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1 Warm up

Answer these questions about the Reading paper.

1. How many parts are there?

2. Which of these task types is NOT part of the Reading paper: missing paragraphs, multiple choice,
multiple matching, true/false questions.

3. Explain what these three reading strategies are and how you would use them on the exam: skimming,
sampling and scanning.

4. What are coherence and cohesion and how are they important for the Reading paper?

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2 Language review
Complete the exercises to review grammar, vocabulary and language in context from the lessons in
the Reading units. Each item in the first part is worth two points and the others are worth one point

For questions 1-5, read the first statements. Then rewrite this information, using the word you are
given in brackets as part of a linking device. There is no word limit in this exercise, and you need to
decide whether to write one sentence or two.

1. Effective monitoring of the environment of caves is essential; then visitors will have the chance
to enjoy these attractions for years to come. (LONG)

2. Many people welcome the chance to see how ancient statues were painted – a few individuals
feel very differently. (OTHER)

3. Ecotourism can benefit rural areas in two main ways: job creation and environmental
restoration. (WELL)

4. Space exploration is extremely expensive – that’s why some governments are using private
contractors. (HENCE)

5. The C1 Advanced exam requires students to read long texts quite quickly; successful exam
candidates make sure to practise this skill regularly. (END)

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For questions 6- 18, choose the best option (A-D) to complete the gap in each sentence.

6. The road through the mountains was closed because weather conditions were ... quickly.

a. accelerating b. deteriorating c. evaluating d. mandating

7. ... mankind will visit Mars, but that won’t be for some time.

a. Apparently, b. Bewilderingly, c. Controversially, d. Ultimately,

8. I wonder if solar-powered airplanes will ever ...?

a. catch on b. back down c. get by d. hold forth

9. This project is the result of ... between landowners and the local community.

a. colliberation b. collateration c. collaboration d. collocation

10. I’m not sure how it came ... that she received that promotion, because she’s not very qualified.

a. about b. over c. through d. up

11. The exam ... four papers which test vocabulary, grammar and productive and receptive skills.

a. comprises b. devises c. idealises d. prioritises

12. I think you can judge a society by the way they treat ...

a. the elder b. elderly c. the olderly d. the elderly

13. I can’t believe some of the ... clothes we saw at the fashion show – I don’t think anyone will
really want to wear them!
a. garish b. memorable c. splendid d. striking

14. When I’m on holiday at the beach, I always like to take the time to marvel ... the sunset over
the sea.
a. by b. on c. at d. over

15. My daughter’s studying at a university abroad and I think she’s really ... in her freedom and
a. maturing b. revelling c. sparking d. wowing

16. Sales have been ... strong, considering the negative reviews the product has received online.

a. undeniably b. undoubtedly c. understandably d. unexpectedly

17. The experience I gained during my internship was absolutely ... to me in landing a top job after
I graduated.
a. costly b. invaluable c. worthless d. worthy

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18. These days it’s possible to imagine a space mission staffed ... by women.

a. alone b. lonely c. merely d. solely

For questions 19-28, read this short text and complete the gaps with one missing word, using the
first letter you are given.

Is it really true that a vegetarian diet is the best choice? According to some 19) r truths,
this is the case, but do the arguments hold up to closer 20) s ?
One argument people often make in favour of a meat-free diet relates to animal welfare. It’s true
that welfare standards in some farms often 21) f short of best practice, and for this
reason, people have understandably expressed 22) o about how animals are treated
and questioned the 23) e of eating meat in the first place. But this 24) b
the question: is eating meat the main problem or is the issue really poor standards of animal care?
It’s also true that meat production gets a lot of bad 25) p because of the pollution it
produces. Keeping a lot of animals close together in one place certainly has a number of 26) k
effects on the environment. For example, chicken farmers often release waste products into nearby
waterways, to the 27) d of water quality in rivers. There can be no excuse for this.
And this is even before we consider the many health benefits of a vegetarian diet. However, all in all,
this is a complex choice which clearly must be made by each one of us, although we must recognize
that the food industry will have to come under government control to some extent. One thing is for
certain – a resolution to this debate will be years in the 28) m .

3 Self-evaluation
Think about how well you performed in each of the categories in the table as you worked through
the reading activities in the unit. Give yourself a traffic light mark for each line: green means you
performed well, yellow means your performance was ok, and red means you need to improve.

Now think about how you did in each of these language areas in the revision activities.

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Choose up to three important areas from either of the tables that you need to improve in. Mark these
with a * in the tables above.

There are lots of ways for you to improve in your weaker areas. Choose up to three that you need to
do from the list below and make time in your schedule to complete them before the exam.

• It helps to be a fast reader in the Use of English/Reading paper. Practise skimming, sampling
and scanning with a range of longer texts – you can find these online or in English-language
newspapers, magazines and books. Read for 10 minutes every day. ✷
• Look back at exam tasks in this and previous lessons. Make sure you can explain why every right
answer is correct and why the wrong answers are incorrect. ✷
• Find more C1 Advanced practice papers online and work with those. Make sure you can explain
why every right answer is correct and why the wrong answers are incorrect. ✷
• Check a grammar or vocabulary book or look online for additional practice with any language areas
that you don’t feel confident about. ✷
• Make a list of vocabulary, phrasal verbs and other language in context items that you don’t feel
confident about. Write personal and original sentences which use these items. ✷

4 Optional extension

Mini task, reading part 6: in these revision exercises, you have already read one text presenting the
writer’s points of view about choosing a vegetarian diet. Read a different writer’s text and then
complete this table, comparing the opinions presented in the two texts.

Ideas about ... same similar different

animal welfare

effects on the

human health

individual choice

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Eliminating meat from your diet, or at least reducing it, is something that lots of people are
considering these days. The arguments are well-rehearsed and range from justified claims
that vegetarians are healthier and live longer to the wider social and environmental impacts
of this life choice. Undeniably, farmers should improve animal welfare standards even if this
results in higher costs to the consumer. However, environmental campaigners who express
concern about the effects of large-scale animal farming on the environment need to consider
that other factors are also at play. It’s unfair to lay the blame completely at the door of farmers
– obviously industry and big cities also produce a large quantity of waste which pollutes our
waterways and seas. Obviously, there are some important ethical issues at stake when we
choose what to eat, but ultimately, it’s up to the individual to decide what action to take.

Extra challenge – write one more paragraph (~150 words) on the same subject, presenting any views
on three topics. They could be the same as in the exercise or you could introduce one different topic.

Share your paragraphs with the class and ask them to say which views are presented and whether
they are the same, similar or different to the other two texts.

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