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Generalized Crafting

A 5E Module detailing the collection of resources and the

creation of objects

Introduction: This is a module designed to be slotted into existing

settings and games, describing how adventurers acquire materials,
Construct items, and improve their skills in these processes. This
module (for balance) also includes rules for the breakdown and
destruction of equipment in combat.
Crafting in a game is enjoyable for a couple of reasons. It has the
same pleasant progression of getting better as leveling up. It also
makes equipment feel more special and real, since players understand
more precisely what went into creating it. Lastly, many stories that
we tell revolve around adventurer smiths and craftspeople; this
module will hopefully increase your ability to tell those kinds of
I carry no belief that this module will be useful for all groups.
Short campaigns and one-shots don’t have the longevity for crafting
skills to develop. Some groups enjoy keeping rules super light, and
this module is another 10 some pages of rules to consider. However,
I hope some groups will benefit from this rule set, at least as a
source of inspiration. Feel free to use as little or as much as you

by Noah Zev Feldman

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . Generalized Crafting 1
Table of Contents
Goals and Limitations 2
Character Creation 2-4
Crafting Items 4-6
Acquiring Components 6-9
Wear and Tear 9-11
Appendix A – Crafting Samples 12-17

Goals and Limitations

Character Creation
We play 5e because its rules stay out of
the way of the game. Whole sessions pass
without having to halt gameplay to check
“I know you have your mother’s sword and
the rules on grappling, without breaking
your fathers wand, Alei, but you never
character to talk about what the
know what you’ll need out there. You
Disengage action does. One of the
can’t carry every blade and hook, but
failures of 5e is that it has
keep my tongs and hammer. With a little
essentially no crafting system, and the
fire and iron, you can have whatever you
goal of this module is to fix that
Cala Briehorn, smith
This document contains rules for
crafting items, obtaining materials, and
the wear and breakdown of equipment. It Initial. Whatever you have spent your early life doing,
also includes rules for a few other when you begin your adventures, you probably have
downtime tasks, as not all players are some professional skill. You gain a Craft or Benefit
interested in building physical objects, offered in this section. Note that Proficiency with the
and they shouldn’t be disadvantaged by Herbalism kit, Poisoner’s kit and Artisan’s tools are
the inclusion of this module. subsumed into various abilities, and give no actual
Before going any farther, I should benefits when this module is used.
note a major limitations of this module:
the campaign cannot contain large chunks
of downtime. Crafting generates a lot of DM’s who want to deemphasize crafting, but wish to use this
value over time, so if a character gets modules rules for weapon wear may say that players do not
a month or two of free time to craft, begin with an ability, and must take them using the feat.
they would surpass equally leveled
allies. This can be dealt with by Additional Feat. This module comes with a single
suspending disbelief and only allowing a additional Feat, Professional, which you may take to
few craft checks over long periods, or gain access to additional Abilities from this section.
by simply keeping the pressure on, and You may take it multiple times, selecting a different
not allowing long free periods. craft or benefit each time.
Hopefully, this document will be clear
and unambiguous. The better it is, the Professional: You gain a Craft or
less you will need to look at it, as the Benefits offered in this section.
behavior of its systems will be obvious Increase its associated ability by 1, to
and intuitive. It should fit naturally a maximum of 20. Benefits have two
into the rules of 5e. possible abilities, only one is
increased (obviously).

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Crafts smith cares to fold metal into strong
structures and to shape it to fit the
Each Craft grants the ability to work appropriate dimensions. The heft of arm
with a particular process to complete required to reshape metal means that
projects. Having a particular craft lets Strength is the associated ability.
a character add their proficiency bonus

to rolls in that craft and, more
importantly, to increase that craft’s
craft level. The ability associated with
each craft is the ability used most Sewing hats, assembling packs, tanning
often when creating items in that craft. hide. The tailor carefully connects
Appendix A includes sample components fabrics to maintain their strength. The
and projects and recipes for each craft. patience required, the constant cuts and
Some crafts will include each other’s pricks of scissors and needles, and the
projects and materials. That is fine, as foul smell of the tanning rack make
some tasks can be completed by either constitution the associated ability.

Alchemy Tinkering
Mixing chemicals, distilling blood, Aligning gears, blowing glass, twisting
infusing powders. The alchemist knows springs. The tinkerer prepares intricate
how to mix thousands of different mechanisms that leverage the strengths
components to create seemingly infinite and abilities of the user. These
effects. Alchemy requires ingenuity and mechanisms are often quite fragile, so
memory, so its associated ability is Dexterity is the associated ability.
Additional Crafts

If you want to build a character with a craft ability that does not
fit neatly into one of these six categories, you can create your
own. Work with your DM to name the craft, to pick its associated
Sharpening arrows, carving bows, ability, and to create lists of example projects and materials.
cleaning long poles for spears. The

fletcher carefully combines the fibers
of plants and the tendons of animals to
make balanced, aerodynamic missiles and
weapons. Given the care and precision These benefits serve to fill the place
required to create this balance, Wisdom of crafts for adventurers not interested
is the associated ability. in the somewhat complicated rules of
physical construction. Each has a pair
of associated abilities, as the methods
Inscribing/Painting by which they are enacted are more

Scribing a scroll, sketching a mural,
engraving a ring. The calligrapher’s
careful brushstrokes direct mystical
Carrying tools and getting out of the
energies and the beholders eye. The
way is a skill all of its own. You count
subtle artistry and magic of this skill
as having All crafts for the purpose of
requires Charisma, the associated
determining whether you can assist a
craft check. The associated abilities
are Intelligence and Dexterity.
Smithing Careful
Hammering out platemail, sharpening
Unlike the barbarians beside you, you
swords, forging strange alloys. The
know how to swing a blade, fire a bow,

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and draw from a focus without breaking “First, take and mix the oil of growth
your tool. When a weapon, arcane focus, and the amber filings, and then pour
or holy symbol you are wielding would them over the disinfected dirt. No
degrade due to the stresses of fighting Thomas, not th….”
or the efforts of an enemy, it instead Melshev, alchemist, last words
does not. You cannot use this ability
again until you take a short or long
rest. The associated abilities are Here we will describe the actual act of crafting items.
Dexterity and Strength. To keep things general and predictable, all the crafts
have the same set of steps to create different
Instructor projects, the general term for crafted things. Different
Components, whether they be materials, time, or
Mentorship comes naturally to you, and tools, differentiate the actual result of the project.
you bring knowledge to your pupils with Any project will require three things – skill in the
ease. craft, components of the recipe, and effort.
By spending an hour instructing a
person, you can give them some comfort Skill
within a particular skill. They become Any project will require a certain amount of skill to
temporarily proficient in a skill you even attempt. This is called the project’s teir. For
are proficient in, and retain that instance, a throwing knife is a tier 0 smithing project,
proficiency as long as you are around to and a potion of flight is a tier 5 alchemy project.
give them advice (usually it takes 24 Characters will find it difficult if not impossible to
hours of separation to cause the complete projects whose tier exceeds their craft level.
proficiency to decay). You may maintain Every character can attempt basic projects in each
up to three different skill craft. They are considered to have a craft level of -1 in
proficiencies this way, over up to three each. Upon gaining the craft, their craft level
companions. increases to 0. To rise further, you must practice with
You can also spend long periods of both a variety of materials and a variety of project
time, several weeks of on and off types within that craft. Rising to level 1 requires that
training, to initiate novices into your you:
class (though they progress as their own
 Have made reasonable attempts to craft 3
experience would allow). The associated
different projects of tier 0 or greater.
abilities are Wisdom and Charisma.
 Have made reasonable attempts to use 3
Schmoozer different materials of tier 0 or greater.
A reasonable attempt at a project is one with some
Talking and laughing with friends and chance of success. The same requirement goes for
rivals comes easy to you. You may spend higher craft levels, with the number of projects and
time slowly increasing your relationship materials rising to 4 when trying to reach level 3 and
with non-player characters that are not rising to 5 when trying to reach level 6. The following
already hostile. Doing so requires no chart can be used to keep track of your
investment of other resources. This can accomplishments.
bring relations up to “friendly”; beyond
that, you will have to complete favors Tier Materials of this tier used Projects of this tier
or provide support as usual. This attempted
requires patience and emotional strength, -1
so its associated abilities are Charisma 0
and Constitution. 1

Crafting Items
7 N/A

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Components in which the material is left to steep and increase it’s
Every project will 3 unique components of the same energy. Time as a component comes in two types,
tier as the project. Projects of tier 2 and above require active and passive. Active time requires that you be
an additional tier 0 component. Projects of tier 5 and consciously working on the project and not doing
above require an additional tier 3 component. There anything else more complicated than holding a
can only ever be one Time and one Tool component conversation. Passive time simply requires that the
in a given recipe. project remain undisturbed for the duration and
Appendix A includes sample components and “wrapped up” at the end.
projects and recipes for each craft. Preparatory Time. All projects require about 10
minutes to bring the appropriate materials together
Materials and recall the process to create them. This time spent
is not a component.
The most common element of a project is the physical Dangerous time. If the work on a project is
items that go into it: a sapling to make a bow, a dangerous and fragile, active time spent on the
sapphire for a ring, Minotaur hide for a scroll, etc. project is half of the normal amount for that tier. The
Each material has a tier which roughly corresponds to craftswoman must make the save at the end of each
their rarity. Tier -1 materials can be found abundantly active period of work.
in mundane forests or village general stores. Tier 1 Combined time. Time can be combined between the
materials can likely be purchased from specialists in a two types, with the work being done on and off. There
city. At tier 3, you might be able to find a merchant can never be more than one time component in a
willing to part with the substance, but only for a favor single project.
or a hefty fee. Tier 5 materials are only to be found in Tier. Larger amounts of time count as higher tiers,
adventure or the pockets of adventurers. and passive periods are longer than active periods for
Projects as materials. Often a material component the same tier. Active periods may be broken up into
for one project will simply be a different project. any number of shorter segments (Parentheticals show
Projects count as materials one tier above themselves. the amount of time to complete the task at a
Thus, a potion of expeditious retreat, a tier 2 item, comfortable pace).
might serve as a component for the tier 3 potion of Tier Active Time Passive time
blur. Projects whose only purpose is as a material go
up by two tiers. Thus, a sheet of iron rings, a tier 0 -1 30 minutes (a short 3 hours
project, could serve as a component to the tier 2 Rest)
Chain Shirt, and distilled blood(White-Dragon), a tier 4
0 1 hour 6 hours
alchemy project, could serve as a component for a
inscriptionist’s tier 6 scroll of Wall of Ice. 1 3 hours (an 1 day
Multitudinous. Materials are the only component Afternoon)
type that can be used multiple times in the same
project. 2 6 hours ( a long 2 days
Legendary Materials. Rarely, divine forces or the rest)
work of powerful individuals will create materials that 3 12 hours (1 day) 4 days
go beyond and allow for incredibly powerful objects.
The Headstone of a fallen hero, awash with the ichor 4 24 hours (2 days) 1 week
of a demon king. The heart of a vortex which has
5 48 hours (5 days) 2 weeks
absorbed the magic of a powerful location. A divinely
granted Relic, presented straight from the gods. 6 96 hours (10 days) 1 month
These materials are considered Tier 7 components
with an important caveat. Each one used in a given 7 144 hours(2 weeks) 2 months
project increases the tier of that project’s output by 1.
Thus, a Tier 7 project which uses 2 of these materials
would create an object that would be considered a tier Tools
9 project otherwise. Every carver relies on his knife, and every tinkerer
needs her eyeglasses. Tools are advanced items in
their own right, meticulously created and finely
Time balanced, used in the crafting process. Tools are
Most projects require time to complete, whether your useful because using them as a component does not
own time hammering away at the material or periods

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consume them. Only one set of tools may be used in maintain concentration on a spell while leading a craft
any given task. project, so you cannot aid yourself in this way.
Tools as projects. Tools can be constructed as a
project. The tier of the tools as a component is 2 less Outcome. Any successful roll will simply create the
than their tier as a project, or 1 less if the tool is planned object. A critical success will cause the result
specific to a single project. Thus, a large set of iron to be significantly better (such as by causing a sword
hammers, tongs, and shaping tools might be a tier 4 to be considered masterwork, or by doubling the
smithing project that serves as a reusable tier 2 duration of a potion). Failing the roll by 5 or less will
smithing component. either refund all the materials used or create some
usable project two tiers below the original plan: a
failed potion of Resist Acid (Tier 4) might be a
Effort medium poison (Tier 2), a failed Halberd(Tier 2) might
Finally, when you have your plan and your have a salvageable Fine Wooden Pole(Tier 0 project,
components, all you need to do is start the process Tier 2 Material). Failing the roll by more than 5 means
and see how the dice fall. At a time deemed that you ruined all of the materials, broke a tool, or
appropriate by the DM (generally,, make a single spent far longer than you thought achieving nothing.
ability check with a base DC of 15. Generally You may also have injured yourself in the process.
speaking, the player should make the check after
putting the last component into the project, not Quantity. All recipes describe the unit size of the
including passive time. product. Doubling or tripling the project is not possible,
The ability is the associated ability for the craft being but running multiple projects with passive time
used, and you are proficient (and add your proficiency components simultaneously is (make a separate
modifier) if you have that craft. If you have plenty of check for each).
each component - no time crunch, extra materials,
good tools - you gain advantage on the check. If you Item DC. If items have an associated DC, the DC is
have to cut back on the recipe, such as by hurrying usually about 8 + the craftswomans proficiency
the time, scrounging for materials, or using insufficient modifier + the items tier.
tools, you have disadvantage. If it is a mix (such as
extra time and insufficient tools) roll normally.

Resource Acquisition
Modifiers. The DC is not effected intrinsically by the
tier of the project, but attempting project above one’s
craft level greatly increases the difficulty. Going one
tier up increases the DC by 3, and increasing another
tier increases DC by another 3. You may not try to
stretch your abilities further. “Mal, you’re on stalks. Frostbeard, grab
Advanced materials are often very difficult to work the teeth. Lorilla, get the ectoplasm we
with. If any of your materials (not tools or time) have a need for the scroll of plane shift. Move
higher tier than your craft level, increase the DC by 1 it people, we only have a few minutes
per tier of difference. before the Mind-flayers get here.”
Alei, Beholder hunter
Assistance. Seldom does a craftswoman work alone.
Whenever a project has an Active time component,
Problematically, the world is full of dangerous
you may benefit from up to one assistant. They must
creatures, who see a hero as a nice bundle of tasty
spend the entire active period assisting you, and they
bits. Luckily for the craftswoman, the world is full of
must have the appropriate craft (though it can be a
dangerous creatures, walking bundles of tasty bits!
craft level 0) or the Assistant Benefit. You gain
There are three usual ways to collect materials and
advantage on the roll.
tools for crafting: Purchasing, Gathering, and Hunting.
Your craft roll can also be magically assisted. You can
This does not include looting or stealing goods from
benefit from effects such as guidance or Enhance
their rightful owners, or gifts which may be given to
Ability, but only if the spellcaster stays with you and
the players. These processes occur at the DM’s
maintains concentration on the spell throughout the
initiative and are too simple to deserve an entire
active phase of the project. The spell caster cannot
simultaneously help in the mundane way. You cannot

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Purchasing some equipment or funding up front. You must also
By far the most common source of materials for write up some contract, stating what they will go
mundane craftswomen, purchasing simply means acquire for you, and how much you will pay for it.
buying the necessary goods from merchants or Generally, you will state some material, and will pay
adventurers. As an adventurer, buying pieces of the the full value of the material, purchasing every unit
creatures you normally fight will seem below you, but that they were able to collect. Failing to pay in full, or
often it is the fastest way to get necessary ingredients. giving bad information to powerful, dangerous people,
Since they do not grow naturally, tools almost will certainly have consequences.
always can only be purchased, if they are not
produced personally. The Value of materials per unit roughly follows this
chart. Note that cases where you can purchase
Storefront. Most general stores won’t stock bottles of materials above tier 5 become expeptionally rare:
treant sap or a shelf of dragon’s teeth, but it’s not that Tier -1 3 gp Tier 2 75 gp Tier 5 600 gp
hard to find raw iron or a stack of parchment. In Tier 0 10 gp Tier 3 175 gp Tier 6 1000 gp
general, a town of 100 people or less will have some
merchant that sells a given component of tier -1. A Tier 1 25 gp Tier 4 300 gp Tier 7 1500 gp
town of 1,000 will have available components of tier 0,
and a city of 10,000 will have components of tier 1.
This pattern continues, but obviously very few
settlements are large enough to stock high tier items. Gathering
The availability of individual components might vary The cheapest and easiest way to acquire resources,
by one tier up or down dependent on the there are nonetheless some challenges to harvesting
specialization of the city. Thus, Myrrh, a tier 1 materials in the wild. Materials occasionally occur
alchemy component, could probably be found in a naturally in the wilderness. Strands of adamant cut
religious settlement of 970 monks. Similarly, finding through the earth. Groves of magical bamboo stand
rods of ancient pine wood (tier 2) is going to be guard over ancient lakes. Small fire beetles can be
difficult in an underground dwarven city unless that gathered and crushed for their juices.
city has an enormous 1,000,000 residents. The DM may introduce materials that you may
When purchasing at store front, you will generally collect whenever you are in wilderness. However
pay about 1.4 times the value of the component there are few challenges that you might face to secure
Traveling merchants. If one is willing to wait, most
towns receive occasional visits from traveling Challenge. Some materials are simply difficult to
caravans and traders. These caravans offer variety collect. When you attempt to collect them, you may be
usually unavailable in the towns. If one is able to asked to make one or a series of skill checks.
avoid the con artists that follow these groups, they Common checks include:
offer a couple benefits. Skill Task
These caravans will increase the range of available
Strength Mining, digging, chopping
goods by 1 tier. They also sell goods at about 1.25
times their value, the benefit of cutting out a middle Intelligence(Investigat Searching, combing through
man. ion)

Contracting Hunters and Gatherers. The ultimate Constitution(Saving Dealing with a foul
source of most high tier materials is, of course, Throw) atmosphere, high
adventurers. At taverns in small towns, or in meeting temperature
halls in some great cities, or at the very keeps of Intelligence(Arcana or Selecting the magically
these mighty warriors, you may find someone willing Nature) powerful indiviuals among
and able to hunt the creatures you require and go to physically similar mundane
the places you cannot. These hunters and gatherers objects
are available only by the DM’s discretion.
When hiring these characters, you will need to Charisma(Persuasion Convincing local spirits to
provide at least a rough description of where they or Intimidation or allow you to take resources
need to go and what they are looking for. Depending Deception)
on the conversation, you may also have to provide Dexterity(Acrobatics) Climbing trees or rock walls

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or Strength(Athletics) to collect fruits or hanging don’t leave corpses when killed, so they offer no
resources. resources. Fiends destroyed away from their home
plane dissolve into ichor when destroyed, and thus
Wisdom(Perception) Finding small/camoflauged cannot be harvested on the material plane. Harvesting
objects humanoid organs is rarely accepted among civilized
Failing this check, or rolling poorly, can result in people, so few recipes exist which demand them. The
obtaining less of the material, spoiling the batch, most commonly hunted creatures are Dragons,
taking some damage, falling into a dangerous area, or Beasts, Monsters, Abberations, Oozes, and Plants.
triggering a combat, among many other potential
consequences. Time and Assistance
It takes about 30 minutes of work to harvest a carcass
Guardians. Wherever a collection of high quality for each unit of material harvested. Having another
material appears in the world, someone will usually harvester halves that time, but beyond that you get in
find it valuable and wish to protect it. A wild Xorn may each other’s way more than anything. This roll can be
defend its iron, a pack of goblins may lay claim over assisted in all the ways described in the Players
the bamboo, elves of the sands may see the fire handbook.
beetles as emissaries of a sun-god. These creatures
will not take thieves kindly. Challenges
Depending on the material you want to collect, you
Processing. Iron needs to be smelted, gems must be may have to make a skill check to collect it. Some
cut, saps must be distilled, and stone blocks must be materials, such as the stalks of a beholder or the eyes
fit into the wagon. Processing for travel and to keep of a xorn, are so simple to remove that they require no
the material fresh often must be done on the spot roll.
where the material is collected. A certain apparatus The DC of harvest checks is roughly 10 + half of the
may also be necessary. An apparatus capable of creatures CR. There is significant variation around
refining a material will cost about as much as one unit this standard,
of the material- a pickaxe for mining copper will cost 3
gp, but the complex loom required to condense and Organs. Large or small, organs are usually wrapped
store Heavenstrand silk would cost 1000 gp to around each other and covered in blood-vessels. A
manufacture. hunter must be know just what to cut and what to
More importantly, setting up and processing a leave alone to remove important organs without
material may take some time, time in which the party damaging them, Use Intelligence(Medicine) for beasts,
will be busy and potentially vulnerable. dragons, and humanoids. Use Intelligence(Arcana) for
stranger creatures.
Certainly the most dangerous method of acquisition, Teeth-Claws-Hooves-Horns. These small and
hunting also falls most directly in line with the relatively fragile objects are often hard to find, and in
adventurers’ day to day life. We won’t go into details death they are delicate enough to shatter if removed
about where to find monsters, how to kill them, or inappropriately. If the death was particularly gruesome
what the repercussions thereof would be. That and bloody, use Intelligence(Investigation), Otherwise
information can be found in the Monster Manual, use Wisdom(Perception).
Players Handbook, and DM’s Guide, respectively. Skin-Scales. You should have no trouble finding the
Instead, we will explain roughly the challenges of outer edge of the beast you’ve slain; the challenge
harvesting from a carcass, and what you might expect here is pulling away the right amount. When the skin
to gain. is fragile, use Dexterity(Medicine). If the skin is
Many creatures do not leave usable remnants. particularly tough, use Strength(Medicine).
Elementals and some golems are made of simple
common elements, and thus leave nothing useful. Blood-Fluids. Though fluids flow easily from the
Other creatures are incorporeal (ghosts) or turn into corpse, they often also flow easily from the containers
mist before being destroyed (vampires); they only that you put them in. If the carcass is huge and
leave thin films of ectoplasm, useful, but only if one is unwieldy, or precariously placed, use
very careful. Corpse-formed undead usually turn to Dexterity(Acrobatics). If it is caustic or poisonous, use
dust when destroyed. Creatures created by spells Constition(Saving Throw).
such as Find Familiar or Conjure Woodland Beings

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Note that there is a difference between Blood and and quivers. You may decide as a group that you do
Lifeblood; the former can be collected without killing not want these rules.
the creature. The latter cannot. The DM may choose to apply neither the natural 1
nor the natural 20 wear and tear rule to non-player
creatures to reduce the book-keeping load.
Some objects (read: plot mcguffins) are
The Rewards of a hunt are often commensurate with
indestructible. When they would degrade, they instead
its difficulty. Most creatures will produce 2-3 various
do not. Indestructible equipment should be very rare.
materials, most of which will be useless to any given
Degradations presented below are the same as the
craftswoman. The material they produce will be of a
effects created by Black Puddings and Rust Monsters.
tier equal to between 1/3 and 2/3 of their CR.
Creatures which produce a smaller variety will NPC Equipment
produce higher tier materials. It is suggested that the DM use the alternative damage rules,
A creature creates an amount of material based on presented at the end of this chapter, for NPC equipment. The DM
its size. Small and medium creatures will produce 1 can assume that well rested characters with access to a town will
unit of each. Large 1-2, Huge 2-4, Gargantuan 4-7, have no wear on their equipment, and that those in the
Titanic 7-15. wilderness or at the end of a battle will have one unit of wear.
Examples: Most battle-hardened characters will have a backup weapon,
Doppleganger (CR 3): but perhaps one that is less useful than their main implement.
 1 Parchment(Doppelganger), Tier 2
Critical Failures
 1 Brain(Doppelganger), Tier 2 (Alchemy) A great failure in combat will often damage your
 1 Bone(Doppelganger), Tier 1 (Fletching) equipment. Note that if you are under these effects,
you should probably not play with other
Young Golden Dragon (CR 10): consequences for critical failures (apart from
 2 (Dragonscale, lesser), Tier 3 (Smithing) automatic failure, which you should retain).
 1 Breath Gland(Fire), Tier 3 A roll is considered a critical failure if the d20 roll is
(Alchemy/Tinkering) a 1, a roll with advantage that gives a 2 and a 1 does
 2 Teeth(Dragon), Tier 4 (Fletching) not constitute a critical failure, but the same roll with
 2 Wings(Leather), Tier 2 (Tailoring) disadvantage does. Certain conditions might change
what is considered a critical failure. For instance, the
Lich (CR 21): bad luck of a cursed king’s cave may cause results of
 1 Bone(Lich), Tier 7 (Alchemy) 1, 2, and 3 to count as critical failures.
Weapon decay. Whenever you roll a critical failure on

Wear and Tear

a weapon attack roll, your weapon degrades.
Cracked bones. Whenever you roll a critical failure
on an unarmed attack (including attacking with
hooves, claws, or noodly appendages), you must
make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
With a horrid crackling shriek, Alei’s you take one level of exhaustion. Starting at level 5,
longsword ran across the stones, was Monks can spend 1 ki point to avoid making the save
caught in a crack, and split apart in (they must spend the ki before they roll the save).
his hands. He muttered “by the gods,” as Arcane decay. Whenever you roll a critical failure on
his vision slowly rose to meet the a magic attack roll out of an arcane focus or a
enormous eye above him. “The god’s can’t concentration check on a spell cast out of a focus,
help you now” it replied. that focus degrades.
Holy decay. Holy symbols decay in the same way
In a real fight, weapons break. Soldiers don’t carry arcane focuses do. Acting against the nature of your
around piles of gear to make their lives harder, they deity may also cause the symbol to degrade. That
do it because one longsword might not last them the damage will not be possible to repair before the action
whole battle. In part to cause some turnover in the is atoned for.
weapons they use, and in part to make the delving Ammunition and Component pouches. The benefit
more realistic, here are rules for the breakage of of missiles, allowing you to strike at a distance, is also
equipment and the emptying of component pouches their drawback, as they often break on impact, and

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others find a way back to you. Component pouches  Iron – DC 17
are really just a collection of materials, so they act  Leather – DC 13
similarly. For ease, we assume that anyone with a  Steel – DC 20
ranged weapon has an effectively infinite amount of  Wood – DC 14
mundane missiles, and a component pouch has all of
the elements the caster could need; thus, there is no Degradation
need to track individual articles. When an object degrades, it takes a cumulative -1
However, sometimes an effect deals damage in an penalty. Weapons and ammunition have their attack
area, in which case it damages all of the relatively and damage rolls reduced by 1. The AC provided by
fragile missiles and components on your person (not armor is reduced by 1. If a focus or component pouch
including those buried deep in a bag, where they are is degraded, spell attacks out of the object have -1 to
also not accessible to use in the fight). Whenever you attack and damage rolls and the DC for their saves is
roll a critical failure on a save against an effect which reduced by 1. Penalties between ranged weapons
deals non-psychic damage in an area, all accessible and their ammunition stack.
ammunition and component pouches degrade. This When an items total penalty reaches -3, it breaks
does not include ammunition tracked individually, spectacularly. It might still be usable as an improvised
which is always too resilient to be damaged weapon. Otherwise it is usable as a material of tier
accidentally. equal to the original items tier, usually used to reforge
the item. This also applies to masterwork and magical
Critical Success weapons; for instance, a magical +2 Longbow will be
One can often press an advantageous attack to destroyed when it has a total of 5 -1 penalties.
damage the equipment of an opponent.
Directed damage. Whenever you roll a critical Alternative Damage
success on an attack roll against another creature – Some groups will find the cumulative -1 penalties annoying to
before rolling damage- you may forgo the normal calculate and remember. Instead, they can use a system where
extra lethality to corrupt your target’s equipment or weapons work perfectly until they suddenly break:
form. You may degrade a single piece of equipment Whenever an item would take a -1 penalty, instead give it one
they are using. If they are not wearing armor, you may wear counter.
instead force them to make the Cracked Bones When an item has a number of wear counter’s equal to 2 + its
constitution save. magical bonus (so a +1 sword takes 3 counters) it wears to the
If you choose to degrade equipment or force the edge of its life. It can be used one more time - one more attack,
save, you must forgo the doubling of your damage one more spell cast, one more blow taken – and then it breaks
dice that you would gain from the critical hit. Thus, spectacularly.
you still gain extra dice from effects like Brutal critical,
but damage from effects like Sneak Attack, Divine
Smite, and Hunter’s mark is not doubled. Repair
Range Extensions. You may Direct Damage One of the most common tasks a craftswoman is
whenever you roll a critical hit, not when an attack expected to perform is repairing a damaged piece of
becomes a critical hit. This means that a Champion equipment. The recipe of the repair project also
Fighter may direct damage on a roll of 19, but a requires one less component than normal. Thus,
Barbarian rolling an 18 against an incapacitated repairing a Tier 1 mace requires a bit of lead (melted
creature does would not be able to. down and poured into the cracks) and an hour of work.
Repairing a much more complicated Tier 6 Enchanted
Breaking out of combat Maul requires 2 days of focused work, a pound of
A natural assumption that comes out of these rules is adamant to reinforce the hilt, sap from a treeant to
that equipment can be broken outside of combat. wax the shaft, and a simple carving knife (a tier 0 tool).
Most creatures (those with appropriate grasping This repair removes all -1 penalties from the item.
implements) may spend an action to make a Strength Failure on the crafting check instead adds a -1
check against a piece of equipment they are holding penaltiy.
or wearing. If the check is successful, the piece of This only works for equipment that has not yet
equipment degrades. The DC is determined by the shattered. Equipment that has been destroyed and is
material the object is made from, plus a bonus if the no longer usable cannot be repaired. It can be
object is magical: reformed, however this means simply making a new
 Glass – DC 10 instance of the item. The broken remains act as a
material with the same tier as the original item.

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Mending. The mending spell cannot repair significant
damage done to equipment. However, if someone
casts mending throughout the repair process, that
would give the craftswoman advantage on the crafting
check (whether the mending spell was cast by the
craftswoman or someone else).

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Appendix A
7. Bottled Miracle, Potion of Dominate Dragon
Many of the projects alchemists create can be
thought of as bottled spells. With a little modification,
sample components, projects and recipes any spell that could target the caster can be made into a

potion. Generally, the potion will have a tier equal to the
spells Circle, unless the spell requires concentration, in
which case it is one tier higher. Thus, the Potion of
Haste is a tier four potion that, for 1 minute, gives the
Materials: drinker the benefits of the Haste Spell.
Rank Materials Note: Venoms must be injected into the blood
-1 Salt, Water(distilled), Vinegar, Powder(baking), stream, whereas poisons must be eaten. Both venoms
sap(common), Blood(Beast) and any oils with an aggressive bent are usually applied
0 Iron(filed), Sulfur, Ash(common), Blood(Human), to weapons, where poisons are put into food or drink.
Butter(Clarified) As a bonus action, one dose of a venom or oil can be
1 Myrrh, Sap(Ancient Oak), gland(darkmantle) applied to a blade to be used up to three times, or
Mushrooms(Uncommon), Acid(Ankheg), applied to three pieces of ammunition. Either way it
Fluid(mouther) dries off after 1 hour.
2 Dust(gemstone), Blood(Lesser Dragon),
Blood(Basilisk), Eye(Cyclops), Water(Liches Recipes:
Swamp) Pickled Organ. Tier -1, Pickle. A simple way to
3 Sap(Treant), LifeBlood(Humanoid), preserve an organic material (this will often disrupt the
Blood(Unicorn), Acid(Black Pudding), magic of materials above Tier 5). Stick it in a jar and
Heart(Duergar) suspend it in Vinegar.
4 Ash(iron-wood), Arrow(DragonClaw),
Wart(Fomorian)  Vinegar
5 Blood(Greater Dragon), Dust(Adamant)  Glass Jar, appropriate size
6 LifeSap(Treant), Apple(Titan’s grove)  Active Time: 1/2 hour of careful mixing and sealing
7 Blood(Ancient Dragon), Powder(Lich-bone), Flare-Oil. Tier 0, Oil. 10 Ounces of distilled Lantern
Brain(Beholder), Gills(Kraken) Oil, mixed with small amounts of explosive Powder
and packed in an insulated container. Creates a bright,
Note that this does not include the nearly infinite large, but essentially harmless 10 second fire.
varieties of natural occurring poisons which exist in
 Sulfur
the world, the blood of fiends and celestials, or the
 Lantern Oil
brains of psionic creature, which tend to scale with
 Time: 1 hour of careful mixing and packing
There are also many magical plants that may occur Vomiting Poison. Tier 0, Poison. 10 Ounces of rotting
in the world. The rarity of these materials and their flesh or Toxic chemicals, designed to cover the scent
power are highly setting dependent. slightly and to sicken whoever consumes it. Whoever
consumes at least an ounce of the poison (Which has
a Perception DC 16 to notice on food) must make
Projects: Constitution saving throw after 30 minutes. On a
-1. Pickling, Canning, Cleaning, Lubricating Oil failure, they will be sickened for the next hour. They
0. Vomiting Poison, Marking Stench, Bleach, Flare-oil. may repeat the saving throw to end the effect every
1. Stinging Venom, Goodwine(goodberry juice), 10 minutes.
Eyedrops of Magic Detection  Rat Feces OR Fish Guts
2. Basilisks Cure, Laughing Poison, Potion of Feather  Scented Wildflowers (Uncommon)
Fall, Weaker Acid, Alchemists Fire  Active Time: 1 hour of mixing and distilling
3. Slicing Venom, Potion of Enlarge, Potion of Reduce
4. Potion of Firebreathing, Murderous Poison, Potion of
Haste. Potionof Mind Protection Stinging venom. Tier 1, Poison. 1 Ounce of a distilled
5. Potion of Flight, Steel Gouger Acid, Potion of and preserved snake venom. Whenever it enters the
bloodstream, the target must make a Constitution
Dominate Orc, Blood-boil Venom
6. Stillheart Poison,

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saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d6 Poison stone and 1 foot of metal per round). The acid can be
Damage. washed away with another fluid. Whenever it comes
into contact with a meltable material, blood, or water,
 Venom Gland(Poisonous Snake) x3 it violently emits green noxious gas (Constitution save
 Poisonous Mushrooms(Uncommon) OR Rare Ivy or Sickened while in the cloud) in a 10 foot radius.
 Passive Time: 1 day of draining The cloud disperses with a light breeze or after 1
Basilisks cure. Tier 2, Antidote. 6 Ounces (2 doses
worth) of thin greyish red fluid. When poured over a  Blood(Black or Copper Dragon)
petrified creature, the petrification ends as if by a  Shards from broken equipment (Tier 5) OR Distilled
Greater Restoration spell. Gelatinous Ooze (Tier 3 Alchemy Project)
 Sulfur dust
 Blood(Basilisks)  Specialized Copper or Bronze Flask(Tier 1 Smithing
 Dust(emerald) worth at least 70 gp Project)
 Clarified Butter  Active Time (Dangerous): 24 hours of careful mixing,
 Active Time: 6 hours of testing and stirring DC 16 Constitution Save (5d6 acid) damage on a
Potion of Reduce. Tier 3, Potion. This small vile (1
Ounce) of thin black oil causes the drinker to dwindle Stillheart Poison. Tier 6, Poison. 5 ounces (2 doses)
in size for 1d4 hours. They are effected as by the of silver tinged clear liquid, smelling faintly of irises
Reduce spell for the duration(see pg, 237 of the PHB and the musk of deep earth. After consuming this
for description). This potion can be used as a poison, posion in food or drink, the consumer immediately
and has no smell. begins to feel a deeply unsettling dread. They must
make a series of saving throws. They make a different
 Wings(Pixie)
saving throw at the beginning of each turn for 6 turns
 Acid(Black Pudding) OR Lifeblood(Halfling or (one saving throw for each ability, listed below). Each
Gnome) save gives the target one level of exhaustion (and
 Iron(Powdered) other potential downsides) on a failure. A use of
 Passive Time: 4 days of slow heating Greater Restoration or a more powerful curing spell
can stop the series of saves or remove one of the
Potion of Firebrand. Tier 4, Potion. A pint size flask of levels of exhaustion.
very strong Brandy. This potion may drunk as an
action, and then allows the drinker to breath fire 1d4 Strength- The target feels a wave of lethargy, and
times over the next hour. They must immediately have disadvantage on Initiative rolls.
make a constitution saving throw, and on a failure Constitution- The target feels cold and bruised, and
they take 3d6 fire damage. loses any resistances they have to damage.
Then they may blow fire as an action on their turn. Dexterity- The target feels numb and senseless, and
Every creature in a 20 foot cone originating from the cannot operate fine implements (keys, cutlery, etc.)
user’s mouth must make a dexterity saving throw. On Intelligence-The target forgets their own name, and
a failure, they take 6d6 fire damage. On a success, the names of those around them.
they take half as much. Furthermore, flammable items Wisdom- The target feels cold white light encroach on
that in the area that are not being worn or carried are their vision. They cannot read, and their vision length
set on fire. is halved for all sight modes. This includes non-visual
sight, such as blindsight or Truevision
 Breath Gland(Red, Bronze, or Gold Young Dragon)
Charisma- The target feels themselves shrink in fear
 Ash (Ironwood) and becomes unable to speak.
 Blood(Human)
 Active Time (Dangerous): 12 hours of boiling, DC  Powdered Death knight bone
15 Dexterity Save (4d6 fire damage on a failure).  900 gp worth of diamonds
 A handful of Distilled Snowmelt
Steel Gouger Acid. Tier 5, Acid. 3 ounces of pleasant  Core(Galeb Duhr)
orange fluid swirling in a sealed Copper or Bronze  Passive Time: One month in cold storage
Flask. Quickly destroys equipment (one degradation
per round) and structural materials (1 inch of wood or

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Bottled Miracle. Tier 7, Potion. A Single drop of
golden liquid sealed in crystal. Drinking this potion as Smiths are responsible for metallic weapons, medium,
a bonus action restores all of the drinkers hit points and heavy armor. They are often asked to produce
and allows them to remove 7 ailments afflicting them Masterwork equipment. Masterwork items provide a +1
(including poisons, diseases, curses, levels of bonus (similar to a magic item) but are not magical. A
exhaustion, or any status effect). This potion does not Masterwork project is simply 2 tiers higher than the
work for creatures of alignment opposite that of the base project. Some materials, such as mithril, are so
creatures whose ichor created it. overtly magical that they create magical equipment
 Ichor taken from the wounds of a creature which is without needing to be enchanted. They provide a +1
known to at least 10,000 mortal creatures. bonus for every two tiers above the basic items tier.
 Kraken Gills
 A drop of holy water. Recipes:
 d7 ancient gold coins (worth 160 gp to a collector) Repair Sickle. Tier -1, Repair. Removes any
 Passive Time: Two months of tortuously slow drip degradation on a mundane Sickle.
 Hammer and Pliers (Tier 0 tool) or better
 Active Time: 1/2 hour of heating and hammering
Forge Brass. Tier 0, Alloy. Several Brass Ingots (tier
Materials: 2 Tinkering Material), which is a light, flexible
combination of copper and zinc.
Tier Materials
-1 Copper, Tin, gnoll teeth  Copper Ore
0 Iron, Gold, bone(common), Carapace(Ankheg)  Zinc Ore
1 Silver, Bronze  Heat Source(Bonfire) or better
2 Steel, Gemstones, iron rings, Bronze(Azer),  Active Time: 1 hour of melting and mixing
3 Dragonscale(young), Hide(Bulette), Scale (Couatl) Silver Weapon. Tier 1, Upgrade. Adds a foil of silver
4 Iron-wood, Billet Hide, Mountains Heart Marble to a weapon, allowing it to more easily harm certain
5 Adamant spirits and lycanthropes.
6 Dragonscale(old),  Silver ore OR 100 silver coins
Bone(Death Knight), Chromatic Steel  Light hammer and chisel (Tier 1 tool) or better
7 Bone(Death Tyrant), Shell(Dragon Turtle), Mithril  Active Time: 3 hours of careful shredding and

Greatsword. Tier 2, Equipment. A fairly standard

Projects: but functional steel Greatsword. A heavy, Two-
handed weapon which deals 2d6 slashing damage
-1. Simple Repair, Simple Plate, Crude Ring, Forge
Bronze  Steel OR other appropriate metal
0. Martial Repair, Throwing Knife, Forge Brass, Sheet of  Common Smithy, including a high temperature
Iron Rings, Simple Ring forge or better
1. Simple Weapons (Metal), Fine Ring, Silvering a  Hilt Leather
Weapon, Manacles  Active Time: 6 hours of Hammering, melding, and
2. Martial Weapons(Metal), Chain Shirt, Scale Mail, sharpening
Common Shield
3. Ornate Ring, Breast Plate, Splint, Beast Chains Splint Armor. Tier 3, Equipment. Armor made of
4. Half Plate, Masterwork Martial Weapons thin vertical strips or thin scales bolted onto regular
5. Plate Mail, Monstrous Chains leather armor. Provides 17 AC with no bonus for
6. Intricate Exotic Ring, Advanced Hammer and Chisel dexterity. Also gives disadvantage on Stealth
7. Lunar Darts, Titan Chains, Mithril Chain Mail checks.

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 Set of Bronze Sheets (Tier 1 smithing project) OR new moons. These darts have a +3 to attack and
Dragonscale(young) OR Scales (Couatl) damage rolls. Simply touching one of these darts
 Masterwork Leather Armor (Tier 2 Tailoring) OR cures Lycanthropy. Unfortunately, they shatter on
Leather (Darkmantle, Hellhound) (Tier 1 Tailoring) impact.
 Common iron bolts Shapeshifters hit by these darts make a Wisdom
 Active Time: 12 hours of Bending, Stacking, and Saving throw, and on a failure they are returned to
stapling. their normal form.
 Bone(Death Tyrant) OR Refined Moonstone
Masterwork Warhammer. Tier 4 Equipment. A  Mithril
finely balanced yet grievously designed weapon,  Wax Seal
carved from the Strongest Stonelike material  Bone(Lycanthrope)
available.  Mixed Time: 36 hours of careful carving and 1
 Mountains Heart Marble OR Gemsteel (Tier 2 month of slow magical settling before the seal is lain.
Smithing Project)
 Advanced Hammer and Chisel (Tier 4 Tool) or
 Common Wax to Polish the Shaft
 Active Time: 24 hours of carving and hammering Materials:
Tier Materials
Monstrous Chains. Tier 5, Bond. An array of heavy,
-1 Cotton(Common)
resilient chains, which can be attached to a creature
0 Hide(domestic), Web(common), Wool(Common),
that is Huge or smaller, causing them to be
Softening Oil
considered restrained. Attaching the chains takes
one minute and can only be done to an 1 Hide(Darkmantle, Hellhound), Silk(common), Bleach,
unconscious creatures, they may also be anchored Die(Common)
the ground 2 Hide(Bugbear), Leather(wing), Web(Giant Spider)
3 Skin(Aboleth), Hide(Dinosaur), Cotton(Giant’s grove)
 Adamant, for clasps and anchors 4 Skin(Behir), hide (Displacer Beast), Web(Drider)
 Advanced Forge, capable of smelting Adamant 5 Skin(Cloaker), Wing(Couatl)
 Common Iron OR Ankheg Carapace, for chains
 Bullete hide, for straps 6 Hide(Hydra), Silk(Cloudstrand)
 Active Time (Dangerous): 36 hours of shaping and 7 Hide(Kraken)
assembling Hooks, Straps, Anchors and chains.
Adamant is forged at extremely high temperatures:
DC 13 Dexterity Save (8d6 fire damage on a failure).

Paladins Fear. Tier 6, Ring. A single, intricately -1. Basic Bag, Manufacture Cloth, Macramé, repair
spiraled, ring, carved from the uppermost spinal common clothes, Padded Armor
segment of a Death Knight. Requiring Attunement, 0. Tan Leather(Domestic animals), Spin Yarn, Knitted
this ring gives the user +1 AC and resistance to Garments, Simple Robes, Bedding, Leather Armor
necrotic damage. It also prevents any effect that 1. Common Clothes, Repair Fine Clothes, Studded
would change the users alignment unnaturally. Leather Armor, Sling, Leather Shield
 Bone(Death Knight) 2. Crude Wings
 Blessed Carving Knife (Tier 6 Tool) or better 3. Fine Clothes, Tan Leather(Dinosaur), Spin Giant’s
 Blood(Paladin) Yarn
 A single Diamond Worth 180 gp 4. Simple Wings, Parachute, Lightning Gauntlet
 Active Time: 96 hours of torturously slow, caref\ul 5. Tan Leather(Cloaker), Boots of Elven Kind, Spike Coat
carving 6. Advanced Unfolding Wings, Tan Leather(Hydra),
Detecting Finery, Armorless Armor
7. Cloak of Displacement, Magic Wings, Boots of
Lunar Darts. Tier 7, Ammunition. 7 Thick, milky
Diminuition, Harness of the Loyal Steed
white darts, which shudder slightly at the full and

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Giants Yarn. Tier 3, Material. Cotton from a giant’s
Tailors are occasionally asked to produce Masterwork grove is thick and filled with bugs, but anyone able to
equipment. Masterwork items provide a +1 bonus comb through it and put it in order will find the
(similar to a magic item) but are not magical. A resulting material preternaturally strong, light, and
Masterwork project is simply 2 tiers higher than the warm.
base project. Some materials, such as Hydra hide, are so
 Cotton(Giant’s grove)
overtly magical that they create magical equipment
 Iron mounted Spinning Comb (Tier 3 Tool)
without needing to be enchanted. They provide a +1
 Wooden rods to mount the yarn
bonus for every two tiers above the basic items tier.
 Active Time: 12 hours of Spinning, fixing the Comb,
and then Spinning again.
A bag. Tier -1, item. A simple Cloth Bag. Good for Lightning Gauntlets. Tier 4, Equipment. Two
holding up to 50 pounds of material. shockingly blue thick leather gloves. Requires
Attunement. These Magical garments shape and meld
 Cloth
themselves with the wearer’s normal armor. These
 Needle and thread (Tier 0 tool) or better
Gloves give Resistance to Lightning Damage, and
 Active Time: 1/2 hour of sewing allow the user to cast the Shocking Grasp cantrip
(which scales as normal with the user’s level).
Simple Robes. Tier 0, item. Long, warm, rustic robes.
Good for staving off the winter and protecting one’s  Skin(Behir)
dignity; less good for courting or combat.  Magic Sensitive needle (Tier 4 Tool) or better
 Softening Oil
 Wool(Common)  Active Time (Dangerous): 12 hours of Softening and
 Needle and thread (Tier 0 tool) or better Sewing. DC 17 Dex Save, on a failure, take 5d6
 Active Time: 1 hour of sewing lightning damage.

Repair Fine Clothes. Tier 1, repair. Repairs a set of Spike Coat. Tier 5, Equipment. A thick coat of
fine clothes, and modifies the set to match fashion Dinasaur leather, ribbed and spined along the back,
trends. Important when court intrigue has doused your shoulders, arms and legs. These “defensive”
suitcoat in a mixture of Rakshasa blood and Yellow implements make it impossible to carry a pack or
Ochre. dance with a partner, but they carry several benefits in
 Bleach OR Dies combat. The armor is not considered magical.
First, the coat acts as +1 studded leather armor,
 Active Time: 3 hours of sewing, recoloring, and
providing an AC of 13 + Dex. Whenever the wearer is
firstgrappled or swallowed (or similarly restrained by
an enemy) the offending creature takes 2d10 piercing
Crude Wings. Tier 2, Equipment. A complex damage. As a bonus action on your turn, you can
apparatus of sticks, overlain with leather and tied cause all such creatures and any creatures you ave
down with spider silk, these wings allow the user a grappled to take an additional 2d10 piercing damage.
simulacrum of flight. Equipping these wings takes 5 There are a few loosely attached spines in the
minutes. While equipped, the user has disadvantage armor, which can be pulled out in a moment of need.
on weapon attack rolls and dexterity saving throws. As a bonus action the wearer can degrade the armor,
However, they can control their descent through the and gain a spike which is usable as a mundane
air while falling by extending the bulky wings. shortsword or throwing knife.
Extending the wings as an action grants the user all
the benefits of the Feather Fall spell, as if it had been  Leather(Dinosaur)
cast on them. They also gain a fly speed of ten feet.  Spine(Purple Worm) OR bone(Greater Dragon) OR
The wings can support up to 300 pounds. Teeth (Ancient Dragon) OR Array of Spines (Tier 3
 Leather(Domestic Animals) OR Leather(wing)  Softening Oil
 Web(Giant Spider)  Bone Drill (Tier 3 Tool)
 Bundle of sticks  Active Time (Dangerous): 24 hours of drilling and
 Active Time: 6 hours of placing, tying, and praying sewing. DC 16 Dex Save, 4d10 Piercing Damage.

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Tan Leather(Hydra). Tier 6, Material. The hide of a
hydra has a number of valuable properties beyond it’s
strength and rigidity. It regenerates slowly over time,
and can actually be made to slightly regenerate the
skin of whoever wears it. This is a Tier 7 material with
the additional property that equipment made out of it
repair themselves after 24 hours of not being used,
among their other properties.
 Hide(Hydra)
 LifeSap(Treant)
 Softening Oil
 Magic Sensitive needle (Tier 4 Tool) or better
 Mixed Time: 12 hours to mix the solution and layer
the hide, and 3 weeks left to soak in the mixture of
treant sap and oil

Harness of the Loyal Steed. Tier 7, Equipment. (Based

on the Find Steed spell) At first sight, this project
produces a simple harness and saddle with a small
silver symbol. The harness and saddle shrink and
shape themselves to match any steed, and can even
turn into a leash and collar or other such implement.
The harness can be attached to any willing beast with
an intelligence of 8 or less. That beast can chose to
detach the harness at any time, and whenever the
harness is detatched (a 1 minute process in which the
beast must be willing or subdued) the beast loses all
benefits of this item.
Those benefits include the dulling of pain (the steed
is still aware of damage, but it does not discomfort
them), the increase of their intelligence to 6 if it was
five or less, and the ability to understand one
language spoken by whoever is attuned to the symbol.
When it dies, it disappears, leaving behind no physical
The silver symbol can be attuned to by anyone that
the beast is friendly and loyal to. When attuned to it,
the user can dismiss the beast as an action. They can
also focus on the symbol for ten minutes once per day.
Doing so causes the beast to reappear at the nearest
possible location, restored to full hitpoints and with all
negative effects removed. You can telepathically
communicate with the beast from up to one mile away.
 Hide(Hydra)
 Rune of Warding Bond (Tier 6 Inscription)
 Cloth
 Web(Drider)
 Active Time: 144 hours or sewing, stretching, and

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