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Fitness Plan


This plan consists of exercise and diet guidelines. You can exercise in the AM
(best), after work, (better), or in the PM. Exercising in the AM will burn more
calories during the day. Exercising at night may make it difficult to go to sleep.

Exercise Plan (template):

You can print this plan and use it to plan and record your exercise. Pick one
exercise from each block and do 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 10 reps each. Use a weight
you can do 10 reps, then add some more weight until you can only do 6 to 8 reps
for the last set. Lift slowly (2 seconds each way).

You will be doing 4 exercises each day. Warm up for 3 minutes, then stretch
before lifting. Cool down after lifting. If time permits, walk 2-3 miles after dinner.

Nutrition Plan:

These are basic guidelines for a nutrition plan. You can use a program like Diet
Power to keep track of food intake and exercise output. It is important to write
down what you eat until you learn the right foods and portions to eat. The more
precise you are, the more successful you will be.

Food Checklist:

This is a checklist you can print and take to the store. Use it to select the right
choices from each food group. Try to vary your diet, since each food has a unique
mix of nutrients.
Exercise Plan
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Chest, back Aerobics, abs Legs Aerobics, abs Arms, shoulders Aerobics
Stretch Stretch Stretch Stretch Stretch Stretch
Bench press Sprints 20 min Squat Sprints 20 min Barbell curl Tennis
Incline press Bike 30 min Leg press Bike 30 min Incline curl Bike 20 mi
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
Flyes Crunch Deadlift Crunch Pushdown
Calf raise Dips
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
Pulldown Reverse crunch Leg extension Reverse crunch Dumbbell press
Back extension Lunges Barbell press
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
Hi-row Leg lift Leg curl Leg lift Front raise
Reverse fly Side crunch Side crunch Side raise
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
Cool down Cool down Cool down Cool down Cool down
Walk 3 mi Walk 3 mi Walk 3 mi Walk 3 mi Walk 3 mi
Stretch Stretch Stretch Stretch Stretch
Nutrition Plan

Calories Daily Total = metabolic rate (MR) + exercise (EX)

Divide into 4 portions, divide 4th portion into thirds for snacks.
Example: MR (2400) + EX (600) = 3000, 3000/4 = 750.

This means three 750 calorie meals and three 250 calorie snacks per day.
Eat every three hours: Bkfast at 6, Snack at 9, Lunch at 12, Snack at 3,
Dinner at 6, Snack at 9.
To gain weight, add 500 calories per day, spread evenly.
To lose weight, subtract 500 calories per day, spread evenly.
Measure or weigh all food when practical to avoid errors.
Don't eat over 1000 calories at any one meal.

Ratios Try to get 25% protein, 25% fat, and 50% carbs per day.
Take in 3.5 oz of water per 100 calories eaten or expended.
Alternate: Divide your weight by 2 to get number of ounces of water per day.
Choose foods low on the glycemic index for stable energy.
Choose foods high in bulk and low in calories to satisfy hunger. Active
Choices Grains: 6 to 11 servings 11
Vegtables: 3 to 5 servings 5
Fruits: 2 to 4 servings 4
Protein: 2 to 3 servings 7
Dairy: 2 to 3 servings 3
Fats and sweets: sparingly 2
Total: 16 to 28 servings 32
One serving is around 100 calories. 3200

Analysis Try to stay at the calorie budget, not over or under more than 10%
Keep nutrient levels around the RDA level. Use food choices to adjust.
Keep food intake around 64 ounces per day to feel full.
Avoid foods with a high glycemic index rating.
Drink enough water at each meal to keep hydrated.
Never lose or gain more than one pound per week.

Adjust protein intake based on lean tissue mass and resistance exercise.
Try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of rest each night.
Food Checklist

Protein Carbs Fats Condiments

Balogna Avocado Butter
Bacon Vegetables Grains Cashews Honey
Beef Broccoli Bagels Olive oil Ketchup
Boca burgers Carrots Biscuits Peanuts Mayonaise
Cheese Celery Bread Sunflower seeds Mustard
Chicken Corn Chex cereal Salad dressing
Chili beans Cucumbers Chex mix Salsa
Cod Green beans Crackers Salt
Cottage cheese 2% Lettuce Dorritos Sugar
Egg whites Mushrooms Frito chips Desserts
Flounder Peas Honey oats cereal Angel food cake
Ham Pickles Oatmeal Apple newtons
Hamburger Popcorn Pancakes Caramel creams
Hot dog Tomatoes Potato chips Caramel dip Drinks
Meat loaf Yams Potatoes Chocolate syrup Coffee
Pasta Zucchini Pretzels Cookies Grapefruit juice
Peanut butter Rice Cool whip Hot cocoa
Pinto beans Rolls Graham crackers Orange juice
Salmon Taco shells Hershey kisses Milk 1%
Sour Cream Tostidos chips Hot tamales Sodas
Spaghetti Fruits Ice cream
Trout Apples Ice cream bar
Tuna Applesauce Ice cream cone
Turkey Bananas Ice cream sandwich
Yogurt Cantaloupe Jello Supplements
Grapefruit Jelly Balance bars
Grapes Maple syrup Creatine
Mandarin oranges Peanut butter candy Glycerlean
Oranges Pineapple preserves Myoplex Lite bars
Meals Peaches Popsickles Myoplex Plus bars
Chicken noodle Pears Rice pudding Vitamins
Clam chowder Pineapple Snickers
Pizza Plums Twizzlers
Vegetable beef Raisins
Beef stew Strawberries
Homestyle bakes Watermelon

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