F Construction Material

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Kandahar University

Engineering Faculty
Civil Department

Construction Materials and Method



Prepared for Athiqullah Hayat

1402 /7/18
Table of contents

➢ Introduction
➢ Objectives Of Planning
➢ Stages Of Planning
➢ Scheduling Procedures
➢ Scheduling Technique Use
➢ Site Clearance
➢ Job Layout
➢ Temporary Sheds

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➢ Planning is the process of devising of a scheme for doing, making or arranging a project or
programme before the commencement of a work.

➢ construction planning is a process requiring the use of intellectual faculties, imagination,

foresight and sound judgement to decide in advance as to what is to be done, how and where it
is to be done, who will do it and how the results are to be evaluated.

➢ In any project the sequence through which the project is to develop should be decided. The
requirement is met in a systematic manner by scheduling or programming. Scheduling considers
the main construction activity and also supporting elements such as labor, material, equipment
and expenditure. All the activities consume resources of three kinds, viz., time, labor and

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➢ The main objective of any planning, particularly construction planning, is to execute the project
most economically both in terms of money and time. Elective planning includes the following

1. Design of each element of the project.

2. Selection of equipment and machinery depending on the magnitude of the project.
3. Arrangement of repair of equipment and machinery near the site of project to keep them ready to
work at all times.
4. Procurement of material well in advance.
5. Employment of trained and experienced staff on the project.
6.Arrangement of welfare schemes for the staff members and workers such as medical and
recreational facilities.
7. Arranging constant flow of funds for the completion of the project.
8. Providing safety measures such as ventilation, arrangement of light, water and first aid.
9. Arrangements or means of communication and feedback, etc.

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➢ During the planning of a construction project, the entire project is phased out identifying
the sequence of construction. Secondly each phase is divided for operation into a number
of jobs or units of construction. Different stages of planning are as follows:

1. Job planning
2. Technical planning
3. Contract planning

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➢ Job Planning
Each job or unit of construction has to be further planned with respect to the following:

➢ Manner of Execution of the Job

The jobs may be executed departmentally or through contractor. In case the work is done through
the contractor, type of contract is to be finalized.

2. Duration of the Job

The factors which contribute for the duration of job or the proposed period of its completion are:

(i) Urgency of the work

(ii) Availability of resources
(iii) Position of the construction with reference to network

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3. Planning of Resources
Resources of a construction project comprises of the following:

(i) Plant, equipment and machinery

(ii) Construction stores
(iii) Both technical and non-technical staff and skilled and unskilled Laboure
(iv) Construction Material

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➢ Technical Planning
Technical planning is done by engineer or concerned authority for economical execution of the
construction project. It starts after the administrative approval of the work is obtained for technical
sanction. Technical planning is carried out in order to satisfy the following objects:

(i) Finalization of design, provide detailed drawing and specification to be adopted.

(ii) Preparation of a detailed estimate and modification of estimate if necessary.
(iii) Deciding the executive authority, like departmentally or though contract.
(iv) Planning resources and initiating procurement action.
(v) Foresee the obstacles in the completion of the project and take necessary steps for fruitful completion

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Contract Planning
Contract planning is divided into the following two categories:

1. Pre-tender planning
2. Post-tender planning

1. Pre-tender Planning
Planning required for the time of inviting of tenders up to the receipt of the same is termed as pre-tender
planning. It consists of the following works:

(i) Finalization and Acquisition of Site

(ii) Planning of Resources
(iii) Planning Time Limit

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2. Post-tender Planning
In post-tender planning the following aspects are considered irrespective of the work done by contractor or

(a) setting camp site once,

(b) welfare of staff/Laboure amenities,
(c) materials required,
(d) Laboure required,
(e) equipment,
(f) safety measures to avoid accidents and theft,
(g) follow-up of drawing/specifications and
(h) billing, to record progress, to calculate materials, Laboure, etc.

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Advantages and Limitations of Planning

Following are the advantages and limitations of planning:
1. Advantages

(i) Decision of network or bar chart makes the contractor to know more about the job.
(ii) With proper planning, the financial burden will be lessened for the contractor.
(iii) By proper programming, weekly supply of Laboure can be attended.
(iv)Programming provides a standard against which actual work can be measured.

2. Limitations

(i) Electiveness depends on correct assumptions.

(ii) Planning is expensive.
(iii) Planning delays action
(iv) Planning encourages of false sense of activity
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• Construction Schedule

• Laboure Schedule

• Material Schedule

• Equipment Schedule

• Expenditure Schedule

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➢ In any project the sequence through which the project is to develop should be decided. The requirement
is met in a systematic manner by scheduling techniques. The project scheduling techniques are concerned
with the resource time. One of the objectives of project management is to optimize the use of resources.
Scheduling techniques offer solutions to optimization of project time.

➢ Technical scheduling can be done by different methods depending on the size of the project.
The methods used are as follows:

1. Bar charts
2. Milestone charts
3. Network analysis

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➢ Clearing of vegetation and trees is usually necessary before undertaking any construction operation. It is
very difficult to handle equipment and materials in the presence of trees, bushes, grass and weeds.

➢ Type of vegetation, condition of soil and topography, quantity of clearance needed, and the purpose for
which cleaning is done are the factors to be considered in planning the sequence of operation.
The factors are:

(i) Removing trees and stumps and roots

(ii) Removing surface vegetation
(iii) Disposing of the vegetation by stacking and ultimately burning.
(iv) Knocking out all vegetation stumps and roots, chopping or crushing them and later burning.
(v) Killing or retarding the growth of bush by cutting the roots below the surface of the ground.

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➢ Bar Charts

➢ 1. Principle of Bar Chart

In dealing with complex projects, a pictorial representation showing the various jobs to be done and the time and
money they involve is generally helpful. One such pictorial chart, also known as the bar chart, was developed by
Henry Gantt around 1900. Bar chart is also referred to as Gantt chart.

➢ A bar chart consists of two coordinate axes, viz., one representing the time elapsed and the other representing
the job or activities to be performed. The jobs are represented in the form of bars as shown in Fig. 31.1

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Activity - B

-------------------------------------------------------- 30
The jobs are represented in the form of bars as shown in Fig.

Activity - D


Activity - C

Activity - E
Activity - A



➢ Bar Charts


➢ Overall economy of a project can be achieved by a thorough coordination in planning of services and the
construction plant. Such coordinated work will frequently lead to modification in plant facilities and in
layout of services.
Thus layout of a construction project camp is governed by the following factors:

(i) Type of project.

(ii) Location where it is situated.
(iii) Method of execution of the project.
(iv) Resource availability.
(v) Availability of water supply and electrical power.
(vi) Waste and sewage disposal works.
(vii) Availability of medical facilities.
(viii) Availability of welfare facilities such as postal service, market, canteen, etc.
(ix) Religious facilities.
(x) Newspaper and magazines TV and other recreation facilities.

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➢ As explained in job layout different facilities have to be provided. Since the project has to be completed in
a short period facilities can not be made permanently. Thus only temporary sheds made out of sheets are
provided with adequate safety.

➢ Facilities like drinking water, sleeping areas, dwelling areas, 0ffice, store and all are to be provided in
temporary sheds. However, depending on the period of construction the sheds are made big or small with
additional strength and durability.

➢ The sheds should withstand all weather conditions and unexpected storm on heavy rain. No water
logging should be allowed.

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Thank you !

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