Commento: Differences

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1. What is aGlobe?

2. the movements of the Earth ?

What are
movement of the Earth causes day and niabt 2
33. Which
the Earth rotates?
4. What happens when
the Earth Rotation and Revolution.
5. Define
Earth ?
6. What is the true shape of the
Latitude is known as the Tropic of Cancer?
7. Which 'Equinox' and co
paragraph under the title
Read the
Create a table and list out the similarities and comment
dif erences o
and Longitudes. America.What is the reason
IfIndiahas day, it is night in
latitudes and longitudes on thenfor th
11 Take aball and draw the the surtoce
a note on the difference between Globe and an Atlas.
12. Prepare
13. Find out latest leap year and coming leap
14. What preparations should be taken to watch Solar Eclipse et.
and dia's,
15. It is difficult to understand geographical location time and
absence of the imaginary lines- Latitudes and Longitudes Ae
design of the imaginary lines of Latitudes and Longitudes.
16. Venu met some children from different cities in a youth festiva
Geethika, John, Nihal and Uma. Venu collected some informaticrt
cities.Venuhas given us certain clues. Can you find out the cities w
of an Atlas?
Geethika : Agirl from a city with 19° Northern Latitude and
Longitude co-ordinates.
The city name:
John Latitudeand
:A boy from a city with 12° Northern
Longitude co-ordinates.
The city name:
: Aboy from a a city with 28° Northern
Longitude co-ordinates.
The city name : Latitudeant
Uma : A girl from a city with 22° Northern
Longitude co-ordinates.
The city name:

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