War Poetry Homework Pre-Learning Project

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Year 8 – Pre-learning Project

War Poetry

Background Research!

We would like you to complete some research on these key areas to help you with the
scheme of work we are going to study after the holiday.

We want you to write out your research in your OWN WORDS. However, you can, of course,
use the internet to help you!

Here are some useful websites:



How did WW1 start?

Unscramble the words below to understand the key events of the start of WW1.

Before WW1 was triggered, a number of defence alliances existed between the major European countries.
What this meant was that if one country declared war on another, the other countries would also have to
enter the conflict because it was in the treaty they agreed.

Britain, France, Ireland and Russia were part of an alliance called the RPTIEL ENTNTE
………………………………………., while Germany aligned itself with Austria-Hungary – known as the Central Powers.

The assassination of Archduke ZFARN ………………………………….Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914, it

triggered a chain of events that resulted in World War 1.

After the assassination, Austria-Hungary threatened war on Serbia. They set out some very harsh demands
that Serbia must meet. Germany sided by Austria-Hungary, while Russia sided with the Serbians. At this point,
Europe was at the brink of going to war.

One month after the Archduke’s assassination – on July 28 1914 – Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia with
the backing of Germany. Germany then declared war on SISURA ………………………………………..on August 1, and
on France on August 3.

On August 4 1914, the German troops marched on France and the route they took went through
GBLEIUM……………………… Since Britain had agreed to maintain the neutrality of Belgium, they immediately
declared war on Germany.

British and Germany forces first fought at the Battle of Mons in Belgium. This was the first of many battles
between Britain and Germany on the Western Front and is when World War 1 started for Britain.

Posters were displayed around the country to encourage men to join up and fight in the
war. Look at the 3 posters below.

. . . .

Which poster do you think is the most effective and why?




Front Line

Life in the trenches was extremely unpleasant. Draw lines to match the image to one of the
issues that soldiers had to deal with in trenches.

 Muddy and smelly trenches

 Dead bodies buried nearby
 Millions of rats infested the trenches
 Lice tormented the soldiers on a daily basis
 Constant wet feet led to trench foot

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