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Kelompok 4

Hello my friends we from group 4

Good morning everyone, we from group four will present the results of our
group work
• when: last week
• Who: the write
• Whe: central java, manggelang, Borubudur temple
• Visiting the temple
• Design
• Built
• Disappeated
• Erouption that buried that temple
We need to always protect the ancient building like Borubudur temple so it
doesn’t get destroyed or gone. The temple was able to survive multiple
destruction but it’s still stand like today with the help of modern civilization
restoring it. To protect it, we can do things like putting trahs in trash can and
respect the culture inside the buildings.
Past tense

Present tense
• Visiting
• Retelling
• Learn
• Design
• Eruption
• Working
• This is the result of the work of our grup, sorry if there are any
shortcomings. That’s all from us, thanks you.

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