~ k.( S h1111da.als

0~ b.e.l!ltA v' ,' OT ,

tr';1P~ o~ Su£AoJ Co~})

0 fo,rn.oJ ~uo.l loY\~) - Tk.t s+o.Je. .,..,,~ c.we 0~ lt:c.w/ IR3"ilcclio() /
fOl. Ct. I Mn-llW'.S~vQ 4£"'(.Q>.. e+t.. :n- 1s ~a..l."\:,tr~ ~Glk..tf .
Vio \ ~ o..,re 1r -cw r,....w s~ Y¥'I eri~ cUf L"'d.. V\.~ oY\ -t1A.L na..ht Vie. dvtct ~e..
4 lfi O\c<lio'('I l ro,m.oJ c.c>v\..h'II ~M ~lC.OY)\i.. ~ V\ectMj~ ((\ V\llod.WY) C,.()w,plt,c
SOLl ~eb 1/11..Yt. M ·\·e.,n::~. ti( "'Y\,\ a.rt l~~ pe..t.C.o\11 ~ IV\ V I ~ ,

\,J 1M

2--) IV\...fo\'l'VI~ .SoaoJ C.oV\b-\1\ - I+ i t'\ClMAeA ~o~t"P, S\~~c(ey.1 pv..loL.' <.. opin.o>1 /
ClJ.I) \;,m~1 m ·t oV\ 1 l'VIO""ru..tlj °'-"' ~ o+t.tq- i u CA,t ~ e.111 +.! , ~ °' re no+

pwrro.t~-Mlj trt~, \w.y 9ru() ~r CU'rrtt'l~ W 1'.\1,\ -n-me._ ,

~ d,o v'lot ~wrQ. e,c~ s+~-ff .-fo en.fo,u. •tt1,.uv, QI) , vi tvu. Ca/Je of
~fMb--\ SOcia.l C.0\1\~\ • ~ ~fN\.tV° 1S r~r~~ ~ -tw_ t~ 1S

f>.S~U\ol,.,cr~ • 71,.,s htr'2 \S f'1ore_ e~cJi \re. It'\

'J s,·meu....-- soc.: U"-l'b) ,

Si'MplL ~S.SI r Ca.f\ Wl.Swre.. ~V\ E.'m·~~ 'l'Ural. l-e. bu..t VIO.~ ar') Wba.V?
Ci~UV\, \\U ~VIOVll»11, ~ Cl~ Life. l-..Q/) M~ ~ \-w_ Um.Nd.a.vi~ of--
,i-w lvl cu VI· dI.A~ ~tA lovYt mit o. YI o{k.., ~ w ,t'\t1 o V\..t"
-ttA oJ- ht / s\A.t..
be..-1 YIO~Ht~ b~ 0~.ttt1 Wl-\o ~ moJ½ .e~ ~~ 1~ f-tu.-r- ~
\,w., \'V\ tJV") ) lo V\.h,' \?....h \I\..d ~ t1A.a. f\ O fl ~ {k~ ~r'\ lN\ I) f I fl ~...-wt ~ __c oc., al Gi>(l~ I.
Tu~ i~ VJ'vlert. 1 ~rM"-1 ~Ol,' G\.l t.or\,hu\ ~ i"- ,
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020
\JNl1 -C

f 41'cJ'°'.ic,t.s\ r('')')rc'(hve of q)lM,(-.c.nh·on / D<w,~ Q1'l<\ MocrN' 15 ·n~oY\J of Clt15\1/d<Vi6h

(\_~)\.~ l'1,\h Mtlv,n M f,.r,)l,V\\ C·n~,qu.e.

Tiu l'Y\O~t ta vY!OIM 1\l.YIC.<MOYI aJ.t-\: r ~ of fifl-ev{~·c'l){ 6'(J WM p-,t(>eY\k4
~Vl\ 1Y) Q.t) l\~ll«. 1i lte ,t I( S1>WlQ rn~rvu O·f S~kc~IJ)') ( l'l~ 5) ,,
ha -t~ Awu'licav1 jo~o Lo~~,-~ 'DC\v,~ a~~ Moon . ~ CUJ(..mft
-to e~r\a,~ \w. l..lYv Ye.NHU. necw, ' t1 t.,\) l,u<J,\ CtUU 1'7 y tk ..1'h-M K~ t,V\
,t'\ tl~~ ~oul\.l Sifkm .

-~ o.r~lA4. tt,tcu wb,..ifl funchOYtc\J prt r~ws1te,, ~ to be m.e.r

-{\,V" l\. so u' a.t .stf ~ to .s LifVi ve. t\Y\.~ op-u-Ol.¼e .()_ l-fra U'\ ¾
➔ OV\t SLlUt, ~.-tU\~a,I p~ - re.1ws1k it e,&~\1'€.. _nlL o..Lt..oltUfOYI a.nq
pii<f,<YY1AV1Q ill\tU ~tt~S C!LU "YOU-1 'f1ltu>t b4. -ti'ltt~ J ~ll~ b..j ~~e
b~r alol..t. to f£,yfoY\'Yl tvum J -fwr-,llt ~ gt,u,..u_d 11\ll~ neCVI>~
¾GU..-uv\.3 ~ • foa\"t-k~ -\,.t oOlu s\liOv.4 be.. p.u-fomAtt:f t-0r1.SC1et'\t\ousl~ .
➔ 1 ws tt\e cill.tnv s m aJ;;tttLll\Vl LUI\ 9 UAl f-o
'l'e wo.rM ~~ ~ Y\ Ltfj(½
~ poi,hoYlS iVl Sot:Uj L~. •i kl soae\l .s-~-At.AhoY} . P~p~
J.:,{JcJYf. in ¼ml of- Mfltttt'. ~ 1lA tJ AAcl .ft\.Uvl.t . Po.s,ti o~s J..; .ffur
h'I 4umS o.f- ~ Y i'fY\~fflC.L ~ -fW.. StVlliVltl lvl.t( mair,¼IGJnl.(.

4 Soei~. Tkw>1 ca.r+iun po.tl-hottS ~ mo~ <.funlhcm~ if11~)


_:::,- s+ro..k ttc.o..h Oil ~ k 1'~ l' ~ w, \11\ ~ t.h l . n l ~

n\O.it' tU>u.A
'Mf~ fbJ,~OVU . I+ .-s cwV\L b~ ~cil\..~ lt\..Jh rewanLb 10 tko.s-e.
pos,-NO\'lJ. T~ pil>rvv,~ of ~~ ~on-ts J>Yi>VI~ a.vi mClYV'lve.
-fo ~ -fWS t«{;V\l~ M4 fo ~rrtp~oJ.L fwm (or- tt,u._ S'~Dri~lL

mV\)\veq . Sa.oyi~CL <~dt1 tos.s o~ 1f\£..oMt. l¼'>1~ tw ~Vu~ ~ocj .

Do. V\'S Mo~ kru,j 61\l

Qi\.q ~r. fk~ ¼ttt- ,-s "' S\ito w ClLC\~ wll\AC.k,
r~s,1fCSV\ll o.>re ~VlcA\UVl.tili.t ,Mr~ . 1~ -~ u 1ttiu- p,.sdH,'() -~ k.'zl~
v-e-wru-cl.1: cWeh'(ll 'O\lA1\ ,+ ,s fu~U\ISVI.~ NVl~Ylt . ~

~ s~~-€1.>t- tw,.k tMf~Yl-tMu_ 0 t b,.,, pru1*l5Y\ C.ttt'\ b~ 'M-lt½~& )Y"\

,two w~ ~-
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

\) ¾-\tu ell~~ ~ w\A,.tAA ~ f!s,-kon ,-~ N>'tctf6Yt~ Uf\19 u.~ ) ttA.tK-e..

bbv\-6" f\O o·tl.Atv ,~t:\1ov1S C~V\ Pe-i,-rm #U. .S().W\L- ~Ci\"bY) ..n·.vHtt>-t;fon½f- .

\V..UI)/ i~ (Olf\ \,e ~w_ii, \\,,.ll'.l 0-.. ~O~ I& -fuV\c.KcM~ tv!O~ l'fY1 r~
¼o-\1\. ~ nv.r.se >
h) ~~ ~~ u,Y'tL •\o ~w.ckl o\'WK p,.s*cn'l°> o..~ ~e"'~ on -rw.. bYlt lY')

~~o!}_ . ~ 1 , + Co.'f'.- bQ_ J ~~ M~~.e/YJ o-.~ More. lwt~t\J \1,,01..f1

~u.h'V\L O~CL ~~ .5W'\U. -lw. lo..l-Of o..rt. YYIOY€.. d.tf~ o-t'\ tw..
dlrtet{on of- Ma.~~~-

Tuttt ~ 1 t>~"'s cw\d, Moo~ ~ ~ i\- <M lk 1w\tkt:M~ 1V'\<?V\ \-tu.,ll..

Sol"1{o(I ,to .,,. ~b~VYl ~~ "'1 G\il Sot.'~ s-p~ms I tiM. Jo~dY\ b~Y\a-
t!N_ j06 o.A ~~t)·to.h"tSY'I ,

lllMl Y1S Cm·~ue..

·Tun-u Yl w tu -tw,. mrut fttm ~ C.-n,ti91A. e. of- Va. rvf! aild N1 o~3 ~c¼i'OYI -
AA.!.~ ~ of- ~c~oYl .
➔ (V\Cu,t,J OCCUfcM-1~ wk.<:.¼ affor~ ldt(t- p'YtAH~e. or £L1Mont11c 'Ttwa_aj
UtV\. be, ~ r t ~ ~ 10 t'W- Sod~ , TttruV\ ~~ ·tw.k .Son'll.,

lo.\?tSU,v' fov!L of- W'lhk.11.LA ~rYIUI ~ ,t lrviro~vct: a.ru:{ ~nol:.1f~ak>~

,lo -1tu. -fo_Llo~ M to -1w. ~ 'V\tU'i_.

➔ iu..rw~ ~ ~eu: l)~vt's lh'\_c\ Moo~ kAM? ,·~ore~ tw. •vt~t.L

6f r,we:, OYI «u ~ wu dii4ftlbu..tion c1t Ye..v-'~M , fi,,- e~"rri.p\l
,tw._ d:~u. ~~ -tt.u.. i0~lj) o~ .(d<n1 l<\.b~ ~ 0>a..t 01,~
CAA oe. ,t'lwprtk~ tM ()._ ~utt- of tw.. !'a.,t-~(l,\w~ f6V'Je~ 41 ttu..
w,IC ~ S ,

-.::, p~'V\1 ON:\ m.von- QMlJ.XV\.L ~ \..;M'k4 fY\d...-w~~ !A~~ ttA.t ~

~ ~1~ £¥.i<\lb -for ~ctrovl~ yy,os-t 101~..u- p:,sl'\'fOl'lh ,
Tu.rrt,ru -toJ<t. 01\ \-t\,.s ! -
a) Me._~ve. N\UWlq of- IV\UJ.)U'Yf~ ~ ,~ ~d 4o lol. claM~c( ,
b) ~ i~ f\1) ~n{- ~ ~CbfhtM.~ ~1:1 d.vt ~ uirtcf tr t1,\.Q. f:'Si¥dM
C\11.AS,clQ.v~ i fV1 ~-hb\-t .
C) 1\-.t_ fOO\ t>t ~ h1 .SGt.tt~ c.oi.J..d, \d2. \oJ~~ ~ V~'V\'5 (l.VI& (\,1()0')1? OS~u.ffl~ •
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

~ Tu,vti1\ l\.lho 91.UAt<oM 11Aa1 t\,,lt. +m.iV\A'VL<t r9w~c( fur ,n,p~

f\:>~,~0\,/U b2 rtBctn:l~ ~ .sac,rR:u. <41\t\ twN-e'°v-e rV\ aj cJ C-Ompe~~ .
4-_)\--le.foi~ ttl -\-W Yfw~rG\ o{ be.vt~ t11..i'ru.ctLvit - leAJu~.) t!'W(.DY1]_ 1
£wtq tiffOY-~~~ <{,or S~\~ ~fW\€1t'lt ,
b) "e. ~ lo.is of- eAff\1Vlr @'\ ~ W ) ~ rt\0,4<l. Yf d.J.t'ri~ tM..,
~ t +er\ !j E'Ot) l>f wo1'( , \WN11 I.I >12.__ r-LMon ,fo.,- eon+o,w~ 1W,s
lomrYl~O..~OI'\ i>< 1¾.t ~t of- Wo'M.1~ IA'ft_.

➔ Tto·w1.o, ~elli \Wt \/\evJ or1 a_wacd,..,~ af- .'""'-'I wu Ye.wa.rd.l o-n
bW11S o.f -4-o.ltvtt , \1e <l1ueh Soc.a.l ~.f,.-~tM CG\Y\ an4 of+et,
0-0- 01> "- b~mev- -to tw. M.otiv-a!\·aY) dY\d. ~CJ>1M•~ of~ .
Ll· CL::>s~ s~·~c.c:14\o'\ S~\&YI~ \Jk.e 0-'>K s~~ o.vtd Clf'cu-~q
() ~ \~(l 0-lA.~ ~~ ~~ ~recJ,·veLt- ope,~~ "~~ut.a or,-.,os,')e.
-io P~vis- Mt~ Moore's ~ •

..:r Tu.YW\)V\ ,s o~ •l kt ~e.v.,1 QWfl. rt..lattveia op,e:n s ~ of -J~,f,-~

e-re.ct- ~roQKS +o rno-k vah""OY\ l\.W\ reO(W ~ G<f ~ .
~ -w,_cu ~Uf1 tJ.b~ ~ y - fowQ"6"" to rtJ>+ric.t CA..CCIW> to ~y-
~s,~on5 I ~ ·vt3 \N'~l.i\ d.twl.Mq ~,,- .S-e~•Cl/.) '1111..::4 illlc-rl~S'illld' tw..,..
rQ.vJO-V'd.J; ~ rewve- · E'·lj . 1k Aw\e-nct\t'l M.t&,·C9J A11ou~ oY)
k~ MAJ V1.\--ru'V\.IA ._ . S ~ e . . of d. 0 cto<:5 1 -to e>'ti' l) re iv j ~ re w ct.,rc{.S
~ t"N.d.t~ ~exvf~ ,

~ TtAvw1\ c!\v..a..,,tr()\N) 11/1.t. v,t,.,.) .\vltA.t JoCA·o.l. ~it-rM<'h•~o't\ ~t\C..U::t"""j&..

1 ~~ t1At- .SOli o.l S~)em_. · \iR artJ"'-€1) ot;~t'\.fie\.l re.i.,..1tu'd.S CAr,
.e.V\ oou..~°'je. V\O~\\\AM_ 0-1\ll ~ •s.w.1'\:- (lJ) Co.fl o-c.t- M l\. dlVl".fl"~ foru.. .
r~~1f IY\ ~e.C\.K. So~'-\.l 1V1-k..~ <'~«:r<t . .

-7 '"m,·n -\\A,W> MctlY'l•+-i:uv1s ttAo..t- oV\~ w\.U.+'\ tt,wve ,-~ ~ ~eYlw~

e.,w,J., 0..ret/'v'\ +o y-ec,ywfyy\U\t AA~ ~ 'V\.{11- "4 po~h"~
-\-o..l.ulW f>~lJY\S I ~.fkrlr1h'~ re Wdf"lM (cH\ be JW)ti',ffe~ ~
~ Uf OV\.oJ • '1 ~ (.,oV'l~& €1) I iV\ 1W.l V" eYl-tl.\ u..H tU ,h·C. s-ea. ('CM. (o y"
f OS1 ~ v€ ~ Ctn' CM of- s ~,fr~Y) I ~ U't'<M AA'ili IA.~ vE...
~ +o f~UY<!. oy P.'~ ~ 0 v->() j h ~ V l a:t\' <S')IV) .,
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

((\.,') ~e Clc,ss

(D ra(hu,daY : Of\l~ pec~Cl< '° Ci) OY1Nt,t1 oJ · Fv u.11 d ,() aU moru IYYl
e,om pt;)(' SoC,eilM ,
:r.,ct. C\ •

@ S\o.hu.. 1~ C\S.Cl"l'be ~ b~ 61 'b l'"k ® S+!A..ht.b 1.t' a c.w· e. ,yed ; i-t c~ () be

.S~h..1.1) (fl.f\n o t \oe cJ,ta fl~~d . C~tMj ~ or I m r TOYe.c/

® :n u l\. cJ.,-0s <? ci .s :f-te_m . @ It I.! CH) ore.n. Sti~-kr-{)

® T~ 1$ cuu '-'ct(! D./Y)O(A ~ L,J1 tvL ~ :r+ it sewo.."'1 ~a.o no~~

H-i nci. '-l YUl fl'oYl . to (.(o w 1-\vi rut cm .

® Tw..v-e i.s Goviupt. of pu-n h.j ® TWlv-e ,~ Y\:) su.CM CoV\~\- or

o..w:>. pollub ort \m fl.lrt c~~ f ~'TI 10' W\c! r o \11,\,h ot')
().,W__ ~o.r~ OJ:, LlVltollUlcda\~ .

©n ~~ e~(l tw. °)'\)W'\VlQ. @ Ivd..vi ctMoJ..!'l a.w-e rr, Q"t"e_ ~

0-c.,h VI hb\ o(- tw._ \'V\.UV\ bus . iVl 11. LlC\.SS •

(J) ~ 1~ 5yeo..1-e,v S:0c. "'-' c.l.5 \trn(.Q. (1) LRM Joc..ru d,sha~C£- ./oe.h,JU-¥t
'ouweui c l ; ~ {'aJ),ta . J.;-(fu-e.,,t c.Ll\..Sr~ .

® ~ O J ~ UM-AU\,,MV€ lll) ® 1½5aro-L9 ru. ~rw,ve.

® ~ ~\e MU'l-ibetr }tiM to ® ~ a,,ye ~ ,tu -!~c.t

fV\O.~ \_,v1Mn ~ j")l.<f ~-~. --tw..r(:tl~
~ 0~ ~ l'Y1 Ou.h fYlAT11 °:jL
@) -:r +- i .s ~\IV\. r la )(. w ,-t\\ 0,/P/(' @) It- i..S S 1 \'Yl r~ W111.;t O'Wj
2_<t00 w\-0 ~ Sub -CM·~ . 2> ci.o.M~ - Up pe-r I fvlAd..oll.Q. aVllll lowe. 12r

CIT) Clll)+e LoV\Su Ol..l.b ~ 1s ® C. Il\/Y) c,on s c.. o u.1.1 ne,y) t-i 0V)
~°1Q,(trtt.b to ~ DC.KO.~ ~ nD e-fku: clMviocxa~ ~
~o~ n ot M tu Yb tw. ~ff~(,,)ft,\...
l,0 nc-l. fO,V\CL 1-Q 1w... I'\ a.ti cmo..1

lf{- r'\OU)Ovt.Q.,l s<Ull"hYV\W\.h, __
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

Fovrr1~ 0~ \OC:cu )1"lJC\~1 ·hCC\liOD

T~ve. lUi'_ fou..r rYl~a< .form.s of tih-C\..hfrca.tto1) S~.l-kt"fl n ~n,~

S'\o.ve!lj 1 ~s~; ca).)+e Md. cto.ss . Tw rk~-t ¾re~ ~~ol aY)
~o-\ "-Y\q re.l.'7r™''j Sru'\C:l)o'r\aj i.V\~""-.ili'tt~ (/J~CL!) -tkt. -lot.H1Vl ~kms
~M ec..oriowi ic ..falh?n, .

CD ~ la. Vt'."]
➔ :r+ ,' s ~l'l ~,c~mt. ~nYl o~ iri~u..o.Jl1 w~ ..s?<rl'V'L ~ be-.vtr-- ~
,e_~a.rtl~ M 1,\«Y\.t Of rrtf?4 .
"-7 Twxe. it Q 'TI r l1 b1'l-U'lolo ~ beJw ~ ~ ctcw, ~ ,tt..u_ o-ti-1. ur te .I
MM-¼-:5 o-Vt4 ~ ... .rl~~ ( WwC½ tow~ b(t bou{jlA¼ I ~o\~ a.-i.d ~rlVlan_je-0.
➔ ~ ~ n fmurf"fc.o.. CUl\.4 Cambe.o.'1 ~ worK.t4 m pta~cms
o.- rYU n~ 1
W~l.h ~ IA ~AA ~ Se.tl4wiu. +o ~ .
➔ ,vus eicpto'i~oYI w~ jMK~·~ b~ ~e_.f1 o.f.. y~·et.L tnk?J"i~~ •
➔ S(~~ 1.-iru:\ no C vii or Jm ~ <Ti~~ l evev1 fltit Mli. m '~fl. of ,two
SLA.YV> WM il~o..l.

-1 .J+ i~ o.. ~~-R~"OVI ~~\-tw\ of Mtd-wcJ. fu~pe.. .
-=; i1.u. lvreu crf.s0uc:J IA.iexa.rLw~ w~ c.c:iJu4 ~~ wl,....c.i, wb(€_,
bru~ 6)1) ow~Ltv f q- l ~ ..

➔ lst- ~~ : A:r;shJcro.J)-'-j o..vt4 CiULf->] ( KtLt'~ /&.wvn s 1 ~~s)

½4_ 8 ·~ _.·. TIM. C!Aurci-L (.B-st,iops: / Abbots., C l ~ )
'"bn\ ~~ :. C.Ornmotlbr~ ( M~Ctt1 t-l / P~a.r~(Jt'l I Suf!)
-) l\A.l ~Q.,{f> wM. tM. mo~t LKpto1-4e4,
-) Mtwtb~l.up ,f- ~ t-\fo.k w~ t-., 3'':t ~CJ•d~ b~ ~,v,H,,\.-

@ (p,b\e.

~ Tt is \w., mosl ~4 ~hsrui~uu-ibt\ ¥k,w. iVl lvicL'v\ w ~ ¼u--~

t~ ticec\ ~ ~ ~Vl.uf .

-; 5' fV\(lj n .s~ : 7"W.. Lf V'o..mM ( er~~m.Ar'l I .◊.>"iA.t-rl~~I VOJSk~(\.

Mc{ S\.-u.uLfo.) ll.v\Lt. tw._ G"tt-t j YD i,tf LAh--S~u.tdrllS or Uvi to \HMa bl~) .
-> 1w. tA.r.>\- 0/U_ , s tw.. mo~\- IA.Vld.La..tt ~ irt1f uv-e.. ~ Ll~ve.-
+-r~-hoVL~ . S ~ M ~wupu.s, S'C4\.van~.e.rt / te__~ w6)'):.V(~ <2-k .
Subrat Kumar Sahu, Rank 26, OCS 2020

@) Cla1'1>
.-, Sot..,' ol.o t 1h cAt ~W\L CJ.M> eA 0./) brotJLJ ? Uf s of pe,orl(. ~!ti o Th~
Comm cm eClmCYY\\ C. ~ ~CQS.
l\.v\ d i.\- s NM a~ U'\.f'lwzN'l W> f-h.µ r
tJ. '¥V) {; ~ ta,...,-e,l o\- ~tlu.c..ocb~ 1 I,,, o.g,vtj I e:,we'"' 1 Lt..t'J l,lYe ().fAi V\-h~ e-«. .
, i\ .Soc., t~ .

...-,, I.\ IS p·rwiop~ ~~ If) •,~cht,,t)1~ Sol.\~~ ot tJII\J-kA s ; ~ ,1

°'yq__C\.t ~ Y ) €ke. ,

~ Urpu- eta ~J ~ 1/vPa..t~ crnplo\1~ 1 t:~tltM+-rioJrih

(-t¼oJ~ w~o C.011\.hO\ pn,du.~OVl of r u ~ )
__,, Nv.· M\Q. c.t~ '. Wl/l.l'k. c..ollo.r wO"Ykv.s / ~-«,.SS--OV\~
\,\)IN'\(; I'\~ t\.tvv) '. ~luq, C.0\lc)..y- WO~U\ ;- MtlV\U-o..l O(Cuf~~

Peo.>..lU\J1 ~ &.3~eA , ~ D.j"""~ pvo ol"'-c..\)bvl .

➔ T1,u. ll.lM') poi,-h"v'l ts: ttt-LLJ,.,,t ivt StnW._ p~-it o-cw~ 1 i+ ~ot-
~i""Plj trO'ven'1 ~ b1r:l'¼.

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