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Figure 2.3 Diode testing. V) is obtained in both directions, the if a low reading (less than 1 V) is obtained 30 Oo tained is bee junction is shorted internally. If a ections, the junction is open. Perform the tests of Table 2.1 for the silicon and germanium diodes. TABLE 2.1 Test Forward Reverse ‘sed on the results of Table 2.1 what is the condition of both diodes? Resistance Scales AS ted in the Résumé of Theory the condition of a diode can also’ xed using the resistance scales of a digital meter. Using the following les perform the tests of Table 2.2. Although the frin 2 “good” diode will result in a relativ bias state and a much higher resistan, g potential is not revealed using the resistance scales ely low resistance level in the forward ce level when Teverse-biased. What 1 ‘at do the resistan, f Table 2.2 indicate about the condition 1 of both diodes? oe levels o Part 2. Forward-bias Diode Characteristics in this part of the experi, we will obtaij 7 periment ill obtai: i t the 7 per 7 ill obtain sufficient data to pl icon and germanium di 5: iodes on Fig. 2.5. a. Construct the network of Fig. 2.4 wi fF Nerd the measured value of the recienot'® SUPPLY (E) set at 0 V. de power supply | b. Figure 2-4 Increase the supply voltage until Vp (not Z) reads 0.1 V. Then measure Vp and insert in Table 2.3, Calculate Zp using equation shown in Table 2.3, Rmeos Vag il TABLE 2.3 Voversus /g for the silicon diode Va lv a1 | «02 | 03 o4 | 05 | 06 0.7 oa Vo(V) >SATy -¢4]0.55 564987103581 9.5 0. $92 be >\ am} Vat ost Vow) 0.40/9.61 YAN ob}) orf 3.93]4 8]S 0S] 6.06 | 7 O2]3 08 \o.lo c. Repeat step b for the remaining settings of Vz d. Replace the silicon diode by a germanium diod: le and comp Table 2.4. TABLE 2.4 Vo versus /p for tha germanium diode Vai¥) ot 0.2 03 od Os 0.6 0.7 08 YotV) 273 7 4 {5 eT 7Tstse| @ | —_ | | ©. On Figu2i6cPlotdin versus Vp for the silicon and germanium Procure 19 b. “Measure the voltage Vp. Calculate the reverse saturation current, from I, = Val(Rymoay |IR,,). The internal resistance (R,,) of the DMM is included because of the large magnitude of the resistance R. Your instructor will provide the internal resistance of the DMM for your calculations. If unavailable, use a typical value of 10 MO. Rm = (measured) Vp = (calculated) I, = 1) 1G ag c. Repeat step 3(b) for the germanium diode. (measured) Vz (calculated) I, = d. How do the resulting levels of I, for silicon and germanium compare? Dev — e. Determine the DC resistance levels for the silicon and germanium diodes using the equation Roc = (E-Vp)/I,. (calculated) Rye (Si) (calculated) Roc (Ge) ‘Are the resistance levels sufficiently high to be considered open- circuit equivalents if appearing in series with resistors in the low kilohm range? Yes LAX IS UT / Part 4. DC Resistance a, Using the Si curve of Fig. 2.5 determine the diode voltage at dds current levels indicated in Table 2.5, Then determine the resistance at each current level, Show all calculations. Exp. 2 / Diode ¢ Maracterisig 7 (Tabl b. Repeat Part 4(a) for germanium and complete:Table 2.6 ( "ig the same as Table 2.5). TADLE 26 io 02 i p——___| 1 10 : tt Are there any trends in DC resis ) as the diode current increases and we move up the vertical-rise section of the characteristics? Pans. AC Resistance the equation ry = AV/ay (Eq. (2.2), determine the AC 25 Shue! of the silicon diode at Lp = 3% 2.5. Show all the using the curve of Fig. rocadur ‘ 2 b. Detormine the AC resistance at Jp = 9 mA ubing the equation rq = 26 mV/Ip (mA) for the silicon diode. Show all work (calculated) ry = 2 How do the results of part (a) and (b) compare? c. Repeat step 5(a) for Ip = 2 mA for the silicon diode. (calculated) rg= 1% MQ ast d. Repeat step 5(b) for Ip = 2 mA for the silicone diode. Us (ealeulated) ry= \ 3. SL How do the results of Part 5(c) and 5(d) compare? TL Part 6, Firing Potential Graphically determine the firing potential (threshold voltage) of each from its characteristics as defined in the Resume of Theory Show vy slrayiht line approximations on Pig. 2.5. Vp (silicon) O7L Vp (germanium) Part 7, Temperature Effects (Demonstration) Iteconstruct the circuit uf Piz. 2.4 using the silicon diode, Kstabhsh a current of about 1 mA by setting Vx to 1 V. ‘a. Place the voltmeter section on the DMM across the diode and note | the reading as the instructor heats the diode with the heat gun Record the effect on Vp of heating the diode. Exp. 2/ Diode Characters, nd then place the voltmeter Secti, the effect on Vr of heating the digs, diode current of the nety,, Let the diode cool doe cross the resistor R. No ee Since Ip = VR/R what effec 0 results from heating the diode? Since Rgjode = Vp/Ip what is the effect of increasing temperatu; || . on the resistance of the diode? Res \S XN CL Does a semiconductor diode have a positive or negative temperature coefficient? Explain. Questions forward: a° ode is closer to the shor mand which is closer tot pias region? How are th! ferences? ns. In Particular, which di at bias Tegior the Srand what are their most netecst ree

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