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oaios2029 12:29 How Single Point Mooring (SPM) Offshore Operation Works? — Salasar Insurance S salasar Home About Us Our Services Knowledge Share Careers Contact Us Single point mooring (SPM) is a Rating buoyjety anchored offshore to alow handing of gud ved in areas 0 suchas petroleum products for tanker ships. SPM is mainly 2 dedicated facilty for loaing or unloading liquid cargos not avalabe. Located at a sistance of several kilometer from the chore fclity and connecied using ub-sea and sub~lpipetines, these single pint mooring (SPM) faites can even handle vessels sive capaciy such as VLCC. Single point mooring (SPM) serves a a ink between the shore facies andthe tankers for loading o offloading liquid and gas cargo, Some ofthe major benefits of using SPM are: + Abity 1 handle xralarge vessels + Docent require shipe to comet the port and thus eave fuel antime + Ships with high drafts ean be moored easly + Large qual of ergo canbe easly hanced ‘Tanker Moored to SPM System How Single Pint Mooring (SPM) Works? he offehore-anchored loading buy sdvded Into diferent parts having dedcated fnetonality, Moorng and anchoring system, buoy bedy and product vansfer system are the main parts ofthe SPM, he SPM is moored othe seabed using maorng arrangement which includes anchrs, anchor chains chain stoppers et. The macrngarngementis such that It permits the buoy to move Feely within defined lt, considering wind, waves, current and tanker ship condtins. The buoys anchored ta the seabed Using anchor chain (legs) which ae attached te the anchor pont (gravy based or pled) on the seabed Chain stoppers are used to connect the chal to the buoy. (oy Body of SPM sy Joe Point Mooring System (ouoy bod) which eating ove the wate has a rotating part which connects to the tanker. The the treerto get stable atits desire positon aroun the buoy. The tanker ie usualy moored t te buoy by means ofa hawser arrangement, whicheonette hitpssiwwu sal Services. com/2018/08/27/how-single-point-mooring-spm-atshore-operation-works! 18 ‘09/08/2028 12:28 How Single Point Mooring (SPM) Offshore Operation Works? ~ S nylon or palyster ropes shackedto an integrated hook onthe buoy deck. Chafe chains are connected at the tanker end ofthe hawser to prevent damage from tanker feed. The mecring systems used for such offshore operations follow the standards put forth by Ol Comparies Intemational Maine Forum [OCIMF) “The procuct ranefer sytem is located atthe heart ofthe mooring buoy. The system transfers products to the tanker rom the Pipeline End and Manifold {PLEM) (geostatc location) located onthe seabed Flexible hoses known as risers connect the subsea pipelines to the buy's product transfer syste. The buoy Is ‘connected tothe tankers using Noating hose sings, which are povided with breakaway couplings (A special ype of coupling with a break pint which wll arek at a predetermined breskloas, activating intemal valves which will automaticly close at both ends and prevent further release of products} to prevent ol pil (General SPM ogra) Single Point Mooring Systems use a sel system which eannect the Pipeline Ene and Manifold (PLEM) othe buoy. Te product swivel system provides ibility of movement othe tankers during transfer of products. Tis moveblepipe-connecton system prevents premature hose falure due to ‘rection or bending stresses, General overview on how single point mooring (SPM) system works +The anker ships moored tothe buoy for loading o unloaing of cargo. +A boat landing space on the buoy deck provides access tothe buoy for setting upthe connections and securing the shi, SPM operation + Fenders are used to protect the buoy rom unexpected movement of the ship due to bad weather. + Ling and handing equipment onthe buoy allows handling of hoses connections and safety ook + Once the connections are made, valves ar operated from the electrical substation. + Necessary alarm eystems and navigetional ads are provided safety precautions + quid cargo is transfered from geostatic location (Pipeline End and Manifold (PLEM)) tothe tanker using product transfer system ofthe single pint mooring system Related posts January 13.2020 ele we i a x aut Et i \ He na 8 i ' ( ea IRDA HLT REG CIR 209, 11-2019 ead more Claim insight Handbook-FY19 Marine Insurance cover note of the ead more Titanic Drafted 100yrs ago before it set sail from Southampton 2 Newyork Rese more Abe Quick Links Contact Us dreisurance brokng Our Senvces 4 Foot 15 Inia Exchange Pl Be insurance Regulatory a < wr ioledge Share > ory (RDA) vie Licence No. 143. resee privacy Polley hitps:lwwu works! 218 9108/2028 12:29 How Single Point Mooring (SPM) Offshore Operation Works? ~ Sal aid upto 31d Ap,2024. One of the largest c 19-2020 Salasar Services (Insurance Brokers) PM 1d All Rights R f ¥ in hitps:lww works!

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